Myckol Rodriguez - College of Western Idaho...Visual Argument PSA assignment. She created two...

Myckol Rodriguez “Myckol has also excelled in English 102 and English literature. He consistently brought a unique perspective to English literature, in particular. Some of the stories are dense for native English speakers, and he always worked through them and brought his joy for learning to class. …He said he enrolled in the English literature surveys because he wanted to be able to interpret even really difficult texts, and he proved that he is more than equal to that task.... Myckol has overcome much as an immigrant to this country. He has learned English well and became a citizen at his first opportunity. He has demonstrated innovation by enrolling in school and excelling in his classes as an English language learner. He has immersed himself in the world of work and has spent years at the same job, bringing people joy through excellent customer service at a popular Boise restaurant. He is able to rearrange his work schedule as he needs it to meet his academic deadlines, which are his priority… He wants to make a difference for the many Spanish speakers in the area as an interpreter for the courts and the health care industry. His warmth and knowledge will help to decrease the fears and stress often inherent in those who need interpreting services and I am certain that, like he does at CWI, he will go above and beyond in his work and life.” -Abby Wolford, Assistant Professor of English and Janel Holt, Assistant Professor of Spanish Emerging Scholars

Transcript of Myckol Rodriguez - College of Western Idaho...Visual Argument PSA assignment. She created two...

Page 1: Myckol Rodriguez - College of Western Idaho...Visual Argument PSA assignment. She created two versions of the visual argument for two different audiences, and both were highly effective

Myckol Rodriguez“Myckol has also excelled in English 102 and English literature. He consistently brought a unique perspective to English literature, in particular. Some of the stories are dense for native English speakers, and he always worked through them and brought his joy for learning to class. …He said he enrolled in the English literature surveys because he wanted to be able to interpret even really difficult texts, and he proved that he is more than equal to that task....Myckol has overcome much as an immigrant to this country. He has learned English well and became a citizen at his first opportunity. He has demonstrated innovation by enrolling in school and excelling in his classes as an English language learner. He has immersed himself in the world of work and has spent years at the same job, bringing people joy through excellent customer service at a popular Boise restaurant. He is able to rearrange his work schedule as he needs it to meet his academic deadlines, which are his priority…He wants to make a difference for the many Spanish speakers in the area as an interpreter for the courts and the health care industry. His warmth and knowledge will help to decrease the fears and stress often inherent in those who need interpreting services and I am certain that, like he does at CWI, he will go above and beyond in his work and life.”-Abby Wolford, Assistant Professor of English and Janel Holt, Assistant Professor of Spanish

Emerging Scholars

Page 2: Myckol Rodriguez - College of Western Idaho...Visual Argument PSA assignment. She created two versions of the visual argument for two different audiences, and both were highly effective

Krymsun Schaefer“Krymsun is a committed, passionate activist who has chosen to major in English with a minor in photography and political science. She chose this field because she wants to change the world in a positive way, and she feels that developing her talents in writing and art are the best way to accomplish those goals. After reading the book “Skin Deep” about how photography helped motivate the civil rights movement for African Americans, she was inspired to apply those lessons to her own activism on behalf of the LGBTQ community in Idaho…Krymsun has to work hard on her writing--and she does. She does not shy away from difficult topics or conversations. One particularly strong assignment that showcased her creativity was our English 102 Visual Argument PSA assignment. She created two versions of the visual argument for two different audiences, and both were highly effective at communicating her "Add the 4 Words" message.One of Krymsun’s academic strengths is her empathy. Because of her own life challenges, she accepts others regardless of their views with truly extraordinary equanimity and compassion. She has also demonstrated the kind of resilience through significant life challenges that will benefit her not only in her schooling but in her future career. ”-Liza Long, Instructor of English

Emerging Scholars

Page 3: Myckol Rodriguez - College of Western Idaho...Visual Argument PSA assignment. She created two versions of the visual argument for two different audiences, and both were highly effective

Erin Lemp“Erin’s academic strengths include creativity, which gives her the ability to think outside of the box when working on assignments. Coupled with her positive outlook and resourcefulness, she works hard to communicate complex diet and nutrition subjects into layman terms for others to understand…

Erin's passion and perseverance are truly exceptional. When she started at CWI, she planned to earn a B.S. in Nutrition, but as she conducted outside research about careers that fit her academic strengths and personality, she changed her goals to pursuing a medical degree as a doctor of osteopathy. Her commitment to extracurricular research is truly extraordinary. At least once per week, she sends me a resource that she has found in her research, and she regularly shares her findings in both of my classes. This curiosity will make her a lifelong learner.

I asked Erin what keeps her going, and she told me, “I know that my son is always watching me so I don’t let it get the best of me. I focus on why I am doing what I am doing, and keep pushing forward. I feel that I have a strong purpose and I was born to help others and if I were to give up I would be going against the reason I am here. My passion for helping and guiding others has fueled me since I was born.” Her tenacity, perseverance, and positive outlook will carry her far in life.…”

Emerging Scholars

-Liza Long, Instructor of English

Page 4: Myckol Rodriguez - College of Western Idaho...Visual Argument PSA assignment. She created two versions of the visual argument for two different audiences, and both were highly effective

Ashton Syed“Ashton has expanded upon knowledge learned in ENGL 202 and has begun to implement it outside the classroom. He has embraced many facets of technical communication to assist him in building the foundation for his start-up business. Ashton has been developing an employee handbook as an intensive personal project. He sees the importance of technical communication and how it relates to his business goals. …

Ashton has assessed workplaces to develop explanatory text to aid workers in making connections between their work/tasks and others’ work, providing workers with a sense of value deeper than surface-level completion of a task...

Ashton’s career interests of robotics and alternative energy require motivation, determination, and perseverance, characteristics in which he demonstrates in all areas of his life…

This is the first time I have nominated a student for this award. I felt a responsibility to nominate Ashton because of the true scholar he is. ”

-Karl von der Ehe, Instructor of English

Emerging Scholars

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Jeff Cullers“Jeff consistently turns in the best work in the class - extensive answers to every question, proper, APA citation, in addition he often goes above and beyond that week's reading to provide additional citations resulting in a References page with more than 12 citations…Beyond the exhaustive nature of Jeff's weekly proof submissions, Jeff has also distinguished himself in the "analysis" projects that are often associated with each week's content. He shows an ability to both grasp the scholarly concepts of each week and to apply/create an independent analysis of artifacts that represents genuine insight. His work goes far above and beyond the insights of his peers…

In fact just a few weeks ago, I approached Jeff after class to tell him that I thought he had the work ethic and insight to be able to pursue a post-graduate level (up to a Doctorate) degree…

Jeff is a remarkable person and student. I certainly hope that is above and beyond effort in his courses will be honored. He is the epitome of an Emerging Scholar. ”

Emerging Scholars

-Johnny Rowing, Associate Professor of Communication

Page 6: Myckol Rodriguez - College of Western Idaho...Visual Argument PSA assignment. She created two versions of the visual argument for two different audiences, and both were highly effective

Jared Fairbanks“I have had Jared now for 3 courses and his enthusiasm is contagious and inviting…

Jared had a class assignment in our Intro to International business studies course - in that assignment the team had to design a product, virtually produce and sell the product in a foreign country by using Carnige's "Win friends and influence people" guidelines. Jared's group came up with flavored paper straws that would be a nice additive to the desired drink - and safe for the environment. His innovation showed in the design of the product, materials provided for the final project (presentation and business plan)…

Jared is very helpful and professional in class and out side of the classroom - he is dedicated to whatever job he is taking on, helpful in many situation and very professional in his mannerisms, conversations with other students and helpful to anyone in need.

Jared will be successful in whatever he applies himself too.”

-Kevin Rensink, Instructor of Business

Emerging Scholars

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Morgan Overton“Morgan is the most committed student in our class. She completes her work and asks for additional assignments in order to generate a stronger skill set. As a first year student, Morgan is one of the few students that have obtained employment as a student drafting intern. She exceeds all expectations and tackles every task with a focused drive that motivates other students…

Our first project in Residential Architecture proved to be difficult; the plans were not easy to read and the concept was abstract. Morgan generated a floor framing plan to accurately generate the floor plan- then she shared it with the class to help others overcome the struggle of visualizing the structure…I have been watching the progress, and can see Morgan's skills are far above the first year level…

Morgan is a perfect example of CWI emerging scholars; not just because of her skills, or following in her mother's footsteps- but because she is going to be a product of CWI that will make this program and college look like superstars.”

-Jo Greer, Instructor of Drafting Technology

Emerging Scholars

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Nathan Kipping“Nate is arrives to class 20 minutesearly each day and is always the last

student found cleaning and organizingthe truck lab at the end of the day.

Nate is serious about learning. ..

Nate was given an electrical project assignment to present in front of his peers. He creatively designed a windshield/washer pump circuit to demonstrate how wipers work in a heavy duty truck system. He went far and above the expectations due to his project design and the nature of how the students could interact with the presentation. It was done so well, that I took a picture and video of the presentation to show future students an example of how innovation is great for educating and learning..…”

Nathan is a non traditional student changing careers and has faced significant challenges taking time off to complete the truck technician course. He has been untiring in asking questions and really wanting to understand the material and complete projects…”

-Alex Beal, Department Chair of Diesel Technology and Rocky Church, Instructor of Heavy Duty Truck Technician

Emerging Scholars

Page 9: Myckol Rodriguez - College of Western Idaho...Visual Argument PSA assignment. She created two versions of the visual argument for two different audiences, and both were highly effective

Samuel Stone“Sam is an exceptional student. I first met him while teaching flex labs for Human Anatomy and Physiology I. I was impressed by his genuine engagement with the material, collected behavior under the stress of a course such as Human A&P, and mature attitude towards the course…Instructors frequently have a sharp or talented student in a course, but it is rare for one to take it to the level of assessing what other students need and addressing those needs instead of speaking from a paradigm of his own approach to learning. The gamification of his review sessions is particularly indicative of this. The games he creates work perfectly to not only review the material, but to make it engaging and fun for students while helping them build a sense of community in class which is imperative to the emotional support needed to succeed in such a demanding field of study.…Sam's commitment, kindness, and talent drives me to be a better instructor. Mentorship is one of my most fulfilling experiences in my profession and students such as Sam inspires me to push my professional development and innovation in the classroom each week. ” – Danielle Alba, Instructor of Biology

Emerging Scholars

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Zahra Rahmani“Zahra is an English language learner unafraid of challenges. While learning her fourth language in my Spanish class, she excelled! Her attendance was perfect, her participation in class was consistent and supportive of the learning experience of all students in the course, and her final grade was an almost perfect A. She often stayed after class if she needed help and was never afraid to ask questions.It is Ms. Rahmani's determination that sets her apart. As a refugee, she has faced many challenges just in coming to the United States. She understands the vital necessity of education for her success and it is immediately apparent that she will do whatever it takes to realize her dreams. I have no doubt that she will complete her studies with excellent scholarship and help those around her as she does so. I know that Zahra is connecting ideas beyond what her classmates typically do, because she is that student that all math teachers dream about -- she shows all of her work, detailing every step in her careful handwriting. I have teased her when she hands in her tests, saying that "now I have the key and I can grade the others". Her work is always exemplary and always demonstrates a deep understanding of the principles behind mundane calculations.…” – Janel Holt, Assistant Professor of Spanish andGary Thomas, Instructor of Math

Emerging Scholars

Page 11: Myckol Rodriguez - College of Western Idaho...Visual Argument PSA assignment. She created two versions of the visual argument for two different audiences, and both were highly effective

Nickola Chin“Nickola has an ambitious goal - to become a doctor and serve medical needs in developing countries. She is from Kingston, Jamaica and lived there for 17 years. She has witnessed the hardship and deprivation of Jamaica first hand and would like to be able to help others who live in developing countries. ..

In our course, students select an area of current events and analyze the ethical and scientific issues. Nickola selected tourism as a platform and discussed the effect cruise ships have on coastal towns in developing countries. This was a unique and creative approach. …Nickola displayed compassion, critical thinking, and a zeal for social justice when she advocated for cruise ships to invest more into local economies. Nickola had seen these problems first hand, had thought about the impact of tourism, developed her own unique solutions, and shared her thoughts passionately and persuasively. She took the opportunity to share a perspective she was uniquely qualified to share for the benefit of everyone in the class. …

Nickola is professional, thoughtful, and willing to share unpopular or unique viewpoints. She is brave in speaking up even when her perspective is in the minority.”

-Jana McCurdy, Instructor of Psychology

Emerging Scholars

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Sara Knowlton“Sarah is an enthusiastic and engaged student. She comes to class prepared and is happy to come early or stay late if there's something she wants to clarify further. I am impressed by Sarah's work ethic and her interest in learning, not just passing the class. She has a great attitude and willingness to help others…

Sarah Knowlton was in my CHEM 101 class Fall Semester of 2018. Every Saturday morning she was in class, in the front row, ready to take notes. She and her husband have 4 relatively young children. After class she would go out to the soccer fields to watch her kids play..I would get requests to reset her online homework even though she had over a 90% on an assignment so that she could improve.Her average for the course was over 103 with 232 points of 200 on the final. Her score on the standardized final from the American Chemical Society put her well up into the top 1% of the country.…

Sarah applied for and earned a COBRA fellowship to work PT in a lab studying infections diseases starting in the Fall of 2019.”

Emerging Scholars

-Kate Orduno, Instructor of Math and John Shaskus, Instructor of Chemistry

Page 13: Myckol Rodriguez - College of Western Idaho...Visual Argument PSA assignment. She created two versions of the visual argument for two different audiences, and both were highly effective

Erin Gee“Erin is currently in my PSYC 190 class (Writing for the Social Sciences). This class emphasizes APA formatting, scientific writing style, and collaboration. Honestly, the biggest challenge students have in the class is the collaboration component. It forces them to use or develop their soft skills to successfully obtain goals. Collaboration has been effortless for Erin. Erin’s team is stronger because of her. She is mature, professional, sensitive, and a leader. She can confront her teammates without isolating them. She can delegate tasks while simultaneously promoting cohesion. She can advocate for her team’s needs without complaining. These are the skills that are hard to teach. Yet, these are the skills necessary to flourish in a helping profession that Erin strives to be part of in the future. Her attitude about learning is contagious to all around her. She exemplifies what it means to be a student…

What made her stand out in my mind as an Emerging Scholar was her attitude. Erin inspires learning in those around her (me included). For instance, I found myself looking for opportunities for Erin to help grow her skill set to reach her professional goals.…”

-Heather Schoenherr, Associate Professor of Psychology

Emerging Scholars

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Annahi Cantu“One of my favorite things about Annahi as a student is her creativity. She pushes herself to consider creative options on assignments like designing a garden school. Her recipe cards demonstrated a talent for design--and she created a new way of presenting instructions, using the phrase, "What's the process?" Her enthusiasm is infectious in class discussions, where she is often a leader, and she has a delightful sense of humor that can lighten up some of our more serious conversations….

The challenges that Annahi has already overcome as a student would never be evident to the casual observer… (“It was like a switch had been turned on and I could finally see what was possible if I worked hard enough,” she told me.) …they contribute to her extraordinary abilities as a student…she is that motivated, positive, and bright.

I know that the empathy she has for others will fuel her passion to help others to find the same success that she is already realizing.”

-Liza Long, Instructor of English

Emerging Scholars

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Christopher Valenzuela“Chris is a single father and working two jobs while trying to make a better life for his son. By knowing that an education is the right path to making that happen, Chris is also currently delaying his opportunities for additional current income by working hard in his current classes.Chris is one of the most dedicated and committed students in my class. He is always in class on time, which many of my other working students are not.…

For the past 2 years, Chris has worked as an Employment Specialist to assist people with disabilities acquire jobs and turn them into careers. He has focused on coaching these eager but challenged individuals with on the job training, and has networked within the community to build a friendly working environment for people with disabilities…

Chris recently volunteered with local school districts to assist with class work and exemplify positive mentoring and leadership. He is also currently involved in promoting middle through high school visual arts students within the community by coordinating public art shows to display the unique and varied talents of these youths…Chris' efforts both within and outside the classroom are among the best that I have recently witnessed…”

Emerging Scholars

-Ed Pack, Instructor of Business