My Video talk

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Hai, Kindly find the presentation for ur reference For more information contact: 9845867413 Suresh babu R (MY video talk) MVT “The secret of success is to find out where people are going - and get there first” Mark Twain

Transcript of My Video talk

  • 1. Welcome

2. What you are going to see today

  • Cutting edgeInternet-based communications technology products
  • A dynamic company set to become aglobal market leader
  • Anunparalleledglobal business opportunity
  • A way forYOUtomake money

3. Headquartered in San Ramon, CaliforniaU.S.A. 4.

  • 1 Billion+Internet users ~ and growing daily
  • 60 Billionemails sent daily
  • Less than1% of Internet users have experienced video email
  • Less than1% of web sites have streaming video on demand

Market growth potential excellent 5. New Cutting Edge TechnologyProducts And Services

  • My Video Web Mail
  • My Video Web Streaming
  • My Video Web Meeting

6. MyVideoWebMail

  • Powerful new way to communicate & market online no typing, just record and send.
  • No attachments or downloads can be sent to any emails (yahoo, rediff, gmail, etc)
  • Be seen and heard anywhere, instantly via computer or Mobile phones
  • Easy to use 1-2-3 System
  • Priced for the masses
  • DVD quality 10,000 minutes viewing /month

Fully customisable Streaming video email Fully browser-based 7. Property and Real Estate Agencies can give a virtual home tour of the properties Call me on 9448853663 Email:[email_address] 8. 9. [email_address],[email_address] Hey Guys! It has been a long time that we have met .. [email_address] 10. ForresterResearch Video email will replacetext messages asthe online communications mechanism. Text-based email will seem as archaic as black and white Television. 11. MyVideoWebMeeting Power Live internet video meetings withmultiple people in the meeting room - live on video.Desktop and file sharing, power point presentations, push web pages. Web-based - no downloads for guests to attend ! 12. Remember when they said

  • The motor car will never become popular
  • The world will only need five computers
    • Thomas J Watson, Founder of IBM
  • CDs will never replace vinyl and cassettes
  • People dont need mobile phones
  • Email will only be used by a few businesses

13. Multiple Income Streams

  • Weekly Earnings:
  • - Fast Start bonuses
  • - Teambuilder bonuses
  • - Cycle bonuses
  • - Check Matchbonus option
  • Special Bonus:
  • - Executive bonus

8Ways to Earn Money 14. WeeklyFast StartBonus $15 (Rs.600) Irfan YOU 15 15. Unlimited WeeklyFast StartBonus $15 (Rs.600) Every Direct Unlimited Bonus Irfan YOU Vijay Kavita 15 15 15 15 Sheela 15 1 Shirin 16.

  • = Teambuilder

One on the left Become a Teambuilder Irfan YOU One on the right ! Shirin 17. Unlimited Weekly Team Builder Bonus $10 for each person they personally sponsor for life (Rs. 400) Team Builder Bonus Irfan YOU Dilip Geeta 15 Salma Raja Guru 10 15 15 10 2 Shirin 18. One Time Executive Bonus HelpA&Breach Team Builder$125 (Rs. 5000) Executive Bonus A YOU A1 A2 B1 B2 $15 $15 $10 $10 $10 $10 $70 $125 195 $30 $30 3 B 19. Your Weekly Cycle Bonus LEFT LEFT RIGHT RIGHT 150 6 3 6 3 4 Earn upto Rs 2 lacs/day 20. Total start-up income $40 (Rs. 1600)Team Builder Bonus + $150 (Rs. 6000) Cycle and checkmatch Bonus$125 (Rs. 5000) ExecutiveBonus (One Time) $345(Rs.13,800) $30 (Rs. 1200)Fast Start Bonus+ + $ 220/- Rs.8800/- 21. Potential Passive Income Growth Months Power Of TWO No. of Members 1 2 2 2 4 6 3 8 14 4 16 30 5 32 62 6 64 126 7 128 254 8 256 510 9 512 1022 10 1024 2046 11 2048 4094 12 4096 8190 22. Your One Year Income

  • Your Income : 8190/9

INR54,60,000 $1,36,500 910 = * $150 23. Leadership Rewards 24. The MyVideoTalk India TotalVideo Solutions Package * MyVideo WebMail MyVideo System MyVideo WebChat MyVideo Forum MyVideo WebMeetingMyVideo Community MyVideo e-Learning* MyVideo Learning~ OnlineVideo Seminars + Life Changing Opportunity $220 / Rs 8800* one - time set-up 25.

  • MVT is aUS-based company , all payments will be calculated in US dollars.The payment will be inIndian rupeesafter TDS and service charges.
  • One USDis presently fixed atINR 40/- for all cash transactions .
  • An annual account maintenance fee ofUSD 50(fifty only) will be charged at the end of every year.
  • For the MyVideo Talk services that is provided by the company10% will be deductedfromtheweekly payouts. (Subject to amaximum of USD 500 ).

IMPORTANT INFORMATION 26. Multiple Payment Options 27.

  • Account Name: MyVideoTalk Technologies (P) Ltd.
  • Address:E-302, Greater Kailash II, New Delhi-110 048.
  • ICICI Bank:Greater Kailash II Branch, New Delhi.
  • Account No:0 3 1 1 0 5 0 0 0 9 0 8

Bank Account Details 28. Finally, it is often said. If you want tomake it happen for You , the opportunity is here There are3 kinds of people Those whomakethings happen Those whowatchwhats happening

    • Those whowonderwhathashappened

29. Timing

  • The secret of success is to find out where people are going - and get there first
  • Mark Twain

30. 31. 32. YOU B C D A E F G J I H M N L K O P Q R S T 12,000 6,000 6,000 InvestmentIncome : Rs8,800Direct Bonus:Rs1,200 Team builder Bonus:Rs 1,600 Executive Bonus:Rs5,000Cycle Bonus:Rs 12,000 Total: Rs 19,800 33. YOU YOU A D YOU E B C J I H M F L K G O Q N S R 12,000 6,000 6,000 P T InvestmentIncome : Rs26,400Direct Bonus(3 ids):Rs3,600 Team builder Bonus:Rs4,800 Executive Bonus:Rs15,000Cycle Bonus:Rs24,000 Total: Rs 47,400 34. The Real Smart Work Positions Investment Income (With 36 Joinings) Profit 1 8800 31800 23000 3 26400 71400 45000 7 61600 126600 65000 35. Consider This opportunity very seriouslyif your objective in life is1.To have Financial Freedom2.To have Extra Income3.To have Your Own Business 4.To help Others to achieve Success ( you can help only when you have ) 5.To leave a Legacy6.To have Personality Development7.To have Time Leverage8.To have Foreign Trips9.To have better Relationships with your Family and Friends