My Proposal

Running head: PREVENT 1 B.R.E.A.T.H.E Gary W. Ticey Argosy University 1/7/2015

Transcript of My Proposal

Running head: PREVENT1



Gary W. Ticey

Argosy University


The war on drugs and deinstitutionalization has caused the prison population in America to become a major concern. As reported here, the population of prisoners in America is comprised of mostly mentally ill inmates. This to me speaks to the lop-sided embedded norms which skew viewpoints on how to treat mental illness. Why there are more committed property crimes, why are (Gary, 2014) more minorities suffering in jail and prison with mental illness than there are in treatment? What is more bothersome is there are reports telling that African Americans now constitute nearly 1 million of the total 2.3 million incarcerated populations, (NAACP, 2009-2014). We should be treating these people rather than keep a high costly rate of recidivism. The report goes on to say that a little over 50% of the prison population suffers from a mental illness, which it evident that our mental illness practices are lacking and is in need of a paradigm shift meaning, what is the best practice. More evident as the following report state, only a small percent of the 50% are properly treated for their mental illness, as reported, A recent study (2006) by the U.S. Department of Justice found that more than half of all prison and jail inmates have a mental health problem compared with 11 percent of the general population, yet only one in three prison inmates and one in six jail inmates receive any form of mental health treatment, (Anasseril, 2007).

The fact is that old model and the most embedded medical norms in our history for treating mental illness were exclusive encompassing only treating the majority. Therefore B.R.E.A.T.H.E has taken up the responsibility of becoming a model for a pilot agency that promotes a diversified practice. It is known that a correlation exist between people criminally abnormal as the result of being social and economically disadvantaged, and being social and economically disadvantaged produces mental illness behavior symptoms. Meaning, having societal disadvantages is related to abnormal mental disorder. This finding was reported in the NAMI fact sheet which states, Social circumstances often serve as an indicator for the likelihood of developing a mental illness. African Americans are disproportionately more likely to experience social circumstances that increase their chances of developing a mental illness (NAMI). The paradigm shift in treatment that we suggest can reverse the symptoms of most illnesses of this sort no matter who is displaying them.

We know that disadvantages are a product of ownership of the worlds power and resources being distributed unfairly which in turn creates oppression. This behavior not only creates poverty, it creates mental illness which results in symptoms of maladapted behavior. Because there are so many sufferers of this mental illness, most prisoners will not be treated for the right illness, as reported, Given the limited resources of most prisons, however, it seems doubtful whether most prisoners with these illnesses receive appropriate care, such as that mandated by the European Convention on Human Rights and other international charters (Anasseril, 2007).

Consequently the weaker and disadvantaged behaves differently than their affluent counterparts, which is understandable. If a starving dog is close to food he will try to eat to live. Its a natural instinct. Mental illness causes criminal behavior and some of its symptoms are stealing or looting, selling drugs, selling sex and doing anything to escape the grip of poverty and hopelessness which all these behaviors lead to deeper mental problems like depression, paranoia, psychopathic thoughts. Thus, creating thinking and behavior patterns that cause people to end up in the penal system, (going to prison or jail) instead of the mental institution. Furthermore, imprisonment has never solved the problem; as a matter of fact by putting people in jail instead of creating innovative intervention programs has created a public concern. Something has to be done. (Aufderheide 2014) states that it pertinent that the treatment of people with mental illness in jails and prisons becomes a public safety/public health issue Society will have to make changes in how to treat mentally ill poor people of every background.

Policy makers should emphasize that not all medical model fit all people especially the medical model which was developed in a laboratory. These models exclude an answer for treating symptoms that result from being disenfranchised. Furthermore in our history, how could a theory develop when there did not exist any real desire to change? The fact that this problem has made it to public awareness should provoke a desire in all Americans to search out a solution. Moreover, as Aufderheide reports, people being released from incarceration are going to both return to prison and cause the tax payers more money or the public and policy makers will promote a paradigm shift, which is the best policy. Moreover, we agree that it will do well to define this problem as a safety/public health issue which could then be put on an agenda for empirical research which will have a positive impact on policy makers. To have a positive impact on policy makers, it is reported that, problems that have been thoroughly defined typically are supported by sound empirical research, and data from empirical research are what policymakers expect when considering what problems are most important to address, (Argosy, 2014). Once this problem is seen as a safety/public health issue, the leaders can present a delineated goal to make it easier to pass this proposal (Gary, 2014).

B.R.E.A.T.H.E as a pilot agency introduces a paradigm shift framework in its constructs which has an outcome that makes the program lucrative and will pay for itself. It will not cost tax payer more than what they are paying now on recidivism and public safety/ and public health care to support the creation of this diversionary program. In fact, a New York Times News reported that if the forty-one states that were in the study they reported on would cut their recidivism by ten percent, $635 million of savings will be an average saving a year. This program has the tendency to do more than ten percent. As a matter of fact, once the city, state and world see its effectiveness, we will treat mental illness as mental illness and lower crime.

The treatment plan will enable the country to change policies that keep the mentally ill from getting the proper help they need. However, in the same vein, while making new frameworks for treatment, we must consider that the way Americas health care system is set up, nothing will be accomplished if the clients are not treated in their best interest not the best interest of the state. Therefore (Gary, 2014) this agencies bylaws state that the normal medical model will be included as far as medication is needed. However, they will be used in conjunction with the agencys construct of client stabilization; we understand that some clients needs are different from others.

Consequently, the need for paradigm shift is imperative, one that will produce a more diverse and ethical treatment model to include everybody; it is the law. The law mandates affordable and better treatment services to the mentally ill. Therefore, it would be to the advantage of lawmakers enact diversion policies even including releasing prisoners to programs outside of the criminal justice courts. However, this in itself impose a problem to our embedded way of treating cases of none conformance and challenges the American Authority belief system. If this was not true, what other way is there to explain why the population of people with serious mental disorder in prison doubles that of those being treated in regular clinics? (Anasseril, 2007) tells the reader of (Gary, 2014) the burden saying, Second burden of treatable serious mental disorder in prisoners is substantial that there are more than three hundred thousand prisoners in the United States that might be suffering from the prevalence psychotic illnesses, major depression, or bothan amount that is twice the number of patients in all American psychiatric hospitals combined.

It is suggested that other means of remedying this issue would be more acceptable and moral, for instance setting up community based treatment programs designed to fight the effects of being disadvantaged of any sort. In fact, this policy will produce economic benefits as well as have an impact on the well-being of our ill brothers and sisters. Besides being a moral act, (Gary, 2014) a recidivism program construct like that in which B.R.E.A.T.H.E proposes will result in less money being spent on trials and incarceration cost or recidivism, which means these funds can be channeled to support social well-being, as reported Innovative and comprehensive treatment programs in prisons, coupled with state-of-the-art diversionary measures for mentally ill arrestees and prisoner community reentry programs, must be pursued to prevent a high rate of recidivism and morbidity of prisoners and to facilitate their adjustment in the community, (Anasseril, 2007).

Furthermore, by granting alternatives to being placed back in the justice system, research on promoting well-being need to be performed more intensely. The mentally ill can be treated if the right tools were available. The B.R.E.A.T.H.E program is an agency that is for example participating in the efforts to reduce crime and recidivism. We understand the same thing as re-entry programs and treatment programs that if we get to the root of why this behavior is so prevalent in these populations we can reverse the mental illness symptoms and have a positive on poverty and crime.

A lot has been done in the reversal of the effects of ill treatment of the ill. The antidote is to set up pilot programs that will use the money saved to help society be rid of the public health issue. The ACA is designed to help reverse what is being done to the mentally ill as for as making options more available. We get momentum when from every opponent of the iron fist on crime. The following reported located one state Senator that was reported saying, Steinberg (D-Sacramento). By changing our policies to be smart on crime instead of blindly being tough on crime, we can break the misguided cycle of incarceration that carries such an enormous financial and human cost, (Three Strikes) Furthermore, to expound on the cost of treatment being lower than what it cost each year to incarcerate mentally ill people, the three strikes project that is proposed by Stanford law students reports to house the mentally ill in prison is, (Gary) at a fiscal and moral cost much greater than if the state were to provide adequate treatment and support.

The above project offers solutions to the public problem of incarcerating the mentally challenged. Furthermore, the country and the entire world become victors. To legitimize this effort, the Democratic Party that has indorsed this proposal delineated specifics that would put into policy a large amount of changes that will benefit the stakeholders of the safety/public health umbrella for the diversion plan. One (Gary) good example of the policies which is a plan is seen in the following report Establish a competitive grant program to expand the number of Mental Health and Behavioral Health Courts in California to specifically address the needs of mentally ill and drug addicted offenders, $20 million from the Recidivism Reduction Fund. Re-establish the Mentally Ill Offender Crime Reduction Grant (MIOCR) Program Re-establish MIOCR Grant program that supports implementation and evaluation of locally developed projects designed to reduce recidivism among persons with mental illness, $50 million from the Recidivism Reduction Fund (Three Strikes). This project has a few more proposals that would fit the vision of the Restoration Diversion Plan which is planning to produce B.R.E.A.T.H.E a pilot program that will partnership up with other stakeholders in the Toledo Ohio area and then the world.

Of course, there are people that will and are opposing the policy which is understandable. I mean who would want criminals in their neighborhoods especially those that were victims. For example, victims of the crimes committed would rather they not let them out or rather keep sending them back, mentally illness or not. But theres one thing for sure, even these people will benefit from not paying to re imprison the mentally ill clients for not being able to control their impulses (Gary, 2014). The people that cannot see the vision will come aboard once the crime come down and taxes are reduced. They will help in their treatment and their recovery of their symptoms when they see the truth. Furthermore, this policy will open doors for deeper research on the way crime is thought of and fought which will finally add a solution for the over representation of mentally ill people of any race that is walking the earth untreated.

Consequently, B.R.E.A.T.H.E, a pilot program has the potential to bring normal people as well as people that suffer with the effects of mental disorders to want treatment for their illnesses and gain courage to come forth. In fact, the fact that the program produces well-being which is an attraction it will be a sought after framework for treating cases of mental illness. Because we dissolve external social barriers to extrinsic and intrinsic values we are able to reduce mental illness and inject well-being into the lives of our clients and society as a whole. This all mean that there will also be a reduction in homeless people. This will occur because the fear and hopelessness that plague the disadvantage will be erased when they start to see that well-being is free. In fact, this is the same framework that of many support groups are using and it has changed the lives of millions of hopeless people like the ones that are being thrown in jail instead of being properly treated for their mental illness. The help that these people need can now be administered to them in an environment that is conducive to their well-being and the well-being of all who suffers and is touched by the sufferer. Support diversion treatment and change the way we treat mental illness (Gary, 2014).

A point of access is available for us to trudge through both, the professional means of handling mental illness with treatment and a new way to view the sickness. This proposal should excite stakeholders because we finally are able to set up interorganizational ideology to combat a real problem. The collaboration of licensed and lay professional believe that social economical equation of society use to hinder the mental health process which causes a bad reaction. Therefore the new mental institution treats this stagnation with a new perspective on what living is really about for the client. Many of the illness causing agents can be physically arrested for instance, not being able to afford a place to live. One stakeholder in this proposal is leading that research and is making the abnormal behavior easier to curve.

However, there is one thing this proposal need help in researching and that is what would be feasible way to prep offenders while incarcerated or take mental ill clients strait from jail and prison. However, this is not a significant problem because if the client is stable enough to take care of their home then they will qualify for the program (Gary, 2014). If not, they will stay in the process until they are stable enough to live in society. Many of the clients will be referred to the program some as a diversion to going to jail or prison some from homeless shelters and some through our community partners like NPI, Salvation Army. Either way, we will never run out of people to help. All of these stakeholders have established their programs in the area and are looking to expand. Some of them are getting the local mental health board to advocate and become part of partnership. In the case of NPI and the homeless shelters, part of the funding is joined, the mental health board funds. To connect our agency to these powers makes a powerful board of directors some of their names are mentioned below.

Another place where there is access to resources is the religious organizations. Church is starting to become a powerful organization in the fight for well-being. Being a charity, the chance to help others is their business. They have large facilities in which the utilization of will be an opportunity for the church to regain their position. They are the backbone in the helping field because they are a nonprofit and many turn to them for help. One such church is a well know church that I attend. This place has space for any organization, inpatient or outpatient. Pastor, a well-known counselor and the under shepherd of a host of professionals and lay human service workers stand ready to offer any assistance they can. Together, this coalition including myself, Pastor, and of other stakeholders, like P. Mike, Carter, our community volunteers all have access to a God that can do anything but fail; therefore we stands ready for this paradigm shift.

B.R.E.A.T.H.E, in theory is an agency constructed by the executives of the Restoration organization. The acronyms B.R.E.A.T.H.E stands for (behavior redirecting education at the heart exclusively). The name speaks to the agencys construct and its objectives. (Educate, redirect dysfunctional behavior, and use spiritual and physically rewarding methods that pierce the heart and motivate desired change).


Our mission is to reduce recidivism of people that clearly suffers mental illness. Our mission is to redirect negative behavior that results in the imprisonment and teach the suffer how to live using positive principles to guide their behavior.


Our vision is to see people recovering from mental disorder and become independent. We believe mental disorders can be properly addressed by our professionals who have been in the same darkness and have escaped its illness causing grip.


We value this program because it will educate society on methods that will touch the heart and change the way we treat mental illness; it will create a paradigm shift that will not only change the methods of treating people that act out from their symptoms but also change the hearts of society. As the program touches the heart we hope society feels the connection and begin to collaborate with this mission.


Our ethical obligation is to spend more time finding out how to treat the dysfunctional behavior as a community. This is exactly what we are doing in our agency. B.R.E.A.T.H.E has decided to stop the unethical misrepresentation of the mentally challenged and give them a choice. We can no longer afford to watch a failing system and not think of a way to fix it. This is where the ethical education training element of the agency enlightens people as they learn that not all mental illness can be changed with an iron fist. For example, mental illness stems from feeling of not be a part of a dominant culture and all its benefits as reported, The inclusion-exclusion continuum, a central concept in mental illness, (Patti, 2010) argues, is linked to important psychological processes such as self-esteem, depression, anxiety, and a general perception that one's life has meaning. This is particularly relevant for members of disadvantaged groups who may suffer the psychological consequences of being excluded. Therefore, this need to be included in social groups is a strong motivator in human behavior. Though one needs to be aware of the inherent competitive nature of identity groupswhat one gains in status the other may losetaken together, these theories tell us that work organizations may gain a more loyal, satisfied, and committed workforce by becoming more inclusive (Patti, p. 251). Somewhere along the way our logo, In God We Trust seem to only exist on our money.

B.R.E.A.T.H.E is not a religious program; it has to do more with learning what works and doing it. For example, there was a time when etiquettes were traditionally handed down from father to son and mother to daughter. In this same vein, this agency has taken this step further. We will bring back what is ethical and moral. We stand ready to use this kind of framework to educate the people on what it is like to have someone to hold your hand like that of a sure handed parent to support and guide until the support is no longer needed. We know what it is like not having enough to achieve any of lifes satisfactions therefore we understand. With our capability to understand our clients, we will reach down into the pain. We will reach down into the depression. We will reach down and pull up the hate. We will pierce the heart and defend our clients against all who try to oppress them. We are an agency that has learned how to B.R.E.A.T.H.E and using professional motivation consultations, we will teach those that seek our program to B.R.E.A.T.H. E. By injecting our morally and ethical educational curriculum with spiritual principles we believe and trust that we can reduce recidivism, its our ethical duty. We also stand on the fact that once the soul is restored to proper functioning normal behavior can be achieved and certain forms mental disease can be managed. For example, when programs use a well-being framework like that proposed in this paper, instead of a disease model, the threats to mental health which Baumgardner argues can be addressed, which some are represented here, An aggregate view of community and family well-being may be seen in statistics on such things as divorce, single-parent families, poor families, unwed mothers, abused children, serious crimes, and suicide, (Baumgardner, 2008, p. 15) can be manage.

Because using incarceration as the intervention mental illness is unethical, we propose the diversion program model as a more ethical solution. We believe we have a solution that is ethical plus cost efficient. We believe that a program that has put the needs of its clients first will have a positive outcome on society as a whole. Therefore, what we propose is to have people screened before they are placed back into the hands of the legal system. This will let the people know who is able to benefit from the redirection program. Once placed in the program, clients will have a chance to take control of their lives. They will be taught that life is worth the living. They will be taught that they can be of some use to society. They will be taught how to use their life to change someone elses life. As they grow in life they grow in spirit. The candidates learn to place things in there right prospective in the scheme of life. For example, they will learn that money is a tool and it has no power. They will learn that character building is a job and teaching it is what life is about. They will learn that regardless of who they are they can keep their heads up.

The reduction of recidivism is not a theory; it can be a reality. In fact the life managing skills that will be taught to this population will come from people just like them. If they were from another country, the diversity of the group leaders would accommodate them. If they had been poor and oppressed the diversity of the leaders would be able to reach them. It does not matter, from white house to a cardboard house, from Park Ave to park bench, rich or poor they will be accommodated.

Moreover, when it comes to our clients, not only do we view diversity as a principle, we are committed to the people that seek our help. We give our clients and our professional team the highest level of respect. The clients and our team both givers and receivers will feel free and safe to share with the each other, trusting that whatever has been shared will be held to the highest level of confidentiality. Our staffs are very abreast to the meaning of what client counselor privilege is and are well versed in the law when it comes to what is ethical. They know about duty to warn laws. Therefore, there is no reason to doubt the agencys competency.

Under housing the homeless and diversion programs designed to solve recidivism of the mentally ill, B.R.E.A.T.H.E a program design using behavior redirecting education and training for the heart exclusively focuses on ending imprisoning of mentally challenged men and women. The program suggests an absolute paradigm shift. We intend to introduce a different and better approach on the social dysfunction and maladaptive behavior causes and propose a wellness treatment program to redirect dysfunctional behavior caused by social status and barriers. The term social illness proves to hurt society just as much as its counter or cohort mental illness as reported by the National Alliance of Mental Illness, Social circumstances often serve as an indicator for the likelihood of developing a mental illness (NAMI, 2009). This agency sees the problem and aims to use preventive measures which include using its own diversion strategies that reduces recidivism of the mentally ill to incarceration. We want to use education and training not only to change the attitudes and behavior on one side, we want to change the attitudes and behavior of the field as a whole. In these efforts, the outcome is forecast to cure society of its overcrowding, overspending, and the negative effect that these attitudes have on the penal system. Moreover, at the same time we see our agency finally ending mental suffering that our poor and the helpless disadvantage population is subjected to. We see by redirecting the attitudes we reduce the symptoms which are primarily the causes for socially dysfunctional outburst and disruptive behavior.

Additional information

Reports strongly suggest more diversion models Innovative and comprehensive treatment programs in prisons, coupled with state-of-the-art diversionary measures for mentally ill arrestees and prisoner community reentry programs, must be pursued to prevent a high rate of recidivism and morbidity of prisoners and to facilitate their adjustment in the community, (Anasseril, 2007) (Ticey, 2014). Therefore, granting alternatives to being placed back in the justice system should be researched more intensely. Some mentally ill cases can be treated if the right tools were available. For example participating in the re-entry programs and treatment programs that get to the root of why this behavior is so prevalent in these populations will reverse or have a positive effect on poverty and crime.

A lot has been done in the reversal of the effects of ill treatment of the focused population, however we need more. It is reported that About half of all people in jails and prisons have mental health problems and about 65 percent meet medical criteria for alcohol or other drug abuse and addiction. Because mental illness and substance abuse are associated with behaviors that can lead to incarceration and recidivism, barriers to community care play an indirect role (Phillips, 2012). The facts suggest that society has used prison as a solution for the subsequent behavior of mental illness and antisocial maladaptive behavior (which has also been described as), personality disordera collection of maladaptive and rigid personality traits that are exhibited across different contexts and interfere with ones ability to function effectively in life, including interfering with ones ability to enjoy reasonably healthy relationships with others, (Martin, 2006 p.172)

This research located one state Senator that was reported saying, Steinberg (D-Sacramento). By changing our policies to be smart on crime instead of blindly being tough on crime, we can break the misguided cycle of incarceration that carries such an enormous financial and human cost, (Three Strikes) Furthermore, to expound on the cost of treatment being lower than what it cost each year to incarcerate mentally ill people, the three strikes project that is proposed by Stanford law students reports to house the mentally ill in prison is, (Ticey, 2014) at a fiscal and moral cost much greater than if the state were to provide adequate treatment and support.


There are at least two main goals that B.R.E.A.T.H.E was and is designed to accomplish and a number of objectives that fall within these goals.

One of the goals is to reduce recidivism. To do this we

Educate and train using therapeutic structure or setting

Focus on teaching spiritual and traditional values

Redirect negative attitudes to positive using this energy to sift our atmosphere

Get the behavior diverted population to teach the next wave of clients

Creating a social and economic status change and promote well-being

Goal #2 is to create a paradigm shift of the helping field from the medical model to a wellness model.

Treat all dysfunctional behavior as a symptom of a social, psychological, biological or all three mixed

Treat every sufferer as a child or see yourself as a parent of a sufferer in need of help.

Become a major framework for diverting symptoms of mental illness of the depressive nature as well as treatment of other mental illness.

Reduce violence, crime, and alcohol and drug abuse.

The Method

Obtain a facility that can house the group of trainees. Recruit Judges and probation officers as well as other homeless facilities to support the program by referring people they think will benefit from this program. Do an assessment screening to see who will do well in this environment. Not every person qualifies for every program. Therefore, this program will find programs for those that would not do well in this one. Because its a paradigm shifting program, it fits well to say that it is a new way of living. The program works in the favor of the participant. Some will move out into their permanent homes in three months. Some will move out in six and some at the end of their ninth month period.

The permanent housing is another program which finds housing for people that suffer mental illness. B.R.E.A.T.H.E will interact with other partners in the community like the housing agency. Partners like the Salvation Army Adult Recovery Center, The United Way, The local food banks, as well as local churches, homeless shelters and charities, will be of significant support as far as volunteers modeling, food referrals modeling, medical referral modeling, donation modeling, and political modeling. The most significant support for this agency will come from the re-entry program that is already in place in Ohio. Consequently, the two agencies have a lot in common. The difference is re-entry works with the out coming and the diversion B.R.E.A.T.H.E program tries to divert clients behavior from recidivism.

The Staff and Administration consist of four or five full time employees:

The Agencys full time Director who will be responsible for hiring the rest of the staff, in charge of the development and operation of the agency, creating and maintaining links with local government agencies, and budget. Agency Director is Gary W. Ticey. (The developer of this proposal)

A Full Time Agency Coordinator who has the responsibility to help the director establish the agency in the community, to develop working relationship with community leaders, both formal and informal establishing also develop links to community women's organizations, and scheduling of agencys programs (Sormadji).

Employ a Full Time Kitchen Administrator who has the responsibilities of preparing a monthly budget and menu, along with overseeing the preparation of nutrition based menu and overseeing kitchen help.

A Full-Time Foreman for the work program responsibilities will be to maintain relationships with work sites that are willing to employ our residents, and figure stipends for the residents and the percentage the facility will get according to the level of the agency the resident is in. Governing Board - Made up of both community leaders and agency staff. That will be responsible for sanctioning the operation of the agency and providing feedback to the Agencys Director on agency policies and operation (Soemadji).

Resources we have and Resources needed

Have: Links to agencies are the resources we have. These agencies are mentioned in the agencys method description. We have a two small vehicles and $1,500.00 in reserve, maybe a hand full of volunteers.

Need: Funding for a building, literature, beds, bedding, outside events

Equipment -

Chairs and desks for three offices as well as computers, copiers, printers, projectors and screens for preparation of informational educational materials

Chairs and tables for a large classroom/community meeting rooms

Supplies computers for online studies, Paper, pencils, and materials preparation.

The Agencys Budget

Year 1 - Development of Agencys Operation and Recruitment and First Group of

Volunteers and residents

Personnel M$345,000

Project Director Full time - 12 months M$127,000

Center Coordinator Full time - 12 months M$85,000

Kitchen Coordinator Full time - 12 months M$42,000

Foremen of works program Full time - 12 months M$49,000

Agency Assistant Full time - 12 months M$42,000

Development/Production of Educational Materials M$39,000

Advertising/Promotion M$17,500


Year 2 - Operation/Maintenance of Center and Recruitment and Second Group of Residents

Personnel (assumes 3% yearly increment) M$398,610

Following Up of Educational Materials M$6,000

Advertising/Promotion M$4,000


Year 3 and beyond will have the same format and evaluation (assume 3% yearly increment on Year 2 budget)



The agency will have formative evaluations performed periodically and summative evaluations every fiscal year. Both evaluations will be performed by internal stakeholders and summative will be performed by both external and the internal stakeholders. The formative evaluation is to insure that every unit is producing the desired output and to make corrections before any major losses occur. Using a predefined desired output for each input we will observe the agencys effectiveness on a continuum.

The summative evaluation will use a predetermined percentage as its desired measurement. It is performed by the Agency Director and a Major outside Stakeholder. The desired outcomes to be measured are from the primary goals that the agency wanted to achieve. Using questionnaires and other observation strategies Formative and Summative feedback will guide corrective measures if any ineffective outputs are measured

Data that we will collect in our formative evaluation to show if our constructs are effective will be compared against the effectiveness that of the construct outputs of the prison/jail model have on the short term and long term change on the focused populations attitudes and recidivism behavior.

Goal #1 One of the goals is to reduce recidivism. To do this we

Educate and train using therapeutic structure or setting

Focus on teaching spiritual and traditional values

Redirect negative attitudes to positive using this energy to sift our atmosphere

Get the behavior diverted population to teach the next wave of clients

A summative evaluation will be performed yearly comparing the effects of the prison constructs on mental illness and its outputs as they pertain to the goals in objective two.

Goal #2 is to create a paradigm shift of the helping field from the medical model to a wellness model.

Treat all dysfunctional behavior as a symptom of a social, psychological, biological or all three mixed

Treat every sufferer as a child or parent of your own in need of help.

Become a major framework for diverting symptoms of mental illness of the depressive nature as well as treatment of other mental illness.

Reduce violence, crime, and alcohol and drug abuse.

Creating a social and economic status change and promote well-being

A yearly report will be issued that presents the formative and summative findings.


Month One

Advertising for staff positions; Meetings with community leaders; Meeting with Network administrators

Month Two

Interviewing of candidates for agency staff positions; meeting with property owner and securing our facility. (Soemadji)

Month Three

Orientating hired staff members; preparing for agency operation

Month Four - Six

Preliminary advertising of agency operation; Hosting community meetings at agency;

Collection of baseline data on agency clients prospects; Recruitment of volunteers

Month Seven - Twelve

Conducting of regular formative evaluation; Final summative evaluation at end of twelfth month

APPENDIX B - Resume of Gary W. Ticey (Agency Director)


Gary Ticey


Board Member/Chair

Neighborhood Property Inc.

Restoration Support Group


Director/Facilitator of Restoration outreach support group 2010-Present

Board of directors on the Governance Committee at mental health agency 2014-Present


B.S. Argosy University-Psychology (Chemical Dependency Counseling ) 2013

M.S. Argosy University (Health/Human Services Administration) 2015


Program Chair Restoration outreach program 2010-Present

Instructor/Teacher Restoration support group bible class 2012-Present


My interest in the wellness approach has been the focus and source of motivation in my life for over five years. As a former candidate of agencies that were designed to help people that suffer the levels of dysfunctional behavior mentioned in this proposal, a deep desire and interest to educate myself and society has consumed me. As a result of my lifes experience, I have researched and began to educate myself focusing on the wellness model which centers on well-being. In my studies, the formulation of a great platform for creating a wellness framework that will affect change was developed. I have learned that some causes of mental illness are man-made meaning they are environmental and are curable and reversible.

What I have experienced and come to believe is, it is possible to change maladaptive behavior through a process that changes attitudes. How to accomplish these changes results from a program design that uses spiritual principles and educate the sufferer to a new medical perspective called the wellness approach. The wellness approach concentrates on the whole person. Murphy 2010 defines these programs as, Wellness-oriented programs that emphasize and work to harmonize the connections between peoples physical, spiritual, and emotional states (p. 473)

To combat a problem of this magnitude, society will have to accept that there has to be a paradigm shift. So far there have been a few attempts and there has been some success. However, these programs have made small steps in permanent effectiveness because they are outdated. Things have changed in the 20th century. Our culture has become a more diversified orientation, and to be an effective program in this day we have to keep up with the trend. Therefore our program resets the thinking of the focused group to see that they are being heard and that its their answers that will create the atmosphere conducive to overcoming their illness causing issues. Educating clients using the mentioned strategy will change attitudes and thus change the whole way we treat mental illness. What will make a person feel whole? What can a network of agencies produce to alleviate mental illness causing problems? can this program provide an environment that is conducive to helping a person feels like a person. We feel by continuing to use qualitative approaches to find answers to these questions, our program can and will achieve its goals and meet its objectives.

Moreover, the program will resemble the constructs that hold the Salvation Army Recovery Center together. However, the difference will be that we use a model that incorporates the clients that do not make it in the Salvation Army Program and have to see the judge. What this diversion program offers is a solution to many causes of mental illness, a lower rate of recidivism, cuts on money spent on recidivism, lower crime rates, a new efficient framework for treating mental illness, and a path to societal well-being.

The antidote is to set B.R.E.A.T.H.E as a pilot program that will use the money saved from the recidivism account to help fund its ongoing research and help society be rid of the public health issue. The agency for the plan of change is one that will create a paradigm shift to give an alternative to incarcerating our mentally ill population.

Gary Ticey


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Always on duty,

Gary W. Ticey Founder and co. Director