My Property Review 24

ISSUE 24 FRIDAY, JANUARY 30 2009 FREE – YOURS TO KEEP HOUSES & UNITS FOR SALE | HOUSE & LAND | CLASSIFIEDS & MORE... URBAN MYTHS Unearthing the answers to the Coast’s most talked-about development projects


Issue 24 January 30, 2009

Transcript of My Property Review 24

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URBAN MYTHSUnearthing the answers to the Coast’s most

talked-about development projects

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*Limited time only. Home and land sold separately. Stockland is responsible for sale of the land only. Buyers will need to enter a separate contract with the builder for construction of the home. Fixed prices exclude costs of purchase (including mortgage protection insurance) and may change in specifi c circumstances. Prices may include rebates that are conditional on 30 day settlement. Photographs and illustrations are intended to be a visual aid only. Terms and conditions apply. See or a Stockland Sales & Information Centre for details. ^Purchasers will need to make their own enquiries about the availability of fi nance. Amounts shown are loan repayments only and do not include other costs of purchasing and owning a home. Loan repayments are examples only based on a loan for 95% of the home and land package price, with a 4.99% introductory 1 year fi xed interest rate and weekly repayments over 30 years. #Rebound Lifestyle Protection Insurance is issued by Ace Insurance Ltd. Please read the Product Disclosure Statement available from Stockland Home Finance before making any decision about this product. CumminsNitro © STQ 0264/MPR1

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Fixed Price

$597,802*Lot 209, 450m2 at The Boardwalk

Bridgewater 200 by GJ Gardner Homes




Fixed Price

$456,200*Lot 439, 450m2 at Brightwater

Jamaica 207 by Indigo Homes




QBSA Act Licence No: 1034627


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My Property Review | January 30, 2009 3

real estate agent index

Road works. Th ey’re everywhere at the moment. Is it a good thing or a bad thing? Bad because it means endless traffi c delays. Good because it’s an attempt at speeding up the infrastructure lag we’re experiencing here on the Coast. And you couldn’t quite call yourself a true-blue local if you hadn’t whinged at least once about the road network, or lack of. Roads aside, there are some very ‘local’ development issues that have been the nucleus of many around-town myths and rumours. Th e Mooloolaba car park for instance. For many years this one has been a topic for debate, yet all we really want to know is: when is it going to be developed, when can we expect it and why isn’t it being done now? With this in mind, MPR has embarked on answering the big 10. Ten local development issues we want answers to. From the rumoured light rail into the Plaza to the Big Top development and Caloundra-Kawana link, we’ve gone straight to the source to bring you the most up-to-date answers within a three-part series over the coming weeks.

Contributors – Julie Gatehouse, Dorothy Drane, Todd Widdicombe, Dave Warner

My Property Review is locally owned and published by Sunshine Coast Alliance Publishing Ltd. ABN 13 124 476 142Distribution Enquiries: 1300 367 352 p: (07) 5443 8866PO Box 6362, Maroochydore BC Qld 4558Editorial: [email protected]: [email protected]: [email protected]

Jade Harrison

First NationalKen GuyHenzellsRE/MAXwaterfront & coastal propertyEldersVic MurphyRaine & HorneHarcourtsJean HamerPam CourtPRD RealtyKings Beach RealtyBrown Realty BuderimMy MooloolabaRealwayAmber WerchonGo RhinoGo GeckoInsite RealtyLJ HookerProperty TodayLeading EdgeVictor Realty

711233036384041424445464647484849495051 52 53 54 56

44 Cover Story

Local developments: separating fact from fi ction

9 My Opinion How to subdivide and conquer

10 My MANsionTh e Hot FM boys head to Buderim

22 My ColumnLosing the high-rise name game

38 Market TrackerTrack what has sold and where

40 My Auction ActionTh e latest auction results

54 HinterlandTh e stay-at-home dome maker

57 Classifi eds Property listings and rentals

60 DirectoryProperty-related products at a glance

63 New Home & LandTh e latest projects to call home

cover story




Publishers Anarr HigginsDarryl OlsonMichael Kramer Noel Olson

Editor Jade Harrison

Sub Editor Jemma Pearson

Art Director Noel Harris

Production Co-ordinatorKara Taylor

Graphic DesignerStephanie Kesper

Editorial AssistantJarna Baudinette


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cover story

They’re the topics that preoccupy us as we go shopping, sit at roadworks, pick up friends from the airport, entertain the kids during school holidays

or take a parent to hospital. Where is all this development heading on the Sunshine Coast? And these infrastructure and related projects are of even greater interest to the thousands of residents and visitors who intend investing in the local property market.

Th e Coast needs sustainable development to support jobs growth and diversify our economy. We need to protect our environmental assets and foster existing industries. All these factors will help maintain our lifestyle and underpin real estate. But the rumours on what is happening where and when are endless and our questions relentless.

Gerrie Carr-MacFie, who has been CEO of Sunshine

Coast Enterprises for the past year, believes in fi nding the balance. Th is regional enterprise development agency, owned by the council, provides services to businesses ranging from a single lawnmower operator to large developers. It’s a conduit for information to all arms of government on issues that aff ect businesses. Th at includes investment attraction, and training and educational support.

“Our goal is to come up with a green, vibrant, diverse region,” Gerrie says. “We want to encourage enterprises that are in sync with that vision, keeping community aspirations and development aligned.

“We must encourage creative and knowledge-based industries, adopt best practice in manufacturing, use emerging technologies, take advantage of educational assets and grow the aviation industry. Our economy is exposed

in tourism and retail, so we need to encourage diversity.”David Oliver, the Sunshine Coast branch president of

the Urban Development Institute of Australia (Qld), says developers agree with government planners that appropriate infrastructure is needed to create self-contained yet linked communities that cater for our population growth. “All property owners will benefi t if it is done well,’ he says.

Michael Davoren, a past president of the Real Estate Institute of Australia, who now runs online auction site, says buyers look for quality roads, schools, hospitals and airports along with job opportunities and well-serviced commercial precincts.

So what are the big questions in Coast development at the start of 2009? MPR reveals the fi rst three in our ongoing series on the top 10.

Will international fl ights land at Marcoola? How high will Maroochydore’s new Big Top go? Will we get a huge water theme park? Julie Gatehouse busts the Coast’s top 10 development myths in part one of this three-part MPR series.

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Plans in the pipeline

PART 1 by Julie Gatehouse

4 My Property Review | January 30, 2009

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WATER PARKS:TWO CONTENDERS WADE INWill the Sunshine Coast get a new, state-of-the-art water park to rival those on the Goldie? Local families and holidaymakers are eager to know if either – or both – of the two big businesses pitching their multimillion-dollar proposals will get government approval. Adventura and Village Roadshow say they are determined to provide such an asset to boost tourism, employment, our construction industry and economy.

1. Adventura’s project has been in the public eye for a year. Its international-standard, large-scale water park and accommodation resort is planned for 74 hectares on Caloundra Road, opposite Sunshine Coast Turf Club and two minutes’ drive to the Bruce Highway. Stage one, at a capital cost of $50 million, will cater for almost half a million visitors in the fi rst year of operation and include 20 family holiday cabins. Its theme is the Australian beach. Adventura is a partnership of Sunshine Coast-based directors including Damian Brown, an urban planner by trade and long-time property industry consultant with national and international experience in leisure facilities. Damian says Adventura will be a major new regional employer, giving jobs to 200 people in construction and 130 when trading.

2. Village Roadshow submitted its development application to the Sunshine Coast Regional Council last August. It intends to build a world-class Wet’n’Wild Aussie World on the 23-hectare Ettamogah Pub property on the Bruce Highway just south of the Sunshine Motorway turnoff . Investa’s growing Bellfl ower estate is across the highway. Village Roadshow wants to enhance the rustic character of the pub and Aussie World with the water park, initially costing $70 million and attracting 550,000 visitors a year plus potential for expansion. Th e company owns and operates four Gold Coast theme parks including Sea World and Wet’n’Wild Water World. CEO John Menzies says the Sunshine Coast attraction will employ 400 people aft er expansion and generate direct expenditure of $300 million within a decade. It will be self-suffi cient with water and protect three hectares of bushland.

WHAT’S HAPPENING NOW?Division one councillor Anna Grosskreutz welcomes the concept of water parks. “Th ey bring a lot of people to our area, employ a lot of people, and are exciting,” she says.

Anna says Adventura’s application has been “a tough one” for council planners because the proposed site is rural and not zoned for a theme park. She understands it’s pending the State Government’s review of its South East Queensland Regional Plan. (Public consultation closes on April 3.)

Damian says he’s positive and committed to going forward. “We welcome the new State Government regional plan because it addresses that concern,” he says. “Large-scale tourism facilities can now happen outside the urban footprint.” His company intends to work with both levels of government to fi nd a solution, using this “window of opportunity”.

Michelle Connelly from the CPR Group, which is doing community consultation on the Wet’n’Wild Aussie World project, says its application is still being assessed by council.

Anna says the Village Roadshow proposal is on a logical site adjoining other tourist attractions but the process is currently between the applicant and planners, not councillors.

Th ese artist’s impressions are of the proposed Wet’n’Wild Aussie

World at the Ettamogah Pub site

A view of the Wet’n’Wild Rainforest

Adventura Waterpark Concept Plan

My Property Review | January 30, 2009 5

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6 My Property Review | January 30, 2009

NEW TOWN CENTRE:A BIGGER HEART FOR THE BIG TOPLocals and visitors have shopped in the supermarket and specialty shops under the iconic peaked roof of the Big Top Shopping Centre since its grand opening in 1986 incorporating Butt’s Fashion and Fabrics Store. But with the passage of time and the development of the more sophisticated Sunshine Plaza across Horton Parade, many locals are left wondering what’s next for the 3.1-hectare site on the corner of Ocean Street and Duporth Avenue.

Just before Christmas we discovered the grand plan of Reed Property Group, which bought the site about fi ve years ago. Project director Ross Webb says Reed’s application for major redevelopment, lodged with the council on December 17, is the result of extensive planning, research and community consultation. It intends to revitalise Maroochydore’s traditional town centre. If approved later this year, construction could start in 2010 and fi nish in 2013.

So what will it look like? Higher, greener, more vibrant and modern, for starters. It will focus on sustainability and be mixed-use, along the lines of Reed’s burgeoning Emporio development along Maroochy Boulevard. People will live in fi ve new residential buildings containing almost 400 apartments and work in two commercial buildings with

THE AIRPORTS:ONE’S EXPANDING, THE OTHER’S MOVINGMarcoolaA master plan to boost Sunshine Coast Airport includes the long-term potential (aft er 2020) for smaller international aircraft to use a newly built runway at the Marcoola site. In the meantime its owner, Sunshine Coast Regional Council, plans signifi cant upgrades to other facilities on site. In fact, motorists on the David Low Way have already noticed one – the $6 million entry road Runway Drive has just opened.

With almost one million passengers a year now using the airport and expected growth to more than 1.5 million annually by 2020, the council wants to increase its capacity.

Division eight councillor Debbie Blumel says the airport realignment project will allow more passenger numbers as new destinations become possible from the Coast. At the moment major airlines fl y to and from Sydney and Melbourne from Marcoola’s main north-south runway. However, the proposed new runway will be realigned east-west with an increased width from 30 to 45 metres and lengthened to almost 2.5 kilometres.

Debbie says there’s strong support from Maroochy north shore residents because it will alleviate noise and improve

safety as fl ight paths move higher and further out to sea.Th e airport master plan expands the passenger terminal,

commercial and light industrial precinct, parking, taxiways and aprons. Debbie says the council hopes to fast-track the commercial plans. “We want to provide for a range of aviation-related industries,” she says. “We expect this project to stimulate companion investment of $500 million and support 6000 jobs during development and 2300 permanent jobs on completion.” Th e airport now employs 600 staff .

Debbie adds, “In terms of property values, that whole area is benefi ting from hundreds of millions of dollars of state funding for duplicating the bridge and Sunshine Motorway and the Pacifi c Paradise bypass, all leading to the airport. Marcoola is an older but beautiful beachside suburb that may well fi nd a renewal.”

Th e master plan has been submitted to Infrastructure Australia for federal funding.

NEXT WEEK: We reveal what’s happening with Mooloolaba Spit and Caloundra’s aerodrome and shift ing CBD.

An artist’s impression looking west along Ocean StreetTh e Big Top site as it is today

An artist’s impression of the view east across Cornmeal Creek

Th e proposed changes to the Sunshine Coast Airport

130,000 square metres of offi ce space. All buildings will comply with the 40-metre height limit for the Big Top site.

Shoppers will have a range of outlets, including a supermarket, and enjoy a mix of dining facilities. A new leafy, pedestrian-friendly retail street will connect Ocean Street to Cornmeal Creek. Landscape and recreation space will be in excess of the 10 per cent required and include a novel ‘green roof ’. Transport options will include public transport services, walkways and more than 1660 undercover car and bicycle parks.

Managing director Ken Reed says, “Th e project has the potential to inject in excess of $400 million into the local economy, creating an additional 900 jobs during construction and a further 1000 jobs upon completion.”

cover story

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My Property Review | January 30, 2009 7


Beerwah Caloundra Cooroy Maroochydore Mooloolaba Nambour Pacific Paradise Palmwoods 5494 6444 5499 5600 5447 6888 5479 6600 5444 3455 5441 1344 5448 8088 5445 9666

Absolutely unique corner apartment offering large private garden courtyard. Panoramic ocean views to the east overlooking adjoining Headland Golf Course. Features three double bedrooms with designer ensuite and spa. Extra space for media entertainment or study with all rooms including the granite kitchen offering fabulous views. Secure gated entry with two car garage plus exclusive golf buggy parking space and storage. Owners reluctantly selling due to overseas commitments, presenting an opportunity to purchase this beautiful apartment at a realistic price.

House and Garden Living Apartment Style! Ocean Views

Address: Unit 11 ‘The Crest Apartments’ 59 Golf Links Road, Buderim

Inspect: By AppointmentView:

/1002397Price: All offers submitted from Mid $800,000’sContact: Mark Elston 0409 441 200Mooloolaba First National 5444 3455

This brick and tile home is located walking distance to school, park, shops and childcare centre. The home features 2 large separate living areas, 3 double bedrooms with master bedroom having walk-in robe and ensuite. Good size workable kitchen, large undercover entertaining area with 3 seater spa, overlooking large backyard. Double lock up garage with drive through access to backyard.


Affordable Family Home in Kuluin

Address: 102 Tallowwood Drive, KuluinInspect: Saturday 11-11.30amView: Expression of InterestContact: Shane Purssell 0402 012 142Maroochydore First National 5409 9910

This 2 bedroom ensuite apartment located across from patrolled surfing beach is the ideal holiday pad. Features include, combined living and dining, ducted air conditioning, two spacious bedrooms, good size kitchen, north east facing balcony with ocean views, fully furnished, excellent complex facilities and good on site manager.


Affordable Prestige Apartment in Alex

Address: Unit 23 Aquarius Resort 142-144 Alexandra Parade

View: Expression of InterestContact: Shane Purssell 0402 012 142Maroochydore First National 5409 9910

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Beerwah Caloundra Cooroy Maroochydore Mooloolaba Nambour Pacific Paradise Palmwoods 5494 6444 5499 5600 5447 6888 5479 6600 5444 3455 5441 1344 5448 8088 5445 9666

Situated on the exclusive Mooloolaba Esplanade, this fantastic lifestyle apartment is only minutes walk to the patrolled surf beaches, restaurants and cafes on the strip. The beneficiaries instructions are clear “This apartment must be sold and all offers will be considered” 1 bedroom with 83sqm of liveable spaceopen plan living, dining, kitchen area. Great entertaining balcony overlooking the ocean. Well appointed, ducted air-conditioning, fully furnished.


Deceased Estate

Address: Unit 103 Outrigger International Resort, Cnr of Mooloolaba Esp and Venning Street, Mooloolaba

Inspect: Saturday 11-11.30amView: $265,000Contact: Adam Bond 0404 211 281Maroochydore First National 5409 9918

Address: 2 Mango Street, MaroochydoreInspect: Saturday 12.30-1pmView: On Site @ 1pm on SaturdayContact: Adam Bond 0404 211 281Maroochydore First National 5409 9918

Situated in the heart of central Maroochydore, this family home provides the new owner a fantastic stepping-stone into the local market. The owners have packed their bags and made their instructions clear, “Sell on Auction day”. Solid brick construction with 4 bedrooms. Large, open plan living, dining and kitchen area. Vaulted ceilings with polished hardwood floors. Elevated position with large entertaining verandah’s. Live in or renovate. Huge single lockup.


Attention First Home Buyer/Renovator

This brick and tile beach house features downstairs 2 large living areas, separate dining, large kitchen, main bathroom. 2 large bedrooms. Upstairs features a parents retreat with very large living area, master bedroom with large ensuite and walk in robe. North facing gazebo, walking distance to beach, shops and park, lock up garage with rear access to double bay shed at rear of home.


Large Renovated Beach Home

Address: 74 Okinja Road, MaroochydoreInspect: Saturday 1-1.30pmView: Expression of InterestContact: Shane Purssell 0402 012 142Maroochydore First National 5409 9910

Don’t miss out on this immaculate presented brick and tile one owner home situated close to shops, transport, local swimming pool and Mt Creek school zone. The home features air-conditioned living area, separate dining, large workable two pack kitchen with timber bench tops. 3 good size bedrooms all with built ins, large master bedroom with new ensuite, very large undercover entertainment area.


Affordable 4 Bedroom Home in Buderim

Address: 238 Karawatha Drive, Mountain CreekInspect: Sat 10-10.30am, Wed 12-12.30pmView: Expression of InterestContact: Shane Purssell 0402 012 142Maroochydore First National 5409 9910

room for a second car under cover, lots of storage space

to Nambour, 800m2 block with flat back yard very rare for this area of Buderim

wood fire heater, air-cond. Very well presented and well looked after.


Country Living 10 Mins from the Beach!

Address: 50 Hobbs Road, BuderimInspect: Sat 10am-10.30am & 2pm-2.30pmView: $435,000Contact: Troy Scott 0400 556 292Maroochydore First National 5409 9917


8 My Property Review | January 30, 2009

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My Property Review | January 30, 2009 9


Set on a 871m2 block, close to shops, highways and schools this large fully renovated home is first class. With fans throughout, air conditioning and open planned living this is a must to inspect. All bedrooms have built in robes. The 2-way bathroom is immaculate. The outdoor area runs perfectly off the kitchen for entertaining and the lock up garage is huge so storage will never be a problem.


Ultra Modern, 3 Bed Reno with Space!

Address: 116 Tallowwood Drive, KuluinInspect: Saturday 11-11.30amView: $395,000Contact: Troy Scott 0400 556 292Maroochydore First National 5409 9917

Address: 38 Sunbird Chase, Kawana WatersInspect: Saturday 1-1.45pmPrice: All reasonable offers consideredView: Contact: Neil Bickley 0412 473 196Mooloolaba First National 5444 3455

All reasonable offers will be considered as owners must move on.

Circumstances Changed!

Address: 53 Railway Parade, Glasshouse MountainsInspect: Saturday 31st January 11-11.30amPrice: $435,000View: Ref: 28304 Contact: Steve Wishart 0488 046 873Glasshouse Country First National 5494 6444

2 block


Hidden Treasurein a private cul-de-sac setting with garden backdrops and attractive park.

2 2 $184,0002 2 $199,000


Glasshouse Boutique Residential Estate

Address: Corner Bowen & Bonato Roads, Glasshouse Mountains

Contact: John King 0409 570 284 email: [email protected]

Glasshouse Country First National 5494 6444


4 Bedroom/ensuite, DLUG, brick homeFrom $170,000

With local builderApprox 210m²


ces :





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Millionaires only need apply for this week’s selection of unique properties.

Th is 13th-century castle is set on 70 acres of woodland and fi elds. It has 15 bedrooms and contains Renaissance architecture.

Touraine, France

$8 million

Th is converted water mill has 17 r ooms. Th e property includes seven acres of land with a stream winding throughout.

$2 million

Chalet da S ci inc ludes a 14-b edroom ho tel and a new private home only 200 metres from the ski lift s of a well-known ski resort.

$7 million

Cui Cui Island is 25 acr es covered in f orest and is ho me to two species of red deer. Th e island includes two cottages and a boat deck.

$2.3 million


Do you have what it takes to subdivide?Subdivision for beginners

As a town planning consultant, a common question I am asked is, “Can I subdivide my land?”

Generally, subdivision of land is one of the easier forms of ‘development’, but it’s still not for the faint of heart. Here are my top six tips on subdivision:

1. Allow at least a year (sometimes longer) from the time the application is lodged with council to the time you put the land on the market.

2. Timing is everything. Try to plan to have the land ready for sale in time for a recovering market.

3. While you dream of a tidy profi t from your venture, be aware that you’ll have a lot money going out and little (or none) coming in until the day of settlement.

4. Once you have approval to subdivide, you will need further approvals for such things as engineering, stormwater management and electrical reticulation and possibly even approvals for footpaths and street trees.

5. Even though there’s no buildings, you still need to ‘construct’ things like extensions to infrastructure, fences, landscape buff ers and footpaths. You might have to wait for contractors to fi t you into their busy schedules.

6. Use experienced consultants. Th eir advice can save money, time and lessen frustrations. Kari Stephens is a director of Dillon Folker Stephens town planners

by Kari StephensAround

the World


Derbyshire, England Lake Puyehue, Chile

La Thuile, Italy


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10 My Property Review | January 30, 2009

Lunchtime Legends

Tony spent 17 years as a player with the Collingwood Football Club. In that time he won two best and fairest awards, captained the premiership side of 1990 and was a Norm Smith medalist. He also spent four years as coach of Collingwood.His media career since has included working on Seven’s Four Quarters and The Game programs. At Foxtel, he has provided AFL commentary, as well as appearing on White Line Fever and Grumpy Old Men. Tony has been a presenter on 3AW since 1999.

February Lunchtime LegendTony Shaw - Collingwood

Meet a legend in your own lunchtime

Australia is a nation known for its ability to produce legends across any sporting or entertainment arena. Now some of those legends are coming to the Sunshine Coast, as special guests at a series of lunches at Maroochydore’s il secondo restaurant.The lunchtime legends @ il secondo lunches will be an afternoon of inspiration, great food and fantastic company, with more than a dose of humour thrown in for good measure.The inaugural lunch features AFL legend and media personality, Tony Shaw, as special guest. Tony will donate sporting memorabilia to be auctioned on the day, with funds raised going to the lunchtime legends@il secondo’s charity of choice for 2009, The Sunshine Coast Health Foundation.

Tickets: $90 per person (includes a drink on arrival, pizza entrée, main meal and the opportunity to meet Tony Shaw). When: Friday 6 February, starts at 12 noon for 12.30pm lunchBookings: Phone il Secondo 5443 5817

BOOK NOW!Limited space

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Buderi &Noosa Heads


TARGET: 38 Gleneagle Court, BuderimPROFILE: Four-bedroom-plus-off ce house on over 3.5 acres including a pool, games room and wet bar, media room plus a 23m x 10m shed.MISSION: Sale by Negotiation. RE/MAX Property Associates. Bevan Horsnell 0412 512 257.

We’re on a quest to expose some of the best homes on the Coast, from a man’s perspective. Rumpus rooms are great, walk-in robes and twin vanities go alright too, but where does the man go to be himself and reveal his true man-ness? From the shed to the backyard and pool room, we’ll exploreit in a way that only two Aussie dads with six kiddies between us can.

What a hidden pearla. Set on over three acres it has a massive shed with plenty of ‘man stuff’ to keep the lads entertained. There’s a pool, pool table, bar, a tractor, and plenty of room for a test series of backyard cricket, plus a dam for Roy to wet a line if he couldn’t be bothered turning up for a game

he shed

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Auctions all weekend...

Do not miss this!

turn over for details


My Property Review | January 30, 2009 11

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AUCTION WEEKEND 31st January – 1st February


NEAR NEW WITH NOTHING TO DO3 Rosslare Court, Maroochydore

This beautiful, near-new four-bedroom home is perfectly suited to retirees, families or investors looking for a low maintenance property. Located in a quiet cul-de-sac just minutes from Maroochydore’s CBD, this home has it all – high ceilings, formal and casual living zones and a great outdoor entertaining area overlooking the inground pool.

Auction: Sat 31st Jan at 1pm. Inspect: Saturday 12.30-1pm. Contact: Chris Pace 0417 196 600, Rebecca Smeeton 0404 866 358. Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUY. Internet Code: MCHY850


From its high ceilings, multiple living areas, four large bedrooms, two bathrooms, home office and ample storage through to the child-friendly yard and outdoor entertaining area all on a 970sqm block - this spacious home has it all. Laze by the tropical inground pool and outdoor shower or relax in the eight-seater spa, the choice is yours. Will be sold on or before auction.

Auction: Sat 31st Jan at 10am. Inspect: Saturday 9.30-10am. Contact: Chris Pace 0417 196 600, Rebecca Smeeton 0404 866 358. Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUY. Internet Code: MCHY813

EASY LIVING – A MUST SEE FAMILY HOME2 Cape York Boulevard, Buderim

Boasting a tranquil bush backdrop bordering the pool and spacious entertaining deck, this immaculate open plan 4 bedroom home is as private and serene as you will find. All bedrooms contain built-ins and the master comes complete with a spacious ensuite and walk-in robe. Fully fenced and professionally landscaped.

Auction: Sunday 1st February at 1pm. Inspect: Sunday 12.30-1pm. Contact: Chris Pace 0417 196 600, Rebecca Smeeton 0404 866 358. Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUY. Internet Code: MCHY576

BIG 935M² BLOCK – LOADS OF POTENTIAL31 Karawatha Street, Buderim

Enjoy the birdlife and a peaceful lifestyle in the neat 3 bedroom home boasting a huge entertaining deck overlooking a spacious backyard. Located within the prestigious Mountain Creek school zone and just 300 metres from the local shops, the spacious living areas are cooled by a split system air-conditioner. With raked timber ceilings throughout and as new tile, this property is ready to live in right now.Auction: Sunday 1st Feb at 11am. Inspect: Sunday 1st Feb 10.30-11am. Contact: Rebecca Smeeton 0404 866 358,

Chris Pace 0417 196 600. Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUY. Internet Code: MCHY812

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AUCTION WEEKEND 31st January – 1st February



This classy Buderim home could accommodate a large family or even extended living. Much bigger than you would think with very high quality finishes including a granite kitchen, beautiful timber floors and two big living areas. There is a flat backyard for the kids, right in the heart of Buderim’s premier on top neighbourhood. Just a short stroll to bowls club, Buderim primary school and village. Vendor must sell!

Auction: Sunday 1st February at 12 noon. Inspect: Saturday 1-1.45pm & Sunday 11.30-12 noon. Contact: Damien Michael 0413 024 124. Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUY. Internet Code: MCHY558

VIEWS – ACREAGE – 6 BEDROOMS70 Carrs Road, Yandina

Work, rest and play from this impressive north-east facing property. Perched on a knoll at the top of five acres, this massive family home features an entertaining deck, a salt-water in-ground pool, a large home office and two stand-alone storage warehouses allowing you to literally work, live and play at home. A six-bedroom, three-bathroom home with a teenage retreat, this residence has fully ducted air-conditioning throughout, two double lock-up garages and ample visitor parking.

Auction: Saturday 31st January at 5:30pm. Inspect: Saturday 5-5.30pm.Contact: Gaby McEwan 0401 781 116, Damien Michael 0413 024 124. Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUY. Internet Code: MCHY858

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AUCTION WEEKEND 31st January – 1st February



Positioned at the end of a quiet court lies this timeless 5 bedroom home tucked behind a mature rainforest buffer. Owning 5815m2 of land will allow for plenty of outside living with a new pool and gazebo area. A very versatile floor plan links a huge entertainment wing and kitchen to the pool while downstairs is fantastic for teenagers or guests with their own bathroom, living and bedrooms.

Auction: Sun 1st Feb at 10am. Inspect: Sat 12-12.45pm & Sun 9.30-10am. Contact: Damien Michael 0413 024 124. Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUY. Internet Code: MCHY849

BEACHSIDE APARTMENT - HIGHLY MOTIVATED SELLERUnit 108 ‘Rovera’ 23 Cotton Tree Parade, Cotton Tree

Situated in a prime location, across the road from the Maroochydore beach and river, with local cafes, restaurants, and boutique shops on your doorstep and tennis courts, the bowls club and swimming pool all within a 2 minute stroll. The fully furnished apartment features one bedroom, one bathroom, a large open plan dining and living area, modern kitchen and roomy balcony. A great investment with a weekly rental return of $320.Auction: Saturday 31st January at 12pm. Inspect: Sat 11.30am-12. Contact: Bree Charles 0416 435 391,

John Skerlak 0413 441 834. Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUY. Internet Code: MCHY433

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AUCTION THIS SATURDAY... SEE YOU THERE!8 Akounah Crescent, Buddina

Sitting in the acclaimed Platinum Pocket of Buddina, this home is marrying material. Everything you need to work with is here! 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, study, 2 separate living areas plus front patio. Listen to the sound of the waves caressing the sand only 4 houses away! Make this beauty yours as is, or take up the challenge and be inspired by your surrounds whether it’s the million dollar homes, beach or river. Situated in one of the most desirable spots on the coast, this is your opportunity to say I WILL. Opportunities like this don’t come along often enough in our lifetime.

Auction: Saturday 31st January at 11am. Inspect: Saturday 10.30-11am. Contact: Minka Jenkins 0488 550 063, Loren Wimhurst 0415 380 222.

Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUY. In conjunction with Rob Keam 0418 708 137, Ken Guy Mooloolaba 5444 7555. Internet Code: MCHY854

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Dazzling ocean, river and mountain views are showcased by the outstanding design features of this modern home in a most desirable location. The two level home has high ceilings, timber floors, wide walkways, open plan living and extensive use of glass which ensures the breathtaking views are the focal point of every room. Both levels are virtually self-contained which makes it ideal for the couple with frequent guests or a large family. Offering 4 generous bedrooms plus office, 2 luxury bathrooms and powder room, an entertainers kitchen with breakfast bar and quality finishes, separate dining, living and media rooms, workshop, 12.5-metre lap pool and abundant outdoor living zones. A stunning home in one of the best northern escarpment streets in Buderim.

Inspect: Saturday 3-3.45pm. Contact: Loren Wimhurst 0415 380 222. Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUY. Internet Code: MCHY859

A SELECTION OF STUNNING APARTMENTS AVAILABLE61-65 Sixth Avenue, ‘Beach On Sixth’, Cotton Tree / Maroochydore

‘Beach on Sixth’ - Choose from a variety of North-East facing apartments, with ocean views. Premium finished throughout the building, including the spacious 2 bedroom plus media, with either one or two car spaces, and sub-penthouses available, with 3 bedrooms plus media, and two car accommodation. Enjoy the Miele appliances, stone bench tops, resort style pool, spa, gym as well as the onsite restaurant. This is a highly desirable beachside location, offering great investment opportunities to both the owner occupier and investor. Display unit coming soon. Completion October 2009.

Inspect: Daily, office on site 2.30-4pm. Contact: John Skerlak 0413 441 834, Chris Pace 0417 196 600. Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUY. Internet Code: MCHY355

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This prestige Balinese-style home will make you feel like you’re permanently on a luxurious holiday. Tucked away in sought-after Tanawha, this secluded property features ticks every box to create the ultimate retreat lifestyle, complete with a pool, professional tennis court, heated indoor/outdoor spa and a two-green chip-and-putt golf course all backing onto a tranquil rainforest and pond. Accommodate a large family with five bedrooms, six bathrooms several open-plan living areas, office and media room. There’s also a guest cottage, guest wing and parent’s retreat. Wine and dine in the gourmet kitchen and entertain in one of three gazebos, or several al fresco dining areas. This property is truly in a league of its own. Rumah Dian is Indonesian for “House of Light”.

Inspect: Friday 6-6.45pm & Saturday 6-6.45pm by prior registration only. Contact: Gaby McEwan 0401 781 116, Minka Jenkins 0488 550 063. Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUY. Internet Code: MCHY868

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REACH FOR THE STARS!Penthouse 1104 ‘M1’ Duporth Avenue, Maroochydore

You could almost from this breathtaking penthouse! You’ll at least feel like a star walking in the front door where the high pitched ceilings, sophisticated design and faultless finishes will consume you. The view beckons you to one of the two decks overlooking the business heart, down to the ever popular Cotton Tree with a distant look at the ocean. An enormous master bedroom is yours with two other spacious bedrooms, three bathrooms, a big storage room and a media room. Reach for this one!

Inspect: Saturday 11-11.45am & 2-2.45pm. Contact: Jodie McDonell 0419 762 309. Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUY. Internet Code:

THE WARMTH OF A FAMILY HOME …76 Nyes Crescent, Buderim

… And the view of a five star resort! Watch the coastal sunrises and revel in the twilights in this warm and welcoming Buderim home. Suiting the family buyer with four bedrooms, three bathrooms, two separate living zones inside and two outside the home with big timber decks, beautifully landscaped gardens flowing down to the lagoon-type pool and a double carport with space for two other vehicles. All this, close to a number of schools, restaurants, and shopping centres.

Inspect: Saturday 11-11.45am. Contact: Jodie McDonell 0419 762 309. Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUY. Internet Code: MCHY790

SERIOUS SELLERS!Penthouse – 42 “Karmasea”, Cnr Wirraway Street and Okinja Road, Alexandra HeadlandMake the change to penthouse living and say goodbye to maintaining a big home and hello to spending more time on yourself! Sound tempting? This penthouse boasts all the features you’ll be looking for to make the change with most importantly, a spectacular combined view over a lake, a park, out to the ocean and to the heights of Alexandra Headland and Buderim. The feel is private and exclusive, the design is open plan easy living, the finishes are superb and the location is perfect.

Price: Buyer interest early $1,000,000s. Inspect: Sat 1-1.45pm. Contact: Jodie McDonell 0419 762 309. Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUY. Internet Code: MCHY682

BUY BEFORE COMPLETION!Unit 601 ‘Riva’ 42 Duporth Avenue, Maroochydore

… But it’s awfully close … due for completion in March ’09 “Riva” will hit Duporth with all the bells and whistles! Here’s your chance to live in the newest Reed development offering a spacious three bedrooms plus a study, two bathrooms and a powder room, open plan kitchen/dining/living along with a generous north-east aspect balcony. The views are breathtaking and ever-changing, the location is the epitome of convenience and the design and finish second to none. Buy now – this unit will be more expensive upon completion.

Contact: Jodie McDonell 0419 762 309. Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUY. Internet Code: MCHY695

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OVER 1.5 ACRES, BIG OCEAN VIEWS... INTERESTED?This is the rarest of opportunities to put your signature on Buderim’s premier view precincts. A massive 6723m² parcel of land (over 1½ acres) can be your blank canvas. This street already boasts several of Australia’s finest homes, including this year’s Sunshine Coast house of the year. This is your opportunity to create your own masterpiece encapsulating some of Buderim’s finest ocean views overlooking Alexandra Headland, Mooloolaba and beyond to Moreton Island.

Inspect: by appointment. Contact: Chris Pace 0417 196 600, Damien Michael 0413 024 124. Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUY. Internet Code: MCHY749

FIRST IN, BEST DRESSED – $350,000-$370,00096 Tanawha Road, Tanawha

After acreage in trendy Tanawha at Chancellor Park entry level prices? Make your dream a reality with this opportunity. Vendors have a crashed contract and need to liquidate this asset. Set on an elevated acre the existing cottage is a bonus – we are selling this for below land value. With 3 bedrooms, an open plan living area, a kitchen and a bathroom, this property exists off a working bore and has a septic system. Offers on or before 3rd February 2009.

Price: Buyers Range $350,000-$370,000. Inspect: Saturday 2-2.45pm. Contact: Gaby McEwan 0401 781 116, Minka Jenkins 0488 550 063. Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUY. Internet Code: MCHY788

PORTOFINO9 Akounah Crescent, Buddina

This Italian inspired home showcases 360 degree views from Noosa to Glasshouse Mountains and back to the Coral Sea. With less than 100 footprints to the surf and sandy beach and a gentle stroll to the river and ocean ramp access, Portofino enjoys a prime peninsular position. This beachside mansion is of world class standards with six double bedrooms and five bathrooms, a beautiful hand carved kitchen, fully equipped gym, large laundry, media room and study. Several outdoor areas including alfresco dining overlooking the Tuscan- inspired pool area, a grassed playground for children, room for a boat and an intimate courtyard setting with a fountain serve to complete this exquisite masterpiece.

Price: Buyer range from high $1 millions to early $2 millions. Inspect: Saturday 12-12.45pm by prior registration only. Contact: Minka Jenkins 0488 550 063, Gaby McEwan 0401 781 116, Loren Wimhurst 0415 380 222. Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUY. Internet Code: MCHY599

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Leave the car at home! Children can walk or ride to MFAC, Siena, Uni, Sports fields and pony club. Enjoy cool breezes all summer long from this elevated home perfectly positioned on a very private 5,979m². All living areas and master bedroom have beautiful valley and mountain views. Six bedrooms, two bathrooms, spread through this family home which also features a large granite kitchen with a pyrolytic self cleaning oven, multiple living and dining zones plus air-conditioning.

Price: Buyers over $1,000,000 should inspect. Inspect: Saturday 10-10.45am. Contact: Damien Michael 0413 024 124. Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUY. Internet Code: MCHY719

IT’S ALL ABOUT LIFESTYLE AND POSITION26 Yorlambu Parade, Maroochydore

A low maintenance lifestyle close to the beach and shops awaits. This sought after street is so central yet quiet and elevated to capture those afternoon sea breezes. Perfect for a broad range of buyers, the home has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a separate large office, air-conditioning and a newly constructed double lock up garage. Timber floors, light colour tones and several large east facing windows provides a warm and friendly living environment. Does this suit your lifestyle?

Inspect: Saturday 2-2.45pm. Contact: Damien Michael 0413 024 124. Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUY. Internet Code: MCHY768


Colourful landscaping and verdant bushland fill the low-maintenance acre block where this stylish contemporary home is located, only minutes from Buderim Village. A spacious TV./media room and sundeck with a leafy outlook on one side and an open plan lounge/dining with undercover outdoor entertaining area and inground pool to the other. 3 bedrooms and study, 2 bathrooms and laundry are also on this level. Upstairs boasts the master retreat with lounge, bedroom, w/i robe and sumptuous ensuite.

Price: Buyers in low $1,000,000s. Inspect: Sat 11-11.45am. Contact: Damien Michael 0413 024 124. Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUY. Internet Code: MCHY819

QUIET ELEGANCE ON ½ ACRE 122 Ferny Glen Road, Buderim

This magnificent designer home nestles peacefully in ½ acre of manicured gardens. The split-level floor plan and high ceilings, showcase the chic style of the open-plan living and gourmet kitchen. The formal lounge has a gas fireplace, while the master bedroom has a deluxe ensuite and private deck with access to the spa. The home is packed with extra features you’d expect from a property of this calibre with plenty of room for boys toy in the oversized garage. Relax in the spa, swim in the pool or BBQ on the patio while overlooking lush rolling lawns.

Price: $1.35 million. Inspect: Saturday 2-2.45pm. Contact: Damien Michael 0413 024 124. Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUY

Internet Code: MCHY729

THE 3 P’S – POSITION, PRIVACY AND PRICE13/11a Pine Street, Buderim

Join the Buderim village set when you add this affordable Townhouse to your portfolio. Featuring 2 bedroomsupstairs and main bathroom, overlooking the living area downstairs that opens up to your own courtyard. Thekitchen is of original condition that would look fabulous with an update, it works well with your indoor outdoor livingto utilize your courtyard. With the lounge and living area facing north the rooms all have natural light. There’seven side access for a trailer!

Price: Offers from low to mid $300,000s considered. Inspect: Saturday 1-1.45pm. Contact: Minka Jenkins 0488 550 063, Gaby McEwan 0401 781 116. Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUY. Internet Code: MCHY865

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22 My Property Review | January 30, 2009Suncorp-Metway Ltd ABN 66 010 831 722. 14729a 19/01/09 A

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Patriotism peaked this week, with the green and gold and Aussie fl ags fl ying high as the Australia Day celebration

reaches ever greater heights of popularity.It wasn’t all that long ago that the

average Aussie couldn’t be quite sure of the exact date in January that the country celebrated its place in the world, and it was much better identifi ed as the holiday that announced it was time for the kids to get back to school.

But here we are now, full of Vegemite and Waltzing Matildas and proud of being Australian.

Th e season is right, therefore, to raise another old beef of mine, as it probably dates from the days when we really didn’t give a hoot about Australia Day, as long as it meant a day off work.

My gripe is this. Like the proverbial prophet who is not recognised in his own land, we have been rather slow to

acknowledge our own treasures, preferring to name our buildings, particularly the high-rise, aft er destinations much further afi eld. At the risk of sounding very parochial, some of them aren’t even anywhere near as nice as what we have to off er on the Sunshine Coast.

We started off on the right track, with our fi rst ever high-rise tower being called Maroochy Sands, and some others with equal local relevance followed. Surfair had plenty of fresh sea breezes on the beachfront at Marcoola and Windward and Northwind are also fair enough.

Northcliff e is a West Australian beach and it’s hard to spot any north-facing cliff near the Maroochy River building.

Pandanus, Waves, Oceans and Silver Seas all have an Australian beach fl avour, while Bluewater Point, Harbour View, Sea View, Th e Beach, Riverpoint, Dockside, Beachfront Towers and Beach on Sixth

As she refl ects on Australia Day 2009, MPR’s columnist wonders why those responsible for naming the Sunshine Coast’s buildings look abroad for inspiration.

by Dorothy Drane

The name gamecolumn

have some historical connection. Presumably it was named for the Rhode Island harbour which surrendered the America’s Cup to Australia in 1983, and not the town in Wales or the beach in NSW.

Th at sailing connection is easier to comprehend than Trafalgar, the tower off Duporth Avenue. Why anyone would choose a name that conjures up images of Lord Nelson leading the British fl eet into battle against the French and Spanish at the beginning of the19th century, or even the subsequent London square and Monopoly game place, defeats me.

Th en we have the African selection. Th ere’s Zanzibar, in the Indian Ocean off Tanzania, which is famous for its nutmeg, cinnamon and pepper. It’s on the water, which is a tenuous link with Mooloolaba, I guess.

Marrakesh on Maroochy has an architectural style reminiscent of the Moroccan city famous for its markets and inspiring a Crosby Stills and Nash song, but

why Marrakech here? Its sand is more desert than beach and it is miles from the water.

Sirocco is a nasty wind that blows off the Sahara Desert and across the Mediterranean Sea, but is probably a more romantic choice

for an upmarket apartment building in Mooloolaba than ‘Cyclone Larry’.

And there are the more generic Caribbean and Aegean, both seas where there are beautiful holiday beaches and holiday resorts, so why Juneau? It’s the capital of Alaska for goodness sake, and is the furthest possible picture from downtown Maroochydore at this time of year.

And there are plenty more if you care to start spotting.

Th e point is, if we are so proud to be Australian that we will paint our faces green and gold, loudly call out “oi oi oi” in public places and pin fl ags to our cars and houses, why don’t we look closer to home when naming our buildings.

C’mon Aussies, c’mon, we can do better than this. Full marks for originality go to the truly Australian choices of Elouera, an Aboriginal word meaning ‘pleasant place’ and Banyandah Towers, meaning ‘home on the water’.

now under construction, all give a reasonable description of their address.

And the Latin Aqua Vista does say something about what it off ers.

Peninsular in Mooloolaba gets by, although I never did get why the ‘r’ was added to the end so that the geographical feature was spelt incorrectly. I have oft en wondered if this was intentional or someone had just had a few too many beers over a marketing lunch.

But then we have some really extraordinary choices, the fi rst made in the early 1980s with others following more than a decade later when you really would think we could have been a bit more daring and inspired.

For example, one of the earlier high-rise buildings was called Majorca Isle. Majorca, an island in the Mediterranean off the coast of Spain, is well known as the favourite party hangout of boozed-up young Brits who see it more as a base for binge-drinking and debauchery than a beach holiday. It’s the sort of place that makes the Gold Coast schoolies look like a teddy bear’s picnic and yet the name towers over downtown Cotton Tree.

Down the road is Myconos, presumably named aft er Mykonos, one of the better known of the Greek islands. It is one of the world’s most popular holiday spots, where gleaming white houses refl ecting bright blue water have inspired many an artist whose works can be seen in Greek restaurants everywhere.

It is indeed a beautiful place, but it’s in Greece, and Santorini is in Italy, not Mudjimba.

Th en we have Catalina, and if one wasn’t enough, an adjacent tower was then called Catalina II. Where is your imagination, people?

Catalina to most Australians conjures up an image of the fl ying boat that played a signifi cant role in defending our country during World War II, although I suspect in this context, it refers to the island off the coast of California.

I’ll wager that the Californian city of Malibu doesn’t have an apartment block called ‘Mooloolaba’ and yet we are happy to name ours aft er a slice of the other side of the Pacifi c.

Another one for the US is Newport, the tower in Mooloolaba, which may

Like the proverbial prophet who is not recognised in his

own land, we have been slow to acknowledge our

own treasures, preferring to name our buildings after destinations further afi eld

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Susan Musgrove 0414 253 783Inspect: Saturday and Sunday 3-3.45pmAddress: 2 Robe Street, CurrimundiPrice: Was $3.5m Now offers over $2.5m

HENZELLSPRESTIGEPrime blue-chip real estate-rare strip where houses built on dunes Ocean views from your backyard of this massive 716m2 allotment Epitomises the beach house, loads of character, built in the 70's Potential for dual living/teenagers retreat, self-contained area Sleep to the ocean, then wake up to the sunrise over the water Patrolled surf, pristine lake, dining and coastline walks at your door

UP TO $1MILLION SAVING FOR BEACHFRONT HOMEAbsolute beachfront at unbelievable value. Previously listed at $3.5m, vendor committed – this offer will never be repeated

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Susan Musgrove 0414 253 783Inspect: Saturday and Sunday 1-1.45pmAddress: 30/32 Queen of Colonies, Moffat Beach (enter Moffat Street)Auction: Wednesday February 11th onsite at 2pm

HENZELLSPRESTIGE Idyllic north facing apartment, arguably best position in complex Boasting breathtaking coastline, shipping, beach and park views Blue-chip real estate, can't go past frontage for solid investment Nothing to spend, use yourself or add to the holiday letting pool Relax or entertain on the generous balcony, take in the panorama Surfing, swimming, fishing, shopping, dining all at your doorstep

OCEANFRONT ON MAGICAL MOFFAT BEACH...Secure an apartment on famous Queen of Colonies Parade and become a waterfront owner – a decision you'll never regret!

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Susan Musgrove 0414 253 793Shane Hepburn 0416 157 093

Inspect: Saturday and Sunday 11-11.45amAddress: 9 Mackay Street, Dicky BeachAuction: Wednesday, February 11th onsite at 11am

HENZELLSPRESTIGE Stunning family residence boasting a massive 450m2 over 2 levels Four separate living zones so everyone can have their own space Four generous bedroom, 3 bathrooms, fully ducted airconditioning Bifolds to outdoor entertaining with incredible 15mx5m resort pool Two car accommodation, with the convenience of drive-thru access Live the dream, early morning surf and breaky at the local cafe

LUXURY HOME – 150 METRES TO PATROLLED SURF…Rarely does the opportunity arise to purchase a near new residence in sought after Dicky Beach, still with builders warranty

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Proudly marketed by Doug Wilson

• Considerable living areas open out bringing the cascading pools, spa and the extensive waterfront decking into the home

• Features a home cinema like no other, king size bedrooms, guest room, large office, heated tiles, ducted air-con, sauna, gym… nothing has been overlooked

• Showpiece designer kitchen which even comes with it’s own butler pantry• Vast master retreat with lavish spa, dressing room, plus wide balcony

enjoying water views• Deepwater access via your own private pontoon• Visit and check out the virtual tour, property code artu21

PELICAN WATERS – There’s no place like it! The Rolls Royce of property!

Auction: Friday 20th February onsite at 3pmInspect: Saturday & Sunday 2-2.45pm

Address: 21 Artunga Place, Pelican property code: artu21

Agent: Doug Wilson 0417 734 592

This home features the best of everything. It is a home that will leave you spellbound, a home that will astound even the most fastidious of families but most of all, it is a home that is designed to maximize the time that is spent at home.

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• 2 bedroom fully furnished dual key unit at Ocean Views Resort

• Ducted air-cond, spacious balcony with ocean views

• Fantastic family holiday complex

• Heated pool, spa, sauna and gym

• Magnificent rooftop entertainment & bbq area

CALOUNDRA – Investors take note!

Price: $575,000Inspect: Daily 10am to 2pm

Address: 115 Bulcock St, property code: OVR

Agent: Bev Caldwell 0419 716 440Agent: Chris Alles 0438 177 616



12-12.45pm Sat 8 Fitzroy Court Family Bargain Ian Howcroft 0402 246 791 & Bill Howcroft 0431 354 076

1-1.45pm Sat 3 Antigua Court Luxury and Location Ian Howcroft 0402 246 791 & Bill Howcroft 0431 354 076

1-1.45pm Sat 13 Maui Court Waterfront Masterpiece Ian Howcroft 0402 246 791 & Bill Howcroft 0431 354 076

2-2.45pm Sat 11 Saba Place Impressive Designer Home Ian Howcroft 0402 246 791 & Bill Howcroft 0431 354 076


12-12.45pm Sat 96 Oceanic Drive Position, Price, Position Ian Howcroft 0402 246 791 & Bill Howcroft 0431 354 076

2-2.45pm Sat 9 Minkara Street Beachside Bargain Ian Howcroft 0402 246 791 & Bill Howcroft 0431 354 076

• Owner under the pump to settle ASAP

• The property will be sacrificed accordingly

• Neat and tidy three bedroom home with potential

• Located literally 3 minutes walk to Nambour Hospital

• Ideal for working couples entering the Real Estate market

NAMBOUR – Red hot buy in the next hotspot!Auction: Friday 6th March at the Sunshine

Coast Function Centre (Caloundra RSL) at 11amInspect: Saturdays 10-10.45am

Thursdays 4-4.45pmAddress: 5 Parsons Street, Nambour property code: PLA692HAgent: Mark Sawyer 0408 656 126

• This is a one-off opportunity – grab the first home owners grant

• 3 bdms, 2 bathrms & open plan living off the kitchen

• Build your resort pool and enjoy the peaceful bush backdrop

• All the modern fixtures and fittings make this home quality living

KAWANA ISLAND – Brand new home – take advantage

Inspect: Saturday 12-12.45pmAddress: 126 Grand Parade,

Kawana property code: PLA638U

Agent: Greg Collis 0432 639 689

• Situated between picturesque headlands with an ocean view

• Ideally located right opposite Shelly Beach

• 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrms, master with ensuite and spa

• Spacious balcony area – ideal for entertaining

• Desirable N/E aspect enjoying cool sea breezes

KINGS BEACH – Listen to the surf roll in…..

Price: Expressions of InterestInspect: Saturday & Sunday 3-3.45pm

Address: Unit 5 ‘Shelley Point’28 Victoria Tce, Kings Beach property code: shel5Agent: Doug Wilson 0417 734 592

• This is beachside bargain buying at its best!

• It’s prime position without the price tag and it’s begging to be renovated

• 601m² block with three bedrooms, open plan living and dining with a single lock-up garage

• Situated walking distance to town and beach

BATTERY HILL – Beachside bargain – Attn: Renovators

Auction: Friday 20th Feb onsite at 1pmInspect: Saturday & Sunday 12-12.45pmAddress: 1 Crusader Street, Battery Hill property code: CRUS1Agent: Doug Wilson 0417 734 592

Agent: Julie Shirvington 0418 710 018

• Three bedrooms, master with walk-in robe and ensuite, all with incredible views

• Two large living areas leading to a 42sqm north facing balcony

• Well appointed granite and matt 2pac kitchen with Smeg applicances

• Two private car spaces with lockable storage

KINGS BEACH – 270 degree ocean views!Price: $795,000

Inspect: Saturday & Sunday 12-1pmAddress: Unit 33 ‘Linear’

32-36 Queen St, Kings property code: line33

Agent: Yvonne Adams 0437 577 717 Agent: Chris Raes 0415 399 899

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Page 30: My Property Review 24

BUDERIM 5445 672239 Main Street

CALOUNDRA 5438 522279 Bulcock Street

MOOLOOLABA 5452 4555103 Brisbane Road

COOLUM 5455 16005/21-37 Birtwill StreetExceed Expectations - Everybody Wins


THE ESSENCE OF SOPHISTICATIONLocated at Birtinya opposite Lake Kawana, this spectacular new home captures an unparalleled lakefront view, embracing the essence of modern open plan living. Richly appointed throughout, every detail is a visual delight. Four bedrooms overlook the inground pool, whilst an open study is perched over the feature staircase. Floor to ceiling glass, rake ceilings, polished timber flooring, stone-tops and ducted air conditioning add to the overall ambience of this luxury residence. This home incorporates modern design and tasteful style. From its modern Modena power switches, floor lights, video intercom, fully concealed garage door, vacuum maid, gourmet kitchen, bathrooms, the list of quality sophistication in this home is simply too long to list!

INSPECT: Saturday 12-12.30pm

PRICE: $869,000

WEB: ID# 1246670

CONTACT: Rob Whiting 0428 855 141

4 3 2

BUDERIM 4 Native Bird Place


INSPECT: Saturday 3-3.45pm, or by appointment

PRICE: $829,950

WEB: ID# 1246420

CONTACT: Rohan Saunders (07) 5456 0228 or 0423 55 99 33

4 + study 2 2

30 My Property Review | January 30, 2009

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Page 31: My Property Review 24

BUDERIM 5445 672239 Main Street

CALOUNDRA 5438 522279 Bulcock Street

MOOLOOLABA 5452 4555103 Brisbane Road

COOLUM 5455 16005/21-37 Birtwill StreetExceed Expectations - Everybody Wins

BUDERIM 24 Mayfair Lane

EMBRACE THE SPLENDOURBoasting 180 degree uninterrupted views from Mt Ninderry to Mooloolaba this home has been designed to maximise this incredible outlook from every aspect. The open plan design and clever use of glass creates a seamless flow from indoor to outdoor living. Over three levels it features four generous bedrooms, two elegant bathrooms+ powder room, fully equipped entertain-ers kitchen, huge living area incorporating billiard room, outdoor entertaining, solar heated pool & 6 person spa. A very luxurious home that manages to retain a very comfortable, liveable feeling. Join me at 2.00pm to Embrace the Splendour

INSPECT: Saturday 2-2.45pm

PRICE: $1,650,000

WEB: ID# 1235130

CONTACT: Vicki Flint 0438 451 410

4 2.5 2


pool, plus 2nd level timber entertaining deck has ocean views

wing with office, private courtyard

INSPECT: Saturday 2-2.30pm

AUCTION: On-site 19 February @5.30PM

WEB: ID# 1246755

CONTACT: Michael Kettle RE/MAX Caloundra 0419 728 807 or

DICKY BEACH 17 Beerburrum Street 5 2 2


KINGS BEACH Unit 16, 8 Levuka Avenue 3 2 2

bedrooms and ensuite

beach access

finishes plus double garage

INSPECT: Sat & Sun 1-1.30pm

PRICE: Price on Application

WEB: ID# 1233583

CONTACT: Keven and Debra Hyde 5438 5218 or 0413 259 353

My Property Review | January 30, 2009 31

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BUDERIM 5445 672239 Main Street

CALOUNDRA 5438 522279 Bulcock Street

MOOLOOLABA 5452 4555103 Brisbane Road

COOLUM 5455 16005/21-37 Birtwill StreetExceed Expectations - Everybody Wins

BUDERIM 160 Stringybark Road “Toral Park Terraces”


INSPECT: Remax office 39-41 Main St Buderim

PRICE: From $325,000

WEB: ID# 1247110

CONTACT: Paul Becker 0401 024 010 Donna Danger 0412 152 676

2-4 2.5 1-2


WARANA 3 1 2

INSPECT: Saturday 1-1.30pm

AUCTION: On site Saturday 14th February at 1pm

WEB: ID# 1242910

CONTACT: Phil & Ann Morgan 0418 708 294 [email protected]

Visit todayFor a confidential chat, contact Career Advisor,

Tim Burroughm: 0418 666 356

e: [email protected]

Look who’s joinedRE/MAX ...

“In joining RE/MAX we look forward to offering our clients more buyers,

more inspections & apremium result with the

support of the hugeRE/MAX team .”

Paul & Donna

Fantastic news! The dynamic duo, Paul Becker & Donna Danger have joined Buderim’s biggest & best sales team

RE/MAX warmly welcomesPaul Becker 0401 024 010 and Donna Danger 0412 152 676

32 My Property Review | January 30, 2009

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Page 33: My Property Review 24

BUDERIM 5445 672239 Main Street

CALOUNDRA 5438 522279 Bulcock Street

MOOLOOLABA 5452 4555103 Brisbane Road

COOLUM 5455 16005/21-37 Birtwill StreetExceed Expectations - Everybody Wins


BUDERIM 15 Nirvana Crescent 4 3 2

INSPECT: Saturday & Sunday 11-11.45am

PRICE: $499,000

WEB: ID# 1239256

CONTACT: Andrew Kirby 0407 588 636



INSPECT: Sat & Sun 2-2.45pm or by appointment

PRICE: Buyers in Mid to High $600,000s

WEB: ID# 1246672

CONTACT: Shelly Evans 0402 837 938



INSPECT: Saturday 1-1.30pm

AUCTION: On-site 21st February 2009


CONTACT: Grant Cheatham 0411 467 917


KULUIN 4 2 2

INSPECT: Sat 2-2.30pm & Thur 4-4.30pm

PRICE: $595,000

WEB: ID# 1243317

CONTACT: Grant Cheatham 0411 467 917


INSPECT: Anytime

PRICE: From $220,000

WEB: ID# 1242105

CONTACT: Russell Dell 0400 409 000


My Property Review | January 30, 2009 33

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BUDERIM 5445 672239 Main Street

CALOUNDRA 5438 522279 Bulcock Street

MOOLOOLABA 5452 4555103 Brisbane Road

COOLUM 5455 16005/21-37 Birtwill StreetExceed Expectations - Everybody Wins


MOOLOOLABA 37 Balyarta Crescent 4 2 2

INSPECT: Saturday 11-11.45am

PRICE: Offers over $700,000

WEB: ID# 1234220

CONTACT: Vicki Flint 0438 451 410



INSPECT: Sat & Sun 12-12.45pm or by appointment

PRICE: NOW $749,000

WEB: ID# 1241586

CONTACT: Jan & Andrew Withers 0403 737 790 or 5456 0263


KULUIN 4 2 4

INSPECT: Saturday 12-12.45pm

PRICE: $469,000

WEB: ID# 1245806

CONTACT: David Hedley-Ward 0406 011 123 or 5456 0244



INSPECT: Sat & Sun 1-1.45pm or by appointment

PRICE: NOW $499,000

WEB: ID# 1234998

CONTACT: Jan & Andrew Withers 0403 737 790 or 5456 0263



INSPECT: Sat & Sun 2-2.45pm or by appointment

PRICE: Offers over $500,000

WEB: ID# 1243735

CONTACT: Jan & Andrew Withers 0403 737 790 or 5456 0263



INSPECT: Sat & Sun 2-2.30pm

AUCTION: On site Saturday 14th February at 2pm

WEB: ID# 1233609

CONTACT: Jenni Laughlin 0407 439531 [email protected]



INSPECT: Saturday 1-1.45pm

PRICE: $695,000

WEB: ID# 1239328

CONTACT: Bevan Horsnell 0412 512 257 or 5456 0219



INSPECT: By Appointment

PRICE: $455,000

WEB: ID# 1246770

CONTACT: Bevan Horsnell 0412 512 257

34 My Property Review | January 30, 2009

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Page 35: My Property Review 24

BUDERIM 5445 672239 Main Street

CALOUNDRA 5438 522279 Bulcock Street

MOOLOOLABA 5452 4555103 Brisbane Road

COOLUM 5455 16005/21-37 Birtwill StreetExceed Expectations - Everybody Wins


4 2 2

INSPECT: Saturday & Sunday 1-1.30pm

PRICE: $459,000

WEB: ID# 1214419

CONTACT: Andrew Kirby 0407 588 636



Aroona18 Pakenham Street SATURDAY 3 - 3.30PM

Michael Kettle 0419 728 807 / 5438 5213

Birtinya61 The Decks SATURDAY 12 - 12.30PM

Rob Whiting 0428 855 141

Buderim27 Edwin Road SATURDAY 11 - 11.45AM

Bevan Horsnell 0412 512 257 15 Nirvana Crescent SAT & SUN 11 - 11.45 AM

Andrew Kirby 0407 588 63627 Gossamer Drive SATURDAY 11 - 11.30PM

Michael McNamara 5452 4528 / 0404 053 2269 Fig Court SATURDAY 11 - 11.45AM

Paul Becker 0401 024 010 & Donna Danger 0412 152 6763 Paluma Terrace SATURDAY 12 - 12.45PM

Bevan Horsnell 0412 512 25735 Settlers Ridge SAT & SUN 12 - 12.45PM

Jan & Andrew Withers 0403 737 79019 Ballinger Road SATURDAY 1 - 1.45PM

Bevan Horsnell 0412 512 257

157 Lindsay Road SAT & SUN 1 - 1.45PM

Jan & Andrew Withers 0403 737 79013 Compass Court SAT & SUN 2 - 2.45PM

Jan & Andrew Withers 0403 737 79024 Mayfair Lane SATURDAY 2 - 2.45PM

Vicki Flint 0438 451 4105 Leah Close SAT & SUN 2 - 2.45PM

Shelly Evans 0402 837 9384 Native Bird Place SATURDAY 3 - 3.45PM

Rohan Saunders 0423 55 99 33

Currimundi3 Barwon Street SATURDAY 12 - 12.30PM

Michael Kettle 0419 728 807

Dicky Beach74 Cooroora Street SATURDAY 1 - 1.30PM

Michael Kettle 0419 728 807

Kuluin16 Renison Drive SATURDAY 11 - 11.45AM

David Hedley-Ward 0406 011 1233 Renison Drive SATURDAY 12 - 12.45PM

David Hedley-Ward 0406 011 123

Little Mountain45 Koala Court SATURDAY 11 - 11.30AM

Michael Kettle 0419 728 807 / 5438 5213

Minyama30 Wandoo Street BY APPOINTMENT

Bevan Horsnell 0412 512 257

Mons49 Monarch Place SATURDAY 1.15 - 2PM

David Hedley-Ward 0406 011 123

Mooloolaba37 Balyarta Crescent SATURDAY 11 - 11.45AM

Vicki Flint 0438 451 41065 Poinsettia Avenue SAT & SUN 2 - 2.30PM

Jenni Laughlin 0407 439 531

Mountain Creek5 Koki Court SAT & SUN 3 - 3.45PM

Shelly Evans 0402 837 938

Palmwoods45 Paynters Pocket Avenue SAT & SUN 1 - 1.30PM

Andrew Kirby 0407 588 636

Sippy Downs14 Somerville Cresent SATURDAY 11 - 11.45AM

Donna-lee Foster 0422 230 896

Warana3 Apari Street SATURDAY 1 - 1.30PM

Phil Morgan 0418 708 294

BuderimUnit 5/125 King Street SATURDAY 12 - 12.45PM

Paul Becker 0401 024 010 & Donna Danger 0412 152 676

Dicky Beach17 Beerburrum Street SATURDAY 2 - 2.30PM

Michael Kettle 0419 728 807 / 5438 5213

Kings BeachUnit 16/8 Levuka Avenue SAT & SUN 1 - 1.30 PM

Keven & Debra Hyde 0413 259 353

MaroochydoreUnit 83/19 Arwen Street SATURDAY 11 - 11.45AM

Bevan Horsnell 0412 512 257Unit 57 “Aqua Vista”62 Sixth Ave SATURDAY 1 - 1.45PM

Jenni Laughlin 0407 439 531Unit 177 “Regents Landing No 3” 19 Arwen St SAT & SUN 4 - 4.30PM

Jenni Laughlin 0407 439 531

For a confidential chat, contact our Career Advisor, Tim Burrough M: 0418 666 356 E: [email protected]

We guarantee to:

Can you see yourself at RE/MAX?... Visit today

My Property Review | January 30, 2009 35

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Prestigiously addressed in The Quays, Parrearra where you get so much

more value for your waterfront dollar, this superb Reitsma designed

4 bedroom, 2 bathroom master built home boasts a great outdoor living

area to relax and entertain your guests, impressive living and dining

areas, large separate study with plenty of storage, a huge double lock up

garage and sparkling heated pool. Enrich your lifestyle by acquiring this

stunning property today!

Glorious long and wide waterviews

Centerpiece designer kitchen

Italian tiles throughout, wool carpets

Spacious bedrooms with patio off master

Chelmstone paving & timber decking to water

1104m2 landscaped allotment

Plenty of space for boat/caravan

$1,250,000Trevor Martin 0400 818 777

+ Heated Pool

4 +Study 2 2


Sat 1-1.45pm

36 My Property Review | January 30, 2009

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Page 37: My Property Review 24

Start With Me!

67 Mark Road, Little Mountain

Why pay rent when you can secure this neat and tidy brick home on a good size 760sqm elevated allotment offering side access and north facing outdoor living.

Interstate investor is determined to sell and will meet today’s market.

“Your new beginning awaits”

Auction 7th February at 2pmIan Baker 0409 570 231 & Nigel Baker 0409 511 622

3 2 2

Inspect Sat


Conveniently Close

Unit 4 "Settlers Inlet" 10 Kyamba Court, Mooloolaba

This well located waterfront unit is just a walk to all things desired – beach, river, shops, cafes, supermarket, surf and bowls club, doctor, dentist, public transport and in your boat and on the water in minutes. This secure, elevated apartment is close without being too close situated in a no through street back off the main drag.

An affordable lifestyle in a desired location. The overseas owners are committed to sell and will consider offers prior to auction.

Auction this Saturday at 11amNigel Baker 0409 511 622 &

Ian Baker 0409 570 231

2 2 1+ Pontoon& Boat ramp

Inspect Sat

from 10.30am

Auction Saturday at 11am

"D" Day Has Arrived

34 Tarwarri Crescent, Mooloolaba

The owner wants it sold, so do your homework. Not often do these properties come up for sale but… Prized northerly waterfront aspect, 736sqm allotment with over 18 metres of sandy main canal frontage within a leisurely walk to Mooloolaba beach. The modest brick and tile home is at no cost to you and is an added extra to the supreme land content. An approval for an 8 metre aluminium floating pontoon and 6 metre X 4 metre timber deck is a further bonus. This is a central waterfront location and a great lifestyle offering.

Auction this Saturday at 12 noonNigel Baker 0409 511 622

Inspect Sat

from 11.30am

2 +Study 1 1

Treat Yourself to ParadiseUnit 42/151 Pacific Paradise Resort,


My clients are committed to move closer to family and have instructed me to SELL SELL SELL this property. Relax, unwind and enjoy the pleasures of resort living every day by coming home to your own piece of paradise. This immaculately presented waterfront townhouse represents the Coast’s lifestyle down to a tee.Situated on the waterways of the North Shore, adjacent Twin Waters Golf Course, this 3 brm home is undoubtedly a rare find. Pacific Paradise Resort has everything you could wish for featuring an in-house restaurant, tennis courts, lagoon swimming pools, covered BBQ area, chipping green and playground for the kids.

Auction 7th February On Site at 11amJeremy Burns 0438 306 466

3 2.5 2

Inspect Sat


Auction Saturday at 12noon

My Property Review | January 30, 2009 37

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38 My Property Review | January 30, 2009Elders Palmwoods | 5 Margaret Street | 5478 9122







42 Kathleen Drive, Bli BliPrice: $475,000Features: 4 bed, 2 bath, 2 carAgency: RE/MAX Mooloolaba Sales Agent: Jenni Laughlin

90 Mountain Creek Road, BuderimPrice: $553,000Features: 4 bed, 2 bath, 2 carAgency: RealWay BuderimSales Agent: Jarrad McCarthy

8A Gregory Street, Golden BeachPrice: $505,000 Features: 4 bed, 2 bath, 2 car Agency: Webbers First NationalSales Agents: James Reynolds & Peter Morrison 5 Mclean Street, Golden BeachPrice: $399,000Features: 2 bed, 1 bath, 1 carAgency: RE/MAX CaloundraSales Agent: Rob Whiting

Lot 148 Little Mountain Dr, Little Mountain Price: $479,000Features: 4 bed, 2 bath, 2 carAgency: RE/MAX CaloundraSales Agent: Rob Whiting

Unit 121 ‘Regents Landing’, 19 Arwen Street, MaroochydorePrice: $270,000

Features: 2 bed, 1 bath, 1 carAgency: M’dore First National Real EstateSales Agent: Adam Bond

Unit 1 ‘Shaun Lee’, 202 Main Road, Maroochydore Price: $275,000Features: 3 bed, 1 bath, 1 carAgency: M’dore First National Real EstateSales Agent: Shane Purssell

Unit 2 ‘Macquarie Row’, 182 Maroochydore Road, MaroochydorePrice: $282,500Features: 3 bed, 1 bath, 1 carAgency: M’dore First National Real EstateSales Agent: Frank Nucifora

126 Millwell Road, MaroochydorePrice: $345,000Features: 3 bed, 1 bath, 2 carAgency: M’dore First National Real EstateSales Agent: David Earnshaw

Unit 2 ‘Horton Park Terraces’, 10 Mungar Street, MaroochydorePrice: $275,000Features: 2 bed, 1 bath, 1 carAgency: RE/MAX MooloolabaSales Agent: Jenni LaughlinM


t Tr


rFind out what’s sold on the Coast in the last week

market tracker

3/75 Primary School Road, MaroochydorePrice: $210,000Features: 2 bed, 1 bath, 1 carAgency: RE/MAX MooloolabaSales Agent: Michael Knights

20 White Cedar Drive, Meridan PlainsPrice: $622,000Features: 4 bed, 2 bath, 2 car Agency: RE/MAX Property AssociatesSales Agent: Michael Kettle

23 Barracuda Court, Mountain CreekPrice: $560,000Features: 4 bed, 2 bath, 2 carAgency: Pam Court Realty Mountain Creek

7 Colo Close, Mountain CreekPrice: $370,000Features: 3 bed, 1 bath, 1 carAgency: Pam Court Realty Mountain Creek

10 Francis Court, Pelican WatersPrice: $740,000Features: 5 bed, 3 bath, 3 carAgency: RE/MAX CaloundraSales Agent: Graeme Palmer

15 Fitzwilliam Drive, Sippy DownsPrice: $625,000Features: 4 bed, 2 bath, 2 carAgency: Pam Court Realty Mountain Creek

35 Fitzwilliam Drive, Sippy DownsPrice: $408,000Features: 4 bed, 2 bath, 2 car

Agency: Pam Court Realty Sippy Downs

18 Leea Street, Sippy DownsPrice: $397,000Features: 3 bed, 2 bath, 2 carAgency: Pam Court Realty Sippy Downs

8 Rollins Street, Sippy DownsPrice: $455,000Features: 4 bed, 2 bath, 2 carAgency: Pam Court Realty Sippy Downs

5 Setonhall Court, Sippy DownsPrice: $352,500Features: 3 bed, 1 bath, 1 carAgency: Pam Court Realty Sippy Downs

10 Setonhall Court, Sippy DownsPrice: $444,000Features: 4 bed, 2 bath, 2 carAgency: RealWay BuderimSales Agent: Jarrad McCarthy

9 Sinatra Street, Sippy DownsPrice: $481,000Features: 5 bed, 2 bath, 2 carAgency: Pam Court Realty Sippy Downs

16 Koorin Drive, WaranaPrice: $400,000 Features: 3 bed, 2 bath, 2 carAgency: Ken Guy MaroochydoreSales Agents: Kim Barrios & Daniel Barrios

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Page 39: My Property Review 24

Elders Palmwoods | 5 Margaret Street | 5478 9122


AUCTION Sunday 15th Feb @ 11.45am onsite

INSPECT Saturday & Sunday 11:00-11:45am

CONTACT Mike Burns 0418 991 702

WEB ID 360757

OFFICE Palmwoods 5478 9122



My Property Review | January 30, 2009 39

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40 My Property Review | January 30, 2009MAROOCHY SANDS BUILDING, SIXTH AVENUE MAROOCHYDORE (07) 5443 2433

Glennis Schindler0412 737 324

Greg Mills0407 750 603

THE GARDEN OF EDEN 7 May Street, Maroochydore VIEW SATURDAY 1.30-2.00PM

• This outstanding modern residence has privacy and a resort style ambience• Professionally decorated 3 bedroom, ensuite, double lock up garage on a 402m² block• Walking distance to beach and restaurants. Large timber deck is ideal for hot balmy nights• Magnificent easy care gardens allow for this property to be locked up while travelling

Serious sellers want a quick saleGlennis Schindler 0412 737 324


• 56 Centenary Cres, Maroochydore – Spacious 3 brm, ens, dble car. VIEW 12:00-12:30• 58 Centenary Cres, Maroochydore – Large highset modern home, 4 brm, 2 bath, 2 car. VIEW 12:30-1:00• 60 Centenary Cres, Maroochydore – Beach style cottage, 3 brm, great renovator.• A RARE OPPORTUNITY IN THE SOUGHT-AFTER MAROOCHYDORE BEACH PRECINCT

Serious sellers prepared to sell UNDER market valueGlennis Schindler 0412 737 324

MAROOCHYDORE Unit 11 “Kalua” 5 Parker StreetVIEW SATURDAY 2.00-2.30PM

BEACHSIDE UNIT WITH THE LOT• JUST LISTED by Committed Sellers who have listened to the market. THIS UNIT WILL BE SOLD • 3 spacious bedrooms, ensuite to main bedroom, and situated in the best position in the complex• Opposite Alexandra Heads/Maroochydore beach and short stroll to both patrolled beaches• Ocean glimpses from interior and balcony – pool, tennis court and games room in complex

Amazing value at $395,000 furnished. You won’t find better!Glennis Schindler 0412 737 324


• Fish to your hearts content from this fabulous position, or tie up the “tinnie” • Spacious three bedroom ensuited unit boasting expansive water views• Immaculate complex of only five with new pontoon and inground pool• Easy walking distance to Maroochy River, shops, cafes and Sunshine Plaza

Priced at $495,000, this property represents extremely good valueContact Glennis Schindler 0412 737 324

Golden Beach

KawanaLittle Mountain

Features:Auction date:Result: Agency:Sales agent:

Unit 11 ‘Sail Resort’, 3 Landsborough Parade2 bed, 2 bath, 1 car23 January 2009Passed in.Henzells AgencyJulie Shirvington 0418 710 018

Features:Auction date:Result: Agency:Sales agent:

40 Marawa Drive3 bed, 2 bath, 2 car23 January 2009Sold prior to auction.Henzells AgencyChristine Hamley-Wilson 0409 575 361

Features:Auction date:Result: Agency:Sales agent:

3 Wattlefi eld RoadLand23 January 2009Passed in at $245,000. On the market for $295,000.Henzells AgencyChris Raes 0415 399 899

Features:Auction date:Result: Agency:Sales agents:

Unit 55 ‘Leeward’, 1 Grenada Way3 bed, 2 bath, 2 car24 January 2009Passed in. Negotiating with buyers.Raine & Horne Kawana Waters Julie Coffey 0416 141 065 or Steve Kealey 0437 935 369

Features:Auction date:Result: Agency:Sales agent:

Unit 903 ‘Points North’, 38 Queen Street4 bed, 2 bath, 2 car23 January 2009Passed in. Under negotiation.Henzells AgencyTerry Petersen 0403 022 645

Features:Auction date:Result: Agency:Sales agents:

6 Komodo Court4 bed, 2 bath, 2 car, pool24 January 2009Passed in. Negotiating with buyers.Raine & Horne Kawana Waters Julie Coffey 0416 141 065 or Steve Kealey 0437 935 369

Features:Auction date:Result: Agency:Sales agent:

Unit 44 ‘Outlook’, 7 Canberra Terrace3 bed, 2 bath, 2 car23 January 2009Under negotiation.Henzells AgencyYvonne Adams 0437 577 717

The easiest way to check out the latest auction results

auction action

Auctions in ActionHere’s a sneak peek at hot auctions taking place on the Sunshine Coast in the next seven days

8 Akounah Crescent, BuddinaAuction details: On site Saturday January 31 @ 11amAgency: Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUYContact: Minka Jenkins 0488 550 063 or Loren Wimhurst 0415 380 222

6 Yaringa Avenue, BuddinaAuction details: On site Saturday January 31 @ 12pmAgency: Raine & Horne Kawana Waters 5477 7500Contact: Peter Cox 0413 134 884

2 Cape York Boulevard, BuderimAuction details: On site Sunday February 1 @ 1pmAgency: Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUYContact: Rebecca Smeeton 0404 866 358 or Chris Pace 0417 196 600

Kawana Island

Kings Beach



Features:Auction date:Result: Agency:Sales agent:

Unit 1201 ‘The Sebel’, 14 Aerodrome Road2 bed, 2 bath, 1 car23 January 2009Passed in. Henzells AgencyMark Sawyer 0408 656 126

Features:Auction date:Result: Agency:Sales agent:

Unit 409 ‘Bluewater Point’, 11-13 Nicklin Way3 bed, 2 bath, 2 car23 January 2009Passed in.Henzells AgencyMark Sawyer 0408 656 126

Features:Auction date:Result: Agency:Sales agent:

15 Silky Oak Place6 bed, 2 bath, 4 car23 January 2009Negotiating with potential buyers.Henzells AgencyDebbie Shellshear 0402 116 110

Features:Auction date:Result: Agency:Sales agent:

10 Webb Ellis Court4 bed, 2 bath, 2 car23 January 2009Passed in. Looking for offers.Henzells AgencyDebbie Shellshear 0402 116 110

Features:Auction date:Result: Agency:Sales agent:

12 Landsdowne Street5 bed, 3 bath, 3 car23 January 2009Passed inHenzells AgencyStuart Cordingley 0419 769 488

Pelican Waters

Shelly Beach

Features:Auction date:Result:

Agency:Sales agents:

24 Victoria Terrace5 bed, 3 bath, 3 car23 January 2009Bidding to $1 million. Two post-auction offers. Negotiating with potential buyers.Henzells AgencyMatt Glynn 0404 315 066 or Doug Wilson 0417 734 592

Features:Auction date:Result: Agency:Sales agents:

12 Cavalry Road4 bed, 2 bath, 2 car24 January 2009Passed in. On the market for $499,000.Henzells PlatinumSteve Turner 0412 679 488 or Geoff Ohmsen 0412 103 147

Features:Auction date:Result: Agency:Sales agents:

6 Cavalry Road4 bed, 2 bath, 2 car24 January 2009Passed in. On the market for $470,000.Henzells PlatinumSteve Turner 0412 679 488 or Geoff Ohmsen 0412 103 147

Sippy Downs


Features:Auction date:Result: Agency:Sales agents:

4 Fantail Place4 bed, 2 bath, 2 car24 January 2009Passed in. Negotiating with buyers.Raine & Horne Kawana WatersJulie Coffey 0416 141 065 or Steve Kealey 0437 935 369

continued page 42 >

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Page 41: My Property Review 24 we’ll look after you®

Brand New – OWNER MUST LIQUIDATE!!!! KAWANA ISLAND 28/10 Grand Parade “Azure” What a fantastic opportunity to live in such a sought after location. It is a leisurely stroll to Double Bay Beach, cafes, restaurant and boardwalk.

VIEW Saturday 12-12.45pm AUCTION On Site 14th February @ 11amINTERNET ID 105469181WARREN SELVAGE 0411 433 500 KERRY CROOK 0400 454 351Kawana Waters 5477 7500

3 2 2

Capitalise at Cotton Tree

18, just walk to everywhere.

VIEW Saturday 2-2.45pm PRICE $429,000INTERNET ID 105387019ANN JELF 0413 335 541 JOHN ROSEVEAR 0415 835 511Kawana Waters 5477 7500

2 1.5 2 + Pool

Sleek in Design… Stylish in Appearance BUDDINA 6 Yaringa Avenue Nestled between the beach and the river, this stylish

transition of indoor and outdoor living. It’s here you can

VIEW from 11.30am AUCTION On-site 31st January @ 12 NoonINTERNET ID 105464077PETER COX 0413 134 884Kawana Waters 5477 7500

3 1 2 + Pool

It’s Your Call!

is nestled against the beach with a private reserve backdrop.

VIEW Saturday 11-11.30am SET SALE® OFFERS CLOSE 3 FEBRUARY, 2009 UNLESS SOLD PRIORBUYER INQUIRY RANGE® $890,0000-$1,155,000VALUE AT $1,050,000INTERNET ID 105425319STUART BORDER 0414 349 424Caloundra 5436 8108

5 3 2


which also overlooks landscaped gardens, tennis court, pool and

VIEW Saturday 10.30-11am AUCTION On site Saturday 31st January @ 11amINTERNET ID 105443516WARREN SELVAGE 0411 433 500Kawana Waters 5477 7500

2 2 1 + Pool

Grab It While You Can _ $289,500 Reduced

thing. An inspection with Ann or John will not disappoint you!

PRICE $289,500 INTERNET ID 105351442ANN JELF 0413 335 541 JOHN ROSEVEAR 0415 835 511 Kawana Waters 5477 7500

2 1 1


Sat @ 12noon


Sat @ 11am



My Property Review | January 30, 2009 41

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42 My Property Review | January 30, 2009

FIVE STAR LUXURY LIVING – ISLAND PARADISE!!KAWANA ISLAND 7 Barbuda CourtThis impressive executive residence exudes a serious ‘WOW’ factor. Quality workmanship and luxuriously outfi tted by Passey Homes. Abundance of glass throughout the home creates a seamless distinction between indoor & outdoor areas.

Trish Kelly & Beverley Kelley0400 344 314 T 0412 205 040 BE: [email protected] P: 5493 4955

24 3 2

PRICE: $800,000+ Buyers OPEN HOME: Saturday 12-1pm VIEW AT: ID: QKW081208


further as this solid brick and tile home was built by A V Jennings and has been lovingly maintained by the original owners for many years.

Trish KellyM: 0400 344 314E: [email protected] P: 5493 4955

13 1 1

PRICE: $595,000 OPEN HOME: Saturday 2-2.30PM VIEW AT: ID: QKW081202


PRICE: Reduced to $419,000 OPEN HOME: Sun 11-11.30am

VIEW AT: ID: QKW081203

Trish Kelly M: 0400 344 314 E: [email protected] Harcourts P: 5493 4955

13 2 2

BRAND NEW HOME WITH SIDE ACCESSKAWANA FOREST, 21 Satinash StreetThis Quality Designer Home offers 4 bedrooms + media room, open plan living, a fully fenced yard with side access.Generous outdoor entertaining area and ample room for a pool.This home comes with a 6 year structural guarantee, water tank, stainless steel appliances, clothes line all on a 650m2 block.

PRICE: $546,000 OPEN HOME: Sat 1-1.30pm

VIEW AT: ID: QNB081212

Kate Botham & Tony Mason M: 0401 22 33 62 & 0424 925 925 E: [email protected] Harcourts P: 5441 3933

24 2 2

5444 1066

PELICAN WATERS 42 Pelican Waters Blvd

for sale from $425,000 Allison Gagle 0414 528 546

[email protected]

< from page 40

31 Karawatha Street, BuderimAuction details: On site Sunday February 1 @ 11amAgency: Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUYContact: Rebecca Smeeton 0404 866 358 or Chris Pace 0417 196 600

16 Stephen Street, BuderimAuction details: On site Sunday February 1 @ 12pmAgency: Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUYContact: Damien Michael 0413 024 124

Unit 108 ‘Rovera’, 23 Cotton Tree Parade, Cotton TreeAuction details: On site Saturday January 31 @ 12pmAgency: Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUYContact: Bree Charles 0416 435 391 or John Skerlak 0413 441 834

12 Serena Close, BuderimAuction details: On site Saturday January 31 @ 10amAgency: Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUYContact: Rebecca Smeeton 0404 866 358 or Chris Pace 0417 196 600

49/4 Grand Parade, Kawana IslandAuction details: On site Saturday January 31 @ 11amAgency: Raine & Horne Kawana Island 5477 7500Contact: Warren Selvage 0411 433 500

2 Mango Street, MaroochydoreAuction details: On site Saturday January 31 @ 1pmAgency: Maroochydore First NationalContact: Adam Bond 0404 211 281

3 Rosslare Court, MaroochydoreAuction details: On site Saturday January 31 @ 1pmAgency: Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUYContact: Rebecca Smeeton 0404 866 358 and Chris Pace 0417 196 600

Unit 4 ‘Settlers Inlet’, 10 Kyamba Court, MooloolabaAuction details: On site Saturday January 31 @ 11amAgency: Waterfront & Coastal Property 5444 6400Contact: Nigel Baker 0409 511 622 or Ian Baker 0409 570 231

34 Tarwarri Crescent, MooloolabaAuction details: On site Saturday January 31 @ 12pmAgency: Waterfront & Coastal Property 5444 6400Contact: Nigel Baker 0409 511 622

35 Shady Grove Road, Tanawha Auction details: On site Sunday February 1 @ 10amAgency: Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUYContact: Damien Michael 0413 024 124

70 Carrs Road, YandinaAuction details: On site Saturday January 31 @ 5.30pmAgency: Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUYContact: Gaby McEwan 0401 781 116 or Damien Michael 0413 024 124

Th is luxurious three-bedroom apartment is located on a golf course. For the garden lover, escape to a secret oasis of rock plantings and cool nooks surrounding both sides of the apartment or relax on the wide verandahs that off er panoramic ocean views. Th ere is secure double garaging with lift access to the apartment.Buderim golf course living

True Queensland living requires beautiful sea breezes, a huge timber deck and a sparkling pool, within walking distance of the beach. Th is property off ers all that and is situated on the crest of one of Alex Headland’s prime estates. Th e home has timber fl oors in the main living area, which fl ows out onto the timber deck off ering ocean glimpses. Th ree bedrooms, a study and a separate living zone downstairs make it the perfect family home.

On a high in Alex Headland


Price: Agent: Contact:

‘Crest Apartments’Golf Links Road, BuderimOffers from mid $800,000Mooloolaba First NationalMark Elston 0409 441 200

3 2

2 0


Price: Agent: Contact:

4 Ocean Crest Place, Alexandra HeadlandBuyer interest $1 million-plusKen Guy Maroochydore 5443 2222Jodie McDonell 0419 762 309

3 2

2 1

property reviews

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Heather de Fina - 0400 499 140 e: heather.defi [email protected] Prziovski - 0423 800 000 e: [email protected] Caloundra P: 5438 0055

3 3 2

Many dream of such a chance to own a property in this street, and on this headland. Time to turn that dream into a reality. Often admired as one of the most desirable homes in Caloundra in one of the most sought after positions in South East Queensland, this home has heart and soul. No matter your age, or choice of leisure, you will love being able to escape and hide away in the many unique living spaces. Designed with respect to many feng shui principles: reading room, guest retreat, lap pool, private entry, back dropped by stunning beach and ocean views, and bushland. Just a short walk to beach, park and local cafes.Owners are moving on to their next dream, and serious about selling on auction day.


OPEN HOME: Phone to inspect as prior registration is required,Open Sat 2-3pm,by prior appointment



Ground fl oor unit, with living area and patio overlooking the beautiful passage. Surf, swim, fi sh, or stroll along the waterfront.

Owner’s circumstances demand this unit be sold on or before auction day.

BEACHFRONT VIEW! – MUST FIND NEW OWNERS!GOLDEN BEACH Unit 2 ‘Sandy Shores’, 8 Golden Beach Esplanade

AUCTION: On site 14th February @ 10amINSPECT: Saturday 11-11.45amVIEW AT: ID: QCL090115

2 2 1Heather de Fina - 0400 499 140 e: heather.defi [email protected] Prziovski - 0423 800 000 e: [email protected] Caloundra P: 5438 0055

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44 My Property Review | January 30, 19 Brisbane Road, Mooloolaba (07) 5444 5000

CALLING ALL HORSE LOVERS!If you love horses, you will love this property! There are 4 large stables and 2 arenas, plus separate yards, all newly fenced, all surrounded by National Park. Ideal for the equestrian, for a small horse stud or spelling, close to Corbould Park.

Situated on a fl at, usable 3.12 hectares in beautiful Tanawha, this spacious yet stylish modern home is fully air-conditioned with oversized study, bar, games room and huge open lounge and dining area. 4 bedrooms, 2 with ensuites. Entertain with a barbecue by the sparkling pool.

Bonus: 16 x 9m work shed complete with mechanic’s pit. Property is zoned Industrial, Category 3.

4 3 2

Property ID: #986583Price: On ApplicationAddress: 124 Radbourne Road, TanawhaInspect: By appointment

Contact:Jean Hamer 0419 034 500 &

Jill Wright 0431 343 715

property reviews

Embrace the splendour on Buderim

room, outdoor entertaining areas, solar-heated pool and spa. Finishings include polished timber fl oors, air-conditioning throughout, centralised gas heating and Harmony home network audiovisual system with TVs in every bedroom.

Boasting 180-degree uninterrupted views from Mt Ninderry to Mooloolaba, this fi ve-year-old home has been designed to maximise this incredible outlook from every aspect. Sitting on a north-east-facing mid escarpment position, the

home’s open-plan design and clever use of glass create a seamless fl ow from indoor to outdoor living. Over three levels, this property has four bedrooms, two luxury bathrooms and powder room, a huge living area incorporating billiard

Address: Price: Agent: Contact:

24 Mayfair Lane, Buderim$1,650,000Re/Max Property Associates BuderimVicki Flint 0438 451 410

4 2.5

2 0

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Mountain Creek: 5477 7600 Sippy Downs: 5456 1599

pam courtrealty Pam

0412 708 313Bob

0412 714 326 Debbie

0411 832 325 Attila

0414 959 900 Rod

0416 724 244Sharon

0415 214 549

• Representing great value for your dollar

• Beautifully maintained with no work to do

• Very cool with extra insulation

Open Saturday 2-2.45pm

MOUNTAIN CREEK21 Honeymyrtle Court

3 2 2

Just Listed – Be Quick! $389,000

• Two huge separate living areas

• 916m² fully fenced block with a pool

• This is a diamond in the rough

Open Saturday 2-2.45pm

BUDERIM8 Hermitage Court

4 2 2

Stamp Your Mark On This One!! $489,000• Huge outdoor entertaining area with pool and gazebo

• As new kitchen with quality appliances

• Mtn Creek school zone, walk shops/lake

Open Saturday



5 2 2

Big home needs big family! $679,000

• This home is backing onto park reserve

• Large separate enclosed sunroom

• You can just move in and enjoy



MOUNTAIN CREEK66 Mountain Ash Drive

4 2 2

Designed for the family! $499,000• Make this one of your best investments

• 2 Separate living areas, gas cooktop

• Invest or nest you decide

Open Saturday


SIPPY DOWNS6 Peppermint Crescent

4 2 2

Stylish New Home $429,000• Modern with good street appeal

• Two separate living areas

• Four dble bedrooms all with b/in robes

Open Saturday



4 2 2

Side Access & A Big Backyard $445,000• Secure living, close to shops and schools

• A great investment for your families future

• Great rental return approx $350 p/w

Open Saturday


SIPPY DOWNS 11/2 Springhill Drive

3 2 2

Affordable Lifestyle $355,000

• Large block, room for a pool

• 2 Separate living areas

• Walking distance to Woolworths etc

Open Saturday 1-1,45pm

SIPPY DOWNS14 James Cook Drive

4 2 2

Classic Charm $465,000

• Fabulous 5 bedroom family home, luxury ensuite

• Spacious formal and informal living

• Separate rumpus/games room with own bathroom

• Well appointed chefs delight kitchen

• Entertainment area overlooking pool

• Backs onto park reserve


Just Purr-fect!!!$685,000

BUDERIM25 Leah Close

5 3 2

Open Saturday 1-1:45pm

• High ceilings, separate air-conditioned living

• 832m2 level block, i/g beach style pool

• Very tidy home, quiet cul-de-sac position


BUDERIM3 Nara Court

4 2 2

Executive style living!! $597,000

• Positioned at the end of a quiet cul-de-sac

• Inground salt water pool, undercover patio

• Wide side access room for a boat or caravan

Open Saturday



4 2 2

Committed to Sell!! Offers considered

• Four bedrooms, 2 bathrooms• Open plan living, separate media room• Quality fixtures and fittings• 809m2 level block with room for a pool• Large workshop/shed for storage• Within Mountain Creek School zones• Never to be built on bush reserve at rear

AUCTION On-SiteSaturday

7th February @ 10am



BUDERIM9 Janelle Crescent

4 2 3


• 4 Bedrooms, ensuite + walk-in robe

• 2 spacious and separate living areas

• Backing on parkland, low maintenance



MOUNTAIN CREEK51 Escolar Drive

4 2 2

Private Position, Priced to Sell $449,000

• Situated in a quiet cul-de-sac

• Close to the park and river

• Walk to the Mountain Creek schools


MOUNTAIN CREEK32 Satinwood Place

3 2 2

Fully Air-Conditioned $419,000

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46 My Property Review | January 30, 2009

p. e.


Daily “Salt On Kings” 23/11 Mahia Tce. 3bed, 2bth penthouse $795K

11-11:45am “King Pines” 6/52 King St – 2 bed, 1bath $320K

11-11:45am “Moonjari” 1/13 Saltair St – 2bed,1bath offers in mid $300’s

12-12:45pm “Mariners” 9/10 Saltair St -2bed, 2bath, 2car $460K

12-12.45pm “Bukartilla” 9/5 Orvieto Tce – 2bed, 1bath $335K

12-1pm “Emerald Shores” 4/8 Orvieto Tce – 2Bed, 2bath $399K

1-1.45pm “Lighthouse Court” 8/29 Arthur St - 2 Bed, 1bath, rooftop 379K

1.-1.45pm “Moreton Tower” 4/25 Moreton Pde – 2Bed, 2bath $395K

1.-1.45pm “Lindomare” 14/11 Orvieto Tce. – 2Bed, 2Bath, rooftop $449K


11-11.45am “8 Harrier St” 3Bed, 2Bath, Ocean Views $595K

INSPECT Call for appointment CONTACT: Roz 0422 836 332

This property ticks all the boxes! It has to be the best priced 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom penthouse Apartment at Kings Beach.


BEST VALUE PENTHOUSE APARTMENT AT KINGS BEACH $795,000KINGS BEACH 23/11 Mahia Terrace, “Salt on Kings” 3 2 2



Call 0422 836 332

INSPECT Saturday 12-1pmCONTACT Roz 0422 836 332

KINGS BEACH 4/8 Orvieto Terrace, “Emerald Shores”


2 2 1




INSPECT Saturday 1-1.45pmCONTACT David 0417 292 870

KINGS BEACH 14/10 Orvieto Tce, “Lindomare”


2 2 1

INSPECT Saturday 12-12.45pmCONTACT Carola 0417 608 466

KINGS BEACH 9/5 Orvieto Tce, “Bukartilla”

HEAR THE SURF $335,000

2 1 1

CONTACT: Roz 0422 836 332

CAFÉ’ FOR SALE $150,000 plus Stock

INSPECT Saturday 1-1.45pmCONTACT Carola 0417 608 466

KINGS BEACH 8/29 Arthur Street “Lighthouse Court”


2 1 1

Th is fi ve-bedroom-plus-study home is perfect for the growing family who needs plenty of space with separate private lounge and expansive open combined family, rumpus and meals area. Immaculately presented, the home boasts a huge outdoor entertaining area and the large 657-square metre block would cater for a large pool and has side access for a boat.

At home in Caloundra WestAddress:

Price: Agent: Contact:

16 Wheeler Crescent, Caloundra West$530,000Henzells Agency 5436 8033Matt Glynn 0404 315 066

5 2

2 1

property reviews

Richly appointed throughout, this spectacular home has four bedrooms that overlook the inground pool, while an open study is perched over the interlinking void and feature staircase. Floor-to-ceiling glass, raked ceilings, polished timber fl ooring and ducted air-conditioning add to the overall ambience of this luxury residence.

Kawana Waters sophisticationAddress: Price: Agent:


61 The Decks, Kawana Waters$869,000 RE/MAX Property Associates CaloundraRob Whiting 0428 855 141

4 3

2 1

Beachfront Apartment Multi-Auction

Penthouse 121 Marcoola Beach Resort, 885 David Low Way, Marcoola 5 BED 3 BATH 2 CAR POOL

Absolute Beachfront – Penthouse Living – Ultimate LifestyleJust steps over the sand dune, with no roads to cross and

the sound of the surf calling, this is the true definition of

beachfront living. Bigger than the average house – finding

room for the family won’t be a problem with 5 bedrooms,

separate dual living areas and sweeping views across the

ocean. Inside is a well equipped granite kitchen, ducted air,

3 bathrooms and upstairs is the amazing 160m2 roof terrace.

VIEW Sat 1.30-2.30pm, Sun 1-1.45pm & Thurs 5-6pm

AUCTION In-Rooms Mantra Mooloolaba, Sunday, 15th February at 2pm

CONTACT Alexander Veal 0402 808 569

Maroochydore 5443 3499

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[email protected]

Ph : 5445 614456 Burnett Street, Buderim QLD 4556

we love it! we live in it!we specialise in it!

$685,000 Phone to Inspect

Private Tropical Oasis


MOOLOOLAH 4 Samuel Place 4 2 3

All offers considered


TANAWHA 46 Radbourne Road



BUDERIM 72 Sam White Drive



BUDERIM 7 Karawatha Street



BUDERIM 11 Cottman Street

$279,000 Open Sat 1-1.45pm

$279,000 – THAT’S CHEAP!

MAROOCHYDORE 2/3 Norman Avenue

$335,000 Open Sat 12-12.45pm

This Townhoue Is A Great Investment!


BUDERIM 2/17 Ballinger Court 2 2 1

$499,000 Open Sat 11-11.45am

Just Completed And Ready To Inspect


BUDERIM Units 20 & 21, Panorama on Buderim, 3 Box Street 3 2 2

Offers around $600,000 Views Forever and Never to be Built Out


BUDERIM 16 Mayfair Lane

High $400,000s Open Sat 12-12.45pm


BUDERIM 25 Lavarack Crescent



BUDERIM 4/22 Ballinger Court

$699,000 Open Sat 1-1.45pm


BUDERIM 4 Possumwood Place

Brand New

My Property Review | January 30, 2009 47

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48 My Property Review | January 30, 2009

Shop 21 Mooloolaba International,121 Mooloolaba Esplanade, Mooloolaba

p. 5444 0800 [email protected]

At around 109m² this well-presented 2 bedroom apartment is larger than the average holiday unit and the generous balcony allows you to sit, relax and soak up the beautiful ocean views. Professional On Site Managers ensure above average returns through holiday rentals but it’s the price that will have you smiling. But don’t take my word for it – Come and see for yourself!

PRICE $550,000 INSPECT Inspect Sat 12-12:45 ADDRESS Unit 10, 4 Buderim Avenue, Alexandra Headland CONTACT Contact Paul 0438 468 378

Views and Returns

This well presented low maintenance Mooloolaba home has one of the biggest outdoor entertainment areas

great low maintenance home in a great street with a very relaxing feel. Phone Paul to inspect.

AUCTION Online Auction Closes @ 4pm on 14th Feb, 2009 INSPECT By appointment ADDRESS 63 Brentwood Avenue, Mooloolaba CONTACT Contact Paul 0438 468 378

Outdoor Entertainer

3 2 2

2 2 1


Saturday 1-1.45pm


Saturday 12-12.45pm


11-11.45 AM SATURDAY AND SUNDAY$485,000Helen Gavin 0408 502 235 Internet Ref No.: 105496753

Are you are looking for something different, with charm and character, in an elevated established setting? There is a real feeling of homeliness upon entering with timber wall panelling, vaulted timber ceilings and open fireplace. The timber kitchen compliments the feel of the home, as do the bathrooms and main bedroom. The teenagers retreat downstairs, with rumpus room, completes the 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom package which is fully fenced and is designed to maximise the flow through breezes.


12-12.45PM SATURDAY AND SUNDAY$629,000Helen Gavin 0408 502 235 / 5456 0310 Internet Ref No.: 105239527

Do you wish to live in a quiet cul-de-sac with a bush backdrop only minutes from the centre of Buderim? The large modern kitchen is pivotal to the living, dining and study areas with beautiful polished floors throughout. Elevation provides all 3 bedrooms with cooling breezes, each of them have built-ins and the main in en-suited. In this summer heat the large in-ground pool is very appealing as are the low maintenance gardens. On 1112sq mt with garaging for 2 cars plus room for a caravan.

property reviews

A slice of luxury in Mooloolaba

amazingly self cleaning with beautiful granite water feature. His and hers studies are located at the end of the second accommodation wing, which would make an easy conversion into a fourth bedroom that could even be ensuited.

Th is property is fi nished to the highest standards with the perfect putting-green lawn greeting you as you arrive. A master bedroom should be special, and this one certainly is with ducted air-conditioning even reaching the robe and ensuite. Th e outlook

over the pool to the water is shared with both living spaces and is also clear from the recently refurbished kitchen, which boasts Miele appliances complete with steam and convection ovens. Th e pool is a work of art, wet-edged on all sides, fully tiled and

Address: Price: Agent: Contact:

1 Carwoola Crescent, MooloolabaHigh $1 millionsKen Guy Maroochydore 5443 2222Anthony Gorman 0417 587 758

3 2

2 2

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My Property Review | January 30, 2009 49

FANTASTIC POSITION WITH GREAT VIEWSThis contemporary double storey home situated in a quiet cul-de-sac is a dream. You need to put this home on your shopping list. Features: Study, spa bath, large contemporary kitchen2 spacious living areas, fantastic views, pool.VIEW Saturday 1-1.45pmPRICE Offers over $800,000 Michael 0409 008 997

BUDERIM 12 Hayman Court 4 2.5

DUAL LIVING - 1/4 ACREA stylish family home with pool and dual living/teenager’s retreat situated in a quiet, leafy and convenient location.Features: 4 bed with built-ins, 3 bath, formal lounge with high ceilings, 2 separate living areas, 1/4 acre with tropical landscaping, pool, Mountain Creek School Zone.VIEW Saturday 11-11.45amPRICE $589,000 Michael Perez 0409 008 997

BUDERIM 24 Janderra Street

RIGHT ON THE CANALOpportunities like this do not come often. This spacious home oozes quality. Built on the canal, with the pool, outdoor area and living facing the water is a rare find. Privacy is assured by the walled garden with intercom and security gate. You need to see this for yourself.VIEW Sat 11-11.45am & Sun 1-1.45pmPRICE $1.5 million Larry 0438 888 622

PARREARRA 3 Reedlark Place

BLUE CHIP OPPORTUNITYThis double storey family home on Top of Buderim sits on an 812m2 allotment with 9 mtr frontage. Home is open and airy with it’s open plan living. This is a great chance to get into this dress circle location. Features: Study, 2 spacious living areas, timber decks, 812m2 land.VIEW Saturday 12-12.45pmPRICE $635,000 Michael Perez 0409 008 997

BUDERIM 31 Monks Cresent 3 1.5 24 3 4 2.5 3

Auction: On site Sunday February 1 at 12pmAddress: 28 Moorabinda Street, Buderim

View: Saturday 12-1pm, Sunday from

SUE CUSTANCE 0417 073 322 REX LARKINS 0408 432 959


property reviews

Buderim bush-side homeTh is is your opportunity to secure this as-new home centrally located in Mountain Creek Meadows and backing onto a bush reserve. Features include quality fi xtures and fi ttings throughout, tiled open-plan living with separate media room, four large bedrooms with built-ins, the master with ensuite and walk-in robe, and undercover entertaining area looking out onto a never-to-be-built-on bush reserve. Th ere is the bonus of a double bay workshop/shed, ideal for extra storage or the handyman.

Beachside bargain in WaranaRarely does a home come along so close to the beach in A1 condition at such an aff ordable price. With 3 bedrooms, two open plan living areas and a roomy bathroom as well as a double garage with great side access and plenty of room for a pool - this home won’t last! Just metres from access number 40 at the very popular Warana Beach and an outside entertaining area with a Northerly aspect, you will be presently surprised when you compare this to all other beachside homes!

Bearing fruit in BuderimAlthough only two minutes from Buderim Post Offi ce, this neat and comfortable three-bedroom brick and tile home on 825 square metres off ers total privacy and tranquillity. With no grass to mow your gardening skills could be put to good use tending the herbs, vegetables, fruit trees and natives that thrive here. Th e home has an open-plan lounge/dining room, renovated kitchen, sitting room/meals area and a light and bright two-way bathroom. All the bedrooms have built-ins. Parking is catered for with a single garage plus a single carport that allows easy access to the front door.

Address: Price: Agent: Contact:

9 Janelle Crescent, BuderimAuction on site February 7 @ 10amPam Court Realty 5456 1599Attila Mokany 0414 959 900

4 2

3 0

Address: Price: Agent: Contact:

21 Vista Park Drive, Buderim$475,000Re/Max Buderim 5456 0263Jan Withers 0403 737 790Andrew Withers 0413 002 330

3 1

2 0

Address: Price: Agent: Contact:

9 Minkara Street, WaranaBuyers around $500,000Henzells Platinum 5437 8806Ian Howcroft 0402 246 791Bill Howcroft 0431 354 076

3 1

2 0

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50 My Property Review | January 30, 2009

Currimundi, 4 Tibouchina Place $397,000

Inspect: Saturday 12.30-1pmCaloundra 5499 7859 / 0413 583 063

3 1 1


Aroona, 10 Tristania Street $529,000

Inspect: Saturday 11.15-11.45amCaloundra 5499 7859 / 0413 583 063

4 2 2


Pelican Waters, 9 The Promenade $549,000

Inspect: Saturday 10-10.30amCaloundra5499 7859 / 0413 583 063

4 2 2


Wurtulla, $465,000

Inspect: Saturday 1.45-2.15pmCaloundra 5499 7859

3 1 1


Bokarina, $330,000

Inspect: Saturday 1-1.30pmCaloundra 5499 7859

3 1 2




Sat 11





Sat 12




Sat 1.





Sat 10





Sat 1.



Grand Old Waterfront Home with Development OpportunitiesTIN CAN BAY 14 Oyster Parade

VIEW Saturday 1-2pm AUCTION On Site 7th February at 2pmJANET YOUNG 0437 439 640 Tin Can Bay 5486 2066

4 + sleepout

2 + 1 carport


Th is fantastic family home is close to shops, schools, parks and transport. Upstairs boasts a beautiful kitchen, open-plan living area and three double bedrooms. Downstairs there is a second living, fourth bedroom, a second bathroom and separate laundry. Th ere is plenty of garden to relax in, a sparkling pool, space for two cars, and the home is fully fenced with air-conditioning.

Aroona family homeAddress: Price: Agent: Contact:

10 Tristania Street, Aroona$529,000Go Gecko Property SalesShane Strong 0413 583 063

4 2

2 1

property reviews

Th is is a three-bedroom, two-bathroom apartment in a sought-aft er complex across the road from Shelly Beach. It off ers views of the Pacifi c Ocean from the spacious, tiled balcony. Th e master bedroom features an ensuite bathroom, while the modern kitchen has stainless steel appliances. Th e apartment is located in a modern complex with a pool, lift , security parking and on-site management.

Beautiful Kings Beach unitAddress:

Price: Agent: Contact:

Unit 5 ‘Shelley Point’, 28 Victoria Terrace, Kings BeachExpressions of interestHenzells Agency 5436 8031Doug Wilson 0417 734 592

3 2

1 0

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My Property Review | January 30, 2009 51

1300 651

Buderim Chancellor Park Sippy Downs

CONTACT: Nick Boundford 0403 050 111PRICE: $985,000

18 Admiralty Drive, ALEXANDRA HEADLANDThis fantastic residence is ideally located in Alexandra Headland’s exclusive golden triangle and is only a hop, skip and a jump away from the beach. This home offers spacious family living over two levels and boasts 4 large bedrooms, study nook, extensive kitchen, 3 large separate living areas plus outside entertaining area and private balcony, 2.5 car garage, salt water swimming pool and spa, reverse cycle air-conditioning and ceiling fans as well as security screens throughout.




CONTACT: 5476 9422 OR 0415 645 323PRICE: ALL UNDER $449,000

Chestwood Collection, SIPPY DOWNSBrand new spacious and quality built properties are all priced under $449,000. Featuring 4 bedrooms, master with ensuite and walk in robe. Modern kitchen with stainless steel dishwasher and ceiling fans throughout. These homes will be completed with landscaped gardens and ready for occupants to just move in!


CONTACT: Eva Parker 0400 137 803PRICE: BUYERS IN THE $700,000’s

43 Martins Creek Road, BUDERIMThis gorgeous home is centrally located close to the heart of Buderim with 4 large bedrooms, master with ensuite, private deck and WIR, study & a 66m2 studio plus ducted air con throughout. This home is perfect for entertaining all the family, with its large timber floored kitchen and open plan living area as well as the huge deck with fantastic bush views. There is plenty of room for creativity on this 1696m2 block whether it be a pool, vegetable garden or children’s play area that you desire..




CONTACT: Steve Leeding 0412 378 260PRICE: $419,000

1 Constance Lane, SIPPY DOWNSPriced To Sell! Well presented & positioned in a quiet sought-after location over looking green parklands. Featuring



11 - 11.45am

Enjoy your well-deserved holidays from this attractive beachfront apartment. Set in Mooloolaba’s vibrant cafe and eatery scene, this fi ft h-level apartment comes fully furnished with a desirable north-easterly aspect that captures the sea breezes and stunning ocean views. Professional on-site management will look aft er your investment while you are home.

Mooloolaba beachside unitAddress:

Price: Agent: Contact:

U10 ‘Malibu’, 81 Mooloolaba Esp, Mooloolaba $715,000Waterfront & Coastal PropertyIan Baker 0409 570 231 Nigel Baker 0409 511 622

2 2

1 0

Boasting great gardens and low-maintenance landscaping, this home has three bedrooms that include fans and built-ins while the air-conditioned master has an ensuite. Th e home has two living areas, separate dining room, plus spacious outdoor undercover area and double garage. Th e secure fully fenced yard has room to park a boat, trailer or caravan.

Picture perfect in Maroochy Address: Price: Agent: Contact:

121 Maroochy Waters Drive, M’doreLow $500,000sKen Guy Maroochydore 5443 2222Rebecca Smeeton 0404 866 358Chris Pace 0417 196 600

3 2

2 0

property reviews

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52 My Property Review | January 30, 2009

6 Oyster Court, Twin Waters

This property presents a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! Spectacular multiple open plan living areas are complemented by high ceilings and abundance of natural light. Culinary duties will be a pleasure in this gourmet kitchen, complete with quality stainless steel appliances and finished. Boasting four light bedrooms, master with luxurious open ensuite, its perfect for any family. Facing north is an entertaining area. Crystal blue pool ideal for entertainers. Home also includes, air-cond, DLUG and instant appeal! Owners are committed!

Limited budget – Limited Time 24 2

Auction Saturday 14th February at 11am

View Tues 4.30-5.30pm, Sat & Sun 11am-12 noon

Contact Geoffrey Makara 0419 708 644

LJ Hooker Maroochydore 5479 5479Shop 12 Ocean Court, Ocean Street, Maroochydore Qld 4558

2 Undanbi Lane, Twin Waters

This stunning home boasts 4 large brms + home office, which is serviced by a powder room. Main bedroom enjoys a generously sized WIR and beautiful ensuite with floor to ceiling tiles, double basin and bath. Enjoy water views from the kitchen and living areas as the 30m pool wraps around the entire decked entertaining area. The pool is beautifully landscaped creating a lovely tropical feeling & also incorporates a spa pool. A must to inspect.

Big, Bold and Beautiful!24 2

Price Offers over $935,000

View Saturday & Sunday 1-1.30pm

Contact Grant Ormrod 0412 374 787

LJ Hooker Twin Waters 5450 6188Twin Waters Shopping Village, Ocean Drive QLD 4564

Units 1 & 2, 61 Neerim Drive, Mooloolaba

“Just like new – Large garden Courtyard”12 1

Price Offers over $345,000

View Saturday 11-11.45am

Contact Gary Roydhouse 0414 734 248

LJ Hooker Mooloolaba 5444 4411Shop 4A, Syrenuse Building, 3 Brisbane Road, Mooloolaba

Unit 6 “Tawarri”- 238 Alexandra Pde, Alex Headland

Fabulous views along the coast to Coolum from this 2 bedroom well appointed unit on the second floor with modern bathroom and kitchen, and sundrenched balcony. Complete with lift and pool this fully furnished unit enjoys excellent rental returns, or move in and live the lifestyle of the beachfront, restaurants and cafes of this stylish seaside precinct.

Beachfront Apartment – Opposite The Flags12 1

Price $430,000

View Saturday 10.30-11.15am

Contact Sue Cohoe 0403 298 841

LJ Hooker Mooloolaba 5444 4411Shop 4A, Syrenuse Building, 3 Brisbane Road, Mooloolaba

Unit 2/143 Bundilla Boulevard, Mountain Creek

Top location with private outdoor entertaining area.

Each bedroom has built-ins, a large bathroom, a modern

well appointed kitchen with loads of bench space.

Fantastic First Home or Investment12 1

Price $279,000

View Saturday 10-10.45am

Contact Gary Roydhouse 0414 734 248

LJ Hooker Mooloolaba 5444 4411Shop 4A, Syrenuse Building, 3 Brisbane Road, Mooloolaba

Townhouse 64 - “Emerald Springs” - 1 Poinsettia Crt Mooloolaba

“Prestige Townhouse – “The Jewel in Emerald Springs”34 2

Price $499,000

View Saturday 12-1pm

Contact Sue Cohoe 0403 298 841

LJ Hooker Mooloolaba 5444 4411Shop 4A, Syrenuse Building, 3 Brisbane Road, Mooloolaba

Th is brand new home has high raked ceilings and bright, airy open-plan living areas that seamlessly fl ow into the large outdoor entertaining area. All bedrooms have built-ins and the large study is spacious enough to become a fourth bedroom. Th ere is an additional family bathroom, laundry room and remote double lock-up garage.

New Kawana Island beautyAddress: Price: Agent: Contact:

6 Nevis Court, Kawana IslandOffers over $600,000Croc PropertyMaria & Russ Longland 0404 500 449

3 2

2 1

property reviews

Just reduced by motivated sellers and representing great value is this brick three-bedroom home in a quiet location. Floating timber fl oors and neutral tones give this air-conditioned home a modern look. It is an absolutely ideal buy for the fi rst-home buyer or shrewd investor.First home in beautiful Bli Bli

Address: Price: Agent: Contact:

17 Avocado Crescent, Bli Bli$359,000Vic Murphy Real EstateGlennis Schindler 0412 737 324

3 1

1 0

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p: 07 5412 1600 e: [email protected] ‘Holbrook House’ 48-50 Sugar Road, Maroochydorep: 07 5412 1600 e: [email protected] ‘Holbrook House’ 48-50 Sugar Road, Maroochydore

Secluded Home on 924m2

3 Carrock Court, Mt Coolum

This home exudes individuality and character and has been hand crafted from selected hardwood, engineered to absolute perfection. There are high raked feature ceilings throughout and the in-ground salt water pool enjoys the Northern aspect and seclusion. Sellers will consider a ‘rent back option.

$529,000 Jamie Holbrook 0418 500 081

4 2 2

Owners Moving up North!185 University Way, Sippy Downs

This open plan design with large separate living areas is positioned perfectly next to a large park and it is designed for the growing family. These sellers are now 100% committed to moving and are now open to all offers.

All offers are to be submitted Jamie Holbrook 0418 500 081

4 2 2

North On 965m2 & Loving It!112 Tepequar Drive, Maroochy Waters

Your family will love calling this prime waterfront property home! The expansive living areas, kitchen and open plan master bedroom all enjoy the perfect North aspect overlooking the manicured gardens, in-ground pool, deck, pontoon and canal. Log onto the website to view more photos.

$1,295,000 Jamie Holbrook 0418 500 081

Bali in ‘Tanawha’81 Main Creek Road, Tanawha

Wow! This North East facing property will suit a family that love entertaining. The massive 7.5m x 7.5m gazebo is centrally located overlooking the pool and there is a huge 16m x 9m shed for all the toys. Forget spending over $1million, these sellers have priced the property for an immediate sale.

$895,000 Jamie Holbrook 0418 500 081






1-1.30PM OPEN






4 + offi ce 2 2 pool pontoon

4 + offi ce 2 pool, 4232m2

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54 My Property Review | January 30, 2009

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andin the



Want to know how you can increase the income of your investment property?

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Appraisal & Information Pack

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Our Sunshine Coast hinterland is full of surprises, with one home-based businessman leading the world in a profession that has him seeing stars.

by Dorothy Drane

The only way is up

from the middle of the bush at Ninderry, near Yandina, creates a rare and unusual product to a prestigious international client base.

Colin Blumson, a craft sman woodcarver, made a life change decision just over a decade ago, when he stopped creating detailed Gothic carvings in wood and bronze and started designing observatory domes.

It seems a major leap, although Colin has stayed in his sanctuary in the bush as he switched from carving heraldry and saints to carving a niche in the exploration of deep space.

From the shadows of Gothic cathedrals he has stepped into the stars and developed a business that, through the internet, has taken his work around the globe and back.

Colin’s observatory domes can now be found in places as far fl ung as Iceland and Texas as well as, of course, Australia, where wide expanses of land devoid of

light pollution provide some of the world’s best star-gazing opportunities.

Th e domes house and protect telescopes, which must be kept at pinpoint accuracy if they are to faithfully refl ect a star billions of miles away. Th is means there is no room for outside infl uences, not a breath or wind or a stray ray of light. Once aligned with a star, they must be kept there.

“I only ever had a basic childhood interest in astronomy,” Colin says. “Like so many kids I would look at the sky and wonder where the other end was, but that was about it.”

It took more than 3000 hours to design and develop the ‘Astro Dome’, a term he coined and one which is now being picked up internationally as an easier way to describe an observatory dome.

Blumson’s fi rst dome went to the Blue Mountains outside Sydney, followed by orders from two universities who where

Unlikely as it may seem, the Sunshine Coast hinterland is home to world-class manufacturing business that,

continued page 56 >

Colin Blumson calls the hinterland home

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andin the

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14 Acres on the River

Barb is Back!!

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56 My Property Review | January 30, 2009


5476 0050Craig Heppell 0400 180 515Toni Bielby 0417 640 585Karen Heppell 0400 330 485 Victor Realty

Ocean Views Quality Residence Nambour From $650,000

Open Saturday 12-12.45pm7 St James Court & Wednesday 5.30-6pm ID# 987060

Architect design on ¼ acre• Quality 5 bed, 3 bath home• Formal lounge, dining, rumpus•

Ent deck – spectacular views• 3 Car garage & w/shop, ig pool• Auction On Site 07/02/09•

Fantastic Dual Living Home Rosemount From $525,000

181 Panorama Drive Open Saturday 1-1.45pm ID# 988329

Totally separated living• Modern 6 bedroom home• 2 bathrooms + office•

2 Covered entertaining decks• Huge shed / workshop• Much more to see…•

Privacy And Position Nambour $397,000 neg

7 Parkhaven Close Open Saturday 11-11.45am ID# 978982

3 bed, 2 bath l/set brick home• Elev. 734m• 2 cul-de-sac blockOpen plan living & dining•

Two covered outdoor areas• Double auto garage• Landscaped gardens•

Ultimate Comfort Nambour $550,000

10 Pearl Parade Open Saturday 1.30-2.30pm ID# 975590

• Unique 2 level 5 bed 2 bath home• Sensational N/E Views• Easy Care 926sqm Fenced Yard

• Formal Lounge, Large Kitchen• Outdoor Spa Area• Double Auto Garage

Outstanding Views Nambour/Coes Creek $650,000

203b Coes Creek Road Open Saturday 1-1.45pm ID# 967015

Qld Style Home on ½ Acre• Outstanding Easterly Views• 5 Bed, 2 bath, 6 Car accom•

Modern Kitchen, Formal Dining• Covered Decks, IG Pool• Polished Timber Floors, A/C•

Modern Stylish Comfortable Nambour $357,000

28 Mary Street Open Saturday 2-2.45pm ID# 1008294

3 Bed, Modern Bathroom• Stunning Kitchen, Island Bench• Spacious Family/Dining Area•

Internet Ready Office/Study• SLUG + space for 4 vehicles• Flat Lawned fenced 708sqm yard•

Solid & Spacious Nth Views Nambour From $359,000

49 David Street Open Saturday 12-12.45pm ID# 988339

• Large 3 bed, 2 bath home• Wide covered verandah• Elevated 799sqm block

• Separate living areas• New kitchen and bath• Quiet, handy location


< from page 54establishing observatories at Mt Kent, in south-east Queensland.

Almost 2000 enquiries over the past six years have resulted in sales of about 70 domes – which are not quite your average item – and that was without even trying.

Colin is working on an order from Oxford University for four Astro Domes that will be located in South Africa, India, Sydney and Chile as part of a specialised project to encourage girls into the sciences. Students from girls’ schools in each location will monitor the stars and then email their results back to Oxford.

Even so, Colin has now decided that it’s time to move on and he’s looking for someone to take on the Astro Dome.

It’s not your average business, but it can be based anywhere in the world working with a promising global market and it can, quite literally, be described as a ‘rare opportunity’. Aft er all, it’s not every day that an observatory dome manufacturing business comes on the market.

Colin is looking for an entrepreneur who is ready to head for the stars in a venture that off ers lifestyle and reward. A knowledge of astronomy is not a prerequisite for the business. He describes the person who will be interested in his business as a capable internet user with business acumen who is energetic, gregarious, likes talking on the phone and dealing with all sorts of people.

Up for sale is the name, the intellectual property and research, designs, ongoing clientele, the automatic laser cutting and design process and, of course, Colin’s expertise.

“I have markets around the world, but there is still so much more to be done,” he says. “I have never fully exploited the potential of the business. Astro Domes has a good base to develop as a business and it is now up to others to follow these possibilities and opportunity.”

While he is happy to make himself available to the new business owner, at 65 years old Colin has decided there is too much to be done and too little time. He’s now aiming for retirement and a quieter life making grandfather clocks.

Views to the ranges, summer breezes, outdoor entertaining and well-established gardens are just some of the features of this low-maintenance home. Th e house has three bedrooms, all with built-ins and a study, a media room, plus outdoor undercover entertaining area. Also featured is a double lock-up garage and security screen doors. Only a short stroll to the local shops and school, this home is perfect for the young family.

Family home at Woombye

Th is low-set brick home is situated in a quiet yet central Palmwoods cul-de-sac. It has three bedrooms with built-ins, bathroom and walk-in robe and ensuite off the master, a generous open-plan living area, covered outdoor area and a single carport. Th is home is a short walk to schools, pool, parks and shops.

Prime Palmwoods location

Address: Price: Agent: Contact:

24 Bunya Pine Place, Woombye$399,000Re/Max Property Associates Fiona Browne 0416 151 204

3 2

2 1

Address: Price: Agent: Contact:

6 Greenlees Court, Palmwoods$365,000Victor Realty 5476 0050Craig Heppell or Toni Bielby

3 2

1 0

Colin Blumson has his eye on the sky

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Houses for SaleHouses for Sale Houses for Sale

Houses for Sale

Houses for Sale

classif eds


Terry Hinds Real Estate73 Hillcrest Ave, Nambour. Ph: 5441 4616 Fax: 5441 7766

[email protected]

Nambour Heights Executive Home $469,000This spacious 4 bedroom brick & tile home features luxury appointments with study, 3 bathrooms, 2 kitchens, 2 private entertaining areas, fans, air con, polished fl oors upstairs, tiles down, plenty of storage, workshop, room for 4 cars, i.g. salt pool, walk to shops, separate living areas, great for teenage space.Open Sat 11-11.45am, 47 Isabella Ave, Nambour

Terry Hinds 0407 135 423

2/18 Blackall StreetWOOMBYE

5442 1888

Lee Andrews 0402 216 809 Ken Pitcher 0412 587 467 Gary De Paoli 0408 731 412 David Menck 0408 713 834


OPEN HOMES51 REIDS ROAD, WOOMBYE SAT 12 – 12.45Lowset 3brm brick home set on almost ¾ acre, large coveredoutdoor entertainment area, dble l/up shed, usable land. $379,0002-4 OASIS CRT,WOOMBYE SAT 12 – 12.45New 4brm quality built home + study,ens, s.steel appliances, spacious family room, 2nd living area/media room, private alfresco. $630,000

BEST BUYSPALMWOODS 4 bed brick & tile, ens, u/c patio, i/g pool, level yard, side access, good estate, cul-de-sac, walk to town $395,000PARKLANDS Acreage 3 bedroom brick, sep. family room, double lock up, fully fenced, boasts an array of fruit trees. $435,000PLANTATION RISE Exquisite 4 brm home, high ceilings, caesar stone bench tops, stainless steel appliances,2 living areas, fantastic proximity to Woombye, lush manicured lawns. DLUG. $549,000WOOMBYE Rare Opportunity – 12+ acres walking distance to town, elevated, views, suit livestock $595,000DULONG Architecturally designed 4 brm home featuring quality inclusions throughout. Set on 3¼ acres, captivating views $745,000WOOMBYE Classic Qlder on 17 acres, almost in town $895,000

WHAT WE HAVEN’T GOT WE CAN’T SELL!With the current explosion of fi rst home buyers,

our stock in the $300k to $360k range is exhausted! Phone now for an obligation free appraisal!

Nambour6 Rendille Lane, Coes Creek Open Sat 12pm-12.45pm $349,000Generous 3 brm pole home, vaultedceilings & open plan living areas. Plans avail forextension downstairs. 60 Hillcrest Ave, Nambour Open Sat 1pm-1.45pm Now $355,0003 brm, main with ensuite & claw foot bath. Potbelly, covered timber deck & range views. Call Doug Ison 0418 761 404

1 Hill St, Nambour Open Sat 10am-10.45am $309,000Totally renovated delightful 2 brm Queenslander. Rear deck overlooking tropical landscaped gardens, walk to town.18 Park Rd, Nambour Open Sat 11am-11.45am $335,000Sub-division or development potential, 840 sqm (2 allotments) - 3 brm home with extensive renovations.3/43 Park Rd, NambourOpen Sat 12pm-12.45pm $239,000Must sell this weekend! Immaculate & spacious 2 brm unit, 2 new air cond & carport.15/68-76 Carter Rd, Nambour Open Sat 1pm - 1.45pm $319,000Offers needed today! As new townhouse on two levels. 2 living areas, 2 brms, 2 bathrooms plus study nook. Great value.27 Maroochy Spring Dve, Dulong Open Sat 2pm - 3pm $459,000A great starter package - beautiful 1 acre with lowset brick home, 3 bay lock-up shed & dble carport. Investor Liquidating $310,000His loss your gain - 2 brm rendered block home in top location, beautiful views from rear verandah. Call Dian Thomas 0408 786 040

28 Currie Street, Nambour Qld 45605476 0300


This new well appointed 4 bedroom brick home is ready to move straight into, featuring tiled fl oors, modern kitchen, ensuite. Air conditioned, entertaining area, double lock up garage, large back yard and fully fenced.


$355,000 including a $7,000 furniture packageCONTACT DEVELOPER DIRECT

REG POTTS 0410 310 971

Open for Inspection


Ph: 5441 1344


72 Petrie Creek Road, ROSEMOUNTReduced to $379,000 Sat 10-10.30amThree bedrooms, one bathroom, beautiful Qlder, fully renovated, timber fl oors, home offi ce, close to town, Beautiful features. ID#942951

43 Glenys St, NAMBOUR Offers over $335,000Three bedroom, one bathroom home, situated on 708sqm elevated block, large verandah with nice views, fully landscaped yard, great investment opportunity. ID#990741

3/34 Mary Street,NAMBOUR $250,000Sat 12-12.30pmJust Listed! Immaculate 2 bedroom unit, handy to central CBD, light and airy, separate laundry and bathroom, super large grassed garden area, low body corp fees.

4/12 Reilly Road, NAMBOUR$240,000 Sat 1-1.30pmJust Listed! 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom unit, large living area with timber fl ooring, small complex, central to town, brick and tile, separate SLUG. ID#1009052

12 Ridgewood Street, BURNSIDE$360,000 Sat 11-11.30amJust Listed! 4 bedroom brick home, neat as a pin. 545sqm block, SLUG, main bedroom with ensuite, private entertaining area, air conditioning. ID#1007840

10/29 Hospital Road, NAMBOUR $220,000Investment unit only! 2 bedroom unit adjacent to Nambour Hospital, SLUG, currently rented at $340 per week, ideal for keen investor. ID#786379

12 Waterfall Road, NAMBOUR $340,000Unique investment, charming home, polished timber fl oors, modern, awaits business or development, close to town and Hospital. ID#927358

15 Campese Terrace, NAMBOUR $345,000Quality three bedroom house with charm, style and comfort. Placed on an elevated block surrounded by tropical palms and ferns. Close to Nambours shops, Schools and Hospital. ID#953854

Call Deb Aldous 0438 985 336

REALTY5441 2511

Cnr Howard & Queen Sts, NambourThis business is independently owned and operated by Glamoren Pty Ltd A.B.N. 93 679 422 703

We have been here nearly 30 years and have helped over 10,000 people buy and sell.

Local SellersKULANGOOR $295,000Very spacious 4 bedroom home. On near level lot. Renovations underway. You can fi nish to your taste. Extra rumpus or 5th bedroom makes this a perfect home for a large family. Sellers have NEW PLANS and are very negotiable.NAMBOUR $339,000RENOVATED QUEENSLANDER CLOSE TO BIG W: Totally refurbished! This fabulous Queenslander has been re-stumped, re-guttered, re-wired,re-plumbed etc. Featuring tongue and groove and stained glass windows, polished fl oors, archways, modern kitn & bathrooms. Better than a new home.NAMBOUR HEIGHTS $349,000Lovingly maintained and very solid brick family home in quiet Nambour Heights location. Featuring stunning landscaped gardens, large open plan living area, big bedrooms, double lock-up garage. Excellent corner position with private leafy outlook.BURNSIDE $385,000Beautifully presented family home, full of character, elevated district views. Positioned across from parkland, short walk to shops & schools, resort style 10x4m inground pool, polished timber fl oors, gourmet kitchen.NAMBOUR $480,000This home is positioned at end of cul-de-sac with magnifi cent northerly views across Nambour on almost half an acre it has 4 brms, 2 bthrms and lots of living space. It has the feel of acreage living in town and is only 4 years old. A must to inspect!

RURAL SPECIALSWOOMBYE $439,000Affordable acreage living: from the cool split-level spacious 3 bedroom enchanted home, to the lawn sweeping down to the lotus fl ower pond. Discover the numerous exotic fruits as you explore the gardens. So much potential: realise your dream of hinterland living only a short drive from the coast and all facilities.ROSEMOUNT $595,000QUALITY BRICK HOME Soak in the ambience of this thoughtfully designed four bedroom, two bathroom home. Built to take in the views of Buderim and the ranges. Situated in easy reach of all amenities and the coast. Complete with a three car garage, undercover parking for boat or caravan and large workshop.ROSEMOUNT $599,000Perfectly positioned in quiet cul-de-sac is this modern 3 bedroom plus study Queenslander on 11/2 acres with rural views. Town water, air-conditioning, large open plan living areas plus enormous storage lock-up under.

Properties on this page are just a sample!For the largest range of exclusively listed

properties in Nambour and district check out

REALTY5441 2511


My Property Review | January 30, 2009 57

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classif edsOpen for Inspection Land our website for current rentals

1 3 0 0 K E N G U Y1 3 0 0 5 3 6 4 8 9

Kelly O’Brien 0414 409 624HOUSES

Maroochydore - 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom, open living, single carport, inground pool $320 pwMaroochydore - 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom, combined lounge and dining, single garage. $330 pw Pacifi c Paradise - 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, modern features, large fully fenced backyard, a/c and double lock up garage. $400 pwPerigian Springs - 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom, modern kitchen, double garage. $460 pwBuderim - Stylish brand new 4 bedrooms, 2 bathroom, small granny fl at attached with living, kitchen, bedroom and bathroom it has its own entrance into the house. Double garage and single carport backing onto the rainforest.$450 pw Kawana Lakes - Executive 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, gourmet kitchen, double garage. $750 pwMinyama – This magnifi cent waterfront home offers 5 large bedrooms a study and room for the largest family. Designer kitchen, all living areas take maximum advantage of great water views. $875 pw

UNITS Maroochydore – One bedroom studio apartments do not come up to often and especially in a location as good as this one. Situated on the corner of Bradman Avenue, opposite the Maroochy River. $240 pw Maroochydore - 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, split level living, double garage, small courtyard walking distance to plaza. $360 pw Wurtullla - 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, raised deck, pool and tennis court. $375 pwCoolum - 3 bedroom furnished unit, 2 bathroom, double lock up garage, ocean views. $470 pwMooloolaba - Three brm top fl oor unit well located & in easy reach of the beach, shops & restaurants. $470 pw Cotton Tree - This magnifi cent executive penthouse comprises two levels of living and features huge covered entertaining with BBQ, private rooftop pool and expansive outdoor living. $850 pw Cotton Tree - Luxury split level Penthouse, panoramic ocean views, polished timber fl oors, large open plan living, gourmet kitchen with stainless steel appliances and inbuilt refrigerator and bar fridge. Media room or offi ce. $1100 pw

To Let

Open Homes - NambourSaturday 31/1/09 Wednesday 4/2/0910-10.30am - 27 Anticipation Ct. $429,00011-11.30am - 9 Heslop Pl. $460,00012-12.30pm - 53 Spring Myrtle Dr. $389,00010-10.45am - 1 Buchanan Ct. mid $400,00011-11.45am - 13 Bangalow St. $379,000 10-11am - 35 McKenzie Rd $478,000Open Homes Saturday - Rosemount1-1.30pm - 12 Ellora Ct. $639,000Open Home - Pelican WatersSaturday & Sunday11-12pm - 107 Mahogany Dr. Offers over $800,000Open Home Sunday - RosemountAttention all Acreage Buyers11-12pm - 234 Petrie Creek Road $620,000

Houses for Sale

Stage 2

under construction

Land yourself a First Home Owners’ Government Grant at

5442 3879

[email protected]


Range Brook Estate Land priced from $174,000

House and Land Packages from $456,000



4 2

On-Site Sales Office Open Sat – Wed 10am – 5pm

Off Cobbs Road, Woombye. UBD SC66 Ref D8




48 Allan Ave, Glasshouse MountainsOpen 11-12pm Sat & Sun

5 bed, open plan, pool, fenced, 12m x 6m shed (3m high), ½ acre. Offers over $539,000

Ph Kelvin 0429 003 338




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58 My Property Review | January 30, 2009

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My Property Review | January 30, 2009 59

property reviews

Impressive beachside abode in Buddina

and comfortable on those hot and humid days. All the bedrooms are generous in size and contain plenty of storage space. Th e double car accommodation is accessed via remote, plus there’s an additional gate for a boat or trailer.

Th is stunning residence, set in a quiet enclave, is guaranteed to impress. Th e open fl oor plan is cleverly designed to entice the summer sea breezes to fl ow gently throughout. Bi-fold doors open onto the pool, which creates a seamless transition of

indoor and outdoor living. Th e gourmet kitchen has granite benchtops and quality appliances. Th ere’s a massive media room, which is the perfect spot to retreat to at the end of the day. Five split-system air-conditioners ensure the property remains cool

Buderim versatility and views

Address: Price: Agent: Contact:

7 Karawatha Street, Buderim$519,000Brown Realty BuderimPam Paten 0412 957 403Mike Paten 0412 070 833

Ocean views at Alex Headland


Price: Agent: Contact:

17 Camfi eld Street, Alexandra HeadlandOffers around $1 millionProperty TodayJamie Holbrook 0418 500 081

Moffat Beach apartmentWork from home or even have a self-contained fl at with this well-maintained home. Downstairs features a large ensuited room with separate access, perfect for guests, teenagers or a work situation. Upstairs has three bedrooms, generous open-plan living and eastern decks designed to capture the view and breezes. All this is within walking distance of local shops and transport.

Th is four-bedroom, two-bathroom residence is the ultimate in beachside living. Located just a short stroll to the beach, this two-level home uses a combination of glass louvres, timber features and urban design to create a casual yet ultra-modern living space – with ocean views. Th e ground fl oor features three oversized bedrooms with a large central lounge room, spacious bathroom, separate powder room and laundry. Upstairs features the master bedroom, a large living area, indoor and outdoor dining areas and a stylish kitchen. Th ere are views of the ocean from all rooms on the upper fl oor – especially the large outdoor alfresco timber dining deck that fl ows from the kitchen. Th is residence is near-new and features top-of-the range fi ttings and fi xtures throughout.

Norfolk Apartments is situated on the oceanfront at Moff at Beach. Th e complex is highly sought-aft er as a holiday destination and represents the ideal investment or home. Th is fourth-fl oor unit off ers breathtaking views of the coastline and shipping lanes. Th e complex has full resort facilities, including a barbecue area, lagoon-style pool and spa all set in a lush tropical setting.

Address: Price: Agent: Contact:

6 Yaringa Avenue, BuddinaAuction on site January 31 @ 12 noonRaine & Horne Kawana WatersPeter Cox 0413 134 884

3 1

2 1


Price: Agent: Contact:

U30 Norfolks Apartments, 32 Queen of Colonies Parade, Moffat BeachAuction on site February 11@ 2pmHenzells Prestige 5436 8025Susan Musgrove 0414 253 783

2 2

1 0

4 3

2 0

3 2

2 1

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home directory

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60 My Property Review | January 30, 2009

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COLE BUILDING SERVICESRenovation Specialists Call Cole 0411 554 607 L

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My Property Review | January 30, 2009 61

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Artist’s Impression - subject to change



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Live the Ridges way today with a host of fantastic facilities:

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My Property Review | January 30, 2009 63



parklakesN E S T L E D I N N A T U R E

“Parklakes” Residential Community, Bli Bli





Stage 8 at the popular Parklakes estate has now been released. This is your chance to live just minutes away from the beach, as well as the main shopping centre of Maroochydore, yet with the peace and tranquility of parkland and lakes on your doorstep. Think of the perfect lifestyle where your children can walk to the nearby school in safety, and ride their bikes in one of the many parks. Further plans within the next 12 months also include even more park areas and sports fields, as well as an extensive pathway network. Add to this an area which is free of traffic lights and land selling from just $237,500 and you can see why this is one of the Sunshine Coast’s emerging communities.

The tranquility of living close to lakes and parkland

Blocks 650sqm - 1400sqm. From only $237,500

LAND: Lot 119 Parklakes Drive Bli Bli, 844m2 level lot

HOUSE: 251m2 Luxury Family home including 4 brm, 2 bathroom, double lock up garage, spacious outside living areas

FREE: Approx $30,000 landscaping and driveway

FREE: Gov’t Assist First Home owners Grant $21,000

Plans available at Parklakes sales office

Actual Lot

Artist Impression

House & Land Package

$458,000Display Home OPEN for Inspection Sat/Sun 2-4pm

31 Flooded Gum Court “Parklakes” Bli Bli

STR Builders present “The Forester” featuring 4 large bedrooms, 3bathrooms, office, spacious open plan living, double garage plus storage &front & rear outdoor living areas.Build your plan or ours - obtain a free competitive quote.

STR Builders Pty LtdPO box 132 Bli Bli Ph: 5450 8488

The Forester

Eligible for the


First Home

Buyers Grant

new home & land

Entering the market at Toral Park Terraces

Toral Park Terraces is a new townhouse development in Buderim, located close to the Coast’s top educational

facilities, golf courses, medical facilities and the Chancellor Park shopping precinct.

Th e village environment is a 10-minute drive to Mooloolaba Beach and the Bruce Highway and just over an hour to Brisbane. Th e University of the Sunshine Coast,

Matthew Flinders school and Siena Catholic College are within walking distance.

Toral Park Terraces is designed to maximise natural light and ventilation, while all homes are fi tted out with quality fi nishes, imported appliances and air-conditioning. Th e homes have two, three, or four bedrooms, all with two bathrooms, separate powder room, decks

and courtyards. All residents have access to a resort-style pool and picnic area.

Toral Park Terraces will appeal to the young family just getting started and the semi-retired wanting to downsize.

Th e homes are now selling off the plan and require a fi ve per cent deposit with settlement in December 2009. Th is is a great opportunity to buy into

a quality location in prestigious Buderim.

Address: 160 Stringybark RoadFeatures: Two- to four-bedroom, 2.5-bathroom, one- or two-car, offi cePrice: $325,000 to $425,000Agent: RE/MAX BuderimContact: Paul Becker 0401 024 010 orDonna Danger 0412 152 676

A new townhouse development in Buderim is selling off the plan and is sure to attract fi rst-home buyers and investors.

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a new vision, a new life, a new future


LARGE 650M2 LOTS ONLY $199,500





10 minute drive to Mooloolaba

Award winning public & private schools

Easy access to the Bruce Highway & Brisbane

Walking distance to Bella Grace Early Learning Centre

Adjoins major shopping, medical & sporting facilities

Walking distance to the University of the Sunshine Coast

UBD Reference Map 88





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