My portfolio in edtc2 :geselle

My Portfolio in Educational Technology

Transcript of My portfolio in edtc2 :geselle

My Portfolio in Educational Technology

I’m Geselle Marasigan, 18 years of age. Taking up Bachelor of Education major in Early Childhood Education. I graduated my elementary level in Baha Elementary School, and my high school level in Balayan National High School and now I’m a college students of Cavite States University in Indang Cavite. I’m the only child of Mrs. Maricel Marasigan. We have four members in our family; me, my mother , my grandmother and grandfather. I love listening to music, do some artworks activities, I do love cooking also ,especially when I’m in our place in Batangas.I’m a God fearing person also. I love playing with my mother do some funny stuff , have a chitchat as if where just a bestfriend. I have a lot of jolly friends that always there to bug me and to accompany me where ever I go. And of course as a students I want to pursue my dreams not only for me but also for my family.

A summary of Educational Technology topics:

Educational Technology play a vital role in making us knowledgeable and more idealistic but it also have a negative sides if we used it in a wrong way and we need to be aware of it because some person used of it:

• Ideological propaganda

• Pornography

• Financial fraud

• Other exploitative used of technology

We need to be more aware of it for the students to keep in a right track and to prevent a gap in different aspects of the societies. Remember that technology can help us to learn and not to be burden to everyone.

An Overview: Educational Technology 2 which is concerned of: “Integrating Technology into Teaching and Learning”

-By the used of technology in our daily lives we can make our task more easier just like in putting technology in teaching and learning process it can help the students to enhance their cognitive skills because they can do hands on activities that can measure how creative and productive they are. The objectives of it are:

1.To provide education in the use of technology in instruction;

2.To impart learning experiences in instructional technology supported instructional planning;

3. To acquaint students on information technology;

4.To learn to use and evaluate computer-based educational resources;

5. To engage learners on practical technology; and

6.To inculcate higher-level thinking and creativity among students.


Technology is very common now a days, We use it in our house, in office , in schools and it is easy to bring where ever you want to go. Most of the countries in the Asia Pacific Region (Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, etc.) already adopted their own policies and had created an educational technology environment in their schools. This countries can afford to provide their needs of computers which help them to do a lot of things in such a little amount of time. But, some of the poor countries can’t afford this kind of system and it has a very big impact to their economy and the people that belong there because they can’t access , they are not so much knowledgeable when it comes to technology which reflect the sad part because when we have technology we can do what we want. We can communicate, we can access, we can do our work without consuming a lot of time and effort and by the used of computer their industries can be bigger and better.


Here are external manifestations of technology integration into instruction:

• There’s a change in the way classes are traditionally conducted.

• The quality of instruction is improved to a higher level in such a way that could not have been achieved without educational technology.

• There is planning by the teacher on the process of determining how wand when technology fits into the teaching-learning process.

• The teacher sets instructional strategies to address specific instructional issues/problems.

• The use of technology provides the opening of opportunities to respond to these instructional issues/problems.

We all know that during the traditional way teacher used flip charts, visual aids, chalkboards and other materials just to provide the needs of their students, just for them to learn and to make their day meaningful in schools. But now students are more engaged in technology but as a teacher we don’t need to be afraid to used technology maybe it is not easy to some person but as time goes by they can catch up and they can used and implement learning by the used of technology in instruction.


Four conceptual models :• Meaningful Learning

This gives focus to new experience that is related to what the learner already knows. A new experience departs from the learning of a sequence of words or memorization through rote memory but gives attention to meaning. It assumes that:

- Students already have some knowledge that is relevant to new learning

-Students are willing to perform class work to find connections between what they already know and what they can learn.

• Discovery Learning

-In discovery learning students perform tasks to uncover what is to be learned.

-New ideas and new decisions are generated in the learning process, regardless of the need to move on and depart from organized set-off activities.

-In discovery learning, it is important that the student become personally involved and not subjected by the teacher to procedures he/she is not allowed to depart from.

• Generative Learning

In generative learning we have active learners who attend to learning events and generate drawing from this experience and draw inferences thereby creating a personal model or explanation to the new experience in the context of existing knowledge.

• Constructivism

In constructivism, the learner builds a personal understanding through appropriate learning activities and a good learning environment. The two accepted principles are:

1. Learning consists of what a person can actively assemble for himself and not what he can receive passively.

2.The role of learning is to help the individual live/adapt to his personal world.


The Four Types of IT-Based Projects

I. Resource-based Projects

In these projects, the teacher steps out of the traditional role of being a content expert and information provider, and instead lets the students find their own facts and information. Only when necessary for the active learning process does the teacher step in to supply data or information.

The general flow of events in resource-based projects are:

1. The teacher determines the topic for the examination of the class

2. The teacher presents the problem to the class.

3. The students find information on the problem/questions.

4. Students organize their information in response to the problems/questions.

II. Simple Creations

• Creativity as an outcome should not be equated with higher intelligence.

• Creativity is more consonant with planning, making, assembling, designing, or building.

III. Guided Hypermedia Projects

• The production of self-made multimedia projects can be approached in two different ways:

1. As an instructive tool, such as in the production by students of a power-point presentation of a selected topic.

2. As a communication tool, such as when students do a multimedia presentation (with text, graphs, photos, audio narration, interviews, video clips, etc. To simulate a television news show.)

IV. Web-based Projects

Students can be made to create and post webpage on a given topic. But creating webpage, even single page webpage may too sophiscated and time consuming for the average student.


Through the use of computer we can get different ideas or information in just one click. We can used goggle if we want to search a specific topics. We can also communicate by the used of computer we can write and send it to someone we want.

The Personal Computer (PC) as ICT

Computer are helpful tool in gaining information but aside from that computer can be also a communication technology with the use of different programs such as yahoo, goggle, MSN we are able to communicate to our teachers, schoolmates, relatives through online. And it is also helpful in education, the educational media, which is used in communicating to audiences.


Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI)

The computer can be a tutor in effect relieving the teacher of many activities in his personal role as a classroom tutor. It should be made clear, however, that the computer cannot totally replace the teacher since the teacher shall continue to play major roles of information deliverer and learning environment controller. Even with the available computer and CAI software, the teacher must:

• Insure that the students have the needed knowledge and skills for any computer activity.

• Decide the appropriate learning objectives

• Plan the sequential and structured activities to achieve objectives.

• Evaluate the students’ achievement by ways of tests of the specific expected outcomes.


The Computer’s Capabilities

• Informative Tool• Communication Tool• Constructive Tool• Co-constructive Tool

• Situating Tool


• The Traditional Classroom

It may be observed that classrooms are usually arranged with neat columns and rows of student chairs or desks, while the teacher stands in front of the classroom or sits behind his table. This situation is necessitated by the need to maintain classroom discipline, also allows the teacher to control classroom activities through lecture presentation and teacher-led discussions.

• The SCL Classroom

Schools also adopted the support of ICTs. Their students have now become active not passive learners, demonstrating independence and self-awareness in the learning process.


Cooperative or collaborative learning is learning by small groups of students who work together in a common learning task.

5 elements are needed:

• 1. common goal

• 2. interdependence

• 3. interaction

• 4. individual accountability

• 5. social skills


There are two kinds of software:





1. LEARNER CONTROL means the learner makes his own decisions on the path, flow or events of instruction.

a. LEARNER WIDE RANGE OF NAVIGATION ROUTES. For the most part, the learner control the sequence and pace of his path depending of his ability and motivation.

b. VARIETY OF MEDIA. Hypermedia includes more than one media (text, graphics, audio, video clip) but does not necessarily use all types of media in one presentation.

• In edtech2 I learn a lot example is through the use of computer we can do our work or task without consuming a lot of time.

• Computer can be used in classroom to provide the needs of the students and to deliver the lesson in a well set that the students gave more attention to learn.

My Reflection

• In edtech2 it enhance our knowledge about the use of computer and on how it can be useful to everybody.

• In here also we learned that in using technology there are some aspects that we need to be aware of, because it can destroy us and the privacy of others, we need to became responsible in using the technology.

• Computer really play a vital role not only for one country but to the whole world because now a days, we really need it, for us to communicate, for school works, for office works and even in our house.

• I learn that we ,as a users we need to keep in our mind that we should not forget also the traditional way because it is important also for us and to those person who can’t afford to have a computer or doesn’t have opportunity to have an access of it.

• We also tackle that in teaching and learning process there should be a participation of the teacher and the learner so that their ideas can became more bigger and they can enhance their cognitive skills.

• “Computer as a tutor” it provides information. By the use of it we can easily search for the information that we want to know.

• Computer can’t replace teacher because computer is just a tool for a teacher to relieve lots of activities in school, so that even though students are plenty, all of them will be able to learn.

• The computer is a natural learning vehicle for cooperative learning. It promotes cooperation and collaboration within the students working on the same tasks.

Students after Edtech:

• I learn that through the use of computer we can become more knowledgeable.

• Computer serve as a tool to the students for them to make their work more pleasant and more creative.

• It shows how computer can help people to minimize their work within a small amount of time.

• Learning and teaching process can easily obtained by the use of technology.

• This portfolio of mine serves as the learning outcomes that I get from edtech2 it shows what I’ve learn, what we can learn and what we supposed to learn to became not just good but more better than that, in using the technology.

• Edtech2 teach us that we don’t need to just use what we already know instead it show us that as a future educator we need to explore and we need to cope up with the new surroundings and new invention that the world is providing us, to learn more and to make our life more meaningful through the use of technology.