My Paradigm

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Transcript of My Paradigm

  • 7/28/2019 My Paradigm


    Kao Neurocybermancy:

    Paradigm of Khaos Magick building on Psionics, African(Ifa)/Hatian Hoodoo blackmagick, Cthulhu mythos (with Cthulhu representing the structure of neurons and the sub-c), and the science of Neurocybernetics.


    Sex, Death, and Ecstasy. Panpsychic (Everything is connected raw awareness, a complex interaction of communication or information exchange)


    Neurocybernetics/Neuromorphic Engineering [Programmer/Python | Neuroscience/Neurons/Neural Networks | Celluluar Automaton | CAS & Complexity | General ComputerScience/ Electronics (Robotics) | Biology]

    - Discrete Mathmatics

    - Algorithms

    - Brain-Computer-Interfaces

    - DIY Bioimplants

    - Brain-Foods (Vitamins and nutrients that promotes "neurogenisis", cognitive enhancment, long-t/short-t memory improvment, learning better and faster)

    - Nootropics

    - Herbalism

    - Alternative Gardening

    - Bio-Implants

    - Healthy Diet (Living longer and getting stronger)

    - Counter-Survillence

    - Dumpster Diving (E-Waste)

    Systematic consistency suggests that Zone-0 envelops the Zeroth-Phase of Pandemonium, but as this includes nothing beyond itself it constitutes a nominal or virtual multitude and an "absolute abstraction." Zone-0 has no separable power of initiation, and since it does not support imps (or impulse-entities) - even of the first degree - there is no zeroth door.

    000,00 Non-Existance

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    Purple is considered his sacred color, and usual offerings include black goats,black roosters, calabash, cigars, coconut, fried plantains, pistachios, smoked herrings, sweet sesame balls, and white rum spiced with African bird pepper.


    Gheude Spirits = Loa with particular links to magic, ancestor worship and death.These lesser spirits, all dressed like the Baron (Papa Nibbo), are all as rudeand crude, but not nearly as charming, as their master. They help carry the deadto the underworld.

    Daath (Underworld) = Papa Legba (Dan/Serpent) = finite set theory Clifford algebra/64bit 256 ifa = Gate Keeper of Daath = Voodooists believe that if Legba grants their wishes, they can contact the forces of the universe

    Forces of the Universe = Nana Buluku(androgynous)/Mami Wata/Cthulhu/Maitre Priest of those Yog-Sothoth things.. AKA Khaos!!!

    Papa Legba is the most powerful of the Iwa because only through him can they interact with the living through possession and no Voodoo ritual can begin without

    first invoking Papa Legba.This even includes the black magic dealers or Bokors, nothing is possible in Voodoo without Papa Legba's say so.His place of worship is before the gateway into any Voodoo temple, where sacks of tobacco, pipes, rum and his favorite foods are kept to please him. Papa Legbadoes share a symbol with another of the Iwa, Baron Samedi, and the cross in bothcases it symbolizes the crossroad between the spiritual realms.However where as the Baron only symbolizes death, Legba's other symbol is the sun and he is invoked at the beginning of each new life. Positive 0+Papa Legba is the great gatekeeper of the Iwa in Voodoo; only through his favorcan anyone in the living world communicate with other spirits.Not to be confused with Baron Samedi and Papa Nibbo of the Ghuede (though they share many of the same symbols), Papa Legba is a dynamic and changing character o

    f the Voodoo religion and shows obvious influence from the Christian faith.

    Old man who guards the crossroads. He is the origin of life, so he must be saluted each time a service or any other activity with the loa will begin. Legba controls the crossing over from one world to the other. He is the contact between the worlds of spirit and of flesh.

    He can deliver messages of gods in human language and interpret their will. He is the god of destiny and is also the intermediary between human beings and divine gods.

    Chokmah = Baron Samedi (Papa Nibbo is basically the heir of Baron Samedi)

    He is usually depicted with a top hat, black tuxedo (dinner jacket), dark glasses, and cotton plugs in the nostrils, as if to resemble a corpse dressed and prepared for burial in the Haitian style. He has a white, frequently skull-like face(or actually has a skull for a face) and speaks in a nasal voice.

    He is noted for disruption, obscenity, debauchery, and having a particular fondn

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    ess for tobacco and rum. Additionally, he is the Loa of resurrection, and in thelatter capacity he is often called upon for healing by those near or approaching death, as it is only Baron who can accept an individual into the realm of thedead.