My ‘occupational identity’

My ‘Occupational Identity’ Georgina Speedy

Transcript of My ‘occupational identity’

My ‘Occupational Identity’Georgina Speedy

Family: This image was taken of my family on our family farm. Being a part of my family is a strong part of my occupational identity. Not only am I a direct family member this role can be broken down into daughter, sister, granddaughter, cousin and niece.

Flatmate: This image show my flatmates at the Wintec Student Village (2013). This is a part of my past occupational identity as I was considered a flatmate to these friends. I am still currently am a flatmate however despite the individuals I flat with have changed I still identify being a flatmate as a part of my occupational identity.

Studying: This image shows me studying during assessment week. I am currently studying with the aim of becoming an occupational therapist. Study not only relates to my present occupational identity I recognise that it links to my future occupational identity of becoming a qualified occupational therapist.

Rowing: I am a rower, in this image I am competing in the North Island Club Rowing Championship. Rowing is apart of my occupational identity as socially and personal I identify myself with the sport.

Socialising: This image shows a night out with friends. Socialising is a part of my occupation identity past, present and future. I enjoy this socialisation and consider it an positive interaction in my life.

Netball: This image is me (GK) playing netball at the Upper North Island Secondary Schools competition. Netball is a sport I have been involved in for majority of my life. I and others view me as a netballer therefore asserting occupational identity.

Baking: This image is a birthday cake I baked and decorated for a friend. I enjoy participating in baking as a leisure occupation, and through this participation I identify it as a part of my occupational identity.

Sewing: This is an image of my Year 13 fabrics project I constructed for a wear-able-arts show. I enjoy sewing and have participated in it at high school and at home as a leisure occupation which links it to my occupational identity.Sewing also allows me to connect with my mother, as this is also a strong part of her occupational identity.

Shopping: This photo shows me out shopping in ‘Stevens’. I enjoy all forms of shopping whether it be online, clothes or groceries. I try to do this occupation as much as possible and identify it as a part my occupational identity.

Running: This image shows running in the countryside (from Leapfrog Athletics, 2014). It is a part of my occupational identity as through my participation in running I achieve enjoyment using it both as a method to increase my fitness and also a release after which I always feel better and more physically well.


Leapfrog Athletics. (2014). Power running series. Retrieved from