My magazine recreation

My magazine recreation (total film) The programs I used where Photoshop and InDesign I was familiar with Photoshop but InDesign I was not familiar with so I had to experiment with the tools till I understood it. I used the cutting tools to make it so I could use parts from the image which I wanted to use in my magazine recreation. I also used the text tools to recreate the text from the original image. I have learnt new skills and tools in the making of my magazine recreation cover. The tools I used where the importing/placing tool and the cutting tool the line tool which helped me do the straight lines on the front cover to make it more like the original cover. This is the original picture on the left and the other one is the one I recreated. I think I did okay as I have not spent long on Photoshop and it was my first time on overall I think that I did okay recreating the original cover of TOTAL FILM. The weakness of my recreation of the original cover is that I didn’t include some of the same things the original cover did and the photo I took was okay but I should have made it so there was more lighting on the image and I should of made the text bigger and I should of made it so the total in the title was more clear so I could see it more clearly. The strengths of my cover recreation is that the title looks kind of similar and the text it the same and nearly in the



Transcript of My magazine recreation

Page 1: My magazine recreation

My magazine recreation (total film)

The programs I used where Photoshop and InDesign I was familiar with Photoshop but InDesign I was not familiar with so I had to experiment with the tools till I understood it. I used the cutting tools to make it so I could use parts from the image which I wanted to use in my magazine recreation. I also used the text tools to recreate the text from the original image. I have learnt new skills and tools in the making of my magazine recreation cover. The tools I used where the importing/placing tool and the cutting tool the line tool which helped me do the straight lines on the front cover to make it more like the original cover.

This is the original picture on the left and the other one is the one I recreated. I think I did okay as I have not spent long on Photoshop and it was my first time on overall I think that I did okay recreating the original cover of TOTAL FILM.

The weakness of my recreation of the original cover is that I didn’t include some of the same things the original cover did and the photo I took was okay but I should have made it so there was more lighting on the image and I should of made the text bigger and I should of made it so the total in the title was more clear so I could see it more clearly. The strengths of my cover recreation is that the title looks kind of similar and the text it the same and nearly in the same position as the original image I also like it how the cover image I chose is the same as the original image.

I am pleased with the recreation I did as I was not so familiar with the programs I used.

If I did it again I would change the lighting on the photo I took and I would make the text bolder and add more stuff from the origin al cover to my recreated cover.

Page 2: My magazine recreation

With this I have used brightness and contrast tools to make it so the recreation photo looks like the magazine front cover. I also picked a location where there was not much in the background.

Page 3: My magazine recreation

I used Photoshop to re-create the magazine as I felt it was easier and it would have looked more like it.

Weakness: the weqakness of my recreation would have to be that my recreation doesn’t really look like the magazine at all.

With this, this is how I made the sub heading on the magazine also I used the same way to make the total sign. I found that using the shapes was easier as it made the whole thing easier.

Using the magic wand tool I made the parts from the magazine to make it even more like the original.