My magazine design


Transcript of My magazine design

Page 1: My magazine design


Page 2: My magazine design

MAGAZINE COVER Simple masthead, basic colour. Most prominent text on the cover

Main coverline is the most bold coverline, makes the reader curious about the main article

Various articles which use language to draw in the reader, asks rhetorical questions to make the reader question the articles. This will make them more interested in the stories.

Cover contains the issue number and price, the issue number keeps the readers up to date with the magazine. The price informs the reader of how much they are paying for the magazine

Follows the one-third rule however, the text and information is on the right instead of the left. This goes against the magazine standard

A sales feature of this cover is the “free Harlow College poster’, this is a unique selling point for the magazine. Could be turned into a puff by placing the text inside a shape

Page 3: My magazine design

FINAL DRAFT COVERMasthead, the colour of this masthead will be different to make the title stand out against the background. In addition the font will different to the coverlines font.

Puff, will contain something unique to the magazine

Coverlines, includes two or three stories and they will use language to draw in the reader. The colour of the coverlines will vary to differentiate each article. Will be in a serif font

Main image, this will cover a part of the masthead

Main coverline, this will cover the main the main image. The main coverline will say “Graphics Designer in the making”

Barcode, magazine issue and price

the cover will follow the left one-third rule, all the important information will be displayed on the left instead of the right for the updated cover