My identity


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Transcript of My identity

Page 1: My identity

My Identity Kathleen O’Brien

Page 2: My identity

?Who are you?

Who is the real you?

What makes you, you?

Are you what you believe?

Are you what you do?

Are you what you have experienced?

What does your identity mean to you and others around you?

Who are you to other people?

Page 3: My identity

The real me?

I think at this age you are still trying to answer this question…which is why you experiment, rebel, maybe occasionally follow the rules, and do things that you learn from and you will obviously encounter regrets. I think so far I have learnt that I am a nice person and I care about peoples feelings-I always try and put myself in their position which always encourages me to do the right things(most of the time) I am genuine, I care what people think about me even though I try to not let it bother me. I love my job, which is defining me as a person-modelling in London. As you have to know who you are as a person to ensure they know as well. I love animals, I have an obsession with my best friend. And I love music. (good music) even though I believe this, many people may disagree.

Page 4: My identity

What makes you, you?

My job makes me insecure but at the same time make me love myself. My friends have had a big impact on who I am turning out to be for better or worse. My family have brought me up to be a good person and be respectful. When I moved from Canada to England-this definitely had a huge impact as I feel it knocked my confidence and made me grow up quicker. Many experiences like travelling a lot, and modelling in london forces me to be mature and organised as having college at the same time is hard to manage.

Page 5: My identity

I have no idea what people think of me. I don’t think I make very good first impressions as I am shy most of the time so this could come across badey. But I think once you get to know me after a while people start to form different opinions, negative or positive.