My Declaration of Independence

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Transcript of My Declaration of Independence

  • 7/28/2019 My Declaration of Independence


    Location: SELFPermanent Population: 1

    Government: SOCIALIST


    To dissolve my bands with the state of Utah I must declare my independence from theentire nation that supports this slave state as a member of its union. I was captured by the

    departments of state and placed in name alone with a police related family (the Staten's) on

    the fathers side at the tender age of seven years and tucked away under alias' to be, upon

    reaching the age of an adult, railroaded by industrialist, gamblers, highway men, and miners

    of the human spirit, body & soul. For 16 years I was mentally tortured and isolated, the state

    worked relentlessly to keep me outside of my common ties, thus allowing them to construct

    their necessary support network and by means of faith and protocol sabotage my persona.

    This state of Utah, in-particularly the county of Salt Lake, more particularly the

    university of Utah related area, seated in the empty lake bed of ancient Lake Bonneville, has

    sir-named me after an island (Staten Island) and as a lake, (Lake) and left me as such as it ishere seated with the first name of one of their favorite industries most famous old western

    movies SHANE. My life has been forced into the role of that famous cowboy since I became

    an adult. Having been secreted away from my original surroundings, by means of what

    appears to be a street-side trans-orbital lobotomy, by unknown enemies; I was then mentally

    abducted by state performed surgery afterward; where the medical professionals claim I had a

    broken nose, but through thorough examination of the facts, spells itself out to be an in-vivo

    operation of takeover. The main objective, to further tie in with the entertainment industry;

    and the motivation, of course, money. Since it is impossible to get to anywhere else without

    money, an automobile, or contacts, & due to the fact that in said area it is 7 hours drive to anyother commonly populated area, I have been rendered my own island in this country that was

    once a lake, like me.

    From the age of 5 to the age of 8 I knew myself to be Shane Lake, at the age of 8 I found

    out my real father was named Staten and that I was being called a Lake so that I could fit in

    in our neighborhood. At the age of 16, in order to get my drivers license, I became Shane

    Staten; and have, since then, been known as such.

    After thrice now as an adult, being put in jeopardy for violent offenses against minors

    in my own household, my own nephews, brothers of the same mother, and my little brother (in

    1995); I find the department of justice in the city of cottonwood heights to be allowing false

    witness and overlooking justice in the name of profit. They have as of June 5, 2013 corneredme into pleading guilty, due to their willingness to accept video representation that was

    created by lookalike actors in another setting and filed in by an absent minded accuser whom

    was ushered in, by their industrial means, between the two settings. As I write this on June 9,

    2013 I have only 26 days remaining to revoke my plea and I see no way that is possible, since

    even the given defense will not fight to have the video removed from the D.A.'s case. I asked if

    it was possible, and my representation said that it was not possible to get the video thrown

    out. Atop that I have run into a proverbial wall. I am 30+ years into the aforementioned

  • 7/28/2019 My Declaration of Independence


    accusation, though originally said to be an accident I committed against my little brother in

    what seems to be 1981, when I was 7, where I ran him into the rack at our dads workplace,

    (Thomas Arthur Lake) it now seems to me to be the starting point for the speculative

    treatment I've received in this home front where I grew up. At the age of 19 or 20 another one

    of the Lake children accused me of abuse, when I caught him in my room and thought he had

    stolen my lighter, he was standing with his legs up against my futon and denied taking it so I

    shoved him backwards onto the padded futon, for sure, causing no injury, though he felt so

    inspired as to call the cops; but when asked to give a statement he ran out of the house. I was

    put on a 72 hr restraining order, and then later found to be in need of 6 months probation.

    Then in 2007 in the Fall, I was accused of abusing my sisters youngest son, where Shanon Lake

    says I used excessive force in dealing with his behavior. He bit me and left teeth marks, I

    didn't take it too hard and I thought he needed behavioral treatment and so I showed him with

    my teeth barely touching his arm in the same place where he'd left a mark that teeth are very

    hard and could hurt, but I applied no pressure thus giving him an example that seems to have

    cured him of that tendency, since he was 4 then and is 10 now I havent seen or heard of him

    biting. Then, in the same instance a fight erupted on TV and he got caught up in theexcitement and grabbed a little metal childs chair and hit me over the back with it. So I

    thought he needed more discipline and grabbed him around each of his shoulders toward the

    bicep area and lifted him up from 2 feet away from the bed and sat him down on the bed, then

    grabbed the front of his shirt and twisted it up a bit and told him in the like manner of the

    buster he was behaving like You don't hit people with a chair; and at the same time felt like

    venting my feelings about the show on TV, so I turned to my left and turned my head so he

    wouldn't hear or see the the words I said, and said to the powers that be Why do you got to be

    such a fucking bitch and lo and behold there was his grandmother at the door to the left of

    that, whom saw the end of that and apparently heard my statement I had just made to no one

    in-particular, whom in turn got upset and went and reported my action to his mother. Shanonthen got upset with me and asked if I want her to call the cops and I told her go ahead. I

    later found out that if I would have tried to stop her I would have been obstructing justice.

    The cops came and took me to jail where I spent 3 days incarcerated. The case was in court for

    the entire fall and winter and sometime into the following year where finally in the spring or

    summer of 2008 was thrown out of court for lack of evidence. And now in 2013 am here being

    held guilty for having put my fist up to my other nephews chest in a frustrated act that has

    been found through trickery, to be violent. Though when I asked him at the moment it

    happened, my nephew Shanon's oldest son, if he was alright he said yes he was fine. And we

    proceeded to talk about why I wanted a paper towel and why he should pay attention to theneeds of others even when they're are not who he wants them to be nor behaving toward or

    around him, in a manner he likes. The video evidence further sabotages my persona by

    having me show interest in a film makers opinion more than that of my nephew; and a lack of

    respect for my nephew I don't have, be it beyond legal or not.

    On top of those accusations in this area where I have lived my entire life, save 4 months of

    time, I have 5 times had to prove my innocence in 4 different court houses around the county

    of Salt Lake that my name was used without my consent in various minor traffic violations.