My challenge Day 9: Internet Business Ideas To Increase Your Value & Financial Thermostat


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description In today's post I discuss different internet business ideas to raise your value in the marketplace. Remember you can always raise your level of consciousness to become more, be more, and do more for others. It's not that hard, it's simply changing your beliefs and mindset when it comes to money. For more internet business ideas, make sure to visit my blog at:

Transcript of My challenge Day 9: Internet Business Ideas To Increase Your Value & Financial Thermostat

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Internet Business Ideas To Increase Your Value & Financial Thermostat

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Hey guys! I’m going to keep this one short-it’s date night with my girlfriend. But before that, I want to share some information on raising your financial thermostat. Your perceived value is greater than what you may think it is.

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We tend to think that our value and what we can charge our clients is only based on what we can currently do in the marketplace. I want you to really think about how you can expand that mindset. The most effective way is to constantly grow and develop yourself. Surround yourself with people who are constantly making you grow and become a unique person.

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One thing that really helps me is mastermind training and events. Working closely with a mentor or people in your inner circle will make a big impact. The people that can help you raise your bar will help you to constantly challenge yourself.

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One of the most powerful ways is to read and listen to audios. I got this concept from listening to an audio called ‘Power Hour, Inner Circle’. It talked about raising your financial thermostat so that whatever your perceived value is, you can consistently grow and develop it. That way more people will want to work with you because of the value you bring into the market place.

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When I was first going through this, I really thought my perceived value was what I was making at my job. In this case, I was working at Starbucks making $7.50 an hour. That was the only money I had. I associated my income with what I thought was worth in the world.

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We think that our job or occupation or the fact that we’re working from home is our perceived value; it’s really not the case. Often times what happens is that we get so fixated on what we’re capable of doing, that we don’t realise there are great things we can still accomplish.

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Today I’m here to tell you that I believe in you. You have so much potential if you just give yourself enough time, and nourish your mindset. I believe that you can be multimillion dollar earners. There are plenty of things out there that you can do. If someone tells you otherwise, it means they’re trying to block you or stop you from growing.

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I honestly believe that if you find the right people to connect with, they will help to lift you up, not tear you down.

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I hope this post was helpful, and I’ll see you again tomorrow!