my book

TECHNICAL DRAWING BOOK BUILDING Anthropometry, Electricity, and Ceilings This is the theory of these issues to inform and update in this area and can thus understand the importance of every detail regarding the construction. [Año] WINDOWS 2011


my book victor yupe

Transcript of my book

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TECHNICAL DRAWING BOOK BUILDING Anthropometry, Electricity, and Ceilings This is the theory of these issues to inform and update in this area and can thus understand the importance of every detail regarding the construction.



Page 2: my book

The following work is a

Project or technical book

Construction Drawing career

with reference to some of the issues

simplest and most important of the theory

of the race.

Found in the theory of

the relationship these issues have

to architectural design,

so that they are turned down due

to regulations, standards and

security at the time of building.

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Page No. Name

1.................................... Home

2................................... Introduction

3................................... Index

4.............. to 29 ............. content

4 ...................... to 11 .. Anthropometry

12.. to 20 ..................... electricity

21 .. to 29 ...................... ceilings

30 ... ... ... ... ..................... Conclusion

31.................................... Egrafia

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Anthropometric measurements.

Anthropometry: (Greek ανθρωπος, men, and μετρον, measure, measure,

which comes to mean "measure of man") is the sub branch of biological or

physical anthropology that studies the actions of man. It refers to the study

of human dimensions and measures with the aim of understanding the man's

physical changes and differences among races and sub-races .....

At present, anthropometry plays an important role in industrial design in the

clothing industry designs, ergonomics, biomechanics and architecture, which

uses statistical data on the distribution of body measurements to optimize

population the products.

Changes in lifestyles, nutrition and in the racial composition and / or ethnic

populations, leading to changes in the distribution of body dimensions (eg

obesity) and with them comes the need to constantly update anthropometric



Anthropometry are considered as the science of human body measurements

to differentiate between individuals, groups, races, etc.. This science has its

roots in the eighteenth century in the development of comparative racial

anthropometric studies by physical anthropologists, although it was not until

1870 with the publication of "Anthropometry", the Belgian mathematician

Quetelet, when considering scientific discovery and structuring . But it was

from 1940, with the need anthropometric data in the industry, specifically

the military and aerospace, when anthropometry was consolidated and

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developed, due to the global context of war. the dimensions of the human


vary by sex, age, race, socioeconomic status, etc.., so this science devoted to

research, collect and analyze the data, it is a guideline in the design of objects

and architectural spaces, as these containers or extensions the body and

therefore must be determined by its dimensions.

These dimensions are of two basic types: structural and functional. The

structure are those of the head, trunk and extremities in standard positions.

While the functional or dynamic include actions taken during the movement

made by the body in specific activities. Knowing these data are known the

minimum clearances that man needs to function daily, which should be

considered in the design of their environment. Although anthropometric

studies are an important support to know the relationship of human

dimensions and space it needs for its activities, in practice should take into

account the specific characteristics of each situation, because of the diversity

mentioned above; thus achieving the optimization of the project to develop.

The first table for an industrial anthropometric Hispanic was held in 1996 in

Puerto Rico by Zulma R. Toro and Mark A. Henrich.

Anthropometric dimensions. Somatometric measures. Mano. Grip. Pie. Cara.

Length. Width. Depth

You are then presented somatometric Measures and Applications with ergonomic criteria.


• WEIGHT Subjects should wear light clothing, empty your pockets and take off heavy objects such as shoes, protective

It is useful for determining the safe limits of

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equipment, tools, ornaments, etc.. In drafting the report be noted what kind of clothes that are kept, for example, cotton trousers, underwear and socks.

load in different types of structures and machinery, for example, platforms or elevators.

It is useful for determining the safe limits of load in different types of structures and machinery, for example, platforms or ascensores.Si weight is considered as a benchmark for design, do not forget that often the operational criterion is the drive, understood as the product of mass and velocity, not the static weight.


It is recorded in millimeters. The distance from ground to top of head

It is used as a

benchmark for


heights above

the subject's

head, hinges of

doors, roofs of

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cabins in

emergency exits

and others. We


taking into

account the

level of safety

helmets in the

design of

spaces, use

Is frequent or obligatory.

Chin level

It is recorded in millimeters.

It is used for the design of helmets and face shields.

Shoulder height

It is recorded in millimeters.

This point limits the upper edge of the circle of coordination visuo - manual for fine work. It is also considered that any weight that rises above this point represents a static overload ..

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Actions taken in sitting position


Is measured and the anthropometric and recorded in millimeters. Is the distance from the plane of the seat to the highest level of the head. It is recorded in a similar manner to its counterpart taken with the subject standing (measure 2), but from the plane of the seat


Indicative measure of the height of ceilings or protrusions located above a job is performed in sitting position. For example, awnings or roofs of vehicles. Of course it is a pointer to

to be given a margin of comfort. It should also be noted that in some jobs it is necessary to take into account the height of hairstyles or helmets.


Is measured and the anthropometric and recorded in millimeters. Is the

distance from the plane of the seat bottom edge of the olecranon. It is

Lower limit of coordination polygon visuo - motor, in sitting position. When

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recorded in a similar manner to its counterpart taken with the subject

standing (measure 6) but in the plane of the seat.

working with elbows on the work surface, it is recommended that the edge of the plane is beveled.

Iliac crest height SITTING POSITION

Is measured and the anthropometric and recorded in millimeters. The distance between the plane of the seat and the top and side of the iliac crest.

Determines the height of the bottom edge of the seatback.


Is measured and the anthropometric and recorded in millimeters. Is the distance from the plane of the seat to the highest point of the knee, taking on the femur.

Performs the same function as 19.

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Head measurements


Taken with the rhythm of curved branches and recorded in millimeters. The distance between the plane back of the head and most of the nose


It is used for the design of protective masks.


It is recorded in millimeters with steel tape or pounds of glass. Perimeter is made up of the skull above the supraorbital arches.

It is used for the design of helmets.


Is measured with the rhythm of curved branches and recorded in millimeters. The distance between the side planes of the head.

It is used for the design of helmets.

height of the face Is measured with the rhythm of curved branches and recorded in millimeters. The distance between an imaginary horizontal line going from the highest points of the orbits to the plane under the chin, measured in the midsagittal plane.

• Used for the design of helmets and face shields.

Maximum width of the PALM OF YOUR HAND

Is measured by the beat of straight branches and recorded in millimeters. The distance between the planes of the palm side, perpendicular to the axis of the hand, taking care not to compress the soft tissues


It is used for the design of gloves and other protective hand. Is an indicator of

space lateral movement of the hand.


Is measured by the beat of straight branches and recorded in millimeters. A measure of the maximum thickness of the hand, measured on his knuckles.

It is used for the design of gloves and other protective

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Is measured by the beat of straight branches and recorded in millimeters. Is the distance from the plane back of the heel, the most anterior of the toes.

It is applied to the design of shoes and as a reference for anteroposterior movement of the feet.


Is measured by the beat of straight branches and recorded in millimeters. Is the maximum width of the foot, where you are.

It is applied to the design of shoes and as a reference for the lateral movement of

. feet


Is measured by the beat of straight branches and recorded in millimeters. The distance between the floor and the medial malleolus most salient


It applies to footwear design and as a reference for the movement

of the feet.

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History of Electricity

A piece of amber as that Thales was able to use in their experimentation triboelectric effect. The

Greek name of this material (ελεκτρον, elektron) was used to name the phenomenon and the

science that studies, from the book De Magnete, Magneticisque Corporibus, et de Magno

Magnete Tellure, William Gilbert (1600).

Engraving showing the theory of galvanism as the experiments of Luigi Galvani. De motu Viribus

musculari electricitatis in Commentarius, 1792.

The history of electricity refers to the study and human use of electricity, the discovery of its laws

as a physical phenomenon and the invention of devices for practical use.

The phenomenon itself, outside of their relationship to the human observer, has no history, and if

it is considered as part of natural history, would have so much as time, space, matter and energy.

As electricity is also called the branch of science that studies the phenomenon and the industry

that applies technology, history of electricity is the branch of the history of science and history of

technology that deals with its emergence and evolution.

One of his early milestones can be placed around the year 600 BC C., when the Greek philosopher

Thales observed that rubbed amber rod

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with a skin or wool, small loads were obtained (triboelectric effect) that attracted small objects,

and rubbing a long time could cause the appearance of a spark. Near the ancient Greek city of

Magnesia were the stones called Magnesia, including magnetite. The ancient Greeks observed

that portions of this material are attracted to each other and also small iron objects. The word

magnet (Spanish equivalent to magnet) and magnetism derived from this place name.

Electricity historically evolved from simple perception of the phenomenon, its scientific treatment,

which would not be consistent until the eighteenth century. Were recorded along Old and Middle

Ages other isolated observations and simple speculation, and medical intuition (electric fish use in

diseases such as gout and headache) reported by authors such as Pliny the Elder and Long

Scribonius [ 1] or questionable interpretation of archaeological objects, such as the Baghdad

Battery, [2] an object found in Iraq in 1938, dating from about 250 a. C., which resembles an

electrochemical cell. Not find documentary evidence of their use, although there are other

anachronistic descriptions of electrical devices on Egyptian walls and ancient writings.

These speculations and fragmentary records are almost exclusive treatment (with the notable

exception of the use of magnetism to the compass) there from Antiquity to the Scientific

Revolution of the seventeenth century, although even then it becomes little more than a show to

exhibit at the classrooms. The first contributions that can be understood as successive

approximations to the electrical phenomena were systematically carried out by researchers such

as William Gilbert, Otto von Guericke, Du Fay, Pieter van Musschenbroek (Leyden jar) and William

Watson. Observations submitted to the scientific method began to bear fruit with Luigi Galvani,

Alessandro Volta, Charles-Augustin de Coulomb and Benjamin Franklin, continued at the beginning

of the nineteenth century by André-Marie Ampère, Michael Faraday and Georg Ohm. The names

of these pioneers ended today baptizing units used in measuring the different magnitudes of the

phenomenon. The final understanding of electricity was achieved recently with its unification with

the magnetism in a single electromagnetic phenomena described by the equations of Maxwell


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The electric telegraph (Samuel Morse, 1833, preceded by Gauss and Weber, 1822) can be

considered the first major application in the field of telecommunications, but not in the first

industrial revolution, but from the final quarter of the nineteenth century economic applications

of electricity will make it one of the driving forces of the second industrial revolution. More than

great theorists like Lord Kelvin, it was time for engineers, as Zénobe Gramme Nikola Tesla, Frank

Sprague, George Westinghouse, Ernst Werner von Siemens, Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas

Alva Edison and all his revolutionary way of understanding the relationship between scientific-

technical and market capitalism. The successive changes of paradigm in the first half of the

twentieth century (relativistic and quantum) study the role of electricity in a new dimension:

atomic and subatomic.

Voltage multiplier Cockcroft-Walton used a particle accelerator in 1937, reaching one million volts.

The electrification was not only a technical process but a very extraordinary implications of social

change, starting with the following lighting and all kinds of industrial processes (electric,

metallurgy, refrigeration ...) and communication (telephone, radio). Lenin during the Bolshevik

Revolution, socialism defined as the sum of electrification and Soviet power, [3] but it was mainly

the consumer society that emerged in the capitalist countries, which relied more heavily on the

use electricity in domestic appliances, and it was in those countries where feedback between

science, technology and society developed the

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complex structures that allowed the current system of R & D and R + D + I, where the

public and private initiative interpenetrate, and the individual figures fade into the research


Electricity is essential for the information society of the third industrial revolution that has

been occurring since the second half of the twentieth century (transistor, television,

computers, robotics, internet ...). Only can compare in importance depending on engine oil

(which is also widely used, like other fossil fuels in electricity generation). Both processes

require increasing amounts of energy, which is the source of energy and environmental

crisis and the search for new sources of energy, most with immediate electrical use (nuclear

power and alternative energy, given the limitations of the Traditional hydropower). The

problems of the electricity for storage and transport over long distances, and for the

autonomy of mobile devices are unresolved technical challenges in a sufficiently effective.

The cultural impact of what Marshall McLuhan called the Age of Electricity, which would

follow the Age of Mechanization (compared to how the Metal Age followed the Stone

Age), lies in the high velocity of propagation of radiation electromagnetic (300,000 km / s)

which makes it almost instantly perceived. This leads to possibilities previously

unimaginable, such as concurrency, and the division of each process in a sequence. It

imposed a cultural change that came from the focus on "specialized segments of attention"

(adopting one particular perspective) and the idea of "instant sensory awareness of the

whole", an attention to the "total field", a "sense of the whole structure. " It became evident

and prevalent the sense of "form and function as a unit," an "integral idea of structure and

configuration." These new mindsets had great impact on all kinds of scientific, educational

and even art (eg, cubism). In terms of the spatial and political, "electricity is not centralized,

but decentralized ... while the railway requires a uniform political space, the plane and radio

allow more discontinuity and diversity in the spatial organization"

to electricity (from the Greek ήλεκτρον elektron, meaning amber) is a physical

phenomenon whose origins are the electric charges and whose energy phenomena

manifested in mechanical, thermal, light and chemical

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among others. [1] [2] [3] [4] It can be seen naturally in atmospheric phenomena, such as rays,

which are electrical shock from the energy transfer between the ionosphere and the Earth's

surface (complex rays which are only a part). Other electrical devices can be found in the natural

biological processes such as the functioning of the nervous system. It is the basis of how many

machines, from small appliances to large power systems and high-speed trains, and all electronic

devices. [5] It is also essential for the production of chemicals such as aluminum and chlorine.

Also called electricity to the branch of physics that studies the laws governing the phenomenon

and the industry that uses technology in practical applications. Ever since 1831, Faraday

discovered how to produce electric currents by inducing a phenomenon that can transform

mechanical energy into electrical energy, has become one of the most important forms of energy

technology development due to their ease of generation and distribution and its large number of


The electricity in one of its natural manifestations: the lightning.

The electricity is caused by electric charges at rest or in motion, and interactions between them.

When multiple electrical loads are at rest relative exercised including electrostatic forces. When

electric charges are in relative motion also exert magnetic forces. There are two kinds of electric

charges: positive and negative. The atoms that make up matter containing positive subatomic

particles (protons), negative (electrons) and neutral (neutrons). There are also charged elementary

particles that normally are not stable, so it is.

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manifested only in certain processes such as cosmic rays and radioactive decays. [6]

Electricity and magnetism are two different aspects of the same physical phenomenon

called electromagnetism, described mathematically by Maxwell's equations. The movement

of electric charge produces a magnetic field, the variation of a magnetic field produces an

electric field and the accelerated motion of electric charges generated electromagnetic

waves (such as lightning strikes that can be heard on AM radio receivers). [ 7]

Due to the increasing application of electricity as an energy carrier, as the basis of

telecommunications and information processing, one of the main challenges today is to

generate more efficiently and with minimal environmental impact.

The history of electricity as a branch of physics began with isolated observations and

simple speculation or medical insights such as the use of electric fish in diseases such as

gout and headache, or questionable interpretation of archaeological objects (the battery of

Baghdad) . [8] Thales of Miletus was the first to observe the phenomena of electricity when

rubbing a bar of amber with a cloth, he noticed that the bar could attract light objects. [2]


While electricity was still considered little more than a show lounge, the first scientific

approaches to the phenomenon were made in the seventeenth and eighteenth systematically

investigated as Gilbert, von Guericke, Henry Cavendish, Du Fay, van Musschenbroek and

Watson. These observations begin to bear fruit with Galvani, Volta, Coulomb, and

Franklin, and since the early nineteenth century with Ampère, Faraday, and Ohm.

However, the development of a unified theory of electricity with magnetism as two

manifestations of the same phenomenon was not reached until the formulation of the

equations of Maxwell (1861-1865).

Technological developments that produced the first industrial revolution did not use

electricity. Its first application was widespread electric telegraph by Samuel Morse (1833),

which revolutionized telecommunications. The massive generation of electricity began

when the late nineteenth century, extended electric lighting of the streets and houses. The

growing series of applications that this

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availability of electricity produced was one of the main driving forces of the second industrial

revolution. More than great theorists such as Lord Kelvin, this was the time of great inventors like

Gramme, Westinghouse, von Siemens, Alexander Graham Bell. These include Nikola Tesla and

Thomas Alva Edison, whose revolutionary way of understanding the relationship between

capitalist market research and technological innovation became an industrial activity. Tesla, a

Serbian-American inventor, discovered the rotating magnetic field principle in 1882, which is the

basis of alternating current machinery. He also invented the system of motors and polyphase

alternating current generator that powers modern society.

Artificial lighting changed the duration and time distribution of individual and social, industrial

processes, transportation and telecommunications. Lenin defined socialism as the sum of

electrification and Soviet power. [9] The consumer society was created in capitalist countries

depended (and depends) largely on the domestic use of electricity.

The development of quantum mechanics during the first half of the twentieth century laid the

foundation for understanding the behavior of electrons in different materials. This knowledge,

combined with the technologies developed for radio transmissions allowed for the development

of electronics, which would reach its peak with the invention of the transistor. The improvement,

miniaturization, increasing speed and decreasing cost of computers during the second half of the

twentieth century was made possible by good knowledge of the electrical properties of

semiconductor materials. This was essential in shaping the information society of the third

industrial revolution, comparable in importance with the widespread use of automobiles.

The problems of electricity storage, transportation over long distances and the autonomy of

mobile devices powered by electricity have not yet been solved efficiently. Also, the multiplication

of all kinds of practical applications of electricity has been, along with the proliferation of motors

supplied with petroleum distillates, one of the factors of the energy crisis of the early twenty-first

century. This has raised the need for new sources of energy, especially renewables.

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Electrostatics and Electrodynamics

Main articles: electrostatic and electrodynamic

Electrostatics is the branch of physics that studies the phenomena resulting from the distribution

of electrical charges at rest, ie the electrostatic field. [1] The electrostatic phenomena are known

since antiquity. The Greeks of the century V a. C. already knew that rubbing certain objects such

acquired the property of attracting light bodies. In 1785 the French physicist Charles Coulomb

published a treatise quantify the forces of attraction and repulsion of static electric charges and

described for the first time, how to measure using a torsion balance. This law is known in his honor

with the name of Coulomb's law.

During the nineteenth century were generalized Coulomb's ideas, introduced the concept of

electric field and electric potential, and formulated Laplace's equation, which determines the

electric potential in the electrostatic case. There were also significant advances in

electrodynamics, which studies the phenomena produced by electric charges in motion. These

phenomena are also magnetic fields, which can be ignored in the case of circuits with steady

electric current, but must be taken into account in the case of AC circuits.

Finally, in 1864 the Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell unified the laws of electricity and

magnetism in a system of four partial differential equations known as Maxwell's equations. With

them was developed to study the electrical and magnetic phenomena, showing that both are

manifestations of the unique phenomenon of electromagnetism, which also included the

electromagnetic waves. [

Electric charge is a property of some subatomic particles that is manifested by the forces observed

between them. The electrically charged matter is influenced by electromagnetic fields to be, in

turn, generating them. The interplay between charge and electric field is the source of one of the

four fundamental interactions, the electromagnetic interaction. The particle that carries the

information of these interactions is the photon. These forces are of infinite range and do not

manifest immediately,

but it takes a while, where c is the speed of light in the medium which transmits the distance d

between the charges.

The two charged elementary particles that exist in this area and is found naturally on Earth are the

electron and the proton, although there can be other charged particles from outside (such as

muons or pions). All hadrons (like the proton and neutron) also consist of charged particles called

quarks smaller, yet these are not found free in nature.

When an atom gains or loses an electron is electrically charged. These charged atoms are called


The research conducted in the second half of the nineteenth century by the Nobel Prize in Physics

Joseph John Thomson, who in 1897 led him to discover the electron, and Robert Millikan

measured the charge, determined the discrete nature of electric charge. [11]

In the International System of Units unit of electric charge is called the coulomb (symbol C) is

defined as the amount of cargo that passes through a section in 1 second when the electric

current is 1 ampere. It corresponds to the load of 6.24 × 1018 electrons around. The load is smaller

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than in nature is the electron charge (which is equal in magnitude to that of the proton and of

opposite sign): e = 1.602 × 10-19 C (1 eV in natural units).

Characteristics of the roofs

The roof is a part or upper surface which acts as protector, that covers a particular room or

home, closing entirely. This is an element of protection, covering, whose function is to

cover a given space or keep out everything that arises abroad.

The exclusive function of a roof is to protect the individual and the corresponding property

of all the implications generated by atmospheric conditions. Among the greatest benefits is

its waterproof roofs, that is, its ability to prohibit the entry of water. The roof is essentially

a cover, both the top and interior. When the deck is high, then we are already talking about

a roof. This corresponds to when there is more than a component element of the roof. The

roof includes a set of parts constituting the roof of a building. The roof would be comprised

of the structure and all the devices that give closure to the ceilings. Also called frame, just

for his work supporting its own weight as the weight of the roof and the deck, always

susceptible to high winds or other weather phenomenon

Roofing We have seen that the roof decks are synonymous. When building the decks - they relate to

the idea of all the elements that conforms to the general structure - must take into account

two fundamental things: the mooring system (something secure the connection string by

using ) and the material you want to build the deck itself, which of course must present a

strong resistance to any external threat. Now look at the composition of the same. These are

formed following the union of different levels, which are known as skirts. These skirts, in

turn, are divided by files, sort of points or edges that separate planes in different ways and

then there are different subdivisions. If a file acts as a centripetal force, that is, if the

movement occurs toward the center, are called limahoyas. If movement occurs, however,

centrifugally, outwards, the files are called Hips. There is a third name for the edges of

planes separating breaking call files.

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These files are those that are between panels and also have no specific inclination as the cases

mentioned above, but vary in the tendency to manifest. In addition to this, and as the roof tops

operate as a protective, there is a file that tops the building, located at the top, operating as a

coronation. The same is called a ridge or ridge. Ultimately, all these files belong to a large

category, which is to complete the annexes roof construction.

Of this group are also part and corner skylights. The roof will generally determine the type of

general construction to which it belongs, hence to the existence of different variants. For example,

the materials used can be of different kinds: zinc, clay, synthetic fiber, wood, glass and even

plastic. Of course there will be different the way you decide to use or build the roof. In this sense,

there are two clearly defined positions. There are flat roofs, which have a smooth and flat. Then

there is the option to use the sloping roofs.

Types of roof

When opting for a particular type of roof, there are several types. On one side are the roofs "two

waters", "three waters" and even "four waters" and a single slope roofs, ie those with a single site

or watershed where water can run. All these possibilities make the slopes of the roofs, that is, the

inclinations with which they are constructed so that water can be expelled from the most practical

way possible. Because the roof is on the top surface gives closure to a room or space ends meet,

this term is also used to describe all instances maximum that can be reached on any issue or

emotional nature business, just because the ceilings are synonymous with the highest point that

can be drawn.

1. What is a ceiling within four falls?

When making a frame with four roof falls, all corners of the ceiling, come from the center of the

ceiling, which is the highest point. This serves well to house square, but it is not practical, for

homes with a different form, as each side of the roof will have a different angle. For this type of

roof, it is necessary to calculate the angle from each of the walls of the house to the center of the


Something that should be taken into account when deciding to use this type of frame, is the angle

that the beams should have, from the wall to the center of the roof is not recommended, if the

angle is very steep or very flat. If the angle is steep, it would be difficult to cover the rafters.

Depending on where you live, you do not want your roof is very flat, and that snow can

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accumulate, and even bring down the roof. You must climb to the roof or snow removal, to

prevent this from happening.

2. What is a triangular roof?

Many use this type of house roofs. This type of roof, is constructed by joining two of the roof at a

right angle. A triangular roof, is more popular than a hip roof, because the calculation of the angle

of the beams, it is much easier. Because the ceiling only has two falls, the central point calculation

is easier, as opposed to a hip roof. The estimate, the fall can still be tricky, because the angle can

be pronounced. There are tricks to calculate the angle, and there are tools to make this easier.

The triangular roof is the most common type of roof used in the preparation of older homes.

However, this method is used for some buildings. Because the process of developing this roof, it is

simpler, can be used for sheds, warehouses or other small buildings. You should consider all

factors of the installation of this type of roof, so you do not wish to do so steep as to make it

difficult, the cover of the roof beams. His carpenter, must ensure, that correctly calculates the

midpoint of the roof, so that the angle is completely straight.

3. Why modern buildings do not use triangular roof?

You may wonder if these ceilings are so fantastic, that the builders do not use so often. Calculate

the angle of this type of roof is easy. However, most builders use more open-angle roofs. Although

the development of these roofs is easier, ceilings open angles, offers benefits that can never offer

triangular roof.

The roofs of open angles, beams have many joints involved, rather than simply supporting the

rafters at the ends. This allows the roof can withstand higher loads, which is distributed among the

different beams. In some cases, the beam of the roof is supported by other beams in the walls or

walls that are designed to be load-bearing walls. This is why you should make sure, that does not

affect any load-bearing wall, when it made modifications to the interior of your home.

In addition, the roof open angle, does not require many calculations, as is the case, triangular

roofs, or with four falls. This means that you need not know the height you will give your roof,

before starting the beams. In a large building, a triangular roof would be a great inconvenience.

And even the roofs of open angles, use less material than other types of roofs. Make sure, to

evaluate all your options and needs, before choosing the type of roof used.

Valley Ceilings

The calculations required for the construction of a roof valley type, are very complicated. These

ceilings are used in conjunction with triangular roofs, or hip roof. Generally used when you have a

house with an "L" or any other unusual way. Generally, this type of roofs, are used to join two

sections of a roof, with different shapes. Even in some houses, you can find a roof, that combine

the three types of construction. The steeper the angle of the roof, will be more difficult to use a

roof valley. If you choose this type of roof, you should ensure that it has taken all necessary

calculations when designing it.

If you are simply replacing the roof of your current home, you want to make sure you take into

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account, the actual type of your roof and dimensions, before starting construction. Once you have

considered these factors, you may decide what type of roof you prefer to use.

5. The calculation of slope and length of the beams

The first question that you can make is that the inclination is the relationship, as it increases the

angle of the roof from the edge of the wall to the top of the roof. As a general rule, the slope of a

roof is measured by the number of inches that rises above the trip each foot ceiling. Thus, a 5-12

ratio means the roof rises 5 inches for each foot. As the first number becomes higher, the roof

angle is steeper.

The total elevation of the roof, is calculated from the total distance from the ceiling bracket to the

wall, to the highest point of the roof. The trip from the ceiling, is the total distance from the sill to

the center of the roof. Once, to calculate these distances. You can determine the size of the roof

beams, and time to be investing in cutting. Like most other construction projects, the calculation

of the length and angle of the beams must be something you learned in basic geometry. But if you

still have doubts, some brackets are special to make these calculations. These will allow you to

determine the angle, and length of trip beams. Keep in mind that no matter which method you

use to calculate the length of the beams, you should always add the space left for the sills.

6. Frame coverage

Years ago, a carpenter had cut many individual tables, to cover the roof frame, these tables also

served as the basis for the roof. Because each of the tables are individually cut, no matter if the

shape of the roof or walls was accurate. Moreover, no matter if they were level.

As a general rule, the modern carpenter, wood plywood used to cover the joints between the

beams. Because the sheets of wood, sizes and shapes are accurate, this makes it much easier, that

the roof is square. Since the beams are narrow, you want to make sure that the wood plywood,

fixed about half of the beams when they are fixed to the ceiling. If the wood plywood is not near

the middle, there are too many possibilities, that the wind or rain from seeping into cracks and

water in your house, causing much damage to building materials or the possessions inside the

house .

7. Tools for making the roof

Some people might think that there are many tools for building a roof, or perhaps, these are very

expensive. While building a house, and may require several expensive tools, construction of a roof

requires, in just a few. While these tools are simple, you will have to pay attention to the quality of

their tools to ensure you get the best possible tool. This does not mean you have to pay much

money for them.

The first tool is needed for the manufacture of roof is a square, high quality. The squad will not

help balance the seams of your roof, but also help you calculate the angles that you need when

you cut your beams. Because the square, and is calibrated to various ceiling heights, it is much

easier to make all necessary calculations and measurements. In addition, the squad also has a rule

that measures the length, and the journey of the beams. Although these brackets can be very

precise, you can buy a calculator for carpentry, which is much cheaper, with which you can

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determine all necessary measures, with a minimum of information.

The second tool is needed for the development of decent housing is a tape measure. Regardless, if

your tape is very expensive or very cheap, you should make sure, that the measures in this, are

correct. This can be done easily by purchasing a metal ruler with which you can check the

calibration of the tape, compared with measures of the rule.

8. Practice of building roofs

While this may sound odd but some construction manuals suggest that you feel comfortable

roofing, through practice with a smaller roof. This lets you determine the method you want to take

as well to help you gain experience with the use of the squadron, for the calculation of the angles

of the beams. This, too, will help determine whether to build a hip roof or a triangular roof. You

can determine that the development of roof is more difficult than first thought, though, you can

discover, it's easier. The practice is the best way to determine how it will proceed with the roof of

his house.

9. Roof construction and modification

Since there are different ways to produce beams of a roof, sometimes a type of roof, may be more

feasible than another. Although some web pages, consider making beamed ceilings, a separate

category, most detailed by a single process. At these sites, you may find that the author refers to

the production of ceiling rules, but this is very similar to the production of ceiling rules. There are

different types of rules and beams for the roofs. These are made to withstand various loads.

However, these websites have a valid point. If you are building a triangular roof or four drops, you

do not want to cut the beams, to make some kind of modification. Since these types of roof beams

do not have additional support, and if you reduce the size of one of these to make a change like

adding a window, it can weaken your roof. If you are planning to do some modification on your

home is improved, using a wide angle roof, as this has additional beams to support the loads of

the roof.


1. Slabs are scolocan in the center of each joist, then and finally asphalt shingles are placed.

2. All tiles can be manufactured in smaller sizes.

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Demo: Click on the image to expand

Prefabricated roof, essentially characterized by being formed by the association of multiple slabs

juxtaposed with its lateral edges contact and mass coupled inseparably with a wrapping of

concrete, which also fills the spaces defined between each pair of adjacent slabs, beams forming

sections resistant trapezium-shaped lines, reinforced by metal armatures, being the straight

section of each slab of an elongated isosceles trapezoid base greater than, appearing in the mass

of concrete and wrapping in areas corresponding to the joist cavities that expose tops of these

armor allowing fixing with hooks, such armor in order to lift and transport wing of the slab

consisting of tightly associated components.

Page 26: my book

The technical book helped us

introduce a little more and again

our race is drawing construction

and thus understand that everything has

importance and that every detail counts in the construction

so that the work is good and satisfactory

also comply with the regulations

and safety standards in the field of construction.

This technical book helped us to refresh and to know the errors

we can make the time to build

At the same time to realize and resolve them.

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