Mutual Aid District Dispatch Procedures

1 Mutual Aid District Dispatch Procedures 1. Contact the Task Force/Strike Team Commanders 2. Determine Assembly Staging Area 3. Advise Statewide Control Center of Staging Area and Commander information 4. Dispatch all Companies to Assembly Staging Location 5. Confirm the deployment of all Required Assets IncidentType/Location: ____________________________________________________________ Destination Dispatch CenterPhone Number: Tel: ______ ______ ________ Destination Dispatch CenterRadio Frequency: _________________________________________ Destination Staging Area: __________________________________________________________ IncidentCom m anderNam e: __________________________ Fire Ground Frequency:_________ Type ofTask Force/Strike Team Requested: NH Statewide F ire Mobilization Plan Mutual Aid D istrict D ispatch C enter Mobilization Worksheet NH Federation ofMutual Fire Aid Associations -Revised: February2, 2004 AssemblyStaging Area: __________________________________________________________ Primary Task Force Comm ander: ___________________________________________________ SecondaryTask Force Comm ander: _________________________________________________ Forestry (6 Forestry’s,2 Tankers,1 Am bulance,2 ChiefO fficers) D isaster(4 Engines,1 Aerial,2 Heavy Rescues,2 Lighting Units,2 Ambulances,2 ChiefO fficers) Engine Strike Team (5 Engines,1 ChiefOfficer) Structural (6 Engines,2 Aerials,1 Ambulance,2 C hiefOfficers) Aerial Strike Team (5 Aerials,1 C hiefOfficer) TankerStrike Team (5 Tankers,1 ChiefOfficer) Ambulance Strike Team (5 Am bulances,1 C hiefOfficer) O therStrike Team (5 Units and 1 Command O fficer) Tanker(2 Engines,6 Tankers,1 Am bulance,2 ChiefOfficers) Primary Control Center (Capital Area) Tel: 603-225-3355 Fax: 603-225-8507 Secondary Control Center (Lakes Region) Tel: 603-524-1545 Fax: 603-528-5989 Primary R adio Communications Frequency: 154.280 1. Contactthe Primary& SecondaryTask Force/Strike Team Com m anders 2. Determine Task Force/Strike Team AssemblyStaging Area 3. Advise Statew ide Control CenterofStaging Area and Commanderinformation 4. Dispatch all Task Force/Strike Team Companies to AssemblyStaging Location 5. Confirm the deploymentofall Task Force/Strike Team Required Assets 6. Maintain Communications with Commander, Statew ide Control Centerand Destination Dis- patch Center 7. Confirm Response ofConvoyfrom Staging Area to Destination 8. Provide Status Reports to NH Control Centereveryfour (4)hours 9. Provide Status Reports to DistrictMutual Aid Departments Type: _______________________________________


Mutual Aid District Dispatch Procedures. Contact the Task Force/Strike Team Commanders Determine Assembly Staging Area Advise Statewide Control Center of Staging Area and Commander information Dispatch all Companies to Assembly Staging Location Confirm the deployment of all Required Assets. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Mutual Aid District Dispatch Procedures

Page 1: Mutual Aid District Dispatch Procedures


Mutual Aid District Dispatch Procedures

1. Contact the Task Force/Strike Team Commanders

2. Determine Assembly Staging Area3. Advise Statewide Control Center of

Staging Area and Commander information

4. Dispatch all Companies to Assembly Staging Location

5. Confirm the deployment of all Required Assets

Incident Type/Location: ____________________________________________________________

Destination Dispatch Center Phone Number: Tel: ______ ______ ________

Destination Dispatch Center Radio Frequency: _________________________________________

Destination Staging Area: __________________________________________________________

Incident Commander Name: __________________________ Fire Ground Frequency:_________

Type of Task Force/Strike Team Requested:

NH Statewide Fire Mobilization Plan Mutual Aid District Dispatch Center Mobilization Worksheet

NH Federation of Mutual Fire Aid Associations - Revised: February 2, 2004

Assembly Staging Area: __________________________________________________________ Primary Task Force Commander: ___________________________________________________ Secondary Task Force Commander: _________________________________________________

Forestry (6 Forestry’s, 2 Tankers, 1 Ambulance, 2 Chief Officers)

Disaster (4 Engines, 1 Aerial, 2 Heavy Rescues, 2 Lighting Units, 2 Ambulances, 2 Chief Officers)

Engine Strike Team (5 Engines, 1 Chief Officer) Structural (6 Engines, 2 Aerials, 1 Ambulance, 2 Chief Officers)

Aerial Strike Team (5 Aerials, 1 Chief Officer)

Tanker Strike Team (5 Tankers, 1 Chief Officer)

Ambulance Strike Team (5 Ambulances, 1 Chief Officer)

Other Strike Team (5 Units and 1 Command Officer)

Tanker (2 Engines, 6 Tankers, 1 Ambulance, 2 Chief Officers)

Primary Control Center (Capital Area) Tel: 603-225-3355 Fax: 603-225-8507

Secondary Control Center (Lakes Region) Tel: 603-524-1545 Fax: 603-528-5989

Primary Radio Communications Frequency: 154.280

1. Contact the Primary & Secondary Task Force/Strike Team Commanders 2. Determine Task Force/Strike Team Assembly Staging Area 3. Advise Statewide Control Center of Staging Area and Commander information 4. Dispatch all Task Force/Strike Team Companies to Assembly Staging Location 5. Confirm the deployment of all Task Force/Strike Team Required Assets 6. Maintain Communications with Commander, Statewide Control Center and Destination Dis-

patch Center 7. Confirm Response of Convoy from Staging Area to Destination 8. Provide Status Reports to NH Control Center every four (4) hours 9. Provide Status Reports to District Mutual Aid Departments

Type: _______________________________________

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Mutual Aid District Dispatch Procedures

6. Maintain Communications with Commander, Statewide Control Center and Destination Dispatch Center

7. Confirm Response of Convoy from Assembly Staging Area to Destination

8. Provide Status Reports to NH Control Center every 4 hours

9. Provide Status Reports to District Mutual Aid Departments

Incident Type/Location: ____________________________________________________________

Destination Dispatch Center Phone Number: Tel: ______ ______ ________

Destination Dispatch Center Radio Frequency: _________________________________________

Destination Staging Area: __________________________________________________________

Incident Commander Name: __________________________ Fire Ground Frequency:_________

Type of Task Force/Strike Team Requested:

NH Statewide Fire Mobilization Plan Mutual Aid District Dispatch Center Mobilization Worksheet

NH Federation of Mutual Fire Aid Associations - Revised: February 2, 2004

Assembly Staging Area: __________________________________________________________ Primary Task Force Commander: ___________________________________________________ Secondary Task Force Commander: _________________________________________________

Forestry (6 Forestry’s, 2 Tankers, 1 Ambulance, 2 Chief Officers)

Disaster (4 Engines, 1 Aerial, 2 Heavy Rescues, 2 Lighting Units, 2 Ambulances, 2 Chief Officers)

Engine Strike Team (5 Engines, 1 Chief Officer) Structural (6 Engines, 2 Aerials, 1 Ambulance, 2 Chief Officers)

Aerial Strike Team (5 Aerials, 1 Chief Officer)

Tanker Strike Team (5 Tankers, 1 Chief Officer)

Ambulance Strike Team (5 Ambulances, 1 Chief Officer)

Other Strike Team (5 Units and 1 Command Officer)

Tanker (2 Engines, 6 Tankers, 1 Ambulance, 2 Chief Officers)

Primary Control Center (Capital Area) Tel: 603-225-3355 Fax: 603-225-8507

Secondary Control Center (Lakes Region) Tel: 603-524-1545 Fax: 603-528-5989

Primary Radio Communications Frequency: 154.280

1. Contact the Primary & Secondary Task Force/Strike Team Commanders 2. Determine Task Force/Strike Team Assembly Staging Area 3. Advise Statewide Control Center of Staging Area and Commander information 4. Dispatch all Task Force/Strike Team Companies to Assembly Staging Location 5. Confirm the deployment of all Task Force/Strike Team Required Assets 6. Maintain Communications with Commander, Statewide Control Center and Destination Dis-

patch Center 7. Confirm Response of Convoy from Staging Area to Destination 8. Provide Status Reports to NH Control Center every four (4) hours 9. Provide Status Reports to District Mutual Aid Departments

Type: _______________________________________

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District Worksheet

Page 4: Mutual Aid District Dispatch Procedures


Requesting Community Procedures

1. Contact Statewide Control Center, specify Task Force/Strike Team Requested

2. Specify the Staging Area or Location that you want the Task Force/Strike Team to report to

3. Relay Incident Type/Location, Your Dispatch Center Phone Number, Your Radio Frequency

4. Maintain Communications with Statewide Control Center

5. Task Force/Strike Team Communications are on Frequency 154.280

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Community Worksheet

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Task Force/Strike Team

Commander Procedures

1. Determine/Advise Control Center of Task Force/Strike Team Assembly Staging Area

2. Proceed to and set up Assembly Staging Area3. Assemble and Inventory all Response Assets

and Personnel (See Reverse Side of Worksheet)

4. Begin Convoy, under Police Escort, to Destination, Advise Control Center By Phone or Radio

5. Establish Communications with Destination Dispatch Center

Incident Type/Location: ____________________________________________________________

Destination Dispatch Center Phone Number: Tel: ______ ______ ________

Destination Dispatch Center Radio Frequency: _________________________________________

Destination Staging Area: __________________________________________________________

Incident Commander Name: __________________________ Radio Frequency: _____________

Type of Task Force/Strike Team Requested:

NH Statewide Fire Mobilization Plan Task Force/ Strike Team Commander Worksheet

NH Federation of Mutual Fire Aid Associations - Revised: February 2, 2004

Assembly Staging Area: __________________________________________________________ Primary Task Force Commander: ___________________________________________________ Secondary Task Force Commander: _________________________________________________

Forestry (6 Forestry’s, 2 Tankers, 1 Ambulance, 2 Chief Officers)

Disaster (4 Engines, 1 Aerial, 2 Heavy Rescues, 2 Lighting Units, 2 Ambulances, 2 Chief Officers)

Engine Strike Team (5 Engines, 1 Chief Officer) Structural (6 Engines, 2 Aerials, 1 Ambulance, 2 Chief Officers)

Aerial Strike Team (5 Aerials, 1 Chief Officer)

Tanker Strike Team (5 Tankers, 1 Chief Officer)

Ambulance Strike Team (5 Ambulances, 1 Chief Officer)

Other Strike Team (5 Units and 1 Command Officer)

Tanker (2 Engines, 6 Tankers, 1 Ambulance, 2 Chief Officers)

Primary Control Center (Capital Area) Tel: 603-225-3355 Fax: 603-225-8507

Secondary Control Center (Lakes Region) Tel: 603-524-1545 Fax: 603-528-5989

Primary Radio Communications Frequency: 154.280

1. Determine and Advise Control Center of Task Force/Strike Team Assembly Staging Area 2. Proceed to and set up Staging Area 3. Assemble and Inventory all Response Assets and Personnel (See Reverse) 4. Begin Convoy, under Police Escort, to Destination, Advise Control Center By Phone or Radio 5. Establish Communications with Destination Dispatch Center 6. Confirm Response Destination Staging Area and/or Team Assignment 7. Establish Communications with Incident Commander 8. Manage and Operate to Best Advantage 9. Confirm Logistical Support Needs (Personnel Rehab, Food, Fuel, Water, etc) 10.Provide Status Reports to NH Control Center

Type: _______________________________________


Page 7: Mutual Aid District Dispatch Procedures


Task Force/Strike Team Commander Procedures

6. Confirm Response Destination Staging Area and/or Team Assignment

7. Establish Communications with Incident Commander

8. Manage and Operate to Best Advantage9. Confirm Logistical Support Needs

(Personnel Rehab, Food, Fuel, Water, etc)

10.Provide Status Reports to NH Control Center

Incident Type/Location: ____________________________________________________________

Destination Dispatch Center Phone Number: Tel: ______ ______ ________

Destination Dispatch Center Radio Frequency: _________________________________________

Destination Staging Area: __________________________________________________________

Incident Commander Name: __________________________ Radio Frequency: _____________

Type of Task Force/Strike Team Requested:

NH Statewide Fire Mobilization Plan Task Force/ Strike Team Commander Worksheet

NH Federation of Mutual Fire Aid Associations - Revised: February 2, 2004

Assembly Staging Area: __________________________________________________________ Primary Task Force Commander: ___________________________________________________ Secondary Task Force Commander: _________________________________________________

Forestry (6 Forestry’s, 2 Tankers, 1 Ambulance, 2 Chief Officers)

Disaster (4 Engines, 1 Aerial, 2 Heavy Rescues, 2 Lighting Units, 2 Ambulances, 2 Chief Officers)

Engine Strike Team (5 Engines, 1 Chief Officer) Structural (6 Engines, 2 Aerials, 1 Ambulance, 2 Chief Officers)

Aerial Strike Team (5 Aerials, 1 Chief Officer)

Tanker Strike Team (5 Tankers, 1 Chief Officer)

Ambulance Strike Team (5 Ambulances, 1 Chief Officer)

Other Strike Team (5 Units and 1 Command Officer)

Tanker (2 Engines, 6 Tankers, 1 Ambulance, 2 Chief Officers)

Primary Control Center (Capital Area) Tel: 603-225-3355 Fax: 603-225-8507

Secondary Control Center (Lakes Region) Tel: 603-524-1545 Fax: 603-528-5989

Primary Radio Communications Frequency: 154.280

1. Determine and Advise Control Center of Task Force/Strike Team Assembly Staging Area 2. Proceed to and set up Staging Area 3. Assemble and Inventory all Response Assets and Personnel (See Reverse) 4. Begin Convoy, under Police Escort, to Destination, Advise Control Center By Phone or Radio 5. Establish Communications with Destination Dispatch Center 6. Confirm Response Destination Staging Area and/or Team Assignment 7. Establish Communications with Incident Commander 8. Manage and Operate to Best Advantage 9. Confirm Logistical Support Needs (Personnel Rehab, Food, Fuel, Water, etc) 10.Provide Status Reports to NH Control Center

Type: _______________________________________
