Muslims As Agents of Food Security in Malawi

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful And say, the truth has come and falsehood has departed. Indeed is falsehood (by nature) everbound to depart (Qur’an 17:81) Volume 19. No.3 REGISTERED AT GPO AS A NEWSPAPER Rabiul-Awwal 1438 / December 2016 Muslims As Agents of Food Security in Malawi Qur’an12:47 You will plant for seven years consecutively; and what you harvest leave in its spikes, except a little from which you will eat. Then will come after that seven difficulties [years] which you will consume what you advanced [i.e., saved] fro them, except a little from which you will store. Hadith Strive to do that which will benefit you, and seek the help of Allah. (Muslim) There might not be universally accepted definition of food security. Likewise, the ultimate food security rests in the hands of Allah Ta’ala. However, in this publication we attempt to define food security as the state in which food is available to all members of society, in reasonable quantities allowing enough sustenance. We cannot talk of food security, without considering the seriousness of agricultural production. While Malawi as a nation may look food security within the boarders of high concentration of farm produce such as maize, rice, beans etc. Islam consider also the social-spiritual perceptions. Islam is rich in rules, orders and practices asking us to give and share our sustenance with others in society. As Muslims, we can ensure food security in Malawi by supporting local farmers, by providing with them farm inputs. As we know there are two types of charity: regular (called Zakaah) and voluntary (called Sadaqah). It does not end there; recepients of farm inputs are obligated to pay Zakaah when they harvest. This is one way of helping reducing hunger and ensuring food security. As Muslims, we have a role to play in ensuring food availability, in the essence “food security.” We can change from food insecurity to food security. It is important to note the Islamic concept of change: Allah Ta’ala says in the Noble Qur’an: Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves. (13:11) The change includes the availability of food. Let us organize ourselves and become agents of food security in Malawi. It is quite evident that most Malawian societies waste food in the name of celebrations, be it marriages, cultural gathering etc. This is done mainly soon after harvest. However, there is no place in Islam for wasting or being extravagant. Islamic Information Bureau (IIB) currently operating in 3 districts of Lilongwe, Balaka and Blantyre with prospects to re-open some in other districts, would like to inform the general public on few developments and events taking place. Details of the events and developments are made available on page 4 of this publication, where you will also read about “Marriage Discourse” - A husband promising not to take 2nd wife - Zakaah Nisaab (Dec 2016) MK257,500

Transcript of Muslims As Agents of Food Security in Malawi

Vol 19. No.3 December 2016 / Rabiul-Awwal 1438

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

And say, the truth has come and falsehood has departed. Indeed isfalsehood (by nature) everbound to depart (Qur’an 17:81)

Volume 19. No.3 • REGISTERED AT GPO AS A NEWSPAPER • Rabiul-Awwal 1438 / December 2016

Muslims As Agents of Food Security in Malawi


You will plant for seven years consecutively; and what you harvest leave in its spikes, except a little from which you will eat. Then will come after that seven difficulties [years] which you will consume what you advanced [i.e., saved] fro them, except a little from which you will store.

HadithStrive to do that which will benefit you, and seek the help of Allah. (Muslim)

There might not be universally accepted definition of food security. Likewise, the ultimate food security rests in the hands of Allah Ta’ala. However, in this publication we attempt to define food security as the

state in which food is available to all members of society, in reasonable quantities allowing enough sustenance.

We cannot talk of food security, without considering the seriousness of agricultural production. While Malawi as a nation may look food security within the boarders of high concentration of farm produce such as maize, rice, beans

etc. Islam consider also the social-spiritual perceptions.

Islam is rich in rules, orders and practices asking us to give and share our sustenance with others in society. As Muslims, we can ensure food security in Malawi by supporting local farmers, by providing with them farm inputs. As we know there are two types of charity: regular (called Zakaah) and voluntary (called Sadaqah). It does not end there; recepients of farm inputs are obligated to pay Zakaah when they harvest. This is one way of helping reducing hunger and ensuring food security.

As Muslims, we have a role to play in ensuring food availability, in the essence “food security.” We can change from food insecurity to food security. It is important to note the Islamic concept of change: Allah Ta’ala says in the Noble Qur’an: Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves. (13:11) The change includes the availability of food. Let us organize ourselves and become agents of food security in Malawi.

It is quite evident that most Malawian societies waste food in the name of celebrations, be it marriages, cultural gathering etc. This is done mainly soon after harvest. However, there is no place in Islam for wasting or being extravagant.

Islamic Information Bureau (IIB) currently operating in 3 districts of Lilongwe, Balaka and Blantyre with prospects to re-open some in other districts, would like to inform the general public on few developments and events taking place. Details of the events and developments are made available on page 4 of this publication, where you will also read about “Marriage Discourse” - A husband promising not to take 2nd wife -


(Dec 2016)MK257,500


QMy father gifted a house as dowry to my mother. After the death of my mother, my father was told by the Imaam of local Masjid that the way he gifted the house as dowry

was not acceptable in Islam. He was advised to compensate by paying the amount of dowry to any Sadaqah. He died before he fulfilled. Should we pay for him?

AWe understand from your question that your father gave his house to your mother instead of her dowry that had already been decided, and he registered the house in her name.

This means that ownership was transferred to her, whether she took possession of it or not, because this does not come under the heading of a gift; rather it is an agreement on an exchange and it comes under the rulings on buying and selling, and buying and selling becomes binding when the deal is concluded. You are not required to repay again on his behalf as suggested.

Qlf a car is purchased for one’s own use, but after sometime the intention is made to sell it. Should Zakaah be paid on the value of the car?

AIf the car is purchased for use, not for selling, then Zakaah is not payable. But after the car is sold, then Zakaah is payable on the cash money if one has the cash on one’s possession

at the expiry of one’s Zakaah year when one usually pays Zakaah.

Q Who is allowed to give Dawah as I see a lot of people around me giving Dawah yet they have not morally purified themselves?

A Self-reformation is not a condition for Dawah. All acts of Ibaadah have to be compulsorily performed regardless of the moral and spiritual status of a person. Similarly Dawah has to

be upheld by even a person who is not a practising Muslim. If every person has to wait for achievement of moral purification, the avenue of Dawah will close. No one knows of self-reformation achievement.

Q Is the following clause of the Will correct according to Shariah: I hereby bequeath my house, household items and car to my wife?

A A bequest cannot be made for an heir. Since the wife is an heir, the bequest made for her is invalid. The bequeathed items form part of the net estate and must be distributed

according to the Islamic law of succession and inheritance.

Q We oftenly see in social media people sending messages of condolences including R.I.P. Is it allowed for a Muslim to say R.I.P (Rest in peace) for a dead person (both

Muslim and non-Muslim)?

A Muslims have been prohibited from making Dua for those who die in Kufr (in disbelief). Therefore, it is not permissible to say R.I.P for non-Muslims. R.I.P is commonly used amongst

non-Muslims therefore it is advisable that one does not use it for Muslims also. As Muslims we have our Shariah-backed tradition on what we say when hardships inflicts us including death. So when a Muslim receives the message of death he or she should say: Inna Lillah wa Inna Ilayhi Raji’oon.

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• Question and Answers

• Question of the Month

• Inspirational Quotes



Don’t take Salaah (Prayer) as a burden. Allah gifted us Salaah as a relief from burden.

Shaytaan wants you to dwell on your moment of weakness. Allah wants you to repent and move on!

The tear of the sinner is more beloved to Allah than the arrogance of a righteous man.

PublisherAl-Haqq Publications

[email protected]

Vol 19. No.3 December 2016 / Rabiul-Awwal 1438

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QI loaned an item to someone. He now says that he has lost the item. Can I demand payment from him?

A The item you loaned to the person is in his trust. It is called Amaanah. If he lost the item due to negligence, then you can ask

payment. If it was not lost due to negligence, then you may not ask for payment. You will just have to accept the loss.

QA non-Muslim male embraced Islam to get married with a Muslim woman. This was his sole intention. Is his Islam valid?

AThe intention for embracing Islam must be for Allah Alone. The person should rectify his intention. If he does not genuinely believe in

the truth of Islam, then his verbal pronouncement of the Kalimah will not be valid between him and Allah Ta’ala despite it being technically valid for him to be classified a Muslim in the Dunia.

QA boy and a girl who are conducting a Haraam relationship asked me to perform their Nikah, but no one should

be informed. What is your advice?

ASecret Nikaahs are extremely problematic. It is not proper to perform a Nikaah when the girl’s parents are unaware or they refuse

to consent. Advise the couple to be brave and to speak to their parents and to accept their advice. One should not embroil oneself in something which will surely erupt in Fitnah. Zina is a secret affair, and Nikaah is a public affair.

QIt is said that a person who consumes liquor, his Ibaadat is not accepted for 40 days. If before the 40 days it is fasting

of Ramadhaan or Eid-ul-Adha, should he make Qurbaani as well as fasting in the month of Ramadhaan?

AYes, he still has to offer the Qurbaani just as he has to perform all acts of Ibaadat including fasting in the month of Ramadhaan etc.

The meaning of his Ibaadat not being accepted

is that he is deprived of the Thawaab (reward) of the Ibaadat. Nevertheless, it remains compulsory for him to discharge all Ibaadat obligations. Furthermore, if he repents, then the sin is forgiven and he will then be rewarded for all his acts of Ibaadat during the 40 day period.

Q Events of life sometimes makes it hard to make fair decisions. What is the Muslim’s solution in making decisions

of life’s events?

A Istikharah (Prayer of decision-making), is an indespensable tool that every Muslim has to navigate their life. Life is made of decisions.

For many people, we only notice the decisions when they have huge, long-term consequences. But decisions of all kinds are there, filling up every moment and affecting our life. In making a decision, big or small, we can only estimate its probable result. Based on our limited knowledge, we cannot predict the future nor be sure what the effects of our choices will be. The Prophet Muhammad used to teach the Companions (Radhiyallahu Anhu) to make Prayer of decisions in every matter.

QDue to time constraints as I am always busy with work, I only perform obligatory acts of worship without Sunnah. What is

your advice?

A It is known that supererogatory (Sunnah) acts of worship are a blessing of Allah Ta’ala for Muslims, as they are considered a means

of complement for the obligatory ones. Moreover, it is a great risk of a Muslim to be content only with performing the obligatory acts of worship as no one would perform them perfectly. So a good practicing Muslim is highly recommended to save no efforts to offer as many supererogatory acts of worship as he can to make up for any shortage in or imperfectness of the obligatory ones. Work will not end until one dies. Make amends of your time allocation to make sure that you follow your Farz Prayers with the Sunnahs.

The Prophet said: Righteousness is that with which the soul is tranquil and the heart is tranquil. But sin is that which rouses suspicion in the souls and is perplexing in the breast, even if people give you a decision in its favour.



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Q: I am a married woman with kids. My husband treats me very well but I continously feel attracted to a certain young man with whom I’m in contact. My passion for him grows evenly. Please bail me out?

A: Getting married is a blessing, so what you should do is to be grateful to Allah Ta’ala for this great blessing and strive to preserve it. What you are doing is not permissible. This is a transgression against the husband’s rights and honour. Making contacts with this young man is Haraam.

Q: A man is in love with a Christian woman. He wants to leave his first wife and call this Christian woman to Islam, then later marry her. What is your advise?

A: When Islam permits plural marriage, it stipulated the condition of fair and just treatment. Undoubtedly it is not just or fair to forsake the first wife in order to marry the second, even if we assume that the intention in this case is good, which is to make the Christian woman embrace Islam, for the Islam of the second wife does not require that the first wife be mistreated or abandoned. The end does not justify the means. Moreover, there are many ways and means of calling the Christian woman to Islam. We do not advise this man to marry this Christian woman in such circumstances.

Q: My husband did not fulfil my hopes of a life based on religious commitment. Should I ask for divorce?

A: Islam does not allow seeking divorce except in cases where there is a valid reason and hardship that calls for that. Perhaps you may get divorced and not find the husband you are wishing for. In addition to that, seeking divorce is a kind of ingratitude for blessings of getting married. What you are seeking of life filled with religious commitment can be obtained by striving hard and seeking the means that will help you to attain that, such as finding righteous friends and participating in women Tarbiyah programmes and so on. Also, beseech Allah Ta’ala to guide your husband and to make him religious.

Q: If a husband promises before his marriage by word that he will not take on another wife, and then years later says he will. Is this permissible?

A: We can’t say that the second marriage is invalid, but if he takes on another wife, he will be definitely breaking his promise and he will be held responsible for breaking his promise. This has nothing to do with the legality of the second marriage. Avoid making promises.

Islamic Information Bureaus offers library services open to Muslims and non-Muslims. Its books are both Religious and Academic.

It offers Shariah-based Counselling through its “Marital and Counselling Department”.

It officiates Nikaahs including group initiated Nikaahs in its outreach

programme. Get your Nikaahs done without trouble.

It has a “Youth Desk” which interracts with the youth in secondary schools, and universities. Register your school with our youth desk.

Contact our Cordinators on: Limbe: 0996 977 577, Lilongwe: 0999 009 134 Balaka: 0888 857 627


Marriage Discourse

Islamic Information Bureau Highlights

Vol 19. No.3 December 2016 / Rabiul-Awwal 1438

[email protected]

The Prophet said: Whoever wants Allah to answer his prayer during difficult times, should call on Him (often) in times of ease. (Fiqh-us-Sunnah)


QI work as a programmer, producing special programs. After work, I produce other programs that may be similar, but

in a different way than that which I use for work, for my own gain. Is it permissible?

AYou can produce identical or similar programs to those that you produce during your work, but that is subject to certain

conditions: (1) You should not use materials, programs or equipment belonging to your workplace to produce your own programs. (2) Your work to produce these things of your own should be done outside of regular work hours and not during them, because during your regular work hours you are obliged to give the company its due of your efforts. (3) You should not try to take customers away from your employer to market your products to them. You got to know these customers through the company you are working for, so selling the programs that you have produced to them is regarded as a betrayal of trust.

QWe are doing business. We sell an item at a price given to 30 days payment terms. The same item is purchased

on cash basis at a lower price. Is this way of business interest free?

A Yes, it is permissible to sell at a higher price when the payment is deferred. A higher than cash price is recognized in Shariah for

future payments as long as the contract does not mention two prices and two dates of payment. In this way, it is interest free.

QWhat are the rights of a woman who has been divorced. We need to know as cases of divorce are growing?

AAs far as Shariah is concerned, a husband should maintain his divorcee for 3 months after the divorce whether or not she takes

care of the children. Moreover, if the children remain in her custody and she is responsible for their care, he has to maintain them both; however, if he has custody of the children, she has no financial rights over the ex-husband.

QEven though I am a Muslim, I don’t know the facts about Islamic Banking and Finance. Therefor I want to know the

guiding principle in Islamic Financing?

AThe principle of justice is essential in all forms of Islamic Financing. In profit sharing, when an Islamic Bank provides means of

payment to the producers, both parties share the real actual results or net profit/loss of a productive project. It is not just to throw the risk burden on one side, the entrepreneur. Fair play of market forces determines rates distribution of profit between financier & beneficiary.

QMy friend had appointed me and I agreed to be the executor of his deceased estate when he dies. Now that he has

passed away, I decline the position. What is your advise?

AIt is not permissible for you to abandon the trust which your friend had imposed on you with your consent and approval. It is

incumbent that you take up the executorship and ensure that his estate is finalised in accordance with the Shariah. You may refuse only if his will is un-Islamic and the heirs refuse to submit to the Shariah.

QWhat does the Shariah say about being deceitful and falsifying documents to achieve an end that is good (Lawful)?

AThere is nothing in Islam called “ends justify” the means. Both the ends and means should be lawful. So, deceitful and falsifying

documents is not allowed in Islam.

QWhat should I do if I make an error in my Salaah behind an Imaam which requires Sujud- Sahw?

AYou don’t need to make Sujud-Sahw for errors made, unless the mistake deals with one of the main pillars of Salaah such as

Sujud, Rukuh etc. In all cases you don’t need to make Sujud Sahw because the Imaam shoulders the responsibility on behalf of the followers.

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F: Kodi Chisilamu chikutinji kwa mkazi yemwe akwatiwa ndi mamuna yemwe sali wa Chisilamu. Mkaziyo

akuti adakwatiwa ndi mamunayo chifukwa choti sakadachitira mwina popeza kuti adakakamizidwa kutero?

Y:Sizololedwa mkazi wa Chisilamu kukwatiwa ndi mamuna yemwe sali Msilamu. Ukwati wotere siwovomerezeka pa malamulo a

Chisilamu omwe ali malamulo a Mulungu mwini wa zolengedwa zonse, ndipo kukhalira limodzi ndi mamunayo, ndiye kuti iye akuchita chigololo. Munthu siuyenera kukakamizidwa kuchita zinthu zoipa kapena zoletsedwa. Mtumiki Muhammad (Mtendere ndi Madalitso a Mulungu apite kwa Iye) anati: Palibe kumvera potsatira chinthu choletsedwa, ngati kutero kupangitsa kunyoza malamulo a Mulungu.

F:Kodi ndichifukwa chiyani ku Palestine ndikofunika kwambiri kwa Asilamu pa dziko lonse la pansi?

Y:Ndikofunika kwambiri komanso chinthu chonyaditsa chifukwa choti Mzikiti wa Al-Aqsa ukupezeka ku Palestine. Mzikiti wa

Al-Aqsa ndiyo Kibrah yoyamba yomwe Asilamu ankayang’ana pochita mapemphero..

F:Ine ndili ndi ana omwe pakadali pano adatha nsinkhu. Kodi malangizo abwino omwe ndingapereke kwa

anawo ndi otani?

Y:Makolo ayenera kupereka chitsanzo chabwino kwa ana awo, kuti anawo atengere makhalidwe abwino kuchokera

kwa makolo awo. Nthawi zonse tiyenera kuonetsetsa kuti ana athu akucheza kapena kuyenda ndi anthu amakhalidwe abwino. Mphatso yaikulu yomwe makolo angapereke kwa ana ndiko kuwaphunzitsa khalidwe labwino

F:Kodi ndizololedwa kuchita m’gwirizano waza malonda pakati pa Msilamu ndi munthu yemwe sali Msilamu?

Y:Kusiyana pa chipembedzo sikuletsa kupanga m’gwirizano waza malonda pakati pa Msilamu ndi munthu yemwe

sali Msilamu. Koma kuti akuluakulu ozama pa Deeni adagamula kuti pam’gwirizano woterewo onse ayenera kukhala ndi mphamvu zofanana ndicholinga choti yemwe sali Msilamuyo asalowetse zinthu zomwe ndizoletsedwa kupyolera mu mphamvu zomwe angakhale nazo

F:Ndili ndi Cellphone yomwe ndikufuna kuti ndiigulitse koma ili ndi vuto lina. Kodi ndikofunika kuti ndimuuze

munthu yemwe agule za vutoli?

Y:Munthu yemwe akugulitsa katundu wina aliyense ayenera kunena za vuto kapena kupelewera kwa kanthu komwe

akugulitsa kwa munthu kapena anthu omwe akugula katunduyo. Kunena za vuto la kanthu komwe akugulitsa kudzathandiza kuti ogula azindikire ndikudziwa za chinthucho. Ngati angagule ndiye kuti adzagula akuzindikira ndipo iye sadzadandaula pambuyo pake. Mtumiki Muhammad (Mtendere ndi Madalitso a Mulungu apite kwa Iye) anati: Sali wa ife munthu yemwe achita zachinyengo

F:Ndinasankhidwa ndi mzanga wina kuti iye akadzafa ndidzalongosole pogawa chuma chake kwa anthu oyenera

kulandira chumacho. Pamene wamwalira ndikuona kuti sindigwira ntchito yomwe mzangayo anandiuza kuti ndidzachite. Kodi Shariah ikundilola kutero?

Y:Sizololedwa kuti inu munyalanyaze zomwe mzanu womwalira mudagwirizana naye kuti mudzamchitira. Ndikofunika kuti

inu muyendetse zonse zoyenera mukugawa kwa chuma chake kwa anthu oyenera kulandira gawo pa chuma chake. Mutha kukana ngati zomwe adanena pa chumacho sizikugwirizana ndi Shariah, komanso ngati anthu oyenera kulandira gawo pa chumacho sakufuna kutsatira malamulo a Chisilamu pogawa chuma.

F:Kodi ndikololedwa kwa mamuna ndi mkazi kukhalira limodzi asanachite mwambo wa Nikaah, ngakhale makolo

ambali zonse akudziwa za anthu awiriwo?

Y:Ndizoletsedwa kutero. kukhalira limodzi pakati pa mkazi ndi mamuna kumachitika ndipo kumakhala kovomerezeka pambuyo

poti mwambo wa Nikaah wachitika. Choncho ngakhale makolo kapena abale akudziwa zonse za anthu awiriwo, sakuloledwa kutero mpaka mwambo wa Nikah utachitika.



Vol 19. No.3 December 2016 / Rabiul-Awwal 1438

[email protected]

Mtumiki anati: Bwenzani (zinthu zomwe mwasungitsidwa) (monga chuma, udindo ndi zina zotero) kwa yemwe anakusungitsani, ndipo

musamukhumudwitse (uyo munthu) yemwe wakukhumudwitsani (pa china chili chonse pa moyo wathu wa tsiku ndi tsiku). (Tirmizi)


F:Kodi mungandiuze chiyani ngati mamuna atalonjeza pamene amamanga banja kuti sadzakwatira kapena kutenga

mkazi wina wachiwiri, koma patadutsa zaka ndikunena kuti akufuna kutenga mkazi wina. Kodi izi ndizololedwa?

Y:Sitinganene kuti banja la chiwirilo ndilosavomerezeka. Koma ngati angatenga mkazi wina pa mbuyo poti

analonjeza kuti sadzatero uko kudzakhala kuphwanya lonjezo chabe. Choncho kulakwa kwa mamuna amuneyo kudzakhala pa kuphwanya lonjezo koma izi sizikukhuzana ndi kuvomerezeka kwa banja linalo, kunene kuti kutenga mkazi wa chiwiriyo ndikovomerezeka, koma kuti adzakhala olakwa pophwanya lonjezo. Choncho osamaika malonjezo mwachisawawa kapena mosaganizira bwino.

F: Kodi ndikololedwa kwa anthu omwe sali Asilamu kugwiritsa ntchito dzina loti Allah ponena Mulungu?

Y:Inde ndizololedwa. Timawerenga mu buku lopatulika kuti ma Pagans ankagwiritsa ntchito dzina loti Allah ponena Mulungu,

ngakhale kuti chikhulupiliro chawo chinali chosemphana ndi umodzi wa Mulungu. Komabe ndizoletsedwa ngati angagwiritsa dzina loti Allah pothandauza zinthu zina osati Mulungu M’modzi yekha, mwini dziko la pansi ndi kumwamba. Choncho ngati anthu omwe sali Asilamu angagwiritse ntchito dzina loti Allah ponena zinthu zina kudzakhala kusaloledwa, chifukwa choti ili ndi dzina la Mulungu M’modzi yekha.

F:Kodi ndikoyenera pamene timupatsa munthu osauka Zakaah yathu (chopereka chapa chaka) kuti timuuze

kuti yomwe akulandirayo ndi Zakaah

Y:Ndizoyenera kwenikweni kuti timudziwitse munthu yemwe tikumupatsa thandizo kuti ndi Zakaah kapena Sadaqah ayi.

Chofunika pamene tikupereka Zakaah kwa munthu kapena anthu kuti tipange chisimikizo mu mtima (Niyyah) kuti yomwe tikupereka ndi Zakaah kapena Sadaqah.

F: Kodi mwana yemwe anabadwa kudzera njira ya chiwerewere adzalowa ku Mparadiso ngati ali wotsatira malamulo

a Mulungu?

Y:Udindo M’chisilamu uli kwa munthu mwini, zomwe zikuthandauza kuti munthu aliyense adzayankha pa maso pa Mulungu

pa zomwe iye mwini anachita pa moyo wake wa dziko lino la pansi, osati zomwe munthu wina anachita kapena kulakwitsa. Choncho mwana wobadwa munjira iyi sali okanidwa kapena kulangidwa pa matchimo omwe mayi ake adachita ndi munthu wina yemwe anathandizirana kuchita machimowo. Mayi ndi munthu winayo ndi omwe adzayankhe zolakwika zomwe zinachitika, ndipo mwana alibe gawo pa zomwe zinachitikazo.

F: Kodi ndi Dua yanji yomwe ndigapange pofuna kuti mamuna wanga azindikonda ndikukhala pafupi ndi ine komanso

kukhala wondivetsa zomwe ndikunena?

Y:Muyenera kukhala munthu wokonda kupemphera nthawi zonse pofuna kuti kubweretsa chikondi pakati pa inu ndi

mamuna wanu. Apa chomwe mungapange koposa kuchita Dua iyi nthawi ndi nthawi: Rabbana hab lanaa min azwaajinaa wa dhurriyyaatinaa qurrata a’yinn wa ij’lnaa lil mutataqeena imaaman ( O Ambuye Mulungu tipatseni ife chisangalalo chenicheni kuma banja anthu, ndi ana athu ndikupanga ife kukhala chisanzo chabwino cha anthu omuopa Mulungu). Pa mbuyo pake muyenera kutenga ndondomeko yabwino kupyolera mukuganiza kwabwino, mawu ndi zochita zanu ndicholinga chofuna kubweretsa mtendere ndi chikondi kwa amuna anu

F: Kodi ndi njira iti yomwe ili yoziyeretsera pofuna kuti tikhale ovomerezeka kuimitsa pemphero?

Y:Kuziyeretsa ndi khomo lotsegula pemphero. Msilamu ayenera kuziyeretsa thupi lake komanso kuyeretsa malo

opempherera. Kuziyeretsa kwa kukulu monga Janabah kusamba kwa thupi lonse kumayenera kuti kuchitike. Kuziyeretsa kwa kung’ono, monga munthu akukoza, Wuzu kokha umakwanira.

[email protected] 8


F:Malinga ndi Shariah banja likatha kapena mkazi akapatsidwa mawu akusiyidwa banja (Talaaq) mkaziyo

amayenera kukhala pa chidikiro (Iddah) kwa miyezi itatu asanakwatiwenso. Kodi ali mkati mwakudikira kwake atha mkaziyo kumalongosola za mamuna wina yemwe akufuna kumukwatira?

Y:Malinga ndi Shariah mkazi yemwe wapatsidwa mawu akusiyidwa banja yomwe imatchedwa kuti Talaaq ndipo

ali mkati modikira (Iddah) ali woletsedwa kufunsiridwa moonekera kapena mwakufanizira. Sizololedwa mkazi kukamba kapena kuyendetsa za banja lakutsogolo mpaka ndondomeko yonse ya kusiyidwa itatha ndipo nyengo yake yakudikira (Iddah) yomwe ili miyezi itatu itatsatidwa. Choncho mwachidule nyengo ya kudikira (Iddah) kwa mkazi yemwe wasiyidwa banja ndi miyezi itatu. Ndikutsutsana ndi kulakwira malamulo a Chisilamu mkazi kukwatiwa ndi mamuna wina asanamalize nyengo yakudikirayi.

F:Kodi Chisilamu chikutinji pa mchitidwe wokwatirana amuna okhaokha kapena akazi okhaokha?

Y:Palibe chikaiko kuti kukwatirana amuna okhaokha ndi tchimo ndipo zopatsa manyazi. Mu chipembedzo cha Chisilamu

zoterezi zimatchedwa kuti zonyasa komanso zoipa. Chisilamu chimaphunzitsa kusachita zinthu zoyalutsa kapena kufalitsa zoipa. Choncho pali kugwirizana pakati pa ophunzira a Chisilamu akale komanso alero kuti kukwatirana amuna okhaokha ndikoletsedwa chifukwa choti kutero ndikulimbana ndi chilengedwe cha Mulungu chomwe chimalimbikitsa kukhala pa banja pokwatirana muna ndi mkazi ndicholinga chowonjedzera mtundu wa anthu pa dziko.

F:Pofuna kulankhulana ndi mkazi yemwe munthu ukufuna kuti umukwatire, ndi ziti zomwe mkazi akuloledwa kuonetsa

ndipo asapyole pati?

Y:Mu Hadith ina Mughira Ibn Shu’bah (Radhiyallahu Anhu) anati ndinafunsira mkazi kuti ndimukwatire, ndipo Mtumiki

(Mtendere ndi Madalitso a Mulungu apite kwa Iye) adandifunsa ngati ndamuona mkaziyo. Pamene ndidayankha kuti sindinamuone, Mtumiki (Mtendere ndi Madalitso a Mulungu apite kwa Iye) anati: Kamuyang’ane chifukwa mwina kutero kungabweretse chikondi. (Hadithyi adailandira ndi Ahmad). Choncho kuonetsa manja ndi nkhope ndikololedwa koma ngakhale kuloledwaku kuli apo, mkazi sayenera kuonetsa kukongola kwake munjira yolakwika. Iye ngati mkazi asakaonekera

atavala zovala zothina, kapena kukakumana ndi mamuna yemwe akufuna kuti amukwatire kwa awiriwiri.

F:Kodi njira yabwino yokhala pa chiyanjano (kugwirizana) ndi abale omwe amakhala akufalitsa zoipa zaiwe

ndi banja lako ngakhale kuti iweyo umayetsetsa nthawi zonse kuyanjana nawo ndi iti?

Y:Kuyetsetsa kwanu nthawi zonse kofuna kubweretsa chiyanjano ndi mgwirizano pakati pa inu ndi abale anu ndi chisonyezo

choti ndinu munthu wabwino, woganiza moyenera, zomwe Chisilamu chikufuna. Anthu ambiri amati akalakwiridwa ndi abale awo nthawi yomweyo amadula ubale wawo. Izi nchifukwa chakuti anthu otere amaganiza kuti kukhala olumikizana, kuyanjana ndi abale kumayenereka kuchitika pamene abale nawonso achita chimodzimodzi. Dziwani kuti kudula ubale ndi tchimo ndipo kumachepetsa madalitso ako aiwe munthu. Choncho ngati abale anu akulakwilani, kukuchitilani nkhaza, kukunyozani mu njira ina ili yonse inu muyenera kusabwenzera. Dziwani kuti kuwachitira abale zabwino, kuyanjana nawo, kuwakonda ndikuwakumbukira izi simuchita pofuna chiyamiko kwa abale anuwo koma kufuna kumusangalatsa Mulungu. Choncho ngati munadula ubale mu zifukwa zosiyanasiyana, yetsetsani lero kuti muyanjane, mulumikizane, ndi kuti ubale wanu upitilire. Chibale ndi chinthu chofunika kwambiri ndipo ndi cha mtengo wapatali. Pomaliza dziwani kuti kuyetsetsa kwanu pofuna kukhala pa chiyanjano ndi abale anu ndi chinthu chotamandika chomwe chikuonetsa kupambana kwanu ndi kukhala ndi maganizo abwino.

F:Ndimakhala limodzi ndi mchemwali wanga ndipo kawirikawiri timakhala tikukangana mpaka pena timafika

pomenyana. Kodi awirife mungatilangize bwanji za m’mene tingamakhalire pa ubale wathu?

Y:Muyenera kuyetsa kutalikilana nthawi zina. Pali anthu ambiri pa chibale ngati chimenechi omwe zoterezi zinawachitikira, ndipo

pambuyo poyetsa kutalikirana chikondi chinayamba kubwera. Komatu sitikunena kuti kutalikirana pofuna kudula ubale ayi. Khalani opilira, kuleza mtima pamene wina walakwitsa, mpaka pamene Mulungu adzakudalitseni popeza banja m’modzi wa inu kapena nonsenu. Pali chikhulupiliro chakuti tsiku lina mudzasiyana wina kukaima payekha pa banja lake, ndipo nkofunika kuti mudzasiyane mwa ubwino.vvv

Vol 19. No.3 December 2016 / Rabiul-Awwal 1438

[email protected]

QDue to lack of career guidance I wrongly engaged myself as a woman on a wrong profession. What type of professions are

prohibited for a Muslim woman to undergo?

AThere are no list of prohibited prefessions for women. Rather it all depends on the circumstances and work conditions. For

example, if the work requires that a woman dress in a way that is not allowed, it becomes unlawful for a woman. Also if a job would involve free mixing with the opposite gender, it won’t be permissible. However, if the work conditions meet the manners of man/woman relationship, then it is allowed for a woman to join that field.

Q I want to buy a house but I don’t have enough money to buy it. Can I borrow money from the bank? I know there will

be interest in the money borrowed, but my friends tells me that I can buy a house with interest money and live in it, because it is not business where you buy and sell. Am I getting the right advice?

AInterest in its entirety is prohibited in Shariah. Allah Ta’ala says in the Noble Qur’an: O you who have believed, do not consume usury,

doubled and multiplied, but fear Allah that you may be successful. (3:130) We therefore conclude that, you have been ill informed, interest is not confined to business but rather its prohibition extends to every such dealing wherein interest is found, be it of a commercial nature or personal nature.

Q If a person is imprisoned and he has wealth, does he have to pay Zakaah?

AIf a person is kept away from his wealth, such as if he is a captive or imprisoned, then he must pay

Zakaah because he is still the owner of the wealth.

QThe government took away some land of mine in order to build a road, and gave me compensation for taking away

the land, but I cannot take possession of this money until several years have passed. Do I have to pay Zakaah on it?

AYou do not have to pay Zakaah on this money until you take possession of it. When you take possession of it you should count

one (Hijri) year from the day you took possession of it, then pay Zakaah on it after one year. In other words, if a property has been seized and its value estimated, but the owner has not been able to take possession of it due to reasons beyond

his control, no Zakaah is due on it until he takes possession of its price and a full year has passed.

QIn our village a donor gave few post-dated cheques for construction of a Masjid. For some unknown reason

he stopped payment and has not paid the outstanding promised amounts. Is this a debt on him?

AIt is not a debt on him. If he has a valid reason for refusing to honour the promise, then he is not blameworthy. If he violates

his promise without valid reason, and withholds the promised contribution merely on account of stinginess, then he is guilty of sinning. But payment cannot be demanded from him.

QI have been researching Islam for the past month and I am ready to take the Shahaadah (declaration). However

some people are warning me of making a lifelong commitment so hastily. Could you please advise me on what I need to do?

AThe advise you have received from some people to wait is rather strange, but perhaps they are afraid that you may return

to disbelief after embracing Islam if you are too hasty. But isn’t death possible at any time? If your answer is yes, do you not see that the best thing to do is to go ahead and enter Islam immediately, so that if your time should come soon, you will meet Allah Ta’ala as a follower of His accepted religion Islam, besides which He accepts no other religion. The best of good deeds is the one that is done without delay.

QMy daughter in law has totally alienated my son from me. He has become so subservient to her that he fears visiting

me. I want to make a Wassiyat that when I die she should not attend my Janaazah. Is such a Wassiyat valid and binding?

ASuch a Wassiyat is neither valid nor binding Forget about her callousness and make Dua for their Hidaayat. Your patience and

resignation to the Will of Allah Ta’ala will pay high dividends in the Hereafter. Do not ruin the peace of your mind and the tranquility of your heart by brooding on the Shaytaaniyat of your son and his wife. They are signs of Qiyaamah.


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Q I was for a long time interested in someone for marriage, but it broke of. I am getting worried and stressed over

this failure. What should I do?

ALife is a temporary journey that is full of trials and tribulations. You cannot let any trial paralyse your future. Our advise to you

is to move on and close this page in your life. Don’t be self-deluded. Seek help from other people to find a suitable match. Last but not the least, you should believe in Allah’s fate and destiny and that you will get what has been predestined for you.

Q I am an importer of goods and I have noticed that importers request their suppliers to under-invoice the

consignment in order to pay a lesser duty amount to government. Is it permissible for me to under-invoice the consignment in order to be competitive in the market?

AEvery person who resides in a country or acquire citizenship and enters into an agreement with that government, should

follow the laws of that land, therefore he is under obligation to follow the laws unless it is a law of a land that compels him to do an act which is prohibited in Islam. On the basis of this principle, since smuggling is illegal, a Muslim is required to abide by this restriction.

QIs it permissible to name the orphan after your husband for the purpose of sponsoring him?

ASponsoring an orphan is one of the greatest acts of worship, because of the immense reward that it brings and because of the

compassion, kindness and care of the orphan that is involved. It is not permissible to name the orphan after your husband, because this is part of adoption which is not acceptable and because that leads to negative consequences with regard to inheritance.

QMy brother was banned from travelling due to the nature of the case he committed. In this circumstances is it

allowed to do Hajj on his behalf?

ASo long as your brother hopes that he will be allowed to travel and he will be able to do Hajj himself, then he does not have the

option of delegating someone else. Delegating is only allowed for the one who is unable to do it and has no hope that the cause of his being unable will cease to apply. If it is decreed that he die before

that, there will be no sin on him because he is excused. In that case, Hajj should be performed on his behalf with the expenses paid from his estate, or someone may volutarily do Hajj on his behalf.

QCould a Waqf (Endowment) property ever be sold?

A Besides a Masjid, if a Waqf property has become totally redundant and can no longer be used for the

purpose for which it was made Waqf, then it will be permissible to sell the redundant property and the the money to erect another property elsewhere for the same purpose of the original Waqf.

QLately I have been having a rollercoaster ride life. Sometimes very strong in Imaan, sometimes very weak. What

should I do to bring my Imaan up again?

AImaan (Faith) increases by good deeds. So you need to increase your good deeds in order to have a strong Imaan (Faith).

Some of the ways that help in this regard are the following: (1) To pray five times a day on time and in Jama’ah as much as you can. (2) To recite the Noble Qur’an regularly. (3) To remember death and read about the next life. (4) To join Halaqaat and study circles in order to develop good company. Lastly to make Dua: May Allah strengthen our Imaan.

QWe read advertisement on lotteries such as that of the DBR taking place in the major cities of our country. Is it right to

take part in these winning lottery games?

ALottery is a form of gambling of which Allah has forbidden. As Muslims we are not allowed to take part in lottery winning


QWhat is the ruling on taking another person’s property wrongfully, for example the tendencies of grabing

properties of the orphans when their parents die?

AGhasb is the Arabic term for seizing something unlawfully. In Fiqh terminology, it means taking the property of others

wrongfully by force. Allah Ta’ala says: And eat up not another’s property. The one who has seized anything unlawfully must repent to Allah Ta’ala and return the seized property to its owner and ask him forgiveness.


Vol 19. No.3 December 2016 / Rabiul-Awwal 1438

[email protected]

The Prophet when giving a sermon to the people would say: Let the one who is present convey to the one who is absent, for perhaps the one

to whom it is conveyed understand it better than the one who heard it. (Bukhari)


QOf late I have heard conversations about the Shiahs. I would like to know the fundamental differences between the

Sunnis and the Shiahs?

AThe major difference could be viewed as follows: The Shiahs believe in the infallibility of the 12 Imaams, while the Sunnis do

not. (2) The Shiahs take the Imaam’s sayings as sources of legislation, while the Sunnis depend of the Sunnah. (3) The Shiahs believe that Imaams are still alive and will be back to life before the end of the world. There are other differences though.

QI have gone several times for interviews for a job, but didn’t make it. Will it be wrong to think that magic was performed

on me to constatly fail to grab the opportunity of the job?

A Magic does not bring any benefit and does not prevent any good that Allah has prescribed for you. Allah Ta’ala says in the

Noble Qur’an: Whatever Allah grants to people of mercy, none can withhold it; and whatever He withholds none can release it thereafter. And He is the Exalted in Might, the Wise. (35:2)

Q After I bought some stolen goods, I regretted my action. I have kept the goods separated from my stock. What

should I do with the stolen goods?

AIf you can locate the rightful owner, return the goods to him by any method. If this is not possible, give the goods to the poor or

sell it and give the money to the poor. Do not mix the money with your Halaal money. The very same money obtained should be given away. In addition Tawbah and Istighfaar are incumbent.

QSeveral persons inherited a building. One of the heirs wants to buy the building. All the others want to sell their

shares. What value should be fixed for the building? The municipal or city value or the market value?

A There is no pricnciple needed to accept any specific value. The price should be by mutual agreement of the share holders. It

will not matter if the price is less than or more than any valuation. The essential factor is mutual agreement.

QDue to my husband’s extra marital affairs, I have left home and want him to give me Talaaq (divorce) but he refuses.

What should I do?

AIf he refuses to issue Talaaq (divorce) and he calls you back home, you have no alternative but to return home. A marriage

cannot be annulled on the grounds of a man’s extra-marital affairs. If a husband does not maintain his wife or he fails in fulfilling her conjugal rights, it will be grounds for annullement. Have Sabr (patience) make Duas for your husband’s guidance and return home.

QIslamically, how should an engagement custom be observed?

AIn Islam there is no engagement custom. If the marriage proposal is accepted, the Nikaah should take

place as soon as possible. There is no interim custom before the Nikaah. All customs are unsubstantiated. What is needed is the Nikaah as per Shariah demand not the engagement.

QIf one enters the Masjid and found that Bayaan is in progress, should one sit and listen to Bayaan or first perform


A It is better to first perform Tahiyyatul-Masjid. It is not permissible to forgo Tahiyyatul-Masjid for the sake of Bayaan. The right of

the Masjid is that the Musalli performs Tahiyyatul-Masjid which is Sunnah, whereas the Bayaan is not Sunnah.

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Secure AccessThe Malaysia Special Programme for Food Security, defines food security as “secure access at all times to sufficient food for a healthy life.”However, food security has three dimensions which are available of sufficient quantities of food, access to adequate resources and utilization of food.Meanwhile, food insecurity is defined as lack of capability to produce food and to have access by all people at all times to enough food for an active and healthy life. Food Security: Who’s ObligationIn the understanding of this publication, food security lies on everyone’s shoulder, including the government, producers, consumers, processors, distributors or others. In other words, it is everyone’s responsibility to ensure access that enough and good foods are available.Islamic PerspectiveFrom the Islamic perspective, it is an obligation of every Muslim to take good care of his/her families, relatives, friends and the rest of the society around him/her locality. The Noble Qur’an, clearly spelt out important principles to be observed by all Muslims especially pertaining to securing enough food by every citizen.Imposed on the RichMore importantly, some of these principles are imposed on the rich and are to a large extent targeted at helping the poor and the destitute to secure food for them. These include Zakah (tenths) on agricultural products (selected food items and animals) individual income, business profits etc. Classic Example for Food Security When Yusuf (Alayhis-Salaam) was made the King of Egypt, he predicted seven years of bumper crops to be followed by another seven years of long dry spell

resulting in poor harvest, food shortage, famine and hunger. With the advent of climate change this scenario is not strange for Malawi. Since 1992 farming has been characterised by insufficent rainfall, dry spell, resulting in food insecurity because of low harvest. What do we do as a nation and as Muslims in particular?

However Yusuf (Alayhis-Salaam) cautioned his people and advised them to save enough food from their good harvest for the bad times. These examples point to the fact that the State is fully responsible for the planning, monitoring and implementing effective measures to achieve and maintain food security for the people.

Imams, Aalims, Shaikhs and MoulanasImams, Shaikhs, Aalims, Moulanas are best placed to take the reading role in sensentizing, the believers to work hard, to embrace farming and agriculture as a noble profession. We are yet to see a day when Mimbars across Malawi will voice one sensentization about farming, food security, empowering the masses in agricultural and farming activities.

Examining the Qur’an and SunnahWhen we examine the Qur’an and Sunnah, we find that Allah Ta’ala has prescribed many laws that would ensure food security for humanity. These laws specify responsibiliities of the State, responsibilities of the community, and responsibilities of the individual. In a Hadith it states: Each of you is a shepherd, and all of you are responsible for your flocks. (Bukhari)

Zakah -Based ApproachWe cannot talk of food security without considering the fact that capital plays a vital role in production of food, farming etc. The Zakah-based approach to food security may provide a unique means for empowerment of the poor,systematic transfer of knowledge and know-how and progressive financial independence and empowerment of the poor.

Many local farmers fail to effectively farm due to financial constraits to buy reliable farm inputs.

The Role of Muslims in Ensuring Food Security

INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES1- No matter what you’ve been through, it’s written. No matter what you know, it’s written. No matter what you do, it’s written. Put your trust in Allah.

2- Life consists of two days, one for you and one against you. So when it’s for you don’t be proud or reckless, and when it’s against you be patient, for both days are a test for you. (Ali Radhiyallahu


3- If you hear of my death, just ask Allah to forgive me.

4- You did not come to this life with your own will. Also, you will not leave this world with your own will. Then why live this life according to your own will. A Muslim is he who submits himself to the will of Allah Ta’ala.