Muslims and the Media: ASU MSA Halaqa

+ Muslims and the Media Nesima Aberra and Nidah Chatriwala MSA Halaqa 10.26.11


This presentation looks at how Muslims are portrayed in the news, media and public currently and discusses ways to proactively share stories and create a dialogue that highlights a positive, accurate image of Islam.

Transcript of Muslims and the Media: ASU MSA Halaqa

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Muslims and the MediaNesima Aberra and Nidah ChatriwalaMSA Halaqa10.26.11

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+Introductory Thoughts

“The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses.” –Malcolm X

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+Nesima Aberra


Journalism and global studies student

Passionate about communication for social good, diplomacy and nonprofits

Want to use media to be a voice for important social causes and to be a better ambassador for Islam

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+Nidah Chatriwala


Originally from India

Passionate journalist

Dreams of leaving a mark in seeking peace and rebuilding a positive image of Muslims

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+Islam in the News

Islam was the No.1 Topic of Religion in 2010, Pew Forum

Main Stories: Park51/ “Ground Zero Mosque” 22.7% Pastor’s Quran burning 18.8% Obama the secret Muslim 6% Upcoming 9/11 anniversary 4.7%

Islam replaced the Catholic Church in top news coverage

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+Special Reports on Islam

CNN: Unwelcome: Muslims Next Door Investigates “Sharia law”

fear Opposition to mosques Murfreesboro, TN

ABC: Faith and Fear: Islam in America Town Hall Looked at Muslims before

and after 9/11 attacks Talked to group of Muslim

and non-Muslim American teens

Undercover report on anti-Muslim bigotry, don the hijab

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+Attitude Towards Islam

Favorable of Islam: 41% to 30%

Unfavorable of Islam: 36% to 38%

No opinion of Islam: 23% to 32%

55% do not know very much or nothing at all about Islam

35% know some about Islam

9% know a great deal

From July 2005 to Aug 2010

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+Media Trust

66% say news stories often are inaccurate

77% think that news organizations tend to favor one side

80% say news organizations are often influenced by powerful people and organizations

It’s not just Muslims who aren’t happy…

Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, July 2011

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The Usual SuspectsOur identity according to the media

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Rage against the Islamophobia MachineThe voices against Islam are louder, stronger, more repetitive, strategic and prominent…

What are we doing about it?

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+Being a Muslim American Journalist

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+Muslims and PR

•People want to know more about Muslims and Islam•Be proactive in the community•Invite and educate each other•Use your voice and fulfill your civil duties•Gain media exposure for positive spotlight•Cure Islamophobia

CAIR PSA on American MuslimsMAS I am Muslim video

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+Muslims A&E

Frank Miller, Holy Terror

Aasif Mandvi’s The Qu’osby Show

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Positive ResponsesUsing media to proactively or reactively address stereotypes and misconceptions

Reza Aslan on the arts as cultural diplomacy

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Muslims Wearing Things“Former NPR analyst Juan Williams, among other ignorant people, has an irrational fear of Muslims, and thinks you can identify them based on what they look like. Here I will post pictures of Muslims wearing all sorts of things in an attempt to refute that there is such a thing as "Muslim garb" or a Muslim look.”

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+Raise Your Voice

CHECK OUT! Muslim American Image Makeover Panels

Blog @


Modesty vs. Hijab

9/11 Impacting Muslim Americans Even Today

Most Diverse Movie Night

Vote for a Muslim American President?

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+Muslim Media Outlets

Muslim Voice newspaper

Salam TV AZ

Islamic Speakers Bureau Arizona

GuideUS TV

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We are the media

-Focus on core features of Islam: compassion and mercy

-Don’t be defensive

-Be proud, confident, stay true to the message Distribute, Advocate and Monitor

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+Discussion Questions

What has your experience with the media been?

Are you satisfied with the current level of media activism by American Muslims?

What positive stories/voices of Muslims have you seen?

Why are more diverse stories on Muslims not being covered?

How can you use social media and new media to “take back” your Muslim identities and spread truth?

How can we avoid looking at media as an enemy or savior of Muslims?