Musical Theatre




Transcript of Musical Theatre

LUCRARE DE ATESTATLUCRARE DE ATESTATCOLEGIUL NATIONAL ,,MIRCEA CEL BATRAN COLEGIUL NATIONAL ,,MIRCEA CEL BATRANMUSICAL THEATREMUSICAL THEATREABSOLVENT: ABSOLVENT:ENACHE EMILIA-GEORGIANA ENACHE EMILIA-GEORGIANAPROFESOR COORDONATOR: PROFESOR COORDONATOR:ANDREI STELUTA ANDREI STELUTACONSTANTA CONSTANTAMAI 2015 MAI 2015 ABSTRACTABSTRACTFrom my point of view, musical theatre is probably the mostFrom my point of view, musical theatre is probably the most complex, dynamic and entertaining performing art. complex, dynamic and entertaining performing art.My passion for music has triggered my genuine admiration forMy passion for music has triggered my genuine admiration for brilliant artists such as Barbra Streisand, Idina Menzel, izabrilliant artists such as Barbra Streisand, Idina Menzel, iza Minelli, !ulie "ndrews and #atti u#one. Minelli, !ulie "ndrews and #atti u#one.Broadway, the most well$%nown venue for musical theatreBroadway, the most well$%nown venue for musical theatre productions could be considered a national icon. productions could be considered a national icon.&owever, perhaps the most notable feature of musicals is the&owever, perhaps the most notable feature of musicals is the ability to maintain their popularity nowadays, whenability to maintain their popularity nowadays, when cinematography seems to monopolise the entertainmentcinematography seems to monopolise the entertainment business. business. INTRODUCTIONINTRODUCTIONDefnitionDefnitionA musical represents a stage, television or filmA musical represents a stage, television or film production using popular-style songs, spokenproduction using popular-style songs, spoken dialogue, acting and dancing. dialogue, acting and dancing.Classifcation:Classifcation:Book musicals have been known as: comic operas,Book musicals have been known as: comic operas, operettas, opera bouffe, burlesque, burletta,operettas, opera bouffe, burlesque, burletta, extravagana, musical comedy. extravagana, musical comedy.!evues have their roots in variety, vaudeville, music!evues have their roots in variety, vaudeville, music halls and minstrel shows. halls and minstrel shows. ELEMENTS OF A MUSICALELEMENTS OF A MUSICALFrom a purely technical point of view, all musicalsFrom a purely technical point of view, all musicals consist of certain key elements: consist of certain key elements: Music and lyrics Music and lyrics Book/Libretto Book/Libretto Choreoraphy Choreoraphy !tain"#ll stae movement !tain"#ll stae movement $hysical production"%he sets, costumes, and$hysical production"%he sets, costumes, and technical aspects technical aspects HISTORYHISTORYANTIQUITY TO MIDDLE AGESANTIQUITY TO MIDDLE AGES'ontrary to popular belief,'ontrary to popular belief, Oklahoma!Oklahoma! was not the first musical, as the comedieswas not the first musical, as the comedies and tragedies of ancient (reece included dialogue, song and dance, which were usedand tragedies of ancient (reece included dialogue, song and dance, which were used as storytelling tools. )uring the *th century B', (ree% dramatists "eschylus andas storytelling tools. )uring the *th century B', (ree% dramatists "eschylus and Sophocles composed their own music to accompany their plays and alsoSophocles composed their own music to accompany their plays and also choreographed the dances of the chorus. choreographed the dances of the chorus.+ver time, tragedy became ,ust one of three different types of drama, all of which+ver time, tragedy became ,ust one of three different types of drama, all of which involved music and dance- involved music and dance- Trag!" Trag!" was somber in tone, usually using stories ta%en from was somber in tone, usually using stories ta%en from(ree% mythology. .he characters existed solely within their dramatic (ree% mythology. .he characters existed solely within their dramaticframewor%, never referring to current events.framewor%, never referring to current events. C#$!" C#$!" was lighter in tone and usually provided a happy resolution was lighter in tone and usually provided a happy resolutionto the plot. 'haracters could openly address the audience, to the plot. 'haracters could openly address the audience,mentioning recent news events. mentioning recent news events.Sa%"r &'a"( Sa%"r &'a"( involved mythological half$men/half$beasts who were involved mythological half$men/half$beasts who wereclosely associated with the worship of )ionysus. closely associated with the worship of )ionysus. (ree% vase depicting a scene from(ree% vase depicting a scene from The Eumenides The Eumenides, a tragedy, a tragedy written by "eschylus written by "eschylus THE MIDDLE AGESTHE MIDDLE AGESIn the twelfth and thirteenth centuries,In the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, the 'atholic 'hurch activelythe 'atholic 'hurch actively encouraged the development andencouraged the development and presentation of liturgical musicalpresentation of liturgical musical dramas. dramas.ater, 0mystery plays0 appeared..heyater, 0mystery plays0 appeared..hey told a biblical story in a se1uence oftold a biblical story in a se1uence of entertaining parts. Several pageantentertaining parts. Several pageant wagons 2stages on wheels3 wouldwagons 2stages on wheels3 would move around the city, and a group ofmove around the city, and a group of actors would tell their part of theactors would tell their part of the story. +nce finished, the group wouldstory. +nce finished, the group would move on with their wagon, and themove on with their wagon, and the next group would arrive to tell its partnext group would arrive to tell its part of the story.of the story. Some of these wor%s, including 4.heSome of these wor%s, including 4.he #lay of &erod5 and 4.he #lay of#lay of &erod5 and 4.he #lay of )aniel5, are occasionally performed)aniel5, are occasionally performed RENAISSANCE TO THE RENAISSANCE TO THE 1800s1800sIn the 1400s,In the 1400s, commedia dellartecommedia dellarte deve!"ed #ndeve!"ed #n It$%, &he'e #t 'e($#ned "!")$' *!' the ne+t *!)'It$%, &he'e #t 'e($#ned "!")$' *!' the ne+t *!)' ,ent)'#es, -)t ,!((ed#$.st%e t'!)"es &e'e s!!n,ent)'#es, -)t ,!((ed#$.st%e t'!)"es &e'e s!!n *!)nd $ !ve' ,!nt#nent$ E)'!"e/ A&$%s !n the*!)nd $ !ve' ,!nt#nent$ E)'!"e/ A&$%s !n the (!ve, these ,!("$n#es )sed n! &'#tten s,'#"ts/(!ve, these ,!("$n#es )sed n! &'#tten s,'#"ts/ Inste$d, the% #("'!v#sed "e'*!'($n,es )s#n0 $Inste$d, the% #("'!v#sed "e'*!'($n,es )s#n0 $ ,!'e 0'!)" !* st!,1 ,h$'$,te's t! en$,t h)nd'eds,!'e 0'!)" !* st!,1 ,h$'$,te's t! en$,t h)nd'eds !* st!,1 s,en$'#!s/ !* st!,1 s,en$'#!s/A t%"#,$ "!t &!)d #nv!ve $ "$#' !* %!)n0 !ve'sA t%"#,$ "!t &!)d #nv!ve $ "$#' !* %!)n0 !ve's 22 innamoratiinnamorati 3 th&$'ted -% !ne !' (!'e3 th&$'ted -% !ne !' (!'e ede's 2ede's 2 vecchivecchi 3, -)t event)$% !)ts($'t#n0 the(3, -)t event)$% !)ts($'t#n0 the( th the he" !* $ s%("$thet#, se'v$nt 2th the he" !* $ s%("$thet#, se'v$nt 2 zannizanni 3 3s),h $s H$'e4)#n !' C!)(-#n$/s),h $s H$'e4)#n !' C!)(-#n$/ COMIC AND BALLAD COMIC AND BALLAD OPERAOPERA

By the 67th century, two forms of musical theatre were popular in Britain-By the 67th century, two forms of musical theatre were popular in Britain- ballad operas, such as !ohn (ay8sballad operas, such as !ohn (ay8s The Beggar's Opera The Beggar's Opera 269:73, that269:73, that included lyrics written to the tunes of popular songs of the day; included lyrics written to the tunes of popular songs of the day;comic operas, with original scores and mostly romantic plot lines,comic operas, with original scores and mostly romantic plot lines, li%e Michael Balfe8sli%e Michael Balfe8s The Bohemian Girl The Bohemian Girl 267?, playwright @illiam S. (ilbert and composer "rthur Sullivan wrote 6< comic operas. composer "rthur Sullivan wrote 6< comic operas..he most successful of the operas presented at the Savoy.he most successful of the operas presented at the Savoy .heatre was.heatre was The Mikado The Mikado 2677*3, which made fun of Anglish2677*3, which made fun of Anglish bureaucracy, thinly disguised by a !apanese setting. .he storybureaucracy, thinly disguised by a !apanese setting. .he story revolves around the son of the Mi%ado of !apan, who falls inrevolves around the son of the Mi%ado of !apan, who falls in love with a girl engaged to her with a girl engaged to her guardian. The Mikado The Mikado became the partnership8s longest$running hit,became the partnership8s longest$running hit, en,oying ?9: performances at the Savoy .heatre, which wasen,oying ?9: performances at the Savoy .heatre, which was the second longest run for any wor% of musical theatre. the second longest run for any wor% of musical theatre. THE MI9ADOTHE MI9ADO &enry A. )ixey in "donis2677:=s B6>:=s B Sally Sally andand No, No, Nanette No, No, Nanette . ..he annual.he annual Ziegfeld ollies !ere Ziegfeld ollies !ere spectacular song$and$dancespectacular song$and$dance revues on Broadway featuring extravagant sets and costumes.revues on Broadway featuring extravagant sets and costumes. .he last hit operetta of the era on Broadway was.he last hit operetta of the era on Broadway was Comberg8sComberg8s The Ne! Moon The Ne! Moon in 6>:7. in 6>:7..he (reat )epression affected theatre audiences on both sides.he (reat )epression affected theatre audiences on both sides of the "tlantic, as people had little money to spend onof the "tlantic, as people had little money to spend on entertainment. entertainment.)espite the economic woes of the decade and the competition)espite the economic woes of the decade and the competition from film, the musical survived, moving towards politicalfrom film, the musical survived, moving towards political satire in productions such as-satire in productions such as- Of Thee " Sing Of Thee " Sing,, "'d #ather Be"'d #ather Be #ight #ight andand $ni%ker&o%ker 'oliday( $ni%ker&o%ker 'oliday( A s,ene *'!( A s,ene *'!( SallySally 21