Music Video Analysis Work Sheet (4)

Music Video Analysis – The Script, Superheroes Declan Tyldesley Comment on the following aspects in relation to your music video choice. How will these techniques appeal to the target audience needs? Target Audience & Needs The target audience for this music video according to demographic profiling will be mainly for female’s and also between the category’s C1 down to D. But some people in higher class may still listen to this type of music. Before I said females will be more likely to listen to this type of music because according to demographic profiling most men do not like this type of music. And if you were to compare this to females there is only a few that may not like this type of music. Another reason why females may want to listen to this music is because of the lead singer in The Script and most women tend to adore this man within the band The Script. The needs of this music video are to show what some African’s go through in their day to day life. They suited this need very well by filming this music video in South Africa, Johannesburg. As you can see on the picture above it shows the set quite clearly of a very corrupt or un wealthy area where most people struggle to find food to help their family. Lyrics (Meaning Implied?) The lyrics in this music video talk about two African’s lives and what they do on a day to day bases, these two people are a single parent and it is the husband and his daughter who misses her Dad throughout every day and night when he is working. In this music video when the kid and her father meet in the end the music becomes very enjoyable, and the lyrics then imply how they have built up all of their strength to becoming a superhero in a metaphorical term.

Transcript of Music Video Analysis Work Sheet (4)

Page 1: Music Video Analysis Work Sheet (4)

Music Video Analysis – The Script, SuperheroesDeclan Tyldesley

Comment on the following aspects in relation to your music video choice. How will these techniques appeal to the target audience needs?

Target Audience & Needs

The target audience for this music video according to demographic profiling will be mainly for female’s and also between the category’s C1 down to D. But some people in higher class may still listen to this type of music. Before I said females will be more likely to listen to this type of music because according to demographic profiling most men do not like this type of music. And if you were to compare this to females there is only a few that may not like this type of music. Another reason why females may want to listen to this music is because of the lead singer in The Script and most women tend to adore this man within the band The Script. The needs of this music video are to show what some African’s go through in their day to day life. They suited this need very well by filming this music video in South Africa, Johannesburg. As you can see on the picture above it shows the set quite clearly of a very corrupt or un wealthy area where most people struggle to find food to help their family.

Lyrics (Meaning Implied?)

The lyrics in this music video talk about two African’s lives and what they do on a day to day bases, these two people are a single parent and it is the husband and his daughter who misses her Dad throughout every day and night when he is working. In this music video when the kid and her father meet in the end the music becomes very enjoyable, and the lyrics then imply how they have built up all of their strength to becoming a superhero in a metaphorical term.

Tempo The tempo in this music video is very mixed because when it becomes a very depressing and hardworking scene the tempo is very calm and relaxing, which goes very well with the narrative side of things when he is working in a number of different places to make money to keep his short family alive. And when the scene becomes very emotional the tempo suddenly increases to quite an upbeat and excitable tempo to show the girls excitement from seeing her Dad at the end of a very long day.

Page 2: Music Video Analysis Work Sheet (4)

Music Video Analysis – The Script, SuperheroesDeclan Tyldesley

Genre This music video genre comes under a very short mixture of pop and rock. In most music video’s if the genre is as I have just stated we expect them to be in very un-wealthy areas or very dark sets. Therefore in this music video we do not see a lot of the stereotypes that we would mainly expect, although it does show a corrupt area and allows the lyrics to tell a very strong story it doesn’t have a great deal of a dark setting that we would mainly see in a rock music video. On the other hand as we come closer to the end of the music video the scene turns to night and someone in the crowd has popped a flare, but this setting quite quickly becomes a happy set once we see the kid and her father together at the end of the video while watching The Script perform.

Camera Technique In this music video there is quite a wide range of various camera techniques which include shots such as close ups, mid shots, long shots, two shot, establishing shot, panning shot and a tracking shot. These camera techniques are used to express many different things such as the happiness that they both show as we come towards the end of the music video. But the camera techniques are mainly used to focus on the band The Script performing the song Superheroes. When the camera was focused on the band it managed to perform an establishing shot that had shown the home town of Johannesburg in the background. But the shots used when the main singer was singing were mainly close up shots to show he is quite clearly singing into the microphone. The director of this music had also decided to use slow camera movements because most of the song isn’t in an upbeat tempo.

Editing When they was editing this music video they have also used the technique that most music videos use which is the cutting, this editing technique allows the scene’s to run very smoothly with each other so there is no black screen half way through the music video if they didn’t edit the video correctly. But they used this technique very successfully so there were no mess ups in this music video. They also used very few jump cuts when performing certain camera shots. For example they used a jump cut when they used a tracking shot that was following the girl across the bridge and then it suddenly cut to a different shot which was a wide range shot.

Page 3: Music Video Analysis Work Sheet (4)

Music Video Analysis – The Script, SuperheroesDeclan Tyldesley

Use of Digital Effects This music video used quite a bit of digital effects, but they mostly used high saturation colours to create quite a happy mood around South Africa. For example when the girl was walking to meet her Dad on the bridge they used high saturation by brightening the sun to make us a bit blind and so they make the scene a bit more intense. Another example could be when one of the African people set of a flare around the stage that The Script was stood on they used high saturation colours to make the flare a lot more colourful and bright. But as they did this they also darkened the set by using low saturated colours, by doing this it also made the colours from the flare look a lot more enjoyable to look at.