Music video analysis

Analysis of 3 Similar Products to Main Piece Taylor Swift - 22 I decided to use Taylor Swift – 22 as one of the pieces I am going to analyse. I am using this because it is in the genre of pop, therefore relating to my own music video as this is the genre of it. There are many similarities throughout pop videos; the mise en scene is often a main part in this. In this video at the beginning we see that Taylor Swift is with a group of friends in which looks like a house party, showing an upbeat scene, equivalent to the music. The song is about being with her friends, and not thinking about boys, we are able to see this through the video as she is with a group of girls through the whole video, who seem to be having a fun time, not caring about anybody else. The genre pop often shows fashionable characters/models throughout their videos, which we can see to the in Taylor Swifts video. The majority of the

Transcript of Music video analysis

Page 1: Music video analysis

Analysis of 3 Similar Products to Main Piece

Taylor Swift - 22

I decided to use Taylor Swift – 22 as one of the pieces I am going to analyse. I am using this

because it is in the genre of pop, therefore relating to my own music video as this is the genre of it. There are many similarities throughout pop videos; the mise en scene is often a main part in this. In this video at the beginning we see that Taylor Swift is with a group of friends in which looks like a house party, showing an upbeat scene, equivalent to the music. The song is about being with her friends, and not thinking about boys, we are able to see this through the video as she is with a group of girls through the whole video, who seem to be having a fun time, not caring about anybody else. The genre pop often shows fashionable

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characters/models throughout their videos, which we can see to the in Taylor Swifts video. The majority of the models throughout the video are very pretty and look like they’re having a good time, relating to the song about not being bothered about their ‘ex boyfriends’. The colours throughout the video aren’t bright, but all have a classy, almost sepia effect to them, as if it was filmed in the 70s/80s. In lots of pop music videos there is often a beach scene, which will be shown within the next videos I analyse. I think this happens quite a lot because it’s an open space, therefore lots could happen at a beach, and also it’s an easy place to film without having to create a backdrop. Toward the end of the video we are taken to a party scene, showing the group of friends are going to have fun and party regardless of any situation with boys. Taylor Swift is wearing cat ears, this could relate to her trying to be sexy. The fact that she is at the front of the video and the focus is always on her obviously shows that it is her song and makes you think the lyrics are about her. At the beginning of the video she has a t-shirt on saying ‘not a lot going on at the moment’, because she is displaying this for everybody to see shows she isn’t actually bothered that she hasn’t got a lot going on in her life. Also it could link to her relationship status, because of the lyrics used, stating that she doesn’t have a boyfriend at that moment, again because it is printed on her t-shirt shows she doesn’t mind. Throughout the video she is dancing and over exaggerating her singing, showing she is having fun and not interested in what anybody thinks about her.

One Direction – Live while we’re Young

Page 3: Music video analysis

In the one direction video ‘live while we’re young’ as well as the previous analysed video this has very much so met the genre conventions. We see this through the bright colours and lights that have been used. All the characters are wearing bright clothing and the bright lights are being projected onto the trees, effectively brightening up the scene. The scenes are set in fields, and areas with lots of trees around them, because of the greenery this brightens up the scene rather than just a plain backdrop/background. The video is filmed in an open space, giving chance for lots of people to be involved, giving the scene a ‘party theme’ emphasising the lyrics used in the song. Lots of girls are involved in the video, showing that the band are popular with females, again we also see/hear this through the lyrics of the song.