Music Magazine Front Cover Analysis

Music Magazine Cover Analysis Masthead- as this is a special edition of the Rolling Stones magazine , the masthead has been noticeably been shrunk and placed next to the main image. Even though it is small in size it still stands out against the white background because of its conventional colour scheme which is consistent throughout many of their magazines. It is unconventional to place the Rolling Stones masthead next to main image as it’s usually under it and spread across the top of the magazine front cover. Selling Line- The selling line on this particular magazine is right on top of the magazine under the main image. Its says “Special Collector’s Edition” which makes it stand out from other magazines as its dedicated fully to one band.

Transcript of Music Magazine Front Cover Analysis

Music Magazine Cover Analysis• Masthead- as this is a special edition of the

Rolling Stones magazine , the masthead has been noticeably been shrunk and placed next to the main image. Even though it is small in size it still stands out against the white background because of its conventional colour scheme which is consistent throughout many of their magazines. It is unconventional to place the Rolling Stones masthead next to main image as it’s usually under it and spread across the top of the magazine front cover.

• Selling Line- The selling line on this particular magazine is right on top of the magazine under the main image. Its says “Special Collector’s Edition” which makes it stand out from other magazines as its dedicated fully to one band.

Music Magazine Cover Analysis• Main Images- The main image is placed

in the centre of the magazine and is fills the whole page. The image is of the artist (the Jonas Brothers) which the special edition is based on, it’s a medium long shot which shows the artist from their knee upwards. The rest of the text is placed on top of the image, the masthead is also placed next to the image to show which magazine it is, but at the same time who it is about since it is a special edition its more important to show the artist that the magazine is representing.

Music Magazine Cover Analysis• Colour Scheme- The colour scheme of

this magazine Rolling Stone is conventional colours that are usually used on the Rolling Stone magazine, with the white background. The main colours are Red white and yellow, and in this particularly magazine cover Black is also is also used with the main image on the magazine. These colours are presumably used to attract their target audience and also make it stand out from the bright coloured magazines.

Music Magazine Cover Analysis• Masthead- The masthead is spread across

the middle top part of the magazine, a conventional placement of the Hip Hop magazine. The masthead is in white which stands out from the coloured background. This makes the magazine stand out even more and what it represents.

• Selling Line- The selling line in this particular issue is “Congratulations Mariah Carey & Nick Cannon have Twins” right at the top of the magazine. This is to attract the target audience into the main story in the magazine and attract them to buy the magazine.

Music Magazine Cover Analysis• Main Images- There are two main images on the

magazine front cover. These two images are of the main story probably featured inside the magazine which will attract the target audience. These images are in mid shot showing the two artists from their waste upwards. It is noticeable that both of these images have not been taken together but taken separately and then placed next to each other using Photoshop.

• Other Images- the front cover feature four other images, three of which have been placed on the right hand side of the magazine front cover and the last one matching the selling has been placed on the left hand corner of the page. These have been featured to show what is inside the magazine and what it has featured. All of the images on the magazine front cover have been left unedited.

Music Magazine Cover Analysis• Colour Scheme- Bright colours have been

used on this specific magazine front cover. The main colours include Yellow, white and blue to exclude it from all the other magazines on the magazine stand which makes it easier for the target audience to be attracted top the magazine and therefore be able to purchase it. ‘Hip Hop’ magazine uses mostly these sort of colours as their conventional colour scheme for their magazine front covers which stay consistent all throughout the magazine.