Music Magazine Analysis

The Lead article- The font of the main article is big and bold, the same colour and similar font to the masthead. This makes the magazine look more organised and put together. Pull Quote- A quote straight from the main article Masthead Third left- These are the other main articles in the magazine. The font is smaller then the main article, but still larger then the article headings on the other side, showing that they are important, but they don’t Lead article main image- Although the Inbetweeners isn’t music related the main character, Will, is still at the front, showing his dominance in the group, like a band would and to tie music Neil is holding a guitar Other cover lines- These are in the smallest size font of the page showing that they are the least important parts of the magazine.



Transcript of Music Magazine Analysis

Page 1: Music Magazine Analysis

The Lead article- The font of the main article is big and bold, the same colour and similar font to the masthead. This makes the magazine look more organised and put together.

Pull Quote- A quote straight from the main article


Third left- These are the other main

articles in the magazine. The font is smaller then the

main article, but still larger then the

article headings on the other side,

showing that they are important, but

they don’t take away from the leading article.

Lead article main image- Although the Inbetweeners isn’t music related the main character, Will, is still at the front, showing his dominance in the group, like a band would and to tie music Neil is holding a guitar

Other cover lines- These are in the smallest size font of the page showing that they are the least important parts of the magazine.

Page 2: Music Magazine Analysis

Here is where the lead article should be along with a picture, but instead there is another main article. This may be because the lead article is on the following page. But is still set out like a image should be of a group, the main member is placed in the middle at the front to show his dominance

Page numbers on the contents page help navigate the reader through the magazine

Other articles and pages in the magazine that aren’t as important so don’t have a picture or quote

These articles are important so they have a quote and picture to give the reader a flavour of the article


Page 3: Music Magazine Analysis

The stand first is introducing the

article and giving the reader a feel of what the article is going to be like

Unlike most lead articles this one has many pictures, rather then just one. They are numbered with funny captions underneath. This makes the article fun and more entertaining, other then serious. This is also reflects the nature of the Inbetweeners TV show.

Advertisement for the website and bonus footage of the inbetweeners at the NME office. This attracts the readers to go on the magazine website, which is good for its hit numbers online.

The body text is the main text

of the article by

the journalist

Page 4: Music Magazine Analysis

The masthead- It has the magazine logo as well as the name of the magazine, which is helpful to new readers that may not recognise or know the magazine only by logo.

The main article heading is very simple. This gives the article a basic introduction, which would intrigue the reader as to what the article is about, since there isn't any information.

The free CD would attract a lot of people to buy the magazine, and like the underground genre of music that Atmosphere is based around Its sort of replaced the third left .

Other main articles in the

magazine e are in a smaller font then the lead article to

show that they aren't as important

The main article picture of DizzeeRasscal is very dark and grimy, which would appeal to the fans that support him as an underground artist, more then his mainstream musician. His hood almost covers half his face, sort of hiding him which adds to the underground theme.

Page 5: Music Magazine Analysis

This is a copy of the front page to

remind readers of the magazine. The

number in the corner is the issue

number of the magazine

The features in the magazine are the special articles that are only in this issue of Atmosphere. The Dizzee Rascal interview and the CD are highlighted because they are the main articles on the front cover.

The regulars are the articles and features that are in every issue of Atmosphere. The next issue preview will also encourage the reader to buy the next issue of the magazine

The reviews of the music Atmosphere is based around to keep the readers up to date with their favourite genre of music.

Page 6: Music Magazine Analysis

First stand that introduces the article, and gives reader a feel of the feature, explaining that the article is going to be about Dizzee and his love for drum and base and how he made it ‘cool’ again

The pull quote gives the reader more information of what the article is about since there isn't any on the front cover or on the contents page.

The lead image of the article isn't a picture of Dizzee’s actual face. This adds to the tension even more as to what the article is about.

Page 7: Music Magazine Analysis

Masthead- This is very edgy. The cracking creates the effect of loud music, almost like how loud music could crack glass or blow out speakers. This relates to the type of loud heavy rock music Kerrang readers are likely to listen to.

Flash- This flash is advertising album ratings in the magazine. These rating are obviously important because they are in the flash on their own.

Main article image is very stern looking. His arms are crossed making him look ‘hard’ which again would appeal to Kerrang readers. Compared to other Kerrang covers this picture is tame. I think this one is toned down because the artist is older.

Main article- It has a pull quote to interest the readers and give them an idea of what the article is going to be about. There is an emphasis on had, which also will intrigue the reader. The actual heading is in a distressed, old looking font contrasting with the word Pearl, which are expected to be perfect, shiny, and new.

Cover line-This advertises all the posters that are part of the magazine. As the are free this will attract readers to buy the magazine, because they are getting a deal.

The third left- The left third is very busy, but is almost themed with the yellow and blue colour. The competition is very important attracting the magazine to the readers, as this would be the first thing they see when looking at it. The plus section has all the other articles that aren't as important so the font is smaller. The quote is very interesting again, grabbing the readers attention as it is the first thing they will see.

Page 8: Music Magazine Analysis

Like the NME magazine, the biggest picture isn't related or part of the main article, but another article in the magazine. Although this isnt the cover article picture, is still very interesting. Its loud, very rock and roll which suits the magazines target audience.

The editors letter- A lot of magazines have this in the contents page. Magazines have these to make the reader feel like the magazine is more personal to them, and appreciated for buying it.

The masthead is repeated but smaller on the contents page just to remind readers of the magazine

These are small copies of some of the article pages inside. This will give the reader a feel of what the articles in the magazine are like before reading them.

All of the articles are listed in chronological order making it easier to find the page number for a specific article.

Advertisement of the contents page is vital for many magazines as other companies pay big sums for the adverts to be in the magazzine.

Page 9: Music Magazine Analysis

Pull quote- This is from the article giving the reader a feel for what the article will be about . The font style with the border is very polished and classic looking which doesn’t fit quite in with the normal house style of Kerrang, but the band is older looking than most rock bands, so anything to bold or crazy may look silly.

The Drop cap

Lead image- This is a timeline of pics showing the band when they are younger. This appeals more to the younger readers, showing the ‘rock and roll’ type livestyle with alcohol and the finger flipping. These pictures contrast with the article, which shows the readers two sides of the band, crazy wild and the more refined