Music magazine analysis 3

The masthead is the second most eye catching thing on the page as it is the biggest and boldest font that is at the top right behind the central image. The central image is the first thing that the reader sees as they look like cool people and the reader wants to be like them and make them want to buy the magazine to see more about them. The cover line is the third thing that the reader will look at as it is a completely different font compared to the rest of the fonts on the page, it also gives context to who the central image is of for people who didn’t know who they are. The plugs are following the light colour scheme of the magazine by having light coloured writing on dark coloured background . The buzz word of free in the top corner draws the readers attention as they think they are getting something for free but they are really just getting something that is included within the price of the magazine.

Transcript of Music magazine analysis 3

The masthead is the second most eye catching thing on the page as it is the biggest and boldest font that is at the top right behind the central image.

The central image is the first thing that the reader sees as they look like cool people and the reader wants to be like them and make them want to buy the magazine to see more about them.

The cover line is the third thing that the reader will look at as it is a completely different font compared to the rest of the fonts on the page, it also gives context to who the central image is of for people who didn’t know who they are.

The plugs are following the light colour scheme of the magazine by having light coloured writing on dark coloured background.

The buzz word of free in the top corner draws the readers attention as they think they are getting something for free but they are really just getting something that is included within the price of the magazine.