Music in the Round

{ Music In The Round. Featurette Courtney, Jackson, Saoirse.


Presentation For Featurette

Transcript of Music in the Round

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Music In The Round.Featurette

Courtney, Jackson, Saoirse.

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Our featurette, aims to show how classical music still has a place for younger generations. It is a filmed event of the Benyounne's Quartet performance to key stage 2 students.

Filmed in similar angles to our viral. We have decided to not speed the footage this time.

All the content has being filmed and watched back by the group, unfortunately we have not been able to edit the footage, due to other commitments. But plan to complete the edit together this week, whilst sending copies over to Simon.

Featurette Idea

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As a group of three we have had problems with sharing the workload, because of different commitments.

Unfortunately, Courtney was away for filming and Saoirse had a deadline on a date.

With a lack of crew, Jackson has to film the event with the help from another intern student (Jamie).

Saoirse prepared the interviews topics and questions. Keeping Courtney updated throughout the process.


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Main edit was created by Saoirse and Courtney.

Colour Correction and transitions where done by Jackson.


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2 Interviews - Event Organiser ( On the composer 'Papa' Haydn) and the Teacher from the School (On the children's experience)

Part of the eight events on exploring Haydn.

Key stage 2 event. Performance of the Benyounne's Quartet

and Interaction.


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