Music for Schools... · WCET2 Young Cellists Year 2 (max 12 pupils) 33 weeks 45 minutes, plus 15...

A programme of music designed to support schools in the delivery of their music education programme and the National Plan for Music Education (NPME) Music for Schools 2019-2020 Programme Make music even on World Book Day!

Transcript of Music for Schools... · WCET2 Young Cellists Year 2 (max 12 pupils) 33 weeks 45 minutes, plus 15...

Page 1: Music for Schools... · WCET2 Young Cellists Year 2 (max 12 pupils) 33 weeks 45 minutes, plus 15 minutes set up £850 WCET3 Young Strings (Violins and Cellos) Year 2 (max 12 pupils)

A programme of music designed to support schools in the delivery of their music education programme

and the National Plan for Music Education (NPME)

Music for Schools2019-2020 Programme

Make music even on World Book Day!

Page 2: Music for Schools... · WCET2 Young Cellists Year 2 (max 12 pupils) 33 weeks 45 minutes, plus 15 minutes set up £850 WCET3 Young Strings (Violins and Cellos) Year 2 (max 12 pupils)

Music for Bedford Borough


Welcome to ‘Music for Schools’, Music for Bedford Borough’s music offer to all schools at KS1 and KS2.

Below is an overview of the Music National Curriculum requirements and the National Plan for Music Education (NPME) for which the Music Service is funded by the DfE to deliver at a local level.

National Curriculum Overview


• Use voices expressively and creatively, singing songs and speaking chants and rhymes.

• Play tuned and untuned instruments musically.

• Listen with concentration and understanding to a range of high-quality live and recorded music.

• Experiment with, create and combine sounds.


• Play and perform in solo and ensembles contexts, using voices and instruments.

• Improvise and compose.

• Use and understand staff and other notations.

• Listen to and appreciate a wide range of music from different traditions and from great

composers and musicians.

• Have an understanding of the history of music.


• Playing instruments musically, fluently and with accuracy and expression.

• Improvise and compose, extend and develop ideas.

• Use staff and other relevant notations in a range of genres and traditions.

• Identify and use the inter-related dimensions of music with increasing sophistication, using

tonalities and different types of scales.

• Listen with increasing discrimination.

• Develop a deepening understanding of music they perform and to which they listen, and its history.

The National Plan for Music Education

The National Plan for Music Education expects all pupils to:

• be given the opportunity to learn to play a musical instrument.

• be supported in making progress through continued instrumental lessons.

• be given the chance to play regularly in an ensemble.

• have regular opportunities to sing.

The Plan also states that pupils should have:

• opportunities to perform with professional musicians and/or in a professional venue.

• teachers that are trained to deliver a good-quality music education.

• access to affordable instrument hire.

Page 3: Music for Schools... · WCET2 Young Cellists Year 2 (max 12 pupils) 33 weeks 45 minutes, plus 15 minutes set up £850 WCET3 Young Strings (Violins and Cellos) Year 2 (max 12 pupils)

| Music for Schools 2019-2020 Programme


1. Whole-class Ensemble Teaching (WCET) - ‘Learn To Play’

Often known as ‘Wider Opportunities’, WCET is where a class of pupils are taught to play a musical

instrument and culminates in a performance either at school, with schools close by or at ‘Play Day’ at

The King’s House (see order form for performance options) where pupils perform the pieces they have

learned to other schools and an audience accompanied by a professional band.

All pupils that take part in this ‘Learn to Play’ project over the year will receive an invite during

the summer term to continue lessons at MfBB Saturday Morning Music Centre.

Ref Code Description Year Group/s Length of Project Session Length Unit Cost

per Class

WCET Young Violinists Year 2 (max 12 pupils) 33 weeks 45 minutes, plus 15 minutes set up £850

WCET2 Young Cellists Year 2 (max 12 pupils) 33 weeks 45 minutes, plus 15 minutes set up £850

WCET3 Young Strings (Violins and Cellos) Year 2 (max 12 pupils) 33 weeks 45 minutes, plus 15 minutes set up £850

WCET4 Bollywood Brass Year 3 / 4 33 weeks 45 minutes £635

WCET5 Brass Year 3 / 4 11 weeks 45 minutes £216

WCET6 Guitars Year 3 / 4 11 weeks 45 minutes £216

WCET7 JSax Year 4 only 11 weeks 45 minutes £216

WCET8 Keyboards Year 3 / 4 11 weeks 45 minutes £216

WCET9 Recorders Year 3 / 4 11 weeks 45 minutes £216

WCET10 Ukuleles Year 3 / 4 11 weeks 45 minutes £216

WCET11 World Percussion Year 3 / 4 11 weeks 45 minutes £216

WCET12 Caribbean Steel Pans Year 3 / 4 11 weeks 45 minutes £216

Above are the instruments available for WCET and recommended year groups. Prices quoted are per class up to 33 pupils. Only one year group per

school can benefit from this subsidised price. (Where years are vertically grouped due to small class sizes, this counts as one year group). If you wish

to book any of the above as an extra, unsubsidised project (subject to availability) then it will cost £371 for the term – reference NWCET)

Schools can attend PLAY DAY at NO EXTRA CHARGE! Pupils will work with a live, professional band and listen to performances from other


Please bear in mind that as well as the cost of the programme, if you take up the option to perform at PLAY DAY that there may be additional costs

such as coach and staffing

Page 4: Music for Schools... · WCET2 Young Cellists Year 2 (max 12 pupils) 33 weeks 45 minutes, plus 15 minutes set up £850 WCET3 Young Strings (Violins and Cellos) Year 2 (max 12 pupils)

Music for Bedford Borough


Did you know...

Bedford Music Co-op offers instrumental lessons to individuals and small groups?

Phone: 07498 671153 Email: [email protected] Web:

2a. Instrumental lessons - ‘Carry On Playing’

At the end of the WCET programme pupils are encouraged to continue learning to play an

instrument. To support this, schools can order a ‘Carry On’ project. If used as an extra-curricular

activity charges can be made to parents. Schools would decide on the cost and administer

accordingly. Instruments are provided free of charge for the length of the project subject to


If numbers wishing to continue or start learning are below 5 then please contact the Bedford Music Co-op to arrange instrumental lessons.

Ref Code Description Year Group/s Length of Project Session Length Unit Cost

per Class

COB 'Carry On' Brass For anyone that has taken part in the

WCET ‘Learn to Play’ programme or is

interested in starting to play

Groups of 5-10 *

* No member of school staff required

if groups are 10 or less

11 weeks

45 minutes

(depending on numbers

this can be reduced as

will the cost)


COW 'Carry On' Woodwind

COS 'Carry On' Strings

COK 'Carry On' Keyboards

2b Instrumental Hire and Licences

Hire set of instruments 16 -35 (term) ……£60

Hire instrument 6 – 15 (term) …… £40

Hire individual instruments 1-5 (term)……. £25

Delivery and collection of instruments…£55

Active Music Digital Annual Licence … KS1 (£65 – normal price £99) KS2 (£90 – normal price £149.50) KS 1 & 2 (£125 – normal price £199)

Charanga Licence ….. Prices are unavailable going to print. Please contact the Music Service later in the school year.

Page 5: Music for Schools... · WCET2 Young Cellists Year 2 (max 12 pupils) 33 weeks 45 minutes, plus 15 minutes set up £850 WCET3 Young Strings (Violins and Cellos) Year 2 (max 12 pupils)

| Music for Schools 2019-2020 Programme


3. Orchestras and Ensembles - ‘Play Together’

If pupils play music in a group with others then they generally continue playing, make better progress

on an instrument and have a more satisfying experience. Schools can support in any of the following


• Ask us to provide you with a teacher to take a group for you

• Start an orchestra or other musical group using your staff

• Signpost pupils to either the Music for Bedford Borough’s ‘Saturday Morning Music Centre’

or the Bedford Music Co-op’s groups, ‘Friday Fliers’

This activity can be charged for if it sits outside the school curriculum.

Ref Code Description Year Group/s Length of Project Session Length Unit Cost

per Class


School-based Ensemble

or Choir

For anyone learning an instrument,

including any Wider Opportunities

‘Learn to Play’ pupils

11 weeks

45 minutes


Please note that if the ensemble takes place out of the school curriculum then the parents can be charged.

Did you know...

Music for Bedford Borough and Bedford Music Co-op work together to offer orchestras and


Phone: 07498 671153 Email: [email protected] Web:

Page 6: Music for Schools... · WCET2 Young Cellists Year 2 (max 12 pupils) 33 weeks 45 minutes, plus 15 minutes set up £850 WCET3 Young Strings (Violins and Cellos) Year 2 (max 12 pupils)

Music for Bedford Borough


4. Developing a Singing School

We offer a variety of models to support schools in their singing strategy at various key stages.

Please note we reserve the right to limit the numbers of schools/pupils taking part in any of these events

in order to comply with H&S regulations at the venue.

Autumn Term: Winter Wonderland (KS1) Why not take the stress out of Christmas by having your end of term concert as this afternoon event?*

There will be 10 weeks of preparation with one of our singing team, culminating in a concert at the

Corn Exchange with invited guests. There will be carols, seasonal songs and drama all accompanied

by a live ensemble. Warning – be prepared for a large Christmas tree, lights and perhaps even snow!

*Please note there is no self-delivery option for this project although

there is the option of having a performance at your school (see order form).

Spring Term: Big Spring Sing (Upper KS2)

This event will be led by Kerry Watson, Head of Luton Music Service and experienced choral leader.

Schools will join together at the Corn Exchange to sing a selection of unison and part songs.

There will be a training twilight session on Monday 4th November for all participating schools, including

Self-Delivery. At the session schools will receive a booklet of music and access to the songs via the

cloud. All participating schools are asked to attend.

Schools requesting ‘Self-Delivery’ are expected to have a music leader that is confident leading a choir,

teaching songs and reads music.

We strongly recommend that all schools taking part in this

project confirm pupil attendance with parents at the earliest opportunity.

Page 7: Music for Schools... · WCET2 Young Cellists Year 2 (max 12 pupils) 33 weeks 45 minutes, plus 15 minutes set up £850 WCET3 Young Strings (Violins and Cellos) Year 2 (max 12 pupils)

| Music for Schools 2019-2020 Programme


Summer Term: Sing On! (Lower KS2)

This project will start in the summer term, finishing with a performance at The Corn Exchange

accompanied by a live band towards the end of the summer term. Sessions will be delivered every week

by a member of our team with the school rehearsing as often as needed/possible in between.

There will be a training twilight session on Wednesday March 18th for all participating schools, including

Self-Delivery. At the session schools will receive information about the event and the music. All

participating schools are asked to attend.

Schools requesting ‘Self-Delivery’ are expected to have a music leader that is confident leading a choir,

teaching songs and reads music. We may have to limit schools depending on numbers involved so early

booking is recommended.

Ref. Code Description Year group/s Length of Project



Cost 1-35





Cost 71+


WW Winter Wonderland Years 1 / 2 11 weeks

Autumn term 45 minutes £214 £257 £300

BSS Big Spring Sing Years 5 / 6 11 sessions

Spring term 60 minutes £258 £310 £362

BSSSD Big Spring Sing

- Self Delivery Years 5 / 6 N/A N/A £86 N/A N/A

SO Sing On! Years 3 / 4 11 weeks

Summer Term 60 minutes £284 £341 £398

SOSD Sing On! - Self Delivery Years 3 / 4 N/A N/A £86 N/A N/A

*Price if classes are grouped together for rehearsal. Please indicate numbers on the order form.

(Schools are expected to provide staff to support our singing teachers with suitable pupil: teacher ratios)

Page 8: Music for Schools... · WCET2 Young Cellists Year 2 (max 12 pupils) 33 weeks 45 minutes, plus 15 minutes set up £850 WCET3 Young Strings (Violins and Cellos) Year 2 (max 12 pupils)

Music for Bedford Borough


5a. Vocal Leadership Training Programme (for teachers)

Bedford Music Hub is pleased to offer this subsidised programme to schools delivered by a

‘Singing for Pleasure’ tutor. It was launched in 2015 and overseen by Baz Chapman, former

Programme Director at Sing Up.

“Would you like you improve your skills in leading singing in your school? Maybe you’ve recently formed or taken over a school choir, or

would like to; maybe you’re experienced but want to refine your skills, or are inexperienced and feel you have little skill; and maybe you’d

like to improve your choir’s sound and responsiveness, or get singing happening more regularly.”

If so, SfP’s Vocal Leadership Training Programme is for you. We’ll help you with the essentials of vocal leadership, getting the best

from your choir, and using repertoire to the max – all in a stimulating and supportive environment with other teachers.”

Successful applicants would need to commit to all 6 sessions over a school year. These cover technique,

practical workshops and repertoire. On completion of the programme, participants receive certification as a

Sing for Pleasure Singing Leader!

The dates for 2019-20 are:


Autumn Term:

Friday 13 September…..10-4.30

Wednesday 16 October….1.30-5.45

Saturday 23 November…10-4.30


Spring Term

Tuesday 7 January…..1.30-5.45

Wednesday 5 February….1.30-5.45

Saturday 14 March…..10-4.30

Information Cost

10 places available! The whole project costs £3,700 to run, but is subsidised by Bedford Music Hub. Includes a complete £55

Junior Songbook Pack £52 per


5b. In-House Training for Choir Leader

If you have a teacher new to taking a school choir that you think would benefit from extra support then

take advantage of our staff. The training is bespoke for your teacher and can include – choral training

techniques, conducting, repertoire, part-singing, the fundamentals of singing well. Includes a mix of 1:1

training and working with your school choir.

Ref. Code Description Year group/s Length of Project




IHCL5 In-House Training for

Choir Leader

KS1 and/or KS2

5 weeks over 1 term 45 minutes £132

IHCL11 In-House Training for

Choir Leader

KS1 and/or KS2 11 sessions

45 minutes £264

Also – Look out for our Singing Playgrounds Project.

Express your interest on the order form! Great fun for

your teachers especially!

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| Music for Schools 2019-2020 Programme


6. Support for the Class or Group Music – 6 or 11 Week Projects!

Suitable for Key Stage 2 classes or groups of SEND, Looked-After Children, Talented, Pupil Premium

Have as part of the school curriculum or as a before school, lunch or after-school project.

World Music

Choose from Samba or African drumming delivered by a member of our team.

Rock and Pop

With ‘Class Band’ your class will learn a selection of rock and pop tunes and perform them to the school.

The project comes with all the instruments required to make a band. ‘Street Music’, based on ‘Stomp’ and

‘Ukulele Rock’ will engage those that like their music contemporary!

Music Technology

Composing and performing with music technology using GarageBand and other apps.

Composition and Song-Writing

Work with a professional to compose a song about the school’s values, a project a class is working on,

even an end of year 6 ‘Goodbye’ Song.

Ref Code Description

SMT Street Music

Option 1

45 minutes per week for 6 weeks - £205 per class/group (Add 6 to the reference code)

Option 2

45 minutes per week for 11 weeks - £372 per class/group (Add 11 to the reference code)

C&S Composition and Song-Writing

AD African Drumming

SAM Samba

UK Ukulele Rock

CB Class Band

RE Recorders

MT Music Technology

TYC Teach Your Class (KS1 or 2 Only)

Please note that the class teacher or TA must be present for class projects.

Page 10: Music for Schools... · WCET2 Young Cellists Year 2 (max 12 pupils) 33 weeks 45 minutes, plus 15 minutes set up £850 WCET3 Young Strings (Violins and Cellos) Year 2 (max 12 pupils)

Music for Bedford Borough


7. Support for Class Teachers

Many teachers are reluctant to teach music as they may not have had sufficient training and/or not play

a musical instrument. With this in mind we offer a training package for primary teachers to help them

deliver an effective music programme.

Teach Together

One of our teachers will work alongside one of your teachers, with a mix of lead teaching, team-teaching

and observation. This project includes time for discussion, review and evaluation. Participating teachers

may be able to cascade their learning to colleagues.

Network Meetings

A series of FREE meetings will be planned throughout the year. You can indicate on the order form

whether you’d be interested in your teachers attending and/or would like more information.

Ref Code Description Year Group/s Length of Project Session Length Unit Cost

per Class

SBS1 60 minutes

Teach Together KS1 / KS2 6 weeks (45 minutes lesson

and 15 minutes discussion £270


Page 11: Music for Schools... · WCET2 Young Cellists Year 2 (max 12 pupils) 33 weeks 45 minutes, plus 15 minutes set up £850 WCET3 Young Strings (Violins and Cellos) Year 2 (max 12 pupils)

| Music for Schools 2019-2020 Programme


8. Support in developing a ‘School Music Education Plan’ (SMEP)

As well as ensuring high-quality curriculum provision, schools are expected to support the delivery of

the National Plan for Music Education through its ‘SMEP’.

Schools can book a FREE Strategic Planning Meeting to discuss its priorities.

Topics would include:

• Self-assessment Toolkit – purchase our easy-to-use Excel-based toolkit which will give you an

overview of your school's strengths and areas for development. With regular use this will indicate

how much progress your school has made in the following areas:

• Leadership and Administration

• Whole School and Class Music

• Individuals and Progression

• Partnerships and Breadth

• School Membership of Music Mark – Music Mark is a national organisation and a

strategic lead that works on behalf of all its members to enable high-quality music

education for all children and young people. Working with the Bedford Music Hub. Schools

that submit the annual data return (see below) are invited to discuss their music provision

with a Music Hub Representative and become an official Music Hub Partner. Successful

schools will have access to a range of resources and information from the Music Mark

website, access to training and a logo which can be used on letterheads and website.

• Strategic Meeting – request a FREE meeting with a Music Hub Representative to discuss your

school’s music provision. Area covered can be:-

- Progression across year groups

- Improving the quality of singing

- Supporting the more able pupils

Thank you to all schools that completed the 2017-2018 Music Audit and to the

Schools that were awarded the ‘Music Mark Partnership Award’ in recognition of

their music provision!

Ref Code Description Aimed at Length of Project Session Length Unit Cost

per Class

SAT Self-assessment


Senior Leaders and Music Leader





Strategic Meeting

Senior Leaders and Music Leader

One-off meeting

60 minutes


Page 12: Music for Schools... · WCET2 Young Cellists Year 2 (max 12 pupils) 33 weeks 45 minutes, plus 15 minutes set up £850 WCET3 Young Strings (Violins and Cellos) Year 2 (max 12 pupils)

Music for Bedford Borough


9. What is the Bedford Music Hub?

Music Hubs have been set up across the country to deliver the National Plan for Music Education

(NPME) and champion high-quality music education at local level. They are funded by the DfE which

distributes grants through the Arts Council. The exact level of funding is dependent on pupil

numbers as well as levels of disadvantage.

Each Music Hub has a lead organisation which holds the funding (Music for Bedford Borough) and, with

the Music Hub Board, develops a strategic plan to allocate funding to programmes and activities.

Current MUSIC HUB partners are: Bedford Creative Arts

[email protected]

Bedfordshire Festival of the Arts

[email protected]

Bedford Music Co-operative

[email protected]

Bedfordshire Music Trust

Bollywood Brass

[email protected]

Conscia Jazz

[email protected]

Music for Bedford Borough

Lead Organisation

Orchestras Live

[email protected]

Philharmonia Orchestra

[email protected]

The Royal Opera House

[email protected]

Transformance Music

[email protected]

Works collaboratively with artists and communities to

create new participatory art.

Provides a show case for the performing arts. The

Festival takes place each year in March.

Teaches instruments to individuals and small groups.

Runs ensembles for orchestral instruments.

Offers young musicians high quality ensemble

experiences and coaching.

A professional band specialising in education


An education company promoting jazz.

It offers workshops to schools.

Oversees music education and delivers varied projects

to support schools in delivering the NPME.

A national music charity providing orchestral projects

and performances.

Organises 'Orchestra Unwrapped' concerts, coaching

for young people.

Runs a singing programme for schools.

Uses technology to develop pupils’ composition

and performance. Particular specialism working

with SEND.

Page 13: Music for Schools... · WCET2 Young Cellists Year 2 (max 12 pupils) 33 weeks 45 minutes, plus 15 minutes set up £850 WCET3 Young Strings (Violins and Cellos) Year 2 (max 12 pupils)

| Music for Schools 2019-2020 Programme


Terms and Conditions

Music for Bedford Borough will: • Inform the school of any delays or unavoidable absences. These lessons will either be made up or a refund given

• Supply instruments for all Whole-Class Ensembles teaching (WCET) delivered by MfBB staff at no extra charge

• Where there is capacity, provide instruments for ‘Carry On’ and other projects at no extra charge

• Deliver and collect instruments unless otherwise stated (for example, when schools are asked to bring instruments to

Play Day)

• Provide planned activities that support the National Curriculum

• Monitor the quality of projects through lesson observations, analysis of school feedback

• Aim to satisfy school requests for specific projects as well as times, days and/or school terms but reserves the right to

offer what it believes to be appropriate alternatives. Schools are under no obligation to accept these alternatives

• Will normally only travel to a school for a minimum of 45 minutes teaching

• Reserve the right to limit numbers of schools and/or pupils for events where H&S regulations may be breached

Schools will:

• Provide a safe and positive learning environment

• Provide a member of staff to support any whole-class project by taking an active part in the lesson both musically

and leading on behaviour management (the class teacher where possible but, if being used for PPA, then a qualified

member of staff who knows the children and school procedures)

• Set up the room for any whole-class programmes

• Keep to the agreed times (please note that teachers may not be able to stay longer or arrive earlier due to other

teaching commitments and travel)

• Offer relevant information about its pupils and school activities to any visiting teacher

• Support pupils that wish to continue their musical journey

• Continue additional support to pupils in music sessions if they receive it in other lessons

• Inform MfBB at the earliest possible opportunity if, for whatever reason, teachers do not deliver a session or there are

problems around delivery

• Give at least half a term's notice if they wish to change or cancel a project. Failure to do this may result in the full

charge being incurred

General Notes:

• MfBB offers tickets for events (other than at the Corn Exchange) via an online company, ‘Ticket Source’. Should

parents not wish to buy tickets online they may buy them on the door on the night on a first-come, first-served

basis, subject to availability. Please note that the Corn Exchange adds an admin charge to the price of a ticket

• Tickets for events at the Corn Exchange are bought directly from the Corn Exchange box office

• MfBB will photograph and video its events to use in its publicity. Schools will be sent proofs in order to let us know

of any that CANNOT be used. If no notice is given by schools then MfBB within a given time reserves the right to

use the photos/video

• Schools requesting ‘Self-Delivery’ are expected to have a music leader that is confident leading a choir, teaching songs and

reads music.

Page 14: Music for Schools... · WCET2 Young Cellists Year 2 (max 12 pupils) 33 weeks 45 minutes, plus 15 minutes set up £850 WCET3 Young Strings (Violins and Cellos) Year 2 (max 12 pupils)

Music for Bedford Borough


Key Dates 2019-2020

Teaching Dates (11 weeks a term)

(Music for Bedford Borough teachers will deliver sessions within these dates)

Autumn Term 2019

Monday 9 September - Friday 29 November

Spring Term 2020

Monday 13 January - Friday 3 April

Summer Term 2020

Monday 20 April - Friday 10 July

Concert Dates

Play Day! (Year 3/4)

The King’s House

Autumn 2019 - Wednesday 27 November

Spring term 2020 - Tuesday 31 March

Summer term 2020 - Thursday 9 July

Winter Wonderland (KS1)

Bedford Corn Exchange (4pm)

Autumn term 2019 - Tuesday 3rd December

The Big Spring Sing (Upper KS2 and Year 7)

Bedford Corn Exchange (6:00pm)

Spring term 2020 – Wednesday 25th March

• Teachers’ Twilight Session - Monday 4th


Sing On! (LKS2)

Bedford Corn Exchange (6:00pm)

Summer term 2020 - Wednesday 1 July, Thursday 2 July, Tuesday 7 July, Wednesday 8 July

• Teachers’ Twilight Session - Wednesday 18th


Other dates may be added should there be excess demand. We advise schools not to book transport until

your place at the event is confirmed, along with the date of performance.

Page 15: Music for Schools... · WCET2 Young Cellists Year 2 (max 12 pupils) 33 weeks 45 minutes, plus 15 minutes set up £850 WCET3 Young Strings (Violins and Cellos) Year 2 (max 12 pupils)

| Music for Schools 2019-2020 Programme



Schools can order in one of two ways:

i. By completing the order form in this booklet and posting to:

Music for Bedford Borough

Castle Newnham School

Polhill Avenue


MK41 9DT

ii. Scanning the completed order form and emailing to [email protected]

• Please state which term and day you’d prefer.

Please note that although MfBB will do its best to accommodate first choices, due to instrument and teacher availability we

may not be able to do so. Please indicate 2nd

or even 3rd


• Indicate a maximum of 3 preferences for any WCET project you wish to have. (MfBB will do its best to accommodate first choices, subject to availability of instruments and specialist


• Timetabling will begin from Friday 17th May 2019 and early ordering is recommended

Allocations of teachers and instruments will begin at this point to ensure best use of resources. Please note that due to

limits on number for certain events we cannot guarantee we can accommodate all requests, especially if they are late!

• Schools will be invoiced at the start of each term/project

• Cancellation - should you wish to cancel or cease any chargeable activity or project then notice

must be received by half term for anything the following term.

What happens after schools submit an order form?

The day after the advertised deadline MfBB will start to allocate teaching to teachers giving them a term,

day and time based as much as possible on schools preferences. Once this has been confirmed with the

teachers they will contact you to confirm delivery

Please note that although MfBB does its best to allocate teaching as requested by schools we may

need to offer alternatives where capacity of teachers, instruments etc. dictates. There can’t be the

same instruments and teachers in different places at the same time!

Page 16: Music for Schools... · WCET2 Young Cellists Year 2 (max 12 pupils) 33 weeks 45 minutes, plus 15 minutes set up £850 WCET3 Young Strings (Violins and Cellos) Year 2 (max 12 pupils)

Music for Bedford Borough



phone number

Music leader

Music leader email

Person completing form


Please send further information on the following:

Any orchestral projects

Network Meetings for Music Teachers

Any projects offered by professional organisations, suitable for schools

Instrumental lessons at your school for individuals and small groups

Music Centres for children that already play an instrument

Arts Mark / Arts Award

CPD for Music Teachers (tell us what you’d find useful)

Singing Playgrounds (develop your young singing leaders at the school to lead playground singing games)

Music Live 2020 (Live professional bands/groups in your school)

Music for Schools - Order Form 2019-20 (please photocopy if additional space is required)

Page 17: Music for Schools... · WCET2 Young Cellists Year 2 (max 12 pupils) 33 weeks 45 minutes, plus 15 minutes set up £850 WCET3 Young Strings (Violins and Cellos) Year 2 (max 12 pupils)

Ref. Code Description If relevant, state

preference for

performance - at

school, cluster or

King’s House/Corn


(WCET & Winter

Wonderland only)












Cost per



Total Cost


Final COST


By signing you are agreeing to the terms and conditions on page 13 and ordering information on page 15.

Signed: Name:

Position in School: Date:

Page 18: Music for Schools... · WCET2 Young Cellists Year 2 (max 12 pupils) 33 weeks 45 minutes, plus 15 minutes set up £850 WCET3 Young Strings (Violins and Cellos) Year 2 (max 12 pupils)

Music for Bedford Borough


01234 718088

Music for Bedford


Castle Newnham School


MK41 9DT

[email protected]

Finding out more