MUSIC Department Retreat - 08-2016 Minutes.pdf5.2 Chair’s Report (Oye) – to be...

AGENDA DAY ONE STUDIO BREAKOUT SESSION 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Penner Classroom, Casa (Planned breaks at approximately 10:00-10:10 a.m. and 11:00-11:10 a.m.) 1 Reminders 2 Studio Numbers – enclosure 3 Studio grading policies 4 Recital/Jury Scheduling 5 Report, discussion with Amanda Berg 6 Studio Handbook updates 7 Application for Recital form 8 Scheduling of Masterclasses/Studio Classes (Fall Semester) 9 Results of Discussion Advising Office 10 Instrument Rental 11 Studio Student Experience 12 Combined Full Master Class(es) 13 Audition Scheduling/Availability of Faculty 14 Expectations for the Evaluation of Studio Students by Continuing Faculty DAA BREAKOUT SESSION 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Casa (Room TBA) 1 DAA Steering Committee Meetings 2 Recording request by Parker Abbot Trio for fall 2017 3 Open House (DAA involvement) 4 DAA Electives Advisor for Students 5 DAA – Defining Learning Outcomes 6 Curriculum 7 Job Ad 12:00-1:00pm LUNCH, bring your own. FULL DEPARTMENT SESSION (Monday p.m., Penner Classroom) (Planned breaks at approximately 2:00-2:10 p.m. and 3:00-3:10 p.m.) 1. Adoption of the Agenda (1:00 p.m. for both days) 2. Approval of Minutes (May 16-17, 2016) 3. Business Arising from the Minutes 4. News and Announcements (all) MUSIC Department Retreat August 29-30, 2016 Casa – Penner Classroom

Transcript of MUSIC Department Retreat - 08-2016 Minutes.pdf5.2 Chair’s Report (Oye) – to be...

Page 1: MUSIC Department Retreat - 08-2016 Minutes.pdf5.2 Chair’s Report (Oye) – to be delivered as part of Item 4 5.3 Assistant Dean’s Report (Dobbie) – to be delivered as



STUDIO BREAKOUT SESSION 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Penner Classroom, Casa

(Planned breaks at approximately 10:00-10:10 a.m. and 11:00-11:10 a.m.) 1 Reminders 2 Studio Numbers – enclosure 3 Studio grading policies 4 Recital/Jury Scheduling 5 Report, discussion with Amanda Berg 6 Studio Handbook updates 7 Application for Recital form 8 Scheduling of Masterclasses/Studio Classes (Fall Semester) 9 Results of Discussion Advising Office 10 Instrument Rental 11 Studio Student Experience 12 Combined Full Master Class(es) 13 Audition Scheduling/Availability of Faculty 14 Expectations for the Evaluation of Studio Students by Continuing Faculty

DAA BREAKOUT SESSION 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Casa (Room TBA)

1 DAA Steering Committee Meetings 2 Recording request by Parker Abbot Trio for fall 2017 3 Open House (DAA involvement) 4 DAA Electives Advisor for Students 5 DAA – Defining Learning Outcomes 6 Curriculum 7 Job Ad 12:00-1:00pm LUNCH, bring your own.

FULL DEPARTMENT SESSION (Monday p.m., Penner Classroom) (Planned breaks at approximately 2:00-2:10 p.m. and 3:00-3:10 p.m.)

1. Adoption of the Agenda (1:00 p.m. for both days)

2. Approval of Minutes (May 16-17, 2016)

3. Business Arising from the Minutes

4. News and Announcements (all)

MUSIC Department Retreat August 29-30, 2016

Casa – Penner Classroom

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5. Items for Information (1:30-3:00 p.m.) 5.1 FACT – Fine Arts Communications Team (Kelly Morris, 1:00 p.m.) 5.2 Chair’s Report (Oye) – to be delivered as part of Item 4 5.3 Assistant Dean’s Report (Dobbie) – to be delivered as part of Item 6.3 5.4 Studio Report (Stringer) 5.5 DAA Report (DAA Steering Committee Member for Schaller) 5.6 Conservatory (Fuller) 5.7 Graduate Studies Report – update on new MMus student (Oye) 5.8 Library Report – no report 5.9 Concert Committee Report (Sanden) 5.10 AAC Performing Art Centre Petition (Sullivan) 5.11 Music and Lifecycle Budget Update (Oye)

6. Items for Discussion/Action (3:00-4:00 p.m.) 6.1 Studio (Stringer) - enclosure Motion(s) to be brought forward from Monday morning discussion. 6.2 DAA Motion(s) to be brought forward from Monday morning discussion 6.2 Recruitment and Special Events requests 6.2.1 UofL Jazz Ensemble (Davies) – Update on tour budget (approved May 2016)

6.2.2 U of L Singers (Youngdahl) – proposal to be provided 6.2.3 U of L Honour Band (Low) – enclosure

DAY TWO (starts at 9:00 a.m., Penner Classroom)

Full Department Session (Planned break at approximately 10:15-10:30 a.m.) 6.3 Assistant Dean’s Report and Curriculum (Dobbie) 6.4 Four-Semester Music Theory Core (Hughes) 6.5 Nominations for Music Student Representatives (Oye)

7. ON-GOING CONVERSATIONS (as time permits) 7.1 Recruitment Initiatives

7.2 Research Initiatives 8. Other Items 8.1 Meeting Dates for 2016-2017 in W850

October 6 @ 12:15 November 3 @ 12:15 December 8 @ Noon (2 hours) January 12 @ 12:15 February 2 @ 12:15 March 2 @ 12:15 April 13 @ Noon (2 hours) Spring Retreat May 1-2, 2017

9. Adjournment

12:00-2:00 p.m. LUNCH PROVIDED for Faculty, Staff and Families (Lakeview Bakery sandwiches at Nicholas Sheran Picnic Shelter)

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Present: Deanna Oye (Chair), Brian Black, Georg Boenn, Rolf Boon (Aug. 29), Josh Davies, James Dobbie (Aug. 30), Bente Hansen, Blaine Hendsbee, Bryn Hughes, Greg Knight, Adam Mason, Paul Sanden, Thilo Schaller (Aug. 29 a.m. by Skype), Andrew Stewart, Sandra Stringer, Nick Sullivan, Peter Visentin, Janet Youngdahl, Liz Piquette (recording secretary).

Regrets: Krzysztof Jablonski, Chee Meng Low, Chris Morris, Thilo Schaller (Aug. 30), Arlan Schultz

1. Adoption of the Agenda (1:00 p.m. for both days) MOTION: to adopt as circulated. STRINGER/BLACK CARRIED

2. Approval of Minutes (May 16-17, 2016)

MOTION: to approve the minutes as circulated. YOUNGAHL/HANSEN CARRIED (1 Abstention)

3. Business Arising from the Minutes


4. News and Announcements (all) • Chair’s Report

o 2 new members of the teaching faculty Krzysztof Jablonski, tenure-track Assistant Professor of piano Erin Fung, clarinet Studio Teacher

• (Ad hoc Search Committee: Sandra, Chee Meng, Deanna Oye) o Peggy fully retired from studio teaching in June 2016. o Thilo Schaller is leaving as of December 31, 2016 to take up a position at SUNY Buffalo. Will be hiring a new Audio Engineer for Spring Semester or July 1, 2017.

o STP and PAR deadline is September 15 o Corn Maze at 3pm – Music Student/Faculty/Staff Welcome Back, September 10th (Saturday) Faculty/Staff News o Bryn and his wife are expecting a new little one October 19th. o Andrew, International Computer Music Conference presenting a paper in Utrecht in September. o BMus graduate (2016) Alyssa Durnie won the National Music Festival in voice. o Andrew participated in recording demos with Fernando Dominguez (bass clarinet) (Rolf, Arlan, and

Andrew original works on the recording) o Janet will participate in Art of Stillness workshop in Banff in September. Working with Richard Parry

(Arcade Fire). o Adam gave clinics in China this summer. Will be going back in October and the Steel band will be

going in June. o Rolf presented at SPARK conference in town. CD release and possible collaboration with Tony Park.

U of A open studies student doing an independent study with Rolf in Film Composition. o DAA student Shea Brossard is doing an internship in audio engineering at the Banff Centre. o Danbee Ko (BMus, 2014) is taking a position as staff pianist at Dalhousie University. o Joe Porter, numerous worldwide performances over the summer. o BRASS DAYS, September 18, 2016. Huge recruitment event. Guest Artist Paul Merkelo, trumpet


MUSIC Department Retreat August 29-30, 2016

Casa – Penner Classroom

Page 4: MUSIC Department Retreat - 08-2016 Minutes.pdf5.2 Chair’s Report (Oye) – to be delivered as part of Item 4 5.3 Assistant Dean’s Report (Dobbie) – to be delivered as

5. Items for Information (1:30-3:00 p.m.)

5.1 FACT – Fine Arts Communications Team (Kelly Morris, 1:00 p.m.) • Katherine Wasiak is going on Leave for 4 months. Wednesday August 31 is her last day and will

return in January. • FACT – Amanda Berg, Erin Kennett, Naomi Sato, and Kelly Morris • Please send your stories to Kelly. • For anything you would normally talk to Katherine with please see Kelly. • Update your Bio on the directory.

o Experts list • Please let us know about any University-related social media you may be working with. • Faculty and Staff Resources page on the Fine Arts website.

5.2 Chair’s Report (Oye) – to be delivered as part of Item 4 5.3 Assistant Dean’s Report (Dobbie) – to be delivered as part of Item 6.3 5.4 Studio Report (Stringer)

• A few re-auditions on September 6 before the NSO meeting • Recital Sign up dates will be sent to students • Jury dates for both Fall and Spring semester are online • Audition dates are Feb, Mar 3-4 (and May 12-13 added) • Fall enrollments in Studio: 103 and possible 99 for Spring

5.5 DAA Report (DAA Steering Committee Member for Schaller)

• Met for 2 hours this morning. • Discussed advising DAA students about what kinds of DAA electives to take. (a DAA instructors

to advise the students) • Creating a DAA Handbook outlining three potential areas of study:

o Audio Production o Programming for Audio and Media o Composition and Performance

• Edited Job Ad for Audio Engineer/Producer position. o Hire for Fall 2017. Attempt to fill the gaps sessionally

• MOTION: to approve DAA tenure ad as edited (please note: final distributed version of the ad is enclosed)


5.6 Conservatory (Fuller)

• Current teaching hours are at 28,185.70 hours • Birthday Concerts (Looking for commitment from the Studio faculty to assist)

o Bach – March 20 o April 17 – Canadian Composers o Would need help from the faculty and Music students o 4:30 Mondays

• New Courses o Music and Sound Technology (Jake Hills) o Classical Guitar Ensemble o Ventus Women’s Choir (Ragan)

• Rec Services registration software… See Breeanne for training. • Did not receive AFA grant for the Feel the Beat Series, the Series has been offered to the LSO.

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5.7 Graduate Studies Report – update on new MMus student (Oye) • Yuhan Zhou as of last week still has not met her proficiencies on her English as a second

language scores. • A couple students still do not have their GAships lined up for the Fall.

o Current Grad Students: Brandon Chernow, Jon Martin, Curtis Litchfield, Jake Hills (all second year)

5.8 Library Report – no report

5.9 Concert Committee Report (Davies) • Sandra: we are still looking for billets for the Canadian Guitar Quartet in October. • Paul: Thank you to the faculty members who have volunteered their talents to Music at Noon.

Still awaiting one final Guest Artist to confirm and then the schedule will be complete for Fall.

5.10 AAC Performing Art Centre Petition (Sullivan) • Sign the petition in support of the Performing Arts Centre. • AAC is looking for 10000 signatures.

5.11 Music and Lifecycle Budget Update (Oye)

• More in depth budget to be circulated in October. • Studio Assistant is now Studio Teacher. (fee-for-service instructors teaching studio students)

o Fees for Masterclasses and Lessons are now paid at the same hourly rate. o Studio surcharge is not part of the FFA Budget. o Studio Teachers can teach up to 8 hours for Masterclass, 8 hours for Juries (as a whole), with

an additional 8 hours of Masterclass in Spring semester to replace Blaine’s leave. • As a result, the belt is being tightened on the Music Budget.

o Student Markers, will be pared down for this year. • $3200 from the Dean’s office is dedicated to Studio Teacher master class payments.

MOTION: to remove the studio surcharge unless the fee in its entirety is used as expressed in the fees document. VISENTIN/MASON

“Faculty of Fine Arts Music Studio Differential Fee Music Studio course instruction provides one-on-one course instruction for various instruments. Currently the Faculty of Fine Arts charges students enrolled in Music Studio courses a differential fee to cover the additional cost of private instruction as well as travel expenses for out-of town instructors. To ensure high quality instruction, compensation to instructors must keep competitive with rates charged in the City and surrounding communities. The proposed increases are to offset escalating costs. 2009-2010 fees document at”

CARRIED unanimously

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• Life cycle 2017-2018 o Studio II Upgrade, $95k o Software purchases come from lifecycle. o Steinway B Replacement, ($30,000/3 years has been put aside) is up for purchase in 2017-

2018. o Alto and Tenor Trombone, Bass Clarinet, Harpsichord… we will need to re prioritize these

instruments again.

6. Items for Discussion/Action (3:00-4:00 p.m.) 6.1 Studio (Stringer) - enclosure

• Tabled to October

6.2 DAA • Motion in 5.5.

6.3 Recruitment and Special Events requests

6.3.1 UofL Jazz Ensemble (Davies) – Update on tour budget (approved May 2016) • West Jet is the best price flights (Friday-Friday) • Performance Venues: Central Park, Manhattan School of Technology • Still filling in the dates with venues • $5300 special events recruitment, potential of $11k from special events and recruitment

fund… works out that each student would need to pay $100-200 plus the cost of food. • Will bring the final budget back to the department in October. • November 4-11 or 5-12

6.3.2 U of L Singers (Youngdahl) – proposal to be provided

MOTION: to approve $5090 from Recruitment Fund for Singers to attend Choral Fest and High Schools in Calgary. YOUNGDAHL/HANSEN CARRIED David Wilson, September 24 MOTION: to approve $1000 from Recruitment and Special Events to bring David Wilson to Lethbridge for 2 workshops on September 24th. YOUNGDAHL/STRINGER (HENDSBEE/amendment) CARRIED

6.3.3 U of L Honour Band (Low) – enclosure

MOTION: to approve $500 from Recruitment and Special Events for U of L Honour Band. If there are additional funds available from 50th Anniversary Events to pursue support. (MASON/amendment) STRINGER/HANSEN CARRIED

6.4 Assistant Dean’s Report and Curriculum (Dobbie) • Current Numbers:

o DAA: applications are down by 6 over the last 4 years. They are up this year. On average 3 additional students

o Music: 20 applicants, 14 fewer than typical. Registrants is only 3 below our 4-year average. o Pre-B.Mus/B.Ed: 13 fewer applicants, 10 registrants which is down. o BA (Music) applications have increased.

• Students can drop courses until September 23 with no penalty. Regular add/drop date is still September 13.

• Credit Hours: Our registrations are holding and ensemble registration are up. • The Banner Revitalization project is causing major problems and will delay the minors that were

approved last year. (Fall 2018) • Will be draft legislation for the changes to the MMus curriculum (will need September meeting).

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• Undergraduate Curriculum will be approved in October (department meeting). Think rationale first.

• Prerequisites and approved limits. Each department will be asked to review all their prerequisites and approved limits. Once Banner is active, automated prerequisite checking will be activated. Faculty are encouraged to not wave pre-requisites.

6.5 Four-Semester Music Theory Core (Hughes)

• Power point slides were presented to the department. Further information may be obtained through Bryn Hughes.

• Changed Theory Textbook for this fall • Currently 44 students in Theory 5 and Form and Analysis (too large) • Theory 5 is required in BMus Music and BMus DAA • Form and Analysis is only required in BMus Music • Explanation of the structure of theory 1-4, embedding form and theory 5 into the other theory

courses. o What should happen to Theory 5 and Form and Analysis? Elective?

• FEEDBACK: o Faculty General enthusiasm for the proposal o Suggestion to change Theory 5 and F&A to series courses.

6.6 Nominations for Music Student Representatives (Oye)

• DAA student nominations from faculty: Gabriel Cabrera-Lopez, Ryland Chambers-Moranz, Cecil Mortensen, Marcela Rada

• Studio student nominations from faculty: Emily Fletcher, Solomon Ip, Rachel Li, Zain Solinski

7. ON-GOING CONVERSATIONS (as time permits)

7.1 Recruitment Initiatives 7.2 Research Initiatives

8. Other Items

8.1 Meeting Dates for 2016-2017 in W850 October 6 @ 12:15 November 3 @ 12:15 December 8 @ Noon (2 hours) January 12 @ 12:15 February 2 @ 12:15 March 2 @ 12:15 April 13 @ Noon (2 hours) Spring Retreat May 1-2, 2017

9. Adjournment MOTION to adjourn by Hansen at 11:40 a.m.

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Studio Report

• Re-Audition Date: Tuesday September 6, 9-11am • Recital sign-up time frames

• Fall recitals: September 12 – 16 • Spring – Graduation: 19 – 23 • Spring – Junior: 26 – 30

• Students leaving studio – remind them they must complete a re-audition • Jury Dates: Fall December 12 – 15; Spring April 10 – 13 • Audition Dates: February 3, 4 and March 3, 4 2017 *May dates to be discussed

Studio Numbers *See attached detailed 2011 – 2017

Instrument Fall Spring WBP 45 43 Voice 26 25 Piano 17* 17* Strings 9* 8* Composition 6 6 Total 103 99

*1 double studio (piano and violin)

Recital Projections

Recitals Fall Spring

Juniors 2 21 Graduation 3 16

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Studio Numbers2011 - 2017

STUDIO FL2011 SP2012 FL2012 SP2013 FL2013 SP2014 FL2014 SP2015 FL2015 SP2016 FL2016 SP2017Continuing

Composition (6) 2 1 6 5 5 5 6 5 7 6 6 6Percussion (6) 4 3 6 5 7 6 8 8 8 6 8 7Piano (18) 17 18 23 21 17 17 15 12 12 13 17* 17*Saxophone 4 3 4 3 7 6 5 5 4 4 4 4Trumpet (6) 5 5 3 4 5 7 7 8 7 6 7 7Violin (3) 4 3 4 3 3 4 5 5 4 4 5* 5*Voice (33) 39 34 40 32 31 27 29 26 29 25 26 25

TermBassoon 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1Cello 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0Clarinet 6 7 10 9 9 9 10 8 7 7 5 5Double Bass 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1Euphonium 0 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1Flute 9 7 5 3 5 6 7 5 7 7 8 8Guitar 4 4 4 4 3 4 2 2 3 2 4 3Horn 3 3 3 2 5 4 4 4 4 4 3 3Oboe 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1Trombone 6 6 5 5 2 6 5 3 4 4 5 4Tuba 3 3 2 2 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2Viola 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0TOTAL 110 100 120 105 107 104 109 96 103 95 103 99

*1 double studio (piano/violin)

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Studio Handbook 2016-2017

Welcome to Studio! This handbook will answer many of the questions you may have regarding your program. Your studio instructor will provide a detailed course outline with additional information.

Department of Music Contacts

Dr. Deanna Oye Chair Person Phone: 403-329-2143 Room: W-760 Email: [email protected] Dr. Sandra Stringer Conlon Studio Coordinator Phone: 403-329-2707 Room: W-784 Email: [email protected] Liz Piquette Music Administrative Support Phone: 403-329-2495 Room: W-660 Email: [email protected] Faculty of Fine Arts Student Advisors Questions related to program requirements, registration, or other academic issues can be addressed by making an appointment to see James Dobbie or Valerie Richardson (W-660A or W-660B). Appointments may be made online at or you may address your questions during the drop-in hours, which are posted in W-660.

General Information Practice Rooms Practice rooms are keyed according to the following areas:

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• Grand Pianos: W-453A, W-573, W-579, W-587 • Brass/piano/voice/winds: W-452, W-454, W-458, W460, W-577, W-581, W-583, W-585,

W-591, W-593, W-595, W-597 • Percussion: W-453C, W-450, W-462 • D.A.A.: W-575, W-589

To arrange for a practice room key, a $50 Key Deposit must be made at the Cash Office. Bring the receipt to the Music Administrative Support (W-660) to obtain a key for your designated area. Keys are for your personal use only. You may retain your key for the duration of your studies. Upon completion of your studio studies, or if you decided to take a semester away from studio, you must return your key to the Music Administrative Support. Keys must be returned by the last day of exams of the semester that the student has completed or is leaving studio. If your keys is not returned by this date, you will forfeit your Key Deposit. Practice rooms are monitored on a regular basis. Failure to comply with the following rules will result in a loss of practice room privileges:

1. Before playing any piano, please wash your hands. 2. Food is strictly prohibited from entering the practice room. Drink is restricted to water.

Water must be in a bottle with a lid, and must be kept closed and placed on the floor when not drinking.

3. Personal belongings are not to be left in practice rooms before or after sessions; you may not use your belongings to reserve a room for you. If a practice room is vacant for more than 15 minutes, it will become available for use by others.

4. Practice room doors are to be kept locked and closed at all times. 5. Piano chairs, benches, and music stands are not to be removed from practice rooms for

any reason. 6. Please do not place anything on top of upright or grand pianos. 7. If you notice a problem with a piano or chair/bench, please notify the piano technician.

Scholarships There are several scholarships to be awarded to music students each year. For more details and application forms, please contact the Scholarships and Student Finance Office in Anderson Hall AH-115, or by phone 403-329-2585, or visit

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Complimentary Tickets Each student pursuing the B.Mus., B.A. (music), B.Mus./B.Ed., or B.A./B.Ed. (music) programs is entitled to one complimentary ticket to each Music Department ensemble concert. Tickets must be obtained the week of the concert, no later than 48 hours in advance. No complimentary tickets will be issued for students after that time. This rule is strictly enforced. Information about all Department of Music performances and Faculty of Fine Arts events please see our Season at a Glance brochure visit the Notice Board at Library Resources In addition to a large collection of books, journals, and musical scores, which may be checked out, the Library also houses a large collection of recordings (CDs, LPs, DVDs) which may be used on the premises. Please familiarize yourselves with this collection and make use of it at every opportunity during your studies. Recordings/Collaborations with Digital Audio Arts Students Students in studio studies may require a professional-level recording during the course of their studies. In such cases, students in the Digital Audio Arts (DAA) degree may be available to collaborate on the recording. There may also be an occasion for studio students to collaborate with DAA students on recording projects for DAA courses. When there is such a need, the studio faculty will be contacted for recommendations from their respective studios. In both cases, please complete this form and have your studio instructor approve the repertoire selection(s) by signing the form. Please submit this form to the Digital Audio Arts Coordinator. *N.B. Students performing Junior or Graduation recitals may not engage DAA students to perform a live-capture recording at the recital. Please see below.

Studio Course Information This section contains general information regarding your studio studies, which applies to all studio students. Please refer to your course outline for requirements in addition to those listed below.

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Semester Requirements for Studio

1) Each student will receive 12 fifty-minute lessons per semester. These lessons may be split into 2 twenty-five minute lessons.

2) You are required to attend all masterclasses in your area of studio study. 3) Every semester, students must attend a minimum of 3 masterclasses outside their area of

studio study, one of which must be presented by a Visiting Artist. Students must present a signed copy of the Masterclass Attendance Sheet to their respective studio instructors at the end of each semester. This form may be found here: There may be special topics presentations related to studio studies scheduled in a given semester during the masterclass time. Attendance at such events will be mandatory for all studio students.

4) Students are required to attend a minimum of 10 concerts each semester. These concerts may include up to two non-music but other Faculty of Fine Arts events (theatre production, art gallery opening). To receive credit for concert attendance, students must submit the original concert programs from concerts attended to their respective studio instructor at the end of each semester. *N.B. Students cannot submit programs for concerts in which they perform.

5) Admission into studio is determined by an audition (MUSI2148) or the successful completion of the previous level of studio with a minimum grade of ‘C.’ There are additional prerequisites for Studio V (MUSI3548) and Studio VII (MUSI4748) as follows:

a. Studio V (MUSI3548): Students must have also successfully completed Theory II (MUSI2261), Musicianship Skills II (MUSI2261), and The Eighteenth Century (MUSI2090; formerly History II)

b. Studio VII (MUSI4748): Students must have also successfully completed Theory IV (MUSI3460), Musicianship Skills IV (MUSI3461), and The Nineteenth Century (MUSI3480; formerly History IV)

6) Should a student decide to leave studio studies for any length of time, an audition for re-entry to the program is required. Your acceptance is predicated on the successful completion of the audition and on available space in your respective studio. Each studio is subject to quotas.

7) Each student in Studios I-V (MUSI2148, MUSI 2248, MUSI3348, MUSI3448, MUSI3548), and Studio VII (MUSI4748) is required to successfully complete a practical examination at the end of each semester. This examination is called a ‘jury.’ Please see

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below for jury procedures and dates. Composition Studio students will complete an interview at the end of each semester. Please see below for more information.

8) Each student in Studio VI (MUSI3648) is required to successfully perform a juried recital 25-30 minutes in length at the discretion of the studio instructor. Alternatively, the student is required to successfully perform an extended jury of not more than 30 minutes in length. Please see below for more information. Students enrolled in Composition Studio are not required to present a performance of their works at the end of Studio VI; rather, they will follow the jury procedure as outline below.

9) All students enrolled in Studio VIII (MUSI4848) are required to successfully perform a juried recital 50-60 minutes in length in lieu of a jury. Please see below for more information.

Students requiring an accompanist for studio lessons and performances/recitals/juries must engage their own accompanist for a fee in consultation with their respective studio instructors. There is also a limited pool of student pianists who may be interested in collaborative work. Please consult Dr. Deanna Oye for a list of potential student accompanists. Students studying in the following areas are encouraged to include unaccompanied and chamber works in their repertoire each semester: brass, percussion, strings, voice, and woodwind. Masterclasses/Studio Classes Masterclasses are scheduled Monday and/or Wednesday, 2:00 – 3:50 in the Recital Hall (W-570). Studio performance classes may be scheduled Monday, Wednesday, or Friday, 2:00 – 3:50 pm in any classroom/studio. Please consult your studio course outline for details. The masterclass and studio performance class schedule will be distributed by your respective instructor at the beginning of each semester. Special masterclass opportunities will be announced as they arise. Recital Hall Use Students are permitted to use the recital hall for studio studies under the following situations: lesson, rehearsal, dress rehearsal, and jury preparation. Students must be supervised by their studio instructor. Studio students may book rehearsal/lesson time in the Recital Hall 8:30 – 4:30, Monday – Friday, on a first-come-first-served basis. Time limits apply to recital dress rehearsals (see below), and during the week preceding juries (30 minutes maximum, once only).

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Please see the Recital Hall Use document for regulations pertaining to recitals. Student Assessment/Grading Student assessment will be in accordance with the University of Lethbridge Academic Regulations stated in the University of Lethbridge Calendar. Studio instructors will clearly outline the evaluation procedure in your course syllabus. Instructors are only required to provide a final grade. Studio students may request an estimation of their level of performance by the eighth week of class. Please refer to the Calendar and your course syllabus for more details. Final grades for studio courses are determined by the following:

• Studio I – IV: Instructor 70%; Jury 30% (an average of 2 juror grades) • Studio V – VII: Instructor 60%; Jury/Recital 40% (same as above) • Studio VIII: Instructor 50%; Recital 50% (same as above)

Furthermore, after the semester grade is calculated, the successful completion of Masterclass Attendance and Concert Attendance is accounted. Each requirement is worth 4%; in other words, if one or both required components fail to be completed, the semester grade may be reduced by as much as 8%. Information on letter grades may be found here: Jury Procedures Studio students must complete end-of-semester practical examinations (“jury”). Performance juries are normally scheduled during the final examination period in December and April. A sign-up sheet will be posted each semester in November and March. Students must consult with their accompanist before signing up for a jury time. The standard length of a jury is 15 minutes. Please consult your course outline for additional details regarding jury length, repertoire requirements, and memorization requirements. Memorization is required for piano and voice students. Students enrolled in Studio VI (MUSI3648) who have been instructed to complete an extended jury in lieu of a recital will be required to complete the jury during the exam period.

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Students must provide one complete copy of their musical scores to the members of the jury, accompanied by a completed copy of the Jury Repertoire Sheet. This sheet may be found here: Composition Studio students must submit their semester portfolio to their instructor on the last day of class. The instructor will schedule an interview with the student and at least one other member of the teaching faculty in order to review and evaluated the student’s work. This interview will take place during the exam period. Jury Dates End-of-semester juries will avoid all Department of Music final examinations as scheduled by the Registrar. The dates for this academic year are as follows: Fall 2016: December 12-16, 2016 Spring 2017: April 10 – 13, 2017 If your jury is in conflict with a scheduled final examination from another department, please inform the Music Administrative Support in W660 upon discovery of the conflict. Recital Procedures All students preparing recitals for Studio VI (MUSI3648 – Junior Recital), and Studio VIII (MUSI4848 – Graduation Recital), are required to complete the Application for Recital Form found here: This document includes step-by-step instructions for completing the booking process. Students must complete their recital by the last day of class during the semester in which they are registered for Studio VI or Studio VIII. Generally, recitals which occur in the fall semester will be scheduled in November or early December, and those which occur in the spring semester will be scheduled in March or early April. Students must adhere to the following schedule for the booking of their recital:

Fall semester recitals: • September 12 – 16, 2016 (Junior and Graduation recitals)

Spring semester recitals:

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• Graduation recitals: September 19 – 23, 2016 • Junior recitals: September 26 – 30, 2016

Students will perform required recitals in the recital hall (W570). For information on the use of the recital hall for a required recital, and what you may expect from the theatre staff, please consult this document. (*Recital Hall Use Document) Junior Recitals –Friday, Saturday, Sunday 4:30 p.m. All students in Studio VI (MUSI3648) must complete a recital in lieu of an end-of semester jury at the discretion of your respectively studio instructor. Junior recitals must be shared by 3 students. Each student will perform a maximum of 30 minutes, including pauses and set-up changes. Junior recitals must be completed by the last day of class in which the student is enrolled in MUSI3648. All Junior recitals must receive final signed approval by the respective studio instructor(s) in order to proceed. The deadline for final approval is 5 business days before the recital. Final signatures must be returned to the Music Administrative Staff in W-660. If an instructor decides that a recital should not proceed, the student will be added to the end-of-semester jury schedule to complete an extended jury. Each student performing a Junior recital is entitled to 2 hours of dress rehearsal time. Please book this time with Amanda Berg in W-510 (Theatre Box Office). For recitals in the fall semester, dress rehearsal time may be booked once all fall recital times have been finalized. For spring recitals, the scheduling of dress rehearsals will begin in January. The theatre manager will provide one front-of –house person and one stage manager for the recital. Each student is responsible to pay a $15 program fee and a $35 recording fee, if they wish to have a recording of the performance. *N.B. As the recital replaces a semester-end jury and constitutes a significant portion of the final grade, students may not engage a Digital Audio Arts students to perform a live-capture recording of their recital. Please see the regulations and checklist on the Application for Recital Form. Please see the Recital Hall Use document for regulations pertaining to recitals.

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Graduation Recitals – Thursday, Friday, Saturday 8:00 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday 2:00 p.m. All students in Studio VIII must successfully complete a Graduation recital by the last day of class in which the student is enrolled in MUSI4848. Each student performing a Graduation recital is entitled to 4 hours of dress rehearsal times. Please book this time with Amanda Berg in W-510 (Theatre Box Office). For recitals in the fall semester, dress rehearsal time may be booked once all fall recital times have been finalized. For spring recitals, the scheduling of dress rehearsals will begin in January. The theatre management will provide one front-of-house person, one-stage manager, and one recording technician. All graduation recitals are recorded for archival purposes. *N.B. As the recital replaces a semester-end jury and constitutes a significant portion of the final grade, students may not engage a Digital Audio Arts students to perform a live-capture recording of their recital. Graduation recitals for Composition Studio students require that the student present a recital of their own original works. The student is responsible for arranging performers, rehearsals, and all other aspects of mounting the performance. All aspects are factored into the recital grade. There are no fees associated with the completion of Graduation recitals. Please see the regulations and checklist on the Application for Recital Form. Please see the Recital Hall Use document for regulations pertaining to recitals. Recital Poster Each recital poster must be approved by the Studio Coordinator. Theatre Staff permits the posting of recital posters that comply with the prescribed format. Please include the University of Lethbridge Department of Music logo: click here The following MUST be included on all recital posters: University of Lethbridge Faculty of Fine Arts

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Department of Music presents Student Name, Instrument with Your accompanist’s name, instrument Any other performers assisting you, instrument(s) in a Type of recital (Junior Recital; Graduation Recital) Day, Date, Year, Time, Place (e.g. Friday, January 24, 2014, 8:00 p.m. University of Lethbridge Recital Hall)

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Department of Music

Application for Recital Please complete ALL areas

Administrative Office Student name: Instrument/Voice type: Studio course number: Instructor name: Choose your top 3 dates and times: (Please ensure your date/time works for all performers/instructors/jurors/accompanists involved. If you want to reschedule your recital you will be moved to the bottom of the queue and there is no guarantee you will be able to change your date)

1. 2. 3.

Email address: Other performer(s) sharing recital: (Include instrument/voice type and studio course number) Please check one: Graduation Recital No Charge

Junior Recital $15 rec’d (to be paid at the cash office) Signatures: (Must be obtained in order given; sequence must be completed within 2 business days) ____________________________________________ ____________________________ Instructor Date

____________________________________________ ____________________________ Studio Coordinator Date

____________________________________________ ____________________________ University Theatre Office (W510) Date

____________________________________________ ____________________________ Music Administrative Support (W660) Date (Return completed form here) For junior recitals, do you want a CD of recital? Cost: $35.00 (your recital portion only) If yes, fee (cash or cheque) must accompany your application submission form. The $35 fee is paid to Amanda Berg - U of L Theatre Box Office Manager. I have read the regulations and procedures pertaining to my upcoming recital and understand the same. __________________________________________ Signature

FACULTY JURORS (to be approved by Studio Instructor and signed by Jurors) JUROR 1 _______________________________________ JUROR 2 ________________________________________

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Regulations and Procedures

No recital may be booked less than one month prior to the recital date. All Graduation and Junior recitals must be booked and approved by October 1. All recitals must be booked in person, first with the Studio Coordinator, then through the University Theatre Office. All students doing a Graduation Recital must sign a waiver form, which allows the recital to be recorded for archival purposes only. All performers must have their instructor’s approval for repertoire and length of performance. Please return completed Concert/Recital Information form to University Theatre Office when formalizing your booking. Graduation Recitals (Thursday, Friday & Saturday – 8:00 p.m., Saturday & Sunday – 2:00 p.m.) Graduation Recitals for Composition Studio students require that the student present a recital of their own original works. The student is responsible for arranging performers, rehearsals, and all other aspects of mounting the performance. All aspects of the performance are factored into the recital grade. Theatre staff provides one recording technician, one front-of-house manager, and one stage manager. Should you require elaborate stage changes or stage setup for your recital, make sure all the details are included in the Concert/Recital Information.

1. All students enrolled in Studio Course VIII must make an application for a Graduation Recital.

2. Rehearsal time in the Recital Hall is limited to FOUR hours.

3. Graduation Recitals are professionally recorded on CD for Music Department archives, with one free copy provided to the artist.

Junior Recitals (Fridays 4:30 p.m., Saturdays 4:30) A Junior Recital occurs in Music 3648 and will be juried by two faculty members, one of whom is in the applied area. If a student is advised not to perform a recital by their studio instructor, they are required to perform an extended jury of 30 minutes to be scheduled during the exam period. Theatre staff provides one front-of-house manager and a stage manager for Junior Recitals.

1. All students enrolled in Studio Course VI are eligible to make application for a Junior Recital.

2. Rehearsal time in the Recital Hall is limited to TWO hours/per student.

3. Junior recitals must be shared between three junior performers at 30 minutes in length (per performer).

4. To defray program printing costs, $15 receipt per performer must accompany the Application for Recital. 5. Junior recitals will be recorded at a charge of $35 per student, if requested.

Performers must arrive backstage 1 hour prior to the performance. Doors will open 15 minutes prior to the performance.

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Concert/Recital Information To be given to the Front of House Manager

October 1 (Fall Recital), February 1 (Spring Recital)

Contact Information Student name: ______________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________ Email: _____________________________________________________ Date of performance: _______________________________________ Time: ________________________________________ Concert/Recital Information Performance location: Recital Hall Names and instrumentation of all performers including accompanists ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Arrival time of artist(s): ___________________ (Performers must arrive backstage 30 minutes prior to performance) Piano requested: Robert (old Steinway) ___ Clara (new Steinway) ____ Piano music rack removed: Yes ____ No ____ Are piano moves required: Yes ____ No ____ Page turner: Yes ____ No ____ Required Equipment Number of music stands: ___________________ Number and style of chairs: _______________________ Risers: Yes ___ No ___ Podium/Lectern: Yes ___ No ___ Microphone: Yes___ No ___ Harpsichord: Yes ____ No ____ Percussion Equipment: Yes ___ No _____ Two Pianos Yes _____ No _____ If ‘yes’ to any of above, please give details: _____________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Miscellaneous Is audio play back required as a part of the concert: Yes ___ No ____ Provide Detail ____________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Is concert to be recorded: Yes ___ No___ GRAD recitals will be recorded and archived by Theatre technician Will concert be videotaped: Yes ___ No ___ If Yes, the artist(s) must check with House Manager to discuss location of video equipment in the Hall. This service is not provided by Theatre technicians. Any other special requests: ______________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Music Studio Recital Checklist


1. Select possible Recital Dates with Studio Instructor by looking at the Student Recital Calendar.

2. Arrange for Jurors by talking to Music Faculty. (Jurors MUST sign the form)

3. Studio Coordinator approval and signature

4. JUNIOR RECITAL ONLY – Pay Recital Fee at the Cash Office

5. Front of House Manager approval and signature (Box Office) JUNIOR RECITAL ONLY – Pay Recording Fee (optional) at the Box Office

6. Bring completed form with receipts to the Music Admin (W660) *Deadline September 30



7. Arrange/book any additional performers/accompanists.

8. Complete “Concert/Recital Information” sheet. Return to Front of House Manager.

To be returned by: Fall Recitals: October 1 Spring Recitals: February 1

9. Schedule Dress Rehearsals (hint, book when dropping off completed Recital Information sheet) Fall recitals – bookings begin October 1 Spring recitals – bookings begin in January

10. Create Recital Poster (hint, poster template can be found in the Studio Handbook) *Must be approved by Studio Coordinator

11. Fill in Recital Program Template and email to [email protected] 2 weeks (minimum) before recital.


12. Final approval and signature by the studio instructor - Performance - Program - Recital Information Sheet

13. Arrive 1 hour before performance for set up and sound check. (Review “Recital Hall Use” document)

PERFORM Within 30 days after the recital your CD recording will be available for pick up at the Box Office. (Graduations Recitals or Paid Juniors ONLY) Note: You will not receive your Recital Jury Sheets until after the last day of classes for the semester.

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Recital Hall Use

All requests for set up, including chairs, stands, audio/visual, and piano and/or harpsicord, must be submitted to the Theatre Technical Director no later than 2 weeks prior to the performance.

Performers are expected to arrive no earlier than one hour prior to performance.

A stage manager, front of house manager and sound technician (as necessary) will arrive one hour prior to the performance. They will provide access to the Recital Hall and to the Green Room. Each staff person has jobs and tasks and will be working around you in the Recital Hall prior to your performance. They are there to help you, provide assistance and to set up all parameters of the facility and performance. They will not restrict their movements on stage or in the seating to accommodate last minute rehearsals. You will be interrupted.

The stage manager will request the times of all pieces and the length of intermission (standard intermission time is 15 minutes).

You will be required to sign a recording release form for Department of Music archive purposes only.

The Theatre does not provide video recording. Please make your own arrangements. Video recording is restricted to the back of the Recital Hall if using a tripod. Please check with Front of House for correct video recording placement. Front of House and stage management will not run any recording device on your behalf.

The stage manager will finalize details of your set up for performance. Please indicate if you require a chair for a page turner, and any last minute needs.

The Recital Hall does not have flexible lighting options for performance. You are restricted to the presets of the facility. All lighting discussions must happen two weeks prior to performance.

Sound check will occur approximately 30 minutes prior to performance. You will need to select a portion of the program where sound is loudest.

Last minute rehearsal at the conclusion of sound check is restricted to the amount of time remaining before patrons enter the Recital Hall. Please respect the directions of the stage manager and manage your time efficiently.

The house will be open to patrons no sooner than 30 minutes prior to performance, and no later than 15 minutes prior to performance, or at the discretion of the stage manager. The stage should be clear of performers unless previous arrangements have been made.

You will receive a 10 minute, five minute and two-minute call prior to performance time.

Stage management and Front of House will coordinate the start of the performance. The stage manager will make any announcements to patrons, which include turning off electronic devices.

The stage manager is there to set up equipment in between pieces, cue other performers and coordinate all backstage activities. They will not provide any photocopying or will leave the backstage prior to and during performance.

At the conclusion of the performance, please gather all your belongings from the green room as quickly as possible. The stage manager, front of house manager and sound technician will lock all doors to the Green Room and Recital Hall within an hour after the conclusion of the performance.

Recordings of your performance may be available to you within 30 days after the conclusion of the performance.

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Student Evaluation Staffing Needs 2016 – 2017

Jury Staffing Needs – FALL

Woodwinds – 15 min: 18 = 4h30

Brass – 15 min: 14 = 3h30

Percussion – 30 min: 7 = 3h30

Total: Winds/Brass/Percussion 39 students = 11h30

Piano/Strings/Guitar – 15 min: 27 = 6h45

Voice – 10/15 min: 16/9 2h/40min + 2h15 hours = 4h55 (5h)

Composition – 30 min: 6 = 3h

Jury Staffing Needs – SPRING

Woodwinds – 15 min: 7 = 1h45

Brass – 15 min: 10 = 2h30

Percussion – 30 min: 5 = 2h30

Total: Winds/Brass/Percussion 22 students = 6h45

Piano/Strings/Guitar – 15 min: 17 = 4h15

Voice – 10min: 16 = 2h40

Composition – 30 min: 4 = 2h

Recital Staffing – FALL

Flute – 1 junior (30 min)

Guitar – 1 grad (1h15)

Percussion – 1 grad (1h15)

Piano – 1 junior (30 min)

Trombone – 1 junior (30 min)

Voice – 1 grad (1h15)

Total: 5h15

Recital Staffing – SPRING

Woodwind – 5 juniors; 4 grads

Bassoon – 1 junior

Clarinet – 1 junior; 1 grad

Flute – 2 juniors; 2 grads

Oboe – 1 junior

Saxophone – 1 grad

Brass – 5 juniors; 2 grads

Horn – 1 junior; 1 grad

Trombone – 1 grad

Tuba – 1 junior

Trumpet – 3 juniors

Percussion – 1 junior; 1 grad

Piano/Strings/Guitar – 4 juniors; 4 grads

Piano – 4 juniors (1 less possible); 2 grads

Violin – 2 grads

Voice – 6 juniors; 3 grads

Composition – 2 grads

Total Juniors: 21 = 7 recitals (10h30)

Total Grads: 16 (20h)

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Planning for Special Events for Singers 2016/2017 \       

2014/2015                 Enrollments        Hours  Ensembles                  793                  16,832.5  Private Lessons          1,194               10,387.5  Totals                          1,987               27,220.0    2015‐2016                  Enrollments        Hours  Ensembles                    862                   15,743.20  Private Lessons           1423                 12,442.50  TOTALS                         2,285                28,185.70 


January 30 – Schubert  Mar 20 – Bach 

April 17 (??) – Canadian Composers to Celebrate Canada’s 150th year 


Music & Sound Technology Course – Jake Hills 

Classical Guitar Ensemble   Ventus Women’s Choir 

 *please pick up a private lesson brochure to take to headstarts. 


2007‐2008                 Enrollments     Hours

Ensembles                   235                  5136

Private Lessons           508                  3810

Totals                            743                  8946

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Audio Engineer/Producer – Tenure-Track The University of Lethbridge, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Music invites applications for a tenure-track appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor, effective July 1, 2017. Primary teaching duties will be within the Digital Audio Arts major of the Department of Music. This position is subject to approval of the Board of Governors. A minimum Master’s degree in Audio Engineering/Production is required; a doctorate in a related music field is considered an asset. The University aspires to hire individuals who have demonstrated excellence in teaching, research and production. The successful candidate will be required to participate in the ongoing development of our Bachelor of Music, Digital Audio Arts (DAA) major, as well as contribute actively to the Department of Music and the Faculty of Fine Arts. Teaching assignments may include courses such as Audio Production Techniques, Location Recording and Production, Audio Spatialization Techniques, Game Audio, and other DAA courses as required. Teaching duties in other areas of the Music Department may be assigned depending upon the candidate’s expertise. In addition, the successful candidate may have the opportunity to supervise graduate students. Interested applicants should submit an application including a cover letter describing interest in the position, primary research area(s), and areas of teaching expertise. Applicants must also include a current curriculum vitae, statement of teaching philosophy, and samples of recent recordings, research, and/or creative activity. Please arrange to have three confidential letters of reference from qualified referees sent directly to the Dean of Fine Arts by the closing date. Any electronic documents, images, audio, or video must be submitted on a disc or be available online throughout the period of the search. Please note that we are unfortunately unable to accept zip files. The Faculty of Fine Arts, housed in the Centre for the Arts with state-of-the-art equipment and facilities, offers degree programs in Music, Art, Drama and New Media within the liberal arts education context and focuses on excellence in teaching and research/creative activity. For more information about the Digital Audio Arts Program, the Music Department, the University of Lethbridge, or the City of Lethbridge, please visit our websites at: Review of applications will begin November 1, 2016 and will be considered until the successful candidate is selected. Please address applications by email or regular mail to: Dr. Edward Jurkowski, Dean Faculty of Fine Arts University of Lethbridge 4401 University Drive Lethbridge, AB Canada T1K 3M4 Tel: (403) 329-2126 email: [email protected] The University of Lethbridge hires on the basis of merit and is committed to employment equity and diversity. All qualified persons are encouraged to apply. In accordance with Canadian Immigration requirements, Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given preference.

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY University of Lethbridge Faculty of Fine Arts Department of Music

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U of L Singers: Proposal for a Calgary and Area tour, March 17-19 ($5000) Activities include: -performing and adjudication at Choral Fest South, Organized by Choir Alberta -visits to several high schools -evening concert and meet and greet with invited highschool/college/university choirs -tour of National Music Centre -Sunday morning performance at Knox Church service

Total request from Recruitment and Special events fund $5090. This cost for this tour reflects a per student contribution of $120, which can be accomplished by either personal fundraising or accessing the Student Union travel fund. Tour Cost Breakdown Costs include $325 per choir for Calgary Choralfest ($650 total) $1400 per day for the bus ($4200 total, for three days) 28 women, 10 men students in hotel rooms two nights (10 rooms @ 125per) $2500 Attending program and tour at National Music Centre ($20 per student) ($760 total) $650 Choralfest fee $4200 bus $2500 hotel 2 nights $800 tickets to National Music Centre $1500 venue and meet and greet for Saturday night concert -------------- $9650 total, minus $4560 in student contributions = $5090 total Request Funding ++Cost contributed by each student: $120 (X38= $4560) accumulated through personal fundraising or sponsorship/scholarship from U of L Student Union Student travel fund. ++Student travel scholarships available to most students (full timers and those with 2.00 average), could be $250 per student [Hope to include the low brass ensemble (Nick Sullivan) number of students? (8?) No extra cost for the bus, would need to find funds for their hotel costs, they could also apply for student Union funds] Benefits of the tour -Receiving post-performance coaching from professional conductors at Calgary Choral Fest -Performances and workshop on Friday with several High School Choirs in Calgary area [both ones identified by U of L recruitment and my own contacts]. -Evening Performance Saturday night with other highschool, college and university choirs in a shared concert and mini youth choir festival Saturday night followed by reception and group music activity --learning a folkdance with a Calgary based traditional music ensemble. -Sunday morning performance in a service at Knox United Church downtown Calgary includes opportunity to sing again at Knox church [great choral acoustic] and work with professional organist. -Tour at National Music Centre, Calgary. New location and exhibits make this a ‘must see’ for musicians, the centre runs an outstanding tour of their musical instruments old and new designed for music students.

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Planning for Special Events for Singers 2016/2017 Plan for Breathing Workshop with David Wilson on September 24 ($750)

David Wilson is an Edmonton based conductor and singer who specializes in teaching yoga and breathing techniques. He has agreed to drive down to Lethbridge on September 24 for an afternoon workshop with Singers. The $750 covers his travel (driving to and from Edmonton) and his fee. He will stay that evening with my family. He is planning on doing an afternoon workshop for two hours with Singers September 24th. David is experienced working with singers, but also has skill in assisting efficient breathing and posture in musicians in general. It would be ideal to strategize a way to offer more students a way to work with David. He could run an additional session later on Saturday for more students for an additional fee ($250). It would be possible to open the later session to our students and conservatory students or community musicians if we charged a small fee to cover his additional time.

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University of Lethbridge High School Honour Band (Feb 23-24, 2017) In conjunction with the South Western Alberta Teachers’ Convention (SWATCA)

Objective: To recognize communities and school systems that successfully supported music in education through their instrumental music programs A learning opportunity for the U of L WO senior students on coaching a sectional rehearsal Serves as a direct recruitment opportunity for the U of L music department and also for the university Selection Process: Band directors from the South Western Alberta (SWATCA) will send their nominations, and the advisory committee will do the final selection. Open to current Grade 11 and Grade 12 students. SWATCA Member Locals: (Debra Glaister, Co-Program Chair)

• Holy Spirit Catholic Catholic Central High School, Lethbridge Sarah Harmon St. Mary, Taber Allan Makarchuk

• Horizon W.R.Myers HS, Taber Andrea Makarchuk

• Lethbridge Public School Chinook HS David Mikuliak, Scott Davidson Immanuel Christian HS Charlene Heins Lethbridge Collegiate Institute Ken Rogers, Karen Hudson Winston Churchill HS Kade Hogg

• Palliser (teachers in the southern half of the local only) Brant Christian School, Brant Brian Rodgers Coalhurst HS Mandy Reimer County Central HS, Vulcan Brian Rodgers Kate Andrews HS Scott Godin Picture Butte HS Nicola Dottridge

• Westwind Cardston HS Grant Cahoon Magrath HS Sam Yamamoto Raymond HS Ryan Heseltine

• Livingstone Range School Division No.68 F.P.Walshe HS, Fort Macleod Rick Bullock J.T.Foster School, Nanton Emily Ashcroft Matthew Halton, Pincher Creek TBA

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Host: University of Lethbridge Music Department Timeline: Date: February 23-24, 2017 Nomination deadline: Friday, December 16, 2016 Name list announcement: Friday, January 13, 2017 Online Registration and payment deadline: Friday, January 20, 2017 Music sending: Friday, January 20, 2017 Venue: Venue: W470 & University Theatre Advisory Committee: Chee Meng Low, U of L Ken Rogers, Karen Hudson, LCI Kade Hogg, Winston Churchill HS

David Mikuliak, Scott Davidson, Chinook HS Charlene Heins, Immanuel Christian HS Sam Yamamoto, Magrath HS

Guest Conductor: Gillian MacKay, University of Toronto Itinerary: (Tentatively) Thursday 9:30 Arrival and setup 10:00 - 12:00 Meet and greet, first rehearsal (W470) 12:00 - 1:00 Lunch provided 1:00 - 2:30 Sectionals with WO section leaders 2:30 - 4:30 Tutti (W470)

Friday 9:30-11:30 Tutti (UT) 11:30-12:30 Lunch 12:30-1:30 Dress rehearsal (UT) 1:30-2:00 WO dress rehearsal (UT) 2:30-3:30 SWATCA special closing event performance

Cost: Fees for guest conductor $1,000 Travel for guest conductor $1,000 Lunch for 75 for 2 days $8.99/person x 2 days = $1,348.50 T-shirt $15 x 70 = $1,050 TOTAL $4,398.50 Revenue: Registration $35 x 63 = $2,205 FFA Recruitment Budget $700 SWATCA Travel Allowance $975 WO Operating Budget $18.50 ***Music Recruitment & Special Events Fund $500 TOTAL $4,398.50