MultipleLac-mediatedloopsrevealedbyBayesianstatisticsand ... · istry and Biophysics, Stockholm...

arXiv:1402.0894v1 [] 4 Feb 2014 Multiple Lac-mediated loops revealed by Bayesian statistics and tethered particle motion Stephanie Johnson * , Jan-Willem van de Meent , Rob Phillips , Chris H Wiggins § , and Martin Lind´ en (February 6, 2014) The bacterial transcription factor LacI loops DNA by binding to two separate lo- cations on the DNA simultaneously. De- spite being one of the best-studied model systems for transcriptional regulation, the number and conformations of loop struc- tures accessible to LacI remain unclear, though the importance of multiple co- existing loops has been implicated in in- teractions between LacI and other cel- lular regulators of gene expression. To probe this issue, we have developed a new analysis method for tethered particle mo- tion (TPM), a versatile and commonly- used in vitro single-molecule technique. Our method, vbTPM, is based on a varia- * Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics, Cal- ifornia Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA. Present address: Dept. of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA. Dept. of Statistics, Columbia University, New York, NY,USA. Dept. of Applied Physics and Dept. of Biology, Cali- fornia Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA. § Dept. of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA. Center for Biomembrane Research, Dept. of Biochem- istry and Biophysics, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden, and Dept. of Cell and Molecular Biology, Up- psala University, Uppsala, Sweden. E-mail: bmelin- [email protected] tional Bayes treatment of hidden Markov models. It learns the number of dis- tinct states (i.e., DNA-protein conforma- tions) directly from TPM data with better resolution than existing methods, while easily correcting for common experimen- tal artifacts. Studying short (roughly 100 bp) LacI-mediated loops, we are able to resolve three distinct loop structures, more than previously reported at the sin- gle molecule level. Moreover, our results confirm that changes in LacI conforma- tion and DNA binding topology both con- tribute to the repertoire of LacI-mediated loops formed in vitro, and provide qual- itatively new input for models of looping and transcriptional regulation. We expect vbTPM to be broadly useful for probing complex protein-nucleic acid interactions. Introduction Severe DNA deformations are ubiquitous in biol- ogy, with a key class of such deformations involv- ing the formation of DNA loops by proteins that bind simultaneously to two distant DNA sites. DNA looping is a common motif in gene regula- tion in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes [1–3]. A classic example of a gene-regulatory DNA loop- 1

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Multiple Lac-mediated loops revealed by Bayesian statistics and

tethered particle motion

Stephanie Johnson∗, Jan-Willem van de Meent†, Rob Phillips‡, Chris H Wiggins§, and Martin Linden¶

(February 6, 2014)

The bacterial transcription factor LacIloops DNA by binding to two separate lo-cations on the DNA simultaneously. De-spite being one of the best-studied modelsystems for transcriptional regulation, thenumber and conformations of loop struc-tures accessible to LacI remain unclear,though the importance of multiple co-existing loops has been implicated in in-teractions between LacI and other cel-lular regulators of gene expression. Toprobe this issue, we have developed a newanalysis method for tethered particle mo-tion (TPM), a versatile and commonly-used in vitro single-molecule technique.Our method, vbTPM, is based on a varia-

∗Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics, Cal-

ifornia Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA.

Present address: Dept. of Biochemistry and Biophysics,

University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA.†Dept. of Statistics, Columbia University, New York,

NY,USA.‡Dept. of Applied Physics and Dept. of Biology, Cali-

fornia Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA.§Dept. of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics,

Columbia University, New York, NY, USA.¶Center for Biomembrane Research, Dept. of Biochem-

istry and Biophysics, Stockholm University, Stockholm,

Sweden, and Dept. of Cell and Molecular Biology, Up-

psala University, Uppsala, Sweden. E-mail: bmelin-

[email protected]

tional Bayes treatment of hidden Markovmodels. It learns the number of dis-tinct states (i.e., DNA-protein conforma-tions) directly from TPM data with betterresolution than existing methods, whileeasily correcting for common experimen-tal artifacts. Studying short (roughly100 bp) LacI-mediated loops, we are ableto resolve three distinct loop structures,more than previously reported at the sin-gle molecule level. Moreover, our resultsconfirm that changes in LacI conforma-tion and DNA binding topology both con-tribute to the repertoire of LacI-mediatedloops formed in vitro, and provide qual-itatively new input for models of loopingand transcriptional regulation. We expectvbTPM to be broadly useful for probingcomplex protein-nucleic acid interactions.


Severe DNA deformations are ubiquitous in biol-ogy, with a key class of such deformations involv-ing the formation of DNA loops by proteins thatbind simultaneously to two distant DNA sites.DNA looping is a common motif in gene regula-tion in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes [1–3]. Aclassic example of a gene-regulatory DNA loop-


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ing protein is the Lac repressor (LacI), whichcontrols the expression of genes involved in lac-tose metabolism in E. coli [1–3]. LacI has twoDNA binding domains, which can bind simulta-neously to two specific sites on the DNA, calledoperators, to form loops. Despite being oneof the best-studied model systems of transcrip-tional regulation, the mechanics of DNA loopingby LacI are not well understood. One of thekey outstanding issues regarding the mechan-ics of loop formation by LacI is that theoreticaland computational modeling provide evidencefor the existence of many conformations of LacI-mediated loops, but it is not clear which con-formations are realized for various loop lengths,nor how many of these different conformationsare relevant for gene regulation in vivo [4, 5].Quantitative studies of looping and transcrip-tional regulation would be greatly aided by a bet-ter understanding of the conformations of LacI-mediated loops, as many models of looping aresensitive to assumptions about the conformationof the protein and/or the DNA in the loop [5–8].Moreover, inducer molecules and architecturalproteins, which are important influencers of generegulation in vivo, appear to be able to manip-ulate these parameters [8–12]. In this work weshow that at least three distinct loop structurescontribute to LacI-mediated looping in vitro fora given DNA construct when the loop lengthis short (on the order of the DNA persistencelength), one more than the two structures thatare usually reported [13–18].

The naturally-occurring lac operon has threeoperators with different affinities for the LacIprotein [1], allowing loop formation betweenthree different pair-wise combinations. Moststudies of looping mechanics avoid this complex-ity by using synthetic constructs with only twooperators, but multiple loop conformations are

possible even in these simplified systems. Asshown in Fig. 1A, because the DNA-binding do-mains of LacI are symmetric [19], each operatorcan bind in one of two orientations, thus enablingfour distinct loop topologies. Moreover, loopscould form with the LacI protein on the insideor outside of the DNA loop [5, 13]. In addition, ithas been shown that LacI has a flexible joint, al-lowing the V-like shape seen in the crystal struc-ture to adopt extended conformations as well, asin the rightmost schematic in Fig. 1A [13, 14, 20–23]. Finally, the DNA binding domains seem torotate easily in molecular dynamics simulations[24], which would help LacI to relax strain in theDNA of the loop [5, 7, 8].

Different predicted loop conformations areusually classified as differing in DNA bindingtopology or in LacI conformation, with a keydistinction between the two being that struc-tures differing in DNA topology cannot directlyinterconvert without LacI dissociating from oneor both operators, in contrast to those differingin LacI conformation (e.g., V-shaped versus ex-tended shapes), which should be able to directlyinterconvert (see, for example, Ref. [13]).

The existence of multiple loop conforma-tions for LacI-mediated loops in vitro has beenconfirmed experimentally, but identifying theseexperimentally observed loops with particularmolecular structures is challenging. One of themost widely-used techniques for studying LacIloop conformations is a non-fluorescent single-molecule technique called tethered particle mo-tion (TPM [25]; see Fig. 1B), which uses theBrownian motion of a microscopic bead tetheredto the end of a linear DNA to report on looping[26]. TPM has resolved two looped states with avariety of synthetic and naturally-occuring DNAsequences [13–17, 27]. However, the structuralbasis of these two states is currently a subject of


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debate. Importantly, direct interconversions be-tween the two looped states have been observedin TPM experiments with 138 bp and 285 bploops, arguing that a conformational change ofLacI is involved for these loops, presumably be-tween a V-like and a more extended state since,as noted above, a change of loop topology wouldrequire an unlooped intermediate [13, 14].

There is also evidence from both ensembleand single-molecule fluorescence resonance en-ergy transfer (FRET) experiments with syn-thetic, pre-bent loop sequences, whose confor-mations can be determined computationally, forat least two [22, 28] and possibly three [23] co-existing loops differing in both DNA topologyand LacI conformation. However, it is as yet un-clear which of the structures observed by FRETcorrespond to the states observed by TPM, andwhether three loop conformations might also co-exist in the loops formed from generic ratherthan pre-bent DNA sequences.

One difficulty in determining the number oflooping conformations in TPM measurements isthat not all loop conformations produce distinctTPM signals [6, 18], raising the possibility thatthe actual number of conformations might begreater than two. Indeed, elastic modeling con-sistently predicts the coexistence of more thantwo conformations for a single looping construct,either through direct arguments (i.e., findingmultiple loop structures with comparable freeenergies [6, 8]), or indirectly, by predicting thatthe most stable V-shaped loops and the most sta-ble extended loops have different DNA topolo-gies [5, 7]. In the latter case, the lowest energystates of the V-shaped and the extended confor-mations would be geometrically unable to inter-convert directly with each other, since they dif-fer in DNA topology. Thus, previous reports ofdirect loop-loop interconversions [13, 14] would







cover slip

DNA loop

reporter bead

0x [nm]

y [




-200 200
















σG = 4 sσG = 1 sσG = 1/4 s



1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700

t [s]


0 n



A2 P2A1

Figure 1: (A) Examples of possible LacI-mediated loops, us-ing the notation of Ref. [7]. (B-C) Tethered particle motion(TPM) setup, in which a reporter bead tethered to a coverslip by a DNA molecule is tracked as it diffuses around thetethering point. The formation of a DNA loop shortens theDNA ”leash”, which narrows the distribution of bead positions(D). The degree of restriction depends not only on the lengthof the loop, but also on the relative distance and orientationof the in- and outgoing strands, so that different loop shapescan be distinguished. (E) Root-mean-squared (RMS) signals,time-averaged with Gaussian filters of different kernel widthσG (see Methods), for an example trace with an unlooped andtwo looped states (one long stretch of each indicated by U,M, and B respectively). Horizontal dashed lines indicate theunlooped state, offset for clarity, and vertical ones indicatepotential loop-loop interconversion events.

have to be explained by the existence of at leastone additional loop structure that shares a DNAtopology with one of the lowest energy states.

These considerations suggest two questions toaddress in order to make progress towards iden-tifying the loop structures relevant for loopingin vitro: (1) is there evidence for more than twoloop structures underlying previously reportedTPM data, as would be expected from elastic


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modeling and from FRET results with pre-bentsequences?, and (2) which of the observed statesinterconvert directly, identifying them as differ-ing in LacI conformation rather than DNA bind-ing topology?

Shorter loop lengths (i.e., shorter than thepersistence length of DNA, roughly 150 bp) tendto enhance the free energy differences betweenloop structures, and so provide an interesting op-portunity to look for detectable signatures of ad-ditional loop structures, and to determine whichstate(s) directly interconvert. We recently re-ported TPM data of two apparent looped statesfor loops lengths around 100 bp [16], but thepresence or absence of direct interconversions be-tween the two states was not systematically ex-amined. Here, we revisit these data to addressthe questions of direct interconversions and thenumber of looped states more rigorously. Wedemonstrate the presence of a third looped statein addition to the two previously reported, aswell as direct interconversions between two of thethree states.

These results necessitated the development ofan improved analysis tool for TPM, to overcomethe technical difficulties of the reduced signal-to-noise in TPM data with short loops comparedto longer ones, which impairs the high time res-olution required for detecting direct loop-loopinterconversions. To meet this challenge, wehave developed a powerful set of analysis tech-niques for TPM data, based on a variationalBayesian treatment of Hidden Markov modelsthat have previously been successfully appliedto single molecule FRET [29–33] and single-particle tracking [34]. This toolbox, which wecall vbTPM, offers several advantages over exist-ing analysis techniques, including improved res-olution, an objective criterion to determine thenumber of (distinguishable) DNA/protein con-

formational states, robustness against commonexperimental artifacts, and a systematic way topool information from many trajectories despiteconsiderable cross-sample heterogeneity.

vbTPM should benefit a broad community ofusers, as TPM is a versatile and widely-used sin-gle molecule technique, with its simplicity, sta-bility, ability to measure DNA-protein interac-tions at very low applied tension [35, 36], andthe potential for high throughput through par-allelization [37] making it an attractive tool forin vitro studies of protein-nucleic acid interac-tions that loop or otherwise deform DNA [15–18, 25, 26, 38–49]. Moreover, our results from ap-plying vbTPM to TPM data on short DNA loopsprovide important new inputs for a comprehen-sive understanding of LacI-mediated DNA loop-ing in vitro and quantitative models of transcrip-tional regulation in vivo.

Materials and Methods

TPM data

We present a new analysis of our previously pub-lished data [16] on constructs that contain 100to 109 bp of either a synthetic random sequencecalled E8 [50, 51] or a synthetic, strong nucleo-some positioning sequence called 601TA (abbre-viated TA) [50–52] in the loop, flanked by thestrongest naturally occurring LacI operator O1and an even stronger synthetic operator calledOid. We denote these constructs E8x and TAx,where x=100-109 and refers to the length of theloop, excluding the operators. The O1 and Oidoperators are 21 and 20 bp long, so the distancebetween operator centers is thus x+20.5 bp. Forease of comparison between our results and oth-ers’, we use loop length, not distance betweenoperator centers, when quoting other’s results.


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The in vitro affinities of LacI for the O1 and Oidoperators are roughly 40 and 10 pM respectively[16, 53–56]. The total lengths of the DNA tethersrange from 458-467 bp, depending on the lengthof the loop [16].

For every tethered DNA, we collected 10 min-utes of calibration data in the absence of LacI,followed by roughly 20 to 100 minutes of loop-ing data in the presence of 100 pM LacI, pu-rified in-house. Data sets for each loop lengthtypically contain 50-100 TPM trajectories. Weused a standard brightfield microscopy-basedTPM setup, where 490 nm diameter polystyrenebeads are tracked in the xy-plane with video mi-croscopy at 30 Hz, and the resulting trajectoriesthen drift-corrected using a first-order Butter-worth filter with a 0.05 Hz cutoff frequency (seeRef. [16] for detailed experimental and analysisprocedures). As noted below, this drift-correcteddata was used as the input for the HMM anal-ysis (and not the subsequently Gaussian-filteredRMS trajectories that are described in Ref. [16]).

In addition to the pre-existing data, we alsoobtained calibration trajectories from constructswith total lengths 450 bp (“E894” of Ref. [16]),735 bp (“wild-type” of Ref. [57]), and 901 bp(“PUC306” of Refs. [15, 57])). Data for theseconstructs were obtained in the absence of LacIonly.

RMS analysis

The root-mean-square (RMS) trace of a tether isthe square root of a running average of the vari-ance of the bead’s position,

〈ρ2〉. We followedthe procedures of Ref. [16], except that we var-ied the standard deviation σG of the Gaussianfilter kernel for the running average. To countthe number of states, we determine the numberof peaks in RMS histograms by eye.

Diffusive HMM for single trajectories

vbTPM is based on a hidden Markov model(HMM) for the bead motion and looping kinet-ics. For single trajectories, we model the loopingkinetics by a discrete Markov process st with Nstates (e.g., st = 1 when unlooped, st = 2 whenlooped, etc.), a transition probability matrix A,and initial state distribution π,

p(st|st−1,A) = Ast−1st, p(s1|π) = πs1 . (1)

This is the hidden part of a hidden Markovmodel (HMM), and the physics of TPM go intothe emission model, which describes the motionof the bead for each hidden state. We use adiscrete-time model of over-damped 2D diffusionin a harmonic potential that has been suggestedas a simplified model for TPM [58, 59],

xt = Kstxt−1 +wt/(2Bst)1/2, (2)

where the index st indicate parameters that de-pend on the hidden state, and wt are uncorre-lated Gaussian random vectors with unit vari-ance. Hence, the probability distribution of eachbead position conditional on the hidden stateand previous position is given by

p(xt|xt−1, st,K,B) =Bst

πe−Bst (xt−Kstxt−1)2 .

(3)The emission parameters Kj and Bj are relatedto the spring and diffusion constant of the model.More insight into their physical meaning can begained by noting that with a single hidden state,Eq. 3 describes a Gaussian process with zeromean and

RMS =√

〈ρ2〉 =√

〈x2〉 = (B(1−K2))−1/2,

〈xt+m · xt〉

〈x2〉= Km ≡ e−m∆t/τ , (4)


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where ∆t is the sampling time, and τ = − ∆tlnK

is a bead correlation time. This model capturesthe diffusive character of the bead motion whileretaining enough simplicity to allow efficient sta-tistical analysis.

Statistical analysis

To analyze TPM trajectories using the abovemodel, we apply a variational Bayesian (VB)[60, 61] technique, that has previously been usedin the analysis of other single-molecule data [29–31, 34], but has not been applied to tethered par-ticle motion data so far.

VB methods can determine both the mostlikely number of hidden states N and the mostlikely parameters θ = {A,π,K,B} for themodel. Models with more states and parameterscan generally model the data more closely, butmay ‘overfit’ the data by attributing noise fluctu-ations to separate states. VB methods perform‘model selection’ by ranking models accordingto a lower bound FN on the log evidence lnLN .The evidence LN is the ‘marginal’ probability ofobserving the measurement data, obtained by in-tegrating out all model parameters θ and hiddenstate sequences {st} from the joint probabilityp({xt}, {st}, θ |N),

FN . lnLN = ln∑


p({xt}, {st}|θ,N)p(θ|N)dθ.

(5)The model with the highest lower bound logevidence FN can be interpreted as the modelthat exhibits the best “average” agreement withthe data over a range of parameters, therebyeliminating models that overfit the data andonly show good agreement for a narrow pa-rameter range. VB analysis requires us to pa-rameterize our prior knowledge (or ignorance)

about parameter values in terms of prior distri-butions p(θ |N). We choose ‘uninformative’ pri-ors to minimize statistical bias. VB analysis alsoyields parameter information in terms of (ap-proximate) posterior distributions on θ, whichare optimized numerically to maximize FN whenfitting a model to data. We generally reportparameter values as expectation values of thesedistributions. Further details are given in theSupporting information (SI) and software docu-mentation (see below).


To decrease the computational cost associatedwith analysis of large data sets, we downsampleby restricting the hidden state changes to occuron multiples of n data points. By downsamplingonly the hidden states, and not the TPM data,we avoid discarding valuable information aboutbead relaxation dynamics [59, 62]. We use n = 3except where noted otherwise. With an origi-nal sampling frequency of 30 Hz and K & 0.4(τ & 1/30 s) in our data (see Results), the short-est possible state lifetime (1/10 s after downsam-pling) is thus at most three times larger than thebead correlation time.

Synthetic data

We generate synthetic data by direct simulationof Eqs. (1) and (3), followed by application ofa first-order Butterworth filter with 0.05 Hz cut-off frequency to simulate drift-correction [15, 16].To generate reasonable parameter pairs, we usethe empirical fit τ = 0.018 RMS − 0.079, withτ in seconds and RMS in nm, and then computeK,B from Eq. (4). For analysis, we use the samesettings (priors, etc.) as for real data.


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Multiple trajectories

To fully utilize the high-throughput capabilitiesof TPM, it is advantageous to pool informa-tion from many trajectories in a systematic way.Indeed, we will see below that this was neces-sary to unambiguously resolve direct intercon-versions between looped states. However, pool-ing information from multiple trajectories raisestwo challenges. First, TPM data contain arti-facts, e.g. transient sticking events or trackingerrors (described in more detail below). Suchspurious events are specific to each trajectory,and should not be pooled. Second, variations inbead size, attachment chemistry, etc., create sig-nificant variability between beads in nominallyequal conditions (e.g. DNA construct length andLacI concentration[16]), hence it would not befeasible to fit a single model to multiple trajec-tories even without spurious events.

To address the first problem, we extend thesingle trajectory HMMwith a second type of hid-den state, ct such that ct = 1 indicates genuinelooping dynamics governed by the simple modeldescribed above. When ct > 1, the apparentbead motion is assumed to arise from some formof measurement artifact, which is modeled bya different set of emission parameters Bct , Kct .We assume that genuine states, st, to evolve in-dependently of spurious events. Similarly, spuri-ous events ct > 1 can interconvert independentlyof the underlying genuine state, but transitionsout of ct = 1 depend on st, to allow for possibili-ties such as transient sticking events being morefrequent in a looped state when the bead is onaverage closer to the cover slip. The resulting de-pendency structure of the hidden states resemblea factorial HMM [63], with the joint transitionprobabilities

p(st+1, ct+1|st, ct) = p(st+1|st)p(ct+1|st, ct), (6)

with p(st+1|st) = Astst+1 as earlier, and

p(ct+1|st, ct) =


Astct+1 , if ct = 1,

Rctct+1, if ct > 1,(7)

To deal with bead-to-bead variability, weadopt an empirical Bayes (EB) approach thatderives from a recently-developed analysis tech-nique for single-molecule FRET data [32, 33].In EB analysis, the prior is interpreted as thedistribution of model parameters across the setof trajectories, and is learned from the data tomaximize the total lower bound log evidence.In this manner, similarities between trajectoriesare exploited to obtain more accurate parame-ter estimates. We restrict EB analysis to transi-tion probabilities and emission parameters of thegenuine states, while priors describing spuriousstates are held fixed.

Pooled analysis using EB and the extendedmodel is performed in three steps. First, alltrajectories in a data set are analyzed individ-ually with the simple HMM, learning the opti-mal number of states for each trajectory. Second,looped states and artifact states are classified us-ing an automated procedure (see Eq. (8) below),and verified manually using a graphical tool. Inpractice, very few corrections to the automatedclassification are needed. Finally, initial facto-rial models are generated, with additional unoc-cupied genuine states for trajectories where notall genuine states occur, and these factorial mod-els are analyzed further using an EB procedureto optimize the parameters of the prior distri-bution, also known as hyperparameters, for thegenuine looped states. Information about thewhole data set can then be extracted from theoptimized hyperparameters. Further details aregiven in the software documentation.


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vbTPM runs on Matlab with inner loops writ-ten in C, and includes a graphical tool formanual state classification. The source codeand software documentation are available


Improved resolution on synthetic data

A simple and common way to analyze TPMdata is in terms of RMS values, which are thesquare root of the bead position variance, orthe projected distance ρ between the bead cen-ter and tether point (Fig.1E). Transitions can beextracted by thresholding RMS traces, and thenumber of states by counting peaks in RMS his-tograms [13, 16, 17, 26, 42, 64, 65]. However, theRMS signal must be smoothed in order for thetransitions to appear. This degrades the timeresolution [66], and an analysis without smooth-ing, such as vbTPM, would likely do better [67].As noted above, good time resolution is of partic-ular interest for one of the issues we wish to ad-dress here, namely, determining whether or notapparent loop-loop interconversions are in factseparated by short unlooped intermediates.

We have therefore tested vbTPM on syntheticdata, and compared its ability to resolve close-lying states with that of the RMS histogrammethod. Two states can be difficult to resolveeither due to similar RMS values or short life-times. Our state detection tests (see Fig. S1-S3)show that vbTPM offers a great improvementover RMS histograms in the latter case, whichis precisely the case that matters most for thequestion of direct interconversions that we ad-dress here. For example, two states separated

by 40 nm are resolved by vbTPM at a meanlifetime of about 0.5 s, while lifetimes of 4-8 sare necessary for states to be resolvable in RMShistograms (Fig. S1). This order of magnitudeimprovement mainly reflects the detrimental ef-fects of the low-pass filter used in the RMS analy-sis. The difference diminishes for more long-livedstates, and with mean lifetimes of 30 s, the spa-tial resolution is about 15 nm for both methods(Figs. S2 and S4).

Our tests with synthetic data further showthat the parameters, including transition rates,are faithfully recovered by vbTPM, and that allof these results are insensitive to downsamplingby the factor of three that we use when analyzingreal data (Fig. S4-S6).

Detection of experimental artifacts

A striking illustration of the improved time res-olution of vbTPM is the ability to detect andclassify short-lived experimental artifacts in thedata. Our normal TPM protocol starts with ashort calibration run in the absence of the loop-ing protein for quality control reasons [16]. Here,we expect only one state, that of the fully ex-tended tether. However, analyzing calibrationdata for three different construct lengths, wefind more than one state in most trajectories, al-though a single state usually accounts for most(∼99%) of the trajectory.

Inspection of the coordinate traces (that is,the x and y positions of the bead as functions oftime) reveals the dominant state to correspondto normal, “genuine” bead motion, while the ex-tra “spurious” states are associated with obviousirregularities in the data. Many of these are tooshort-lived to show up in the time-averaged RMStraces. Almost all can be interpreted as eithertransient sticking events (Fig. 2A-B), where the


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200 nm

0.5 s


200 nm

0.5 s


200 nm0.5 s

(C) (D)


Figure 2: Examples of spurious events in calibration data (i.e.,in the absence of repressor). Spurious events are marked byhorizontal black lines above the blue and red time traces of thebead’s x and y positions. (A,B) show “sticking events” (non-specific, transient attachments of the bead to the surface, theDNA to the bead, etc), while (C) contains an excursion largerthan the physically possible maximum, ρmax, as shown in (D).This could be due to a tracking error, for example when anuntethered bead diffuses through the field of view.

motion in x and y simultaneously and abruptlygoes down dramatically, or brief excursions be-yond the limit set by the tether length (Fig. 2C-D), caused by breakdowns of the tracking algo-rithm when free beads diffuse through the fieldof view. Some spurious events are described asmore than one state in the vbTPM analysis.

A scatter plot of the emission parameters Kand B for detected states (see the Methods sec-tion above) show different patterns for genuineand spurious states (Fig. 3). Genuine statesfall along a curve in the K,B plane, while thespurious states scatter. This makes physicalsense, since the genuine dynamics are governedby a single parameter, the effective tether length,while the spurious states are of diverse origins.This pattern persists also in trajectories withlooping, with the genuine looped states continu-ing along the curve indicated by the calibrationstates (Fig. 4A).

The K,B values of different trajectories varysignificantly, but it turns out that within fitting

uncertainty, most states of individual trajecto-ries satisfy

Kgenuine ≤ Kcal., and Bgenuine ≥ Bcal., (8)

withKcal., Bcal. parameterizing the genuine statein the calibration trajectory, while most spuri-ous states violate at least on of these inequali-ties. An intuitive rationale for this rule is thatK (B) tends to decrease (increase) with decreas-ing tether length as seen in Fig. 3. Looping de-creases the effective tether length, as does theslight bending of the operator sites upon LacIbinding [16, 19].

The upshot of the different behaviors of gen-uine and spurious states shown in Figs. 3and 4(A) is that Eq. (8), plus an additionallower threshold on RMS values (see Eq. (4)) tocatch sticking events near the tethering point,can be used to computationally label genuineversus spurious states. Very few exceptions re-main to be corrected manually.

450 bp

735 bp

901 bp


Figure 3: Scatter plot in the (K,B) plane of genuine and spu-rious states in trajectories without LacI from three differenttether lengths. The genuine states, colored according to tetherlength, are defined as the most long-lived state in each trajec-tory, and fall close to the empirical fit B = (1.84−2K)×10−4

nm−2 (dashed line, note log-scale on the B-axis). Spuriousstates (dots) scatter off of this line. Gray ellipsoids indicaterough parameter trends for sticking and tracking errors (largeexcursions) respectively.


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More than two looped states

We have used this improved analysis techniqueto examine looping at 100 pM LacI in E8x andTAx constructs, where “x” indicates the looplength, ranging from x=100 to 109 bp [16], andE8 and TA are two different DNA sequences inthe loop (see Materials and Methods). We usedEq. (8) complemented by visual inspection toidentify genuine states, and from now on, wewill understand all “states” to be genuine un-less stated otherwise. Most trajectories exhibitone to three states in the presence of LacI.

We discard trajectories with only one state,as complete lack of looping activity might reflectdefective constructs, surface attachment, or LacImolecules [16]. We also discard a small numberof trajectories with four states, where inspectionreveals either a state split by bursts of spuriousevents (resulting in artificial differences in statelifetimes), or a genuine-looking state with verylow RMS that can be attributed to a stickingevent near the tethering point. Thus, our HMManalysis is at first glance consistent with ear-lier findings of two distinguishable looped statesin these constructs [16]. We denote the statesfrom trajectories with three states unlooped (U),“middle” (M), and “bottom” (B), in keepingwith the conventions of [16, 17], in which “mid-dle” and “bottom” refer to the tether lengths ofthe two distinguishable looped states relative tothe unlooped state.

The two- and three state-containing trajecto-ries display a striking pattern that we will in-troduce using the E8106 construct. As shownin Fig. 4A, a scatter plot of the emission pa-rameters for three-state trajectories producespartly overlapping clusters in the K,B-plane,with these clusters corresponding to the threeobserved states (U, M, B). Some contributions to



(A) (B)

cal. [nm]



l. [m



B [10

-5 n


0.4 0.5 0.6 -40 -20 0






Figure 4: Clustering of LacI-induced looped and unloopedgenuine states in the E8106 construct. States U, M, and Bin three-state trajectories are represented as filled symbols,while states in two-state trajectories are plotted as +’s (forthe looped state) and x’s (for the unlooped state). (A) Rawemission parameters K,B. The dashed line is the linear fitfrom Fig. 3. (B) Same states as in A, but plotted as RMSvalues and relaxation times τ (see Eq. (4)) relative to the cali-bration (that is, no-LacI) states for each tether. From now on,we will plot states in these more intuitive and homogeneousterms.

the parameter noise, such as bead size variations,might be correlated between states, and can thusby reduced by normalization. Indeed, visualiz-ing the states relative to their calibration states(Fig. 4B) produces well-separated state clusters.These clusters allow us to classify the states inthe trajectories with only two states, by com-parison to the clusters formed by the three-statetrajectories. In 37 out of 38 two-state trajecto-ries, the two states coincide with the U and Mstates. That is, in trajectories that only exhibitone of the two looped states, for the E8106 con-struct the looped state exhibited is always the“middle” state.

This pattern is very unlikely to result frominsufficiently equilibrated three-state kinetics(P ≪ 10−6; see SI, Sec. S3). Similarly, a sub-population of LacI which is somehow unable tosupport the B state is unlikely, as different clus-ter patterns appear with other loops sequences.As shown in Fig. 5, when we subject E8 andTA constructs spanning one helical repeat tothe same analysis, we see some constructs (e.g.,


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E8103, TA104, E8105, TA106) mimic the 2+3-state pattern of E8106, but others (E8100-101,TA100-101, TA109) seem to have the opposite2+3-pattern, in that the looped state in two-state trajectories is the B rather than M state.Moreover, while there is also one case for each se-quence with almost exclusively 3-state (E8107)or 2-state (TA105) trajectories, the identity ofthe looped state in two-state trajectories exhibitsa clear phasing that correlates with loop length,and therefore with the helical repeat of the DNA.In particular, when the operators are in-phaseand looping is maximal, demonstrated in ourprevious work to occur around 106-bp loops [16],the looped state in two-state trajectories is pre-dominately the M state, whereas when the op-erators are out-of-phase, around 100 or 110 bp[16], two-state trajectories contain primarily theB state as the looped state.

We propose a structural explanation for theseresults, namely, that the M-state in trajectoriesexhibiting only two states corresponds to a dif-ferent loop structure than the M-state in tra-jectories with three states. A further line ofevidence supporting this explanation concernsthe question of whether or not the M and Bstates in three-state trajectories interconvert: ifthe M state can interconvert with the B statein three-state trajectories, but the M state intwo-state trajectories never interconverts withthe B state (because these trajectories showno B state), then it is likely that these twoM states (interconverting and not interconvert-ing) are structurally different. Moreover, asnoted in the Introduction, the question of di-rect interconversions can provide insight intowhat structures might underlie the interconvert-ing and non-interconverting M and B states: iftwo looped states interconvert without passingthrough the unlooped state, this would indicate

that the involved states have the same DNAbinding topologies, since a change of binding di-rection would require an unlooped intermediate.To address these questions, we now ask if thelooped states in three-state trajectories intercon-vert directly.

Direct loop-loop interconversions

Detecting direct interconversions betweenlooped states is difficult. Potential events canbe spotted in RMS traces, but as illustratedin Fig. 1E, their interpretation depends on thefilter width σG, and we cannot exclude thepresence of short unlooped intermediates byeye. To test whether the increased temporalresolution of our HMM algorithm could improveupon the detection of short unlooped intermedi-ates, we generated synthetic data using realisticparameters obtained from single-trajectory fitsto E8106 and E8107 constructs with threegenuine states, with spurious states removed.The transition probabilities Aij from thesefits allow loop-loop interconversions, typicallyno more than ten per trajectory, but we alsogenerated data without interconversions bysetting ABM = AMB = 0.

Refitting these synthetic data sets with ourstandard settings, we find that the HMM algo-rithm over-counts the number of looped stateinterconversions, nBM , even when they are ab-sent in the data (Fig. 6A-B). Moreover, modelsthat disallow direct BM-interconversions gener-ally get higher F-values (related to goodness offit; see Eq. (5)) than models that allow intercon-versions, when fitted to single trajectories, evenwhen such interconversions are actually present(Fig. 6C-D). Thus, we cannot settle the ques-tion of direct loop-loop interconversions by anal-ysis of single trajectories, probably because the


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number of such interconversions per trajectoryare too few in our data and in the synthetic datawe create from it.

To do better, we need to analyze many tra-jectories at once. The difficulty in this analysis





















RMS-RMScal. [nm] RMS-RMScal. [nm]-40 -20 0-40 -20 0


cal. [



cal. [


Figure 5: Clustering of looped and unlooped states for E8xand TAx constructs, with loop lengths x=100-109 bp. Thestates are colored and aligned as in Fig. 4B, and offset in theτ direction for clarity.

is that we cannot simply fit a single model tomultiple trajectories, because of the large bead-to-bead variations in motion parameters (K, B)seen in Fig. 4A, and the varying numbers of spu-rious states in different trajectories (Fig. 3). Tosolve these problems, we first extend our HMMto split spurious and genuine states into two sep-arate hidden processes (see Methods). Second,we implement an empirical Bayes (EB) approach[32, 33, 61] (see Methods), which optimizes theprior distributions based on the variability ofgenuine states in different trajectories. This al-lows information from the whole data set to beused in interpreting each single trajectory, andhas been shown to greatly improve the resolutionin single molecule FRET data [32].

Analysis of synthetic data, where the truenumber of interconversion events is known,shows clear improvements when using combinedEB analysis in comparison to normal VB meth-ods that analyse each trajectory indivdiually. Asshown in Fig. 6A, the tendency to over-estimatethe number of BM-interconversions is eliminatedwhen the EB scheme is applied, and almostno such transitions are detected in trajectorieswhere they are absent (Fig. 6B). This shows thatthe EB scheme can reliably detect the presenceof direct B-M interconversions.

When we apply this scheme to real data,we find a substantial number of direct BM-interconversions in the three-state trajectoriesfrom the E8106 and E8107 constructs (Fig. 6E-F), which is a strong indication that these con-structs do truly display direct loop-loop inter-conversions. Hence, we conclude that the con-structs in Fig. 5 exhibit at least three distinctloop structures, one more than previously re-ported in a single construct by TPM [13, 14, 16–18]: an M and a B state that can interconvertwithout an unlooped intermediate, suggesting


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with BM-interconv. no BM-interconv.

E8107(E) E8106

0 10 20 300




est. nBM




0 10 20




true nBM



Fno B


−20 −100





0 200



est. nBM




0 2 4 60




est. nBM



0 5 100



est. n


true nBM


(A) (B)





Figure 6: Detecting direct loop-loop interconversions. (A,B)Counting the number of B ⇌ M interconversions, nBM , de-tected in synthetic data, with (A) and without (B) such tran-sitions present, when trajectories are considered one at a time(“VB”), or using an empirical Bayes approach to analyze alltrajectories from the same data set at once (“EB”). The dashedblack line in (A) indicates where the estimated number of in-terconversions equals the true number. (B) shows a histogramrather than a scatter plot, because the true number of intercon-versions is zero. (C,D) VB analysis of single synthetic trajec-tories prefers models without B-M interconversions, whetherthey are present (C) or not (D), probably since they are rareevents. Every point and histogram count represent a singletrajectory, and F(...) is the approximate log evidence, Eq. (5),for the different models. Higher F -values indicate better fits,so FBM < Fno MB means that models with no interconver-sions are preferred by this analysis. (E,F) Analysis of real datayields a substantial number of interconversions even with theEB scheme, a strong indication that they are in fact present.

that they share the same DNA topology but dif-ferent LacI conformations (e.g. a V-shaped andan extended conformation); and an M (for in-phase operators) or B (for out-of-phase opera-tors) state that cannot directly interconvert withanother looped state.

Discussion and conclusion

We have developed a Bayesian analysis methodfor TPM data based on hidden Markov mod-els called vbTPM. A major advance offered byour method is improved time resolution, whichstems from our direct analysis of position data,thus avoiding the time-averaging required to pro-duce readable RMS traces (Fig. 1). We are notthe first to exploit this possibility. Beausangand Nelson [62] used manually curated trainingdata to construct detailed models of the diffusivebead motion for the looped and unlooped states,and combined them with a two-state HMM toextract interconversion rates. Manzo and Finzi[67] modeled bead positions as uncorrelated zero-mean random variables, and used change-pointand hierarchical clustering methods to segmentTPM position traces in order to extract dwelltime statistics for further analysis.

Our new analysis tool improves on previousmethods in several ways. Compared to thechange-point method [67], we use a noise modelthat accounts for correlations in the bead mo-tion, which removes the need to filter out shortdwell times. Compared to the previous HMMtreatment [62], which used a more detailed dy-namical model, vbTPM does not require curatedtraining data. Instead, it learns the numberof states directly from the data along with allother model parameters in a statistically princi-pled way, using a variational Bayes treatment of


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Hidden Markov models [29–31, 34]. The numberof states, corresponding to, for example, distinctDNA-protein conformations, is often a key quan-tity of interest, and the possibility to extract itdirectly from the data will be especially useful forpoorly characterized and complex systems (forexample, TPM data with three rather than twooperators present, as in the wild-type lac operon[57]). Also in contrast with previous methods,vbTPM handles common experimental artifactsgracefully, by classifying them in separate statesthat can easily be filtered out based on their un-physical parameters. Finally, we demonstratefurther improved resolution from an ability topool information from large heterogeneous datasets, using an empirical Bayes approach [32, 33].Combined, these represent significant improve-ments over previous analysis methods, which weexpect to be useful for a wide range of TPMapplications. Our code, implemented in a mix-ture of Matlab and C, is freely available as open-source software.

We apply our improved method to data fromLacI-mediated loop formation in DNA con-structs with loop lengths from 100 to 109 bp[16]. Consistent with previous results, we resolvethree states that cluster according to the emis-sion parameters of the model, K and B, whichwe denote the unlooped state (U), middle loopedstate (M), and bottom looped state (B). Usingan empirical Bayes approach, we then demon-strate that when the M and B looped states oc-cur in a single trajectory, they can directly in-terconvert without passing through an unloopedstate. This strongly indicates that these M andB states share a DNA binding topology but dif-fer in LacI conformation, because a change ofDNA topology would presumably require an un-looped intermediate, as different DNA topologiesrequire the unbinding and re-binding of at least

one LacI DNA binding domain from the DNA.Our finding of direct interconversions betweenthe M and B states are consistent with previ-ous results on longer (138 bp [13] and 285 bp[14]) loops, which were attributed to transitionsbetween a V-shaped and an extended LacI con-formation.

Interestingly, at many loop lengths we can dis-tinguish two kinds of trajectories, those that con-tain both an M and a B state (which can in-terconvert), and those that exhibit only one ofthe two looped states (Fig. 5). Which of thelooped states (B or M) a two-state trajectoryexhibits is the same for all two-state trajectoriesat a given loop length, but whether this state isthe M or B state varies with loop length. The ki-netics of loop formation and breakdown are fastenough that such a pattern is unlikely to emergeby chance, and, together with the indication thatthe single loop state changes with operator phas-ing (Fig. 5), we propose that this pattern reflectsthe existence of three different loop structures:two that can interconvert directly via a confor-mational change in LacI, and one that cannotinterconvert directly to any other looped state,but has the same TPM signature as one of theinterconverting states. Interconversion betweenthe two- and three-state regimes is slow com-pared to our typical trajectory lengths, which isthe reason we can distinguish them.

We note that a mixture of two- and three-state trajectories was also seen in a 138-bpconstruct with directly interconverting loopedstates, flanked by two Oid operators, but thetwo-state trajectories were not analyzed further[13]. For a 285 bp loop flanked by two O1 op-erators, only trajectories with two looped stateswere reported [14]. Closer analysis of these datamight be interesting in light of our observations.

Unraveling the structural basis for this behav-


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Figure 7: (A) Loop structures arranged by LacI binding directions (loop topology) on the operators Oid (blue) and O1 (green).Transitions between loops of different binding topology (corners) are only possible via unlooped neighbor states. Singly occupiedstates can also interconvert via unoccupied (center) or doubly occupied states (gray arrows). (B,C) shows two hypotheticalways for the state space in (A) to split up into two slowly-interconverting groups separated by energetically unfavorable states(grayed out). The two different divisions shown in (B) and (C) might represent in-phase versus out-of-phase operators, whichdiffer in which observed looped state (M or B) is present in trajectories with a single looped state (see Fig. 5). In order for thesedivisions to generate the observed 2+3-state patterns of Fig. 5, one of the two state ’islands’ must support only one loopedstate, while the other supports two looped states that can interconvert with one another. Panels (B,C) illustrate two possibleways to realize such behavior, in which the direct B ⇋ M interconversions correspond to transitions between V-shaped andextended LacI conformations.

ior will require further experimental, theoreti-cal and computational efforts beyond the scopeof this paper, but it is interesting to specu-late about possible underlying molecular mech-anisms. We propose as a starting point thescheme outlined in Fig. 7. Fig. 7A shows var-ious potential loop structures arranged by bind-ing topology (i.e. binding direction on the oper-ators), with loop topology groups separated byunlooped intermediates. Both V-shaped and ex-tended conformations are shown for each groupof loop topologies, though it is not clear thatall such structures are energetically feasible, northat all can interconvert. Assuming limited ro-tations of the DNA binding domains, loop for-mation and breakdown occur via transitions be-tween vertical and horizontal neighbors in this

plot. Singly occupied unlooped states can alsointerconvert via doubly occupied intermediates(gray arrows). How could this state-space besplit into two slowly interconverting subsets aswe observe?

First, we note that for the operators used here,the statistical mechanics analysis from our pre-vious work implies that the no-LacI-bound state(center in Fig. 7A) is essentially unpopulated at100 pM LacI [16]. Second, we suppose, as shownin Fig. 7B and C, that all energetically feasibleloops are found only in two diagonally oppositeloop topology groups, which therefore form iso-lated state “islands” separated by energeticallyunfavorable states (gray corners). Theoreticaland computational work consistently finds someloop topologies to be more stable than others [5–


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8], making this supposition tenable. If we furtherhypothesize that not all extended states can in-terconvert with their cognate V-shaped topolog-ical equivalents (or vice-versa), then we wouldobtain the mixture of two-state and three-statetrajectories that we observe in our data.

A final consideration for this scheme relatesto the possibility of passing from one state “is-land” to the other by way of a doubly-occupiedstate. That is, it is possible to move from a cor-ner to a singly-bound neighbor state, then to adoubly-occupied state, then to the diagonally op-posite corner via unbinding of the original LacI.The relatively low frequency of state transitionsin our data combined with the relative dissoci-ation rates of LacI for the Oid and O1 opera-tors we use here make this pathway unlikely onthe timescales of our data trajectories. Oid isabout four times stronger than O1 [16, 53–56],and off-rates for Oid and O1 under experimentalconditions similar to ours have been determinedto be about 0.002 s−1 and 0.005 s−1 respectively[13, 68] (similar values have recently been mea-sured in vivo as well [69]). Looped and doubly-occupied states are therefore almost three timesmore likely to decay by O1 unbinding. There-fore, we speculate that the middle column inFig. 7A acts as a barrier between the two outercolumns. Upper and lower loop topology groupsin each column can easily interconvert via thesingly-occupied Oid-bound state. Moreover, re-cent work hints at additional types of unloopedstates, which might further slow down transi-tions between different topology groups [12, 18].

The scheme we propose in Fig. 7 illustrateshow our results point to new interesting direc-tions for future investigations into LacI-mediatedlooping. For example, existing theoretical workhas focused on looping free energies [5–8], whichare not enough to address the question of allowed

interconversions. Another interesting questionstems from the putative rotational flexibility ofthe DNA binding domains [24], which might blurthe differences between loop topology groups.Finally, a computational investigation of theRMS signal for different looped states shownin Fig. 7, including the effect of the bead andnearby wall [6], would aid in matching differentstructural models directly to TPM data.

Regardless of which molecular struc-tures underlie the interconverting and non-interconverting loop states that we observe, itis clear that TPM combined with our novelBayesian analysis resolves more than two coex-isting looped states in a single construct. Thisis one more than previously observed at thesingle molecule level [13–18], but in qualitativeagreement with theoretical and computationalresults [5–8] (see Introduction). Our findingsare also consistent with recent ensemble FRETstudies with loops formed from a library ofsynthetic pre-bent DNAs, in which at leastthree loop structures (a mixture of V-shapedand extended) contributed significantly tothe observed looping for at least 5 of the 25constructs examined [23].

The impact of these different loop structureson the ability of LacI to regulate the genes ofthe lac operon in vivo remains to be seen. The-oretical work has shown that several classic fea-tures of in vivo gene repression data with LacIcan be best explained by the presence of morethan one loop conformation, and that the pres-ence of multiple looped states generally damp-ens oscillations in gene regulation as a func-tion of loop length [4]. Extending these argu-ments, the presence of multiple looped statesshould allow looping under a wider range of con-ditions, and hence make gene regulation morerobust against mechanical perturbations from,


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for example, changes in supercoiling state orthe presence versus absence of architectural pro-teins. However, inducer molecules and architec-tural proteins such as HU have been suggested toalso change the relative stability of different loopshapes [4, 8–12] which may add an additionallevel of regulatory potential to the operon.

Both of the above effects could clearly bepresent and relevant also in more complex reg-ulatory systems such as in eukaryatic cells. Afuller understanding of the loop structures andinterconversion pathways available to the LacI-mediated loops we observe in vitro, and how theyare influenced by architectural proteins that areknown to play a large role in gene regulation in

vivo [9–11], promises to greatly enhance our un-derstanding of this potential additional layer ofgene regulatory information.

Acknowledgments We thank members of the

Phillips lab for helpful discussions and advice, Ja-

son Kahn for helpful discussions about his lab’s

work in relation to ours, and gratefully acknowl-

edge financial support from: the National Sci-

ence Foundation through a graduate fellowship to

S.J.; a Rubicon fellowship (680-50-1016) from the

Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research

(NWO) to J.W.M.; the National Institutes of Health

(NIH) [DP1 OD000217A (Director’s Pioneer Award),

R01 GM085286, R01 GM085286-01S1, and 1 U54

CA143869 (Northwestern PSOC Center)], and the

Fondation Pierre Gilles de Gennes to R.P.; an

NIH National Centers for Biomedical Computing

grant (U54CA121852) to C.H.W.; the Wenner-Gren

foundation, the foundations of the Royal Swedish

Academy of Sciences, and the Foundation for strate-

gic research (SSF) via the Center for Biomembrane

research to M.L.


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Supplementary Information

S1 Choice of priors

We would like to choose uninformative prior dis-tributions in order to minimize statistical bias.This is unproblematic for the emission parame-ters K,B, since the amount of data in all statesis large enough to overwhelm any prior influence.As derived in the software manual1, prior distri-butions for K,B are given by

p(K,B|N) =










Wj =c−(nj+

12)Γ(nj +

12 )

vj/π, (S2)

with the range Bj ≥ 0, −∞ < Kj < ∞.Throughout this work, we use

µj =0.6, nj =1, (S3)

vj =5.56 nm2, cj =30000 nm2, (S4)

which corresponds to

〈Kj〉 =0.6, 〈Bj〉 =5× 10−5 nm−2, (S5)

std(Kj) =0.3, std(Bj) =141.4 × 10−5 nm−2.(S6)

The prior for the initial state probabilities areDirichlet distributed, p(π|N) = Dir(π|w(π)),and these variables are unproblematic for the op-posite reason: the long length of the trajectoriesmakes the initial state relatively unimportant todescribe the data. We use a constant prior ofstrength 5, i.e.,

w(π)j = 5/N, (S7)

1See for the latest version.

where N is the number of hidden states.The transition probabilities need more care,

because the potentially low number of transi-tions per trajectory makes the prior relativelymore influential. The prior for the transitionmatrixA are independent Dirichlet distributionsfor each row, parameterized by a pseudo-count

matrix w(A)ij . Following Ref. [34], we parame-

terize this prior in terms of an expected meanlifetime and an overall number of pseudocounts(prior strength) for each hidden state. In partic-ular, we define a transition rate matrix Q withmean lifetime tD,

Qij =1



−δij +1− δijN − 1


, (S8)

and then construct the prior based on the tran-sition probability propagator per unit time step,

w(A)ij =


ndownsamplee∆tQ. (S9)

Here, tA is the prior strength; both tA and tDare specified in time units to be invariant undera change of sampling frequency. Further, thetimestep is given by ∆t = ndownsample/fsample,where fsample is the sampling frequency (30 Hz inour case), and ndownsample is the downsamplingfactor (we use 3).

Numerical experiments in Ref. [34] show thatchoosing the strength too low compared to themean lifetime produces a bias towards sparsetransition matrices. This is not desirable in ourcase, and we therefore use tD = 1 s, and tA = 5s throughout this work.

S2 Performance on synthetic


Here, we test the abilities of vbTPM to resolveclose-lying states in synthetic data, and compare


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. [a


10-2 10-1 100 1010











100 nm 180 nm

RMS = 40 nmB


τL = 30 s

τL = 16 s

τL = 8 s

τL = 4 s

τL = 2 s

τL [s]

Figure S1: Temporal resolution with vbTPM and RMS his-tograms. (A) Model for synthetic data, with the difficultydetermined by the RMS-separation ∆RMS and mean life timeτL of the two interconverting states M and B. (B) AggregatedRMS histograms from ten 45-min trajectories with ∆RMS=40nm and varying τL. The M and B states are blurred to a singlepeak at low τL, but for τL & 8 s, all three states can be re-solved. Vertical lines show the true RMS values. (C) Fractionof trajectories in which the HMM algorithm resolved 2 (gray)or 3 (white) states. All three states are resolved already atτL ≥ 0.5 s, significantly better than the histogram method.The dashed line shows the result without downsampling, aninsignificant improvement. The filter width used in (B) wasoptimized by eye to σG = 3 s.

100 150 200 250

∆RMS = 40 nm

∆RMS = 30 nm

∆RMS = 25 nm

∆RMS = 20 nm

∆RMS = 15 nm

∆RMS = 10 nm

∆RMS = 5 nm

RMS [nm]


. [a


3 s window, τ = 30 s.

5 10 15 20 25 30 35 400



∆RMS [nm]



N=2 N=3

ate resolution



Figure S2: Resolving three states with varying ∆RMS andlooped mean life-time τ = 30 s. (A) Aggregated histograms forten 45 min-trajectories, filtered with σG = 3 s. (B) Fractionof detected two- (gray) and three-state (white) models withvbTPM applied to the same ten trajectories one by one.

0.0625 0.125

0.25 0.5

1 2

4 8

16 30








∆RMS [nm]τL [s]



Figure S3: Resolution map of vbTPM shown as the fractionof correctly identified 3-state models at different (∆RMS, τL)-pairs. Ten 45 min-trajectories were simulated at each param-eter set, and 3-fold downsampling was used for the analysis.


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it to the RMS histogram method. We also verifythat model parameters are recovered correctly,and that these results are insensitive to the factorthree downsampling that we use for analysis onreal data.

Our test model, depicted in Fig. S1A, has oneunlooped (U) and two looped (M and B) states,and the difficulty of resolving states M and B canbe tuned by decreasing either their RMS differ-ence ∆RMS or their average life-time τL (thelife-time of the aggregated state B+M is fixed at30 s, same as the unlooped state). For each pa-rameter setting, we generated and analyzed ten45 minute trajectories.

Fig. S1B-C shows a comparison of temporalresolution, using ∆RMS=40 nm and varying τL.Resolving states using histograms means resolv-ing peaks, and three distinct peaks emerge atτL = 4 − 8 s. In contrast, vbTPM resolves thecorrect number of states already at τL = 0.5s. This order-of-magnitude improvement mainlyreflects the detrimental effects of the low-passfilter used in the RMS analysis, and is insensi-tive to downsampling by a factor of three. ThevbTPM limit can instead be compared to thebead correlation time τ , which were set to 0.1,0.17, and 0.25 s for the B,M and U states in thisdata.

We also compared vbTPM to the histogrammethod for resolving states that interconvertslowly (τL = 30 s) with varying degrees of sep-aration in RMS. The result is shown in Fig. S2,and indicates that vbTPM does not significantlyoutperform the histogram method in this case.

To summarize, we mapped out the resolutionof vbTPM in the range 0.0625 s ≤ τL ≤ 30s, 5 nm ≤ ∆RMS ≤ 40 nm. The results, inFig. S3, show a nonlinear relation between thespatial and temporal resolution.

Next, we verify that model parameters are also

well reproduced and insensitive to downsamplingin this situation. Fig. S4 shows the RMS val-ues for the most likely models fitted to the testdata set of Fig. S1. The looped state of the two-state models display an average of the two loopedstates in the data when those states intercon-vert too quickly to be resolved. The three-statemodels generally reproduce the input parame-ters with a slight downward bias that is morenoticeable at high RMS values. We believe thatthis is an effect of the drift-correction filter weapplied to the data. Note that the results withand without downsampling are almost indistin-guishable.

The mean lifetimes (Fig. S5) show similartrends of good fit and almost no difference withand without downsampling. Two-state modelsthat do not resolve the two looped states learntheir aggregated mean lifetime, which is indeed30 s in the true model. The tendency to overes-timate the short lifetimes can be rationalized bynoting that short sojourns are more difficult toresolve, and therefore do not contribute as muchto the estimated parameter values.

Individual transition probabilities (elementsAij) are presented in Fig. S6. Here there isa clear difference with and without downsam-pling, since the latter estimates transition prob-ability per timestep, while the former per threetimesteps. Low transition probabilities suf-fer significant fluctuations due to small numberstatistics, while the higher transition probabili-ties are well reproduced.

S3 Estimated P-value for two-

state trajectories

How unlikely would it be to observe 38 trajecto-ries with only states U and M together with 27-


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S [



∆ RMS = 40 nm, not downsampled

N=2, state 1−2

N=3, state 1−3

input values















S [



∆ RMS = 40 nm, downsampled by 3

N=2, state 1−2

N=3, state 1−3

input values

Figure S4: RMS values for the best fit models (symbols) to the data set in Fig. S1, compared to simulated parameters (dashed).Posterior mean value ± std. (an estimate of the parameter uncertainty) for two- and three-state models shown separately,according to which model size got the best score for each trajectory. Most error bars are smaller than the symbols. Analysiswithout (left) and with (right) downsampling give almost identical results.












∆ RMS = 40 nm, not downsampled















∆ RMS = 40 nm, downsampled by 3




Figure S5: Mean lifetimes, presented as in Fig. S4. The true model (dashed) has one state with mean lifetime 30 s (U), and twostates (M and B) with shorter lifetimes. The lower dashed line is not straight because τL is defined as a rate in a continuoustime model, while lifetimes (true and fitted) are defined in a discrete-time setting using the transition probability matrix Aij ,which makes a difference for short lifetimes. The average lifetime of the short-lived states together is always 30 s however,which explains why the two-state models that do not resolve these two states have both lifetimes around 30 s.


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Aij, i≠


∆ RMS = 40 nm, not downsampled



input A

(input A)3










Aij, i≠


∆ RMS = 40 nm, downsampled by 3



input A

(input A)3

Figure S6: Transition probabilities (non-diagonal elements of Aij), presented as in Fig. S4. Due to symmetries of the underlyingkinetic model it only contains three distinct transition probabilities. The difference with and without downsampling is dueto the fact that the downsampled model effectively estimates transition probabilities per three timesteps, given by A

3 (bluedash-dotted lines), instead of the single-step probabilities (black dashed lines) used to produce the data. Relative to thesedifferent targets, however, the analyses with and without downsampling give very similar results.


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three-state trajectories, in the E8106 construct,if all those trajectories were really governed bythe “average” three-state kinetics? We estimatethis probability here, and find it to be extremelysmall, indicating that simple 3-state kinetics isnot a good description of this construct.

If a Markov chain with three states has initialstate probability π, and transition matrix A, theprobability that it never visits state 3 (state Bin this case) during a trajectory with n steps isgiven by

p(s 6= 3) = π1:2An1:2,1:2




, (S10)

where π1:2 and A1:2,1:2 are the sub-arrays thatdescribe only states 1 and 2.

We estimated π and A for the average 3-state model from an empirial Bayes analysis ofall E8106 trajectories with two or three genuinestates (filling out the 2-state trajectories with anempty 3rd state to initialize the EB iterations)and found

〈π〉 =[

0.76 0.21 0.026]

, (S11)

〈A〉 ≈

0.9987 0.0011 0.00020.0010 0.9989 0.000040.0027 0.0006 0.9966

, (S12)

where 〈·〉 here denotes averages over the opti-mized hyperparameter distributions.

Since the transitions matrix is downsampledto 10 Hz, this means average state lifetimes of79 s, 90 s, and 30 s respectively. Moreover,the largest non-unit eigenvalue is 0.9979, corre-sponding to a characteristic time of

−0.1 s

ln 0.9979≈ 47 s (S13)

for approaching the stationary state. With tra-jectory lengths ranging from 10 to 90 minutes,

one would therefore expect only a few trajecto-ries to not explore all three states.

We then computed p(s 6= 3) for all trajecto-ries i with two or three states (it decreases ex-ponentially with trajectory length, which variedbetween 6100 and 54400 points after downsam-pling), and used those probabilities to simulatestate occupancies. A trajectory was assignedstates 1+2 with probability p(s 6= 3). No morethan 16 such 1+2-state trajectories were gener-ated in 106 realizations, which means that thep-value for observing at least 38 two-state trajec-tories with the same two states is ≪ 10−6 underthe null-hypothesis of uniform three-state kinet-ics.