Multiple Controls

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  • 8/20/2019 Multiple Controls


    Quantum Gateswith Multiple Controls

    Andreas Klappenecker

    Thursday, September 25, 2014

  • 8/20/2019 Multiple Controls



    Theorem 2  A unitary gate controlled by two control bits can be expresin terms of singly controlled quantum gates as follows:


    V     V   † V  

    where  V    is a  2× 2  unitary matrix such that  U  = V   2.

    Thursday, September 25, 2014

  • 8/20/2019 Multiple Controls




    V     V   † V  

    Proof.  The gate on the left hand side acts on basis states in the following way:



    →  |00


    |01 ⊗ |x →   |01 ⊗ |x|10 ⊗ |x →   |10 ⊗ |x|11 ⊗ |x →   |11 ⊗ U |x

    Thursday, September 25, 2014

  • 8/20/2019 Multiple Controls



    for  x ∈ {0, 1}. The five gates in circuit on the right hand side act on the bastates as follows:

    |00 ⊗ |x→|00 ⊗ |x →|00 ⊗ |x →|00 ⊗ |x →|00 ⊗ |x →|00 ⊗ |x|01 ⊗ |x→|01 ⊗ V   |x→|01 ⊗ V   |x→|01 ⊗ V   †V   |x→|01 ⊗ |x →|01 ⊗ |x|10 ⊗ |x→|10 ⊗ |x →|11 ⊗ |x →|11 ⊗ V   † |x →|10 ⊗ V   † |x→|10 ⊗ |x|11 ⊗ |x→|11 ⊗ V   |x→|10 ⊗ V   |x→|10 ⊗ V   |x →|11 ⊗ V   |x →|11 ⊗ V   2 |


    V     V   † V  

    Thursday, September 25, 2014

  • 8/20/2019 Multiple Controls


    Loose Ends...

    It remains to show that for a given 2x2 unitary matrix U, threally exists a unitary 2x2 matrix V that is the “square-root”

    Thursday, September 25, 2014

  • 8/20/2019 Multiple Controls


  • 8/20/2019 Multiple Controls


    Proof of Squareroot Lemma

    Proof.  Let us first show that  V  is a well-defined matrix. Seeking a contradi

    tion, we assume that tr U  ± 2√ det U  = 0. Let  λ1,λ2  be the eigenvalues of  UWe have det U  = λ1λ2  and tr U   = λ1 + λ2. It follows that

    λ1 + λ2 = tr U   = ∓2√ 

    detU  = 2 


    Since  U   is unitary,   |λ1|   =   |λ2|   = 1. Therefore,   |λ1 + λ2|   = 2|√ 

    λ1λ2|   = This means that the triangle inequality  |λ1 + λ2| ≤ 2 = |λ1| + |λ2| holds witequality, which implies that  λ1  = rλ2  for some positive real number  r. Sinc|λ1| =  |λ2| = 1, we have |r| =  r  = 1, which means that the eigenvalues  λ1  anλ2   must be the same. This would imply that U  is a multiple of the identitcontradicting our hypothesis. Therefore, tr U  ± 2

    √ det U   is nonzero and th

    matrix V   is well-defined.

    Thursday, September 25, 2014

  • 8/20/2019 Multiple Controls


    Proof of Squareroot Lemma

    By the Cayley-Hamilton theorem, the unitary 2

    ×2 matrix  U  satisfi

    characteristic equation  U 2

    + (tr U )U  + (det U )I  = 0; thus,

    (tr U )U  = U 2 + (det U )I.

    Using this relation, we obtain

    V   2 =   1trU ±2

    √ detU 

    (U  ±√ 

    det U I )2

    =   1

    trU ±√ detU 

    (U 2 + (det U )I  ± 2√ 

    det U U )

    =   1trU ±2

    √ detU 

    (tr U  ± 2√ det U )U  = U 

    Thursday, September 25, 2014

  • 8/20/2019 Multiple Controls


    Proof of Squareroot Lemma

    It remains to show that  V    is a unitary matrix. Recall that the unitary maU   can be diagonalized by a base change with some unitary matrix   P , diag(λ1,λ2) =  P U P 

    †. Then  P   diagonalizes  V    as well, so  P V P † = diag(aSince

    diag(λ1,λ2) = P U P † = (P V P †)(P V P †) = diag(a2, b2),

    it follows that  a =√ λ1  and  b =

    √ λ2  are complex numbers of absolute va

    1. Therefore, diag(a, b) is a unitary matrix and we can conclude that   VP †diag(a, b)P  is a unitary matrix as well.

    Thursday, September 25, 2014

  • 8/20/2019 Multiple Controls



    A quantum gate with 2 control bits can be realized with quangates that have just a single control bit.

    More generally, a quantum gate with m control bits can be rewith quantum gates that have m-1 control bits.

    In summary, a quantum gates with multiple controls can be rby quantum gates that have just single controls, and those crealized by single quantum bit gates and controlled-not gates

    Thursday, September 25, 2014