Multimedia System Introduction

Mul$media & Mul$media System



Transcript of Multimedia System Introduction

  • Mul$media & Mul$media System

  • What is Mul$media?

    Mul$- means many; much; mul$ple Medium means:

    An intervening substance through which something is transmiAed or carried on A means of mass communica$on such as newspaper, magazine, or television

    ~from American Heritage Electronic Dic3onary 1991

  • What is Mul$media?

    Mul$media is the presenta$on of a computer applica$on incorpora$ng media elements

    In general, mul$media includes a combina$on of text, audio, s$ll images, anima$on, video, and interac$ve content.

  • Classica$on of media types

    Captured from real world

    Synthesized by computer

    Discrete or space-based

    Con4nuous or $me-based


    Time/Space nature

  • What is a Mul$media System?

    is characterized by the processing, storage, genera$on, manipula$on and rendi$on of Mul$media informa$on

  • What is a Mul$media System?

  • What is it all about?

    Mul$media Elements Sound, audio, voice and music

    Graphics, photographs and image

    Text, and layout video and anima$on

  • What is it all about?

    Applica$on domain which deals how to develop mul$media applica$ons: Mul$media applica$on development method Interface design and SoOware tools element processing tools, authoring tools

  • What is it all about?

    suppor$ng technology which deals the technology that are needed to support mul$media applica$ons, such as: Data Compression Data and le format Mul$media input, output and storage

    Mul$media and the Internet

  • Requirement for a Mul$media System

    Very High Processing Power Mul$media Capable File System Data Representa$ons File Formats that support mul$media

    Ecient and High I/O Special Opera$ng System Storage and Memory Network Support SoOwareTools

  • Characteris$cs of Mul$media

    1.They must be computer-controlled. User is able to view, hear, and see using a Mul$media

    PC System.

    2. They are integrated. At least one discrete and one con$nuous media

    combined for informa$on presenta$on and sharing.

  • Characteris$cs of Mul$media System

    3. The informa4on they handle must be represented digitally.

    Consists of various form of media i.e. text, graphics, audio, video, and anima$ons; created, stored, processed, and transmiAed DIGITALLY.

    4. The interface to the nal user may permit interac4vity.

    User is able to navigate, interact, create, and communicate.

  • Benets of Using mul$media in soOware

    Ease of use - User friendly, increase users eec$veness

    Intui4ve Interface - Allows user to determine func$ons of an applica$on by their own intui$on

    Immersive Experience - SoOware applica$on takes over the en$re computer screen, allows user to focus on applica$on

  • Benets of using mul$media in soOware

    Self-paced interac4on & beGer reten4on - allows informa$on processing at ones own pace

    BeGer understanding - simultaneous presenta$on of dierent media provides

    richer & broader range of informa$on.

    Cost eec4veness - less training, less technical support

  • Categories of Mul$media

    Mul$media Applica$ons Linear Non-linear

  • What is Hypermedia?

  • What is Hypermedia?

    Hypertext - meant to be read nonlinearly, by following links that point to other parts of the document, or to other documents

    Hypermedia - not constrained to be text- based, can include other media, e.g., graphics, images, and especially the con$nuous media sound and video

  • Applica$ons/Products of Mul$media

    Mul$media nds its applica$on in various areas Home Business Government Educa$on Broadcas$ng & Entertainment Research & Development Health Public Places

  • Business

    Interactive Multimedia Merchandising Online-shopping Kiosks Virtual shopping / home shopping

    Desktop Videoconferencing Due to the high cost of transporta$on and the large amount of employee $me spent traveling to mee$ngs, videoconferencing is on the rise.

  • con$nued

    Multimedia Travel Systems These systems enable the travel agents to show their customers about where they will travel, what will be their accommoda$on like, and what they will be able to do at their des$na$ons.

    Real Estate Mul$media systems enable buyers to visit hundreds of proper$es virtually, view on screen photos of homes, inspect oor plans, see street maps, and study neighborhood demographics.

  • con$nued

    Corporate Training Many corpora$ons have used mul$media to reduce training cost and improve employee produc$vity.

    Advertising and Electronics Brochures The electronic brochure is an adver$sing and marke$ng tool that usually consists of single diskeAe or CD-ROM sent to targeted audiences. Corpora$ons are also beginning to oer shareholders annual reports on CD-ROM.

  • Government

    Public Service Kiosks Mul$media kiosks convey public service informa$on such as jobs and employment opportuni$es.

    City-info kiosks oer to ci$zens and travelers the ability to nd informa$on on addresses, points of interest, shops, restaurants, public transporta$on, hours of opening, guided tours, city transport info.

  • con$nued Politics Mul$media in general and internet in par$cular are playing a big role in poli$cs and virtual campaigning where every poli$cal candidate contes$ng in an elec$on has a web site.

    Consumer Information Mul$media based CD-ROMs are available which contains government informa$on on a wide variety of

    topics: government forms, list of government oces in

    each state, tax prepara$on etc.

  • Educa$on Computer Aided Learning To assist student through simula$on

    for beAer understanding such as volcano erup$on, corrosion, language pronuncia$on, etc.

    Virtual Campus Learning takes place in a virtual

    classroom using video conferencing and online lecture so that students all around the world can aAend.

  • Broadcas$ng and Entertainment

    Electronic catalogue

    Product features and descrip$ons are adver$sed through web, CD and mobile devices.

    Interactive Movie

    Viewers can decide the direc$on of the plot of the movie and camera angle.

    On-demand News or movies News, movies and TV series can be watched on demand through web and mobile devices.

  • con$nued 3D or animated movies Movies created through advance 3D technology and anima$on techniques.

    Video Games Advances in the eld of mul$media have led to more aArac$ve video and computer games being available now in the consumer market.

  • Virtual Reality Virtual Reality refers to the use of a computer to

    immerse the user into a simulated experience that it seems real. Virtual reality systems oOen use special hardware to enhance the experience, including visual displays.


    Cyber Sports Cyber Sports is the use of virtual reality to provide

    computer users with a realis$c sports experience. Two new interac$ve virtual reality devices let you Swing and Hit balls at your PC.

  • Medicine

    Virtual Surgery Virtual surgery authoring system has been created for producing surgical training simula$on.

    Surgeons can use 3-D images created from magne$c resonance imaging (MRI) scans of the human body to prac$ce complicated procedures such as brain tumor removal and reconstruc$ve surgery.

  • con$nued

    Video Conferencing and Image Retrieval The use of imaging techniques (X-Rays, CT, MRI etc) is growing in health care

  • Typical Applica$ons of Mul$media

    Digital video edi$ng and produc$on systems Electronic newspapers/magazines World Wide Web Games On-line reference works: e.g. encyclopedia, games, etc. Mul$media courseware Video conferencing / Communica$on Video-on-demand Interac$ve movies