Multimedia im Netz Online Multimedia - … · Today’s Agenda • Repetition: Powerpoint Karaoke...

Multimedia im Netz Online Multimedia Winter semester 2015/16 Tutorial 04 – Minor Subject Online Multimedia WS 2015/16 - Tutorial 04 (NF) - Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München 1

Transcript of Multimedia im Netz Online Multimedia - … · Today’s Agenda • Repetition: Powerpoint Karaoke...

Multimedia im Netz

Online Multimedia Winter semester 2015/16

Tutorial 04 – Minor Subject

Online Multimedia WS 2015/16 - Tutorial 04 (NF) - Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München 1

Today’s Agenda

• Repetition: Powerpoint Karaoke

• Introduction to Databases and (My)SQL

• Break Out: Music-Albums Organization Table

• Quiz

• Discussion of “Hangman” Solution (Assignment 03)

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Powerpoint Karaoke: PHP Sessions


• Sessions maintain “states” on the server side

• Sessions store current state of variables as long as connected to the client

• On the client side, sessions are identified with a session ID cookie: – default cookie name in PHP: PHPSESSID

– renaming possible with session_name()

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Sessions with PHP

• Sessions need to be started before any output occurs

• Create session ID cookie: session_start()

• Delete the session ID cookie: session_destroy()

• Read / write session values: – superglobal $_SESSION array

– immediately reset session like this $_SESSION = array();

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Interaction with Databases

Databases and SQL

• Data can be stored permanently in databases

• There are a number of database management systems (DBMS). In this lecture & tutorial we use MySQL

• SQL (= Structured Query Language) is a language that allows us to access databases. We can retrieve and manipulate data with it.

• With SQL you can: – Create databases – Create tables – Retrieve data from a database – Store data in a database – ...

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Tables in relational databases

• A relational database usually consists of one or more tables

• Each table has a unique name with one or more columns

• Each table can have multiple entries (or none).

• A table row represents an entry

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PersonID FirstName LastName PhoneNumber

1 Max Mustermann 089455544431

2 Laura Stern 070815643593

3 Tanja Baumann 0895673138

4 Felix Maurer 0894562897

Table: Contacts

MySQL at the CIP-Pool

• Access “Datenbank Management” here:

• Create a new account (required)

• Create a new database (required)

• Connect to

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MySQL at the CIP-Pool (II)

• To work with the database, you have to connect to the database server: 1. Start a SHELL (Ctrl+Alt+T)

2. Enter the following command: mysql -h –u [username] –p

3. Provide your password

4. If successfull you should see something like this:

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MySQL with your local database(I)

• XAMPP lets you work with your own, local MySQL database

• Make sure you start the MySQL Service in the control center

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MySQL with your local database (II)

• Connect to a local database server: 1. Change to the „…/xampp/mysql/bin“ directory

2. Enter the following command: mysql -h localhost –u [username] –p

3. Enter the password (usually “root”, “admin”, “password” or none)

4. You should see something like the following:

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Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 4 Server version: 5.5.34 Source distribution Copyright (c) 2000, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement. mysql>

MySQL with your local database (III)

• You can perform work with MySQL through a very common web interface: phpMyAdmin

• Once you’ve started the Apache & MySQL Servers in XAMPP, enter the following URL in a web browser: – http://localhost/phpmyadmin

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SQL: Creating a database

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• Get an overview on all existing databases: SHOW DATABASES;

• Create a new database: CREATE DATABASE mydb;

• Select a database for further usage: USE mydb;

• Delete a database (be careful!): DROP DATABASE mydb;

SQL: Creating a table (I)

• Get an overview on all exisiting tables (of a database): SHOW TABLES;

• Create a new table CREATE TABLE myTable ( column_name1 data_type(size) , column_name2 data_type(size), column_name3 data_type(size), … );

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Table: myTable

column_name1 column_name2 column_name3 …

SQL: Creating a table (II)

• Problems with the statement from previous slide: – You can add empty entries to the table

– Entries could be duplicates

• Solution: Create a table with certain constraints. Define certain rules for columns

• Most important constraints (among many others):


– PRIMARY KEY [often in conjunction with] AUTO_INCREMENT

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SQL: Creating a table (III)

• Create a table with certain constraints CREATE TABLE myTable ( column_name1 data_type(size) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, column_name2 data_type(size) NOT NULL, column_name3 data_type(size), … );

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Example: Creating a table

CREATE TABLE Contacts ( PersonID int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, FirstName varchar(255) NOT NULL, LastName varchar(255) NOT NULL, PhoneNumber int NOT NULL, );

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PersonID FirstName LastName PhoneNumber

Table: Contacts

SQL: Adding & Retrieving data

• Add entries: INSERT INTO myTable (column_name1, column_name2, …) VALUES (value1, value2, …);

• Retrieve all entries from a table: SELECT * FROM myTable;

• Retrieve only a subset of entries

– Entries that fulfill certain conditions with the WHERE keyword SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE column_name=value;

– Entries from specific columns: SELECT column_name1 FROM myTable; SELECT column_name1, column_name2 FROM myTable;

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Example: Add an entry

INSERT INTO Contacts (FirstName, LastName, PhoneNumber) VALUES ("Max", "Mustermann", 089455544431);

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PersonID FirstName LastName PhoneNumber

1 Max Mustermann 089455544431

Table: Contacts

Example: Retrieve data

• Retrieve all data from a table SELECT * FROM Contacts

• Retrieve entries that fulfill a certain condition: SELECT * FROM Contacts WHERE FirstName="Laura";

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PersonID FirstName LastName PhoneNumber

1 Max Mustermann 089455544431

2 Laura Stern 070815643593

3 Tanja Baumann 0895673138

4 Felix Maurer 0894562897

Table: Contacts

Break Out

• Use SQL to create a table to store information about music albums

• Each album has: – An artist

– A title

– A track count

– A runtime

– A price

– A link to a cover image (e.g.

– A Universal Product Code (UPC)

• If you have time, insert some data!

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Round-up Quiz

1. True or False: Databases store information permanently.

2. Describe the result: SELECT firstName, lastName FROM contacts;

3. Spot the error: INSERT INTO contacts VALUES (John, Smith, 5555320039);

4. What is a “relational” Database?

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What are your questions?

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Discussion of Assignment 03

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Let’s begin with the Assignment!

• Download the assignment sheet

• Start with task 1

• You can collaborate with your neighbor

• Turn in the assignment by November 18th, 12:00 noon via UniWorX

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