MUHYIDIN Student number: 073411090 EDUCATION...

USING CONCEPT (An Experimen Baiturrahm Submitted in Partia B WALISONGO S MAP TO IMPROVE STUDENTS' WRIT IN TEACHING RECOUNT TEXTS ntal Research at the Eighth Grade of SMP man Semarang in the Academic Year of 201 THESIS al Fulfillment of the Requirement for Gaining Bachelor in English Language Education By: MUHYIDIN Student number: 073411090 EDUCATION FACULTY STATE INSTITUTE FOR ISLAMIC SEMARANG 2012 1 TING ABILITY P H. Isriati 11/2012) g the Degree of C STUDIES

Transcript of MUHYIDIN Student number: 073411090 EDUCATION...


(An Experimental Research at Baiturrahman

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the RequirBachelor in English Language Education



(An Experimental Research at the Eighth Grade of SMP H. Isri

Baiturrahman Semarang in the Academic Year of 2011/2012)


Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for Gaining the Degree of Bachelor in English Language Education


Student number: 073411090





the Eighth Grade of SMP H. Isriati in the Academic Year of 2011/2012)

ement for Gaining the Degree of



I am the student with the following identity: Name : Muhyidin Student Number : 073411090 Department : English Language Education certify that this is definitely my own work. I am completely responsible for the content in this thesis. Other writes’ opinion or findings included in this thesis are quoted or cited in accordance with ethical standard.

Semarang, May, 2012 The writer Muhyidin SN: 073411090

ADVISOR NOTE Semarang, Mei th 2012 To Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah Walisongo State Institute for Islamic Studies Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. I inform that I have given guidance, briefing and correction to whatever extent necessary of following thesis identification: Title :” Using Concept Map to Improve Students' Writing Ability

in Teaching Recount Texts (An Experimental Research at the Eighth Grade of SMP H. Isriati Baiturrahman Semarang in the Academic Year of 2011/2012)

Name : Muhyidin Student Number : 073411090 Department : Tadris Field of the Study : English Language Education I state that the thesis is ready to be submitted to Education Faculty Walisongo State Institute for Islamic Studies to be examined at Munaqosah session. Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Advisor I

Daviq Rizal, M. Pd

NIP. 19771025 200701 1 015


Title : Using Concept Map to Improve Students’ Writing Ability in Teaching Recount Texts (An Experimental Research at the Eighth Grade Students of SMP H. Isriati Baiturrahman Semarang in the Academic Year of 2011/2012)

Writer : Muhyidin Student Number : 073411090

The Background of this study is focused on the effective method to teach English especially writing on recount texts. The students who study English as second language still get difficulty in writing because writing is more complex if it is compared with the other skill. So the researcher thought that there should be a solution to solve that problem. The researcher tried to use concept map as a method solve the problem and to improve students’ writing ability especially on recount texts.

This research is about the use of concept map as method to help and to improve students’ writing ability on recount texts of the Eight Grade Students of SMP H. Isriati Baiturrahman Semarang in the Academic Year of 2011/2012. Concept maps are tools for organizing and representing knowledge. They include concepts, usually enclosed in circles or boxes of some type, and relationships between concepts or propositions, indicated by a connecting line between two concepts. This research is aimed to find the answer to the following research questions:how is the use of using concept map to improve students' writing ability in teaching recount texts? And the objective of research is to find out the use of using concept map to improve students' writing ability in teaching recount texts.

The population of the research was the eight grade students of SMP H Isriati Baiturrahman Semarang. The research method was an experimental research, which conducted in two classes; the experimental group (VIII A) and control group (VIII C) as sample. The VIII A was taught by using concept map, while the VIII C was taught without concept map (conventional method). The writer gave listening test to gather the data. The test had been tried out to find out the validity, reliability, difficulty level, and discriminating power before it was used to gather the data. The data were obtained by employing the relevant with pre test and post test. The formula that used to analyze the data was t-test. It was used to determine whether or not there was a significance difference between students’ score in experimental group and students’ score in control group.

In the result of post test of experiment class was 75.58 which where higher than the control class 70.73. It means that writing a recount text by concept map was better than the writing recount text without concept map. The result of the calculation using the t-test showed that t value : 3. 446 and t table for α: 5% was 1.68. It means that t value was higher than t table {3.446> 1.68}. It can be concluded that there is a significant difference in the student writing score of the eighth year students of SMP H. Isriati in academic year of 2011/2012 between students who have been taught writing a recount text by using concept map and those who have been taught by using a conventional learning or lecturing.


“The impossible thing will be possible if we involve the God in our life. Trying to effort and praying are good way to be successful in our life”

(Mario Teguh : Golden Ways)


First and foremost, I would like to express gratitude to Allah SWT, the

Almighty God for the blessing, kindness, and inspiration in lending me to

accomplish the final project. Without Him, I couldn’t stay patient and in control in

writing this final project from the first page to the last page.

Second, Shalawat and Salam always dedicated to our beloved prophet

Muhammad SAW, the last prophet and the prophet who had brought us from the

darkness to the brightness.

I realize that I cannot complete this final project without the help of others. Many

people have helped me during the writing this final project and it would be

impossible to mention of all them. I wish, however, to give my sincerest gratitude

and appreciation to all persons until this thesis can be completely finished. Using

Concept Map to Improve Students' Writing Ability in Teaching Recount Texts

(An Experimental Research at the Eighth Grade of SMP H. Isriati

Baiturrahman Semarang in the Academic Year of 2011/2012) is a thesis for

readers who want to know the use of concept map to improve the students’

writing ability. Therefore, I would like to extend my appreciation to all of them,

especially to:

1. DR. Suja’i, M.Ag. as the Dean of Tarbiyah Faculty

2. Siti Tarwiyah, M.Hum. as the Head of English Department

3. Daviq Rizal, M.Pd. as the first thesis advisor and H. Mursid M.Ag. as the

second thesis advisor who both had the responsibility for their patience in

providing careful guidance, helpful corrections, very good advice as well as

suggestion and encouragement during the consultation. There is no single

word that I can say except, “Thank you very much for guiding me as good as

my parent. You are nice lecturers.”

4. All lecturers in English Department of Tarbiyah Faculty for valuable

knowledge, and advice during the years of my study.

5. Library official who always gives good service related with the references in

this thesis so that the writer could done this thesis well.

6. Sri Tantowiyah, M.Pd. as the head of SMP H. Isriati Baiturrahman Semarang

who has given permission for doing the research and Sri Hardjati, S. Pd. as the

teacher of the eight grade students of SMPN 31 Semarang. And my spiritual

teachers are Mr. KH. Drs. Hasbullah, K. Ansori, S. Ag, K. Abdurrohim, KH.

Abdul Karim, Syekh Ahmad Cilacap etc.

7. The deepest gratitude for lovely parents (Mr. Moh. Syu’eb and Mrs. Siti

Aminah), my sweet younger sisters ( Nelatun Najiah, Tazkia An-Nafsi, Nur

Aida, Maulia Al-Mukarromah), my younger brother (Muhammad Muslim

Tamimi and Muhammad Faizin) who always give big inspiration and

motivation to me. My uncles are Mr. Nasir, Mr. Abdul, Mr. Ozat, and the big

family of Mr. Rosyidi and Mr. Rosyidin I Love You So Much.

8. Dearest friends; all members of D’Kancute and D’Kancute Wati, all members

of TBI ’07, all members of Harvest Club, all members of IPPMT, all members

of FC Club, all members of Wisata Hati Semarang, for sweet moments.

9. Dearest my rose, Rina Wahyuningrum thanks for your support and sweet


10. Dearest friends of KKN posko 40 Ds. Sidomukti Bandungan; Mas Tukin,

Mang Rohman, Erin, Masruroh, Fatimah, Miftahurrohmah, Mang Thoriq, Pak

Dhe Syafiq, Dhe Gaplex, and Dhe Zaini, thanks for your support and sweet

moments for 45 days.

11. All students of Tarbiyah Faculty. Especially, English department of TBI C in

2007 thanks for great inspirations. And whoever helped and supported the

writer in completing this research. Thanks a lot for cooperation.

Finally, the writer realizes that this thesis is still far from being perfect;

therefore, the writer will happily accept constructive criticism in order to make it

better. The writer hopes that this thesis would be beneficial to everyone. Amin

Semarang, May 31st 2012

The writer,

Muhyidin SN. 073411090


TITLE .................................................................................................................... i

A THESIS STATEMENT .................................................................................... ii

RATIFICATION NOTE ....................................................................................... iii

ADVISOR NOTE ................................................................................................. iv

ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................... vi

MOTTO ............................................................................................................... vii

ACKNOWLEDGMENT ....................................................................................... viii

TABLE OF CONTENT ........................................................................................ x


A. Background of the Study ......................................................... 1

B. Question of The Research ....................................................... 5

C. Objectives and Benefits of The Research ............................... 5



A. Previous Research ................................................................... 6

B. Theoretical Framework ........................................................... 8

1. Writing Skills .................................................................... 8

a. Writing Process ........................................................... 10

b. Teaching Writing ........................................................ 11

2. Recount text ...................................................................... 14

3. Concept Map ..................................................................... 16

a. Teaching Recount Text By Using Concept Map ........ 18

b. The Advantages of Concept map ................................ 20

c. Psychological Foundations of Concept Map .............. 21

C. Hypothesis ............................................................................... 22


A. Research Design ...................................................................... 23

B. Research Setting ...................................................................... 24

C. Population and Sample ............................................................ 25

D. Research Variable ................................................................... 25

E. Data Collection Technique ...................................................... 26

F. Data Analysis Technique ........................................................ 27


A. Description of Research Findings ........................................... 35

B. Data Analysis And hypothesis Test ........................................ 41

C. Discussion of The Research Findings ..................................... 47

D. Limitation of The Research ..................................................... 48


A. Conclusion .............................................................................. 49

B. Suggestions ............................................................................. 49




A. Background of the Study

Teaching and learning activity in writing need some skills for the

students to master. Writing is the difficult skill in language because in writing

the students must generate and organize their ideas to solve the difficulties in

writing. The difficulty of writing includes spelling, punctuation, word

choices, and so on. It must be the higher level skills if the students’ language

proficiency is not weak. This is one of the difficulties in writing as well.

Beside that, in writing skills become highly complex. The students must plan

and organize as well as possible for the spelling, word choice and punctuation

to make a good writing.1 Whereas the ability or skills to write well is a close

relationship to academic and professional success. It is stated by Grabowski

(1996). He states that:

“Writing, as compared to speaking, can be seen as a more standardized system which must be acquired through special intruction. Mastery of this standard system is an important prerequisite of cultural and educational participation and the maintenance of one’s rights and duties. . . The fact that writing is more standardized than speaking allows for a higher degree of sanctions when people deviate from that standard.” (Grabowski,1996:75)2

Writing allows the students to share their communication with the

contemporaries and future generation. Writing is considered as student

failures to get success in learning process. Even the teacher uses the writing

as punishment for students. However the students must learn the proper

spelling and grammar in order that they can make a good writing. So they

aren’t considered as poor students in English writing.3

1 Jack C. Richards and Willy A. Renandya, Methodology in Language Teaching, An

Anthology of Current Practice, (Cambridge University Press, 2000 ), p.303

2 Sara Chushing Wigle, Assessing Writing, (UK:Cambridge University Press,2002),p.4

3 Robert Todd Carroll, Students Success Guide Writing Skills, (US:Robert T Carroll,1990), p.1

Then, the students will be able to write a good writing if the teacher

give some approaches to them. There are three approaches to writing. The

first approach is products of writing through texts examination, discourse

structure, and surface elements. The second approach focuses on the writer

and process concluding expressivist, cognitivist, and situated strands. And the

third approach is how the writer engages with the audience or students in

creating coherent texts.4

After the students are able to be creative in writing and they have

approaches in writing, the teacher must have style in teaching writing

especially in recount text. Mary Lynn Crow notes that:

“In the main, a person’s values, beliefs, and philosophy can easily be ascertained by the way he or she teaches. The instructional strategies and techniques that are adopted by a teacher bespeak his attitudes about himself, his students, and their respective roles in the teaching and learning process.”

In this case, the style in teaching is important for the teacher. But it is

difficult to have the elements of styles. To understand the teaching style, the

teachers use the basis and must examine themselves because it is systematic

manner. They must know the personal qualities and behaviors. So it can

affect the students to learn the ability especially in writing.5

In understanding recount text, the students also encounters problem in

implementing the structure of recount text. The students feel confused to

differenciate it such as orientation, events, and reorientation. The are also

still confused how to make or write recount text correctly.6 In order to

understand a good recount text, they can learn some examples of recount text

4 Ken Hyland, Teaching and Researching writing, (Longman:Pearson Education,2002),


5 Anthony F Grasha, Teaching with Style: A Practical Guide to Enhancing Learning by Understanding Teaching and Learning Styles, (San Bernadino: Alliance Publishers, 2002), p.1

6 Observation at eighth grade of SMP H. Isriati Semarang, March 13th 2012

types such as newspaper reports, conversations, speeches, television

interviews, eyewitness accounts, and letters.7

It is important how people or students write, beacuse writing has

many examples and a wide variety. It can produce in different form that has

many types of writing. So they need a preparation to write. There are process,

content, and medium in writing. In this case, the students or people need

suggestions in the writing process that has four elements. They are planning,

drafting, editing, and final version.8

From this point of view, to improve students writing abilty, of course

there must be an effective method or technique to students should be creative.

Traditionally, concepts maps have been used as a technique to engage

students in learning content knowledge. However, concepts maps can also be

used as a method in teaching writing exactly in recount text. Concepts map

appear to facilitate learning and how to process information and transform it

in to expository writing. Concepts map provide students the freedom to

express their knowledge on a given topic and present insights into the way

they organize knowledge or as a tool to help students and teachers visualize

the direction or focus of a research paper. 9

In other word, concept mapping can be mentioned as semantic

networking is a process used to create the representations of ideas and the

relationships between them. It means that the concept maps or semantic

networks contain ideas and labelled lines which describe the relationships

between them in the graphs. The purpose of the maps is to help the students

show their ideas. The students will be able to open the idea with their

7 Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson, Text Type in English (Macmillan:Mark Anderson

and Kathy Anderson,1997), p.49

8 Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach Writing,(Longman:Pearson Education Limited,2004),p.4-5

9 John W Santrock, Educational Psychology (Classroom Update: Preparing for PRAXISTM and Practice, p. 284

thinking. So students can connect the knowledge between the idea and

graphs. Furthermore, they will easily understand it.10

At this point, to understand a concept map as a method or technique in

learning and teaching activity, the students must know how to construct it. It

is one of the techniques that can be used for organizing and representing

knowledge that include concepts, which are usually enclosed in circles or

squares, and lines connecting the concepts. Concepts maps are graphics

organizers that are structured hierarchically, presented in a two dimension

diagrams, and shows relationships between concepts indicated by linking

words. Many research links concepts maps for instructional purposes.11

In teaching writing especially recount text, concept map can construct

the teaching class. There are procedures to construct it. It is adapted from

Novak and Gowin (1984), White and Gunstone (1992) and Birbili (2007).

Firstly, the teacher announces the topic of the lesson. Because of the writer

conduct recount text as a lesson, so the topic is experience in holiday as a

sample. The teacher can use drawing image, photos and picture. Secondly, the

learners or students are asked to think ideas, words, and example as with the

topic. So students relate the sub concept into other concept that they can

brainstorme in the previous step into categories.12

Consequently, a concept map may be use as an aid in helping students

structure a well organized paper. This is important to see the variety of ways

the students used concept maps and how it could improve writing ability

especially in recount text. So the researcher is interested to research more

about using concept map to improve student’s writing ability in teaching

10 NCCA, Assessment in the Primary School Curriculum:Guidelines for Schools, (Dublin:

National Council for Curriculum and Assessment, 2007),p.36 11 John W. Coffey, Summary to Literature Pertaining to the Use of Concept Map

Technique and Technologies for Education and Performance Support,(Pensacola:IHMC,2003), p. 5

12 Luu Trong Tuan and Le Thi Bich Thuan, The Linkages Between Concept Map and Language Learning,(Ho Chi Minh City:Studies in Literature and Language, 2011), p.136

recount texts (An experimental research at the eighth grade of SMP H. Isriati

Baiturrahman Semarang in the academic year of 2011/2012).

B. Question of The Research

This research is aimed to find the answer to the following research


1. How is the use of using concept map to improve students' writing ability

in teaching recount texts?

2. How effective is using concept map to improve students' writing ability in

teaching recount texts?

C. Objectives and Benefits of The Research

The objectives of research are as follows:

1. To find out the use of using concept map to improve students' writing

ability in teaching recount texts.

2. To investigate the effectiveness of using concept map to improve students'

writing ability in teaching recount texts.

After doing research, the writer hopes that the result of the study will

be useful for:

1. For students, concept map may motivate and stimulate students to

improve their interest on recount text when they will find the difficulties

in learning it by using interesting method.

2. For teacher, the result of the study will be hopefully usual for English

teacher of Junior High School in teaching recount texts as a new method.

Concept map can help teacher in providing active learning, creative,

effective, and fun for students according to learning style. Moreover it can

increase awareness of teacher on students’ learning difficulties and efforts

to overcome and improve teacher performance to improve


3. For writer and reader, concept map method will give some experiences or

knowledge to do an interesting observation and it can be a reference to the

next researcher.



A. Previous Research

1. Siti Zuhriyah (Student’s Number: 3104357). The Use of Story Pyramid

Technique to Improve Student’s Comprehension on Narrative Text (A

Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade Students of MA NU

Mifathul Falah Kudus). Thesis, Semarang: Bachelor program of English

Language Education of Tarbiyah Faculty of Walisongo State Institute for

Islamic Studies, 2009. The background of study is based on the students’

difficulties in comprehending narrative text. To develop teaching reading

comprehension, teacher must have a technique in teaching reading to

help students understand the meaning of the text easily in reading

activity. Story pyramid technique aims to help students comprehend text

easily and improve their reading comprehension. Then for the research

question involved how is the use of Story Pyramid Technique in teaching

reading narrative text at eleventh grade students of MA NU Miftahul

Falah Kudus? This study is classroom action research that was done in

three cycles. To analyze the data, the researcher used descriptive

quantitative. The data from the observation that had done in every cycle

analyzed in descriptive explanation while the data from test explained in

quantitative. The data collection was done using observation and test as

instrument. The implementation of story pyramid technique in teaching

reading narrative text at MA NU Miftahul Falah Kudus was conducted in

three cycles with five activities including pre cycle and post cycle. The

participant of this study is 36 students in class A. The result of study

shows that using story pyramid technique can improve students’

comprehension in reading narrative text. The result of this study is

proved by students’ comprehension test that improved in every cycle. In

the first cycle, the average of students’ score was 66. 7. In the second

cycle, the students got 73. 9 and in the third cycle students got 78. 5.

Result of the study shows that students improve their reading effectively

by using story pyramid technique.

2. Rika Ismawati (Student Number: 3105265). Using Suggestopedia

Method to Improve Students’ Writing Ability in Recount Text (A

Classroom Action Research at Eight Grade Students of SMPN 02

Juwana-Pati in Academic Year of 2009/2010). Final Project: Bachelor

Program of English Language Education of Tarbiyah Faculty of

Walisongo State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN Walisongo Semarang

2009). The background of study is the abilities of English communication

in language both spoken and written are listening, speaking, reading, and

writing. Knowing that English is needed for Indonesia in the future, the

government always makes efforts to improve the quality of English

teaching, such as making a new curriculum. The research question is how

effective using suggestopedia method to improve students’ writing ability

in recount text? In this final project, the writer uses suggestopedia

method as an alternative in teaching recount. The writer wants to know

the influence of suggestopedia method for helping students produce an

effective recount text and the students ‘response to the use of

suggestopedia method in writing class. For the instrument uses test. This

research is quantitative research using classroom action research. The

result of this research showed the improvement of the students’ ability in

writing recount. It can be seen from their score. The average on pre-test

was 57.65 and post test was 73.78. Based on the result of the research,

suggestopedia method is effective in improving English writing

especially in recount text.

3. Abdul Mufid (Student Number: 3105266). In his thesis entitled: The

effectiveness of using pictures in teaching of narrative text writing to

improve students’ achievement (An experimental study at the eight grade

students of MTs Nurul Huda Banyuputih Batang in academic year of

2008/2009). Final Project: Bachelor Program of English Language

Education of Tarbiyah Faculty of Walisongo State Institute for Islamic

Studies (IAIN Walisongo Semarang 2009) The background of study is

many English teachers face crucial problem to choose the suitable

technique of teaching writing, especially narrative text. Sometimes the

teachers still use the conventional method that makes the students bored.

Using pictures can be one of media to cope with that problem. The

research question in this research is what the extent is the use of pictures

in teaching narrative text effective? This research is quantitative research

using experimental method. The writer collected the data using test and

observation. The data was analyzed by using descriptive statistical

analysis technique and the hypothesis used t test. The result of test score

shows that the experimental class got higher that is 76.41 compared with

the control class got 69.95. Based on the t test there is real difference

between the results of study of learning using pictures as media and

learning that is not using pictures media. Consequently, learning writing

narrative text using pictures as media is more effective when it is applied

in the process of learning English than the conventional learning (a class

which is not given the same treatment).

In this research, the writer conducts the research dealing with using

concept map to improve students’ writing ability in teaching recount text

for the eight grade of junior high school in SMP H. Isriati Semarang.

B. Theoretical Framework

1. Writing Skills

Writing skills is a program of comprehensive writing that

performed for beginning, struggling, at-risk for the writers. Writing skills

can help the students to become a good writer. The students have to know

and understand the essential foundation of writing skills such as strategy,

technique, and opportunity. Writing skills also give the special instruction

in spelling, handwriting, and key boarding. Beside that, writing skills can

build the fluency and confidence for students and provide the variety of

strategy and opportunity to apply it. In writing skills, the students are

expected to understand the instruction involving grammar, usage,

paragraph composition, and sentence structure.13

According to Tony Silva and Paul Kei Matsuda writing is part of

lingustics aplication. Writing is considered as a mere representation of

speech. It means that writing is a way to monitor the language production

of students.14 Writing is one of the skill connecting emotions, feeling,

language thoughts, experience, mechanical action and different

strategies.15 Writing is explicit that has an elaborate context. It takes into

account as the interpretation context, beliefs, and knowledge. Nystrand,

Doyle and Himley state that:

”A text is explicit not because it says everything all by itself but rather because it strikes careful balance between what needs to be said and what may be assumed. The writer’s problem is not just being explicit; the writer’s problem is knowing what to be explicit about.” (Nystrand, Doyle and Himley:1986:81)16

Then, Steve Graham and Dolores Peri stated that writing skill is a

basic requirement to participate in civic life and in the global economy as

academic success. In addition, many of students lack in basic writing in

curriculum causing the poor writing. To get an ease in writing, students

must read book more. Because the definition of literacy including reading

and writing skills. In this case, if the students seldom read book, it will be

a literacy crisis.17 Writing skills can develop across three stages. It can

13 Diana Hanbury King, Writing Skills 2nd Edition,Comprehensive Instruction for

Struggling Writers.( Educators Publishing Service,2002), p.2

14 Norbert Schmitt, An Introduction to Applied Linguistics.(Arnold:London,2002),p.251 15 Anne Uuse, Writing Skills of 1st and 2nd Stage Students. (Tallin University:Estonia,

2006), p.7 16 Ken Hyland, Teaching and Researching Writing, p.8

17 Steve Graham and Dolores Perin, Writing Next Effective Strategies to Improve Writing of Adolescents in Middle and High Schools, (New York:Alliance for excellent education,2007), p.3

learn the craft of composition. Beside that, it can transfer knowledge and

knowledge crafting to understand the expert levels of writing skills.18

In order to write interesting writing to the readers, there are some

steps that can be used by students or writer. Firstly, the students or writer

can address the reader directly. Then, they can use direct speech and use

rhetorical question. Moreover, they can use the variety of adjective, verb,

and adverb to make the composition more attractive to the readers.19

c. Writing Process

To make a good writing, the writer must understand the writing

process. Because it is important to be implemented so that when the

students do writing, they get a way to solve the problem in writing.

There are some steps in writing as writing process. They are planning,

translating and reviewing. The first step is planning that students are

able to generate their ideas, they know how the goals is, and they need

procedures to make a good writing. The second step is translating that

students are able to express their ideas and understand the goals in

verbal forms. The last step is reviewing that students are able to

evaluate and revise the writing correctly.20

On the other hand, a good writing can be done by students if

their grammar is good. In fact, grammar and spelling are important in

writing, because it is the purposes in the condition of writing to be

correct word and grammar. In short, to get a good writing, students

must know the construction of sentence. They must know the subjects

and verbs such as singular subject requires singular verb. Besides that,

they must know the preferences of pronouns and they can use the

appropriate pronouns in order that the sentences will not be ambiguous.

Then, the students must have a consistency in writing especially in a

18 Ronald T. Kellogg, Training Writing Skills: A Cognitive Developmental Perspective, (Saint Louis University | USA,2008), p.3

19 Virginia Evans, Successful Writing Intermediate. (Express publishin: 2000), p. 11

20 Ulla Cannor, Contrastive Rhetoric Cross- Cultural Aspect of Second Language Writing. ( UK:Cambridge University Press,1996) p.75

tense. Finally, students must use a correct spelling, punctuation,

capitalization, and usage word as requirements.21

After the students know the correct grammar, appropriate word,

spelling, and punctuation there is an important thing to remember to

write a good writing. It is an element of satisfactory writing. The

elements of satisfactory writing are clarity, coherence and focus. Clarity

involves the ambiguity, vagueness, and obscurity. An important thing in

clarity is if the students can use the appropriate word to be good

sentences in order that the readers can understand what the writer

means. Then, there must be a connection between ideas, sentences, and

paragraph in coherence. Moreover there is focus containing the reason

why the students write. They often fail in writing because there is no

focus. So, without focus the sentences will not be coherent.22

Thus, according to the theories, writing is one of four language

skills. It is considered to be a difficult skill for students or learners

because it requires efforts in the process of thinking to produce not only

context but also symbols. Producing context in a written form is

required for delivering the messages to the readers. Furthermore, the

students write correct paragraph format based on the result of the

revising step.

d. Teaching Writing

In teaching writing skill, the teacher must explain the

organization of various sections and essay to students to develop

writing at the paragraph level. Stephen Bailey stated that there are four

parts to develop writing to students. Firstly, it can guide the students to

understand essay title through reading and note-making. It can be

mentioned as a writing process. Secondly, it needs type of assignment,

making definition and giving references. It is organized alphabetically.

21 Robert Todd Carroll, Students Success Guide Writing Skills,(US: Sacramento City


22 Robert Todd Carroll, Students Success Guide Writing Skills, p, 4-7

And it can be mentioned as elements of writing. Thirdly, the teacher

gives remedial to students. It is accuracy in writing. And the last, the

teacher must give examples the type of writing to students including

letters and survey reports.23

To create a good teaching in writing, there are several strategies

that can do by teacher. The first strategy is prewriting guide; it gives

students questions to start their discovery. Besides that, it can response

to questions. Moreover, prewriting can really encourage writing for the

young writers. Then, how to use prewriting? To use prewriting it should

determine to change writing assignment needed. At this point, the

students can prefer the questions to answer in discussion as a benefit

from it. The second strategy is prewriting think sheet. The importance

of prewriting is the function of writing process. This strategy can help

students to find a particular topic and connect within knowledge. The

third strategy is semantic features analysis. By using this strategy,

students can connect the logical connection with their ideas.24

There are additional and very crucial reasons of teaching

writing. Firstly, reinforcement means that writing reinforces students in

understanding grammatical structure, They often find it useful to write

sentences using new language shortly after they have studied it. By

mastering grammar, teaching writing will be to be implemented.25 And

secondly, paragraph development means that it is true where students

improve their writing mainly through writing itself after getting

information to develop the topic and idea. When students write, they

23 Stephen Bailey, Academic Writing: A Practical Guide for Students, (New York:Nelson

Thornes,2003), p.6 24 Vicki Urquhart and Monette Mclver,Teaching Writing in the Content Areas

(Alexanderia: McREL. All rights reserved, 2005), p.76-80

25 Victoria al, An Introduction to Language.(Thomson:Heinle,2003) 3rd Ed,p. 344

also have a chance to be adventurous with the language by giving

details, giving an explanation and giving examples.26

The writing skills are complex and difficult to teach. According

to Thomas S Kane, writing involves the following rules. Firstly,

grammatical rules means that the ability to write correct sentences.

Secondly, usage rules means that the ability manipulate sentence and

use language effectively. It is less basic than grammatical ones. Thirdly,

mechanical rules means that the ability to use correctly those

conventions peculiar to written language. E.g., punctuation and

spelling. 27

In teaching writing, the teacher needs writing instruction to

engage the students in purposeful writing task. Then, writing instruction

can give feedback and students’ choices in all stages of writing to

achieve a particular writing. Moreover, by giving instruction the teacher

can guide the students in demonstrating the purpose of writing. In fact,

the goal of teaching writing is to become independent writers for

students. Furthermore, the explicit teaching and guidance are needed in

the goal of writing itself. From the explanation, the teacher and students

can see that there are several features of exemplary writing instruction.

According to Harris and Larsen, the features of writing instruction such

as literate classroom environment where students can get the room with

the material. It means that the material is writing and reading on the

wall, so students can see it. Then, this feature involves the students to

make daily writing on a wide range of writing task. Beside that,

students must choose the topic and the teachers must allow them to

modify their assignment for students. So they can develop the topic that

has been selected. For students, writing activities must follow the

26 Dorothy E Zemach and Lisa A Rumisek, Academic Writing from Paragraph to Essay,

(Macmillan:Universidad De Sevila,2005), p.17

27 Thomas S Kane, The Oxford: Essential Guide to Writing, (New York:Barkley Books, 2000), p.13-15

curriculum in order that they can use the reading to support writing

development. Finally, to get students interesting in writing, the teacher

must recognize value and build on the different culture.28

On the contrary, after the teacher gives writing instruction to

students, the teaching writing actually needs some strategies to engage

them. Those strategies are modeled writing, think aloud writing, and

guide writing. To organize the strategy, the teacher and students need

some points. They are purposes, description, preparation, and


So, the most important factor in teaching writing is that students

need to be personally involved in order to make the learning experience

of lasting value. Encouraging student participation in the exercise or

testing, while at the same time refining and expanding writing skills,

requires a certain pragmatic approach. Furthermore, for purpose of

testing, grammatical skills can be measured by an objective test of

grammar. It is possible to construct grammar items of this nature by

drawing on the errors made by students in their free written work. The

students can write a good writing if they follow the writing instruction.

2. Recount text.

In English language, there are two texts that can be mentioned as a

genre. The first genre is story genre that contains narrative, news story,

exemplum, anecdote and recount. The second genre is factual genre

containing procedure, explanation, report, exposition, and discussion.

Recount text is one of genre stories.30

28 NSW State Literacy and Numeracy Plan, Writing and Spelling Strategies: Assisting

Students who Have Additional Learning Supports Need,(New South Wales:NSW Department of Education and Training, 2007),p.25-26

29 NSW State Literacy and Numeracy Plan, Writing and Spelling Strategies: Assisting students who have additional learning supports need, p.27-34

30 KJ Eltis, Book1: An Introduction to Genre-Based Writing, (Australia:NSW Departement of school education 1990),p. 13

A recount is a text that contains retelling events that happened in

the past. A recount text usually uses the past tense and past continuous

tense in its content and its sequence of events told.31 Its generic structure is

the orientation, series of events, and re-orientation. The orientation is a

part of recount text that tells the introduction of the interesting event being

told. The series of event is the sequence of things that happen from the

beginning until the end. Lastly, a re-orientation is the feeling and

impression after doing the events.32 According to Artono Wardiman et al,

recount text is a text telling for the readers. It contains story, action, or

people activity that purpose to entertain and inform the readers.33 Recount

text has some examples such as newspaper reports, conversations,

speeches, television interviews, eyewitness accounts, and letters.34

This session elaborates some characteristics of recount text the

called as language features. Language features or significant grammatical

patterns of recount text as Jenny Hammond states as follows, firstly, it is

introducing personal participant, for example; i , my group. Secondly,

chronological connection is used to link between paragraphs or sentences

as then, first, next, after that, and finally. Thirdly, it contains linking verb

such as, was, were, saw and heard. Fourthly, it exerts action verb, for

example; look, go and change. And the last, it applies simple past tense

and be written in the first or third person.35

To construct a recount text, the students must know the scaffold.

The scaffold itself is a guide to construct a piece of the text. It can help

them to plan a recount because there are several recounts that do not have

31 Gerrot, L. and P. Wignell, Making Sense of Functional Grammar, (Sidney: Antepodean

Educational Enterprises, 1995), p.190

32 Jenny Hammond, et al, English for Social Purposes, (Sydney: Macquarie University Press, 1992), p. 89

33 Artono Wardiman et al. English in Focus for grade VIII Junior high school, (Depdiknas: Pusat Perbukuan, 2008), p.61

34 Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson, Text type in English, p.49

35 Jenny Hammond,, English for Social Purposes, p. 88

a conclusion. In other word, the students must see the models of recount

text that have three main parts of paragraph. The first paragraph contains

the background information; the second one is a series of paragraph that

can be said as events; the third one is a concluding paragraph that may

contain a personal comment. In fact, in recount text doesn’t always have a

conclusion. It is needed if necessary.36

From those explanation, recount text is important to the readers

that want to know the people experience. It is also an expression of people

that can be made with written form. To make a good recount text, we must

know the generic structure and language features of recount text. Finally,

the students can write a good recount text if they understand the steps of

writing recount text. So, they can share with their friends by using it.

3. Concept Map

Concept maps are tools for organizing and representing

knowledge. They include concepts, usually enclosed in circles or boxes of

some type, and relationships between concepts or propositions, indicated

by a connecting line between two concepts. Words on these lines can be

used to specify the nature of the relationships between different concepts.

The concept mapping technique was originally developed by Prof. Joseph

D. Novak at Cornell University in the 1960s.37 Khincin said that concept

map can help students to organize and learn the concept through creating a

map that has some features and characteristics of concept.38

According to Carol Johnston concept mapping can be a technique

that allows students to understand the relationships between ideas by

creating a visual map of the connections. Concept map can make students

to connect their ideas in studying. Besides that, students get easily to

organize in arrangement of knowledge especially in English language

36 Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson, Text type in English, p.53-54 37 John W. Coffey, Summary to Literature Pertaining to the Use of Concept Map

Technique and Technologies for Education and Performance Support, p. 5-6 38 John W Santrock, Educational Psychology (Classroom Update: Preparing for

PRAXISTM and Practice,p. 284

teaching and learning. And moreover it can organize students’ ideas to

absorb and adapt the information that will be organized in learning as new

information. 39

Furthermore, concept map can be used many uses in education,

business and government. In education, it is one of uses for the assessment

of what a learner knows. It can be used to externalize and make explicit

the conceptual knowledge both correct and erroneous that students hold in

a knowledge. The educational purposes can foster the learning of a good

structural knowledge by using the process of concept map.40

The process of actually constructing concept map is a powerful

learning strategy that is graphic in nature and forces the learner to think

about the relationships between terms. This latter aspect makes concept

mapping especially suited to the English learning. By drawing a concept

map of a lecture or a chapter in a textbook, for example, students can

identify the key concepts and show the relationships between them,

helping them to understand more clearly the meaning of the material.

Concept maps have a number of very practical applications for students.

They are a handy way to take notes during lectures and are excellent aids

to group brainstorming. They assist in planning of students and also

provide useful graphics for students’ presentations and written

assignments. They also help students to refine their creative and critical


From the explanation above the writer can divide how to construct

the concept map. Firstly, students can construct their brain related to

memory. It means that students memorize the topic in learning by

constructing concept map. It can be called as brainstorming phase.

Secondly, organizing phase is to spread out students’ concepts on a flat

39 Carol Johnston, Concept Mapping, The University of Melbourne, p. 1

40 John W. Coffey, Summary to Literature Pertaining to the Use of Concept Map Technique and Technologies for Education and Performance Support, p. 7

41 Yue al, Comparison of Two Concept-Mapping Techniques: Implications for Scoring, Interpretation, and Use (California:2003) p.167-169

surface so that all can be read easily and, together, create groups and sub-

groups of related items. In constructing concept maps try to group items to

emphasize hierarchies and identify terms that represent those higher

categories. Thirdly, Layout phase is on a large sheet of paper try to come

up with an arrangement that best represents students’ collective

understanding of the interrelationships and connections among groupings.

And the last, linking phase uses lines with arrows to connect and show the

relationship between connected items. In this phase, students write a word

or short phrase by each arrow to specify the relationship. Many arrows can

originate or terminate on particularly important concepts.42

Furthermore, the students can generate their ideas in writing

especially in recount text by using concept map. Not only they can

generate it but also they can organize the concept map to be an effective

method in learning process to solve the problem of study. The important

thing of concept map itself is to create the students make a good writing


d. Teaching Recount Text By Using Concept Map

To teach recount text by using concept map needs some

procedures to do it. The writer knows that concept map is an effective

teaching tool. So there are some models to construct in teaching

practices. The models of construction in concept map can be applied in

the class by the teacher. It can give a way to explain the subject matter

especially recount text. Beside that, the students can explore their brain

to remember what the teacher explains, because they are directly

involved to connect the knowledge that is presented. On the contrary,

the teacher gives feedback to students to their knowledge in teaching

and learning activities.43

42Joseph D. Novak & Alberto J.Cañas http : // /Publications/

ResearchPapers/TheoryCmaps/TheoryUnderlyingConceptMaps.htm. accessed, march 7th 2012 43 Luu Trong Tuan and Le Thi Bich Thuan, The Linkage between Concept Map and

Language Learning, (Ho Chi Minh City: Studies In Literature and Language, 2011), p.136

According to Novak and Gowin et al, concept map can be

effectively constructed through some procedures involving three steps

that teacher can apply it. The first step is teacher’s preparation. It

means that the teacher selects the topic of the lesson. Then, the teacher

must prepare the paper to write key concept of the topic especially

recount text as example. The teacher also can use the picture, photos,

or drawing image related to concept map. The second step is students’

idea. In this step, students are required to think the words, ideas, and

specific examples. The specific example in this research is recount

text. So, students must relate the generic structure of recount text and

its language features. Besides that, the teacher invites the students to

share the topic of the lesson. Then, the teacher writes the example of

recount text on the board with different colored chalks for links and

circles to help the students see the information in recount text

especially. The third step is students group. The students can

brainstorm in the previous step into categories. The teacher asks

students to identify the relationship among concepts. In addition, the

students must discuss the topic of the lesson to tell the reason in

student’s idea with sub concept to another sub concept. The students’

idea can connect concept by using concept map with lines, links, box,

and circle.44

The implementation of concept map activity in English

teaching especially recount text must have the steps to find the

connection between idea and knowledge. The first step is the teacher

must train the students. The teacher must make the type of concept

map and prepare for the familiar topic. It can be found with their

experience in daily activity. The second steps the teacher creates an

individual maps first. Then the teacher asks students to create

individual maps. This is a reflection for students because it is crucial. It

44 Luu Trong Tuan and Le Thi Bich Thuan, The Linkage Between Concept Map and

Language Learning, p.136

will help students to understand the concept map. The third step is the

teacher asks students to review with their group. After finishing the

individual concept map, the students must organize in small group to

discuss what they create in concept map. Beside that, the creation of

concept map must be shared with their partners. Furthermore, they can

find the heterogeneous concept map each other. The last step is the

teacher asks each group to present their important propositions in front

of the class. They must explain what the students choose.45

At this point of view, the teacher must evaluate the concept

map that has been created by the students. The evaluation itself can be

managed through formal grading or scoring. Even though it doesn’t

use grading and scoring, the teacher and students will get that concept

map is so informative. Then, the teacher can use a quick scan of the

map to evaluate the students’ taught to help them in generating ideas in

order to be understood. In addition, the teacher can select the

curriculum and make a consistent scoring process as activity in

concept map that can be an assessment instrument.46

In short, the concept map can be used as a method in teaching

and learning activity especially in recount text. So, this method will

give a way to the teacher in implementing the teaching class.

e. The Advantages of Concept map

The use of concept map can give a way to students in

representing knowledge especially in language. Not only students can

get an ease in study but also the teacher will be easily to explain the

subject or material. There are main advantages that can be used to

provide the powerful representation. Firstly, this concept can help the

teacher to explain the topic and picture in some subject. When the

teacher presents it, the students can compare what the relationship

between topics to them. So, it can be called as teaching and revision

45 Jim Vanides, Using Concept Maps in The Science Classroom, p.29 46 Jim Vanides, Using Concept Maps in The Science Classroom, p.29-31

topic. Secondly, the teacher needs to effort that students must be

interesting in teaching and learning activity. By using concept map, the

students can reinforce their memory in understanding the subject.

Thirdly, the teacher and students sometimes get misconception in

learning and teaching activity. One of the ways is using concept map

as problem-solving or alternative solutions and options to solve the

problem take place in learning. Because of this, the students can make

a small group to identify misconceptions. And the last, concept map

can give the students to assess their achievement. It means how long

the student’s ability in learning activity.47

And the other advantages of using concept map are students

can begin on a cognitive process to develop their knowledge. They are

actually helped bay concept map through their new ideas connecting

the relationship between them and teacher. Beside that, the students

can organize and connect the information. It means that they can

explore their brain to get understanding in learning and teaching

activity. Because of this concept map will be able to give something

new to students. On the other hand, concept map can give a chance to

students in connecting the knowledge and they can reflect to

understand how to organize their thoughts in teaching and learning


f. Psychological Foundations of Concept Map

For the psychological foundations of concept maps needs the

question to find early learning. This early learning is a discovery

learning process of concept. The patterns or regularities in events show

the individual discerns as the same regularities labeled by older

47 Ioana Stoica1, et. al, Concept Maps, A Must for The Modern Teaching-Learning

Process, (Bucharest University: 2010), p. 571

48 Jim Vanides, Using Concept Maps in The Science Classroom,(Summer:2005) p. 27-28

persons with words or symbols. This is an evolutionary heritage of all

normal human beings as a phenomenal ability.49

After students know the discovery learning they must know the

reception learning process to ask questions and getting clarification of

relationships for new concept and proposition. In addition discovery

learning process and the reception learning process use language and

transmitted to the learner for the important distinction between rote

learning and meaningful learning. The meaningful learning must

require three conditions. First condition is the material of prior

knowledge for the learners conceptually. By using concept maps can

help to this condition for identifying large general concepts. The

second condition is the learner must possess relevant prior knowledge

to build concept frameworks to be specific knowledge. The last

condition is the learner must choose to learn meaningfully. The teacher

or mentor in this condition as a control in the motivation of students.50

Thus, a concept map is as a visual organization and

representation of knowledge can show concepts and ideas and the

relationships among them. The students create a concept map by

writing key words sometimes enclosed in shapes such as circles,

boxes, triangles, etc. and then drawing arrows between the ideas that

are related. Then students add a short explanation by the arrow to

explain how the concepts are related. When new knowledge is

integrated with and connected to existing knowledge that new

knowledge is easier to understand and to remember even in teaching

recount text that is taken by writer as material in English language

learning. In fact, concept map can give advantages to the teacher and

49 Joseph D. Novak & Alberto J. Cañas, The Theory Underlying Concept Maps and How

to Construct and Use Them, (USA:Florida Institute for Human and Machine Cognition, 2008), p.2-3

50 Joseph D. Novak & Alberto J. Cañas, The Theory Underlying Concept Maps and How to Construct and Use Them, p.2-3

students in understanding and organizing the new ideas in teaching and

learning activity. So there is no misconception both of them.

C. Hypothesis

In this research, the hypothesis can be stated as there is a significant

difference in students’ ability in recount text that using concept map as

method in teaching recount text.



A. Research Design

In this study, the method used was experiment research. An

experiment is the way to find the causal relationship between two factors

which are raised by the researcher in purpose by reducing or eliminating any

distracting factors.51

The writer used pre test – post test control group design with one

treatment as the design for this study.

This is the scheme:

E = 21 OXO

C = 43 OO


E: the symbol for experiment class

C: the symbol for control class

1O : pre test for experiment class

2O : post test for experiment class

3O : pre test for control class

4O : post test for control class

There are two groups in this model of experiment research. First is

experiment group and the second is control group. The writer decided to

choose class VIII A as the experiment class and class VIII C as the control

class. The experiment class received a new treatment. It was taught by using

concept map in writing recount text. While, the control class taught by using

conventional learning or lecturing. It was not receive a new treatment.

51 Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedure Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik, ( Jakarta : PT

Rineka Cipta, 2006), p.3

B. Research Setting

1. Time of the research

This research was implemented on 9 Mei – 23 May 2012, counted

since the proposal was submitted until the end of research.

2. Place of the research

The writer did the research at SMP H.Isriati Baiturrahman. It is

located at Jl. Abdurrahman Saleh No.258

3. Research Procedure

In collecting data, there are some steps was taken by the writer,

they are as follows:

a. Preliminary visit (meet the administration officer)

The writer visited the school to get information about teacher

and students as participants. To gain the information, the writer asked

the administration officer.

b. Contact the headmaster

The writer asked permission to the headmaster of SMP H.

Isriati Baiturrahman Semarang by giving the permission letter.

c. Contact the English teacher

After getting permission from the headmaster, the writer met

the English teacher for asking his help and guidance for the writer

conducted research. And the writer explains about test and material to


d. Give pre test

The writer gave the pre test to experiment and control class.

They asked to write a paragraph based on the pictures and key words

as guide given. The pre test was conducted on May15, 2012 for

experiment class and May 16, 2012 for control class.

e. Give the treatment

The activities of the experiment class were started on May 15,

2012 and end on May 23, 2012. The experiment class was given the

treatment by using concept map as a method in teaching writing

recount text. While the activities of the control class were started on

May 16, 2012 and end on May 21, 2012. The control class only gave a

verbal explanation without using concept map as a media in teaching

recount text.

f. Give post test

The post test was conducted after treatment for three times, it

was given to test their understanding on writing recount text. It was

held on May 22, 2012.

C. Population and Sample

1. Population

Population is all the subject of the research.52 In this study, the

population or the subjects of research are the eighth grade students at SMP

Hj Isriyati Baiturrahman Semarang in the academic year of 2011/2012. The

number of the population is 85 students. They are divided into VIII A, B

and C.

2. Sample

Sample is part of population.53 In this study, there are two classes

as sample. Where class VIII A as the experiment class that consist of 26

students and class VIII C as the control class that consist of 26 students.

3. Sampling

Sampling is a technique to take a sample. In this study, the writer

used cluster sampling technique. Finally, chosen class VIII A as the

experiment class and VIII C as the control class.

D. Research Variable

Variable is the object of research or something that become the

concern of research.54 In this study there are two variables.

52Suharsimi Arikunto, ProsedurPenelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik, p.130 53Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik, p.131 54Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik, ( Jakarta : PT

Rineka Cipta, 2006), p.118

1. Independent Variable

It is a variable that influences or causes of change or emergence of

the dependent variable.55 Independent variable in this research is the

concept map in teaching writing recount text or the method used in

teaching and learning process.

2. Dependent Variable

It is variable that is affected resulting, because of the existence of

the independent variable.56 Dependent variable in this research is the

achievement of the students of the eighth grade SMP H.Isriati

Baiturrahman Semarang in writing recount text.

E. Data Collection Technique

To get the accurate data, in this study the writer uses two ways in the

collecting the data, they are:

1. Documentation

Documentation method is used to look for the data concerning

matters or the variable that are taken in the form of the note, transcript,

book, newspaper, magazine, inscription, notulen, ledger, agenda, etc.57 it

refers to the archival data that help the writer to collect the needed data. In

this study, this method is used to get the data that related to the object

research such as students name list are included in the population. In this

case, the data was gained by the help of the English teacher.

2. Test

Test is a set of question and exercises used to measure the

achievement or capability of the individual or group.58 This method is used

55 Sugiyono, Statistika Untuk Penelitian, (Bandung : CV Alfabeta, 2005), p.3

56Sugiyono, Statistika Untuk Penelitian, p.3. 57Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik, p.158 58Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik, ( Jakarta : PT

Rineka Cipta, 2006), p.150

to get data about score of the pre-test and post-test was given for both of

groups. The experiment class and control class.

The test in this study is an essay test or subjective test. In essay

test of writing, the student is given to freedom chance to be thought as

much as possible. They can freely express and organize their ideas in

written form.

a. Pre- test

Before the teacher taught new material by using concept map,

the teacher gave a test to the students. Pre- test were given to the

experiment class and the control class. This test is given before the

experiment was run.

b. Post- test

Post- test was given to the experiment class and the control

class. The test was given in order to know the improvement of

students’ ability in writing recount text. The post- test was given to the

experiment class and control class after received treatment. The

experiment class taught in writing recount text by concept map. And

the control class taught without using concept map.

F. Data Analysis Technique

The writer analysis the data through giving test to the students. It needs

some steps in analyzing of the data. The following are the steps had been

taken by the writer:

1. Technique of scoring test

In measuring the test, a standard technique should be used to

show the result of research were reliable. To measure the writing test

the writer used the analysis method. According to J.B.Heaton analytic

scoring test in writing test, there are five major items or categories.

They are grammar, vocabulary, content, organization and mechanic.59

59J.B.Heaton, Writing English Language Tests, (London : Longman Group, 1975), p.138

To analyze the students’ test in writing recount text, the writer

focused on the items in the elements of writing as states by Heaton.

Theelements of writing are content, organization, vocabulary, grammar

and mechanic.

After classifying the test items, the writer gave score for each

item with focused on organization of the content. Where score’

organization higher than element of writing other. Concept maps help

students to arrange a recount text. The percentage of the elements of

writing can be seen in table 1.

Table 1

Percentage of The element of writing.60

Element of writing Score

1. The content mastery

2. The organization mastery

3. The vocabulary mastery

4. The grammar mastery

5. The mechanic mastery






Total of score 100%


Content : The substance of writing, the ideas expressed.

Organization : The organization of the content

Vocabulary : The choice of idioms, words, and lexical item to

give a particular tone or flavor to writing

Grammar : The employing grammatical and syntactic forms

Mechanic : The use of graphic convention of the language

60 Taken from BurhanNurgiyantoro, PenilaianDalamPengajaranBahasadanSastra(by

Modification), (Yogyakarta:BPFE Yogyakarta, 2001), pp. 307-308

Table 2

Scoring Guidance and The explanation of Criterion.61

Item analysis score Criterion of scoring

content 18-20




Excellent: knowledgeable-subtantive etc

Good: some knowledgeable of subject-adequate range.

Fair: limited knowledgeable of subject-little substance

Very poor: does not show knowledgeable of subject-

non substantive.

Organization 29-35




Excellent: fluent expression-ideas clearly stated.

Good: somewhat choopy-loosely organized but main

ideas stand out

Fair: not fluent-ideas confused or disconnected

Very poor: does not communicate-no organization

vocabulary 18-20




Excellent: sophisticated range-effective word/idiom

choice and usage.

Good: adequate range-occasional of word/idiom form,

choice, usage, but meaning is not obscured

Fair: limited range- frequent errers of word/idiom

form, choice, usage.

Very poor: essentially translation- little knowledge of

english vocabulary.

Grammar 18-20




Excellent: effective complex grammar construction.

Good: effective but simple constructive in grammar.

Fair: .a major problem is simple/complex construction

in grammar.

Very poor: virtually no mastery of sentence

construction rules.

61Taken from BurhanNurgiyantoro, PenilaianDalam Pengajaran Bahasa dan Sastra(by

Modification).pp. 307-308

Item analysis score Criterion of scoring

Mechanic 5




Excellent: demonstrates mastery of construction.

Good: occasional errors of spelling, punctuation,


Fair: frequent errors of spelling, punctuation,


Very poor: no mastery of conventions, dominated by

errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization,


Total of score 1-100

2. Pre-requisites Test

Before the writer determines the statistical analysis technique used,

the first the writer examined the validity sample. The way that was used

to examine the validity sample was normality and homogeneity test.

a. Normality Test

Normality test used to know the distribution data normal or not.

To find out the distribution data is used normality test with Chi-


The steps of Chi-square test as follows:

1) Determine of the range (R): the largest data reduced the

smallest data.

2) Determine the many class intervals (K) with the formula:

K= 1+ (3, 3) log n

3) Determine the length of the class, using the formula:


Rrangep =

4) Make a frequency distribution table

5) Determine the class boundaries (bk) of each class interval.

62 Sudjana,Metode Statistika, (Bandung: Tarsito, 2001), p.273.

6) Calculating of the average Xi (x ), with the formula:






7) Calculate variance, with the formula:


)( 22



= ∑ ∑nn

xfxfns iiii

8) Calculate the value of Z, with the formula:





x = Limit class

−x= Average

S = standard deviation

9) Define the board area of each class interval.

10) Calculate of the frequency expository (fh), with the

formula: fh = n x wide area with the n number of sample.

11) Make a list of the frequency of observation (fo), with the

frequency expository as follow:

class bk Z P L Ei


EiOi 2)( −

12) Calculate the Chi-square (2x ), the formula:



22 )(

13) Determine the degree of validity (df). In the calculation of

this data is arranged in the list of frequency distribution

consisting of k pieces so that the interval to determine the

criteria test used formula df = k-3, where k is the number of

class intervals and the real extent α = 0.05

14) Determine the value of 2x table.

15) Determine the distribution normality with test criteria:

If countX > tableX so the data is not normal distribution and

other way if the countX < tableX so the data is normal


b. Homogeneity Test

Is used to know whether the data are homogeneous or not.

The formula is:63


VbF =


Vb: bigger variance

Vk: smaller variance

The hypothesis in homogeneity test are:

Ho: homogeny variance = 22

21 σσ =

Ha: non homogeny variance = 22

21 σσ ≠

If the calculation result of countF is lower that tableF ( countF < tableF

) by 5% degree of significant so Ho is accepted, it means the data is

homogeneous or both of groups have the same variance.

c. Test of the Average

It is used to examine average whether experiment group and

control group that has been decided having significant different


Ho: 21 µµ =

Ha: 21 µµ ≠

The formula that is used in the t-test as follows:64

63 Sudjana, Metode Statistika,(Bandung: Tarsito,2001), p.250

64Sudjana, Metode Statistika, p.239






11 +



with 2









1X : average of experimental group

2X : average of control group

n1 : number of experiment group

n2 : number of control group

S12 : standard deviation of experiment group

S22 : standard deviation of both groups

Criteria test is Ho is accepted if αα 2

11211 −−

<<− ttt . where α2


obtained from the distribution list t with df = (n1 + n2 -2) and

opportunities ( α211− ). Values for other t Ho rejected.

3. Analysis Phase End

To examine the hypothesis that have been stated, these following steps

are used.

1) Normality Test

Steps normality second step is the same as the normality test on the

initial data.

2) Homogeneity Test

Steps homogeneity second step is the same as the homogeneity test on

the initial data.

3) Hypothesis Test

Proposed hypothetical test in average similarity with the right test is as


Ho = µ1 = µ2

Ha = µ1>µ2

µ1 : average data of experiment group

µ2: average data of control group

The t-test formula is used.











1X : average of experimental group

2X : average of control group

n1 : number of experiment group

n2 : number of control group

S12 : standard deviation of experiment group

S22 : standard deviation of control group

Testing criteria that apply Ho is accepted if tablecount tt > with

determinate df = ( 221 −+ nn ) and the significant α = 5% (1- α).











A. Description of Research Findings

This study was divided in two classes, class VIII A as the experiment

class and class VIII C as control class. Learning writing recount text is in the

experiment class by using concept map as a method. While the control class

by lecturing conventional learning (without using concept map). Before the

analysis is done, the first test given before and after the students follow the

learning process that was provided by the writer (pre-test and post-test). After

the data are collected, the writer was scored the result of data from the test

have been given to the students. The writer gave score for each items of

element of writing. To analysis the data of test result, the first known the

beginning of data from experiment class and control class that is taken from

the pre-test value. And after the control and experiment conduct the learning

process, then both of the class is given a test to obtain the data that will be


The data in this study were gotten from the test result, as follow:

1. Result of research

a. Analysis of scoring test

After collecting the data, the writer analysis the result of data

from the test have been given to both of class. In scoring of writing test,

the writer gave the score for each element of writing as follows.

Table 3 The Lowest Test and the Highest Score of Element of Writing

No Element of Writing The Lowest Score The Highest Score 1 Content 7 20 2 Organization 11 35 3 Vocabulary 7 20 4 Grammar 7 20 5 Mechanic 2 5

The scoring process of pre test and post test of both classes can be seen

in appendix

b. The data of score pre-test of the experiment class

Based on the result of research of Class VIII A before being

taught by using concept map as the method in writing recount text the

highest score achieved is 85 and lowest is 60. It means that the range

(R)= 25, the number of class is 6, and the interval of the class is 4.

The result of the calculation above is, then inputted into the

frequency distribution as follow:

Table 4. Frequency Distribution of score pre-test of the experiment class

No Interval class Frequency

1 60 – 64 7

2 65 – 69 9

3 70 – 74 2

4 75 – 79 6

5 80 – 84 1

6 85 – 89 1

Sum 26

To make easier to understand, the writer applied frequency

distribution of score into charts as follows:

Histogram Frequency score of pre

c. The data of score pre

Based on the result of research of Class VIII C before being

taught by using conventional learning (without concept map as media)

in writing recount text the highest score achieved is 79 and lowest score

is 60, range (R)= 19, the number of class is 6, and

class is 3.

The result of the calculation above is, then inputted into the

frequency distribution as follow:

Frequency Distribution of score pre


Chart 1. Histogram Frequency score of pre-test of the experiment class

The data of score pre-test of the control class

Based on the result of research of Class VIII C before being

taught by using conventional learning (without concept map as media)

in writing recount text the highest score achieved is 79 and lowest score

is 60, range (R)= 19, the number of class is 6, and the interval of the

The result of the calculation above is, then inputted into the

frequency distribution as follow:

Table 5. Frequency Distribution of score pre-test of the control class

No Interval class Frequency

1 59 – 62 4

2 63 – 66 2

3 67 – 70 7

4 71 – 74 8

5 75 – 78 4

6 79 – 82 1

Sum 26











60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 85-89

test of the experiment class

Based on the result of research of Class VIII C before being

taught by using conventional learning (without concept map as media)

in writing recount text the highest score achieved is 79 and lowest score

the interval of the

The result of the calculation above is, then inputted into the

test of the control class


To make easier to understand, the writer applied frequency

distribution of score into charts as follows:

Histogram Frequency score of pre

d. The data of score post

Based on the result of research of Class VIII A after being taught

by using concept map as the method in writing recount text the highest

score achieved is 89 and lowest score is 68, range (R)= 21, the number

of class is 6, and the interval of the class

The result of the calculation above is, then inputted into the

frequency distribution as follow:

Table 6. Frequency Distribution of score post


To make easier to understand, the writer applied frequency

distribution of score into charts as follows:

Chart 2.

Histogram Frequency score of pre-test of the control class

The data of score post-test of the experiment class

Based on the result of research of Class VIII A after being taught

by using concept map as the method in writing recount text the highest

score achieved is 89 and lowest score is 68, range (R)= 21, the number

of class is 6, and the interval of the class is 4.

The result of the calculation above is, then inputted into the

frequency distribution as follow:

Table 6. Frequency Distribution of score post-test of the experiment class

No Interval class Frequency

1 68 – 71 5

2 72 – 75 10

3 76 – 79 7

4 80 – 83 2

5 84 – 87 1

6 88 – 91 1

Sum 26










59-62 63-66 67-70 71-74 75-78 79-82

To make easier to understand, the writer applied frequency

test of the control class

Based on the result of research of Class VIII A after being taught

by using concept map as the method in writing recount text the highest

score achieved is 89 and lowest score is 68, range (R)= 21, the number

The result of the calculation above is, then inputted into the

test of the experiment class

distribution of score into charts as follows:

Chart 3. Histogram Frequency score of post

e. The data of score post

Based on the result of research of Class VIII C after being taught

by using conventional learning (without using concept map as a

method) in writing recount text the highest score achieved is 80 and

lowest score is 62, range (R)= 18, the number of class is

interval of class is 3.

The result of the calculation above is, then inputted into the

frequency distribution as follow:

Table 7. Frequency Distribution of score post














To make easier to understand, the writer applied frequency

distribution of score into charts as follows:

Chart 3. Histogram Frequency score of post-test of the experiment class

The data of score post-test of the control class.

Based on the result of research of Class VIII C after being taught

by using conventional learning (without using concept map as a

method) in writing recount text the highest score achieved is 80 and

lowest score is 62, range (R)= 18, the number of class is

interval of class is 3.

The result of the calculation above is, then inputted into the

frequency distribution as follow:

Table 7. Frequency Distribution of score post-test of the control class

No Interval class Frequency

1 60 – 63 2

2 64 – 67 6

3 68 – 71 5

4 72 – 75 9

5 76 – 79 3

6 80 – 83 1

Sum 26

68-71 72-75 76-79 80-83 84-87 88-91

To make easier to understand, the writer applied frequency

test of the experiment class

Based on the result of research of Class VIII C after being taught

by using conventional learning (without using concept map as a

method) in writing recount text the highest score achieved is 80 and

lowest score is 62, range (R)= 18, the number of class is 6, and the

The result of the calculation above is, then inputted into the

test of the control class

distribution of score post test into charts as follows

Chart 4. Histogram Frequency score of post

f. The average score of pre test and post test of the experimental class and

control class.

The data were obtained from the s

the writing of recount text. They were pre test and post test scores from

the experimental and control classes. The average score from the

experimental class was 68.46 for the pre test and 75.58 for the post test.

While the a

and 70.73 for the post test. The following was the simple table for the

pre test and post test students’ average scores:

Table 8. The Result Average Score of the Pre test and Post test of




The more calculation can be se

Based on the table above, it can be seen that there was an

improvement of the students, achievement in writing a recount text.











To make easier to understand, the writer applied frequency

distribution of score post test into charts as follows

Chart 4. Histogram Frequency score of post-test of the control class

The average score of pre test and post test of the experimental class and

control class.

The data were obtained from the students’ achievement scores of

the writing of recount text. They were pre test and post test scores from

the experimental and control classes. The average score from the

experimental class was 68.46 for the pre test and 75.58 for the post test.

While the average scores for the control class was 69.62 for the pre test

and 70.73 for the post test. The following was the simple table for the

pre test and post test students’ average scores:

Table 8. The Result Average Score of the Pre test and Post test of The Experimental and Control Class

Class The average score of the

pre test

The average score of

the post test

Experimental 68.46

Control 69.62

The more calculation can be seen in appendix

Based on the table above, it can be seen that there was an

improvement of the students, achievement in writing a recount text.

60-63 64-67 68-71 72-75 76-79 80-83

To make easier to understand, the writer applied frequency

distribution of score post test into charts as follows

test of the control class

The average score of pre test and post test of the experimental class and

tudents’ achievement scores of

the writing of recount text. They were pre test and post test scores from

the experimental and control classes. The average score from the

experimental class was 68.46 for the pre test and 75.58 for the post test.

verage scores for the control class was 69.62 for the pre test

and 70.73 for the post test. The following was the simple table for the

Table 8. The Result Average Score of the Pre test and Post test of

The average score of

the post test



Based on the table above, it can be seen that there was an

improvement of the students, achievement in writing a recount text.

Each class had different achievement. The achievement of the

experimental class was higher than the control class.

B. Data Analysis And hypothesis Test

1. Analysis Phase First

It was done to know the normality and homogeneity of the initial data

in the experimental class and control class.

Table 9. Score of pre-test experimental and control class.

No Experimental Control










Standard deviation

Maximal score

Minimal score













The more calculations can be seen in appendix.

a. Normality Test.

The normality test is used to know whether the data is normally

distributed or not. Test data of this research used the formula of Chi-


Ho: the data of normal distribution

Ha: the data of un normal distribution

Ho accepted if countX < tableX with α = 5% and df = K-3.

Table 10. The result of normality pre test of experiment and

control class

Class countX tableX Criteria

Experiment 6.626 7.81 Normal

Control 2.704 7.81 Normal

The more calculations can be seen in appendix

Based on analysis above it can be seen that countX both of class

lower that tableX ( countX < tableX ), so Ho accepted. And the conclusion

is the distribution data of experimental and control classes are normal.

b. Homogeneity Test

The homogeneity test is used to know whether the group sample

that was taken from population is homogeneous or not.

Ho: 21σ = 2

2σ (homogeny variance)

Ha: 21σ ≠ 2

2σ (non homogeny variance)

Ho is accepted if countF < tableF

Table 11. The result of homogeneity of pre-test of

experiment and control class

Class Variance ( 2S ) n df countF tableF criteria

Experiment 49.139 26 25 1.579 2.23 homogen

Control 31.126 26 25

The more calculation can be seen in appendix

Based on the formula:

countF= ianceimal




countF = 1.579

Based on computation above it is obtained that countF is lower than

tableF , so Ho accepted. It can be concluded that data of pre test from

experimental and control class have the same variance or homogeneous.

c. Testing the similarity of average of the initial data between

experimental and control classes.

To test the difference of average, used t-test.

Ho: 21 µµ =

Ha: 21 µµ ≠


µ1 : average data of experimental group

µ2: average data of control group

Table 12. The average similarity test of pre test of

experimental and control classes

Source variance Experimental control criteria

Sum 1780 1810 same

N 26 26

Average (_

X ) 68.46 69.62

Variance ( 2S ) 49.14 31.13

Standard deviation (s) 7.01 5.58

The more calculations can be seen in appendix









= 5.46452

t = - 0.903

Ho is accepted if Ho is accepted if

( ) )2)(211(2)2

11( 2121 −+−−+−<<−

nnnnttt αα .

Based on the computation above, that by α = 5% and df = 26+26- 2

= 50 is obtained tablet = 1.68 and countt = -0.657. Ho is accepted if

tablecounttable ttt <<− . So, it can be concluded that there is not significant

different of the average pre-test between experimental and control

classes, because t-count at the reception area of Ho.









2. Analysis Phase End

It is done to answer hypothesis of this research. The data used are the

result of post tests of both classes. The experiment class taught by using

strip stories as teaching media and the control class taught without strip


The final analysis contains of normality test, homogeneity test and

the difference average test of post test.

a. Searching for the data normality of the experimental and control


Table 13. The result of normality test of post-test of

experimental and control classes

The more calculations can be seen in appendix

Based on the computation above it is obtained that countX is lower

than tableX by α = 5%with df = 6-3 = 3. So it can be concluded that the

distribution data of post test of experimental and control class are


b. Searching for the homogeneity of the experimental and control classes

Table 14. The result of homogeneity test of post-test of

experimental and control class

Class Variance (

2S )

n df countF tableF criteria

Experiment 25.694 26 25 1.0012 2.23 homogen

Control 25.725 26 25

The more calculation can be seen in appendix

Class countX tableX Criteria

Experiment 5.148 7.81 Normal

Control 4.394 7.81 Normal

Based on the formula:

countF = ianceimal




countF = 1.085

Based on computation above it is obtained that countF is lower

than tableF , it means Ho accepted. It can be concluded that data of post

test of experimental and control classes have the same variance or


c. Hypothesis Test

Hypothesis test is used to know whether there is a difference on

post test of experimental class and control classes. The data which is

used to test the hypothesis is score post test both of class. To test the

difference of average used t-test.

Ho: 21 µµ = : it means there is no significant difference between

the writing skill improvement of students who

were taught by using concept map as the method

and who were taught by lecturing (without using

concept map)

Ha: 21 µµ ≠ : it means there is significant difference between the

writing skill improvement of students who were

taught by using concept map and who were taught

by lecturing (without using concept map)

Ha is accepted if )2()1( 21 −+−> nncount tt α

Table 15. The score of post test of experimental and control


No Experimental Control










Standard deviation

Maximal score

Minimal score













The more calculations can be seen in appendix

Table 16. Result of computation t-test

Class n Averag

e (_

X )

Variance (2S )


dDeviation (s)


countt Criteria



26 75.58 25.69 5.07 1.68 3.446 Ha


Control 26 70.73 25.72 5.07

The more calculation can be seen in appendix

Based on the computation above, it is obtained that the average of

post test of the experimental class who are taught by using concept

map is 75.39 and standard deviation (s) is 5.07. While the average of

post test of the control class who are taught by lecturing or

conventional learning is 70.73 and standard deviation (s) is 5.07. With

df = 26+26-2 = 50 by α = 5%, so obtained tablet = 1.68. From the

result of calculation t-test countt = 3.446. if compared between tablet and

countt , countt > tablet .it means that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted.

Because countt > tablet , it can be concluded that there is a significant

difference between experimental and control classes on post test, the

score of the experimental class is higher than the control class.

C. Discussion of The Research Findings

1. The score of initial ability ( Pre test)

Based on the calculations of normality and homogeneity test from

class VIII A as the experiment class and class VIII C as the control class is

normal distribution and homogeneous

2. The score of final ability (Post test)

The result of this research is obtained the average score of experiment

class was 75.58 which were higher that the result of control class 70.73.

The average score of experiment class was 75.58 and standard

deviation (s) was 5.07. Teaching writing in experiment class by using

concept map as a method to teaching recount text can encourage the

students to be more active and motivated. Concept map as a teaching

method that can create situation in teaching writing more interesting and

make the students easier to understand in lesson. It can be seen on average

score of experiment class which better result than control class.

The average score of control class was 70.73 and standard deviation

(s) was 5.07. Teaching writing in control class by using conventional

learning or lecturing to teaching writing recount text make the students

feel saturated with the material that is presented because the method too

monotone. The students still had difficult in transferring their taught and

ideas in writing.

Based on the result of calculation t-test is obtained countt : 3.446 and

tablet : 1.68. This is show that countt > tablet ( countt higher than tablet ). So it

means that there is a significant difference between writing skill

improvement of students taught by concept map and taught by lecturing o

conventional learning in writing recount text.

D. Limitation of The Research

The writer realizes that this research had not been optimally. There were

constrains and obstacles faced during the research process. Some limitations

of this research are:

1. The research is limited at SMP H. Isriati and just used class VIII A and

class VIII C as sample, so that when the same research is conducted in

other school. It is still possible that different result will be gained.

2. Relative of the implementation process of this research have short of time,

makes this research could not be do maximal. But it was enough to fulfill

all requirements for a research.

3. Relative lack of experience and knowledge of the writer, makes

implementation process of this research was less smooth. But the writer

tried as maximal as possible to done this study accordance with guide from


Considering all those limitations, there is a need to do more research

about teaching writing recount text using the same or different media. In the

hope there will be more optimal result.



A. Conclusion

The conclusion of this research is drawn in accordance with the result

of the data analysis in the previous chapter. There are some significant

differences between experiment and control class. The average score for the

experimental class was 68.46 for the pre test and 75.58 for the post test. While

the average scores for the control class was 69.62 for the pre test and 70.73 for

the post test. It means that there was an improvement of the students’

achievement in writing recount text. Each class had different achievement.

The achievement of the experimental class was higher than the control class.

In the result of post test of experiment class was 75.58 which where

higher than the control class 70.73. It means that writing a recount text by

concept map was better than the writing recount text without concept map.

The result of the calculation using the t-test showed that t value : 3. 446 and

t table for α: 5% was 1.68. It means that t value was higher than t table {3. 446>

1.68}. It can be concluded that there is a significant difference in the student

writing score of the eight year students of SMP H. Isriati in academic year of

2011/ 2012 between students who have been taught writing a recount text by

using concept map and those who have been taught by using a conventional

learning or lecturing.

B. Suggestions

One of the constrains that the teacher may face in her duty was how to

make a students interested in her teaching orang how to promote the students

interest to join the learning process well. If students have high interest in

following the teacher, it would not be so difficult for the teacher to teach the


Based on the hold result of the study, the writer had some suggestions for

English teacher, students and next researcher as follow:

1. For the English Teacher

a. Concept map may become alternative technique in teaching writing

especially in a recount text. Using concept map to teach writing is a

good innovation. It can be stimulate the students’ interest in writing. By

looking at some concept maps, the students are able to catch the ideas of

what to write and arranging the sentence in recount more easily. So the

students will not find difficult in getting idea in writing.

b. The teacher should match the concept map with the suitable material for

Junior High school students, so that the goal of the study can be


c. The teacher can find the references of the concept maps from magazine,

book, newspaper, internet, or make the concept map by themselves

based on their creativities in order to get the students interest in writing


d. Before teaching and learning process, the teacher should have prepared

the method well. It means that before using the concept map as a

method in teaching writing, it is better if the teacher check whether the

text can be classified as recount text or not, whether the text is

appropriate to their level or not.

2. For the Students

a. The students should pay attention to the teacher when he or she gives

the English lesson.

b. The students encourage themselves to learn English especially writing a

recount text.

c. The students should learn the elements of good writing especially

grammar and its application in the writing process.

d. The students should practice their ability of writing from the simple of

the complex.

3. For the next researcher

They can make this study as their reference to conduct other

researcher on the same field. They are also expected to be able to cover the

limitation about this. They can conduct a research with the same method

but in different genres. The writer hopes that the text researchers can

prepare everything as good as possible in doing research and can follow up

this research.


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A. Self Identity

1. Name : Muhyidin

2. Place and Date of Birth : Brebes, 05 Mei 1987

3. Student’s Number : 073411090

4. Address : Dk. Tanjung RT01/IV Desa Pangebatan

Kec. Bantarkawung Kab. Brebes

Phone Number : 087731171290

E-mail : [email protected]

B. Educational Background

a. SDN Pangebatan 05

b. SMP BU Bantarkawung

c. MA Assalam Assalafiyah Bantarkawung

d. Educational Faculty of Walisongo State Institute for Islamic Studies

Semarang, community 2007

Semarang, May 2012

The Writer
