Muharem Memovic Bioenergy Eng

IPTNMCG Bioenergy Podgorica, Montenegro Muharem Memovic PhD. EM 26-Aug-12 Contact: [email protected]

Transcript of Muharem Memovic Bioenergy Eng

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Podgorica, Montenegro

Muharem Memovic PhD. EM


Contact: [email protected]

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Electromagnetic fields in and around us 19


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Over the centuries the whole communities of different cultures and civilizations, as well as individuals have developed, maintained and passed on the method of bio-energy healing.

In China, acupuncture has been used as a way of increasing life energy, and removing blockage of energy flow. The theory of harmony has been the basic principle in relation to both life and death.

Therefore, life has been seen as an interlude of permanent balance and harmony between two fundamental forces yang and yin which are in constant conflict. The balance between these two forces is the harmony of life, i.e. health. If either of them becomes dominant, there is an imbalance or disease.

 According to the Chinese beliefs, meridians play a decisive role in life. They thought that the energy ("qi") runs along the meridians in a way water flows across the riverbed or a nerve impulse that goes along the nerve. Even the smallest branches of meridians provide the human body with energy, such as rivers do to the Earth.

The acupuncture needles directly eliminate the blockage of energy flow, and increase the power of the energy flow. If you want to be healthy and have a better and more fulfilled life, you can achieve it only by opening your heart to life and love. Energy balance of human body is largely based on the principles of mental hygiene, which is the basis of either the health or disease.

The goal will be achieved when you adopt the theoretical basics of this method, known as bio-energy therapy or biotherapy. The bio-energy acting is not the privilege of the chosen ones.

Under certain conditions, each psychologically and physically healthy person is able to transmit bio-energy by this method to their closest ones.

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The laws of physics in the universe have been established at its creation. These laws are based on four fundamental forces that are known to modern physics.

The power of forces and relations between them: (Brown, et al., 1976)

1. Strong nuclear force - enormous power in the core 15

2. Week nuclear force - safety belt surrounding atoms 7.03 × 10-3

3. Gravity - the force that holds the universe together 5.90 × 10-39

4. Electromagnetic force - the force that keeps electrons in the orbit 3.05 × 10-12

1. Strong nuclear force - This force ensures that protons and neutrons in the nucleus stay together and do not separate. The nucleus of the atom is formed in this way. That is why the small particles having this force are called "gluons" which in Latin means "glue".

2. Weak nuclear force - is one of the most important factors in maintaining order on the Earth, it is the balance within the atom. This balance ensures that objects do not suddenly start to fall apart or emit harmful radiation. This force is responsible for the balance between protons and neutrons in atomic nuclei. While maintaining this balance, if necessary neutron can change into a proton.

At the end of this process, the number of protons in the nucleus changes. Thus, the atom also changes and becomes another atom. The result is very significant. Atom is transformed into a different atom without disintegration and still exists, the safety belt protects living organisms from the dangers that would arise from particles released uncontrollably and harm people.

3. Gravity - the force that holds the universe together. It is a force that we feel every day, known as Gravitational force, this force is actually called, the force of attraction of masses. Although this is the weakest force in comparison with other forces, large masses are attracted to each other by it. This force is the reason why galaxies and stars in the universe keep in orbit with each other. It is responsible for keeping the Earth and other planets in orbit around the sun in particular, and it allows us to walk on the earth. If the value of this force decreased, the stars would get away from each other. The Earth would be torn away from its orbit, and we would be scattered across the universe. In case of the smallest increase of this force, the stars would collide with each other, the Earth would rapidly head for the sun, and we would be sucked into the earth's crust.

4. Electromagnetic force-the force that keeps electrons in orbit. This force among these electric charges provides that the particles with opposite electric charge attract each other,

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and that particles with the same electric charge repel, thus ensuring that the atoms in the atomic nucleus and electrons that travel in orbits around it attract each other. Thanks to the value of this force, processes in atomic nuclei function smoothly. This force is connected with biochemical reactions in the human body.


Cosmic energy includes energies that come from the outer space. Among them, energies that carry electromagnetic radiation have the most significant impact.

According to ancient beliefs, especially in the East (India, China, Japan ...) the most energy is received at the vertex through certain centers for the exchange of energy between body and environment. According to Hindu beliefs, it is the Sahasrara Chakra. Interestingly, chakras are associated with the functioning of the hormonal glands. In this sense, the Sahasrara chakra corresponds to the pineal gland.

Moreover, electromagnetism from the land is transmitted as well and acts on the human body.

Many biochemical reactions that maintain balance in the cell functioning when they defend, heal and in some sense, rejuvenate themselves depend heavily on the interaction of these energies (cosmic, earth and those ones within a man).

Disorder of the equilibrium leads to cells receiving wrong electromagnetic messages, and thus to the disruption of biochemical reactions and creation of conditions causing disorders and diseases.

Bio-energy brings back the necessary balance, and the re-initiation of biochemical reactions used by cells to protect and heal themselves.

The Earth's energy gets through the base of the spine (coccyx) into the body and those two energies go along the central energy channel and at certain points intersect.

Resonance, interference and other physical processes create an interaction of forces and energies that they carry, which is important for the state in which our body is. Transformation of these two forces creates a new energy that radiates to the outside world. The area of this emanation (change) made by intersection of energy flows is the strongest in the part of the small intestine, stomach, heart, throat and brain. In the east, these centers are called "chakras" meaning "wheel" which symbolizes the eternal movement.

Accordingly, these two energies originating from a different place are transformed from one state to another and take on the characteristics of a living organism.

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The vital forces part from meridians, i.e. energy flows from the organs and organ entities. The body as an energetic composition is in a constant interaction of energy (exchange) with its surroundings, we are sensitive and responsive to the forces or energies that surround us.

From my own experience with the practical implementation of bio-energy, I assume that, apart from well-known manifestation of these forces, in fact energies, they also have some properties that science has yet to detect and recognize.

In this sense, bio-energy healers talk as well about "life energy".

The whole of our physical and mental body is constantly supplied by this vital energy, without which life would be impossible. The flow of this invisible energy enables the life on the earth. When we stand, our vertical position enables the earth and cosmic energy to flow dynamically (at the frequency of about 8 Hz, which is the Earth resonance frequency). It is known in science as the Schumann resonance.

As a result, the functioning of all our organs becomes active. When we are in the lying down position, energy charging loses in force and all physical functions slow down. And all these universal energies are called meridians and are present in humans, plants and animals.

The Earth itself has a network of energy lines. One part of the meridians in the human body was classified and described thousands of years ago by the Chinese Medicine. Western medicine did not recognize the existence of these meridians, until their existence was confirmed by the research of Dr. Jean Claude and Prof. Dr. Verneula from the Clinic of Nuclear Medicine in the Hospital Necker in Prague. At the starting point of a meridian isotopes of technetium had been injected, and special scanners had monitored the movement of this substance.

 In this way, the existence of energy meridians, biological clock and a constant energy exchange were confirmed.

Bio-energy in science is still an unclear manifestation of natural forces, of which, because of its role in biochemistry, electromagnetic force takes the primary place.


The main flow of energy goes into the body just below the spine (coccyx) and connects the individual centers - the chakras.

As the earth rotates continuously in, the energy of the universe and the energy of the Earth do not enter the body at a straight line but a spiral one. In the body, these energies are intertwined, like a double helix of DNA chain, one end representing a cosmic force and the other

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representing the Earth force. This eternal flow is our vital energy source, its unhindered movement is essential for human health.


There are many theories about the flow of life energy in the human body. The fact is that the energy in the body constantly transforms (changes). This is done without interrupting its flow even though it uses for its passage a variety of media, much alike electric current flows through various conductors. In a similar way, the power of psychological forces associated with brain radiation as a transformed form of energy uses respiration, circulation, nervous system as its conductors. But it can also move around outside of these media in infinite space, if directed.


The role of the circulatory system as one of the factors in the transformation of cosmic and earth energy is particularly interesting for the biotherapy. Blood, as a carrier of life force, nourishes and cleanses the body by flowing through it. From our perspective, it is primarily a liquid with a specific energy charge. Its outreach to every part of the body gives life. The blood in the body is involved in the transformation of the earth and cosmic energy, because blood components have paramagnetic properties. Paramagnetnic material acquires magnetic properties. Within a strong magnetic field, oxygen takes its properties.

As a carrier of a higher level of energy and the parameters on the Earth's magnetic field, inside the cell, it is actively involved in energy transformation. It is wrong to compare the life energy, or to equate it with breathing, circulatory or nervous system. Life energy, as a transformation of cosmic energy and other energies, is beyond the physiological functions of the body, because they could not take place without it.


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The seven energy centers of the body reflect the dynamic structure of the universe, which is constantly in motion, development and transformation.

They are symbolically displayed by various geometric figures pointing out the crossing centers of two complementary forces in human body. The dynamic nature of reality is the eternal principle of cosmic change, this eternal principle of movement represents the overall rhythm of cosmic energies. In China this universal process of change was symbolized by the diagram of yin and yang a few thousand years ago. Dynamic interweaving of the archetypal opposites and complementary poles of opposites is a core of all natural phenomena.

Chinese circular symbol (Tai-Chi) emphasizes the dynamic balance of all phenomena. The unity that lies behind the yin and yang is called Tao. As all opposites are interdependent, their conflict will never lead to a complete domination of one of the opposing sides.

In consideration of the concept of energy originating from the tradition of the Far East where "chakras" are mentioned, that word is usually translated as the energy center in the human body. The energy centers in bio-energy treatment are the points which collect, transform and take away forces that flow through them. At these places the energy strength and body functions merge and interpenetrate one another. The energy incited in the process of healing is achieved on the physical plane through these energy centers. These centers are the primary sites for bio-energy activities, they are located along the spine and their stimulation can affect people. Relation between psychological and physiological functions in these centers creates a breeding ground for bio-energy acting which is specifically directed by the thoughts of a bio-energy healer. He/she uses the unlimited possibilities of the creative thought, and thus performs the ultimate transformation of energy in the form of healing.

Energy transfer of thoughts is done through the electromagnetic waves of brain.

The speech itself is a proof. For example, brain cells trigger thoughts and these emit (radiate) nerve currents spreading through the vagus nerve canal to the throat. A man recognizes and pronounces the contents of thoughts because it is "written down" in the electricity of these nerve currents.


Physiological functions are as follows:

The first energy center or the root center is the lowest chakra located at the base of the spine (coccyx), which contains elements of the Earth. Controls the kidneys, and the spinal column. Physiologically analogous organs are adrenal glands.

The second energy center is located at the level of sacral part of the back and controls the internal organs of reproduction. Physiologically analogous organ are sex glands.

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The third energy center- the Solar Plexus is situated at the level of navel. It takes part in the functions of digestion and metabolism. Physiologically analogous organ is pancreas.

The fourth energy center- Heart Center is located at the heart level, and associated with the element of air. Monitors and manages the respiratory organs, blood vessels and heart functioning. Physiologically analogous organ is thymus glandule.

This center is very important for healing acting, which depends on its evolutionary plane and its purity. Bio-energy healer gets information needed for healing, depending on the degree of the development of this center.

These four chakras represent the basic elements that connect human body with the Earth. The next three chakras connect the body with the universe.

The fifth energy center or the throat center is situated in the center of the throat or at the level of the thyroid gland. Cervical plexus together with the muscles controls upper limbs, and as an element contains air. Physiologically analogous organ is thyroid gland.

The sixth energy center or the so-called third eye between the eyebrows is an extraordinary psychic center located at the top of the spine in the center of the head, in the area of small brain, ears and eyes. This chakra controls the functions of all sense organs. Its feature is the high level of awareness, which enables communication with the mind of another person.

Physiologically analogous organ is pituitary gland. It is very important for bio-energy healers.

The seventh energy center is located just behind the top of the skull – the crown of the head. It is the entry point of the initial transformation of cosmic energy. Besides it is the area of merging and dividing of the pervasive cosmic consciousness, and human limited awareness. Powerful emanation of energy from this center creates an extremely light crown in the aura around the head. Since ancient times it has been painted over heads of enlightened people as a symbol of more expanded consciousness. Physiologically analogous organ is the pineal gland and most of the brain, the center of our creative will and consciousness, of all that is happening within us and around us.

The brain also belongs to the sixth energy center located between the eyebrows. The sixth chakra located between the eyebrows is also connected with the brain functioning.


When it comes to bio-energy, then we consider its quality and quantity. The quantity of energy today is measurable, whereas the quality of energy depends on the heart and emotions.

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Quality can be measured only by the heart. The pure and the finest aspect of bio-energy is the aspiration of a man to help a man.

The human heart plays an important role as a receiver and transmitter by bio-energy healers.

Love as an essential feature of every heart activates bio-energy potential, and heads it for the right direction. The essential kindness and love for all things gives the strength to the bio-energy healer so that without love this activity cannot be successfully performed.

Each man can very easily trigger themselves, but it is the matter of the quality of his/her bio-dynamic field as well as to what extent this field, when two human beings encounter, manages to transmit on the patient. Each bio-energy healer should be primarily a perfectly mentally and physically healthy person, and only then, he/she is able to transfer his strength - bio-energy to another person. Anyone wishing to do bio-energy healing should know the human anatomy in general. Bio-energy tries to activate the relation between a man and nature, and to strengthen the link of psychic forces and bodily functions.


Vital energy circulates through the energy centers, and in case it goes along smoothly to certain organs and tissues, the possibility of the disease is reduced. If centers become a place of delays or prevents free movement of energy, after a period this leads to energy imbalance. Energy disorder will manifest as a disease, unless the factors that provoke or cause disruptions in the movement of energy are timely eliminated.

Assuming that besides the material there is also the energy body, which can be acted upon, it is believed that most diseases first appear due to the energy imbalance, to be followed by chemical and biochemical disorders and finally result in changes in cell, tissue and organism.


In human life there are four levels of existence: spiritual, mental, emotional and physical. We need to heal, develop and integrate within ourselves all four forms or aspects of our being, in order to be in balance, fulfilled and satisfied with our lives.

The spiritual level is the foundation for the development of other levels. The mental aspect is the aspect of our intellect, our ability to think and conclude. The mind is our greatest

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gift. When we develop a mental level of our being, we can think clearly, be reasonably open and still able to decide intelligently. Using the mind we gather knowledge and wisdom from our life experience and the surrounding world.

The emotional aspect is our ability to experience life deeply, build relationships with other people and the world at the emotional level. The physical aspect is our body. It has the ability to survive and exist in the material world.


Bio-energy healing is the process in which a bio-energy healer via thought processes directs their own energy to a patient. Some initial rules can be set up for healing through bio-energy, or a method by which a complete healing of a patient leading to the self healing is to be carried out. The principles of the method are as follows:

1. Bio-energy healing process is done by treating the entire surface of the energetic layer of the patient. This principle is crucial for two reasons:

a) The cosmic and Earth force get into the organism of the patient through multiple inputs of which the most important are seven main energy centers.

b) Finding the cause of disease is the most important and the most delicate part of the work for each bio-energy healer.

2. Hand movements during the treatment are the most important factors contributing to the positive effects of healing. Even at the time of ancient civilizations they were aware that the right hand has positive (yang) and the left arm has negative (yin) properties.

a) By circular movements of the hand i.e. fist of a bio-energy healer with separated and outstretched fingers in a clockwise direction, the energy of the bio-energy healer is transferred to the patient in the most appropriate way. In other words, such a procedure helps the sick in case their energy is insufficient to fight against a specific disease. The procedure is defined as the provision of energy.b) Circular movements of the hand i.e. fist of a bio-energy healer with separated and outstretched fingers in the counterclockwise direction have the opposite effect compared to the previous, thus contributing that the excess of energy, as a result of an illness in the body of patients, is neutralized in the most appropriate way. The procedure is defined as taking away of the adverse (negative) energy.

c) Straight-line hand movements i.e. fist movements with separated and outstretched fingers are used to treat primarily diseases of legs, arms and spine. These movements are performed from fingertips to the hips-shoulders, and always in the direction of the heart.

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These movements can be performed with one or both hands and with his hands in a parallel position. The definition of this procedure is bringing the energy.

d) Straight-line arm and hand movements with separated and outstretched fingers are used primarily to treat diseases of legs and arms of patients. The movements are performed from shoulders and hips to fingertips, and always from the heart to the periphery. These movements are usually performed with one hand, or exceptionally with both hands in the parallel position if the patient lies down. The definition of this movement is taking away of negative (harmful) energy.

e) Placing hands on the surface of the energy layer for a while has the purpose to activate the energy flow or in other words, to stimulate direct self-healing of patients.

f) A straight-line movement of only one arm from the base to the upper part (of the leg, arm, or spine) while the fingers are at the top of the upper part (of the leg, arm, or spine) enables the activation of the energy flow and increases the energy potential of patients.

g) Any direct placement of both hands on the patient's body should be accompanied by adequate visualization with closed eyes of the bio-energy healer.

3. All movements performed by bio-energy healer should be natural and done without much effort.


Phases to be implemented in the course of the procedure are as follows:

1. Entering the energetic field of a patient, opening and cleaning of the energy centers (chakras).

2. Healing of the patient in a standing position.3. Healing of the patient in a sitting position accompanied by visualization while

touching him/her by hands.4. Healing of the patient in the supine position with both hands accompanied by

visualization.5. Treatment finishing and getting out of the energy field of the patient.

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These phases refer to only one treatment and they are not strictly defined. The order can vary, depending on what is better for patients and what will lead to more rapid self-healing. This model of healing is a result of many years of author's experience in working with bio-energy. The author believes that it is much easier to explain this procedure in practice, because it is difficult to find to the right words to describe something that he feels intuitively and as such his body does automatically.


Pain is one of the most common reasons why patients come to the bio-energy therapist. Pain is a subjective side effect, which in certain circumstances can change the normal physiological functions of the organism.

The intensity of pain can be high or low, only on the basis of subjective feelings of patients. The pain could be considered as an unpleasant sensory-emotional feeling that is caused by a tissue damage. Pain is transmitted by nerve fibers and nerve paths to the pain center in the central nervous system (spinal cord and cerebral cortex).

The pain ends in two centers:

1. The primary center - the spinal cord (posterior horn of the spinal cord)

2. Secondary Center – cerebral cortex (analysis of pain)

Pain is transmitted from the place of occurrence to the spinal cord by nerve fibers. From the spinal cord as the primary center, the pain is transmitted through the nerve paths to the secondary center for the pain. And that's cortex, which analyzes the pain (pain as a result of getting hurt by different objects, pain from burns, etc.).

All these pains are analyzed differently in the cerebral cortex, whose functions we can discern even if we are asleep (we can distinguish rapidly what caused the pain). The effect of bio-energetic treatment on all types of pain is quick and successful.


Between bio-energy healing and acupuncture treatment or needle therapy there are many theoretical and practical similarities. Concerning bio-energy, it is the process of energy transfer to patients with or without contact, acting energetically on the acupuncture points. The similarity between these two areas allows us to improve and upgrade our own knowledge and experience in bio-energy by checking some of the knowledge of acupuncture in practice. Referring to the

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science of acupuncture, the author would like to point the meridian system on the skin surface. There are twelve acupuncture channels or systems altogether.

Considering the system of acupuncture channels, the most important are the acupuncture points (relays) that are (for many diseases) in the direction of movement of the above-mentioned channels. The set of acupuncture points set on the earlobe are extremely important for many diseases, because by their stimulation, the practitioner is able to bring the sick organ into a physiological condition, i.e. to heal it.

Acupuncture can be performed in two ways, using special needles with flat tips or with a special apparatus stimulates the acupuncture points by electricity. This is a very convenient method of acupuncture because it can be carried out without needles, which often provokes fear in patients, since there is a possibility that acupuncturist does not hit the acupuncture point, especially if he/she is incompetent for such a performance.

The sensitivity of acupuncture channels according to the time period1.The acupuncture channel of heart 11a.m.-3 p.m.2.The acupuncture channel of cardiac layer 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.3.The acupuncture channel of stomach 7a.m. -9 a.m.4.The acupuncture channel of spleen 9 a.m. -11a.m.5. The acupuncture channel of kidney 5 p.m.-7 p.m.6.The acupuncture channel of urinary bladder 3 p.m.-5 p.m.7. The acupuncture channel of lungs 3 a.m -5 a.m8. The acupuncture channel of colon 5 a.m -7 a.m9. The acupuncture channel of gallbladder 11 p.m.-01a.m.10. The acupuncture channel of liver 01 a.m. -3 a.m.11. The acupuncture channel of small intestine 01 p.m.- 04 p.m.12. The acupuncture channel San Dao or the system of three centers 9 p.m.-11 p.m.

The system of three centers (San Dao) is a form of an energy system whose task is to distribute the energy evenly in relation to the organs of the chest, abdomen and lower abdomen (lower and upper pelvis). In addition to this, there are two analogous systems, the one that unifies the function of the big brain and spinal cord with the work of internal organs and the other which links the energy processes of the urogenital system. In other words, all organs are energetically and functionally related to each other.

A very important issue in acupuncture is the study of rhythmic movement of energy through the body. Namely, the cycles of bio-energy correspond to the fundamental cosmic cycle of our planet. Total bio-energy circulation in the body is carried out within 24 hours.

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Accordingly, we can say that each system of organs acquires special sensitivity at the certain period of day and night.

Besides the large number of acupuncture points, there are certain points that are treated with each disease:

The point located at the back of the hand near the thumb root is the point of large intestine meridian.

The point on the leg, below the kneepan is the point of the stomach meridian.

The point just below the middle of the clavicle is the point of the liver meridian.

The point at the external part of the leg above the ankle is the point of the gallbladder meridian.

The point at the inner part of the leg, in the direction of the thumb is the point of the lung meridian.

These points are called general and relaxing - and some of them are the starting points of the acupuncture treatment in any case. The author's experience has shown that all twelve acupuncture channels are successfully treated by bio-energy.


Our whole life and everything around us flows smoothly and in balance. Almost any person knows that everything in life should be balanced in order to live longer and happily. On the other hand, for the last few hundred of years, science has shown that the principle of balance exists as something inevitable and natural.

Most scientific evidence went in this direction:

- movement of charged particles as they attract in case of opposite charge- the law of Archimedes - Darwin's theory of the conservation of species- Newton's laws of action and reaction- the entropy law ΔS ≥ 0

The validity of attitudes of ordinary people supported by scientific evidence should not be doubted. The only thing we should question is whether we know all about our environment and whether we know enough. The author's comprehension of bio-energy basically has two positions:

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1. The way of verification of the existence of energy fields, registered states of molecules and atoms, as well as the discovery of human energetic layer recorded by the method set up by the scientific couple Kirlian.

2. Personal experience and conviction that bio-energy really exists and how powerful it is in terms of healing and self healing of the sick.


For a person to be healthy, it is necessary that his/her total energy is higher or equal in relation to the energy needed. There are three cases:

If a person's effective energy is less than the energy required, then we have a disease as a result.

(E) < (En)

If a person's effective energy is greater than the energy needed, then the result is good health, as it is the case with bio-therapists.

(E) > (En)

If a person's effective energy is equal to the energy needed, the result is still good health. (E) = (En)

Creating an effective excess of energy in a bio-therapist is a permanent process and it is not lost during the transfer to patients. This implies that the bio-therapist, during the treatment, is completely dedicated to healing and fully concentrated. Energy transfer occurs only in one direction, from the bio-therapist whose energy is greater than the energy required (E) < (En).

Energy exchange is done based on the principles of different potentials.

During the treatment bio-therapist keeps under control only the excess of energy, and this share is the only portion of energy he/she may transfer to patients. By transferring bio-energy to patients, he/she also incites (activates) a defense mechanism of patients that enables them to deal with illness by themselves.

After a certain number of treatments, i.e. as treatments go on, the patient’s energy layer improves, so that eventually, the necessary energy and health are achieved.

If the energy deficit in patients is relatively small, then the probability of feeling healthy again in a short period of time is high.

If a bio-therapist’s excess of energy is relatively small than the energy needed, the healing process of patients will be long lasting.

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If the total bio-energy of bio-therapist is at the limits of the level of the energy needed, then he/she cannot heal the sick.

RELATIONSHIP TO NATUREWe should treat nature as our nursing mother, who gives us birth and maintains alive, cures and protects us from various health problems.

Despite all this, the land, air and water are constantly being polluted. For the sake of progress of civilization, many plant and animal species founding our ecology are destroyed. As a result, there is a growing number of allergies and contagious diseases, eczema of unknown origin.

Our everyday life becomes more and more unnatural, starting from the way we dress to constant exposure to harmful electromagnetic radiation at the workplace or at home. These outer factors reflect negatively on our health.

Electromagnetic radiation reduces the strength of our natural defense system. Common sense implies to try to save the integrity of the environment on which our lives depend heavily.

NUTRITIONIn maintaining good health, the father of medicine Hippocrates was paying great attention

to diet and environment in which a man lives. With respect to diet, he said: "Let food be thy medicine and let medicine be thy food." His attitude saying that the cause of disease is of the natural, and not unnatural origin, at the time was a break with the past, thus laying the foundations of the future medicine. Diet based mainly on whole grains and vegetables had been used for thousands of years all over the world.

This diet has gradually disappeared. It has been replaced by modern food that we take today, including large amounts of animal products, refined grains, refined sugars, etc. Industrial food with chemical additives has been imposed by unnatural diet. Proper nutrition keeps the body alive, in balance, and contributes to general health.

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It is a compound word: the Latin word radius, meaning ray, and the Greek word aisthesis meaning sensation or perception. Therefore, radiestesy means perception of radiation. By radiation we mean the radiation of all substantial entities, i.e. all creatures and organisms, as well as all nonliving systems in nature.

In order to detect radiation, radiesthesists use various tools (forks, pendulum, membrane) so we can talk about several radiesthesist’s detection techniques. Thus, radiestesy is the set of procedures that enables the detection of radiation (energy) of living and nonliving systems, which are based in the impact of this radiation on the human body.


All material objects and systems in nature are composed of atoms, and atoms consist of neutral neutron particles and charged particles of protons and electrons. Neutrons and protons are placed in the atomic nucleus, around which electrons orbit in approximately circular orbits of different radius. The electrons do not remain always in the same orbit, but can cross, and move from one orbit to another.

When moving from higher to lower orbits they emit energy, emitting electromagnetic waves. In order to move from the lower to higher orbit, they have to absorb energy from the environment. Electromagnetic radiation- all substantial forms, all objects, all living and nonliving systems radiate electromagnetic waves. Furthermore, besides the radiation of electromagnetic waves coming from the very atoms and molecules, they are always emitted when there are time-varying magnetic and electric fields.

Then charged particles speed up or slow down.

Such is the case with the electrons in electrical conductors and household electrical appliances. In other words, the source of radiation of electromagnetic waves is any electrical conductor with the time-varying current, such as alternating current. In other words, any device in the household working on alternating current. Accordingly, anyone or anything can radiate electromagnetic waves or absorb them. In addition, any object or a living system can emit and absorb heat. When it cools down, it emits the heat, and absorbs it when starts heating. Then, some systems can emit light of different colors, and there are systems that can absorb the light.

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Thermal radiation and light are electromagnetic waves. Mechanical waves are a form of radiation named differently in everyday life: sound, music, noise, etc. All these names refer to the mechanical waves, which our ear is able to detect. In modern science, besides the division on electromagnetic and mechanical waves, there is as well another fundamental division of radiation.

Radiation made up of quanta of energy:

Radiation of electromagnetic waves from the living and nonliving system represents the radiation of electromagnetic energy. However, despite the amount of radiation of electromagnetic energy, it is always a whole multiple of a specific minimum of energy called quantum. Any amount of electromagnetic energy contains the equivalent amount of quanta of energy.

Radiation made up of sets of particles:

Some radioactive elements emit alpha and beta rays, which are groups of particles. Alfa - rays are the sets of helium nuclei. Beta – rays are the sets of electrons. Both are radiated from the nucleus of radioactive element. Radioactive elements emit gamma-rays, but they are of electromagnetic nature and as such represent a set of quanta of energy.

AMBIENT ENERGY FIELDAny radiation can be described from the physical point of view. Most often, we hear

about the intensity and power of radiation. The first one determines the total amount of energy emitted in space by the source of radiation and the second determines the amount of energy emitted in a certain direction. Any radiation spreading through space carries a certain energy, which is determined by the power of the radiation source.

Ambient energy field:

All that exists radiates waves that can be electromagnetic energy, heat, light, gamma rays or mechanical waves. Thus, the entire space is filled by this radiation i.e. by mechanical and electromagnetic waves and energies carried by them. This set of radiation creates the ambient energy field. Changes in some parts of ambient energy field do not remain localized at the site where they occurred, but they transfer at specific rate to other parts of space. The change of the electromagnetic properties of the ambient energy field, at the speed of light, almost instantaneously, travels to the most remote parts of the Earth and the Earth's atmosphere, while the changes of mechanical waves travel at the speed of sound.

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ELECTROMAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF HUMAN BODYElectric current flows through our neurons , then it flows from each cell of our body into

environment and vice versa. Thus, in any part of our body there are time-varying electric and magnetic fields, which means that all physiological processes in the body are accompanied by changes in electric and magnetic fields in some of their parts. The basic control of almost all functions and many processes is done by the nervous system, through which the nerve impulses often having the electromagnetic nature move around. Thanks to these electrical impulses our brain functions, muscles move, heart functioning is controlled and regulated and so on.

Electromagnetic fields in and around usIt is known that each cell is surrounded by the cell membrane. When the cell is in a living tissue, then between the inner and outer surface of the membrane, there is a potential difference of about 90 mV (transmembrane potential). The inner surface of the membrane is positively charged and the outer negatively. Transmembrane potential allows the exchange of substances between the cell and its environment. Electromagnetic fields are all around us, in the space around us and in our bodies.

Any of known energies (radiation) can have both beneficial and adverse effects on the human body. Thus, moderate tanning is beneficial, while excessive sun exposure is dangerous and encourages the development of melanoma (skin cancer). Furthermore, weak electrical current is used for electro-massage and muscle relaxation, while a strong electrical current can be fatal.


Hartmann and Carrey's network is very popular among radiesthesists, representing the networks of harmful radiation in the form of parallel and mutually perpendicular charged lines covering the entire surface of the planet. A global network of Dr. Hartman has a range of two and a half meters between the meridians, and two meters between the parallels, which extends rectangular fields in the east-west direction. If we project the Hartmann's network diagonally on the Carrey's network, we will see that every other Hartmann's knot is, at the same time, Carrey's knot as well, so there is no deviation. Around these pathogenic nodes, rectangular fields become harmful and pathogenic. Harmfulness of these fields extends alternately, as a chess board, thus some fields can emit strong (yin) or (yang) radiation.

These lines are called zones of harmful radiation. Their width is 20 cm (Hartmann) or 50 cm (Carrey).


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Some people are very sensitive to deviations of the earth's magnetic field caused by underground water flows, because water has extremely magnetic properties. Dowsers have this sort of sensation. These are people who are primarily engaged in the discovery of underground water to dig wells.

Functioning of the most modern electronic equipment for finding underground water is based on the detection of the same phenomenon, i.e. on the detection and analysis of these deviations of the Earth's magnetic field which always occurs near underground storage (tanks) of water.

Dowser's s forks are made of willow, elastic metal wire and straps and elastic plastic. They have to take the shape of the letter (V) or (Y), with arms long enough to be hold by both hands. When a deviation of the electromagnetic field caused by the presence of groundwater or other sources of radiation is detected, the unconscious muscle movements of hands cause the movement of forks. As a result, the top of forks begins to move up or down or forks themselves start to rotate around their axis.

PENDULUMPendulum is the most common tool used by radiesthesists, made of wood, metal, stone,

crystal, glass, clay or plastic and can be hanged on thread, metal chain or elastic metal spring. The role of the pendulum, alike any other tool of radiesthesy is not to detect radiation, since it is done by the radiesthesist themselves, but to serve as an indicator showing whether or not the radiesthesist detected radiation.

Radiesthesists themselves somehow, inexplicably detect and analyze radiation of underground water. Somewhere in the body, most likely in the brain, there is a center in our subconscious. It is a biophysical detector, which detects and analyzes the radiation. It is difficult to prove these hypothetical assertions, but everyday radiesthesy practice speaks conclusively in favour of them.

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