
Muhamad Ridwan Position Title: Software Engineer – Programmer (PT Mitrais) Location: Bandung, Indonesia Email: [email protected] Phone: 0852-24-20-28-29 Competencies Competency Name Competency Level Business Writing Skills Working English skills Good Presentation Skills Working Customer Awareness Working Communicating Effectively Working Teamwork skills Good Professional behaviour & attitude Good Professional growth & development Working Prioritising/Organizing/Setting & Achieving Goals Working Problem Solving Good Entity Relationship Diagram Good Software Development Methodology Working SQL and Database Programming Good Extend professional activity well beyond the Mitrais work day Working Software Configuration Management (SCM) Working Software Construction Good Software Design Working Software Maintenance Working Software Quality Working Software Requirements Working Software Testing Working .NET Framework Core Language Good Design Pattern Good document.doc 1 / 8

Transcript of Muhamad_Ridwan_Profile

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Muhamad Ridwan

Position Title: Software Engineer – Programmer (PT Mitrais)Location: Bandung, IndonesiaEmail: [email protected]: 0852-24-20-28-29


Competency Name Competency Level

Business Writing Skills WorkingEnglish skills GoodPresentation Skills WorkingCustomer Awareness WorkingCommunicating Effectively WorkingTeamwork skills GoodProfessional behaviour & attitude GoodProfessional growth & development WorkingPrioritising/Organizing/Setting & Achieving Goals WorkingProblem Solving GoodEntity Relationship Diagram GoodSoftware Development Methodology WorkingSQL and Database Programming GoodExtend professional activity well beyond the Mitrais work day WorkingSoftware Configuration Management (SCM) WorkingSoftware Construction GoodSoftware Design WorkingSoftware Maintenance WorkingSoftware Quality WorkingSoftware Requirements WorkingSoftware Testing Working.NET Framework Core Language GoodDesign Pattern GoodOOP Good.Net Data Access Working.Net Framework Essentials WorkingASP .NET MVC Working

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Competency Name Competency Level

CSS GoodHTML GoodJavaScript GoodjQuery GoodMSP Reporting Tools GoodParallel Programming WorkingDeveloper Testing WorkingWebForm WorkingXML Working3rd Party Mobile Framework GoodAndroid Core Language WorkingMobile Data Interchange WorkingMobile Data Management GoodPHP GoodPHP 3rd Party Framework Working

Competency Level Legend:Working Working knowledge of the competency - supervision and expert advice still requiredGood Good knowledge of the competency - expert advice sometimes requiredExpert Expert knowledge of the competency – mentors othersLeadership Competency Leader – develops the competency in the organizationIn Training In the process of gaining knowledge of the competencyShading Color Legend:Company Competency SetJob Family Competency SetJob Stream Competency SetCompetencies in training

Professional Experience

18 November 2013 – Present ProgrammerMitrais, Jakarta

SEAMSPOS Project Description

Reports development of Point of Sale application. The reports provides a transaction summary, staff attendance, stocks, history, etc. The jobs include: development, and bug fixing.

Tools and technology NET Framework 4.5, C#.NET, WPF, MS Visual Studio 2012, Crystal Report.

CRS Upgrade Project Description

Enhance CRS (Competency Review System). The jobs include: bug fixing and testing.

Tools and technology NET Framework 4.0, C#.NET, MVC, LINQ, MS Visual Studio 2010, CSS, Javascript,


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MapVisit Project Description

Work as an outsource developer for Coca - Cola Amatil Indonesia; Enhance a web application for tracking user’s activity when visiting outlet. The jobs include: enhanchment.

Tools and technology NET Framework 4.0, C#.NET, MVC, LINQ, MS Visual Studio 2012, CSS, Javascript,

FTP, GoogleMap API. DSM Monitoring

Project Description Work as an outsource developer for Coca - Cola Amatil Indonesia; Develop a

console application which is used to generate reports, uploads it to sharepoint, then sends email notification. The jobs include : designing, development, testing, and maintenance.

Tools and technology Enterprise Architect, NET Framework 3.5, C#.NET, LINQ, MS Visual Studio 2010,

IBMDB2, SQL Server, Excel generator library, Sharepoint. MTP Survey

Project Description Work as an outsource developer for Coca - Cola Amatil Indonesia; Modify an

existing sending email feature . The jobs include : modification. Tools and technology

NET Framework 3.5, C#.NET, LINQ, MS Visual Studio 2010, Office365 (Microsoft Exchange).

E-Tax File Distributor Project Description

Work as an outsource developer for Coca - Cola Amatil Indonesia; Develop a console application which is used to archive E-Tax which is generated from E-Tax Goverment's system. E-Tax document will be archived if it has been sent to its outlet. Track a failure sending email. The jobs include : designing, development, testing, and maintenance.

Tools and technology Enterprise Architect, NET Framework 3.5, C#.NET, LINQ, MS Visual Studio 2010,

IBMDB2, Web Service, Office365 (Microsoft Exchange). Share Service Reporting

Project Description Work as an outsource developer for Coca - Cola Amatil Indonesia; Develop a

console application which is used to generate reports of quick count order data then saves it to a share folder and sends an email notification for every generated report. Format file for those reports are a pdf file (.pdf) for summary report and a csv file (.csv) for detail report. The detail report will be uploaded to FTP server. The jobs include : designing, development, testing, and maintenance.

Tools and technology Enterprise Architect, NET Framework 3.5, C#.NET, LINQ, MS Visual Studio 2010,

IBMDB2, Crystal Report.

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EDS (Every Dealer Survey) Mobile Application v2.0 Project Description

Work as an outsource developer for Coca - Cola Amatil Indonesia; Develop a mobile application (EDS) which is an application to collect outlet data for market analysis. The jobs include: designing, development and testing new features, and bug fixing.

Tools and technology Android, Google Map API, SQLite, Web Service, NET Framework 3.5, C#.NET, MS

Visual Studio 2010, MS SQL Server, Enterprise Architect. EDS (Every Dealer Survey) Web Report v2.0

Project Description Work as an outsource developer for Coca - Cola Amatil Indonesia; Develop a

web application which provides reports of EDS data. EDS is a project to collect outlet data for market analysis. The jobs include : designing, development, testing, and maintenance.

Tools and technology NET Framework 4.0, ADO.NET, C#.NET, LINQ, MS Visual Studio 2012, MS SQL

Server, AJAX, JQuery, Crystal Report, GoogleMap API, Cloudinary, Enterprise Architect.

E-Coaching Project Description

Work as an outsource developer for Coca - Cola Amatil Indonesia; Develop a user authentication and synchronization module for e-coaching application.

Tools and technology Windows mobile, Web Service, NET Framework 3.5, C#.NET, MVC Mobile

Framework, MS Visual Studio 2008, MS Visual Studio 2010, IBMDB2, SQLite. SP Order Summary Report

Project Description Work as an outsource developer for Coca - Cola Amatil Indonesia; Develop a

pricing and daily report module. The jobs include: bugs fixing and maintenance. Tools and technology

NET Framework 3.5, ADO.NET, C#.NET, LINQ, MS Visual Studio 2010, IBMDB2, Web Service, Crystal Report.

EDS (Every Dealer Survey) Web Report Project Description

Work as an outsource developer for Coca - Cola Amatil Indonesia; Develop a web application which provides reports of EDS data. EDS is a project to collect outlet data for market analysis. The jobs include: designing, development, testing and maintenance.

Tools and technology NET Framework 4.0, ADO.NET, C#.NET, LINQ, MS Visual Studio 2012, MS SQL

Server, AJAX, JQuery, Crystal Report, GoogleMap API, Cloudinary, PagedList. Scan Data

Project Description Work as an outsource developer for Coca - Cola Amatil Indonesia; Checks the

latest version data from client’s SFTP using hashing cryptography, downloads it, then uploads it to company’s sharepoint. The jobs include: designing, development, testing, and maintenance.

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Tools and technology .NET Framework 3.5, C#.NET, LINQ, MS Visual Studio 2010, IBMDB2, Sharepoint,


Project Description Work as an outsource developer for Coca - Cola Amatil Indonesia; fixing bugs

and developing new feature (Outlet tracking by GPS) for CDEEPC survey. Tools and technology

Windows mobile, MVC mobile framework, SQLite, ADO.NET, C#.NET 3.5, LINQ, IBMDB2, MS Visual Studio 2008, Web Service.

Manufacturing Wallboard Project Description

Work as an outsource developer for Coca - Cola Amatil Indonesia; bugs fixing of a web application which is used to monitor factory performance. The jobs include : bugs fixing and maintenance.

Tools and technology MVC 4.0, C# .Net, JQuery, MS SQL Server, Visual Studio 2012.

Fulfillment Report Project Description

Work as an outsource developer for Coca - Cola Amatil Indonesia; Develop a concole application which is used to Generates daily fulfillment report. The jobs include : development, testing, and maintenance.

Tools and technology C#.NET 3.5, MS Visual Studio 2010, IBMDB2.

MORE Fast Track Upgrade Project Description

Research for better JQuery library to be implemented on MORE project. Tools and technology

JQuery, AJAX, javascript, AngularJS.

23 September 2013 – 31 October 2013Developer PT. Vox Teneo, Bandung

Altissia Language Learning – PT. Vox Teneo Indonesia Project Description

Work as a developer at PT. Vox Teneo Indonesia; Develop a web based multimedia and android platform using phonegap.

Tools and technology JavaScript, Phonegap.

26 December 2011 – 30 November 2012Developer PT. Aryajaya Formasi, Bandung

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Webtools Indonesia WiFi ( – PT. Aryajaya Formasi Project Description

Work as a developer at PT. Aryajaya Formasi; Develop a web based application for Indonesia WiFi Access Point installation project management. The jobs include : designing, development, testing, and maintenance.

Tools and technology PHP, CodeIgnitor Framework, jQuery and JavaScript, Smarty, Postgre SQL, Power

Designer. Selada Admin – PT. Aryajaya Formasi

Project Description Work as a developer at PT. Aryajaya Formasi; Develop a web based application

for Selada (payment gateway system) data transaction management. The jobs include : designing, development, testing, and maintenance.

Tools and technology PHP, CodeIgnitor Framework, jQuery and JavaScript, Smarty, Postgre SQL.

Timesheet Management System – PT. Aryajaya Formasi Project Description

Work as a developer at PT. Aryajaya Formasi; Develop a web based Timesheet Management System for PT. Sisindokom. The jobs include : designing, development, testing, and maintenance.

Tools and technology PHP, CodeIgnitor Framework, jQuery and JavaScript, Smarty, MySQL, Power


Education 2009 – 2013, Politeknik Negeri Bandung, Bandung

Bachelor of Applied Science Degree – Informatics Engineering

Training & Courses

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May 2016 Python Bootcamp Training

April 2016 .Net Core Bootcamp Training

November 2015 Analyst Programmer Certification Program - Software Development Methodology,

Mitrais, Bandung September 2015

Analyst Programmer Certification Program - Software Quality, Mitrais, Bandung July 2015

Analyst Programmer Certification Program - Software Configuration Management, Mitrais, Bandung

March 2015 Analyst Programmer Certification Program - Software Design, Mitrais, Bandung

February 2015 Analyst Programmer Certification Program – Software Maintenance, Mitrais,

Bandung November 2013

Programmer Certification Program, Mitrais, Bali


English, Indonesian

Last updated 27 May 2016

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