Concept 10.1 Review Why might a species such as the Eurasian collared dove be less threatened by rapid climate change than hemlock or maple trees? Some ecologists who have hung clear plastic sheets coated with adhesive capable of trapping flying insects from river bridges have found that the side of the sheets facing downstream trap more adult aquatic insects than the upstream-facing side. Explain. Chapter 10 Concept 10.1 Review Answers 1.The documented dispersal rate of Eurasian collared doves is much higher than that shown by hemlock and maple trees. 2.Since, according to Muller's colonization cycle, stream insects need to compensate for downstream movements during drift, the predominant direction of flight by reproductive adult stream insects should be upstream. 1. The populations of both butterflies increase in size with increased habitat area. The Glanville fritillary has much larger population sizes for a given meadow area compared to the Rocky Mountain Parnassian. Joining a larger population in a larger meadow increases the chances of increased genetic variability in future generations 1. and reduces the chances of joining a subpopulation on its way to extinction. While fire suppression by forest managers contributes to the decline of a Rocky Mountain Parnassian butterfly metapopu- lation, traditional farming appears to contribute to the growth of the lesser kestrel metapopulation of the Ebro River valley.



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Concept 10.1 ReviewWhy might a species such as the Eurasian collareddove be less threatened by rapid climate change thanhemlock or maple trees?

Some ecologists who have hung clear plastic sheetscoated with adhesive capable of trapping flying insectsfrom river bridges have found that the side of thesheets facing downstream trap more adult aquaticinsects than the upstream-facing side. Explain.Chapter 10

Concept 10.1 Review Answers1. The documented dispersal rate of Eurasian collared doves ismuch higher than that shown by hemlock and maple trees.2. Since, according to Muller's colonization cycle, stream insectsneed to compensate for downstream movements during drift,the predominant direction of flight by reproductive adultstream insects should be upstream.1. The populations of both butterflies increase in size withincreased habitat area. The Glanville fritillary has much largerpopulation sizes for a given meadow area compared to theRocky Mountain Parnassian.Joining a larger population in a larger meadow increases thechances of increased genetic variability in future generations

1. and reduces the chances of joining a subpopulation on its wayto extinction.While fire suppression by forest managers contributes to thedecline of a Rocky Mountain Parnassian butterfly metapopu-lation, traditional farming appears to contribute to the growthof the lesser kestrel metapopulation of the Ebro River valley.