MSJ Weekly Home Learning Timetable for Summer 1 Week 4 Mini … · 2020. 5. 7. · MSJ Weekly Home...

MSJ Weekly Home Learning Timetable for Summer 1 – Week 4 – Mini Beasts 1! Physical Activity English Maths Other Learning Challenge Mon Joe wicks PE lesson com/channel/UCAxW 1XT0iEJo0TYlRfn6rYQ Create a story map of a bug story and orally retell the story. Look at this example to help you. Look carefully at the above pictures. What can you see? What is happening? Talk about it? If you are unsure of a bug story you could use some of these we found on youtube: L7On2gBkw NQK-Sm1YY Draw your pictures on the story map attached below. Count to 20 or even 100 with Jack Hartmann! Have some fun counting, singing and moving with Jack. The children’s love these songs so have fun! Count to 20 VzXKfr6e8 Count to 100 LtF3PMOc You could have a quiz and each say a number and write it down – who can get the most right! RE We have been thinking about special places and last week Mrs Ewels told us her special place would be the beach and Mrs Foster’s was her garden. We have attached a power point of some special places around the world. (on the website) Could you choose your favourite special places and say why? You might want to think about somewhere you have been on holiday and why it was special? Mrs Fosters would be her trip to Spain last year and walking along the lovely beaches and staying in a beautiful hotel in Valencia. Challenge – Could you find out about a bug that might live in your garden or be your favourite one! Could you write a factfile about it. E.g. draw a picture of it, what does it look like and where does it live. Tues Andy’s wild workouts see link below: k/programmes/p06tm mvz Write the bug story using the story map to help you or you could write a sentence to go with each picture. Don’t worry if you don’t write 5 sentences – write as many as you can or get your grown up to help you! Our story would be: One day there was a busy little bee and he lived in a hive. Next he went to visit a Introduce, halving. You can watch the power point of halving which is on the website. You could have some playdough or other objects and practice cutting them in half. If you are having a snack talk about cutting the apple in half – lots of ways of talking about halving. If you are sharing some grapes/sweets – talk about two equal halves! Physical Development: Design your own minibeast using playdough. Add some pipe cleaners to make legs and maybe some googly eyes! Minibeast I spy and count! These are one of our favourite activities in the classroom and we have found one all about minibeasts. Use the recording sheet to record

Transcript of MSJ Weekly Home Learning Timetable for Summer 1 Week 4 Mini … · 2020. 5. 7. · MSJ Weekly Home...

Page 1: MSJ Weekly Home Learning Timetable for Summer 1 Week 4 Mini … · 2020. 5. 7. · MSJ Weekly Home Learning Timetable for Summer 1 – Week 4 – Mini Beasts 1! Physical Activity

MSJ Weekly Home Learning Timetable for Summer 1 – Week 4 – Mini Beasts 1!

Physical Activity English Maths Other Learning Challenge


Joe wicks PE lesson

Create a story map of a bug story and orally retell the story. Look at this example to help you.

Look carefully at the above pictures. What can you see? What is happening? Talk about it? If you are unsure of a bug story you could use some of these we found on youtube: Draw your pictures on the story map attached below.

Count to 20 or even 100 with Jack Hartmann! Have some fun counting, singing and moving with Jack. The children’s love these songs so have fun! Count to 20 Count to 100 You could have a quiz and each say a number and write it down – who can get the most right!

RE – We have been thinking about special places and last week Mrs Ewels told us her special place would be the beach and Mrs Foster’s was her garden. We have attached a power point of some special places around the world. (on the website) Could you choose your favourite special places and say why? You might want to think about somewhere you have been on holiday and why it was special? Mrs Fosters would be her trip to Spain last year and walking along the lovely beaches and staying in a beautiful hotel in Valencia.

Challenge – Could you find out about a bug that might live in your garden or be your favourite one! Could you write a factfile about it. E.g. draw a picture of it, what does it look like and where does it live.


Andy’s wild

workouts see link



Write the bug story using the story map to help you or you could write a sentence to go with each picture. Don’t worry if you don’t write 5 sentences – write as many as you can or get your grown up to help you! Our story would be: One day there was a busy little bee and he lived in a hive. Next he went to visit a

Introduce, halving. You can watch the power point of halving which is on the website. You could have some playdough or other objects and practice cutting them in half. If you are having a snack talk about cutting the apple in half – lots of ways of talking about halving. If you are sharing some grapes/sweets – talk about two equal halves!

Physical Development:

Design your own minibeast using playdough. Add some pipe cleaners to make legs and maybe some googly eyes!

Minibeast I spy and count! These are one of our favourite activities in the classroom and we have found one all about minibeasts. Use the recording sheet to record

Page 2: MSJ Weekly Home Learning Timetable for Summer 1 Week 4 Mini … · 2020. 5. 7. · MSJ Weekly Home Learning Timetable for Summer 1 – Week 4 – Mini Beasts 1! Physical Activity

flower to collect some nectar to make honey. Unfortunately it started to rain and the bee did not know how he was going to get home. Luckily the sun came out and he was able to get back to h is home. The end.

If you haven’t got any playdough you could paint or draw a minibeast.

how many you have found of each animal.


Cosmic kids



Phonics We will be moving onto phase 4 phonics and the phase 4 tricky words which are attached below. Practice reading the tricky words with your grown up. If your child isn’t ready for phase 4 please practice the phase 2 and 3 tricky words first and make sure they can recognise these before moving onto phase 4. This week you could write the words again on bricks and build the words or you could maybe use big paint brushes and water and paint them outside on a wall or the floor.

Pictures of minibeasts – halving the amounts so that they are equal. Challenge – have two bowls and some objects – give the children a number and ask them to share them equally in half. (The numbers need to be even numbers) This will be good practice of good to 1:1 counting.

Knowledge and Understanding of the World - Go on a mini beast

hunt around your garden. What can you find? Use the sheet below to help you look for and identify some bugs!

Sort the minibeasts into where they would live – their habitats. If you are not sure perhaps you could find out where they live.


Choose your

favourite just

dance on youtube:


Phonics Blends – these are the next blends that we will be working on in phase 4 : Cr – crab, crib, crust Dr – drip, drum, drink Fl – flash, flip, flask Practice writing and reading words with these blends.

Go outside with chalk – draw shapes and colour in a half of them – circle, square, rectangle, heart. Can you make them into an animal or bug shape?

Music – Move along to music – Sing lots of minibeast songs: worm at the bottom of my garden, incy wincy spider, five little woodlice, there’s a tiny caterpillar on a leaf.

Colour by number addition sheet – minibeasts – adding to 10. Be careful colouring in the lines and choosing the right colours!

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It’s time for

Charlie Bear!


Rising stars on-line reading challenge. Have a go at reading this week’s book and do the challenges.

Colour in halves sheet – look at the shapes and colour in half of each of the shapes. Challenge – you could draw our own shapes, cut them out and fold them in half. You could then colour them in half.

Creative –

Can you design and make a bug house? If you have a garden you could go and make one outside. If you haven’t design one and see if you can make a model of it from junk.

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Story map

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Page 8: MSJ Weekly Home Learning Timetable for Summer 1 Week 4 Mini … · 2020. 5. 7. · MSJ Weekly Home Learning Timetable for Summer 1 – Week 4 – Mini Beasts 1! Physical Activity

KQ: Can I find and draw half of a picture ?

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Page 10: MSJ Weekly Home Learning Timetable for Summer 1 Week 4 Mini … · 2020. 5. 7. · MSJ Weekly Home Learning Timetable for Summer 1 – Week 4 – Mini Beasts 1! Physical Activity
Page 11: MSJ Weekly Home Learning Timetable for Summer 1 Week 4 Mini … · 2020. 5. 7. · MSJ Weekly Home Learning Timetable for Summer 1 – Week 4 – Mini Beasts 1! Physical Activity
Page 12: MSJ Weekly Home Learning Timetable for Summer 1 Week 4 Mini … · 2020. 5. 7. · MSJ Weekly Home Learning Timetable for Summer 1 – Week 4 – Mini Beasts 1! Physical Activity
Page 13: MSJ Weekly Home Learning Timetable for Summer 1 Week 4 Mini … · 2020. 5. 7. · MSJ Weekly Home Learning Timetable for Summer 1 – Week 4 – Mini Beasts 1! Physical Activity
Page 14: MSJ Weekly Home Learning Timetable for Summer 1 Week 4 Mini … · 2020. 5. 7. · MSJ Weekly Home Learning Timetable for Summer 1 – Week 4 – Mini Beasts 1! Physical Activity
Page 15: MSJ Weekly Home Learning Timetable for Summer 1 Week 4 Mini … · 2020. 5. 7. · MSJ Weekly Home Learning Timetable for Summer 1 – Week 4 – Mini Beasts 1! Physical Activity
Page 16: MSJ Weekly Home Learning Timetable for Summer 1 Week 4 Mini … · 2020. 5. 7. · MSJ Weekly Home Learning Timetable for Summer 1 – Week 4 – Mini Beasts 1! Physical Activity