Sheet No: STI2205 Material Name: Atmospheric Residue (high and low sulphur content) ALIGN BP SDS Finals Safety Data Sheet - SDS GLIS Sheet No:STI2205 SDS Reference: Paper Type: BP Helios Status: Active Material Name: Atmospheric Residue (high and low sulphur content) Waxy Distillate/ Heavy Vacuum Gas Oil Language:English Country:OTI Revision of Sheet Dated:02/09/98 Major Change: Hazard?:Yes Hazardous Components: Physical Characteristics: Fuel oil Tox File: 279.10 Product Group: Date of Issue: 17/07/2000 ________________________________________________________________________________ SAFETY DATA SHEET Atmospheric Residue (high and low sulphur content) Waxy Distillate/ Heavy Vacuum Gas Oil 1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Identification of substance/preparation Atmospheric Residue (high and low sulphur content) Waxy Distillate/ Heavy Vacuum Gas Oil Alternative Names: Heavy Vacuum Distillate Application Refinery feedstock Fuel blending component For specific application advice see appropriate Technical Data Sheet or consult your BP representative Company Identification BP Oil International Limited Britannic House 1 Finsbury Circus London, EC2M 7BA file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/lanewg/M...e%20(high%20and%20low%20sulphur%20content).htm (1 of 8) [29/01/2002 08:32:09]

Transcript of MSDS

Page 1: MSDS

Sheet No: STI2205 Material Name: Atmospheric Residue (high and low sulphur content)

ALIGN BP SDS FinalsSafety Data Sheet - SDS

GLIS Sheet No:STI2205 SDS Reference: Paper Type: BP Helios Status: Active

Material Name: Atmospheric Residue (high and low sulphur content)Waxy Distillate/ Heavy Vacuum Gas Oil

Language:English Country:OTIRevision of Sheet Dated:02/09/98 Major Change: Hazard?:Yes

Hazardous Components: Physical Characteristics: Fuel oil Tox File: 279.10 Product Group: Date of Issue: 17/07/2000



Atmospheric Residue (high and low sulphur content)

Waxy Distillate/ Heavy Vacuum Gas Oil1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Identification of substance/preparation Atmospheric Residue (high and low sulphur content)Waxy Distillate/ Heavy Vacuum Gas Oil Alternative Names: Heavy Vacuum Distillate

Application Refinery feedstockFuel blending componentFor specific application advice see appropriate Technical Data Sheet or consult your BP representative

Company Identification BP Oil International LimitedBritannic House1 Finsbury CircusLondon, EC2M 7BA

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Sheet No: STI2205 Material Name: Atmospheric Residue (high and low sulphur content)

Emergency Telephone Number +44 (0) 20 7496 4411 _________________________________________________________________________________2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSChemical Composition Complex hydrocarbon substance, one of the following: Residues (petroleum), atm. tower. EINECS No: 265-045-2, CAS No: 64741-45-3 Residues (petroleum), atmospheric. EINECS No: 269-777-3, CAS No: 68333-22-2 Gas oils (petroleum), heavy vacuum. EINECS No: 265-058-3, CAS No: 64741-57-7

Hazardous Components Hydrogen sulphide (H2S), an extremely toxic and highly flammable gas, and other flammable light hydrocarbon gases may collect in vapour spaces where product is stored. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons will be present, some of which have been shown by experimental studies to induce skin cancer.

_________________________________________________________________________________3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONContact with hot product may cause burns. May cause cancer, classified as a category 2 carcinogen. This material may contain significant quantities of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PCAs), some of which have been shown by experimental studies to induce skin cancer. Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking.

Vapours containing hydrogen sulphide may accumulate during storage or transport and may also be vented during filling of tanks. Hydrogen sulphide has a typical "bad egg" smell but at high concentrations the sense of smell is rapidly lost, therefore do not rely on sense of smell for detecting hydrogen sulphide. Use specially designed measuring instruments for determining its concentration.

Harmful to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment._________________________________________________________________________________

4. FIRST-AID MEASURESEyes Wash eye thoroughly with copious quantities of water, ensuring eyelids are held open. Obtain medical advice if any pain or redness develops or persists. If hot material enters the eye, flood immediately with cold water to dissipate the heat, if possible, ensuring eyelids are held open. Take the casualty to hospital for examination and treatment without delay.

Skin Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water as soon as reasonably practicable. Remove heavily contaminated clothing and wash underlying skin. If hot product causes burns, the affected area should be flooded immediately with, or immersed in cold water for 10 minutes, or longer if pain persists. Burns should be covered with clean cotton or gauze, and the casualty taken to hospital as soon as possible for examination and treatment. Never use gasoline, kerosine or other solvents to remove fuel oil from skin or clothing. Medical advice must be obtained urgently if product under high pressure has been injected through the skin.


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Page 3: MSDS

Sheet No: STI2205 Material Name: Atmospheric Residue (high and low sulphur content)

If contamination of the mouth occurs, wash out thoroughly with water. Except as a deliberate act, the ingestion of large amounts of product is unlikely. If it should occur, do not induce vomiting; obtain medical advice.

Inhalation If inhalation of mists, fumes or vapour causes irritation to the nose or throat, or coughing, remove to fresh air. If symptoms persist obtain medical advice. EXPOSURE TO HYDROGEN SULPHIDE:Casualties suffering ill effects as a result of exposure to hydrogen sulphide should be immediately removed to fresh air and medical assistance obtained without delay. Unconscious casualties must be placed in the recovery position. Monitor breathing and pulse rate and if breathing has failed, or is deemed inadequate, respiration must be assisted, preferably by the mouth to mouth method. Administer external cardiac massage if necessary. Seek medical attention immediately. It is advisable that all who are engaged in operations in which contact with H2S may reasonably be anticipated, should be trained in the techniques of emergency resuscitation and in the care of an unconscious patient.

Medical Advice If ingested, do not induce vomiting.Inhalation of hydrogen sulphide may cause central respiratory depression leading to coma and death. It is irritant to the respiratory tract causing chemical pneumonitis and pulmonary oedema. The onset of pulmonary oedema may be delayed for 24 to 48 hours. Treat with oxygen and ventilate as appropriate. Administer broncho-dilators if indicated and consider administration of corticosteroids. Keep casualty under surveillance for 48 hours in case pulmonary oedema develops.

Note: High Pressure ApplicationsInjections through the skin resulting from contact with the product at high pressure constitute a major medical emergency. Injuries may not appear serious at first but within a few hours tissue becomes swollen, discoloured and extremely painful with extensive subcutaneous necrosis.Surgical exploration should be undertaken without delay. Thorough and extensive debridement of the wound and underlying tissue is necessary to minimise tissue loss and prevent or limit permanent damage. Note that high pressure may force the product considerable distances along tissue planes. _________________________________________________________________________________5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESFor major fires call the Fire Service. Ensure an escape path is always available from any fire. Use foam, dry powder or carbon dioxide. DO NOT USE water jets. Avoid spraying directly into storage containers because of the danger of boil-over. Fires in confined spaces should be dealt with by trained personnel wearing approved breathing apparatus.

Combustion Products Toxic fumes may be evolved on burning or exposure to heat. See Stability and Reactivity, Section 10 of this Safety Data Sheet. _________________________________________________________________________________6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESEnsure good ventilation. Evacuate all non essential personnel from the immediate area. Wear protective clothing. See Exposure Controls/Personal Protection, section 8, of this Safety Data Sheet. Depending upon its temperature the product may be liquid, semi-solid or solid.Protect drains from spills and prevent entry of product, since this may result in blockage on cooling. Should blockage occur, notify the appropriate authority immediately. Scrape up bulk of solid material and remove liquid with sand or other suitable inert absorbent material. If necessary, clean the contaminated area using hot water and detergent: absorb the washings - do not wash into drains.

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Sheet No: STI2205 Material Name: Atmospheric Residue (high and low sulphur content)

Spilled material may make surfaces slippery. Recovery of large spillages should be effected by specialist personnel. It is advised that stocks of suitable absorbent material should be held in quantities sufficient to deal with any spillage which may be reasonably anticipated. Large and uncontained spillages should be smothered with foam to reduce the risk of ignition. The foam blanket should be maintained until the area is declared safe. Spillages of hot product in confined spaces may be especially hazardous because highly toxic hydrogen sulphide gas may be present. For spillages in such confined spaces the use of approved breathing apparatus by personnel specially trained in its use may be required. Vapour may collect in any confined space. In the case of spillage on water, prevent the spread of product by the use of suitable barrier equipment. Recover product from the surface. Protect environmentally sensitive areas and water supplies. The product may sink making recovery difficult. In the case of spillage at sea approved dispersants may be used where authorised by the appropriate government/regulatory authorities. Regular surveillance on the location of the spillage should be maintained. In the event of spillages contact the appropriate authorities._________________________________________________________________________________

7. HANDLING AND STORAGEStorage Conditions Store and dispense only in well ventilated areas away from heat and sources of ignition. Store and use only in equipment/containers designed for use with this product. Containers must be properly labelled and kept closed when not in use. Do not remove warning labels from containers. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Retain hazard warning labels on empty packages as a guide to the safe handling, storage and disposal of empty packaging. Do not enter storage tanks without breathing apparatus unless the tank has been well ventilated and the tank atmosphere has been shown to contain hydrocarbon vapour concentrations of less than 1% of the lower flammability limit and an oxygen concentration of at least 20% volume. Confined spaces contaminated with hydrogen sulphide must always be considered as constituting potentially life threatening environments. Entry into such spaces must never be undertaken except under extreme emergency when no alternative is possible and then only by trained operators wearing air-supplied breathing apparatus of an approved type and following procedures strictly in accordance with the Statutory Regulations governing such entry. Please see the comments in Section 8 (Exposure Controls/Personal Protection) of this data sheet. Always have sufficient people standing by outside the tank with appropriate breathing apparatus and equipment to effect a quick rescue. It is advisable that all who are engaged in operations in which contact with hydrogen sulphide may be reasonably anticipated, should be trained in the techniques of emergency resuscitation and in the care of an unconscious patient.

Handling Precautions Ensure good ventilation and avoid as far as reasonably practicable the inhalation and contact with vapours, mists or fumes which may be generated during use. If such vapour, mists or fumes are generated, their concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level. Avoid contact with skin and observe good personal hygiene. Avoid contact with eyes. If splashing is likely to occur wear a full face visor or chemical goggles as appropriate. Avoid inhalation of dust from combustion/exhaust spaces. Whilst using do not eat, drink or smoke. Wash hands thoroughly after contact. Use disposable cloths and discard when soiled. Do not put soiled cloths into pockets. Take all necessary precautions against accidental spillage into soil or water.

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Sheet No: STI2205 Material Name: Atmospheric Residue (high and low sulphur content)

Fire Prevention Light hydrocarbon vapours can build up in the headspace of tanks. These can cause flammability/explosion hazards even at temperatures below the normal flash point (note: flash point must not be regarded as a reliable indicator of the potential flammability of vapour in tank headspaces). Tank headspaces should always be regarded as potentially flammable and care should be taken to avoid static electrical discharge and all ignition sources during filling, ullaging and sampling from storage tanks. Will present a flammability hazard if heated above flash point but bulk liquids at normal storage temperatures will present virtually no fire hazard. If fuel contacts hot surfaces, or leaks from high pressure fuel pipes, the vapour and/or mists generated will create a flammability or explosion hazard. When the product is pumped (e.g. during filling, discharge or ullaging) and when sampling, there is a risk of static discharge. Ensure equipment used is properly earthed or bonded to the tank structure. Product contaminated rags, paper or material used to absorb spillages, represent a fire hazard, and should not be allowed to accumulate. Dispose of safely immediately after use. Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain some remaining flammable product and vapour. Never cut, weld, solder or braze empty containers._________________________________________________________________________________

8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONExposure Limits There is no appropriate occupational exposure limit for this material. Ensure good ventilation. Avoid, as far as reasonably practicable, inhalation of vapour, mists or fumes generated during use. If vapour, mists or fumes are generated, their concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level. Relevant exposure limits are: Hydrogen sulphide ACGIH (USA): TLV 10 ppm (8 hr TWA); 15ppm (15 min STEL)

Protective Clothing Wear face visor or goggles in circumstances where eye contact can accidentally occur. When handling heated material suitable protective clothing of an appropriate standard should be worn to prevent thermal burns. If skin contact is likely, wear impervious protective clothing and/or gloves. Protective clothing should be regularly inspected and maintained; overalls should be dry-cleaned, laundered and preferably starched after use.

Respiratory Protection If operations are such that the excessive generation of vapour, mist or fume may be anticipated, to which operators may unavoidably be exposed, then suitable approved respiratory equipment should be worn. Note: Approved air-supplied breathing apparatus must be worn where there may be potential for inhalation of hydrogen sulphide gas. The use of respiratory equipment must be strictly in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions and any statutory requirements governing its selection and use. _________________________________________________________________________________


Typical Values

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Sheet No: STI2205 Material Name: Atmospheric Residue (high and low sulphur content)

Grades: Atmospheric Residue (high and low sulphur content)

Waxy Distillate / Heavy Vacuum Gas Oil

Test Method UnitsPhysical state liquid liquidColour black dark brownOdour oily characteristicDensity @ 15°C ASTM D 1298 kg/m³ 900 900Kinematic viscosity @ 100°C

ASTM D 445 mm²/s 6 - 12

Boiling point/range ASTM D 86 °C >300Flash point (PMC) ASTM D 93 °C >61 >100Pour point ASTM D 97 °C 10 - 50_________________________________________________________________________________

10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYStable at ambient temperatures. Hazardous polymerisation reactions will not occur.

Materials to Avoid Avoid contact with strong oxidizing agents.

Hazardous Decomposition Products Thermal decomposition products will vary with conditions. Overheating in storage may cause partial vapourisation and decomposition with the production of toxic hydrogen sulphide gas (H2S). Incomplete combustion will generate smoke, carbon dioxide and hazardous gases, including carbon monoxide. Fuel oil ash/dust can be hazardous if inhaled. Before working in combustion/exhaust spaces or handling fuel oil ash/dust the area should be thoroughly damped down with water. If this is not possible, wear full breathing apparatus or positive pressure filter sets. Protective clothing must always be worn. When inspecting combustion/exhaust spaces, wear full face dust respirator and protective clothing._________________________________________________________________________________11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEyes Unlikely to cause more than transient stinging or redness if accidental eye contact occurs. Will cause burns if hot material contacts eyes.

Skin Will cause burns if hot material contacts skin As with all such products containing potentially harmful levels of PCAs, prolonged or repeated skin contact may eventually result in dermatitis or more serious irreversible skin disorders including cancer.

Ingestion Unlikely to be swallowed in view of the high handling temperatures.

Inhalation May be irritating to eyes, nose and throat at high vapour concentrations. May be toxic by inhalation when hydrogen sulphide is present in the vapour.

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Sheet No: STI2205 Material Name: Atmospheric Residue (high and low sulphur content)

Hydrogen sulphide gas may in addition produce irritation of the eyes and respiratory tract. Vapour, mists or fumes may contain polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons some of which are known to produce skin cancer. The inhalation of vapour, mists or fumes over long periods may therefore be hazardous.

Dusts generated during the removal of ash deposits from engine/boiler combustion surfaces or exhaust spaces, will be harmful if inhaled and may cause nausea and eye, nose and throat irritation. Repeated contact may result in serious irreversible disorders._________________________________________________________________________________12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONMobility Spillages may penetrate the soil causing ground water contamination.

Persistence and degradability This product is inherently biodegradable.

Bioaccumulative potential This material may accumulate in sediments.

Aquatic toxicity Harmful to aquatic organisms, may cause long term effects in the aquatic environment Spills may form a film on water surfaces causing physical damage to organisms. Oxygen transfer could also be impaired. German WGK Classification: Light fuel oil 2; Heavy fuel oil 1 _________________________________________________________________________________13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSDispose of by incineration or other suitable means under conditions approved by the local authority or via a licensed waste disposal contractor. At sea, used or unwanted product should be stored for eventual discharge into port approved waste oil disposal facilities. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Hazard warning labels are a guide to the safe handling of empty packaging and should not be removed. _________________________________________________________________________________14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONNot classified as hazardous for transport (ADR, RID, UN , IMO, IATA/ICAO). _________________________________________________________________________________15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONEU Category of Danger Carcinogenic category 2 Dangerous for the environment

EU Labelling Symbol: Skull and crossbones

Indication of danger: None

Risk ( R ) Phrases: R45 May cause cancer

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Sheet No: STI2205 Material Name: Atmospheric Residue (high and low sulphur content)

R66 Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking R52/53 Harmful to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment

Safety ( S ) Phrases: S53 Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use. S45 In case of accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice immediately (show label where possible) S61 Avoid release into the environment. Refer to special instructions/Safety data sheets.

The label must carry the following additional information: "EC Label", Substance name, EINECS No. Substance Name: Heavy Fuel Oil, EINECS No: 265-045-2, 265-058-3, 269-777-3

For non-fuel use only - "Restricted to professional users. Attention - Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use." must be marked on packaging.

_________________________________________________________________________________16. OTHER INFORMATIONCompiled by: Product Stewardship GroupBP Oil Technology CentreChertsey RoadSunbury-on-ThamesMiddlesex, TW16 7LN

This data sheet and the health, safety and environmental information it contains is considered to be accurate as of the date specified below. We have reviewed any information contained herein which we received from sources outside the BP Amoco Group of Companies. However, no warranty or representation, express or implied is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the data and information contained in this data sheet.

Health and safety precautions and environmental advice noted in this data sheet may not be accurate for all individuals and/or situations. It is the user's obligation to evaluate and use this product safely and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. No statement made in this data sheet shall be construed as a permission, recommendation or authorization given or implied to practise any patented invention without a valid licence. The BP Amoco Group shall not be responsible for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use of the material, from any failure to adhere to recommendations, or from any hazards inherent in the nature of the material.

Sheet Revisions Date: Sections revised: 02/09/98 1, 4, 8, 11, 12, 1517/07/2000 2, 3, 11, 8, 9, 13, 15

SHEET NO: STI2205ISSUE DATE: 17/07/2000REVISION OF SHEET DATED: 02/09/98REPLACEMENT OF SHEET NO: STI2206 dated 21/09/98 ______________________________________________________________________________

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Sheet No: SUK2216 Date: 20/5/98 Name of Product: rBitumen or Vacuum residue

SAFETY DATA SHEET___________________________________________________________________________

Bitumen or Vacuum residue

1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKINGIdentification of substance/preparationBitumen or Vacuum residue

ApplicationRefinery streamFor specific application advice see appropriate Technical Data Sheet or consult your BP representative

Company IdentificationBP Oil UK Ltd, Coryton Refinery, The Manorway, Stanford-le-Hope, Essex SS17 9LL

BP Oil Grangemouth Refinery Ltd, Bo'Ness Road, Grangemouth, Stirlingshire FK3 9XQ

Emergency Telephone NumberCoryton: +44 (0)1375 646000Grangemouth: +44 (0)1324 483422__________________________________________________________________________________

2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSChemical CompositionComplex hydrocarbon substance, one of the following:Asphalt. EINECS No. 232-490-9, CAS No. 8052-42-4Residues (petroleum), vacuum. EINECS No: 265-057-8, CAS No: 64741-56-6Asphalt, oxidised. EINECS No. 265-196-4, CAS No. 64742-93-4

Common refinery names: PDA, Asphalt, __________________________________________________________________________________


This product can be delivered, stored and used at temperatures above 100 deg C.Contact with hot product may cause burns.Vapours containing hydrogen sulphide may accumulate during storage or transport and may also be vented during filling of tanks. Hydrogen sulphide has a typical "bad egg" smell but at high concentrations the sense of smell is rapidly lost, therefore do not rely on sense of smell for detecting hydrogen sulphide. Use specially designed measuring instruments for determining its concentration.

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Sheet No: SUK2216 Date: 20/5/98 Name of Product: rBitumen or Vacuum residue


4. FIRST-AID MEASURESEyesCold product - Wash eye thoroughly with copious quantities of water, ensuring eyelids are held open. Obtain medical advice if any pain or redness develops or persists.Hot product - Flood with water to dissipate heat. In the event of any product remaining, do not try to remove it other than by continued irrigation with water. Obtain medical attention immediately.

SkinWhere skin burns occur the area should be immediately immersed in cold water until the bitumen is thoroughly cooled. Do not attempt to remove the bitumen from the skin as it provides an airtight sterile covering over the burn which will eventually fall away with the scab as the burn heals. If for any reason the bitumen must be removed, this can be done using a slightly warmed medicinal liquid paraffin. Kerosene and other solvents should never be used. All burns should receive medical attention. It should be noted that bitumen contracts on cooling and where a limb is encased care should be taken to avoid the development of a tourniquet effect.

IngestionIf contamination of the mouth occurs, wash out thoroughly with water.Except as a deliberate act, the ingestion of large amounts of product is unlikely. If it should occur, do not induce vomiting; obtain medical advice.

InhalationIf inhalation of mists, fumes or vapour causes irritation to the nose or throat, or coughing, remove to fresh air. If symptoms persist obtain medical advice.EXPOSURE TO HYDROGEN SULPHIDE:Casualties suffering ill effects as a result of exposure to hydrogen sulphide should be immediately removed to fresh air and medical assistance obtained without delay.Unconscious casualties must be placed in the recovery position. Monitor breathing and pulse rate and if breathing has failed, or is deemed inadequate, respiration must be assisted, preferably by the mouth to mouth method. Administer external cardiac massage if necessary. Seek medical attention immediately.

Medical AdviceTreatment should in general be symptomatic and directed to relieving any effects.Inhalation of hydrogen sulphide may cause central respiratory depression leading to coma and death. It is irritant to the respiratory tract causing chemical pneumonitis and pulmonary oedema. The onset of pulmonary oedema may be delayed for 24 to 48 hours. Treat with oxygen and ventilate as appropriate. Administer broncho-dilators if indicated and consider administration of corticosteroids. Keep casualty under surveillance for 48 hours in case pulmonary oedema develops.__________________________________________________________________________________

5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESUse foam, dry powder or water fog. DO NOT USE water jets.FIRES IN CONFINED SPACES SHOULD BE DEALT WITH BY TRAINED PERSONNEL WEARING APPROVED BREATHING APPARATUS.Water may be used to cool nearby heat exposed areas/objects/packages. Avoid spraying directly into storage containers because of the danger of boil-over.

Combustion ProductsToxic fumes may be evolved on burning or exposure to heat.See Stability and Reactivity, Section 10 of this Safety Data Sheet.

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Sheet No: SUK2216 Date: 20/5/98 Name of Product: rBitumen or Vacuum residue



Depending upon its temperature the product may be liquid, semi-solid or solid.Protect drains from spills and prevent entry of product, since this may result in blockage on cooling. Should blockage occur, notify the appropriate authority immediately. Scrape up bulk of solid material and remove liquid with sand or other suitable inert absorbent material. If necessary, clean the contaminated area using hot water and detergent: absorb the washings - do not wash into drains.It is advised that stocks of suitable absorbent material should be held in quantities sufficient to deal with any spillage which may be reasonably anticipated.If spillage has occurred in a confined space, ensure adequate ventilation and check that a safe, breathable atmosphere is present before entry.In the case of large spills contact the appropriate authorities. If spillage occurs call the Environment Agency Emergency Hotline on 0800 807060 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week). In the case of spillage on water, the product will sink and recovery may be difficult. __________________________________________________________________________________

7. HANDLING AND STORAGEHandling PrecautionsContact with hot product may cause burns.Avoid contact with eyes. If splashing is likely to occur wear a full face visor or chemical goggles as appropriate.Avoid skin contact.Good working practices, high standards of personal hygiene and plant cleanliness must be maintained at all times.Wash hands thoroughly after contact.When product is heated to high temperatures, vapour, mists or fumes will be given off and may condense, contaminating the skin or clothing of operatives. Prolonged or repeated contact with this condensate may give rise to dermatitis or other skin conditions of a serious or irreversible nature.Regular periodic self inspection of the skin is recommended, especially those areas subject to contamination. In the event of any localised changes in appearance or texture of the skin being noticed, medical advice should be sought without delay.Use disposable cloths and discard when soiled. Do not put soiled cloths into pockets.

Fire PreventionLight hydrocarbon vapours can build up in the headspace of tanks. These can cause flammability/explosion hazards even at temperatures below the normal flash point (note: flash point must not be regarded as a reliable indicator of the potential flammability of vapour in tank headspaces). Tank headspaces should always be regarded as potentially flammable and care should be taken to avoid static electrical discharge and all ignition sources during filling, ullaging and sampling from storage tanks.Product should not be over heated in storage because of the risk of fire. For advice on storage temperatures please contact the local BP office.

Storage ConditionsStore under cover away from moisture and sources of ignition. Do not overheat in storage.Under no circumstances should water be allowed to contact hot product because of the danger of boil-over. Particular care should be taken to ensure that bulk storage tanks are watertight and that any steam heating coils are regularly checked for leaks.For bulk product, the storage temperature should not fluctuate above and below 100 deg C as this increases the risk of water condensation leading to boil-over. Care must always be exercised when heating bitumen through 100 deg C.Highly toxic hydrogen sulphide gas may be emitted from hot product and accumulate in enclosed spaces or tanks. Extreme care must therefore be taken during venting of tanks and enclosed spaces which have at any time contained hot product.

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Sheet No: SUK2216 Date: 20/5/98 Name of Product: rBitumen or Vacuum residue

Under no circumstances should entry be made into small enclosures without taking full precautions.Confined spaces contaminated with hydrogen sulphide must always be considered as constituting potentially life threatening environments. Entry into such spaces must never be undertaken except under extreme emergency when no alternative is possible and then only by trained operators wearing air-supplied breathing apparatus of an approved type and following procedures strictly in accordance with the Statutory Regulations governing such entry. Please see the comments in Section 8 (Exposure Controls/Personal Protection) of this data sheet.Always have sufficient people standing by outside the tank with appropriate breathing apparatus and equipment to effect a quick rescue.It is advisable that all who are engaged in operations in which contact with hydrogen sulphide may be reasonably anticipated, should be trained in the techniques of emergency resuscitation and in the care of an unconscious patient.Pyrophoric (self-heating) deposits, which may cause fire or explosion, may be formed in storage. Avoid exposure of tank vapour space to fresh air, and maintain stable storage temperatures. Regular inspection for such deposits will indicate when tank cleaning is necessary.__________________________________________________________________________________

8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONExposure LimitsEnsure good ventilation.Avoid, as far as reasonably practicable, inhalation of vapour, mists or fumes generated during use.If vapour, mists or fumes are generated, their concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level.

Comply with current local occupational exposure limit. Where not established, the following limits are recommended.Asphalt, petroleum fumesUK publication EH40 (Occupational Exposure Limits):Occupational Exposure Standard: Long-term exposure limit (8-hour TWA) 5 mg m-3Short-term exposure limit (15 minute) 10 mg m-3

Relevant exposure limits are:Hydrogen SulphideUK publication EH40 (Occupational Exposure Limits):

Occupational Exposure Standard: Long-term exposure limit (8hr TWA) 10 ppm, 14 mg/m3

Short-term exposure limit (15 min) 15ppm, 21 mg/m3

Protective ClothingWhen handling hot product, suitable protective clothing of an appropriate standard should be worn. Depending on the type of operation this may include: - Visor to protect the face and head covering with neck flap.- Gauntlets (heat resistant and impervious to bitumen)- Overalls, impervious to bitumen, covering full body and limbs with legs worn over boots.- Protective boots.- Protective clothing should be regularly dry cleaned and laundered.Change heavily contaminated clothing as soon as reasonably practicable; dry clean, launder and preferably starch before re-use. Wash any contaminated underlying skin with soap and water.

Respiratory ProtectionIf operations are such that the excessive generation of vapour, mist or fume may be anticipated, to which operators may unavoidably be exposed, then suitable approved respiratory equipment should be worn. Note: Approved air-supplied breathing apparatus must be worn where there may be potential for inhalation of hydrogen sulphide gas__________________________________________________________________________________

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Sheet No: SUK2216 Date: 20/5/98 Name of Product: rBitumen or Vacuum residue


Typical Values

Grades:Bitumen or Vacuum residue

Test Method Units

Physical state solidColour blackOdour bituminousDensity @ 15°C ASTM D 1298 kg/m3 >1000Flash point (COC) ASTM D 92 °C >200Solubility in water g/l <0.1

10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYProducts of this type are stable and unlikely to react in a hazardous manner under normal conditions of use.Hazardous polymerisation reactions will not occur.This material is combustible.

Materials to AvoidAvoid contact with strong oxidizing agents.

Hazardous Decomposition ProductsThermal decomposition products will vary with conditions.Incomplete combustion will generate smoke, carbon dioxide and hazardous gases, including carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulphide and oxides of sulphur.Overheating in storage may cause partial vapourisation and decomposition with the production of toxic hydrogen sulphide gas (H2S).


11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEyesWill cause burns if hot material contacts eyes.

SkinWill cause burns if hot material contacts skinWhen product is heated to high temperatures, vapour, mists or fumes will be given off and may condense, contaminating the skin or clothing of operatives. Prolonged or repeated contact with this condensate may give rise to dermatitis or other skin conditions of a serious or irreversible nature.

IngestionUnlikely to be swallowed in view of the high handling temperatures.

InhalationAt normal ambient temperatures this product will be unlikely to present an inhalation hazard because of its low volatility.Vapour, mists or fumes may contain polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons some of which are known to produce skin cancer. The inhalation of vapour, mists or fumes over long periods may therefore be hazardous.

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Sheet No: SUK2216 Date: 20/5/98 Name of Product: rBitumen or Vacuum residue


12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONMobilitySpillages are unlikely to penetrate the soil.

Persistence and degradabilityThis material is not biodegradable.

Bioaccumulative potentialThis material is not expected to bioaccumulate.

Aquatic toxicityUnlikely to cause long term effects in the aquatic environment.__________________________________________________________________________________


Where possible, arrange for product to be recycled.Dispose of by incineration or other suitable means under conditions approved by the local authority or via a licensed waste disposal contractor.__________________________________________________________________________________


COLD - Not classified as hazardous for transport (ADR, RID, UN, IATA/ICAO).

HOT - Conform to local requirements, if none exist recommend:-ADR/RID: Elevated temperature liquid n.o.s., Class 9 Item 20 °(c), Hazard Identification No. 99 UN: Elevated temperature liquid n.o.s., Class 9, Packing Group III, UN No. 3257IATA/ICAO: Forbidden for transport on passenger and cargo aircraft in molten state.IMO: Elevated temperature liquid n.o.s., Class 9, Packing Group IIIEMERGENCY ACTION CODE: 2W

Note Under ADR emptied uncleaned tankers are classified as follows :-Emptied container class 9, item 71 ADR Latest cargo 3257 Liquid elevated temperature NOS, item 20(c).__________________________________________________________________________________


Not classified as hazardous for supply.Not classified as hazardous for supply. No Statutory label required.__________________________________________________________________________________

16. OTHER INFORMATIONCompiled by:Product Stewardship GroupBP Oil Technology CentreChertsey RoadSunbury-on-ThamesMiddlesex, TW16 7LN

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Sheet No: SUK2216 Date: 20/5/98 Name of Product: rBitumen or Vacuum residue

This data sheet and the health, safety and environmental information it contains is considered to be accurate as of the date specified below. We have reviewed any information contained herein which we received from sources outside the BP Group of Companies. However, no warranty or representation, express or implied is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the data and information contained in this data sheet.

Health and safety precautions and environmental advice noted in this data sheet may not be accurate for all individuals and/or situations. It is the user's obligation to evaluate and use this product safely and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. No statement made in this data sheet shall be construed as a permission, recommendation or authorization given or implied to practise any patented invention without a valid licence. The BP Group shall not be responsible for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use of the material, from any failure to adhere to recommendations, or from any hazards inherent in the nature of the material.

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Sheet No: STI2201 Material Name: Crude Oil Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:25/09/98 Page:

ALIGN BP SDS FinalsSafety Data Sheet - SDS

GLIS Sheet No:STI2201 SDS Reference: Paper Type: BP Helios Status: Active

Material Name: Crude OilLanguage:English Country:OTI

Revision of Sheet Dated:25/09/98 Major Change: Hazard?:YesHazardous Components: Physical Characteristics: Fuel oil Tox File: 418 Product Group:

Date of Issue: 17/07/2000 ________________________________________________________________________________



Application Refinery feedstockFor specific application advice see appropriate Technical Data Sheet or consult your BP representative

Company Identification BP Oil International LimitedBritannic House1 Finsbury CircusLondon, EC2M 7BA

Emergency Telephone Number +44 (0) 20 7496 4411 _________________________________________________________________________________2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSChemical Composition Crude Oil: complex hydrocarbon mixture comprising mainly of aliphatic, naphthenic and aromatic hydrocarbons. It may also contain gases, sulphur and nitrogen compounds.

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Sheet No: STI2201 Material Name: Crude Oil Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:25/09/98 Page:

EINECS No. : 232-298-5, CAS-No.: 8002-05-9

Hazardous Components Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons will be present, some of which have been shown by experimental studies to induce skin cancer. The following components, considered by various legislative authorities to be hazardous, may be present: Benzene, EINECS No. 200-753-7, CAS No. 71-43-2 Hydrogen sulphide CAS No. 7783-06-4, EINECS No. 231-977-3

_________________________________________________________________________________3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONExtremely flammable. May cause cancer, classified as a category 2 carcinogen. Contains Benzene. Prolonged or repeated exposure to benzene can cause anaemia and other blood diseases, including leukaemia. This material may contain significant quantities of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PCAs), some of which have been shown by experimental studies to induce skin cancer. Vapours containing hydrogen sulphide may accumulate during storage or transport and may also be vented during filling of tanks. Hydrogen sulphide has a typical "bad egg" smell but at high concentrations the sense of smell is rapidly lost, therefore do not rely on sense of smell for detecting hydrogen sulphide. Use specially designed measuring instruments for determining its concentration. Harmful if swallowed - aspiration hazard. (If viscosity <7 cSt at 40°C) Harmful to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment. _________________________________________________________________________________

4. FIRST-AID MEASURESEyes Wash eye thoroughly with copious quantities of water, ensuring eyelids are held open. Obtain medical advice if any pain or redness develops or persists.

Skin Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water as soon as reasonably practicable. Remove heavily contaminated clothing and wash underlying skin. Product can be removed from the skin using warmed medicinal paraffin. Never use gasoline or kerosine to remove product from skin or clothing. In extreme situations of saturation with this product, drench with water, remove clothing as soon as possible and wash skin with soap and water. Seek medical advice if skin becomes red, swollen or painful.

Ingestion If contamination of the mouth occurs, wash out thoroughly with water. Except as a deliberate act, the ingestion of large amounts of product is unlikely. If it should occur, do not induce vomiting; obtain medical advice.

Inhalation If exposure to vapour, mists or fumes causes drowsiness, headache, blurred vision or irritation of the eyes, nose or throat, remove immediately to fresh air. Keep patient warm and at rest. If any symptoms persist obtain medical advice. Unconscious casualties must be placed in the recovery position. Monitor breathing and pulse rate and if breathing has failed, or is deemed inadequate, respiration must be assisted, preferably by the mouth to mouth method. Administer external cardiac massage if necessary. Seek medical attention immediately. EXPOSURE TO HYDROGEN SULPHIDE:

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Sheet No: STI2201 Material Name: Crude Oil Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:25/09/98 Page:

Casualties suffering ill effects as a result of exposure to hydrogen sulphide should be immediately removed to fresh air and medical assistance obtained without delay. It is advisable that all who are engaged in operations in which contact with H2S may reasonably be anticipated, should be trained in the techniques of emergency resuscitation and in the care of an unconscious patient.

Medical Advice Inhalation of hydrogen sulphide may cause central respiratory depression leading to coma and death. It is irritant to the respiratory tract causing chemical pneumonitis and pulmonary oedema. The onset of pulmonary oedema may be delayed for 24 to 48 hours. Treat with oxygen and ventilate as appropriate. Administer broncho-dilators if indicated and consider administration of corticosteroids. Keep casualty under surveillance for 48 hours in case pulmonary oedema develops.If ingested, do not induce vomiting. Drinking milk or medicinal paraffin may be beneficial. Aspiration of the product is unlikely to occur except as the result of ingestion, followed by vomiting or regurgitation in a partially or totally unconscious individual, when immediate effects are most likely to result from the aspiration of acidic stomach contents. If it should occur, transport casualty immediately to hospital. _________________________________________________________________________________5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESFor major fires call the Fire Service. Ensure an escape path is always available from any fire. There is a danger of flashback if sparks or hot surfaces ignite vapour. Use foam, dry powder or water fog. DO NOT USE water jets. Fires in confined spaces should be dealt with by trained personnel wearing approved breathing apparatus. Any spillage should be regarded as a potential fire risk.

Combustion Products Toxic fumes may be evolved on burning or exposure to heat. See Stability and Reactivity, Section 10 of this Safety Data Sheet. _________________________________________________________________________________6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESAs this product has a very low flash point any spillage or leak is a severe fire and/or explosion hazard. Isolate spillage from all ignition sources including road traffic. Ensure good ventilation. Evacuate all non essential personnel from the immediate area. Wear protective clothing. See Exposure Controls/Personal Protection, section 8, of this Safety Data Sheet. Spilled material may make surfaces slippery. Recovery of large spillages should be effected by specialist personnel. It is advised that stocks of suitable absorbent material should be held in quantities sufficient to deal with any spillage which may be reasonably anticipated. Large and uncontained spillages should be smothered with foam to reduce the risk of ignition. The foam blanket should be maintained until the area is declared safe. Protect drains from potential spills to minimise contamination. Do not wash product into drainage system. Vapour is heavier than air and may travel to remote sources of ignition (eg. along drainage systems, in basements etc.). If spillage has occurred in a confined space, ensure adequate ventilation and check that a safe, breathable atmosphere is present before entry. In the case of spillage on water, prevent the spread of product by the use of suitable barrier equipment. Recover product from the surface. Protect environmentally sensitive areas and water supplies. Any spillage which results in pollution at sea must be treated in accordance with the guidelines in MARPOL 73/78 Annex 1. In the event of spillages contact the appropriate authorities._________________________________________________________________________________

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Sheet No: STI2201 Material Name: Crude Oil Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:25/09/98 Page:

7. HANDLING AND STORAGEStorage Conditions Do not enter storage tanks without breathing apparatus unless the tank has been well ventilated and the tank atmosphere has been shown to contain hydrocarbon vapour concentrations of less than 1% of the lower flammability limit and an oxygen concentration of at least 20% volume. Always have sufficient people standing by outside the tank with appropriate breathing apparatus and equipment to effect a quick rescue. Confined spaces contaminated with hydrogen sulphide must always be considered as constituting potentially life threatening environments. Entry into such spaces must never be undertaken except under extreme emergency when no alternative is possible and then only by trained operators wearing air-supplied breathing apparatus of an approved type and following procedures strictly in accordance with the Statutory Regulations governing such entry. Please see the comments in Section 8 (Exposure Controls/Personal Protection) of this data sheet.

Handling Precautions Ensure good ventilation and avoid as far as reasonably practicable the inhalation and contact with vapours, mists or fumes which may be generated during use. If such vapour, mists or fumes are generated, their concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level. Avoid contact with skin and observe good personal hygiene. Avoid contact with eyes. If splashing is likely to occur wear a full face visor or chemical goggles as appropriate. Do not siphon product by mouth. Whilst using do not eat, drink or smoke.

Fire Prevention Light hydrocarbon vapours can build up in the headspace of tanks. These can cause flammability/explosion hazards even at temperatures below the normal flash point (note: flash point must not be regarded as a reliable indicator of the potential flammability of vapour in tank headspaces). Tank headspaces should always be regarded as potentially flammable and care should be taken to avoid static electrical discharge and all ignition sources during filling, ullaging and sampling from storage tanks. When the product is pumped (e.g. during filling, discharge or ullaging) and when sampling, there is a risk of static discharge. Ensure equipment used is properly earthed or bonded to the tank structure. Explosive air/vapour mixtures may form at ambient temperature. Product contaminated rags, paper or material used to absorb spillages, represent a fire hazard, and should not be allowed to accumulate. Dispose of safely immediately after use. Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain some remaining flammable product and vapour. Never cut, weld, solder or braze empty containers. _________________________________________________________________________________

8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONExposure Limits There is no appropriate occupational exposure limit for this material. Comply with current local occupational exposure limit. Where not established, the following limits are recommended. Hydrogen sulphide ACGIH (USA): TLV 10 ppm (8 hr TWA); 15ppm (15 min STEL)

BenzeneACGIH (USA): TLV 0.5ppm (8hr TWA); 2.5 ppm (15min STEL)A1 - Confirmed human carcinogenSkin Notation - Can be absorbed through skin

Protective Clothing Wear face visor or goggles in circumstances where eye contact can accidentally occur.

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Sheet No: STI2201 Material Name: Crude Oil Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:25/09/98 Page:

If skin contact is likely, wear impervious protective clothing and/or gloves. Protective clothing should be regularly inspected and maintained; overalls should be dry-cleaned, laundered and preferably starched after use.

Respiratory Protection If operations are such that the excessive generation of vapour, mist or fume may be anticipated, to which operators may unavoidably be exposed, then suitable approved respiratory equipment should be worn. Note: Approved air-supplied breathing apparatus must be worn where there may be potential for inhalation of hydrogen sulphide gas. The use of respiratory equipment must be strictly in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions and any statutory requirements governing its selection and use. _________________________________________________________________________________


Typical ValuesGrades: Crude Oil

Test Method UnitsPhysical state liquidColour brownOdour pungentDensity @ 15°C ASTM D 1298 kg/m³ 750 - 1000Kinematic viscosity @ 40°C

ASTM D 445 mm²/s <7 to viscous liquid

Boiling point/range ASTM D 86 °C -10 to 800Flash point (PMC) ASTM D 93 °C -50 to 100Explosion limits % 0.6 - 8.0Vapour pressure ASTM D 323 kPa 40 - 700_________________________________________________________________________________

10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYStable at ambient temperatures. Hazardous polymerisation reactions will not occur.

Conditions to Avoid Sources of ignition

Materials to Avoid Avoid contact with strong oxidizing agents.

Hazardous Decomposition Products Thermal decomposition products will vary with conditions. Incomplete combustion will generate smoke, carbon dioxide and hazardous gases, including carbon monoxide._________________________________________________________________________________11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEyes Unlikely to cause more than transient stinging or redness if accidental eye contact occurs.

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Sheet No: STI2201 Material Name: Crude Oil Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:25/09/98 Page:

Skin Unlikely to cause harm to the skin on brief or occasional contact but prolonged or repeated exposure may lead to dermatitis. As with all such products containing potentially harmful levels of PCAs, prolonged or repeated skin contact may eventually result in dermatitis or more serious irreversible skin disorders including cancer.

Ingestion Unlikely to cause harm if accidentally swallowed in small doses, though larger quantities may cause nausea and diarrhoea. Lower viscosity crude oils may injure the lungs if aspiration occurs, eg. during vomiting

Inhalation Likely to be irritating to the respiratory tract if high concentrations of mists or vapour are inhaled. May cause nausea, dizziness, headaches and drowsiness if high concentrations of vapour are inhaled. May be toxic by inhalation when hydrogen sulphide is present in the vapour. ABUSE:Under normal conditions of use the product is not hazardous; however, abuse involving deliberate inhalation of very high concentrations of vapour, even for short periods, can produce unconsciousness and/or result in a sudden fatality.

Carcinogenicity/Chronic Toxicity Exposure to benzene may result in affects to the hematopoietic system causing blood disorders including anaemia and leukaemia.Benzene is classified by EEC as a category 1 carcinogen - substances known to be carcinogenic to man.IARC assessment: benzene - carcinogenic to humans ( Group 1) _________________________________________________________________________________12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONMobility Spillages may penetrate the soil causing ground water contamination.

Persistence and degradability This product is inherently biodegradable.

Bioaccumulative potential There is no evidence to suggest bioaccumulation will occur.

Aquatic toxicity Harmful to aquatic organisms. Spills may form a film on water surfaces causing physical damage to organisms. Oxygen transfer could also be impaired. May cause long term effects in the aquatic environment _________________________________________________________________________________13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSDispose of via an authorised person/ licensed waste disposal contractor in accordance with local regulations. _________________________________________________________________________________14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONThis information is provided for guidance only. The current legislative text for each mode of transport should be referred to for definitive information. ** NOTE**, Transport Requirements depend on flash point, initial boiling point and vapour pressure.

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Sheet No: STI2201 Material Name: Crude Oil Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:25/09/98 Page:

Flash Point below minus 18 degrees CentigradeADR/RID: Petroleum Crude Oil, Flammable liquid, Class 3, Item 1a, 2a/b or 3b. Hazard Identification No 33UN: PETROLEUM CRUDE OIL, Flammable liquid, Class 3, UN Number 1267IATA/ICAO: Petroleum Crude Oil, Class 3, Packing group I/ IIIMO: PETROLEUM CRUDE OIL, Flammable liquid,: Class 3.1, Packing group I/IIEMERGENCY ACTION CODE: Flammable liquid, 3WE

Flash Point minus 18 to plus 23 degrees centigradeADR/RID:Petroleum Crude Oil, Flammable liquid, Class 3, Item 1a, 2a /b or 3b. Hazard Identification No 33UN: PETROLEUM CRUDE OIL, Flammable liquid, Class 3, UN Number 1267IATA/ICAO: Petroleum Crude Oil, Class 3, Packing group I/IIIMO: PETROLEUM CRUDE OIL, Flammable liquid,: Class 3.2, Packing group I/IIEMERGENCY ACTION CODE: Flammable liquid, 3WE

Flash Point plus 23 to 61 degrees centigradeADR/RID: Petroleum Crude Oil, Flammable liquid, Class 3, Item 31c. Hazard Identification No 30UN: PETROLEUM CRUDE OIL, Flammable liquid, Class 3, UN Number 1267IATA/ICAO: Petroleum Crude Oil, Class 3, Packing group IIIIMO: PETROLEUM CRUDE OIL, Flammable liquid,: Class 3.3, Packing group IIIEMERGENCY ACTION CODE: Flammable liquid, 3W

Flash Point plus 61 degrees centigradeNot classified as hazardous for transport (ADR, RID, UN , IMO, IATA/ICAO).

_________________________________________________________________________________15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONEU Category of Danger Extremely flammable or Highly Flammable or Flammable or unclassified for flammability (dependent on flash point and initial boiling point) Carcinogenic category 2 Harmful (If viscosity <7 cSt at 40°C) Dangerous for the environment

EU Labelling Symbol: Flame (for extremely flammable or highly flammable only) Skull and crossbones

Indication of danger: EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE, or HIGHLY FLAMMABLE, or no indication of danger for flammability (dependent on flash point and initial boiling point)

Risk ( R ) Phrases: R12 Extremely flammable, or R11 Highly flammable, or R10 Flammable, or no risk phrase for flammability (dependent on flash point and initial boiling point) R45 May cause cancer R65 Also Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed. (If viscosity <7 cSt at 50°C) R52/53 Harmful to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment

Safety ( S ) Phrases: S53 Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use. S45 In case of accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice immediately (show label where possible)

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Sheet No: STI2201 Material Name: Crude Oil Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:25/09/98 Page:

S61 Avoid release into the environment. Refer to special instructions/Safety data sheets.

The label must carry the following additional information: "EC Label", Substance name, EINECS No. Substance Name: Crude oil , EINECS No: 232-298-5For non-fuel use only - "Restricted to professional users. Attention - Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use." must be marked on packaging.

_________________________________________________________________________________16. OTHER INFORMATIONCompiled by: Product Stewardship GroupBP Oil Technology CentreChertsey RoadSunbury-on-ThamesMiddlesex, TW16 7LN

This data sheet and the health, safety and environmental information it contains is considered to be accurate as of the date specified below. We have reviewed any information contained herein which we received from sources outside the BP Amoco Group of Companies. However, no warranty or representation, express or implied is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the data and information contained in this data sheet.

Health and safety precautions and environmental advice noted in this data sheet may not be accurate for all individuals and/or situations. It is the user's obligation to evaluate and use this product safely and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. No statement made in this data sheet shall be construed as a permission, recommendation or authorization given or implied to practise any patented invention without a valid licence. The BP Amoco Group shall not be responsible for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use of the material, from any failure to adhere to recommendations, or from any hazards inherent in the nature of the material.

Sheet Revisions Date: Sections revised: 25/09/98 1, 3, 8, 14, 15



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Sheet No: STI2109 Material Name: Heating Oil Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

ALIGN BP SDS FinalsSafety Data Sheet - SDS

GLIS Sheet No:STI2109 SDS Reference: Paper Type: BP Helios Status: Active

Material Name: Heating OilLanguage:English Country:OTI

Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Major Change: Hazard?:YesHazardous Components: Physical Characteristics: Gas oil Tox File: 350.9 Product Group:

Date of Issue: 17/07/2000 ________________________________________________________________________________


Heating Oil1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Identification of substance/preparation Heating Oil Alternative Names: No. 2 Fuel Oil, Extra Light Fuel Oil (ELFO), Light Heating Oil, Furnace Oil, Domestic Fuel Oil

Application Fuel for industrial or domestic boilers; fuel for compression ignition diesel engines.For specific application advice see appropriate Technical Data Sheet or consult your BP representative

Company Identification BP Oil International LimitedBritannic House1 Finsbury CircusLondon, EC2M 7BA

Emergency Telephone Number +44 (0) 20 7496 4411 _________________________________________________________________________________2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSChemical Composition Complex mixture of middle distillate hydrocarbons, with carbon numbers in C10 to C28 range.

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Sheet No: STI2109 Material Name: Heating Oil Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

Performance enhancing additives may be included.

Hazardous Components Cracked components containing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon compounds may be present. Fuels, diesel. EINECS No: 269-822-7, CAS No: 68334-30-5, Xn, R40 Possible risks of irreversible effects, R65 Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed, R66 Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking (>90%)

_________________________________________________________________________________3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONHarmful if swallowed - aspiration hazard. This material may contain significant quantities of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PCAs), some of which have been shown by experimental studies to induce skin cancer. Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking. _________________________________________________________________________________

4. FIRST-AID MEASURESEyes Wash eye thoroughly with copious quantities of water, ensuring eyelids are held open. Obtain medical advice if any pain or redness develops or persists.

Skin Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water as soon as reasonably practicable. Remove heavily contaminated clothing and wash underlying skin.

Ingestion If contamination of the mouth occurs, wash out thoroughly with water. Except as a deliberate act, the ingestion of large amounts of product is unlikely. If it should occur, do not induce vomiting; obtain medical advice.

Inhalation If inhalation of mists, fumes or vapour causes irritation to the nose or throat, or coughing, remove to fresh air. If symptoms persist obtain medical advice.

Medical Advice Treatment should in general be symptomatic and directed to relieving any effects.Product can be aspirated on swallowing or following regurgitation of stomach contents, and can cause severe and potentially fatal chemical pneumonitis, which will require urgent treatment. Because of the risk of aspiration, induction of vomiting and gastric lavage should be avoided. Gastric lavage should be undertaken only after endotracheal intubation. Monitor for cardiac dysrhythmias.

Note: High Pressure ApplicationsInjections through the skin resulting from contact with the product at high pressure constitute a major medical emergency. Injuries may not appear serious at first but within a few hours tissue becomes swollen, discoloured and extremely painful with extensive subcutaneous necrosis.Surgical exploration should be undertaken without delay. Thorough and extensive debridement of the wound and underlying tissue is necessary to minimise tissue loss and prevent or limit permanent damage. Note that high pressure may force the product considerable distances along tissue planes. _________________________________________________________________________________5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURES

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Sheet No: STI2109 Material Name: Heating Oil Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

For major fires call the Fire Service. Ensure an escape path is always available from any fire. There is a danger of flashback if sparks or hot surfaces ignite vapour. Use foam, dry powder or water fog. DO NOT USE water jets. Fires in confined spaces should be dealt with by trained personnel wearing approved breathing apparatus.

Combustion Products Toxic fumes may be evolved on burning or exposure to heat. See Stability and Reactivity, Section 10 of this Safety Data Sheet. _________________________________________________________________________________6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESAny spillage should be regarded as a potential fire risk. In the event of spillage, remove all sources of ignition and ensure good ventilation. Wear protective clothing. See Exposure Controls/Personal Protection, section 8, of this Safety Data Sheet. Spilled material may make surfaces slippery. Clean up spilled material immediately. Contain and recover spilled material using sand or other suitable inert absorbent material. Recovery of large spillages should be effected by specialist personnel. It is advised that stocks of suitable absorbent material should be held in quantities sufficient to deal with any spillage which may be reasonably anticipated. Large and uncontained spillages should be smothered with foam to reduce the risk of ignition. The foam blanket should be maintained until the area is declared safe. Protect drains from potential spills to minimise contamination. Do not wash product into drainage system. Vapour is heavier than air and may travel to remote sources of ignition (eg. along drainage systems, in basements etc.). If spillage has occurred in a confined space, ensure adequate ventilation and check that a safe, breathable atmosphere is present before entry. In the case of spillage on water, prevent the spread of product by the use of suitable barrier equipment. Recover product from the surface. Protect environmentally sensitive areas and water supplies. In the case of spillage at sea approved dispersants may be used where authorised by the appropriate government/regulatory authorities. Regular surveillance on the location of the spillage should be maintained.

In the event of spillages contact the appropriate authorities._________________________________________________________________________________

7. HANDLING AND STORAGEStorage Conditions Store and dispense only in well ventilated areas away from heat and sources of ignition. Store and use only in equipment/containers designed for use with this product. Containers must be properly labelled and kept closed when not in use. Do not remove warning labels from containers. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Retain hazard warning labels on empty packages as a guide to the safe handling, storage and disposal of empty packaging. Do not enter storage tanks without breathing apparatus unless the tank has been well ventilated and the tank atmosphere has been shown to contain hydrocarbon vapour concentrations of less than 1% of the lower flammability limit and an oxygen concentration of at least 20% volume. Always have sufficient people standing by outside the tank with appropriate breathing apparatus and equipment to effect a quick rescue.

Handling Precautions Avoid, as far as reasonably practicable, inhalation of vapour, mists or fumes generated during use.

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Sheet No: STI2109 Material Name: Heating Oil Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

Avoid contact with skin and observe good personal hygiene. Avoid contact with eyes. If splashing is likely to occur wear a full face visor or chemical goggles as appropriate. Do not siphon product by mouth. Whilst using do not eat, drink or smoke. Wash hands thoroughly after contact. Use disposable cloths and discard when soiled. Do not put soiled cloths into pockets. Take all necessary precautions against accidental spillage into soil or water.

Fire Prevention Light hydrocarbon vapours can build up in the headspace of tanks. These can cause flammability/explosion hazards even at temperatures below the normal flash point (note: flash point must not be regarded as a reliable indicator of the potential flammability of vapour in tank headspaces). Tank headspaces should always be regarded as potentially flammable and care should be taken to avoid static electrical discharge and all ignition sources during filling, ullaging and sampling from storage tanks. Will present a flammability hazard if heated above flash point but bulk liquids at normal storage temperatures will present virtually no fire hazard. If fuel contacts hot surfaces, or leaks from high pressure fuel pipes, the vapour and/or mists generated will create a flammability or explosion hazard. When the product is pumped (e.g. during filling, discharge or ullaging) and when sampling, there is a risk of static discharge. Ensure equipment used is properly earthed or bonded to the tank structure. Product contaminated rags, paper or material used to absorb spillages, represent a fire hazard, and should not be allowed to accumulate. Dispose of safely immediately after use. Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain some remaining flammable product and vapour. Never cut, weld, solder or braze empty containers. _________________________________________________________________________________

8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONExposure Limits There is no appropriate occupational exposure limit for this material. If vapour, mists or fumes are generated, their concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level.

Protective Clothing Wear face visor or goggles in circumstances where eye contact can accidentally occur. If skin contact is likely, wear impervious protective clothing and/or gloves. Protective clothing should be regularly inspected and maintained; overalls should be dry-cleaned, laundered and preferably starched after use.

Respiratory Protection If operations are such that exposure to vapour, mist or fume may be anticipated, then suitable approved respiratory equipment should be worn. The use of respiratory equipment must be strictly in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions and any statutory requirements governing its selection and use. _________________________________________________________________________________


Typical ValuesGrades: Heating Oil

Test Method Units

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Sheet No: STI2109 Material Name: Heating Oil Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

Physical state liquidColour amberOdour gasoil-likeDensity @ 15°C ASTM D 1298 kg/m³ 805 - 890Boiling point/range ASTM D 86 °C 160 - 385Flash point (PMC) ASTM D 93 °C 55 - 70Vapour pressure ASTM D 323 kPa 4Kinematic viscosity @ 20°C

ASTM D 445 mm²/s 2 - 7


10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYStable at ambient temperatures. Hazardous polymerisation reactions will not occur.

Conditions to Avoid Sources of ignition

Materials to Avoid Avoid contact with strong oxidizing agents.

Hazardous Decomposition Products Thermal decomposition products will vary with conditions. Incomplete combustion will generate smoke, carbon dioxide and hazardous gases, including carbon monoxide._________________________________________________________________________________11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEyes Unlikely to cause more than transient stinging or redness if accidental eye contact occurs.

Skin Unlikely to cause harm to the skin on brief or occasional contact but prolonged or repeated exposure may lead to dermatitis. As with all such products containing potentially harmful levels of PCAs, prolonged or repeated skin contact may eventually result in dermatitis or more serious irreversible skin disorders including cancer.

Ingestion Unlikely to cause harm if accidentally swallowed in small doses, though larger quantities may cause nausea and diarrhoea. Will injure the lungs if aspiration occurs, eg. during vomiting.

Inhalation May cause irritation to eyes, nose and throat due to exposure to vapour, mists or fumes. _________________________________________________________________________________12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONMobility Spillages may penetrate the soil causing ground water contamination. This material may accumulate in sediments.

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Sheet No: STI2109 Material Name: Heating Oil Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

Persistence and degradability This product is inherently biodegradable.

Bioaccumulative potential There is no evidence to suggest bioaccumulation will occur.

Aquatic toxicity Harmful to aquatic organisms, may cause long term effects in the aquatic environment Spills may form a film on water surfaces causing physical damage to organisms. Oxygen transfer could also be impaired.

German WGK Classification: 2 _________________________________________________________________________________13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSDispose of by incineration or other suitable means under conditions approved by the local authority or via a licensed waste disposal contractor. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Hazard warning labels are a guide to the safe handling of empty packaging and should not be removed. _________________________________________________________________________________14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONADR/RID: Gas oil, Flammable Liquid Class 3, Item 31(c) Hazard Identification No 30UN: GAS OIL, Flammable liquid, Class 3, Packing Group III, UN Number 1202IATA/ICAO: Gas oil, Flammable liquid, Class 3, Packing group IIIIMO: GAS OIL, Flammable liquid, Class 3.3, Packing group IIIEMERGENCY ACTION CODE: 3[Z] _________________________________________________________________________________15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONEU Category of Danger Carcinogenic category 3 Harmful

EU Labelling Symbol: St. Andrew's Cross

Indication of danger: HARMFUL

Contains: Fuels, Diesel

Risk ( R ) Phrases: R40 Possible risks of irreversible effects R65 Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed. R66 Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking

Safety ( S ) Phrases: S2 Keep out of reach of children S24 Avoid contact with skin S43 In case of fire, use foam/dry powder/CO2. Never use water jets.

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Sheet No: STI2109 Material Name: Heating Oil Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

S36/37 Wear suitable protective clothing and gloves S62 If swallowed, do not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label. S61 Avoid release into the environment. Refer to special instructions/Safety data sheets.

_________________________________________________________________________________16. OTHER INFORMATIONCompiled by: Product Stewardship GroupBP Oil Technology CentreChertsey RoadSunbury-on-ThamesMiddlesex, TW16 7LN

This data sheet and the health, safety and environmental information it contains is considered to be accurate as of the date specified below. We have reviewed any information contained herein which we received from sources outside the BP Amoco Group of Companies. However, no warranty or representation, express or implied is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the data and information contained in this data sheet.

Health and safety precautions and environmental advice noted in this data sheet may not be accurate for all individuals and/or situations. It is the user's obligation to evaluate and use this product safely and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. No statement made in this data sheet shall be construed as a permission, recommendation or authorization given or implied to practise any patented invention without a valid licence. The BP Amoco Group shall not be responsible for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use of the material, from any failure to adhere to recommendations, or from any hazards inherent in the nature of the material.

Sheet Revisions Date: Sections revised: 07/05/98 1, 2, 12, 1502/11/98 117/07/2000 2, 3, 4, 9, 12, 15

SHEET NO: STI2102ISSUE DATE: 17/07/2000 REVISION OF SHEET DATED: 02/11/98 ______________________________________________________________________________

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HEAVY CRUDE OIL MSDS No. RS294 Ver. 3 Rev. Date 06/28/2000


IMPORTANT: Read this MSDS before handling and disposing of this product and pass this information on to employees, customers, and users of this product.


Heavy Crude Oil

Trade Name(s)

Thums, OCS (Outer Continental Shelf) Crude, Maya Crude

Other Name(s)

Earth Oil, Petroleum Oil, Rock Oil

Chemical Description

This material is a C1 to C50 hydrocarbon liquid which contains approximately 1.0 to 1.8 wt% sulfur compounds.

Manufacturer’s Address

BP Amoco Carson Business Unit 1801 E. Sepulveda Boulevard Carson, California 90749-6210

BP Amoco Cherry Point Business Unit 4519 Grandview Road Blaine, Washington 98231

Telephone Numbers Emergency: 800-424-9300 CHEMTREC Customer Service: 800-322-2726 INFO ONLY 2. COMPONENTS and EXPOSURE LIMITS

Exposure Limits ACGIH OSHA Component1 CAS No. % Composition By Volume2 TLV PEL3 Units Type

CRUDE OIL, PETROLEUM 8002-05-9 EQ 100 N/AP N/AP Other applicable exposure guidelines: COAL TAR PITCH VOLATILES, AS BENZENE SOLUBLES (4) 65996-93-2 0.2 0.2 mg/m3 TWA OIL MIST, MINERAL 8012-95-1 10 N/AP mg/m3 STEL 5 5 mg/m3 TWA STODDARD SOLVENT 8052-41-3 100 100 ppm TWA Stoddard Solvent exposure limits are listed as an exposure guideline for hydrocarbon vapors that may be similar to those derived from crude oil. Since specific exposure standards or control limits have not been established for this material, the exposure limits shown here are suggested as minimum control guidelines. 1 Carcinogen displayed after Component Name. Listed by (1) NTP, (2) IARC, (3) OSHA, (4) Other 2 See Abbreviations on last page 3 The OSHA exposure limits were changed in 1993 due to a federal court ruling. ARCO has chosen to list the 1989 OSHA exposure limits in this document as they are generally more stringent and therefore more protective than the current exposure limits. (Refer to 29 CFR 1910.1000). 3. HAZARD IDENTIFICATION

IMMEDIATE HAZARDS DANGER HIGHLY FLAMMABLE! OSHA/NFPA Class 1B flammable liquid. KEEP AWAY FROM HEAT, SPARKS, AND OPEN FLAME! CONTAINS PETROLEUM DISTILLATES! Avoid breathing vapors or mists. Use only with adequate ventilation.

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If swallowed, do not induce vomiting since aspiration into the lungs may cause chemical pneumonia. Obtain prompt medical attention. May cause irritation or more serious skin disorders! May be harmful if inhaled! May cause irritation of the nose, throat, and lungs, headache, dizziness, drowsiness, loss of coordination, fatigue, nausea and labored breathing. May cause irregular heartbeats. Avoid prolonged or repeated liquid, mist, and vapor contact with eyes, skin, and respiratory tract. Wash hands thoroughly after handling. Sulfur compounds in this material may decompose to release hydrogen sulfide gas which may accumulate to potentially lethal concentrations in enclosed air spaces. Vapor concentrations of hydrogen sulfide above 50 ppm, or prolonged exposure at lower concentrations, may saturate human odor perceptions so that the smell of gas may not be apparent. DO NOT DEPEND ON THE SENSE OF SMELL TO DETECT HYDROGEN SULFIDE! Long-term tests show that similar crude oils have produced skin tumors on laboratory animals. Crude oils contain some polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons which have been shown to be carcinogenic after prolonged or repeated skin contact in laboratory animals.

ACUTE HEALTH HAZARDS Routes of Exposure Signs and Symptoms Inhalation (Primary)

Vapors or mists from this material, at concentrations greater than the recommended exposure limits in Section 2, can cause irritation of the nose, throat, and lungs, headache, dizziness, drowsiness, loss of coordination, fatigue, nausea and labored breathing. Airborne concentrations above the recommended exposure limits are not anticipated during normal workplace activities due to the slow evaporation of this material at ambient temperatures. Exposure to moderate airborne concentrations of hydrogen sulfide (less than 50 ppm) can result in irritation of the eyes, nose and throat, headache, dizziness, shortness of breath, nausea and nervousness. Exposure to hydrogen sulfide vapor above 200 ppm may cause irritation of mucous membranes, inflammation of the lungs, accumulation of fluid in the lungs, irregular heartbeats, unconsciousness with convulsions or impaired breathing with suffocation. Exposure to higher concentrations of hydrogen sulfide vapor (above 500 ppm) may cause rapid death.

Eye Contact May cause slight eye irritation. Skin Contact Moderate skin irritation may occur upon short-term exposure.

Exposure to sunlight may increase the degree of skin irritation. Absorption through the skin may occur and produce toxic effects (see Summary of Chronic Hazards).

Ingestion May cause irritation of the mouth, throat and gastrointestinal tract leading to nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and restlessness. May cause headache, dizziness, drowsiness, loss of coordination, fatigue, nausea and labored breathing. ASPIRATION HAZARD: This material can enter the lungs during swallowing or vomiting and may cause lung inflammation and damage which in severe cases may be fatal.

Summary of Chronic Hazards and Special Health Effects

Personnel with preexisting central nervous system disease, skin disorders, or chronic respiratory diseases should be evaluated by an appropriate health professional before exposure to this material. Prolonged/repeated skin exposure, inhalation or ingestion of this material may result in adverse dermal or systemic effects. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. May be harmful if absorbed through the skin. Prolonged or repeated contact may create cancer risk, organ damage, and adversely affect reproduction, fetal development and fetal survival. Avoid all skin contact. See Section 11 for Additional Toxicological Information.

4. EMERGENCY and FIRST AID Inhalation Immediately remove personnel to area of fresh air. For respiratory distress, give oxygen,

rescue breathing, or administer CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) if necessary. Obtain prompt medical attention.

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Eye Contact Flush eyes with clean, low-pressure water for at least 15 minutes, occasionally lifting the eyelids. If pain or redness persists after flushing, obtain medical attention.

Skin Contact Immediately remove contaminated clothing. Wash affected skin thoroughly with soap and water. If irritation persists, obtain medical attention.

Ingestion Do not induce vomiting since aspiration into the lungs may cause lipoid pneumonia. Obtain prompt medical attention.

Emergency See above procedures. Personnel with pre-existing central nervous system disease, skin Medical disorders, chronic respiratory diseases, or impaired liver of kidney function should avoid Treatment exposure to this product. Procedures 5. FIRE and EXPLOSION Flash Point (Method) * Based on NFPA Petroleum, Crude AP 20°F to 90°F NFPA Hazard Rating: Autoignition Temperature (Method)* N/DA Health: 2 = Moderate Flammable Limits (% Vol. in Air) Lower AP 1 + Fire: 3 = High * At Normal Atmospheric Temperature and Pressure Upper AP 8 + Reactivity: 0 = Insignificant + Based on NFPA 325 Special: = --- Fire and Explosion Hazards

HIGHLY FLAMMABLE! This material releases flammable vapors at or below ambient temperatures. When mixed with air in certain proportions and exposed to an ignition source, these vapors can burn in the open or explode in confined spaces. Flammable vapors may travel long distances along the ground before reaching a point of ignition and flashing back. Open top tanks involved in a fire have a potential for "boil-over" if water or water-in-oil emulsion is at the bottom of the tank. Boil-over may result in a large expulsion of burning oil from the tank, greatly increasing the fire area.

Extinguishing Media

Foam, Dry chemical, Carbon dioxide (CO2) Water and water fog can cool the fire but may not extinguish the fire.

Special Firefighting Procedures

For fires involving this material, do not enter any enclosed or confined fire space without proper protective equipment. This may include self-contained breathing apparatus to protect against the hazardous effects of combustion products and oxygen deficiencies. Cool tanks and containers exposed to fire with water. If firefighters cannot work upwind to the fire, respiratory protective equipment must be worn unless and until atmospheric monitoring indicates that such protection is not required. Improper use of water and extinguishing media containing water may cause frothing which can spread the fire over a larger area. Water fog or spray are of value for cooling tank shells and surfaces exposed to fire, but may not achieve extinguishment.

6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Precautions if Material is Spilled or Released

Contain spill, evacuate non-essential personnel, and safely stop flow. On hard surfaces, spilled material may create a slipping hazard. Equip cleanup crews with proper protective equipment (as specified in Section 8) and advise of hazards. Clean up by recovering as much spilled or contaminated materials as possible and placing into closed containers. Consult with an environmental professional for the federal, state and local cleanup and reporting requirements for spills and releases.

7. HANDLING and STORAGE Handling, Storage and Decontamination Procedures

Store and transport in accordance with all applicable laws. KEEP AWAY FROM HEAT, SPARKS, AND OPEN FLAME! KEEP CONTAINERS CLOSED, PLAINLY LABELED AND OUT OF CLOSED VEHICLES! Containers should be able to withstand pressures expected from warming or cooling in storage. Ground all drums and transfer vessels when handling. Store in cool (80oF or below), well-ventilated location. All electrical equipment in storage

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and/or handling areas should be installed in accordance with applicable requirements of the National Electrical Code (NEC). KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN! Empty containers retain some liquid and vapor residues, and hazard precautions must be observed when handling empty containers. For determining National Electrical Code (NEC) Hazardous (Classified) location requirements for electrical installations, consider this material Class 1, Group D.


Engineering Controls

Where possible, use adequate ventilation to keep vapor and mist concentrations of this material below the Occupational Exposure Limits shown in Section 2. Electrical equipment should comply with National Electrical Code (NEC) standards (see Section 7).

Respiratory Where there is potential for exposure to hydrogen sulfide gas in excess of the permissible exposure limit, a NIOSH/MSHA-approved supplied-air respirator operated in positive pressure mode should be worn. If hydrogen sulfide gas is not present in excess of permissible exposure limits, a NIOSH/MSHA-approved air-purifying respirator with an organic vapor cartridge may be permissible under certain circumstances where airborne concentrations of hydrocarbon vapor may exceed the exposure limits in Section 2. Where work conditions may generate airborne mists of the material, also use a high-efficiency particulate pre-filter. Consult a health and safety professional for guidance in respirator selection. Respirator use should comply with OSHA 29 CFR 910.134. CAUTION: The protection provided by air-purifying respirators is limited. Use a positive pressure air-supplied respirator if there is any potential for an uncontrolled release, if exposure levels are not known, or if concentrations exceed the protection limits of the air-purifying respirator.

Eyes Eye protection should be worn. If there is potential for splashing or spraying, chemical protective goggles and/or a face shield should be worn. If contact lenses are worn, consult an eye specialist or a safety professional for additional precautions. Suitable eye wash water should be available in case of eye contact with this material.

Skin Avoid all skin contact with this material. If conditions of use present any potential for skin contact, clean and impervious clothing such as gloves, apron, boots, and facial protection should be worn. Neoprene, Nitrile, Butyl Rubber or Viton glove material is recommended. When working around equipment or processes which may create the potential for skin contact, full body coverage should be worn, which consist of impervious boots and oil-resistant coated Tyvek suit or other impervious jacket and pants. Non-impervious clothing which accidentally becomes contaminated with this material should be removed promptly and not reworn until the clothing is washed thoroughly and the contamination is effectively removed. Discard soaked leather goods.

Other Hygienic and Work Practices

Use good personal hygiene practices. If skin contact should occur, material should be removed from the skin with a waterless hand cleaner, and the affected area should then be washed with a mild soap and water. Wash hands and other exposed areas thoroughly before eating, drinking, smoking or using toilet facilities.

9. PHYSICAL and CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Boiling Point: AP -54°F to 1100°F Viscosity Units, Temp. (Method): N/DA Dry Point: N/AP Freezing Point: N/DA Vapor Pressure, Temp. (Method): AP 2.6 to 6.4 at 100°F (REID-PSIA) Volatile Characteristics: Appreciable Specific Gravity (H2O = 1 @ 39.2°°°°C): AP 0.86 to 0.92

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Vapor Sp. Gr. (Air = 1.0 @ 60°°°°F - 90°°°°F): N/DA Solubility in Water: Negligible PH: N/AP Appearance and Odor: Thick light yellow to dark black colored liquid. Petroleum

hydrocarbon odor. Other Physical and Chemical Properties: Total sulfur = approx. 1.6 wt%

Hydrogen Sulfide content is less than 5 ppm dissolved in liquid Vanadium = approx. 170 ppm sp Grav = approx. 0.94

10. STABILITY and REACTIVITY Stability Stable Hazardous Polymerization Not expected to occur. Other Chemical Reactivity N/AP Conditions to Avoid

Heat, sparks, and open flame.

Materials to Avoid

Strong acids, alkalis, and oxidizers such as liquid chlorine and oxygen.

Hazardous or Decomposition Products

Burning or excessive heating may produce carbon monoxide and other harmful gases or vapors including oxides of sulfur and nitrogen.

11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Toxicological Information

The information found in this section is written for medical, toxicology, occupational health and safety professionals. This section provides technical information on the toxicity testing of this or similar materials or its components. If clarification of the technical content is needed, consult a professional in the areas of expertise listed above.

Prolonged/ Repeated Exposures

IARC has determined there is "limited evidence for the carcinogenicity in experimental animals of crude oil" and "inadequate evidence for the carcinogenicity in humans of crude oil." IARC concludes that "crude oil is not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to humans (Group 3)." Crude oil administered orally to pregnant rats during gestation produced increased number of resorptions and decrease in fetal weight and length.


13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Waste Disposal Methods

Consult environmental professional to determine if state or federal regulations would classify spilled or contaminated materials as a hazardous waste. Use only approved transporters, recyclers, treatment, storage or disposal facilities. Comply with all federal, state and local laws pertaining to waste management.

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14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION UN Proper Shipping Name Petroleum crude oil UN Hazard Class 3 UN Number UN1267 UN Packing Group PGI 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION SUPERFUND AMENDMENTS AND REAUTHORIZATION ACT OF 1986 (SARA), TITLE III Section 311/312 Hazard Categories: Immediate (acute) health hazard Delayed (chronic) health hazard Fire hazard Section 313: No chemicals in this product exceed the threshold reporting level established by SARA Title III, Section 313 and 40 CFR 372. TOXIC SUBSTANCES CONTROL ACT (TSCA) All components of this product are listed on the TSCA Inventory. COMPREHENSIVE ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE, COMPENSATION AND LIABILITY ACT (CERCLA) No chemicals in this product are subject to the reporting requirements of CERCLA. CALIFORNIA SAFE DRINKING WATER AND TOXIC ENFORCEMENT ACT OF 1986 - PROPOSITION 65 PROP 65 WARNING LABEL: Chemicals known to the State to cause cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm are found in gasoline, crude oil, and many other petroleum products and their vapors, or result from their use. Read and follow label directions and use care when handling or using all petroleum products. This product contains the following chemical(s) listed by the state of California as known to cause cancer or birth defects or other reproductive harm. MINERAL OILS, UNTREATED (C)

Other Prop 65 chemicals will result under certain conditions from the use of this material. For example, burning fuels produces combustion products including carbon monoxide, a Prop 65 reproductive toxin. (C) = Carcinogen

16. OTHER INFORMATION General Comments

The information and conclusions herein reflect normal operating conditions and may be from sources other than direct test data on the mixture itself.

Abbreviations: EQ = Equal AP = Approximately N/P = No Applicable Information Found LT = Less Than UK = Unknown N/AP = Not Applicable GT = Greater Than TR = Trace N/DA = No Data Available Disclaimer of Liability The information in this MSDS was obtained from sources which we believe are reliable. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION IS PROVIDED WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, REGARDING ITS CORRECTNESS. The conditions or methods of handling, storage, use and disposal of the product are beyond our control and may be beyond our knowledge. FOR THIS AND OTHER REASONS, WE DO NOT ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM LIABILITY FOR LOSS DAMAGE OR EXPENSE ARISING OUT OF OR IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH THE HANDLING, STORAGE, USE OR DISPOSAL OF THE PRODUCT. This MSDS was prepared and is to be used only for this product. If the product is used as a component in another product, this MSDS information may not be applicable.

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Sheet No: SSR2111 Material Name: Low Sulphur Fuel Oil Issue Date : 22/09/94 Revision of Sheet Dated:NA Page:

MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET___________________________________________________________________________

Low Sulphur Fuel Oil1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKINGIdentification of substance/preparationLow sulphur oil, Low sulphur fuel oil, LSFO, Heating Oil Synonyms: No. 2 Fuel Oil, Extra Light Fuel Oil ( ELFO), Light Heating Oil, Furnace Oil, Domestic Fuel Oil,

ApplicationFuel for industrial or domestic boilers; fuel for compression ignition diesel engines.

Company IdentificationSingapore Refining Company Pte. Ltd.Pulau MerlimauJurongSingapore

Emergency Telephone NumberSingapore 867 8844__________________________________________________________________________________

2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSChemical CompositionFuel Oil, No.2 EINECS No: 270-671-4, CAS No: 68476-30-2Fuels, diesel. EINECS No: 269-822-7, CAS No: 68334-30-5Performance enhancing additives may be included.

Hazardous ComponentsCracked components containing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon compounds may be present.__________________________________________________________________________________

3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONThis material may contain significant quantities of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PCAs), some of which have been shown by experimental studies to induce skin cancer.Harmful if swallowed - aspiration hazard._______________________________________________________________________________

4. FIRST-AID MEASURESEyesWash eye thoroughly with copious quantities of water, ensuring eyelids are held open. Obtain medical advice if any pain or redness develops or persists.

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Sheet No: SSR2111 Material Name: Low Sulphur Fuel Oil Issue Date : 22/09/94 Revision of Sheet Dated:NA Page:

SkinWash skin thoroughly with soap and water as soon as reasonably practicable. Remove heavily contaminated clothing and wash underlying skin.

IngestionIf contamination of the mouth occurs, wash out thoroughly with water. If larger amounts are swallowed, do not induce vomiting; transport casualty together with the product container, its label or the safety data sheet urgently to hospital.

InhalationIf inhalation of mists, fumes or vapour causes irritation to the nose or throat, or coughing, remove to fresh air. If symptoms persist obtain medical advice.

Medical AdviceNote: High Pressure ApplicationsInjections through the skin resulting from contact with the product at high pressure constitute a major medical emergency. Injuries may not appear serious at first but within a few hours tissue becomes swollen, discoloured and extremely painful with extensive subcutaneous necrosis.Surgical exploration should be undertaken without delay. Thorough and extensive debridement of the wound and underlying tissue is necessary to minimise tissue loss and prevent or limit permanent damage. Note that high pressure may force the product considerable distances along tissue planes.Product can be aspirated on swallowing or following regurgitation of stomach contents, and can cause severe and potentially fatal chemical pneumonitis, which will require urgent treatment. Because of the risk of aspiration, induction of vomiting and gastric lavage should be avoided. Gastric lavage should be undertaken only after endotrachael intubation. Monitor for cardiac disrhythmias.__________________________________________________________________________________

5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESFor major fires call the Fire Service. Ensure an escape path is always available from any fire.There is a danger of flashback if sparks or hot surfaces ignite vapour.Use foam, dry powder or water fog. DO NOT USE water jets.FIRES IN CONFINED SPACES SHOULD BE DEALT WITH BY TRAINED PERSONNEL WEARING APPROVED BREATHING APPARATUS.

Combustion ProductsSee Stability and Reactivity, Section 10 of this Safety Data Sheet.__________________________________________________________________________________

6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESAny spillage should be regarded as a potential fire risk.Isolate spillage from all ignition sources including road traffic.Ensure good ventilation.Evacuate all non essential personnel from the immediate area.Wear protective clothing. See Exposure Controls/Personal Protection, section 8, of this Safety Data Sheet.Spilled material may make surfaces slippery.Contain and recover spilled material using sand or other suitable inert absorbent material.Recovery of large spillages should be effected by specialist personnel.Large and uncontained spillages should be smothered with foam to reduce the risk of ignition.Protect drains from potential spills to minimise contamination. Do not wash product into drainage system.

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Sheet No: SSR2111 Material Name: Low Sulphur Fuel Oil Issue Date : 22/09/94 Revision of Sheet Dated:NA Page:

Vapour is heavier than air and may travel to remote sources of ignition (eg. along drainage systems, in basements etc.).If spillage has occurred in a confined space, ensure adequate ventilation and check that a safe, breathable atmosphere is present before entry.In the case of spillage on water, prevent the spread of product by the use of suitable barrier equipment. Recover product from the surface. Protect environmentally sensitive areas and water supplies.In the case of spillage at sea approved dispersants may be used where authorised by the appropriate government/regulatory authorities.__________________________________________________________________________________

7. HANDLING AND STORAGEStorage ConditionsStore and dispense only in well ventilated areas away from heat and sources of ignition.Do not remove warning labels from containers.Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Retain hazard warning labels on empty packages as a guide to the safe handling, storage and disposal of empty packaging.Do not enter storage tanks without breathing apparatus unless the tank has been well ventilated and the tank atmosphere has been shown to contain hydrocarbon vapour concentrations of less than 1% of the lower flammability limit and an oxygen concentration of at least 20% volume.Always have sufficient people standing by outside the tank with appropriate breathing apparatus and equipment to effect a quick rescue.

Handling PrecautionsAvoid, as far as reasonably practicable, inhalation of vapour, mists or fumes generated during use.Avoid contact with skin and observe good personal hygiene.Avoid contact with eyes. If splashing is likely to occur wear a full face visor or chemical goggles as appropriate.Do not siphon product by mouth.Whilst using do not eat, drink or smoke.Wash hands thoroughly after contact.Use disposable cloths and discard when soiled. Do not put soiled cloths into pockets.Take all necessary precautions against accidental spillage into soil or water.

Fire PreventionLight hydrocarbon vapours can build up in the headspace of tanks. These can cause flammability/explosion hazards even at temperatures below the normal flash point (note: flash point must not be regarded as a reliable indicator of the potential flammability of vapour in tank headspaces). Tank headspaces should always be regarded as potentially flammable and care should be taken to avoid static electrical discharge and all ignition sources during filling, ullaging and sampling from storage tanks.When the product is pumped (e.g. during filling, discharge or ullaging) and when sampling, there is a risk of static discharge. Ensure equipment used is properly earthed or bonded to the tank structure.Product soaked rags, paper or material used to absorb spillages, represent a fire hazard, and should not be allowed to accumulate. Dispose of safely immediately after use.Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain some remaining flammable product and vapour. Never cut, weld, solder or braze empty containers.__________________________________________________________________________________

8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONExposure LimitsComply with current local occupational exposure limit.If vapour, mists or fumes are generated, their concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest

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Sheet No: SSR2111 Material Name: Low Sulphur Fuel Oil Issue Date : 22/09/94 Revision of Sheet Dated:NA Page:

reasonably practicable level.

Protective ClothingWear face visor or goggles in circumstances where eye contact can accidentally occur.If skin contact is likely, wear impervious protective clothing and/or gloves.Protective clothing should be regularly inspected and maintained; overalls should be dry-cleaned, laundered and preferably starched after use.

Respiratory ProtectionThe use of approved breathing apparatus in confined spaces, by trained personnel, must only be undertaken strictly in accordance with Statutory Regulations governing such entry.


Typical Values

Grades:Low Sulphur Fuel Oil

Test Method Units

Physical state liquidColour amberOdour oily Density @ 15°C ASTM D 1298 kg/m3 805-890

Flash point (PMC) ASTM D 93 °C 55 - 70 Kinematic viscosity @ 20°C ASTM D 445 mm2/s 2 - 7Vapour pressure °C ASTM D 323 kPa 4Boiling point/range ASTM D 86 °C 160 -


10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYStable at ambient temperatures.Hazardous polymerisation reactions will not occur.Conditions to AvoidAvoid temperatures at or near flash point.

Materials to AvoidAvoid contact with strong oxidizing agents.

Hazardous Decomposition ProductsThermal decomposition can produce a variety of compounds, the precise nature of which will depend on the decomposition conditions.Incomplete combustion/ thermal decomposition will generate smoke, carbon dioxide and hazardous gases,which will include carbon monoxide.__________________________________________________________________________________

11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEyesUnlikely to cause more than transient stinging or redness if accidental eye contact occurs.

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Sheet No: SSR2111 Material Name: Low Sulphur Fuel Oil Issue Date : 22/09/94 Revision of Sheet Dated:NA Page:

SkinUnlikely to cause harm to the skin on brief or occasional contact but prolonged or repeated exposure may lead to dermatitis.This material contains significant quantities of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PCAs), some of which has been shown by experimental studies to induce skin cancer.

IngestionUnlikely to cause harm if accidentally swallowed in small doses, though larger quantities may cause nausea and diarrhoea.Will injure the lungs if aspiration occurs, eg. during vomiting.

InhalationMay cause irritation to eyes, nose and throat due to exposure to vapour, mists or fumes.

12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONMobilitySpillages may penetrate the soil causing ground water contamination.

Persistence and degradabilityThis product is inherently biodegradable.

Bioaccumulative potentialThere is no evidence to suggest bioaccumulation will occur.

Aquatic toxicityMay be harmful to aquatic organisms.Spills may form a film on water surfaces causing physical damage to organisms. Oxygen transfer could also be impaired.__________________________________________________________________________________

13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSDispose of by incineration or other suitable means under conditions approved by the local authority or via a licensed waste disposal contractor.__________________________________________________________________________________

14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONADR/RID: Gas oil, Flammable Liquid Class 3, Item 31(c) Hazard Identification No 30UN: GAS OIL, Flammable liquid, Class 3, Packing Group III, UN Number 1202IATA/ICAO: Gas oil, Flammable liquid, Class 3, Packing group IIIIMO: GAS OIL, Flammable liquid, Class 3.3, Packing group IIIEMERGENCY ACTION CODE: Flammable liquid, 3[Z]__________________________________________________________________________________


Symbol: St Andrews Cross

Risk ( R ) Phrases:R40 - Possible risks of irreversible effects

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Sheet No: SSR2111 Material Name: Low Sulphur Fuel Oil Issue Date : 22/09/94 Revision of Sheet Dated:NA Page:

Safety ( S ) Phrases:S24 - Avoid contact with skinS36/37 - Wear suitable protective clothing and glovesS43 - In case of fire, use foam/dry powder/CO2/halon. Never use water.S62 - If swallowed, do not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label.__________________________________________________________________________________

16. OTHER INFORMATIONCompiled by:Product Stewardship GroupBP Oil Technology CentreChertsey RoadSunbury-On-ThamesMiddlesex, TW16 7LN

This data sheet and the health, safety and environmental information it contains is considered to be accurate as of the date specified below. We have reviewed the information contained herein which we received from sources outside SRC . However, no warranty or representation, expressed or implied is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the data and information contained in this data sheet.

Health and safety precautions and environmental advice noted in this data sheet may not be accurate for all individuals and/or situations. It is the user's obligation to evaluate and use this product safely and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. No statement made in this data sheet shall be construed as a permission, recommendation or authorization given or implied to practise any patented invention without a valid licence. SRC shall not be responsible for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use of the material, from any failure to adhere to recommendations, or from any hazards inherent in the nature of the material

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ALIGN BP SDS FinalsSafety Data Sheet - SDS

GLIS Sheet No:STI2105 SDS Reference: Paper Type: BP Helios Status: Active

Material Name: Marine Distillate FuelsLanguage:English Country:OTI

Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Major Change: Hazard?:YesHazardous Components: Physical Characteristics: Gas oil Tox File: 169.1 Product Group:

Date of Issue: 17/07/2000 ________________________________________________________________________________


Marine Distillate Fuels1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Identification of substance/preparation Marine Distillate Fuels Alternative Names: BP Distillate Diesel Oil (Synonyms BPDDO, DMB, DB, LDO, Marine Diesel Oil)BP Blended Diesel Oil (Synonyms BPBDO, DMC, DC MDO, Marine Diesel Oil, Blended Marine Diesel Oil)

Application Fuel for diesel engines or heating/boiler plantFor specific application advice see appropriate Technical Data Sheet or consult your BP representative

Company Identification BP Oil International LimitedBritannic House1 Finsbury CircusLondon, EC2M 7BA

Emergency Telephone Number +44 (0) 20 7496 4411 _________________________________________________________________________________2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSChemical Composition

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Complex mixture of mainly middle distillate hydrocarbons in the C10-C30 range. The resulting fuel can be paraffinic, naphthenic or aromatic in nature. Performance additives may be added. DDO may contain trace amounts of residual fuel oil. BDO will typically contain about 20% by volume of residual fuel oil.

Hazardous Components Hydrogen sulphide (H2S), an extremely toxic and highly flammable gas, and other flammable light hydrocarbon gases may collect in vapour spaces where product is stored. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons will be present, some of which have been shown by experimental studies to induce skin cancer. Fuels, diesel. EINECS No: 269-822-7, CAS No: 68334-30-5, Xn, R40 Possible risks of irreversible effects, R65 Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed, R66 Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking (>70%)

Fuel oil, residual. EINECS No: 270-675-6, CAS No: 68476-33-5, T, R45 May cause cancer, R66 Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking, R52/53 Harmful to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment

_________________________________________________________________________________3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONMay cause cancer, classified as a category 2 carcinogen. This material may contain significant quantities of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PCAs), some of which have been shown by experimental studies to induce skin cancer. Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking. Harmful if swallowed - aspiration hazard.

Vapours containing hydrogen sulphide may accumulate during storage or transport and may also be vented during filling of tanks. Hydrogen sulphide has a typical "bad egg" smell but at high concentrations the sense of smell is rapidly lost, therefore do not rely on sense of smell for detecting hydrogen sulphide. Use specially designed measuring instruments for determining its concentration. _________________________________________________________________________________

4. FIRST-AID MEASURESEyes Wash eye thoroughly with copious quantities of water, ensuring eyelids are held open. Obtain medical advice if any pain or redness develops or persists.

Skin Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water as soon as reasonably practicable. Remove heavily contaminated clothing and wash underlying skin. Medical advice must be obtained urgently if product under high pressure has been injected through the skin.

Ingestion If contamination of the mouth occurs, wash out thoroughly with water. Except as a deliberate act, the ingestion of large amounts of product is unlikely. If it should occur, do not induce vomiting; obtain medical advice.

Inhalation If inhalation of mists, fumes or vapour causes irritation to the nose or throat, or coughing, remove to fresh air. If symptoms persist obtain medical advice. EXPOSURE TO HYDROGEN SULPHIDE:

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Casualties suffering ill effects as a result of exposure to hydrogen sulphide should be immediately removed to fresh air and medical assistance obtained without delay. Unconscious casualties must be placed in the recovery position. Monitor breathing and pulse rate and if breathing has failed, or is deemed inadequate, respiration must be assisted, preferably by the mouth to mouth method. Administer external cardiac massage if necessary. Seek medical attention immediately. It is advisable that all who are engaged in operations in which contact with H2S may reasonably be anticipated, should be trained in the techniques of emergency resuscitation and in the care of an unconscious patient.

Medical Advice Inhalation of hydrogen sulphide may cause central respiratory depression leading to coma and death. It is irritant to the respiratory tract causing chemical pneumonitis and pulmonary oedema. The onset of pulmonary oedema may be delayed for 24 to 48 hours. Treat with oxygen and ventilate as appropriate. Administer broncho-dilators if indicated and consider administration of corticosteroids. Keep casualty under surveillance for 48 hours in case pulmonary oedema develops.

Note: High Pressure ApplicationsInjections through the skin resulting from contact with the product at high pressure constitute a major medical emergency. Injuries may not appear serious at first but within a few hours tissue becomes swollen, discoloured and extremely painful with extensive subcutaneous necrosis.Surgical exploration should be undertaken without delay. Thorough and extensive debridement of the wound and underlying tissue is necessary to minimise tissue loss and prevent or limit permanent damage. Note that high pressure may force the product considerable distances along tissue planes.

Product can be aspirated on swallowing or following regurgitation of stomach contents, and can cause severe and potentially fatal chemical pneumonitis, which will require urgent treatment. Because of the risk of aspiration, induction of vomiting and gastric lavage should be avoided. Gastric lavage should be undertaken only after endotracheal intubation. Monitor for cardiac dysrhythmias._________________________________________________________________________________5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESFor major fires call the Fire Service. Ensure an escape path is always available from any fire. There is a danger of flashback if sparks or hot surfaces ignite vapour. Use foam, dry powder or water fog. DO NOT USE water jets. Fires in confined spaces should be dealt with by trained personnel wearing approved breathing apparatus.

Combustion Products Toxic fumes may be evolved on burning or exposure to heat. See Stability and Reactivity, Section 10 of this Safety Data Sheet. Ash from combustion may contain potentially harmful components such as vanadium and other heavy metal oxides. _________________________________________________________________________________6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESIn the event of spillages contact the appropriate authorities. Any spillage should be regarded as a potential fire risk. Isolate spillage from all ignition sources including road traffic. Ensure good ventilation. Evacuate all non essential personnel from the immediate area. Wear protective clothing. See Exposure Controls/Personal Protection, section 8, of this Safety Data Sheet. Spilled material may make surfaces slippery. Recovery of large spillages should be effected by specialist personnel. Large and uncontained spillages should be smothered with foam to reduce the risk of ignition. Protect drains from potential spills to minimise contamination. Do not wash product into drainage system. Vapour is heavier than air and may travel to remote sources of ignition (eg. along drainage systems, in basements etc.).

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Vapour may collect in any confined space. If spillage has occurred in a confined space, ensure adequate ventilation and check that a safe, breathable atmosphere is present before entry. Spillages of hot product in confined spaces may be especially hazardous because highly toxic hydrogen sulphide gas may be present. For spillages in such confined spaces the use of approved breathing apparatus by personnel specially trained in its use may be required. In the case of spillage on water, prevent the spread of product by the use of suitable barrier equipment. Recover product from the surface. Protect environmentally sensitive areas and water supplies. In the case of spillage at sea approved dispersants may be used where authorised by the appropriate government/regulatory authorities._________________________________________________________________________________

7. HANDLING AND STORAGEStorage Conditions Store and dispense only in well ventilated areas away from heat and sources of ignition. Store and use only in equipment/containers designed for use with this product. Containers must be properly labelled and kept closed when not in use. Do not enter storage tanks without breathing apparatus unless the tank has been well ventilated and the tank atmosphere has been shown to contain hydrocarbon vapour concentrations of less than 1% of the lower flammability limit and an oxygen concentration of at least 20% volume. Confined spaces contaminated with hydrogen sulphide must always be considered as constituting potentially life threatening environments. Entry into such spaces must never be undertaken except under extreme emergency when no alternative is possible and then only by trained operators wearing air-supplied breathing apparatus of an approved type and following procedures strictly in accordance with the Statutory Regulations governing such entry. Please see the comments in Section 8 (Exposure Controls/Personal Protection) of this data sheet. Always have sufficient people standing by outside the tank with appropriate breathing apparatus and equipment to effect a quick rescue.

Handling Precautions Ensure good ventilation and avoid as far as reasonably practicable the inhalation and contact with vapours, mists or fumes which may be generated during use. If such vapour, mists or fumes are generated, their concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level. Do not siphon product by mouth. Avoid contact with skin and observe good personal hygiene. Avoid contact with eyes. If splashing is likely to occur wear a full face visor or chemical goggles as appropriate. Avoid inhalation of dust from combustion/exhaust spaces. Whilst using do not eat, drink or smoke. Wash hands thoroughly after contact. Use disposable cloths and discard when soiled. Do not put soiled cloths into pockets.

Fire Prevention Light hydrocarbon vapours can build up in the headspace of tanks. These can cause flammability/explosion hazards even at temperatures below the normal flash point (note: flash point must not be regarded as a reliable indicator of the potential flammability of vapour in tank headspaces). Tank headspaces should always be regarded as potentially flammable and care should be taken to avoid static electrical discharge and all ignition sources during filling, ullaging and sampling from storage tanks. Will present a flammability hazard if heated above flash point but bulk liquids at normal storage temperatures will present virtually no fire hazard. If fuel contacts hot surfaces, or leaks from high pressure fuel pipes, the vapour and/or mists generated will create a flammability or explosion hazard. When the product is pumped (e.g. during filling, discharge or ullaging) and when sampling, there is a risk of static discharge. Ensure equipment used is properly earthed or bonded to the tank structure. Product contaminated rags, paper or material used to absorb spillages, represent a fire hazard, and should not be

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allowed to accumulate. Dispose of safely immediately after use. Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain some remaining flammable product and vapour. Never cut, weld, solder or braze empty containers._________________________________________________________________________________

8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONExposure Limits There is no appropriate occupational exposure limit for this material. Ensure good ventilation. Avoid, as far as reasonably practicable, inhalation of vapour, mists or fumes generated during use. If vapour, mists or fumes are generated, their concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level. Relevant exposure limits are: Hydrogen sulphide ACGIH (USA): TLV 10 ppm (8 hr TWA); 15ppm (15 min STEL)

Protective Clothing Wear face visor or goggles in circumstances where eye contact can accidentally occur. If skin contact is likely, wear impervious protective clothing and/or gloves. Protective clothing should be regularly inspected and maintained; overalls should be dry-cleaned, laundered and preferably starched after use.

Respiratory Protection If operations are such that the excessive generation of vapour, mist or fume may be anticipated, to which operators may unavoidably be exposed, then suitable approved respiratory equipment should be worn. Note: Approved air-supplied breathing apparatus must be worn where there may be potential for inhalation of hydrogen sulphide gas. The use of respiratory equipment must be strictly in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions and any statutory requirements governing its selection and use. _________________________________________________________________________________


Typical ValuesGrades: DDO BDO

Test Method UnitsPhysical state liquid liquidColour dark brown ->

black[may be dyed to comply with local regulations/ requirements]

black[may be dyed to comply with local regulations / requirements]

Odour characteristic hydrocarbon

characteristic hydrocarbon

Density @ 15°C ASTM D 1298 kg/m³ 900 max 920 maxKinematic viscosity @ 40°C

ASTM D 445 mm²/s 2.5 - 11 14 max

Flash point (PMC) ASTM D 93 °C 62 min 62 min

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10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYStable at ambient temperatures. Hazardous polymerisation reactions will not occur.

Conditions to Avoid Avoid storage at or near flash point.

Materials to Avoid Avoid contact with strong oxidizing agents.

Hazardous Decomposition Products Thermal decomposition products will vary with conditions. Overheating in storage may cause partial vapourisation and decomposition with the production of toxic hydrogen sulphide gas (H2S).Incomplete combustion will generate smoke, carbon dioxide and hazardous gases, including carbon monoxide. Fuel oil ash/dust can be hazardous if inhaled. Before working in combustion/exhaust spaces or handling fuel oil ash/dust the area should be thoroughly damped down with water. If this is not possible, wear full breathing apparatus or positive pressure filter sets. Protective clothing must always be worn. When inspecting combustion/exhaust spaces, wear full face dust respirator and protective clothing._________________________________________________________________________________11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEyes Unlikely to cause more than transient stinging or redness if accidental eye contact occurs.

Skin Unlikely to cause harm to the skin on brief or occasional contact but prolonged or repeated exposure may lead to dermatitis. As with all such products containing potentially harmful levels of PCAs, prolonged or repeated skin contact may eventually result in dermatitis or more serious irreversible skin disorders including cancer.

Ingestion Unlikely to cause harm if accidentally swallowed in small doses, though larger quantities may cause nausea and diarrhoea. Will injure the lungs if aspiration occurs, eg. during vomiting.

Inhalation May cause irritation to eyes, nose and throat due to exposure to vapour, mists or fumes. May be toxic by inhalation when hydrogen sulphide is present in the vapour. Hydrogen sulphide gas may in addition produce irritation of the eyes and respiratory tract.

Dusts generated during the removal of ash deposits from engine/boiler combustion surfaces or exhaust spaces, will be harmful if inhaled and may cause nausea and eye, nose and throat irritation. Repeated contact may result in serious irreversible disorders._________________________________________________________________________________12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONMobility Spillages may penetrate the soil causing ground water contamination.

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This material may accumulate in sediments.

Persistence and degradability This product is inherently biodegradable.

Bioaccumulative potential There is no evidence to suggest bioaccumulation will occur.

Aquatic toxicity Harmful to aquatic organisms, may cause long term effects in the aquatic environment Spills may form a film on water surfaces causing physical damage to organisms. Oxygen transfer could also be impaired. German WGK Classification: 2 _________________________________________________________________________________13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSDispose of by incineration or other suitable means under conditions approved by the local authority or via a licensed waste disposal contractor. At sea, used or unwanted product should be stored for eventual discharge into port approved waste oil disposal facilities. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Hazard warning labels are a guide to the safe handling of empty packaging and should not be removed. _________________________________________________________________________________14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONADR/RID: Gas oil, Flammable Liquid Class 3, UN 1202, Item 31(c) Hazard Identification No 30, EMERGENCY ACTION CODE: 3[Z]Not classified as hazardous for transport ( UN , IMO, IATA/ICAO). _________________________________________________________________________________15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONEU Category of Danger Carcinogenic category 2 Harmful

EU Labelling Symbol: Skull and crossbones

Indication of danger: None

Contains: Fuels, DieselHeavy fuel oil

Risk ( R ) Phrases: R45 May cause cancer R65 Also Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed. R66 Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking

Safety ( S ) Phrases: S24 Avoid contact with skin

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S36/37 Wear suitable protective clothing and gloves S43 In case of fire, use foam/dry powder/CO2. Never use water jets. S53 Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use. S45 In case of accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice immediately (show label where possible) S62 If swallowed, do not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label.S61 Avoid release into the environment. Refer to special instructions/Safety data sheets.

For non-fuel use only - "Restricted to professional users. Attention - Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use." must be marked on packaging.

_________________________________________________________________________________16. OTHER INFORMATIONCompiled by: Product Stewardship GroupBP Oil Technology CentreChertsey RoadSunbury-on-ThamesMiddlesex, TW16 7LN

This data sheet and the health, safety and environmental information it contains is considered to be accurate as of the date specified below. We have reviewed any information contained herein which we received from sources outside the BP Amoco Group of Companies. However, no warranty or representation, express or implied is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the data and information contained in this data sheet.

Health and safety precautions and environmental advice noted in this data sheet may not be accurate for all individuals and/or situations. It is the user's obligation to evaluate and use this product safely and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. No statement made in this data sheet shall be construed as a permission, recommendation or authorization given or implied to practise any patented invention without a valid licence. The BP Amoco Group shall not be responsible for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use of the material, from any failure to adhere to recommendations, or from any hazards inherent in the nature of the material.

Sheet Revisions Date: Sections revised: 02/11/98 1, 2, 8, 12, 1517/07/2000 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 12, 14, 15

SHEET NO: STI2105ISSUE DATE: 17/07/2000REVISION OF SHEET DATED: 02/11/98 ______________________________________________________________________________

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Sheet No: STI2107 Material Name: Marine Gas Oil Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

ALIGN BP SDS FinalsSafety Data Sheet - SDS

GLIS Sheet No:STI2107 SDS Reference: Paper Type: BP Helios Status: Active

Material Name: Marine Gas OilLanguage:English Country:OTI

Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Major Change: Hazard?:YesHazardous Components: Physical Characteristics: Gas oil Tox File: 169.1 Product Group:

Date of Issue: 17/07/2000 ________________________________________________________________________________


Marine Gas Oil1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Identification of substance/preparation Marine Gas Oil Alternative Names: DMA, DA, MGO, Gas Oil

Application Fuel for diesel engines or heating/boiler plantFor specific application advice see appropriate Technical Data Sheet or consult your BP representative

Company Identification BP Oil International LimitedBritannic House1 Finsbury CircusLondon, EC2M 7BA

Emergency Telephone Number +44 (0) 20 7496 4411 _________________________________________________________________________________2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSChemical Composition Complex mixture of middle distillate hydrocarbons, with carbon numbers in C10 to C28 range.

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Sheet No: STI2107 Material Name: Marine Gas Oil Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

Performance enhancing additives may be included.

Hazardous Components Cracked components containing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon compounds may be present. Fuels, diesel. EINECS No: 269-822-7, CAS No: 68334-30-5, Xn, R40 Possible risks of irreversible effects, R65 Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed, R66 Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking (>90%)

_________________________________________________________________________________3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONHarmful if swallowed - aspiration hazard. This material may contain significant quantities of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PCAs), some of which have been shown by experimental studies to induce skin cancer. Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking. _________________________________________________________________________________

4. FIRST-AID MEASURESEyes Wash eye thoroughly with copious quantities of water, ensuring eyelids are held open. Obtain medical advice if any pain or redness develops or persists.

Skin Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water as soon as reasonably practicable. Remove heavily contaminated clothing and wash underlying skin.

Ingestion If contamination of the mouth occurs, wash out thoroughly with water. Except as a deliberate act, the ingestion of large amounts of product is unlikely. If it should occur, do not induce vomiting; obtain medical advice.

Inhalation If inhalation of mists, fumes or vapour causes irritation to the nose or throat, or coughing, remove to fresh air. If symptoms persist obtain medical advice.

Medical Advice Treatment should in general be symptomatic and directed to relieving any effects.Product can be aspirated on swallowing or following regurgitation of stomach contents, and can cause severe and potentially fatal chemical pneumonitis, which will require urgent treatment. Because of the risk of aspiration, induction of vomiting and gastric lavage should be avoided. Gastric lavage should be undertaken only after endotracheal intubation. Monitor for cardiac dysrhythmias.

Note: High Pressure ApplicationsInjections through the skin resulting from contact with the product at high pressure constitute a major medical emergency. Injuries may not appear serious at first but within a few hours tissue becomes swollen, discoloured and extremely painful with extensive subcutaneous necrosis.Surgical exploration should be undertaken without delay. Thorough and extensive debridement of the wound and underlying tissue is necessary to minimise tissue loss and prevent or limit permanent damage. Note that high pressure may force the product considerable distances along tissue planes. _________________________________________________________________________________5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURES

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Sheet No: STI2107 Material Name: Marine Gas Oil Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

For major fires call the Fire Service. Ensure an escape path is always available from any fire. There is a danger of flashback if sparks or hot surfaces ignite vapour. Use foam, dry powder or water fog. DO NOT USE water jets. Fires in confined spaces should be dealt with by trained personnel wearing approved breathing apparatus.

Combustion Products Toxic fumes may be evolved on burning or exposure to heat. See Stability and Reactivity, Section 10 of this Safety Data Sheet. _________________________________________________________________________________6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESAny spillage should be regarded as a potential fire risk. In the event of spillage, remove all sources of ignition and ensure good ventilation. Wear protective clothing. See Exposure Controls/Personal Protection, section 8, of this Safety Data Sheet. Spilled material may make surfaces slippery. Clean up spilled material immediately. Contain and recover spilled material using sand or other suitable inert absorbent material. Recovery of large spillages should be effected by specialist personnel. It is advised that stocks of suitable absorbent material should be held in quantities sufficient to deal with any spillage which may be reasonably anticipated. Large and uncontained spillages should be smothered with foam to reduce the risk of ignition. The foam blanket should be maintained until the area is declared safe. Protect drains from potential spills to minimise contamination. Do not wash product into drainage system. Vapour is heavier than air and may travel to remote sources of ignition (eg. along drainage systems, in basements etc.). If spillage has occurred in a confined space, ensure adequate ventilation and check that a safe, breathable atmosphere is present before entry. In the case of spillage on water, prevent the spread of product by the use of suitable barrier equipment. Recover product from the surface. Protect environmentally sensitive areas and water supplies. In the case of spillage at sea approved dispersants may be used where authorised by the appropriate government/regulatory authorities. Regular surveillance on the location of the spillage should be maintained.

In the event of spillages contact the appropriate authorities._________________________________________________________________________________

7. HANDLING AND STORAGEStorage Conditions Store and dispense only in well ventilated areas away from heat and sources of ignition. Store and use only in equipment/containers designed for use with this product. Containers must be properly labelled and kept closed when not in use. Do not remove warning labels from containers. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Retain hazard warning labels on empty packages as a guide to the safe handling, storage and disposal of empty packaging. Do not enter storage tanks without breathing apparatus unless the tank has been well ventilated and the tank atmosphere has been shown to contain hydrocarbon vapour concentrations of less than 1% of the lower flammability limit and an oxygen concentration of at least 20% volume. Always have sufficient people standing by outside the tank with appropriate breathing apparatus and equipment to effect a quick rescue.

Handling Precautions Avoid, as far as reasonably practicable, inhalation of vapour, mists or fumes generated during use.

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Sheet No: STI2107 Material Name: Marine Gas Oil Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

Avoid contact with skin and observe good personal hygiene. Avoid contact with eyes. If splashing is likely to occur wear a full face visor or chemical goggles as appropriate. Do not siphon product by mouth. Whilst using do not eat, drink or smoke. Wash hands thoroughly after contact. Use disposable cloths and discard when soiled. Do not put soiled cloths into pockets. Take all necessary precautions against accidental spillage into soil or water.

Fire Prevention Light hydrocarbon vapours can build up in the headspace of tanks. These can cause flammability/explosion hazards even at temperatures below the normal flash point (note: flash point must not be regarded as a reliable indicator of the potential flammability of vapour in tank headspaces). Tank headspaces should always be regarded as potentially flammable and care should be taken to avoid static electrical discharge and all ignition sources during filling, ullaging and sampling from storage tanks. Will present a flammability hazard if heated above flash point but bulk liquids at normal storage temperatures will present virtually no fire hazard. If fuel contacts hot surfaces, or leaks from high pressure fuel pipes, the vapour and/or mists generated will create a flammability or explosion hazard. When the product is pumped (e.g. during filling, discharge or ullaging) and when sampling, there is a risk of static discharge. Ensure equipment used is properly earthed or bonded to the tank structure. Product contaminated rags, paper or material used to absorb spillages, represent a fire hazard, and should not be allowed to accumulate. Dispose of safely immediately after use. Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain some remaining flammable product and vapour. Never cut, weld, solder or braze empty containers. _________________________________________________________________________________

8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONExposure Limits There is no appropriate occupational exposure limit for this material. If vapour, mists or fumes are generated, their concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level.

Protective Clothing Wear face visor or goggles in circumstances where eye contact can accidentally occur. If skin contact is likely, wear impervious protective clothing and/or gloves. Protective clothing should be regularly inspected and maintained; overalls should be dry-cleaned, laundered and preferably starched after use.

Respiratory Protection If operations are such that exposure to vapour, mist or fume may be anticipated, then suitable approved respiratory equipment should be worn. The use of respiratory equipment must be strictly in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions and any statutory requirements governing its selection and use. _________________________________________________________________________________


Typical ValuesGrades: Marine Gas


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Sheet No: STI2107 Material Name: Marine Gas Oil Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

Test Method UnitsPhysical state liquidColour clear [may be

dyed to comply with local regulations/ requirements]

Odour characteristic hydrocarbon

Density @ 15°C ASTM D 1298 kg/m³ 890 maxKinematic viscosity @ 40°C

ASTM D 445 mm²/s 1.5 - 6

Flash point (PMC) ASTM D 93 °C 62 min_________________________________________________________________________________

10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYStable at ambient temperatures. Hazardous polymerisation reactions will not occur.

Conditions to Avoid Sources of ignition

Materials to Avoid Avoid contact with strong oxidizing agents.

Hazardous Decomposition Products Thermal decomposition products will vary with conditions. Incomplete combustion will generate smoke, carbon dioxide and hazardous gases, including carbon monoxide._________________________________________________________________________________11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEyes Unlikely to cause more than transient stinging or redness if accidental eye contact occurs.

Skin Unlikely to cause harm to the skin on brief or occasional contact but prolonged or repeated exposure may lead to dermatitis. As with all such products containing potentially harmful levels of PCAs, prolonged or repeated skin contact may eventually result in dermatitis or more serious irreversible skin disorders including cancer.

Ingestion Unlikely to cause harm if accidentally swallowed in small doses, though larger quantities may cause nausea and diarrhoea. Will injure the lungs if aspiration occurs, eg. during vomiting.

Inhalation May cause irritation to eyes, nose and throat due to exposure to vapour, mists or fumes. _________________________________________________________________________________12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION

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Mobility Spillages may penetrate the soil causing ground water contamination. This material may accumulate in sediments.

Persistence and degradability This product is inherently biodegradable.

Bioaccumulative potential There is no evidence to suggest bioaccumulation will occur.

Aquatic toxicity Harmful to aquatic organisms, may cause long term effects in the aquatic environment Spills may form a film on water surfaces causing physical damage to organisms. Oxygen transfer could also be impaired.

German WGK Classification: 2 _________________________________________________________________________________13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSDispose of by incineration or other suitable means under conditions approved by the local authority or via a licensed waste disposal contractor. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Hazard warning labels are a guide to the safe handling of empty packaging and should not be removed. _________________________________________________________________________________14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONADR/RID: Gas oil, Flammable Liquid Class 3, UN 1202, Item 31(c) Hazard Identification No 30, EMERGENCY ACTION CODE: 3[Z]Not classified as hazardous for transport ( UN , IMO, IATA/ICAO). _________________________________________________________________________________15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONEU Category of Danger Carcinogenic category 3 Harmful

EU Labelling Symbol: St. Andrew's Cross

Indication of danger: HARMFUL

Contains: Fuels, Diesel

Risk ( R ) Phrases: R40 Possible risks of irreversible effects R65 Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed. R66 Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking

Safety ( S ) Phrases:

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S2 Keep out of reach of children S24 Avoid contact with skin S43 In case of fire, use foam/dry powder/CO2. Never use water jets. S36/37 Wear suitable protective clothing and gloves S62 If swallowed, do not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label. S61 Avoid release into the environment. Refer to special instructions/Safety data sheets.

_________________________________________________________________________________16. OTHER INFORMATIONCompiled by: Product Stewardship GroupBP Oil Technology CentreChertsey RoadSunbury-on-ThamesMiddlesex, TW16 7LN

This data sheet and the health, safety and environmental information it contains is considered to be accurate as of the date specified below. We have reviewed any information contained herein which we received from sources outside the BP Amoco Group of Companies. However, no warranty or representation, express or implied is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the data and information contained in this data sheet.

Health and safety precautions and environmental advice noted in this data sheet may not be accurate for all individuals and/or situations. It is the user's obligation to evaluate and use this product safely and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. No statement made in this data sheet shall be construed as a permission, recommendation or authorization given or implied to practise any patented invention without a valid licence. The BP Amoco Group shall not be responsible for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use of the material, from any failure to adhere to recommendations, or from any hazards inherent in the nature of the material.

Sheet Revisions Date: Sections revised: 02/11/98 1, 2, 12, 1517/07/2000 2, 3, 4, 9, 12, 14, 15

SHEET NO: STI2107ISSUE DATE: 17/07/2000REVISION OF SHEET DATED: 02/11/98 ______________________________________________________________________________

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Sheet No: STI2108 Material Name: Residual Fuel Oil Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

ALIGN BP SDS FinalsSafety Data Sheet - SDS

GLIS Sheet No:STI2108 SDS Reference: Paper Type: BP Helios Status: ActiveMaterial Name: Residual Fuel Oil

Language:English Country:OTIRevision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Major Change: Hazard?:Yes

Hazardous Components: Physical Characteristics: Fuel oil Tox File: 350.16 Product Group: Date of Issue: 17/07/2000



Residual Fuel Oil1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Identification of substance/preparation Residual Fuel Oil Alternative Names: BP40 to BP700, RMA to RML, A to K, Bunker C, Fuel Oil Nos 4, 5 or 6)

Application Fuel for industrial, marine and commercial boilers and furnaces; fuel for low and medium speed diesel engines.For specific application advice see appropriate Technical Data Sheet or consult your BP representative

Company Identification BP Oil International LimitedBritannic House1 Finsbury CircusLondon, EC2M 7BA

Emergency Telephone Number +44 (0) 20 7496 4411 _________________________________________________________________________________2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSChemical Composition Residues (petroleum), atm. tower. EINECS No: 265-045-2, CAS No: 64741-45-3

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Sheet No: STI2108 Material Name: Residual Fuel Oil Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

Hazardous Components Hydrogen sulphide (H2S), an extremely toxic and highly flammable gas, and other flammable light hydrocarbon gases may collect in vapour spaces where product is stored. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons will be present, some of which have been shown by experimental studies to induce skin cancer.

_________________________________________________________________________________3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONContact with hot product may cause burns. May cause cancer, classified as a category 2 carcinogen. This material may contain significant quantities of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PCAs), some of which have been shown by experimental studies to induce skin cancer. Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking.

Vapours containing hydrogen sulphide may accumulate during storage or transport and may also be vented during filling of tanks. Hydrogen sulphide has a typical "bad egg" smell but at high concentrations the sense of smell is rapidly lost, therefore do not rely on sense of smell for detecting hydrogen sulphide. Use specially designed measuring instruments for determining its concentration.

Harmful to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment._________________________________________________________________________________

4. FIRST-AID MEASURESEyes Wash eye thoroughly with copious quantities of water, ensuring eyelids are held open. Obtain medical advice if any pain or redness develops or persists. If hot material enters the eye, flood immediately with cold water to dissipate the heat, if possible, ensuring eyelids are held open. Take the casualty to hospital for examination and treatment without delay.

Skin Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water as soon as reasonably practicable. Remove heavily contaminated clothing and wash underlying skin. If hot product causes burns, the affected area should be flooded immediately with, or immersed in cold water for 10 minutes, or longer if pain persists. Burns should be covered with clean cotton or gauze, and the casualty taken to hospital as soon as possible for examination and treatment. Never use gasoline, kerosine or other solvents to remove fuel oil from skin or clothing. Medical advice must be obtained urgently if product under high pressure has been injected through the skin.

Ingestion If contamination of the mouth occurs, wash out thoroughly with water. Except as a deliberate act, the ingestion of large amounts of product is unlikely. If it should occur, do not induce vomiting; obtain medical advice.

Inhalation If inhalation of mists, fumes or vapour causes irritation to the nose or throat, or coughing, remove to fresh air. If symptoms persist obtain medical advice. EXPOSURE TO HYDROGEN SULPHIDE:Casualties suffering ill effects as a result of exposure to hydrogen sulphide should be immediately removed to fresh air and medical assistance obtained without delay.

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Sheet No: STI2108 Material Name: Residual Fuel Oil Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

Unconscious casualties must be placed in the recovery position. Monitor breathing and pulse rate and if breathing has failed, or is deemed inadequate, respiration must be assisted, preferably by the mouth to mouth method. Administer external cardiac massage if necessary. Seek medical attention immediately. It is advisable that all who are engaged in operations in which contact with H2S may reasonably be anticipated, should be trained in the techniques of emergency resuscitation and in the care of an unconscious patient.

Medical Advice If ingested, do not induce vomiting.Inhalation of hydrogen sulphide may cause central respiratory depression leading to coma and death. It is irritant to the respiratory tract causing chemical pneumonitis and pulmonary oedema. The onset of pulmonary oedema may be delayed for 24 to 48 hours. Treat with oxygen and ventilate as appropriate. Administer broncho-dilators if indicated and consider administration of corticosteroids. Keep casualty under surveillance for 48 hours in case pulmonary oedema develops.

Note: High Pressure ApplicationsInjections through the skin resulting from contact with the product at high pressure constitute a major medical emergency. Injuries may not appear serious at first but within a few hours tissue becomes swollen, discoloured and extremely painful with extensive subcutaneous necrosis.Surgical exploration should be undertaken without delay. Thorough and extensive debridement of the wound and underlying tissue is necessary to minimise tissue loss and prevent or limit permanent damage. Note that high pressure may force the product considerable distances along tissue planes. _________________________________________________________________________________5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESFor major fires call the Fire Service. Ensure an escape path is always available from any fire. Use foam, dry powder or carbon dioxide. DO NOT USE water jets. Avoid spraying directly into storage containers because of the danger of boil-over. Fires in confined spaces should be dealt with by trained personnel wearing approved breathing apparatus.

Combustion Products Toxic fumes may be evolved on burning or exposure to heat. See Stability and Reactivity, Section 10 of this Safety Data Sheet. _________________________________________________________________________________6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESEnsure good ventilation. Evacuate all non essential personnel from the immediate area. Wear protective clothing. See Exposure Controls/Personal Protection, section 8, of this Safety Data Sheet. Depending upon its temperature the product may be liquid, semi-solid or solid.Protect drains from spills and prevent entry of product, since this may result in blockage on cooling. Should blockage occur, notify the appropriate authority immediately. Scrape up bulk of solid material and remove liquid with sand or other suitable inert absorbent material. If necessary, clean the contaminated area using hot water and detergent: absorb the washings - do not wash into drains. Spilled material may make surfaces slippery. Recovery of large spillages should be effected by specialist personnel. It is advised that stocks of suitable absorbent material should be held in quantities sufficient to deal with any spillage which may be reasonably anticipated. Large and uncontained spillages should be smothered with foam to reduce the risk of ignition. The foam blanket should be maintained until the area is declared safe. Spillages of hot product in confined spaces may be especially hazardous because highly toxic hydrogen sulphide gas may be present. For spillages in such confined spaces the use of approved breathing apparatus by personnel specially trained in its use may be required. Vapour may collect in any confined space. In the case of spillage on water, prevent the spread of product by the use of suitable barrier equipment. Recover

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product from the surface. Protect environmentally sensitive areas and water supplies. The product may sink making recovery difficult. In the case of spillage at sea approved dispersants may be used where authorised by the appropriate government/regulatory authorities. Regular surveillance on the location of the spillage should be maintained. In the event of spillages contact the appropriate authorities._________________________________________________________________________________

7. HANDLING AND STORAGEStorage Conditions Store and dispense only in well ventilated areas away from heat and sources of ignition. Store and use only in equipment/containers designed for use with this product. Containers must be properly labelled and kept closed when not in use. Do not remove warning labels from containers. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Retain hazard warning labels on empty packages as a guide to the safe handling, storage and disposal of empty packaging. Do not enter storage tanks without breathing apparatus unless the tank has been well ventilated and the tank atmosphere has been shown to contain hydrocarbon vapour concentrations of less than 1% of the lower flammability limit and an oxygen concentration of at least 20% volume. Confined spaces contaminated with hydrogen sulphide must always be considered as constituting potentially life threatening environments. Entry into such spaces must never be undertaken except under extreme emergency when no alternative is possible and then only by trained operators wearing air-supplied breathing apparatus of an approved type and following procedures strictly in accordance with the Statutory Regulations governing such entry. Please see the comments in Section 8 (Exposure Controls/Personal Protection) of this data sheet. Always have sufficient people standing by outside the tank with appropriate breathing apparatus and equipment to effect a quick rescue. It is advisable that all who are engaged in operations in which contact with hydrogen sulphide may be reasonably anticipated, should be trained in the techniques of emergency resuscitation and in the care of an unconscious patient.

Handling Precautions Ensure good ventilation and avoid as far as reasonably practicable the inhalation and contact with vapours, mists or fumes which may be generated during use. If such vapour, mists or fumes are generated, their concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level. Avoid contact with skin and observe good personal hygiene. Avoid contact with eyes. If splashing is likely to occur wear a full face visor or chemical goggles as appropriate. Avoid inhalation of dust from combustion/exhaust spaces. Whilst using do not eat, drink or smoke. Wash hands thoroughly after contact. Use disposable cloths and discard when soiled. Do not put soiled cloths into pockets. Take all necessary precautions against accidental spillage into soil or water.

Fire Prevention Light hydrocarbon vapours can build up in the headspace of tanks. These can cause flammability/explosion hazards even at temperatures below the normal flash point (note: flash point must not be regarded as a reliable indicator of the potential flammability of vapour in tank headspaces). Tank headspaces should always be regarded as potentially flammable and care should be taken to avoid static electrical discharge and all ignition sources during filling, ullaging and sampling from storage tanks. Will present a flammability hazard if heated above flash point but bulk liquids at normal storage temperatures will present virtually no fire hazard. If fuel contacts hot surfaces, or leaks from high pressure fuel pipes, the vapour and/or mists generated will create a flammability or explosion hazard. When the product is pumped (e.g. during filling, discharge or ullaging) and when sampling, there is a risk of static discharge. Ensure equipment used is properly earthed or bonded to the tank structure.

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Product contaminated rags, paper or material used to absorb spillages, represent a fire hazard, and should not be allowed to accumulate. Dispose of safely immediately after use. Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain some remaining flammable product and vapour. Never cut, weld, solder or braze empty containers._________________________________________________________________________________

8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONExposure Limits There is no appropriate occupational exposure limit for this material. Ensure good ventilation. Avoid, as far as reasonably practicable, inhalation of vapour, mists or fumes generated during use. If vapour, mists or fumes are generated, their concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level. Relevant exposure limits are: Hydrogen sulphide ACGIH (USA): TLV 10 ppm (8 hr TWA); 15ppm (15 min STEL)

Protective Clothing Wear face visor or goggles in circumstances where eye contact can accidentally occur. When handling heated material suitable protective clothing of an appropriate standard should be worn to prevent thermal burns. If skin contact is likely, wear impervious protective clothing and/or gloves. Protective clothing should be regularly inspected and maintained; overalls should be dry-cleaned, laundered and preferably starched after use.

Respiratory Protection If operations are such that the excessive generation of vapour, mist or fume may be anticipated, to which operators may unavoidably be exposed, then suitable approved respiratory equipment should be worn. Note: Approved air-supplied breathing apparatus must be worn where there may be potential for inhalation of hydrogen sulphide gas. The use of respiratory equipment must be strictly in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions and any statutory requirements governing its selection and use. _________________________________________________________________________________


Typical ValuesGrades: Residual Fuel

OilTest Method Units

Physical state liquidColour blackOdour characteristic

hydrocarbonDensity @ 15°C ASTM D 1298 kg/m³ 1010 maxFlash point (PMC) ASTM D 93 °C 62 minKinematic viscosity @ 50°C

ASTM D 445 mm2/s 30 - 700


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Sheet No: STI2108 Material Name: Residual Fuel Oil Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYConditions to Avoid Stable at ambient temperatures. Hazardous polymerisation reactions will not occur.

Materials to Avoid Avoid contact with strong oxidizing agents.

Hazardous Decomposition Products Thermal decomposition products will vary with conditions. Overheating in storage may cause partial vapourisation and decomposition with the production of toxic hydrogen sulphide gas (H2S). Incomplete combustion will generate smoke, carbon dioxide and hazardous gases, including carbon monoxide. Fuel oil ash/dust can be hazardous if inhaled. Before working in combustion/exhaust spaces or handling fuel oil ash/dust the area should be thoroughly damped down with water. If this is not possible, wear full breathing apparatus or positive pressure filter sets. Protective clothing must always be worn. When inspecting combustion/exhaust spaces, wear full face dust respirator and protective clothing._________________________________________________________________________________11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEyes Unlikely to cause more than transient stinging or redness if accidental eye contact occurs. Will cause burns if hot material contacts eyes.

Skin Will cause burns if hot material contacts skin As with all such products containing potentially harmful levels of PCAs, prolonged or repeated skin contact may eventually result in dermatitis or more serious irreversible skin disorders including cancer.

Ingestion Unlikely to be swallowed in view of the high handling temperatures.

Inhalation May be irritating to eyes, nose and throat at high vapour concentrations. May be toxic by inhalation when hydrogen sulphide is present in the vapour. Hydrogen sulphide gas may in addition produce irritation of the eyes and respiratory tract. Vapour, mists or fumes may contain polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons some of which are known to produce skin cancer. The inhalation of vapour, mists or fumes over long periods may therefore be hazardous.

Dusts generated during the removal of ash deposits from engine/boiler combustion surfaces or exhaust spaces, will be harmful if inhaled and may cause nausea and eye, nose and throat irritation. Repeated contact may result in serious irreversible disorders._________________________________________________________________________________12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONMobility Spillages may penetrate the soil causing ground water contamination.

Persistence and degradability This product is inherently biodegradable.

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Bioaccumulative potential This material may accumulate in sediments.

Aquatic toxicity Harmful to aquatic organisms, may cause long term effects in the aquatic environment Spills may form a film on water surfaces causing physical damage to organisms. Oxygen transfer could also be impaired. German WGK Classification: Light fuel oil 2; Heavy fuel oil 1 _________________________________________________________________________________13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSDispose of by incineration or other suitable means under conditions approved by the local authority or via a licensed waste disposal contractor. At sea, used or unwanted product should be stored for eventual discharge into port approved waste oil disposal facilities. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Hazard warning labels are a guide to the safe handling of empty packaging and should not be removed. _________________________________________________________________________________14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONNot classified as hazardous for transport (ADR, RID, UN , IMO, IATA/ICAO). _________________________________________________________________________________15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONEU Category of Danger Carcinogenic category 2 Dangerous for the environment

EU Labelling Symbol: Skull and crossbones

Indication of danger: None

Risk ( R ) Phrases: R45 May cause cancer R66 Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking R52/53 Harmful to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment

Safety ( S ) Phrases: S53 Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use. S45 In case of accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice immediately (show label where possible) S61 Avoid release into the environment. Refer to special instructions/Safety data sheets.

The label must carry the following additional information: "EC Label", Substance name, EINECS No. Substance name: Fuel oil, residual, EINECS No: 270-675-6

For non-fuel use only - "Restricted to professional users. Attention - Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use." must be marked on packaging.

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_________________________________________________________________________________16. OTHER INFORMATIONCompiled by: Product Stewardship GroupBP Oil Technology CentreChertsey RoadSunbury-on-ThamesMiddlesex, TW16 7LN

This data sheet and the health, safety and environmental information it contains is considered to be accurate as of the date specified below. We have reviewed any information contained herein which we received from sources outside the BP Amoco Group of Companies. However, no warranty or representation, express or implied is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the data and information contained in this data sheet.

Health and safety precautions and environmental advice noted in this data sheet may not be accurate for all individuals and/or situations. It is the user's obligation to evaluate and use this product safely and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. No statement made in this data sheet shall be construed as a permission, recommendation or authorization given or implied to practise any patented invention without a valid licence. The BP Amoco Group shall not be responsible for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use of the material, from any failure to adhere to recommendations, or from any hazards inherent in the nature of the material.

Sheet Revisions Date: Sections revised: 08/05/98 2, 3, 4, 8, 12, 1502/11/98 117/07/2000 3, 8, 11, 15

SHEET NO: STI2108ISSUE DATE: 17/07/20000REVISION OF SHEET DATED: 02/11/98 ______________________________________________________________________________

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ASHLAND CHEMICAL, INC.Subsidiary Of Ashland Oil, IncP.O. BOX 2219COLUMBUS, OHIO 43216(614) 889-3333

24-HOUR Emergency Telephone1(800) 274-5263 or 1(800) ASHLAND





Data Sheet No: 0014057-007.00305 93 091 0153028-269 Prepared: 02/02/93 Supersedes: 12/18/92



General or Generic ID: ALIPHATIC HYDROCARBONDOT Hazard Classification: FLAMMABLE LIQUID (173.115)



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Boiling Point for PRODUCT105.00 Deg F (40.55 Deg C) @ 760.00 mm Hg

Vapor Pressure for PRODUCT152.00 mm Hg @ 68.00 Deg F (20.00 Deg C)

Specific Vapor Density AIR = 13.50

Specific Gravity.713 @ 60.00 Deg F (15.55 Deg C)

Percent Volatiles100.00%

Evaporation Rate (ETHER = 1)3.10


FLASH POINT (TCC)-18.0 Deg F (-27.8 Deg C)



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DEFINITIONSThis definition page is intended for use with Material Safety Data Sheetssupplied by the Ashland Chemical Company. Recipients of these data sheetsshould consult the OSHA Safety and Health Standards (29 CFR 1910),particularly subpart G - Occupational Health and Environmental Control,and subpart I - Personal Protective Equipment, for general guidance oncontrol of potential Occupational Health and Safety Hazards.


GENERAL OR GENERIC ID: Chemical family or product description.

DOT HAZARD CLASSIFICATION: Product meets DOT criteria for hazards listed.


Components are listed in this section if they present a physical or healthhazard and are present at or above 1% in the mixture. If a component isidentified as a CARCINOGEN by NTP, IARC, or OSHA as of the date on the

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MSDS, it will be listed and footnoted in this section when present at orabove 0.1% in the product. Negative conclusions concerning carcinogenicityare not reported. Additional health information may be found in Section V.Components subject to the reporting requirements of Section 313 of SARATitle III are identified in the footnotes in this section, along withtypical percentages. Other components may be listed if deemed appropriate.

Exposure recommendations are for components. OSHA Permissible ExposureLimits (PELS) and American Conference of Governmental IndustrialHygienists (ACGIH) Threshold Limit Values (TLVs) appear on the line withthe component identification. Other recommendations appear as footnotes.


BOILING POINT: Of product if known. The lowest value of the components islisted for mixtures.

VAPOR PRESSURE: Of product if known. The highest value of the componentsis listed for mixtures.

SPECIFIC VAPOR DENSITY: Compared to AIR = 1. If the Specific Vapor Densityof a product is not known, the value is expressed as lighter or greaterthan air.

SPECIFIC GRAVITY: Compared to WATER = 1. If Specific Gravity of product isnot known, the value is expressed as less than or greater than water.pH: If applicable.

PERCENT VOLATILES: Percentage of material with initial boiling point below425 degrees Fahrenheit and vapor pressure above 0.1 mm Hg at 68 F.

EVAPORATION RATE: Indicated as faster or slower than ETHYL ETHER, unlessotherwise stated.


FLASH POINT: Method identified.

EXPLOSION LIMITS: For product if known. The value of the components islisted for mixtures.

HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Known or expected hazardous productsresulting from heating, burning or other reactions.

EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Following National Fire Protection Association

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FIREFIGHTING PROCEDURES: Minimum equipment to protect firefighters fromtoxic products of vaporization, combustion or decomposition in firesituations. Other firefighting hazards may also be indicated.

SPECIAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: States hazards not covered by othersections.

NFPA CODES: Hazard ratings assigned by the National Fire ProtectionAssociation.




EFFECTS OF ACUTE OVEREXPOSURE: Potential local and systemic effects due tosingle or short term overexposure to the eyes and skin or throughinhalation or ingestion.

EFFECTS OF CHRONIC OVEREXPOSURE: Potential local and systemic effects dueto repeated or long term overexposure to the eyes and skin or throughinhalation or ingestion.

FIRST AID: Procedures to be followed when dealing with accidentaloverexposure.

PRIMARY ROUTE OF ENTRY: Based on properties and expected use.


HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Conditions to avoid to prevent hazardouspolymerization resulting in a large release of energy.

STABILITY: Conditions to avoid to prevent hazardous or violentdecomposition.

INCOMPATIBILITY: Materials and conditions to avoid to prevent hazardousreactions.


Reasonable precautions to be taken and methods of containment, clean-up

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and disposal. Consult federal, state and local regulations for acceptedprocedures and any reporting or notification requirements.


Protective equipment which may be needed when handling the product.


Covers any relevant points not previously mentioned.

ADDITIONAL COMMENTSContainers should be either reconditioned by CERTIFIED firms or properlydisposed of by APPROVED firms. Disposal of containers should be inaccordance with applicable laws and regulations. "EMPTY" drums should notbe given to individuals. Serious accidents have resulted from the misuseof "EMPTIED" containers (drums, pails, etc.). Refer to Sections IV and IX.

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MANUFACTURER/SUPPLIER: EMERGENCY HEALTH INFORMATION: Amoco Oil Company 1 (800) 447-8735 200 East Randolph Drive Chicago, Illinois 60601 U.S.A. EMERGENCY SPILL INFORMATION: 1 (800) 424-9300 CHEMTREC (USA) OTHER PRODUCT SAFETY INFORMATION: 1 (630) 434-6377 (USA)



CREATION DATE: Sep 20 1999REVISION DATE: Jun 07 2000





(See Section 8, "Exposure Controls, Personal Protection", for exposure guidelines)

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EMERGENCY OVERVIEW:COLOR: brown to blackPHYSICAL FORM: oilODOR: petroleum odorSIGNAL WORD: DANGER!MAJOR HEALTH HAZARDS: Extremely flammable. Inhalation of vapor/aerosol concentrations above the recommended exposure limits causes headaches, drowsiness, and nausea, and may lead to unconsciousness or death. Harmful or fatal if liquid is aspirated into the lungs. Contains Benzene. Cancer hazard. Can cause blood disorders. Harmful when absorbed through the skin. Prolonged or repeated contact can defat the skin and lead to irritation and/or dermatitis. May release hydrogen sulfide which can be harmful or fatal.PHYSICAL HAZARDS: Extremely flammable liquid and vapor. Vapor may cause flash fire.

POTENTIAL HEALTH EFFECTS:INHALATION:Inhalation of vapor/aerosol concentrations above the recommended exposure limits causes headaches, drowsiness, and nausea, and may lead to unconsciousness or death. Can cause respiratory irritation. Cancer hazard. Can cause blood disorders. Vapors containing hydrogen sulfide may accumulate during storage or transport. Harmful or fatal if inhaled.SKIN CONTACT:Prolonged or repeated contact can defat the skin and lead to irritation and /or dermatitis. Cancer hazard. Can cause blood disorders. Possible cancer hazard based on skin painting studies in laboratory animals.EYE CONTACT:No significant health hazards identified.INGESTION:Harmful or fatal if liquid is aspirated into lungs. Ingestion causes gastrointestinal irritation and diarrhea.


INHALATION: If adverse effects occur, remove to uncontaminated area. Give artificial respiration if not breathing. Get immediate medical attention.

SKIN CONTACT: Wash exposed skin with soap and water. Remove contaminated clothing and thoroughly clean and dry before reuse. Get medical attention if irritation develops.

EYE CONTACT: Flush eyes with plenty of water. Get medical attention if irritation persists.

INGESTION: If swallowed, drink plenty of water, do NOT induce vomiting. Get immediate medical attention.


FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: Severe fire hazard. Vapor/air mixtures are explosive above flash point. The vapor is heavier than air. Vapors or gases may ignite at distant ignition sources and flash back.

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EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: regular dry chemical, carbon dioxide, water, regular foam

Large fires: Use regular foam or flood with fine water spray.

FIRE FIGHTING: Move container from fire area if it can be done without risk. Cool containers with water spray until well after the fire is out. Stay away from the ends of tanks. For fires in cargo or storage area: Cool containers with water from unmanned hose holder or monitor nozzles until well after fire is out. If this is impossible then take the following precautions: Keep unnecessary people away, isolate hazard area and deny entry. Let the fire burn. Withdraw immediately in case of rising sound from venting safety device or any discoloration of tanks due to fire. For tank, rail car or tank truck: Evacuation radius: 800 meters (1/2 mile). Water may be ineffective. Water or foam may cause frothing.

FIRE FIGHTING PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: Firefighters should wear full bunker gear, including a positive pressure self contained breathing apparatus.

FLASH POINT: -45.0 to 212 F (-42.8 to 100 C)HAZARDOUS COMBUSTION PRODUCTS:Thermal decomposition products or combustion: hydrocarbons, hydrogen sulfide, oxides of carbon, oxides of sulfur


Avoid heat, flames, sparks and other sources of ignition. Stop leak if possible without personal risk. Reduce vapors with water spray. Small spills: Absorb with sand or other non-combustible material. Collect spilled material in appropriate container for disposal. Large spills: Dike for later disposal. Remove sources of ignition. Keep unnecessary people away, isolate hazard area and deny entry. Notify Local Emergency Planning Committee and State Emergency Response Commission for release greater than or equal to RQ (U.S. SARA Section 304). If release occurs in the U.S. and is reportable under CERCLA Section 103, notify the National Response Center at (800)424-8802 (USA) or (202)426-2675 (USA).


STORAGE: Avoid heat, flames, sparks and other sources of ignition. Grounding and bonding required. Keep container tightly closed. Store in a well-ventilated area.

HANDLING: Keep away from all ignition sources. Keep container tightly closed. Use only with adequate ventilation. Ground and bond containers when transferring materials. After this container has been emptied, it may contain product residue; observe all warnings and precautions listed for this product. SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS: Empty containers may contain toxic, flammable/combustible or explosive residue or vapors. Do not cut, grind, drill, weld, reuse or dispose of containers unless adequate precautions are taken against these hazards. Do not eat, drink or smoke in areas of use or storage. Use good personal hygiene practices. Wash hands before eating, drinking, smoking or using toilet facilities. Remove contaminated clothing and thoroughly clean and dry before reuse. Wash thoroughly after work using soap and water.


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BENZENE:1 ppm OSHA TWA5 ppm OSHA STEL 15 minute(s)0.5 ppm OSHA action level0.5 ppm ACGIH TWA (skin)2.5 ppm ACGIH STEL (skin)10 ppm (30 mg/m3) MEXICO TWA25 ppm (75 mg/m3) MEXICO STEL

HYDROGEN SULFIDE:20 ppm OSHA ceiling50 ppm OSHA peak 10 minute(s) (once if no other measurable exposure occurs)10 ppm (14 mg/m3) OSHA TWA (vacated by 58 FR 35338, June 30, 1993)15 ppm (21 mg/m3) OSHA STEL (vacated by 58 FR 35338, June 30, 1993)10 ppm ACGIH TWA15 ppm ACGIH STEL10 ppm (14 mg/m3) MEXICO TWA15 ppm (21 mg/m3) MEXICO STEL

VENTILATION: Control airborne concentrations below the exposure guidelines.

EYE PROTECTION: None required; however, use of eye protection is good industrial practice.

CLOTHING: Do not get on skin or clothing. Wear protective clothing, including shoes that cannot be penetrated by chemicals or oil, if prolonged or repeated contact is likely. Wash thoroughly after handling.

GLOVES: Wear gloves that cannot be penetrated by chemicals or oil.

RESPIRATOR: Use with adequate ventilation. Avoid breathing vapor and/or mist. If ventilation is inadequate, use a NIOSH certified respirator with an organic vapor cartridge and P95 particulate filter.


PHYSICAL STATE: liquidCOLOR: brown to blackTEXTURE: viscousPHYSICAL FORM: oilODOR: petroleum odorBOILING POINT: 0.0-1000.0 F (-17.8 to 537.8 C)FREEZING POINT: -76 to -4 F (-60 to -20 C)VAPOR PRESSURE: >0.36 kPa @ 20 CVAPOR DENSITY (air=1): >1.0SPECIFIC GRAVITY (water=1): 0.74-1.03WATER SOLUBILITY: <0.1%PH: Not availableVOLATILITY: variableODOR THRESHOLD: Not available

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EVAPORATION RATE: Not availableVISCOSITY: 31-9000 SUS @ 20 C (varies)COEFFICIENT OF WATER/OIL DISTRIBUTION: Not availableSOLVENT SOLUBILITY:Soluble: benzene, chloroform, ether, organic solventsSlightly Soluble: alcohol


REACTIVITY: Stable at normal temperatures and pressure.

CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Avoid heat, flames, sparks and other sources of ignition. Containers may rupture or explode if exposed to heat. Keep out of water supplies and sewers. Dangerous gases may accumulate in confined spaces.

INCOMPATIBILITIES: halogens, oxidizing materials

HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION:Thermal decomposition products or combustion: hydrocarbons, hydrogen sulfide, oxides of carbon, oxides of sulfur

POLYMERIZATION: Will not polymerize.


EYE IRRITATION: Testing not conducted. See Other Toxicity Data.

SKIN IRRITATION: Testing not conducted. See Other Toxicity Data.

DERMAL LD50: Testing not conducted. See Other Toxicity Data.

ORAL LD50: Testing not conducted. See Other Toxicity Data.

INHALATION LC50: Testing not conducted. See Other Toxicity Data.

OTHER TOXICITY DATA:Specific toxicity tests have not been conducted on this product. Our hazard evaluation is based on information from similar products, the ingredients, technical literature, and/or professional experience.

Crude oil is a naturally occurring complex mixture of hydrocarbons whose exact composition and physical properties can vary widely depending upon its source.

SKIN: Repeated or prolonged contact may result in defatting, oil acne, redness, itching, inflammation, cracking and possible secondary infections.

From skin-painting studies in laboratory animals, it has been concluded that most, if not all, petroleum crudes, regardless of source, possess carcinogenic activity to some degree. This means that workers who practice poor personal hygiene and who are repeatedly exposed by direct skin contact to crude oil over many years may potentially be at risk of developing skin cancer. However, intermittent or occasional skin contact with petroleum crude oils is not expected to have serious health effects as long as good personal hygiene measures such as those outlined in this material safety data sheet are followed. Crude oil has not been identified as a carcinogen by NTP, IARC or OSHA.

Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) gas may accumulate in storage tanks of bulk transport compartments containing this material. Contact with eyes causes painful

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conjunctivitis, sensitivity to light, tearing and clouding of vision. Inhalation of low concentrations causes a runny nose with a loss of sense of smell, labored breathing and shortness of breath. Direct contact with skin causes pain and redness. Other symptoms of exposure include profuse salivation, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, giddiness, headache, dizziness, confusion, rapid breathing, rapid heart rate, sweating, weakness, sudden collapse, unconsciousness and death due to respiratory paralysis.Cardiac neurological effects have also been reported. Prolonged breathing (greater than one hour) of concentrations of H2S around 50 ppm can produce eye and respiratory tract irritation. Levels of 250 to 600 ppm will result in fluid in the lungs, and concentrations around 1,000 ppm will cause unconsciousness and death in a short period oftime. Since the sense of smell rapidly becomes insensitive to this toxic, colorless gas, odor cannot be relied upon as an indicator of concentrations of the gas. Always exercise caution when working around closed containers.

Aspiration of this product into the lungs can cause chemical pneumonia and can be fatal. Aspiration into the lungs can occur while vomiting after ingestion of this product.

Crude oils contain small, variable amounts of Benzene. Acute toxicity of benzene results primarily from depression of the central nervous system (CNS). Inhalation of concentrations over 50 ppm can produce headache, lassitude,weariness, dizziness, drowsiness, or excitation. Exposure to very high levels can result in unconsciousness and death. Long-term overexposure to benzene has been associated with certain types of leukemia in humans. In addition, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the National Toxicology Program, and OSHA consider benzene to be a human carcinogen. Chronic exposures to benzene at levels of 100 ppm and below have been reported to cause adverse blood effects including anemia. Benzene exposure can occur by inhalation and absorption through the skin. Inhalation and forced feeding studies of benzene in laboratory animals have produced a carcinogenic response in a variety of organs, including possibly leukemia, other adverse effects on the blood,chromosomal changes and some effects on the immune system. Exposure to benzene at levels up to 300 ppm did not produce birth defects in animal studies; however, exposure to the higher dosage levels (greater than 100 ppm) resulted in a reduction of body weight of the rat pups (fetotoxicity). Changes in the testes have been observed in mice exposed to benzene at 300 ppm, but reproductive performance was not altered in rats exposed to benzene at the same level.


Ecological testing has not been conducted on this product by BP Amoco.


Dispose in accordance with all applicable regulations. Subject to disposal regulations: U.S. EPA 40 CFR 262. Hazardous Waste Number(s): D001.


U.S. DOT 49 CFR 172.101 SHIPPING NAME-ID NUMBER:Petroleum crude oil-UN1267


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CERCLA SECTIONS 102a/103 HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES (40 CFR Part 302.4): This product is reportable under 40 CFR Part 302.4 because it contains the following substance(s): HYDROGEN SULFIDE: 100 LBS RQ Benzene: 10 LBS RQ


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SARA TITLE III SECTION 313 (40 CFR Part 372): This product contains the following substance(s), which is on the Toxic Chemicals List in 40 CFR Part 372: HYDROGEN SULFIDE Benzene

STATE REGULATIONS: California Proposition 65: Y Known to the state of California to cause the following: Benzene Cancer (Feb 27, 1987) Developmental toxicity (Dec 26, 1997) Male reproductive toxicity (Dec 26, 1997)

U.S. INVENTORY (TSCA): Listed on inventory.


JAPAN INVENTORY (MITI): Listed on inventory.

AUSTRALIA INVENTORY (AICS): Listed on inventory.

KOREA INVENTORY (ECL): Not determined.

CANADA INVENTORY (DSL): Listed on inventory.


CHINA INVENTORY (IECS): Not determined.


Prepared by: Product Stewardship and Toxicology

©Copyright 1984-2000 MDL Information Systems. All rights reserved.

This Material Safety Data Sheet conforms to the requirements of ANSI Z400.1. NOTICE: The information presented herein is based on data considered to be accurate as of the date of preparation of this Material Safety Data Sheet. However, no warranty or representation, express or implied, is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the foregoing data and safety information, nor is any authorization given or implied to practice any patented invention without a license. In addition, no responsibility can be assumed by vendor for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use, from any failure to adhere to recommended practices, or from any hazards inherent in the nature of the product.

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Sheet No: STI2214 Material Name: Straight-Run Gas Oil

ALIGN BP SDS FinalsSafety Data Sheet - SDS

GLIS Sheet No:STI2214 SDS Reference: Paper Type: BP Helios Status: Active

Material Name: Straight-Run Gas OilLight Vacuum Gas Oil

Language:English Country:OTIRevision of Sheet Dated:21/09/98 Major Change: Hazard?:Yes

Hazardous Components: Physical Characteristics: Gas oil Tox File: 350.14 Product Group: Date of Issue: 17/07/2000



Straight-Run Gas OilLight Vacuum Gas Oil

1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Identification of substance/preparation Straight-Run Gas OilLight Vacuum Gas Oil Alternative Names: Heavy Gas Oil, Light Gas Oil, Light Vacuum Distillate

Application Fuel blending componentFor specific application advice see appropriate Technical Data Sheet or consult your BP representative

Company Identification BP Oil International LimitedBritannic House1 Finsbury CircusLondon, EC2M 7BA

Emergency Telephone Number +44 (0) 20 7496 4411

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Sheet No: STI2214 Material Name: Straight-Run Gas Oil

_________________________________________________________________________________2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSChemical Composition Complex hydrocarbon substance, one of the following: Gas oils (petroleum), straight-run. EINECS No: 265-043-1, CAS No: 64741-43-1 Gas oils (petroleum), light vacuum, EINECS No: 265-059-9, CAS No: 64741-58-8

3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONHarmful if swallowed - aspiration hazard. Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking. Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment.

May contain hydrogen sulphide. _________________________________________________________________________________

4. FIRST-AID MEASURESEyes Wash eye thoroughly with copious quantities of water, ensuring eyelids are held open. Obtain medical advice if any pain or redness develops or persists.

Skin Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water as soon as reasonably practicable. Remove heavily contaminated clothing and wash underlying skin.

Ingestion If contamination of the mouth occurs, wash out thoroughly with water. Except as a deliberate act, the ingestion of large amounts of product is unlikely. If it should occur, do not induce vomiting; obtain medical advice.

Inhalation If inhalation of mists, fumes or vapour causes irritation to the nose or throat, or coughing, remove to fresh air. If symptoms persist obtain medical advice. EXPOSURE TO HYDROGEN SULPHIDE:Casualties suffering ill effects as a result of exposure to hydrogen sulphide should be immediately removed to fresh air and medical assistance obtained without delay. Unconscious casualties must be placed in the recovery position. Monitor breathing and pulse rate and if breathing has failed, or is deemed inadequate, respiration must be assisted, preferably by the mouth to mouth method. Administer external cardiac massage if necessary. Seek medical attention immediately. It is advisable that all who are engaged in operations in which contact with H2S may reasonably be anticipated, should be trained in the techniques of emergency resuscitation and in the care of an unconscious patient.

Medical Advice Treatment should in general be symptomatic and directed to relieving any effects.Product can be aspirated on swallowing or following regurgitation of stomach contents, and can cause severe and potentially fatal chemical pneumonitis, which will require urgent treatment. Because of the risk of aspiration, induction of vomiting and gastric lavage should be avoided. Gastric lavage should be undertaken only after endotracheal intubation. Monitor for cardiac dysrhythmias.

Inhalation of hydrogen sulphide may cause central respiratory depression leading to coma and death. It is irritant to the respiratory tract causing chemical pneumonitis and pulmonary oedema. The onset of pulmonary oedema may be

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Sheet No: STI2214 Material Name: Straight-Run Gas Oil

delayed for 24 to 48 hours. Treat with oxygen and ventilate as appropriate. Administer broncho-dilators if indicated and consider administration of corticosteroids. Keep casualty under surveillance for 48 hours in case pulmonary oedema develops. _________________________________________________________________________________5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESFor major fires call the Fire Service. Ensure an escape path is always available from any fire. There is a danger of flashback if sparks or hot surfaces ignite vapour. Use foam, dry powder or water fog. DO NOT USE water jets. Fires in confined spaces should be dealt with by trained personnel wearing approved breathing apparatus.

Combustion Products Toxic fumes may be evolved on burning or exposure to heat. See Stability and Reactivity, Section 10 of this Safety Data Sheet. _________________________________________________________________________________6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESAny spillage should be regarded as a potential fire risk. In the event of spillage, remove all sources of ignition and ensure good ventilation. Wear protective clothing. See Exposure Controls/Personal Protection, section 8, of this Safety Data Sheet. Spilled material may make surfaces slippery. Clean up spilled material immediately. Contain and recover spilled material using sand or other suitable inert absorbent material. Recovery of large spillages should be effected by specialist personnel. It is advised that stocks of suitable absorbent material should be held in quantities sufficient to deal with any spillage which may be reasonably anticipated. Large and uncontained spillages should be smothered with foam to reduce the risk of ignition. The foam blanket should be maintained until the area is declared safe. Protect drains from potential spills to minimise contamination. Do not wash product into drainage system. Vapour is heavier than air and may travel to remote sources of ignition (eg. along drainage systems, in basements etc.). If spillage has occurred in a confined space, ensure adequate ventilation and check that a safe, breathable atmosphere is present before entry. In the case of spillage on water, prevent the spread of product by the use of suitable barrier equipment. Recover product from the surface. Protect environmentally sensitive areas and water supplies. In the case of spillage at sea approved dispersants may be used where authorised by the appropriate government/regulatory authorities. Regular surveillance on the location of the spillage should be maintained.

In the event of spillages contact the appropriate authorities._________________________________________________________________________________

7. HANDLING AND STORAGEStorage Conditions Store and dispense only in well ventilated areas away from heat and sources of ignition. Store and use only in equipment/containers designed for use with this product. Containers must be properly labelled and kept closed when not in use. Do not remove warning labels from containers. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Retain hazard warning labels on empty packages as a guide to the safe handling, storage and disposal of empty packaging. Do not enter storage tanks without breathing apparatus unless the tank has been well ventilated and the tank atmosphere has been shown to contain hydrocarbon vapour concentrations of less than 1% of the lower flammability limit and an oxygen concentration of at least 20% volume.

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Sheet No: STI2214 Material Name: Straight-Run Gas Oil

Always have sufficient people standing by outside the tank with appropriate breathing apparatus and equipment to effect a quick rescue.

Vapours containing hydrogen sulphide may accumulate during storage or transport and may also be vented during filling of tanks. Hydrogen sulphide has a typical "bad egg" smell but at high concentrations the sense of smell is rapidly lost, therefore do not rely on sense of smell for detecting hydrogen sulphide. Use specially designed measuring instruments for determining its concentration.Confined spaces contaminated with hydrogen sulphide must always be considered as constituting potentially life threatening environments. Entry into such spaces must never be undertaken except under extreme emergency when no alternative is possible and then only by trained operators wearing air-supplied breathing apparatus of an approved type and following procedures strictly in accordance with the Statutory Regulations governing such entry. Please see the comments in Section 8 (Exposure Controls/Personal Protection) of this data sheet.It is advisable that all who are engaged in operations in which contact with hydrogen sulphide may be reasonably anticipated, should be trained in the techniques of emergency resuscitation and in the care of an unconscious patient.

Handling Precautions Avoid, as far as reasonably practicable, inhalation of vapour, mists or fumes generated during use. Avoid contact with skin and observe good personal hygiene. Avoid contact with eyes. If splashing is likely to occur wear a full face visor or chemical goggles as appropriate. Do not siphon product by mouth. Whilst using do not eat, drink or smoke. Wash hands thoroughly after contact. Use disposable cloths and discard when soiled. Do not put soiled cloths into pockets. Take all necessary precautions against accidental spillage into soil or water.

Fire Prevention Light hydrocarbon vapours can build up in the headspace of tanks. These can cause flammability/explosion hazards even at temperatures below the normal flash point (note: flash point must not be regarded as a reliable indicator of the potential flammability of vapour in tank headspaces). Tank headspaces should always be regarded as potentially flammable and care should be taken to avoid static electrical discharge and all ignition sources during filling, ullaging and sampling from storage tanks. Will present a flammability hazard if heated above flash point but bulk liquids at normal storage temperatures will present virtually no fire hazard. If fuel contacts hot surfaces, or leaks from high pressure fuel pipes, the vapour and/or mists generated will create a flammability or explosion hazard. When the product is pumped (e.g. during filling, discharge or ullaging) and when sampling, there is a risk of static discharge. Ensure equipment used is properly earthed or bonded to the tank structure. Product contaminated rags, paper or material used to absorb spillages, represent a fire hazard, and should not be allowed to accumulate. Dispose of safely immediately after use. Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain some remaining flammable product and vapour. Never cut, weld, solder or braze empty containers. _________________________________________________________________________________

8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONExposure Limits There is no appropriate occupational exposure limit for this material. If vapour, mists or fumes are generated, their concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level.

Relevant exposure limits are: Hydrogen sulphide ACGIH (USA): TLV 10 ppm (8 hr TWA); 15ppm (15 min STEL)

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Sheet No: STI2214 Material Name: Straight-Run Gas Oil

Protective Clothing Wear face visor or goggles in circumstances where eye contact can accidentally occur. If skin contact is likely, wear impervious protective clothing and/or gloves. Protective clothing should be regularly inspected and maintained; overalls should be dry-cleaned, laundered and preferably starched after use.

Respiratory Protection If operations are such that the excessive generation of vapour, mist or fume may be anticipated, to which operators may unavoidably be exposed, then suitable approved respiratory equipment should be worn. Note: Approved air-supplied breathing apparatus must be worn where there may be potential for inhalation of hydrogen sulphide gas. The use of respiratory equipment must be strictly in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions and any statutory requirements governing its selection and use. _________________________________________________________________________________


Typical ValuesGrades: Straight-Run

Gas Oil,Light Vacuum Gas Oil

Test Method UnitsPhysical state liquidColour amberOdour gasoil-likeDensity @ 15°C ASTM D 1298 kg/m³ 840 - 890Kinematic viscosity @ 40°C

ASTM D 445 mm²/s approx2.5 - 13.5

Boiling point/range ASTM D 86 °C 200 - 450Flash point (PMC) ASTM D 93 °C >55_________________________________________________________________________________

10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYStable at ambient temperatures. Hazardous polymerisation reactions will not occur.

Conditions to Avoid Sources of ignition

Materials to Avoid Avoid contact with strong oxidizing agents.

Hazardous Decomposition Products Thermal decomposition products will vary with conditions. Incomplete combustion will generate smoke, carbon dioxide and hazardous gases, including carbon monoxide._________________________________________________________________________________

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Sheet No: STI2214 Material Name: Straight-Run Gas Oil

11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEyes Unlikely to cause more than transient stinging or redness if accidental eye contact occurs.

Skin Unlikely to cause harm to the skin on brief or occasional contact but prolonged or repeated exposure may lead to dermatitis.

Ingestion Unlikely to cause harm if accidentally swallowed in small doses, though larger quantities may cause nausea and diarrhoea. Will injure the lungs if aspiration occurs, eg. during vomiting.

Inhalation May cause irritation to eyes, nose and throat due to exposure to vapour, mists or fumes. May be toxic by inhalation when hydrogen sulphide is present in the vapour. Hydrogen sulphide gas may in addition produce irritation of the eyes and respiratory tract. _________________________________________________________________________________12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONMobility Spillages may penetrate the soil causing ground water contamination. This material may accumulate in sediments.

Persistence and degradability This product is inherently biodegradable.

Bioaccumulative potential There is no evidence to suggest bioaccumulation will occur.

Aquatic toxicity Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment Spills may form a film on water surfaces causing physical damage to organisms. Oxygen transfer could also be impaired. _________________________________________________________________________________13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSDispose of by incineration or other suitable means under conditions approved by the local authority or via a licensed waste disposal contractor. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Hazard warning labels are a guide to the safe handling of empty packaging and should not be removed. _________________________________________________________________________________14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONADR/RID: Gas oil, Flammable Liquid Class 3, Item 31(c) Hazard Identification No 30UN: GAS OIL, Flammable liquid, Class 3, Packing Group III, UN Number 1202IATA/ICAO: Gas oil, Flammable liquid, Class 3, Packing group IIIIMO: GAS OIL, Flammable liquid, Class 3.3, Packing group IIIEMERGENCY ACTION CODE: 3[Z] _________________________________________________________________________________15. REGULATORY INFORMATION

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Sheet No: STI2214 Material Name: Straight-Run Gas Oil

EU Category of Danger Harmful Dangerous for the environment

EU Labelling Symbol: St. Andrew's Cross Dead tree and fish


Risk ( R ) Phrases: R65 Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed. R66 Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking R51/53 Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment

Safety ( S ) Phrases: S24 Avoid contact with skin S43 In case of fire, use foam/dry powder/CO2. Never use water jets. S62 If swallowed, do not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label. S61 Avoid release into the environment. Refer to special instructions/Safety data sheets.

The label must carry the Substance name.Substance name: Gas oils (petroleum), straight-runSubstance name: Gas oils (petroleum), light vacuum

_________________________________________________________________________________16. OTHER INFORMATIONCompiled by: Product Stewardship GroupBP Oil Technology CentreChertsey RoadSunbury-on-ThamesMiddlesex, TW16 7LN

This data sheet and the health, safety and environmental information it contains is considered to be accurate as of the date specified below. We have reviewed any information contained herein which we received from sources outside the BP Amoco Group of Companies. However, no warranty or representation, express or implied is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the data and information contained in this data sheet.

Health and safety precautions and environmental advice noted in this data sheet may not be accurate for all individuals and/or situations. It is the user's obligation to evaluate and use this product safely and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. No statement made in this data sheet shall be construed as a permission, recommendation or authorization given or implied to practise any patented invention without a valid licence. The BP Amoco Group shall not be responsible for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use of the material, from any failure to adhere to recommendations, or from any hazards inherent in the nature of the material.

Sheet Revisions

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Sheet No: STI2214 Material Name: Straight-Run Gas Oil

Date: Sections revised: 21/09/98 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 11, 12, 1517/07/2000 3, 4, 8, 15

SHEET NO: STI2214ISSUE DATE: 17/07/2000REVISION OF SHEET DATED: 21/09/98 ______________________________________________________________________________

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MANUFACTURER/SUPPLIER: EMERGENCY HEALTH INFORMATION: BP Oil Company 1 (800) 447-8735 200 East Randolph Drive Chicago, Illinois 60601 U.S.A. EMERGENCY SPILL INFORMATION: 1 (800) 424-9300 CHEMTREC (USA) OTHER PRODUCT SAFETY INFORMATION: 1 (630) 434-6377 (USA)



CREATION DATE: Sep 20 1999REVISION DATE: Jun 08 2000





(See Section 8, "Exposure Controls, Personal Protection", for exposure guidelines)


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EMERGENCY OVERVIEW:COLOR: brown to blackPHYSICAL FORM: oilODOR: petroleum odorSIGNAL WORD: DANGER!MAJOR HEALTH HAZARDS: Extremely flammable. Inhalation of vapor/aerosol concentrations above the recommended exposure limits causes headaches, drowsiness, and nausea, and may lead to unconsciousness or death. Harmful or fatal if liquid is aspirated into the lungs. Prolonged or repeated contact can defat the skin and lead to irritation and/or dermatitis. Contains Benzene. Cancer hazard. Can cause blood disorders. Harmful when absorbed through the skin. May release hydrogen sulfide which can be harmful or fatal.PHYSICAL HAZARDS: Extremely flammable liquid and vapor. Vapor may cause flash fire.

POTENTIAL HEALTH EFFECTS:INHALATION:Inhalation of vapor/aerosol concentrations above the recommended exposure limits causes headaches, drowsiness, and nausea, and may lead to unconsciousness or death. Can cause respiratory irritation. Cancer hazard. Can cause blood disorders. Vapors containing hydrogen sulfide may accumulate during storage or transport. Harmful or fatal if inhaled.SKIN CONTACT:Prolonged or repeated contact can defat the skin and lead to irritation and /or dermatitis. Cancer hazard. Can cause blood disorders. Possible cancer hazard based on skin painting studies in laboratory animals.EYE CONTACT:No significant health hazards identified.INGESTION:Harmful or fatal if liquid is aspirated into lungs. Ingestion causes gastrointestinal irritation and diarrhea.


INHALATION: If adverse effects occur, remove to uncontaminated area. Give artificial respiration if not breathing. Get immediate medical attention.

SKIN CONTACT: Wash exposed skin with soap and water. Remove contaminated clothing and thoroughly clean and dry before reuse. Get medical attention if irritation develops.

EYE CONTACT: Flush eyes with plenty of water. Get medical attention if irritation persists.

INGESTION: If swallowed, drink plenty of water, do NOT induce vomiting. Get immediate medical attention.


FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: Severe fire hazard. Vapor/air mixtures are explosive above flash point. The vapor is heavier than air. Vapors or gases may ignite at distant ignition sources and flash back.

EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: regular dry chemical, carbon dioxide, water, regular foam

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Large fires: Use regular foam or flood with fine water spray.

FIRE FIGHTING: Move container from fire area if it can be done without risk. Cool containers with water spray until well after the fire is out. Stay away from the ends of tanks. For fires in cargo or storage area: Cool containers with water from unmanned hose holder or monitor nozzles until well after fire is out. If this is impossible then take the following precautions: Keep unnecessary people away, isolate hazard area and deny entry. Let the fire burn. Withdraw immediately in case of rising sound from venting safety device or any discoloration of tanks due to fire. For tank, rail car or tank truck: Evacuation radius: 800 meters (1/2 mile). Water may be ineffective. Water or foam may cause frothing.

FIRE FIGHTING PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: Firefighters should wear full bunker gear, including a positive pressure self contained breathing apparatus.

FLASH POINT: -45.0 to 212 F (-42.8 to 100 C)HAZARDOUS COMBUSTION PRODUCTS:Thermal decomposition products or combustion: hydrocarbons, hydrogen sulfide, oxides of carbon, oxides of sulfur


Avoid heat, flames, sparks and other sources of ignition. Stop leak if possible without personal risk. Reduce vapors with water spray. Small spills: Absorb with sand or other non-combustible material. Collect spilled material in appropriate container for disposal. Large spills: Dike for later disposal. Remove sources of ignition. Keep unnecessary people away, isolate hazard area and deny entry. Notify Local Emergency Planning Committee and State Emergency Response Commission for release greater than or equal to RQ (U.S. SARA Section 304). If release occurs in the U.S. and is reportable under CERCLA Section 103, notify the National Response Center at (800)424-8802 (USA) or (202)426-2675 (USA).


STORAGE: Avoid heat, flames, sparks and other sources of ignition. Grounding and bonding required. Keep container tightly closed. Store in a well-ventilated area.

HANDLING: Keep away from all ignition sources. Keep container tightly closed. Use only with adequate ventilation. Ground and bond containers when transferring materials. After this container has been emptied, it may contain product residue; observe all warnings and precautions listed for this product. SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS: Empty containers may contain toxic, flammable/combustible or explosive residue or vapors. Do not cut, grind, drill, weld, reuse or dispose of containers unless adequate precautions are taken against these hazards. Do not eat, drink or smoke in areas of use or storage. Use good personal hygiene practices. Wash hands before eating, drinking, smoking or using toilet facilities. Remove contaminated clothing and thoroughly clean and dry before reuse. Wash thoroughly after work using soap and water.



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BENZENE:1 ppm OSHA TWA5 ppm OSHA STEL 15 minute(s)0.5 ppm OSHA action level0.5 ppm ACGIH TWA (skin)2.5 ppm ACGIH STEL (skin)10 ppm (30 mg/m3) MEXICO TWA25 ppm (75 mg/m3) MEXICO STEL

HYDROGEN SULFIDE:20 ppm OSHA ceiling50 ppm OSHA peak 10 minute(s) (once if no other measurable exposure occurs)10 ppm (14 mg/m3) OSHA TWA (vacated by 58 FR 35338, June 30, 1993)15 ppm (21 mg/m3) OSHA STEL (vacated by 58 FR 35338, June 30, 1993)10 ppm ACGIH TWA15 ppm ACGIH STEL10 ppm (14 mg/m3) MEXICO TWA15 ppm (21 mg/m3) MEXICO STEL

VENTILATION: Control airborne concentrations below the exposure guidelines.

EYE PROTECTION: None required; however, use of eye protection is good industrial practice.

CLOTHING: Do not get on skin or clothing. Wear protective clothing, including shoes that cannot be penetrated by chemicals or oil, if prolonged or repeated contact is likely. Wash thoroughly after handling.

GLOVES: Wear gloves that cannot be penetrated by chemicals or oil.

RESPIRATOR: Use with adequate ventilation. Avoid breathing vapor and/or mist. If ventilation is inadequate, use a NIOSH certified respirator with an organic vapor cartridge and P95 particulate filter.


PHYSICAL STATE: liquidCOLOR: brown to blackTEXTURE: viscousPHYSICAL FORM: oilODOR: petroleum odorBOILING POINT: 0.0-1000.0 F (-17.8 to 537.8 C)FREEZING POINT: -76 to -4 F (-60 to -20 C)VAPOR PRESSURE: >0.36 kPa @ 20 CVAPOR DENSITY (air=1): >1.0SPECIFIC GRAVITY (water=1): 0.74-1.03WATER SOLUBILITY: <0.1%PH: Not availableVOLATILITY: variableODOR THRESHOLD: Not availableEVAPORATION RATE: Not availableVISCOSITY: 31-9000 SUS @ 20 C (varies)

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COEFFICIENT OF WATER/OIL DISTRIBUTION: Not availableSOLVENT SOLUBILITY:Soluble: benzene, chloroform, ether, organic solventsSlightly Soluble: alcohol


REACTIVITY: Stable at normal temperatures and pressure.

CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Avoid heat, flames, sparks and other sources of ignition. Containers may rupture or explode if exposed to heat. Keep out of water supplies and sewers. Dangerous gases may accumulate in confined spaces.

INCOMPATIBILITIES: halogens, oxidizing materials

HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION:Thermal decomposition products or combustion: hydrocarbons, hydrogen sulfide, oxides of carbon, oxides of sulfur

POLYMERIZATION: Will not polymerize.


EYE IRRITATION: Testing not conducted. See Other Toxicity Data.

SKIN IRRITATION: Testing not conducted. See Other Toxicity Data.

DERMAL LD50: Testing not conducted. See Other Toxicity Data.

ORAL LD50: Testing not conducted. See Other Toxicity Data.

INHALATION LC50: Testing not conducted. See Other Toxicity Data.

OTHER TOXICITY DATA:Specific toxicity tests have not been conducted on this product. Our hazard evaluation is based on information from similar products, the ingredients, technical literature, and/or professional experience.

Crude oil is a naturally occurring complex mixture of hydrocarbons whose exact composition and physical properties can vary widely depending upon its source.

SKIN: Repeated or prolonged contact may result in defatting, oil acne, redness, itching, inflammation, cracking and possible secondary infections.

From skin-painting studies in laboratory animals, it has been concluded that most, if not all, petroleum crudes, regardless of source, possess carcinogenic activity to some degree. This means that workers who practice poor personal hygiene and who are repeatedly exposed by direct skin contact to crude oil over many years may potentially be at risk of developing skin cancer. However, intermittent or occasional skin contact with petroleum crude oils is not expected to have serious health effects as long as good personal hygiene measures such as those outlined in this material safety data sheet are followed. Crude oil has not been identified as a carcinogen by NTP, IARC or OSHA.

Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) gas may accumulate in storage tanks of bulk transport compartments containing this material. Contact with eyes causes painful conjunctivitis, sensitivity to light, tearing and clouding of vision. Inhalation of low concentrations causes a runny nose with a loss of sense of smell, labored

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breathing and shortness of breath. Direct contact with skin causes pain and redness. Other symptoms of exposure include profuse salivation, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, giddiness, headache, dizziness, confusion, rapid breathing, rapid heart rate, sweating, weakness, sudden collapse, unconsciousness and death due to respiratory paralysis.Cardiac neurological effects have also been reported. Prolonged breathing (greater than one hour) of concentrations of H2S around 50 ppm can produce eye and respiratory tract irritation. Levels of 250 to 600 ppm will result in fluid in the lungs, and concentrations around 1,000 ppm will cause unconsciousness and death in a short period oftime. Since the sense of smell rapidly becomes insensitive to this toxic, colorless gas, odor cannot be relied upon as an indicator of concentrations of the gas. Always exercise caution when working around closed containers.

Aspiration of this product into the lungs can cause chemical pneumonia and can be fatal. Aspiration into the lungs can occur while vomiting after ingestion of this product.

Crude oils contain small, variable amounts of Benzene. Acute toxicity of benzene results primarily from depression of the central nervous system (CNS). Inhalation of concentrations over 50 ppm can produce headache, lassitude,weariness, dizziness, drowsiness, or excitation. Exposure to very high levels can result in unconsciousness and death. Long-term overexposure to benzene has been associated with certain types of leukemia in humans. In addition, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the National Toxicology Program, and OSHA consider benzene to be a human carcinogen. Chronic exposures to benzene at levels of 100 ppm and below have been reported to cause adverse blood effects including anemia. Benzene exposure can occur by inhalation and absorption through the skin. Inhalation and forced feeding studies of benzene in laboratory animals have produced a carcinogenic response in a variety of organs, including possibly leukemia, other adverse effects on the blood,chromosomal changes and some effects on the immune system. Exposure to benzene at levels up to 300 ppm did not produce birth defects in animal studies; however, exposure to the higher dosage levels (greater than 100 ppm) resulted in a reduction of body weight of the rat pups (fetotoxicity). Changes in the testes have been observed in mice exposed to benzene at 300 ppm, but reproductive performance was not altered in rats exposed to benzene at the same level.


Ecological testing has not been conducted on this product by BP Amoco.


Dispose in accordance with all applicable regulations. Subject to disposal regulations: U.S. EPA 40 CFR 262. Hazardous Waste Number(s): D001.


U.S. DOT 49 CFR 172.101 SHIPPING NAME-ID NUMBER:Petroleum crude oil-UN1267



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CERCLA SECTIONS 102a/103 HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES (40 CFR Part 302.4): This product is reportable under 40 CFR Part 302.4 because it contains the following substance(s): HYDROGEN SULFIDE: 100 LBS RQ Benzene: 10 LBS RQ


SARA SECTION 304 (40CFR355.40):

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SARA TITLE III SECTION 313 (40 CFR Part 372): This product contains the following substance(s), which is on the Toxic Chemicals List in 40 CFR Part 372: HYDROGEN SULFIDE Benzene

STATE REGULATIONS: California Proposition 65: Y Known to the state of California to cause the following: Benzene Cancer (Feb 27, 1987) Developmental toxicity (Dec 26, 1997) Male reproductive toxicity (Dec 26, 1997)

U.S. INVENTORY (TSCA): Listed on inventory.


JAPAN INVENTORY (MITI): Listed on inventory.

AUSTRALIA INVENTORY (AICS): Listed on inventory.

KOREA INVENTORY (ECL): Not determined.

CANADA INVENTORY (DSL): Listed on inventory.


CHINA INVENTORY (IECS): Not determined.


Prepared by: Product Stewardship and Toxicology

©Copyright 1984-2000 MDL Information Systems. All rights reserved.

TThis Material Safety Data Sheet conforms to the requirements of ANSI Z400.1. NOTICE: The information presented herein is based on data considered to be accurate as of the date of preparation of this Material Safety Data Sheet. However, no warranty or representation, express or implied, is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the foregoing data and safety information, nor is any authorization given or implied to practice any patented invention without a license. In addition, no responsibility can be assumed by vendor for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use, from any failure to adhere to recommended practices, or from any hazards inherent in the nature of the product.

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CITGO Petroleum CorporationP.O. Box 3758Tulsa, Oklahoma 74102

Material Safety Data Sheet

Trade Name: Vacuum Gas Oil

Commodity Code: 07-201

Synonyms: Vacuum Distillates, VGO, Cat Feed

CAS No. (Refer to Section 1): 68955-27-1

CITGO Index No.: 1473

Date: March 19, 1992

Technical Contact: (609) 423-5400

Medical Emergency: (918) 495-4700

CHEMTREC Emergency: (800) 424-9300

Material Hazard Evaluation(Per OSHA Hazard Communication Standard [29 CFR Part 1910.1200]) (OHCS)

Health: Cancer suspect agent. Similar products have been shown to causecancer in laboratory animals.

Precautionary Statement: WARNING: Avoid repeated or prolonged skincontact.

HMIS Rating(1):Health 0Flammability 1Reactivity 0

1.0 Generic Composition/Components

Components CAS # % Hazard Data

Vacuum Distillates* 68955-27-1 100 Oral LD50 (rat): > 5g/kg*

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Drml LD50 (rbt): > 5g/kg* Eyes, Draize (rbt): 0-0-.33* /110 in 24 hr test.

*For similar product.

*A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the vacuum distillationof the residuum from the atmospheric distillation of crude oil. ChemicalFamily: Petroleum Hydrocarbons

See also Environmental Section 9.0

(1) Hazard Rating: least-0; slight-1; moderate-2; high-3; extreme-4CITGO assignment based on our evaluation per NFPA and NPCA guidelines.

NA - Not ApplicableND - No DataNE - Not Established

Vacuum Gas Oil (07-201, March 19, 1992 CIN #: 1473)

2.0 Physical Data

Physical Hazard Classification (Per 29 CFR Part 1910.1200)No CombustibleNo FlammableNo PyrophoricNo Compressed GasNo Organic PeroxideNo ReactivityNo ExplosiveNo OxidizerYes Stable

Boiling Point, 760 mmHg, Deg. C (Deg. F): > 249 (> 480) (Wide Range)

Specific Gravity (60/60 Deg. F) (H2O = 1): 0.91-0.93

Vapor Density (Air=1): > 1

% Volatiles by Volume: None

Melting Point, Deg. C (Deg. F): ND

Vapor Pressure, mmHg, 25 Deg. C: < 0.01 (mmHg, 15 Deg. C)

Solubility in H2O, % by Weight: Not soluble

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Evaporation Rate (Butyl Acetate=1): NA

pH of Undiluted Product: NA

Molecular Wt.: ND

Appearance and Odor: Straw colored to dark brown, petroleum odor.

3.0 Fire and Explosion Data

Flash Point, COC, Deg. C (Deg. F)> 149 (> 300)

Flash Point, PM, Deg. C (Deg. F)ND

Fire Point, COC, Deg. C (Deg. F)ND

NFPA Rating(2)Health: 0Flammability: 1Reactivity: 0

Flammable Limits (% by volume in air)Lower: NAUpper: NA

Auto-ignition Temperature, Deg. C (Deg. F)approx. 370 approx. (700)

Flammability ClassIIIB

Extinguishing MediaCO2, dry chemical, foam

Special Fire Fighting ProcedureWear self-contained breathing apparatus when in a confined area. Avoidinhalation of fumes. Water or foam may cause frothing.

Unusual Fire or Explosion HazardWater may be ineffective.

(2) Hazard Rating: least-0; slight-1; moderate-2; high-3; extreme-4CITGO assignment based on our evaluation per NFPA guidelines.

4.0 Reactivity Data

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Stability: Stable

Conditions Contributing to Instability: Excessive heat

Incompatibility: Strong oxidizers

Hazardous Decomposition Products (thermal, unless otherwise specified):CO2, (CO under incomplete combustion), Sulfur Oxides (SOx)

Conditions Contributing to Hazardous Polymerization: None

5.0 Spill or Leak Procedures

Procedures if Material is Spilled:

* Small spills: Take up with non-combustible absorbent such as Fuller'searth or sand. Place into containers for later disposal.

* Large spills: Control spill in earthen dikes for later recovery. Controlignition sources around spill area.

* Report spills as required to appropriate authorities.

Waste Disposal:

* It is the responsibility of the user to determine if the material is ahazardous waste at the time of disposal. Check before disposing to be sureof being in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.

* RCRA Hotline Number: 800-424-9346.

Protective Measures During Repair and Maintenance of ContaminatedEquipment:

* Eliminate all ignition sources.

* Wash exposed skin thoroughly with soap and water.

* Remove soiled clothing.

* Use oil impervious gloves if extended direct contact with residues isexpected.

* Handle as a potential carcinogen.

6.0 Health Hazard Data

Health Hazard Classification (Per 29 CFR Part 1910.1200)

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No CarcinogenNo CorrosiveYes Animal Carcinogen*No IrritantNo Suspect CarcinogenNo SensitizerNo MutagenNo TeratogenNo Highly ToxicNo Target OrganNo Toxic

Product listed as Carcinogen or Potential Carcinogen by:NTP NoIARC Yes*OSHA NoOther No

*For similar material.

Toxicity summary: This product is a mixture of petroleum hydrocarbons andmay contain significant amounts of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons whichhave been shown to cause skin cancer after prolonged or frequent contactwith the skin of test animals. It must be assumed that cancer could alsooccur in humans after repeated or prolonged skin contact, thus users mustuse the appropriate skin protection when handling this product to reduceexposure to a minimum. The International Agency for Research on Cancer(IARC) has determined that there is sufficient evidence that heavy vacuumdistillates derived from refining crude oil cause cancer in laboratoryanimals.

Acute Exposure Symptoms

Inhalation: The inhalation toxicity of this product has not beendetermined. However, based on the toxicology of similar products,breathing of fumes may cause central nervous system (CNS) effects and bemoderately toxic to internal organs. Signs and symptoms of CNS effectsinclude one or more of the following: dizziness, headache, loss ofappetite, weakness and loss of coordination. This product may also causerespiratory irritation and chemical pneumonitis when inhaled. Signs andsymptoms of respiratory irritation and pneumonitis may include coughing,shortness of breath, bronchial irritation, chest discomfort and diminishedpulmonary function.

Dermal Contact: The dermal toxicity of this product has not beendetermined. However, based upon the toxicology of similar products this

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product is not expected to cause prolonged or significant skin irritation,but may produce mild transient skin irritation. It may be moderately toxicto internal organs if it is absorbed through the skin. The severity ofinjury will depend on the amount absorbed.

Eye Contact: The eye irritation potential of this product has not beendetermined. However, based upon the toxicology of similar products thisproduct is not expected to cause prolonged or significant eye irritation.

Ingestion: The oral toxicity of this product has not been determined.However, based on the toxicology of similar products, this product may beslightly toxic to internal organs if swallowed. The severity of injurywill depend upon the amount absorbed from the gut. Typical signs andsymptoms from ingestion include gastro-intestinal disturbances, vomitingand diarrhea, headache, and tiredness. This product may present a moderateaspiration hazard.

Injection: NA

Chronic Exposure Symptoms

Inhalation: The prolonged or repeated inhalation exposure may cause cancerand chemical pneumonitis.

Dermal Contact: Prolonged or repeated exposure may cause skin cancer.Repeated and prolonged exposure may also cause drying, cracking,dermatitis, or folliculitis.

Eye Contact: Symptoms of chronic eye contact are believed to be similar tothose discussed above in Acute Toxicity Symptoms, Eye Contact.

Ingestion: Symptoms of chronic ingestion are believed to be similar tothose discussed above in Acute Toxicity Symptoms, Ingestion.

First Aid and Emergency Procedures for Acute Effects

Inhalation: If any of the above signs or symptoms occur, remove victim tofresh air. Seek medical aid if symptoms continue.

Dermal Contact: Remove contaminated clothing. Wash skin thoroughly withsoap and water. Seek medical advice if any signs or symptoms describedabove occur. Discard contaminated shoes. Contaminated clothing may bewashed.

Eye Contact: Wash the eyes with large amounts of water for 15 minutes,occasionally lifting upper and lower eyelids. Remove contact lenses ifworn. If irritation persists, seek medical advice.

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Ingestion: If swallowed give milk or water to drink and telephone formedical advice. Do not induce vomiting without obtaining medical advicebecause this product presents an aspiration hazard. If medical advicecannot be obtained, take the victim and the container to the closestmedical emergency center or hospital.

Injection: Use surgical debridement procedure.

Medical Conditions Aggravated by Exposure: Individuals with chronic skinor respiratory problems may have these conditions aggravated by exposureto this product.

Notes to Physician: Dilute with milk, water or demulcents and remove bylavage to extent possible. The Saybolt viscosity of this material isapproximately 350 SUS at 100 Deg. F, thus aspiration into the lungsfollowing ingestion is unlikely to occur. Remove all residues because thisproduct contains potential human carcinogens.

7.0 Special Protection Information

Ventilation Requirements: As required to maintain personnel exposuresbelow workplace exposure limits.

Permitted Air Threshold Concentrations:

TLV (mg/m(3)) OSHA PEL (mg/m(3))

Mineral Oil Mist TWA: 5 5 STEL: 10 NE

Specific Personal Protective Equipment:

Respiratory: Normally none is required. However, if high vapor pressureconcentrations or mists are expected, use only NIOSH/MSHA approved organicrespirator or self-contained breathing apparatus.

Eyes: Use chemical splash goggles if splashing is anticipated.

Dermal Contact: Body covering protection should be worn when handlingliquid. Use protective covering and gloves made of Buna-N and Poly-D.

Other Clothing or Equipment: If garments become soaked with hydrocarbonliquids, they must be immediately changed. Shower with soap and water toremove hydrocarbon residues from the skin. Wash exposed skin with soap andwater to remove residues. Material is potential carcinogen.

8.0 Transportation and Special Precautions

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Material is classified as NFPA Class III B combustible liquid. Storedistant from fire and ignition sources.

Consult appropriate Federal, State and Local authorities before reusing,reconditioning, reclaiming, recycling or disposing of empty containersand/or waste residues of this product.

DOT Information

DOT/UN Shipping Name: Petroleum Oil, NOS

Hazard Class: Non-hazardous

Hazard Identification Number: NA

DOT Placard: Not Required

9.0 Environmental Data

Product NameVacuum Gas Oil

Commodity Code: 07-201


Section 313 - Toxic Chemicals

This product does not contain toxic chemicals of Section 313 of Title III,Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA) and 40 CFRPart 372.

Components CAS # %

None NA NA

Section 311 - Hazard CategoriesNo Not ApplicableNo Acute (Immed. Health Haz.)Yes Chronic (Delayed Health Hazard)No Fire HazardNo Sudden Pressure ReleaseNo Reactivity Hazard

Section 302/(A) - Extremely Hazardous Substances

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(RQ = Reportable Quantity)(TPQ = Threshold Planning Quantity)

This product does not contain Extremely Hazardous Substances of Section302/(A).

Component CAS # % RQ lbs. TPQ lbs.

None - - - -

Clean Water ActUnder Section 311(b)(4) of the Clean Water Act, discharges of crude oiland petroleum products in any kind or form to surface waters must beimmediately reported to the National Response Center: 800-424-8802.

Comprehensive Environmental, Response, Compensation & Liability Act(CERCLA) - Section 102 Hazardous Substances

Comment CAS # % RQ lbs.

NA - - -

Petroleum and petroleum fractions are excluded from the list of CERCLAhazardous substances by Section 101(14) of CERCLA.

Federal Regulations

Reported in TSCA Inventory:Product [ ] Yes [ ] No [X] NAComponents [X] Yes [ ] No [ ] NA

CALIFORNIA Proposition 65Tradename: Vacuum Gas OilContains components that occur on lists of:Carcinogenic Materials [ ] Yes [X] NoTeratogenic Materials [ ] Yes [X] No

New Jersey Worker and Community Right-to-Know ActVacuum Distillates CAS #: 68955-27-1

10.0 Labeling

WARNING: CANCER SUSPECT AGENTSimilar products have been shown to cause cancer in laboratory animals.Avoid prolonged or repeated skin contact with this material.

NOTE: Skin painting studies of petroleum products of similar composition

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and processing have shown weak carcinogenic activity in laboratoryanimals. Therefore, in the absence of good personal hygiene, there may bepotential risk of skin cancer from prolonged or repeated contact.Occasional skin contact with this product is not expected to have seriousside effects. However, good personal hygiene should be practiced andrepeated skin contact limited to avoid the possibility of skin irritation.Personal hygiene measures taken to prevent skin irritation are expected tobe adequate to prevent risk of cancer.


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Sheet No: STI2210 Material Name: Vacuum Residue Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/09/98 Page:

ALIGN BP SDS FinalsSafety Data Sheet - SDS

GLIS Sheet No:STI2210 SDS Reference: Paper Type: BP Helios Status: ActiveMaterial Name: Vacuum Residue

Language:English Country:OTIRevision of Sheet Dated:02/09/98 Major Change: Hazard?:No

Hazardous Components: Physical Characteristics: Fuel oil Tox File: 411.29 Product Group: Date of Issue: 17/07/2000



Vacuum Residue1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Identification of substance/preparation Vacuum Residue

Application Refinery streamFor specific application advice see appropriate Technical Data Sheet or consult your BP representative

Company Identification BP Oil International LimitedBritannic House1 Finsbury CircusLondon, EC2M 7BA

Emergency Telephone Number +44 (0) 20 7496 4411 _________________________________________________________________________________2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSChemical Composition Residues (petroleum), vacuum. EINECS No: 265-057-8, CAS No: 64741-56-6

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Sheet No: STI2210 Material Name: Vacuum Residue Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/09/98 Page:

3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONThis product can be delivered, stored and used at temperatures above 100°C. Contact with hot product may cause burns. Vapours containing hydrogen sulphide may accumulate during storage or transport and may also be vented during filling of tanks. Hydrogen sulphide has a typical "bad egg" smell but at high concentrations the sense of smell is rapidly lost, therefore do not rely on sense of smell for detecting hydrogen sulphide. Use specially designed measuring instruments for determining its concentration. _________________________________________________________________________________

4. FIRST-AID MEASURESEyes Cold product - Wash eye thoroughly with copious quantities of water, ensuring eyelids are held open. Obtain medical advice if any pain or redness develops or persists.Hot product - Flood with water to dissipate heat. In the event of any product remaining, do not try to remove it other than by continued irrigation with water. Obtain medical attention immediately.

Skin Cold Product - Wash contaminated skin with soap and water. Remove contaminated clothing and wash underlying skin as soon as reasonably practicable.Hot Product - Flood skin with cold water to dissipate heat, cover with clean cotton or gauze, obtain medical advice immediately.

Ingestion If contamination of the mouth occurs, wash out thoroughly with water. Except as a deliberate act, the ingestion of large amounts of product is unlikely. If it should occur, do not induce vomiting; obtain medical advice.

Inhalation If inhalation of mists, fumes or vapour causes irritation to the nose or throat, or coughing, remove to fresh air. If symptoms persist obtain medical advice. EXPOSURE TO HYDROGEN SULPHIDE:Casualties suffering ill effects as a result of exposure to hydrogen sulphide should be immediately removed to fresh air and medical assistance obtained without delay. Unconscious casualties must be placed in the recovery position. Monitor breathing and pulse rate and if breathing has failed, or is deemed inadequate, respiration must be assisted, preferably by the mouth to mouth method. Administer external cardiac massage if necessary. Seek medical attention immediately.

Medical Advice Treatment should in general be symptomatic and directed to relieving any effects.Where skin burns occur the area should be immediately immersed in cold water until the bitumen is thoroughly cooled. Do not attempt to remove the bitumen from the skin as it provides an airtight sterile covering over the burn which will eventually fall away with the scab as the burn heals. If for any reason the bitumen must be removed, this can be done using a slightly warmed medicinal liquid paraffin. Kerosene and other solvents should never be used. All burns should receive medical attention. It should be noted that bitumen contracts on cooling and where a limb is encased care should be taken to avoid the development of a tourniquet effect. Inhalation of hydrogen sulphide may cause central respiratory depression leading to coma and death. It is irritant to the respiratory tract causing chemical pneumonitis and pulmonary oedema. The onset of pulmonary oedema may be delayed for 24 to 48 hours. Treat with oxygen and ventilate as appropriate. Administer broncho-dilators if indicated and consider administration of corticosteroids. Keep casualty under surveillance for 48 hours in case pulmonary oedema develops.

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Sheet No: STI2210 Material Name: Vacuum Residue Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/09/98 Page:

_________________________________________________________________________________5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESUse foam, dry powder or water fog. DO NOT USE water jets. Fires in confined spaces should be dealt with by trained personnel wearing approved breathing apparatus. Water may be used to cool nearby heat exposed areas/objects/packages. Avoid spraying directly into storage containers because of the danger of boil-over.

Combustion Products Toxic fumes may be evolved on burning or exposure to heat. See Stability and Reactivity, Section 10 of this Safety Data Sheet. _________________________________________________________________________________6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESDepending upon its temperature the product may be liquid, semi-solid or solid.Protect drains from spills and prevent entry of product, since this may result in blockage on cooling. Should blockage occur, notify the appropriate authority immediately. Scrape up bulk of material and remove remainder with sand or other suitable inert absorbent material. If spillage has occurred in a confined space, ensure adequate ventilation and check that a safe, breathable atmosphere is present before entry. In the case of spillage on water, prevent the spread of product by the use of suitable barrier equipment. Recover product from the surface. Protect environmentally sensitive areas and water supplies. The product may sink making recovery difficult. In the case of large spills contact the appropriate authorities. _________________________________________________________________________________

7. HANDLING AND STORAGEHandling Precautions Contact with hot product may cause burns. Avoid contact with eyes. If splashing is likely to occur wear a full face visor or chemical goggles as appropriate. Avoid skin contact. Good working practices, high standards of personal hygiene and plant cleanliness must be maintained at all times. Wash hands thoroughly after contact. When product is heated to high temperatures, vapour, mists or fumes will be given off and may condense, contaminating the skin or clothing of operatives. Prolonged or repeated contact with this condensate may give rise to dermatitis or other skin conditions of a serious or irreversible nature. Regular periodic self inspection of the skin is recommended, especially those areas subject to contamination. In the event of any localised changes in appearance or texture of the skin being noticed, medical advice should be sought without delay. Use disposable cloths and discard when soiled. Do not put soiled cloths into pockets.

Fire Prevention Light hydrocarbon vapours can build up in the headspace of tanks. These can cause flammability/explosion hazards even at temperatures below the normal flash point (note: flash point must not be regarded as a reliable indicator of the potential flammability of vapour in tank headspaces). Tank headspaces should always be regarded as potentially flammable and care should be taken to avoid static electrical discharge and all ignition sources during filling, ullaging and sampling from storage tanks. Product should not be over heated in storage because of the risk of fire.

Storage Conditions Store under cover away from moisture and sources of ignition. Do not overheat in storage. Under no circumstances should water be allowed to contact hot product because of the danger of boil-over. Particular

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Sheet No: STI2210 Material Name: Vacuum Residue Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/09/98 Page:

care should be taken to ensure that bulk storage tanks are watertight and that any steam heating coils are regularly checked for leaks. For bulk product, the storage temperature should not fluctuate above and below 100 deg C as this increases the risk of water condensation leading to boil-over. Care must always be exercised when heating product through 100 deg C. Highly toxic hydrogen sulphide gas may be emitted from hot product and accumulate in enclosed spaces or tanks. Extreme care must therefore be taken during venting of tanks and enclosed spaces which have at any time contained hot product. Under no circumstances should entry be made into small enclosures without taking full precautions. Confined spaces contaminated with hydrogen sulphide must always be considered as constituting potentially life threatening environments. Entry into such spaces must never be undertaken except under extreme emergency when no alternative is possible and then only by trained operators wearing air-supplied breathing apparatus of an approved type and following procedures strictly in accordance with the Statutory Regulations governing such entry. Please see the comments in Section 8 (Exposure Controls/Personal Protection) of this data sheet. Always have sufficient people standing by outside the tank with appropriate breathing apparatus and equipment to effect a quick rescue.It is advisable that all who are engaged in operations in which contact with hydrogen sulphide may be reasonably anticipated, should be trained in the techniques of emergency resuscitation and in the care of an unconscious patient.Pyrophoric (self-heating) deposits, which may cause fire or explosion, may be formed in storage. Avoid exposure of tank vapour space to fresh air, and maintain stable storage temperatures. Regular inspection for such deposits will indicate when tank cleaning is necessary._________________________________________________________________________________

8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONExposure Limits Ensure good ventilation. Avoid, as far as reasonably practicable, inhalation of vapour, mists or fumes generated during use. Relevant exposure limits are: Asphalt (petroleum) fumesACGIH (USA): TLV 0.5 mg/m3 (8 hr TWA) benzene-soluble aerosol A4 - Not classifiable as a human carcinogen Hydrogen sulphide ACGIH (USA): TLV 10 ppm (8 hr TWA); 15ppm (15 min STEL)

Protective Clothing When handling hot product, suitable protective clothing of an appropriate standard should be worn. Depending on the type of operation this may include: - Visor to protect the face and head covering with neck flap.- Gauntlets (heat resistant and impervious to bitumen)- Overalls, impervious to bitumen, covering full body and limbs with legs worn over boots.- Protective boots. Protective clothing should be regularly dry cleaned. Change heavily contaminated clothing as soon as reasonably practicable; dry clean, launder and preferably starch before re-use. Wash any contaminated underlying skin with soap and water.

Respiratory Protection If operations are such that the excessive generation of vapour, mist or fume may be anticipated, to which operators may unavoidably be exposed, then suitable approved respiratory equipment should be worn. Note: Approved air-supplied breathing apparatus must be worn where there may be potential for inhalation of hydrogen sulphide gas. The use of respiratory equipment must be strictly in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions and any statutory requirements governing its selection and use. _________________________________________________________________________________

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Sheet No: STI2210 Material Name: Vacuum Residue Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/09/98 Page:


Typical ValuesGrades: Vacuum

ResidueTest Method Units

Physical state liquidColour blackOdour oily Density @ 15°C ASTM D 1298 kg/m³ 960Kinematic viscosity @ 100°C

ASTM D 445 mm²/s 10 - 55

Flash point (PMC) ASTM D 93 °C >100Explosion limits % 0.6 - 6.5_________________________________________________________________________________

10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYProducts of this type are stable and unlikely to react in a hazardous manner under normal conditions of use. Hazardous polymerisation reactions will not occur. This material is combustible.

Materials to Avoid Avoid contact with strong oxidizing agents.

Hazardous Decomposition Products Thermal decomposition products will vary with conditions. Incomplete combustion will generate smoke, carbon dioxide and hazardous gases, including carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulphide and oxides of sulphur. Overheating in storage may cause partial vapourisation and decomposition with the production of toxic hydrogen sulphide gas (H2S). _________________________________________________________________________________11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEyes Will cause burns if hot material contacts eyes.

Skin Will cause burns if hot material contacts skin When product is heated to high temperatures, vapour, mists or fumes will be given off and may condense, contaminating the skin or clothing of operatives. Prolonged or repeated contact with this condensate may give rise to dermatitis or other skin conditions of a serious or irreversible nature.

Ingestion Unlikely to cause harm if accidentally swallowed in small doses, though larger quantities may cause nausea and diarrhoea.

Inhalation At normal ambient temperatures this product will be unlikely to present an inhalation hazard because of its low volatility.

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Sheet No: STI2210 Material Name: Vacuum Residue Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/09/98 Page:

Vapour, mists or fumes may contain polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons some of which are known to produce skin cancer. The inhalation of vapour, mists or fumes over long periods may therefore be hazardous. _________________________________________________________________________________12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONMobility Spillages are unlikely to penetrate the soil.

Persistence and degradability This material is not biodegradable.

Bioaccumulative potential This material is not expected to bioaccumulate.

Aquatic toxicity Unlikely to cause long term effects in the aquatic environment. _________________________________________________________________________________13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSWhere possible, arrange for product to be recycled. Dispose of by incineration or other suitable means under conditions approved by the local authority or via a licensed waste disposal contractor. _________________________________________________________________________________14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONCOLD - Not classified as hazardous for transport (ADR, RID, UN, IATA/ICAO).

HOT - Conform to local requirements, if none exist recommend:-ADR/RID: Elevated temperature liquid n.o.s., Class 9 Item 20 °(c), Hazard Identification No. 99 UN: Elevated temperature liquid n.o.s., Class 9, Packing Group III, UN No. 3257IATA/ICAO: Forbidden for transport on passenger and cargo aircraft in molten state.IMO: Elevated temperature liquid n.o.s., Class 9, Packing Group IIIEMERGENCY ACTION CODE: 2W

Note Under ADR emptied uncleaned tankers are classified as follows : Emptied container class 9, item 71 ADR Latest cargo 3257 Liquid elevated temperature NOS, item 20(c). _________________________________________________________________________________15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONNot classified as hazardous for supply.

_________________________________________________________________________________16. OTHER INFORMATIONCompiled by: Product Stewardship GroupBP Oil Technology CentreChertsey RoadSunbury-on-ThamesMiddlesex, TW16 7LN

This data sheet and the health, safety and environmental information it contains is considered to be accurate as of the

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Sheet No: STI2210 Material Name: Vacuum Residue Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/09/98 Page:

date specified below. We have reviewed any information contained herein which we received from sources outside the BP Amoco Group of Companies. However, no warranty or representation, express or implied is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the data and information contained in this data sheet.

Health and safety precautions and environmental advice noted in this data sheet may not be accurate for all individuals and/or situations. It is the user's obligation to evaluate and use this product safely and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. No statement made in this data sheet shall be construed as a permission, recommendation or authorization given or implied to practise any patented invention without a valid licence. The BP Amoco Group shall not be responsible for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use of the material, from any failure to adhere to recommendations, or from any hazards inherent in the nature of the material.

Sheet Revisions Date: Sections revised: 02/09/98 1, 6, 7, 817/07/2000 1, 4, 8

SHEET NO: STI2210ISSUE DATE: 17/07/2000REVISION OF SHEET DATED:02/09/98 ______________________________________________________________________________

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Sheet No: SUK2108 Date: 09/01/98 Revision of Sheet Dated: 01/09/94 (FLBU01) Name of Product: BP Butane

SAFETY DATA SHEET___________________________________________________________________________

BP Butane1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKINGIdentification of substance/preparationBP Commercial Butane, BP Butane Export Quality

ApplicationMulti-purpose product with applications including gaseous fuel for domestic, commercial and industrial uses; internal combustion engine fuel; aerosol propellant; Chemical feedstock.For specific application advice see appropriate Technical Data Sheet or consult your BP representative

Company IdentificationBP Oil UK Limited,Witan Gate House500-600 Witan GateCentral Milton KeynesMK9 1ES

Emergency Telephone Number0117 982 5576__________________________________________________________________________________


Chemical CompositionPetroleum gas. A small quantity (typically up to 50 ppm) of ethyl mercaptan (stenching agent) is commonly added to assist in leak detection. Contains <0.1% 1,3-butadiene

Hazardous ComponentsHydrocarbon, C3-4-rich, petroleum distillate. EINECS No: 270-990-9, CAS No: 68512-91-4, F+, R12 Extremely flammable (>90%)__________________________________________________________________________________

3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONExtremely flammable.Explosive air/vapour mixtures may form at ambient temperature.Abuse involving wilful inhalation of very high concentrations of vapour, even for short periods, can produce unconsciousness or might prove fatal.__________________________________________________________________________________


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Sheet No: SUK2108 Date: 09/01/98 Revision of Sheet Dated: 01/09/94 (FLBU01) Name of Product: BP Butane

EyesWash eye thoroughly with copious quantities of water. Obtain IMMEDIATE medical attention.

SkinIf cold burns are present drench with water and obtain immediate medical advice.Keep contaminated clothes away from ignition sources.

InhalationIf exposure to vapour, mists or fumes causes drowsiness, headache, blurred vision or irritation of the eyes, nose or throat, remove immediately to fresh air. Keep patient warm and at rest. If any symptoms persist obtain medical advice.Unconscious casualties must be placed in the recovery position. Monitor breathing and pulse rate and if breathing has failed, or is deemed inadequate, respiration must be assisted, preferably by the mouth to mouth method. Administer external cardiac massage if necessary. Seek medical attention immediately.

Medical AdviceTreatment should in general be symptomatic and directed to relieving any effects.__________________________________________________________________________________


These materials are delivered, stored and used at temperatures above their flash point. Avoid all naked flames, sparks, cigarettes, etc.IN CASE OF FIRE, IMMEDIATELY ALERT THE FIRE BRIGADE.Ensure an escape path is always available from any fire.Fires in confined spaces should be dealt with by trained personnel wearing approved breathing apparatus.If gas has ignited, do not attempt to extinguish but stop gas flow and allow to burn out. Use water spray to cool heat-exposed containers, and to protect surrounding areas and personnel effecting shut-off.Every precaution must be taken to keep containers cool to avoid the possibility of a boiling liquid expanding vapour explosion (BLEVE).Pressurised containers are liable to explode violently when subjected to high temperatures.

Combustion ProductsSee Stability and Reactivity, Section 10 of this Safety Data Sheet.__________________________________________________________________________________


As this product has a very low flash point any spillage or leak is a severe fire and/or explosion hazard.If a leak has not ignited, stop gas flow, isolate sources of ignition and evacuate personnel.Ensure good ventilation.Liquid leaks generate large volumes of flammable vapour, heavier than air, which may travel to remote sources of ignition (eg. along drainage systems).Where appropriate, use water spray to disperse the gas or vapour and to protect personnel attempting to stop leakage.Vapour may collect in any confined space.If spillage has occurred in a confined space, ensure adequate ventilation and check that a safe, breathable atmosphere is present before entry.Do not enter a vapour cloud except for rescue; self-contained breathing apparatus must be worn.Wear protective clothing. See Exposure Controls/Personal Protection, section 8, of this Safety Data Sheet.In the event of a leak, contact the appropriate authorities.Small quantities of spilled liquid may be allowed to evaporate. Vapour should be dispersed by effective ventilation.

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Sheet No: SUK2108 Date: 09/01/98 Revision of Sheet Dated: 01/09/94 (FLBU01) Name of Product: BP Butane


7. HANDLING AND STORAGEStorage ConditionsStore and use only in equipment/containers designed for use with this product.Store and dispense only in well ventilated areas away from heat and sources of ignition.Do not enter storage tanks. If entry to tanks is necessary, contact the supplier.Containers must be properly labelled.Do not remove warning labels from containers.

Handling PrecautionsEnsure good ventilation.Avoid inhalation of vapour.Avoid contact with liquid and cold storage containers.When handling cylinders wear protective footwear and suitable gloves.Avoid contact with the eyes.

Fire PreventionEnsure equipment is electrically bonded and earthed to prevent static accumulation.Explosive air/vapour mixtures may form at ambient temperature.Note: Product spilt on clothing may give rise to delayed evaporation and subsequent fire hazard.__________________________________________________________________________________

8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONExposure LimitsComply with current local occupational exposure limit. Where not established, the following limits are recommended.ButaneUK publication EH40 (Occupational Exposure Limits):

Occupational Exposure Standard: Long-term exposure limit (8hr TWA) 600ppm, 1450 mg/m3

Short-term exposure limit (15 min) 750ppm, 1810mg/m3

Protective ClothingWear suitable gloves and overalls to prevent cold burns and frostbite.In filling operations wear protective clothing including impervious gloves, safety goggles or face shield.When handling cylinders wear protective footwear.

Respiratory ProtectionIf operations are such that significant exposure to vapour, mist or fume may be anticipated, then suitable approved respiratory equipment should be worn.The use of respiratory equipment must be strictly in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions and any statutory requirements governing its selection and use.__________________________________________________________________________________


Note: National specifications may apply.

Typical Values

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Sheet No: SUK2108 Date: 09/01/98 Revision of Sheet Dated: 01/09/94 (FLBU01) Name of Product: BP Butane

Grades:BP Butane UK

Test Method Units

Physical state gasColour colourlessOdour Distinctive when stenchedDensity @ 15°C ASTM D 1657 kg/m3 580Gauge vapour pressure 40°C BS3324 kPa <505Vapour density rel. to air ASTM

D2463/D24211.9 - 2.1

Flammability Limits % 1.9 - 9.0

Flash point (PMC) ASTM D 93 °C <-50Boiling point/range ASTM D 86 °C <-2

10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYStable at ambient temperatures.Hazardous polymerisation reactions will not occur.

Materials to AvoidAvoid contact with strong oxidizing agents.

Hazardous Decomposition ProductsIncomplete combustion will generate hazardous gases, including carbon monoxide.__________________________________________________________________________________

11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEyesWill present a risk of serious damage to the eyes if contact with liquid occurs.

SkinWill cause cold burns and frostbite if skin contact with liquid occurs.

InhalationLow vapour concentrations may cause nausea, dizziness, headaches and drowsiness.May have a narcotic effect if high concentrations of vapour are inhaled.High vapour concentrations may produce symptoms of oxygen deficiency which, coupled with central nervous system depression, may lead to rapid loss of consciousness.ABUSE:Under normal conditions of use the product is not hazardous; however, abuse involving deliberate inhalation of very high concentrations of vapour, even for short periods, can produce unconsciousness and/or result in a sudden fatality.__________________________________________________________________________________

12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONMobilitySpillages are unlikely to penetrate the soil.

Persistence and degradability

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Sheet No: SUK2108 Date: 09/01/98 Revision of Sheet Dated: 01/09/94 (FLBU01) Name of Product: BP Butane

Unlikely to cause long term adverse effects in the environment.

Bioaccumulative potentialThis material is not expected to bioaccumulate.

Aquatic toxicityUnlikely to cause long term effects in the aquatic environment.__________________________________________________________________________________


Do not dispose of any LPG container. Return all cylinders/vessels to your supplier.Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Hazard warning labels are a guide to the safe handling of empty packaging and should not be removed.Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain flammable product residues and vapour. Never weld, solder or braze empty containers.__________________________________________________________________________________


ADR/RID: Butane, Flammable gases, Class 2, Item 2°F, Hazard Identification Number 23.UN: Butane, Flammable Gases, Class 2.1, UN Number 1011IATA/ICAO: Butane, Flammable gas, Class 2.1. Forbidden for transport on passenger aircraft.IMO: Butane, Flammable gas, Class 2.1.Emergency Action Code: Flammable gas, 2WE__________________________________________________________________________________


EU Category of DangerExtremely flammable

EU LabellingSymbol: FlameIndication of danger: EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE

Contains: Petroleum gas

Risk ( R ) Phrases:R12 Extremely flammable

Safety ( S ) Phrases:S2 Keep out of reach of childrenS3/9 Keep in a cool, well ventilated place.S16 Keep away from sources of ignition - No smokingS36/37/39 Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves and eye/face protection.__________________________________________________________________________________

16. OTHER INFORMATIONCompiled by:Product Stewardship Group

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Sheet No: SUK2108 Date: 09/01/98 Revision of Sheet Dated: 01/09/94 (FLBU01) Name of Product: BP Butane

BP Oil Technology CentreChertsey RoadSunbury-on-ThamesMiddlesex, TW16 7LN

This data sheet and the health, safety and environmental information it contains is considered to be accurate as of the date specified below. We have reviewed any information contained herein which we received from sources outside the BP Group of Companies. However, no warranty or representation, express or implied is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the data and information contained in this data sheet.

Health and safety precautions and environmental advice noted in this data sheet may not be accurate for all individuals and/or situations. It is the user's obligation to evaluate and use this product safely and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. No statement made in this data sheet shall be construed as a permission, recommendation or authorization given or implied to practise any patented invention without a valid licence. The BP Group shall not be responsible for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use of the material, from any failure to adhere to recommendations, or from any hazards inherent in the nature of the material.

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Sheet No: SUK2107 Date: 09/01/98 Revision of Sheet Dated: 01/09/94 (FLPR01) Name of Product: BP Propane

SAFETY DATA SHEET___________________________________________________________________________

BP Propane1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKINGIdentification of substance/preparationBP Commercial Propane, BP Premium Propane, BP Propane Export Quality

ApplicationMulti-purpose product with applications including gaseous fuel for domestic, commercial and industrial uses; internal combustion engine fuel; aerosol propellant; Chemical feedstock.For specific application advice see appropriate Technical Data Sheet or consult your BP representative

Company IdentificationBP Oil UK Limited,Witan Gate House500-600 Witan GateCentral Milton KeynesMK9 1ES

Emergency Telephone Number0117 982 5576__________________________________________________________________________________


Chemical CompositionPetroleum gas. A small quantity (typically up to 50 ppm) of ethyl mercaptan (stenching agent) is commonly added to assist in leak detection. Contains <0.1% 1,3-butadiene

Hazardous ComponentsHydrocarbon, C3-4-rich, petroleum distillate. EINECS No: 270-990-9, CAS No: 68512-91-4, F+, R12 Extremely flammable (>90%)__________________________________________________________________________________

3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONExtremely flammable.Explosive air/vapour mixtures may form at ambient temperature.Abuse involving wilful inhalation of very high concentrations of vapour, even for short periods, can produce unconsciousness or might prove fatal.__________________________________________________________________________________


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Sheet No: SUK2107 Date: 09/01/98 Revision of Sheet Dated: 01/09/94 (FLPR01) Name of Product: BP Propane

EyesWash eye thoroughly with copious quantities of water. Obtain IMMEDIATE medical attention.

SkinIf cold burns are present drench with water and obtain immediate medical advice.Keep contaminated clothes away from ignition sources.

InhalationIf exposure to vapour, mists or fumes causes drowsiness, headache, blurred vision or irritation of the eyes, nose or throat, remove immediately to fresh air. Keep patient warm and at rest. If any symptoms persist obtain medical advice.Unconscious casualties must be placed in the recovery position. Monitor breathing and pulse rate and if breathing has failed, or is deemed inadequate, respiration must be assisted, preferably by the mouth to mouth method. Administer external cardiac massage if necessary. Seek medical attention immediately.

Medical AdviceTreatment should in general be symptomatic and directed to relieving any effects.__________________________________________________________________________________


These materials are delivered, stored and used at temperatures above their flash point. Avoid all naked flames, sparks, cigarettes, etc.IN CASE OF FIRE, IMMEDIATELY ALERT THE FIRE BRIGADE.Ensure an escape path is always available from any fire.Fires in confined spaces should be dealt with by trained personnel wearing approved breathing apparatus.If gas has ignited, do not attempt to extinguish but stop gas flow and allow to burn out. Use water spray to cool heat-exposed containers, and to protect surrounding areas and personnel effecting shut-off.Every precaution must be taken to keep containers cool to avoid the possibility of a boiling liquid expanding vapour explosion (BLEVE).Pressurised containers are liable to explode violently when subjected to high temperatures.

Combustion ProductsSee Stability and Reactivity, Section 10 of this Safety Data Sheet.__________________________________________________________________________________


As this product has a very low flash point any spillage or leak is a severe fire and/or explosion hazard.If a leak has not ignited, stop gas flow, isolate sources of ignition and evacuate personnel.Ensure good ventilation.Liquid leaks generate large volumes of flammable vapour, heavier than air, which may travel to remote sources of ignition (eg. along drainage systems).Where appropriate, use water spray to disperse the gas or vapour and to protect personnel attempting to stop leakage.Vapour may collect in any confined space.If spillage has occurred in a confined space, ensure adequate ventilation and check that a safe, breathable atmosphere is present before entry.Do not enter a vapour cloud except for rescue; self-contained breathing apparatus must be worn.Wear protective clothing. See Exposure Controls/Personal Protection, section 8, of this Safety Data Sheet.In the event of a leak, contact the appropriate authorities.Small quantities of spilled liquid may be allowed to evaporate. Vapour should be dispersed by effective ventilation.

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Sheet No: SUK2107 Date: 09/01/98 Revision of Sheet Dated: 01/09/94 (FLPR01) Name of Product: BP Propane


7. HANDLING AND STORAGEStorage ConditionsStore and use only in equipment/containers designed for use with this product.Store and dispense only in well ventilated areas away from heat and sources of ignition.Do not enter storage tanks. If entry to tanks is necessary, contact the supplier.Containers must be properly labelled.Do not remove warning labels from containers.

Handling PrecautionsEnsure good ventilation.Avoid inhalation of vapour.Avoid contact with liquid and cold storage containers.When handling cylinders wear protective footwear and suitable gloves.Avoid contact with the eyes.

Fire PreventionEnsure equipment is electrically bonded and earthed to prevent static accumulation.Explosive air/vapour mixtures may form at ambient temperature.Note: Product spilt on clothing may give rise to delayed evaporation and subsequent fire hazard.__________________________________________________________________________________

8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONExposure LimitsComply with current local occupational exposure limit. Where not established, the following limits are recommended.PropaneUK publication EH40 (Occupational Exposure Limits):Simple asphyxiant.

Protective ClothingWear suitable gloves and overalls to prevent cold burns and frostbite.In filling operations wear protective clothing including impervious gloves, safety goggles or face shield.When handling cylinders wear protective footwear.

Respiratory ProtectionIf operations are such that significant exposure to vapour, mist or fume may be anticipated, then suitable approved respiratory equipment should be worn.The use of respiratory equipment must be strictly in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions and any statutory requirements governing its selection and use.__________________________________________________________________________________


Note: National specifications may apply.

Typical Values

Grades:BP Propane

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Sheet No: SUK2107 Date: 09/01/98 Revision of Sheet Dated: 01/09/94 (FLPR01) Name of Product: BP Propane

Test Method Units

Physical state gasColour colourlessOdour Distinctive when stenchedDensity @ 15°C ASTM D 1657 kg/m3 502Gauge vapour pressure 40°C BS3324 kPa <1550Vapour density rel. to air ASTM


Flammability Limits % 2.2 - 10Flash point (PMC) ASTM D 93 °C <-50Boiling point/range ASTM D 86 °C <-45

10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYStable at ambient temperatures.Hazardous polymerisation reactions will not occur.

Materials to AvoidAvoid contact with strong oxidizing agents.

Hazardous Decomposition ProductsIncomplete combustion will generate hazardous gases, including carbon monoxide.__________________________________________________________________________________

11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEyesWill present a risk of serious damage to the eyes if contact with liquid occurs.

SkinWill cause cold burns and frostbite if skin contact with liquid occurs.

InhalationLow vapour concentrations may cause nausea, dizziness, headaches and drowsiness.May have a narcotic effect if high concentrations of vapour are inhaled.High vapour concentrations may produce symptoms of oxygen deficiency which, coupled with central nervous system depression, may lead to rapid loss of consciousness.ABUSE:Under normal conditions of use the product is not hazardous; however, abuse involving deliberate inhalation of very high concentrations of vapour, even for short periods, can produce unconsciousness and/or result in a sudden fatality.__________________________________________________________________________________

12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONMobilitySpillages are unlikely to penetrate the soil.

Persistence and degradabilityUnlikely to cause long term adverse effects in the environment.

Bioaccumulative potential

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Sheet No: SUK2107 Date: 09/01/98 Revision of Sheet Dated: 01/09/94 (FLPR01) Name of Product: BP Propane

This material is not expected to bioaccumulate.

Aquatic toxicityUnlikely to cause long term effects in the aquatic environment.__________________________________________________________________________________


Do not dispose of any LPG container. Return all cylinders/vessels to your supplier.Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Hazard warning labels are a guide to the safe handling of empty packaging and should not be removed.Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain flammable product residues and vapour. Never weld, solder or braze empty containers.__________________________________________________________________________________


ADR/RID: Propane, Flammable gases, Class 2, Item 2°F, Hazard Identification Number 23.UN: Propane, Flammable Gases, Class 2.1, UN Number 1978IATA/ICAO: Propane, Flammable gas, Class 2.1. Forbidden for transport on passenger aircraft.IMO: Propane, Flammable gas, Class 2.1.Emergency Action Code: Flammable gas, 2WE



EU Category of DangerExtremely flammable

EU LabellingSymbol: FlameIndication of danger: EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE

Contains: Petroleum gas

Risk ( R ) Phrases:R12 Extremely flammable

Safety ( S ) Phrases:S2 Keep out of reach of childrenS3/9 Keep in a cool, well ventilated place.S16 Keep away from sources of ignition - No smokingS36/37/39 Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves and eye/face protection.__________________________________________________________________________________

16. OTHER INFORMATIONCompiled by:Product Stewardship GroupBP Oil Technology Centre

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Sheet No: SUK2107 Date: 09/01/98 Revision of Sheet Dated: 01/09/94 (FLPR01) Name of Product: BP Propane

Chertsey RoadSunbury-on-ThamesMiddlesex, TW16 7LN

This data sheet and the health, safety and environmental information it contains is considered to be accurate as of the date specified below. We have reviewed any information contained herein which we received from sources outside the BP Group of Companies. However, no warranty or representation, express or implied is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the data and information contained in this data sheet.

Health and safety precautions and environmental advice noted in this data sheet may not be accurate for all individuals and/or situations. It is the user's obligation to evaluate and use this product safely and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. No statement made in this data sheet shall be construed as a permission, recommendation or authorization given or implied to practise any patented invention without a valid licence. The BP Group shall not be responsible for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use of the material, from any failure to adhere to recommendations, or from any hazards inherent in the nature of the material.

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Sheet No: SUK2218 Date: 20/5/98 Name of Product: Natural Gas

SAFETY DATA SHEET___________________________________________________________________________

Natural Gas


ApplicationRefinery streamFor specific application advice see appropriate Technical Data Sheet or consult your BP representative

Company IdentificationBP Oil UK Ltd, Coryton Refinery, The Manorway, Stanford-le-Hope, Essex SS17 9LL

BP Oil Grangemouth Refinery Ltd, Bo'Ness Road, Grangemouth, Stirlingshire FK3 9XQ

Emergency Telephone NumberCoryton: +44 (0)1375 646000Grangemouth: +44 (0)1324 483422__________________________________________________________________________________

2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSChemical CompositionNatural gas, dried, EINECS No. 270-085-9, CAS No. 68410-63-9__________________________________________________________________________________

3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONExtremely flammable.Explosive air/vapour mixtures may form at ambient temperature.This material contains hydrogen sulphide (H2S), an extremely toxic and highly flammable gas.

May have a narcotic effect if high concentrations of vapour are inhaled.__________________________________________________________________________________

4. FIRST-AID MEASURESEyesNot hazardous under normal conditions of use. Obtain medical advice if any pain or redness develops or persists.

InhalationIf exposure to vapour, mists or fumes causes drowsiness, headache, blurred vision or irritation of the eyes, nose or throat, remove immediately to fresh air. Keep patient warm and at rest. If any symptoms persist obtain medical advice.

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Sheet No: SUK2218 Date: 20/5/98 Name of Product: Natural Gas

Unconscious casualties must be placed in the recovery position. Monitor breathing and pulse rate and if breathing has failed, or is deemed inadequate, respiration must be assisted, preferably by the mouth to mouth method. Administer external cardiac massage if necessary. Seek medical attention immediately.EXPOSURE TO HYDROGEN SULPHIDE:Casualties suffering ill effects as a result of exposure to hydrogen sulphide should be immediately removed to fresh air and medical assistance obtained without delay.

Medical AdviceTreatment should in general be symptomatic and directed to relieving any effects.Inhalation of hydrogen sulphide may cause central respiratory depression leading to coma and death. It is irritant to the respiratory tract causing chemical pneumonitis and pulmonary oedema. The onset of pulmonary oedema may be delayed for 24 to 48 hours. Treat with oxygen and ventilate as appropriate. Administer broncho-dilators if indicated and consider administration of corticosteroids. Keep casualty under surveillance for 48 hours in case pulmonary oedema develops.__________________________________________________________________________________

5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESThese materials are delivered, stored and used at temperatures above their flash point. Avoid all naked flames, sparks, cigarettes, etc.For major fires call the Fire Service. Ensure an escape path is always available from any fire.FIRES IN CONFINED SPACES SHOULD BE DEALT WITH BY TRAINED PERSONNEL WEARING APPROVED BREATHING APPARATUS.If gas has ignited, do not attempt to extinguish but stop gas flow and allow to burn out. Use water spray to cool heat-exposed containers, and to protect surrounding areas and personnel effecting shut-off.

Combustion ProductsSee Stability and Reactivity, Section 10 of this Safety Data Sheet.__________________________________________________________________________________

6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESAs this product has a very low flash point any spillage or leak is a severe fire and/or explosion hazard.Ensure good ventilation.Vapour may collect in any confined space.Wear protective clothing. See Exposure Controls/Personal Protection, section 8, of this Safety Data Sheet.In the event of a leak, contact the appropriate authorities.If a leak has not ignited, stop gas flow, isolate sources of ignition and evacuate personnel.In confined or poorly ventilated spaces the use of self-contained breathing apparatus may be necessary. See Exposure Controls/ Personal Protection, Section 8 of this Safety Data Sheet.Evacuate all non essential personnel from the immediate area.Explosive air/vapour mixtures can occur, particularly in unventilated or confined spaces._________________________________________________________________________________

7. HANDLING AND STORAGEStorage ConditionsStore and use only in equipment/containers designed for use with this product.Do not enter storage tanks. If entry to tanks is necessary, contact the supplier.Confined spaces contaminated with hydrogen sulphide must always be considered as constituting potentially life threatening environments. Entry into such spaces must never be undertaken except under extreme emergency when no alternative is possible and then only by trained operators wearing air-supplied breathing apparatus of an approved type and following procedures strictly in accordance with the Statutory Regulations governing such entry. Please see the comments in Section 8 (Exposure Controls/Personal Protection) of this data sheet.It is advisable that all who are engaged in operations in which contact with hydrogen sulphide may be reasonably

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Sheet No: SUK2218 Date: 20/5/98 Name of Product: Natural Gas

anticipated, should be trained in the techniques of emergency resuscitation and in the care of an unconscious patient.

Handling PrecautionsEnsure good ventilation.

Fire PreventionEnsure equipment is electrically bonded and earthed to prevent static accumulation.Explosive air/vapour mixtures may form at ambient temperature.__________________________________________________________________________________

8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONExposure LimitsThere is no appropriate occupational exposure limit for this material.Comply with current local occupational exposure limit. Where not established, the following limits are recommended.Methane / EthaneUK publication EH40 (Occupational Exposure Standard):Simple asphyxiant.

Hydrogen SulphideUK publication EH40 (Occupational Exposure Limits):

Occupational Exposure Standard: Long-term exposure limit (8hr TWA) 10 ppm, 14 mg/m3

Short-term exposure limit (15 min) 15ppm, 21 mg/m3

Respiratory ProtectionRespiratory protection is unnecessary, provided the concentration of vapour, mists or fumes is adequately controlled.If operations are such that the excessive generation of vapour, mist or fume may be anticipated, to which operators may unavoidably be exposed, then suitable approved respiratory equipment should be worn. Note: Approved air-supplied breathing apparatus must be worn where there may be potential for inhalation of hydrogen sulphide gas __________________________________________________________________________________


Typical Values

Grades:Natural Gas

Test Method Units

Physical state gasColour colourlessOdour odourless -> pungentBoiling point/range °C -161.5Vapour density rel. to air ASTM


Flash point °C -187.8Explosion limits % 15/5.3Solubility in water g/l Slight

10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYStable at ambient temperatures.

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Sheet No: SUK2218 Date: 20/5/98 Name of Product: Natural Gas

Hazardous polymerisation reactions will not occur.

Conditions to AvoidSources of ignition

Materials to AvoidAvoid contact with strong oxidizing agents.Avoid halogens

Hazardous Decomposition ProductsIncomplete combustion will generate hazardous gases, including carbon monoxide.__________________________________________________________________________________

11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEyesUnlikely to cause more than transient stinging or redness if accidental eye contact occurs.

SkinUnlikely to cause harm to the skin on accidental contact.

InhalationMay have a narcotic effect if high concentrations of vapour are inhaled.High vapour concentrations may produce symptoms of oxygen deficiency which, coupled with central nervous system depression, may lead to rapid loss of consciousness.__________________________________________________________________________________

12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONMobilityThe product is volatile/gaseous and will partition to the air phase.

Persistence and degradabilityUnlikely to cause long term adverse effects in the environment.__________________________________________________________________________________

13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSNote flash point if disposal by incineration is considered. __________________________________________________________________________________

14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONADR/RID: Natural Gas, Compressed, Class 2, Item 1°F Hazard Identification No 23UN: Natural Gas, Compressed, Flammable gas, Class 2.1. UN No. 1971.IATA/ICAO: Natural gas,compressed, Flammable gas, Class 2.1.IMO: Natural gas, compressed, Flammable gas, lighter than air. Class 2.1, Stowage category E.EMERGENCY ACTION CODE: Flammable gas, 2SE__________________________________________________________________________________


EU Category of DangerExtremely flammable

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Sheet No: SUK2218 Date: 20/5/98 Name of Product: Natural Gas

EU LabellingSymbol: FlameIndication of danger: EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE

Risk ( R ) Phrases:R12 Extremely flammable

Safety ( S ) Phrases:S3/9 Keep in a cool, well ventilated place.S16 Keep away from sources of ignition - No smokingS33 Take precautionary measures against static dischargesS36/37/39 Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves and eye/face protection.

The label must carry the following additional information: "EC Label", Substance name, EINECS No. Natural gas, dried, EINECS No. 270-085-9, CAS No. 68410-63-9__________________________________________________________________________________

16. OTHER INFORMATIONCompiled by:Product Stewardship GroupBP Oil Technology CentreChertsey RoadSunbury-on-ThamesMiddlesex, TW16 7LN

This data sheet and the health, safety and environmental information it contains is considered to be accurate as of the date specified below. We have reviewed any information contained herein which we received from sources outside the BP Group of Companies. However, no warranty or representation, express or implied is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the data and information contained in this data sheet.

Health and safety precautions and environmental advice noted in this data sheet may not be accurate for all individuals and/or situations. It is the user's obligation to evaluate and use this product safely and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. No statement made in this data sheet shall be construed as a permission, recommendation or authorization given or implied to practise any patented invention without a valid licence. The BP Group shall not be responsible for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use of the material, from any failure to adhere to recommendations, or from any hazards inherent in the nature of the material.

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Sheet No: SUK2217 Date: 19/5/98 Name of Product: Petroleum Gas

SAFETY DATA SHEET___________________________________________________________________________

Petroleum GasCommon refinery name: LPG


Identification of substance/preparationPetroleum Gas

ApplicationRefinery streamFor specific application advice see appropriate Technical Data Sheet or consult your BP representative

Company IdentificationBP Oil UK Ltd, Coryton Refinery, The Manorway, Stanford-le-Hope, Essex SS17 9LL

BP Oil Grangemouth Refinery Ltd, Bo'Ness Road, Grangemouth, Stirlingshire FK3 9XQ

Emergency Telephone NumberCoryton: +44 (0)1375 646000Grangemouth: +44 (0)1324 483422__________________________________________________________________________________


Chemical CompositionPetroleum gas. A small quantity (typically up to 50 ppm) of ethyl mercaptan (stenching agent) is commonly added to assist in leak detection. Contains >0.1% 1,3-butadieneComplex hydrocarbon substance, one of the following:Gases (petroleum), C3-4. EINECS No: 268-629-5, CAS No: 68131-75-9Alkanes, C4-5, EINECS No: 270-654-1, CAS No: 68475-60-5Hydrocarbons, C3-4. EINECS No: 270-681-9, CAS No: 68476-40-4Hydrocarbons, C4-5. EINECS No: 270-682-4, CAS No: 68476-42-6Petroleum gases, liquefied, sweetened, EINECS No. 270-705-8, CAS No. 68476-86-8

Common refinery names: Butane, Butane drag streams, propane, pentane__________________________________________________________________________________


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Sheet No: SUK2217 Date: 19/5/98 Name of Product: Petroleum Gas

Extremely flammable.Carcinogenic, category 2 ; contains 1,3 butadiene at > 0.1%.Explosive air/vapour mixtures may form at ambient temperature.Abuse involving wilful inhalation of very high concentrations of vapour, even for short periods, can produce unconsciousness or might prove fatal.__________________________________________________________________________________


EyesWash eye thoroughly with copious quantities of water. Obtain IMMEDIATE medical attention.

SkinIf cold burns are present drench with water and obtain immediate medical advice.Keep contaminated clothes away from ignition sources.

InhalationIf exposure to vapour, mists or fumes causes drowsiness, headache, blurred vision or irritation of the eyes, nose or throat, remove immediately to fresh air. Keep patient warm and at rest. If any symptoms persist obtain medical advice.Unconscious casualties must be placed in the recovery position. Monitor breathing and pulse rate and if breathing has failed, or is deemed inadequate, respiration must be assisted, preferably by the mouth to mouth method. Administer external cardiac massage if necessary. Seek medical attention immediately.

Medical AdviceTreatment should in general be symptomatic and directed to relieving any effects.__________________________________________________________________________________


These materials are delivered, stored and used at temperatures above their flash point. Avoid all naked flames, sparks, cigarettes, etc.IN CASE OF FIRE, IMMEDIATELY ALERT THE FIRE BRIGADE.Ensure an escape path is always available from any fire.FIRES IN CONFINED SPACES SHOULD BE DEALT WITH BY TRAINED PERSONNEL WEARING APPROVED BREATHING APPARATUS.If gas has ignited, do not attempt to extinguish but stop gas flow and allow to burn out. Use water spray to cool heat-exposed containers, and to protect surrounding areas and personnel effecting shut-off.Every precaution must be taken to keep containers cool to avoid the possibility of a boiling liquid expanding vapour explosion (BLEVE).Pressurised containers are liable to explode violently when subjected to high temperatures.

Combustion ProductsSee Stability and Reactivity, Section 10 of this Safety Data Sheet.__________________________________________________________________________________


As this product has a very low flash point any spillage or leak is a severe fire and/or explosion hazard.If a leak has not ignited, stop gas flow, isolate sources of ignition and evacuate personnel.Ensure good ventilation.

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Sheet No: SUK2217 Date: 19/5/98 Name of Product: Petroleum Gas

Liquid leaks generate large volumes of flammable vapour, heavier than air, which may travel to remote sources of ignition (eg. along drainage systems).Where appropriate, use water spray to disperse the gas or vapour and to protect personnel attempting to stop leakage.Vapour may collect in any confined space.If spillage has occurred in a confined space, ensure adequate ventilation and check that a safe, breathable atmosphere is present before entry.Do not enter a vapour cloud except for rescue; self-contained breathing apparatus must be worn.Wear protective clothing. See Exposure Controls/Personal Protection, section 8, of this Safety Data Sheet.In the event of a leak, contact the appropriate authorities.Small quantities of spilled liquid may be allowed to evaporate. Vapour should be dispersed by effective ventilation.__________________________________________________________________________________


Storage ConditionsStore and use only in equipment/containers designed for use with this product.Store and dispense only in well ventilated areas away from heat and sources of ignition.Do not enter storage tanks. If entry to tanks is necessary, contact the supplier.Containers must be properly labelled.Do not remove warning labels from containers.

Handling PrecautionsEnsure good ventilation.Avoid inhalation of vapour.Avoid contact with liquid and cold storage containers.When handling cylinders wear protective footwear and suitable gloves.Avoid contact with the eyes.Whilst using do not eat, drink or smoke.

Fire PreventionEnsure equipment is electrically bonded and earthed to prevent static accumulation.Explosive air/vapour mixtures may form at ambient temperature.Note: Product spilt on clothing may give rise to delayed evaporation and subsequent fire hazard.__________________________________________________________________________________


Exposure LimitsComply with current local occupational exposure limit. Where not established, the following limits are recommended.Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)UK publication EH40 (Occupational Exposure Limits):

Occupational Exposure Standard: Long-term exposure limit (8hr TWA) 1000ppm, 1750 mg/m3

Short-term exposure limit (15 min) 1250ppm, 2180 mg/m3

PropaneUK publication EH40 (Occupational Exposure Limits):Simple asphyxiant.

ButaneUK publication EH40 (Occupational Exposure Limits):

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Sheet No: SUK2217 Date: 19/5/98 Name of Product: Petroleum Gas

Occupational Exposure Standard: Long-term exposure limit (8hr TWA) 600ppm, 1450 mg/m3

Short-term exposure limit (15 min) 750ppm, 1810mg/m3

Protective ClothingWear suitable gloves and overalls to prevent cold burns and frostbite.In filling operations wear protective clothing including impervious gloves, safety goggles or face shield.When handling cylinders wear protective footwear.

Respiratory ProtectionIf operations are such that significant exposure to vapour, mist or fume may be anticipated, then suitable approved respiratory equipment should be worn.The use of respiratory equipment must be strictly in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions and any statutory requirements governing its selection and use.__________________________________________________________________________________


Typical Values

Grades:Petroleum Gas

Test Method Units

Physical state gasColour colourlessOdour Distinctive when stenchedDensity @ 15°C ASTM D 1657 kg/m3 500 - 580

Gauge vapour pressure 40°C BS3324 kPa 300 - 1550

Vapour density rel. to air ASTM D2463/D2421

1.5 - 2.1

Flammability Limits % 1.9 - 11.1

Flash point (PMC) ASTM D 93 °C <-50

Boiling point/range °C <-2

10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYStable at ambient temperatures.Hazardous polymerisation reactions will not occur.

Materials to AvoidAvoid contact with strong oxidizing agents.

Hazardous Decomposition ProductsIncomplete combustion will generate hazardous gases, including carbon monoxide.__________________________________________________________________________________


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Sheet No: SUK2217 Date: 19/5/98 Name of Product: Petroleum Gas

EyesWill present a risk of serious damage to the eyes if contact with liquid occurs.

SkinWill cause cold burns and frostbite if skin contact with liquid occurs.

InhalationLow vapour concentrations may cause nausea, dizziness, headaches and drowsiness.May have a narcotic effect if high concentrations of vapour are inhaled.High vapour concentrations may produce symptoms of oxygen deficiency which, coupled with central nervous system depression, may lead to rapid loss of consciousness.Contains > 0.1% 1,3-butadiene; animal studies have shown that 1,3 butadiene has a potential to cause cancer.ABUSE:Under normal conditions of use the product is not hazardous; however, abuse involving deliberate inhalation of very high concentrations of vapour, even for short periods, can produce unconsciousness and/or result in a sudden fatality.__________________________________________________________________________________


MobilitySpillages are unlikely to penetrate the soil.

Persistence and degradabilityUnlikely to cause long term adverse effects in the environment.

Bioaccumulative potentialThis material is not expected to bioaccumulate.

Aquatic toxicityUnlikely to cause long term effects in the aquatic environment.__________________________________________________________________________________


Do not dispose of any LPG container. Return all cylinders/vessels to your supplier.Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Hazard warning labels are a guide to the safe handling of empty packaging and should not be removed.Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain flammable product residues and vapour. Never weld, solder or braze empty containers.__________________________________________________________________________________


ADR/RID: Hydrocarbon gas mixture, liquefied, N.O.S. (technical name). Flammable gases, Class 2, Item 2°F,Hazard Identification Number 23.UN: Hydrocarbon gas mixture, liquefied, N.O.S. (technical name). Flammable Gases, Class 2.1, UN Number 1965.IATA/ICAO: Hydrocarbon gas mixtures liquefied N.O.S. (technical name). Flammable gas, Class 2.1. Forbidden for transport on passenger aircraft.IMO: Hydrocarbon gas mixture, liquefied, N.O.S (technical name). Flammable gas, Class 2.1.Emergency Action Code: Flammable gas, 2WE

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Sheet No: SUK2217 Date: 19/5/98 Name of Product: Petroleum Gas

NOTE: More specific technical name required in brackets e.g. (butane, propane)



EU Category of DangerExtremely flammableCarcinogenic category 2

EU LabellingSymbol: Flame, Skull and crossbonesIndication of danger: EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE

Risk ( R ) Phrases:R12 Extremely flammableR45 May cause cancer

Safety ( S ) Phrases:S53 Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use.S3/9 Keep in a cool, well ventilated place.S16 Keep away from sources of ignition - No smokingS36/37/39 Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves and eye/face protection.S43 In case of fire, use foam/dry powder/CO2. Never use water jets.S45 In case of accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice immediately (show label where possible)

The label must carry the following additional information: "EC Label", Substance name, EINECS No. (as appropriate)For non-fuel use only - "Restricted to professional users. Attention - Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use." must be marked on packaging.


16. OTHER INFORMATIONCompiled by:Product Stewardship GroupBP Oil Technology CentreChertsey RoadSunbury-on-ThamesMiddlesex, TW16 7LN

This data sheet and the health, safety and environmental information it contains is considered to be accurate as of the date specified below. We have reviewed any information contained herein which we received from sources outside the BP Group of Companies. However, no warranty or representation, express or implied is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the data and information contained in this data sheet.

Health and safety precautions and environmental advice noted in this data sheet may not be accurate for all individuals and/or situations. It is the user's obligation to evaluate and use this product safely and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. No statement made in this data sheet shall be construed as a permission, recommendation or authorization given or implied to practise any patented invention without a valid licence. The BP Group shall not be responsible for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use of the material, from any failure to adhere to recommendations, or from any

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Sheet No: SUK2217 Date: 19/5/98 Name of Product: Petroleum Gas

hazards inherent in the nature of the material.

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SAFETY DATA SHEET___________________________________________________________________________

Refinery Fuel Gas


ApplicationRefinery streamFor specific application advice see appropriate Technical Data Sheet or consult your BP representative

Company IdentificationBP Oil UK Ltd, Coryton Refinery, The Manorway, Stanford-le-Hope, Essex SS17 9LL

BP Oil Grangemouth Refinery Ltd, Bo'Ness Road, Grangemouth, Stirlingshire FK3 9XQ

Emergency Telephone NumberCoryton: +44 (0)1375 646000Grangemouth: +44 (0)1324 483422__________________________________________________________________________________

2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSChemical CompositionComplex hydrocarbon substance, one of the following:Petroleum gas. A small quantity (typically up to 50 ppm) of ethyl mercaptan (stenching agent) is commonly added to assist in leak detection. Contains >0.1% 1,3-butadienePetroleum products, refinery gases. EINECS No: 271-750-6, CAS No: 68607-11-4__________________________________________________________________________________

3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONExtremely flammable.Carcinogenic, category 2 ; contains 1,3 butadiene at > 0.1%.Explosive air/vapour mixtures may form at ambient temperature.Abuse involving wilful inhalation of very high concentrations of vapour, even for short periods, can produce unconsciousness or might prove fatal.This material contains hydrogen sulphide (H2S), an extremely toxic and highly flammable gas.

May have a narcotic effect if high concentrations of vapour are inhaled.__________________________________________________________________________________


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EyesNot hazardous under normal conditions of use. Obtain medical advice if any pain or redness develops or persists.

InhalationIf exposure to vapour, mists or fumes causes drowsiness, headache, blurred vision or irritation of the eyes, nose or throat, remove immediately to fresh air. Keep patient warm and at rest. If any symptoms persist obtain medical advice.Unconscious casualties must be placed in the recovery position. Monitor breathing and pulse rate and if breathing has failed, or is deemed inadequate, respiration must be assisted, preferably by the mouth to mouth method. Administer external cardiac massage if necessary. Seek medical attention immediately.EXPOSURE TO HYDROGEN SULPHIDE:Casualties suffering ill effects as a result of exposure to hydrogen sulphide should be immediately removed to fresh air and medical assistance obtained without delay.

Medical AdviceTreatment should in general be symptomatic and directed to relieving any effects.Inhalation of hydrogen sulphide may cause central respiratory depression leading to coma and death. It is irritant to the respiratory tract causing chemical pneumonitis and pulmonary oedema. The onset of pulmonary oedema may be delayed for 24 to 48 hours. Treat with oxygen and ventilate as appropriate. Administer broncho-dilators if indicated and consider administration of corticosteroids. Keep casualty under surveillance for 48 hours in case pulmonary oedema develops.__________________________________________________________________________________

5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESThese materials are delivered, stored and used at temperatures above their flash point. Avoid all naked flames, sparks, cigarettes, etc.For major fires call the Fire Service. Ensure an escape path is always available from any fire.FIRES IN CONFINED SPACES SHOULD BE DEALT WITH BY TRAINED PERSONNEL WEARING APPROVED BREATHING APPARATUS.If gas has ignited, do not attempt to extinguish but stop gas flow and allow to burn out. Use water spray to cool heat-exposed containers, and to protect surrounding areas and personnel effecting shut-off.

Combustion ProductsSee Stability and Reactivity, Section 10 of this Safety Data Sheet.__________________________________________________________________________________

6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESAs this product has a very low flash point any spillage or leak is a severe fire and/or explosion hazard.Ensure good ventilation.Vapour may collect in any confined space.Wear protective clothing. See Exposure Controls/Personal Protection, section 8, of this Safety Data Sheet.In the event of a leak, contact the appropriate authorities.If a leak has not ignited, stop gas flow, isolate sources of ignition and evacuate personnel.In confined or poorly ventilated spaces the use of self-contained breathing apparatus may be necessary. See Exposure Controls/ Personal Protection, Section 8 of this Safety Data Sheet.Evacuate all non essential personnel from the immediate area.Explosive air/vapour mixtures can occur, particularly in unventilated or confined spaces._________________________________________________________________________________

7. HANDLING AND STORAGEStorage ConditionsStore and use only in equipment/containers designed for use with this product.Do not enter storage tanks. If entry to tanks is necessary, contact the supplier.

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Confined spaces contaminated with hydrogen sulphide must always be considered as constituting potentially life threatening environments. Entry into such spaces must never be undertaken except under extreme emergency when no alternative is possible and then only by trained operators wearing air-supplied breathing apparatus of an approved type and following procedures strictly in accordance with the Statutory Regulations governing such entry. Please see the comments in Section 8 (Exposure Controls/Personal Protection) of this data sheet.It is advisable that all who are engaged in operations in which contact with hydrogen sulphide may be reasonably anticipated, should be trained in the techniques of emergency resuscitation and in the care of an unconscious patient.

Handling PrecautionsEnsure good ventilation.

Fire PreventionEnsure equipment is electrically bonded and earthed to prevent static accumulation.Explosive air/vapour mixtures may form at ambient temperature.__________________________________________________________________________________

8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONExposure LimitsThere is no appropriate occupational exposure limit for this material.Comply with current local occupational exposure limit. Where not established, the following limits are recommended.Hydrogen / Methane / Ethane / Ethylene / PropyleneUK publication EH40 (Occupational Exposure Limits):Simple asphyxiant.

PropaneUK publication EH40 (Occupational Exposure Limits):Simple asphyxiant.

Hydrogen SulphideUK publication EH40 (Occupational Exposure Limits):

Occupational Exposure Standard: Long-term exposure limit (8hr TWA) 10 ppm, 14 mg/m3

Short-term exposure limit (15 min) 15ppm, 21 mg/m3

Respiratory ProtectionRespiratory protection is unnecessary, provided the concentration of vapour, mists or fumes is adequately controlled.If operations are such that the excessive generation of vapour, mist or fume may be anticipated, to which operators may unavoidably be exposed, then suitable approved respiratory equipment should be worn. Note: Approved air-supplied breathing apparatus must be worn where there may be potential for inhalation of hydrogen sulphide gas __________________________________________________________________________________


Typical Values

Grades:Refinery Fuel Gas

Test Method Units

Physical state gas

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Colour colourlessOdour pungentBoiling point/range ASTM D 86 °C < -73

Vapour density rel. to air ASTM D2463/D2421

< 1

Flash point (COC) ASTM D 92 °C < -73

Explosion limits % 75.0/4.0

Solubility in water g/l Slight

10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYStable at ambient temperatures.Hazardous polymerisation reactions will not occur.

Conditions to AvoidSources of ignition

Materials to AvoidAvoid contact with strong oxidizing agents.Avoid halogens

Hazardous Decomposition ProductsIncomplete combustion will generate hazardous gases, including carbon monoxide.__________________________________________________________________________________

11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEyesUnlikely to cause more than transient stinging or redness if accidental eye contact occurs.

SkinUnlikely to cause harm to the skin on accidental contact.

InhalationLow vapour concentrations may cause nausea, dizziness, headaches and drowsiness.May have a narcotic effect if high concentrations of vapour are inhaled.High vapour concentrations may produce symptoms of oxygen deficiency which, coupled with central nervous system depression, may lead to rapid loss of consciousness.Contains > 0.1% 1,3-butadiene; animal studies have shown that 1,3 butadiene has a potential to cause cancer.ABUSE:Under normal conditions of use the product is not hazardous; however, abuse involving deliberate inhalation of very high concentrations of vapour, even for short periods, can produce unconsciousness and/or result in a sudden fatality.__________________________________________________________________________________

12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONMobilityThe product is volatile/gaseous and will partition to the air phase.

Persistence and degradabilityUnlikely to cause long term adverse effects in the environment.__________________________________________________________________________________

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13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSNote flash point if disposal by incineration is considered. __________________________________________________________________________________

14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONADR/RID: Compressed gases, Flammable n.o.s. (Hydrogen, Methane, Ethane), Class 2, Item 1°F Hazard Identification No 23UN: Compressed gases, Flammable n.o.s.(Hydrogen, Methane, Ethane), Class 2.1. UN No. 1954.IATA/ICAO: Compressed gases, Flammable n.o.s.(Hydrogen, Methane, Ethane), Flammable gas, Class 2.1.IMO: Compressed gases, Flammable n.o.s.(Hydrogen, Methane, Ethane), Flammable gas, lighter than air. Class 2.1, EMERGENCY ACTION CODE: Flammable gas, 2SE__________________________________________________________________________________


EU Category of DangerExtremely flammableCarcinogenic category 2

EU LabellingSymbol: Flame, Skull and crossbonesIndication of danger: EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE

Risk ( R ) Phrases:R12 Extremely flammableR45 May cause cancer

Safety ( S ) Phrases:S53 Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use.S3/9 Keep in a cool, well ventilated place.S16 Keep away from sources of ignition - No smokingS36/37/39 Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves and eye/face protection.S43 In case of fire, use foam/dry powder/CO2. Never use water jets.S45 In case of accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice immediately (show label where possible)

The label must carry the following additional information: "EC Label", Substance name, EINECS No. (271-750-6)For non-fuel use only - "Restricted to professional users. Attention - Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use." must be marked on packaging.


16. OTHER INFORMATIONCompiled by:Product Stewardship GroupBP Oil Technology CentreChertsey RoadSunbury-on-ThamesMiddlesex, TW16 7LN

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This data sheet and the health, safety and environmental information it contains is considered to be accurate as of the date specified below. We have reviewed any information contained herein which we received from sources outside the BP Group of Companies. However, no warranty or representation, express or implied is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the data and information contained in this data sheet.

Health and safety precautions and environmental advice noted in this data sheet may not be accurate for all individuals and/or situations. It is the user's obligation to evaluate and use this product safely and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. No statement made in this data sheet shall be construed as a permission, recommendation or authorization given or implied to practise any patented invention without a valid licence. The BP Group shall not be responsible for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use of the material, from any failure to adhere to recommendations, or from any hazards inherent in the nature of the material.

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Sheet No: STI2116 Material Name: Refinery Grade Propylene Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:06/01/99 Page:

ALIGN BP SDS FinalsSafety Data Sheet - SDS

GLIS Sheet No:STI2116 SDS Reference: Paper Type: BP Helios Status: Active

Material Name: Refinery Grade PropyleneLanguage:English Country:OTI

Revision of Sheet Dated:06/01/99 Major Change: Hazard?:YesHazardous Components: Physical Characteristics: LPG Tox File: 279.38 Product Group:

Date of Issue: 17/07/2000 ________________________________________________________________________________


Refinery Grade Propylene1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Identification of substance/preparation Refinery Grade Propylene

Application Chemical FeedstockFor specific application advice see appropriate Technical Data Sheet or consult your BP representative

Company Identification BP Oil International LimitedBritannic House1 Finsbury CircusLondon, EC2M 7BA

Emergency Telephone Number +44 (0) 20 7496 4411 _________________________________________________________________________________2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSChemical Composition Petroleum gas. Contains <0.1% 1,3-butadiene

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Sheet No: STI2116 Material Name: Refinery Grade Propylene Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:06/01/99 Page:

A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the distillation of products from the gas and gasoline fractions of a catalytic cracking process. It consists predominantly of propylene with some ethane and propane.EINECS No: 270-772-3, CAS No: 68477-90-7

3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONExtremely flammable. Explosive air/vapour mixtures may form at ambient temperature. Abuse involving wilful inhalation of very high concentrations of vapour, even for short periods, can produce unconsciousness or might prove fatal. _________________________________________________________________________________

4. FIRST-AID MEASURESEyes Wash eye thoroughly with copious quantities of water. Obtain IMMEDIATE medical attention.

Skin If cold burns are present drench with water and obtain immediate medical advice. Keep contaminated clothes away from ignition sources.

Inhalation If exposure to vapour, mists or fumes causes drowsiness, headache, blurred vision or irritation of the eyes, nose or throat, remove immediately to fresh air. Keep patient warm and at rest. If any symptoms persist obtain medical advice. Unconscious casualties must be placed in the recovery position. Monitor breathing and pulse rate and if breathing has failed, or is deemed inadequate, respiration must be assisted, preferably by the mouth to mouth method. Administer external cardiac massage if necessary. Seek medical attention immediately.

Medical Advice Treatment should in general be symptomatic and directed to relieving any effects. _________________________________________________________________________________5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESThese materials are delivered, stored and used at temperatures above their flash point. Avoid all naked flames, sparks, cigarettes, etc. IN CASE OF FIRE, IMMEDIATELY ALERT THE FIRE BRIGADE.Ensure an escape path is always available from any fire. Fires in confined spaces should be dealt with by trained personnel wearing approved breathing apparatus. If gas has ignited, do not attempt to extinguish but stop gas flow and allow to burn out. Use water spray to cool heat-exposed containers, and to protect surrounding areas and personnel effecting shut-off. Every precaution must be taken to keep containers cool to avoid the possibility of a boiling liquid expanding vapour explosion (BLEVE). Pressurised containers are liable to explode violently when subjected to high temperatures.

Combustion Products See Stability and Reactivity, Section 10 of this Safety Data Sheet. _________________________________________________________________________________6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESAs this product has a very low flash point any spillage or leak is a severe fire and/or explosion hazard. If a leak has not ignited, stop gas flow, isolate sources of ignition and evacuate personnel. Ensure good ventilation. Liquid leaks generate large volumes of flammable vapour, heavier than air, which may travel to remote sources of

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Sheet No: STI2116 Material Name: Refinery Grade Propylene Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:06/01/99 Page:

ignition (eg. along drainage systems). Where appropriate, use water spray to disperse the gas or vapour and to protect personnel attempting to stop leakage. Vapour may collect in any confined space. If spillage has occurred in a confined space, ensure adequate ventilation and check that a safe, breathable atmosphere is present before entry. Do not enter a vapour cloud except for rescue; self-contained breathing apparatus must be worn. Wear protective clothing. See Exposure Controls/Personal Protection, section 8, of this Safety Data Sheet. In the event of a leak, contact the appropriate authorities. Small quantities of spilled liquid may be allowed to evaporate. Vapour should be dispersed by effective ventilation. _________________________________________________________________________________

7. HANDLING AND STORAGEStorage Conditions Store and use only in equipment/containers designed for use with this product. Store and dispense only in well ventilated areas away from heat and sources of ignition. Do not enter storage tanks. If entry to tanks is necessary, contact the supplier. Containers must be properly labelled. Do not remove warning labels from containers.

Handling Precautions Ensure good ventilation. Avoid inhalation of vapour. Avoid contact with liquid and cold storage containers. When handling cylinders wear protective footwear and suitable gloves. Avoid contact with the eyes.

Fire Prevention Ensure equipment is electrically bonded and earthed to prevent static accumulation. Explosive air/vapour mixtures may form at ambient temperature. Note: Product spilt on clothing may give rise to delayed evaporation and subsequent fire hazard. _________________________________________________________________________________

8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONExposure Limits Comply with current local occupational exposure limit. Where not established, the following limits are recommended. Liquefied Petroleum Gas ACGIH (USA): TLV 1000ppm (8 hr TWA)

PropyleneACGIH (USA):Simple asphyxiant.

PropaneACGIH (USA): TLV 2500ppm (8 hr TWA)

Protective Clothing Wear suitable gloves and overalls to prevent cold burns and frostbite. In filling operations wear protective clothing including impervious gloves, safety goggles or face shield. When handling cylinders wear protective footwear.

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Sheet No: STI2116 Material Name: Refinery Grade Propylene Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:06/01/99 Page:

Respiratory Protection If operations are such that exposure to vapour, mist or fume may be anticipated, then suitable approved respiratory equipment should be worn. The use of respiratory equipment must be strictly in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions and any statutory requirements governing its selection and use. _________________________________________________________________________________


Typical ValuesGrades: Refinery

Grade Propylene

Test Method UnitsPhysical state liquid (gas at

ambient pressure)

Colour colourlessOdour odourlessDensity @ 15°C ASTM D 1298 kg/m³ 520Vapour density rel. to air

ASTM D2463/D2421


Boiling point/range ASTM D 86 °C -48.6Solubility in water g/l low solubility_________________________________________________________________________________

10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYStable at ambient temperatures. Hazardous polymerisation reactions will not occur.

Materials to Avoid Avoid contact with strong oxidizing agents.

Hazardous Decomposition Products Incomplete combustion will generate hazardous gases, including carbon monoxide. _________________________________________________________________________________11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEyes Will present a risk of serious damage to the eyes if contact with liquid occurs.

Skin Will cause cold burns and frostbite if skin contact with liquid occurs.

Inhalation Low vapour concentrations may cause nausea, dizziness, headaches and drowsiness. May have a narcotic effect if high concentrations of vapour are inhaled. High vapour concentrations may produce symptoms of oxygen deficiency which, coupled with central nervous system depression, may lead to rapid loss of consciousness.

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Sheet No: STI2116 Material Name: Refinery Grade Propylene Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:06/01/99 Page:

ABUSE:Under normal conditions of use the product is not hazardous; however, abuse involving deliberate inhalation of very high concentrations of vapour, even for short periods, can produce unconsciousness and/or result in a sudden fatality._________________________________________________________________________________12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONMobility Spillages are unlikely to penetrate the soil. The product is volatile/gaseous and will partition to the air phase.

Persistence and degradability Unlikely to cause long term adverse effects in the environment.

Bioaccumulative potential This material is not expected to bioaccumulate.

Aquatic toxicity Unlikely to cause long term effects in the aquatic environment. _________________________________________________________________________________13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSDo not dispose of any LPG container. Return all cylinders/vessels to your supplier. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Hazard warning labels are a guide to the safe handling of empty packaging and should not be removed. Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain flammable product residues and vapour. Never weld, solder or braze empty containers. _________________________________________________________________________________14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONADR/RID: Propylene. Flammable gases, Class 2, Item 2°F, Hazard Identification Number 23.UN: Propylene. Flammable Gases, Class 2.1, UN Number 1077IATA/ICAO: Propylene. Flammable gas, Class 2.1. Forbidden for transport on passenger aircraft.IMO: Propylene. Flammable gas, Class 2.1.Emergency Action Code: Flammable gas, 2WE _________________________________________________________________________________15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONEU Category of Danger Extremely flammable

EU Labelling Symbol: Flame

Indication of danger: EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE

Risk ( R ) Phrases: R12 Extremely flammable

Safety ( S ) Phrases: S3/9 Keep in a cool, well ventilated place.

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Sheet No: STI2116 Material Name: Refinery Grade Propylene Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:06/01/99 Page:

S16 Keep away from sources of ignition - No smoking S36/37/39 Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves and eye/face protection.

The label must carry the following additional information: "EC Label", Substance name, EINECS No. Substance name: Gases (petroleum), depropanizer dry, propene-rich, EINECS No: 270-772-3

_________________________________________________________________________________16. OTHER INFORMATIONCompiled by: Product Stewardship GroupBP Oil Technology CentreChertsey RoadSunbury-on-ThamesMiddlesex, TW16 7LN

This data sheet and the health, safety and environmental information it contains is considered to be accurate as of the date specified below. We have reviewed any information contained herein which we received from sources outside the BP Amoco Group of Companies. However, no warranty or representation, express or implied is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the data and information contained in this data sheet.

Health and safety precautions and environmental advice noted in this data sheet may not be accurate for all individuals and/or situations. It is the user's obligation to evaluate and use this product safely and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. No statement made in this data sheet shall be construed as a permission, recommendation or authorization given or implied to practise any patented invention without a valid licence. The BP Amoco Group shall not be responsible for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use of the material, from any failure to adhere to recommendations, or from any hazards inherent in the nature of the material.

Sheet Revisions Date: Sections revised: 06/01/99 2, 1517/07/2000 8, 9

SHEET NO: STI 2116ISSUE DATE: 17/07/2000REVISION OF SHEET DATED: 06/01/99 ______________________________________________________________________________

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Sheet No: STI2216 Material Name: Alkylate Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:14/09/98 Page:

ALIGN BP SDS FinalsSafety Data Sheet - SDS

GLIS Sheet No:STI2216 SDS Reference: Paper Type: BP Helios Status: Active

Material Name: AlkylateLanguage:English Country:OTI

Revision of Sheet Dated:14/09/98 Major Change: Hazard?:YesHazardous Components: Physical Characteristics: Gasoline Tox File: 15.7 Product Group:

Date of Issue: 17/07/2000 ________________________________________________________________________________


Alkylate1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Identification of substance/preparation Alkylate Alternative Names: Low boiling point modified naphtha

Application Refinery feedstockFor specific application advice see appropriate Technical Data Sheet or consult your BP representative

Company Identification BP Oil International LimitedBritannic House1 Finsbury CircusLondon, EC2M 7BA

Emergency Telephone Number +44 (0) 20 7496 4411 _________________________________________________________________________________2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSChemical Composition Naphtha (petroleum), full-range alkylate. EINECS No: 265-066-7, CAS No: 64741-64-6

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Sheet No: STI2216 Material Name: Alkylate Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:14/09/98 Page:

3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONExtremely flammable. Explosive air/vapour mixtures may form at ambient temperature. Likely to cause skin irritation. May cause cancer, classified as a category 2 carcinogen. Contains Benzene. Prolonged or repeated exposure to benzene can cause anaemia and other blood diseases, including leukaemia. Harmful if swallowed - aspiration hazard. Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness. Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment._________________________________________________________________________________

4. FIRST-AID MEASURESEyes Wash eye thoroughly with copious quantities of water, ensuring eyelids are held open. Obtain medical advice if any pain or redness develops or persists.

Skin Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water as soon as reasonably practicable. Remove heavily contaminated clothing and wash underlying skin. In extreme situations of saturation with this product, drench with water, remove clothing as soon as possible and wash skin with soap and water. Seek medical advice if skin becomes red, swollen or painful.

Ingestion If contamination of the mouth occurs, wash out thoroughly with water. Except as a deliberate act, the ingestion of large amounts of product is unlikely. If it should occur, do not induce vomiting; obtain medical advice.

Inhalation If exposure to vapour, mists or fumes causes drowsiness, headache, blurred vision or irritation of the eyes, nose or throat, remove immediately to fresh air. Keep patient warm and at rest. If any symptoms persist obtain medical advice. Unconscious casualties must be placed in the recovery position. Monitor breathing and pulse rate and if breathing has failed, or is deemed inadequate, respiration must be assisted, preferably by the mouth to mouth method. Administer external cardiac massage if necessary. Seek medical attention immediately.

Medical Advice Treatment should in general be symptomatic and directed to relieving any effects.Product can be aspirated on swallowing or following regurgitation of stomach contents, and can cause severe and potentially fatal chemical pneumonitis, which will require urgent treatment. Because of the risk of aspiration, induction of vomiting and gastric lavage should be avoided. Gastric lavage should be undertaken only after endotracheal intubation. Monitor for cardiac dysrhythmias. _________________________________________________________________________________5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESFor major fires call the Fire Service. Ensure an escape path is always available from any fire. There is a danger of flashback if sparks or hot surfaces ignite vapour. Use foam, dry powder or water fog. DO NOT USE water jets. Fires in confined spaces should be dealt with by trained personnel wearing approved breathing apparatus. Any spillage should be regarded as a potential fire risk.

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Sheet No: STI2216 Material Name: Alkylate Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:14/09/98 Page:

Combustion Products Toxic fumes may be evolved on burning or exposure to heat. See Stability and Reactivity, Section 10 of this Safety Data Sheet. _________________________________________________________________________________6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESAs this product has a very low flash point any spillage or leak is a severe fire and/or explosion hazard. Spilled material may make surfaces slippery. It is advised that stocks of suitable absorbent material should be held in quantities sufficient to deal with any spillage which may be reasonably anticipated. Vapour is heavier than air and may travel to remote sources of ignition (eg. along drainage systems, in basements etc.).

Isolate spillage from all ignition sources including road traffic. Evacuate all non essential personnel from the immediate area. If spillage has occurred in a confined space, ensure adequate ventilation and check that a safe, breathable atmosphere is present before entry. Ensure good ventilation. Wear protective clothing. See Exposure Controls/Personal Protection, section 8, of this Safety Data Sheet. Large and uncontained spillages should be smothered with foam to reduce the risk of ignition. The foam blanket should be maintained until the area is declared safe. Recovery of large spillages should be effected by specialist personnel.

Protect drains from potential spills to minimise contamination. Do not wash product into drainage system. In the case of spillage on water, prevent the spread of product by the use of suitable barrier equipment. Recover product from the surface. Protect environmentally sensitive areas and water supplies.Regular surveillance on the location of the spillage should be maintained.In the event of spillages contact the appropriate authorities._________________________________________________________________________________

7. HANDLING AND STORAGEStorage Conditions Store and dispense only in well ventilated areas away from heat and sources of ignition. Store and use only in equipment/containers designed for use with this product. Containers must be properly labelled and kept closed when not in use. Do not remove warning labels from containers. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Retain hazard warning labels on empty packages as a guide to the safe handling, storage and disposal of empty packaging. Do not enter storage tanks without breathing apparatus unless the tank has been well ventilated and the tank atmosphere has been shown to contain hydrocarbon vapour concentrations of less than 1% of the lower flammability limit and an oxygen concentration of at least 20% volume. Always have sufficient people standing by outside the tank with appropriate breathing apparatus and equipment to effect a quick rescue.

Handling Precautions Ensure good ventilation and avoid as far as reasonably practicable the inhalation and contact with vapours, mists or fumes which may be generated during use. If such vapour, mists or fumes are generated, their concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level. Avoid contact with skin and observe good personal hygiene. Avoid contact with eyes. If splashing is likely to occur wear a full face visor or chemical goggles as appropriate. Do not siphon product by mouth. Whilst using do not eat, drink or smoke.

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Sheet No: STI2216 Material Name: Alkylate Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:14/09/98 Page:

Take all necessary precautions against accidental spillage into soil or water.

Fire Prevention Light hydrocarbon vapours can build up in the headspace of tanks. Tank headspaces should always be regarded as potentially flammable and care should be taken to avoid static electrical discharge and all ignition sources during filling, ullaging and sampling from storage tanks. When the product is pumped (e.g. during filling, discharge or ullaging) and when sampling, there is a risk of static discharge. Ensure equipment used is properly earthed or bonded to the tank structure. Electrical equipment should not be used unless it is intrinsically safe (i.e. will not produce sparks). Explosive air/vapour mixtures may form at ambient temperature. If product comes into contact with hot surfaces, or leaks occur from pressurised fuel pipes, the vapour or mists generated will create a flammability or explosion hazard. Product contaminated rags, paper or material used to absorb spillages, represent a fire hazard, and should not be allowed to accumulate. Dispose of safely immediately after use.Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain some remaining flammable product and vapour. Never cut, weld, solder or braze empty containers._________________________________________________________________________________

8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONExposure Limits If vapour, mists or fumes are generated, their concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level.Comply with current local occupational exposure limit. Where not established, the following limits are recommended.

Gasoline ACGIH (USA) : TLV 300 ppm (8hr TWA); 500 ppm (15min STEL)A3 - Animal Carcinogen

BenzeneACGIH (USA): TLV 0.5ppm (8hr TWA); 2.5 ppm (15min STEL)A1 - Confirmed human carcinogenSkin Notation - Can be absorbed through skin

Protective Clothing Wear face visor or goggles in circumstances where eye contact can accidentally occur. If skin contact is likely, wear impervious protective clothing and/or gloves. Protective clothing should be regularly inspected and maintained; overalls should be dry-cleaned, laundered and preferably starched after use.

Respiratory Protection If operations are such that exposure to vapour, mist or fume may be anticipated, then suitable approved respiratory equipment should be worn. The use of respiratory equipment must be strictly in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions and any statutory requirements governing its selection and use. _________________________________________________________________________________


Typical Values

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Sheet No: STI2216 Material Name: Alkylate Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:14/09/98 Page:

Grades: AlkylateTest Method Units

Physical state low viscosity liquid

Colour colourless -> amber

Odour gasoline-likeDensity @ 15°C ASTM D 1298 kg/m³ 680 - 740Flash point (PMC) ASTM D 93 °C below -18Boiling point/range °C 25 - 220_________________________________________________________________________________

10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYStable at ambient temperatures. Hazardous polymerisation reactions will not occur.

Conditions to Avoid Sources of ignition Avoid excessive heat.

Materials to Avoid Avoid contact with strong oxidizing agents.

Hazardous Decomposition Products Thermal decomposition products will vary with conditions. Incomplete combustion will generate smoke, carbon dioxide and hazardous gases, including carbon monoxide._________________________________________________________________________________11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEyes Unlikely to cause more than transient stinging or redness if accidental eye contact occurs.

Skin Likely to cause skin irritation. Likely to result in chemical burns following prolonged wetting of the skin. (eg. after a road traffic accident).

Ingestion Unlikely to cause harm if accidentally swallowed in small doses, though larger quantities may cause nausea and diarrhoea. Will injure the lungs if aspiration occurs, eg. during vomiting.

Inhalation Likely to be irritating to the respiratory tract if high concentrations of mists or vapour are inhaled. May cause nausea, dizziness, headaches and drowsiness if high concentrations of vapour are inhaled. ABUSE:Under normal conditions of use the product is not hazardous; however, abuse involving deliberate inhalation of very high concentrations of vapour, even for short periods, can produce unconsciousness and/or result in a sudden fatality.

Carcinogenicity/Chronic Toxicity Exposure to benzene may result in affects to the hematopoietic system causing blood disorders including anaemia and leukaemia.

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Sheet No: STI2216 Material Name: Alkylate Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:14/09/98 Page:

Benzene is classified by EEC as a category 1 carcinogen - substances known to be carcinogenic to man.IARC assessment: benzene - carcinogenic to humans ( Group 1) _________________________________________________________________________________12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONMobility Spillages may penetrate the soil causing ground water contamination.

Persistence and degradability This product is inherently biodegradable.

Bioaccumulative potential There is no evidence to suggest bioaccumulation will occur.

Aquatic toxicity Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment Spills may form a film on water surfaces causing physical damage to organisms. Oxygen transfer could also be impaired.

German WGK Classification: 3 _________________________________________________________________________________13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSDispose of via an authorised person/ licensed waste disposal contractor in accordance with local regulations. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Hazard warning labels are a guide to the safe handling of empty packaging and should not be removed. Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain flammable product residues and vapour. Never weld, solder or braze empty containers. Materials contaminated with product should be treated as highly flammable. Disposal should be in accordance with local regulations. _________________________________________________________________________________14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONADR/RID: Petroleum distillates, N.O.S, Flammable liquid, Class 3, Item 2(a), Hazard Identification No. 33ADNR/ADN: Petroleum distillates N.O.S., Class 3, Item 2(a), Hazard Identification No. 33UN: Petroleum distillates N.O.S., Flammable liquid, Class 3, Packing group I, UN No. 1268IATA/ICAO: Petroleum distillates N.O.S. Flammable Liquid, Class 3 , Packing group IIMO: Petroleum distillates N.O.S., Flammable liquid, Class 3.1, Packing group IEmergency Action Code: 3[Y]E _________________________________________________________________________________15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONEU Category of Danger Extremely flammable Carcinogenic category 2 Harmful Irritant Dangerous for the environment

EU Labelling Symbol: Flame Skull and crossbones

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Sheet No: STI2216 Material Name: Alkylate Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:14/09/98 Page:

Dead tree and fish


Risk ( R ) Phrases: R12 Extremely flammable R45 May cause cancer R65 Also Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed. R38 Irritating to skin R67 Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness. R51/53 Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment

Safety ( S ) Phrases: S53 Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use. S45 In case of accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice immediately (show label where possible) S23 Do not breathe vapour S24 Avoid contact with skin S29 Do not empty into drains S43 In case of fire, use foam/dry powder/CO2. Never use water jets.S62 If swallowed, do not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label.S61 Avoid release into the environment. Refer to special instructions/Safety data sheets.

The label must carry the following additional information: "EC Label", Substance name, EINECS No.Substance name:Naphtha (petroleum), full-range alkylate, EINECS No: 265-066-7

For non-fuel use only - "Restricted to professional users. Attention - Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use." must be marked on packaging. _________________________________________________________________________________16. OTHER INFORMATIONCompiled by: Product Stewardship GroupBP Oil Technology CentreChertsey RoadSunbury-on-ThamesMiddlesex, TW16 7LN

This data sheet and the health, safety and environmental information it contains is considered to be accurate as of the date specified below. We have reviewed any information contained herein which we received from sources outside the BP Amoco Group of Companies. However, no warranty or representation, express or implied is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the data and information contained in this data sheet.

Health and safety precautions and environmental advice noted in this data sheet may not be accurate for all individuals and/or situations. It is the user's obligation to evaluate and use this product safely and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. No statement made in this data sheet shall be construed as a permission, recommendation or authorization given or implied to practise any patented invention without a valid licence. The BP Amoco Group shall not be responsible for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use of the material, from any failure to adhere to recommendations, or from any hazards inherent in the nature of the material.

Sheet Revisions

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Sheet No: STI2216 Material Name: Alkylate Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:14/09/98 Page:

Date: Sections revised: 14/09/98 1, 3, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 1517/07/2000 3, 4, 9, 15

SHEET NO: STI2216ISSUE DATE: 17/07/2000REVISION OF SHEET DATED: 28/11/98 ______________________________________________________________________________

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Sheet No: STI2101 Material Name: Automotive Diesel Fuel Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

ALIGN BP SDS FinalsSafety Data Sheet - SDS

GLIS Sheet No:STI2101 SDS Reference: Paper Type: BP Helios Status: Active

Material Name: Automotive Diesel FuelLanguage:English Country:OTI

Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Major Change: Hazard?:YesHazardous Components: Physical Characteristics: Gas oil Tox File: 169.8 Product Group:

Date of Issue: 17/07/2000 ________________________________________________________________________________


Automotive Diesel Fuel1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Identification of substance/preparation Automotive Diesel Fuel Alternative Names: Automotive diesel oil, Derv, Diesel fuel oil, Ultra low sulphur diesel

Application Fuel for compression ignition diesel enginesFor specific application advice see appropriate Technical Data Sheet or consult your BP representative

Company Identification BP Oil International LimitedBritannic House1 Finsbury CircusLondon, EC2M 7BA

Emergency Telephone Number +44 (0) 20 7496 4411 _________________________________________________________________________________2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSChemical Composition Complex mixture of middle distillate hydrocarbons, with carbon numbers in C10 to C28 range.

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Sheet No: STI2101 Material Name: Automotive Diesel Fuel Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

Performance enhancing additives may be included.

Hazardous Components Cracked components containing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon compounds may be present. Fuels, diesel. EINECS No: 269-822-7, CAS No: 68334-30-5, Xn, R40 Possible risks of irreversible effects, R65 Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed, R66 Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking (>90%)

_________________________________________________________________________________3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONHarmful if swallowed - aspiration hazard. This material may contain significant quantities of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PCAs), some of which have been shown by experimental studies to induce skin cancer. Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking. _________________________________________________________________________________

4. FIRST-AID MEASURESEyes Wash eye thoroughly with copious quantities of water, ensuring eyelids are held open. Obtain medical advice if any pain or redness develops or persists.

Skin Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water as soon as reasonably practicable. Remove heavily contaminated clothing and wash underlying skin.

Ingestion If contamination of the mouth occurs, wash out thoroughly with water. Except as a deliberate act, the ingestion of large amounts of product is unlikely. If it should occur, do not induce vomiting; obtain medical advice.

Inhalation If inhalation of mists, fumes or vapour causes irritation to the nose or throat, or coughing, remove to fresh air. If symptoms persist obtain medical advice.

Medical Advice Treatment should in general be symptomatic and directed to relieving any effects.Product can be aspirated on swallowing or following regurgitation of stomach contents, and can cause severe and potentially fatal chemical pneumonitis, which will require urgent treatment. Because of the risk of aspiration, induction of vomiting and gastric lavage should be avoided. Gastric lavage should be undertaken only after endotracheal intubation. Monitor for cardiac dysrhythmias.

Note: High Pressure ApplicationsInjections through the skin resulting from contact with the product at high pressure constitute a major medical emergency. Injuries may not appear serious at first but within a few hours tissue becomes swollen, discoloured and extremely painful with extensive subcutaneous necrosis.Surgical exploration should be undertaken without delay. Thorough and extensive debridement of the wound and underlying tissue is necessary to minimise tissue loss and prevent or limit permanent damage. Note that high pressure may force the product considerable distances along tissue planes. _________________________________________________________________________________5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURES

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Sheet No: STI2101 Material Name: Automotive Diesel Fuel Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

For major fires call the Fire Service. Ensure an escape path is always available from any fire. There is a danger of flashback if sparks or hot surfaces ignite vapour. Use foam, dry powder or water fog. DO NOT USE water jets. Fires in confined spaces should be dealt with by trained personnel wearing approved breathing apparatus.

Combustion Products Toxic fumes may be evolved on burning or exposure to heat. See Stability and Reactivity, Section 10 of this Safety Data Sheet. _________________________________________________________________________________6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESAny spillage should be regarded as a potential fire risk. In the event of spillage, remove all sources of ignition and ensure good ventilation. Wear protective clothing. See Exposure Controls/Personal Protection, section 8, of this Safety Data Sheet. Spilled material may make surfaces slippery. Clean up spilled material immediately. Contain and recover spilled material using sand or other suitable inert absorbent material. Recovery of large spillages should be effected by specialist personnel. It is advised that stocks of suitable absorbent material should be held in quantities sufficient to deal with any spillage which may be reasonably anticipated. Large and uncontained spillages should be smothered with foam to reduce the risk of ignition. The foam blanket should be maintained until the area is declared safe. Protect drains from potential spills to minimise contamination. Do not wash product into drainage system. Vapour is heavier than air and may travel to remote sources of ignition (eg. along drainage systems, in basements etc.). If spillage has occurred in a confined space, ensure adequate ventilation and check that a safe, breathable atmosphere is present before entry. In the case of spillage on water, prevent the spread of product by the use of suitable barrier equipment. Recover product from the surface. Protect environmentally sensitive areas and water supplies. In the case of spillage at sea approved dispersants may be used where authorised by the appropriate government/regulatory authorities. Regular surveillance on the location of the spillage should be maintained.

In the event of spillages contact the appropriate authorities._________________________________________________________________________________

7. HANDLING AND STORAGEStorage Conditions Store and dispense only in well ventilated areas away from heat and sources of ignition. Store and use only in equipment/containers designed for use with this product. Containers must be properly labelled and kept closed when not in use. Do not remove warning labels from containers. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Retain hazard warning labels on empty packages as a guide to the safe handling, storage and disposal of empty packaging. Do not enter storage tanks without breathing apparatus unless the tank has been well ventilated and the tank atmosphere has been shown to contain hydrocarbon vapour concentrations of less than 1% of the lower flammability limit and an oxygen concentration of at least 20% volume. Always have sufficient people standing by outside the tank with appropriate breathing apparatus and equipment to effect a quick rescue.

Handling Precautions Avoid, as far as reasonably practicable, inhalation of vapour, mists or fumes generated during use.

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Sheet No: STI2101 Material Name: Automotive Diesel Fuel Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

Avoid contact with skin and observe good personal hygiene. Avoid contact with eyes. If splashing is likely to occur wear a full face visor or chemical goggles as appropriate. Do not siphon product by mouth. Whilst using do not eat, drink or smoke. Wash hands thoroughly after contact. Use disposable cloths and discard when soiled. Do not put soiled cloths into pockets. Take all necessary precautions against accidental spillage into soil or water.

Fire Prevention Light hydrocarbon vapours can build up in the headspace of tanks. These can cause flammability/explosion hazards even at temperatures below the normal flash point (note: flash point must not be regarded as a reliable indicator of the potential flammability of vapour in tank headspaces). Tank headspaces should always be regarded as potentially flammable and care should be taken to avoid static electrical discharge and all ignition sources during filling, ullaging and sampling from storage tanks. Will present a flammability hazard if heated above flash point but bulk liquids at normal storage temperatures will present virtually no fire hazard. If fuel contacts hot surfaces, or leaks from high pressure fuel pipes, the vapour and/or mists generated will create a flammability or explosion hazard. When the product is pumped (e.g. during filling, discharge or ullaging) and when sampling, there is a risk of static discharge. Ensure equipment used is properly earthed or bonded to the tank structure. Product contaminated rags, paper or material used to absorb spillages, represent a fire hazard, and should not be allowed to accumulate. Dispose of safely immediately after use. Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain some remaining flammable product and vapour. Never cut, weld, solder or braze empty containers. _________________________________________________________________________________

8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONExposure Limits There is no appropriate occupational exposure limit for this material. If vapour, mists or fumes are generated, their concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level.

Protective Clothing Wear face visor or goggles in circumstances where eye contact can accidentally occur. If skin contact is likely, wear impervious protective clothing and/or gloves. Protective clothing should be regularly inspected and maintained; overalls should be dry-cleaned, laundered and preferably starched after use.

Respiratory Protection If operations are such that exposure to vapour, mist or fume may be anticipated, then suitable approved respiratory equipment should be worn. The use of respiratory equipment must be strictly in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions and any statutory requirements governing its selection and use. _________________________________________________________________________________


Typical ValuesGrades: Automotive

Diesel Fuel

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Sheet No: STI2101 Material Name: Automotive Diesel Fuel Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

Test Method UnitsPhysical state liquidColour amberOdour gasoil-likeDensity @ 15°C ASTM D 1298 kg/m³ 805 - 890Kinematic viscosity @ 40°C

ASTM D 445 mm²/s 1 - 6

Boiling point/range ASTM D 86 °C 160 - 385Flash point (PMC) ASTM D 93 °C 55 - 70Vapour pressure ASTM D 323 kPa 4_________________________________________________________________________________

10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYStable at ambient temperatures. Hazardous polymerisation reactions will not occur.

Conditions to Avoid Sources of ignition

Materials to Avoid Avoid contact with strong oxidizing agents.

Hazardous Decomposition Products Thermal decomposition products will vary with conditions. Incomplete combustion will generate smoke, carbon dioxide and hazardous gases, including carbon monoxide._________________________________________________________________________________11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEyes Unlikely to cause more than transient stinging or redness if accidental eye contact occurs.

Skin Unlikely to cause harm to the skin on brief or occasional contact but prolonged or repeated exposure may lead to dermatitis. As with all such products containing potentially harmful levels of PCAs, prolonged or repeated skin contact may eventually result in dermatitis or more serious irreversible skin disorders including cancer.

Ingestion Unlikely to cause harm if accidentally swallowed in small doses, though larger quantities may cause nausea and diarrhoea. Will injure the lungs if aspiration occurs, eg. during vomiting.

Inhalation May cause irritation to eyes, nose and throat due to exposure to vapour, mists or fumes. _________________________________________________________________________________12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONMobility Spillages may penetrate the soil causing ground water contamination. This material may accumulate in sediments.

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Sheet No: STI2101 Material Name: Automotive Diesel Fuel Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

Persistence and degradability This product is inherently biodegradable.

Bioaccumulative potential There is no evidence to suggest bioaccumulation will occur.

Aquatic toxicity Harmful to aquatic organisms, may cause long term effects in the aquatic environment Spills may form a film on water surfaces causing physical damage to organisms. Oxygen transfer could also be impaired.

German WGK Classification: 2 _________________________________________________________________________________13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSDispose of by incineration or other suitable means under conditions approved by the local authority or via a licensed waste disposal contractor. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Hazard warning labels are a guide to the safe handling of empty packaging and should not be removed. _________________________________________________________________________________14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONADR/RID: Gas oil, Flammable Liquid Class 3, Item 31(c) Hazard Identification No 30UN: GAS OIL, Flammable liquid, Class 3, Packing Group III, UN Number 1202IATA/ICAO: Gas oil, Flammable liquid, Class 3, Packing group IIIIMO: GAS OIL, Flammable liquid, Class 3, Packing group IIIEMERGENCY ACTION CODE: 3[Z] _________________________________________________________________________________15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONEU Category of Danger Carcinogenic category 3 Harmful

EU Labelling Symbol: St. Andrew's Cross

Indication of danger: HARMFUL

Contains: Fuels, Diesel

Risk ( R ) Phrases: R40 Possible risks of irreversible effects R65 Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed. R66 Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking

Safety ( S ) Phrases: S2 Keep out of reach of children S24 Avoid contact with skin S43 In case of fire, use foam/dry powder/CO2. Never use water jets.

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Sheet No: STI2101 Material Name: Automotive Diesel Fuel Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

S36/37 Wear suitable protective clothing and gloves S62 If swallowed, do not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label. S61 Avoid release into the environment. Refer to special instructions/Safety data sheets.

_________________________________________________________________________________16. OTHER INFORMATIONCompiled by: Product Stewardship GroupBP Oil Technology CentreChertsey RoadSunbury-on-ThamesMiddlesex, TW16 7LN

This data sheet and the health, safety and environmental information it contains is considered to be accurate as of the date specified below. We have reviewed any information contained herein which we received from sources outside the BP Amoco Group of Companies. However, no warranty or representation, express or implied is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the data and information contained in this data sheet.

Health and safety precautions and environmental advice noted in this data sheet may not be accurate for all individuals and/or situations. It is the user's obligation to evaluate and use this product safely and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. No statement made in this data sheet shall be construed as a permission, recommendation or authorization given or implied to practise any patented invention without a valid licence. The BP Amoco Group shall not be responsible for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use of the material, from any failure to adhere to recommendations, or from any hazards inherent in the nature of the material.

Sheet Revisions Date: Sections revised: 07/05/98 1, 2, 12, 1502/11/98 117/07/2000 2, 3, 4, 9, 12, 15

SHEET NO: STI2101ISSUE DATE: 17/07/2000REVISION OF SHEET DATED: 02/11/98 ______________________________________________________________________________

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Sheet No: SAV2106 Material Name: AVCAT Issue Date : 02/11/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:19/11/99 Page

ALIGN BP SDS FinalsSafety Data Sheet - SDS

GLIS Sheet No:SAV2106 SDS Reference: Paper Type: BP Helios Status: Active

Material Name: AVCATLanguage:English Country:OAV

Revision of Sheet Dated:19/11/99 Major Change: Hazard?:YesHazardous Components: Physical Characteristics: Basic Physical Characteristics Template Tox File: 458.16

Product Group: Date of Issue: 02/11/2000




Application Jet fueldo not use for other purposesFor specific application advice see appropriate Technical Data Sheet or consult your BP representative

Company Identification Air BP InternationalBreakspear ParkBreakspear WayHemel HempsteadHertfordshireHP2 4UL

Emergency Telephone Number +44 (0) 1442 22 5711

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Sheet No: SAV2106 Material Name: AVCAT Issue Date : 02/11/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:19/11/99 Page

Out of office hours:+44 (0) 1202 590558 _________________________________________________________________________________2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSChemical Composition A mixture of kerosene streams May contain small quantities of proprietary performance additives.

Hazardous Components Kerosine - unspecifiedXn R38 Irritating to skinR65 Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed. (>90%)

_________________________________________________________________________________3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONHarmful if swallowed - aspiration hazard. Likely to cause skin irritation. _________________________________________________________________________________

4. FIRST-AID MEASURESEyes Wash eye thoroughly with copious quantities of waterensuring eyelids are held open. Obtain medical advice if any pain or redness develops or persists.

Skin Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water as soon as reasonably practicable. Remove heavily contaminated clothing and wash underlying skin.

Ingestion If contamination of the mouth occurswash out thoroughly with water. Except as a deliberate actthe ingestion of large amounts of product is unlikely. If it should occurdo not induce vomitingobtain medical advice.

Inhalation If fumes are inhaled the patient should be removed to fresh air and if recovery is not immediatemedical assistance must be called without delay. If breathing has failed respiration must be assistedpreferably by mouth to mouth method.

Medical Advice Product can be aspirated on swallowing or following regurgitation of stomach contentsand can cause severe and potentially fatal chemical pneumonitiswhich will require urgent treatment. Because of the risk of aspirationinduction of vomiting and gastric lavage should be avoided. Gastric lavage should be undertaken only after endotracheal intubation. Monitor for cardiac dysrhythmias._________________________________________________________________________________

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Sheet No: SAV2106 Material Name: AVCAT Issue Date : 02/11/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:19/11/99 Page

5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESFor major fires call the Fire Service. Ensure an escape path is always available from any fire. There is a danger of flashback if sparks or hot surfaces ignite vapour. Use foamdry powder or water fog. DO NOT USE water jets. Fires in confined spaces should be dealt with by trained personnel wearing approved breathing apparatus.

Combustion Products Toxic fumes may be evolved on burning or exposure to heat. See Stability and ReactivitySection 10 of this Safety Data Sheet. _________________________________________________________________________________6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESAny spillage should be regarded as a potential fire risk. In the event of spillageremove all sources of ignition and ensure good ventilation. Wear protective clothing. See Exposure Controls/Personal Protectionsection 8of this Safety Data Sheet. Spilled material may make surfaces slippery. Clean up spilled material immediately. Contain and recover spilled material using sand or other suitable inert absorbent material. Recovery of large spillages should be effected by specialist personnel. It is advised that stocks of suitable absorbent material should be held in quantities sufficient to deal with any spillage which may be reasonably anticipated. Large and uncontained spillages should be smothered with foam to reduce the risk of ignition. The foam blanket should be maintained until the area is declared safe. Protect drains from potential spills to minimise contamination. Do not wash product into drainage system. Vapour is heavier than air and may travel to remote sources of ignition (eg. along drainage systemsin basements etc.). If spillage has occurred in a confined spaceensure adequate ventilation and check that a safebreathable atmosphere is present before entry. In the case of spillage on waterprevent the spread of product by the use of suitable barrier equipment. Recover product from the surface. Protect environmentally sensitive areas and water supplies. In the case of spillage at sea approved dispersants may be used where authorised by the appropriate government/regulatory authorities.Regular surveillance on the location of the spillage should be maintained. In the event of spillages contact the appropriate authorities._________________________________________________________________________________

7. HANDLING AND STORAGEStorage Conditions Store and dispense only in well ventilated areas away from heat and sources of ignition. Store and use only in equipment/containers designed for use with this product. Containers must be properly labelled and kept closed when not in use. Do not remove warning labels from containers. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Retain hazard warning labels on empty packages as a guide to the safe handlingstorage and disposal of empty packaging.

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Sheet No: SAV2106 Material Name: AVCAT Issue Date : 02/11/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:19/11/99 Page

Do not enter storage tanks without breathing apparatus unless the tank has been well ventilated and the tank atmosphere has been shown to contain hydrocarbon vapour concentrations of less than 1% of the lower flammability limit and an oxygen concentration of at least 20% volume. Always have sufficient people standing by outside the tank with appropriate breathing apparatus and equipment to effect a quick rescue.

Handling Precautions Avoidas far as reasonably practicableinhalation of vapourmists or fumes generated during use. Avoid contact with skin and observe good personal hygiene. Avoid contact with eyes. If splashing is likely to occur wear a full face visor or chemical goggles as appropriate. Do not siphon product by mouth. Whilst using do not eatdrink or smoke. Wash hands thoroughly after contact. Use disposable cloths and discard when soiled. Do not put soiled cloths into pockets. Take all necessary precautions against accidental spillage into soil or water.

Fire Prevention Light hydrocarbon vapours can build up in the headspace of tanks. These can cause flammability/explosion hazards even at temperatures below the normal flash point (note: flash point must not be regarded as a reliable indicator of the potential flammability of vapour in tank headspaces). Tank headspaces should always be regarded as potentially flammable and care should be taken to avoid static electrical discharge and all ignition sources during fillingullaging and sampling from storage tanks. When the product is pumped (e.g. during fillingdischarge or ullaging) and when samplingthere is a risk of static discharge. Ensure equipment used is properly earthed or bonded to the tank structure. Product contaminated ragspaper or material used to absorb spillagesrepresent a fire hazardand should not be allowed to accumulate. Dispose of safely immediately after use. Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain some remaining flammable product and vapour. Never cutweldsolder or braze empty containers. _________________________________________________________________________________

8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONExposure Limits There is no appropriate occupational exposure limit for this material. If vapourmists or fumes are generatedtheir concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level.

Protective Clothing Wear face visor or goggles in circumstances where eye contact can accidentally occur. If skin contact is likelywear impervious protective clothing and/or gloves. Protective clothing should be regularly inspected and maintained

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Sheet No: SAV2106 Material Name: AVCAT Issue Date : 02/11/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:19/11/99 Page

overalls should be dry-cleanedlaundered and preferably starched after use.

Respiratory Protection If operations are such that exposure to vapourmist or fume may be anticipatedthen suitable approved respiratory equipment should be worn. The use of respiratory equipment must be strictly in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions and any statutory requirements governing its selection and use. _________________________________________________________________________________


Typical ValuesGrades: AVCAT

Test Method UnitsPhysical state low viscosity

liquidColour colourlessOdour kerosine-likeDensity @ 15°C ASTM D 1298 kg/m³ 788 - 845Boiling point/range ASTM D 86 °C 300 maxFlash point (PMC) ASTM D 93 °C >60Solubility in water g/l low solubility_________________________________________________________________________________

10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYStable at ambient temperatures. Hazardous polymerisation reactions will not occur.

Conditions to Avoid Sources of ignition

Materials to Avoid Avoid contact with strong oxidizing agents.

Hazardous Decomposition Products Thermal decomposition products will vary with conditions. Incomplete combustion will generate smokecarbon dioxide and hazardous gasesincluding carbon monoxide._________________________________________________________________________________11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEyes Unlikely to cause more than transient stinging or redness if accidental eye contact occurs. May be irritating to eyes at high concentrations of vapourmists or fumes.

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Sheet No: SAV2106 Material Name: AVCAT Issue Date : 02/11/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:19/11/99 Page

Skin Likely to cause skin irritation.

Ingestion Unlikely to cause harm if accidentally swallowed in small dosesthough larger quantities may cause nausea and diarrhoea. Will injure the lungs if aspiration occurseg. during vomiting.

Inhalation May cause irritation to eyesnose and throat due to exposure to vapourmists or fumes. _________________________________________________________________________________12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONMobility Spillages may penetrate the soil causing ground water contamination.

Persistence and degradability This product is inherently biodegradable.

Bioaccumulative potential There is no evidence to suggest bioaccumulation will occur.

Aquatic toxicity Toxic to aquatic organisms. May cause long term effects in the aquatic environment Spills may form a film on water surfaces causing physical damage to organisms. Oxygen transfer could also be impaired. _________________________________________________________________________________13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSDispose of via an authorised person/ licensed waste disposal contractor in accordance with local regulations. Dispose of product and container carefully and responsibly. Do not dispose of near pondsditchesdown drains or onto soil. At seaused or unwanted product should be stored for eventual discharge into port approved waste oil disposal facilities. _________________________________________________________________________________14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONADR/RID: KeroseneFlammable LiquidClass 3 Item 31 (c)Hazard Identification No 30UN: KEROSENEFlammable liquidClass 3Packing Group IIIUN Number 1223

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Sheet No: SAV2106 Material Name: AVCAT Issue Date : 02/11/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:19/11/99 Page

IATA/ICAO: KeroseneFlammable liquidClass 3Packing Group IIIIMO: KEROSENEFlammable liquidClass 3.3Packing Group IIIEMERGENCY ACTION CODE: Flammable liquid3[Y] _________________________________________________________________________________15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONEU Category of Danger Harmful Irritant

EU Labelling Symbol: St. Andrew's CrossIndication of danger: HARMFUL (Xn) Contains: Kerosine - unspecified

Risk ( R ) Phrases: R38 Irritating to skin R65 Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed.

Safety ( S ) Phrases: S24 Avoid contact with skin S23 Do not breathe vapour S43 - In case of fire use foam or dry powder. Never use water jets S62 If swalloweddo not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label. S61 Avoid release into the environment. Refer to special instructions/Safety data sheets. _________________________________________________________________________________16. OTHER INFORMATIONCompiled by: Product Stewardship GroupBP Oil Technology CentreChertsey RoadSunbury-on-ThamesMiddlesexTW16 7LN

This data sheet and the healthsafety and environmental information it contains is considered to be accurate as of the date specified below. We have reviewed any information contained herein which we received from sources outside the BP Amoco Group of Companies. Howeverno warranty or representationexpress or implied is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the data and information contained in this data sheet.

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Health and safety precautions and environmental advice noted in this data sheet may not be accurate for all individuals and/or situations. It is the user's obligation to evaluate and use this product safely and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. No statement made in this data sheet shall be construed as a permissionrecommendation or authorization given or implied to practise any patented invention without a valid licence. The BP Amoco Group shall not be responsible for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use of the materialfrom any failure to adhere to recommendationsor from any hazards inherent in the nature of the material. ______________________________________________________________________________

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Sheet No: SAV2104 Material Name: Avgas 100/130 (>0.1% Lead) Issue Date : 19/06/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:30/03/98 Page

ALIGN BP SDS FinalsSafety Data Sheet - SDS

GLIS Sheet No:SAV2104 SDS Reference: Paper Type: BP Helios Status: Active

Material Name: Avgas 100/130 (>0.1% Lead)Language:English Country:OAV

Revision of Sheet Dated:30/03/98 Major Change: Hazard?:YesHazardous Components: Physical Characteristics: Gasoline Tox File: 190.19 Product Group:

Date of Issue: 19/06/2000 ________________________________________________________________________________


Avgas 100/130 (>0.1% Lead)1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Identification of substance/preparation Avgas 100/130 (>0.1% Lead)

Application Use only as a motor fuel for aviation. Should NOT be used as a solvent nor cleaning agent. For specific application advice see appropriate Technical Data Sheet or consult your BP representative

Company Identification Air BP InternationalBreakspear ParkBreakspear WayHemel HempsteadHertfordshireHP2 4UL

Emergency Telephone Number +44 (0) 1442 22 5711

Out of office hours:+44 (0) 1202 590558 _________________________________________________________________________________

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Sheet No: SAV2104 Material Name: Avgas 100/130 (>0.1% Lead) Issue Date : 19/06/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:30/03/98 Page

2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSChemical Composition A complex mixture of volatile hydrocarbons containing paraffinsnaphthenesolefins and aromatics with carbon numbers predominantly between C4 and C12. May contain oxygenates. May also contain small quantities of proprietary performance additives. Contains lead compounds.

Hazardous Components Lead alkylsT+NR61 May cause harm to the unborn child.R62 Possible risk of impaired fertilityR26/27/28 Very toxic by inhalationin contact with skin and if swallowedR33 Danger of cumulative effectsR50/53 Very toxic to aquatic organismsmay cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment (>0.1 - <0.5% Pb)

BenzeneEINECS No. 200-753-7CAS No. 71-43-2 FTR45 May cause cancerR11 Highly flammableR48/23/24/25 Toxic: Danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalationin contact with skin and if swallowed

GasolineEINECS No: 289-220-8CAS No: 86290-81-5 F+TNR12 Extremely flammableR45 May cause cancerR65 Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowedR38 Irritating to skinR67 Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizzinessR51/53 Toxic to aquatic organismsmay cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment (>90%)

_________________________________________________________________________________3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONExtremely flammable. Explosive air/vapour mixtures may form at ambient temperature. Likely to cause skin irritation. May cause cancerclassified as a category 2 carcinogen. Contains Benzene. Prolonged or repeated exposure to benzene can cause anaemia and other blood diseases

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Sheet No: SAV2104 Material Name: Avgas 100/130 (>0.1% Lead) Issue Date : 19/06/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:30/03/98 Page

including leukaemia. Toxic by inhalationin contact with skin and if swallowed. Harmful if swallowed - aspiration hazard. Danger of cumulative effectsMay cause harm to the unborn childVapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness._________________________________________________________________________________

4. FIRST-AID MEASURESEyes Wash eye thoroughly with copious quantities of waterensuring eyelids are held open. Obtain medical advice if any pain or redness develops or persists.

Skin Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water as soon as reasonably practicable. Remove heavily contaminated clothing and wash underlying skin. In extreme situations of saturation with this productdrench with waterremove clothing as soon as possible and wash skin with soap and water. Seek medical advice if skin becomes redswollen or painful.

Ingestion If contamination of the mouth occurswash out thoroughly with water. Except as a deliberate actthe ingestion of large amounts of product is unlikely. If it should occurdo not induce vomitingobtain medical advice.

Inhalation If exposure to vapourmists or fumes causes drowsinessheadacheblurred vision or irritation of the eyesnose or throatremove immediately to fresh air. Keep patient warm and at rest. If any symptoms persist obtain medical advice. Unconscious casualties must be placed in the recovery position. Monitor breathing and pulse rate and if breathing has failed, or is deemed inadequate, respiration must be assisted, preferably by the mouth to mouth method. Administer external cardiac massage if necessary. Seek medical attention immediately.

Medical Advice Treatment should in general be symptomatic and directed to relieving any effects.Product can be aspirated on swallowing or following regurgitation of stomach contentsand can cause severe and potentially fatal chemical pneumonitiswhich will require urgent treatment. Because of the risk of aspirationinduction of vomiting and gastric lavage should be avoided. Gastric lavage should be undertaken only after endotracheal intubation. Monitor for cardiac dysrhythmias. _________________________________________________________________________________5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURES

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Sheet No: SAV2104 Material Name: Avgas 100/130 (>0.1% Lead) Issue Date : 19/06/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:30/03/98 Page

For major fires call the Fire Service. Ensure an escape path is always available from any fire. There is a danger of flashback if sparks or hot surfaces ignite vapour. Use foamdry powder or water fog. DO NOT use water jets. Fires in confined spaces should be dealt with by trained personnel wearing approved breathing apparatus. Any spillage should be regarded as a potential fire risk.

Combustion Products Toxic fumes may be evolved on burning or exposure to heat. See Stability and ReactivitySection 10 of this Safety Data Sheet. _________________________________________________________________________________6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESAs this product has a very low flash point any spillage or leak is a severe fire and/or explosion hazard. Spilled material may make surfaces slippery. It is advised that stocks of suitable absorbent material should be held in quantities sufficient to deal with any spillage which may be reasonably anticipated. Vapour is heavier than air and may travel to remote sources of ignition (eg. along drainage systemsin basements etc.).

Isolate spillage from all ignition sources including road traffic. Evacuate all non essential personnel from the immediate area. If spillage has occurred in a confined spaceensure adequate ventilation and check that a safebreathable atmosphere is present before entry. Ensure good ventilation. Wear protective clothing. See Exposure Controls/Personal Protectionsection 8of this Safety Data Sheet. Large and uncontained spillages should be smothered with foam to reduce the risk of ignition. The foam blanket should be maintained until the area is declared safe. Recovery of large spillages should be effected by specialist personnel.

Protect drains from potential spills to minimise contamination. Do not wash product into drainage system. In the case of spillage on waterprevent the spread of product by the use of suitable barrier equipment. Recover product from the surface. Protect environmentally sensitive areas and water supplies.Regular surveillance on the location of the spillage should be maintained.In the event of spillages contact the appropriate authorities._________________________________________________________________________________

7. HANDLING AND STORAGEStorage Conditions Store and dispense only in well ventilated areas away from heat and sources of ignition. Store and use only in equipment/containers designed for use with this product. Containers must be properly labelled and kept closed when not in use. Do not remove warning labels from containers. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Retain hazard warning labels on empty packages as a guide to the safe handlingstorage and disposal of empty packaging. Do not enter storage tanks without breathing apparatus unless the tank has been well ventilated and the tank

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Sheet No: SAV2104 Material Name: Avgas 100/130 (>0.1% Lead) Issue Date : 19/06/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:30/03/98 Page

atmosphere has been shown to contain hydrocarbon vapour concentrations of less than 1% of the lower flammability limit and an oxygen concentration of at least 20% volume. Always have sufficient people standing by outside the tank with appropriate breathing apparatus and equipment to effect a quick rescue. Special health precautions must be taken during cleaning or maintenance operations on storage tanks which may have contained leaded product at any time.

Handling Precautions Ensure good ventilation and avoid as far as reasonably practicable the inhalation and contact with vapoursmists or fumes which may be generated during use. If such vapourmists or fumes are generatedtheir concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level. Avoid contact with skin and observe good personal hygiene. Avoid contact with eyes. If splashing is likely to occur wear a full face visor or chemical goggles as appropriate. Do not siphon product by mouth. Do not siphon product by mouth. Take all necessary precautions against accidental spillage into soil or water.

Fire Prevention Light hydrocarbon vapours can build up in the headspace of tanks. Tank headspaces should always be regarded as potentially flammable and care should be taken to avoid static electrical discharge and all ignition sources during fillingullaging and sampling from storage tanks. When the product is pumped (e.g. during fillingdischarge or ullaging) and when samplingthere is a risk of static discharge. Ensure equipment used is properly earthed or bonded to the tank structure. Electrical equipment should not be used unless it is intrinsically safe (i.e. will not produce sparks). Explosive air/vapour mixtures may form at ambient temperature. If product comes into contact with hot surfacesor leaks occur from pressurised fuel pipesthe vapour or mists generated will create a flammability or explosion hazard. Product contaminated ragspaper or material used to absorb spillagesrepresent a fire hazardand should not be allowed to accumulate. Dispose of safely immediately after use.Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain some remaining flammable product and vapour. Never cutweldsolder or braze empty containers._________________________________________________________________________________

8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONExposure Limits If vapourmists or fumes are generatedtheir concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level. Comply with current local occupational exposure limit. Where not establishedthe following limits are recommended. Gasoline ACGIH (USA) : TLV 300 ppm (8hr TWA)500 ppm (15min STEL)A3 - Animal Carcinogen

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Sheet No: SAV2104 Material Name: Avgas 100/130 (>0.1% Lead) Issue Date : 19/06/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:30/03/98 Page

BenzeneACGIH (USA): TLV 0.5ppm (8hr TWA)2.5 ppm (15min STEL)A1 - Confirmed human carcinogenSkin Notation - Can be absorbed through skin

Protective Clothing Wear face visor or goggles in circumstances where eye contact can accidentally occur. If skin contact is likelywear impervious protective clothing and/or gloves. Protective clothing should be regularly inspected and maintainedoveralls should be dry-cleanedlaundered and preferably starched after use.

Respiratory Protection If operations are such that exposure to vapourmist or fume may be anticipatedthen suitable approved respiratory equipment should be worn. The use of respiratory equipment must be strictly in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions and any statutory requirements governing its selection and use. _________________________________________________________________________________


Typical ValuesGrades: Avgas

100/130 (>0.1% Lead)

Test Method UnitsPhysical state liquidColour greenOdour gasoline-likeDensity @ 15°C ASTM D 1298 kg/m³ 725Boiling point/range ASTM D 86 °C 35 - 170Kinematic viscosity @ 20°C

mm²/s 1

Flash point (PMC) ASTM D 93 °C -40_________________________________________________________________________________

10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYConditions to Avoid Stable at ambient temperatures. Hazardous polymerisation reactions will not occur.

Conditions to Avoid Sources of ignition Avoid excessive heat.

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Sheet No: SAV2104 Material Name: Avgas 100/130 (>0.1% Lead) Issue Date : 19/06/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:30/03/98 Page

Materials to Avoid Avoid contact with strong oxidizing agents.

Hazardous Decomposition Products Thermal decomposition products will vary with conditions. Incomplete combustion will generate smokecarbon dioxide and hazardous gasesincluding carbon monoxide._________________________________________________________________________________11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEyes Unlikely to cause more than transient stinging or redness if accidental eye contact occurs.

Skin Likely to cause skin irritation. Likely to result in chemical burns following prolonged wetting of the skin. (eg. after a road traffic accident). Toxic in contact with skin - contains lead.

Ingestion Toxic if swallowed - contains lead. Will injure the lungs if aspiration occurseg. during vomiting.

Inhalation Toxic by inhalation - contains lead Likely to be irritating to the respiratory tract if high concentrations of mists or vapour are inhaled. May cause nauseadizzinessheadaches and drowsiness if high concentrations of vapour are inhaled. ABUSE:Under normal conditions of use the product is not hazardoushoweverabuse involving deliberate inhalation of very high concentrations of vapoureven for short periodscan produce unconsciousness and/or result in a sudden fatality.

Carcinogenicity/Chronic Toxicity Exposure to benzene may result in affects to the hematopoietic system causing blood disorders including anaemia and leukaemia.Benzene is classified by EEC as a category 1 carcinogen - substances known to be carcinogenic to man.IARC assessment: benzene - carcinogenic to humans ( Group 1) Lead is a cumulative poison. It can cause anaemiacentral nervous system effectsgastro-intestinal symptoms and kidney damage. _________________________________________________________________________________12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONMobility Spillages may penetrate the soil causing ground water contamination.

Persistence and degradability

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Sheet No: SAV2104 Material Name: Avgas 100/130 (>0.1% Lead) Issue Date : 19/06/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:30/03/98 Page

This product is inherently biodegradable.

Bioaccumulative potential There is no evidence to suggest bioaccumulation will occur.

Aquatic toxicity Toxic to aquatic organismsmay cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment Spills may form a film on water surfaces causing physical damage to organisms. Oxygen transfer could also be impaired. _________________________________________________________________________________13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSDispose of via an authorised person/ licensed waste disposal contractor in accordance with local regulations. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Hazard warning labels are a guide to the safe handling of empty packaging and should not be removed. Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain flammable product residues and vapour. Never weldsolder or braze empty containers. Materials contaminated with product should be treated as highly flammable. Disposal should be in accordance with local regulations. When cleaning storage tankssludges which may be contaminated with lead must be disposed of via a licensed waste disposal contractorin accordance with local regulations._________________________________________________________________________________14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONADR/RID: Motor spiritFlammable liquidClass 3Item 3(b)Hazard Identification No 33ADNR/ADN: Motor SpiritClass 3Item 3(b)UN: MOTOR SPIRITFlammable liquidClass 3. Packing Group IIUN Number 1203IATA/ICAO: Motor spiritFlammable liquidClass 3Packing group IIIMO: MOTOR SPIRITFlammable liquidClass 3.1Packing group IIMARINE POLLUTANT (Leaded Petrol)EMERGENCY ACTION CODE: Flammable liquid3[Y]E _________________________________________________________________________________15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONEU Category of Danger

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Sheet No: SAV2104 Material Name: Avgas 100/130 (>0.1% Lead) Issue Date : 19/06/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:30/03/98 Page

Extremely flammable Carcinogenic category 2 Toxic to reproduction category 3 Toxic Irritant Harmful

EU Labelling Symbol: Flame Skull and crossbones Indication of danger: EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE TOXIC

Contains: Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified Lead alkyls

Risk ( R ) Phrases: R12 Extremely flammable R45 May cause cancer R23/24/25 Also Toxic by inhalationin contact with skinand if swallowed R65 Also Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed. R61 May cause harm to the unborn child. R33 Danger of cumulative effects.R38 Irritating to skinR67 Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness.

Safety ( S ) Phrases: S53 Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use. S45 In case of accident or if you feel unwellseek medical advice immediately (show label where possible) S23 Do not breathe vapour S24 Avoid contact with skin S29 Do not empty into drains S43 In case of fireuse foam/dry powder/CO2. Never use water jets.S62 If swalloweddo not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label.S61 Avoid release into the environment. Refer to special instructions/Safety data sheets.

For non-fuel use only - "Restricted to professional users. Attention - Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use." must be marked on packaging.

_________________________________________________________________________________16. OTHER INFORMATIONCompiled by:

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Sheet No: SAV2104 Material Name: Avgas 100/130 (>0.1% Lead) Issue Date : 19/06/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:30/03/98 Page

Product Stewardship GroupBP Oil Technology CentreChertsey RoadSunbury-on-ThamesMiddlesexTW16 7LN

This data sheet and the healthsafety and environmental information it contains is considered to be accurate as of the date specified below. We have reviewed any information contained herein which we received from sources outside the BP Amoco Group of Companies. Howeverno warranty or representationexpress or implied is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the data and information contained in this data sheet.

Health and safety precautions and environmental advice noted in this data sheet may not be accurate for all individuals and/or situations. It is the user's obligation to evaluate and use this product safely and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. No statement made in this data sheet shall be construed as a permissionrecommendation or authorization given or implied to practise any patented invention without a valid licence. The BP Amoco Group shall not be responsible for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use of the materialfrom any failure to adhere to recommendationsor from any hazards inherent in the nature of the material.

Sheet Revisions Date: Sections revised: 07/04/97 1238121519/06/2000 123478101215SHEET NO: SAV2104ISSUE DATE: 19/06/2000REVISION OF SHEET DATED: 30/03/98 ______________________________________________________________________________

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Sheet No: SAV2103A Material Name: Avgas 100LL (>0.1% benzene) Issue Date : 19/06/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:11/03/98 Page

ALIGN BP SDS FinalsSafety Data Sheet - SDS

GLIS Sheet No:SAV2103A SDS Reference: Paper Type: BP Helios Status: Active

Material Name: Avgas 100LL (>0.1% benzene) Language:English Country:OAV

Revision of Sheet Dated:11/03/98 Major Change: Hazard?:YesHazardous Components: Physical Characteristics: Gasoline Tox File: 190.17 Product Group:

Date of Issue: 19/06/2000 ________________________________________________________________________________


Avgas 100LL (>0.1% benzene) 1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Identification of substance/preparation Avgas 100LL (>0.1% benzene)

Application Use only as a motor fuel for aviation. Should NOT be used as a solvent nor cleaning agent. For specific application advice see appropriate Technical Data Sheet or consult your BP representative

Company Identification Air BP InternationalBreakspear ParkBreakspear WayHemel HempsteadHertfordshireHP2 4UL

Emergency Telephone Number +44 (0) 1442 22 5711

Out of office hours:+44 (0) 1202 590558 _________________________________________________________________________________

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Sheet No: SAV2103A Material Name: Avgas 100LL (>0.1% benzene) Issue Date : 19/06/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:11/03/98 Page

2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSChemical Composition A complex mixture of volatile hydrocarbons containing paraffinsnaphthenesolefins and aromatics with carbon numbers predominantly between C4 and C12. May contain oxygenates. May also contain small quantities of proprietary performance additives. Contains lead compounds.

Hazardous Components Lead alkylsT+NR61 May cause harm to the unborn child.R62 Possible risk of impaired fertilityR26/27/28 Very toxic by inhalationin contact with skin and if swallowedR33 Danger of cumulative effectsR50/53 Very toxic to aquatic organismsmay cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment (0.05 - <0.1% Pb)

BenzeneEINECS No. 200-753-7CAS No. 71-43-2 FTR45 May cause cancerR11 Highly flammableR48/23/24/25 Toxic: Danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalationin contact with skin and if swallowed

GasolineEINECS No: 289-220-8CAS No: 86290-81-5 F+TNR12 Extremely flammableR45 May cause cancerR65 Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowedR38 Irritating to skinR67 Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizzinessR51/53 Toxic to aquatic organismsmay cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment (>90%)

_________________________________________________________________________________3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONExtremely flammable. Explosive air/vapour mixtures may form at ambient temperature. Likely to cause skin irritation. May cause cancerclassified as a category 2 carcinogen. Contains Benzene. Prolonged or repeated exposure to benzene can cause anaemia and other blood diseases

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Sheet No: SAV2103A Material Name: Avgas 100LL (>0.1% benzene) Issue Date : 19/06/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:11/03/98 Page

including leukaemia. Harmful by inhalationin contact with skin and if swallowed. Harmful if swallowed - aspiration hazard. Danger of cumulative effectsVapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness._________________________________________________________________________________

4. FIRST-AID MEASURESEyes Wash eye thoroughly with copious quantities of waterensuring eyelids are held open. Obtain medical advice if any pain or redness develops or persists.

Skin Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water as soon as reasonably practicable. Remove heavily contaminated clothing and wash underlying skin. In extreme situations of saturation with this productdrench with waterremove clothing as soon as possible and wash skin with soap and water. Seek medical advice if skin becomes redswollen or painful.

Ingestion If contamination of the mouth occurswash out thoroughly with water. Except as a deliberate actthe ingestion of large amounts of product is unlikely. If it should occurdo not induce vomitingobtain medical advice.

Inhalation If exposure to vapourmists or fumes causes drowsinessheadacheblurred vision or irritation of the eyesnose or throatremove immediately to fresh air. Keep patient warm and at rest. If any symptoms persist obtain medical advice. Unconscious casualties must be placed in the recovery position. Monitor breathing and pulse rate and if breathing has failed, or is deemed inadequate, respiration must be assisted, preferably by the mouth to mouth method. Administer external cardiac massage if necessary. Seek medical attention immediately.

Medical Advice Treatment should in general be symptomatic and directed to relieving any effects.Product can be aspirated on swallowing or following regurgitation of stomach contentsand can cause severe and potentially fatal chemical pneumonitiswhich will require urgent treatment. Because of the risk of aspirationinduction of vomiting and gastric lavage should be avoided. Gastric lavage should be undertaken only after endotracheal intubation. Monitor for cardiac dysrhythmias. _________________________________________________________________________________5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESFor major fires call the Fire Service. Ensure an escape path is always available from any fire.

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Sheet No: SAV2103A Material Name: Avgas 100LL (>0.1% benzene) Issue Date : 19/06/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:11/03/98 Page

There is a danger of flashback if sparks or hot surfaces ignite vapour. Use foamdry powder or water fog. DO NOT use water jets. Fires in confined spaces should be dealt with by trained personnel wearing approved breathing apparatus. Any spillage should be regarded as a potential fire risk.

Combustion Products Toxic fumes may be evolved on burning or exposure to heat. See Stability and ReactivitySection 10 of this Safety Data Sheet. _________________________________________________________________________________6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESAs this product has a very low flash point any spillage or leak is a severe fire and/or explosion hazard. Spilled material may make surfaces slippery. It is advised that stocks of suitable absorbent material should be held in quantities sufficient to deal with any spillage which may be reasonably anticipated. Vapour is heavier than air and may travel to remote sources of ignition (eg. along drainage systemsin basements etc.).

Isolate spillage from all ignition sources including road traffic. Evacuate all non essential personnel from the immediate area. If spillage has occurred in a confined spaceensure adequate ventilation and check that a safebreathable atmosphere is present before entry. Ensure good ventilation. Wear protective clothing. See Exposure Controls/Personal Protectionsection 8of this Safety Data Sheet. Large and uncontained spillages should be smothered with foam to reduce the risk of ignition. The foam blanket should be maintained until the area is declared safe. Recovery of large spillages should be effected by specialist personnel.

Protect drains from potential spills to minimise contamination. Do not wash product into drainage system. In the case of spillage on waterprevent the spread of product by the use of suitable barrier equipment. Recover product from the surface. Protect environmentally sensitive areas and water supplies.Regular surveillance on the location of the spillage should be maintained.In the event of spillages contact the appropriate authorities._________________________________________________________________________________

7. HANDLING AND STORAGEStorage Conditions Store and dispense only in well ventilated areas away from heat and sources of ignition. Store and use only in equipment/containers designed for use with this product. Containers must be properly labelled and kept closed when not in use. Do not remove warning labels from containers. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Retain hazard warning labels on empty packages as a guide to the safe handlingstorage and disposal of empty packaging. Do not enter storage tanks without breathing apparatus unless the tank has been well ventilated and the tank atmosphere has been shown to contain hydrocarbon vapour concentrations of less than 1% of the lower flammability

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Sheet No: SAV2103A Material Name: Avgas 100LL (>0.1% benzene) Issue Date : 19/06/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:11/03/98 Page

limit and an oxygen concentration of at least 20% volume. Always have sufficient people standing by outside the tank with appropriate breathing apparatus and equipment to effect a quick rescue. Special health precautions must be taken during cleaning or maintenance operations on storage tanks which may have contained leaded product at any time.

Handling Precautions Ensure good ventilation and avoid as far as reasonably practicable the inhalation and contact with vapoursmists or fumes which may be generated during use. If such vapourmists or fumes are generatedtheir concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level. Avoid contact with skin and observe good personal hygiene. Avoid contact with eyes. If splashing is likely to occur wear a full face visor or chemical goggles as appropriate. Do not siphon product by mouth. Do not siphon product by mouth. Take all necessary precautions against accidental spillage into soil or water.

Fire Prevention Light hydrocarbon vapours can build up in the headspace of tanks. Tank headspaces should always be regarded as potentially flammable and care should be taken to avoid static electrical discharge and all ignition sources during fillingullaging and sampling from storage tanks. When the product is pumped (e.g. during fillingdischarge or ullaging) and when samplingthere is a risk of static discharge. Ensure equipment used is properly earthed or bonded to the tank structure. Electrical equipment should not be used unless it is intrinsically safe (i.e. will not produce sparks). Explosive air/vapour mixtures may form at ambient temperature. If product comes into contact with hot surfacesor leaks occur from pressurised fuel pipesthe vapour or mists generated will create a flammability or explosion hazard. Product contaminated ragspaper or material used to absorb spillagesrepresent a fire hazardand should not be allowed to accumulate. Dispose of safely immediately after use.Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain some remaining flammable product and vapour. Never cutweldsolder or braze empty containers._________________________________________________________________________________

8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONExposure Limits If vapourmists or fumes are generatedtheir concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level. Comply with current local occupational exposure limit. Where not establishedthe following limits are recommended. Gasoline ACGIH (USA) : TLV 300 ppm (8hr TWA)500 ppm (15min STEL)A3 - Animal Carcinogen


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Sheet No: SAV2103A Material Name: Avgas 100LL (>0.1% benzene) Issue Date : 19/06/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:11/03/98 Page

ACGIH (USA): TLV 0.5ppm (8hr TWA)2.5 ppm (15min STEL)A1 - Confirmed human carcinogenSkin Notation - Can be absorbed through skin

Protective Clothing Wear face visor or goggles in circumstances where eye contact can accidentally occur. If skin contact is likelywear impervious protective clothing and/or gloves. Protective clothing should be regularly inspected and maintainedoveralls should be dry-cleanedlaundered and preferably starched after use.

Respiratory Protection If operations are such that exposure to vapourmist or fume may be anticipatedthen suitable approved respiratory equipment should be worn. The use of respiratory equipment must be strictly in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions and any statutory requirements governing its selection and use. _________________________________________________________________________________


Typical ValuesGrades: Avgas 100LL

Test Method UnitsPhysical state liquidColour blueOdour gasoline-likeDensity @ 15°C ASTM D 1298 kg/m³ 725Boiling point/range ASTM D 86 °C 35 - 170Kinematic viscosity @ 20°C

mm²/s 1

Flash point (PMC) ASTM D 93 °C -40_________________________________________________________________________________

10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYConditions to Avoid Stable at ambient temperatures. Hazardous polymerisation reactions will not occur.

Conditions to Avoid Sources of ignition Avoid excessive heat.

Materials to Avoid Avoid contact with strong oxidizing agents.

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Sheet No: SAV2103A Material Name: Avgas 100LL (>0.1% benzene) Issue Date : 19/06/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:11/03/98 Page

Hazardous Decomposition Products Thermal decomposition products will vary with conditions. Incomplete combustion will generate smokecarbon dioxide and hazardous gasesincluding carbon monoxide._________________________________________________________________________________11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEyes Unlikely to cause more than transient stinging or redness if accidental eye contact occurs.

Skin Likely to cause skin irritation. Likely to result in chemical burns following prolonged wetting of the skin. (eg. after a road traffic accident). Harmful in contact with skin - contains lead.

Ingestion Harmful if swallowed - contains lead. Will injure the lungs if aspiration occurseg. during vomiting.

Inhalation Harmful by inhalation - contains lead Likely to be irritating to the respiratory tract if high concentrations of mists or vapour are inhaled. May cause nauseadizzinessheadaches and drowsiness if high concentrations of vapour are inhaled. ABUSE:Under normal conditions of use the product is not hazardoushoweverabuse involving deliberate inhalation of very high concentrations of vapoureven for short periodscan produce unconsciousness and/or result in a sudden fatality.

Carcinogenicity/Chronic Toxicity Exposure to benzene may result in affects to the hematopoietic system causing blood disorders including anaemia and leukaemia.Benzene is classified by EEC as a category 1 carcinogen - substances known to be carcinogenic to man.IARC assessment: benzene - carcinogenic to humans ( Group 1) Lead is a cumulative poison. It can cause anaemiacentral nervous system effectsgastro-intestinal symptoms and kidney damage. _________________________________________________________________________________12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONMobility Spillages may penetrate the soil causing ground water contamination.

Persistence and degradability This product is inherently biodegradable.

Bioaccumulative potential

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Sheet No: SAV2103A Material Name: Avgas 100LL (>0.1% benzene) Issue Date : 19/06/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:11/03/98 Page

There is no evidence to suggest bioaccumulation will occur.

Aquatic toxicity Toxic to aquatic organismsmay cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment Spills may form a film on water surfaces causing physical damage to organisms. Oxygen transfer could also be impaired. _________________________________________________________________________________13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSDispose of via an authorised person/ licensed waste disposal contractor in accordance with local regulations. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Hazard warning labels are a guide to the safe handling of empty packaging and should not be removed. Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain flammable product residues and vapour. Never weldsolder or braze empty containers. Materials contaminated with product should be treated as highly flammable. Disposal should be in accordance with local regulations. When cleaning storage tankssludges which may be contaminated with lead must be disposed of via a licensed waste disposal contractorin accordance with local regulations._________________________________________________________________________________14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONADR/RID: Motor spiritFlammable liquidClass 3Item 3(b)Hazard Identification No 33ADNR/ADN: Motor SpiritClass 3Item 3(b)UN: MOTOR SPIRITFlammable liquidClass 3. Packing Group IIUN Number 1203IATA/ICAO: Motor spiritFlammable liquidClass 3Packing group IIIMO: MOTOR SPIRITFlammable liquidClass 3.1Packing group IIMARINE POLLUTANT (Leaded Petrol)EMERGENCY ACTION CODE: Flammable liquid3[Y]E _________________________________________________________________________________15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONEU Category of Danger Extremely flammable Carcinogenic category 2 Irritant Harmful

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Sheet No: SAV2103A Material Name: Avgas 100LL (>0.1% benzene) Issue Date : 19/06/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:11/03/98 Page

EU Labelling Symbol: Flame Skull and crossbones Indication of danger: EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE

Contains: Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified Lead alkyls

Risk ( R ) Phrases: R12 Extremely flammable R45 May cause cancer R20/21/22 Also Harmful by inhalationin contact with the skin and if swallowed. R65 Also Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed. R33 Danger of cumulative effects. R38 Irritating to skinR67 Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness.

Safety ( S ) Phrases: S53 Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use. S45 In case of accident or if you feel unwellseek medical advice immediately (show label where possible) S23 Do not breathe vapour S24 Avoid contact with skin S43 In case of fireuse foam/dry powder/CO2. Never use water jets. S62 If swalloweddo not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label.S61 Avoid release into the environment. Refer to special instructions/Safety data sheets.

For non-fuel use only - "Restricted to professional users. Attention - Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use." must be marked on packaging.

_________________________________________________________________________________16. OTHER INFORMATIONCompiled by: Product Stewardship GroupBP Oil Technology CentreChertsey RoadSunbury-on-ThamesMiddlesexTW16 7LN

This data sheet and the healthsafety and environmental information it contains is considered to be accurate as of the date specified below. We have

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Sheet No: SAV2103A Material Name: Avgas 100LL (>0.1% benzene) Issue Date : 19/06/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:11/03/98 Page

reviewed any information contained herein which we received from sources outside the BP Amoco Group of Companies. Howeverno warranty or representationexpress or implied is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the data and information contained in this data sheet.

Health and safety precautions and environmental advice noted in this data sheet may not be accurate for all individuals and/or situations. It is the user's obligation to evaluate and use this product safely and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. No statement made in this data sheet shall be construed as a permissionrecommendation or authorization given or implied to practise any patented invention without a valid licence. The BP Amoco Group shall not be responsible for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use of the materialfrom any failure to adhere to recommendationsor from any hazards inherent in the nature of the material.

Sheet Revisions Date: Sections revised: 11/11/97 1238121519/06/2000 1234781015SHEET NO: SAV2103AISSUE DATE: 19/06/2000 REVISION OF SHEET DATED: 11/03/98 ______________________________________________________________________________

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Sheet No: SAV2103 Material Name: Avgas 100LL (low benzene) Issue Date : 19/06/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:11/03/98 Page

ALIGN BP SDS FinalsSafety Data Sheet - SDS

GLIS Sheet No:SAV2103 SDS Reference: Paper Type: BP Helios Status: Active

Material Name: Avgas 100LL (low benzene)Language:English Country:OAV

Revision of Sheet Dated:11/03/98 Major Change: Hazard?:YesHazardous Components: Physical Characteristics: Gasoline Tox File: 190.17 Product Group:

Date of Issue: 19/06/2000 ________________________________________________________________________________


Avgas 100LL (low benzene)1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Identification of substance/preparation Avgas 100LL (low benzene) Alternative Names: Aviation gasoline low lead

Application Use only as a motor fuel for aviation. Should NOT be used as a solvent nor cleaning agent. For specific application advice see appropriate Technical Data Sheet or consult your BP representative

Company Identification Air BP InternationalBreakspear ParkBreakspear WayHemel HempsteadHertfordshireHP2 4UL

Emergency Telephone Number +44 (0) 1442 22 5711

Out of office hours:+44 (0) 1202 590558

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Sheet No: SAV2103 Material Name: Avgas 100LL (low benzene) Issue Date : 19/06/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:11/03/98 Page

_________________________________________________________________________________2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSChemical Composition A complex mixture of volatile hydrocarbons containing paraffinsnaphthenesolefins and aromatics with carbon numbers predominantly between C4 and C12. May contain oxygenates. May also contain small quantities of proprietary performance additives. Contains lead compounds.

Hazardous Components Lead alkylsT+NR61 May cause harm to the unborn child.R62 Possible risk of impaired fertilityR26/27/28 Very toxic by inhalationin contact with skin and if swallowedR33 Danger of cumulative effectsR50/53 Very toxic to aquatic organismsmay cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment (0.05 - <0.1% Pb)

GasolineEINECS No: 289-220-8CAS No: 86290-81-5 F+XnNR12 Extremely flammableR65 Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowedR38 Irritating to skinR67 Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizzinessR51/53 Toxic to aquatic organismsmay cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment (>90%)

_________________________________________________________________________________3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONExtremely flammable. Explosive air/vapour mixtures may form at ambient temperature. Likely to cause skin irritation. Harmful by inhalationin contact with skin and if swallowed. Harmful if swallowed - aspiration hazard. Danger of cumulative effects Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness. _________________________________________________________________________________

4. FIRST-AID MEASURESEyes Wash eye thoroughly with copious quantities of water

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Sheet No: SAV2103 Material Name: Avgas 100LL (low benzene) Issue Date : 19/06/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:11/03/98 Page

ensuring eyelids are held open. Obtain medical advice if any pain or redness develops or persists.

Skin Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water as soon as reasonably practicable. Remove heavily contaminated clothing and wash underlying skin. In extreme situations of saturation with this productdrench with waterremove clothing as soon as possible and wash skin with soap and water. Seek medical advice if skin becomes redswollen or painful.

Ingestion If contamination of the mouth occurswash out thoroughly with water. Except as a deliberate actthe ingestion of large amounts of product is unlikely. If it should occurdo not induce vomitingobtain medical advice.

Inhalation If exposure to vapourmists or fumes causes drowsinessheadacheblurred vision or irritation of the eyesnose or throatremove immediately to fresh air. Keep patient warm and at rest. If any symptoms persist obtain medical advice. Unconscious casualties must be placed in the recovery position. Monitor breathing and pulse rate and if breathing has failed, or is deemed inadequate, respiration must be assisted, preferably by the mouth to mouth method. Administer external cardiac massage if necessary. Seek medical attention immediately.

Medical Advice Treatment should in general be symptomatic and directed to relieving any effects.Product can be aspirated on swallowing or following regurgitation of stomach contentsand can cause severe and potentially fatal chemical pneumonitiswhich will require urgent treatment. Because of the risk of aspirationinduction of vomiting and gastric lavage should be avoided. Gastric lavage should be undertaken only after endotracheal intubation. Monitor for cardiac dysrhythmias. _________________________________________________________________________________5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESFor major fires call the Fire Service. Ensure an escape path is always available from any fire. There is a danger of flashback if sparks or hot surfaces ignite vapour. Use foamdry powder or water fog. DO NOT use water jets. Fires in confined spaces should be dealt with by trained personnel wearing approved breathing apparatus. Any spillage should be regarded as a potential fire risk.

Combustion Products Toxic fumes may be evolved on burning or exposure to heat. See Stability and ReactivitySection 10 of this Safety Data Sheet. _________________________________________________________________________________6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES

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Sheet No: SAV2103 Material Name: Avgas 100LL (low benzene) Issue Date : 19/06/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:11/03/98 Page

As this product has a very low flash point any spillage or leak is a severe fire and/or explosion hazard. Spilled material may make surfaces slippery. It is advised that stocks of suitable absorbent material should be held in quantities sufficient to deal with any spillage which may be reasonably anticipated. Vapour is heavier than air and may travel to remote sources of ignition (eg. along drainage systemsin basements etc.).

Isolate spillage from all ignition sources including road traffic. Evacuate all non essential personnel from the immediate area. If spillage has occurred in a confined spaceensure adequate ventilation and check that a safebreathable atmosphere is present before entry. Ensure good ventilation. Wear protective clothing. See Exposure Controls/Personal Protectionsection 8of this Safety Data Sheet. Large and uncontained spillages should be smothered with foam to reduce the risk of ignition. The foam blanket should be maintained until the area is declared safe. Recovery of large spillages should be effected by specialist personnel.

Protect drains from potential spills to minimise contamination. Do not wash product into drainage system. In the case of spillage on waterprevent the spread of product by the use of suitable barrier equipment. Recover product from the surface. Protect environmentally sensitive areas and water supplies.Regular surveillance on the location of the spillage should be maintained.In the event of spillages contact the appropriate authorities._________________________________________________________________________________

7. HANDLING AND STORAGEStorage Conditions Store and dispense only in well ventilated areas away from heat and sources of ignition. Store and use only in equipment/containers designed for use with this product. Containers must be properly labelled and kept closed when not in use. Do not remove warning labels from containers. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Retain hazard warning labels on empty packages as a guide to the safe handlingstorage and disposal of empty packaging. Do not enter storage tanks without breathing apparatus unless the tank has been well ventilated and the tank atmosphere has been shown to contain hydrocarbon vapour concentrations of less than 1% of the lower flammability limit and an oxygen concentration of at least 20% volume. Always have sufficient people standing by outside the tank with appropriate breathing apparatus and equipment to effect a quick rescue. Special health precautions must be taken during cleaning or maintenance operations on storage tanks which may have contained leaded product at any time.

Handling Precautions Ensure good ventilation and avoid as far as reasonably practicable the inhalation and contact with vapoursmists or fumes which may be generated during use. If such vapourmists or fumes are generatedtheir concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level. Avoid contact with skin and observe good personal hygiene. Avoid contact with eyes. If splashing is likely to occur wear a full face visor or chemical goggles as appropriate.

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Do not siphon product by mouth. Do not siphon product by mouth. Take all necessary precautions against accidental spillage into soil or water.

Fire Prevention Light hydrocarbon vapours can build up in the headspace of tanks. Tank headspaces should always be regarded as potentially flammable and care should be taken to avoid static electrical discharge and all ignition sources during fillingullaging and sampling from storage tanks. When the product is pumped (e.g. during fillingdischarge or ullaging) and when samplingthere is a risk of static discharge. Ensure equipment used is properly earthed or bonded to the tank structure. Electrical equipment should not be used unless it is intrinsically safe (i.e. will not produce sparks). Explosive air/vapour mixtures may form at ambient temperature. If product comes into contact with hot surfacesor leaks occur from pressurised fuel pipesthe vapour or mists generated will create a flammability or explosion hazard. Product contaminated ragspaper or material used to absorb spillagesrepresent a fire hazardand should not be allowed to accumulate. Dispose of safely immediately after use.Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain some remaining flammable product and vapour. Never cutweldsolder or braze empty containers._________________________________________________________________________________

8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONExposure Limits If vapourmists or fumes are generatedtheir concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level. Comply with current local occupational exposure limit. Where not establishedthe following limits are recommended. Gasoline ACGIH (USA) : TLV 300 ppm (8hr TWA)500 ppm (15min STEL)A3 - Animal Carcinogen

Protective Clothing Wear face visor or goggles in circumstances where eye contact can accidentally occur. If skin contact is likelywear impervious protective clothing and/or gloves. Protective clothing should be regularly inspected and maintainedoveralls should be dry-cleanedlaundered and preferably starched after use.

Respiratory Protection If operations are such that exposure to vapourmist or fume may be anticipatedthen suitable approved respiratory equipment should be worn. The use of respiratory equipment must be strictly in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions and any statutory requirements governing its selection and use.

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Sheet No: SAV2103 Material Name: Avgas 100LL (low benzene) Issue Date : 19/06/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:11/03/98 Page



Typical ValuesGrades: Avgas 100LL

(low benzene)Test Method Units

Physical state liquidColour blueOdour gasoline-likeDensity @ 15°C ASTM D 1298 kg/m³ 725Boiling point/range ASTM D 86 °C 35 - 170Kinematic viscosity @ 20°C

mm²/s 1

Flash point (PMC) ASTM D 93 °C -40_________________________________________________________________________________

10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYStable at ambient temperatures. Hazardous polymerisation reactions will not occur.

Conditions to Avoid Sources of ignition Avoid excessive heat.

Materials to Avoid Avoid contact with strong oxidizing agents.

Hazardous Decomposition Products Thermal decomposition products will vary with conditions. Incomplete combustion will generate smokecarbon dioxide and hazardous gasesincluding carbon monoxide._________________________________________________________________________________11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEyes Unlikely to cause more than transient stinging or redness if accidental eye contact occurs.

Skin Likely to cause skin irritation. Likely to result in chemical burns following prolonged wetting of the skin. (eg. after a road traffic accident). Harmful in contact with skin - contains lead.

Ingestion Harmful if swallowed - contains lead. Will injure the lungs if aspiration occurseg. during vomiting.

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Sheet No: SAV2103 Material Name: Avgas 100LL (low benzene) Issue Date : 19/06/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:11/03/98 Page

Inhalation Harmful by inhalation - contains lead Likely to be irritating to the respiratory tract if high concentrations of mists or vapour are inhaled. May cause nauseadizzinessheadaches and drowsiness if high concentrations of vapour are inhaled. ABUSE:Under normal conditions of use the product is not hazardoushoweverabuse involving deliberate inhalation of very high concentrations of vapoureven for short periodscan produce unconsciousness and/or result in a sudden fatality.

Lead is a cumulative poison. It can cause anaemiacentral nervous system effectsgastro-intestinal symptoms and kidney damage. _________________________________________________________________________________12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONMobility Spillages may penetrate the soil causing ground water contamination.

Persistence and degradability This product is inherently biodegradable.

Bioaccumulative potential There is no evidence to suggest bioaccumulation will occur.

Aquatic toxicity Toxic to aquatic organismsmay cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment Spills may form a film on water surfaces causing physical damage to organisms. Oxygen transfer could also be impaired. _________________________________________________________________________________13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSDispose of via an authorised person/ licensed waste disposal contractor in accordance with local regulations. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Hazard warning labels are a guide to the safe handling of empty packaging and should not be removed. Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain flammable product residues and vapour. Never weldsolder or braze empty containers. Materials contaminated with product should be treated as highly flammable. Disposal should be in accordance with local regulations. When cleaning storage tankssludges which may be contaminated with lead must be disposed of via a licensed waste disposal contractorin accordance with local regulations._________________________________________________________________________________14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONADR/RID: Motor spiritFlammable liquidClass 3

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Sheet No: SAV2103 Material Name: Avgas 100LL (low benzene) Issue Date : 19/06/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:11/03/98 Page

Item 3(b)Hazard Identification No 33ADNR/ADN: Motor SpiritClass 3Item 3(b)UN: MOTOR SPIRITFlammable liquidClass 3. Packing Group IIUN Number 1203IATA/ICAO: Motor spiritFlammable liquidClass 3Packing group IIIMO: MOTOR SPIRITFlammable liquidClass 3.1Packing group IIMARINE POLLUTANT (Leaded Petrol)EMERGENCY ACTION CODE: Flammable liquid3[Y]E _________________________________________________________________________________15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONEU Category of Danger Extremely flammable Irritant Harmful

EU Labelling Symbol: Flame St. Andrew's Cross Indication of danger: EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE HARMFULContains:Low boiling point naphtha - unspecifiedLead alkyls

Risk ( R ) Phrases: R12 Extremely flammable R20/21/22 Harmful by inhalationin contact with the skin and if swallowed. R33 Danger of cumulative effects. R38 Irritating to skin R65 Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed. R67 Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness.

Safety ( S ) Phrases: S23 Do not breathe vapour S24 Avoid contact with skin S29 Do not empty into drains S43 In case of fire

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Sheet No: SAV2103 Material Name: Avgas 100LL (low benzene) Issue Date : 19/06/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:11/03/98 Page

use foam/dry powder/CO2. Never use water jets. S62 If swalloweddo not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label. S61 Avoid release into the environment. Refer to special instructions/Safety data sheets.

_________________________________________________________________________________16. OTHER INFORMATIONCompiled by: Product Stewardship GroupBP Oil Technology CentreChertsey RoadSunbury-on-ThamesMiddlesexTW16 7LN

This data sheet and the healthsafety and environmental information it contains is considered to be accurate as of the date specified below. We have reviewed any information contained herein which we received from sources outside the BP Amoco Group of Companies. Howeverno warranty or representationexpress or implied is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the data and information contained in this data sheet.

Health and safety precautions and environmental advice noted in this data sheet may not be accurate for all individuals and/or situations. It is the user's obligation to evaluate and use this product safely and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. No statement made in this data sheet shall be construed as a permissionrecommendation or authorization given or implied to practise any patented invention without a valid licence. The BP Amoco Group shall not be responsible for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use of the materialfrom any failure to adhere to recommendationsor from any hazards inherent in the nature of the material.

Sheet Revisions Date: Sections revised: 03/09/96 23812141519/06/2000 1234781215SHEET NO: SAV2103ISSUE DATE: 19/06/2000REVISION OF SHEET DATED: 11/03/98

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Sheet No: SAV2103 Material Name: Avgas 100LL (low benzene) Issue Date : 19/06/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:11/03/98 Page


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Sheet No: STI2115 Material Name: Aviation Gasoline (High Lead) Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

ALIGN BP SDS FinalsSafety Data Sheet - SDS

GLIS Sheet No:STI2115 SDS Reference: Paper Type: BP Helios Status: Active

Material Name: Aviation Gasoline (High Lead)Language:English Country:OTI

Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Major Change: Hazard?:YesHazardous Components: Physical Characteristics: Gasoline Tox File: 190.19 Product Group:

Date of Issue: 17/07/2000 ________________________________________________________________________________


Aviation Gasoline (High Lead)1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Identification of substance/preparation Aviation Gasoline (High Lead) Alternative Names: Avgas 100/130

Application Use only as a motor fuel for aviation. Should NOT be used as a solvent nor cleaning agent. For specific application advice see appropriate Technical Data Sheet or consult your BP representative

Company Identification BP Oil International LimitedBritannic House1 Finsbury CircusLondon, EC2M 7BA

Emergency Telephone Number +44 (0) 20 7496 4411 _________________________________________________________________________________2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSChemical Composition A complex mixture of volatile hydrocarbons containing paraffins, naphthenes, olefins and aromatics with carbon

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Sheet No: STI2115 Material Name: Aviation Gasoline (High Lead) Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

numbers predominantly between C4 and C12. May contain oxygenates. May also contain small quantities of proprietary performance additives. Contains lead compounds.

Hazardous Components Lead alkyls, T+, N, R61 May cause harm to the unborn child., R62 Possible risk of impaired fertility, R26/27/28 Very toxic by inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowed, R33 Danger of cumulative effects, R50/53 Very toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment (>0.1 - <0.5% Pb)

Benzene, EINECS No. 200-753-7, CAS No. 71-43-2 F, T, R45 May cause cancer, R11 Highly flammable, R48/23/24/25 Toxic: Danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowed

Gasoline, EINECS No: 289-220-8, CAS No: 86290-81-5 F+,T, N, R12 Extremely flammable, R45 May cause cancer, R65 Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed, R38 Irritating to skin, R67 Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness, R51/53 Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment, (>90%)

_________________________________________________________________________________3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONExtremely flammable. Explosive air/vapour mixtures may form at ambient temperature. Likely to cause skin irritation. May cause cancer, classified as a category 2 carcinogen. Contains Benzene. Prolonged or repeated exposure to benzene can cause anaemia and other blood diseases, including leukaemia. Toxic by inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowed. Harmful if swallowed - aspiration hazard. Danger of cumulative effectsMay cause harm to the unborn childVapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness._________________________________________________________________________________

4. FIRST-AID MEASURESEyes Wash eye thoroughly with copious quantities of water, ensuring eyelids are held open. Obtain medical advice if any pain or redness develops or persists.

Skin Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water as soon as reasonably practicable. Remove heavily contaminated clothing and wash underlying skin. In extreme situations of saturation with this product, drench with water, remove clothing as soon as possible and wash skin with soap and water. Seek medical advice if skin becomes red, swollen or painful.

Ingestion If contamination of the mouth occurs, wash out thoroughly with water. Except as a deliberate act, the ingestion of large amounts of product is unlikely. If it should occur, do not induce vomiting; obtain medical advice.

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Sheet No: STI2115 Material Name: Aviation Gasoline (High Lead) Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

Inhalation If exposure to vapour, mists or fumes causes drowsiness, headache, blurred vision or irritation of the eyes, nose or throat, remove immediately to fresh air. Keep patient warm and at rest. If any symptoms persist obtain medical advice. Unconscious casualties must be placed in the recovery position. Monitor breathing and pulse rate and if breathing has failed, or is deemed inadequate, respiration must be assisted, preferably by the mouth to mouth method. Administer external cardiac massage if necessary. Seek medical attention immediately.

Medical Advice Treatment should in general be symptomatic and directed to relieving any effects.Product can be aspirated on swallowing or following regurgitation of stomach contents, and can cause severe and potentially fatal chemical pneumonitis, which will require urgent treatment. Because of the risk of aspiration, induction of vomiting and gastric lavage should be avoided. Gastric lavage should be undertaken only after endotracheal intubation. Monitor for cardiac dysrhythmias. _________________________________________________________________________________5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESFor major fires call the Fire Service. Ensure an escape path is always available from any fire. There is a danger of flashback if sparks or hot surfaces ignite vapour. Use foam, dry powder or water fog. DO NOT use water jets. Fires in confined spaces should be dealt with by trained personnel wearing approved breathing apparatus. Any spillage should be regarded as a potential fire risk.

Combustion Products Toxic fumes may be evolved on burning or exposure to heat. See Stability and Reactivity, Section 10 of this Safety Data Sheet. _________________________________________________________________________________6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESAs this product has a very low flash point any spillage or leak is a severe fire and/or explosion hazard. Spilled material may make surfaces slippery. It is advised that stocks of suitable absorbent material should be held in quantities sufficient to deal with any spillage which may be reasonably anticipated. Vapour is heavier than air and may travel to remote sources of ignition (eg. along drainage systems, in basements etc.).

Isolate spillage from all ignition sources including road traffic. Evacuate all non essential personnel from the immediate area. If spillage has occurred in a confined space, ensure adequate ventilation and check that a safe, breathable atmosphere is present before entry. Ensure good ventilation. Wear protective clothing. See Exposure Controls/Personal Protection, section 8, of this Safety Data Sheet. Large and uncontained spillages should be smothered with foam to reduce the risk of ignition. The foam blanket should be maintained until the area is declared safe. Recovery of large spillages should be effected by specialist personnel.

Protect drains from potential spills to minimise contamination. Do not wash product into drainage system. In the case of spillage on water, prevent the spread of product by the use of suitable barrier equipment. Recover product from the surface. Protect environmentally sensitive areas and water supplies.Regular surveillance on the location of the spillage should be maintained.In the event of spillages contact the appropriate authorities._________________________________________________________________________________

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Sheet No: STI2115 Material Name: Aviation Gasoline (High Lead) Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

7. HANDLING AND STORAGEStorage Conditions Store and dispense only in well ventilated areas away from heat and sources of ignition. Store and use only in equipment/containers designed for use with this product. Containers must be properly labelled and kept closed when not in use. Do not remove warning labels from containers. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Retain hazard warning labels on empty packages as a guide to the safe handling, storage and disposal of empty packaging. Do not enter storage tanks without breathing apparatus unless the tank has been well ventilated and the tank atmosphere has been shown to contain hydrocarbon vapour concentrations of less than 1% of the lower flammability limit and an oxygen concentration of at least 20% volume. Always have sufficient people standing by outside the tank with appropriate breathing apparatus and equipment to effect a quick rescue. Special health precautions must be taken during cleaning or maintenance operations on storage tanks which may have contained leaded product at any time.

Handling Precautions Ensure good ventilation and avoid as far as reasonably practicable the inhalation and contact with vapours, mists or fumes which may be generated during use. If such vapour, mists or fumes are generated, their concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level. Avoid contact with skin and observe good personal hygiene. Avoid contact with eyes. If splashing is likely to occur wear a full face visor or chemical goggles as appropriate. Do not siphon product by mouth. Whilst using do not eat, drink or smoke. Take all necessary precautions against accidental spillage into soil or water.

Fire Prevention Light hydrocarbon vapours can build up in the headspace of tanks. Tank headspaces should always be regarded as potentially flammable and care should be taken to avoid static electrical discharge and all ignition sources during filling, ullaging and sampling from storage tanks. When the product is pumped (e.g. during filling, discharge or ullaging) and when sampling, there is a risk of static discharge. Ensure equipment used is properly earthed or bonded to the tank structure. Electrical equipment should not be used unless it is intrinsically safe (i.e. will not produce sparks). Explosive air/vapour mixtures may form at ambient temperature. If product comes into contact with hot surfaces, or leaks occur from pressurised fuel pipes, the vapour or mists generated will create a flammability or explosion hazard. Product contaminated rags, paper or material used to absorb spillages, represent a fire hazard, and should not be allowed to accumulate. Dispose of safely immediately after use.Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain some remaining flammable product and vapour. Never cut, weld, solder or braze empty containers._________________________________________________________________________________

8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONExposure Limits If vapour, mists or fumes are generated, their concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level. Comply with current local occupational exposure limit. Where not established, the following limits are recommended. Gasoline ACGIH (USA) : TLV 300 ppm (8hr TWA); 500 ppm (15min STEL)A3 - Animal Carcinogen

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Sheet No: STI2115 Material Name: Aviation Gasoline (High Lead) Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

BenzeneACGIH (USA): TLV 0.5ppm (8hr TWA); 2.5 ppm (15min STEL)A1 - Confirmed human carcinogenSkin Notation - Can be absorbed through skin

Protective Clothing Wear face visor or goggles in circumstances where eye contact can accidentally occur. If skin contact is likely, wear impervious protective clothing and/or gloves. Protective clothing should be regularly inspected and maintained; overalls should be dry-cleaned, laundered and preferably starched after use.

Respiratory Protection If operations are such that exposure to vapour, mist or fume may be anticipated, then suitable approved respiratory equipment should be worn. The use of respiratory equipment must be strictly in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions and any statutory requirements governing its selection and use. _________________________________________________________________________________


Typical ValuesGrades: Aviation

Gasoline (High Lead)

Test Method UnitsPhysical state liquidColour greenOdour gasoline-likeDensity @ 15°C ASTM D 1298 kg/m³ 725Boiling point/range ASTM D 86 °C 35 - 170Kinematic viscosity @ 20°C

mm²/s 1

Flash point (PMC) ASTM D 93 °C -40_________________________________________________________________________________

10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYConditions to Avoid Stable at ambient temperatures. Hazardous polymerisation reactions will not occur.

Conditions to Avoid Sources of ignition Avoid excessive heat.

Materials to Avoid Avoid contact with strong oxidizing agents.

Hazardous Decomposition Products

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Sheet No: STI2115 Material Name: Aviation Gasoline (High Lead) Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

Thermal decomposition products will vary with conditions. Incomplete combustion will generate smoke, carbon dioxide and hazardous gases, including carbon monoxide._________________________________________________________________________________11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEyes Unlikely to cause more than transient stinging or redness if accidental eye contact occurs.

Skin Likely to cause skin irritation. Likely to result in chemical burns following prolonged wetting of the skin. (eg. after a road traffic accident). Toxic in contact with skin - contains lead.

Ingestion Toxic if swallowed - contains lead. Will injure the lungs if aspiration occurs, eg. during vomiting.

Inhalation Toxic by inhalation - contains lead Likely to be irritating to the respiratory tract if high concentrations of mists or vapour are inhaled. May cause nausea, dizziness, headaches and drowsiness if high concentrations of vapour are inhaled. ABUSE:Under normal conditions of use the product is not hazardous; however, abuse involving deliberate inhalation of very high concentrations of vapour, even for short periods, can produce unconsciousness and/or result in a sudden fatality.

Carcinogenicity/Chronic Toxicity Exposure to benzene may result in affects to the hematopoietic system causing blood disorders including anaemia and leukaemia.Benzene is classified by EEC as a category 1 carcinogen - substances known to be carcinogenic to man.IARC assessment: benzene - carcinogenic to humans ( Group 1) Lead is a cumulative poison. It can cause anaemia, central nervous system effects, gastro-intestinal symptoms and kidney damage. _________________________________________________________________________________12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONMobility Spillages may penetrate the soil causing ground water contamination.

Persistence and degradability This product is inherently biodegradable.

Bioaccumulative potential There is no evidence to suggest bioaccumulation will occur.

Aquatic toxicity Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment Spills may form a film on water surfaces causing physical damage to organisms. Oxygen transfer could also be impaired. German WGK Classification: 3 _________________________________________________________________________________13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS

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Sheet No: STI2115 Material Name: Aviation Gasoline (High Lead) Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

Dispose of via an authorised person/ licensed waste disposal contractor in accordance with local regulations. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Hazard warning labels are a guide to the safe handling of empty packaging and should not be removed. Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain flammable product residues and vapour. Never weld, solder or braze empty containers. Materials contaminated with product should be treated as highly flammable. Disposal should be in accordance with local regulations. When cleaning storage tanks, sludges which may be contaminated with lead must be disposed of via a licensed waste disposal contractor, in accordance with local regulations._________________________________________________________________________________14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONADR/RID: Motor spirit, Flammable liquid, Class 3, Item 3(b), Hazard Identification No 33ADNR/ADN: Motor Spirit, Class 3, Item 3(b)UN: MOTOR SPIRIT, Flammable liquid, Class 3. Packing Group II, UN Number 1203IATA/ICAO: Motor spirit, Flammable liquid, Class 3, Packing group IIIMO: MOTOR SPIRIT, Flammable liquid, Class 3.1, Packing group II, MARINE POLLUTANT (Leaded Petrol)EMERGENCY ACTION CODE: Flammable liquid, 3[Y]E _________________________________________________________________________________15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONEU Category of Danger Extremely flammable Carcinogenic category 2 Toxic to reproduction category 3 Toxic Irritant Harmful

EU Labelling Symbol: Flame Skull and crossbones


Contains: Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified Lead alkyls

Risk ( R ) Phrases: R12 Extremely flammable R45 May cause cancer R23/24/25 Also Toxic by inhalation, in contact with skin, and if swallowed R65 Also Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed. R61 May cause harm to the unborn child. R33 Danger of cumulative effects.R38 Irritating to skinR67 Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness.

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Sheet No: STI2115 Material Name: Aviation Gasoline (High Lead) Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

Safety ( S ) Phrases: S53 Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use. S45 In case of accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice immediately (show label where possible) S23 Do not breathe vapour S24 Avoid contact with skin S29 Do not empty into drains S43 In case of fire, use foam/dry powder/CO2. Never use water jets.S62 If swallowed, do not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label.S61 Avoid release into the environment. Refer to special instructions/Safety data sheets.

For non-fuel use only - "Restricted to professional users. Attention - Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use." must be marked on packaging.

_________________________________________________________________________________16. OTHER INFORMATIONCompiled by: Product Stewardship GroupBP Oil Technology CentreChertsey RoadSunbury-on-ThamesMiddlesex, TW16 7LN

This data sheet and the health, safety and environmental information it contains is considered to be accurate as of the date specified below. We have reviewed any information contained herein which we received from sources outside the BP Amoco Group of Companies. However, no warranty or representation, express or implied is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the data and information contained in this data sheet.

Health and safety precautions and environmental advice noted in this data sheet may not be accurate for all individuals and/or situations. It is the user's obligation to evaluate and use this product safely and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. No statement made in this data sheet shall be construed as a permission, recommendation or authorization given or implied to practise any patented invention without a valid licence. The BP Amoco Group shall not be responsible for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use of the material, from any failure to adhere to recommendations, or from any hazards inherent in the nature of the material.

Sheet Revisions Date: Sections revised: 02/11/98 117/07/2000 2, 3, 4, 8, 15

SHEET NO: STI2115ISSUE DATE: 17/07/2000REVISION OF SHEET DATED: 02/11/98 ______________________________________________________________________________

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Sheet No: STI2114 Material Name: Aviation Gasoline (Low Lead) Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

ALIGN BP SDS FinalsSafety Data Sheet - SDS

GLIS Sheet No:STI2114 SDS Reference: Paper Type: BP Helios Status: Active

Material Name: Aviation Gasoline (Low Lead)Language:English Country:OTI

Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Major Change: Hazard?:YesHazardous Components: Physical Characteristics: Gasoline Tox File: 190.17 Product Group:

Date of Issue: 17/07/2000 ________________________________________________________________________________


Aviation Gasoline (Low Lead)1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Identification of substance/preparation Aviation Gasoline (Low Lead) Alternative Names: Avgas 100LL, Aviation Gasoline

Application Use only as a motor fuel for aviation. Should NOT be used as a solvent nor cleaning agent. For specific application advice see appropriate Technical Data Sheet or consult your BP representative

Company Identification BP Oil International LimitedBritannic House1 Finsbury CircusLondon, EC2M 7BA

Emergency Telephone Number +44 (0) 20 7496 4411 _________________________________________________________________________________2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSChemical Composition A complex mixture of volatile hydrocarbons containing paraffins, naphthenes, olefins and aromatics with carbon

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Sheet No: STI2114 Material Name: Aviation Gasoline (Low Lead) Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

numbers predominantly between C4 and C12. May contain oxygenates. May also contain small quantities of proprietary performance additives. Contains lead compounds.

Hazardous Components Lead alkyls, T+, N, R61 May cause harm to the unborn child., R62 Possible risk of impaired fertility, R26/27/28 Very toxic by inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowed, R33 Danger of cumulative effects, R50/53 Very toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment (0.05 - <0.1% Pb)

Benzene, EINECS No. 200-753-7, CAS No. 71-43-2 F, T, R45 May cause cancer, R11 Highly flammable, R48/23/24/25 Toxic: Danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowed

Gasoline, EINECS No: 289-220-8, CAS No: 86290-81-5 F+,T, N, R12 Extremely flammable, R45 May cause cancer, R65 Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed, R38 Irritating to skin, R67 Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness, R51/53 Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment, (>90%)

_________________________________________________________________________________3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONExtremely flammable. Explosive air/vapour mixtures may form at ambient temperature. Likely to cause skin irritation. May cause cancer, classified as a category 2 carcinogen. Contains Benzene. Prolonged or repeated exposure to benzene can cause anaemia and other blood diseases, including leukaemia. Harmful by inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowed. Harmful if swallowed - aspiration hazard. Danger of cumulative effectsVapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness._________________________________________________________________________________

4. FIRST-AID MEASURESEyes Wash eye thoroughly with copious quantities of water, ensuring eyelids are held open. Obtain medical advice if any pain or redness develops or persists.

Skin Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water as soon as reasonably practicable. Remove heavily contaminated clothing and wash underlying skin. In extreme situations of saturation with this product, drench with water, remove clothing as soon as possible and wash skin with soap and water. Seek medical advice if skin becomes red, swollen or painful.

Ingestion If contamination of the mouth occurs, wash out thoroughly with water. Except as a deliberate act, the ingestion of large amounts of product is unlikely. If it should occur, do not induce vomiting; obtain medical advice.


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Sheet No: STI2114 Material Name: Aviation Gasoline (Low Lead) Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

If exposure to vapour, mists or fumes causes drowsiness, headache, blurred vision or irritation of the eyes, nose or throat, remove immediately to fresh air. Keep patient warm and at rest. If any symptoms persist obtain medical advice. Unconscious casualties must be placed in the recovery position. Monitor breathing and pulse rate and if breathing has failed, or is deemed inadequate, respiration must be assisted, preferably by the mouth to mouth method. Administer external cardiac massage if necessary. Seek medical attention immediately.

Medical Advice Treatment should in general be symptomatic and directed to relieving any effects.Product can be aspirated on swallowing or following regurgitation of stomach contents, and can cause severe and potentially fatal chemical pneumonitis, which will require urgent treatment. Because of the risk of aspiration, induction of vomiting and gastric lavage should be avoided. Gastric lavage should be undertaken only after endotracheal intubation. Monitor for cardiac dysrhythmias. _________________________________________________________________________________5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESFor major fires call the Fire Service. Ensure an escape path is always available from any fire. There is a danger of flashback if sparks or hot surfaces ignite vapour. Use foam, dry powder or water fog. DO NOT use water jets. Fires in confined spaces should be dealt with by trained personnel wearing approved breathing apparatus. Any spillage should be regarded as a potential fire risk.

Combustion Products Toxic fumes may be evolved on burning or exposure to heat. See Stability and Reactivity, Section 10 of this Safety Data Sheet. _________________________________________________________________________________6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESAs this product has a very low flash point any spillage or leak is a severe fire and/or explosion hazard. Spilled material may make surfaces slippery. It is advised that stocks of suitable absorbent material should be held in quantities sufficient to deal with any spillage which may be reasonably anticipated. Vapour is heavier than air and may travel to remote sources of ignition (eg. along drainage systems, in basements etc.).

Isolate spillage from all ignition sources including road traffic. Evacuate all non essential personnel from the immediate area. If spillage has occurred in a confined space, ensure adequate ventilation and check that a safe, breathable atmosphere is present before entry. Ensure good ventilation. Wear protective clothing. See Exposure Controls/Personal Protection, section 8, of this Safety Data Sheet. Large and uncontained spillages should be smothered with foam to reduce the risk of ignition. The foam blanket should be maintained until the area is declared safe. Recovery of large spillages should be effected by specialist personnel.

Protect drains from potential spills to minimise contamination. Do not wash product into drainage system. In the case of spillage on water, prevent the spread of product by the use of suitable barrier equipment. Recover product from the surface. Protect environmentally sensitive areas and water supplies.Regular surveillance on the location of the spillage should be maintained.In the event of spillages contact the appropriate authorities._________________________________________________________________________________


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Sheet No: STI2114 Material Name: Aviation Gasoline (Low Lead) Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

Storage Conditions Store and dispense only in well ventilated areas away from heat and sources of ignition. Store and use only in equipment/containers designed for use with this product. Containers must be properly labelled and kept closed when not in use. Do not remove warning labels from containers. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Retain hazard warning labels on empty packages as a guide to the safe handling, storage and disposal of empty packaging. Do not enter storage tanks without breathing apparatus unless the tank has been well ventilated and the tank atmosphere has been shown to contain hydrocarbon vapour concentrations of less than 1% of the lower flammability limit and an oxygen concentration of at least 20% volume. Always have sufficient people standing by outside the tank with appropriate breathing apparatus and equipment to effect a quick rescue. Special health precautions must be taken during cleaning or maintenance operations on storage tanks which may have contained leaded product at any time.

Handling Precautions Ensure good ventilation and avoid as far as reasonably practicable the inhalation and contact with vapours, mists or fumes which may be generated during use. If such vapour, mists or fumes are generated, their concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level. Avoid contact with skin and observe good personal hygiene. Avoid contact with eyes. If splashing is likely to occur wear a full face visor or chemical goggles as appropriate. Do not siphon product by mouth. Whilst using do not eat, drink or smoke. Take all necessary precautions against accidental spillage into soil or water.

Fire Prevention Light hydrocarbon vapours can build up in the headspace of tanks. Tank headspaces should always be regarded as potentially flammable and care should be taken to avoid static electrical discharge and all ignition sources during filling, ullaging and sampling from storage tanks. When the product is pumped (e.g. during filling, discharge or ullaging) and when sampling, there is a risk of static discharge. Ensure equipment used is properly earthed or bonded to the tank structure. Electrical equipment should not be used unless it is intrinsically safe (i.e. will not produce sparks). Explosive air/vapour mixtures may form at ambient temperature. If product comes into contact with hot surfaces, or leaks occur from pressurised fuel pipes, the vapour or mists generated will create a flammability or explosion hazard. Product contaminated rags, paper or material used to absorb spillages, represent a fire hazard, and should not be allowed to accumulate. Dispose of safely immediately after use.Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain some remaining flammable product and vapour. Never cut, weld, solder or braze empty containers._________________________________________________________________________________

8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONExposure Limits If vapour, mists or fumes are generated, their concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level. Comply with current local occupational exposure limit. Where not established, the following limits are recommended. Gasoline ACGIH (USA) : TLV 300 ppm (8hr TWA); 500 ppm (15min STEL)A3 - Animal Carcinogen

BenzeneACGIH (USA): TLV 0.5ppm (8hr TWA); 2.5 ppm (15min STEL)

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Sheet No: STI2114 Material Name: Aviation Gasoline (Low Lead) Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

A1 - Confirmed human carcinogenSkin Notation - Can be absorbed through skin

Protective Clothing Wear face visor or goggles in circumstances where eye contact can accidentally occur. If skin contact is likely, wear impervious protective clothing and/or gloves. Protective clothing should be regularly inspected and maintained; overalls should be dry-cleaned, laundered and preferably starched after use.

Respiratory Protection If operations are such that exposure to vapour, mist or fume may be anticipated, then suitable approved respiratory equipment should be worn. The use of respiratory equipment must be strictly in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions and any statutory requirements governing its selection and use. _________________________________________________________________________________


Typical ValuesGrades: Aviation

Gasoline (Low Lead)

Test Method UnitsPhysical state liquidColour blueOdour gasoline-likeDensity @ 15°C ASTM D 1298 kg/m³ 725Boiling point/range ASTM D 86 °C 35 - 170Kinematic viscosity @ 20°C

mm²/s 1

Flash point (PMC) ASTM D 93 °C -40_________________________________________________________________________________

10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYConditions to Avoid Stable at ambient temperatures. Hazardous polymerisation reactions will not occur.

Conditions to Avoid Sources of ignition Avoid excessive heat.

Materials to Avoid Avoid contact with strong oxidizing agents.

Hazardous Decomposition Products Thermal decomposition products will vary with conditions. Incomplete combustion will generate smoke, carbon dioxide and hazardous gases, including carbon monoxide.

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Sheet No: STI2114 Material Name: Aviation Gasoline (Low Lead) Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

_________________________________________________________________________________11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEyes Unlikely to cause more than transient stinging or redness if accidental eye contact occurs.

Skin Likely to cause skin irritation. Likely to result in chemical burns following prolonged wetting of the skin. (eg. after a road traffic accident). Harmful in contact with skin - contains lead.

Ingestion Harmful if swallowed - contains lead. Will injure the lungs if aspiration occurs, eg. during vomiting.

Inhalation Harmful by inhalation - contains lead Likely to be irritating to the respiratory tract if high concentrations of mists or vapour are inhaled. May cause nausea, dizziness, headaches and drowsiness if high concentrations of vapour are inhaled. ABUSE:Under normal conditions of use the product is not hazardous; however, abuse involving deliberate inhalation of very high concentrations of vapour, even for short periods, can produce unconsciousness and/or result in a sudden fatality.

Carcinogenicity/Chronic Toxicity Exposure to benzene may result in affects to the hematopoietic system causing blood disorders including anaemia and leukaemia.Benzene is classified by EEC as a category 1 carcinogen - substances known to be carcinogenic to man.IARC assessment: benzene - carcinogenic to humans ( Group 1) Lead is a cumulative poison. It can cause anaemia, central nervous system effects, gastro-intestinal symptoms and kidney damage. _________________________________________________________________________________12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONMobility Spillages may penetrate the soil causing ground water contamination.

Persistence and degradability This product is inherently biodegradable.

Bioaccumulative potential There is no evidence to suggest bioaccumulation will occur.

Aquatic toxicity Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment Spills may form a film on water surfaces causing physical damage to organisms. Oxygen transfer could also be impaired. German WGK Classification: 3 _________________________________________________________________________________13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSDispose of via an authorised person/ licensed waste disposal contractor in accordance with local regulations. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Hazard warning labels are a guide to the safe handling of

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Sheet No: STI2114 Material Name: Aviation Gasoline (Low Lead) Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

empty packaging and should not be removed. Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain flammable product residues and vapour. Never weld, solder or braze empty containers. Materials contaminated with product should be treated as highly flammable. Disposal should be in accordance with local regulations. When cleaning storage tanks, sludges which may be contaminated with lead must be disposed of via a licensed waste disposal contractor, in accordance with local regulations._________________________________________________________________________________14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONADR/RID: Motor spirit, Flammable liquid, Class 3, Item 3(b), Hazard Identification No 33ADNR/ADN: Motor Spirit, Class 3, Item 3(b)UN: MOTOR SPIRIT, Flammable liquid, Class 3. Packing Group II, UN Number 1203IATA/ICAO: Motor spirit, Flammable liquid, Class 3, Packing group IIIMO: MOTOR SPIRIT, Flammable liquid, Class 3.1, Packing group II, MARINE POLLUTANT (Leaded Petrol)EMERGENCY ACTION CODE: Flammable liquid, 3[Y]E _________________________________________________________________________________15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONEU Category of Danger Extremely flammable Carcinogenic category 2 Irritant Harmful

EU Labelling Symbol: Flame Skull and crossbones

Indication of danger: EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE

Contains: Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified Lead alkyls

Risk ( R ) Phrases: R12 Extremely flammable R45 May cause cancer R20/21/22 Also Harmful by inhalation, in contact with the skin and if swallowed. R65 Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed. R33 Danger of cumulative effects. R38 Irritating to skinR67 Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness.

Safety ( S ) Phrases: S53 Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use. S45 In case of accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice immediately (show label where possible) S23 Do not breathe vapour S24 Avoid contact with skin S43 In case of fire, use foam/dry powder/CO2. Never use water jets.

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Sheet No: STI2114 Material Name: Aviation Gasoline (Low Lead) Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

S62 If swallowed, do not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label.S61 Avoid release into the environment. Refer to special instructions/Safety data sheets.

For non-fuel use only - "Restricted to professional users. Attention - Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use." must be marked on packaging._________________________________________________________________________________16. OTHER INFORMATIONCompiled by: Product Stewardship GroupBP Oil Technology CentreChertsey RoadSunbury-on-ThamesMiddlesex, TW16 7LN

This data sheet and the health, safety and environmental information it contains is considered to be accurate as of the date specified below. We have reviewed any information contained herein which we received from sources outside the BP Amoco Group of Companies. However, no warranty or representation, express or implied is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the data and information contained in this data sheet.

Health and safety precautions and environmental advice noted in this data sheet may not be accurate for all individuals and/or situations. It is the user's obligation to evaluate and use this product safely and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. No statement made in this data sheet shall be construed as a permission, recommendation or authorization given or implied to practise any patented invention without a valid licence. The BP Amoco Group shall not be responsible for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use of the material, from any failure to adhere to recommendations, or from any hazards inherent in the nature of the material.

Sheet Revisions Date: Sections revised: 02/11/98 117/07/2000 2, 3, 4, 7, 15



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Sheet No: STI2111 Material Name: Aviation Turbine Fuel Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

ALIGN BP SDS FinalsSafety Data Sheet - SDS

GLIS Sheet No:STI2111 SDS Reference: Paper Type: BP Helios Status: Active

Material Name: Aviation Turbine FuelLanguage:English Country:OTI

Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Major Change: Hazard?:YesHazardous Components: Physical Characteristics: Gas oil Tox File: 346.7 Product Group:

Date of Issue: 17/07/2000 ________________________________________________________________________________


Aviation Turbine Fuel1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Identification of substance/preparation Aviation Turbine Fuel Alternative Names: AVTUR, JP-8, Jet A, Jet A-1 & Jet Kerosine

Application Jet fuel, do not use for other purposesFor specific application advice see appropriate Technical Data Sheet or consult your BP representative

Company Identification BP Oil International LimitedBritannic House1 Finsbury CircusLondon, EC2M 7BA

Emergency Telephone Number +44 (0) 20 7496 4411 _________________________________________________________________________________2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSChemical Composition A mixture of kerosene streams

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Sheet No: STI2111 Material Name: Aviation Turbine Fuel Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

May contain small quantities of proprietary performance additives.

Hazardous Components Kerosine - unspecified, Xn R10 Flammable, R38 Irritating to skin, R65 Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed.

_________________________________________________________________________________3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONFlammable Harmful if swallowed - aspiration hazard. Likely to cause skin irritation. _________________________________________________________________________________

4. FIRST-AID MEASURESEyes Wash eye thoroughly with copious quantities of water, ensuring eyelids are held open. Obtain medical advice if any pain or redness develops or persists.

Skin Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water as soon as reasonably practicable. Remove heavily contaminated clothing and wash underlying skin.

Ingestion If contamination of the mouth occurs, wash out thoroughly with water. Except as a deliberate act, the ingestion of large amounts of product is unlikely. If it should occur, do not induce vomiting; obtain medical advice.

Inhalation If fumes are inhaled the patient should be removed to fresh air and if recovery is not immediate, medical assistance must be called without delay. If breathing has failed respiration must be assisted, preferably by mouth to mouth method.

Medical Advice Product can be aspirated on swallowing or following regurgitation of stomach contents, and can cause severe and potentially fatal chemical pneumonitis, which will require urgent treatment. Because of the risk of aspiration, induction of vomiting and gastric lavage should be avoided. Gastric lavage should be undertaken only after endotracheal intubation. Monitor for cardiac dysrhythmias._________________________________________________________________________________5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESFor major fires call the Fire Service. Ensure an escape path is always available from any fire. There is a danger of flashback if sparks or hot surfaces ignite vapour. Use foam, dry powder or water fog. DO NOT USE water jets. Fires in confined spaces should be dealt with by trained personnel wearing approved breathing apparatus.

Combustion Products Toxic fumes may be evolved on burning or exposure to heat. See Stability and Reactivity, Section 10 of this Safety Data Sheet. _________________________________________________________________________________6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES

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Sheet No: STI2111 Material Name: Aviation Turbine Fuel Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

Any spillage should be regarded as a potential fire risk. In the event of spillage, remove all sources of ignition and ensure good ventilation. Wear protective clothing. See Exposure Controls/Personal Protection, section 8, of this Safety Data Sheet. Spilled material may make surfaces slippery. Clean up spilled material immediately. Contain and recover spilled material using sand or other suitable inert absorbent material. Recovery of large spillages should be effected by specialist personnel. It is advised that stocks of suitable absorbent material should be held in quantities sufficient to deal with any spillage which may be reasonably anticipated. Large and uncontained spillages should be smothered with foam to reduce the risk of ignition. The foam blanket should be maintained until the area is declared safe. Protect drains from potential spills to minimise contamination. Do not wash product into drainage system. Vapour is heavier than air and may travel to remote sources of ignition (eg. along drainage systems, in basements etc.). If spillage has occurred in a confined space, ensure adequate ventilation and check that a safe, breathable atmosphere is present before entry. In the case of spillage on water, prevent the spread of product by the use of suitable barrier equipment. Recover product from the surface. Protect environmentally sensitive areas and water supplies. In the case of spillage at sea approved dispersants may be used where authorised by the appropriate government/regulatory authorities.Regular surveillance on the location of the spillage should be maintained. In the event of spillages contact the appropriate authorities._________________________________________________________________________________

7. HANDLING AND STORAGEStorage Conditions Store and dispense only in well ventilated areas away from heat and sources of ignition. Store and use only in equipment/containers designed for use with this product. Containers must be properly labelled and kept closed when not in use. Do not remove warning labels from containers. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Retain hazard warning labels on empty packages as a guide to the safe handling, storage and disposal of empty packaging. Do not enter storage tanks without breathing apparatus unless the tank has been well ventilated and the tank atmosphere has been shown to contain hydrocarbon vapour concentrations of less than 1% of the lower flammability limit and an oxygen concentration of at least 20% volume. Always have sufficient people standing by outside the tank with appropriate breathing apparatus and equipment to effect a quick rescue.

Handling Precautions Avoid, as far as reasonably practicable, inhalation of vapour, mists or fumes generated during use. Avoid contact with skin and observe good personal hygiene. Avoid contact with eyes. If splashing is likely to occur wear a full face visor or chemical goggles as appropriate. Do not siphon product by mouth. Whilst using do not eat, drink or smoke. Wash hands thoroughly after contact. Use disposable cloths and discard when soiled. Do not put soiled cloths into pockets. Take all necessary precautions against accidental spillage into soil or water.

Fire Prevention Light hydrocarbon vapours can build up in the headspace of tanks. These can cause flammability/explosion hazards even at temperatures below the normal flash point (note: flash point must not be regarded as a reliable indicator of the potential flammability of vapour in tank headspaces). Tank headspaces should always be regarded as potentially

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Sheet No: STI2111 Material Name: Aviation Turbine Fuel Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

flammable and care should be taken to avoid static electrical discharge and all ignition sources during filling, ullaging and sampling from storage tanks. When the product is pumped (e.g. during filling, discharge or ullaging) and when sampling, there is a risk of static discharge. Ensure equipment used is properly earthed or bonded to the tank structure. Product contaminated rags, paper or material used to absorb spillages, represent a fire hazard, and should not be allowed to accumulate. Dispose of safely immediately after use. Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain some remaining flammable product and vapour. Never cut, weld, solder or braze empty containers. _________________________________________________________________________________

8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONExposure Limits There is no appropriate occupational exposure limit for this material. If vapour, mists or fumes are generated, their concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level.

Protective Clothing Wear face visor or goggles in circumstances where eye contact can accidentally occur. If skin contact is likely, wear impervious protective clothing and/or gloves. Protective clothing should be regularly inspected and maintained; overalls should be dry-cleaned, laundered and preferably starched after use.

Respiratory Protection If operations are such that exposure to vapour, mist or fume may be anticipated, then suitable approved respiratory equipment should be worn. The use of respiratory equipment must be strictly in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions and any statutory requirements governing its selection and use. _________________________________________________________________________________


Typical ValuesGrades: Aviation

Turbine FuelTest Method Units

Physical state liquidColour colourless ->

yellowOdour kerosine-likeDensity @ 15°C ASTM D 1298 kg/m³ 804Boiling point/range ASTM D 86 °C 156 - 258Flash point (PMC) ASTM D 93 °C >38Kinematic viscosity @ 20°C

ASTM D 445 mm²/s 3.5



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Sheet No: STI2111 Material Name: Aviation Turbine Fuel Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

Stable at ambient temperatures. Hazardous polymerisation reactions will not occur.

Conditions to Avoid Sources of ignition

Materials to Avoid Avoid contact with strong oxidizing agents.

Hazardous Decomposition Products Thermal decomposition products will vary with conditions. Incomplete combustion will generate smoke, carbon dioxide and hazardous gases, including carbon monoxide._________________________________________________________________________________11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEyes Unlikely to cause more than transient stinging or redness if accidental eye contact occurs. May be irritating to eyes at high concentrations of vapour, mists or fumes.

Skin Likely to cause skin irritation.

Ingestion Unlikely to cause harm if accidentally swallowed in small doses, though larger quantities may cause nausea and diarrhoea. Will injure the lungs if aspiration occurs, eg. during vomiting.

Inhalation May cause irritation to eyes, nose and throat due to exposure to vapour, mists or fumes. _________________________________________________________________________________12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONMobility Spillages may penetrate the soil causing ground water contamination.

Persistence and degradability This product is inherently biodegradable.

Bioaccumulative potential There is no evidence to suggest bioaccumulation will occur.

Aquatic toxicity Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment Spills may form a film on water surfaces causing physical damage to organisms. Oxygen transfer could also be impaired. German WGK Classification: 2 _________________________________________________________________________________13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSDispose of via an authorised person/ licensed waste disposal contractor in accordance with local regulations. Dispose of product and container carefully and responsibly. Do not dispose of near ponds, ditches, down drains or

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Sheet No: STI2111 Material Name: Aviation Turbine Fuel Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

onto soil. At sea, used or unwanted product should be stored for eventual discharge into port approved waste oil disposal facilities. _________________________________________________________________________________14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONADR/RID: Kerosene, Flammable Liquid, Class 3 , Item 31 (c), Hazard Identification No 30UN: KEROSENE, Flammable liquid, Class 3, Packing Group III, UN Number 1223IATA/ICAO: Kerosene, Flammable liquid, Class 3, Packing Group IIIIMO: KEROSENE, Flammable liquid, Class 3.3, Packing Group IIIEMERGENCY ACTION CODE: Flammable liquid, 3[Y] _________________________________________________________________________________15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONEU Category of Danger Flammable Harmful Irritant

EU Labelling Symbol: St. Andrew's Cross

Indication of danger: HARMFUL

Contains: Kerosine - unspecified

Risk ( R ) Phrases: R10 Flammable R38 Irritating to skin R65 Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed.

Safety ( S ) Phrases: S24 Avoid contact with skin S23 Do not breathe vapour S43 In case of fire, use foam/dry powder/CO2. Never use water jets. S62 If swallowed, do not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label. S61 Avoid release into the environment. Refer to special instructions/Safety data sheets.

_________________________________________________________________________________16. OTHER INFORMATIONCompiled by: Product Stewardship GroupBP Oil Technology CentreChertsey RoadSunbury-on-ThamesMiddlesex, TW16 7LN

This data sheet and the health, safety and environmental information it contains is considered to be accurate as of the

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Sheet No: STI2111 Material Name: Aviation Turbine Fuel Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

date specified below. We have reviewed any information contained herein which we received from sources outside the BP Amoco Group of Companies. However, no warranty or representation, express or implied is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the data and information contained in this data sheet.

Health and safety precautions and environmental advice noted in this data sheet may not be accurate for all individuals and/or situations. It is the user's obligation to evaluate and use this product safely and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. No statement made in this data sheet shall be construed as a permission, recommendation or authorization given or implied to practise any patented invention without a valid licence. The BP Amoco Group shall not be responsible for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use of the material, from any failure to adhere to recommendations, or from any hazards inherent in the nature of the material.

Sheet Revisions Date: Sections revised: 11/05/98 2, 4, 12, 1502/11/98 117/07/2000 2, 9, 15

SHEET NO: STI2111ISSUE DATE: 17/07/2000REVISION OF SHEET DATED: 02/11/98 ______________________________________________________________________________

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Sheet No: SAV2107 Material Name: Avtag Issue Date : 19/06/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:03/11/98 Page

ALIGN BP SDS FinalsSafety Data Sheet - SDS

GLIS Sheet No:SAV2107 SDS Reference: Paper Type: BP Helios Status: Active

Material Name: AvtagLanguage:English Country:OAV

Revision of Sheet Dated:03/11/98 Major Change: Hazard?:YesHazardous Components: Physical Characteristics: Gasoline Tox File: 458.14 Product Group:

Date of Issue: 19/06/2000 ________________________________________________________________________________



Application Wide cut aviation turbine fuel.For specific application advice see appropriate Technical Data Sheet or consult your BP representative

Company Identification Air BP InternationalBreakspear ParkBreakspear WayHemel HempsteadHertfordshireHP2 4UL

Emergency Telephone Number +44 (0) 1442 22 5711

Out of office hours:+44 (0) 1202 590558 _________________________________________________________________________________

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Sheet No: SAV2107 Material Name: Avtag Issue Date : 19/06/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:03/11/98 Page

2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSChemical Composition A complex combination of volatile hydrocarbons consisting primarily of paraffinscycloparaffinsaromatic and olefinic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range C5 through C14 and boiling in the range 20°C to 270°C.

Hazardous Components Kerosine - unspecifiedXn R10 FlammableR38 Irritating to skinR65 Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed. (<95%)

Low boiling point naphtha - unspecifiedF+TNR12 Extremely flammableR45 May cause cancerR65 Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowedR38 Irritating to skinR67 Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizzinessR51/53 Toxic to aquatic organismsmay cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment. (<95%)

_________________________________________________________________________________3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONExtremely flammable. Explosive air/vapour mixtures may form at ambient temperature. Likely to cause skin irritation. May cause cancerclassified as a category 2 carcinogen. Contains Benzene. Prolonged or repeated exposure to benzene can cause anaemia and other blood diseasesincluding leukaemia. Harmful if swallowed - aspiration hazard. Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness. _________________________________________________________________________________

4. FIRST-AID MEASURESEyes Wash eye thoroughly with copious quantities of waterensuring eyelids are held open. Obtain medical advice if any pain or redness develops or persists.

Skin Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water as soon as reasonably practicable. Remove heavily contaminated clothing and wash underlying skin. In extreme situations of saturation with this productdrench with water

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Sheet No: SAV2107 Material Name: Avtag Issue Date : 19/06/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:03/11/98 Page

remove clothing as soon as possible and wash skin with soap and water. Seek medical advice if skin becomes redswollen or painful.

Ingestion If contamination of the mouth occurswash out thoroughly with water. Except as a deliberate actthe ingestion of large amounts of product is unlikely. If it should occurdo not induce vomitingobtain medical advice.

Inhalation If exposure to vapourmists or fumes causes drowsinessheadacheblurred vision or irritation of the eyesnose or throatremove immediately to fresh air. Keep patient warm and at rest. If any symptoms persist obtain medical advice. Unconscious casualties must be placed in the recovery position. Monitor breathing and pulse rate and if breathing has failed, or is deemed inadequate, respiration must be assisted, preferably by the mouth to mouth method. Administer external cardiac massage if necessary. Seek medical attention immediately.

Medical Advice Treatment should in general be symptomatic and directed to relieving any effects.Product can be aspirated on swallowing or following regurgitation of stomach contentsand can cause severe and potentially fatal chemical pneumonitiswhich will require urgent treatment. Because of the risk of aspirationinduction of vomiting and gastric lavage should be avoided. Gastric lavage should be undertaken only after endotracheal intubation. Monitor for cardiac dysrhythmias. _________________________________________________________________________________5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESFor major fires call the Fire Service. Ensure an escape path is always available from any fire. There is a danger of flashback if sparks or hot surfaces ignite vapour. Use foamdry powder or water fog. DO NOT use water jets. Fires in confined spaces should be dealt with by trained personnel wearing approved breathing apparatus. Any spillage should be regarded as a potential fire risk.

Combustion Products Toxic fumes may be evolved on burning or exposure to heat. See Stability and ReactivitySection 10 of this Safety Data Sheet. _________________________________________________________________________________6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESAs this product has a very low flash point any spillage or leak is a severe fire and/or explosion hazard. Spilled material may make surfaces slippery. It is advised that stocks of suitable absorbent material should be held in quantities sufficient to deal with any spillage which may be reasonably anticipated. Vapour is heavier than air and may travel to remote sources of ignition (eg. along drainage systemsin basements etc.).

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Sheet No: SAV2107 Material Name: Avtag Issue Date : 19/06/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:03/11/98 Page

Isolate spillage from all ignition sources including road traffic. Evacuate all non essential personnel from the immediate area. If spillage has occurred in a confined spaceensure adequate ventilation and check that a safebreathable atmosphere is present before entry. Ensure good ventilation. Wear protective clothing. See Exposure Controls/Personal Protectionsection 8of this Safety Data Sheet. Large and uncontained spillages should be smothered with foam to reduce the risk of ignition. The foam blanket should be maintained until the area is declared safe. Recovery of large spillages should be effected by specialist personnel.

Protect drains from potential spills to minimise contamination. Do not wash product into drainage system. In the case of spillage on waterprevent the spread of product by the use of suitable barrier equipment. Recover product from the surface. Protect environmentally sensitive areas and water supplies.Regular surveillance on the location of the spillage should be maintained.In the event of spillages contact the appropriate authorities._________________________________________________________________________________

7. HANDLING AND STORAGEStorage Conditions Store and dispense only in well ventilated areas away from heat and sources of ignition. Store and use only in equipment/containers designed for use with this product. Containers must be properly labelled and kept closed when not in use. Do not remove warning labels from containers. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Retain hazard warning labels on empty packages as a guide to the safe handlingstorage and disposal of empty packaging. Do not enter storage tanks without breathing apparatus unless the tank has been well ventilated and the tank atmosphere has been shown to contain hydrocarbon vapour concentrations of less than 1% of the lower flammability limit and an oxygen concentration of at least 20% volume. Always have sufficient people standing by outside the tank with appropriate breathing apparatus and equipment to effect a quick rescue.

Handling Precautions Ensure good ventilation and avoid as far as reasonably practicable the inhalation and contact with vapoursmists or fumes which may be generated during use. If such vapourmists or fumes are generatedtheir concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level. Avoid contact with skin and observe good personal hygiene. Avoid contact with eyes. If splashing is likely to occur wear a full face visor or chemical goggles as appropriate. Do not siphon product by mouth. Do not siphon product by mouth. Take all necessary precautions against accidental spillage into soil or water.

Fire Prevention Light hydrocarbon vapours can build up in the headspace of tanks. Tank headspaces should always be regarded as potentially flammable and care should be taken to avoid static electrical discharge and all ignition sources during fillingullaging and sampling from storage tanks. When the product is pumped (e.g. during filling

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discharge or ullaging) and when samplingthere is a risk of static discharge. Ensure equipment used is properly earthed or bonded to the tank structure. Electrical equipment should not be used unless it is intrinsically safe (i.e. will not produce sparks). Explosive air/vapour mixtures may form at ambient temperature. If product comes into contact with hot surfacesor leaks occur from pressurised fuel pipesthe vapour or mists generated will create a flammability or explosion hazard. Product contaminated ragspaper or material used to absorb spillagesrepresent a fire hazardand should not be allowed to accumulate. Dispose of safely immediately after use.Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain some remaining flammable product and vapour. Never cutweldsolder or braze empty containers._________________________________________________________________________________

8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONExposure Limits If vapourmists or fumes are generatedtheir concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level. Comply with current local occupational exposure limit. Where not establishedthe following limits are recommended. Gasoline ACGIH (USA) : TLV 300 ppm (8hr TWA)500 ppm (15min STEL)A3 - Animal Carcinogen

BenzeneACGIH (USA): TLV 0.5ppm (8hr TWA)2.5 ppm (15min STEL)A1 - Confirmed human carcinogenSkin Notation - Can be absorbed through skin

Protective Clothing Wear face visor or goggles in circumstances where eye contact can accidentally occur. If skin contact is likelywear impervious protective clothing and/or gloves. Protective clothing should be regularly inspected and maintainedoveralls should be dry-cleanedlaundered and preferably starched after use.

Respiratory Protection If operations are such that exposure to vapourmist or fume may be anticipatedthen suitable approved respiratory equipment should be worn. The use of respiratory equipment must be strictly in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions and any statutory requirements governing its selection and use. _________________________________________________________________________________

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Typical ValuesGrades: Avtag

Test Method UnitsPhysical state liquidColour colourlessOdour gasoline-likeDensity @ 15°C ASTM D 1298 kg/m³ 751 - 802Boiling point/range ASTM D 86 °C 20 - 270Flash point (PMC) ASTM D 93 °C <-40Freezing Point @ °C -58_________________________________________________________________________________

10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYStable at ambient temperatures. Hazardous polymerisation reactions will not occur.

Conditions to Avoid Sources of ignition Avoid excessive heat.

Materials to Avoid Avoid contact with strong oxidizing agents.

Hazardous Decomposition Products Thermal decomposition products will vary with conditions. Incomplete combustion will generate smokecarbon dioxide and hazardous gasesincluding carbon monoxide._________________________________________________________________________________11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEyes Unlikely to cause more than transient stinging or redness if accidental eye contact occurs.

Skin Likely to cause skin irritation. Likely to result in chemical burns following prolonged wetting of the skin. (eg. after a road traffic accident).

Ingestion Unlikely to cause harm if accidentally swallowed in small dosesthough larger quantities may cause nausea and diarrhoea. Will injure the lungs if aspiration occurseg. during vomiting.

Inhalation Likely to be irritating to the respiratory tract if high concentrations of mists or vapour are inhaled. May cause nausea

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dizzinessheadaches and drowsiness if high concentrations of vapour are inhaled. ABUSE:Under normal conditions of use the product is not hazardoushoweverabuse involving deliberate inhalation of very high concentrations of vapoureven for short periodscan produce unconsciousness and/or result in a sudden fatality.

Carcinogenicity/Chronic Toxicity Exposure to benzene may result in affects to the hematopoietic system causing blood disorders including anaemia and leukaemia.Benzene is classified by EEC as a category 1 carcinogen - substances known to be carcinogenic to man.IARC assessment: benzene - carcinogenic to humans ( Group 1) _________________________________________________________________________________12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONMobility Spillages may penetrate the soil causing ground water contamination.

Persistence and degradability This product is inherently biodegradable.

Bioaccumulative potential There is no evidence to suggest bioaccumulation will occur.

Aquatic toxicity Toxic to aquatic organismsmay cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment Spills may form a film on water surfaces causing physical damage to organisms. Oxygen transfer could also be impaired. _________________________________________________________________________________13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSDispose of via an authorised person/ licensed waste disposal contractor in accordance with local regulations. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Hazard warning labels are a guide to the safe handling of empty packaging and should not be removed. Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain flammable product residues and vapour. Never weldsolder or braze empty containers. Materials contaminated with product should be treated as highly flammable. Disposal should be in accordance with local regulations. _________________________________________________________________________________14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONADR/RID: Petroleum distillatesn.o.s.Flammable liquidClass 3Item 3(b)Hazard Identification No. 33UN: Petroleum distillates N.O.S.Flammable liquidClass 3

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Packing group 1UN No. 1268IATA/ICAO: Petroleum Distillates N.O.S. Flammable LiquidClass 3 Packing group 1IMO: Petroleum Distillates N.O.S.Flammable liquidClass 3.1Packing group 1Emergency Action Code: 3[Y]E _________________________________________________________________________________15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONEU Category of Danger Extremely flammable Carcinogenic category 2 Harmful Irritant

EU Labelling Symbol: Flame Skull and crossbones Indication of danger: EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE Contains:Low boiling point naphtha - unspecifiedKerosine - unspecified

Risk ( R ) Phrases: R12 Extremely flammable R45 May cause cancer R65 Also Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed. R38 Irritating to skin R67 Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness.

Safety ( S ) Phrases: S2 Keep out of reach of children S53 Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use. S45 In case of accident or if you feel unwellseek medical advice immediately (show label where possible) S23 Do not breathe vapour S24 Avoid contact with skin S29 Do not empty into drainsS43 In case of fireuse foam/dry powder/CO2. Never use water jets.S62 If swalloweddo not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label.S61 Avoid release into the environment. Refer to special instructions/Safety data sheets.

For non-fuel use only - "Restricted to professional users. Attention - Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use." must be marked on packaging.

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_________________________________________________________________________________16. OTHER INFORMATIONCompiled by: Product Stewardship GroupBP Oil Technology CentreChertsey RoadSunbury-on-ThamesMiddlesexTW16 7LN

This data sheet and the healthsafety and environmental information it contains is considered to be accurate as of the date specified below. We have reviewed any information contained herein which we received from sources outside the BP Amoco Group of Companies. Howeverno warranty or representationexpress or implied is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the data and information contained in this data sheet.

Health and safety precautions and environmental advice noted in this data sheet may not be accurate for all individuals and/or situations. It is the user's obligation to evaluate and use this product safely and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. No statement made in this data sheet shall be construed as a permissionrecommendation or authorization given or implied to practise any patented invention without a valid licence. The BP Amoco Group shall not be responsible for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use of the materialfrom any failure to adhere to recommendationsor from any hazards inherent in the nature of the material.

Sheet Revisions Date: Sections revised: 19/06/2000 1234781015SHEET NO: SAV2107ISSUE DATE: 19/06/2000REVISION OF SHEET DATED: 03/11/98 ______________________________________________________________________________

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Sheet No: SAV2108 Material Name: Bolivian Avgas 100 Issue Date : 14/05/2001 Revision of Sheet Dated: Page

ALIGN BP SDS FinalsSafety Data Sheet - SDS

GLIS Sheet No:SAV2108 SDS Reference: Paper Type: BP Helios Status: ActiveMaterial Name: Bolivian Avgas 100

Language:English Country:OAVRevision of Sheet Dated: Major Change: Hazard?:Yes

Hazardous Components: Physical Characteristics: Gasoline Tox File: 190.63 Product Group: Date of Issue: 14/05/2001



Bolivian Avgas 1001. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Identification of substance/preparation Bolivian Avgas 100

Application Use only as a motor fuel for aviation. Should NOT be used as a solvent nor cleaning agent. For specific application advice see appropriate Technical Data Sheet or consult your BP representative

Company Identification Air BP InternationalBreakspear ParkBreakspear WayHemel HempsteadHertfordshireHP2 4UL

Emergency Telephone Number +44 (0) 1442-22-5711

Out of office hours:+44 (0) 1202 590558 _________________________________________________________________________________

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2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSChemical Composition A complex mixture of volatile hydrocarbons containing paraffinsnaphthenesolefins and aromatics with carbon numbers predominantly between C4 and C12. May contain oxygenates. May also contain small quantities of proprietary performance additives. Contains lead compounds.

Hazardous Components Lead alkylsT+NR61 May cause harm to the unborn child.R62 Possible risk of impaired fertilityR26/27/28 Very toxic by inhalationin contact with skin and if swallowedR33 Danger of cumulative effectsR50/53 Very toxic to aquatic organismsmay cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment (>0.1 - <0.5% Pb)

BenzeneEINECS No. 200-753-7CAS No. 71-43-2 FTR45 May cause cancerR11 Highly flammableR48/23/24/25 Toxic: Danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalationin contact with skin and if swallowed (~ 5%)

TolueneEINECS No. 203-625-9CAS No. 108-88-3FXnR11 Highly FlammableR20 Harmful by inhalation(~ 20%)

GasolineEINECS No: 289-220-8CAS No: 86290-81-5 F+TNR12 Extremely flammableR45 May cause cancerR65 Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowedR38 Irritating to skinR67 Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizzinessR51/53 Toxic to aquatic organismsmay cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment(>90%)

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_________________________________________________________________________________3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONExtremely flammable. Explosive air/vapour mixtures may form at ambient temperature. Likely to cause skin irritation. May cause cancerclassified as a category 2 carcinogen. Contains Benzene. Prolonged or repeated exposure to benzene can cause anaemia and other blood diseasesincluding leukaemia. Toxic by inhalationin contact with skin and if swallowed. Harmful if swallowed - aspiration hazard. Danger of cumulative effectsMay cause harm to the unborn child_________________________________________________________________________________

4. FIRST-AID MEASURESEyes Wash eye thoroughly with copious quantities of waterensuring eyelids are held open. Obtain medical advice if any pain or redness develops or persists.

Skin Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water as soon as reasonably practicable. Remove heavily contaminated clothing and wash underlying skin. In extreme situations of saturation with this productdrench with waterremove clothing as soon as possible and wash skin with soap and water. Seek medical advice if skin becomes redswollen or painful.

Ingestion If contamination of the mouth occurswash out thoroughly with water. Except as a deliberate actthe ingestion of large amounts of product is unlikely. If it should occurdo not induce vomitingobtain medical advice.

Inhalation If exposure to vapourmists or fumes causes drowsinessheadacheblurred vision or irritation of the eyesnose or throatremove immediately to fresh air. Keep patient warm and at rest. If any symptoms persist obtain medical advice. Unconscious casualties must be placed in the recovery position. Monitor breathing and pulse rate and if breathing has failed, or is deemed inadequate, respiration must be assisted, preferably by the mouth to mouth method. Administer external cardiac massage if necessary. Seek medical attention immediately.

Medical Advice

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Sheet No: SAV2108 Material Name: Bolivian Avgas 100 Issue Date : 14/05/2001 Revision of Sheet Dated: Page

Treatment should in general be symptomatic and directed to relieving any effects.Product can be aspirated on swallowing or following regurgitation of stomach contentsand can cause severe and potentially fatal chemical pneumonitiswhich will require urgent treatment. Because of the risk of aspirationinduction of vomiting and gastric lavage should be avoided. Gastric lavage should be undertaken only after endotracheal intubation. Monitor for cardiac dysrhythmias. _________________________________________________________________________________5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESFor major fires call the Fire Service. Ensure an escape path is always available from any fire. There is a danger of flashback if sparks or hot surfaces ignite vapour. Use foamdry powder or water fog. DO NOT use water jets. Fires in confined spaces should be dealt with by trained personnel wearing approved breathing apparatus. Any spillage should be regarded as a potential fire risk.

Combustion Products Toxic fumes may be evolved on burning or exposure to heat. See Stability and ReactivitySection 10 of this Safety Data Sheet. _________________________________________________________________________________6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESAs this product has a very low flash point any spillage or leak is a severe fire and/or explosion hazard. Spilled material may make surfaces slippery. It is advised that stocks of suitable absorbent material should be held in quantities sufficient to deal with any spillage which may be reasonably anticipated. Vapour is heavier than air and may travel to remote sources of ignition (eg. along drainage systemsin basements etc.).

Isolate spillage from all ignition sources including road traffic. Evacuate all non essential personnel from the immediate area. If spillage has occurred in a confined spaceensure adequate ventilation and check that a safebreathable atmosphere is present before entry. Ensure good ventilation. Wear protective clothing. See Exposure Controls/Personal Protectionsection 8of this Safety Data Sheet. Large and uncontained spillages should be smothered with foam to reduce the risk of ignition. The foam blanket should be maintained until the area is declared safe. Recovery of large spillages should be effected by specialist personnel.

Protect drains from potential spills to minimise contamination. Do not wash product into drainage system. In the case of spillage on waterprevent the spread of product by the use of suitable barrier equipment. Recover product from the surface. Protect environmentally sensitive areas and water supplies.Regular surveillance on the location of the spillage should be maintained.In the event of spillages contact the appropriate authorities._________________________________________________________________________________

7. HANDLING AND STORAGEStorage Conditions

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Store and dispense only in well ventilated areas away from heat and sources of ignition. Store and use only in equipment/containers designed for use with this product. Containers must be properly labelled and kept closed when not in use. Do not remove warning labels from containers. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Retain hazard warning labels on empty packages as a guide to the safe handlingstorage and disposal of empty packaging. Do not enter storage tanks without breathing apparatus unless the tank has been well ventilated and the tank atmosphere has been shown to contain hydrocarbon vapour concentrations of less than 1% of the lower flammability limit and an oxygen concentration of at least 20% volume. Always have sufficient people standing by outside the tank with appropriate breathing apparatus and equipment to effect a quick rescue. Special health precautions must be taken during cleaning or maintenance operations on storage tanks which may have contained leaded product at any time.

Handling Precautions Ensure good ventilation and avoid as far as reasonably practicable the inhalation and contact with vapoursmists or fumes which may be generated during use. If such vapourmists or fumes are generatedtheir concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level. Avoid contact with skin and observe good personal hygiene. Avoid contact with eyes. If splashing is likely to occur wear a full face visor or chemical goggles as appropriate. Do not siphon product by mouth. Whilst using do not eatdrink or smoke. Take all necessary precautions against accidental spillage into soil or water.

Fire Prevention Light hydrocarbon vapours can build up in the headspace of tanks. Tank headspaces should always be regarded as potentially flammable and care should be taken to avoid static electrical discharge and all ignition sources during fillingullaging and sampling from storage tanks. When the product is pumped (e.g. during fillingdischarge or ullaging) and when samplingthere is a risk of static discharge. Ensure equipment used is properly earthed or bonded to the tank structure. Electrical equipment should not be used unless it is intrinsically safe (i.e. will not produce sparks). Explosive air/vapour mixtures may form at ambient temperature. If product comes into contact with hot surfacesor leaks occur from pressurised fuel pipesthe vapour or mists generated will create a flammability or explosion hazard. Product contaminated ragspaper or material used to absorb spillagesrepresent a fire hazardand should not be allowed to accumulate. Dispose of safely immediately after use.Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain some remaining flammable product and vapour. Never cutweldsolder or braze empty containers._________________________________________________________________________________


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mists or fumes are generatedtheir concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level.Comply with current local occupational exposure limit. Where not establishedthe following limits are recommended.

Gasoline ACGIH (USA) : TLV 300 ppm (8hr TWA)500 ppm (15min STEL)A3 - Animal Carcinogen

BenzeneACGIH (USA): TLV 0.5ppm (8hr TWA)2.5 ppm (15min STEL)A1 - Confirmed human carcinogenSkin Notation - Can be absorbed through skin

TolueneACGIH (USA): TLV 50 ppm (8 hr TWA)A4 - Not Classifiable as a Human CarcinogenSkin Notation - Can be absorbed through skin

Protective Clothing Wear face visor or goggles in circumstances where eye contact can accidentally occur. If skin contact is likelywear impervious protective clothing and/or gloves. Protective clothing should be regularly inspected and maintainedoveralls should be dry-cleanedlaundered and preferably starched after use.

Respiratory Protection If operations are such that exposure to vapourmist or fume may be anticipatedthen suitable approved respiratory equipment should be worn. The use of respiratory equipment must be strictly in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions and any statutory requirements governing its selection and use. _________________________________________________________________________________


Typical ValuesGrades: Bolivian

Avgas 100Test Method Units

Physical state liquidColour greenOdour gasoline

likeDensity @ 15°C ASTM D 1298 kg/m³ 760

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Vapour pressure @ 37.8°C (100°F)

ASTM D 323 kPa 37 - 48

Vapour density rel. to air

ASTM D2463/D2421

3 - 4

Flash point (COC) ASTM D 92 °C <-40Boiling point/range ASTM D 86 °C 170 max_________________________________________________________________________________

10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYConditions to Avoid Stable at ambient temperatures. Hazardous polymerisation reactions will not occur.

Conditions to Avoid Sources of ignition Avoid excessive heat.

Materials to Avoid Avoid contact with strong oxidizing agents.

Hazardous Decomposition Products Thermal decomposition products will vary with conditions. Incomplete combustion will generate smokecarbon dioxide and hazardous gasesincluding carbon monoxide._________________________________________________________________________________11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEyes Unlikely to cause more than transient stinging or redness if accidental eye contact occurs.

Skin Likely to cause skin irritation. Likely to result in chemical burns following prolonged wetting of the skin. (eg. after a road traffic accident). Toxic in contact with skin - contains lead.

Ingestion Toxic if swallowed - contains lead. Will injure the lungs if aspiration occurseg. during vomiting.

Inhalation Toxic by inhalation - contains lead Likely to be irritating to the respiratory tract if high concentrations of mists or vapour are inhaled. May cause nauseadizzinessheadaches and drowsiness if high concentrations of vapour are inhaled. ABUSE:Under normal conditions of use the product is not hazardoushoweverabuse involving deliberate inhalation of very high concentrations of vapour

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even for short periodscan produce unconsciousness and/or result in a sudden fatality.

Carcinogenicity/Chronic Toxicity Exposure to benzene may result in affects to the hematopoietic system causing blood disorders including anaemia and leukaemia.Benzene is classified by EEC as a category 1 carcinogen - substances known to be carcinogenic to man.IARC assessment: benzene - carcinogenic to humans ( Group 1) Lead is a cumulative poison. It can cause anaemiacentral nervous system effectsgastro-intestinal symptoms and kidney damage. _________________________________________________________________________________12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONMobility Spillages may penetrate the soil causing ground water contamination.

Persistence and degradability This product is inherently biodegradable.

Bioaccumulative potential There is no evidence to suggest bioaccumulation will occur.

Aquatic toxicity Toxic to aquatic organismsmay cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment Spills may form a film on water surfaces causing physical damage to organisms. Oxygen transfer could also be impaired. _________________________________________________________________________________13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSDispose of via an authorised person/ licensed waste disposal contractor in accordance with local regulations. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Hazard warning labels are a guide to the safe handling of empty packaging and should not be removed. Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain flammable product residues and vapour. Never weldsolder or braze empty containers. Materials contaminated with product should be treated as highly flammable. Disposal should be in accordance with local regulations. When cleaning storage tankssludges which may be contaminated with lead must be disposed of via a licensed waste disposal contractorin accordance with local regulations._________________________________________________________________________________14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONADR/RID: Motor spiritFlammable liquidClass 3Item 3(b)Hazard Identification No 33ADNR/ADN: Motor SpiritClass 3Item 3(b)UN: MOTOR SPIRIT

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Flammable liquidClass 3. Packing Group IIUN Number 1203IATA/ICAO: Motor spiritFlammable liquidClass 3Packing group IIIMO: MOTOR SPIRITFlammable liquidClass 3Packing group IIMARINE POLLUTANT (Leaded Petrol)EMERGENCY ACTION CODE: Flammable liquid3[Y]E _________________________________________________________________________________15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONEU Category of Danger Extremely flammable Carcinogenic category 2 Toxic to reproduction category 2 Toxic Irritant Harmful

EU Labelling Symbol: Flame Skull and crossbones Indication of danger: EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE TOXIC

Contains: Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified Lead alkyls

Risk ( R ) Phrases: R12 Extremely flammable R45 May cause cancer R23/24/25 Also Toxic by inhalationin contact with skinand if swallowed R65 Also Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed. R61 May cause harm to the unborn child. R33 Danger of cumulative effects.R38 Irritating to skin

Safety ( S ) Phrases: S53 Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use. S45 In case of accident or if you feel unwellseek medical advice immediately (show label where possible)

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S23 Do not breathe vapour S24 Avoid contact with skin S29 Do not empty into drains S43 In case of fireuse foam/dry powder/CO2. Never use water jets.S62 If swalloweddo not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label.S61 Avoid release into the environment. Refer to special instructions/Safety data sheets.

For non-fuel use only - "Restricted to professional users. Attention - Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use." must be marked on packaging._________________________________________________________________________________16. OTHER INFORMATIONCompiled by: Product Stewardship GroupBP Oil Technology CentreChertsey RoadSunbury-on-ThamesMiddlesexTW16 7LN

This data sheet and the healthsafety and environmental information it contains is considered to be accurate as of the date specified below. We have reviewed any information contained herein which we received from sources outside the BP Amoco Group of Companies. Howeverno warranty or representationexpress or implied is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the data and information contained in this data sheet.

Health and safety precautions and environmental advice noted in this data sheet may not be accurate for all individuals and/or situations. It is the user's obligation to evaluate and use this product safely and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. No statement made in this data sheet shall be construed as a permissionrecommendation or authorization given or implied to practise any patented invention without a valid licence. The BP Amoco Group shall not be responsible for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use of the materialfrom any failure to adhere to recommendationsor from any hazards inherent in the nature of the material. ______________________________________________________________________________

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GLIS No: SALB2101a Material Name: BP Unleaded Gasoline (Singapore) Issue Date : 04/30/2001 : Page::

GLIS BP SDS FinalsSafety Data Sheet - SDS

GLIS Sheet No:SALB2101a SDS Reference: Paper Type: BP Status: Active

Material Name: BP Unleaded Gasoline (Singapore)Language:English Country:ALB

Revision of Sheet Dated: Major Change: Hazard?:YesArchived: No Printed: No

Hazardous Components: Physical Characteristics: Gasoline Tox File: 190.31 and 35

Date of Issue: 04/30/2001 _________________________________________________________________________________


BP Unleaded Gasoline (Singapore)1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Identification of substance/preparation BP Unleaded Gasoline (Singapore) Alternative Names: Quantum 98, Quantum 95 and Quantum 92, BP Mogas 118, BP MogasPlus, Unleaded Motor Gasoline, Super Unleaded, Extra Unleaded, Super Plus, Unleaded 98, 97 & 92

Application Use only as a motor fuel for spark ignition engines. NOT for aviation use. Should NOT be used as a solvent nor cleaning agent.For specific application advice see appropriate Technical Data Sheet or consult your BP representative

Company Identification BP Asia Lubricants BusinessBP Tower21st Storey396 Alexandra RoadSingapore 0511

Emergency Telephone Number +(65) 371 8999


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GLIS No: SALB2101a Material Name: BP Unleaded Gasoline (Singapore) Issue Date : 04/30/2001 : Page::

_________________________________________________________________________________2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSChemical Composition A complex mixture of volatile hydrocarbons containing paraffins, naphthenes, olefins and aromatics with carbon numbers predominantly between C4 and C12. May contain oxygenates. May also contain small quantities of proprietary performance additives.

Hazardous Components Benzene, EINECS No. 200-753-7, CAS No. 71-43-2 F, T, R45 May cause cancer, R11 Highly flammable, R48/23/24/25 Toxic: Danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowed <5% Gasoline, EINECS No: 289-220-8, CAS No: 86290-81-5 F+,T, N, R12 Extremely flammable, R45 May cause cancer, R65 Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed, R38 Irritating to skin, R67 Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness, R51/53 Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment, 40 - 100% Toluene, EINECS No. 203-625-9, CAS No. 108-88-3 F, Xn, R11 Highly flammable, R20 Harmful by inhalation. 40 - 50% Xylene, EINECS No. 202-422-2, CAS No. 95-47-6 Xn, Xi, R10 Flammable, R20/21 Harmful by inhalation and in contact with skin, R38 Irritating to skin.10 - 20%

_________________________________________________________________________________3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONExtremely flammable. Explosive air/vapour mixtures may form at ambient temperature. Likely to cause skin irritation. May cause cancer, classified as a category 2 carcinogen. Contains Benzene. Prolonged or repeated exposure to benzene can cause anaemia and other blood diseases, including leukaemia. Harmful if swallowed - aspiration hazard. Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness. Harmful by inhalation._________________________________________________________________________________

4. FIRST-AID MEASURESEyes Wash eye thoroughly with copious quantities of water, ensuring eyelids are held open. Obtain medical advice if any pain or redness develops or persists.

Skin Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water as soon as reasonably practicable. Remove heavily contaminated clothing and wash underlying skin. In extreme situations of saturation with this product, drench with water, remove clothing as soon as possible and wash skin with soap and water. Seek medical advice if skin becomes red, swollen or painful.

Ingestion If contamination of the mouth occurs, wash out thoroughly with water. Except as a deliberate act, the ingestion of large amounts of product is unlikely. If it should occur, do not induce vomiting; obtain medical advice.

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Inhalation If exposure to vapour, mists or fumes causes drowsiness, headache, blurred vision or irritation of the eyes, nose or throat, remove immediately to fresh air. Keep patient warm and at rest. If any symptoms persist obtain medical advice. Unconscious casualties must be placed in the recovery position. Monitor breathing and pulse rate and if breathing has failed, or is deemed inadequate, respiration must be assisted, preferably by the mouth to mouth method. Administer external cardiac massage if necessary. Seek medical attention immediately.

Medical Advice Treatment should in general be symptomatic and directed to relieving any effects.Product can be aspirated on swallowing or following regurgitation of stomach contents, and can cause severe and potentially fatal chemical pneumonitis, which will require urgent treatment. Because of the risk of aspiration, induction of vomiting and gastric lavage should be avoided. Gastric lavage should be undertaken only after endotracheal intubation. Monitor for cardiac dysrhythmias. _________________________________________________________________________________5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESFor major fires call the Fire Service. Ensure an escape path is always available from any fire. There is a danger of flashback if sparks or hot surfaces ignite vapour. Use foam, dry powder or water fog. DO NOT use water jets. Fires in confined spaces should be dealt with by trained personnel wearing approved breathing apparatus. Any spillage should be regarded as a potential fire risk.

Combustion Products Toxic fumes may be evolved on burning or exposure to heat. See Stability and Reactivity, Section 10 of this Safety Data Sheet. _________________________________________________________________________________6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESAs this product has a very low flash point any spillage or leak is a severe fire and/or explosion hazard. Spilled material may make surfaces slippery. It is advised that stocks of suitable absorbent material should be held in quantities sufficient to deal with any spillage which may be reasonably anticipated. Vapour is heavier than air and may travel to remote sources of ignition (eg. along drainage systems, in basements etc.).

Isolate spillage from all ignition sources including road traffic. Evacuate all non essential personnel from the immediate area. If spillage has occurred in a confined space, ensure adequate ventilation and check that a safe, breathable atmosphere is present before entry. Ensure good ventilation. Wear protective clothing. See Exposure Controls/Personal Protection, section 8, of this Safety Data Sheet. Large and uncontained spillages should be smothered with foam to reduce the risk of ignition. The foam blanket should be maintained until the area is declared safe. Recovery of large spillages should be effected by specialist personnel.

Protect drains from potential spills to minimise contamination. Do not wash product into drainage system. In the case of spillage on water, prevent the spread of product by the use of suitable barrier equipment. Recover product from the surface. Protect environmentally sensitive areas and water supplies.Regular surveillance on the location of the spillage should be maintained.In the event of spillages contact the appropriate authorities._________________________________________________________________________________

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7. HANDLING AND STORAGEStorage Conditions Store and dispense only in well ventilated areas away from heat and sources of ignition. Store and use only in equipment/containers designed for use with this product. Containers must be properly labelled and kept closed when not in use. Do not remove warning labels from containers. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Retain hazard warning labels on empty packages as a guide to the safe handling, storage and disposal of empty packaging. Do not enter storage tanks without breathing apparatus unless the tank has been well ventilated and the tank atmosphere has been shown to contain hydrocarbon vapour concentrations of less than 1% of the lower flammability limit and an oxygen concentration of at least 20% volume. Always have sufficient people standing by outside the tank with appropriate breathing apparatus and equipment to effect a quick rescue.

Handling Precautions Ensure good ventilation and avoid as far as reasonably practicable the inhalation and contact with vapours, mists or fumes which may be generated during use. If such vapour, mists or fumes are generated, their concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level. Avoid contact with skin and observe good personal hygiene. Avoid contact with eyes. If splashing is likely to occur wear a full face visor or chemical goggles as appropriate. Do not siphon product by mouth. Whilst using do not eat, drink or smoke. Take all necessary precautions against accidental spillage into soil or water.

Fire Prevention Light hydrocarbon vapours can build up in the headspace of tanks. Tank headspaces should always be regarded as potentially flammable and care should be taken to avoid static electrical discharge and all ignition sources during filling, ullaging and sampling from storage tanks. When the product is pumped (e.g. during filling, discharge or ullaging) and when sampling, there is a risk of static discharge. Ensure equipment used is properly earthed or bonded to the tank structure. Electrical equipment should not be used unless it is intrinsically safe (i.e. will not produce sparks). Explosive air/vapour mixtures may form at ambient temperature. If product comes into contact with hot surfaces, or leaks occur from pressurised fuel pipes, the vapour or mists generated will create a flammability or explosion hazard. Product contaminated rags, paper or material used to absorb spillages, represent a fire hazard, and should not be allowed to accumulate. Dispose of safely immediately after use.Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain some remaining flammable product and vapour. Never cut, weld, solder or braze empty containers._________________________________________________________________________________

8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONExposure Limits If vapour, mists or fumes are generated, their concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level. Comply with current local occupational exposure limit. Where not established, the following limits are recommended. Gasoline ACGIH (USA) : TLV 300 ppm (8hr TWA); 500 ppm (15min STEL)A3 - Animal Carcinogen BenzeneACGIH (USA): TLV 0.5ppm (8hr TWA); 2.5 ppm (15min STEL)A1 - Confirmed human carcinogen

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Skin Notation - Can be absorbed through skin TolueneACGIH (USA): TLV 50 ppm (8 hr TWA)A4 - Not Classifiable as a Human CarcinogenSkin Notation - Can be absorbed through skin XyleneACGIH (USA): TLV 100 ppm (8 hr TWA); 150 ppm (15 min STEL)A4 - Not Classifiable as a Human Carcinogen

Protective Clothing Wear face visor or goggles in circumstances where eye contact can accidentally occur. If skin contact is likely, wear impervious protective clothing and/or gloves. Protective clothing should be regularly inspected and maintained; overalls should be dry-cleaned, laundered and preferably starched after use.

Respiratory Protection If operations are such that exposure to vapour, mist or fume may be anticipated, then suitable approved respiratory equipment should be worn. The use of respiratory equipment must be strictly in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions and any statutory requirements governing its selection and use. _________________________________________________________________________________


Typical ValuesGrades:

Test Method UnitsPhysical state low

viscosity liquid

Colour colourless - may be dyed

Odour gasolinelike

Density @ 15°C ASTM D 1298 kg/m³ 715 - 780Vapour density rel. to air

ASTM D2463/D2421

3 - 4

Flash point (COC) ASTM D 92 °C -40Boiling point/range ASTM D 86 °C 25 - 220Kinematic viscosity @ 20°C

mm²/s <1


10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYStable at ambient temperatures. Hazardous polymerisation reactions will not occur.

Conditions to Avoid

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Sources of ignition Avoid excessive heat.

Materials to Avoid Avoid contact with strong oxidizing agents.

Hazardous Decomposition Products Thermal decomposition products will vary with conditions. Incomplete combustion will generate smoke, carbon dioxide and hazardous gases, including carbon monoxide._________________________________________________________________________________11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEyes Unlikely to cause more than transient stinging or redness if accidental eye contact occurs.

Skin Likely to cause skin irritation. Likely to result in chemical burns following prolonged wetting of the skin. (eg. after a road traffic accident). Harmful in contact with skin.

Ingestion Unlikely to cause harm if accidentally swallowed in small doses, though larger quantities may cause nausea and diarrhoea. Will injure the lungs if aspiration occurs, eg. during vomiting.

Inhalation Harmful if vapour, mists or fumes generated during use are inhaled. Likely to be irritating to the respiratory tract if high concentrations of mists or vapour are inhaled. May cause nausea, dizziness, headaches and drowsiness if high concentrations of vapour are inhaled. ABUSE:Under normal conditions of use the product is not hazardous; however, abuse involving deliberate inhalation of very high concentrations of vapour, even for short periods, can produce unconsciousness and/or result in a sudden fatality.

Carcinogenicity/Chronic Toxicity Exposure to benzene may result in affects to the hematopoietic system causing blood disorders including anaemia and leukaemia.Benzene is classified by EEC as a category 1 carcinogen - substances known to be carcinogenic to man.IARC assessment: benzene - carcinogenic to humans ( Group 1) _________________________________________________________________________________12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONMobility Spillages may penetrate the soil causing ground water contamination.

Persistence and degradability This product is inherently biodegradable.

Bioaccumulative potential There is no evidence to suggest bioaccumulation will occur.

Aquatic toxicity

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Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment Spills may form a film on water surfaces causing physical damage to organisms. Oxygen transfer could also be impaired. _________________________________________________________________________________13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSDispose of via an authorised person/ licensed waste disposal contractor in accordance with local regulations. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Hazard warning labels are a guide to the safe handling of empty packaging and should not be removed. Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain flammable product residues and vapour. Never weld, solder or braze empty containers. Materials contaminated with product should be treated as highly flammable. Disposal should be in accordance with local regulations. _________________________________________________________________________________14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONADR/RID: Motor spirit, Flammable Liquid , Class 3, Item 3(b), Hazard Identification No 33ADNR/ADN: Motor Spirit, Class 3, Item 3(b), UN: MOTOR SPIRIT, Flammable liquid, Class 3, Packing Group II, UN Number 1203IATA/ICAO: Motor spirit, Flammable liquid, Class 3, Packing group IIIMO: MOTOR SPIRIT, Flammable liquid, Class 3.1, Packing group IIEMERGENCY ACTION CODE: 3[Y]E _________________________________________________________________________________15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONEU Category of Danger Extremely flammable Carcinogenic category 2 Harmful Irritant

EU Labelling Symbol: Flame Skull and crossbones

Indication of danger: EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE

Contains:Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified

Risk ( R ) Phrases: R12 Extremely flammable R45 May cause cancer R65 Also Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed. R20 Also Harmful by inhalation R38 Irritating to skin R67 Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness.

Safety ( S ) Phrases: S2 Keep out of reach of children S53 Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use.

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S45 In case of accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice immediately (show label where possible) S23 Do not breathe vapour S24 Avoid contact with skin S29 Do not empty into drainsS43 In case of fire, use foam/dry powder/CO2. Never use water jets.S62 If swallowed, do not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label.S61 Avoid release into the environment. Refer to special instructions/Safety data sheets.

For non-fuel use only - "Restricted to professional users. Attention - Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use." must be marked on packaging.

Other regulatory acts:_________________________________________________________________________________16. OTHER INFORMATIONCompiled by: Product Stewardship GroupBP Oil Technology CentreChertsey RoadSunbury-on-ThamesMiddlesex, TW16 7LN

This data sheet and the health, safety and environmental information it contains is considered to be accurate as of the date specified below. We have reviewed any information contained herein which we received from sources outside the BP Amoco Group of Companies. However, no warranty or representation, express or implied is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the data and information contained in this data sheet.

Health and safety precautions and environmental advice noted in this data sheet may not be accurate for all individuals and/or situations. It is the user's obligation to evaluate and use this product safely and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. No statement made in this data sheet shall be construed as a permission, recommendation or authorization given or implied to practise any patented invention without a valid licence. The BP Amoco Group shall not be responsible for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use of the material, from any failure to adhere to recommendations, or from any hazards inherent in the nature of the material. NATIONAL CONTACT DETAILS AND EMERGENCY CALL NUMBERS

Tata BP Lubricants India Ltd. 75-77 Maker Chambers VI, Nariman Point, Mumbai 21, IndiaTel: +91 22 288 0497/8 Fax: +91 22 288 0514

For other Middle East, Central Asia & Indian Sub ContinentBP Middle East, PO Box 1699 Dubai, United Arab EmiratesTel: +(971) 4 331 8842 Pgr: +(971) 9 394 9520

BP Oil (Thailand) Ltd. 29th floor, Seng Thong Thani Tower, 82 North Sathorn Road, Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500, Thailand. Tel: +(662) 6392688 Tel: +(62) 21 78831123 (Office Hrs) Pgr: +(662) 162 222210

BP Indonesia. Kuningan Plaza, South Tower #401, Jl. H.R.Rasuna Said Kav C11-14, Jakarta 12940, Indonesia Tel: +(62) 21 78831123 (Office Hrs) H/p: +(62) 0818 727 560 +(62) 0816 898927

BP PETCO. 141B Ly Chinh Thang, 3rd Dist. Ho Chi Minh City, VietnamPgr: +(84) 107 082784 Tel: +(84) 8 8467890

BP Taiwan Limited. 7F-C, Hung Kuo Building, 167 Tun Hua North Road, Taipei 105, TaiwanPgr: +(886) 95762 8305 Tel: +(886) 2 2715 1280 (Office hrs)

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BP Oil China. 21/F, Super Ocean Financial Centre, 2067 West Yan An Road, Shanghai 200335, P.R.ChinaTel: +(86) 21 6278 4858

BP Oil Malaysia. Lot 197 II & 197 III, Jalan Pelabuhan Utara, P O Box 62 Port Klang 42000, Selangor, MalaysiaTel: +(6) 03-3695300 (Office hours) +(6) 03 9870097 H/p: +(6) 011 341994

BP Lubricant Korea. Room 308, Leema Bldg. 146-1, Susong-dong, Chongro-ku, Seoul 110-140, Korea Tel: +(82) 2 725 8966 H/p: +(82) 11 796 8966 ______________________________________________________________________________

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GLIS BP SDS FinalsSafety Data Sheet - SDS

GLIS Sheet No:SALB2101 SDS Reference: Paper Type: BP Status: Active

Material Name: BP Unleaded GasolineLanguage:English Country:ALB

Revision of Sheet Dated: Major Change: Hazard?:YesArchived: No Printed: No

Hazardous Components: Physical Characteristics: Gasoline Tox File: 190.31 and 35

Date of Issue: 04/30/2001 _________________________________________________________________________________


BP Unleaded Gasoline1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Identification of substance/preparation BP Unleaded Gasoline Alternative Names: Quantum 98, Quantum 95 and Quantum 92, BP Mogas 118, Unleaded Motor Gasoline, Super Unleaded, Extra Unleaded, Super Plus, Unleaded 98, 97 and 92

Application Use only as a motor fuel for spark ignition engines. NOT for aviation use. Should NOT be used as a solvent nor cleaning agent.For specific application advice see appropriate Technical Data Sheet or consult your BP representative

Company Identification BP Asia Lubricants BusinessBP Tower21st Storey396 Alexandra RoadSingapore 0511

Emergency Telephone Number +(65) 371 8999


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_________________________________________________________________________________2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSChemical Composition A complex mixture of volatile hydrocarbons containing paraffins, naphthenes, olefins and aromatics with carbon numbers predominantly between C4 and C12. May contain oxygenates. May also contain small quantities of proprietary performance additives.

Hazardous Components Benzene, EINECS No. 200-753-7, CAS No. 71-43-2 F, T, R45 May cause cancer, R11 Highly flammable, R48/23/24/25 Toxic: Danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowed

Gasoline, EINECS No: 289-220-8, CAS No: 86290-81-5 F+,T, N, R12 Extremely flammable, R45 May cause cancer, R65 Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed, R38 Irritating to skin, R67 Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness, R51/53 Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment, (>90%)

_________________________________________________________________________________3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONExtremely flammable. Explosive air/vapour mixtures may form at ambient temperature. Likely to cause skin irritation. May cause cancer, classified as a category 2 carcinogen. Contains Benzene. Prolonged or repeated exposure to benzene can cause anaemia and other blood diseases, including leukaemia. Harmful if swallowed - aspiration hazard. Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness. _________________________________________________________________________________

4. FIRST-AID MEASURESEyes Wash eye thoroughly with copious quantities of water, ensuring eyelids are held open. Obtain medical advice if any pain or redness develops or persists.

Skin Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water as soon as reasonably practicable. Remove heavily contaminated clothing and wash underlying skin. In extreme situations of saturation with this product, drench with water, remove clothing as soon as possible and wash skin with soap and water. Seek medical advice if skin becomes red, swollen or painful.

Ingestion If contamination of the mouth occurs, wash out thoroughly with water. Except as a deliberate act, the ingestion of large amounts of product is unlikely. If it should occur, do not induce vomiting; obtain medical advice.

Inhalation If exposure to vapour, mists or fumes causes drowsiness, headache, blurred vision or irritation of the eyes, nose or throat, remove immediately to fresh air. Keep patient warm and at rest. If any symptoms persist obtain medical advice. Unconscious casualties must be placed in the recovery position. Monitor breathing and pulse rate and if breathing has

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failed, or is deemed inadequate, respiration must be assisted, preferably by the mouth to mouth method. Administer external cardiac massage if necessary. Seek medical attention immediately.

Medical Advice Treatment should in general be symptomatic and directed to relieving any effects.Product can be aspirated on swallowing or following regurgitation of stomach contents, and can cause severe and potentially fatal chemical pneumonitis, which will require urgent treatment. Because of the risk of aspiration, induction of vomiting and gastric lavage should be avoided. Gastric lavage should be undertaken only after endotracheal intubation. Monitor for cardiac dysrhythmias. _________________________________________________________________________________5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESFor major fires call the Fire Service. Ensure an escape path is always available from any fire. There is a danger of flashback if sparks or hot surfaces ignite vapour. Use foam, dry powder or water fog. DO NOT use water jets. Fires in confined spaces should be dealt with by trained personnel wearing approved breathing apparatus. Any spillage should be regarded as a potential fire risk.

Combustion Products Toxic fumes may be evolved on burning or exposure to heat. See Stability and Reactivity, Section 10 of this Safety Data Sheet. _________________________________________________________________________________6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESAs this product has a very low flash point any spillage or leak is a severe fire and/or explosion hazard. Spilled material may make surfaces slippery. It is advised that stocks of suitable absorbent material should be held in quantities sufficient to deal with any spillage which may be reasonably anticipated. Vapour is heavier than air and may travel to remote sources of ignition (eg. along drainage systems, in basements etc.).

Isolate spillage from all ignition sources including road traffic. Evacuate all non essential personnel from the immediate area. If spillage has occurred in a confined space, ensure adequate ventilation and check that a safe, breathable atmosphere is present before entry. Ensure good ventilation. Wear protective clothing. See Exposure Controls/Personal Protection, section 8, of this Safety Data Sheet. Large and uncontained spillages should be smothered with foam to reduce the risk of ignition. The foam blanket should be maintained until the area is declared safe. Recovery of large spillages should be effected by specialist personnel.

Protect drains from potential spills to minimise contamination. Do not wash product into drainage system. In the case of spillage on water, prevent the spread of product by the use of suitable barrier equipment. Recover product from the surface. Protect environmentally sensitive areas and water supplies.Regular surveillance on the location of the spillage should be maintained.In the event of spillages contact the appropriate authorities._________________________________________________________________________________

7. HANDLING AND STORAGEStorage Conditions Store and dispense only in well ventilated areas away from heat and sources of ignition. Store and use only in equipment/containers designed for use with this product.

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Containers must be properly labelled and kept closed when not in use. Do not remove warning labels from containers. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Retain hazard warning labels on empty packages as a guide to the safe handling, storage and disposal of empty packaging. Do not enter storage tanks without breathing apparatus unless the tank has been well ventilated and the tank atmosphere has been shown to contain hydrocarbon vapour concentrations of less than 1% of the lower flammability limit and an oxygen concentration of at least 20% volume. Always have sufficient people standing by outside the tank with appropriate breathing apparatus and equipment to effect a quick rescue.

Handling Precautions Ensure good ventilation and avoid as far as reasonably practicable the inhalation and contact with vapours, mists or fumes which may be generated during use. If such vapour, mists or fumes are generated, their concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level. Avoid contact with skin and observe good personal hygiene. Avoid contact with eyes. If splashing is likely to occur wear a full face visor or chemical goggles as appropriate. Do not siphon product by mouth. Whilst using do not eat, drink or smoke. Take all necessary precautions against accidental spillage into soil or water.

Fire Prevention Light hydrocarbon vapours can build up in the headspace of tanks. Tank headspaces should always be regarded as potentially flammable and care should be taken to avoid static electrical discharge and all ignition sources during filling, ullaging and sampling from storage tanks. When the product is pumped (e.g. during filling, discharge or ullaging) and when sampling, there is a risk of static discharge. Ensure equipment used is properly earthed or bonded to the tank structure. Electrical equipment should not be used unless it is intrinsically safe (i.e. will not produce sparks). Explosive air/vapour mixtures may form at ambient temperature. If product comes into contact with hot surfaces, or leaks occur from pressurised fuel pipes, the vapour or mists generated will create a flammability or explosion hazard. Product contaminated rags, paper or material used to absorb spillages, represent a fire hazard, and should not be allowed to accumulate. Dispose of safely immediately after use.Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain some remaining flammable product and vapour. Never cut, weld, solder or braze empty containers._________________________________________________________________________________

8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONExposure Limits If vapour, mists or fumes are generated, their concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level. Comply with current local occupational exposure limit. Where not established, the following limits are recommended. Gasoline ACGIH (USA) : TLV 300 ppm (8hr TWA); 500 ppm (15min STEL)A3 - Animal Carcinogen

BenzeneACGIH (USA): TLV 0.5ppm (8hr TWA); 2.5 ppm (15min STEL)A1 - Confirmed human carcinogenSkin Notation - Can be absorbed through skin

Protective Clothing Wear face visor or goggles in circumstances where eye contact can accidentally occur.

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If skin contact is likely, wear impervious protective clothing and/or gloves. Protective clothing should be regularly inspected and maintained; overalls should be dry-cleaned, laundered and preferably starched after use.

Respiratory Protection If operations are such that exposure to vapour, mist or fume may be anticipated, then suitable approved respiratory equipment should be worn. The use of respiratory equipment must be strictly in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions and any statutory requirements governing its selection and use. _________________________________________________________________________________


Typical ValuesGrades: BP

Unleaded Gasoline

Test Method UnitsPhysical state liquidColour colourless -

may be dyed

Odour gasolinelike

Density @ 15°C ASTM D 1298 kg/m³ 715 - 780Vapour density rel. to air

ASTM D2463/D2421

3 - 4

Flash point (COC) ASTM D 92 °C -40Boiling point/range ASTM D 86 °C 25 - 220Kinematic viscosity @ 20°C

mm²/s <1


10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYStable at ambient temperatures. Hazardous polymerisation reactions will not occur.

Conditions to Avoid Sources of ignition Avoid excessive heat.

Materials to Avoid Avoid contact with strong oxidizing agents.

Hazardous Decomposition Products Thermal decomposition products will vary with conditions. Incomplete combustion will generate smoke, carbon dioxide and hazardous gases, including carbon monoxide._________________________________________________________________________________

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GLIS No: SALB2101 Material Name: BP Unleaded Gasoline Issue Date : 04/30/2001 : Page::

11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEyes Unlikely to cause more than transient stinging or redness if accidental eye contact occurs.

Skin Likely to cause skin irritation. Likely to result in chemical burns following prolonged wetting of the skin. (eg. after a road traffic accident).

Ingestion Unlikely to cause harm if accidentally swallowed in small doses, though larger quantities may cause nausea and diarrhoea. Will injure the lungs if aspiration occurs, eg. during vomiting.

Inhalation Likely to be irritating to the respiratory tract if high concentrations of mists or vapour are inhaled. May cause nausea, dizziness, headaches and drowsiness if high concentrations of vapour are inhaled. ABUSE:Under normal conditions of use the product is not hazardous; however, abuse involving deliberate inhalation of very high concentrations of vapour, even for short periods, can produce unconsciousness and/or result in a sudden fatality.

Carcinogenicity/Chronic Toxicity Exposure to benzene may result in affects to the hematopoietic system causing blood disorders including anaemia and leukaemia.Benzene is classified by EEC as a category 1 carcinogen - substances known to be carcinogenic to man.IARC assessment: benzene - carcinogenic to humans ( Group 1) _________________________________________________________________________________12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONMobility Spillages may penetrate the soil causing ground water contamination.

Persistence and degradability This product is inherently biodegradable.

Bioaccumulative potential There is no evidence to suggest bioaccumulation will occur.

Aquatic toxicity Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment Spills may form a film on water surfaces causing physical damage to organisms. Oxygen transfer could also be impaired. _________________________________________________________________________________13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSDispose of via an authorised person/ licensed waste disposal contractor in accordance with local regulations. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Hazard warning labels are a guide to the safe handling of empty packaging and should not be removed. Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain flammable product residues and vapour. Never weld, solder or braze empty containers. Materials contaminated with product should be treated as highly flammable. Disposal should be in accordance with local regulations.

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GLIS No: SALB2101 Material Name: BP Unleaded Gasoline Issue Date : 04/30/2001 : Page::

_________________________________________________________________________________14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONADR/RID: Motor spirit, Flammable Liquid , Class 3, Item 3(b), Hazard Identification No 33ADNR/ADN: Motor Spirit, Class 3, Item 3(b), UN: MOTOR SPIRIT, Flammable liquid, Class 3, Packing Group II, UN Number 1203IATA/ICAO: Motor spirit, Flammable liquid, Class 3, Packing group IIIMO: MOTOR SPIRIT, Flammable liquid, Class 3.1, Packing group IIEMERGENCY ACTION CODE: 3[Y]E _________________________________________________________________________________15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONEU Category of Danger Extremely flammable Carcinogenic category 2 Harmful Irritant

EU Labelling Symbol: Flame Skull and crossbones

Indication of danger: EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE

Contains:Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified

Risk ( R ) Phrases: R12 Extremely flammable R45 May cause cancer R65 Also Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed. R38 Irritating to skin R67 Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness.

Safety ( S ) Phrases: S2 Keep out of reach of children S53 Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use. S45 In case of accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice immediately (show label where possible) S23 Do not breathe vapour S24 Avoid contact with skin S29 Do not empty into drainsS43 In case of fire, use foam/dry powder/CO2. Never use water jets.S62 If swallowed, do not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label.S61 Avoid release into the environment. Refer to special instructions/Safety data sheets.

For non-fuel use only - "Restricted to professional users. Attention - Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use." must be marked on packaging.

Other regulatory acts:_________________________________________________________________________________16. OTHER INFORMATION

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GLIS No: SALB2101 Material Name: BP Unleaded Gasoline Issue Date : 04/30/2001 : Page::

Compiled by: Product Stewardship GroupBP Oil Technology CentreChertsey RoadSunbury-on-ThamesMiddlesex, TW16 7LN

This data sheet and the health, safety and environmental information it contains is considered to be accurate as of the date specified below. We have reviewed any information contained herein which we received from sources outside the BP Amoco Group of Companies. However, no warranty or representation, express or implied is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the data and information contained in this data sheet.

Health and safety precautions and environmental advice noted in this data sheet may not be accurate for all individuals and/or situations. It is the user's obligation to evaluate and use this product safely and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. No statement made in this data sheet shall be construed as a permission, recommendation or authorization given or implied to practise any patented invention without a valid licence. The BP Amoco Group shall not be responsible for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use of the material, from any failure to adhere to recommendations, or from any hazards inherent in the nature of the material. NATIONAL CONTACT DETAILS AND EMERGENCY CALL NUMBERS

Tata BP Lubricants India Ltd. 75-77 Maker Chambers VI, Nariman Point, Mumbai 21, IndiaTel: +91 22 288 0497/8 Fax: +91 22 288 0514

For other Middle East, Central Asia & Indian Sub ContinentBP Middle East, PO Box 1699 Dubai, United Arab EmiratesTel: +(971) 4 331 8842 Pgr: +(971) 9 394 9520

BP Oil (Thailand) Ltd. 29th floor, Seng Thong Thani Tower, 82 North Sathorn Road, Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500, Thailand. Tel: +(662) 6392688 Tel: +(62) 21 78831123 (Office Hrs) Pgr: +(662) 162 222210

BP Indonesia. Kuningan Plaza, South Tower #401, Jl. H.R.Rasuna Said Kav C11-14, Jakarta 12940, Indonesia Tel: +(62) 21 78831123 (Office Hrs) H/p: +(62) 0818 727 560 +(62) 0816 898927

BP PETCO. 141B Ly Chinh Thang, 3rd Dist. Ho Chi Minh City, VietnamPgr: +(84) 107 082784 Tel: +(84) 8 8467890

BP Taiwan Limited. 7F-C, Hung Kuo Building, 167 Tun Hua North Road, Taipei 105, TaiwanPgr: +(886) 95762 8305 Tel: +(886) 2 2715 1280 (Office hrs)

BP Oil China. 21/F, Super Ocean Financial Centre, 2067 West Yan An Road, Shanghai 200335, P.R.ChinaTel: +(86) 21 6278 4858

BP Oil Malaysia. Lot 197 II & 197 III, Jalan Pelabuhan Utara, P O Box 62 Port Klang 42000, Selangor, MalaysiaTel: +(6) 03-3695300 (Office hours) +(6) 03 9870097 H/p: +(6) 011 341994

BP Lubricant Korea. Room 308, Leema Bldg. 146-1, Susong-dong, Chongro-ku, Seoul 110-140, Korea Tel: +(82) 2 725 8966 H/p: +(82) 11 796 8966 ______________________________________________________________________________

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PRODUCT APPEARANCE AND ODORClear liquid, pale yellow colorLight hydrocarbon odor





A complex combination of 68919-39-1 100%hydrocarbons separated and/orcondensed from natural gas duringtransportation and collected at thewellhead and/or from the production,gathering, transmission, anddistribution pipelines in deeps,

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scrubbers, etc. It consistspredominantly of hydrocarbons havingcarbon numbers predominantly in therange of C2 through C8.

All components of this product are listed on the U.S. TSCA inventory.

See Section E for Health and Hazard Information.

See Section H for additional Environmental Information.

HAZARDOUS MATERIALS IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM (HMIS)Health Flammability Reactivity BASIS1 3 0 Recommended by Exxon

EXPOSURE LIMIT FOR TOTAL PRODUCT BASISEUSA's Occupational Exposure Limit Recommended by Exxon(OEL) of 100 ppm or 300 mg/m3 foran 8-hour workday recommended formotor gasoline should be used untila formal condensate/naphtha OEL isestablished.

The airborne benzene level shall not OSHA Regulation 29 CFR 1910.1028exceed 1 ppm for an 8-hour workday or5 ppm STEL



EYE CONTACTIf splashed into the eyes, flush with clear water for 15 minutes or untilirritation subsides. If irritation persists, call a physician.

SKINIn case of skin contact, remove any contaminated clothing and wash skinwith soap and water. Launder or dry-clean clothing before reuse. Ifproduct is injected into or under the skin, or into any part of the body,regardless of the appearance of the wound or its size, the individualshould be evaluated immediately by a physician as a surgical emergency.Even though initial symptoms from high pressure injection may be minimalor absent, early surgical treatment within the first few hours maysignificantly reduce the ultimate extent of injury.

INHALATIONIf overcome by vapor, immediately move to fresh air and call a physician.

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If breathing is irregular or has stopped, start resuscitation, administeroxygen, if available.

INGESTIONIf ingested, DO NOT induce vomiting; call a physician immediately.





FLASH POINT (MINIMUM)EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE - Per DOT 49 CFR 173.120Approximately -38 Deg. C (-36 Deg. F)ASTM D 93, Pensky Martens Closed Cup



HANDLING PRECAUTIONSThis liquid is volatile and gives off invisible vapors. Either the liquidor vapor may settle in low areas or travel some distance along the groundor surface to ignition sources where they may ignite or explode.

Keep product away from ignition sources, such as heat, sparks, pilotlights, static electricity, and open flames.

FLAMMABLE OR EXPLOSIVE LIMITS (APPROXIMATE PERCENT BY VOLUME IN AIR)Estimated values: Lower Flammable Limit 1%Upper Flammable Limit 8%

EXTINGUISHING MEDIA AND FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURESFoam, water spray (fog), dry chemical, carbon dioxide and vaporizingliquid type extinguishing agents may all be suitable for extinguishingfires involving this type of product, depending on size or potential sizeof fire and circumstances related to the situation. Plan fire protectionand response strategy through consultation with local fire protectionauthorities or appropriate specialists.

The following procedures for this type of product are based on the

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recommendations in the National Fire Protection Association's "FireProtection Guide on Hazardous Materials", Tenth Edition (1991):

Use dry chemical, foam or carbon dioxide to extinguish the fire. "Watermay be ineffective", but water should be used to keep fire-exposedcontainers cool. If a leak or spill has ignited, use water spray todisperse the vapors and to protect persons attempting to stop a leak.Water spray may be used to flush spills away from exposures. Minimizebreathing of gases, vapor, fumes or decomposition products. Usesupplied-air breathing equipment for enclosed or confined spaces or asotherwise needed.

NOTE: The inclusion of the phrase "water may be ineffective" is toindicate that although water can be used to cool and protect exposedmaterial, water may not extinguish the fire unless used under favorableconditions by experienced fire fighters trained in fighting all types offlammable liquid fires.

DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS UNDER FIRE CONDITIONSFumes, smoke, carbon monoxide, sulfur oxides, hydrogen sulfide, aldehydesand other decomposition products, in the case of incomplete combustion.


Do not attempt to refill or clean containers since residue is difficult toremove. "Empty" drums should be completely drained, properly bunged andpromptly returned to a drum reconditioner. All other containers should bedisposed of in an environmentally safe manner and in accordance withgovernmental regulations.

For work on tanks refer to Occupational Safety and Health Administrationregulations, ANSI Z49.1, and other governmental and industrial referencespertaining to cleaning, repairing, welding, or other contemplatedoperations.


VARIABILITY AMONG INDIVIDUALSHealth studies have shown that many petroleum hydrocarbons pose potentialhuman health risks which may vary from person to person. As a precaution,exposure to liquids, vapors, mists or fumes should be minimized.

EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE (Signs and symptoms of exposure)

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High vapor concentrations (greater than approximately 1000 ppm) areirritating to the eyes and the respiratory tract, and may cause headaches,dizziness, anesthesia, drowsiness, unconsciousness, and other centralnervous system effects, including death.

Prolonged or repeated liquid contact with the skin will dry and defat theskin, leading to possible irritation and dermatitis.

NATURE OF HAZARD AND TOXICITY INFORMATIONProlonged or repeated skin contact with this product tends to remove skinoils, possibly leading to irritation and dermatitis; however, based onhuman experience and available toxicological data, this product is judgedto be neither a "corrosive" nor an "irritant" by OSHA criteria.

Product contacting the eyes may cause eye irritation.

Condensate may contain benzene, CAS No. 71-43-2, as a natural constituent.

Benzene can cause anemia and other blood diseases, including leukemia(cancer of the blood-forming system) after prolonged or repeated exposuresat high concentrations (e.g. 50-500 ppm). It has also caused fetal defectsin tests on laboratory animals.

Contains light hydrocarbon components similar to gasoline. Lifetimestudies by the American Petroleum Institute have shown that kidney damageand kidney cancer can occur in male rats after prolonged inhalationexposures at elevated concentrations of total gasoline. Kidneys of miceand female rats were unaffected. The U.S. EPA Risk Assessment Forum hasconcluded that the male rat kidney tumor results are not relevant forhumans. Total gasoline exposure also produced liver tumors in female mice,only. The implication of this data for humans has not been determined.Certain components, such as normal hexane, may also affect the nervoussystem at high concentrations (e.g., 1000-1500 ppm).

The presence of n-hexane in this product as a natural constituentrepresents a distinct hazard of producing peripheral polyneuropathy, aprogressive disorder of the nervous system, which, with sufficient highexposure, has the potential of becoming irreversible. This disorder hasbeen observed in individuals exposed repeatedly to high vaporconcentrations (1000-1500 ppm) of n-hexane over a period of severalmonths. Exposure to this product should be controlled to keep the maximumlevel below 100 ppm, which will result in n-hexane exposure of 50 ppm orless. The OSHA 8-hour Time Weighted Average-Permissible Exposure Limit(TWA-PEL) is 50 ppm for n-hexane.

Simultaneous exposure to the vapors of n-hexane and methyl ethyl ketone(MEK) or to n-hexane and methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK) increases the risk

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of adverse effects from n-hexane. Evidence in laboratory animals andhumans indicates that in the presence of MEK or MIBK, the neuropathyassociated with n-hexane is produced in a shorter time or at lowerexposure concentrations. This interaction has been reported when theexposure to n-hexane is below the American Conference of GovernmentalIndustrial Hygienists (ACGIH) limit of 50 ppm and MEK is below the ACGIHlimit of 200 ppm or when MIBK is below the ACGIH limit of 50 ppm.

Lifetime skin painting studies conducted by the American PetroleumInstitute, Exxon and others have shown that untreated naphthas anddistillates in the same boiling range as this product usually producedskin tumors and/or skin cancer in laboratory mice. The degree ofcarcinogenic response was weak to moderate with a relatively long latentperiod. The implications of these results for humans have not beendetermined.

Limited studies on oils of very active carcinogens have shown that washingthe animals' skin with soap and water between applications greatly reducestumor formation.

Potential risks to humans can be minimized by observing good workpractices and personal hygiene procedures generally recommended forpetroleum products. (See Section I for recommended protection andprecautions.)

Product has a low order of acute oral and dermal toxicity, but minuteamounts aspirated into the lungs during ingestion or vomiting may causemild to severe pulmonary injury and possibly death.

This product is judged to have an acute oral LD50 (rat) greater than 5g/kg of body weight, and an acute dermal LD50 (rabbit) greater than 3.16g/kg of body weight.

Concentrated, prolonged or deliberate inhalation of this product may causebrain and nervous system damage. Prolonged and repeated exposure ofpregnant animals to high levels of toluene (levels greater thanapproximately 1500 ppm) has been reported to cause adverse fetaldevelopmental effects. The American Conference of Governmental IndustrialHygienists (ACGIH) Threshold Limit Value for toluene is 50 ppm (188 mg/m3)as a Time Weighted Average for an 8-hour workday.

PRE-EXISTING MEDICAL CONDITIONS WHICH MAY BE AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSUREBenzene - Individuals with liver disease may be more susceptible to toxiceffects.

Hexane - Individuals with neurological disease should avoid exposure.

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Petroleum Solvents/Petroleum Hydrocarbons - Skin contact may aggravate anexisting dermatitis.


The following data are approximate or typical values and should not beused for precise design purposes.

BOILING RANGEApproximately -88 to 230 Deg. C(-127 to 446 Deg. F)

VAPOR PRESSUREApproximately 10-400 mm Hg @20 Deg. C (68 Deg. F)

SPECIFIC GRAVITY (15.6 Deg. C/15.6 Deg. C)0.7-0.8


MOLECULAR WEIGHTComplex mixture, components vary


EVAPORATION RATE @ 1 ATM. AND 25 Deg. C(77 Deg. F) (n-BUTYL ACETATE = 1)Not determined

pHEssentially neutral

SOLUBILITY IN WATER @ 1 ATM.AND 25 Deg. C (77 Deg. F)Negligible; less than 0.1%


VISCOSITYNot determined


This product is stable and will not react violently with water. Hazardous

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polymerization will not occur. Avoid contact with strong oxidants such asliquid chlorine, concentrated oxygen, sodium hypochlorite, calciumhypochlorite, etc., as this presents a serious explosion hazard.


CLEAN WATER ACT / OIL POLLUTION ACTThis product may be classified as an oil under Section 311 of the CleanWater Act, and under the Oil Pollution Act. Discharges or spills into orleading to surface waters that cause a sheen must be reported to theNational Response Center (1-800-424-8802).

STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLEDShut off and eliminate all ignition sources. Keep people away. Recoverfree product. Add sand, earth or other suitable absorbent to spill area.Minimize breathing vapors. Minimize skin contact. Ventilate confinedspaces. Open all windows and doors. Keep product out of sewers andwatercourses by diking or impounding. Advise authorities if product hasentered or may enter sewers, watercourses, or extensive land areas.

Assure conformity with applicable governmental regulations. Continue toobserve precautions for volatile, flammable vapors from absorbed material.


REPORTABLE QUANTITY (RQ), EPA REGULATION 40 CFR 302 (CERCLA Section 102)This product is exempt from CERCLA Reporting Requirements. Refer to CleanWater Act/Oil Pollution Act.

THRESHOLD PLANNING QUANTITY (TPQ), EPA REGULATION 40 CFR 355 (SARASections 301-304)No TPQ for product or any constituent greater than 1% or 0.1%(carcinogen).

TOXIC CHEMICAL RELEASE REPORTING, EPA REGULATION 40 CFR 372 (SARA Section313)This product may contain:Approximately 0-5% benzene.Approximately 0-2% cyclohexane.Approximately 0-2% n-hexane.Approximately 0-5% toluene.Approximately 0-5% xylene.

HAZARDOUS CHEMICAL REPORTING, EPA REGULATION 40 CFR 370 (SARA Sections311-312)EPA Hazard Classification Codes: Acute, Chronic, Fire

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VENTILATIONUse only with ventilation sufficient to prevent exceeding recommendedexposure limit or buildup of explosive concentrations of vapor in air. Nosmoking, flame or other ignition sources.

RESPIRATORY PROTECTIONUse supplied-air respiratory protection in confined or enclosed spaces, ifneeded.

PROTECTIVE GLOVESUse chemical-resistant gloves, if needed, to avoid prolonged or repeatedskin contact.

EYE PROTECTIONUse splash goggles or face shield when eye contact may occur.

OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENTUse chemical-resistant apron or other impervious clothing, if needed, toavoid contaminating regular clothing, which could result in prolonged orrepeated skin contact.

WORK PRACTICES / ENGINEERING CONTROLSTo prevent fire or explosion risk from static accumulation and discharge,effectively bond and/or ground product transfer system in accordance with(THE) National Fire Protection Association PUBLICATIONS.

Keep containers closed when not in use. Do not store near heat, sparks,flame or strong oxidants. Adequate ventilation is required in order toprevent exceeding recommended exposure limit or buildup of explosiveconcentrations of vapor in air. No smoking, flame or other ignitionsources.

To minimize fire or explosion risk from static charge accumulation anddischarge, effectively bond and/or ground product transfer system inaccordance with the National Fire Protection Association standard forpetroleum products.

In order to prevent fire or explosion hazards, use appropriate equipment.

Information on electrical equipment appropriate for use with this productmay be found in the latest edition of the National Electrical Code(NFPA-70). This document is available from the National Fire ProtectionAssociation, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, Massachusetts 02269.

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PERSONAL HYGIENEMinimize breathing vapor or mist. Avoid prolonged or repeated contact withskin. Remove contaminated clothing; launder or dry-clean before re-use.Remove contaminated shoes and thoroughly clean and dry before re-use.Cleanse skin thoroughly after contact, before breaks and meals, and at endof work period. Product is readily removed from skin by waterless handcleaners followed by washing thoroughly with soap and water.


TRANSPORTATION INCIDENT INFORMATIONFor further information relative to spills resulting from transportationincidents, refer to latest Department of Transportation Emergency ResponseGuidebook for Hazardous Materials Incidents.

U.S. DOT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SHIPPING DESCRIPTIONKnow the flash point for each shipment to accurately classify it into theappropriate category.

Petroleum Distillate, n.o.s., 3, UN1268, PG*

*PG I - Initial Boiling Point equal to or less than 95 Deg. F (35 Deg. C)

*PG II - Initial Boiling Point greater than 95 Deg. F (35 Deg. C);Flash Point less than 73 Deg. F (23 Deg. C)

*PG III - Flash Point equal to or greater than 73 Deg. F (23 Deg. C) andless than 100 Deg. F (37.78 Deg. C)

*PG III - Flash point equal to or greater than 100 Deg. F (37.78 Deg. C)and equal to or less than 141 Deg. F (60.5 Deg. C) and Transported by airor marine(Bulk, greater than 119 gallons, and non-bulk packaging)ORPetroleum distillate, n.o.s., Combustible Liquid, UN1268, PG III

Flash Point equal to or greater than 100 Deg. F (37.78 Deg. C) and lessthan 200 Deg. F (93.33 Deg. C) and Transported by highway or Rail in Bulkpackaging (greater than 119 gallons)

Non-bulk packaging, less than 119 gallons, not regulated in highway andrail transportation

OSHA LABEL INFORMATIONIn compliance with hazard and right-to-know requirements, where applicableOSHA Hazard Warnings may be found on the label, bill of lading or invoiceaccompanying this shipment.

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The health and safety information presented herein must be used inconjunction with the pertinent standards for training, work practices andfacilities design established by OSHA, NIOSH, NFPA, API, NEC, NSC,UNDERWRITERS, BUREAU OF MINES, and similar organizations.

The information and recommendations contained herein are, to the best ofExxon's knowledge and belief, accurate and reliable as of the date issued.Exxon does not warrant or guarantee their accuracy or reliability, andExxon shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising out of the usethereof.

The information and recommendations are offered for the user'sconsideration and examination, and it is the user's responsibility tosatisfy itself that they are suitable and complete for its particular use.If buyer repackages this product, legal counsel should be consulted toinsure proper health, safety and other necessary information is includedon the container.

The Environmental Information included under Section H hereof as well asthe Hazardous Materials Identification System (HMIS) and National FireProtection Association (NFPA) ratings have been included by Exxon Company,U.S.A. in order to provide additional health and hazard classificationinformation. The ratings recommended are based upon the criteria suppliedby the developers of these rating systems, together with Exxon'sinterpretation of the available data.

FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON HEALTH EFFECTS CONTACT:First contact your supervisor. If unavailable, call Safety Advisor orIndustrial Hygiene.

Call 1-800-443-9966, Exxon Company, U.S.A., to obtain technicalinformation.

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The following information is intended to assist the reader inunderstanding the format and the material included in Exxon's MaterialSafety Data Sheets (MSDS).


This section includes the product name and category. Additionalinformation about components and CAS numbers is shown in Section B. The"Product Code" is Exxon's internal product identification number. "ProductAppearance and Odor" includes a physical description of the product.

MEDICAL EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBER - Exxon's 24-hour telephone number isintended only for medical-related emergencies. After normal business hoursthe caller should leave a short description of the emergency and the callback number. The Exxon medical staff person on duty will respond as soonas possible, normally within a few minutes. Routine MSDS questions shouldbe directed to Marketing Technical Services (713) 656-5949 during normalbusiness hours.


COMPONENTS - The chemical or common names of the major constituents arelisted along with names of any ingredients believed to be health orphysical hazards and which are present in the product at a concentrationof 1% or more. Health effects and presence of carcinogens (at 0.1% orgreater) are discussed in Section E. The major constituents of mostpetroleum products are refined petroleum fractions as defined in theInventory of Chemical Substances under the Toxic Substances Control Act. Astatement of U.S. TSCA inventory listing of components may be found inthis section.

CAS NUMBERS OF COMPONENTS - These are the Chemical Abstracts ServiceRegistry Numbers (CAS identification numbers) which are assigned toindividual component chemicals by the Chemical Abstracts Service, whenapplicable. Some ingredients, particularly additives, are complex mixturesto which single CAS numbers may not apply or for which detailedcomposition information may not be available.

APPROXIMATE CONCENTRATION - This is the approximate concentration of thecomponent(s) in the product. In some cases, particularly where details areproprietary, the total amount of several components is shown.

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HAZARDOUS MATERIALS IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM(HMIS) - These recommendationsare for those organizations utilizing this system.

EXPOSURE LIMIT FOR TOTAL PRODUCT - The Occupational Safety and HealthAdministration (OSHA) Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL), the AmericanConference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) Threshold LimitValue (TLV), or Exxon's recommended Occupational Exposure Limit (OEL) isshown. In some cases where carcinogens are present, a recommended limithas not been established. For vapors, exposure limits are expressed inparts per million (ppm) and in milligrams per cubic meter (mg/m3) of vaporin air. For mists and fumes the limit is given in mg/m3. As noted in thepreface to published values adopted by the ACGIH, TLVs represent"conditions under which it is believed that nearly all workers may berepeatedly exposed day after day without adverse effect. Because of widevariation in individual susceptibility, however, a small percentage ofworkers may experience discomfort from some substances at concentrationsat or below the threshold limit; a smaller percentage may be affected moreseriously by aggravation of a preexisting condition or by development ofan occupational illness".


EYE CONTACT - SKIN - INHALATION - INGESTION - These are primary routes ofentry along with recommended emergency and first aid procedures if anindividual is overexposed to the product.


FLASH POINT (MINIMUM) - This is the temperature at which a liquid or solidgives off enough flammable vapors, under conditions of the test, that asource of ignition can ignite the vapor. The American Society for Testingand Materials (ASTM) test method is also given.

AUTOIGNITION TEMPERATURE - This is the temperature at which a liquid orsolid may ignite spontaneously without the presence of a spark or othersource of ignition. Tests for autoignition temperature are not routinelyperformed, so approximate or "greater than" values may be shown.

NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION (NFPA) System - These recommendationsare included for those organizations utilizing this system.

HANDLING PRECAUTIONS - These provide guidance for use of product aroundsources of ignition.

FLAMMABLE OR EXPLOSIVE LIMITS - These are the range of vaporconcentrations in air that may ignite or explode if an ignition source is

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present; approximate or estimated values are shown.

EXTINGUISHING MEDIA AND FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES - These includeinformation recommended by the National Fire Protection Association.


EMPTY PRODUCT CONTAINER WARNING - This is an important warning aboutpotential hazards associated with "empty" product containers.

E. HEALTH AND HAZARD INFORMATION - This information refers to the mostcommon biological effects that could be anticipated from a directoverexposure to or contact with the product.

F. PHYSICAL DATA - Physical and chemical characteristics of the productare presented in this section. The data are approximate or are typicalvalues and should not be used for precise design purposes.

G. REACTIVITY - This is the general chemical stability of the product andsome examples of conditions that should be avoided to prevent an unwantedreaction.

H. ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION - This is information on product compositionand characteristics which may be required to be submitted under a varietyof local, state and federal regulations.

I. PROTECTION AND PRECAUTIONS - These are generally applicable precautionsrecommended for the safe handling and use of the product, includingappropriate engineering controls, work practices, protective equipment,and personal hygiene practices.

J. TRANSPORTATION AND OSHA RELATED LABEL INFORMATION - This is emergencyresponse information pertaining to transportation-related spills. Inaddition, a Department of Transportation (DOT) Identification Number hasbeen assigned for reference, if applicable. This section also contains thehazard language that would be incorporated onto the label, bill of ladingor shipping papers.

ADDENDUM - This includes a disclaimer, along with contacts and telephonenumbers for additional information, if needed.

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Sheet No: STI2212 Material Name: Cracked Gas Oils Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:16/09/98 Page:

ALIGN BP SDS FinalsSafety Data Sheet - SDS

GLIS Sheet No:STI2212 SDS Reference: Paper Type: BP Helios Status: ActiveMaterial Name: Cracked Gas Oils

Language:English Country:OTIRevision of Sheet Dated:16/09/98 Major Change: Hazard?:Yes

Hazardous Components: Physical Characteristics: Gas oil Tox File: 350.5 Product Group: Date of Issue: 17/07/2000



Cracked Gas Oils1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Identification of substance/preparation Cracked Gas Oils Alternative Names: Heavy Cycle Oil, Heavy Cracked Gas Oil, Light Cycle Oil, Light Cracked Gas Oil, Coker Visbreaker Gas Oil, Combi Cracked Gas Oil

Application Fuel blending componentFor specific application advice see appropriate Technical Data Sheet or consult your BP representative

Company Identification BP Oil International LimitedBritannic House1 Finsbury CircusLondon, EC2M 7BA

Emergency Telephone Number +44 (0) 20 7496 4411 _________________________________________________________________________________2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSChemical Composition

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Sheet No: STI2212 Material Name: Cracked Gas Oils Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:16/09/98 Page:

Complex hydrocarbon substance, one of the following: Distillates (petroleum), light catalytic cracked. EINECS No: 265-060-4, CAS No: 64741-59-9 Distillates (petroleum), intermediate catalytic cracked. EINECS No: 265-062-5, CAS No:64741-60-2 Distillates (petroleum), light thermal cracked. EINECS No: 265-084-5, CAS No: 64741-82-8 Gas oils, paraffinic, EINECS No. 300-227-8, CAS No. 93924-33-5

3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONMay cause cancer, classified as a category 2 carcinogen. This material may contain significant quantities of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PCAs), some of which have been shown by experimental studies to induce skin cancer. Harmful if swallowed - aspiration hazard. Likely to cause skin irritation. Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment. May contain hydrogen sulphide. _________________________________________________________________________________

4. FIRST-AID MEASURESEyes Wash eye thoroughly with copious quantities of water, ensuring eyelids are held open. Obtain medical advice if any pain or redness develops or persists.

Skin Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water as soon as reasonably practicable. Remove heavily contaminated clothing and wash underlying skin.

Ingestion If contamination of the mouth occurs, wash out thoroughly with water. Except as a deliberate act, the ingestion of large amounts of product is unlikely. If it should occur, do not induce vomiting; obtain medical advice.

Inhalation If inhalation of mists, fumes or vapour causes irritation to the nose or throat, or coughing, remove to fresh air. If symptoms persist obtain medical advice. EXPOSURE TO HYDROGEN SULPHIDE:Casualties suffering ill effects as a result of exposure to hydrogen sulphide should be immediately removed to fresh air and medical assistance obtained without delay. Unconscious casualties must be placed in the recovery position. Monitor breathing and pulse rate and if breathing has failed, or is deemed inadequate, respiration must be assisted, preferably by the mouth to mouth method. Administer external cardiac massage if necessary. Seek medical attention immediately. It is advisable that all who are engaged in operations in which contact with H2S may reasonably be anticipated, should be trained in the techniques of emergency resuscitation and in the care of an unconscious patient.

Medical Advice Treatment should in general be symptomatic and directed to relieving any effects.Product can be aspirated on swallowing or following regurgitation of stomach contents, and can cause severe and potentially fatal chemical pneumonitis, which will require urgent treatment. Because of the risk of aspiration, induction of vomiting and gastric lavage should be avoided. Gastric lavage should be undertaken only after endotracheal intubation. Monitor for cardiac dysrhythmias. Inhalation of hydrogen sulphide may cause central respiratory depression leading to coma and death. It is irritant to the respiratory tract causing chemical pneumonitis and pulmonary oedema. The onset of pulmonary oedema may be delayed for 24 to 48 hours. Treat with oxygen and ventilate as appropriate. Administer broncho-dilators if indicated and

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Sheet No: STI2212 Material Name: Cracked Gas Oils Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:16/09/98 Page:

consider administration of corticosteroids. Keep casualty under surveillance for 48 hours in case pulmonary oedema develops. _________________________________________________________________________________5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESFor major fires call the Fire Service. Ensure an escape path is always available from any fire. There is a danger of flashback if sparks or hot surfaces ignite vapour. Use foam, dry powder or water fog. DO NOT USE water jets. Fires in confined spaces should be dealt with by trained personnel wearing approved breathing apparatus.

Combustion Products Toxic fumes may be evolved on burning or exposure to heat. See Stability and Reactivity, Section 10 of this Safety Data Sheet. _________________________________________________________________________________6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESAny spillage should be regarded as a potential fire risk. In the event of spillage, remove all sources of ignition and ensure good ventilation. Wear protective clothing. See Exposure Controls/Personal Protection, section 8, of this Safety Data Sheet. Spilled material may make surfaces slippery. Clean up spilled material immediately. Contain and recover spilled material using sand or other suitable inert absorbent material. Recovery of large spillages should be effected by specialist personnel. It is advised that stocks of suitable absorbent material should be held in quantities sufficient to deal with any spillage which may be reasonably anticipated. Large and uncontained spillages should be smothered with foam to reduce the risk of ignition. The foam blanket should be maintained until the area is declared safe. Protect drains from potential spills to minimise contamination. Do not wash product into drainage system. Vapour is heavier than air and may travel to remote sources of ignition (eg. along drainage systems, in basements etc.). If spillage has occurred in a confined space, ensure adequate ventilation and check that a safe, breathable atmosphere is present before entry. In the case of spillage on water, prevent the spread of product by the use of suitable barrier equipment. Recover product from the surface. Protect environmentally sensitive areas and water supplies. In the case of spillage at sea approved dispersants may be used where authorised by the appropriate government/regulatory authorities. Regular surveillance on the location of the spillage should be maintained.

In the event of spillages contact the appropriate authorities._________________________________________________________________________________

7. HANDLING AND STORAGEStorage Conditions Store and dispense only in well ventilated areas away from heat and sources of ignition. Store and use only in equipment/containers designed for use with this product. Containers must be properly labelled and kept closed when not in use. Do not remove warning labels from containers. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Retain hazard warning labels on empty packages as a guide to the safe handling, storage and disposal of empty packaging. Do not enter storage tanks without breathing apparatus unless the tank has been well ventilated and the tank atmosphere has been shown to contain hydrocarbon vapour concentrations of less than 1% of the lower flammability limit and an oxygen concentration of at least 20% volume.

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Sheet No: STI2212 Material Name: Cracked Gas Oils Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:16/09/98 Page:

Always have sufficient people standing by outside the tank with appropriate breathing apparatus and equipment to effect a quick rescue.

Vapours containing hydrogen sulphide may accumulate during storage or transport and may also be vented during filling of tanks. Hydrogen sulphide has a typical "bad egg" smell but at high concentrations the sense of smell is rapidly lost, therefore do not rely on sense of smell for detecting hydrogen sulphide. Use specially designed measuring instruments for determining its concentration.Confined spaces contaminated with hydrogen sulphide must always be considered as constituting potentially life threatening environments. Entry into such spaces must never be undertaken except under extreme emergency when no alternative is possible and then only by trained operators wearing air-supplied breathing apparatus of an approved type and following procedures strictly in accordance with the Statutory Regulations governing such entry. Please see the comments in Section 8 (Exposure Controls/Personal Protection) of this data sheet.It is advisable that all who are engaged in operations in which contact with hydrogen sulphide may be reasonably anticipated, should be trained in the techniques of emergency resuscitation and in the care of an unconscious patient.

Handling Precautions Avoid, as far as reasonably practicable, inhalation of vapour, mists or fumes generated during use. Avoid contact with skin and observe good personal hygiene. Avoid contact with eyes. If splashing is likely to occur wear a full face visor or chemical goggles as appropriate. Do not siphon product by mouth. Whilst using do not eat, drink or smoke. Wash hands thoroughly after contact. Use disposable cloths and discard when soiled. Do not put soiled cloths into pockets. Take all necessary precautions against accidental spillage into soil or water.

Fire Prevention Light hydrocarbon vapours can build up in the headspace of tanks. These can cause flammability/explosion hazards even at temperatures below the normal flash point (note: flash point must not be regarded as a reliable indicator of the potential flammability of vapour in tank headspaces). Tank headspaces should always be regarded as potentially flammable and care should be taken to avoid static electrical discharge and all ignition sources during filling, ullaging and sampling from storage tanks. Will present a flammability hazard if heated above flash point but bulk liquids at normal storage temperatures will present virtually no fire hazard. If fuel contacts hot surfaces, or leaks from high pressure fuel pipes, the vapour and/or mists generated will create a flammability or explosion hazard. When the product is pumped (e.g. during filling, discharge or ullaging) and when sampling, there is a risk of static discharge. Ensure equipment used is properly earthed or bonded to the tank structure. Product contaminated rags, paper or material used to absorb spillages, represent a fire hazard, and should not be allowed to accumulate. Dispose of safely immediately after use. Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain some remaining flammable product and vapour. Never cut, weld, solder or braze empty containers. _________________________________________________________________________________

8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONExposure Limits There is no appropriate occupational exposure limit for this material. If vapour, mists or fumes are generated, their concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level.

Relevant exposure limits are: Hydrogen sulphide ACGIH (USA): TLV 10 ppm (8 hr TWA); 15ppm (15 min STEL)

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Protective Clothing Wear face visor or goggles in circumstances where eye contact can accidentally occur. If skin contact is likely, wear impervious protective clothing and/or gloves. Protective clothing should be regularly inspected and maintained; overalls should be dry-cleaned, laundered and preferably starched after use.

Respiratory Protection If operations are such that the excessive generation of vapour, mist or fume may be anticipated, to which operators may unavoidably be exposed, then suitable approved respiratory equipment should be worn. Note: Approved air-supplied breathing apparatus must be worn where there may be potential for inhalation of hydrogen sulphide gas. The use of respiratory equipment must be strictly in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions and any statutory requirements governing its selection and use. _________________________________________________________________________________


Typical ValuesGrades: Cracked Gas

OilGas Oil - unspecified

Test Method UnitsPhysical state liquidColour amberOdour gasoil-likeDensity @ 15°C ASTM D 1298 kg/m³ 830 - 970Boiling point/range ASTM D 86 °C 180 - 480Flash point (PMC) ASTM D 93 °C >55_________________________________________________________________________________

10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYStable at ambient temperatures. Hazardous polymerisation reactions will not occur.

Conditions to Avoid Sources of ignition

Materials to Avoid Avoid contact with strong oxidizing agents.

Hazardous Decomposition Products Thermal decomposition products will vary with conditions. Incomplete combustion will generate smoke, carbon dioxide and hazardous gases, including carbon monoxide._________________________________________________________________________________11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEyes Unlikely to cause more than transient stinging or redness if accidental eye contact occurs.

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Sheet No: STI2212 Material Name: Cracked Gas Oils Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:16/09/98 Page:

Skin Likely to cause skin irritation. This material contains significant quantities of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PCAs), some of which has been shown by experimental studies to induce skin cancer.

Ingestion Unlikely to cause harm if accidentally swallowed in small doses, though larger quantities may cause nausea and diarrhoea. Will injure the lungs if aspiration occurs, eg. during vomiting.

Inhalation May cause irritation to eyes, nose and throat due to exposure to vapour, mists or fumes. May be toxic by inhalation when hydrogen sulphide is present in the vapour. Hydrogen sulphide gas may in addition produce irritation of the eyes and respiratory tract. _________________________________________________________________________________12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONMobility Spillages may penetrate the soil causing ground water contamination. This material may accumulate in sediments.

Persistence and degradability This product is inherently biodegradable.

Bioaccumulative potential There is no evidence to suggest bioaccumulation will occur.

Aquatic toxicity Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment Spills may form a film on water surfaces causing physical damage to organisms. Oxygen transfer could also be impaired. _________________________________________________________________________________13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSDispose of by incineration or other suitable means under conditions approved by the local authority or via a licensed waste disposal contractor. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Hazard warning labels are a guide to the safe handling of empty packaging and should not be removed. _________________________________________________________________________________14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONADR/RID: Gas oil, Flammable Liquid Class 3, Item 31(c) Hazard Identification No 30UN: GAS OIL, Flammable liquid, Class 3, Packing Group III, UN Number 1202IATA/ICAO: Gas oil, Flammable liquid, Class 3, Packing group IIIIMO: GAS OIL, Flammable liquid, Class 3.3, Packing group IIIEMERGENCY ACTION CODE: 3[Z] _________________________________________________________________________________15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONEU Category of Danger Carcinogenic category 2

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Sheet No: STI2212 Material Name: Cracked Gas Oils Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:16/09/98 Page:

Harmful Irritant Dangerous for the environment

EU Labelling Symbol: Skull and crossbones Dead tree and fish


Risk ( R ) Phrases: R45 May cause cancer R65 Also Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed. R38 Irritating to skin R51/53 Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment

Safety ( S ) Phrases: S53 Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use. S45 In case of accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice immediately (show label where possible) S62 If swallowed, do not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label. S61 Avoid release into the environment. Refer to special instructions/Safety data sheets.

The label must carry the following additional information: "EC Label", Substance name, EINECS No. Substance name: Cracked gas oil, EINECS No: 265-060-4, 265-062-5, 265-084-5Substance name: Gas oil - unspecified, EINECS No: 300-227-8

For non-fuel use only - "Restricted to professional users. Attention - Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use." must be marked on packaging.

_________________________________________________________________________________16. OTHER INFORMATIONCompiled by: Product Stewardship GroupBP Oil Technology CentreChertsey RoadSunbury-on-ThamesMiddlesex, TW16 7LN

This data sheet and the health, safety and environmental information it contains is considered to be accurate as of the date specified below. We have reviewed any information contained herein which we received from sources outside the BP Amoco Group of Companies. However, no warranty or representation, express or implied is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the data and information contained in this data sheet.

Health and safety precautions and environmental advice noted in this data sheet may not be accurate for all individuals and/or situations. It is the user's obligation to evaluate and use this product safely and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. No statement made in this data sheet shall be construed as a permission, recommendation or authorization given or implied to practise any patented invention without a valid licence. The BP Amoco Group shall not be responsible for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use of the material, from any failure to adhere to

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recommendations, or from any hazards inherent in the nature of the material.

Sheet Revisions Date: Sections revised: 16/09/98 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 11, 12, 1517/07/2000 4, 7, 8, 12, 15

SHEET NO: STI2212ISSUE DATE: 17/07/2000REVISION OF SHEET DATED: 16/09/98 ______________________________________________________________________________

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Sheet No: STI2220 Material Name: Cracked Naphtha Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:11/09/98 Page:

ALIGN BP SDS FinalsSafety Data Sheet - SDS

GLIS Sheet No:STI2220 SDS Reference: Paper Type: BP Helios Status: ActiveMaterial Name: Cracked Naphtha

Language:English Country:OTIRevision of Sheet Dated:11/09/98 Major Change: Hazard?:Yes

Hazardous Components: Physical Characteristics: Gasoline Tox File: 15.12 Product Group: Date of Issue: 17/07/2000



Cracked Naphtha1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Identification of substance/preparation Cracked Naphtha Alternative Names: Light catalytic cracked naphtha, Light cat cracked spirit, Heavy catalytic cracked naphtha, Heavy cat cracked spirit, Light hydrocracked naphtha, Heavy hydrocracked naphtha, Visbreaker cracked naphtha, Combi Cracked naphtha

Application Petroleum feedstock or fuel blending componentFor specific application advice see appropriate Technical Data Sheet or consult your BP representative

Company Identification BP Oil International LimitedBritannic House1 Finsbury CircusLondon, EC2M 7BA

Emergency Telephone Number +44 (0) 20 7496 4411 _________________________________________________________________________________2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS

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Sheet No: STI2220 Material Name: Cracked Naphtha Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:11/09/98 Page:

Chemical Composition Complex hydrocarbon substance, one of the following: Naphtha (petroleum), light catalytic cracked. EINECS No: 265-056-2, CAS No: 64741-55-5 Naphtha (petroleum), heavy catalytic cracked. EINECS No: 265-055-7, CAS No: 64741-54-4 Naphtha (petroleum), light hydrocracked. EINECS No: 265-071-4, CAS No: 64741-69-1 Naphtha (petroleum), light thermal cracked. EINECS No. 265-075-6 CAS No. 64741-74-8, Naphtha (petroleum), heavy hydrocracked. EINECS No: 265-079-8, CAS No: 64741-78-2 Naphtha (petroleum), heavy thermal cracked. EINECS No: 265-085-0, CAS No: 64741-83-9

3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONExtremely flammable. Explosive air/vapour mixtures may form at ambient temperature. Likely to cause skin irritation. May cause cancer, classified as a category 2 carcinogen. Contains Benzene. Prolonged or repeated exposure to benzene can cause anaemia and other blood diseases, including leukaemia. Harmful if swallowed - aspiration hazard. Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness. Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment.May contain hydrogen sulphide._________________________________________________________________________________

4. FIRST-AID MEASURESEyes Wash eye thoroughly with copious quantities of water, ensuring eyelids are held open. Obtain medical advice if any pain or redness develops or persists.

Skin Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water as soon as reasonably practicable. Remove heavily contaminated clothing and wash underlying skin. In extreme situations of saturation with this product, drench with water, remove clothing as soon as possible and wash skin with soap and water. Seek medical advice if skin becomes red, swollen or painful.

Ingestion If contamination of the mouth occurs, wash out thoroughly with water. Except as a deliberate act, the ingestion of large amounts of product is unlikely. If it should occur, do not induce vomiting; obtain medical advice.

Inhalation If exposure to vapour, mists or fumes causes drowsiness, headache, blurred vision or irritation of the eyes, nose or throat, remove immediately to fresh air. Keep patient warm and at rest. If any symptoms persist obtain medical advice. EXPOSURE TO HYDROGEN SULPHIDE:Casualties suffering ill effects as a result of exposure to hydrogen sulphide should be immediately removed to fresh air and medical assistance obtained without delay. Unconscious casualties must be placed in the recovery position. Monitor breathing and pulse rate and if breathing has failed, or is deemed inadequate, respiration must be assisted, preferably by the mouth to mouth method. Administer external cardiac massage if necessary. Seek medical attention immediately. It is advisable that all who are engaged in operations in which contact with H2S may reasonably be anticipated, should be trained in the techniques of emergency resuscitation and in the care of an unconscious patient.

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Sheet No: STI2220 Material Name: Cracked Naphtha Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:11/09/98 Page:

Medical Advice Treatment should in general be symptomatic and directed to relieving any effects.Product can be aspirated on swallowing or following regurgitation of stomach contents, and can cause severe and potentially fatal chemical pneumonitis, which will require urgent treatment. Because of the risk of aspiration, induction of vomiting and gastric lavage should be avoided. Gastric lavage should be undertaken only after endotracheal intubation. Monitor for cardiac dysrhythmias.

Inhalation of hydrogen sulphide may cause central respiratory depression leading to coma and death. It is irritant to the respiratory tract causing chemical pneumonitis and pulmonary oedema. The onset of pulmonary oedema may be delayed for 24 to 48 hours. Treat with oxygen and ventilate as appropriate. Administer broncho-dilators if indicated and consider administration of corticosteroids. Keep casualty under surveillance for 48 hours in case pulmonary oedema develops. _________________________________________________________________________________5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESFor major fires call the Fire Service. Ensure an escape path is always available from any fire. There is a danger of flashback if sparks or hot surfaces ignite vapour. Use foam, dry powder or water fog. DO NOT USE water jets. Fires in confined spaces should be dealt with by trained personnel wearing approved breathing apparatus. Any spillage should be regarded as a potential fire risk.

Combustion Products Toxic fumes may be evolved on burning or exposure to heat. See Stability and Reactivity, Section 10 of this Safety Data Sheet. _________________________________________________________________________________6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESAs this product has a very low flash point any spillage or leak is a severe fire and/or explosion hazard. Spilled material may make surfaces slippery. It is advised that stocks of suitable absorbent material should be held in quantities sufficient to deal with any spillage which may be reasonably anticipated. Vapour is heavier than air and may travel to remote sources of ignition (eg. along drainage systems, in basements etc.).

Isolate spillage from all ignition sources including road traffic. Evacuate all non essential personnel from the immediate area. If spillage has occurred in a confined space, ensure adequate ventilation and check that a safe, breathable atmosphere is present before entry. Ensure good ventilation. Wear protective clothing. See Exposure Controls/Personal Protection, section 8, of this Safety Data Sheet. Large and uncontained spillages should be smothered with foam to reduce the risk of ignition. The foam blanket should be maintained until the area is declared safe. Recovery of large spillages should be effected by specialist personnel.

Protect drains from potential spills to minimise contamination. Do not wash product into drainage system. In the case of spillage on water, prevent the spread of product by the use of suitable barrier equipment. Recover product from the surface. Protect environmentally sensitive areas and water supplies.Regular surveillance on the location of the spillage should be maintained.In the event of spillages contact the appropriate authorities._________________________________________________________________________________

7. HANDLING AND STORAGEStorage Conditions

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Store and dispense only in well ventilated areas away from heat and sources of ignition. Store and use only in equipment/containers designed for use with this product. Containers must be properly labelled and kept closed when not in use. Do not remove warning labels from containers. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Retain hazard warning labels on empty packages as a guide to the safe handling, storage and disposal of empty packaging. Do not enter storage tanks without breathing apparatus unless the tank has been well ventilated and the tank atmosphere has been shown to contain hydrocarbon vapour concentrations of less than 1% of the lower flammability limit and an oxygen concentration of at least 20% volume. Always have sufficient people standing by outside the tank with appropriate breathing apparatus and equipment to effect a quick rescue.

Vapours containing hydrogen sulphide may accumulate during storage or transport and may also be vented during filling of tanks. Hydrogen sulphide has a typical "bad egg" smell but at high concentrations the sense of smell is rapidly lost, therefore do not rely on sense of smell for detecting hydrogen sulphide. Use specially designed measuring instruments for determining its concentration.Confined spaces contaminated with hydrogen sulphide must always be considered as constituting potentially life threatening environments. Entry into such spaces must never be undertaken except under extreme emergency when no alternative is possible and then only by trained operators wearing air-supplied breathing apparatus of an approved type and following procedures strictly in accordance with the Statutory Regulations governing such entry. Please see the comments in Section 8 (Exposure Controls/Personal Protection) of this data sheet.It is advisable that all who are engaged in operations in which contact with hydrogen sulphide may be reasonably anticipated, should be trained in the techniques of emergency resuscitation and in the care of an unconscious patient.

Handling Precautions Ensure good ventilation and avoid as far as reasonably practicable the inhalation and contact with vapours, mists or fumes which may be generated during use. If such vapour, mists or fumes are generated, their concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level. Avoid contact with skin and observe good personal hygiene. Avoid contact with eyes. If splashing is likely to occur wear a full face visor or chemical goggles as appropriate. Do not siphon product by mouth. Whilst using do not eat, drink or smoke. Take all necessary precautions against accidental spillage into soil or water.

Fire Prevention Light hydrocarbon vapours can build up in the headspace of tanks. Tank headspaces should always be regarded as potentially flammable and care should be taken to avoid static electrical discharge and all ignition sources during filling, ullaging and sampling from storage tanks. When the product is pumped (e.g. during filling, discharge or ullaging) and when sampling, there is a risk of static discharge. Ensure equipment used is properly earthed or bonded to the tank structure. Electrical equipment should not be used unless it is intrinsically safe (i.e. will not produce sparks). Explosive air/vapour mixtures may form at ambient temperature. If product comes into contact with hot surfaces, or leaks occur from pressurised fuel pipes, the vapour or mists generated will create a flammability or explosion hazard. Product contaminated rags, paper or material used to absorb spillages, represent a fire hazard, and should not be allowed to accumulate. Dispose of safely immediately after use.Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain some remaining flammable product and vapour. Never cut, weld, solder or braze empty containers._________________________________________________________________________________


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If vapour, mists or fumes are generated, their concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level.Comply with current local occupational exposure limit. Where not established, the following limits are recommended.

Gasoline ACGIH (USA) : TLV 300 ppm (8hr TWA); 500 ppm (15min STEL)A3 - Animal Carcinogen

BenzeneACGIH (USA): TLV 0.5ppm (8hr TWA); 2.5 ppm (15min STEL)A1 - Confirmed human carcinogenSkin Notation - Can be absorbed through skin

Hydrogen sulphide ACGIH (USA): TLV 10 ppm (8 hr TWA); 15ppm (15 min STEL)

Protective Clothing Wear face visor or goggles in circumstances where eye contact can accidentally occur. If skin contact is likely, wear impervious protective clothing and/or gloves. Protective clothing should be regularly inspected and maintained; overalls should be dry-cleaned, laundered and preferably starched after use.

Respiratory Protection If operations are such that the excessive generation of vapour, mist or fume may be anticipated, to which operators may unavoidably be exposed, then suitable approved respiratory equipment should be worn. Note: Approved air-supplied breathing apparatus must be worn where there may be potential for inhalation of hydrogen sulphide gas. The use of respiratory equipment must be strictly in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions and any statutory requirements governing its selection and use. _________________________________________________________________________________


Typical ValuesGrades: Cracked

NaphthaTest Method Units

Physical state low viscosity liquid

Colour colourless -> amber

Odour gasoline-like / pungent

Density @ 15°C ASTM D 1298 kg/m³ approx 750Boiling point/range ASTM D 86 °C -20 to 230Flash point (PMC) ASTM D 93 °C below -18_________________________________________________________________________________

10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYStable at ambient temperatures.

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Sheet No: STI2220 Material Name: Cracked Naphtha Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:11/09/98 Page:

Hazardous polymerisation reactions will not occur.

Conditions to Avoid Sources of ignition Avoid excessive heat.

Materials to Avoid Avoid contact with strong oxidizing agents.

Hazardous Decomposition Products Thermal decomposition products will vary with conditions. Incomplete combustion will generate smoke, carbon dioxide and hazardous gases, including carbon monoxide._________________________________________________________________________________11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEyes Unlikely to cause more than transient stinging or redness if accidental eye contact occurs.

Skin Likely to cause skin irritation. Likely to result in chemical burns following prolonged wetting of the skin. (eg. after a road traffic accident).

Ingestion Unlikely to cause harm if accidentally swallowed in small doses, though larger quantities may cause nausea and diarrhoea. Will injure the lungs if aspiration occurs, eg. during vomiting.

Inhalation Likely to be irritating to the respiratory tract if high concentrations of mists or vapour are inhaled. May cause nausea, dizziness, headaches and drowsiness if high concentrations of vapour are inhaled. May be toxic by inhalation when hydrogen sulphide is present in the vapour. Hydrogen sulphide gas may in addition produce irritation of the eyes and respiratory tract.ABUSE:Under normal conditions of use the product is not hazardous; however, abuse involving deliberate inhalation of very high concentrations of vapour, even for short periods, can produce unconsciousness and/or result in a sudden fatality.

Carcinogenicity/Chronic Toxicity Exposure to benzene may result in affects to the hematopoietic system causing blood disorders including anaemia and leukaemia.Benzene is classified by EEC as a category 1 carcinogen - substances known to be carcinogenic to man.IARC assessment: benzene - carcinogenic to humans ( Group 1) _________________________________________________________________________________12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONMobility Spillages may penetrate the soil causing ground water contamination.

Persistence and degradability This product is inherently biodegradable.

Bioaccumulative potential

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Sheet No: STI2220 Material Name: Cracked Naphtha Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:11/09/98 Page:

There is no evidence to suggest bioaccumulation will occur.

Aquatic toxicity Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment Spills may form a film on water surfaces causing physical damage to organisms. Oxygen transfer could also be impaired.

German WGK Classification: 3 _________________________________________________________________________________13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSDispose of via an authorised person/ licensed waste disposal contractor in accordance with local regulations. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Hazard warning labels are a guide to the safe handling of empty packaging and should not be removed. Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain flammable product residues and vapour. Never weld, solder or braze empty containers. Materials contaminated with product should be treated as highly flammable. Disposal should be in accordance with local regulations. _________________________________________________________________________________14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONADR/RID: Petroleum distillates, N.O.S, Flammable liquid, Class 3, Item 2(a), Hazard Identification No. 33ADNR/ADN: Petroleum distillates N.O.S., Class 3, Item 2(a), Hazard Identification No. 33UN: Petroleum distillates N.O.S., Flammable liquid, Class 3, Packing group I, UN No. 1268IATA/ICAO: Petroleum distillates N.O.S. Flammable Liquid, Class 3 , Packing group IIMO: Petroleum distillates N.O.S., Flammable liquid, Class 3.1, Packing group IEmergency Action Code: 3[Y]E _________________________________________________________________________________15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONEU Category of Danger Extremely flammable Carcinogenic category 2 Harmful Irritant Dangerous for the environment

EU Labelling Symbol: Flame Skull and crossbones Dead tree and fish


Risk ( R ) Phrases: R12 Extremely flammable R45 May cause cancer R65 Also Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed. R38 Irritating to skin R67 Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness.

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Sheet No: STI2220 Material Name: Cracked Naphtha Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:11/09/98 Page:

R51/53 Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment

Safety ( S ) Phrases: S53 Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use. S45 In case of accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice immediately (show label where possible) S23 Do not breathe vapour S24 Avoid contact with skin S29 Do not empty into drains S43 In case of fire, use foam/dry powder/CO2. Never use water jets.S62 If swallowed, do not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label.S61 Avoid release into the environment. Refer to special instructions/Safety data sheets.

The label must carry the following additional information: "EC Label", Substance name, EINECS No.Substance name: Low boiling point cat-cracked naphtha, EINECS No: 265-056-2, 265-055-7Substance name: Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified, EINECS No: 265-071-4, 265-079-8Substance name: Low boiling point thermally cracked naphtha, EINECS No: 265-075-6, 265-085-0

For non-fuel use only - "Restricted to professional users. Attention - Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use." must be marked on packaging. _________________________________________________________________________________16. OTHER INFORMATIONCompiled by: Product Stewardship GroupBP Oil Technology CentreChertsey RoadSunbury-on-ThamesMiddlesex, TW16 7LN

This data sheet and the health, safety and environmental information it contains is considered to be accurate as of the date specified below. We have reviewed any information contained herein which we received from sources outside the BP Amoco Group of Companies. However, no warranty or representation, express or implied is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the data and information contained in this data sheet.

Health and safety precautions and environmental advice noted in this data sheet may not be accurate for all individuals and/or situations. It is the user's obligation to evaluate and use this product safely and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. No statement made in this data sheet shall be construed as a permission, recommendation or authorization given or implied to practise any patented invention without a valid licence. The BP Amoco Group shall not be responsible for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use of the material, from any failure to adhere to recommendations, or from any hazards inherent in the nature of the material.

Sheet Revisions Date: Sections revised: 11/09/98 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 1517/07/2000 1, 3, 4, 9, 15

SHEET NO: STI2220ISSUE DATE: 17/07/2000REVISION OF SHEET DATED: 11/09/98, REPLACEMENT OF SHEET NO: STI2207, STI2215 ______________________________________________________________________________

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Date Issued: 04-15-96

Supersedes: 03-20-96

STAR Enterprise



NOTE: Read and understand Material Safety Data Sheet before handling ordisposing of product.



Product Code and Name: 26120 DIESEL 2

Chemical Name and/or Family or Description: Diesel Fuel

Manufacturer's Name and Address:TEXACO REFINING AND MARKETING, INCP.O. Box 7812Universal City, CA 91608

Telephone Numbers:Transportation Emergency -Company : (914) 831-3400 CHEMTREC : (800) 424-9300Health Emergency -Company : (914) 831-3400General MSDS Assistance : (914) 838-7204Technical Information -Fuels : (914) 838-7336 -Chemical : (512) 459-6543 -Lubricant/Antifreezes : (800) 782-7852 -Additives : (713) 235-6278 -Solvents : (800) 876-3738

This Material Safety Data Sheet may be used for the following products forHazard Communications purposes only; not intended to imply identicalperformance/technical specifications:


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Product and/or Component(s) Carcinogenic According to:OSHA [ ]IARC [ ]NTP [ ]OTHER [X]NONE [ ]

Composition: (Sequence Number and Chemical Name)

Seq. Chemical Name CAS Number Range in %

01 * A complex mixture of hydrocarbons 100.00 produced by crude oil distillation. Consists predominantly of hydrocarbons ranging from C-9 to C-20, and boiling in the range of 325-675F. The hydrotreated or hydrosulfurized product also contains some hydrocarbons produced by the distillation of the catalytic cracking. The latter materials contain bicyclic and tricyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.



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Exposure Limits referenced by Sequence Number in the Composition Section

Seq. Limit




Appearance: Bright and clear liquid (Tax Exempt Diesels - pale red liquid)

Odor: Petroleum odor




HMISHealth: 1Flammability: 2Reactivity: 0Special: -

NFPAHealth: 1Flammability: 2Reactivity: 0Special: -


Primary Route of Exposure:EYE [X]SKIN [X]INHALATION [X]INGESTION [ ]

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Eyes: May cause irritation, experienced as mild discomfort and seen asslight excess redness of the eye.


Causes irritation with discomfort or pain, and seen as marked localredness and swelling, with possible blister formation.

Other than the potential skin irritation effects noted above, acute (shortterm) adverse effects are not expected from brief skin contact; see othereffects, below, and Section 11 for information regarding potential longterm effects.

Prolonged, widespread, or repeated skin contact may result in theabsorption of potentially harmful amounts of material.


Vapors or mist may cause irritation of the nose and throat.

Inhalation may cause dizziness, drowsiness, euphoria, loss ofcoordination, disorientation, headache, nausea, and vomiting. In poorlyventilated areas or confined spaces, unconsciousness and asphyxiation mayresult. Prolonged or repeated overexposure may result in the absorption ofpotentially harmful amounts of material.

Ingestion: If more than several mouthfuls are swallowed, abdominaldiscomfort, nausea, and diarrhea may occur. Aspiration may occur duringswallowing or vomiting resulting in lung damage.

Sensitization Properties: Unknown.


NIOSH has recommended that whole diesel exhaust be regarded as a potentialoccupational carcinogen, based on findings of carcinogenic responses inlaboratory animals exposed to whole diesel exhaust. The excess cancer riskfor workers exposed to diesel exhaust has not been calculated; theprobability of developing cancer should be decreased by minimizingexposure to the lowest feasible limits.

Repeated skin contact may cause a persistent irritation or dermatitis.

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Medical Conditions Aggravated by Exposure: Skin contact may aggravate anexisting dermatitis (skin condition).

Other Remarks: None


Eyes: Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes.Hold eyelids apart while flushing to rinse entire surface of eye and lidswith water. Get medical attention.

Skin: Immediately remove contaminated clothing and shoes. Under a safetyshower, flush skin thoroughly with large amounts of running water for atleast 15 minutes. Do not attempt to neutralize with chemical agents. Getmedical attention immediately. Discard or decontaminate clothing and shoesbefore reuse.

Ingestion: If person is conscious and can swallow, give two glasses ofwater (16 oz.) but do not induce vomiting. If vomiting occurs, give fluidsagain. Have medical personnel determine if evacuation of stomach orinduction of vomiting is necessary. Do not give anything by mouth to anunconscious or convulsing person.

Inhalation: If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, clearperson's airway and give artificial respiration. If breathing isdifficult, qualified medical personnel may administer oxygen. Get medicalattention immediately.

Other Instructions:

Remove and dry-clean or launder clothing soaked or soiled with thismaterial before reuse. Dry cleaning of contaminated clothing may be moreeffective than normal laundering. Inform individuals responsible forcleaning of potential hazards associated with handling contaminatedclothing.

Aspiration of this product during induced emesis may result in severe lunginjury. If evacuation of stomach is necessary, use method least likely tocause aspiration, such as gastric lavage after endotracheal intubation.Contact a Poison Center for additional treatment information.


Ignition Temperature - AIT (degrees F): 500

Flash Point (degrees F): 125 (CC)

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Flammable Limits (%):Lower: .5Upper: 4.1

Recommended Fire Extinguishing Agents And Special Procedures: Use waterspray, dry chemical, foam or carbon dioxide to extinguish flames. Usewater spray to cool fire-exposed containers.

Unusual or Explosive Hazards: None

Special Protective Equipment for Firefighters: Wear full protectiveclothing and positive pressure breathing apparatus.


(Transportation Spills: CHEMTREC (800) 424-9300)

Procedures in Case of Accidental Release, Breakage or Leakage:

Ventilate area. Avoid breathing vapor. Wear appropriate personalprotective equipment, including appropriate respiratory protection.Contain spill if possible. Wipe up or absorb on suitable material andshovel up. Prevent entry into sewers and waterways. Avoid contact withskin, eyes or clothing.

If more than 100,000 pounds of product is spilled, then report spillaccording to SARA 304 and/or CERCLA 102(a) requirements, unless productqualifies for the petroleum exemption (CERCLA Section 101(14)).


Precautions to be Taken in

Handling: Eye wash and safety shower should be available nearby when thisproduct is handled or used.

Storage: Store away from heat and open flame. Periods of exposure to hightemperatures should be minimized. Water contamination should be avoided.


Protective Equipment (Type)

Eye/Face Protection: Safety glasses, chemical type goggles, or face shieldrecommended to prevent eye contact.

Skin Protection: Protective clothing such as coveralls or lab coats shouldbe worn. Launder or dry-clean when soiled. Gloves resistant to chemicals

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and petroleum distillates required. When handling large quantities,impervious suits, gloves, and rubber boots must be worn.

Respiratory Protection: Airborne concentrations should be kept to lowestlevels possible. If vapor, mist or dust is generated and the occupationalexposure limit of the product, or any component of the product, isexceeded, use appropriate NIOSH or MSHA approved air purifying or airsupplied respirator after determining the airborne concentration of thecontaminant. Air supplied respirators should always be worn when airborneconcentration of the contaminant or oxygen content is unknown.

Ventilation: Local exhaust ventilation recommended if generating vapor,dust, or mist. If exhaust ventilation is not available or inadequate, useMSHA or NIOSH approved respirator as appropriate.

Exposure Limit for Total Product: None established for product; refer toSection 2 for component exposure limits.


Appearance: Bright and clear liquid (Tax Exempt Diesels - pale red liquid)

Odor: Petroleum odor

Boiling Point (degrees F): 650

Melting/Freezing point (degrees F): Not applicable.

Specific Gravity (water=1): .8521

pH of undiluted product: Not applicable.

Vapor Pressure: .07 - .3 mmHg at 100.0

Viscosity: 3 cSt at 37.7 C

VOC Content: Not determined.

Vapor Density (air=1): Not determined.

Solubility in Water (%): < .1

Other: None


This Material Reacts Violently With:(If Others is checked below, see comments for details)

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Air [ ]Water [ ]Heat [X]Strong Oxidizers [X]Others [ ]None of These [ ]

Comments: None

Products Evolved When Subjected to Heat or Combustion: Toxic levels ofcarbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, irritating aldehydes and ketones.

Hazardous Polymerizations: DO NOT OCCUR



Median Lethal Dose

Oral: LD50 Similar product 9.00 ml/kg (rat) practically non-toxic

Inhalation: Not determined.

Dermal: LD50 Similar product > 5.00 ml/kg (rabbit) practically non-toxic

Irritation Index, Estimation of Irritation (Species)

Skin: (Draize) Similar product 5.29/8.0 (rabbit) severely irritating

Eyes: (Draize) Believed to be > 15.00 - 25.00/110 (rabbit) slightlyirritating

Sensitization: Not determined.


Middle distillates have caused skin irritation and skin cancer inlaboratory animals when repeatedly applied and left in place betweenapplications. Studies to further evaluate the carcinogenic potential ofmiddle distillates are currently underway. Kidney damage has also beenobserved in laboratory animals exposed to middle distillates.

Necrosis was seen on animals a few days after dermal application of thisproduct or a component of this product. However, the skin repaired itselfwithin the observation period.


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Waste Disposal MethodsThis product (as presently constituted) has the RCRA classification ofbenzene toxicity and ignitability. If discarded in its present form, itwould have the hazardous waste numbers D018 and D001 respectively. UnderRCRA, it is the responsibility of the user of the product to determine atthe time of disposal, whether the product meets RCRA criteria forhazardous waste. This is because product uses, transformations, mixtures,processes, etc. may change the classification to non-hazardous, orhazardous for reasons other than, or in addition to benzene toxicity andignitability.




DOT:Proper Shipping Name: Fuel OilHazard Class: Combustible liquid (LAND TRANSPORT ONLY-49CFR 173.120(b)(2))Identification Number: NA 1993Packing Group: IIILabel Required: NoneMarine pollutant: Not applicable

IMDG:Proper Shipping Name: Not evaluated

ICAO:Proper Shipping Name: Not evaluated

TDG:Proper Shipping Name: Not evaluated


Federal Regulations:


Section 302/304 Extremely Hazardous Substances

Seq. Chemical Name CAS Number Range in %


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Section 302/304 Extremely Hazardous Substances (CONT)



Section 311 Hazardous Categorization:Acute [X]Chronic [X]Fire [X]Pressure [ ]Reactive [ ]N/A [ ]

Section 313 Toxic Chemical

Chemical Name CAS Number Concentration


CERCLA 102(a)/DOT Hazardous Substances:(+ indicates DOT Hazardous Substance)

Seq. Chemical Name CAS Number Range in %

01+ Benzene, (1-methylethyl)- 98-82-8 0.01-0.0902+ Benzene 71-43-2 0.01-0.09

CERCLA/DOT Hazardous Substances (Sequence Numbers and RQ's):

Seq. RQ

01+ 500002+ 10

TSCA Inventory Status: This product, or its components, are listed on orare exempt from the Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) Chemical SubstanceInventory.

Other: None.

State Regulations:

California Proposition 65:

The following detectable components of this product are substances, orbelong to classes of substances, known to the State of California to causecancer and/or reproductive toxicity.

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Chemical Name CAS Number

Benzene 71-43-2

States Right-to-know Regulations:

Chemical Name State Right-to-know

Benzene, (1-methylethyl)- CT, FL, IL, MA, NJ, PA, RI, MIBenzene CT, FL, IL, MA, NJ, PA, RI, MI1,2,4-trimethylbenzene MA, NJ, PA

State list: CT (Connecticut), FL (Florida), IL (Illinois), MI (Michigan),LA (Louisiana), MA (Massachusetts), NJ (New Jersey), PA (Pennsylvania),RI (Rhode Island)

International Regulations:

WHMIS Classification: Not determined

Canada Inventory Status: Not determined.

EINECS Inventory Status: Not determined.

Australia Inventory Status: Not determined.

Japan Inventory Status: Not determined.


Aquatic Toxicity: Not determined.

Mobility: Not determined.

Persistence and Biodegradability: Not determined.

Potential to Bioaccumulate: Not determined.

Remarks: None



This product is not intended for use in space heaters. Do not use inagricultural sprays.

Texaco recommends that all exposures to this product be minimized by

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strictly adhering to recommended occupational controls procedures to avoidany potential adverse health effects.



Date: 04-15-96[ ] New[X] Revised, Supersedes: 03-20-96

Date printed: 04-19-96

Inquiries regarding MSDS should be directed to:Texaco Inc.Manager, Product SafetyP.O. Box 509Beacon, N.Y. 12508



Label Date: 03-20-96


26120 DIESEL 2

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PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES-Use only with adequate ventilation.-Keep away from heat and flame.-Avoid breathing vapor, mist, or gas.-Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing.-Keep container closed.-Never siphon by mouth.-Wash thoroughly after handling.


Eye Contact: Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15minutes. Hold eyelids apart while flushing to rinse entire surface of eyeand lids with water. Get medical attention.

Skin Contact: Immediately remove contaminated clothing and shoes. Under asafety shower, flush skin thoroughly with large amounts of running waterfor at least 15 minutes. Do not attempt to neutralize with chemicalagents. Get medical attention immediately. Discard or decontaminateclothing and shoes before reuse.

Ingestion: If person is conscious and can swallow, give two glasses ofwater (16 oz.) but do not induce vomiting. If vomiting occurs, give fluidsagain. Have medical personnel determine if evacuation of stomach orinduction of vomiting is necessary. Do not give anything by mouth to anunconscious or convulsing person.

Inhalation: If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, clearperson's airway and give artificial respiration. If breathing isdifficult, qualified medical personnel may administer oxygen. Get medicalattention immediately.

Note to Physician: Aspiration of this product during induced emesis may

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result in severe lung injury. If evacuation of stomach is necessary, usemethod least likely to cause aspiration, such as gastric lavage afterendotracheal intubation. Contact a Poison Center for additional treatmentinformation.

FIREIn case of fire, use water spray, dry chemical, foam or carbon dioxide.Water may cause frothing. Use water spray to cool fire-exposed containers.

If more than 100,000 pounds of product is spilled, then report spillaccording to SARA 304 and/or CERCLA 102(a) requirements, unless productqualifies for the petroleum exemption (CERCLA Section 101(14)).

Chemical Name CAS Number Range in %

* A complex mixture of hydrocarbons produced 100.00 by crude oil distillation. Consists predominantly of hydrocarbons ranging from C-9 to C-20, and boiling in the range of 325-675F. The hydrotreated or hydrosulfurized product also contains some hydrocarbons produced by the distillation of the catalytic cracking. The latter materials contain bicyclic and tricyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.



Pennsylvania SpecialHazardous Substance(s) CAS Number Range in %

Benzene 71-43-2 0.01-0.09

HMISHealth: 1Flammability: 2Reactivity: 0Special: -

NFPAHealth: 1Flammability: 2Reactivity: 0Special: -

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DOT:Proper Shipping Name: Fuel OilHazard Class: Combustible liquid (LAND TRANSPORT ONLY-49CFR 173.120(b)(2))Identification Number: NA 1993Packing Group: IIILabel Required: NoneMarine pollutant: Not applicable

CAUTION: Misuse of empty containers can be hazardous. Empty containers canbe hazardous if used to store toxic, flammable, or reactive materials.Cutting or welding of empty containers might cause fire, explosion ortoxic fumes from residues. Do not pressurize or expose to open flame orheat. Keep container closed and drum bungs in place.

Manufacturer's Name and Address:TEXACO REFINING AND MARKETING, INCP.O. Box 7812Universal City, CA 91608

TRANSPORTATION EMERGENCYCompany: (914) 831-3400CHEMTREC: (800) 424-9300

HEALTH EMERGENCYCompany: (914) 831-3400

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Sheet No: SSR2104 Material Name: Dual Purpose Kerosene Issue Date : 02/03/95 Revision of Sheet Dated:01/09/94 Page:

MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET___________________________________________________________________________

Dual Purpose Kerosene1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKINGIdentification of substance/preparationDual Purpose Kerosene

ApplicationFuel for domestic burners; low sulphur industrial process fuel; solvent for certain industrial processes. Only Premium grade should be used as fuel for flueless space heaters.For specific application advice see appropriate Technical Data Sheet or consult your SRC representative

Company IdentificationSingapore Refining Company Pte. Ltd.Pulau MerlimauJurongSingapore

Emergency Telephone NumberSingapore 867 8844__________________________________________________________________________________

2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSChemical CompositionA mixture of kerosene streams

Hazardous ComponentsPetroleum distillate__________________________________________________________________________________

3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONFlammableHarmful if swallowed - aspiration hazard.Will be irritating to the skin.__________________________________________________________________________________

4. FIRST-AID MEASURESEyesWash eye thoroughly with copious quantities of water, ensuring eyelids are held open. Obtain medical advice if any pain or redness develops or persists.

SkinWash skin thoroughly with soap and water as soon as reasonably practicable. Remove heavily contaminated clothing and

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Sheet No: SSR2104 Material Name: Dual Purpose Kerosene Issue Date : 02/03/95 Revision of Sheet Dated:01/09/94 Page:

wash underlying skin.

IngestionIf contamination of the mouth occurs, wash out thoroughly with water.Except as a deliberate act, the ingestion of large amounts of product is unlikely. If it should occur, do not induce vomiting; obtain medical advice.

InhalationIf fumes are inhaled the patient should be removed to fresh air and if recovery is not immediate, medical assistance must be called without delay. If breathing has failed respiration must be assisted, preferably by mouth to mouth method.

Medical AdviceTreatment should in general be symptomatic and directed to relieving any effects.Product can be aspirated on swallowing or following regurgitation of stomach contents, and can cause severe and potentially fatal chemical pneumonitis, which will require urgent treatment. Because of the risk of aspiration, induction of vomiting and gastric lavage should be avoided. Gastric lavage should be undertaken only after endotrachael intubation. Monitor for cardiac disrhythmias.__________________________________________________________________________________

5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESFor major fires call the Fire Service. Ensure an escape path is always available from any fire.There is a danger of flashback if sparks or hot surfaces ignite vapour.Use foam, dry powder or water fog. DO NOT USE water jets.Water may be used to cool nearby heat exposed areas/objects/packages. Avoid spraying directly into storage containers because of the danger of boil-over.FIRES IN CONFINED SPACES SHOULD BE DEALT WITH BY TRAINED PERSONNEL WEARING APPROVED BREATHING APPARATUS.

Combustion ProductsToxic fumes may be evolved on burning or exposure to heat.See Stability and Reactivity, Section 10 of this Safety Data Sheet.__________________________________________________________________________________

6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESAny spillage should be regarded as a potential fire risk.In the event of spillages contact the appropriate authorities.Evacuate all non essential personnel from the immediate area.Regular surveillance on the location of the spillage should be maintained.In the event of spillage, remove all sources of ignition including road traffic and ensure good ventilation.Clean up spilled material immediately.Contain and recover spilled material using sand or other suitable inert absorbent material.It is advised that stocks of suitable absorbent material should be held in quantities sufficient to deal with any spillage which may be reasonably anticipated.Recovery of large spillages should be effected by specialist personnel.Large and uncontained spillages should be smothered with foam to reduce the risk of ignition.The foam blanket should be maintained until the area is declared safe.Spilled material may make surfaces slippery.Wear protective clothing. See Exposure Controls/Personal Protection, section 8, of this Safety Data Sheet.Protect drains from potential spills to minimise contamination. Do not wash product into drainage system.Vapour is heavier than air and may travel to remote sources of ignition (eg. along drainage systems, in basements etc.).

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Sheet No: SSR2104 Material Name: Dual Purpose Kerosene Issue Date : 02/03/95 Revision of Sheet Dated:01/09/94 Page:

If spillage has occurred in a confined space, ensure adequate ventilation and check that a safe, breathable atmosphere is present before entry.In the case of spillage on water, prevent the spread of product by the use of suitable barrier equipment. Recover product from the surface. Protect environmentally sensitive areas and water supplies.In the case of spillage at sea approved dispersants may be used where authorised by the appropriate government/regulatory authorities.__________________________________________________________________________________

7. HANDLING AND STORAGEStorage ConditionsStore and dispense only in well ventilated areas away from heat and sources of ignition.Store and use only in equipment/containers designed for use with this product.Containers must be properly labelled and kept closed when not in use.Do not remove warning labels from containers.Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Retain hazard warning labels on empty packages as a guide to the safe handling, storage and disposal of empty packaging.Do not enter storage tanks without breathing apparatus unless the tank has been well ventilated and the tank atmosphere has been shown to contain hydrocarbon vapour concentrations of less than 1% of the lower flammability limit and an oxygen concentration of at least 20% volume.Always have sufficient people standing by outside the tank with appropriate breathing apparatus and equipment to effect a quick rescue.

Handling PrecautionsAvoid contact with skin and observe good personal hygiene.Avoid contact with eyes. If splashing is likely to occur wear a full face visor or chemical goggles as appropriate.Do not siphon product by mouth.Whilst using do not eat, drink or smoke.Take all necessary precautions against accidental spillage into soil or water.

Fire PreventionLight hydrocarbon vapours can build up in the headspace of tanks. These can cause flammability/explosion hazards even at temperatures below the normal flash point (note: flash point must not be regarded as a reliable indicator of the potential flammability of vapour in tank headspaces). Tank headspaces should always be regarded as potentially flammable and care should be taken to avoid static electrical discharge and all ignition sources during filling, ullaging and sampling from storage tanks.Ensure equipment is electrically bonded and earthed to prevent static accumulation.Product soaked rags, paper or material used to absorb spillages, represent a fire hazard, and should not be allowed to accumulate. Dispose of safely immediately after use.Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain some remaining flammable product and vapour. Never cut, weld, solder or braze empty containers.__________________________________________________________________________________

8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONExposure LimitsComply with current local occupational exposure limit.Protective ClothingWear face visor or goggles in circumstances where eye contact can accidentally occur.If skin contact is likely, wear impervious protective clothing and/or gloves.Protective clothing should be regularly inspected and maintained; overalls should be dry-cleaned, laundered and preferably starched after use.

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Sheet No: SSR2104 Material Name: Dual Purpose Kerosene Issue Date : 02/03/95 Revision of Sheet Dated:01/09/94 Page:

Change heavily contaminated clothing as soon as reasonably practicable; dry clean, launder and preferably starch before re-use. Wash any contaminated underlying skin with soap and water.Respiratory ProtectionIf operations are such that exposure to vapour, mist or fume may be anticipated, then suitable approved respiratory equipment should be worn.The use of respiratory equipment must be strictly in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions and any statutory requirements governing its selection and use.__________________________________________________________________________________


Typical Values

Grades:Dual Purpose Kerosene

Test Method Units

Physical state liquidColour light amberOdour kerosine-likeBoiling point/range ASTM D 86 °C 150-

300Kinematic viscosity @ 20°C ASTM D 445 mm2/s 2.0Density @ 15°C ASTM D 1298 kg/m3 780Flash point (PMC) ASTM D 93 °C 50

10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYStable at ambient temperatures.Hazardous polymerisation reactions will not occur.

Conditions to AvoidSources of ignition

Materials to AvoidAvoid contact with strong oxidizing agents.

Hazardous Decomposition ProductsThermal decomposition can produce a variety of compounds, the precise nature of which will depend on the decomposition conditions.Incomplete combustion/ thermal decomposition will generate smoke, carbon dioxide and hazardous gases,which will include carbon monoxide.__________________________________________________________________________________

11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEyesUnlikely to cause more than transient stinging or redness if accidental eye contact occurs.

SkinWill be irritating to the skin.Unlikely to cause sensitization by skin contact

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Sheet No: SSR2104 Material Name: Dual Purpose Kerosene Issue Date : 02/03/95 Revision of Sheet Dated:01/09/94 Page:

IngestionUnlikely to cause harm if accidentally swallowed in small doses, though larger quantities may cause nausea and diarrhoea.Will injure the lungs if aspiration occurs, eg. during vomiting.

InhalationMay cause irritation to eyes, nose and throat due to exposure to vapour, mists or fumes.May have a narcotic effect if high concentrations of vapour are inhaled.__________________________________________________________________________________

12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONMobilitySpillages may penetrate the soil causing ground water contamination.

Persistence and degradabilityThis product is inherently biodegradable.

Bioaccumulative potentialThere is no evidence to suggest bioaccumulation will occur.

Aquatic toxicityMay be harmful to aquatic organisms.Spills may form a film on water surfaces causing physical damage to organisms. Oxygen transfer could also be impaired.__________________________________________________________________________________

13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSDispose of via an authorised person/ licensed waste disposal contractor in accordance with local regulations.Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Hazard warning labels are a guide to the safe handling of empty packaging and should not be removed.

14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONADR/RID: Kerosene, Flammable Liquid, Class 3 , Item 31 (c), Hazard Identification No 30UN: KEROSENE, Flammable liquid, Class 3, Packing Group III, UN Number 1223IATA/ICAO: Kerosene, Flammable liquid, Class 3, Packing Group IIIIMO: KEROSENE, Flammable liquid, Class 3.3, Packing Group IIIEMERGENCY ACTION CODE: Flammable liquid, 3[Y]__________________________________________________________________________________


EC LabellingIndication of danger:FLAMMABLE - (No symbol)

Symbol: St Andrews Cross (Xn)Contains Kerosine- unspecified

Risk (R) PhrasesR10 - FlammableR22 - Harmful if swallowed

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Sheet No: SSR2104 Material Name: Dual Purpose Kerosene Issue Date : 02/03/95 Revision of Sheet Dated:01/09/94 Page:

R38 Irritating to skin

Safety (S) PhrasesS2 Keep out of reach of childrenS16 Keep away from sources of ignition - No smokingS24 Avoid contact with skinS43 In case of fire use foam, dry powder or water fog. DO NOT USE water jets.S62 - If swallowed, do not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label.__________________________________________________________________________________

16. OTHER INFORMATIONCompiled by:Product Stewardship GroupBP Oil Technology CentreChertsey RoadSunbury-On-ThamesMiddlesex, TW16 7LN

This data sheet and the health, safety and environmental information it contains is considered to be accurate as of the date specified below. We have reviewed the information contained herein which we received from sources outside SRC . However, no warranty or representation, expressed or implied is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the data and information contained in this data sheet.

Health and safety precautions and environmental advice noted in this data sheet may not be accurate for all individuals and/or situations. It is the user's obligation to evaluate and use this product safely and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. No statement made in this data sheet shall be construed as a permission, recommendation or authorization given or implied to practise any patented invention without a valid licence. SRC shall not be responsible for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use of the material, from any failure to adhere to recommendations, or from any hazards inherent in the nature of the material

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Sheet No: SAV2304 Material Name: Experimental Jet Fuel Additive (HiTTS) Issue Date : 9/6/99 Revision of Sheet Dated: Page:

SAFETY DATA SHEET___________________________________________________________________________

Experimental Jet Fuel Additive (HiTTS)1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKINGIdentification of substance/preparationExperimental Jet Fuel Additive (HiTTS)

ApplicationExperimental jet fuel additive.For specific application advice see appropriate Technical Data Sheet or consult your BP representative

Company IdentificationAir BP InternationalBreakspear ParkBreakspear WayHemel HempsteadHertfordshireHP2 4UL

Emergency Telephone Number+44 (0)1442-22-5711

Out of office hours:+44 (0)1202 590558__________________________________________________________________________________

2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSChemical CompositionKerosineProprietary performance additives.

Hazardous ComponentsKerosine - unspecified, Xn, R65 Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed. (>40%)

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Sheet No: SAV2304 Material Name: Experimental Jet Fuel Additive (HiTTS) Issue Date : 9/6/99 Revision of Sheet Dated: Page:

2,6 - Di-tert - Butyl - 4 -Methylphenol, Xn R22 Harmful if swallowed, R36 Irritating to eyes. (<20%)

N, N' - disalicylidene - 1,2 - diaminopropane, Xn R22 Harmful if swallowed, R36/38 Irritating to eyes and skin., R43 May cause sensitisation by skin contact, R52/53 Harmful to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment (<10%)__________________________________________________________________________________

3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONThis product is supplied for trial/research purposes only.The hazard assessment has not been completed, the product should therefore be handled with care and exposure kept to a minimum.

Harmful if swallowed - aspiration hazard.Likely to cause eye irritation.May cause sensitisation by skin contact.__________________________________________________________________________________

4. FIRST-AID MEASURESEyesWash eye thoroughly with copious quantities of water. Obtain IMMEDIATE medical attention.

SkinWash skin thoroughly with soap and water as soon as reasonably practicable. Remove heavily contaminated clothing and wash underlying skin.

IngestionIf contamination of the mouth occurs, wash out thoroughly with water.Except as a deliberate act, the ingestion of large amounts of product is unlikely. If it should occur, do not induce vomiting; obtain medical advice.

InhalationIf inhalation of mists, fumes or vapour causes irritation to the nose or throat, or coughing, remove to fresh air. If symptoms persist obtain medical advice.

Medical AdviceProduct can be aspirated on swallowing or following regurgitation of stomach contents, and can cause severe and potentially fatal chemical pneumonitis, which will require urgent treatment. Because of the risk of aspiration, induction of vomiting and gastric lavage should be avoided. Gastric lavage should be undertaken only after endotracheal intubation. Monitor for cardiac dysrhythmias.__________________________________________________________________________________

5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESFor major fires call the Fire Service. Ensure an escape path is always available from any fire.There is a danger of flashback if sparks or hot surfaces ignite vapour.Use foam, dry powder or water fog. DO NOT USE water jets.Fires in confined spaces should be dealt with by trained personnel wearing approved breathing apparatus

Combustion ProductsToxic fumes may be evolved on burning or exposure to heat.See Stability and Reactivity, Section 10 of this Safety Data Sheet.

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Sheet No: SAV2304 Material Name: Experimental Jet Fuel Additive (HiTTS) Issue Date : 9/6/99 Revision of Sheet Dated: Page:



In the event of spillage, remove all sources of ignition and ensure good ventilation.Evacuate all non essential personnel from the immediate area.Wear protective clothing. See Exposure Controls/Personal Protection, section 8, of this Safety Data Sheet.Contain and recover spilled material using sand or other suitable inert absorbent material.It is advised that stocks of suitable absorbent material should be held in quantities sufficient to deal with any spillage which may be reasonably anticipated.Spilled material may make surfaces slippery.Protect drains from potential spills to minimise contamination. Do not wash product into drainage system.In the case of large spills contact the appropriate authorities.In the case of spillage on water, prevent the spread of product by the use of suitable barrier equipment. Recover product from the surface. Protect environmentally sensitive areas and water supplies.__________________________________________________________________________________

7. HANDLING AND STORAGEHandling PrecautionsAvoid contact with eyes. If splashing is likely to occur wear a full face visor or chemical goggles as appropriate.Avoid skin contact.Ensure good ventilation and avoid as far as reasonably practicable the inhalation and contact with vapours, mists or fumes which may be generated during use. If such vapour, mists or fumes are generated, their concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level.Good working practices, high standards of personal hygiene and plant cleanliness must be maintained at all times.Wash hands thoroughly after contact.Use disposable cloths and discard when soiled. Do not put soiled cloths into pockets.

Fire PreventionProduct contaminated rags, paper or material used to absorb spillages, represent a fire hazard, and should not be allowed to accumulate. Dispose of safely immediately after use.

Storage ConditionsStore and dispense only in well ventilated areas away from heat and sources of ignition.Store and use only in equipment/containers designed for use with this product.Containers must be properly labelled and kept closed when not in use.Do not remove warning labels from containers.Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Retain hazard warning labels on empty packages as a guide to the safe handling, storage and disposal of empty packaging.Do not enter storage tanks without breathing apparatus unless the tank has been well ventilated and the tank atmosphere has been shown to contain hydrocarbon vapour concentrations of less than 1% of the lower flammability limit and an oxygen concentration of at least 20% volume.Always have sufficient people standing by outside the tank with appropriate breathing apparatus and equipment to effect a quick rescue.__________________________________________________________________________________

8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONExposure LimitsThere is no appropriate occupational exposure limit for this material.If vapour, mists or fumes are generated, their concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level.

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Sheet No: SAV2304 Material Name: Experimental Jet Fuel Additive (HiTTS) Issue Date : 9/6/99 Revision of Sheet Dated: Page:

Protective ClothingWear face visor or goggles in circumstances where eye contact can accidentally occur.If skin contact is likely, wear impervious protective clothing and/or gloves.Protective clothing should be regularly inspected and maintained; overalls should be dry-cleaned, laundered and preferably starched after use.

Respiratory ProtectionIf operations are such that exposure to vapour, mist or fume may be anticipated, then suitable approved respiratory equipment should be worn.The use of respiratory equipment must be strictly in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions and any statutory requirements governing its selection and use.__________________________________________________________________________________


Typical Values

Grades :Experimental Jet Fuel Additive (HiTTS)

Test Method Units

Physical state low viscosity liquid

Colour dark brown

Odour kerosine-like

Kinematic viscosity @ 40°C

ASTM D 445 mm2/s 5

Flash point (PMC) ASTM D 93 °C 80

Density @ 15°C ASTM D 1298 kg/m3 860


Conditions to AvoidStable at ambient temperatures.Hazardous polymerisation reactions will not occur.

Materials to AvoidAvoid contact with strong oxidizing agents.

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Sheet No: SAV2304 Material Name: Experimental Jet Fuel Additive (HiTTS) Issue Date : 9/6/99 Revision of Sheet Dated: Page:

Hazardous Decomposition ProductsThermal decomposition products will vary with conditions.Incomplete combustion will generate smoke, carbon dioxide and hazardous gases, including carbon monoxide.__________________________________________________________________________________

11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEyesLikely to cause eye irritation.May be irritating to eyes at high concentrations of vapour, mists or fumes.

SkinMay cause sensitization by skin contact.

IngestionUnlikely to cause harm if accidentally swallowed in small doses, though larger quantities may cause nausea and diarrhoea.Will injure the lungs if aspiration occurs, eg. during vomiting.

InhalationLikely to be irritating to the respiratory tract if high concentrations of mists or vapour are inhaled.__________________________________________________________________________________

12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONMobilitySpillages may penetrate the soil causing ground water contamination.

Persistence and degradabilityThis product is inherently biodegradable.

Bioaccumulative potentialThere is no evidence to suggest bioaccumulation will occur.

Aquatic toxicitySpills may form a film on water surfaces causing physical damage to organisms. Oxygen transfer could also be impaired.__________________________________________________________________________________

13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSDispose of via an authorised person/ licensed waste disposal contractor in accordance with local regulations.Dispose of product and container carefully and responsibly. Do not dispose of near ponds, ditches, down drains or onto soil.Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Hazard warning labels are a guide to the safe handling of empty packaging and should not be removed.__________________________________________________________________________________


Not classified as hazardous for transport (ADR, RID, UN , IMO, IATA/ICAO).__________________________________________________________________________________


EU Category of Danger

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Sheet No: SAV2304 Material Name: Experimental Jet Fuel Additive (HiTTS) Issue Date : 9/6/99 Revision of Sheet Dated: Page:


EU LabellingSymbol: St. Andrew's Cross, Indication of danger: HARMFUL,

Contains: Kerosine - unspecifiedN,N' - disalicylidene - 1,2 - diaminopropane 2,6 - Di-tert - Butyl - 4 -Methylphenol

Risk ( R ) Phrases:R65 Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed.R43 May cause sensitisation by skin contactR36 Irritating to eyes.

Safety ( S ) Phrases:S26 In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice.S24 Avoid contact with skinS28 After contact with skin wash immediately with plenty of soap and water S43 - In case of fire use foam or dry powder. Never use water jets S62 If swallowed, do not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label.S61 Avoid release into the environment. Refer to special instructions/Safety data sheets. __________________________________________________________________________________

16. OTHER INFORMATIONCompiled by:Product Stewardship GroupBP Oil Technology CentreChertsey RoadSunbury-on-ThamesMiddlesex, TW16 7LN

This data sheet and the health, safety and environmental information it contains is considered to be accurate as of the date specified below. We have reviewed any information contained herein which we received from sources outside the BP Amoco Group of Companies. However, no warranty or representation, express or implied is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the data and information contained in this data sheet.

Health and safety precautions and environmental advice noted in this data sheet may not be accurate for all individuals and/or situations. It is the user's obligation to evaluate and use this product safely and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. No statement made in this data sheet shall be construed as a permission, recommendation or authorization given or implied to practise any patented invention without a valid licence. The BP Amoco Group shall not be responsible for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use of the material, from any failure to adhere to recommendations, or from any hazards inherent in the nature of the material.

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Sheet No: STI2102 Material Name: Gasoline: Leaded Grades Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

ALIGN BP SDS FinalsSafety Data Sheet - SDS

GLIS Sheet No:STI2102 SDS Reference: Paper Type: BP Helios Status: Active

Material Name: Gasoline: Leaded GradesLanguage:English Country:OTI

Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Major Change: Hazard?:YesHazardous Components: Physical Characteristics: Gasoline Tox File: 190.18 Product Group:

Date of Issue: 17/07/2000 ________________________________________________________________________________


Gasoline: Leaded Grades1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Identification of substance/preparation Gasoline: Leaded Grades Alternative Names: Leaded Gasoline, premium and regularLeaded Motor Gasoline, Leaded Motor Spirit, Leaded Petrol

Application Use only as a motor fuel for spark ignition engines. NOT for aviation use. Should NOT be used as a solvent nor cleaning agent.For specific application advice see appropriate Technical Data Sheet or consult your BP representative

Company Identification BP Oil International LimitedBritannic House1 Finsbury CircusLondon, EC2M 7BA

Emergency Telephone Number +44 (0) 20 7496 4411 _________________________________________________________________________________2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS

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Sheet No: STI2102 Material Name: Gasoline: Leaded Grades Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

Chemical Composition A complex mixture of volatile hydrocarbons containing paraffins, naphthenes, olefins and aromatics with carbon numbers predominantly between C4 and C12. May contain oxygenates. May also contain small quantities of proprietary performance additives.

Hazardous Components Benzene, EINECS No. 200-753-7, CAS No. 71-43-2 F, T, R45 May cause cancer, R11 Highly flammable, R48/23/24/25 Toxic: Danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowed

Gasoline, EINECS No: 289-220-8, CAS No: 86290-81-5 F+,T, N, R12 Extremely flammable, R45 May cause cancer, R65 Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed, R38 Irritating to skin, R67 Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness, R51/53 Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment, (>90%)

_________________________________________________________________________________3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONExtremely flammable. Explosive air/vapour mixtures may form at ambient temperature. Likely to cause skin irritation. May cause cancer, classified as a category 2 carcinogen. Contains Benzene. Prolonged or repeated exposure to benzene can cause anaemia and other blood diseases, including leukaemia. Harmful if swallowed - aspiration hazard. Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness. _________________________________________________________________________________

4. FIRST-AID MEASURESEyes Wash eye thoroughly with copious quantities of water, ensuring eyelids are held open. Obtain medical advice if any pain or redness develops or persists.

Skin Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water as soon as reasonably practicable. Remove heavily contaminated clothing and wash underlying skin. In extreme situations of saturation with this product, drench with water, remove clothing as soon as possible and wash skin with soap and water. Seek medical advice if skin becomes red, swollen or painful.

Ingestion If contamination of the mouth occurs, wash out thoroughly with water. Except as a deliberate act, the ingestion of large amounts of product is unlikely. If it should occur, do not induce vomiting; obtain medical advice.

Inhalation If exposure to vapour, mists or fumes causes drowsiness, headache, blurred vision or irritation of the eyes, nose or throat, remove immediately to fresh air. Keep patient warm and at rest. If any symptoms persist obtain medical advice. Unconscious casualties must be placed in the recovery position. Monitor breathing and pulse rate and if breathing has failed, or is deemed inadequate, respiration must be assisted, preferably by the mouth to mouth method. Administer external cardiac massage if necessary. Seek medical attention immediately.

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Sheet No: STI2102 Material Name: Gasoline: Leaded Grades Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

Medical Advice Treatment should in general be symptomatic and directed to relieving any effects.Product can be aspirated on swallowing or following regurgitation of stomach contents, and can cause severe and potentially fatal chemical pneumonitis, which will require urgent treatment. Because of the risk of aspiration, induction of vomiting and gastric lavage should be avoided. Gastric lavage should be undertaken only after endotracheal intubation. Monitor for cardiac dysrhythmias. _________________________________________________________________________________5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESFor major fires call the Fire Service. Ensure an escape path is always available from any fire. There is a danger of flashback if sparks or hot surfaces ignite vapour. Use foam, dry powder or water fog. DO NOT use water jets. Fires in confined spaces should be dealt with by trained personnel wearing approved breathing apparatus. Any spillage should be regarded as a potential fire risk.

Combustion Products Toxic fumes may be evolved on burning or exposure to heat. See Stability and Reactivity, Section 10 of this Safety Data Sheet. _________________________________________________________________________________6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESAs this product has a very low flash point any spillage or leak is a severe fire and/or explosion hazard. Spilled material may make surfaces slippery. It is advised that stocks of suitable absorbent material should be held in quantities sufficient to deal with any spillage which may be reasonably anticipated. Vapour is heavier than air and may travel to remote sources of ignition (eg. along drainage systems, in basements etc.).

Isolate spillage from all ignition sources including road traffic. Evacuate all non essential personnel from the immediate area. If spillage has occurred in a confined space, ensure adequate ventilation and check that a safe, breathable atmosphere is present before entry. Ensure good ventilation. Wear protective clothing. See Exposure Controls/Personal Protection, section 8, of this Safety Data Sheet. Large and uncontained spillages should be smothered with foam to reduce the risk of ignition. The foam blanket should be maintained until the area is declared safe. Recovery of large spillages should be effected by specialist personnel.

Protect drains from potential spills to minimise contamination. Do not wash product into drainage system. In the case of spillage on water, prevent the spread of product by the use of suitable barrier equipment. Recover product from the surface. Protect environmentally sensitive areas and water supplies.Regular surveillance on the location of the spillage should be maintained.In the event of spillages contact the appropriate authorities._________________________________________________________________________________

7. HANDLING AND STORAGEStorage Conditions Store and dispense only in well ventilated areas away from heat and sources of ignition. Store and use only in equipment/containers designed for use with this product. Containers must be properly labelled and kept closed when not in use. Do not remove warning labels from containers. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Retain hazard warning labels on empty packages as a guide to

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Sheet No: STI2102 Material Name: Gasoline: Leaded Grades Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

the safe handling, storage and disposal of empty packaging. Do not enter storage tanks without breathing apparatus unless the tank has been well ventilated and the tank atmosphere has been shown to contain hydrocarbon vapour concentrations of less than 1% of the lower flammability limit and an oxygen concentration of at least 20% volume. Always have sufficient people standing by outside the tank with appropriate breathing apparatus and equipment to effect a quick rescue. Special health precautions must be taken during cleaning or maintenance operations on storage tanks which may have contained leaded product at any time.

Handling Precautions Ensure good ventilation and avoid as far as reasonably practicable the inhalation and contact with vapours, mists or fumes which may be generated during use. If such vapour, mists or fumes are generated, their concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level. Avoid contact with skin and observe good personal hygiene. Avoid contact with eyes. If splashing is likely to occur wear a full face visor or chemical goggles as appropriate. Do not siphon product by mouth. Whilst using do not eat, drink or smoke. Take all necessary precautions against accidental spillage into soil or water.

Fire Prevention Light hydrocarbon vapours can build up in the headspace of tanks. Tank headspaces should always be regarded as potentially flammable and care should be taken to avoid static electrical discharge and all ignition sources during filling, ullaging and sampling from storage tanks. When the product is pumped (e.g. during filling, discharge or ullaging) and when sampling, there is a risk of static discharge. Ensure equipment used is properly earthed or bonded to the tank structure. Electrical equipment should not be used unless it is intrinsically safe (i.e. will not produce sparks). Explosive air/vapour mixtures may form at ambient temperature. If product comes into contact with hot surfaces, or leaks occur from pressurised fuel pipes, the vapour or mists generated will create a flammability or explosion hazard. Product contaminated rags, paper or material used to absorb spillages, represent a fire hazard, and should not be allowed to accumulate. Dispose of safely immediately after use.Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain some remaining flammable product and vapour. Never cut, weld, solder or braze empty containers._________________________________________________________________________________

8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONExposure Limits If vapour, mists or fumes are generated, their concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level. Comply with current local occupational exposure limit. Where not established, the following limits are recommended. Gasoline ACGIH (USA) : TLV 300 ppm (8hr TWA); 500 ppm (15min STEL)A3 - Animal Carcinogen

BenzeneACGIH (USA): TLV 0.5ppm (8hr TWA); 2.5 ppm (15min STEL)A1 - Confirmed human carcinogenSkin Notation - Can be absorbed through skin

Protective Clothing Wear face visor or goggles in circumstances where eye contact can accidentally occur. If skin contact is likely, wear impervious protective clothing and/or gloves.

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Sheet No: STI2102 Material Name: Gasoline: Leaded Grades Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

Protective clothing should be regularly inspected and maintained; overalls should be dry-cleaned, laundered and preferably starched after use.

Respiratory Protection If operations are such that exposure to vapour, mist or fume may be anticipated, then suitable approved respiratory equipment should be worn. The use of respiratory equipment must be strictly in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions and any statutory requirements governing its selection and use. _________________________________________________________________________________


Typical ValuesGrades: Gasoline:

Leaded Grades

Test Method UnitsPhysical state liquidColour light amberOdour gasoline-likeDensity @ 15°C ASTM D 1298 kg/m³ 750Vapour density rel. to air

ASTM D2463/D2421

3 - 4

Flash point (COC) ASTM D 92 °C -40Boiling point/range ASTM D 86 °C 25 - 220Kinematic viscosity @ 20°C

mm²/s <1


10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYStable at ambient temperatures. Hazardous polymerisation reactions will not occur.

Conditions to Avoid Sources of ignition Avoid excessive heat.

Materials to Avoid Avoid contact with strong oxidizing agents.

Hazardous Decomposition Products Thermal decomposition products will vary with conditions. Incomplete combustion will generate smoke, carbon dioxide and hazardous gases, including carbon monoxide._________________________________________________________________________________11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEyes Unlikely to cause more than transient stinging or redness if accidental eye contact occurs.

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Sheet No: STI2102 Material Name: Gasoline: Leaded Grades Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

Skin Likely to cause skin irritation. Likely to result in chemical burns following prolonged wetting of the skin. (eg. after a road traffic accident).

Ingestion Unlikely to cause harm if accidentally swallowed in small doses, though larger quantities may cause nausea and diarrhoea. Will injure the lungs if aspiration occurs, eg. during vomiting.

Inhalation Likely to be irritating to the respiratory tract if high concentrations of mists or vapour are inhaled. May cause nausea, dizziness, headaches and drowsiness if high concentrations of vapour are inhaled. ABUSE:Under normal conditions of use the product is not hazardous; however, abuse involving deliberate inhalation of very high concentrations of vapour, even for short periods, can produce unconsciousness and/or result in a sudden fatality.

Carcinogenicity/Chronic Toxicity Exposure to benzene may result in affects to the hematopoietic system causing blood disorders including anaemia and leukaemia.Benzene is classified by EEC as a category 1 carcinogen - substances known to be carcinogenic to man.IARC assessment: benzene - carcinogenic to humans ( Group 1) _________________________________________________________________________________12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONMobility Spillages may penetrate the soil causing ground water contamination.

Persistence and degradability This product is inherently biodegradable.

Bioaccumulative potential There is no evidence to suggest bioaccumulation will occur.

Aquatic toxicity Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment Spills may form a film on water surfaces causing physical damage to organisms. Oxygen transfer could also be impaired. German WGK Classification: 3 _________________________________________________________________________________13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSDispose of via an authorised person/ licensed waste disposal contractor in accordance with local regulations. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Hazard warning labels are a guide to the safe handling of empty packaging and should not be removed. Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain flammable product residues and vapour. Never weld, solder or braze empty containers. Materials contaminated with product should be treated as highly flammable. Disposal should be in accordance with local regulations. When cleaning storage tanks, sludges which may be contaminated with lead must be disposed of via a licensed waste disposal contractor, in accordance with local regulations._________________________________________________________________________________

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Sheet No: STI2102 Material Name: Gasoline: Leaded Grades Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONADR/RID: Motor spirit, Flammable liquid, Class 3, Item 3(b), Hazard Identification No 33ADNR/ADN: Motor Spirit, Class 3, Item 3(b)UN: MOTOR SPIRIT, Flammable liquid, Class 3. Packing Group II, UN Number 1203IATA/ICAO: Motor spirit, Flammable liquid, Class 3, Packing group IIIMO: MOTOR SPIRIT, Flammable liquid, Class 3.1, Packing group II, MARINE POLLUTANT (Leaded Petrol)EMERGENCY ACTION CODE: Flammable liquid, 3[Y]E _________________________________________________________________________________15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONEU Category of Danger Extremely flammable Carcinogenic category 2 Harmful Irritant

EU Labelling Symbol: Flame Skull and crossbones

Indication of danger: EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE

Contains:Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified

Risk ( R ) Phrases: R12 Extremely flammable R45 May cause cancer R65 Also Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed. R38 Irritating to skin R67 Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness.

Safety ( S ) Phrases: S2 Keep out of reach of children S53 Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use. S45 In case of accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice immediately (show label where possible) S23 Do not breathe vapour S24 Avoid contact with skin S29 Do not empty into drainsS43 In case of fire, use foam/dry powder/CO2. Never use water jets.S62 If swallowed, do not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label.S61 Avoid release into the environment. Refer to special instructions/Safety data sheets.

For non-fuel use only - "Restricted to professional users. Attention - Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use." must be marked on packaging.

_________________________________________________________________________________16. OTHER INFORMATIONCompiled by:

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Sheet No: STI2102 Material Name: Gasoline: Leaded Grades Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

Product Stewardship GroupBP Oil Technology CentreChertsey RoadSunbury-on-ThamesMiddlesex, TW16 7LN

This data sheet and the health, safety and environmental information it contains is considered to be accurate as of the date specified below. We have reviewed any information contained herein which we received from sources outside the BP Amoco Group of Companies. However, no warranty or representation, express or implied is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the data and information contained in this data sheet.

Health and safety precautions and environmental advice noted in this data sheet may not be accurate for all individuals and/or situations. It is the user's obligation to evaluate and use this product safely and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. No statement made in this data sheet shall be construed as a permission, recommendation or authorization given or implied to practise any patented invention without a valid licence. The BP Amoco Group shall not be responsible for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use of the material, from any failure to adhere to recommendations, or from any hazards inherent in the nature of the material.

Sheet Revisions Date: Sections revised: 08/5/98 2, 7, 8, 12, 1502/11/98 117/07/2000 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 13, 15

SHEET NO: STI2102ISSUE DATE: 17/07/2000REVISION OF SHEET DATED: 02/11/98 ______________________________________________________________________________

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Sheet No: STI2103 Material Name: Gasoline: Unleaded Grades Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

ALIGN BP SDS FinalsSafety Data Sheet - SDS

GLIS Sheet No:STI2103 SDS Reference: Paper Type: BP Helios Status: Active

Material Name: Gasoline: Unleaded GradesLanguage:English Country:OTI

Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Major Change: Hazard?:YesHazardous Components: Physical Characteristics: Gasoline Tox File: 190.1 Product Group:

Date of Issue: 17/07/2000 ________________________________________________________________________________


Gasoline: Unleaded Grades1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Identification of substance/preparation Gasoline: Unleaded Grades Alternative Names: Unleaded Gasoline, Motor gasoline, Motor Spirit, Petrol

Application Use only as a motor fuel for spark ignition engines. NOT for aviation use. Should NOT be used as a solvent nor cleaning agent.For specific application advice see appropriate Technical Data Sheet or consult your BP representative

Company Identification BP Oil International LimitedBritannic House1 Finsbury CircusLondon, EC2M 7BA

Emergency Telephone Number +44 (0) 20 7496 4411 _________________________________________________________________________________2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSChemical Composition

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Sheet No: STI2103 Material Name: Gasoline: Unleaded Grades Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

A complex mixture of volatile hydrocarbons containing paraffins, naphthenes, olefins and aromatics with carbon numbers predominantly between C4 and C12. May contain oxygenates. May also contain small quantities of proprietary performance additives.

Hazardous Components Benzene, EINECS No. 200-753-7, CAS No. 71-43-2 F, T, R45 May cause cancer, R11 Highly flammable, R48/23/24/25 Toxic: Danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowed

Gasoline, EINECS No: 289-220-8, CAS No: 86290-81-5 F+,T, N, R12 Extremely flammable, R45 May cause cancer, R65 Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed, R38 Irritating to skin, R67 Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness, R51/53 Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment, (>90%)

_________________________________________________________________________________3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONExtremely flammable. Explosive air/vapour mixtures may form at ambient temperature. Likely to cause skin irritation. May cause cancer, classified as a category 2 carcinogen. Contains Benzene. Prolonged or repeated exposure to benzene can cause anaemia and other blood diseases, including leukaemia. Harmful if swallowed - aspiration hazard. Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness. _________________________________________________________________________________

4. FIRST-AID MEASURESEyes Wash eye thoroughly with copious quantities of water, ensuring eyelids are held open. Obtain medical advice if any pain or redness develops or persists.

Skin Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water as soon as reasonably practicable. Remove heavily contaminated clothing and wash underlying skin. In extreme situations of saturation with this product, drench with water, remove clothing as soon as possible and wash skin with soap and water. Seek medical advice if skin becomes red, swollen or painful.

Ingestion If contamination of the mouth occurs, wash out thoroughly with water. Except as a deliberate act, the ingestion of large amounts of product is unlikely. If it should occur, do not induce vomiting; obtain medical advice.

Inhalation If exposure to vapour, mists or fumes causes drowsiness, headache, blurred vision or irritation of the eyes, nose or throat, remove immediately to fresh air. Keep patient warm and at rest. If any symptoms persist obtain medical advice. Unconscious casualties must be placed in the recovery position. Monitor breathing and pulse rate and if breathing has failed, or is deemed inadequate, respiration must be assisted, preferably by the mouth to mouth method. Administer external cardiac massage if necessary. Seek medical attention immediately.

Medical Advice

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Sheet No: STI2103 Material Name: Gasoline: Unleaded Grades Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

Treatment should in general be symptomatic and directed to relieving any effects.Product can be aspirated on swallowing or following regurgitation of stomach contents, and can cause severe and potentially fatal chemical pneumonitis, which will require urgent treatment. Because of the risk of aspiration, induction of vomiting and gastric lavage should be avoided. Gastric lavage should be undertaken only after endotracheal intubation. Monitor for cardiac dysrhythmias. _________________________________________________________________________________5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESFor major fires call the Fire Service. Ensure an escape path is always available from any fire. There is a danger of flashback if sparks or hot surfaces ignite vapour. Use foam, dry powder or water fog. DO NOT use water jets. Fires in confined spaces should be dealt with by trained personnel wearing approved breathing apparatus. Any spillage should be regarded as a potential fire risk.

Combustion Products Toxic fumes may be evolved on burning or exposure to heat. See Stability and Reactivity, Section 10 of this Safety Data Sheet. _________________________________________________________________________________6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESAs this product has a very low flash point any spillage or leak is a severe fire and/or explosion hazard. Spilled material may make surfaces slippery. It is advised that stocks of suitable absorbent material should be held in quantities sufficient to deal with any spillage which may be reasonably anticipated. Vapour is heavier than air and may travel to remote sources of ignition (eg. along drainage systems, in basements etc.).

Isolate spillage from all ignition sources including road traffic. Evacuate all non essential personnel from the immediate area. If spillage has occurred in a confined space, ensure adequate ventilation and check that a safe, breathable atmosphere is present before entry. Ensure good ventilation. Wear protective clothing. See Exposure Controls/Personal Protection, section 8, of this Safety Data Sheet. Large and uncontained spillages should be smothered with foam to reduce the risk of ignition. The foam blanket should be maintained until the area is declared safe. Recovery of large spillages should be effected by specialist personnel.

Protect drains from potential spills to minimise contamination. Do not wash product into drainage system. In the case of spillage on water, prevent the spread of product by the use of suitable barrier equipment. Recover product from the surface. Protect environmentally sensitive areas and water supplies.Regular surveillance on the location of the spillage should be maintained.In the event of spillages contact the appropriate authorities._________________________________________________________________________________

7. HANDLING AND STORAGEStorage Conditions Store and dispense only in well ventilated areas away from heat and sources of ignition. Store and use only in equipment/containers designed for use with this product. Containers must be properly labelled and kept closed when not in use. Do not remove warning labels from containers. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Retain hazard warning labels on empty packages as a guide to the safe handling, storage and disposal of empty packaging. Do not enter storage tanks without breathing apparatus unless the tank has been well ventilated and the tank

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Sheet No: STI2103 Material Name: Gasoline: Unleaded Grades Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

atmosphere has been shown to contain hydrocarbon vapour concentrations of less than 1% of the lower flammability limit and an oxygen concentration of at least 20% volume. Always have sufficient people standing by outside the tank with appropriate breathing apparatus and equipment to effect a quick rescue.

Handling Precautions Ensure good ventilation and avoid as far as reasonably practicable the inhalation and contact with vapours, mists or fumes which may be generated during use. If such vapour, mists or fumes are generated, their concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level. Avoid contact with skin and observe good personal hygiene. Avoid contact with eyes. If splashing is likely to occur wear a full face visor or chemical goggles as appropriate. Do not siphon product by mouth. Whilst using do not eat, drink or smoke. Take all necessary precautions against accidental spillage into soil or water.

Fire Prevention Light hydrocarbon vapours can build up in the headspace of tanks. Tank headspaces should always be regarded as potentially flammable and care should be taken to avoid static electrical discharge and all ignition sources during filling, ullaging and sampling from storage tanks. When the product is pumped (e.g. during filling, discharge or ullaging) and when sampling, there is a risk of static discharge. Ensure equipment used is properly earthed or bonded to the tank structure. Electrical equipment should not be used unless it is intrinsically safe (i.e. will not produce sparks). Explosive air/vapour mixtures may form at ambient temperature. If product comes into contact with hot surfaces, or leaks occur from pressurised fuel pipes, the vapour or mists generated will create a flammability or explosion hazard. Product contaminated rags, paper or material used to absorb spillages, represent a fire hazard, and should not be allowed to accumulate. Dispose of safely immediately after use.Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain some remaining flammable product and vapour. Never cut, weld, solder or braze empty containers._________________________________________________________________________________

8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONExposure Limits If vapour, mists or fumes are generated, their concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level. Comply with current local occupational exposure limit. Where not established, the following limits are recommended. Gasoline ACGIH (USA) : TLV 300 ppm (8hr TWA); 500 ppm (15min STEL)A3 - Animal Carcinogen

BenzeneACGIH (USA): TLV 0.5ppm (8hr TWA); 2.5 ppm (15min STEL)A1 - Confirmed human carcinogenSkin Notation - Can be absorbed through skin

Protective Clothing Wear face visor or goggles in circumstances where eye contact can accidentally occur. If skin contact is likely, wear impervious protective clothing and/or gloves. Protective clothing should be regularly inspected and maintained; overalls should be dry-cleaned, laundered and preferably starched after use.

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Sheet No: STI2103 Material Name: Gasoline: Unleaded Grades Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

Respiratory Protection If operations are such that exposure to vapour, mist or fume may be anticipated, then suitable approved respiratory equipment should be worn. The use of respiratory equipment must be strictly in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions and any statutory requirements governing its selection and use. _________________________________________________________________________________


Typical ValuesGrades: Gasoline:

Unleaded Grades

Test Method UnitsPhysical state liquidColour light amberOdour gasoline-likeDensity @ 15°C ASTM D 1298 kg/m³ 715 - 780Vapour density rel. to air

ASTM D2463/D2421

3 - 4

Flash point (COC) ASTM D 92 °C -40Kinematic viscosity @ 20°C

mm²/s <1

Boiling point/range °C 25 - 220_________________________________________________________________________________

10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYStable at ambient temperatures. Hazardous polymerisation reactions will not occur.

Conditions to Avoid Sources of ignition Avoid excessive heat.

Materials to Avoid Avoid contact with strong oxidizing agents.

Hazardous Decomposition Products Thermal decomposition products will vary with conditions. Incomplete combustion will generate smoke, carbon dioxide and hazardous gases, including carbon monoxide._________________________________________________________________________________11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEyes Unlikely to cause more than transient stinging or redness if accidental eye contact occurs.

Skin Likely to cause skin irritation.

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Sheet No: STI2103 Material Name: Gasoline: Unleaded Grades Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

Likely to result in chemical burns following prolonged wetting of the skin. (eg. after a road traffic accident).

Ingestion Unlikely to cause harm if accidentally swallowed in small doses, though larger quantities may cause nausea and diarrhoea. Will injure the lungs if aspiration occurs, eg. during vomiting.

Inhalation Likely to be irritating to the respiratory tract if high concentrations of mists or vapour are inhaled. May cause nausea, dizziness, headaches and drowsiness if high concentrations of vapour are inhaled. ABUSE:Under normal conditions of use the product is not hazardous; however, abuse involving deliberate inhalation of very high concentrations of vapour, even for short periods, can produce unconsciousness and/or result in a sudden fatality.

Carcinogenicity/Chronic Toxicity Exposure to benzene may result in affects to the hematopoietic system causing blood disorders including anaemia and leukaemia.Benzene is classified by EEC as a category 1 carcinogen - substances known to be carcinogenic to man.IARC assessment: benzene - carcinogenic to humans ( Group 1) _________________________________________________________________________________12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONMobility Spillages may penetrate the soil causing ground water contamination.

Persistence and degradability This product is inherently biodegradable.

Bioaccumulative potential There is no evidence to suggest bioaccumulation will occur.

Aquatic toxicity Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment Spills may form a film on water surfaces causing physical damage to organisms. Oxygen transfer could also be impaired. German WGK Classification: 3 _________________________________________________________________________________13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSDispose of via an authorised person/ licensed waste disposal contractor in accordance with local regulations. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Hazard warning labels are a guide to the safe handling of empty packaging and should not be removed. Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain flammable product residues and vapour. Never weld, solder or braze empty containers. Materials contaminated with product should be treated as highly flammable. Disposal should be in accordance with local regulations. _________________________________________________________________________________14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONADR/RID: Motor spirit, Flammable Liquid , Class 3, Item 3(b), Hazard Identification No 33ADNR/ADN: Motor Spirit, Class 3, Item 3(b), UN: MOTOR SPIRIT, Flammable liquid, Class 3, Packing Group II, UN Number 1203

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Sheet No: STI2103 Material Name: Gasoline: Unleaded Grades Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

IATA/ICAO: Motor spirit, Flammable liquid, Class 3, Packing group IIIMO: MOTOR SPIRIT, Flammable liquid, Class 3.1, Packing group IIEMERGENCY ACTION CODE: 3[Y]E _________________________________________________________________________________15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONEU Category of Danger Extremely flammable Carcinogenic category 2 Harmful Irritant

EU Labelling Symbol: Flame Skull and crossbones

Indication of danger: EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE

Contains:Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified

Risk ( R ) Phrases: R12 Extremely flammable R45 May cause cancer R65 Also Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed. R38 Irritating to skin R67 Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness.

Safety ( S ) Phrases: S2 Keep out of reach of children S53 Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use. S45 In case of accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice immediately (show label where possible) S23 Do not breathe vapour S24 Avoid contact with skin S29 Do not empty into drainsS43 In case of fire, use foam/dry powder/CO2. Never use water jets.S62 If swallowed, do not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label.S61 Avoid release into the environment. Refer to special instructions/Safety data sheets.

For non-fuel use only - "Restricted to professional users. Attention - Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use." must be marked on packaging.

_________________________________________________________________________________16. OTHER INFORMATIONCompiled by: Product Stewardship GroupBP Oil Technology CentreChertsey RoadSunbury-on-Thames

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Sheet No: STI2103 Material Name: Gasoline: Unleaded Grades Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

Middlesex, TW16 7LN

This data sheet and the health, safety and environmental information it contains is considered to be accurate as of the date specified below. We have reviewed any information contained herein which we received from sources outside the BP Amoco Group of Companies. However, no warranty or representation, express or implied is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the data and information contained in this data sheet.

Health and safety precautions and environmental advice noted in this data sheet may not be accurate for all individuals and/or situations. It is the user's obligation to evaluate and use this product safely and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. No statement made in this data sheet shall be construed as a permission, recommendation or authorization given or implied to practise any patented invention without a valid licence. The BP Amoco Group shall not be responsible for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use of the material, from any failure to adhere to recommendations, or from any hazards inherent in the nature of the material.

Sheet Revisions Date: Sections revised: 07/05/98 1, 2, 7, 8, 10, 12, 1502/11/98 117/07/2000 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 15

SHEET NO: STI2103ISSUE DATE: 17/07/2000REVISION OF SHEET DATED: 02/11/98 ______________________________________________________________________________

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Sheet No: STI2213 Material Name: Hydrocarbon Condensate Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:17/09/98 Page:

ALIGN BP SDS FinalsSafety Data Sheet - SDS

GLIS Sheet No:STI2213 SDS Reference: Paper Type: BP Helios Status: Active

Material Name: Hydrocarbon CondensateLanguage:English Country:OTI

Revision of Sheet Dated:17/09/98 Major Change: Hazard?:YesHazardous Components: Physical Characteristics: Gasoline Tox File: 279.9 Product Group:

Date of Issue: 17/07/2000 ________________________________________________________________________________


Hydrocarbon Condensate1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Identification of substance/preparation Hydrocarbon Condensate Alternative Names: Natural gas condensate

Application Refinery feedstockFor specific application advice see appropriate Technical Data Sheet or consult your BP representative

Company Identification BP Oil International LimitedBritannic House1 Finsbury CircusLondon, EC2M 7BA

Emergency Telephone Number +44 (0) 20 7496 4411 _________________________________________________________________________________2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSChemical Composition Natural gas condensates (petroleum) EINECS No: 265-047-3, CAS No: 64741-47-5

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Sheet No: STI2213 Material Name: Hydrocarbon Condensate Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:17/09/98 Page:

3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONExtremely flammable. Explosive air/vapour mixtures may form at ambient temperature. Likely to cause skin irritation. May cause cancer, classified as a category 2 carcinogen. Contains Benzene. Prolonged or repeated exposure to benzene can cause anaemia and other blood diseases, including leukaemia. Harmful if swallowed - aspiration hazard. Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness. Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment.May contain hydrogen sulphide._________________________________________________________________________________

4. FIRST-AID MEASURESEyes Wash eye thoroughly with copious quantities of water, ensuring eyelids are held open. Obtain medical advice if any pain or redness develops or persists.

Skin Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water as soon as reasonably practicable. Remove heavily contaminated clothing and wash underlying skin. In extreme situations of saturation with this product, drench with water, remove clothing as soon as possible and wash skin with soap and water. Seek medical advice if skin becomes red, swollen or painful.

Ingestion If contamination of the mouth occurs, wash out thoroughly with water. Except as a deliberate act, the ingestion of large amounts of product is unlikely. If it should occur, do not induce vomiting; obtain medical advice.

Inhalation If exposure to vapour, mists or fumes causes drowsiness, headache, blurred vision or irritation of the eyes, nose or throat, remove immediately to fresh air. Keep patient warm and at rest. If any symptoms persist obtain medical advice. EXPOSURE TO HYDROGEN SULPHIDE:Casualties suffering ill effects as a result of exposure to hydrogen sulphide should be immediately removed to fresh air and medical assistance obtained without delay. Unconscious casualties must be placed in the recovery position. Monitor breathing and pulse rate and if breathing has failed, or is deemed inadequate, respiration must be assisted, preferably by the mouth to mouth method. Administer external cardiac massage if necessary. Seek medical attention immediately. It is advisable that all who are engaged in operations in which contact with H2S may reasonably be anticipated, should be trained in the techniques of emergency resuscitation and in the care of an unconscious patient.

Medical Advice Treatment should in general be symptomatic and directed to relieving any effects.Product can be aspirated on swallowing or following regurgitation of stomach contents, and can cause severe and potentially fatal chemical pneumonitis, which will require urgent treatment. Because of the risk of aspiration, induction of vomiting and gastric lavage should be avoided. Gastric lavage should be undertaken only after endotracheal intubation. Monitor for cardiac dysrhythmias.

Inhalation of hydrogen sulphide may cause central respiratory depression leading to coma and death. It is irritant to the respiratory tract causing chemical pneumonitis and pulmonary oedema. The onset of pulmonary oedema may be

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Sheet No: STI2213 Material Name: Hydrocarbon Condensate Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:17/09/98 Page:

delayed for 24 to 48 hours. Treat with oxygen and ventilate as appropriate. Administer broncho-dilators if indicated and consider administration of corticosteroids. Keep casualty under surveillance for 48 hours in case pulmonary oedema develops. _________________________________________________________________________________5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESFor major fires call the Fire Service. Ensure an escape path is always available from any fire. There is a danger of flashback if sparks or hot surfaces ignite vapour. Use foam, dry powder or water fog. DO NOT USE water jets. Fires in confined spaces should be dealt with by trained personnel wearing approved breathing apparatus. Any spillage should be regarded as a potential fire risk.

Combustion Products Toxic fumes may be evolved on burning or exposure to heat. See Stability and Reactivity, Section 10 of this Safety Data Sheet. _________________________________________________________________________________6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESAs this product has a very low flash point any spillage or leak is a severe fire and/or explosion hazard. Spilled material may make surfaces slippery. It is advised that stocks of suitable absorbent material should be held in quantities sufficient to deal with any spillage which may be reasonably anticipated. Vapour is heavier than air and may travel to remote sources of ignition (eg. along drainage systems, in basements etc.).

Isolate spillage from all ignition sources including road traffic. Evacuate all non essential personnel from the immediate area. If spillage has occurred in a confined space, ensure adequate ventilation and check that a safe, breathable atmosphere is present before entry. Ensure good ventilation. Wear protective clothing. See Exposure Controls/Personal Protection, section 8, of this Safety Data Sheet. Large and uncontained spillages should be smothered with foam to reduce the risk of ignition. The foam blanket should be maintained until the area is declared safe. Recovery of large spillages should be effected by specialist personnel.

Protect drains from potential spills to minimise contamination. Do not wash product into drainage system. In the case of spillage on water, prevent the spread of product by the use of suitable barrier equipment. Recover product from the surface. Protect environmentally sensitive areas and water supplies.Regular surveillance on the location of the spillage should be maintained.In the event of spillages contact the appropriate authorities._________________________________________________________________________________

7. HANDLING AND STORAGEStorage Conditions Store and dispense only in well ventilated areas away from heat and sources of ignition. Store and use only in equipment/containers designed for use with this product. Containers must be properly labelled and kept closed when not in use. Do not remove warning labels from containers. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Retain hazard warning labels on empty packages as a guide to the safe handling, storage and disposal of empty packaging. Do not enter storage tanks without breathing apparatus unless the tank has been well ventilated and the tank atmosphere has been shown to contain hydrocarbon vapour concentrations of less than 1% of the lower flammability limit and an oxygen concentration of at least 20% volume.

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Sheet No: STI2213 Material Name: Hydrocarbon Condensate Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:17/09/98 Page:

Always have sufficient people standing by outside the tank with appropriate breathing apparatus and equipment to effect a quick rescue.

Vapours containing hydrogen sulphide may accumulate during storage or transport and may also be vented during filling of tanks. Hydrogen sulphide has a typical "bad egg" smell but at high concentrations the sense of smell is rapidly lost, therefore do not rely on sense of smell for detecting hydrogen sulphide. Use specially designed measuring instruments for determining its concentration.Confined spaces contaminated with hydrogen sulphide must always be considered as constituting potentially life threatening environments. Entry into such spaces must never be undertaken except under extreme emergency when no alternative is possible and then only by trained operators wearing air-supplied breathing apparatus of an approved type and following procedures strictly in accordance with the Statutory Regulations governing such entry. Please see the comments in Section 8 (Exposure Controls/Personal Protection) of this data sheet.It is advisable that all who are engaged in operations in which contact with hydrogen sulphide may be reasonably anticipated, should be trained in the techniques of emergency resuscitation and in the care of an unconscious patient.

Handling Precautions Ensure good ventilation and avoid as far as reasonably practicable the inhalation and contact with vapours, mists or fumes which may be generated during use. If such vapour, mists or fumes are generated, their concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level. Avoid contact with skin and observe good personal hygiene. Avoid contact with eyes. If splashing is likely to occur wear a full face visor or chemical goggles as appropriate. Do not siphon product by mouth. Whilst using do not eat, drink or smoke. Take all necessary precautions against accidental spillage into soil or water.

Fire Prevention Light hydrocarbon vapours can build up in the headspace of tanks. Tank headspaces should always be regarded as potentially flammable and care should be taken to avoid static electrical discharge and all ignition sources during filling, ullaging and sampling from storage tanks. When the product is pumped (e.g. during filling, discharge or ullaging) and when sampling, there is a risk of static discharge. Ensure equipment used is properly earthed or bonded to the tank structure. Electrical equipment should not be used unless it is intrinsically safe (i.e. will not produce sparks). Explosive air/vapour mixtures may form at ambient temperature. If product comes into contact with hot surfaces, or leaks occur from pressurised fuel pipes, the vapour or mists generated will create a flammability or explosion hazard. Product contaminated rags, paper or material used to absorb spillages, represent a fire hazard, and should not be allowed to accumulate. Dispose of safely immediately after use.Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain some remaining flammable product and vapour. Never cut, weld, solder or braze empty containers._________________________________________________________________________________

8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONExposure Limits If vapour, mists or fumes are generated, their concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level.Comply with current local occupational exposure limit. Where not established, the following limits are recommended.

Gasoline ACGIH (USA) : TLV 300 ppm (8hr TWA); 500 ppm (15min STEL)A3 - Animal Carcinogen


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ACGIH (USA): TLV 0.5ppm (8hr TWA); 2.5 ppm (15min STEL)A1 - Confirmed human carcinogenSkin Notation - Can be absorbed through skin

Hydrogen sulphide ACGIH (USA): TLV 10 ppm (8 hr TWA); 15ppm (15 min STEL)

Protective Clothing Wear face visor or goggles in circumstances where eye contact can accidentally occur. If skin contact is likely, wear impervious protective clothing and/or gloves. Protective clothing should be regularly inspected and maintained; overalls should be dry-cleaned, laundered and preferably starched after use.

Respiratory Protection If operations are such that the excessive generation of vapour, mist or fume may be anticipated, to which operators may unavoidably be exposed, then suitable approved respiratory equipment should be worn. Note: Approved air-supplied breathing apparatus must be worn where there may be potential for inhalation of hydrogen sulphide gas. The use of respiratory equipment must be strictly in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions and any statutory requirements governing its selection and use. _________________________________________________________________________________


Typical ValuesGrades: Hydrocarbon

CondensateTest Method Units

Physical state liquidColour amberOdour gasoline-likeDensity @ 15°C ASTM D 1298 kg/m³ 712 - 802Kinematic viscosity @ 20°C

mm²/s 0.64 - 3.09

Flash point (PMC) ASTM D 93 °C below -18Boiling point/range °C <0 - >500_________________________________________________________________________________

10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYStable at ambient temperatures. Hazardous polymerisation reactions will not occur.

Conditions to Avoid Sources of ignition Avoid excessive heat.

Materials to Avoid Avoid contact with strong oxidizing agents.

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Sheet No: STI2213 Material Name: Hydrocarbon Condensate Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:17/09/98 Page:

Hazardous Decomposition Products Thermal decomposition products will vary with conditions. Incomplete combustion will generate smoke, carbon dioxide and hazardous gases, including carbon monoxide._________________________________________________________________________________11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEyes Unlikely to cause more than transient stinging or redness if accidental eye contact occurs.

Skin Likely to cause skin irritation. Likely to result in chemical burns following prolonged wetting of the skin. (eg. after a road traffic accident).

Ingestion Unlikely to cause harm if accidentally swallowed in small doses, though larger quantities may cause nausea and diarrhoea. Will injure the lungs if aspiration occurs, eg. during vomiting.

Inhalation Likely to be irritating to the respiratory tract if high concentrations of mists or vapour are inhaled. May cause nausea, dizziness, headaches and drowsiness if high concentrations of vapour are inhaled. May be toxic by inhalation when hydrogen sulphide is present in the vapour. Hydrogen sulphide gas may in addition produce irritation of the eyes and respiratory tract.ABUSE:Under normal conditions of use the product is not hazardous; however, abuse involving deliberate inhalation of very high concentrations of vapour, even for short periods, can produce unconsciousness and/or result in a sudden fatality.

Carcinogenicity/Chronic Toxicity Exposure to benzene may result in affects to the hematopoietic system causing blood disorders including anaemia and leukaemia.Benzene is classified by EEC as a category 1 carcinogen - substances known to be carcinogenic to man.IARC assessment: benzene - carcinogenic to humans ( Group 1) _________________________________________________________________________________12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONMobility Spillages may penetrate the soil causing ground water contamination.

Persistence and degradability This product is inherently biodegradable.

Bioaccumulative potential There is no evidence to suggest bioaccumulation will occur.

Aquatic toxicity Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment Spills may form a film on water surfaces causing physical damage to organisms. Oxygen transfer could also be impaired.

German WGK Classification: 3 _________________________________________________________________________________

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13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSDispose of via an authorised person/ licensed waste disposal contractor in accordance with local regulations. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Hazard warning labels are a guide to the safe handling of empty packaging and should not be removed. Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain flammable product residues and vapour. Never weld, solder or braze empty containers. Materials contaminated with product should be treated as highly flammable. Disposal should be in accordance with local regulations. _________________________________________________________________________________14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONADR/RID: Petroleum distillates, N.O.S, Flammable liquid, Class 3, Item 2(a), Hazard Identification No. 33ADNR/ADN: Petroleum distillates N.O.S., Class 3, Item 2(a), Hazard Identification No. 33UN: Petroleum distillates N.O.S., Flammable liquid, Class 3, Packing group I, UN No. 1268IATA/ICAO: Petroleum distillates N.O.S. Flammable Liquid, Class 3 , Packing group IIMO: Petroleum distillates N.O.S., Flammable liquid, Class 3.1, Packing group IEmergency Action Code: 3[Y]E _________________________________________________________________________________15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONEU Category of Danger Extremely flammable Carcinogenic category 2 Harmful Irritant Dangerous for the environment

EU Labelling Symbol: Flame Skull and crossbones Dead tree and fish


Risk ( R ) Phrases: R12 Extremely flammable R45 May cause cancer R65 Also Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed. R38 Irritating to skin R67 Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness. R51/53 Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment

Safety ( S ) Phrases: S53 Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use. S45 In case of accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice immediately (show label where possible) S23 Do not breathe vapour S24 Avoid contact with skin S29 Do not empty into drains S43 In case of fire, use foam/dry powder/CO2. Never use water jets.S62 If swallowed, do not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label.

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Sheet No: STI2213 Material Name: Hydrocarbon Condensate Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:17/09/98 Page:

S61 Avoid release into the environment. Refer to special instructions/Safety data sheets.

The label must carry the following additional information: "EC Label", Substance name, EINECS No.Substance name: Natural gas condensates (petroleum), EINECS No: 265-047-3

For non-fuel use only - "Restricted to professional users. Attention - Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use." must be marked on packaging. _________________________________________________________________________________16. OTHER INFORMATIONCompiled by: Product Stewardship GroupBP Oil Technology CentreChertsey RoadSunbury-on-ThamesMiddlesex, TW16 7LN

This data sheet and the health, safety and environmental information it contains is considered to be accurate as of the date specified below. We have reviewed any information contained herein which we received from sources outside the BP Amoco Group of Companies. However, no warranty or representation, express or implied is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the data and information contained in this data sheet.

Health and safety precautions and environmental advice noted in this data sheet may not be accurate for all individuals and/or situations. It is the user's obligation to evaluate and use this product safely and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. No statement made in this data sheet shall be construed as a permission, recommendation or authorization given or implied to practise any patented invention without a valid licence. The BP Amoco Group shall not be responsible for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use of the material, from any failure to adhere to recommendations, or from any hazards inherent in the nature of the material.

Sheet Revisions Date: Sections revised: 17/09/98 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 1517/07/2000 3, 4, 9, 15

SHEET NO: STI2213ISSUE DATE: 17/07/2000REVISION OF SHEET DATED: 17/09/98 ______________________________________________________________________________

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Sheet No: STI2221 Material Name: Hydrocracked Gas Oils Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:11/09/98 Page:

ALIGN BP SDS FinalsSafety Data Sheet - SDS

GLIS Sheet No:STI2221 SDS Reference: Paper Type: BP Helios Status: Active

Material Name: Hydrocracked Gas OilsLanguage:English Country:OTI

Revision of Sheet Dated:11/09/98 Major Change: Hazard?:YesHazardous Components: Physical Characteristics: Gas oil Tox File: 350.31 Product Group:

Date of Issue: 17/07/2000 ________________________________________________________________________________


Hydrocracked Gas Oils1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Identification of substance/preparation Hydrocracked Gas Oils

Application Refinery streamFor specific application advice see appropriate Technical Data Sheet or consult your BP representative

Company Identification BP Oil International LimitedBritannic House1 Finsbury CircusLondon, EC2M 7BA

Emergency Telephone Number +44 (0) 20 7496 4411 _________________________________________________________________________________2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSChemical Composition Distillates (petroleum), light hydrocracked. EINECS No: 265-078-2, CAS No: 64741-77-1

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Sheet No: STI2221 Material Name: Hydrocracked Gas Oils Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:11/09/98 Page:

3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONHarmful if swallowed - aspiration hazard. This material may contain significant quantities of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PCAs), some of which have been shown by experimental studies to induce skin cancer. Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking. Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment. _________________________________________________________________________________

4. FIRST-AID MEASURESEyes Wash eye thoroughly with copious quantities of water, ensuring eyelids are held open. Obtain medical advice if any pain or redness develops or persists.

Skin Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water as soon as reasonably practicable. Remove heavily contaminated clothing and wash underlying skin.

Ingestion If contamination of the mouth occurs, wash out thoroughly with water. Except as a deliberate act, the ingestion of large amounts of product is unlikely. If it should occur, do not induce vomiting; obtain medical advice.

Inhalation If inhalation of mists, fumes or vapour causes irritation to the nose or throat, or coughing, remove to fresh air. If symptoms persist obtain medical advice.

Medical Advice Treatment should in general be symptomatic and directed to relieving any effects.Product can be aspirated on swallowing or following regurgitation of stomach contents, and can cause severe and potentially fatal chemical pneumonitis, which will require urgent treatment. Because of the risk of aspiration, induction of vomiting and gastric lavage should be avoided. Gastric lavage should be undertaken only after endotracheal intubation. Monitor for cardiac dysrhythmias. _________________________________________________________________________________5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESFor major fires call the Fire Service. Ensure an escape path is always available from any fire. There is a danger of flashback if sparks or hot surfaces ignite vapour. Use foam, dry powder or water fog. DO NOT USE water jets. Fires in confined spaces should be dealt with by trained personnel wearing approved breathing apparatus.

Combustion Products Toxic fumes may be evolved on burning or exposure to heat. See Stability and Reactivity, Section 10 of this Safety Data Sheet. _________________________________________________________________________________6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESAny spillage should be regarded as a potential fire risk. In the event of spillage, remove all sources of ignition and ensure good ventilation. Wear protective clothing. See Exposure Controls/Personal Protection, section 8, of this Safety Data Sheet. Spilled material may make surfaces slippery. Clean up spilled material immediately.

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Contain and recover spilled material using sand or other suitable inert absorbent material. Recovery of large spillages should be effected by specialist personnel. It is advised that stocks of suitable absorbent material should be held in quantities sufficient to deal with any spillage which may be reasonably anticipated. Large and uncontained spillages should be smothered with foam to reduce the risk of ignition. The foam blanket should be maintained until the area is declared safe. Protect drains from potential spills to minimise contamination. Do not wash product into drainage system. Vapour is heavier than air and may travel to remote sources of ignition (eg. along drainage systems, in basements etc.). If spillage has occurred in a confined space, ensure adequate ventilation and check that a safe, breathable atmosphere is present before entry. In the case of spillage on water, prevent the spread of product by the use of suitable barrier equipment. Recover product from the surface. Protect environmentally sensitive areas and water supplies. In the case of spillage at sea approved dispersants may be used where authorised by the appropriate government/regulatory authorities. Regular surveillance on the location of the spillage should be maintained.

In the event of spillages contact the appropriate authorities._________________________________________________________________________________

7. HANDLING AND STORAGEStorage Conditions Store and dispense only in well ventilated areas away from heat and sources of ignition. Store and use only in equipment/containers designed for use with this product. Containers must be properly labelled and kept closed when not in use. Do not remove warning labels from containers. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Retain hazard warning labels on empty packages as a guide to the safe handling, storage and disposal of empty packaging. Do not enter storage tanks without breathing apparatus unless the tank has been well ventilated and the tank atmosphere has been shown to contain hydrocarbon vapour concentrations of less than 1% of the lower flammability limit and an oxygen concentration of at least 20% volume. Always have sufficient people standing by outside the tank with appropriate breathing apparatus and equipment to effect a quick rescue.

Handling Precautions Avoid, as far as reasonably practicable, inhalation of vapour, mists or fumes generated during use. Avoid contact with skin and observe good personal hygiene. Avoid contact with eyes. If splashing is likely to occur wear a full face visor or chemical goggles as appropriate. Do not siphon product by mouth. Whilst using do not eat, drink or smoke. Wash hands thoroughly after contact. Use disposable cloths and discard when soiled. Do not put soiled cloths into pockets. Take all necessary precautions against accidental spillage into soil or water.

Fire Prevention Light hydrocarbon vapours can build up in the headspace of tanks. These can cause flammability/explosion hazards even at temperatures below the normal flash point (note: flash point must not be regarded as a reliable indicator of the potential flammability of vapour in tank headspaces). Tank headspaces should always be regarded as potentially flammable and care should be taken to avoid static electrical discharge and all ignition sources during filling, ullaging and sampling from storage tanks. Will present a flammability hazard if heated above flash point but bulk liquids at normal storage temperatures will present virtually no fire hazard. If fuel contacts hot surfaces, or leaks from high pressure fuel pipes, the vapour and/or

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mists generated will create a flammability or explosion hazard. When the product is pumped (e.g. during filling, discharge or ullaging) and when sampling, there is a risk of static discharge. Ensure equipment used is properly earthed or bonded to the tank structure. Product contaminated rags, paper or material used to absorb spillages, represent a fire hazard, and should not be allowed to accumulate. Dispose of safely immediately after use. Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain some remaining flammable product and vapour. Never cut, weld, solder or braze empty containers. _________________________________________________________________________________

8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONExposure Limits There is no appropriate occupational exposure limit for this material. If vapour, mists or fumes are generated, their concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level.

Protective Clothing Wear face visor or goggles in circumstances where eye contact can accidentally occur. If skin contact is likely, wear impervious protective clothing and/or gloves. Protective clothing should be regularly inspected and maintained; overalls should be dry-cleaned, laundered and preferably starched after use.

Respiratory Protection If operations are such that exposure to vapour, mist or fume may be anticipated, then suitable approved respiratory equipment should be worn. The use of respiratory equipment must be strictly in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions and any statutory requirements governing its selection and use. _________________________________________________________________________________


Typical ValuesGrades: Hydrocracked

Gas OilsTest Method Units

Physical state liquidColour colourlessOdour gasoil-likeDensity @ 15°C ASTM D 1298 kg/m³ 853Kinematic viscosity @ 40°C

ASTM D 445 mm²/s 3.5

Boiling point/range ASTM D 86 °C 233 - 349Flash point (PMC) ASTM D 93 °C >55_________________________________________________________________________________

10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYStable at ambient temperatures. Hazardous polymerisation reactions will not occur.

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Sheet No: STI2221 Material Name: Hydrocracked Gas Oils Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:11/09/98 Page:

Conditions to Avoid Sources of ignition

Materials to Avoid Avoid contact with strong oxidizing agents.

Hazardous Decomposition Products Thermal decomposition products will vary with conditions. Incomplete combustion will generate smoke, carbon dioxide and hazardous gases, including carbon monoxide._________________________________________________________________________________11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEyes Unlikely to cause more than transient stinging or redness if accidental eye contact occurs.

Skin Unlikely to cause harm to the skin on brief or occasional contact but prolonged or repeated exposure may lead to dermatitis. As with all such products containing potentially harmful levels of PCAs, prolonged or repeated skin contact may eventually result in dermatitis or more serious irreversible skin disorders including cancer.

Ingestion Unlikely to cause harm if accidentally swallowed in small doses, though larger quantities may cause nausea and diarrhoea. Will injure the lungs if aspiration occurs, eg. during vomiting.

Inhalation May cause irritation to eyes, nose and throat due to exposure to vapour, mists or fumes. _________________________________________________________________________________12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONMobility Spillages may penetrate the soil causing ground water contamination. This material may accumulate in sediments.

Persistence and degradability This product is inherently biodegradable.

Bioaccumulative potential There is no evidence to suggest bioaccumulation will occur.

Aquatic toxicity Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment Spills may form a film on water surfaces causing physical damage to organisms. Oxygen transfer could also be impaired. _________________________________________________________________________________13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSDispose of by incineration or other suitable means under conditions approved by the local authority or via a licensed waste disposal contractor. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Hazard warning labels are a guide to the safe handling of

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empty packaging and should not be removed. _________________________________________________________________________________14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONADR/RID: Gas oil, Flammable Liquid Class 3, Item 31(c) Hazard Identification No 30UN: GAS OIL, Flammable liquid, Class 3, Packing Group III, UN Number 1202IATA/ICAO: Gas oil, Flammable liquid, Class 3, Packing group IIIIMO: GAS OIL, Flammable liquid, Class 3.3, Packing group IIIEMERGENCY ACTION CODE: 3[Z] _________________________________________________________________________________15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONEU Category of Danger Carcinogenic category 3 Harmful Dangerous for the environment

EU Labelling Symbol: St. Andrew's Cross Dead tree and fish


Risk ( R ) Phrases: R40 Possible risks of irreversible effects R65 Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed. R66 Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking R51/53 Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment

Safety ( S ) Phrases: S24 Avoid contact with skin S43 In case of fire, use foam/dry powder/CO2. Never use water jets. S36/37 Wear suitable protective clothing and gloves S62 If swallowed, do not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label. S61 Avoid release into the environment. Refer to special instructions/Safety data sheets.

The label must carry the following additional information: "EC Label", Substance name, EINECS No. Substance name: Distillates (petroleum), light hydrocracked, EINECS No: 265-078-2

_________________________________________________________________________________16. OTHER INFORMATIONCompiled by: Product Stewardship GroupBP Oil Technology CentreChertsey RoadSunbury-on-ThamesMiddlesex, TW16 7LN

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This data sheet and the health, safety and environmental information it contains is considered to be accurate as of the date specified below. We have reviewed any information contained herein which we received from sources outside the BP Amoco Group of Companies. However, no warranty or representation, express or implied is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the data and information contained in this data sheet.

Health and safety precautions and environmental advice noted in this data sheet may not be accurate for all individuals and/or situations. It is the user's obligation to evaluate and use this product safely and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. No statement made in this data sheet shall be construed as a permission, recommendation or authorization given or implied to practise any patented invention without a valid licence. The BP Amoco Group shall not be responsible for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use of the material, from any failure to adhere to recommendations, or from any hazards inherent in the nature of the material.

Sheet Revisions Date: Sections revised: 11/09/98 1, 3, 12, 1517/07/2000 3, 4, 15

SHEET NO: STI2221ISSUE DATE: 17/07/2000REVISION OF SHEET DATED: 11/09/98 ______________________________________________________________________________

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Sheet No: SAV2101 Material Name: Jet A-1

ALIGN BP SDS FinalsSafety Data Sheet - SDS

GLIS Sheet No:SAV2101 SDS Reference: Paper Type: BP Helios Status: Active

Material Name: Jet A-1Jet A-1 containing FSII

Language:English Country:OAVRevision of Sheet Dated:12/11/99 Major Change: Hazard?:Yes

Hazardous Components: Physical Characteristics: Gasoline Tox File: 346.7, 346.15 Product Group: Date of Issue: 24/10/2000



Jet A-1Jet A-1 containing FSII

1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Identification of substance/preparation Jet A-1Jet A-1 containing FSII Alternative Names: Aviation Kerosine, Aviation Turbine Fuel, ATKJet A-1 synonyms: Jet A, AVTUR, F-35, Jet A-1 containing FSII synonyms: AVTUR/FSII, JP-8, F-34,

Application Jet fueldo not use for other purposesFor specific application advice see appropriate Technical Data Sheet or consult your BP representative

Company Identification Air BP InternationalBreakspear ParkBreakspear WayHemel HempsteadHertfordshire

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Sheet No: SAV2101 Material Name: Jet A-1


Emergency Telephone Number +44 (0) 1442-22-5711

Out of office hours:+44 (0) 1202 590558 _________________________________________________________________________________2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSChemical Composition A mixture of kerosene streams May contain small quantities of proprietary performance additives.

Jet A-1 containing FSII - Contains small amounts of diethyleneglycol monomethyl ether (DEGME2-(2-methoxyethoxy)ethanol ) as a fuel icing inhibitor.

Hazardous Components Kerosine - unspecifiedXn R10 FlammableR38 Irritating to skinR65 Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed. (>90%)

_________________________________________________________________________________3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONFlammable Harmful if swallowed - aspiration hazard. Likely to cause skin irritation. _________________________________________________________________________________

4. FIRST-AID MEASURESEyes Wash eye thoroughly with copious quantities of waterensuring eyelids are held open. Obtain medical advice if any pain or redness develops or persists.

Skin Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water as soon as reasonably practicable. Remove heavily contaminated clothing and wash underlying skin.

Ingestion If contamination of the mouth occurswash out thoroughly with water. Except as a deliberate actthe ingestion of large amounts of product is unlikely. If it should occurdo not induce vomitingobtain medical advice.


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Sheet No: SAV2101 Material Name: Jet A-1

If fumes are inhaled the patient should be removed to fresh air and if recovery is not immediatemedical assistance must be called without delay. If breathing has failed respiration must be assistedpreferably by mouth to mouth method.

Medical Advice Product can be aspirated on swallowing or following regurgitation of stomach contentsand can cause severe and potentially fatal chemical pneumonitiswhich will require urgent treatment. Because of the risk of aspirationinduction of vomiting and gastric lavage should be avoided. Gastric lavage should be undertaken only after endotracheal intubation. Monitor for cardiac dysrhythmias._________________________________________________________________________________5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESFor major fires call the Fire Service. Ensure an escape path is always available from any fire. There is a danger of flashback if sparks or hot surfaces ignite vapour. Use foamdry powder or water fog. DO NOT USE water jets. Fires in confined spaces should be dealt with by trained personnel wearing approved breathing apparatus.

Combustion Products Toxic fumes may be evolved on burning or exposure to heat. See Stability and ReactivitySection 10 of this Safety Data Sheet. _________________________________________________________________________________6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESAny spillage should be regarded as a potential fire risk. In the event of spillageremove all sources of ignition and ensure good ventilation. Wear protective clothing. See Exposure Controls/Personal Protectionsection 8of this Safety Data Sheet. Spilled material may make surfaces slippery. Clean up spilled material immediately. Contain and recover spilled material using sand or other suitable inert absorbent material. Recovery of large spillages should be effected by specialist personnel. It is advised that stocks of suitable absorbent material should be held in quantities sufficient to deal with any spillage which may be reasonably anticipated. Large and uncontained spillages should be smothered with foam to reduce the risk of ignition. The foam blanket should be maintained until the area is declared safe. Protect drains from potential spills to minimise contamination. Do not wash product into drainage system. Vapour is heavier than air and may travel to remote sources of ignition (eg. along drainage systemsin basements etc.). If spillage has occurred in a confined spaceensure adequate ventilation and check that a safebreathable atmosphere is present before entry. In the case of spillage on waterprevent the spread of product by the use of suitable barrier equipment. Recover product from the surface. Protect environmentally sensitive areas and water supplies. In the case of spillage at sea approved dispersants may be used where authorised by the appropriate government/regulatory authorities. Regular surveillance on the location of the spillage should be maintained.In the event of spillages contact the appropriate authorities.

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Sheet No: SAV2101 Material Name: Jet A-1


7. HANDLING AND STORAGEStorage Conditions Store and dispense only in well ventilated areas away from heat and sources of ignition. Store and use only in equipment/containers designed for use with this product. Containers must be properly labelled and kept closed when not in use. Do not remove warning labels from containers. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Retain hazard warning labels on empty packages as a guide to the safe handlingstorage and disposal of empty packaging. Do not enter storage tanks without breathing apparatus unless the tank has been well ventilated and the tank atmosphere has been shown to contain hydrocarbon vapour concentrations of less than 1% of the lower flammability limit and an oxygen concentration of at least 20% volume. Always have sufficient people standing by outside the tank with appropriate breathing apparatus and equipment to effect a quick rescue.

Handling Precautions Avoidas far as reasonably practicableinhalation of vapourmists or fumes generated during use. Avoid contact with skin and observe good personal hygiene. Avoid contact with eyes. If splashing is likely to occur wear a full face visor or chemical goggles as appropriate. Do not siphon product by mouth. Whilst using do not eatdrink or smoke. Wash hands thoroughly after contact. Use disposable cloths and discard when soiled. Do not put soiled cloths into pockets. Take all necessary precautions against accidental spillage into soil or water.

Fire Prevention Light hydrocarbon vapours can build up in the headspace of tanks. These can cause flammability/explosion hazards even at temperatures below the normal flash point (note: flash point must not be regarded as a reliable indicator of the potential flammability of vapour in tank headspaces). Tank headspaces should always be regarded as potentially flammable and care should be taken to avoid static electrical discharge and all ignition sources during fillingullaging and sampling from storage tanks. When the product is pumped (e.g. during fillingdischarge or ullaging) and when samplingthere is a risk of static discharge. Ensure equipment used is properly earthed or bonded to the tank structure. Product contaminated ragspaper or material used to absorb spillagesrepresent a fire hazardand should not be allowed to accumulate. Dispose of safely immediately after use. Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain some remaining flammable product and vapour. Never cutweldsolder or braze empty containers. _________________________________________________________________________________


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Sheet No: SAV2101 Material Name: Jet A-1

Exposure Limits There is no appropriate occupational exposure limit for this material. If vapourmists or fumes are generatedtheir concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level.

Protective Clothing Wear face visor or goggles in circumstances where eye contact can accidentally occur. If skin contact is likelywear impervious protective clothing and/or gloves. Protective clothing should be regularly inspected and maintainedoveralls should be dry-cleanedlaundered and preferably starched after use.

Respiratory Protection If operations are such that exposure to vapourmist or fume may be anticipatedthen suitable approved respiratory equipment should be worn. The use of respiratory equipment must be strictly in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions and any statutory requirements governing its selection and use. _________________________________________________________________________________


Typical ValuesGrades: Jet A-1

Jet A-1 (FSII)Test Method Units

Physical state low viscosity liquid

Colour colourless -> yellow

Odour kerosine-likeDensity @ 15°C ASTM D 1298 kg/m³ 804Boiling point/range ASTM D 86 °C 156 - 258Kinematic viscosity @ -20°C

mm²/s 3.5

Flash point (PMC) ASTM D 93 °C >38_________________________________________________________________________________

10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYStable at ambient temperatures. Hazardous polymerisation reactions will not occur.

Conditions to Avoid Sources of ignition

Materials to Avoid Avoid contact with strong oxidizing agents.

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Sheet No: SAV2101 Material Name: Jet A-1

Hazardous Decomposition Products Thermal decomposition products will vary with conditions. Incomplete combustion will generate smokecarbon dioxide and hazardous gasesincluding carbon monoxide._________________________________________________________________________________11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEyes Unlikely to cause more than transient stinging or redness if accidental eye contact occurs. May be irritating to eyes at high concentrations of vapourmists or fumes.

Skin Likely to cause skin irritation.

Ingestion Unlikely to cause harm if accidentally swallowed in small dosesthough larger quantities may cause nausea and diarrhoea. Will injure the lungs if aspiration occurseg. during vomiting.

Inhalation May cause irritation to eyesnose and throat due to exposure to vapourmists or fumes. _________________________________________________________________________________12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONMobility Spillages may penetrate the soil causing ground water contamination.

Persistence and degradability This product is inherently biodegradable.

Bioaccumulative potential There is no evidence to suggest bioaccumulation will occur.

Aquatic toxicity Toxic to aquatic organismsmay cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment Spills may form a film on water surfaces causing physical damage to organisms. Oxygen transfer could also be impaired. _________________________________________________________________________________13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSDispose of via an authorised person/ licensed waste disposal contractor in accordance with local regulations. Dispose of product and container carefully and responsibly. Do not dispose of near pondsditchesdown drains or onto soil. At sea

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Sheet No: SAV2101 Material Name: Jet A-1

used or unwanted product should be stored for eventual discharge into port approved waste oil disposal facilities. _________________________________________________________________________________14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONADR/RID: KeroseneFlammable LiquidClass 3 Item 31 (c)Hazard Identification No 30UN: KEROSENEFlammable liquidClass 3Packing Group IIIUN Number 1223IATA/ICAO: KeroseneFlammable liquidClass 3Packing Group IIIIMO: KEROSENEFlammable liquidClass 3.3Packing Group IIIEMERGENCY ACTION CODE: Flammable liquid3[Y] _________________________________________________________________________________15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONEU Category of Danger Flammable Harmful Irritant

EU Labelling Symbol: St. Andrew's Cross Indication of danger: HARMFUL Contains: Kerosine - unspecified

Risk ( R ) Phrases: R10 Flammable R38 Irritating to skin R65 Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed.

Safety ( S ) Phrases: S24 Avoid contact with skin S23 Do not breathe vapour S43 In case of fireuse foam/dry powder/CO2. Never use water jets. S62 If swalloweddo not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label. S61 Avoid release into the environment. Refer to special instructions/Safety data sheets.

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Sheet No: SAV2101 Material Name: Jet A-1

_________________________________________________________________________________16. OTHER INFORMATIONCompiled by: Product Stewardship GroupBP Oil Technology CentreChertsey RoadSunbury-on-ThamesMiddlesexTW16 7LN

This data sheet and the healthsafety and environmental information it contains is considered to be accurate as of the date specified below. We have reviewed any information contained herein which we received from sources outside the BP Amoco Group of Companies. Howeverno warranty or representationexpress or implied is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the data and information contained in this data sheet.

Health and safety precautions and environmental advice noted in this data sheet may not be accurate for all individuals and/or situations. It is the user's obligation to evaluate and use this product safely and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. No statement made in this data sheet shall be construed as a permissionrecommendation or authorization given or implied to practise any patented invention without a valid licence. The BP Amoco Group shall not be responsible for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use of the materialfrom any failure to adhere to recommendationsor from any hazards inherent in the nature of the material. ______________________________________________________________________________

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Sheet No: STI2104 Material Name: Kerosene: Regular and Premium Grades Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

ALIGN BP SDS FinalsSafety Data Sheet - SDS

GLIS Sheet No:STI2104 SDS Reference: Paper Type: BP Helios Status: Active

Material Name: Kerosene: Regular and Premium GradesLanguage:English Country:OTI

Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Major Change: Hazard?:YesHazardous Components: Physical Characteristics: Gas oil Tox File: 346.3 Product Group:

Date of Issue: 17/07/2000 ________________________________________________________________________________


Kerosene: Regular and Premium Grades1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Identification of substance/preparation Kerosene: Regular and Premium Grades Alternative Names: Paraffin, Kerosine, Lamp Oil

Application Fuel for domestic burners; low sulphur industrial process fuel; solvent for certain industrial processes. Premium grade only can be used as fuel for flueless space heaters.For specific application advice see appropriate Technical Data Sheet or consult your BP representative

Company Identification BP Oil International LimitedBritannic House1 Finsbury CircusLondon, EC2M 7BA

Emergency Telephone Number +44 (0) 20 7496 4411 _________________________________________________________________________________2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSChemical Composition

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Sheet No: STI2104 Material Name: Kerosene: Regular and Premium Grades Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

A mixture of kerosene streams May contain small quantities of proprietary performance additives.

Hazardous Components Kerosine - unspecified, Xn R10 Flammable, R38 Irritating to skin, R65 Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed.

_________________________________________________________________________________3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONFlammable Harmful if swallowed - aspiration hazard. Likely to cause skin irritation. _________________________________________________________________________________

4. FIRST-AID MEASURESEyes Wash eye thoroughly with copious quantities of water, ensuring eyelids are held open. Obtain medical advice if any pain or redness develops or persists.

Skin Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water as soon as reasonably practicable. Remove heavily contaminated clothing and wash underlying skin.

Ingestion If contamination of the mouth occurs, wash out thoroughly with water. Except as a deliberate act, the ingestion of large amounts of product is unlikely. If it should occur, do not induce vomiting; obtain medical advice.

Inhalation If fumes are inhaled the patient should be removed to fresh air and if recovery is not immediate, medical assistance must be called without delay. If breathing has failed respiration must be assisted, preferably by mouth to mouth method.

Medical Advice Product can be aspirated on swallowing or following regurgitation of stomach contents, and can cause severe and potentially fatal chemical pneumonitis, which will require urgent treatment. Because of the risk of aspiration, induction of vomiting and gastric lavage should be avoided. Gastric lavage should be undertaken only after endotracheal intubation. Monitor for cardiac dysrhythmias._________________________________________________________________________________5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESFor major fires call the Fire Service. Ensure an escape path is always available from any fire. There is a danger of flashback if sparks or hot surfaces ignite vapour. Use foam, dry powder or water fog. DO NOT USE water jets. Fires in confined spaces should be dealt with by trained personnel wearing approved breathing apparatus.

Combustion Products Toxic fumes may be evolved on burning or exposure to heat. See Stability and Reactivity, Section 10 of this Safety Data Sheet. _________________________________________________________________________________

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Sheet No: STI2104 Material Name: Kerosene: Regular and Premium Grades Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESAny spillage should be regarded as a potential fire risk. In the event of spillage, remove all sources of ignition and ensure good ventilation. Wear protective clothing. See Exposure Controls/Personal Protection, section 8, of this Safety Data Sheet. Spilled material may make surfaces slippery. Clean up spilled material immediately. Contain and recover spilled material using sand or other suitable inert absorbent material. Recovery of large spillages should be effected by specialist personnel. It is advised that stocks of suitable absorbent material should be held in quantities sufficient to deal with any spillage which may be reasonably anticipated. Large and uncontained spillages should be smothered with foam to reduce the risk of ignition. The foam blanket should be maintained until the area is declared safe. Protect drains from potential spills to minimise contamination. Do not wash product into drainage system. Vapour is heavier than air and may travel to remote sources of ignition (eg. along drainage systems, in basements etc.). If spillage has occurred in a confined space, ensure adequate ventilation and check that a safe, breathable atmosphere is present before entry. In the case of spillage on water, prevent the spread of product by the use of suitable barrier equipment. Recover product from the surface. Protect environmentally sensitive areas and water supplies. In the case of spillage at sea approved dispersants may be used where authorised by the appropriate government/regulatory authorities.Regular surveillance on the location of the spillage should be maintained. In the event of spillages contact the appropriate authorities._________________________________________________________________________________

7. HANDLING AND STORAGEStorage Conditions Store and dispense only in well ventilated areas away from heat and sources of ignition. Store and use only in equipment/containers designed for use with this product. Containers must be properly labelled and kept closed when not in use. Do not remove warning labels from containers. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Retain hazard warning labels on empty packages as a guide to the safe handling, storage and disposal of empty packaging. Do not enter storage tanks without breathing apparatus unless the tank has been well ventilated and the tank atmosphere has been shown to contain hydrocarbon vapour concentrations of less than 1% of the lower flammability limit and an oxygen concentration of at least 20% volume. Always have sufficient people standing by outside the tank with appropriate breathing apparatus and equipment to effect a quick rescue.

Handling Precautions Avoid, as far as reasonably practicable, inhalation of vapour, mists or fumes generated during use. Avoid contact with skin and observe good personal hygiene. Avoid contact with eyes. If splashing is likely to occur wear a full face visor or chemical goggles as appropriate. Do not siphon product by mouth. Whilst using do not eat, drink or smoke. Wash hands thoroughly after contact. Use disposable cloths and discard when soiled. Do not put soiled cloths into pockets. Take all necessary precautions against accidental spillage into soil or water.

Fire Prevention Light hydrocarbon vapours can build up in the headspace of tanks. These can cause flammability/explosion hazards

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Sheet No: STI2104 Material Name: Kerosene: Regular and Premium Grades Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

even at temperatures below the normal flash point (note: flash point must not be regarded as a reliable indicator of the potential flammability of vapour in tank headspaces). Tank headspaces should always be regarded as potentially flammable and care should be taken to avoid static electrical discharge and all ignition sources during filling, ullaging and sampling from storage tanks. When the product is pumped (e.g. during filling, discharge or ullaging) and when sampling, there is a risk of static discharge. Ensure equipment used is properly earthed or bonded to the tank structure. Product contaminated rags, paper or material used to absorb spillages, represent a fire hazard, and should not be allowed to accumulate. Dispose of safely immediately after use. Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain some remaining flammable product and vapour. Never cut, weld, solder or braze empty containers. _________________________________________________________________________________

8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONExposure Limits There is no appropriate occupational exposure limit for this material. If vapour, mists or fumes are generated, their concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level.

Protective Clothing Wear face visor or goggles in circumstances where eye contact can accidentally occur. If skin contact is likely, wear impervious protective clothing and/or gloves. Protective clothing should be regularly inspected and maintained; overalls should be dry-cleaned, laundered and preferably starched after use.

Respiratory Protection If operations are such that exposure to vapour, mist or fume may be anticipated, then suitable approved respiratory equipment should be worn. The use of respiratory equipment must be strictly in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions and any statutory requirements governing its selection and use. _________________________________________________________________________________


Typical ValuesGrades: Kerosene:

Regular and Premium Grades

Test Method UnitsPhysical state liquidColour light amberOdour kerosine-likeDensity @ 15°C ASTM D 1298 kg/m³ 780Boiling point/range ASTM D 86 °C 150 - 300Flash point (PMC) ASTM D 93 °C 50Kinematic viscosity @ 20°C

ASTM D 445 mm²/s 2.0


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Sheet No: STI2104 Material Name: Kerosene: Regular and Premium Grades Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYStable at ambient temperatures. Hazardous polymerisation reactions will not occur.

Conditions to Avoid Sources of ignition

Materials to Avoid Avoid contact with strong oxidizing agents.

Hazardous Decomposition Products Thermal decomposition products will vary with conditions. Incomplete combustion will generate smoke, carbon dioxide and hazardous gases, including carbon monoxide._________________________________________________________________________________11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEyes Unlikely to cause more than transient stinging or redness if accidental eye contact occurs. May be irritating to eyes at high concentrations of vapour, mists or fumes.

Skin Likely to cause skin irritation.

Ingestion Unlikely to cause harm if accidentally swallowed in small doses, though larger quantities may cause nausea and diarrhoea. Will injure the lungs if aspiration occurs, eg. during vomiting.

Inhalation May cause irritation to eyes, nose and throat due to exposure to vapour, mists or fumes. _________________________________________________________________________________12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONMobility Spillages may penetrate the soil causing ground water contamination.

Persistence and degradability This product is inherently biodegradable.

Bioaccumulative potential There is no evidence to suggest bioaccumulation will occur.

Aquatic toxicity Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment Spills may form a film on water surfaces causing physical damage to organisms. Oxygen transfer could also be impaired. German WGK Classification: 2 _________________________________________________________________________________

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Sheet No: STI2104 Material Name: Kerosene: Regular and Premium Grades Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSDispose of via an authorised person/ licensed waste disposal contractor in accordance with local regulations. Dispose of product and container carefully and responsibly. Do not dispose of near ponds, ditches, down drains or onto soil. At sea, used or unwanted product should be stored for eventual discharge into port approved waste oil disposal facilities. _________________________________________________________________________________14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONADR/RID: Kerosene, Flammable Liquid, Class 3 , Item 31 (c), Hazard Identification No 30UN: KEROSENE, Flammable liquid, Class 3, Packing Group III, UN Number 1223IATA/ICAO: Kerosene, Flammable liquid, Class 3, Packing Group IIIIMO: KEROSENE, Flammable liquid, Class 3.3, Packing Group IIIEMERGENCY ACTION CODE: Flammable liquid, 3[Y] _________________________________________________________________________________15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONEU Category of Danger Flammable Harmful Irritant

EU Labelling Symbol: St. Andrew's Cross

Indication of danger: HARMFUL

Contains: Kerosine - unspecified

Risk ( R ) Phrases: R10 Flammable R38 Irritating to skin R65 Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed.

Safety ( S ) Phrases: S2 Keep out of reach of children S24 Avoid contact with skin S23 Do not breathe vapour S43 In case of fire, use foam/dry powder/CO2. Never use water jets. S62 If swallowed, do not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label. S61 Avoid release into the environment. Refer to special instructions/Safety data sheets.

_________________________________________________________________________________16. OTHER INFORMATIONCompiled by: Product Stewardship GroupBP Oil Technology CentreChertsey Road

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Sheet No: STI2104 Material Name: Kerosene: Regular and Premium Grades Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:02/11/98 Page:

Sunbury-on-ThamesMiddlesex, TW16 7LN

This data sheet and the health, safety and environmental information it contains is considered to be accurate as of the date specified below. We have reviewed any information contained herein which we received from sources outside the BP Amoco Group of Companies. However, no warranty or representation, express or implied is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the data and information contained in this data sheet.

Health and safety precautions and environmental advice noted in this data sheet may not be accurate for all individuals and/or situations. It is the user's obligation to evaluate and use this product safely and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. No statement made in this data sheet shall be construed as a permission, recommendation or authorization given or implied to practise any patented invention without a valid licence. The BP Amoco Group shall not be responsible for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use of the material, from any failure to adhere to recommendations, or from any hazards inherent in the nature of the material.

Sheet Revisions Date: Sections revised: 08/05/98 2, 12, 1502/11/98 117/07/2000 2, 15

SHEET NO: STI2104ISSUE DATE: 17/07/2000REVISION OF SHEET DATED: 02/11/98 ______________________________________________________________________________

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Sheet No: SUK2104 Date: 07/01/98 Revision of Sheet Dated: 01/09/94 (FMSL02) Name of Product: Leaded 4 Star petrol

SAFETY DATA SHEET___________________________________________________________________________

BP Leaded 4 Star petrol1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKINGIdentification of substance/preparationThis safety data sheet covers:Leaded GasolineLeaded motor gasolineLeaded Motor SpiritPMS (Premium Motor Spirit)Premium Grade UKBP Super97 Octane (RON)National

ApplicationUse only as a motor fuel for spark ignition engines. NOT for aviation use. Should NOT be used as a solvent nor cleaning agent.

Company IdentificationBP Oil UK Limited,Witan Gate House500-600 Witan GateCentral Milton KeynesMK9 1ES

Emergency Telephone Number01908 853000__________________________________________________________________________________


Chemical CompositionA complex mixture of volatile hydrocarbons containing paraffins, naphthenes, olefins and aromatics with carbon numbers predominantly between C4 and C12.May contain oxygenates. May also contain small quantities of proprietary performance additives.Contains lead compounds.

Hazardous ComponentsBenzene, EINECS No. 200-753-7, CAS No. 71-43-2 F, T, R45 May cause cancer, R11 Highly flammable, R48/23/24/25 Toxic: Danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalation, in contact with skin and if

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Sheet No: SUK2104 Date: 07/01/98 Revision of Sheet Dated: 01/09/94 (FMSL02) Name of Product: Leaded 4 Star petrol


Gasoline. EINECS No: 289-220-8, CAS No: 86290-81-5 F+, T, N, R12 Extremely flammable, R45 May cause cancer, R38 Irritating to skin, R51/53 Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment, R65 Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed. (>90%)__________________________________________________________________________________


Extremely flammable.Explosive air/vapour mixtures may form at ambient temperature.Likely to cause skin irritation.May cause cancer, classified as a category 2 carcinogen.Contains Benzene. Prolonged or repeated exposure to benzene can cause anaemia and other blood diseases, including leukaemia.Harmful if swallowed - aspiration hazard.__________________________________________________________________________________

4. FIRST-AID MEASURESEyesWash eye thoroughly with copious quantities of water, ensuring eyelids are held open. Obtain medical advice if any pain or redness develops or persists.

SkinWash skin thoroughly with soap and water as soon as reasonably practicable. Remove heavily contaminated clothing and wash underlying skin.In extreme situations of saturation with this product, drench with water, remove clothing as soon as possible and wash skin with soap and water. Seek medical advice if skin becomes red, swollen or painful.

IngestionIf contamination of the mouth occurs, wash out thoroughly with water.Except as a deliberate act, the ingestion of large amounts of product is unlikely. If it should occur, do not induce vomiting; obtain medical advice.

InhalationIf exposure to vapour, mists or fumes causes drowsiness, headache, blurred vision or irritation of the eyes, nose or throat, remove immediately to fresh air. Keep patient warm and at rest. If any symptoms persist obtain medical advice.Unconscious casualties must be placed in the recovery position. Monitor breathing and pulse rate and if breathing has failed, or is deemed inadequate, respiration must be assisted, preferably by the mouth to mouth method. Administer external cardiac massage if necessary. Seek medical attention immediately.

Medical AdviceProduct can be aspirated on swallowing or following regurgitation of stomach contents, and can cause severe and potentially fatal chemical pneumonitis, which will require urgent treatment. Because of the risk of aspiration, induction of vomiting and gastric lavage should be avoided. Gastric lavage should be undertaken only after endotracheal intubation. Monitor for cardiac dysrhythmias.__________________________________________________________________________________


For major fires call the Fire Service. Ensure an escape path is always available from any fire.

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Sheet No: SUK2104 Date: 07/01/98 Revision of Sheet Dated: 01/09/94 (FMSL02) Name of Product: Leaded 4 Star petrol

There is a danger of flashback if sparks or hot surfaces ignite vapour.Use foam, dry powder or water fog. DO NOT use water jets.Fires in confined spaces should be dealt with by trained personnel wearing approved breathing apparatus.Any spillage should be regarded as a potential fire risk.

Combustion ProductsToxic fumes may be evolved on burning or exposure to heat.See Stability and Reactivity, Section 10 of this Safety Data Sheet.__________________________________________________________________________________


As this product has a very low flash point any spillage or leak is a severe fire and/or explosion hazard.Spilled material may make surfaces slippery.It is advised that stocks of suitable absorbent material should be held in quantities sufficient to deal with any spillage which may be reasonably anticipated.Vapour is heavier than air and may travel to remote sources of ignition (eg. along drainage systems, in basements etc.).

Isolate spillage from all ignition sources including road traffic.Evacuate all non essential personnel from the immediate area.If spillage has occurred in a confined space, ensure adequate ventilation and check that a safe, breathable atmosphere is present before entry.Ensure good ventilation.Wear protective clothing. See Exposure Controls/Personal Protection, section 8, of this Safety Data Sheet.Large and uncontained spillages should be smothered with foam to reduce the risk of ignition.The foam blanket should be maintained until the area is declared safe.Recovery of large spillages should be effected by specialist personnel.

Protect drains from potential spills to minimise contamination. Do not wash product into drainage system.In the case of spillage on water, prevent the spread of product by the use of suitable barrier equipment. Recover product from the surface. Protect environmentally sensitive areas and water supplies.Regular surveillance on the location of the spillage should be maintained.

In the event of spillages contact the appropriate authorities. If spillage occurs call the Environment Agency Emergency Hotline on 0800 807060 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week).__________________________________________________________________________________

7. HANDLING AND STORAGEStorage ConditionsStore and dispense only in well ventilated areas away from heat and sources of ignition.Store and use only in equipment/containers designed for use with this product.Containers must be properly labelled and kept closed when not in use.Do not remove warning labels from containers.Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Retain hazard warning labels on empty packages as a guide to the safe handling, storage and disposal of empty packaging.Do not enter storage tanks without breathing apparatus unless the tank has been well ventilated and the tank atmosphere has been shown to contain hydrocarbon vapour concentrations of less than 1% of the lower flammability limit and an oxygen concentration of at least 20% volume.Always have sufficient people standing by outside the tank with appropriate breathing apparatus and equipment to effect a quick rescue.Special health precautions must be taken during cleaning or maintenance operations on storage tanks which may have

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Sheet No: SUK2104 Date: 07/01/98 Revision of Sheet Dated: 01/09/94 (FMSL02) Name of Product: Leaded 4 Star petrol

contained leaded product at any time.

Handling PrecautionsEnsure good ventilation and avoid as far as reasonably practicable the inhalation and contact with vapours, mists or fumes which may be generated during use. If such vapour, mists or fumes are generated, their concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level.Avoid contact with skin and observe good personal hygiene.Avoid contact with eyes. If splashing is likely to occur wear a full face visor or chemical goggles as appropriate.Do not siphon product by mouth.Whilst using do not eat, drink or smoke.Take all necessary precautions against accidental spillage into soil or water.

Fire PreventionLight hydrocarbon vapours can build up in the headspace of tanks. Tank headspaces should always be regarded as potentially flammable and care should be taken to avoid static electrical discharge and all ignition sources during filling, ullaging and sampling from storage tanks.When the product is pumped (e.g. during filling, discharge or ullaging) and when sampling, there is a risk of static discharge. Ensure equipment used is properly earthed or bonded to the tank structure.Explosive air/vapour mixtures may form at ambient temperature.If product comes into contact with hot surfaces, or leaks occur from pressurised fuel pipes, the vapour or mists generated will create a flammability or explosion hazard.Product contaminated rags, paper or material used to absorb spillages, represent a fire hazard, and should not be allowed to accumulate. Dispose of safely immediately after use.Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain some remaining flammable product and vapour. Never cut, weld, solder or braze empty containers.__________________________________________________________________________________

8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONExposure LimitsIf vapour, mists or fumes are generated, their concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level.Comply with current local occupational exposure limit. Where not established, the following limits are recommended.Gasoline ACGIH (USA) :

TLV 300 ppm, 890 mg/m3 (8hr TWA)

500 ppm, 1480 mg/m3 (15min STEL)A3 - Animal Carcinogen

BenzeneUK publication EH40 (Occupational Exposure Limits):

Maximum Exposure Limit Long-term exposure limit (8-hr TWA) 5ppm, 16mg/m3

Protective ClothingWear face visor or goggles in circumstances where eye contact can accidentally occur.If skin contact is likely, wear impervious protective clothing and/or gloves.Protective clothing should be regularly inspected and maintained; overalls should be dry-cleaned, laundered and preferably starched after use.

Respiratory Protection

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Sheet No: SUK2104 Date: 07/01/98 Revision of Sheet Dated: 01/09/94 (FMSL02) Name of Product: Leaded 4 Star petrol

If operations are such that significant exposure to vapour, mist or fume may be anticipated, then suitable approved respiratory equipment should be worn.The use of respiratory equipment must be strictly in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions and any statutory requirements governing its selection and use.__________________________________________________________________________________

9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIESNote: National specifications may apply.

Typical Values

Grades:Leaded 4 Star petrol

Test Method Units

Physical state liquidColour light amberOdour gasoline-likeDensity @ 15°C ASTM D 1298 kg/m3 695 - 790

Vapour pressure @ 37.8°C (100°F)

ASTM D 323 kPa 45 - 115

Vapour density rel. to air ASTM D2463/D2421

3 - 4

Explosion limits % 0.6 - 8.0

Flash point (COC) ASTM D 92 °C <-40

Boiling point/range ASTM D 86 °C 25 - 220

Partition Coefficient (n-octanol/water)

Log10Pow >3

10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYConditions to AvoidSources of ignitionStable at ambient temperatures.Avoid excessive heat.Hazardous polymerisation reactions will not occur.

Materials to AvoidAvoid contact with strong oxidizing agents.

Hazardous Decomposition ProductsThermal decomposition products will vary with conditions.Incomplete combustion will generate smoke, carbon dioxide and hazardous gases, including carbon monoxide.__________________________________________________________________________________

11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEyesUnlikely to cause more than transient stinging or redness if accidental eye contact occurs.

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Sheet No: SUK2104 Date: 07/01/98 Revision of Sheet Dated: 01/09/94 (FMSL02) Name of Product: Leaded 4 Star petrol

SkinLikely to cause skin irritation.Likely to result in chemical burns following prolonged wetting of the skin. (eg. after a road traffic accident).

IngestionUnlikely to cause harm if accidentally swallowed in small doses, though larger quantities may cause nausea and diarrhoea.Will injure the lungs if aspiration occurs, eg. during vomiting.

InhalationLikely to be irritating to the respiratory tract if high concentrations of mists or vapour are inhaled.May cause nausea, dizziness, headaches and drowsiness if high concentrations of vapour are inhaled.ABUSE:Under normal conditions of use the product is not hazardous; however, abuse involving deliberate inhalation of very high concentrations of vapour, even for short periods, can produce unconsciousness and/or result in a sudden fatality.

Carcinogenicity/ Chronic ToxicityExposure to benzene may result in affects to the hematopoietic system causing blood disorders including anaemia and leukaemia.Benzene is classified by EEC as a category 1 carcinogen - substances known to be carcinogenic to man.IARC assessment: benzene - carcinogenic to humans ( Group 1)__________________________________________________________________________________

12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONMobilitySpillages may penetrate the soil causing ground water contamination.

Persistence and degradabilityThis product is inherently biodegradable.

Bioaccumulative potentialThere is no evidence to suggest bioaccumulation will occur.

Aquatic toxicityToxic to aquatic organisms. May cause long term effects in the aquatic environmentSpills may form a film on water surfaces causing physical damage to organisms. Oxygen transfer could also be impaired.

German WGK Classification: 3__________________________________________________________________________________


Dispose of via an authorised person/ licensed waste disposal contractor in accordance with local regulations.Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Hazard warning labels are a guide to the safe handling of empty packaging and should not be removed.Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain flammable product residues and vapour. Never weld, solder or braze empty containers.Materials contaminated with product should be treated as highly flammable. Disposal should be in accordance with local regulations.__________________________________________________________________________________

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Sheet No: SUK2104 Date: 07/01/98 Revision of Sheet Dated: 01/09/94 (FMSL02) Name of Product: Leaded 4 Star petrol


ADR/RID: Motor spirit, Flammable liquid, Class 3, Item 3(b), Hazard Identification No 33ADNR/ADN: Motor Spirit, Class 3, Item 3(b)UN: MOTOR SPIRIT, Flammable liquid, Class 3. Packing Group II, UN Number 1203IATA/ICAO: Motor spirit, Flammable liquid, Class 3, Packing group IIIMO: MOTOR SPIRIT, Flammable liquid, Class 3.1, Packing group II, MARINE POLLUTANT (Leaded Petrol)EMERGENCY ACTION CODE: Flammable liquid, 3[Y]E__________________________________________________________________________________


EU Category of DangerExtremely flammableCarcinogenic category 2IrritantHarmful

EU LabellingSymbol: Flame, Skull and crossbonesIndication of danger: EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE

Contains: Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified

Risk ( R ) Phrases:R12 Extremely flammableR45 May cause cancerR65 Also Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed.R38 Irritating to skin

Safety ( S ) Phrases:S2 Keep out of reach of childrenS53 Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use.S45 In case of accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice immediately (show label where possible)S23 Do not breathe vapourS24 Avoid contact with skinS29 Do not empty into drainsS43 In case of fire, use foam/dry powder/CO2. Never use water jets.S62 If swallowed, do not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label.

For non-fuel use only - "Restricted to professional users. Attention - Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use." must be marked on packaging.__________________________________________________________________________________

16. OTHER INFORMATIONCompiled by:Product Stewardship GroupBP Oil Technology CentreChertsey Road

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Sheet No: SUK2104 Date: 07/01/98 Revision of Sheet Dated: 01/09/94 (FMSL02) Name of Product: Leaded 4 Star petrol

Sunbury-on-ThamesMiddlesex, TW16 7LN

This data sheet and the health, safety and environmental information it contains is considered to be accurate as of the date specified below. We have reviewed any information contained herein which we received from sources outside the BP Group of Companies. However, no warranty or representation, express or implied is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the data and information contained in this data sheet.

Health and safety precautions and environmental advice noted in this data sheet may not be accurate for all individuals and/or situations. It is the user's obligation to evaluate and use this product safely and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. No statement made in this data sheet shall be construed as a permission, recommendation or authorization given or implied to practise any patented invention without a valid licence. The BP Group shall not be responsible for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use of the material, from any failure to adhere to recommendations, or from any hazards inherent in the nature of the material.

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Date Issued: 04-15-96

Supersedes: 03-20-96

STAR Enterprise



NOTE: Read and understand Material Safety Data Sheet before handling ordisposing of product.



Product Code and Name: 00429 LOW SULFUR DIESEL 2

Chemical Name and/or Family or Description: Diesel Fuel

Manufacturer's Name and Address:TEXACO REFINING AND MARKETING, INCP.O. Box 7812Universal City, CA 91608

Telephone Numbers:Transportation Emergency -Company : (914) 831-3400 CHEMTREC : (800) 424-9300Health Emergency -Company : (914) 831-3400General MSDS Assistance : (914) 838-7204Technical Information -Fuels : (914) 838-7336 -Chemical : (512) 459-6543 -Lubricant/Antifreezes : (800) 782-7852 -Additives : (713) 235-6278 -Solvents : (800) 876-3738



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Product and/or Component(s) Carcinogenic According to:OSHA [ ]IARC [ ]NTP [ ]OTHER [X]NONE [ ]

Composition: (Sequence Number and Chemical Name)

Seq. Chemical Name CAS Number Range in %

01 * A complex mixture of hydrocarbons 100.00 produced by crude oil distillation. Consists predominantly of hydrocarbons ranging from C-9 to C-20, and boiling in the range of 325-675F. The hydrotreated or hydrosulfurized product also contains some hydrocarbons produced by the distillation of the catalytic cracking. The latter materials contain bicyclic and tricyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.



Exposure Limits referenced by Sequence Number in the Composition Section

Seq. Limit




Appearance: Liquid

Odor: Petroleum odor


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HMISHealth: 1Flammability: 2Reactivity: 0Special: -

NFPAHealth: 1Flammability: 2Reactivity: 0Special: -


Primary Route of Exposure:EYE [X]SKIN [X]INHALATION [X]INGESTION [ ]



Eyes: May cause irritation, experienced as mild discomfort and seen asslight excess redness of the eye.


Causes irritation with discomfort or pain, and seen as marked localredness and swelling, with possible blister formation.

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Other than the potential skin irritation effects noted above, acute (shortterm) adverse effects are not expected from brief skin contact; see othereffects, below, and Section 11 for information regarding potential longterm effects.

Prolonged, widespread, or repeated skin contact may result in theabsorption of potentially harmful amounts of material.


Vapors or mist may cause irritation of the nose and throat.

Inhalation may cause dizziness, drowsiness, euphoria, loss ofcoordination, disorientation, headache, nausea, and vomiting. In poorlyventilated areas or confined spaces, unconsciousness and asphyxiation mayresult. Prolonged or repeated overexposure may result in the absorption ofpotentially harmful amounts of material.

Ingestion: If more than several mouthfuls are swallowed, abdominaldiscomfort, nausea, and diarrhea may occur. Aspiration may occur duringswallowing or vomiting resulting in lung damage.

Sensitization Properties: Unknown.


NIOSH has recommended that whole diesel exhaust be regarded as a potentialoccupational carcinogen, based on findings of carcinogenic responses inlaboratory animals exposed to whole diesel exhaust. The excess cancer riskfor workers exposed to diesel exhaust has not been calculated; theprobability of developing cancer should be decreased by minimizingexposure to the lowest feasible limits.

Repeated skin contact may cause a persistent irritation or dermatitis.

Medical Conditions Aggravated by Exposure: Skin contact may aggravate anexisting dermatitis (skin condition).

Other Remarks: None


Eyes: Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes.Hold eyelids apart while flushing to rinse entire surface of eye and lidswith water. Get medical attention.

Skin: Immediately remove contaminated clothing and shoes. Under a safety

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shower, flush skin thoroughly with large amounts of running water for atleast 15 minutes. Do not attempt to neutralize with chemical agents. Getmedical attention immediately. Discard or decontaminate clothing and shoesbefore reuse.

Ingestion: If person is conscious and can swallow, give two glasses ofwater (16 oz.) but do not induce vomiting. If vomiting occurs, give fluidsagain. Have medical personnel determine if evacuation of stomach orinduction of vomiting is necessary. Do not give anything by mouth to anunconscious or convulsing person.

Inhalation: If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, clearperson's airway and give artificial respiration. If breathing isdifficult, qualified medical personnel may administer oxygen. Get medicalattention immediately.

Other Instructions:

Remove and dry-clean or launder clothing soaked or soiled with thismaterial before reuse. Dry cleaning of contaminated clothing may be moreeffective than normal laundering. Inform individuals responsible forcleaning of potential hazards associated with handling contaminatedclothing.

Aspiration of this product during induced emesis may result in severe lunginjury. If evacuation of stomach is necessary, use method least likely tocause aspiration, such as gastric lavage after endotracheal intubation.Contact a Poison Center for additional treatment information.


Ignition Temperature - AIT (degrees F): 500

Flash Point (degrees F): 125 (CC)

Flammable Limits (%):Lower: .5Upper: 4.1

Recommended Fire Extinguishing Agents And Special Procedures: Use waterspray, dry chemical, foam or carbon dioxide to extinguish flames. Usewater spray to cool fire-exposed containers.

Unusual or Explosive Hazards: None

Special Protective Equipment for Firefighters: Wear full protectiveclothing and positive pressure breathing apparatus.

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(Transportation Spills: CHEMTREC (800) 424-9300)

Procedures in Case of Accidental Release, Breakage or Leakage:

Ventilate area. Avoid breathing vapor. Wear appropriate personalprotective equipment, including appropriate respiratory protection.Contain spill if possible. Wipe up or absorb on suitable material andshovel up. Prevent entry into sewers and waterways. Avoid contact withskin, eyes or clothing.

If more than 100,000 pounds of product is spilled, then report spillaccording to SARA 304 and/or CERCLA 102(a) requirements, unless productqualifies for the petroleum exemption (CERCLA Section 101(14)).


Precautions to be Taken in

Handling: Eye wash and safety shower should be available nearby when thisproduct is handled or used.

Storage: Store away from heat and open flame. Periods of exposure to hightemperatures should be minimized. Water contamination should be avoided.


Protective Equipment (Type)

Eye/Face Protection: Safety glasses, chemical type goggles, or face shieldrecommended to prevent eye contact.

Skin Protection: Protective clothing such as coveralls or lab coats shouldbe worn. Launder or dry-clean when soiled. Gloves resistant to chemicalsand petroleum distillates required. When handling large quantities,impervious suits, gloves, and rubber boots must be worn.

Respiratory Protection: Airborne concentrations should be kept to lowestlevels possible. If vapor, mist or dust is generated and the occupationalexposure limit of the product, or any component of the product, isexceeded, use appropriate NIOSH or MSHA approved air purifying or airsupplied respirator after determining the airborne concentration of thecontaminant. Air supplied respirators should always be worn when airborneconcentration of the contaminant or oxygen content is unknown.

Ventilation: Local exhaust ventilation recommended if generating vapor,

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dust, or mist. If exhaust ventilation is not available or inadequate, useMSHA or NIOSH approved respirator as appropriate.

Exposure Limit for Total Product: None established for product; refer toSection 2 for component exposure limits.


Appearance: Liquid

Odor: Petroleum odor

Boiling Point (degrees F): 650

Melting/Freezing point (degrees F): Not applicable.

Specific Gravity (water=1): .8521

pH of undiluted product: Not applicable.

Vapor Pressure: .07 - .3 mmHg at 100.0

Viscosity: 3 cSt at 37.7 C

VOC Content: Not determined.

Vapor Density (air=1): Not determined.

Solubility in Water (%): < .1

Other: None


This Material Reacts Violently With:(If Others is checked below, see comments for details)Air [ ]Water [ ]Heat [ ]Strong Oxidizers [X]Others [ ]None of These [ ]

Comments: None

Products Evolved When Subjected to Heat or Combustion: Toxic levels ofcarbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, irritating aldehydes and ketones.

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Hazardous Polymerizations: DO NOT OCCUR



Median Lethal Dose

Oral: LD50 Similar product 9.00 ml/kg (rat) practically non-toxic

Inhalation: Not determined.

Dermal: LD50 Similar product > 5.00 ml/kg (rabbit) practically non-toxic

Irritation Index, Estimation of Irritation (Species)

Skin: (Draize) Similar product 5.29/8.0 (rabbit) severely irritating

Eyes:(Draize) Believed to be > 15.00 - 25.00/110 (rabbit) slightly irritating

Sensitization: Not determined.


Middle distillates have caused skin irritation and skin cancer inlaboratory animals when repeatedly applied and left in place betweenapplications. Studies to further evaluate the carcinogenic potential ofmiddle distillates are currently underway. Kidney damage has also beenobserved in laboratory animals exposed to middle distillates.

Necrosis was seen on animals a few days after dermal application of thisproduct or a component of this product. However, the skin repaired itselfwithin the observation period.


Waste Disposal MethodsThis product (as presently constituted) has the RCRA classification ofbenzene toxicity and ignitability. If discarded in its present form, itwould have the hazardous waste numbers D018 and D001 respectively. UnderRCRA, it is the responsibility of the user of the product to determine atthe time of disposal, whether the product meets RCRA criteria forhazardous waste. This is because product uses, transformations, mixtures,processes, etc. may change the classification to non-hazardous, orhazardous for reasons other than, or in addition to benzene toxicity andignitability.

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DOT:Proper Shipping Name: Fuel OilHazard Class: Combustible liquid (LAND TRANSPORT ONLY-49CFR 173.120(b)(2))Identification Number: NA 1993Packing Group: IIILabel Required: NoneMarine pollutant: Not applicable

IMDG:Proper Shipping Name: Not evaluated

ICAO:Proper Shipping Name: Not evaluated

TDG:Proper Shipping Name: Not evaluated


Federal Regulations:


Section 302/304 Extremely Hazardous Substances

Seq. Chemical Name CAS Number Range in %


Section 302/304 Extremely Hazardous Substances (CONT)



Section 311 Hazardous Categorization:Acute [X]Chronic [X]Fire [X]Pressure [ ]Reactive [ ]

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N/A [ ]

Section 313 Toxic Chemical

Chemical Name CAS Number Concentration


CERCLA 102(a)/DOT Hazardous Substances:(+ indicates DOT Hazardous Substance)

Seq. Chemical Name CAS Number Range in %

01+ Benzene, (1-methylethyl)- 98-82-8 0.01-0.0902+ Benzene 71-43-2 0.01-0.09

CERCLA/DOT Hazardous Substances (Sequence Numbers and RQ's):

Seq. RQ

01+ 500002+ 10

TSCA Inventory Status: This product, or its components, are listed on orare exempt from the Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) Chemical SubstanceInventory.

Other: None.

State Regulations:

California Proposition 65:

The following detectable components of this product are substances, orbelong to classes of substances, known to the State of California to causecancer and/or reproductive toxicity.

Chemical Name CAS Number

Benzene 71-43-2

States Right-to-know Regulations:

Chemical Name State Right-to-know

Benzene, (1-methylethyl)- CT, FL, IL, MA, NJ, PA, RI, MIBenzene CT, FL, IL, MA, NJ, PA, RI, MI1,2,4-trimethylbenzene MA, NJ, PA

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State list: CT (Connecticut), FL (Florida), IL (Illinois), MI (Michigan),LA (Louisiana), MA (Massachusetts), NJ (New Jersey), PA (Pennsylvania),RI (Rhode Island)

International Regulations:

WHMIS Classification: Not determined

Canada Inventory Status: Not determined.

EINECS Inventory Status: Not determined.

Australia Inventory Status: Not determined.

Japan Inventory Status: Not determined.


Aquatic Toxicity: Not determined.

Mobility: Not determined.

Persistence and Biodegradability: Not determined.

Potential to Bioaccumulate: Not evaluated.

Remarks: Not evaluated.



This product is not intended for use in space heaters. Do not use inagricultural sprays.

Texaco recommends that all exposures to this product be minimized bystrictly adhering to recommended occupational controls procedures to avoidany potential adverse health effects.


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Date: 04-15-96[ ] New[X] Revised, Supersedes: 03-20-96

Date printed: 04-20-96

Inquiries regarding MSDS should be directed to:Texaco Inc.Manager, Product SafetyP.O. Box 509Beacon, N.Y. 12508



Label Date: 03-20-96





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PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES-Use only with adequate ventilation.-Keep away from heat and flame.-Avoid breathing vapor, mist, or gas.-Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing.-Keep container closed.-Never siphon by mouth.-Wash thoroughly after handling.


Eye Contact: Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15minutes. Hold eyelids apart while flushing to rinse entire surface of eyeand lids with water. Get medical attention.

Skin Contact: Immediately remove contaminated clothing and shoes. Under asafety shower, flush skin thoroughly with large amounts of running waterfor at least 15 minutes. Do not attempt to neutralize with chemicalagents. Get medical attention immediately. Discard or decontaminateclothing and shoes before reuse.

Ingestion: If person is conscious and can swallow, give two glasses ofwater (16 oz.) but do not induce vomiting. If vomiting occurs, give fluidsagain. Have medical personnel determine if evacuation of stomach orinduction of vomiting is necessary. Do not give anything by mouth to anunconscious or convulsing person.

Inhalation: If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, clearperson's airway and give artificial respiration. If breathing isdifficult, qualified medical personnel may administer oxygen. Get medicalattention immediately.

Note to Physician: Aspiration of this product during induced emesis mayresult in severe lung injury. If evacuation of stomach is necessary, usemethod least likely to cause aspiration, such as gastric lavage afterendotracheal intubation. Contact a Poison Center for additional treatmentinformation.

FIREIn case of fire, use water spray, dry chemical, foam or carbon dioxide.Water may cause frothing. Use water spray to cool fire-exposed containers.

If more than 100,000 pounds of product is spilled, then report spillaccording to SARA 304 and/or CERCLA 102(a) requirements, unless product

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qualifies for the petroleum exemption (CERCLA Section 101(14)).

Chemical Name CAS Number Range in %

* A complex mixture of hydrocarbons produced 100.00 by crude oil distillation. Consists predominantly of hydrocarbons ranging from C-9 to C-20, and boiling in the range of 325-675F. The hydrotreated or hydrosulfurized product also contains some hydrocarbons produced by the distillation of the catalytic cracking. The latter materials contain bicyclic and tricyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.



Pennsylvania SpecialHazardous Substance(s) CAS Number Range in %

Benzene 71-43-2 0.01-0.09

HMISHealth: 1Flammability: 2Reactivity: 0Special: -

NFPAHealth: 1Flammability: 2Reactivity: 0Special: -


DOT:Proper Shipping Name: Fuel OilHazard Class: Combustible liquid (LAND TRANSPORT ONLY-49CFR 173.120(b)(2))Identification Number: NA 1993Packing Group: IIILabel Required: NoneMarine pollutant: Not applicable

CAUTION: Misuse of empty containers can be hazardous. Empty containers can

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be hazardous if used to store toxic, flammable, or reactive materials.Cutting or welding of empty containers might cause fire, explosion ortoxic fumes from residues. Do not pressurize or expose to open flame orheat. Keep container closed and drum bungs in place.

Manufacturer's Name and Address:TEXACO REFINING AND MARKETING, INCP.O. Box 7812Universal City, CA 91608

TRANSPORTATION EMERGENCYCompany: (914) 831-3400CHEMTREC: (800) 424-9300

HEALTH EMERGENCYCompany: (914) 831-3400

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Sheet No: SME2102 Material Name: Mogas 90 and 97 Issue Date : 24/09/96 Revision of Sheet Dated:NA Page:

MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET___________________________________________________________________________

Mogas 90 and 971. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKINGIdentification of substance/preparationMogas 90 and 97

ApplicationUse only as a motor fuel for spark ignition engines. NOT for aviation use. Should NOT be used as a solvent nor cleaning agent.

Company IdentificationBP Middle East LimitedPO Box 92Mina Al Fahal 116Sultanate of OmanTel: 561801Fax: 561283

Emergency Telephone Number+ 971-4-317999 (Dubai)__________________________________________________________________________________

2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSChemical CompositionA complex mixture of volatile hydrocarbons containing paraffins, naphthenes, olefins and aromatics with carbon numbers predominantly between C4 and C12.May contain oxygenates. May also contain small quantities of proprietary performance additives.Contains lead compounds.

Hazardous ComponentsBenzene, EINECS No. 200-753-7, CAS No. 71-43-2 F, T, R45 May cause cancer, R11 Highly flammable, R48/23/24/25 Toxic: Danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowedGasoline. EINECS No: 289-220-8, CAS No: 86290-81-5 F+, T, R12 Extremely flammable, R45 May cause cancer, R38 Irritating to skin, R52/53 Harmful to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment, R65 Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed.

Note: R65 is expected to be introduced with the 22nd Adaptation to Technical Progress of the Dangerous Substances Directive.__________________________________________________________________________________


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Sheet No: SME2102 Material Name: Mogas 90 and 97 Issue Date : 24/09/96 Revision of Sheet Dated:NA Page:

Extremely flammable.Explosive air/vapour mixtures may form at ambient temperature.Likely to cause skin irritation.May cause cancer, classified as a category 2 carcinogen.Contains Benzene. Prolonged or repeated exposure to benzene can cause anaemia and other blood diseases, including leukaemia.Harmful if swallowed - aspiration hazard.__________________________________________________________________________________

4. FIRST-AID MEASURESEyesWash eye thoroughly with copious quantities of water, ensuring eyelids are held open. Obtain medical advice if any pain or redness develops or persists.

SkinWash skin thoroughly with soap and water as soon as reasonably practicable. Remove heavily contaminated clothing and wash underlying skin.In extreme situations of saturation with this product, drench with water, remove clothing as soon as possible and wash skin with soap and water. Seek medical advice if skin becomes red, swollen or painful.IngestionIf contamination of the mouth occurs, wash out thoroughly with water.Except as a deliberate act, the ingestion of large amounts of product is unlikely. If it should occur, do not induce vomiting; obtain medical advice.

InhalationIf exposure to vapour, mists or fumes causes drowsiness, headache, blurred vision or irritation of the eyes, nose or throat, remove immediately to fresh air. Keep patient warm and at rest. If any symptoms persist obtain medical advice.Unconscious casualties must be placed in the recovery position. Monitor breathing and pulse rate and if breathing has failed, or is deemed inadequate, respiration must be assisted, preferably by the mouth to mouth method. Administer external cardiac massage if necessary. Seek medical attention immediately.

Medical AdviceProduct can be aspirated on swallowing or following regurgitation of stomach contents, and can cause severe and potentially fatal chemical pneumonitis, which will require urgent treatment. Because of the risk of aspiration, induction of vomiting and gastric lavage should be avoided. Gastric lavage should be undertaken only after endotrachael intubation. Monitor for cardiac dysrhythmias.__________________________________________________________________________________

5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESFor major fires call the Fire Service. Ensure an escape path is always available from any fire.There is a danger of flashback if sparks or hot surfaces ignite vapour.Use foam, dry powder or water fog. DO NOT use water jets.FIRES IN CONFINED SPACES SHOULD BE DEALT WITH BY TRAINED PERSONNEL WEARING APPROVED BREATHING APPARATUS.Any spillage should be regarded as a potential fire risk.

Combustion ProductsToxic fumes may be evolved on burning or exposure to heat.See Stability and Reactivity, Section 10 of this Safety Data Sheet.__________________________________________________________________________________

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Sheet No: SME2102 Material Name: Mogas 90 and 97 Issue Date : 24/09/96 Revision of Sheet Dated:NA Page:

6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESAs this product has a very low flash point any spillage or leak is a severe fire and/or explosion hazard.Spilled material may make surfaces slippery.It is advised that stocks of suitable absorbent material should be held in quantities sufficient to deal with any spillage which may be reasonably anticipated.Vapour is heavier than air and may travel to remote sources of ignition (eg. along drainage systems, in basements etc.).

Isolate spillage from all ignition sources including road traffic.Evacuate all non essential personnel from the immediate area.If spillage has occurred in a confined space, ensure adequate ventilation and check that a safe, breathable atmosphere is present before entry.Ensure good ventilation.Wear protective clothing. See Exposure Controls/Personal Protection, section 8, of this Safety Data Sheet.Large and uncontained spillages should be smothered with foam to reduce the risk of ignition.The foam blanket should be maintained until the area is declared safe.Recovery of large spillages should be effected by specialist personnel.

Protect drains from potential spills to minimise contamination. Do not wash product into drainage system.In the case of spillage on water, prevent the spread of product by the use of suitable barrier equipment. Recover product from the surface. Protect environmentally sensitive areas and water supplies.In the event of spillages contact the appropriate authorities.Regular surveillance on the location of the spillage should be maintained.__________________________________________________________________________________

7. HANDLING AND STORAGEStorage ConditionsStore and dispense only in well ventilated areas away from heat and sources of ignition.Store and use only in equipment/containers designed for use with this product.Containers must be properly labelled and kept closed when not in use.Do not remove warning labels from containers.Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Retain hazard warning labels on empty packages as a guide to the safe handling, storage and disposal of empty packaging.Do not enter storage tanks without breathing apparatus unless the tank has been well ventilated and the tank atmosphere has been shown to contain hydrocarbon vapour concentrations of less than 1% of the lower flammability limit and an oxygen concentration of at least 20% volume.Always have sufficient people standing by outside the tank with appropriate breathing apparatus and equipment to effect a quick rescue.Handling PrecautionsEnsure good ventilation and avoid as far as reasonably practicable the inhalation and contact with vapours, mists or fumes which may be generated during use. If such vapour, mists or fumes are generated, their concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level.Avoid contact with skin and observe good personal hygiene.Avoid contact with eyes. If splashing is likely to occur wear a full face visor or chemical goggles as appropriate.Do not siphon product by mouth.Whilst using do not eat, drink or smoke.Take all necessary precautions against accidental spillage into soil or water.

Fire PreventionLight hydrocarbon vapours can build up in the headspace of tanks. Tank headspaces should always be regarded as potentially flammable and care should be taken to avoid static electrical discharge and all ignition sources during filling,

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Sheet No: SME2102 Material Name: Mogas 90 and 97 Issue Date : 24/09/96 Revision of Sheet Dated:NA Page:

ullaging and sampling from storage tanks.When the product is pumped (e.g. during filling, discharge or ullaging) and when sampling, there is a risk of static discharge. Ensure equipment used is properly earthed or bonded to the tank structure.Explosive air/vapour mixtures may form at ambient temperature.If product comes into contact with hot surfaces, or leaks occur from pressurised fuel pipes, the vapour or mists generated will create a flammability or explosion hazard.Product contaminated rags, paper or material used to absorb spillages, represent a fire hazard, and should not be allowed to accumulate. Dispose of safely immediately after use.Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain some remaining flammable product and vapour. Never cut, weld, solder or braze empty containers.__________________________________________________________________________________

8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONExposure LimitsIf vapour, mists or fumes are generated, their concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level.It is recommended that the current occupational exposure limit for gasoline is used:Gasoline ACGIH :

TLV 300 ppm, 890 mg/m3 (8hr TWA)

500 ppm, 1480 mg/m3 (15min STEL)Relevant exposure limits are:BenzeneACGIH:

TLV 10ppm, 32mg/m3 (8hr TWA) A2 - Suspect human carcinogenUK publication EH40 (Occupational Exposure Standard):

Maximum Exposure Limit (8-hr TWA) 5ppm, 16mg/m3

Protective ClothingWear face visor or goggles in circumstances where eye contact can accidentally occur.If skin contact is likely, wear impervious protective clothing and/or gloves.Protective clothing should be regularly inspected and maintained; overalls should be dry-cleaned, laundered and preferably starched after use.

Respiratory ProtectionIf operations are such that exposure to vapour, mist or fume may be anticipated, then suitable approved respiratory equipment should be worn.The use of respiratory equipment must be strictly in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions and any statutory requirements governing its selection and use.


Typical Values

Grades:Leaded Motor Spirit template

Test Method Units

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Sheet No: SME2102 Material Name: Mogas 90 and 97 Issue Date : 24/09/96 Revision of Sheet Dated:NA Page:

Physical state liquidColour colourlessOdour gasoline-likeDensity @ 15°C ASTM D 1298 kg/m3 750Vapour density rel. to air ASTM


Flash point (COC) ASTM D 92 °C -40Boiling point/range ASTM D 86 °C 25-220Kinematic viscosity @ - 20°C ASTM D 445 mm2/s <1

10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYConditions to AvoidSources of ignitionStable at ambient temperatures.Avoid excessive heat.Hazardous polymerisation reactions will not occur.

Materials to AvoidAvoid contact with strong oxidizing agents.

Hazardous Decomposition ProductsThermal decomposition products will vary with conditions.Incomplete combustion will generate smoke, carbon dioxide and hazardous gases, including carbon monoxide.__________________________________________________________________________________

11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEyesUnlikely to cause more than transient stinging or redness if accidental eye contact occurs.

SkinLikely to cause skin irritation.Likely to result in chemical burns following prolonged wetting of the skin. (eg. after a road traffic accident).

IngestionUnlikely to cause harm if accidentally swallowed in small doses, though larger quantities may cause nausea and diarrhoea.Will injure the lungs if aspiration occurs, eg. during vomiting.

InhalationLikely to be irritating to the respiratory tract if high concentrations of mists or vapour are inhaled.May cause nausea, dizziness, headaches and drowsiness if high concentrations of vapour are inhaled.ABUSE:Under normal conditions of use the product is not hazardous; however, abuse involving deliberate inhalation of very high concentrations of vapour, even for short periods, can produce unconsciousness and/or result in a sudden fatality.

Carcinogenicity/ Chronic ToxicityExposure to benzene may result in affects to the hematopoietic system causing blood disorders including anaemia and leukaemia.Benzene is classified by EEC as a category 1 carcinogen - substances known to be carcinogenic to man.

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Sheet No: SME2102 Material Name: Mogas 90 and 97 Issue Date : 24/09/96 Revision of Sheet Dated:NA Page:

IARC assessment: benzene - carcinogenic to humans ( Group 1)__________________________________________________________________________________

12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONMobilitySpillages may penetrate the soil causing ground water contamination.

Persistence and degradabilityThis product is inherently biodegradable.

Bioaccumulative potentialThere is no evidence to suggest bioaccumulation will occur.

Aquatic toxicityHarmful to aquatic organisms. May cause long term effects in the aquatic environmentSpills may form a film on water surfaces causing physical damage to organisms. Oxygen transfer could also be impaired.

German WGK Classification: 2__________________________________________________________________________________

13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSDispose of via an authorised person/ licensed waste disposal contractor in accordance with local regulations.Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Hazard warning labels are a guide to the safe handling of empty packaging and should not be removed.Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain flammable product residues and vapour. Never weld, solder or braze empty containers.Materials contaminated with product should be treated as highly flammable. Disposal should be in accordance with local regulations.__________________________________________________________________________________

14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONADR/RID: Motor spirit, Flammable liquid, Class 3, Item 3(b), Hazard Identification No 33ADNR/ADN: Motor Spirit, Class 3, Item 3(b)UN: MOTOR SPIRIT, Flammable liquid, Class 3. Packing Group II, UN Number 1203IATA/ICAO: Motor spirit, Flammable liquid, Class 3, Packing group IIIMO: MOTOR SPIRIT, Flammable liquid, Class 3.1, Packing group II, MARINE POLLUTANT (Leaded Petrol)EMERGENCY ACTION CODE: Flammable liquid, 3[Y]E

15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONEU Category of DangerExtremely flammableCarcinogenic category 2IrritantHarmful

EU LabellingSymbol: Flame, Skull and crossbonesIndication of danger: EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE

Contains: Low boiling point naphtha (Gasoline)

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Sheet No: SME2102 Material Name: Mogas 90 and 97 Issue Date : 24/09/96 Revision of Sheet Dated:NA Page:

Risk ( R ) Phrases:R12 Extremely flammableR45 May cause cancerR38 Irritating to skinalsoR65 Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed.

Note: R65 is expected to be introduced with the 22nd Adaptation to Technical Progress of the Dangerous Substances Directive.

Safety ( S ) Phrases:S53 Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use.S45 In case of accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice immediately (show label where possible)S23 Do not breath sprayS24 Avoid contact with skinS29 Do not empty into drainsS43 In case of fire, use foam/dry powder/CO2. Never use water jets.S62 If swallowed, do not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label.__________________________________________________________________________________

16. OTHER INFORMATIONCompiled by:Product Stewardship GroupBP Oil Technology CentreChertsey RoadSunbury-On-ThamesMiddlesex, TW16 7LN

This data sheet and the health, safety and environmental information it contains is considered to be accurate as of the date specified below. We have reviewed any information contained herein which we received from sources outside the BP Group of Companies. However, no warranty or representation, express or implied is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the data and information contained in this data sheet.

Health and safety precautions and environmental advice noted in this data sheet may not be accurate for all individuals and/or situations. It is the user's obligation to evaluate and use this product safely and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. No statement made in this data sheet shall be construed as a permission, recommendation or authorization given or implied to practise any patented invention without a valid licence. The BP Group shall not be responsible for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use of the material, from any failure to adhere to recommendations, or from any hazards inherent in the nature of the material.

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Sheet No: STI2217 Material Name: MTBE Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:03/11/98 Page:

ALIGN BP SDS FinalsSafety Data Sheet - SDS

GLIS Sheet No:STI2217 SDS Reference: Paper Type: BP Helios Status: Active

Material Name: MTBELanguage:English Country:OTI

Revision of Sheet Dated:03/11/98 Major Change: Hazard?:YesHazardous Components: Physical Characteristics: Gasoline Tox File: 183 Product Group:

Date of Issue: 17/07/2000 ________________________________________________________________________________


MTBE1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Identification of substance/preparation MTBE Alternative Names: methyl-tert-butyl ether, 2-methoxy-propyl propane, tert-butyl-methyl ether

Application Gasoline octane enhancerFor specific application advice see appropriate Technical Data Sheet or consult your BP representative

Company Identification BP Oil International LimitedBritannic House1 Finsbury CircusLondon, EC2M 7BA

Emergency Telephone Number +44 (0) 20 7496 4411 _________________________________________________________________________________2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSChemical Composition tert-butyl methyl ether (MTBE), EINECS No. 216-653-1, CAS No. 1634-04-4

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Sheet No: STI2217 Material Name: MTBE Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:03/11/98 Page:

3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONHighly flammable Will be irritating to the skin. Harmful if swallowed - aspiration hazard. _________________________________________________________________________________

4. FIRST-AID MEASURESEyes Wash eye thoroughly with copious quantities of water, ensuring eyelids are held open. Obtain medical advice if any pain or redness develops or persists.

Skin Wash off immediately with soap and water. Change heavily contaminated clothing and wash underlying skin. In extreme situations of saturation with this product, drench with water, remove clothing as soon as possible and wash skin with soap and water. Seek medical advice if skin becomes red, swollen or painful.

Ingestion If contamination of the mouth occurs, wash out thoroughly with water. Except as a deliberate act, the ingestion of large amounts of product is unlikely. If it should occur, do not induce vomiting; obtain medical advice.

Inhalation If exposure to vapour, mists or fumes causes drowsiness, headache, blurred vision or irritation of the eyes, nose or throat, remove immediately to fresh air. Keep patient warm and at rest. If any symptoms persist obtain medical advice. Unconscious casualties must be placed in the recovery position. Monitor breathing and pulse rate and if breathing has failed, or is deemed inadequate, respiration must be assisted, preferably by the mouth to mouth method. Administer external cardiac massage if necessary. Seek medical attention immediately.

Medical Advice Treatment should in general be symptomatic and directed to relieving any effects.Product can be aspirated on swallowing or following regurgitation of stomach contents, and can cause severe and potentially fatal chemical pneumonitis, which will require urgent treatment. Because of the risk of aspiration, induction of vomiting and gastric lavage should be avoided. Gastric lavage should be undertaken only after endotracheal intubation. Monitor for cardiac dysrhythmias. _________________________________________________________________________________5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESFor major fires call the Fire Service. Ensure an escape path is always available from any fire. There is a danger of flashback if sparks or hot surfaces ignite vapour. Use alcohol resistant foam, dry powder or water fog. DO NOT USE water jets. Fires in confined spaces should be dealt with by trained personnel wearing approved breathing apparatus. Any spillage should be regarded as a potential fire risk.

Combustion Products Toxic fumes may be evolved on burning or exposure to heat. See Stability and Reactivity, Section 10 of this Safety Data Sheet. _________________________________________________________________________________6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESAs this product has a very low flash point any spillage or leak is a severe fire and/or explosion hazard.

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Sheet No: STI2217 Material Name: MTBE Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:03/11/98 Page:

Spilled material may make surfaces slippery. It is advised that stocks of suitable absorbent material should be held in quantities sufficient to deal with any spillage which may be reasonably anticipated. Vapour is heavier than air and may travel to remote sources of ignition (eg. along drainage systems, in basements etc.).

Isolate spillage from all ignition sources including road traffic. Evacuate all non essential personnel from the immediate area. If spillage has occurred in a confined space, ensure adequate ventilation and check that a safe, breathable atmosphere is present before entry. Ensure good ventilation. Wear protective clothing. See Exposure Controls/Personal Protection, section 8, of this Safety Data Sheet. Large and uncontained spillages should be smothered with foam to reduce the risk of ignition. The foam blanket should be maintained until the area is declared safe. Recovery of large spillages should be effected by specialist personnel.

Protect drains from potential spills to minimise contamination. Do not wash product into drainage system. This product is miscible with water, but in the case of major spillage prompt action may enable recovery.Regular surveillance on the location of the spillage should be maintained.In the event of spillages contact the appropriate authorities._________________________________________________________________________________

7. HANDLING AND STORAGEStorage Conditions Store and dispense only in well ventilated areas away from heat and sources of ignition. Store and use only in equipment/containers designed for use with this product. Containers must be properly labelled and kept closed when not in use. Do not remove warning labels from containers. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Retain hazard warning labels on empty packages as a guide to the safe handling, storage and disposal of empty packaging. Do not enter storage tanks without breathing apparatus unless the tank has been well ventilated and the tank atmosphere has been shown to contain hydrocarbon vapour concentrations of less than 1% of the lower flammability limit and an oxygen concentration of at least 20% volume. Always have sufficient people standing by outside the tank with appropriate breathing apparatus and equipment to effect a quick rescue.

Handling Precautions Ensure good ventilation and avoid as far as reasonably practicable the inhalation and contact with vapours, mists or fumes which may be generated during use. If such vapour, mists or fumes are generated, their concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level. Avoid contact with skin and observe good personal hygiene. Avoid contact with eyes. If splashing is likely to occur wear a full face visor or chemical goggles as appropriate. Do not siphon product by mouth. Do not siphon product by mouth. Take all necessary precautions against accidental spillage into soil or water.

Fire Prevention Light hydrocarbon vapours can build up in the headspace of tanks. Tank headspaces should always be regarded as potentially flammable and care should be taken to avoid static electrical discharge and all ignition sources during filling, ullaging and sampling from storage tanks. When the product is pumped (e.g. during filling, discharge or ullaging) and when sampling, there is a risk of static discharge. Ensure equipment used is properly earthed or bonded to the tank structure.

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Sheet No: STI2217 Material Name: MTBE Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:03/11/98 Page:

Electrical equipment should not be used unless it is intrinsically safe (i.e. will not produce sparks). Explosive air/vapour mixtures may form at ambient temperature. If product comes into contact with hot surfaces, or leaks occur from pressurised fuel pipes, the vapour or mists generated will create a flammability or explosion hazard. Product contaminated rags, paper or material used to absorb spillages, represent a fire hazard, and should not be allowed to accumulate. Dispose of safely immediately after use.Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain some remaining flammable product and vapour. Never cut, weld, solder or braze empty containers._________________________________________________________________________________

8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONExposure Limits If vapour, mists or fumes are generated, their concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level. Comply with current local occupational exposure limit. Where not established, the following limits are recommended.

Methyl-tert butyl ether (MTBE)ACGIH (USA): TLV 40ppm (8hr TWA)A3 - Animal carcinogen.

Protective Clothing Wear face visor or goggles in circumstances where eye contact can accidentally occur. If skin contact is likely, wear impervious protective clothing and/or gloves. Protective clothing should be regularly inspected and maintained; overalls should be dry-cleaned, laundered and preferably starched after use.

Respiratory Protection If operations are such that exposure to vapour, mist or fume may be anticipated, then suitable approved respiratory equipment should be worn. The use of respiratory equipment must be strictly in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions and any statutory requirements governing its selection and use. _________________________________________________________________________________


Typical ValuesGrades: MTBE

Test Method UnitsPhysical state liquidColour colourlessOdour pungentDensity @ 15°C ASTM D 1298 kg/m³ 740Vapour pressure ASTM D 323 kPa 245Explosion limits % 2.21 - 10.5Flash point (COC) ASTM D 92 °C -29Boiling point/range ASTM D 86 °C 54 - 55Solubility in water g/l 48Melting point ASTM D 127 °C -109


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Sheet No: STI2217 Material Name: MTBE Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:03/11/98 Page:

10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYStable at ambient temperatures. Hazardous polymerisation reactions will not occur.

Conditions to Avoid Sources of ignition Avoid excessive heat.

Materials to Avoid Avoid contact with strong oxidizing agents.

Hazardous Decomposition Products Thermal decomposition products will vary with conditions. Incomplete combustion will generate smoke, carbon dioxide and hazardous gases, including carbon monoxide._________________________________________________________________________________11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEyes May be irritating to the eyes.

Skin Will be irritating to the skin.

Ingestion Unlikely to cause harm if accidentally swallowed in small doses, though larger quantities may cause nausea and diarrhoea. Will injure the lungs if aspiration occurs, eg. during vomiting.

Inhalation Likely to be irritating to the respiratory tract if high concentrations of mists or vapour are inhaled. May cause nausea, dizziness, headaches and drowsiness if high concentrations of vapour are inhaled. _________________________________________________________________________________12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONMobility Spillages may penetrate the soil causing ground water contamination.

Persistence and degradability This material is not readily biodegradable.

Bioaccumulative potential There is no evidence to suggest bioaccumulation will occur.

Aquatic toxicity Unlikely to be harmful to aquatic organisms. _________________________________________________________________________________13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSDispose of via an authorised person/ licensed waste disposal contractor in accordance with local regulations.

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Sheet No: STI2217 Material Name: MTBE Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:03/11/98 Page:

Incineration may be carried out under controlled conditions provided that local regulations for emissions are met. Dispose of product and container carefully and responsibly. Do not dispose of near ponds, ditches, down drains or onto soil. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Hazard warning labels are a guide to the safe handling of empty packaging and should not be removed. Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain flammable product residues and vapour. Never weld, solder or braze empty containers._________________________________________________________________________________14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONADR/RID - Methyl tert-butyl ether, Flammable Liquid, Class 3, Item 3(b) Hazard identification No33UN - Methyl tert-butyl ether, Class 3, Pack Gp II, UN Number 2398 IMO - Methyl tert-butyl ether, Class 3.1, Flammable Liquid, Pack Gp IIIATA/ICAO - Methyl tert-butyl ether, Flammable Liquid , Class 3, Pack Gp II,EMERGENCY ACTION CODE: 3(Y)E _________________________________________________________________________________15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONEU Category of Danger Highly flammable Harmful Irritant

EU Labelling Symbol: Flame St. Andrew's Cross

Indication of danger: HIGHLY FLAMMABLE HARMFUL

Risk ( R ) Phrases: R11 Highly flammable R65 Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed. R38 Irritating to skin

Safety ( S ) Phrases: S16 Keep away from sources of ignition - No smoking S24/25 Avoid contact with skin and eyes. S28 After contact with skin, wash immediately with plenty of water. S23 Do not breathe vapour S43 In case of fire, use foam/dry powder/CO2. Never use water jets. S62 If swallowed, do not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label.S61 Avoid release into the environment. Refer to special instructions/Safety data sheets.

The label must carry the following additional information: Substance name Substance name: tert-butyl methyl ether (MTBE) _________________________________________________________________________________16. OTHER INFORMATIONCompiled by: Product Stewardship Group

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Sheet No: STI2217 Material Name: MTBE Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:03/11/98 Page:

BP Oil Technology CentreChertsey RoadSunbury-on-ThamesMiddlesex, TW16 7LN

This data sheet and the health, safety and environmental information it contains is considered to be accurate as of the date specified below. We have reviewed any information contained herein which we received from sources outside the BP Amoco Group of Companies. However, no warranty or representation, express or implied is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the data and information contained in this data sheet.

Health and safety precautions and environmental advice noted in this data sheet may not be accurate for all individuals and/or situations. It is the user's obligation to evaluate and use this product safely and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. No statement made in this data sheet shall be construed as a permission, recommendation or authorization given or implied to practise any patented invention without a valid licence. The BP Amoco Group shall not be responsible for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use of the material, from any failure to adhere to recommendations, or from any hazards inherent in the nature of the material.

Sheet Revisions Date: Sections revised: 17/07/2000 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 15

SHEET NO: STI2217ISSUE DATE: 17/07/2000REVISION OF SHEET DATED: 03/11/98 ______________________________________________________________________________

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24 - Hour Emergency (call collect): 609-737-4411Product and MSDS Information: 800-662-4525 609-224-4644CHEMTREC: 800-424-9300 202-483-7616




Substance Name Wt%

NATURAL GASOLINE (68425-31-0) 100


BENZENE (71-43-2) < 2

NOTE: This product may contain trace amounts of hydrogen sulfide.

See Section 8 for exposure limits (if applicable).


US OSHA HAZARD COMMUNICATION STANDARD: Product assessed in accordance withOSHA 29 CFR 1910.1200 and determined to be hazardous.

EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE: **** Warning: H2S a highly toxic gas may be

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present, see MSDB toxicology section. Gas is highly toxic and is absorbedthrough the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract causing respiratoryparalysis and suffocation. Symptoms of overexposure include headache,fatigue, insomnia, irritability and gastrointestinal problems. Loss ofsense of smell at 100 ppm, drowsiness, loss of consciousness, respiratoryfailure or death can result from exposure above 100 ppm. Gasoline vaporswhen administered in high concentrations over a prolonged period of time,cause kidney damage and kidney cancer in rats and liver cancer in mice(see MSDB toxicology section). Skin irritation. Respiratory irritation,dizziness, nausea, loss of consciousness. Prolonged repeated skin contactwith low viscosity materials may defat the skin resulting in possibleirritation and dermatitis.

EMERGENCY RESPONSE DATA: Clear Liquid. Extremely flammable. Vaporaccumulation could flash and/or explode if in contact with open flame. DOTERG No. -128


EYE CONTACT: Flush thoroughly with water. If irritation occurs, call aphysician.

SKIN CONTACT: Wash contact areas with soap and water. Remove contaminatedclothing. Launder contaminated clothing before reuse.

INHALATION: Remove from further exposure. If respiratory irritation,dizziness, nausea, or unconsciousness occurs, seek immediate medicalassistance. If breathing has stopped, assist ventilation withbag-valve-mask device or use mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.

INGESTION: Seek immediate medical attention. Do not induce vomiting.

NOTE TO PHYSICIANS: Material if aspirated into the lungs may causechemical pneumonitis. Treat appropriately.


EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Carbon dioxide, foam, dry chemical and water fog.

SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES: Use water to keep fire exposedcontainers cool. If a leak or spill has not ignited, use water spray todisperse the vapors and to protect personnel attempting to stop leak.Water spray may be used to flush spills away from exposures. Preventrunoff from fire control or dilution from entering streams, sewers, ordrinking water supply.

SPECIAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: For fires in enclosed areas, fire fighters

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must use self-contained breathing apparatus.

UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: Extremely flammable. Vaporaccumulation could flash and/or explode if in contact with open flame.Flash Point C(F): -40(-40) (ASTM D-56). Flammable limits - LEL: 0.7%, UEL:7.8%.

NFPA HAZARD ID: Health: 1, Flammability: 4, Reactivity: 0



NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES: In case of accident or road spill notify CHEMTREC(800) 424-9300. Report spills as required to appropriate authorities. U.S. Coast Guard regulations require immediate reporting of spills thatcould reach any waterway including intermittent dry creeks. Report spillto Coast Guard toll free number (800) 424-8802.

PROCEDURES IF MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED: Adsorb on fire retardanttreated sawdust, diatomaceous earth, etc. Shovel up and dispose of at anappropriate waste disposal facility in accordance with current applicablelaws and regulations, and product characteristics at time of disposal.Eliminate all ignition sources. Runoff may create fire or explosion hazardin sewer system.

ENVIRONMENTAL PRECAUTIONS: Prevent spills from entering storm sewers ordrains and contact with soil.



HANDLING: Trace amounts of H2S may be present. Keep face clear of tankand/or tank car openings. Avoid contact with skin. Avoid inhalation ofvapors or mists. Use in well ventilated area away from all ignitionsources. Avoid sparking conditions. Ground and bond all transferequipment.

STORAGE: Drums must be grounded and bonded and equipped with self-closingvalves, pressure vacuum bungs and flame arresters. Store away from allignition sources in a cool area equipped with an automatic sprinklingsystem. Outside or detached storage preferred. Storage containers shouldbe grounded and bonded.


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VENTILATION: Use in well ventilated area with local exhaust ventilation.Ventilation required and equipment must be explosion proof. Use away fromall ignition sources.

RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: Approved respiratory equipment must be used whenairborne concentrations are unknown or exceed the TLV.

EYE PROTECTION: Normal industrial eye protection practices should beemployed.

SKIN PROTECTION: If prolonged or repeated skin contact is likely,impervious gloves should be worn. Good personal hygiene practices shouldalways be followed.

---TWA--- ---STEL--- NOTESubstance Name (CAS-No.) Source ppm mg/m3 ppm mg/m3


(68425-31-0) MOBIL 300 890 ACGIH 300 890 500 1480

BENZENE (71-43-2) OSHA 1 5Skin ACGIH 0.5 1.6 2.5 8

NOTE: Limits shown for guidance only. Follow applicable regulations.


Typical physical properties are given below. Consult Product Data Sheetfor specific details.


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CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Heat, sparks, flame and build up of staticelectricity.

INCOMPATIBILITY (MATERIALS TO AVOID): Halogens, strong acids, alkalies,and oxidizers.




---ACUTE TOXICOLOGY---ORAL TOXICITY (RATS): Practically non-toxic (LD50: greater than 2000mg/kg). ---Based on testing of similar products and/or the components.

DERMAL TOXICITY (RABBITS): Practically non-toxic (LD50: greater than 2000mg/kg). ---Based on testing of similar products and/or the components.

INHALATION TOXICITY (RATS): Harmful (LC50: greater than 2 but 5 mg/l orless). ---Based on testing of similar products and/or the components.

EYE IRRITATION (RABBITS): Practically non-irritating. (Draize score:greater than 6 but 15 or less). ---Based on testing of similar productsand/or the components.

SKIN IRRITATION (RABBITS): Irritant. (Primary Irritation Index: 3 or

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greater but less than 5). ---Based on testing of similar products and/orthe components.

OTHER ACUTE TOXICITY DATA: Inhalation of vapors/mists may causerespiratory system irritation. H2S acts as a chemical asphyxiant,preventing the body from utilizing oxygen in the tissue. It can beirritating to the eyes at 10 ppm and to the respiratory tract at 50-100ppm after 1-hour exposure. Sufficiently high concentrations can result inimmediate collapse and death.

---CHRONIC TOXICOLOGY (SUMMARY)---Recent studies with laboratory animals have shown that gasoline vaporswhen administered in high concentrations over a prolonged period of time,caused kidney damage and kidney cancer in rats and liver cancer in mice.As far as scientists know, low level or infrequent exposure to gasolinevapors is unlikely to be associated with cancer or other serious diseasesin humans. Prolonged repeated skin contact with low viscosity materialsmay defat the skin resulting in possible irritation and dermatitis.

---OTHER TOXICOLOGY DATA---**** Keep face clear of tank and/or tank car openings. Hydrogen sulfide(H2S) may collect in the vapor space of tanks or other enclosed vessels.H2S is an extremely flammable, very highly toxic gas.




WASTE DISPOSAL: Product is suitable for burning in an enclosed, controlledburner for fuel value or disposal by supervised incineration. Such burningmay be limited pursuant to the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act.

RCRA INFORMATION: Disposal of unused product may be subject to RCRAregulations (40 CFR 261) due to the characteristic(s)/chemical(s) listedbelow. Disposal of the used product may also be regulated due toignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, or toxicity as determined by theToxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP).

BENZENE: 1.9999 PCT (TCLP)FLASH: -40 (-40) C(F)



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Governmental Inventory Status: All components comply with TSCA and DSL.

U.S. Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) Title III: Thisproduct contains no "EXTREMELY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES".


This product contains the following SARA (313) Toxic ReleaseChemicals:



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The following product ingredients are cited on the lists below:


BENZENE (COMPONENT ANALYSIS) 71-43-2 1, 2, 4, 6, 9, 10, 16, 17, 18(<2.00%) 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26

NATURAL GASOLINE..C5-8 68425-31-0 1, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 25


Code key: CARC=Carcinogen; SUS=Suspected Carcinogen; REPRO=Reproductive


Precautionary Label Text:





Keep away from heat, sparks, and flame. Avoid prolonged breathing ofvapor. Keep container closed. Use with adequate ventilation. Not to beused as a solvent or skin cleaning agent. Never siphon by mouth. Avoidcontact with eyes and skin. Misuse of gasoline may cause serious injury orillness.

FIRST AID: If inhaled, remove from further exposure. If respiratoryirritation, dizziness, nausea, or unconsciousness occurs, seek immediatemedical assistance. If breathing has stooped. assist ventilation with abag-valve-mask device or use mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. In case ofcontact, wash skin with soap and water. Remove contaminated clothing.Destroy or wash clothing before reuse. If swallowed, seek immediate

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medical attention. Do not induce vomiting. Only induce vomiting at theinstruction of a physician.

Attention. Empty container may contain product residue, includingflammable or explosive vapors. Do not cut, puncture, or weld on or nearcontainer. All label warnings and precautions must be observed untilcontainer has been thoroughly cleaned or destroyed.

This warning is given to comply with California Health and Safety Code25249.6 and does not constitute an admission or a waiver of rights. Thisproduct contains a chemical known to the State of California to causecancer. Refer to product Material Safety Data Bulletin for further safetyand health information.




NATURAL GASOLINE 100.00 68425-31-0

For Internal Use Only: MHC: 1* 1* 2* 1* 2*, MPPEC: CF, REQ: HOUSTON GASLIQUIDS, SAFE USE: S

Information given herein is offered in good faith as accurate, but withoutguarantee. Conditions of use and suitability of the product for particularuses are beyond our control; all risks of use of the product are thereforeassumed by the user and WE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES OF EVERY KINDAND NATURE, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR APARTICULAR PURPOSE IN RESPECT TO THE USE OR SUITABILITY OF THE PRODUCT.Nothing is intended as a recommendation for uses which infringe validpatents or as extending license under valid patents. Appropriate warningsand safe handling procedures should be provided to handlers and users.Alteration of this document is strictly prohibited. Except to the extentrequired by law, republication or retransmission of this document, inwhole or in part, is not permitted. Mobil assumes no responsibility foraccuracy of information unless the document is the most current availablefrom an official Mobil distribution system. Mobil neither represents norwarrants that the format, content or product formulas contained in thisdocument comply with the laws of any other country except the UnitedStates of America.

Copyright 1996 Mobil Corporation, All rights reserved


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Material Safety Data Bulletin

An Explanation of Terms - U.S. Products


A Mobil Material Safety Data Bulletin (MSDB), commonly referred to as aMaterial Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), is a compilation of health-relatedinformation, procedures for emergency situations, physical properties, andrecommendations to help assure the safe handling of a particular Mobilproduct.

The MSDB meets all of the requirements of the OSHA Hazard CommunicationStandard (29 CFR 1910.1200). As an additional customer service, we providean MSDB for our non-hazardous products as well.

Mobil provides an MSDB upon initial purchase, within 3 months of asignificant change in hazardous product MSDB information, and upon firstpurchase each year for products containing a SARA 313 regulatedingredient. An MSDB may be requested at any time by calling the MSDSinformation number indicated in Section 1 of the MSDB. Some MSDBs areavailable on the Internet (

The following explanations of section contents are provided, ordered asyou will find them within the U.S. MSDB. Please refer to the MSDB as yougo through the following 16 sections which conform to the ANSI Z400.1-1993standard and international formats.

Section 1. Product and Company Identification

Indicates if MSDB is based on supplier information. Identifies the producttrade name as it appears on the product container; our address andtelephone numbers; and the date the MSDB was last revised. Please use theProduct and MSDS Information phone number to request data regardingproduct applications and to obtain an MSDB. The emergency number is forurgent health, release, and transportation situations. The CHEMTREC numberis for reporting transportation emergencies.

Section 2. Composition/Information on Ingredients

Ingredients disclosure in this section is based upon exposure limits anddefinitions of hazardous components considered relevant in the U.S.,subject to applicable trade secret protections.

Chemical Names and Synonyms- A generic description of product components.

Ingredients Considered Hazardous to Health - Lists chemicals present above

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certain concentrations which either have exposure limits or have beendetermined to be hazardous by Mobil. The Chemical Abstract Service (CAS)number and approximate weight percentage is listed for each chemical. Theexposure limits for these chemicals are listed in Section 8 of the MSDB.

Other Potentially Hazardous Ingredients - Lists chemicals present abovecertain concentrations which do not have regulatory exposure limits butwhich are physical (combustible, flammable, etc.) or health (defat skin,etc.) hazards. Includes CAS number and approximate weight percentage foreach chemical.

Footnotes - Provides other amplifying information.

Section 3. Hazards Identification

Summarizes key emergency response information including a statement ofwhether or not the product is hazardous by the criteria in the OSHA HazardCommunication Standard; effects of overexposure to the product; physicalappearance; unusual fire and explosion hazards; DOT Emergency ResponseGuide (ERG) number; and for Mobil use, a numerical Safety Equipment Code(SEC) which indicates hazard severity for MCC-CPD materials.

Section 4. First Aid Measures

Contains recommended first aid procedures for relevant types of exposure(e.g., eye contact, skin contact, inhalation, or ingestion). Also includesnotes to treating physicians. The information is for emergency situationsonly.

Section 5. Fire-Fighting Measures

Recommends suitable extinguishing media, gives fire fighting instructionsbased on criteria established by the National Fire Protection Association(NFPA), gives advice on any special protective equipment for fire fighters(such as self-contained breathing apparatus), and identifies any unusualfire and explosion hazards.

Flash Point - Temperature at which a material will generate sufficientvapor to ignite in the presence of an ignition source. OSHA classifies amaterial with a flash point below 100 Deg. F as flammable, and with aflash point at or above 100 Deg. F and below 200 Deg. F as combustible.The DOT defines materials with a flash point of 141 Deg. F or less asflammable, and with a flash point between 141 Deg. F and below 200 Deg. Fas combustible. Both OSHA and DOT require that flash points be determinedusing closed cup methods such as ASTM D-93 or ASTM D-56.

Flammable Limits - The range of gas and vapor concentrations (percent in

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air) which will burn in the presence of an ignition source. Flammablerange is expressed as Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) and Upper ExplosiveLimit (UEL). If the flash point is above 250 Deg. F, no flammable limitsare shown on the MSDB.

NFPA Hazard ID - Coding system developed by the NFPA. Codes of 0 to 4 areassigned to the categories of Health, Flammability, and Reactivity. Thelowest level of hazard is 0, and the highest is 4. For non-firesituations, the NFPA code and the Hazardous Material Information System(HMIS) code are identical. For fire situations, the HMIS Health code maydiffer from the NFPA Health code.

Hazardous Decomposition Products - Combustion byproducts which may beformed if the product is burned.

Section 6. Accidental Release Measures

Recommends procedures and precautions to be taken in the event of anaccidental release or spill. Procedures for disposing of the product aregiven in Section 13. The reporting requirements indicated are for federalregulations. Since state and local reporting requirements may also exist,consult state and local law for guidance.

Section 7. Handling and Storage

Recommends any special precautions to be followed during the handling andstorage of Mobil products. If a product is OSHA hazardous, theprecautionary warning label text will be shown in Section 16.

Section 8. Exposure Controls/Personal Protection

As a consequence of Mobil's Product Stewardship Program, many of ourproducts are non-hazardous. Product toxicity, or lack thereof, isdetermined in our Toxicology Testing Program. When there is potential foradverse health effects from direct exposure to the product as packaged forsale, recommendations are made for general ventilation, and forrespiratory, eye and skin protection. Depending on customer useconditions, need for protective measures may vary.

Regulated components of products are also shown in this section, alongwith their airborne exposure limits. Terms associated with exposure limitsinclude:

Source - Indicates organization that established the exposure limit.

Mobil - Exposure values utilized by Mobil for its facilities are displayedif they are = or < the corresponding ACGIH TLV.

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ACGIH - American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienistsestablishes Threshold Limit Values (TLV).

OSHA - Occupational Safety & Health Administration - establishesPermissible Exposure Limits (PEL).

TWA - Time Weighted Average is the airborne concentration of a substanceaveraged over a normal eight hour workday.

STEL - Short Term Exposure Limit is the airborne concentration of asubstance typically averaged over a 15 minute period. Used for substanceswith potential health effects as a result of a brief exposure to a highconcentration.

ppm - Parts of gas or vapor per million parts of air. Common unit ofmeasure for exposure limits for gases or vapors.

mg/m(3) - Milligrams of a substance per cubic meter of air. Common unit ofmeasure for exposure limits for dusts or mists.

Note - Provides further exposure limit information such as Ceil forceiling limits which may not be exceeded during any part of the work day.

Section 9. Physical and Chemical Properties

The information in this section represents typical chemical and physicalproperties - not product specifications. The purpose is to provide datafor health and safety assessments - not product performance. For technicaldata on Mobil products, please contact your marketing representative, orcall the product information number indicated in Section 1 of the MSDB.

The less familiar terms used in this section are explained below. Someproperties are not addressed in the MSDB if they are not applicable (NA),or if they have not been established for (NE), a given product.

pH - A measure of the acidity or alkalinity of an aqueous solution on ascale of 0 to 14, with 7 considered neutral. Not applicable to mostlubricants since they are not aqueous solutions.

Flammability - A measure of how quickly a solid will burn. For a gas,essentially equivalent to the flammable range defined by the UEL and LEL.

Autoflammability - A determination of the temperature at which a substancewill self-ignite. Essentially equivalent to autoignition temperature.

Explosive Properties - A test of whether a product presents a danger ofexplosion when subjected to flame, shock or friction.

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Oxidizing Properties - A measure of burning rate.

Vapor Pressure - A measure of volatility. The higher the vapor pressure,the greater the potential to generate vapor; and for flammable materials,the greater the potential fire hazard.

Relative Density - The density of the product compared to water. Indicateswhether product will sink (>1) or float (<1) in water. Essentially thesame as specific gravity.

Solubility - Degree of solubility in water at room temperature.

Term SolubilityNegligible 0.0 - 0.1%Slight 0.1 - 1.0%Moderate 1.0 - 10%Appreciable >10%Complete 100%

Partition Coefficient - The solubility of a substance in n-Octanolcompared to its solubility in water. Low partition coefficient indicatesproduct is not expected to accumulate in the fatty tissue of aquaticorganisms.

Viscosity - A Measure of resistance to flow. Some low viscosityhydrocarbon oils (<15 Deg. Cs at 40 Deg. C) have been shown to defat theskin and result in irritation or dermatitis on prolonged or repeatedcontact.

D=Decomposes - Indicates that the product begins to change chemicallybefore reaching the test endpoint.

Section 10. Stability and Reactivity

Information is given on conditions and materials to avoid in order toprevent creation of a hazardous situation. Hazardous substances which maybe formed during thermal or chemical breakdown of the product are alsolisted.

Section 11. Toxicological Data

Toxicological testing is an important part of Mobil's Product StewardshipProgram. This section summarizes available test data and scientificliterature for ingredients in our products, and is the basis fordetermining regulatory classification and labelling requirements for theproduct as a whole.

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Acute Tests - Determine the potential hazards of a product based onshort-term exposure. Results range from practically non-toxic ornon-irritating, to very toxic or severe irritant. Used to determineemergency and first aid procedures.

Subchronic Tests - Used to determine potential hazards from periodicexposure to one or more ingredients in a product.

Chronic Tests - Used to evaluate the potential long-term effects ofprolonged or repeated exposure to one or more ingredients in a product.

Mutagenic Tests - Used to evaluate the potential for one or moreingredients in a product to cause genetic changes. Also used as apredictor of cancer causing potential.

Reproductive Tests - Used to evaluate potential of one or more ingredientsin a product to have effects on the unborn, or the ability to conceive andbear offspring.

Other Data - Any other information that has an impact on toxicologicalproperties, such as lubricant base oil properties, potential for skinsensitization, etc.

Section 12. Ecological Information

Summarizes the environmental fate, effects, and behavior of the product,if known.

Section 13. Disposal Considerations

Gives advice on recommended methods of disposing of product. In all cases,products should be disposed of in accordance with current legalrequirements. A statement regarding status of the unused product pursuantto RCRA regulations is included. The waste generator is responsible fordetermining the hazard classification of used product. State and localregulations may be more stringent than federal regulations. Because of thecomplexity of disposal regulations, we suggest that you consult state andlocal law for guidance.

Section 14. Transportation Information

This section contains information for classifying and labeling hazardousmaterials in the U.S. (DOT), over the high seas (IMO), via air(ICAO/IATA), in Canada (TDGR), and in Europe (RID/ADR). Combustibleproducts shipped in non-bulk quantities (less than 119 gallons) may beexempt from transportation regulations. If a product is not classified as

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a hazardous material for shipping purposes, not applicable will beindicated. An ID number beginning with UN is required for shipmentsoutside of the North American continent.

MSDBs for products containing environmentally hazardous substances includethe pounds of product which must be spilled during transport to reach theU.S. DOT reportable quantity (RQ) of the hazardous substance. This productRQ should not be confused with the hazardous substance RQ.

Product ingredients classified as Marine Pollutants (MARPOL) when shippedin bulk are identified in this section.

Section 15. Regulatory Information

As a customer service, some information regarding status of a product andits ingredients with certain federal and state regulations may be includedin this section. However, customers are responsible for ensuringcompliance with all applicable regulations which may apply to use andhandling of our products.

Inventory Status - Status of product ingredient registration on nationalchemical listings to include TSCA (U.S.), EINECS/ELINCS (Europe), AICS(Australia), DSL (Canada), MITI (Japan), KECI (S. Korea), PICCS(Philippines), and IECS/NEPA (China). For information regardingregistration on other chemical listings, please call the productinformation number in Section 1 of the MSDB.

SARA - Provides information necessary for complying with the communityright-to-know (RTK), inventory reporting, and toxic release inventory(TRI) reporting requirements under SARA. Product ingredients regulatedunder SARA will be shown with CAS No. and weight percentage.

FDA/USDA - If the product meets FDA criteria, or has a USDA approval, thespecific criteria and approval rating will be shown.

Drug and Explosive Precursors - Certain chemicals are controlled byvarious federal agencies due to their potential for use in manufacturingillegal drugs and explosives. If these controlled ingredients are presentin a product, a statement regarding regulatory compliance will be shown.

European Hazard Warning Labels - If the product is hazardous by Europeandangerous substances and preparations directives, appropriate risk (R) andsafety (S) label codes will be shown.

List Citations - Product ingredients are compared electronically to anumber of federal and state regulatory lists. If an ingredient is includedin one of the lists in the Regulatory Lists Searched code key, and if it

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is present at levels above respective list thresholds, the ingredient,along with its CAS No. and list code, will be shown. The criteria fordisclosing chemical components in this section are not necessarily thesame as the criteria used to disclose components in Section 2.

The following lists are included in the regulatory review process:

ACGIH All - All chemicals covered by the American Conference ofGovernmental Industrial Hygienist TLV's.

ACGIH A1- List of materials which, in the opinion of ACGIH, are confirmedto cause cancer in humans.

ACGIH A2 - List of materials which, in the opinion of ACGIH, are suspectedof causing cancer in humans.

NTP CARC - Materials classified in the National Toxicology Program annualreport as known carcinogens.

NTP SUS - Materials classified in NTP annual report as anticipated to becarcinogenic.

IARC 1 - List of materials which the International Agency for Research onCancer believes cause cancer in humans.

IARC 2A - List of materials which IARC believes probably cause cancer inhumans.

IARC 2B - List of materials which IARC believes possibly cause cancer inhumans.

OSHA CARC - List of OSHA regulated carcinogens and potential carcinogens.

OSHA Z - List of all materials regulated by OSHA.

TSCA 4 - List of materials covered by an EPA test rule or order underSection 4 of the Toxic Substance Control Act.

TSCA 5a2 - List of materials covered by an EPA Significant New Use Ruleunder TSCA Section 5(a)(2).

TSCA 5e - List of materials covered by an EPA consent order under TSCASection 5(e).

TSCA 6 - List of materials covered by an EPA final risk management actionunder TSCA Section 6.

TSCA 12b - List of materials subject to EPA export notification

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requirements under TSCA Section 12(b).

CA P65 CARC - List of materials subject to warning requirements underCalifornia Proposition 65 (Safe Drinking Water and Toxic enforcement Actof 1986) due to cancer potential.

CA P65 REPRO - List of materials subject to warning requirements underCalifornia Proposition 65 due to potential for affecting the reproductivesystem.

CA RTK - The Director's List of Hazardous Substances, developed pursuantto the California Hazardous Substances Disclosure to Employees Act.

FL RTK - The Florida Substance List, developed pursuant to the FloridaToxic Substances in the Workplace Act.

IL RTK - The Toxic Substance List developed pursuant to the Illinois ToxicSubstance Disclosure to Employees Act.

LA RTK - The Louisiana State Right-to-Know Hazardous Chemicals List,developed pursuant to the Hazardous Material Information Development,Preparedness, and Response Act.

MI 293 - List of chemicals on the Michigan Critical Materials Register(environmental groundwater hazardous substances).

MN RTK - List of Hazardous Substances, developed pursuant to the MinnesotaEmployee Right-to-Know Act.

NJ RTK - Three lists developed pursuant to the New Jersey Worker andCommunity Right-to-Know Act.

PA RTK - Three lists developed pursuant to the Pennsylvania Worker andCommunity Right-to-Know Act.

RI RTK - List of chemicals on the Rhode Island State Hazardous Substancesregister.

For status of compliance with other regulations, please call theinformation number in Section 1 of the MSDB.

Section 16. Other Information

If a product is OSHA hazardous, the precautionary label text to beincluded on container labels is shown in this section. This section alsoincludes a use description for the product. For some products, additionalingredients are also disclosed.

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Information intended for internal Mobil use includes:

MHC - Material Hazard Code determined by acute toxicological testing fororal, dermal, inhalation, eyes, and skin routes of exposure. Codes rangefrom 0 to 4 with 4 being the most severe. An asterisk indicates that theMHC is based on data from testing of a similar material. A code of 2 orgreater classifies the product as hazardous under both U.S. and Europeancriteria.

MPPEC - Mobil Personal Protective Equipment Code. Assumes direct exposureto undiluted product.

Primary Codes:A - Minimal protective equipment for a given facility's operations (determined locally).B - Code A + eye protection.C - Code A + skin protectionD - Code A + eye and skin protection.E - Protection from severe eye and skin hazard needed.X - Special protective equipment needed.

Ancillary Codes:P - Particulate respiratory protection.V - Vapor respirator needed.H - Noxious vapors released when heated.F - Flash point <100 Deg. F (37.8 Deg. C)

REQ - Mobil affiliate that requested the MSDB.

Sale Use - Code used by Mobil's E&P facilities.

TRN - MSDB numerical identifier

Mobil Business Resources Corp.Product Stewardship & ToxicologyP.O. Box 310Paulsboro NJ 08066-0310

(C) Copyright 1987, 1990, 1994, 1996, 1998.All rights reserved.Mobil Material Safety Data Bulletin - An Explanation of Terms - U.S.ProductsGEN 0098023 (05-31-98)

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TRADE NAME: #2 DIESEL FUEL CAS NUMBER: 68476-34-6 SYNONYM(S): PROCESS STREAM; NO. 2 DIESEL FUEL; FUEL OIL; MIDDLE DISTILLATE; AB0/AA9-1; AG7; AG8 MSDS NUMBER: 1354 PRODUCT CODE: NA HIERARCHY: NA MANUFACTURER/SUPPLIER: BP Oil Company ADDRESS: 200 Public Square, Cleveland, OH 44114-2375 TELEPHONE NUMBERS - 24 HOUR EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE: BP America: 800-321-8642 CHEMTREC Assistance (In U.S.): 800-424-9300 CHEMTREC Assistance (Elsewhere): 703-527-3887 TELEPHONE NUMBERS - GENERAL ASSISTANCE: (Normal Office Hours): (8:00-4:30 M-F, EST): Technical: 216-586-6184 MSDS Contact: 216-586-8023

============== COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS ================

COMPONENT:Diesel Fuel No. 2, A distillate having a minimum viscosity of 32.6 SUS at 100 degrees F to a maximum of 40.1 SUS at 100 degrees F CAS NO.: 68476-34-6 % BY WT.: 99.9 - 100 EXPOSURE LIMITS: None Established

====================== HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION ========================

EMERGENCY OVERVIEW: ------------------- Clear Liquid With Hydrocarbon Odor. May Be Dyed For Identification. Danger! Harmful or Fatal If Swallowed. Aspiration Hazard If Swallowed--Can Enter Lungs and Cause Damage. May Be Irritating To the Eyes and Respiratory Tract. Causes Skin Irritation. Vapors May Be Harmful. Possible Cancer Hazard - Contains Material Which May Cause Cancer Based On Animal Data. Combustible Liquid & Vapor.

POTENTIAL HEALTH EFFECTS: -------------------------

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SKIN: ----- Repeated or prolonged contact may result in defatting, redness, itching, inflammation, cracking and possible secondary infection. May cause allergic reactions in some individuals. Absorption from prolonged or massive skin contact may cause poisoning. High pressure skin injections are Serious Medical Emergencies. Injury may not appear serious at first; within a few hours, tissue will become swollen, discolored and extremely painful (see Notes to Physician section).

EYE: ---- Exposure to vapors, fumes or mists may cause irritation.

INHALATION: ----------- May cause respiratory tract irritation. Exposure may cause central nervous system symptoms similar to those listed under "Ingestion" (see Ingestion section). Degenerative changes in the liver, kidneys and bone marrow may occur with prolonged, high concentrations. Repeated or prolonged exposures may cause behavioral changes.

INGESTION: ---------- Aspiration into lungs may cause pneumonitis. May cause gastrointestinal disturbances. Symptoms may include irritation, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. May cause harmful central nervous system effects. Effects may include excitation, euphoria, headache, dizziness, drowsiness, blurred vision, fatigue, tremors, convulsions, loss of consciousness, coma, respiratory arrest and death.

SPECIAL TOXIC EFFECTS: ---------------------- Based on animal studies, repeated overexposure may produce skin tumors upon repeated and prolonged skin contact in the absence of good personal hygiene. However, long-term dermal application studies of similar materials, i.e. middle distillates, in animals have shown that skin tumors are produced only when marked and prolonged skin irritation takes place during the study. Therefore, this product should not present a significant hazard of skin tumor formation when the "Skin Protection" recommendations are followed. IARC has determined that diesel engine exhaust is probably carcinogenic to humans. (IARC Class- 2A). Lifetime exposure to whole diesel exhaust has been shown to cause cancer in laboratory animals. NIOSH recommends that whole diesel exhaust be regarded as a potential occupational carcinogen. Warning: The use of any hydrocarbon fuel in an area without adequate ventilation may result in hazardous levels of combustion products and inadequate oxygen levels. IARC has determined that occupational exposures in petroleum refining are probably carcinogenic to humans.

======================== FIRST AID MEASURES ==========================

SKIN: ----- Remove contaminated clothing immediately. Wash area of contact

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thoroughly with soap and water. Get medical attention if irritation persists. High pressure skin injections are serious medical emergencies. Thermal burns require immediate medical attention. Get immediate medical attention.

EYE: ---- Flush immediately with large amounts of water for at least 15 minutes. Eyelids should be held away from the eyeball to ensure thorough rinsing. Get medical attention if irritation persists. Thermal burns require immediate medical attention.

INHALATION: ----------- Remove affected person from source of exposure. If not breathing, ensure clear airway and institute cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). If breathing is difficult, administer oxygen if available. After administration of oxygen, continue to monitor closely. Get medical attention.

INGESTION: ---------- Do not induce vomiting because of danger of aspirating liquid into lungs. Get immediate medical attention. If spontaneous vomiting occurs, monitor for breathing difficulty.

NOTES TO PHYSICIAN: ------------------- In case of ingestion, gastric lavage with activated charcoal can be used promptly to prevent absorption. Consideration should be given to the use of an endotracheal tube, to prevent aspiration. Individuals intoxicated by Diesel Fuel No. 2 should be hospitalized immediately, with acute and continuing attention to neurologic and cardiopulmonary function. Positive pressure ventilation may be necessary. After the initial episode, individuals should be followed for changes in blood variables and the delayed appearance of pulmonary edema and chemical pneumonitis. Such patients should be followed for several days or weeks for delayed effects, including bone marrow toxicity, hepatic and renal impairment. Individuals with chronic pulmonary disease will be more seriously impaired, and recovery from inhalation exposure may be complicated. In case of skin injection, prompt debridement of the wound is necessary to minimize necrosis and tissue loss.

======================= FIREFIGHTING MEASURES ========================


HAZARDOUS COMBUSTION PRODUCTS: ------------------------------ Combustion may produce CO, CO2 and reactive hydrocarbons.

BASIC FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES: ------------------------------- Use water spray, dry chemical, foam or carbon dioxide to extinguish

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fire. Use water spray to cool fire-exposed containers, structures and to protect personnel. If leak or spill has not ignited, ventilate area and use water spray to disperse gas or vapor and to protect personnel attempting to stop leak. Use water to flush spills away from sources of ignition. Do not flush down public sewers or other drainage systems. Exposed firefighters must wear MSHA/NIOSH approved positive pressure self-contained breathing apparatus with full face mask and full protective clothing.

UNUSUAL FIRE & EXPLOSION HAZARDS: --------------------------------- Irritating and/or toxic substances may be emitted upon thermal decomposition. Dangerous when exposed to heat or flame. Runoff to sewer may cause fire or explosion hazard. Containers may explode in heat of fire.

==================== ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES =====================

If your facility or operation has an "Oil or Hazardous Substance Contingency Plan", activate its procedures. Take immediate steps to stop and contain the spill. Caution should be exercised regarding personnel safety and exposure to the spilled material. For technical advice and assistance related to chemicals, contact CHEMTREC (800/424-9300) and your local fire department. Notify the National Response Center, if required. Also notify appropriate state and local regulatory agencies, the LEPC and the SERC. Contact the local Coast Guard if the release is into a waterway. Keep unnecessary people away; isolate hazard area and deny entry. Stay upwind; keep out of low areas. (Also see Personal Protection Information section.) Shut off ignition sources; no flares, smoking or flames in hazard area. Stop leak if you can do it without risk. Water spray may reduce vapor; but it may not prevent ignition in closed spaces. Small Spills: Take up with sand or other noncombustible absorbent material and place into containers for later disposal. Large Spills: Dike far ahead of liquid spill for later disposal.

When reporting a spill to the National Response Center or the Coast Guard, you may need to supply the Coast Guard Chemical Hazard Response Information System (CHRIS) code:

Group Number: 33 CHRIS Code: OTD

Additional spill related information may be found in the U.S. Coast Guard Chemical Hazard Response Information System (CHRIS) Manual.

During an accidental release, personal protection equipment may be required (see Section EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION). Additional regulatory requirements may apply (see Section REGULATORY INFORMATION).

======================= HANDLING AND STORAGE =========================

HANDLING: --------- Use non-sparking tools. Ground lines and equipment used during transfer to reduce the possibility of static spark-initiated fire or

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Empty containers may contain toxic, flammable/combustible or explosive residue or vapors. Do not cut, grind, drill, weld, reuse or dispose containers unless adequate precautions are taken against these hazards.

STORAGE: -------- Store in tightly closed containers in cool, dry, isolated, well-ventilated area away from heat, sources of ignition and incompatibles.

============== EXPOSURE CONTROLS / PERSONAL PROTECTION ===============

ENGINEERING CONTROLS: --------------------- Ventilation may be used to control or reduce airborne concentrations.

PERSONAL PROTECTION EQUIPMENT (PPE): ------------------------------------ EYE PROTECTION: --------------- Wear safety glasses or chemical goggles to prevent eye contact. Do not wear contact lenses when working with this substance. Have eye washing facilities readily available where eye contact can occur. SKIN PROTECTION: ---------------- Wear impervious gloves and protective clothing to prevent skin contact. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: ----------------------- NIOSH/MSHA approved breathing equipment may be required for non-routine and emergency use.


================= PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES ===================

BOILING POINT: 160 C (320 F) SP. GRAVITY (Water=1): 0.84 - 0.88 @ 15.56 C (60.008 F) MELTING POINT: NA % VOLATILE: Negligible VAPOR PRESSURE: 0.4 MM HG @ 20 C (68 F) EVAPORATION RATE: Slower VAPOR DENSITY (Air=1): 4.7 VISCOSITY: 1.2 - 4.6 CST @ 37.8 C (100.04 F) % SOLUBILITY IN WATER: Negligible POUR POINT: -12.22 C (10.004 F) pH: NEUTRAL MOLECULAR WEIGHT: NA MOLECULAR FORMULA: Mixture ODOR/APPEARANCE: Clear Liquid With Hydrocarbon Odor. May Be Dyed For Identification.

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===================== STABILITY AND REACTIVITY =======================

STABILITY/INCOMPATIBILITY: -------------------------- Stable. Avoid contact with strong oxidizers.

HAZARDOUS REACTIONS/DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: ------------------------------------------- Thermal decomposition or combustion may produce CO, CO2 and reactive hydrocarbons.

===================== TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION ======================

OTHER: ------ An extensive profile which characterizes adverse health effects information for this material has been prepared by the Agency for Toxic Substances Disease Registry (ATSDR). Individuals interested in a summary of the toxicology of this material should reference this document. This profile can be obtained from the National Technical Information Services (NTIS).

====================== DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS =======================

WASTE DISPOSAL (Resource Conservation & Recovery Act - RCRA): ------------------------------------------------------------- This material, when discarded or disposed of, is a characteristic hazardous waste according to Federal regulations (40 CFR 261). This material exhibits the characteristic of ignitability and is assigned the EPA Hazardous Waste Number of D001. The discarding or disposal of this material must be done at a properly permitted facility in accordance with the regulations of 40 CFR 262, 263, 264, and 268. Additionally, the discarding or disposal of this material may be further regulated by state, regional, or local regulations. Chemical additions, processing or otherwise altering this material may make the waste management information presented in this MSDS incomplete, inaccurate, or otherwise inappropriate. The transportation, storage, treatment and disposal of this waste material must be conducted in compliance with all applicable Federal, state, and local regulations.

There may be specific current regulations at the local, regional, or state level that pertain to this information. Chemical additions, processing, or otherwise altering this material may make the waste management information presented in this MSDS, incomplete, inaccurate, or otherwise inappropriate.

======================= TRANSPORT INFORMATION ========================

U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (D.O.T.): ------------------------------------------- Proper Shipping Name (49 CFR 172.101): Fuel Oil (No. 2) Hazard Class (49 CFR 172.101): 3 UN/NA Code (49 CFR 172.101): NA 1993 Packing Group (49 CFR 179.101): PG III Bill Of Lading Desc. (49 CFR 172.101): Fuel Oil (No. 2), 3, NA 1993, PG III

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Labels Required (49 CFR 172.101): Not Regulated Placards Required (49 CFR 172.101): Combustible

INTERNATIONAL AND DOMESTIC AIR TRANSPORTATION: ---------------------------------------------- IATA Proper Shipping Name: Diesel Fuel Hazard Class: 3 Subsidiary Risk: NA UN Code: UN 1202 Package Specification: 309, 310 Labels Required: Flammable Liquid, Orientation Arrows

INTERNATIONAL WATER TRANSPORTATION: ----------------------------------- IMDG Proper Shipping Name: Diesel Fuel Hazard Class: 3.3 UN Code: UN 1202 IMDG Page Number: 3375 Labels Required: Flammable Liquid Placards Required: Flammable

CANADIAN TRANSPORTATION OF DANGEROUS GOODS (T.D.G.): ---------------------------------------------------- Shipping Name: Fuel Oil, No. 2 PIN (UN/NA): UN 1202 Regulated Class: 3 Division: NA Packaging Group: PG III Labels Required: Flammable Liquid Placards Required: Flammable

====================== REGULATORY INFORMATION ========================

NOTIFICATION: ------------- Any spill or release, or substantial threat of release, of this material to navigable water (virtually any surface water) sufficient to cause a visible sheen upon the water must be reported immediately to the National Response Center (800/424-8802), as required by U.S. Federal Law. Failure to report may result in substantial civil and criminal penalties. Also contact the Coast Guard and appropriate state and local regulatory agencies.

US EPA TOXIC SUBSTANCE CONTROL ACT (TSCA): ------------------------------------------ All components of this product are listed on the TSCA inventory.

US EPA SUPERFUND AMENDMENTS & REAUTHORIZATION ACT (SARA) TITLE III INFORMATION: Listed below are the hazard catagories for SARA Section 311/312 (40 CFR 370): Immediate Hazard: X

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Delayed Hazard: X Fire Hazard: X Pressure Hazard: - Reactivity Hazard: -

CANADIAN ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ACT (CEPA): --------------------------------------------- All components of this product are listed on the Canadian DSL or NDSL inventories.

CANADIAN WORKPLACE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INFORMATION SYSTEM (WHMIS) CATEGORIES: The following WHMIS categories apply to this product: Compressed Gas: - Other Toxic Effects: X Flammable/Combustible: X Bio Hazardous: - Oxidizer: - Corrosive: - Acutely Toxic: X Dangerously Reactive: -

========================= OTHER INFORMATION ==========================

NFPA RATINGS: HMIS RATINGS: Health: 0 Health: 0 Flammability: 2 Flammability: 2 Reactivity: 0 Reactivity: 0 Special Hazards: - Personal Protective Equipment:H


NOTICE: The information presented herein is based on data considered to be accurate as of the date of preparation of this Material Safety Data Sheet. However, no warranty or representation, express or implied, is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the foregoing data and safety information, nor is any authorization given or implied to practice any patented invention without a license. In addition, no responsibility can be assumed by vendor for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use, from any failure to adhere to recommended practices, or from any hazards inherent in the nature of the product.

ND: No Data NA: Not Applicable *See specific note or section

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Product name


Conforms to 93/112/EC and ISO 11014-1

BP Chemicals Ltd.European Customer Service CentreChertsey RoadSunbury-on-ThamesMiddlesex TW16 7LLUNITED KINGDOM

Supplier :


Tel.: +44-(0)1932-767300Fax: +44-(0)1932-767801e-mail: [email protected]



745786 (ERDÖLCHEMIE)Historic SDS#:

0000000031SDS #

1. Identification of the substance/preparation and of the company/undertaking

Manufacturer : EC Erdölchemie GmbHPostfach 750212D-50754 CologneGERMANY

United Kingdom

Composition/information on ingredients2.

* Occupational Exposure Limit(s), if available, are listed in Section 8

CAS No. % EC Number Symbol R-PhrasesChemical name*1) NAPHTHA (PETROLEUM), LIGHT STEAM-CRACKED


64742-83-2 100 265-187-5 F, T R11, R22, R45, R65

2) Benzene 71-43-2 10-50 200-753-7 F, T R11, R45, R48/23/24/25

Hazards identification3.

Physical/chemical Hazards

Human health hazards Inhalation of vapour/aerosol concentrations above the recommended exposure limits causes headaches, drowsiness, andnausea, and may lead to unconsciousness or death. Aspiration of this material into the lungs may cause chemical pneumoniaand can be fatal. Aspiration into the lungs can occur while vomiting after ingestion of this material. Causes eye irritation. Causes skin irritation. CANCER HAZARD.CAN CAUSE CANCER. Harmful if absorbed through the skin. Repeated or prolonged exposure to the substance can produceblood disorders.

Highly flammable.:


Effects and symptoms

Eyes : Causes eye irritation.

Skin : Causes skin irritation. CANCER HAZARD.CAN CAUSE CANCER. Repeated or prolonged exposure to the substance can produce blood disorders.

Inhalation : Inhalation of vapour/aerosol concentrations above the recommended exposure limits causes headaches, drowsiness, andnausea, and may lead to unconsciousness or death. Causes respiratory tract irritation. CANCER HAZARD.CAN CAUSE CANCER. Repeated or prolonged exposure to the substance can produce blood disorders.

Ingestion : Aspiration of this material into the lungs may cause chemical pneumonia and can be fatal. Aspiration into the lungs can occurwhile vomiting after ingestion of this material. Ingestion may cause gastrointestinal irritation and diarrhoea. CANCER HAZARD.CAN CAUSE CANCER. Repeated or prolonged exposure to the substance can produce blood disorders.

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Skin contact

In case of contact, immediately flush eyes with a copious amount of water for at least 15 minutes. Obtain medical attentionimmediately.In case of contact, immediately flush skin with plenty of water. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. Wash clothingbefore reuse. Contaminated leather, particularly footwear, must be discarded. Note that contaminated clothing may be a firehazard. Get medical attention if irritation develops.


First-Aid measures

If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Obtainmedical attention immediately.


Eye Contact




First-aid measures

Ingestion : If swallowed, do NOT induce vomiting. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. If large quantities of thismaterial are swallowed, call a physician immediately.

Fire-fighting measures5.


None identified.

Hazardous decomposition products These products are carbon oxides (CO, CO2).

Fire fighters should wear self-contained positive pressure breathing apparatus (SCBA) and full turnout gear. Firefighters'protective clothing will provide limited protection. DO NOT FIGHT FIRE WHEN IT REACHES MATERIAL. Withdraw from fireand let it burn. Promptly isolate the scene by removing all persons from the vicinity of the incident if there is a fire.

Protection of fire-fighters

Special fire-fighting procedures

In case of fire, use water spray (fog), foam, dry chemical, or CO2.Extinguishing Media





:Unusual fire/explosion Hazards Highly flammable liquid and vapour. Vapours may form explosive mixtures with air. Vapour may cause flash fire. Vapoursmay accumulate in low or confined areas, travel a considerable distance to a source of ignition and flash back. Runoff to sewermay create fire or explosion hazard. Container explosion may occur under fire conditions or when heated.

Large Spill and Leak

Personal Protection in Case of a LargeSpill

Eliminate all ignition sources. Immediately contact emergency personnel. Keep unnecessary personnel away. Use suitableprotective equipment (Section 8). Follow all fire fighting procedures (Section 5). Do not touch or walk through spilled material.For small spills add absorbent (soil may be used in the absence of other suitable materials) and use a non-sparking or explosionproof means to transfer material to a sealed, appropriate container for disposal. For large spills dike spilled material or otherwisecontain material to ensure runoff does not reach a waterway. Place spilled material in an appropriate container for disposal.Minimize contact of spilled material with soils to prevent runoff to surface waterways. See Section 13 for Waste DisposalInformation.Splash goggles. Full suit. Boots. Gloves. A self-contained breathing apparatus should be used to avoid inhalation of theproduct. Suggested protective clothing might not be sufficient; consult a specialist BEFORE handling this product.

6. Accidental release measures




Handling and storage



Keep away from heat, sparks and flame. Keep container closed. Use only with adequate ventilation. To avoid fire orexplosion, dissipate static electricity during transfer by earthing and bonding containers and equipment before transferringmaterial. Use explosion-proof electrical (ventilating, lighting and material handling) equipment. Wash thoroughly after handling.

Packaging materials

Not applicable.

Store in a segregated and approved area. Keep container in a cool, well-ventilated area. Keep container tightly closed andsealed until ready for use. Avoid all possible sources of ignition (spark or flame).




Recommended use

Ingredient Name Occupational Exposure Limits

Engineering measures Provide exhaust ventilation or other engineering controls to keep the airborne concentrations of vapours below their respectivethreshold limit value. Ensure that eyewash stations and safety showers are close to the workstation location.

8. Exposure controls/personal protection

Wash hands, forearms, and face thoroughly after handling compounds and before eating, smoking, using lavatory, and at theend of day.

Hygiene measures

Personal protective equipment

Use with adequate ventilation. Avoid breathing vapour or mist. If operating conditions cause high vapour concentrations orTLV is exceeded, use supplied-air respirator.

Respiratory system




1) BENZENE EH40-MEL (United Kingdom (UK), 2001). MEL: 3 ppm MEL: 10 mg/m3

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Skin and body Avoid contact with skin. Wear clothing and footwear that cannot be penetrated by chemicals or oil.Wear gloves that cannot be penetrated by chemicals or oil.Hands

Avoid contact with eyes. Chemical splash goggles.Eyes




Physical and chemical properties

Autoignition temperature 240°C (464°F)

LOWER: 0.6% UPPER: 8%

Highly flammable in presence of open flames, sparks and static discharge, of heat.Fire Hazards in Presence of VariousSubstances


Explosion Limits


Flash point OPEN CUP: <-20°C (-4°F).:



Colour Colourless to light yellow.:

Physical state Liquid.:

Odour Petrol:

Boiling point 40 to 220°C (104 to 428°F):

Melting point May start to solidify at 5.61°C (42.1°F) based on data for: (Benzene):

0.75 to 0.95 g/cm3 at 20°CDensity :

Vapour density (Air = 1) The highest known value is 2.77 (Air = 1) (Benzene):

40-70 kPa at 38CVapour pressure :3.5 (Benzene) compared to (n-BUTYL ACETATE=1)Evaporation Rate :

Solubility Insoluble in cold water.:

Viscosity Dynamic: 0.45 to 0.65 cP at 20°C:

Stability and reactivity10.

Highly reactive with oxidizing agents.Incompatibility with Various Substances :

Conditions to Avoid Keep away from sources of ignition. Keep away from heat, sparks and flame. Keep container tightly closed and in awell-ventilated place.


Hazardous Polymerization Will not occur.:

Acute oral toxicity (LD50): 3800 mg/kg [Rat]. (Benzene).Acute toxicity of the vapour (LC50): 10000 ppm 4 hours [Rat]. (Benzene).

Benzene: Acute toxicity of benzene results primarily from depression of the central nervous system (CNS). Inhalation ofconcentrations over 50 ppm can produce headache, lassitude, weariness, dizziness, drowsiness, or excitation. Exposure to veryhigh levels can result in unconsciousness and death.

Toxicological information

Acute toxicity

Carcinogenic effects CANCER HAZARDCONTAINS MATERIAL WHICH CAN CAUSE CANCER Risk of cancer depends on duration and level of exposure.Classified A1 (Confirmed for humans.) by ACGIH, 1 (Proven for humans.) by IARC, 1 (Known To Be Human Carcinogens.) byNTP, + (Proven.) by OSHA, + (Proven.) by NIOSH, 1 (Proven for humans.) by European Union [Benzene].EU Category 1: Known to be carcinogenic to humans.

Benzene: Long-term overexposure to benzene has been associated with certain types of leukemia in humans. In addition, theInternational Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the National Toxicology Program, and OSHA consider benzene to be ahuman carcinogen. Chronic exposures to benzene at levels of 100 ppm and below have been reported to cause adverse bloodeffects including anemia. Benzene exposure can occur by inhalation and absorption through the skin.

Inhalation and forced feeding studies of benzene in laboratory animals have produced a carcinogenic response in a variety oforgans, including possibly leukemia, other adverse effects on the blood, chromosomal changes and some effects on theimmune system. Exposure to benzene at levels up to 300 ppm did not produce birth defects in animal studies; however,exposure to the higher dosage levels (greater than 100 ppm) resulted in a reduction of body weight of the rat pups (fetotoxicity).Changes in the testes have been observed in mice exposed to benzene at 300 ppm, but reproductive performance was notaltered in rats exposed to benzene at the same level.


Chronic toxicity




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Ecological information

Ecotoxicity(EC50): 200 mg/l, 48 hours [Daphnia].

Mobility This product is not likely to move rapidly with surface or groundwater flows because of its low water solubility of:< 0.1%.This product is likely to volatise rapidly into the air because of its high vapour pressure.




Disposal considerations13.

Methods of disposal ; Waste of residues ;Contaminated packaging

Dispose of in accordance with all applicable local and national regulations. Empty containers may contain harmful,flammable/combustible or explosive residue or vapours. Do not cut, grind, drill, weld, reuse or dispose of containers unlessadequate precautions are taken against these hazards.


Not applicable.:Waste Classification



International transport regulations

UN number

Land - Road/Railway

Hydrocarbons, liquids, n.o.s. (Contains Benzene)3

Proper shipping name


Packing group II

IMDG Class

SeaHydrocarbons, liquids, n.o.s. (Contains Benzene)3

Packing group IIMedical First Aid Guide (MFAG)

3-07Emergency Schedules (EmS)

310 312

Not pollutant.Marine pollutant

UN/ID number


Hydrocarbons, liquids, n.o.s. (Contains Benzene)

UN3295IATA-DGR Class 3














Transport information

Proper shipping name

Proper shipping name

3ADNR Classification

Inland waterways

Hydrocarbons, liquids, n.o.s. (Contains Benzene)Proper shipping name :


UN/ID number UN3295:

Not available.CEFIC Tremcard Number: :

UK Emergency Action Code: Not available.:

UN3295UN number :

IIPacking group :

Regulatory information15.

Hazard symbol(s)

EU Regulations


Classification : Highly flammable, Toxic

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Safety Phrases S45- In case of accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible).S53- Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use.S62- If swallowed, do not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label.

R11- Highly flammable.R22- Harmful if swallowed.R45- May cause cancer.R48/23/24/25- Toxic: danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalation, in contact with skin and ifswallowed.R65- Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed.

Risk Phrases

Contains Benzene

Other Regulations




Product Use Classification and labelling have been performed according to EU directives 67/548/EEC, 88/379/EEC, including amendmentsand the intended use.- Industrial applications.P99- Restricted to professional users. Attention - Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use.


US Regulations

AUSTRALIAN INVENTORY (AICS): Listed on inventory.



EC INVENTORY (EINECS/ELINCS): Listed on inventory.


KOREA INVENTORY (ECL): Listed on inventory.


US INVENTORY (TSCA): Listed on inventory.

Regulatory Lists :

Other information



Date of issue


Prepared by



Date of previous issue 8/31/2001.





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Notice to Reader


Product Stewardship and Toxicology

NOTICE : This Material Safety Data Sheet is based upon data considered to be accurate at the time of its preparation. Despite our efforts, it may not be up to date orapplicable to the circumstances of any particular case. We are not responsible for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use, from any failure to follow appropriatepractices or from hazards inherent in the nature of the product. This Material Safety Data Sheet conforms with the requirements of Directive 93/112/EC.

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Sheet No: STI2211 Material Name: Pyrolysis Gasoline Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:15/09/98 Page:

ALIGN BP SDS FinalsSafety Data Sheet - SDS

GLIS Sheet No:STI2211 SDS Reference: Paper Type: BP Helios Status: ActiveMaterial Name: Pyrolysis Gasoline

Language:English Country:OTIRevision of Sheet Dated:15/09/98 Major Change: Hazard?:Yes

Hazardous Components: Physical Characteristics: Gasoline Tox File: 15.8 Product Group: Date of Issue: 17/07/2000



Pyrolysis Gasoline1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Identification of substance/preparation Pyrolysis Gasoline

Application Fuel blending componentFor specific application advice see appropriate Technical Data Sheet or consult your BP representative

Company Identification BP Oil International LimitedBritannic House1 Finsbury CircusLondon, EC2M 7BA

Emergency Telephone Number +44 (0) 20 7496 4411 _________________________________________________________________________________2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSChemical Composition Gasoline, pyrolysis, debutanizer bottoms, EINECS No. 271-726-5, CAS No: 68606-10-0

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Sheet No: STI2211 Material Name: Pyrolysis Gasoline Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:15/09/98 Page:

3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONExtremely flammable. Explosive air/vapour mixtures may form at ambient temperature. Likely to cause skin irritation. May cause cancer, classified as a category 2 carcinogen. Contains Benzene. Prolonged or repeated exposure to benzene can cause anaemia and other blood diseases, including leukaemia. Harmful if swallowed - aspiration hazard. Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness. Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment.May contain hydrogen sulphide._________________________________________________________________________________

4. FIRST-AID MEASURESEyes Wash eye thoroughly with copious quantities of water, ensuring eyelids are held open. Obtain medical advice if any pain or redness develops or persists.

Skin Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water as soon as reasonably practicable. Remove heavily contaminated clothing and wash underlying skin. In extreme situations of saturation with this product, drench with water, remove clothing as soon as possible and wash skin with soap and water. Seek medical advice if skin becomes red, swollen or painful.

Ingestion If contamination of the mouth occurs, wash out thoroughly with water. Except as a deliberate act, the ingestion of large amounts of product is unlikely. If it should occur, do not induce vomiting; obtain medical advice.

Inhalation If exposure to vapour, mists or fumes causes drowsiness, headache, blurred vision or irritation of the eyes, nose or throat, remove immediately to fresh air. Keep patient warm and at rest. If any symptoms persist obtain medical advice. EXPOSURE TO HYDROGEN SULPHIDE:Casualties suffering ill effects as a result of exposure to hydrogen sulphide should be immediately removed to fresh air and medical assistance obtained without delay. Unconscious casualties must be placed in the recovery position. Monitor breathing and pulse rate and if breathing has failed, or is deemed inadequate, respiration must be assisted, preferably by the mouth to mouth method. Administer external cardiac massage if necessary. Seek medical attention immediately. It is advisable that all who are engaged in operations in which contact with H2S may reasonably be anticipated, should be trained in the techniques of emergency resuscitation and in the care of an unconscious patient.

Medical Advice Treatment should in general be symptomatic and directed to relieving any effects.Product can be aspirated on swallowing or following regurgitation of stomach contents, and can cause severe and potentially fatal chemical pneumonitis, which will require urgent treatment. Because of the risk of aspiration, induction of vomiting and gastric lavage should be avoided. Gastric lavage should be undertaken only after endotracheal intubation. Monitor for cardiac dysrhythmias. _________________________________________________________________________________5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESFor major fires call the Fire Service. Ensure an escape path is always available from any fire.

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Sheet No: STI2211 Material Name: Pyrolysis Gasoline Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:15/09/98 Page:

There is a danger of flashback if sparks or hot surfaces ignite vapour. Use foam, dry powder or water fog. DO NOT USE water jets. Fires in confined spaces should be dealt with by trained personnel wearing approved breathing apparatus. Any spillage should be regarded as a potential fire risk.

Combustion Products Toxic fumes may be evolved on burning or exposure to heat. See Stability and Reactivity, Section 10 of this Safety Data Sheet. _________________________________________________________________________________6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESAs this product has a very low flash point any spillage or leak is a severe fire and/or explosion hazard. Spilled material may make surfaces slippery. It is advised that stocks of suitable absorbent material should be held in quantities sufficient to deal with any spillage which may be reasonably anticipated. Vapour is heavier than air and may travel to remote sources of ignition (eg. along drainage systems, in basements etc.).

Isolate spillage from all ignition sources including road traffic. Evacuate all non essential personnel from the immediate area. If spillage has occurred in a confined space, ensure adequate ventilation and check that a safe, breathable atmosphere is present before entry. Ensure good ventilation. Wear protective clothing. See Exposure Controls/Personal Protection, section 8, of this Safety Data Sheet. Large and uncontained spillages should be smothered with foam to reduce the risk of ignition. The foam blanket should be maintained until the area is declared safe. Recovery of large spillages should be effected by specialist personnel.

Protect drains from potential spills to minimise contamination. Do not wash product into drainage system. In the case of spillage on water, prevent the spread of product by the use of suitable barrier equipment. Recover product from the surface. Protect environmentally sensitive areas and water supplies.Regular surveillance on the location of the spillage should be maintained.In the event of spillages contact the appropriate authorities._________________________________________________________________________________

7. HANDLING AND STORAGEStorage Conditions Store and dispense only in well ventilated areas away from heat and sources of ignition. Store and use only in equipment/containers designed for use with this product. Containers must be properly labelled and kept closed when not in use. Do not remove warning labels from containers. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Retain hazard warning labels on empty packages as a guide to the safe handling, storage and disposal of empty packaging. Do not enter storage tanks without breathing apparatus unless the tank has been well ventilated and the tank atmosphere has been shown to contain hydrocarbon vapour concentrations of less than 1% of the lower flammability limit and an oxygen concentration of at least 20% volume. Always have sufficient people standing by outside the tank with appropriate breathing apparatus and equipment to effect a quick rescue.

Vapours containing hydrogen sulphide may accumulate during storage or transport and may also be vented during filling of tanks. Hydrogen sulphide has a typical "bad egg" smell but at high concentrations the sense of smell is rapidly lost, therefore do not rely on sense of smell for detecting hydrogen sulphide. Use specially designed measuring

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Sheet No: STI2211 Material Name: Pyrolysis Gasoline Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:15/09/98 Page:

instruments for determining its concentration.Confined spaces contaminated with hydrogen sulphide must always be considered as constituting potentially life threatening environments. Entry into such spaces must never be undertaken except under extreme emergency when no alternative is possible and then only by trained operators wearing air-supplied breathing apparatus of an approved type and following procedures strictly in accordance with the Statutory Regulations governing such entry. Please see the comments in Section 8 (Exposure Controls/Personal Protection) of this data sheet.It is advisable that all who are engaged in operations in which contact with hydrogen sulphide may be reasonably anticipated, should be trained in the techniques of emergency resuscitation and in the care of an unconscious patient.

Handling Precautions Ensure good ventilation and avoid as far as reasonably practicable the inhalation and contact with vapours, mists or fumes which may be generated during use. If such vapour, mists or fumes are generated, their concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level. Avoid contact with skin and observe good personal hygiene. Avoid contact with eyes. If splashing is likely to occur wear a full face visor or chemical goggles as appropriate. Do not siphon product by mouth. Whilst using do not eat, drink or smoke. Take all necessary precautions against accidental spillage into soil or water.

Fire Prevention Light hydrocarbon vapours can build up in the headspace of tanks. Tank headspaces should always be regarded as potentially flammable and care should be taken to avoid static electrical discharge and all ignition sources during filling, ullaging and sampling from storage tanks. When the product is pumped (e.g. during filling, discharge or ullaging) and when sampling, there is a risk of static discharge. Ensure equipment used is properly earthed or bonded to the tank structure. Electrical equipment should not be used unless it is intrinsically safe (i.e. will not produce sparks). Explosive air/vapour mixtures may form at ambient temperature. If product comes into contact with hot surfaces, or leaks occur from pressurised fuel pipes, the vapour or mists generated will create a flammability or explosion hazard. Product contaminated rags, paper or material used to absorb spillages, represent a fire hazard, and should not be allowed to accumulate. Dispose of safely immediately after use.Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain some remaining flammable product and vapour. Never cut, weld, solder or braze empty containers._________________________________________________________________________________

8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONExposure Limits If vapour, mists or fumes are generated, their concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level.Comply with current local occupational exposure limit. Where not established, the following limits are recommended.

Gasoline ACGIH (USA) : TLV 300 ppm (8hr TWA); 500 ppm (15min STEL)A3 - Animal Carcinogen

BenzeneACGIH (USA): TLV 0.5ppm (8hr TWA); 2.5 ppm (15min STEL)A1 - Confirmed human carcinogenSkin Notation - Can be absorbed through skin

Protective Clothing Wear face visor or goggles in circumstances where eye contact can accidentally occur.

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Sheet No: STI2211 Material Name: Pyrolysis Gasoline Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:15/09/98 Page:

If skin contact is likely, wear impervious protective clothing and/or gloves. Protective clothing should be regularly inspected and maintained; overalls should be dry-cleaned, laundered and preferably starched after use.

Respiratory Protection If operations are such that exposure to vapour, mist or fume may be anticipated, then suitable approved respiratory equipment should be worn. The use of respiratory equipment must be strictly in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions and any statutory requirements governing its selection and use. _________________________________________________________________________________


Typical ValuesGrades: Pyrolysis

GasolineTest Method Units

Physical state liquidColour amberOdour gasoline-likeDensity @ 15°C ASTM D 1298 kg/m³ 875Vapour pressure ASTM D 323 kPa 20 - 80Vapour density rel. to air

ASTM D2463/D2421


Flash point (COC) ASTM D 92 °C -40Boiling point/range ASTM D 86 °C 50 - 180_________________________________________________________________________________

10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYStable at ambient temperatures. Hazardous polymerisation reactions will not occur.

Conditions to Avoid Sources of ignition Avoid excessive heat.

Materials to Avoid Avoid contact with strong oxidizing agents.

Hazardous Decomposition Products Thermal decomposition products will vary with conditions. Incomplete combustion will generate smoke, carbon dioxide and hazardous gases, including carbon monoxide._________________________________________________________________________________11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEyes Unlikely to cause more than transient stinging or redness if accidental eye contact occurs.


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Sheet No: STI2211 Material Name: Pyrolysis Gasoline Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:15/09/98 Page:

Likely to cause skin irritation. Likely to result in chemical burns following prolonged wetting of the skin. (eg. after a road traffic accident).

Ingestion Unlikely to cause harm if accidentally swallowed in small doses, though larger quantities may cause nausea and diarrhoea. Will injure the lungs if aspiration occurs, eg. during vomiting.

Inhalation Likely to be irritating to the respiratory tract if high concentrations of mists or vapour are inhaled. May cause nausea, dizziness, headaches and drowsiness if high concentrations of vapour are inhaled. May be toxic by inhalation when hydrogen sulphide is present in the vapour. Hydrogen sulphide gas may in addition produce irritation of the eyes and respiratory tract.ABUSE:Under normal conditions of use the product is not hazardous; however, abuse involving deliberate inhalation of very high concentrations of vapour, even for short periods, can produce unconsciousness and/or result in a sudden fatality.

Carcinogenicity/Chronic Toxicity Exposure to benzene may result in affects to the hematopoietic system causing blood disorders including anaemia and leukaemia.Benzene is classified by EEC as a category 1 carcinogen - substances known to be carcinogenic to man.IARC assessment: benzene - carcinogenic to humans ( Group 1) _________________________________________________________________________________12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONMobility Spillages may penetrate the soil causing ground water contamination.

Persistence and degradability This product is inherently biodegradable.

Bioaccumulative potential There is no evidence to suggest bioaccumulation will occur.

Aquatic toxicity Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment Spills may form a film on water surfaces causing physical damage to organisms. Oxygen transfer could also be impaired.

German WGK Classification: 3 _________________________________________________________________________________13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSDispose of via an authorised person/ licensed waste disposal contractor in accordance with local regulations. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Hazard warning labels are a guide to the safe handling of empty packaging and should not be removed. Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain flammable product residues and vapour. Never weld, solder or braze empty containers. Materials contaminated with product should be treated as highly flammable. Disposal should be in accordance with local regulations. _________________________________________________________________________________

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Sheet No: STI2211 Material Name: Pyrolysis Gasoline Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:15/09/98 Page:

14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONADR/RID: Petroleum distillates, N.O.S, Flammable liquid, Class 3, Item 2(a), Hazard Identification No. 33ADNR/ADN: Petroleum distillates N.O.S., Class 3, Item 2(a), Hazard Identification No. 33UN: Petroleum distillates N.O.S., Flammable liquid, Class 3, Packing group I, UN No. 1268IATA/ICAO: Petroleum distillates N.O.S. Flammable Liquid, Class 3 , Packing group IIMO: Petroleum distillates N.O.S., Flammable liquid, Class 3.1, Packing group IEmergency Action Code: 3[Y]E _________________________________________________________________________________15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONEU Category of Danger Extremely flammable Carcinogenic category 2 Harmful Irritant Dangerous for the environment

EU Labelling Symbol: Flame Skull and crossbones Dead tree and fish


Risk ( R ) Phrases: R12 Extremely flammable R45 May cause cancer R65 Also Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed. R38 Irritating to skin R67 Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness. R51/53 Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment

Safety ( S ) Phrases: S53 Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use. S45 In case of accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice immediately (show label where possible) S23 Do not breathe vapour S24 Avoid contact with skin S29 Do not empty into drains S43 In case of fire, use foam/dry powder/CO2. Never use water jets.S62 If swallowed, do not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label.S61 Avoid release into the environment. Refer to special instructions/Safety data sheets.

The label must carry the following additional information: "EC Label", Substance name, EINECS No.Substance name: Gasoline, pyrolysis, debutanizer bottoms, EINECS No: 271-726-5

For non-fuel use only - "Restricted to professional users. Attention - Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use." must be marked on packaging. _________________________________________________________________________________16. OTHER INFORMATION

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Sheet No: STI2211 Material Name: Pyrolysis Gasoline Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:15/09/98 Page:

Compiled by: Product Stewardship GroupBP Oil Technology CentreChertsey RoadSunbury-on-ThamesMiddlesex, TW16 7LN

This data sheet and the health, safety and environmental information it contains is considered to be accurate as of the date specified below. We have reviewed any information contained herein which we received from sources outside the BP Amoco Group of Companies. However, no warranty or representation, express or implied is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the data and information contained in this data sheet.

Health and safety precautions and environmental advice noted in this data sheet may not be accurate for all individuals and/or situations. It is the user's obligation to evaluate and use this product safely and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. No statement made in this data sheet shall be construed as a permission, recommendation or authorization given or implied to practise any patented invention without a valid licence. The BP Amoco Group shall not be responsible for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use of the material, from any failure to adhere to recommendations, or from any hazards inherent in the nature of the material.

Sheet Revisions Date: Sections revised: 15/09/98 1, 3, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 1517/07/2000 3, 4, 7, 8, 11, 15

SHEET NO: STI2211ISSUE DATE: 17/07/2000REVISION OF SHEET DATED: 15/09/98 ______________________________________________________________________________

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Sheet No: STI2219 Material Name: Reformate Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:15/09/98 Page:

ALIGN BP SDS FinalsSafety Data Sheet - SDS

GLIS Sheet No:STI2219 SDS Reference: Paper Type: BP Helios Status: Active

Material Name: ReformateLanguage:English Country:OTI

Revision of Sheet Dated:15/09/98 Major Change: Hazard?:YesHazardous Components: Physical Characteristics: Gasoline Tox File: 15.7 Product Group:

Date of Issue: 17/07/2000 ________________________________________________________________________________


Reformate1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Identification of substance/preparation Reformate

Application Fuel blending componentFor specific application advice see appropriate Technical Data Sheet or consult your BP representative

Company Identification BP Oil International LimitedBritannic House1 Finsbury CircusLondon, EC2M 7BA

Emergency Telephone Number +44 (0) 20 7496 4411 _________________________________________________________________________________2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSChemical Composition Naphtha (petroleum), light catalytic reformed. EINECS No: 265-065-1, CAS No: 64741-63-5

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Sheet No: STI2219 Material Name: Reformate Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:15/09/98 Page:

3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONExtremely flammable. Explosive air/vapour mixtures may form at ambient temperature. Likely to cause skin irritation. May cause cancer, classified as a category 2 carcinogen. Contains Benzene. Prolonged or repeated exposure to benzene can cause anaemia and other blood diseases, including leukaemia. Harmful if swallowed - aspiration hazard. Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness. Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment._________________________________________________________________________________

4. FIRST-AID MEASURESEyes Wash eye thoroughly with copious quantities of water, ensuring eyelids are held open. Obtain medical advice if any pain or redness develops or persists.

Skin Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water as soon as reasonably practicable. Remove heavily contaminated clothing and wash underlying skin. In extreme situations of saturation with this product, drench with water, remove clothing as soon as possible and wash skin with soap and water. Seek medical advice if skin becomes red, swollen or painful.

Ingestion If contamination of the mouth occurs, wash out thoroughly with water. Except as a deliberate act, the ingestion of large amounts of product is unlikely. If it should occur, do not induce vomiting; obtain medical advice.

Inhalation If exposure to vapour, mists or fumes causes drowsiness, headache, blurred vision or irritation of the eyes, nose or throat, remove immediately to fresh air. Keep patient warm and at rest. If any symptoms persist obtain medical advice. Unconscious casualties must be placed in the recovery position. Monitor breathing and pulse rate and if breathing has failed, or is deemed inadequate, respiration must be assisted, preferably by the mouth to mouth method. Administer external cardiac massage if necessary. Seek medical attention immediately.

Medical Advice Treatment should in general be symptomatic and directed to relieving any effects.Product can be aspirated on swallowing or following regurgitation of stomach contents, and can cause severe and potentially fatal chemical pneumonitis, which will require urgent treatment. Because of the risk of aspiration, induction of vomiting and gastric lavage should be avoided. Gastric lavage should be undertaken only after endotracheal intubation. Monitor for cardiac dysrhythmias. _________________________________________________________________________________5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESFor major fires call the Fire Service. Ensure an escape path is always available from any fire. There is a danger of flashback if sparks or hot surfaces ignite vapour. Use foam, dry powder or water fog. DO NOT USE water jets. Fires in confined spaces should be dealt with by trained personnel wearing approved breathing apparatus. Any spillage should be regarded as a potential fire risk.

Combustion Products

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Sheet No: STI2219 Material Name: Reformate Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:15/09/98 Page:

Toxic fumes may be evolved on burning or exposure to heat. See Stability and Reactivity, Section 10 of this Safety Data Sheet. _________________________________________________________________________________6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESAs this product has a very low flash point any spillage or leak is a severe fire and/or explosion hazard. Spilled material may make surfaces slippery. It is advised that stocks of suitable absorbent material should be held in quantities sufficient to deal with any spillage which may be reasonably anticipated. Vapour is heavier than air and may travel to remote sources of ignition (eg. along drainage systems, in basements etc.).

Isolate spillage from all ignition sources including road traffic. Evacuate all non essential personnel from the immediate area. If spillage has occurred in a confined space, ensure adequate ventilation and check that a safe, breathable atmosphere is present before entry. Ensure good ventilation. Wear protective clothing. See Exposure Controls/Personal Protection, section 8, of this Safety Data Sheet. Large and uncontained spillages should be smothered with foam to reduce the risk of ignition. The foam blanket should be maintained until the area is declared safe. Recovery of large spillages should be effected by specialist personnel.

Protect drains from potential spills to minimise contamination. Do not wash product into drainage system. In the case of spillage on water, prevent the spread of product by the use of suitable barrier equipment. Recover product from the surface. Protect environmentally sensitive areas and water supplies.Regular surveillance on the location of the spillage should be maintained.In the event of spillages contact the appropriate authorities._________________________________________________________________________________

7. HANDLING AND STORAGEStorage Conditions Store and dispense only in well ventilated areas away from heat and sources of ignition. Store and use only in equipment/containers designed for use with this product. Containers must be properly labelled and kept closed when not in use. Do not remove warning labels from containers. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Retain hazard warning labels on empty packages as a guide to the safe handling, storage and disposal of empty packaging. Do not enter storage tanks without breathing apparatus unless the tank has been well ventilated and the tank atmosphere has been shown to contain hydrocarbon vapour concentrations of less than 1% of the lower flammability limit and an oxygen concentration of at least 20% volume. Always have sufficient people standing by outside the tank with appropriate breathing apparatus and equipment to effect a quick rescue.

Handling Precautions Ensure good ventilation and avoid as far as reasonably practicable the inhalation and contact with vapours, mists or fumes which may be generated during use. If such vapour, mists or fumes are generated, their concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level. Avoid contact with skin and observe good personal hygiene. Avoid contact with eyes. If splashing is likely to occur wear a full face visor or chemical goggles as appropriate. Do not siphon product by mouth. Whilst using do not eat, drink or smoke. Take all necessary precautions against accidental spillage into soil or water.

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Sheet No: STI2219 Material Name: Reformate Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:15/09/98 Page:

Fire Prevention Light hydrocarbon vapours can build up in the headspace of tanks. Tank headspaces should always be regarded as potentially flammable and care should be taken to avoid static electrical discharge and all ignition sources during filling, ullaging and sampling from storage tanks. When the product is pumped (e.g. during filling, discharge or ullaging) and when sampling, there is a risk of static discharge. Ensure equipment used is properly earthed or bonded to the tank structure. Electrical equipment should not be used unless it is intrinsically safe (i.e. will not produce sparks). Explosive air/vapour mixtures may form at ambient temperature. If product comes into contact with hot surfaces, or leaks occur from pressurised fuel pipes, the vapour or mists generated will create a flammability or explosion hazard. Product contaminated rags, paper or material used to absorb spillages, represent a fire hazard, and should not be allowed to accumulate. Dispose of safely immediately after use.Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain some remaining flammable product and vapour. Never cut, weld, solder or braze empty containers._________________________________________________________________________________

8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONExposure Limits If vapour, mists or fumes are generated, their concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level.Comply with current local occupational exposure limit. Where not established, the following limits are recommended.

Gasoline ACGIH (USA) : TLV 300 ppm (8hr TWA); 500 ppm (15min STEL)A3 - Animal Carcinogen

BenzeneACGIH (USA): TLV 0.5ppm (8hr TWA); 2.5 ppm (15min STEL)A1 - Confirmed human carcinogenSkin Notation - Can be absorbed through skin

Protective Clothing Wear face visor or goggles in circumstances where eye contact can accidentally occur. If skin contact is likely, wear impervious protective clothing and/or gloves. Protective clothing should be regularly inspected and maintained; overalls should be dry-cleaned, laundered and preferably starched after use.

Respiratory Protection If operations are such that exposure to vapour, mist or fume may be anticipated, then suitable approved respiratory equipment should be worn. The use of respiratory equipment must be strictly in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions and any statutory requirements governing its selection and use. _________________________________________________________________________________


Typical ValuesGrades: Reformate

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Sheet No: STI2219 Material Name: Reformate Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:15/09/98 Page:

Test Method UnitsPhysical state low viscosity

liquidColour colourless ->

amberOdour gasoline-likeDensity @ 15°C ASTM D 1298 kg/m³ 750 - 850Vapour density rel. to air

ASTM D2463/D2421

3 - 4

Flash point (COC) ASTM D 92 °C -40Boiling point/range ASTM D 86 °C 35 - 230_________________________________________________________________________________

10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYStable at ambient temperatures. Hazardous polymerisation reactions will not occur.

Conditions to Avoid Sources of ignition Avoid excessive heat.

Materials to Avoid Avoid contact with strong oxidizing agents.

Hazardous Decomposition Products Thermal decomposition products will vary with conditions. Incomplete combustion will generate smoke, carbon dioxide and hazardous gases, including carbon monoxide._________________________________________________________________________________11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEyes Unlikely to cause more than transient stinging or redness if accidental eye contact occurs.

Skin Likely to cause skin irritation. Likely to result in chemical burns following prolonged wetting of the skin. (eg. after a road traffic accident).

Ingestion Unlikely to cause harm if accidentally swallowed in small doses, though larger quantities may cause nausea and diarrhoea. Will injure the lungs if aspiration occurs, eg. during vomiting.

Inhalation Likely to be irritating to the respiratory tract if high concentrations of mists or vapour are inhaled. May cause nausea, dizziness, headaches and drowsiness if high concentrations of vapour are inhaled. ABUSE:Under normal conditions of use the product is not hazardous; however, abuse involving deliberate inhalation of very high concentrations of vapour, even for short periods, can produce unconsciousness and/or result in a sudden fatality.

Carcinogenicity/Chronic Toxicity Exposure to benzene may result in affects to the hematopoietic system causing blood disorders including anaemia and

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Sheet No: STI2219 Material Name: Reformate Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:15/09/98 Page:

leukaemia.Benzene is classified by EEC as a category 1 carcinogen - substances known to be carcinogenic to man.IARC assessment: benzene - carcinogenic to humans ( Group 1) _________________________________________________________________________________12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONMobility Spillages may penetrate the soil causing ground water contamination.

Persistence and degradability This product is inherently biodegradable.

Bioaccumulative potential There is no evidence to suggest bioaccumulation will occur.

Aquatic toxicity Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment Spills may form a film on water surfaces causing physical damage to organisms. Oxygen transfer could also be impaired.

German WGK Classification: 3 _________________________________________________________________________________13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSDispose of via an authorised person/ licensed waste disposal contractor in accordance with local regulations. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Hazard warning labels are a guide to the safe handling of empty packaging and should not be removed. Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain flammable product residues and vapour. Never weld, solder or braze empty containers. Materials contaminated with product should be treated as highly flammable. Disposal should be in accordance with local regulations. _________________________________________________________________________________14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONADR/RID: Petroleum distillates, N.O.S, Flammable liquid, Class 3, Item 2(a), Hazard Identification No. 33ADNR/ADN: Petroleum distillates N.O.S., Class 3, Item 2(a), Hazard Identification No. 33UN: Petroleum distillates N.O.S., Flammable liquid, Class 3, Packing group I, UN No. 1268IATA/ICAO: Petroleum distillates N.O.S. Flammable Liquid, Class 3 , Packing group IIMO: Petroleum distillates N.O.S., Flammable liquid, Class 3.1, Packing group IEmergency Action Code: 3[Y]E _________________________________________________________________________________15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONEU Category of Danger Extremely flammable Carcinogenic category 2 Harmful Irritant Dangerous for the environment

EU Labelling Symbol: Flame

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Sheet No: STI2219 Material Name: Reformate Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:15/09/98 Page:

Skull and crossbones Dead tree and fish


Risk ( R ) Phrases: R12 Extremely flammable R45 May cause cancer R65 Also Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed. R38 Irritating to skin R67 Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness. R51/53 Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment

Safety ( S ) Phrases: S53 Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use. S45 In case of accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice immediately (show label where possible) S23 Do not breathe vapour S24 Avoid contact with skin S29 Do not empty into drains S43 In case of fire, use foam/dry powder/CO2. Never use water jets.S62 If swallowed, do not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label.S61 Avoid release into the environment. Refer to special instructions/Safety data sheets.

The label must carry the following additional information: "EC Label", Substance name, EINECS No.Substance name: Naphtha (petroleum), light catalytic reformed, EINECS No: 265-065-1

For non-fuel use only - "Restricted to professional users. Attention - Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use." must be marked on packaging. _________________________________________________________________________________16. OTHER INFORMATIONCompiled by: Product Stewardship GroupBP Oil Technology CentreChertsey RoadSunbury-on-ThamesMiddlesex, TW16 7LN

This data sheet and the health, safety and environmental information it contains is considered to be accurate as of the date specified below. We have reviewed any information contained herein which we received from sources outside the BP Amoco Group of Companies. However, no warranty or representation, express or implied is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the data and information contained in this data sheet.

Health and safety precautions and environmental advice noted in this data sheet may not be accurate for all individuals and/or situations. It is the user's obligation to evaluate and use this product safely and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. No statement made in this data sheet shall be construed as a permission, recommendation or authorization given or implied to practise any patented invention without a valid licence. The BP Amoco Group shall not be responsible for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use of the material, from any failure to adhere to recommendations, or from any hazards inherent in the nature of the material.

Sheet Revisions

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Sheet No: STI2219 Material Name: Reformate Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:15/09/98 Page:

Date: Sections revised: 15/09/98 1, 3, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 1517/07/2000 3, 4, 9, 15

SHEET NO: STI2219ISSUE DATE: 17/07/2000REVISION OF SHEET DATED: 15/09/98 ______________________________________________________________________________

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CITGO Petroleum CorporationP. O. Box 3758Tulsa, Oklahoma 74102

Material Safety Data Sheet

Trade Name: Straight Run Gasoline

Date: February 24 1998

CAS No.: 68606-11-1

Commodity Code No.: 07-001

Synonyms: Naphtha - SRG; Petroleum Naphtha; Straight Run Gasoline, SRG

CITGO Index No.: 0996

Technical Contact: (609) 224-7405Medical Emergency: (918) 495-4700CHEMTREC Emergency: (800) 424-9300

MATERIAL HAZARD EVALUATION(Per OSHA Hazard Communication [29 CFR 1910.1200])

Health Precautions:DANGER: BENZENE CANCER HAZARD. Harmful if swallowed. Do not ingest. Ifswallowed, do not induce vomiting - call physician immediately. Inhalationof vapors may result in blood abnormalities and central nervous systemdepression. Material may be absorbed through the skin. This material maycontain Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S). At elevated concentrations, H2S acts as asystemic poison and causes unconsciousness and death by respiratoryparalysis.

Safety Precautions:DANGER: HIGHLY VOLATILE, FLAMMABLE LIQUID. Vapors are heavier than air andmay travel some distance to an ignition source and flash back.

HMIS Rating(1):Health: 2*Flammability: 3Reactivity: 0

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Refinery Stream CAS No. % Hazard Data

Gasoline, Straight Run 68606-11-1 100 Inhalation: Respiratory tract[A complex combination irritant.of hydrocarbons produced Eye: irritantfrom the topping plant Dermal: Irritantby the distillation of May cause anesthesia and crude oil.] narcosis. See specific component information below.

(1) Hazard Rating: least-0; slight-1; moderate-2; high-3; extreme-4.

CITGO assigned these values based on an evaluation conducted pursuant toNPCA guidelines. Use of an asterisk (*) indicates that the material maypresent chronic health effects.

NA-Not ApplicableND-No DataNE-Not Established

Straight Run Gasoline (07-001; February 24, 1998; CIN: 0996)

Components CAS No. %

Hydrogen Sulfide 7783-06-4 ND

Benzene 71-43-2 0 - 1

Hexane, normal 110-54-3 0 - 2(n-hexane)

Hexane isomers, mixed Mixture 0 - 7(other than n-hexane)

Heptanes Mixture 0 - 12

Pentanes 109-66-0 and 0 - 5 78-78-4

Toluene 108-88-3 0 - 1

Xylenes, mixed isomers 1330-20-7 1 - 7

Octanes Mixture 1 - 15

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Components Hazard Data

Hydrogen Sulfide Eye irritation (human): 4 to 100 ppm Respiratory irritation (human): 50 to 500 ppm (potential pulmonary edema) Bronchitis (human): 250 ppm Severely toxic (human): 200 ppm Coma and death (human): 500 to 1,000 ppm Inhalation LC50 (rat): 444 ppm. Inhalation LC50 (mouse): 673 ppm/1 hr.

Benzene Oral LD50 (mouse): 4,700 mg/kg Oral LD50 (rat): 3,306 mg/kg Inhalation LC50 (Acute-rat): 10,000 ppm/7 H Inhalation LC50 (Acute-mouse):9,980 ppm Eye: Irritant Skin: Irritant May be absorbed through skin. Leukemogen, animal and suspected human carcinogen.

Hexane, normal Inhalation TCLo (human): 190 ppm/8 wk.(n-hexane) Inhalation LCLo (mouse): 120 g/M(3) Dermal: Irritant Oral LD50 (rat): 28,710 mg/kg Peripheral nervous system effects

Hexane isomers, mixed Inhalation TCLo (human): 2,000 ppm/10 min.(other than n-hexane) Oral, Acute (human): Low Dermal: Irritant Narcotic effects

Heptanes Inhalation LCLo (human): 1,000 ppm/6 min. (CNS effects reported.) Inhalation LCLo (human): 4.8%/3 min. Oral LD50 (human): 15 g/kg Narcotic effects

Pentanes Inhalation LCLo (mouse): 325 g/M(3)/2 hr. Dermal: Irritant Narcotic effects

Toluene Inhalation LC50 (mouse): 5,320 ppm/8 hr. Oral LD50 (rat): 5,000 mg/kg

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Dermal LD50 (rabbit): 12,124 mg/kg Dermal: Irritant May be absorbed through skin.

Xylenes, mixed isomers Inhalation LC50 (rat): 5,000 ppm/4 hr. Inhalation TCLo (human): 100 - 460 ppm (eye and respiratory tract effects) Oral LDLo (human): 50 mg/kg Oral LD50 (rat): 4,300 mg/kg Dermal LD50 (rabbit): 14,100 mg/kg Dermal: Irritant

Octanes Inhalation LC50 (RAT): 118 GM/m(3)/4 H Dermal: Irritant Narcotic effects



Combustible NoFlammable YesPyrophoric NoCompressed Gas NoOrganic Peroxide NoReactive NoExplosive NoOxidizer NoStable Yes

Boiling Range, 760 mm Hg, Deg. C (Deg. F): 38(100) - 196(384)

Melting Point, 760 mm Hg, Deg. C (Deg. F) ND

Specific Gravity (60/60 Deg. F) (H2O = 1): 0.78

Vapor Density (Air = 1): 3 - 4

% Volatiles by Volume: 100

Reid Vapor Pressure, mm Hg: ND

Solubility in Water: No

Evaporation Rate (n-butyl acetate = 1): ND

pH of Undiluted Product: NA

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Appearance and Odor: Clear to straw color liquid with a gasoline-typeodor. The material may smell like rotten eggs when H2S is present in lowconcentrations.


Flash Point, CC, Deg. C (Deg. F)<-18 (<0) (estimate based upon component data)

Autoignition Temperature, Deg. C (Deg. F)280 (536) (estimate based upon component data)

NFPA Rating(2)Health: 2Flammability: 3Reactivity: 0

Flammable LimitsLower: 1.0Upper: 7.6(LFL and UFL estimates are based upon component information)

Extinguishing MediaUse dry chemical, foam or carbon dioxide. Water may be ineffective as anextinguishing media but may be used to cool containers exposed to fire.

Special Fire Fighting ProcedureWear self-contained breathing apparatus when in a confined area.

Unusual Fire or Explosion HazardMaterial is highly volatile and emits vapors which are heavier than air.Vapors may travel along the ground and be ignited by remote ignitionsources. Use water spray to disperse vapors. This material may evolvehydrogen sulfide. At elevated concentrations, H2S acts as a systemicpoison and causes unconsciousness and death by respiratory paralysis.

(2) Hazard Rating: least-0: slight-1; moderate-2; high-3; extreme-4.CITGO assigned these values based upon an evaluation conducted pursuant toNFPA guidelines.


Stability: Stable.

Conditions Contributing to Instability: Heat, flame.

Incompatibility: Oxidizing agents.

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Hazardous Decomposition and/or Combustion Products: CO2, CO, fumes, smoke,and trace oxides of nitrogen and sulfur.

Hazardous Polymerization: Hazardous polymerization is not expected tooccur.


Procedure if Material is Spilled:

Remove sources of heat or ignition; provide ventilation; contain leak.

Small Spills: Absorb released material with non-combustible absorbent. Place into containers for later disposal. (See Waste Disposal sectionbelow.)

Large Spills: Evacuate area in the event of significant spills. Adequatelyventilate area and determine potential exposure conditions. Exposurepotential may require the use of respiratory protection. Use protectiveclothing. Contain spill in temporary dikes to avoid product migration andto assist in recovery. Do not allow material to escape into sewers, groundwater, drainage ditches or surface waters.

Control ignition sources around spill area. Use of a fire fighting foamblanket on spilled material will reduce vapor release and fire potential.

OSHA HAZWOPER regulations may require establishing a regulated area withsite control.

Report spills as required to appropriate federal, state and localauthorities.

Waste Disposal:

It is the responsibility of the user to determine if the material is ahazardous waste at the time of disposal.

Recovered non-usable material may be regulated by US EPA as a hazardouswaste due to its ignitability characteristics (D001) and/or its benzenecontent (D018).

Transportation, treatment, storage and disposal of waste material must beconducted in accordance with RCRA regulations (see 40 CFR 260 through 40CFR 271).

State and/or local regulations may be more restrictive.

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Contact the RCRA/Superfund Hotline at (800) 424-9346 or your regional USEPA office for guidance concerning case specific disposal issues.

Protective Measures During Repair and Maintenance of ContaminatedEquipment:

Refer to Section 7.0 - Special Protection Information.

Drain and purge equipment as necessary to remove material residues.

Use nitrile gloves and protective clothing if direct contact isanticipated.

Provide ventilation to maintain exposures below applicable workplaceexposure limits.

Eliminate heat and ignition sources.

Remove contaminated clothing.

Wash exposed skin thoroughly with soap and water.

Keep unnecessary persons from hazard area.


Health Hazard Classification (Per 29 CFR 1910.1200):(Health Classifications are based upon component information.)

Highly Toxic NoSensitizer NoToxic Yes(a)Reproductive Effects NoCorrosive NoMutagen NoIrritant YesTarget Organ (central nervoussystem, hematopoietic system,respiratory system, andperipheral nervous system) Yes

(a) Toxic designation is based upon the H2S component.


Product/Component CAS No. Conc. (%) NTP IARC

Gasoline, Straight Run 68606-11-1 100 No 2B

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Benzene 71-43-2 0 - 1 Group 1 Group 1

Product/Component OSHA Other

Gasoline, Straight Run No No

Benzene Yes A1 (ACGIH) A (US EPA)

Toxicity Summary:Subchronic inhalation of a component of this material, benzene, by ratsproduced decreased white blood cell counts, decreased bone marrow cellactivity, increased red blood cell activity and cataracts. Chronicinhalation or oral administration of benzene in rats produced cancers ofthe liver, mouth and glands.

In humans, acute inhalation of benzene has caused nerve inflammation(polyneuritis), central nervous system depression and cardiacsensitization. The anesthetic action of benzene is similar to that ofother anesthetic gases, consisting of a preliminary stage of excitationfollowed by depression and, if exposure is continued, death throughrespiratory failure.

A component of this material, n-hexane, may cause damage to the peripheraland central nervous systems. This component may be absorbed through theskin and by inhalation.

This material may contain hydrogen sulfide (H2S). At elevatedconcentrations, H2S acts as a systemic poison and causes unconsciousnessand death by respiratory paralysis.

Major Route(s) of Entry: Vapor inhalation and liquid skin contact.

Acute Exposure Symptoms:

Inhalation: Inhalation of vapors above applicable workplace exposurelevels may cause respiratory irritation. Inhalation to elevatedconcentrations may cause euphoria, giddiness, headache, nausea, staggeringgait, weakness, central nervous system depression, dizziness, drowsiness,pulmonary edema, convulsions, coma and paralysis. Human exposure to veryhigh concentrations may be fatal.

This material contains xylene. Xylene is irritating to the eyes, skin, andmucous membranes. Over exposure to xylene can cause shortness of breath,loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, dermatitis, fatigue, headache,dizziness, loss of coordination, irritability, slowed reaction time,

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sleepiness and a decrease in red blood cells. In severe cases,unconsciousness and death can occur.

Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) causes respiratory irritation. At lowconcentrations, H2S has an odor of rotten eggs. At high concentrations,H2S odor is not apparent. At concentrations above 500 ppm, H2S causesunconsciousness and death by respiratory paralysis. NIOSH has determinedthat atmospheres containing 100 ppm or more of H2S are immediatelydangerous to life and health.

Dermal: This material can cause skin irritation, inflammation andblistering. The components benzene, n-hexane and toluene can be absorbedthrough the skin.

Eye: May cause eye irritation with corneal injury. Small areas ofsuperficial cornea necrosis may also be noted. Liquid material enteringthe eye may cause clouding of the cornea.

Ingestion: Symptoms may include a burning sensation of the mouth andesophagus, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, staggering gait, somnolence, lossof consciousness and delirium. Central nervous system effects includevisual disturbances and convulsions, excitement and euphoria with suddenonset of weariness, fatigue and sleepiness followed by coma.

If swallowed, this material can enter the lungs by aspiration. Aspirationcan cause severe lung damage. Cardiovascular effects include shallow rapidpulse and pallor followed by flushing. Progressive central nervous systemdepression, respiratory insufficiency and ventricular fibrillation mayresult in death.

Injection: Injection under the skin, in muscle or into the blood streamcan cause irritation, inflammation, swelling, fever, and systemic effects,including pulmonary edema, pneumonia and mild central nervous systemdepression. Injection of pressurized hydrocarbons can cause severe,permanent tissue damage.

Chronic Exposure Symptoms:

Inhalation: Chronic exposure to the component benzene may result inadverse effects of the blood, including anemia, decreased white blood cellcount, decreased platelets, aplastic anemia and leukemia. In addition,chronic inhalation of vapors of the component benzene may cause fatigue,nervousness, irritability, blurred vision and labored breathing.

Inhalation of the component n-hexane may cause severe degeneration of theperipheral nervous system.

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This material contains toluene. Laboratory animals demonstrated limitedevidence of fetal toxicity when exposed to elevated levels of tolueneduring pregnancy. These effects include decreased fetal body weight andincreased skeletal variations. Developmental effects from massive exposureto toluene in humans has been purported in cases of substance abuse.

Skin: Prolonged and repeated contact with the skin may cause redness,blistering, dryness and/or scaly dermatitis. Overexposure of the componentn-hexane can cause peripheral nervous system damage and central nervoussystem depression.

Other Special Effects:The component n-hexane may cause damage to the peripheral nerves fromacute and chronic exposure. This effect may be characterized by numbnessin the arms and legs.

Medical Conditions Aggravated by Exposure:Individuals with chronic skin or respiratory disorders may have theircondition aggravated by overexposure to this material.

First Aid and Emergency Procedures for Acute Effects:

Inhalation: Move victim to fresh air. If victim is not breathing,immediately begin rescue breathing. If breathing is difficult, 100 percenthumidified oxygen should be administered by a qualified individual. Seekmedical attention immediately.

Dermal: Remove contaminated clothing. Wash exposed skin with soap andwater. Launder clothing before use. Seek medical attention if tissueappears damaged or if irritation persists.

Eyes: Flush eyes with cool water while occasionally lifting and loweringeyelids. Seek medical attention if excessive tearing, irritation or painpersists. Ingestion: Do not induce vomiting. If spontaneous vomiting is about tooccur, place victim's head below knees. Never give anything by mouth to aperson who is not fully conscious. Seek medical attention immediately.

Injection: Injection under the skin, in muscle or into the blood stream isa medical emergency. Seek medical attention immediately.

Notes to Physician:

Inhalation: Toxic effects are produced by vapor inhalation. Monitor forrespiratory distress. If cough or difficulty in breathing develops,evaluate for respiratory tract irritation, bronchitis, or pneumonitis.

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Administer 100 percent humidified supplemental oxygen with assistedventilation as required. Obtain chest x-ray and liver function tests.Monitor arterial blood gases with severe exposure. Monitor cardiacfunction.

Exposure to high concentrations of this material may be associated withcardiac arrhythmia. Epinephrine and other sympathomimetic drugs mayinitiate cardiac arrhythmias in persons exposed to this material. The useof other drugs with less arrhythmogenic potential should be considered. Ifsympathomimetic drugs are administered, observe for the development ofcardiac arrhythmia

Ingestion: This material presents a high aspiration hazard. Aspiration mayproduce chemical pneumonitis. Treatment may involve careful gastric lavageif performed soon after ingestion, or in patients who are comatose or atrisk of convulsing. Protect airway by placement in Trendelenburg and leftlateral decubitus position or by cuffed endotracheal intubation.


Applicable Workplace Exposure Levels:

ACGIH ACGIH TLV ACGIH TLV TWA STEL/ TLV ppm Ceiling (C) SkinChemical Component (mg/M(3)) ppm (mg/M(3)) notation?

Benzene 0.5 (1.6) 2.5 (8) Yes

Heptane 400 (1640) 500 (2050) No(n-heptane)

Hexane isomers, 500 (1760) 1000 (3500) Nomixed (otherthan n-hexane)

Hexane, normal 50 (176) NE No(n-hexane)

Hydrogen Sulfide 10 (14) 15 (21) No

Octane (n-octane) 300 (1400) 375 (1750) No

Pentane (n-pentane) 600 (1770) 750 (2210) No

Toluene 50 (188) NE Yes

Xylenes, 100 (434) 150 (651) No

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mixed isomers

OSHA OSHA PEL OSHA PEL TWA STEL/ PEL ppm Ceiling (C) SkinChemical Component (mg/M(3)) ppm (mg/M3) notation?

Benzene 1 (3) 5 (15) No

Heptane 500 (2000) NE No(n-heptane)

Hexane isomers, NE NE Nomixed (otherthan n-hexane)

Hexane, normal 500 (1800) NE No(n-hexane)

Hydrogen Sulfide NE 20 (50)(C)10 No min Peak/8H

Octane (n-octane) 500 (2350) NE No

Pentane (n-pentane) 1000 (2950) NE No

Toluene 200 (750) 300 (500)(C)10 No min Peak/8H

Xylenes, 100 (435) NE Nomixed isomers

Ventilation Requirements: Use in well ventilated area. In confined space,mechanical ventilation may be required to keep levels of certaincomponents below applicable workplace exposure levels as evaluated bydesignated and properly trained personnel.

Specific Personal Protective Equipment: Personal protective equipmentshould be selected based upon the conditions under which this material isused. A hazard assessment of the work area for PPE requirements should beconducted by a qualified professional pursuant to OSHA regulations.

Respirator: Only NIOSH or MSHA approved equipment should be used.Respiratory protection is required if airborne concentrations of anycomponents are above the applicable workplace exposure levels listedabove. If H2S concentrations are anticipated above applicable workplaceexposure levels use only supplied air respiratory protection.

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When considering benzene concentrations, selection and use of respiratoryequipment must be in accordance with OSHA Benzene Standard 29 CFR1910.1028.

Eyes: Use chemical splash goggles to prevent contact with the eyes.

Dermal: Full body impervious clothing should be worn when handlingmaterial. Use gloves constructed of impervious materials such as neopreneor heavy nitrile rubber when direct contact is anticipated.

Clothing or Equipment: Wear body-covering work clothes to avoid prolongedor repeated exposure. Launder contaminated work clothes before reuse.


Storage: Do not use or store this product near heat, flame or otherpotential ignition sources. Do not store with oxidizers. Do not store thisproduct in unlabeled containers. Keep container closed.

Danger: Flammable Liquid. Vapors are heavier than air and may travel somedistance to an ignition source and flash back. Use only in a wellventilated area. Never siphon by mouth. Empty containers may containproduct residues which can ignite with explosive force. Consultappropriate federal, state and local authorities before reusing,reconditioning, reclaiming, recycling or disposing of empty containersand/or residues of this product.

DOT Information:Proper Shipping Name: GasolineHazard Class: 3Packaging Group: IIHazard identification No.: UN 1203Placard: Flammable Liquid


Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986(SARA)

Section 313 - Toxic Chemicals:This product is believed to contains the following components inconcentrations above de minimis levels that are listed as toxic chemicalsin 40 CFR Part 372 pursuant to the requirements of Section 313 of SARA:

Components CAS Nos. Concentration (%)

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Benzene 71-43-2 0 - 1n-hexane 110-54-3 0 - 2Toluene 108-88-3 0 - 1Xylenes 1330-20-7 1 - 7Hydrogen Sulfide 7783-06-4 ND

Section 311/312 - Hazard Categories:

This product meets the criteria of one or more of the Hazard Categories asdefined by 40 CFR Part 370 as established by Sections 311 and 312 of SARA:Acute (Immediate Health Hazard) YesSudden Release of Pressure Hazard NoChronic (Delayed Health Hazard) YesReactive Hazard NoFire Hazard Yes

Section 302 - Extremely Hazardous Substances:This product may contain the following chemical components inconcentrations greater than one percent that are listed as ExtremelyHazardous Substances in 40 CFR Part 355 as established by Section 302 ofSARA

Component CAS No. Concentration (%) RQ (lb.) TPQ (lb.)

Hydrogen Sulfide 7783-06-4 ND 100 500

Clean Water Act (CWA):Pursuant to Section 311(b) (4) of the CWA, discharges of crude oil andpetroleum products in any kind to surface waters must be immediatelyreported to the National Response Center: (800) 424-8802.

Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation & Liability Act (CERCLA)- Hazardous Substances:The following chemical components are identified as Hazardous Substancesin 40 CFR Part 302 as required by Section 102(a) of CERCLA. As defined inCERCLA, the term "hazardous substance" does not include petroleum,including crude oil or any fraction thereof which is not otherwisespecifically listed or designated as a hazardous substance.

Component CAS No. Concentration (%) RQ (lb.)

Benzene 71-43-2 0 - 1 10Xylenes (mixed) 1330-20-7 1 - 7 100Hydrogen Sulfide 7783-06-4 ND 100Toluene 108-88-3 0 - 2 1,000

Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA):

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Reported in TSCA Inventory as: Product Components

Gasoline, Straight Run X


DANGER:CONTAINS BENZENE - CANCER HAZARDFLAMMABLE LIQUID.POISONOUS - CONTAINS H2SHarmful or fatal if swallowed - can enter the lungs and cause damage.Can cause skin, eye or respiratory tract irritation.Target Organ(s): Hematopoietic system, respiratory system, and centralnervous system, peripheral nervous system.

HANDLING:Keep away from heat, sparks and flames.Keep container closed.Do not breathe vapors or mists.Prevent direct eye or skin contact with liquid or mists.Use gloves, safety goggles, chemical resistant clothing and boots.Use only with adequate ventilation.

FIRST AID:Inhalation: Move victim from exposure. If breathing is interrupted,provide CPR. Seek medical attention immediately.

Ingestion: If swallowed, do not induce vomiting. Seek medical attentionimmediately.

Dermal: Wash exposed skin with soap and water. Seek medical attention ifirritation persists.

Eyes: Flush immediately with large amounts of water. Seek medicalattention if pain or irritation persists.


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Sheet No: SUK2208 Date: 14/05/98 Name of Product: Straight run Kerosine

SAFETY DATA SHEET___________________________________________________________________________

Straight Run Kerosine


ApplicationRefinery stream

Company IdentificationBP Oil UK Ltd, Coryton Refinery, The Manorway, Stanford-le-Hope, Essex SS17 9LL

BP Oil Grangemouth Refinery Ltd, Bo'Ness Road, Grangemouth, Stirlingshire FK3 9XQ

Emergency Telephone NumberCoryton: +44 (0)1375 646000Grangemouth: +44 (0)1324 483422__________________________________________________________________________________

2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSChemical CompositionComplex hydrocarbon substance, one of the following:Kerosine (petroleum). EINECS No: 232-366-4, CAS No: 8008-20-6Common refinery name: Light kero,__________________________________________________________________________________

3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONFlammableHarmful if swallowed - aspiration hazard.Likely to cause skin irritation.Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment.__________________________________________________________________________________

4. FIRST-AID MEASURESEyesWash eye thoroughly with copious quantities of water, ensuring eyelids are held open. Obtain medical advice if any pain or redness develops or persists.

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Sheet No: SUK2208 Date: 14/05/98 Name of Product: Straight run Kerosine

SkinWash skin thoroughly with soap and water as soon as reasonably practicable. Remove heavily contaminated clothing and wash underlying skin.

IngestionIf contamination of the mouth occurs, wash out thoroughly with water.Except as a deliberate act, the ingestion of large amounts of product is unlikely. If it should occur, do not induce vomiting; obtain medical advice.

InhalationIf fumes are inhaled the patient should be removed to fresh air and if recovery is not immediate, medical assistance must be called without delay. If breathing has failed respiration must be assisted, preferably by mouth to mouth method.

Medical AdviceProduct can be aspirated on swallowing or following regurgitation of stomach contents, and can cause severe and potentially fatal chemical pneumonitis, which will require urgent treatment. Because of the risk of aspiration, induction of vomiting and gastric lavage should be avoided. Gastric lavage should be undertaken only after endotracheal intubation. Monitor for cardiac dysrhythmias.__________________________________________________________________________________

5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESFor major fires call the Fire Service. Ensure an escape path is always available from any fire.There is a danger of flashback if sparks or hot surfaces ignite vapour.Use foam, dry powder or water fog. DO NOT USE water jets.FIRES IN CONFINED SPACES SHOULD BE DEALT WITH BY TRAINED PERSONNEL WEARING APPROVED BREATHING APPARATUS.

Combustion ProductsToxic fumes may be evolved on burning or exposure to heat.See Stability and Reactivity, Section 10 of this Safety Data Sheet.__________________________________________________________________________________

6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESAny spillage should be regarded as a potential fire risk.In the event of spillage, remove all sources of ignition and ensure good ventilation.Wear protective clothing. See Exposure Controls/Personal Protection, section 8, of this Safety Data Sheet.Spilled material may make surfaces slippery. Clean up spilled material immediately.Contain and recover spilled material using sand or other suitable inert absorbent material.Recovery of large spillages should be effected by specialist personnel.It is advised that stocks of suitable absorbent material should be held in quantities sufficient to deal with any spillage which may be reasonably anticipated.Large and uncontained spillages should be smothered with foam to reduce the risk of ignition.The foam blanket should be maintained until the area is declared safe.Protect drains from potential spills to minimise contamination. Do not wash product into drainage system.Vapour is heavier than air and may travel to remote sources of ignition (eg. along drainage systems, in basements etc.).If spillage has occurred in a confined space, ensure adequate ventilation and check that a safe, breathable atmosphere is present before entry.In the case of spillage on water, prevent the spread of product by the use of suitable barrier equipment. Recover product from the surface. Protect environmentally sensitive areas and water supplies.

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Sheet No: SUK2208 Date: 14/05/98 Name of Product: Straight run Kerosine

In the case of spillage at sea approved dispersants may be used where authorised by the appropriate government/regulatory authorities.In the event of spillages contact the appropriate authorities. If spillage occurs call the Environment Agency Emergency Hotline on 0800 807060 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week).Regular surveillance on the location of the spillage should be maintained.__________________________________________________________________________________

7. HANDLING AND STORAGEStorage ConditionsStore and dispense only in well ventilated areas away from heat and sources of ignition.Store and use only in equipment/containers designed for use with this product.Containers must be properly labelled and kept closed when not in use.Do not remove warning labels from containers.Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Retain hazard warning labels on empty packages as a guide to the safe handling, storage and disposal of empty packaging.Do not enter storage tanks without breathing apparatus unless the tank has been well ventilated and the tank atmosphere has been shown to contain hydrocarbon vapour concentrations of less than 1% of the lower flammability limit and an oxygen concentration of at least 20% volume.Always have sufficient people standing by outside the tank with appropriate breathing apparatus and equipment to effect a quick rescue.

Handling PrecautionsAvoid, as far as reasonably practicable, inhalation of vapour, mists or fumes generated during use.Avoid contact with skin and observe good personal hygiene.Avoid contact with eyes. If splashing is likely to occur wear a full face visor or chemical goggles as appropriate.Do not siphon product by mouth.Whilst using do not eat, drink or smoke.Wash hands thoroughly after contact.Take all necessary precautions against accidental spillage into soil or water.

Fire PreventionLight hydrocarbon vapours can build up in the headspace of tanks. These can cause flammability/explosion hazards even at temperatures below the normal flash point (note: flash point must not be regarded as a reliable indicator of the potential flammability of vapour in tank headspaces). Tank headspaces should always be regarded as potentially flammable and care should be taken to avoid static electrical discharge and all ignition sources during filling, ullaging and sampling from storage tanks.When the product is pumped (e.g. during filling, discharge or ullaging) and when sampling, there is a risk of static discharge. Ensure equipment used is properly earthed or bonded to the tank structure.Product contaminated rags, paper or material used to absorb spillages, represent a fire hazard, and should not be allowed to accumulate. Dispose of safely immediately after use.Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain some remaining flammable product and vapour. Never cut, weld, solder or braze empty containers.__________________________________________________________________________________

8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONExposure LimitsThere is no appropriate occupational exposure limit for this material.If vapour, mists or fumes are generated, their concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level.

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Sheet No: SUK2208 Date: 14/05/98 Name of Product: Straight run Kerosine

Protective ClothingWear face visor or goggles in circumstances where eye contact can accidentally occur.If skin contact is likely, wear impervious protective clothing and/or gloves.Protective clothing should be regularly inspected and maintained; overalls should be dry-cleaned, laundered and preferably starched after use.

Respiratory ProtectionIf operations are such that significant exposure to vapour, mist or fume may be anticipated, then suitable approved respiratory equipment should be worn.The use of respiratory equipment must be strictly in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions and any statutory requirements governing its selection and use.__________________________________________________________________________________


Typical Values

Grades:Straight run Kerosine

Test Method Units

Physical state low viscosity liquidColour colourless --> pale yellowOdour kerosine-likeDensity @ 15°C ASTM D 1298 kg/m3 800

approxBoiling point/range ASTM D 86 °C 145 - 300

Flash point (Abel) ASTM D 3828 °C 21 - 55

Explosion limits % 0.6 - 6.5

Solubility in water g/l <0.02

Partition Coefficient (n-octanol/water)

Log10Pow >3

10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYConditions to AvoidStable at ambient temperatures.Hazardous polymerisation reactions will not occur.

Materials to AvoidAvoid contact with strong oxidizing agents.

Hazardous Decomposition ProductsThermal decomposition products will vary with conditions.Incomplete combustion will generate smoke, carbon dioxide and hazardous gases, including carbon monoxide.__________________________________________________________________________________

11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEyesUnlikely to cause more than transient stinging or redness if accidental eye contact occurs.May be irritating to eyes at high concentrations of vapour, mists or fumes.

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Sheet No: SUK2208 Date: 14/05/98 Name of Product: Straight run Kerosine

SkinLikely to cause skin irritation.

IngestionUnlikely to cause harm if accidentally swallowed in small doses, though larger quantities may cause nausea and diarrhoea.Will injure the lungs if aspiration occurs, eg. during vomiting.

InhalationMay cause irritation to eyes, nose and throat due to exposure to vapour, mists or fumes.__________________________________________________________________________________

12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONMobilitySpillages may penetrate the soil causing ground water contamination.

Persistence and degradabilityThis product is inherently biodegradable.

Bioaccumulative potentialThere is no evidence to suggest bioaccumulation will occur.

Aquatic toxicityToxic to aquatic organisms. May cause long term effects in the aquatic environmentSpills may form a film on water surfaces causing physical damage to organisms. Oxygen transfer could also be impaired.

German WGK Classification: 2__________________________________________________________________________________

13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSDispose of via an authorised person/ licensed waste disposal contractor in accordance with local regulations.Dispose of product and container carefully and responsibly. Do not dispose of near ponds, ditches, down drains or onto soil.Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Hazard warning labels are a guide to the safe handling of empty packaging and should not be removed.__________________________________________________________________________________

14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONADR/RID: Kerosene, Flammable Liquid, Class 3 , Item 31 (c), Hazard Identification No 30UN: KEROSENE, Flammable liquid, Class 3, Packing Group III, UN Number 1223IATA/ICAO: Kerosene, Flammable liquid, Class 3, Packing Group IIIIMO: KEROSENE, Flammable liquid, Class 3.3, Packing Group IIIEMERGENCY ACTION CODE: Flammable liquid, 3[Y]__________________________________________________________________________________


EU Category of DangerFlammableHarmful

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Sheet No: SUK2208 Date: 14/05/98 Name of Product: Straight run Kerosine

IrritantDangerous for the environment

EU LabellingSymbol: St. Andrew's Cross, Dead tree and fish


Risk ( R ) Phrases:R10 FlammableR38 Irritating to skinR65 Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed.R51/53 Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment

Safety ( S ) Phrases:S24 Avoid contact with skinS23 Do not breathe vapourS43 - In case of fire use foam or dry powder. Never use water jets S62 If swallowed, do not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label.S61 Avoid release into the environment. Refer to special instructions/Safety data sheets.

The label must carry the following additional information: "EC Label", Substance name, EINECS No. (232-366-4)


16. OTHER INFORMATIONCompiled by:Product Stewardship GroupBP Oil Technology CentreChertsey RoadSunbury-on-ThamesMiddlesex, TW16 7LN

This data sheet and the health, safety and environmental information it contains is considered to be accurate as of the date specified below. We have reviewed any information contained herein which we received from sources outside the BP Group of Companies. However, no warranty or representation, express or implied is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the data and information contained in this data sheet.

Health and safety precautions and environmental advice noted in this data sheet may not be accurate for all individuals and/or situations. It is the user's obligation to evaluate and use this product safely and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. No statement made in this data sheet shall be construed as a permission, recommendation or authorization given or implied to practise any patented invention without a valid licence. The BP Group shall not be responsible for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use of the material, from any failure to adhere to recommendations, or from any hazards inherent in the nature of the material.

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Sheet No: STI2218 Material Name: Straight-Run Naphtha Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:22/09/98 Page:

ALIGN BP SDS FinalsSafety Data Sheet - SDS

GLIS Sheet No:STI2218 SDS Reference: Paper Type: BP Helios Status: Active

Material Name: Straight-Run NaphthaLanguage:English Country:OTI

Revision of Sheet Dated:22/09/98 Major Change: Hazard?:YesHazardous Components: Physical Characteristics: Gasoline Tox File: 15.11 Product Group:

Date of Issue: 17/07/2000 ________________________________________________________________________________


Straight-Run Naphtha1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Identification of substance/preparation Straight-Run Naphtha Alternative Names: Light straight-run naphtha, Heavy straight-run naphtha, Full-range straight-run naphtha

Application Petroleum feedstock or fuel blending componentFor specific application advice see appropriate Technical Data Sheet or consult your BP representative

Company Identification BP Oil International LimitedBritannic House1 Finsbury CircusLondon, EC2M 7BA

Emergency Telephone Number +44 (0) 20 7496 4411 _________________________________________________________________________________2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSChemical Composition Complex hydrocarbon substance, one of the following:

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Sheet No: STI2218 Material Name: Straight-Run Naphtha Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:22/09/98 Page:

Naphtha (petroleum), heavy straight-run. EINECS No: 265-041-0, CAS No: 64741-41-9 Naphtha (petroleum), full-range straight-run. EINECS No: 265-042-6, CAS No: 64741-42-0 Naphtha (petroleum), light straight-run. EINECS No: 265-046-8, CAS No: 64741-46-4

3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONExtremely flammable. Explosive air/vapour mixtures may form at ambient temperature. Likely to cause skin irritation. May cause cancer, classified as a category 2 carcinogen. Contains Benzene. Prolonged or repeated exposure to benzene can cause anaemia and other blood diseases, including leukaemia. Harmful if swallowed - aspiration hazard. Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness. Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment.May contain hydrogen sulphide._________________________________________________________________________________

4. FIRST-AID MEASURESEyes Wash eye thoroughly with copious quantities of water, ensuring eyelids are held open. Obtain medical advice if any pain or redness develops or persists.

Skin Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water as soon as reasonably practicable. Remove heavily contaminated clothing and wash underlying skin. In extreme situations of saturation with this product, drench with water, remove clothing as soon as possible and wash skin with soap and water. Seek medical advice if skin becomes red, swollen or painful.

Ingestion If contamination of the mouth occurs, wash out thoroughly with water. Except as a deliberate act, the ingestion of large amounts of product is unlikely. If it should occur, do not induce vomiting; obtain medical advice.

Inhalation If exposure to vapour, mists or fumes causes drowsiness, headache, blurred vision or irritation of the eyes, nose or throat, remove immediately to fresh air. Keep patient warm and at rest. If any symptoms persist obtain medical advice. EXPOSURE TO HYDROGEN SULPHIDE:Casualties suffering ill effects as a result of exposure to hydrogen sulphide should be immediately removed to fresh air and medical assistance obtained without delay. Unconscious casualties must be placed in the recovery position. Monitor breathing and pulse rate and if breathing has failed, or is deemed inadequate, respiration must be assisted, preferably by the mouth to mouth method. Administer external cardiac massage if necessary. Seek medical attention immediately. It is advisable that all who are engaged in operations in which contact with H2S may reasonably be anticipated, should be trained in the techniques of emergency resuscitation and in the care of an unconscious patient.

Medical Advice Treatment should in general be symptomatic and directed to relieving any effects.Product can be aspirated on swallowing or following regurgitation of stomach contents, and can cause severe and potentially fatal chemical pneumonitis, which will require urgent treatment. Because of the risk of aspiration, induction of vomiting and gastric lavage should be avoided. Gastric lavage should be undertaken only after endotracheal intubation. Monitor for cardiac dysrhythmias.

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Sheet No: STI2218 Material Name: Straight-Run Naphtha Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:22/09/98 Page:

Inhalation of hydrogen sulphide may cause central respiratory depression leading to coma and death. It is irritant to the respiratory tract causing chemical pneumonitis and pulmonary oedema. The onset of pulmonary oedema may be delayed for 24 to 48 hours. Treat with oxygen and ventilate as appropriate. Administer broncho-dilators if indicated and consider administration of corticosteroids. Keep casualty under surveillance for 48 hours in case pulmonary oedema develops. _________________________________________________________________________________5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESFor major fires call the Fire Service. Ensure an escape path is always available from any fire. There is a danger of flashback if sparks or hot surfaces ignite vapour. Use foam, dry powder or water fog. DO NOT USE water jets. Fires in confined spaces should be dealt with by trained personnel wearing approved breathing apparatus. Any spillage should be regarded as a potential fire risk.

Combustion Products Toxic fumes may be evolved on burning or exposure to heat. See Stability and Reactivity, Section 10 of this Safety Data Sheet. _________________________________________________________________________________6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESAs this product has a very low flash point any spillage or leak is a severe fire and/or explosion hazard. Spilled material may make surfaces slippery. It is advised that stocks of suitable absorbent material should be held in quantities sufficient to deal with any spillage which may be reasonably anticipated. Vapour is heavier than air and may travel to remote sources of ignition (eg. along drainage systems, in basements etc.).

Isolate spillage from all ignition sources including road traffic. Evacuate all non essential personnel from the immediate area. If spillage has occurred in a confined space, ensure adequate ventilation and check that a safe, breathable atmosphere is present before entry. Ensure good ventilation. Wear protective clothing. See Exposure Controls/Personal Protection, section 8, of this Safety Data Sheet. Large and uncontained spillages should be smothered with foam to reduce the risk of ignition. The foam blanket should be maintained until the area is declared safe. Recovery of large spillages should be effected by specialist personnel.

Protect drains from potential spills to minimise contamination. Do not wash product into drainage system. In the case of spillage on water, prevent the spread of product by the use of suitable barrier equipment. Recover product from the surface. Protect environmentally sensitive areas and water supplies.Regular surveillance on the location of the spillage should be maintained.In the event of spillages contact the appropriate authorities._________________________________________________________________________________

7. HANDLING AND STORAGEStorage Conditions Store and dispense only in well ventilated areas away from heat and sources of ignition. Store and use only in equipment/containers designed for use with this product. Containers must be properly labelled and kept closed when not in use. Do not remove warning labels from containers. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Retain hazard warning labels on empty packages as a guide to the safe handling, storage and disposal of empty packaging.

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Sheet No: STI2218 Material Name: Straight-Run Naphtha Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:22/09/98 Page:

Do not enter storage tanks without breathing apparatus unless the tank has been well ventilated and the tank atmosphere has been shown to contain hydrocarbon vapour concentrations of less than 1% of the lower flammability limit and an oxygen concentration of at least 20% volume. Always have sufficient people standing by outside the tank with appropriate breathing apparatus and equipment to effect a quick rescue.

Vapours containing hydrogen sulphide may accumulate during storage or transport and may also be vented during filling of tanks. Hydrogen sulphide has a typical "bad egg" smell but at high concentrations the sense of smell is rapidly lost, therefore do not rely on sense of smell for detecting hydrogen sulphide. Use specially designed measuring instruments for determining its concentration.Confined spaces contaminated with hydrogen sulphide must always be considered as constituting potentially life threatening environments. Entry into such spaces must never be undertaken except under extreme emergency when no alternative is possible and then only by trained operators wearing air-supplied breathing apparatus of an approved type and following procedures strictly in accordance with the Statutory Regulations governing such entry. Please see the comments in Section 8 (Exposure Controls/Personal Protection) of this data sheet.It is advisable that all who are engaged in operations in which contact with hydrogen sulphide may be reasonably anticipated, should be trained in the techniques of emergency resuscitation and in the care of an unconscious patient.

Handling Precautions Ensure good ventilation and avoid as far as reasonably practicable the inhalation and contact with vapours, mists or fumes which may be generated during use. If such vapour, mists or fumes are generated, their concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level. Avoid contact with skin and observe good personal hygiene. Avoid contact with eyes. If splashing is likely to occur wear a full face visor or chemical goggles as appropriate. Do not siphon product by mouth. Whilst using do not eat, drink or smoke. Take all necessary precautions against accidental spillage into soil or water.

Fire Prevention Light hydrocarbon vapours can build up in the headspace of tanks. Tank headspaces should always be regarded as potentially flammable and care should be taken to avoid static electrical discharge and all ignition sources during filling, ullaging and sampling from storage tanks. When the product is pumped (e.g. during filling, discharge or ullaging) and when sampling, there is a risk of static discharge. Ensure equipment used is properly earthed or bonded to the tank structure. Electrical equipment should not be used unless it is intrinsically safe (i.e. will not produce sparks). Explosive air/vapour mixtures may form at ambient temperature. If product comes into contact with hot surfaces, or leaks occur from pressurised fuel pipes, the vapour or mists generated will create a flammability or explosion hazard. Product contaminated rags, paper or material used to absorb spillages, represent a fire hazard, and should not be allowed to accumulate. Dispose of safely immediately after use.Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain some remaining flammable product and vapour. Never cut, weld, solder or braze empty containers._________________________________________________________________________________

8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONExposure Limits If vapour, mists or fumes are generated, their concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level.Comply with current local occupational exposure limit. Where not established, the following limits are recommended.

Gasoline ACGIH (USA) : TLV 300 ppm (8hr TWA); 500 ppm (15min STEL)

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Sheet No: STI2218 Material Name: Straight-Run Naphtha Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:22/09/98 Page:

A3 - Animal Carcinogen

BenzeneACGIH (USA): TLV 0.5ppm (8hr TWA); 2.5 ppm (15min STEL)A1 - Confirmed human carcinogenSkin Notation - Can be absorbed through skin

Hydrogen sulphide ACGIH (USA): TLV 10 ppm (8 hr TWA); 15ppm (15 min STEL)

Protective Clothing Wear face visor or goggles in circumstances where eye contact can accidentally occur. If skin contact is likely, wear impervious protective clothing and/or gloves. Protective clothing should be regularly inspected and maintained; overalls should be dry-cleaned, laundered and preferably starched after use.

Respiratory Protection If operations are such that the excessive generation of vapour, mist or fume may be anticipated, to which operators may unavoidably be exposed, then suitable approved respiratory equipment should be worn. Note: Approved air-supplied breathing apparatus must be worn where there may be potential for inhalation of hydrogen sulphide gas. The use of respiratory equipment must be strictly in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions and any statutory requirements governing its selection and use. _________________________________________________________________________________


Typical ValuesGrades: Straight-Run

NaphthaTest Method Units

Physical state low viscosity liquid

Colour colourless -> amber

Odour gasoline-like / pungent

Density @ 15°C ASTM D 1298 kg/m³ Approx 750Boiling point/range ASTM D 86 °C 20 to 220Flash point (PMC) ASTM D 93 °C below -18_________________________________________________________________________________

10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYStable at ambient temperatures. Hazardous polymerisation reactions will not occur.

Conditions to Avoid Sources of ignition Avoid excessive heat.

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Sheet No: STI2218 Material Name: Straight-Run Naphtha Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:22/09/98 Page:

Materials to Avoid Avoid contact with strong oxidizing agents.

Hazardous Decomposition Products Thermal decomposition products will vary with conditions. Incomplete combustion will generate smoke, carbon dioxide and hazardous gases, including carbon monoxide._________________________________________________________________________________11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEyes Unlikely to cause more than transient stinging or redness if accidental eye contact occurs.

Skin Likely to cause skin irritation. Likely to result in chemical burns following prolonged wetting of the skin. (eg. after a road traffic accident).

Ingestion Unlikely to cause harm if accidentally swallowed in small doses, though larger quantities may cause nausea and diarrhoea. Will injure the lungs if aspiration occurs, eg. during vomiting.

Inhalation Likely to be irritating to the respiratory tract if high concentrations of mists or vapour are inhaled. May cause nausea, dizziness, headaches and drowsiness if high concentrations of vapour are inhaled. May be toxic by inhalation when hydrogen sulphide is present in the vapour. Hydrogen sulphide gas may in addition produce irritation of the eyes and respiratory tract.ABUSE:Under normal conditions of use the product is not hazardous; however, abuse involving deliberate inhalation of very high concentrations of vapour, even for short periods, can produce unconsciousness and/or result in a sudden fatality.

Carcinogenicity/Chronic Toxicity Exposure to benzene may result in affects to the hematopoietic system causing blood disorders including anaemia and leukaemia.Benzene is classified by EEC as a category 1 carcinogen - substances known to be carcinogenic to man.IARC assessment: benzene - carcinogenic to humans ( Group 1) _________________________________________________________________________________12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONMobility Spillages may penetrate the soil causing ground water contamination.

Persistence and degradability This product is inherently biodegradable.

Bioaccumulative potential There is no evidence to suggest bioaccumulation will occur.

Aquatic toxicity Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment Spills may form a film on water surfaces causing physical damage to organisms. Oxygen transfer could also be

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Sheet No: STI2218 Material Name: Straight-Run Naphtha Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:22/09/98 Page:


German WGK Classification: 3 _________________________________________________________________________________13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSDispose of via an authorised person/ licensed waste disposal contractor in accordance with local regulations. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Hazard warning labels are a guide to the safe handling of empty packaging and should not be removed. Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain flammable product residues and vapour. Never weld, solder or braze empty containers. Materials contaminated with product should be treated as highly flammable. Disposal should be in accordance with local regulations. _________________________________________________________________________________14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONADR/RID: Petroleum distillates, N.O.S, Flammable liquid, Class 3, Item 2(a), Hazard Identification No. 33ADNR/ADN: Petroleum distillates N.O.S., Class 3, Item 2(a), Hazard Identification No. 33UN: Petroleum distillates N.O.S., Flammable liquid, Class 3, Packing group I, UN No. 1268IATA/ICAO: Petroleum distillates N.O.S. Flammable Liquid, Class 3 , Packing group IIMO: Petroleum distillates N.O.S., Flammable liquid, Class 3.1, Packing group IEmergency Action Code: 3[Y]E _________________________________________________________________________________15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONEU Category of Danger Extremely flammable Carcinogenic category 2 Harmful Irritant Dangerous for the environment

EU Labelling Symbol: Flame Skull and crossbones Dead tree and fish


Risk ( R ) Phrases: R12 Extremely flammable R45 May cause cancer R65 Also Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed. R38 Irritating to skin R67 Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness. R51/53 Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment

Safety ( S ) Phrases: S53 Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use. S45 In case of accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice immediately (show label where possible)

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Sheet No: STI2218 Material Name: Straight-Run Naphtha Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:22/09/98 Page:

S23 Do not breathe vapour S24 Avoid contact with skin S29 Do not empty into drains S43 In case of fire, use foam/dry powder/CO2. Never use water jets.S62 If swallowed, do not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label.S61 Avoid release into the environment. Refer to special instructions/Safety data sheets.

The label must carry the following additional information: "EC Label", Substance name, EINECS No.Substance name: Low boiling point naphtha, EINECS No: 265-041-0, 265-042-6, 265-046-8

For non-fuel use only - "Restricted to professional users. Attention - Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use." must be marked on packaging. _________________________________________________________________________________16. OTHER INFORMATIONCompiled by: Product Stewardship GroupBP Oil Technology CentreChertsey RoadSunbury-on-ThamesMiddlesex, TW16 7LN

This data sheet and the health, safety and environmental information it contains is considered to be accurate as of the date specified below. We have reviewed any information contained herein which we received from sources outside the BP Amoco Group of Companies. However, no warranty or representation, express or implied is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the data and information contained in this data sheet.

Health and safety precautions and environmental advice noted in this data sheet may not be accurate for all individuals and/or situations. It is the user's obligation to evaluate and use this product safely and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. No statement made in this data sheet shall be construed as a permission, recommendation or authorization given or implied to practise any patented invention without a valid licence. The BP Amoco Group shall not be responsible for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use of the material, from any failure to adhere to recommendations, or from any hazards inherent in the nature of the material.

Sheet Revisions Date: Sections revised: 22/09/98 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 1517/07/2000 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 15

SHEET NO: STI2218ISSUE DATE: 17/07/2000REVISION OF SHEET DATED: 22/09/98 ______________________________________________________________________________

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Sheet No: STI2208 Material Name: Toluene Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:28/12/95 Page:

ALIGN BP SDS FinalsSafety Data Sheet - SDS

GLIS Sheet No:STI2208 SDS Reference: Paper Type: BP Helios Status: Active

Material Name: TolueneLanguage:English Country:OTI

Revision of Sheet Dated:28/12/95 Major Change: Hazard?:YesHazardous Components: Physical Characteristics: Gasoline Tox File: 69.3 Product Group:

Date of Issue: 17/07/2000 ________________________________________________________________________________



Application Fuel blending componentChemical feedstockFor specific application advice see appropriate Technical Data Sheet or consult your BP representative

Company Identification BP Oil International LimitedBritannic House1 Finsbury CircusLondon, EC2M 7BA

Emergency Telephone Number +44 (0) 20 7496 4411 _________________________________________________________________________________2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSChemical Composition Toluene, EINECS No. 203-625-9, CAS No. 108-88-3

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Sheet No: STI2208 Material Name: Toluene Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:28/12/95 Page:

3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONHighly flammable Harmful if vapour, mists or fumes generated during use are inhaled. Harmful if swallowed - aspiration hazard. May be irritating to eyes May be irritating to the skin _________________________________________________________________________________

4. FIRST-AID MEASURESEyes Wash eye thoroughly with copious quantities of water, ensuring eyelids are held open. Obtain medical advice if any pain or redness develops or persists.

Skin Wash off immediately with soap and water. Change heavily contaminated clothing and wash underlying skin.

Ingestion If contamination of the mouth occurs, wash out thoroughly with water. Except as a deliberate act, the ingestion of large amounts of product is unlikely. If it should occur, do not induce vomiting; obtain medical advice.

Inhalation If exposure to vapour, mists or fumes causes drowsiness, headache, blurred vision or irritation of the eyes, nose or throat, remove immediately to fresh air. Keep patient warm and at rest. If any symptoms persist obtain medical advice. Unconscious casualties must be placed in the recovery position. Monitor breathing and pulse rate and if breathing has failed, or is deemed inadequate, respiration must be assisted, preferably by the mouth to mouth method. Administer external cardiac massage if necessary. Seek medical attention immediately.

Medical Advice Product can be aspirated on swallowing or following regurgitation of stomach contents, and can cause severe and potentially fatal chemical pneumonitis, which will require urgent treatment. Because of the risk of aspiration, induction of vomiting and gastric lavage should be avoided. Gastric lavage should be undertaken only after endotracheal intubation. Monitor for cardiac dysrhythmias._________________________________________________________________________________5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESFor major fires call the Fire Service. Ensure an escape path is always available from any fire. There is a danger of flashback if sparks or hot surfaces ignite vapour. Use foam, dry powder or water fog. DO NOT USE water jets. Fires in confined spaces should be dealt with by trained personnel wearing approved breathing apparatus. Any spillage should be regarded as a potential fire risk.

Combustion Products Toxic fumes may be evolved on burning or exposure to heat. See Stability and Reactivity, Section 10 of this Safety Data Sheet. _________________________________________________________________________________6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESAs this product has a very low flash point any spillage or leak is a severe fire and/or explosion hazard. Spilled material may make surfaces slippery.

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Sheet No: STI2208 Material Name: Toluene Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:28/12/95 Page:

It is advised that stocks of suitable absorbent material should be held in quantities sufficient to deal with any spillage which may be reasonably anticipated. Vapour is heavier than air and may travel to remote sources of ignition (eg. along drainage systems, in basements etc.).

Isolate spillage from all ignition sources including road traffic. Evacuate all non essential personnel from the immediate area. If spillage has occurred in a confined space, ensure adequate ventilation and check that a safe, breathable atmosphere is present before entry. Ensure good ventilation. Wear protective clothing. See Exposure Controls/Personal Protection, section 8, of this Safety Data Sheet. Large and uncontained spillages should be smothered with foam to reduce the risk of ignition. The foam blanket should be maintained until the area is declared safe. Recovery of large spillages should be effected by specialist personnel.

Protect drains from potential spills to minimise contamination. Do not wash product into drainage system. In the case of spillage on water, prevent the spread of product by the use of suitable barrier equipment. Recover product from the surface. Protect environmentally sensitive areas and water supplies.Regular surveillance on the location of the spillage should be maintained.In the event of spillages contact the appropriate authorities._________________________________________________________________________________

7. HANDLING AND STORAGEStorage Conditions Store and dispense only in well ventilated areas away from heat and sources of ignition. Store and use only in equipment/containers designed for use with this product. Containers must be properly labelled and kept closed when not in use. Do not remove warning labels from containers. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Retain hazard warning labels on empty packages as a guide to the safe handling, storage and disposal of empty packaging.

Handling Precautions Ensure good ventilation and avoid as far as reasonably practicable the inhalation and contact with vapours, mists or fumes which may be generated during use. If such vapour, mists or fumes are generated, their concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level. Avoid contact with skin and observe good personal hygiene. Avoid contact with eyes. If splashing is likely to occur wear a full face visor or chemical goggles as appropriate. Do not siphon product by mouth. Do not siphon product by mouth. Take all necessary precautions against accidental spillage into soil or water.

Fire Prevention Light hydrocarbon vapours can build up in the headspace of tanks. Tank headspaces should always be regarded as potentially flammable and care should be taken to avoid static electrical discharge and all ignition sources during filling, ullaging and sampling from storage tanks. When the product is pumped (e.g. during filling, discharge or ullaging) and when sampling, there is a risk of static discharge. Ensure equipment used is properly earthed or bonded to the tank structure. Electrical equipment should not be used unless it is intrinsically safe (i.e. will not produce sparks). Explosive air/vapour mixtures may form at ambient temperature. If product comes into contact with hot surfaces, or leaks occur from pressurised fuel pipes, the vapour or mists generated will create a flammability or explosion hazard. Product contaminated rags, paper or material used to absorb spillages, represent a fire hazard, and should not be

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Sheet No: STI2208 Material Name: Toluene Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:28/12/95 Page:

allowed to accumulate. Dispose of safely immediately after use.Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain some remaining flammable product and vapour. Never cut, weld, solder or braze empty containers._________________________________________________________________________________

8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONExposure Limits If vapour, mists or fumes are generated, their concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level. Comply with current local occupational exposure limit. Where not established, the following limits are recommended.

TolueneACGIH (USA): TLV 50ppm (8hr TWA)A4 - Not classifiable as a human carcinogenSkin Notation - Can be absorbed through skin.BEI (Biological Exposure Indice) Substance

Protective Clothing Wear face visor or goggles in circumstances where eye contact can accidentally occur. If skin contact is likely, wear impervious protective clothing and/or gloves. Protective clothing should be regularly inspected and maintained; overalls should be dry-cleaned, laundered and preferably starched after use.

Respiratory Protection If operations are such that exposure to vapour, mist or fume may be anticipated, then suitable approved respiratory equipment should be worn. The use of respiratory equipment must be strictly in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions and any statutory requirements governing its selection and use. _________________________________________________________________________________


Typical ValuesGrades: Toluene

Test Method UnitsPhysical state liquidColour colourlessOdour aromaticDensity @ 15°C ASTM D 1298 kg/m³ 866Explosion limits % 1.3 - 7Flash point (COC) ASTM D 92 °C 16Boiling point/range °C 111Melting point ASTM D 127 °C -95


10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYStable at ambient temperatures.

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Sheet No: STI2208 Material Name: Toluene Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:28/12/95 Page:

Hazardous polymerisation reactions will not occur.

Conditions to Avoid Sources of ignition Avoid excessive heat.

Materials to Avoid Avoid contact with strong oxidizing agents.

Hazardous Decomposition Products Thermal decomposition products will vary with conditions. Incomplete combustion will generate smoke, carbon dioxide and hazardous gases, including carbon monoxide._________________________________________________________________________________11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEyes May be irritating to the eyes

Skin Can be absorbed via intact skin. Repeated or prolonged contact may cause skin irritation.

Ingestion Unlikely to cause harm if accidentally swallowed in small doses, though larger quantities may cause nausea and diarrhoea. Will injure the lungs if aspiration occurs, eg. during vomiting.

Inhalation Harmful if vapour, mists or fumes generated during use are inhaled. Likely to be irritating to the respiratory tract if high concentrations of mists or vapour are inhaled. May cause nausea, dizziness, headaches and drowsiness if high concentrations of vapour are inhaled. ABUSE:Under normal conditions of use the product is not hazardous; however, abuse involving deliberate inhalation of very high concentrations of vapour, even for short periods, can produce unconsciousness and/or result in a sudden fatality._________________________________________________________________________________12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONMobility Spillages may penetrate the soil causing ground water contamination.

Persistence and degradability This product is inherently biodegradable.

Bioaccumulative potential There is no evidence to suggest bioaccumulation will occur.

Aquatic toxicity Harmful to aquatic organisms. Spills may form a film on water surfaces causing physical damage to organisms. Oxygen transfer could also be impaired. _________________________________________________________________________________

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Sheet No: STI2208 Material Name: Toluene Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:28/12/95 Page:

13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSDispose of via an authorised person/ licensed waste disposal contractor in accordance with local regulations. Incineration may be carried out under controlled conditions provided that local regulations for emissions are met. Dispose of product and container carefully and responsibly. Do not dispose of near ponds, ditches, down drains or onto soil. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Hazard warning labels are a guide to the safe handling of empty packaging and should not be removed. Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain flammable product residues and vapour. Never weld, solder or braze empty containers._________________________________________________________________________________14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONADR/RID: Toluene, Flammable liquid, Class 3, Item 3(b), Hazard identification No 33UN: Toluene, Flammable liquid, Class 3, Packing Group II, UN Number 1294IATA/ICAO: Toluene, Flammable liquid, Class 3, Packing Group IIIMO: Toluene, Flammable liquid, Class 3.2, Packing Group IIHAZCHEM: Flammable liquid, 3[Y] E _________________________________________________________________________________15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONEU Category of Danger Highly flammable Harmful

EU Labelling Symbol: Flame St. Andrew's Cross

Indication of danger: HIGHLY FLAMMABLE HARMFUL

Risk ( R ) Phrases: R11 Highly flammable R20 Harmful by inhalation

Safety ( S ) Phrases: S2 Keep out of reach of children S16 Keep away from sources of ignition - No smoking S25 Avoid contact with eyes. S29 Do not empty into drains S33 Take precautionary measures against static discharges

The label must carry the following additional information: "EC Label", Substance name, EINECS No. Substance name: Toluene, EINECS No: 203-625-9

_________________________________________________________________________________16. OTHER INFORMATIONCompiled by:

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Sheet No: STI2208 Material Name: Toluene Issue Date : 17/07/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:28/12/95 Page:

Product Stewardship GroupBP Oil Technology CentreChertsey RoadSunbury-on-ThamesMiddlesex, TW16 7LN

This data sheet and the health, safety and environmental information it contains is considered to be accurate as of the date specified below. We have reviewed any information contained herein which we received from sources outside the BP Amoco Group of Companies. However, no warranty or representation, express or implied is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the data and information contained in this data sheet.

Health and safety precautions and environmental advice noted in this data sheet may not be accurate for all individuals and/or situations. It is the user's obligation to evaluate and use this product safely and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. No statement made in this data sheet shall be construed as a permission, recommendation or authorization given or implied to practise any patented invention without a valid licence. The BP Amoco Group shall not be responsible for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use of the material, from any failure to adhere to recommendations, or from any hazards inherent in the nature of the material.

Sheet Revisions Date: Sections revised: 17/07/2000

SHEET NO: STI2208ISSUE DATE: 17/07/2000REVISION OF SHEET DATED: 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15 ______________________________________________________________________________

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Sheet No: SAV2105 Material Name: TS-1 Issue Date : 02/11/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:12/11/99 Page

ALIGN BP SDS FinalsSafety Data Sheet - SDS

GLIS Sheet No:SAV2105 SDS Reference: Paper Type: BP Helios Status: Active

Material Name: TS-1Language:English Country:OAV

Revision of Sheet Dated:12/11/99 Major Change: Hazard?:YesHazardous Components: Physical Characteristics: Kero Tox File: 346.21 Product Group:

Date of Issue: 02/11/2000 ________________________________________________________________________________



Application Jet fueldo not use for other purposesFor specific application advice see appropriate Technical Data Sheet or consult your BP representative

Company Identification Air BP InternationalBreakspear ParkBreakspear WayHemel HempsteadHertfordshireHP2 4UL

Emergency Telephone Number +44 (0) 1442-22-5711

Out of office hours:+44 (0) 1202 590558

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Sheet No: SAV2105 Material Name: TS-1 Issue Date : 02/11/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:12/11/99 Page

_________________________________________________________________________________2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSChemical Composition A mixture of kerosene streams May contain small quantities of proprietary performance additives.

Hazardous Components Kerosine - unspecifiedXn R10 FlammableR38 Irritating to skinR65 Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed. (>90%)

_________________________________________________________________________________3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONFlammable Harmful if swallowed - aspiration hazard. Likely to cause skin irritation. _________________________________________________________________________________

4. FIRST-AID MEASURESEyes Wash eye thoroughly with copious quantities of waterensuring eyelids are held open. Obtain medical advice if any pain or redness develops or persists.

Skin Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water as soon as reasonably practicable. Remove heavily contaminated clothing and wash underlying skin.

Ingestion If contamination of the mouth occurswash out thoroughly with water. Except as a deliberate actthe ingestion of large amounts of product is unlikely. If it should occurdo not induce vomitingobtain medical advice.

Inhalation If fumes are inhaled the patient should be removed to fresh air and if recovery is not immediatemedical assistance must be called without delay. If breathing has failed respiration must be assistedpreferably by mouth to mouth method.

Medical Advice Product can be aspirated on swallowing or following regurgitation of stomach contentsand can cause severe and potentially fatal chemical pneumonitiswhich will require urgent treatment. Because of the risk of aspirationinduction of vomiting and gastric lavage should be avoided. Gastric lavage should be undertaken only after endotracheal intubation. Monitor for cardiac dysrhythmias._________________________________________________________________________________

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Sheet No: SAV2105 Material Name: TS-1 Issue Date : 02/11/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:12/11/99 Page

5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESFor major fires call the Fire Service. Ensure an escape path is always available from any fire. There is a danger of flashback if sparks or hot surfaces ignite vapour. Use foamdry powder or water fog. DO NOT USE water jets. Fires in confined spaces should be dealt with by trained personnel wearing approved breathing apparatus.

Combustion Products Toxic fumes may be evolved on burning or exposure to heat. See Stability and ReactivitySection 10 of this Safety Data Sheet. _________________________________________________________________________________6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESAny spillage should be regarded as a potential fire risk. In the event of spillageremove all sources of ignition and ensure good ventilation. Wear protective clothing. See Exposure Controls/Personal Protectionsection 8of this Safety Data Sheet. Spilled material may make surfaces slippery. Clean up spilled material immediately. Contain and recover spilled material using sand or other suitable inert absorbent material. Recovery of large spillages should be effected by specialist personnel. It is advised that stocks of suitable absorbent material should be held in quantities sufficient to deal with any spillage which may be reasonably anticipated. Large and uncontained spillages should be smothered with foam to reduce the risk of ignition. The foam blanket should be maintained until the area is declared safe. Protect drains from potential spills to minimise contamination. Do not wash product into drainage system. Vapour is heavier than air and may travel to remote sources of ignition (eg. along drainage systemsin basements etc.). If spillage has occurred in a confined spaceensure adequate ventilation and check that a safebreathable atmosphere is present before entry. In the case of spillage on waterprevent the spread of product by the use of suitable barrier equipment. Recover product from the surface. Protect environmentally sensitive areas and water supplies. In the case of spillage at sea approved dispersants may be used where authorised by the appropriate government/regulatory authorities. Regular surveillance on the location of the spillage should be maintained.In the event of spillages contact the appropriate authorities._________________________________________________________________________________

7. HANDLING AND STORAGEStorage Conditions Store and dispense only in well ventilated areas away from heat and sources of ignition. Store and use only in equipment/containers designed for use with this product. Containers must be properly labelled and kept closed when not in use. Do not remove warning labels from containers. Empty packages may contain some remaining product. Retain hazard warning labels on empty packages as a guide to the safe handlingstorage and disposal of empty packaging.

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Sheet No: SAV2105 Material Name: TS-1 Issue Date : 02/11/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:12/11/99 Page

Do not enter storage tanks without breathing apparatus unless the tank has been well ventilated and the tank atmosphere has been shown to contain hydrocarbon vapour concentrations of less than 1% of the lower flammability limit and an oxygen concentration of at least 20% volume. Always have sufficient people standing by outside the tank with appropriate breathing apparatus and equipment to effect a quick rescue.

Handling Precautions Avoidas far as reasonably practicableinhalation of vapourmists or fumes generated during use. Avoid contact with skin and observe good personal hygiene. Avoid contact with eyes. If splashing is likely to occur wear a full face visor or chemical goggles as appropriate. Do not siphon product by mouth. Whilst using do not eatdrink or smoke. Wash hands thoroughly after contact. Use disposable cloths and discard when soiled. Do not put soiled cloths into pockets. Take all necessary precautions against accidental spillage into soil or water.

Fire Prevention Light hydrocarbon vapours can build up in the headspace of tanks. These can cause flammability/explosion hazards even at temperatures below the normal flash point (note: flash point must not be regarded as a reliable indicator of the potential flammability of vapour in tank headspaces). Tank headspaces should always be regarded as potentially flammable and care should be taken to avoid static electrical discharge and all ignition sources during fillingullaging and sampling from storage tanks. When the product is pumped (e.g. during fillingdischarge or ullaging) and when samplingthere is a risk of static discharge. Ensure equipment used is properly earthed or bonded to the tank structure. Product contaminated ragspaper or material used to absorb spillagesrepresent a fire hazardand should not be allowed to accumulate. Dispose of safely immediately after use. Empty containers represent a fire hazard as they may contain some remaining flammable product and vapour. Never cutweldsolder or braze empty containers. _________________________________________________________________________________

8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONExposure Limits There is no appropriate occupational exposure limit for this material. If vapourmists or fumes are generatedtheir concentration in the workplace air should be controlled to the lowest reasonably practicable level.

Protective Clothing Wear face visor or goggles in circumstances where eye contact can accidentally occur. If skin contact is likelywear impervious protective clothing and/or gloves. Protective clothing should be regularly inspected and maintained

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Sheet No: SAV2105 Material Name: TS-1 Issue Date : 02/11/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:12/11/99 Page

overalls should be dry-cleanedlaundered and preferably starched after use.

Respiratory Protection If operations are such that exposure to vapourmist or fume may be anticipatedthen suitable approved respiratory equipment should be worn. The use of respiratory equipment must be strictly in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions and any statutory requirements governing its selection and use. _________________________________________________________________________________


Typical ValuesGrades: TS-1

Test Method UnitsPhysical state liquidColour yellowOdour kerosine-likeDensity @ 15°C ASTM D 1298 kg/m³ 775 minKinematic viscosity @ 20°C

ASTM D 445 mm²/s 1.25 min

Flash point (PMC) ASTM D 93 °C >28Freezing Point @ °C -60 max_________________________________________________________________________________

10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYStable at ambient temperatures. Hazardous polymerisation reactions will not occur.

Conditions to Avoid Sources of ignition

Materials to Avoid Avoid contact with strong oxidizing agents.

Hazardous Decomposition Products Thermal decomposition products will vary with conditions. Incomplete combustion will generate smokecarbon dioxide and hazardous gasesincluding carbon monoxide._________________________________________________________________________________11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEyes Unlikely to cause more than transient stinging or redness if accidental eye contact occurs. May be irritating to eyes at high concentrations of vapourmists or fumes.

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Sheet No: SAV2105 Material Name: TS-1 Issue Date : 02/11/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:12/11/99 Page

Skin Likely to cause skin irritation.

Ingestion Unlikely to cause harm if accidentally swallowed in small dosesthough larger quantities may cause nausea and diarrhoea. Will injure the lungs if aspiration occurseg. during vomiting.

Inhalation May cause irritation to eyesnose and throat due to exposure to vapourmists or fumes. _________________________________________________________________________________12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONMobility Spillages may penetrate the soil causing ground water contamination.

Persistence and degradability This product is inherently biodegradable.

Bioaccumulative potential There is no evidence to suggest bioaccumulation will occur.

Aquatic toxicity Toxic to aquatic organismsmay cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment Spills may form a film on water surfaces causing physical damage to organisms. Oxygen transfer could also be impaired. _________________________________________________________________________________13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSDispose of via an authorised person/ licensed waste disposal contractor in accordance with local regulations. Dispose of product and container carefully and responsibly. Do not dispose of near pondsditchesdown drains or onto soil. At seaused or unwanted product should be stored for eventual discharge into port approved waste oil disposal facilities. _________________________________________________________________________________14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONADR/RID: KeroseneFlammable LiquidClass 3 Item 31 (c)Hazard Identification No 30UN: KEROSENEFlammable liquidClass 3Packing Group IIIUN Number 1223

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Sheet No: SAV2105 Material Name: TS-1 Issue Date : 02/11/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:12/11/99 Page

IATA/ICAO: KeroseneFlammable liquidClass 3Packing Group IIIIMO: KEROSENEFlammable liquidClass 3.3Packing Group IIIEMERGENCY ACTION CODE: Flammable liquid3[Y] _________________________________________________________________________________15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONEU Category of Danger Flammable Harmful Irritant

EU Labelling Symbol: St. Andrew's Cross Indication of danger: HARMFUL Contains: Kerosine - unspecified

Risk ( R ) Phrases: R10 Flammable R38 Irritating to skin R65 Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed.

Safety ( S ) Phrases: S24 Avoid contact with skin S23 Do not breathe vapour S43 In case of fireuse foam/dry powder/CO2. Never use water jets. S62 If swalloweddo not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label. S61 Avoid release into the environment. Refer to special instructions/Safety data sheets. _________________________________________________________________________________16. OTHER INFORMATIONCompiled by: Product Stewardship GroupBP Oil Technology CentreChertsey RoadSunbury-on-ThamesMiddlesexTW16 7LN

This data sheet and the healthsafety and environmental information it contains is considered to be accurate as of the date specified below. We have

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Sheet No: SAV2105 Material Name: TS-1 Issue Date : 02/11/2000 Revision of Sheet Dated:12/11/99 Page

reviewed any information contained herein which we received from sources outside the BP Amoco Group of Companies. Howeverno warranty or representationexpress or implied is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the data and information contained in this data sheet.

Health and safety precautions and environmental advice noted in this data sheet may not be accurate for all individuals and/or situations. It is the user's obligation to evaluate and use this product safely and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. No statement made in this data sheet shall be construed as a permissionrecommendation or authorization given or implied to practise any patented invention without a valid licence. The BP Amoco Group shall not be responsible for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use of the materialfrom any failure to adhere to recommendationsor from any hazards inherent in the nature of the material. ______________________________________________________________________________

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MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET(Approved by U.S. Department of Labor ("Essentially Similar" to Form LSB-OOS-4)

NPVLA 6-70








FORMULA Complex mixture of petroleum hydrocarbons


100 300 ppm




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Section III - PHYSICAL DATABOILING POINT (DEG. F.)IBP-Dry Pt. (244-282 Deg. F) 118-139 Deg. F

VAPOR PRESSURE (mm Hg.) @ 25 Deg. C 45



APPEARANCE AND ODOR Water-white Liquid. Mild, pleasant hydrocarbon odor.





FLAMMABLE LIMITS 1.0% Lel 6.0% Uel

EXTINGUISHING MEDIA Foam, dry chemical, CO2, or water fog or spray.

SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES Use air-supplied breathing equipment for enclosed areas. Cool exposed containers with water spray. Avoid breathing vapor or fumes.

UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS Do not mix or store with strong oxidants like liquid chlorine or concentrated oxygen. FLAMMABLE LIQUID.

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Section V - HEALTH HAZARD DATATHRESHOLD LIMIT VALUE 300 ppm for 8 hour workday. 40 hour workweek, est. by Am. Conf. of Gov't Ind. Hygienists

EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE Inhalation of high vapor concentrations may have results ranging from dizziness and headaches to unconsciousness. Prolonged or repeated liquid contact with the skin will dry and defat the skin leading to irritation and dermatitis.

EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES If overcome by vapor, remove from exposure immediately; call a physician. If breathing is irregular or stopped, start resuscitation, administer oxygen. If ingested, DO NOT induce vomiting; call a physician. In case of skin contact, remove any contaminated clothing, and wash skin with soap and warm water. If splashed into the eyes, flush eyes with clear water for 15 minutes or until irritation subsides.



INCOMPATABILITY (Materials to avoid) Strong oxidants like: liquid chlorine, concentrated oxygen, sodium - or calcium hypochlorite.

HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS Fumes, smoke and carbon monoxide, in the case of incomplete combustion.



Section VII - SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURESSTEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED Remove all ignition sources. Keep people away. Recover free liquid. Add absorbent (sand, earth, sawdust, etc.) to spill area. Avoid breathing vapors. Ventilate confined spaces. Open windows and doors. Keep petroleum products out of sewers and watercourses by diking or impounding.

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WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD Assure conformity with applicable disposal regulations. Dispose absorbed material at an approved disposal site or facility.

Section VIII - SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATIONRESPIRATORY PROTECTION (Specify type) Use hydrocarbon vapor canister or supplied air respiratory protection in confined or enclosed spaces if needed.


SPECIAL Use only with adequate ventilation

MECHANICAL Use explosion-proof equipment.

OTHER No smoking or open lights.

PROTECTIVE GLOVES Use chemical-resistant gloves to avoid repeated or prolonged skin contact.

EYE PROTECTION Use splash goggles or face shield when eye contact may occur.

OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Use chemical-resistant apron or other clothing if needed to avoid repeated or prolonged skin contact.

Section IX - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONSPRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORING Keep containers closed when not in use. Do not handle or store near heat, sparks, flame, or strong oxidant. Adequate ventilation required.

OTHER PRECAUTIONS Avoid breathing vapors. Avoid prolonged or repeated contact with skin. Remove contaminated clothing. Remove contaminated shoes and dry before reuse. Wash with soap and water after contact.

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