MSC.patran Results Primer

MSC.Patran Results Primer Analysis & Results Applications for MSC.Nastran Users James Fillon 10/12/04


Analysis & Results Applications forMSC.Nastran Users

Transcript of MSC.patran Results Primer

  • MSC.Patran Results Primer

    Analysis & Results Applications for MSC.Nastran Users

    James Fillon10/12/04

  • OverviewOverviewAnalysis FormThe link between pre-processing and post-

    processingResults FormFinge, Deformation, Marker Freebody etc

    Spectrum and RangesResults TemplatesResult Plot Sets

  • Primer ObjectivesPrimer ObjectivesReview 2 of the most misunderstood

    applications in MSC.PatranUnderstand Analysis Application as

    both an Import & Export tool for FEM dataLearn Results procedures to insure

    that displayed MSC.Patran results are THE SAME as MSC.Nastran .F06 printed results

  • MSC.Patran Analysis ApplicationMSC.Patran Analysis Application Transition Application between Pre-processing

    & Post-processing tasks in MSC.Patran Application functionality tailored based on the

    Analysis Preference selected for the MSC.Patran database

    Management of:Analysis Jobs & Associated FilesResults ImportModel Import

    Data stored in the Analysis Application (as well as the Results Application) are not imported to other MSC.Patran databases during File/Import, Source=MSC.Patran DB

  • MSC.Patran Analysis ApplicationMSC.Patran Analysis ApplicationStandard MSC.Patran AOM FormActions Available:


    Form Functionality changes dependent on Analysis Preference chosen for a given MSC.Patran DatabaseNote the Code/Type/Study Indicators

  • Analysis: AnalyzeAnalysis: Analyze

    4 Objects AvailableEntire Model: Will export an Analysis model of

    EVERYTHING that is in the database, regardless of what is posted to the current viewportSelected Group: Will export an Analysis model of

    a selected group in the Patran dbExisting Deck: Instruct MSC.Patran to submit an

    Analysis of an existing MSC.Nastran deck by simply selecting the Analysis Job NameRestart: Set up a Restart Analysis deck using an

    existing Analysis Job Name & creating a new Restart Job Name (supported for SOL 101, 103 & 106 only)

  • Analysis: AnalyzeAnalysis: Analyze

    Depending on Object selected, up to 4 Methods available:Full Run: Exports a run-ready MSC.Nastran

    analysis deck & submits it to the version of MSC.Nastran selectedAnalysis Deck: Exports a run-ready MSC.Nastran

    analysis deckModel Only: Exports only a bulk data MSC.Nastran

    deck (no FMS, Exec, or Case Control commands)Check Run: Exports a run-ready MSC.Nastran

    analysis deck with PARAM,CHECKOUT,YES and runs the Checkout job in the version of MSC.Nastran selected

  • Analysis: AnalyzeAnalysis: AnalyzeJob NameImportant tool in the Analysis FormServes several purposesPrefix name of Analysis deck, and resulting Analysis files

    generated from MSC.Nastran (jobname.bdf, jobname.f06, etc.)Name stores all the settings on the Analysis form used to

    generate the job from MSC.Patran to MSC.NastranCan create a job description that tags along with job

    name in the MSC.Patran database for future referenceServes as a cross-reference link when importing results

    between database stored subcase / load case names and result file subcase / load case names

    Be careful when deleting job namesall associated files generated by that job name in the database directory will also be deleted

  • Analysis: AnalyzeAnalysis: Analyze

    Translation ParametersSpecify type of results output

    desired (PARAM,POST)XDB w/ or w/out .F06 outputOP2 w/ or w/out .F06 output .F06 output onlyNone

    Default is XDB & PrintDefault can be changed via

    settings.pcl commandpref_env_set_string(NastranResultsOutput,

    OP2 and Print)See Part 1, Section 5.2, page 120 for all

    available options

  • Analysis: AnalyzeAnalysis: Analyze

    Translation Parameters (cont.)TolerancesUsed for numerical manipulation during export

    translationDivision tolerance prevents divide by zero errors

    (default 1.0e-8)Numerical determines if two real values are equal

    (default 1.0e-4)Writing determines when a field entry is

    approximately zero (default 1.0e-21)This is one of the reasons why 0.0 may be written as


  • Analysis: AnalyzeAnalysis: Analyze

    Translation Parameters (cont.)Bulk Data FormatOption to have MSC.Patran output sorted or unsorted Bulk

    data (not the same as ECHO=SORT, which can be set in Solution Parameters)Card format set to Either by defaultmay set to Small

    or Large (8 or 16 character field, respectively)Either usually outputs Small field formatGrid Precision Digits is used to control number of precision

    digits after the decimal to output Grid card valuesGPD properly accounts for rounding (no truncation)Can aide in maintaining values like 0.0 or 15.0, and not

    changing them to 2.6e-14 or 14.99999999, respectively

  • Analysis: AnalyzeAnalysis: AnalyzeTranslation Parameters (cont.)Node Coordinates: Specify what

    coordinate frame (reference, analysis, global) the grids are to be written into (CP field on the GRID card)MSC.Nastran Version:Tells MSC.Patran to export cards

    appropriate to the version of MSC.Nastran specified (2001, 70.7, etc.)Tells MSC.Patran which version of

    MSC.Nastran to use on a Full Run method

    Number of Tasks: If using MSC.Nastran Parallel option, specify number of processors to distribute the job

  • Analysis: AnalyzeAnalysis: Analyze

    Translation Parameters (cont.)Write Properties on Element Entries: Switch allows export

    of combined element/property cards, such as CELAS2Write Continuation Markers: Off by default, this switch will

    produce continuation markers that can be defined/customized in the numbering options button on this formConvert CBARs to CBEAMs: New switch to take all CBAR

    property cards and convert them to equivalent CBEAM cards. Useful for converting models from SOL101 to SOL106Use Iterative Solver: When MSC.Patran is used in Full

    Run mode, it will submit the analysis deck with MSC.Nastran flag, ITER=YES (also done by SYSTEM(216)=1)

  • Analysis: AnalyzeAnalysis: Analyze

    Translation Parameters (cont.)Numbering OptionsOpportunity to offset numbering for

    anything ranging from GRIDs to PIDs for PropertiesCan specify your own starting

    symbol for a continuation markerSet Encoded Syntax Format

    Default is to take any Property, LBC, or Material Name that has a . in it, and use the trailing number as the corresponding PID, MID, etc.

    On by default If you get a message about

    conflicting encoded ids, you can turn Encoded Syntax off, or you just need to rename the set causing the conflict

  • Analysis: AnalyzeAnalysis: Analyze

    Translation Parameters (cont.)Bulk Data Include FileThis button allows 1 MSC.Nastran Include File to be

    added to the Analysis Deck being ExportedIf more than 1 Include File is to be included with the

    Exported Analysis Deck, the Include statements must be manually added in the appropriate section of the Direct Text Input form (to be discussed later)

  • Analysis: AnalyzeAnalysis: Analyze Solution TypeChoose the Solution Sequence to be

    executed by MSC.NastranSolution Parameters change according

    to the Solution Type Certain Solution Parameters include

    MSC.Nastran Bulk commands like:PARAM,WTMASS,.00259PARAM,GRDPNT,15PARAM,K6ROT,10.0PARAM,SNORM,20.0

    Additional Solution Sequences can be invoked depending on Solution Parameter settings, such as Cyclic SymmetryUnstructured Solution Sequences

    (SOL1) can be invoked by turning off the Database Run switch

  • Analysis: AnalyzeAnalysis: Analyze

    Direct Text InputThis allows a user to input commands into

    sections of the MSC.Nastran Analysis Deck that would not be exported by MSC.PatranCommands may be entered in FMS, Exec, Case

    or Bulk Sections of the DeckReject cards from a MSC.Nastran Deck

    import may be exported to a newly created deckNOTE: Text/Commands input to DTI will be

    placed at the beginning of the appropriate section of the deck. The user has no option to insert commands at different locations of an Analysis deck region

  • Analysis: AnalyzeAnalysis: AnalyzeSubcasesIn MSC.Patran, a Subcase is the

    union of a Load Case, Subcase Parameters, Output Requests, SE definitions, & Selected Explicit MPCsThis differs from MSC.Nastran

    terminology where a Subcase is a combination of LBC sets, output requests, and SE definitionsThe two methods, however, are

    equivalent!!!For Every Load Case created in a

    MSC.Patran database, a Subcase is AUTOMATICALLY created (defaulted 1:1 correspondence)

  • Analysis: AnalyzeAnalysis: AnalyzeSubcase Creation:Even though there is a 1:1 correspondence

    between Subcases & Load cases, you may want to create a new SubcaseAfter creating/selecting the Subcase name,

    optionally type a description of the SubcaseAssociate a Load Case to be used for this

    Subcase (if you select an available Subcase, you will notice that an associated Load Case will be already highlighted)Proceed to select appropriate Subcase

    Parameters, Output Requests, DTI, SEs & Explicit MPCsHit Apply & Cancel when doneSubcase is activated for the Analysis deck

    to be exported via Subcase Select

  • Analysis: AnalyzeAnalysis: Analyze

    Subcase Output RequestsTwo ways to specify

    Output RequestsIndividually via Subcase

    Create: Output RequestsFor multiple Subcases with

    same requests, go to Subcase: Global Data

  • Analysis: AnalyzeAnalysis: Analyze Output Requests: 1 SubcaseTwo types of form: Basic &

    AdvancedBasic simply allows you to pick a

    Result type & accept the defaults on the output requestAdvanced is the double form shownSelect a result type for the chosen

    SOL type and choose the appropriate options for the output request, including whether to output results to the .F06 fileAny group you create can be used

    as a MSC.Nastran SET. You dont have to output results for all entities!!!Hit OK on this form and Apply on

    the Subcases form to save the changes

  • Analysis: AnalyzeAnalysis: Analyze

    Output Requests: Multiple SubcasesSubcases: Global DataSelect the Subcases that will be

    getting the same output request data & click on Output Requests buttonSelect column or individual cells

    where you want output specifiedSelect SETs, where appropriate,

    along with Output Request optionsClick on OK in middle of form to

    insert Output Request Command to cell(s)When finished with Spreadsheet, hit

    OK on panel shown on right, and Apply on Subcases: Global Data form

  • Analysis: AnalyzeAnalysis: AnalyzeNotes on SubcasesWhen Deleting Subcases, they must not be

    associated to any existing Analysis Jobs. If they are, they wont be deleted until the association is brokenWhen choosing Subcases (using Subcase

    Select), there is an option to select all or unselect all for easier selectionMSC.Patran focuses on the SUBTITLE card in a

    MSC.Nastran deck. MSC.Patran does not use the LABEL card, which is typically used by MSC.Nastran in a Subcase block

  • Analysis: OptimizeAnalysis: Optimize

    Used when performing SOL 200 Analyses (MSC.Nastran Design Optimization

    Form knows that SOL 200 jobs use other SOL sequences (SOL 101 & 103 supported by MSC.Patran) as Subcases

    Form essentially same as Analyze form (no Restart functionality)

    Build Model as usual, but define Model Variables & Design Studies before going to Analysis (Tools menu)

    Current Model Study shown on Analysis: Optimize form

  • Analysis: OptimizeAnalysis: Optimize

    Optimization ParametersUses all the Defaults

    defined by MSC.Nastran for SOL 200 analysesGood Defaults given; not

    usually much need to change them (other than # of Design Cycles to be computedDESMAX)

  • Analysis: OptimizeAnalysis: Optimize

    SubcasesForm generally the same

    except that Subcases are built upon Solution Sequences 101 or 103Global Data not available for

    Optimization Analyses

  • Analysis: OptimizeAnalysis: Optimize

    Subcase SelectChoose Subcases to be

    run in order and in terms of Solution Sequences which they were createdSOL 101 or 103 Supported

    Otherwise, same functionality as Analyze-Subcase Select

  • Analysis: DeleteAnalysis: Delete

    There are two types that can be Deleted from the Analysis Application:Job NamesXDB Attachments

    When deleting Job Names, note that MSC.Patran will delete not only the database job name, but also any associated files outside of MSC.Patran that may have been created by that Job Name

    When deleting XDB attachments, all results shown in the database from that XDB file will be detached/deleted

    You can delete multiple XDB files at one time using the Yes for All option when asked to confirm this operation

  • Analysis: Read Input FileAnalysis: Read Input File

    This function is IDENTICAL to that in File/Import (Function actually originated in Analysis menu)

    Object & Method are not changeable

    Entity Selection allows you to filter what is imported into MSC.Patran from a MSC.Nastran input deck

    Can define offsets before importing to prevent ID conflicts

    Auto-offset on by defaultTo have no offset, click on column or

    cells targeted and either input 0 or NoneMake sure to hit return in input box!!

  • Analysis: Importing ResultsAnalysis: Importing Results Read Output2 & Attach XDB Both functions have 3 choices:Results Entities: Import/Attach only the

    Results portion of the fileModel Only: Import only the skeleton

    portion of the model (enough of the FE model so results could be displayed on the entities)Both: Import/Attach Results & Import

    skeleton portion of the modelModel Only Characteristics:OP2: Imports Grids, Element Topology, &

    Coordinate FramesXDB: Imports Grids, Element Topology,

    Coordinate Frames, & Superelement Group Information

  • Analysis: Importing ResultsAnalysis: Importing Results

    Attach XDB requires that the file be seen on the system. It can be either local or NFS mounted to the machine

    No limit to the number of XDB files that can be attached to a MSC.Patran database or to the number of users attaching to a single XDB file

    If an XDB file gets changed (contents or time/date stamp) or gets moved, and it is attached to a MSC.Patran database, you will need to delete the attachment & re-attach

  • Analysis: Importing ResultsAnalysis: Importing ResultsTranslation ParametersFrequently ignored by many MSC.Patran

    usersNot a good thing!Instruct translator on what additional

    types of Results Quantities to import (rotational nodal results, stress/strain invariants, etc.)



    Even though Element Results Positions is defaulted to Nodal, ALWAYS change to BOTHInsures that MSC.Patran is importing all Result

    positions (Centroidal/Nodal) that MSC.Nastran has computedReduces opportunity for MSC.Patran to

    manipulate the data

  • Analysis: Importing ResultsAnalysis: Importing ResultsFor SOL200 jobs, XDB form will contain

    Design Cycles to select. OP2 will import all Design CyclesFor Superelement jobs, XDB form will

    allow you to select which SE to import (default is to import all SEs)XDB-Both form will optionally create

    groups based on Models PIDXDB Import does not support P-Elements

  • Analysis: Importing ResultsAnalysis: Importing Results

    OP2 Import physically imports & stores results in the MSC.Patran database. Dont need OP2 file after import

    XDB imports & stores only metadata (result case names, XDB location) in MSC.Patran database. After attaching, you need to keep the XDB in the file system

    XDB attached results can be accessed more quickly from MSC.Patran than OP2 imported results

    OP2 Results Import no longer being enhanced in MSC.Patran (only bug fixes & general maintenance)

  • MSC.Patran Results ApplicationMSC.Patran Results Application

    Manages the Display, Output, Transformation, Animation & Calculation of Result QuantitiesApplication based on Tools

    (Fringe, Deformation, etc.)Soon to be the Single Source

    Post-Processing tool for all of MSC.Patran (elimination of Insight)

  • MSC.Patran Results ApplicationMSC.Patran Results Application

    There are 4 Actions to the Results Form, each of which has its own Objects:Create: Quick Plot, Deformation,

    Fringe, Marker, Graph, Animation, Report, Results, FreebodyModify: Deformation, Fringe, Marker,

    Graph, ReportPost: Plots, RangesDelete: Plots, Result Cases, Result Data

  • MSC.Patran Results ApplicationMSC.Patran Results Application

    Results Forms designed such that for any of the Objects being created, all you need to do, at minimum, to create a Result Object/Tool is to Select:ObjectResult CaseResult TypePosition (when applicable)Quantity (when applicable)Whether to Animate the Tool upon creationApply

    The other 3-4 Form Icons may be used to customize the Object/Tool at any stage of its creation, but are NOT necessary for the Object/Tool creation

  • Results: Quick PlotResults: Quick Plot A combined, yet simplified, version of the

    Deformation & Fringe Tools Designed so that a minimum of 4 clicks

    would be needed to create a combined Deformation/Fringe plot

    4 Icon Menu Options:Select ResultsFringe AttributesDeform AttributesAnimation Options

    Data Manipulation (averaging, coordinate transformation, etc.) can only be changed by settings.pcl variablesChanging settings means Quitting out of

    MSC.Patran, editing settings.pcl, & restarting MSC.Patran

  • Results: Quick PlotResults: Quick PlotVariables in settings.pcl for Quick Plot

    defaults, as well as Fringe & Marker defaultsInvoked similar to:pref_env_set_string(result_, string value with quotes)Example: pref_env_set_string(result_quick_transform, CID)

    result_quick_avg_domain: All (Default) Material Property Etype Target Element

    result_quick_extrap_method: ShapeFunc (Default) Average Centroid Max Min AsIs

    result_quick_transform: Default (Default) Global CID ProjectedCID None Material ElementIJK

    result_quick_avg_method: DeriveAverage (Default) AverageDerive Difference Sum

  • Results: Quick PlotResults: Quick Plot

    Other limitations:Display results on whatever is in the current

    viewport. If you want to display on a portion of what is in the viewport, you must create a group of that area and post it by itselfNo target entities option available

  • Results: Quick PlotResults: Quick Plot

    Result QuantitiesFor Vector Type Results:Magnitude, X-Component, Y-Component, Z-

    Component are AvailableFor Tensor Type Results:Many values shown which were not computed

    by the Analysis codeMSC.Patran knows how to take Tensorial

    Data and calculate Result Quantities that are not generated by the Analysis CodeMSC.Patran On-Line help describes the

    computed Quantity Derivations in great detail (Part 7, Section 12.3)

  • Results: Quick PlotResults: Quick Plot

    Position Sub FormSelect & Filter Positions on elements

    to be displayedSeveral TypesNon-Layered (2D & 3D Solids)Layeri; i=1 to Max Ply (Laminate Shells) Center, C, D, E, F (Bars/Beams)Z1 / Z2 (2D Shell Elements)

    One or more positions may be selectedFor Other Result Tools, if multiple Result

    Cases are selected, only 1 position may be selected

  • Results: Quick PlotResults: Quick PlotPosition Sub Form (cont)Options Maximum: Plot the Maximum value for each element from either the

    multiple result positions selected, or from multiple result cases at a singular result position

    Minimum: Plot the Minimum value for each element from either the multiple result positions selected, or from multiple result cases at a singular result position

    Average: Plot the Average value at each element from either the multiple result positions selected, or from multiple result cases at a singular result position

    Sum: Plot the Sum value at each element from either the multiple result positions selected, or from multiple result cases at a singular result position

    Merge: This option will Plot the first existing value encountered from any particular layer or Result Case. For instance if both top and bottom stresses are selected then only the top will be reported. This is useful for layers that are associated with certain element types. That way a layer with shells, a layer with solid, and a layer with beam elements can all be displayed simultaneously on the graphics screen in one operation.

  • Results: Quick PlotResults: Quick Plot Fringe AttributesControls the Display of Fringe plotsOption to display Spectrum & Max/Min summary

    legendControl Fringe StyleDiscrete/Smooth, Continuous, Discrete/Flat are all

    targeted towards nodal type fringe plotsElement Fill is targeted towards Centroidal fringe

    plots (checker board pattern)Fringe overlaid onto elements can be shrunk using

    the shrink factorGreat in combination with Show Fringe Label toggle

    when wanting to display fringe values without colors, especially when comparing results to MSC.Nastran .F06 file

    Element edge color & display can be alteredEdit label style & title content placed on Fringe PlotEasy Access to Spectrum & Range controls

    Spectrum & Ranges

  • Results: Quick PlotResults: Quick Plot Deform AttributesProvides ability to modify the look of a deformed

    results plotDeformation shading controlled by Render Style

    on this form (not Toolbar shading icons)Model scale is default scale interpretation Model Scale is defined as the maximum length of the

    models bounding box in the current viewport, multiplied by the Scale Factor on the form. The resulting value is the scale factor applied to the deformations to be displayed

    True Scale always recommended for non-linear analyses & scale factor type plots (i.e., 100x displacements shown)

    Option to show Undeformed shape along with Deformed shape Control Undeformed shading characteristics in this form as

    wellModify Result Titles to your choosingLabel styles shown on plot may be adjusted

    (integer, fixed, exponential)

  • Results: Quick PlotResults: Quick Plot Animation OptionsChoose to Animate Fringe and/or Deformation

    plotsTwo methods Modal: Animate from 1x to 1x the displayed result

    values Ramped: Animate from 0x to 1x the displayed result

    valuesAnimation Graphics Control 2D: Show animation without the ability to manipulate the

    view of the model 3d: Show animation with the ability to manipulate the

    view of the model Preview: Shows 1 full cycle of the Animation and stops VRML: Generate a VRML file format of the Animation MPEG: Generate an MPEG-1 recording of the displayed

    Animation (suggest using default window size to get a manageable MPEG file)

    Select the number of frames to display for the AnimationMust use the Animate button on the Select

    Results Form Icon to initiate the Animation

  • Results: DeformationResults: Deformation

    The Deformation Tool is specifically designed to deal with Displacement-type PlotsProvides GUI based flexibility in

    customizing Deformation Plots that is not provided in Quick PlotThe Deformation Result listbox

    may include non-displacement type results because all vector type results are listedForm settings may be saved to a

    plot name on the database

  • Results: DeformationResults: Deformation

    Anatomy of FormSimilar to Quick Plot in Format5 Icon menu OptionsSelect Results Target EntitiesDisplay Attributes (same as Quick Plot)Plot OptionsAnimation Options

    Have an additional option to Modify the Tool (which QP does not have)

  • Results: DeformationResults: Deformation

    Select ResultsThe form is essentially the same as

    shown in Quick PlotBased on this, there are Result Case

    Filter Buttons that may appearWhen there are Result Case names that

    contain the same Subcase/Subtitle, they can be displayed in either a compressed or expanded format Note: Result Case Name is actually made up of

    2 parts: ,

  • Results: DeformationResults: Deformation

    Result Case FilteringTwo Icons appear when you have

    multiple Result Cases using the same prefixCompress/Expand Toggle IconSelect Subcase Filter Icon

    The default is to have a Compressed listing if more than 30 Result Case Names have the same Prefixsettings.pcl variable controls this:

    pref_env_set_integer( "result_loadcase_abbreviate", 30 )

    The Filter Icon only appears if the Compress/Expand Toggle Icon is depressed (activated)

    Compressed Format

    Expanded Format

  • Results: DeformationResults: Deformation

    Result Case FilteringWhen in Compressed format, you must

    enter the Filter Form to select Result CasesDepending on the Analysis type (modal,

    non-linear, etc.) the filter method variables may changeFilter TypesGlobal Variable: Frequency, time,..String: Text within Result Case Names

    (may use wildcards for search)Subcase IDs: Filter by ID or range of IDsAll: Select all Result Cases

    Procedure:Select one or more Result Case setsChoose Filter Method, Variable, & ValueHit Filter & Apply, or add another Filter


  • Results: DeformationResults: Deformation

    Result Case Name FilteringNotice that even though the Result Case block is

    highlighted, the important change is 0 of 40 to 11 of 40. That is your indication that Result Cases have been selected.

    Before After

  • Results: DeformationResults: Deformation

    Target EntitiesSelect what entities to display

    Deformations uponCurrent Viewport: All entities currently

    postedNodes/Elements: Select specific Nodes or

    ElementsGroups: Select entities by GroupsMaterials: Select entities by Material setsProperties: Select entities by Property setsElement Types: Select entities by Element

    Type (BAR2, QUAD4, etc.)Additional Display Control:Elements or Nodes; Available for all Target

    Entity Options except for Nodes & Elements

  • Results: DeformationResults: Deformation

    Plot OptionsControls 3 thingsCoordinate TransformationsResults ScalingAllows Deformations to be scaled above

    and beyond scale factor on Display AttributesConstant or PCL function scaling

    availableSaving Plot Settings to Database

  • Results: DeformationResults: Deformation

    Coordinate TransformationAs Is: No Transformation; Numbers Exactly from Solver

    CodeCID: Transformed WRT a Selected Coordinate Frame

    (which can be created on the fly in MSC.Patran; does not have to be part of the Analysis)Projected CID: Transformed WRT a selected Projected

    Coordinate Frame Axis onto an ElementGlobal: Transformed WRT the MSC.Patran Global Axes

    (MSC.Nastran Basic) Default: Transformed WRT the MSC.Patran to the

    Projected MSC.Patran Global AxesNodal: Transformed into the Nodes Analysis Coordinate


  • Results: DeformationResults: DeformationSave Deformation Plot As:Name saved to database which contains

    all settings and results used to generate the plotMay be posted at a later time using

    Results->Post/Plots formUp to 31 characters may be used to

    define the nameNomenclature used for plot names are:_Example: DEF_john plotNote that if a name is not used to save the settings,

    an automatically overwritten name is created containing the last plot settings using the format:_default_Example: DEF_default_Deformation

  • Results: DeformationResults: Deformation

    Animation OptionsNeed to Have Animate Switch turned

    on (Select Results) before coming to this formSelect Animation Method depending on

    result/analysis type (none, modal, ramp, global variable)Modal goes from 1x to 1x the values being

    displayedRamp goes from 0x to 1x the values being

    displayedGlobal Variable changes due to Analysis/Results

    type; examples being load case id, frequency, time)

  • Results: DeformationResults: Deformation Animation OptionsAnimation Graphics 2D: Display in Viewport w/ no rotation 3D: Display in Viewport w/ rotation Preview: 1 cycle of Animation shown VRML: Save Animation to this file format MPEG: Make an MPEG-1 recording of the Animation (make sure to use

    Default Window Size switch for a manageable MPEG file) Select Number of Frames for Animation Extrapolation:Linear: Good for single case Animations (1 static subcase

    deformation)Closest Value: Intermediate frames will show values closest

    known valuesNone: Best when doing multiple result cases or time steps;

    Make sure #Frames = #steps selected

  • Results: FringeResults: Fringe The Fringe Tool provides fringing

    capabilities that are not provided in Quick PlotGUI based results transformation,

    averaging options, display options 5 Icon menu OptionsSelect Results (same as Quick Plot for

    selection, position, & quantity; same as Deformation for the rest)Target EntitiesDisplay Attributes (same as Quick Plot)Plot OptionsAnimation Options (same as Deformation)

    One of the more misunderstood tools in attempting to correlate MSC.Patran results to MSC.Nastran results

    May Process Multiple Result Cases

  • Results: FringeResults: Fringe Target EntitiesOptions Current Viewport: Plot Results on all entities posted in

    Viewport Elements: Plot Results on selected set of elements

    posted in Viewport Groups: Plot Results on selected Groups posted in

    Viewport Materials: Plot Results on selected Material sets

    assigned to elements posted in Viewport Properties: Plot Results on selected Property sets

    assigned to elements posted in Viewport Element Types: Plot results on specific Element Types

    posted in ViewportDisplay Control Free Faces: More applicable to 3D Solids; plot results

    on Free Faces & not internal shared faces Faces: More applicable to 3D Solids; plot results on all

    faces of targeted elements Free Edges: Plot Fringe Results on only Free Edges of

    elements; no fill Edges: Plot Fringe Results on all edges of elements;

    no fill

  • Results: FringeResults: Fringe

    Free Edge Display Control Example

    Edge Display Control Example

    Examples of Edge Control for 2D Shell Models

  • Results: FringeResults: Fringe

    Example w/ Free Faces

    Example w/ All Faces

    In Solids, Display Control for Faces, combined with Arbitrary Clipping Planes, can provide additional Results investigation

  • Results: FringeResults: Fringe

    Plot OptionsThe Mother of All Results FormsControls Coordinate

    Transformation, Value Filtering, & Averaging TechniquesSave Fringe Plot Options & Scaling

    Options similar to what was shown for DeformationsProper combination of Averaging

    Selections, along with Display Attribute Options will produce correct correlation with MSC.Nastran .F06 results

  • Results: FringeResults: Fringe

    Coordinate TransformationAs Is: No Transformation; Numbers Exactly from Solver

    CodeCID: Transformed WRT a Selected Coordinate Frame (which

    can be created on the fly in MSC.Patran; does not have to be part of the Analysis)Projected CID: Transformed WRT a selected Projected

    Coordinate Frame Axis onto an ElementGlobal: Transformed WRT the MSC.Patran Global Axes

    (MSC.Nastran Basic) Default: Transformed WRT the MSC.Patran to the Projected

    MSC.Patran Global AxesMaterial: Transformed WRT the Elements Material

    Coordinate SystemElement IJK: Transformed WRT the MSC.Patran Element


  • Results: FringeResults: FringeNote: The MSC.Nastran Element IJK axes are computed by bisecting the angle formed by the 2 diagonals of the element. The MSC.Patran Element IJK axes are defined such that the I axis is parallel to the 1-2 edge of the elements connectivity. The J axis is 90 degrees off this edge, no matter the shape of the element.

    For Rectangular Elements, there is no difference between the MSC.Nastran & MSC.Patran Element Axes.

    MSC.Nastran Element IJK Axes

    MSC.Patran Element IJK Axes





  • Results: FringeResults: FringeWithin Plot Options, you can Filter what

    Values are shown on a Fringe PlotNone: No Value Filtering is AppliedMinimum: Values BELOW this Setting will NOT

    be DisplayedMaximum: Values ABOVE this Setting will NOT

    be DisplayedRange: Only Show Values BETWEEN the

    Min/Max Settings Defined for this RangeExclude: Show all Displayed Values EXCEPT

    those WITHIN this Min/Max RangeEntities falling outside the Filter

    Parameters are shown with a black fill (for black backgrounds)

  • Results: FringeResults: Fringe

    Example of Fringe Results Filtering

  • Results: FringeResults: FringeResults AveragingMany Mistakes are made by not

    knowing the defaults of these 3 Results Averaging values and what they doSome of the Options shown for

    Domain/Method/Extrapolation are designed for Gauss Point ResultsMSC.Nastran uses Gauss Point

    Locations to INTERNALLY calculate values, but they are not allowed to be output to the .F06/.OP2/.XDB

    Lets talk about how the options operate, and how to use them to get correct correlation with the MSC.Nastran .F06 file

  • Results: FringeResults: Fringe Averaging Definition: DomainAll Entities: Average Nodal Values among ALL elements,

    posted or not postedMaterial: Only Average Nodal Values common with

    Elements that have the same Material PropertyProperty: Only Average Nodal Values common with

    Elements that have the same Property setsTarget Entities: Average Nodal Values among Elements

    defined in the Target Entities portion of the Fringe Form (2nd Icon)Element Type: Only Average Nodal Values common

    among elements of the same type (Quad4, Tri3, etc.)None: No averaging performed at all

  • Results: FringeResults: Fringe

    Averaging Definition: MethodDerive/Average: When computing Invariants, such as

    from a Stress Tensor, compute the Invariant first, then Average the Invariants coming from each Element contribution at a common NodeAverage/Derive: Compute the Average of the Element-

    Nodal components used in an Invariant calculation, and then use the Averaged values to Derive the InvariantDifference: At a node, the Maximum & Minimum

    Element-Nodal value is determined, the difference computed and displayed. Sometimes called a Stress Jump Plot when plotting Stresses. Quality check methodSum: Sum all the Element-Nodal values common to a

    Node and plot that Sum

  • Results: FringeResults: FringeAveraging Definition: ExtrapolationThis has more meaning for Analysis codes that

    output Gauss Point ResultsDefinitions for MSC.Nastran Results are a bit

    different and will be discussed hereShape Function: If Elemental Nodal values exist, use the values at

    the NodesAverage: If Elemental Nodal Results exist, Average the values

    within an element and assign that value to each Node in the elementCentroid: If Centroidal values exist, use the value at the CentroidMin: Review all the Result Values within an Element, find the

    Minimum value, and assign that value to all Result locations within that ElementMax: Review all the Result Values within an Element, find the

    Maximum value, and assign that value to all Result locations within that Element

  • Results: FringeResults: FringeExtrapolation Exceptions:MSC.Nastran has options to output results at Centroid

    Only, or at both Nodes & CentroidIf Centroid only exists, some exceptions to the

    Extrapolation MethodsShape Function: Take the Centroidal Value and assign it to each

    Node within that ElementAverage: Since only a Centroidal Value exists, use that value as the

    Average within the Element & assign to all NodesCentroid: No change, use the Centroidal ValueMin: The Minimum value is the Centroidal Value and is assigned to

    each Node within the ElementMax: The Maximum value is the Centroidal Value and is assigned to

    each Node within the Element

    It needs to be re-emphasized that it is CRITICAL, when importing results, to use the BOTH option for Element Results Position

  • Results: FringeResults: FringeSo, How Do I Get MSC.Patran to Display

    Correctly The Values in My .F06 File?Two Situations:Centroidal ResultsDisplay Attributes: Element Fill (Optionally, Shrink Fringe 100%

    & Show Fringe Values)Plot Options: Domain=None, Extrapolation=Centroid

    Nodal ResultsDisplay Attributes: Discrete/Smooth (Optionally, Shrink Fringe

    100% & Show Fringe Values)Plot Options: Domain=None, Extrapolation=Shape Fn.

    Note: If comparing Invariants (Von Mises, etc.), based from theTensor, unless you define an Averaging Domain, the Methods Derive/Average & Average/Derive will produce the same value

  • Results: MarkerResults: Marker Vector or Tensor PlotsDisplacements & Constraint Forces are VectorsElement Stresses/Strains/Forces are Tensors

    Vector Plot is an Arrow Plot Tensor Plot can be as detailed as a 6

    component Tensor Cube 5 Icon Menu ChoicesSelect Results (same as Deformation)Target EntitiesDisplay AttributesPlot Options (same as Fringe)Animation Options (same as Deformation)

    It is Strongly Suggested for Correlation w/ MSC.Nastran .F06 Results, to use Tensor Results w/ Marker-Tensor & Vector Results w/ Marker-Vector. For Cross-plotting (Tensor Results using Marker-Vector), Consult MSC.Patran Help, Part 7, Chapter 12.

  • Results: MarkerResults: Marker

    Target EntitiesTarget Entity is the same as Fringe & DeformationAdditional Display ControlNodes: Display on NodesElements: Display on ElementsFree Faces: (3D) Display on Free Element FacesFree Edges: (2D or 3D) Display on Free Element EdgesCorners: Display on Components or Structures Free Corners

    Caution: Common misuse of ADC is to display Element Nodal results at Nodes (i.e., Grid Point Forces). This is incorrect. MSC.Patran currently does not have the ability to display this quantity. The best that MSC.Patran can do in this situation is to take the Element-Nodal data around a common Node, Average it, and display one value at the node. This is incorrect. Therefore, use Elements as ADC option, and compare to Element Centroidal Results.

  • Results: MarkerResults: Marker

    Display AttributesControls the look of

    Vector Arrows or Tensor CubesControl Scaling of

    Vectors & Tensor BoxesControl Label StyleControl Result Title,

    Spectrum & Range

  • Results: MarkerResults: Marker Element Shell Force Convention (MSC.Patran vs.

    MSC.Nastran) Fx, Fy, Fxy in MSC.Patran correspond directly to the MSC.Nastran convention. Transverse shear forces are shown as Qx and Qy in the .F06 file. MSC.Nastrans

    Linear Statics guide shows these as Vx and Vy on the element. MSC.Patran shows these as Fyz = Vy = Qy and Fzx = Vx = Qx. The reason they are shown like this is because Fyz is really like Fzy, which in elasticity terms is the force in the Z direction, acting on the Y face. Fzx is the force in the Z direction acting on the X face of the element.

    Moments are trickier. Mxx is supposed to be the moment acting on the X face of the element. MSC.Patran shows this as a vector in the X direction, giving you the initial impression that it is a torsional moment acting on that face. That is not true. If it is pointing in the positive X direction, then the moment is positive along the X face of bending, and the MSC.Nastran can be used for that direction. The same thing would be done for Myy.

    For Mxy, this is a torsional moment on either the X or Y face of the shell. However, you see it as a in plane shear force on the element. MSC.Patran sees this as a XY quantity and displays it as such. Same conventions apply for the positive and negative directions. Don't confuse this for a moment acting along the x or y face.

    The same holds true for displays in alternate CID's.

  • Results: GraphResults: Graph

    A Tool to Plot Results in XY-Plot Format Plot Results vs. Coordinate Axes, Defined

    Path Length, or other Results 4 Icon Menu OptionsSelect ResultsTarget EntitiesDisplay AttributesPlot Options (same as Fringe)

    Graphs created in XY-Plot Windows Additional Graph/Window Control not

    available in this Tool is managed by the XY-Plot Application

  • Results: GraphResults: Graph

    Select ResultsOnly difference to form vs. Fringe or

    Deformation is the X-Axis selection option menuThree choicesCoordinate: Plot Results vs. Location WRT a Selected

    Coordinate Frame Axis by selecting a Target Entity Appropriate to the Result type (Nodes, Elements, etc.)Result: Plot Results vs. Another Result, such as Stress

    vs. Strain for a Non-Linear AnalysisPath Length: Plot Results vs. an Arbitrary Path Length

    which can be defined by Points/Nodes, Geometric Curves/Edges, or Beams/2D Element Edges

    Target Entities / Display Control changes accordingly to the selection of the X-Axis Quantity

  • Results: GraphResults: Graph

    Display AttributesSubset of Display Options for the

    XY-Curves that will be generatedControl the Fit and Style of the curveControl Axis Titles, Scales, & Label

    FormatControl Name of XY-Window createdOption to Append Curves to a Single

    XY-Plot WindowDefault is to make a separate Window for

    every XY-Graph created by this Results Tool

  • Results: AnimationResults: AnimationStand-Alone Animation

    Tool for Existing Results Plots2D & 3D Graphics &

    Preview are the same as the Animate options on Tool forms like Fringe & DeformationSingle Panel Form (No Icon

    menu choices)

  • Results: AnimationResults: Animation

    ProcedureBefore using, there MUST be Result Plots posted to the Current

    Viewport If not, just go to Post/Plots, and Post existing Plots of interest

    After Selecting Plot of Interest & depending on how the Result Plot was made, up to 4 Animation Methods may be AvailableNone: No Animation SettingsGlobal Variable: Animate based on Multiple Result Cases / Time

    Steps / FrequenciesModal: Animate from -1x to 1x the displayed result valuesRamp: Animate from 0x to 1x the displayed result values

    After Method Selection, the Plots to Animate Listbox will show the method as the first part of the Plot name (Modal, Ramp, GV)Choose appropriate options for the selected method

  • Results: ReportResults: Report Facility to Export & Format Results

    Reports from the MSC.Patran Database Select Results Cases, Results Types,

    Positions, Quantities, & Entities to have in the Report

    4 Icon Menu OptionsSelect ResultsTarget EntitiesDisplay AttributesPlot Options (same as Fringe)

    3 MethodsPreview: Show Report in Unix Shell or DOS

    STDOUT WindowOverwrite File: If File Exists, Overwrite; If not,

    Create New FileAppend File: If File Exists, Append to File; If

    not, Create New File

  • Results: ReportResults: ReportSelecting ResultsNormal Procedure of Selecting Results

    Case(s) & Result TypeDepending on Result Type, Select Result

    Position & Quantity/QuantitiesExample Quantities for Stress Tensor:NSHAPE (element code), Loadcase, Subcase, &

    Layer IDX, Y, Z LocationsX, Y, Z, XY, YZ, ZX ComponentsVon Mises, Max/Mid/Min Principal, Max/Min 2D

    Principal, Hydrostatic, 1st, 2nd, 3rd Invariants, Tresca & Tresca 2D, Octahedral, Max Shear & Max Shear 2DCID, ACID, Property Name & ID, Material Name & ID

  • Results: ReportResults: Report

    Target EntitiesDepending on the Target

    Entity Type (Current Viewport, Groups, etc.), the Additional Display Control (ADC) may varyExample: Element All Data

    will Export Nodal & Centroidal Stress Information for the Stress Tensor

  • Results: ReportResults: ReportDisplay AttributesSince there is no Display for this

    Results Type, the Attributes are Report & Data Formatting

    Format Allows You to Layout the Report with Specific Margins, Column Headings & Order, Titles, Value Formatting, etc.

    Sorting Options Provides a Way to Sort the Data Report with Several Options

  • Results: ReportResults: Report

    Sample Report Output File

  • Results: Create ResultsResults: Create Results

    One can Create Analysis Results (within Solver & Engineering Guidelines) without Re-running the Analysis7 Methods of Results CreationCombineMaximum / MinimumSumAveragePCL FunctionDemo (Facility to Create

    Sample/Test Results To Demonstrate the Results Tools)

  • Results: Results/CombineResults: Results/Combine

    Select Result Cases to CombineWithin Spreadsheet, Input

    Optional Scale Factors & Result Quantities to CombineUp to 31 Characters may be

    used for the New Result Case Name & New Subcase NameThink of it as a 62 character max.

    descriptorVery useful since MSC.Patran

    does not store the Metadata about how the combination was created

  • Results: Create Maximum/MinimumResults: Create Maximum/Minimum

    3 Icon Menu OptionsSelect Results, Target Entities, Plot

    OptionsMultiple Results Cases May be

    SelectedNote: Resulting Max/Min Case will not

    indicate which Result Case the Max/Min Value came from

    Up to 62 Characters (31 Result, 31 Subcase) May be used for New Result Case NameOnly one Quantity per New Result

    Case at a time

  • Results: Create Maximum/MinimumResults: Create Maximum/Minimum

    Select Target Entities to be Saved in this Result Case (Entire Model, Elements, etc.)Plot Options Similar to Fringe

    except for Comparison CriteriaMethod to determine a Max/Min value

    to be stored to newly created Result Case

    Saved Max/Min quantity is a Scalar Value, regardless of how it was computed

  • Results: Results/Sum & AverageResults: Results/Sum & Average

    Create a New Result Case by Summing a Result Array, such as Stress Tensor in 3 ways:Select Multiple Results Cases @ one PositionSelect Single Result Case & Multiple PositionsSelect Multiple Results Cases & Multiple Positions

    Entire Result Array Processed (not just one component)

    Option to do an Algebraic or Absolute Sum Results saved in same format as the Array that

    was being Summed Results/Average works the same way except that

    the New Results are either Averaged by the number of Results Cases Selected or Number of Positions Selected

  • Results: Results/PCL FunctionResults: Results/PCL Function Create a Result Case by Scaling

    a Result Array using a PCL Function

    Depending on the Result Array, Different PCL Functions may be used to Scale Different Components

    Option to Save PCL Scaled Results as Scalar, Vector, or Tensor QuantitiesExample: Select Stress Tensor, but

    only want to operate on the Octahedral Invariant; Save Result as ScalarThis Option can be Important since

    Scalar, Tensor, & Vector Results have their own characteristics in the Results Application

  • Results: FreebodyResults: Freebody Results Tool that provides a GUI to process

    MSC.Nastran Grid Point Force InformationRequires GPFORCE=ALL in MSC.Nastran

    Three Different Methods Available:LoadsInterfaceDisplacements

    5 Icon Menus Drive the Tool:Select ResultsSelect EntitiesDisplay AttributesSave DataShow Spreadsheet

    Note: The Freebody Tool Does not have a Save Plot As Function Like Fringe, Deformation, etc., so Plot Settings are not Saved for Later use

  • Results: Freebody/LoadsResults: Freebody/Loads Select ResultsSimilar to many of the Results FormsSelect one or more Result Cases to Process5 Result TypesFreebody LoadsApplied LoadsConstraint Forces Internal ForcesSummation of Forces

    Summation Point LocationDefault is to Display Results in the ACID, however,

    you may Transform the Results into any CID desiredWhen you Exit the Tool, any Plot Posted to the

    Screen will Erase AutomaticallyWhen Processing Multiple Result Cases, One Plot

    will be Displayed at a Time and the User will be Prompted to Display the Next Case

  • Results: Freebody/LoadsResults: Freebody/Loads

    5 Result TypesFreebody Loads: Taking into Account Forces

    of SPC/MPC & Applied Loads, a Typical Strength of Materials Freebody Plot of the Structure Reacting to the Loads Surrounding itApplied Loads: A Plot of only the Applied

    Loads put onto the StructureConstraint Forces: A Plot of the Forces of SPCInternal Forces: The same as Freebody

    Forces, except the Negative of the Freebody ForcesSummation of Forces: Typically 0 unless

    GENELs, DMIG, or Inertia Loads (from Dynamic Analyses) are included in the Model

  • Results: Freebody/LoadsResults: Freebody/Loads

    Select EntitiesBy Default, whatever is Posted to the

    Current Viewport will be the Target for a Freebody Type PlotSelect Entities to Display Results on by:Element, Material, Property, Group(s), Adjacent

    ElementsWhatever is selected is Automatically

    Added to the Display ListToggle Available for Auto-Add or Auto-Remove

    Option to Show Only the Entities Selected (helps sometimes to clear up the picture)Can use this Form to Create Groups

    from Entity Selection made

  • Results: Freebody/LoadsResults: Freebody/Loads

    Display AttributesControls the Display of the PlotDefault is to show Forces, but Moments

    or both Forces/Moments may be shownDisplay Components or Resultants,

    along with 3D or Planar (XY, YZ, ZX) Dimensional ViewsScale Vectors, Customize Title, Change

    Number of Significant Digits for Displayed ValuesHide Results Near Zero is a Value FilterOn by Default not to Display Values under .01Turning it off will show ALL Values (can be a messy


  • Results: Freebody/LoadsResults: Freebody/Loads

    Save DataSlightly Different Form OperationIf you Dont Enter this Form, No Data

    (Fields/LBCs) Will be SavedWhen Entering Form, No Plot will be Created,

    but MSC.Patran History Window will Inform User on What has been Created

    Defaults are to Save Force & Moment FieldsOptionally May Assign Newly

    Created Fields to LBC sets and to Load Cases

  • Results: Freebody/LoadsResults: Freebody/LoadsShow SpreadsheetOnce a Plot has been Created in Freebody, a

    Spreadsheet of tabular Values may be createdNeed a Plot to Generate the Spreadsheet

    Great for Determining if the Posted Structures Loads are BalancedA Report of the Data in the Spreadsheet may be

    written to a File using the Report ButtonFile Written to Directory where MSC.Patran was started; has

    name format of _freebody_data.dat

  • Results: Freebody/InterfaceResults: Freebody/Interface Freebody Tool to Generate a

    Single Set of Forces/Moments at a Point along an InterfaceExample: Wing/Fuselage

    Connection Select Results in Same

    Manner as Freebody/Loads, However, Summation Point is Critical in this Application (Load Resolve Point)

    Select EntitiesNeed to Select Nodes at

    Plane/Interface BoundaryNeed to Select Elements On One

    Side of Interface

  • Results: Freebody/InterfaceResults: Freebody/Interface

    Save DataNote that Fields cant be Created in

    InterfaceHowever, an LBC of the Summation

    Point Forces/Moments may be created

    Show SpreadsheetProduces a Tabular Listing, Along

    with Summations, of the Contributing Nodes/Elements to the Interface Summation

  • Results: Freebody/DisplacementsResults: Freebody/Displacements This type of Freebody Plot simply displays

    Displacement Results at the External Edges (Default) of the Freebody in the form of Vector QuantitiesTo Show All the Displacements, Turn Off the Display Attribute

    Switch for Display Free Edges Only May Optionally Select Elements/Nodes to Plot Freebody

    Displacements upon The Displacements can be saved as an Enforced

    Displacement BC and then subsequently used in a Local Analysis of the Freebody which will reproduce the EXACT Displacement Conditions

    Marker/Vector will do the Same Type of Plot for Displacements, but One Would have to Make the Plot, go to Fields to Capture the Displacements and then go to LBCs to Create the Enforced BCRepeat if Rotational Displacements are Required

  • Results: ModifyResults: ModifyWe have discussed the Creation Tools in

    Results The Modify Function is Available for 5

    Tools:Deformation, Fringe, Marker, Graph, Report

    To use, One has to have a Plot Type Saved to the Database

    When Entering Form, Select Results has a Button for Existing Plots

    After Selecting a Plot, All Icon Menu Forms Affected by the Plot Changes are Modified

    Upon Apply, the Plot Type will be Modified If Modifying a Saved Plot Name Under

    Create, MSC.Patran will Confirm to User if this Operation is to be Performed

  • Results: Post & DeleteResults: Post & Delete

    PostSaved Plot Names & Ranges May be Posted to

    Viewport Any Time After Being CreatedGreat Way of Regenerating Plots EXACTLY the way they

    were Created the First TimeNo Guessing What Settings Were Used

    DeleteOption to Delete Plots, Result Data (Arrays), or

    Result Cases If Using XDB, Analysis-Delete/XDB Attachment will do the

    same as Results-Delete/Result Data or Cases

  • Spectrum And RangesSpectrum And Ranges

    Spectrums & Ranges are used in fringe plotsAlso used in some marker plotsPatran allows you to customize the type of

    Spectrums & Ranges that can be used for these types of plotsSpectrums & Ranges are saved to the

    Patran database (Great candidate for things to add to a template database!!!)How can you do this effectively?

  • Spectrum & Range ControlSpectrum & Range Control

    There are several locations in Patran where one can access Spectrums & Ranges

  • Spectrums: How toSpectrums: How to

    The Spectrum form is broken up into 3 regionsCurrent/posted SpectrumCreate/Rename/Delete SpectrumSpectrum Attributes (this is what the

    apply button is used for!!!)After posting a Spectrum, you

    must re-apply the function that uses it (i.e., Results-Create/Fringe) or it will not display in the Viewport

  • Spectrum AdviceSpectrum Advice

    Maximum number of color regions is 16 The color above the upper range value is reserved

    for no-data (no data available to plot on the entities displayed)

    A 15 color spectrum is great when you may reverse the background color, whereas a 16 color spectrum can cause confusion

    There are 4 predefined 12 & 16 color spectrums called coldhotxx & hotcoldxx that define red to blue and blue to red spectrums (xx = 12 or 16)

  • Spectrum ExamplesSpectrum Examples

    15 Color Spectrums that use either black or white for no-data change appropriately with background color reversals

    16 Color Spectrums that use both black and white change appropriately with background color reversals and can be confusing

    Example of HotCold12 Spectrum

  • Reversing Background ColorReversing Background Color

    Common thing to do in Patran is to reverse the Viewport color from Black to WhiteDone via Display/Color PaletteClick on Black color brick and

    change lightness from 0.00 to 1.00Click on White color brick and

    change lightness from 1.00 to 0.00Hit apply

  • Reversing Background ColorReversing Background Color

    There is a shareware utility function that will allow you to do this in 1 step via an icon

    Modify your p3toolbar.def file with the following lines (NT version shown)

    *ICON = bv_color_bw_reverse.bmp *CLASS = bv_color_bw_reverse *FUNCTION = toolbar *HELP = Reverse Black/White *LOAD ITEM

    For UNIX, the only line that changes from above is:

    *ICON = bv_color_bw_reverse.28.icon

  • Ranges: The Anatomy of the FormRanges: The Anatomy of the Form

    Target Range to work withPosting/Managing

    RangesMethods to display the

    upper and lower bounds of the RangeThresholding

    parametersSpreadsheet of all

    values within Range

  • Ranges: How do I?Ranges: How do I?

    Create a New RangePush the Create button, input a name for the range, and

    specify the number of sub-ranges (#colors in spectrum 1)Fit Results button automatically displays the maximum and

    minimum values of the plot being displayed5 methods (Semi-Auto, From/To, etc.) provide you ways to

    control the start, end, delta, from, to, and middle of the rangevaluesSelect a Thresholding method if further range refinement is

    desiredPress Calculate to fill the spreadsheet from requirements

    defined aboveApply creates the RangeAssign to Current Viewport to have it show up for current


  • Ranges: Data MethodRanges: Data Method

    Semi Auto: Allows you to specify a Start Value (top of Range) and an Ending Value (bottom of Range)

    Divisions between the two values are equally spaced

    Fit Results button automatically fills the Start value with the plots maximum value and the End value with the plots minimum value

    If this is all to be done, make sure to press calculate to update the spreadsheet

  • Ranges: Data MethodRanges: Data Method

    Semi Auto (Delta): Specify a Start Value (top of Range) and an value to increment or decrement from (i.e., start @10000 and increment by 500 to get a range of 10000, 9500, 9000, etc.)

    Fit Results automatically fills the Start value with the plots maximum value

    If this is all to be done, make sure to press calculate to update the spreadsheet

  • Ranges: Data Method (contd)Ranges: Data Method (contd) From: Input values into the From Column

    of the spreadsheet. When Calculate is pressed, the To & Middle columns are computed.

    From/To: Input values into the From & To Columns of the spreadsheet. When Calculate is pressed, the Middle values are automatically computed.

    Used to control ranges that are not necessarily equally spaced

  • Ranges: Data Method (contd)Ranges: Data Method (contd) Middle: Input values into the Middle Columns of the

    spreadsheet. Calculate will compute the From & To values automatically.

    Used when the middle of the spectrum color blocks are known and the From/To values are either not known or it is not desired to compute them manually

  • Used to bound values within a spectrumUpper bound (Start)Lower bound (End)Intermediate range (Start/End)

    After defining a Thresholding range, Calculate must be pressed for it to take effect

    Thresholding MethodsThresholding Methods

  • Thresholding MethodsThresholding Methods

    None: No Thresholding will be appliedStart:Specify a Value just below the top value of the

    RangeAll values below this value will be equally

    spaced to the value at the bottom of the RangeExample:Want to see all values from 50,000psi to the maximum value

    shown in RedAll values between the minimum value and 50,000psi are

    shown with different spectrum colors

  • Thresholding MethodsThresholding Methods

    End:Specify a Value just above the bottom value of

    the RangeAll values above this value will be equally

    spaced to the value on the top of the RangeExample:Want to see all values from 30,000psi to the minimum value

    shown in BlueAll values between 30,000 and the maximum value are

    shown with different spectrum colors

  • Thresholding MethodsThresholding Methods

    Start/End:Specify both the values just above and below

    the bottom & top values of the range, respectivelyAll values between these numbers will be

    equally spacedExample:While seeing the maximum & minimum values, focus

    in on a range between 65,000psi and 111,000psi

  • Subordinate Range Control FormSubordinate Range Control Form

    Appears only when selecting Ranges from any Fringe or Marker plot form (display attributes)

    Control whether the values for the range are overwritten for each new plot

    Control of posting a range to a given Viewport

  • Results: TemplatesResults: TemplatesResult Templates Tools/Results Templates

    Create results templates from a displayed results form or from an existing result tool


  • Results: TemplatesResults: TemplatesUsing Results Templates

    Select a results template with previously defined Display Attributes and Plot Options

  • Results: TemplatesResults: TemplatesUsing Results Templates (Contd)Applying templates to displayed results


    Apply a results template to an open results form

    Automatically modifies Display Attribute and Plot Option settings based on the selected results template

  • Results: TemplatesResults: TemplatesEditing Results Templates

    Edit the desired results template by selecting the template and making the appropriate changes in the Display Attributes or Plot Options Form

    Edits the template with the new settings

  • Results: TemplatesResults: TemplatesExporting/Importing Results Templates

    Save results templates for importing into a new database

  • Results: Plot SetsResults: Plot Sets Results Plot Sets (2004 r2)Define an almost unlimited number of result

    imagesEfficiently post-process large amounts of dataCapture in house expertiseProvide accurate repeatability

  • Results: Plot SetsResults: Plot Sets Results Plot Sets User ScenarioTwo result casesFour fringe plots (Von Mises, X, Y and Max Prin.)Two different sets of Display Attributes and Plot

    Options (Templates)Two different sets of Target Entities

    32 possible plots!

  • Results: Plot SetsResults: Plot Sets Results Plot Sets User ScenarioStep 1 Create Results Templates to capture

    desired Display Attributes and Plot Options

  • Results: Plot SetsResults: Plot Sets Results Plot Sets User ScenarioStep 2 - Create a blank Plot Set then edit itTools/Results Plot Sets

  • Results: Plot SetsResults: Plot Sets Results Plot Sets User ScenarioStep 3 Populate the Plot Set spreadsheet

  • Results: Plot SetsResults: Plot Sets Results Plot Sets User ScenarioStep 3 Populate the Plot Set spreadsheetSelect Results

  • Results: Plot SetsResults: Plot Sets Results Plot Sets User ScenarioStep 3 Populate the Plot Set spreadsheetSelect plot attributes / templates

  • Results: Plot SetsResults: Plot Sets Results Plot Sets User ScenarioStep 3 Populate the Plot Set spreadsheetSelect Target Entities

  • Results: Plot SetsResults: Plot Sets Results Plot Sets User ScenarioStep 4 Create the plotsCreate plots in the Patran viewport with Preview OnlyCreate plots as JPEG files with Preview Only turned offSave Plots to the Patran db