Ms. Darbus Lines

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Transcript of Ms. Darbus Lines

  • 8/9/2019 Ms. Darbus Lines



    But Soft! What Light through yonder window breaks? It is theeast and u"iet is the sun#$*GONG

    We"" On%e again they forgot to announ%e the auditions for thewinter &usi%a" u"iet and Ro&eo written by our 'ery own (e"si)ei"son# It*s a +e"i%ious ada,tation of Shakes,eare*s %"assi%tradegy of star-%rossed "o'ers.with three-%ount*e& three-ta,nu&bers.and a brand new ha,,y ending!

    MR +anforth this is a ,"a%e of "earning not a /OO0B1LL 2O3R0!

    0his year as a"ways the +ra&a 2"ub fa%es a shortage of &a"e,arti%i,ants so ,"ease %o&e in and audition# I*& o4ering you fun#5"a&our.and e6tra %redit!!*CELL PHONE RINGS

    AHH the dreaded %e"" ,hone sy&,hony returns to our %ru%ib"e of"earning# Shar,ay and Ryan E'ans your ,hones ,"ease and I*""see you in detention#*GABRIELLA

    We ha'e 7ero to"eran%e for %e"" ,hones during %"ass#,hone,"ease.and we"%o&e to East High*TROY

    MR# Bo"ton I see your ,hone is in'o"'ed# S,"endid # We*"" see youin detention as we""#

    0hat*s thirty &inutes for you too Mr# +anforth 2ount 8e&!

    0ay"or M%kessie thirty-9'e &inutes

    We"" then Ha,,y )ew :ear!*BELL RINGS*

    1h sa'ed by the be""# :ou &ay %o""e%t your %e"" ,hones afterdetention# Ha'e a Wonderfu" +ay#

  • 8/9/2019 Ms. Darbus Lines



    Jamie Sings

    Su%h I&,ro'e&ent fro& "ast year a&ie)ow don*t be shy .whose ne6t?

    Susan0hat*s Lo'e"y susan su%h e&otion su%h##uh#;oie de

    All: Blow them all away)E=0!


    What an inno'ati'e %hoi%e of te&,o! )e6t!



  • 8/9/2019 Ms. Darbus Lines


    Oh I*& sorry &y dear but the indi'idua" %a""ba%ks are "ong o'er.and there is no one to sing with you for the "ead ,arts#

    0RO: BOL0O)? :es we"".I treat these shows ;ust as serious"y asyour father treats his basketba"" ,ra%ti%es# I a& 'ery sorry butnow there*s no ti&e#

    (ee, your eyes shut troy ust say the 9rst thing that %o&es to&indA How does it fee"?

    1nything*s ,ossib"e in theater 0roy# :ou %an be whoe'er you wantto be# 0here*s not a star in hea'en in hea'en you %an*t rea%h but

    you ha'e to a""ow yourse"f to risk#

    Bo"ton Monte7 you got yourse"f a %a""ba%k# (e"si 9nish the9na"e. and work on it with the


  • 8/9/2019 Ms. Darbus Lines


    Shar,ary and Ryan We"" done!

    0roy Bo"ton and 5abrie""a Monte7?

    0roy?###5abrie""a? :oo Hoo? We"" it see&s you were right Shar,ay

    I*& sorry (e"si# 2ongradua"tions to a""# 0he %ast wi"" be ,osted

    I %a""ed your na&es twi%e# Where were you?

    1 %han%e for what troy? 0o &ake a ;oke out of so&ething that&eans the wor"d to &e and your fe""ow %"ass&ates?

    WH10*S 0HIS? 1 /3LL HO3SE?! erha,s we %an bend the ru"es

    this one ti&e.

    Shar,ay is he te""ing the truth? +id you abuse your ,ri'i"ege andknowing"y "ie to &e?

    We*"" ta"k about this "ater Ms# E'ans# Right now o4 the stage

    O// 0HE S015E!!!

    0roy 5abrie""a you &ay start your %a""ba%k

    )ow.0hat*s Showbi7!