Mrsa ppt




Transcript of Mrsa ppt

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What is MRSA?

• Staphylococcus aureus or “staph” bacteria commonly live on the skin and in noses of healthy people

Usually staph bacteria are harmless

Staph bacteria may cause an infection

if they enter the body through a break in the skin

These infections can usually be treated with


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What is MRSA

MRSA is a type of staph bacteria that has become resistant to methicillin and other antibiotics commonly used to treat staph infections

MRSA stands for: Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus

MRSA infections can range from very minor to life-threatening

MRSA bacteria can live on surfaces for several days

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Basic Characteristic of S. aureus

Gram Positive Non-motile Spherical Grows in chains Resembles clumps of grapes Golden color Hemolytic pattern on blood agar Produces coagulase and catalase enzymes

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Cell Wall Cytoplasmic membrane- Osmotic barrier prevents

disequilibrium of ionic content. Preventing cell osmotic instability and susceptibility to lysis.

Polysaccharide capsule-slime layer; adhesin, Inhibits phagocytosis

Peptidoglycan- Allows bacteria to attach to host’s cell membranes

Protein A-Immunological disguise.

Virulence Factors: Avoiding Host Defenses

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History of S. aureus resistance

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How is MRSA diagnosed?

How is MRSA diagnosed?

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How is infection or indeed colonization with MRSA diagnosed?

How is infection or indee colonization with MRSA diagnosed?

To identify a MRSA infection, samples of skin, blood, urine, pus, other fluids are taken from the patient. Samples are determined on what area of the body the infection is emanating.

These are then sent to a microbiology laboratory, where any bacteria present in the sample is placed in a Petri dish  - a round shallow covered dish used for the culture of bacteria etc.

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What does a MRSA infection look like?

These organisms have been termed "flesh-eating bacteria" because of their occasional rapid spread and destruction of human skin

Most commonly, MRSA causes skin infections that may look like:

Spider bites

Large, red, painfullumps under the skin

A cut that is swollen,hot and filled with pus

In rare cases, MRSA can causes pneumonia and infections in the blood, bones and urine

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How is MRSA Spread?

MRSA spreads through direct contact with

The skin of someone who has MRSA

Personal items of someone who has MRSA such as towels, clothing and razors

Objects that have MRSA bacteria on them such as desks, door knobs or phones

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Who is at risk for MRSA?

ANYONE can get MRSA – those most at risk: Spend a lot of time in crowded places such as hospitals, schools or dorms

Share sports equipment

Share personal hygiene items

Play contact sports

Overuse or misuse antibiotics

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Can Healthy People Get MRSA?

Can Healthy People Get MRSA?

Yes. MRSA skin infections are showing up more frequently in healthy people, with none of the usual risks factors. This type of MRSA - called community-associated MRSA (CA MRSA) - has been reported among athletes, prisoners, and military recruits. Outbreaks have been seen at schools, gyms, day care centers and other places where people share close quarters.

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MRSA in Dogs and Cats

MRSA in Dogs and Cats

It looks like MRSA has jumped from humans to household pets, where it can linger without obvious symptoms - and possibly reinfect the pet owners. Only community-acquired strains have been found in cats and dogs so far.