Mrs middleton overview work

Research : t makes a great Artist? During our lesson we was asked to research a famous music artist, I chose Lady Gaga because she is one of the most successful artist in her field. We had to find in depth of what the artist specialises in, what they do, and how they got there. I believe Lady gaga was a great example to use because her Music career started relatively recently (2005) yet she managed to smash the charts multiple of times. Lady Gaga started making songs with hip hop artists like Grandmaster and Melle Mel which explains versatility in her music. Lady Gaga’s outfits are designed by a popular designer Alexander McQueen , Alexandre McQueen designed many outfits and shoes for her music video ‘’Bad Romance’’ Lady Gaga funds her own concerts and tours, her record label doesn’t, this shows how independent she is. ‘’House of Gaga’’ – her own brand, funds her shows.

Transcript of Mrs middleton overview work

Page 1: Mrs middleton overview work

Research:What makes a great Artist?During our lesson we was asked to research a famous music artist, I chose Lady Gaga because she is one of the most successful artist in her field. We had to find in depth of what the artist specialises in, what they do, and how they got there. I believe Lady gaga was a great example to use because her Music career started relatively recently (2005) yet she managed to smash the charts multiple of times.

Lady Gaga started making songs with hip hop artists like Grandmaster and Melle Mel which explains versatility in her music.Lady Gaga’s outfits are designed by a popular designer Alexander McQueen , Alexandre McQueen designed many outfits and shoes for her music video ‘’Bad Romance’’Lady Gaga funds her own concerts and tours, her record label doesn’t, this shows how independent she is. ‘’House of Gaga’’ – her own brand, funds her shows.

Page 2: Mrs middleton overview work

Ideas for the ‘profile’ of my artistI would like my music artist to be similar to French Montana, this is because he is a great music artist, an amazing character and overall I believe that French Montana is inspiration as his music has interesting storylines behind it, I believe that French Montana is a powerful person because of what he speaks and what he represents.

In order to make my music artist similar to French Montana I have to represent him in the same way French Montana is. My artist is going to have a powerful story behind his music with a cocky personality this can be represented through the way in which he speaks in his interview with the music magazine, I also want my music artist to be a bold character, this can be represented by making him confident in what he stands for and overall I want my Music artist to be inspiration, I believe this is essential in the music industry because you have to inspire people through what your saying, his background story of what he was and what made him what he is today makes it even more inspirational for viewers and fans of his music.

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Mood Board

My Artist reminds me of French Montana because growing up they have similar interests, For example French Montana’s two favourite hobbies were playing football and rapping, therefore I believe my reminds me of French Montana. Furthermore, inspirational artists like Tupac Shakur and Biggie allows rap artists to aspire to be a great music producer, for my artist Tupac and Biggie were his idols in the rap industry, this applies for many other people within the rap industry as it applies for French Montana. Personally, I like French Montana’s style of music, his style is very creative as some of his songs have auto tune and many other great effects to make his music successful. The Genre of music my artist will make will be Rap/Hip-Hop. This means that my artist will be represented as a bold character with quite a cocky personality, I also want my artist to be inspirational for the genre of music that he is involved in, in order to make my artist inspirational, I need to make his music influential to grab attention from people that are interested in all types of music not just rap. What makes my artist great is the fact that he will have individuality, to be a great artist you will have to be a great individual with confidence in your own ability and that is how I am going to portray my artist.

Magazine Covers related to my genre:

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Nicki Minaj is usually associated with the colour pink, which is a very feminine coded colour.

‘Nicki Minaj’ is the biggest text on the double page spread, this automatically indicates that she is the main focus of this magazine.

The text is around the main image of Nicki Minaj, this could represent the fact that everything revolves around her as a artist.

Nicki Minaj usually wears revealing clothing to represent her individuality, however in this image she is fully dressed which is unusual for Nicki Minaj, this represents how serious she is actually taking this magazine.

The font is quite feminine, from this I can infer that the target audience for this magazine would be women.

As per usual, Nicki is heavily made up, this means that she cares about her appearance, and the way in which she is seen in the media.

‘The Gospel’ makes it known to the audience about her authority and power, as ‘The Gospel’ comes from biblical terms.

For some women, fans and the general public, Nicki Minaj is iconic, so the fact that she has got ‘icon’ on her hand which is directly shown to the camera, representing the fact that she is a idol to certain people.

Double Page Spread Analysis

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The colour scheme (Red, Black, White) for this double page spread magazine are usually associated with men (Masculine Coded). From this colour scheme we would expect a male to be the main image. However the main images is a women which adheres our first impressions of the magazine, from this colour scheme we would expect a male to be the main image.

The quotation also matches what is in the main image, the quotation ‘I’m not looking for attention I’m just not boring’ is reinforced by the picture, you can tell that this artist is quite wild as she has a gun in her hand and a gun held to her mouth, this represents that she is a individual.

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This double page spread is different because it has two music artists in one long shot. This could appeal to more than one audience because they are different artists

This double page spread is obviously a rap magazine because it has two rap artists as the main image, furthermore the way the artists are dressed suggests what genre they represent. They have chains and clothing that is usually associated with rap.

This magazine has informal language which makes it a more niche target audience as some people wouldn’t like offensive words in the subheading. This magazine is associated with rap because it has swear word in the subheading and rap has a lot of swearing involved in it

The font is quite slick and unique which represents the authority of the artists

The text is a tweet from 50 Cent backing up Soulja Boy, this is also reinforced by the main image as 50 cent is standing behind Soulja Boy which makes the key image and the text link

There is a contrast in front size, the important message is bigger to gain attention and the more in depth text is smaller to make the reader want to read on.

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Nas is a rap legend so by having him by himself shows how influential he has been thoughout his music career.In this photo Nas looks very focused and this could represent how determine he was throughout his career.

Nas is a legend so his successes speak for itself, therefore he doesn’t need to be the attention seeking type for the camera, he can just sit down and be himself, the magazine constructed this well because by having him more focused, it engages the target audience and makes the audience understand his important to the rap industry and as music as a whole.

The main image takes up the majority of the double page spread, this is an important thing because it shows how the magazine is trying to represent the artist.

The text is smaller than the main image, this was done on purpose to connote that Naz is the all important thing in the image.

Not only does the key image represent the fact that hes a rap artist, his clothing such as a tank top, chain, ring and watch also represents the fact that he is a rap artist.

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Interview AnalysisThis magazine interview features a very well known rap artist ‘The Game’. The image of The Game represents his character, he is sitting on a bench on his own this highlights his independence as a rap artist. In the background is a graphitised wall with a high rise block of flats behind him, this image is very significant because it could represent where he has come from to where he is now. We as an audience can automatically he is rap artist by just looking at him without hearing his music or hearing his speech. We can tell he is a rap artist by his clothing, he is wearing trainers, jeans, a t-shirt, a baseball cap and obviously jewellery, these are stereotypical representations of a rap artist, and this will help it appeal to their target audience.In this interview The Game is talking about many things including his disconnections with 50 Cent as he says ‘’I put that all behind me’’ this shows that he is able to move on from certain issues in his life. The Game then goes on to say ‘’ 50 helped me on maybe three songs, and he's going around saying that he wrote my album. My album doesn’t sound like him. My style is nothing similar to his. 50 Cent is a Rapper. I’m an MC’’ by him saying this in the interview it represents the fact that he believes he is different and that he’s got his own sort of style, this is a great aspect to have as an music artist because the best thing to do is produce original music.The Game says ‘’ I’m going to do something special on stage tonight, it may not go over very well, but that’s the risk I will have to take’’ this is an inspirational piece of speech because from this we can infer that he is not scared to try new things, this is important in the music industry because its not popular to be producing the same style of music because that wont be ‘’new’’ music.From this interview we can tell that The Game he is also a bubbly character a

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Incomplete Artist interview How have you dealt with your rise to fame?

Well, to be honest it all feels like a blur, one minute I was sitting in a council flat and the next… I’m in a huge mansion. Like on day I had 200 followers on Twitter but then when I released ‘Hearts of Men’ I then got over 100,000 followers, just because of one song, this made me feel on top of the world. But overall to summarise my rise to fame I feel that being responsible was the biggest step I had to take in order to deal with the fame in a suitable manor. It’s hard being famous because you have to be a role model to all sorts of people in society, children, teenagers, fans and record labels, however I believe that having self-control makes it very possible to deal with fame.

What was your favourite track on your new album and why?

That’s really hard because I love all of my songs on my new album but I have to admit ‘Ambition of a King’ has to be my favourite song, simply because how passionate I felt about the song, the producers for the beats worked very hard in order to create such an amazing beat, I felt like in this song I had something to prove because when I was constructing it. I was going through a huge change in my music career, and I felt it was essential to go as hard as I can on this beat, which I did because ‘Ambitions of a King’ stayed number 1 in the charts for three weeks. This was something I didn’t expect because it was more of a natural song coming from the heart, then it smash the charts.

What or who inspires you in your life and music?

I think it would be weird to say who inspires me as a person because I inspire myself, but my main music inspirations has to be Tupac, when I was growing up I ate, slept and breathed Tupac’s music, not for the violence but the message behind his music is quite touching simply because I can relate to his situation. Obviously I had other musical inspirations as I listen to all different genres of music, for example, French Montana, Michael Jackson – Michael was a huge part of my growing up, I’m sure this applies for many artists for different genres. Growing up I also listen to a lot of old school rap like Eazy E etc.