M*rcfc 12.1998 Union Catholic Tricky Tray To Offer...

A WATCHUNG CawsotscxnoiB, fee PUBLICATION lEgaiter a»d THE TIMES of Scotch fhtiaa - \ M*rcfc 12.1998 Union Catholic Tricky Tray To Offer Broadway The ansual Tncky Tiaj Aosaeas » fee Pksmi €mM a(T for lie esesst Avmm la Ssidi will lake place oa Fnsbj. Msiti d6 of Music." a video and msx vtde. .*" a eMsbm'% aad TETas theme, "Nigki cs a ~ mill fcgtase as arm* ssf IS REHEAKSAt^Fwo Geathmm of^ Vemna, an updated -serrion of «a idaptatioa ftf t s «artj work by VrOSaA Shmkespwrt, «3I feature fia» VI c&fkM Mi^t Scfeoel sfiKteai actors ia this Mgjbt-ikairted «wssfv of n»*K» and advimtut*. From left are C&srfe Twin as Valentine; Lisa VtBaloboc as Luo-aa: Safcrinm Hvnas as S3m: MeSssa MlBer « JaBa awf S«n Fteder m Process. Tilts ooe wsefeessi show raas from toolgiit, Thursday, Mfctvb 12, shrottgb Sstvda}, Mweto 14, *t tlw WwtfkkJ High School awJitortaa. Two Gentlemen From Verona Open Three-Day Run at WHS The"T3*wac g of gigaste pnawtissk •will ofe- a Bnattea^ TlKtter fe*^ Uat wiB iacltafc two cr^e^ra ^ a s to lite Braadssav plsj Tiuavc.wihUsEaeh- SIBC «nisc "by Star Sennas sf PisiafkM lo sM Jkm N » Y«* Cits, sM a pll swific^ » 3 J««r yk Ciy restaoraat Also ai this latee will be 4 ssis- puicr. tte acm^i Aaencss Girt Doll. JoseptiiRS. sM many mom gifts, according 10 a *J1 fee a Flag Swfcet. a Spsl Yocneif Sp ami eisia bed ^eet&ae Table «ser- 7^ WestSeld High Sclx»i fg T.^sisal. THC f-entiemm Of lernnti. - >,TS 1-T-gh: Thvrsday. March 12. fora .".-e-da*.ranSho*»v3areaIsoFrila> and --t^rdaj. Mara:: 3 api 14. at the ftest- ". /. i High SciKwl auistensm. located3; p 7h;s earh wcrk b> Wiiham Shakespeare, onginaih set m Renass- *ni Me". "Shapso for the !9~C**s and ur»igh: *jp to" die !99<*"s for ihjs vssr- ha* reusing. c x v T g niuaic reminiscent •" i New York Csty block pany I". :s a kaleidoscope of races, coiors ^ 3 cuirjres iovmg. iMtiag. betraying, in»l;'.tn^'AiJi^cholhsr Anupdat&i r/jn:rer 'Aith the c'jrrer.th popular i^-np style was cfetteographei H '-.^dre% 5 r ;es. Nfarciung &pd mstnic- *; r J?A KKorporates rbytfcns of the day j=.ng garbage vans, pails, garbage can d<. ahximizr. cans siai lots ofrhylh- Featured ( daxecers Megan Breuaa, Allie Feldman, Nikki Hastier, Conoae Liefarieh and Rebecca Wiibeims. who won rectos tioo last year for Qt&s&nd- iog Ensemble Group at the Paper Mill Piayboase inMilbiia, arc joined in the produetioD by Ginsy Psynterand Rachel Ro^ubium to perform in isost of IIK 17 Loriodta Haver orig&idfccijioieognBpiied dance numbers. Tfas citizens of Veroaa sod Milan adding to the festivities are Scott Brewster. Ryan Buntain. Maria Capasso. Shaaa Golembo. Tim Greenlaw, Rose Hely. Greg Jackson. Kevin Johnson. Zach Karp. Laura Krasnor. JuSianne Maudrillo. Katie Mortenson. Megan Rodd. L^ndsav Ruotolo, Alex Scfawar/er-Muth". Gavin Shuiman. Allison IJniaekeaad Natalie Warren This cast of 40, under the musical direction of Jim Bed. also has funwith of T f ^ * r Jnr*s of WcrtSeU. Scotch Plains Thrift Shop for Season on March 17 ^ Saudi Piaias ijc fe; uprise se^aa tMs ^A 1? arid corsages tops, btoases, s&x&asism aiso be a^aiiabfc lovs m Valentine. ponra%ed b> tjfcirhe IrAJn. J S J Prujem. pkjed b> _ji»an: Fkder. j-Ian Ica\e Verona and l tr die b:g av, cS S g . ^"jig, Proteus ploiges his kneteJuiu. 'jii>ec K Msl:sx. M::ier. and thev ex- 'thiicgc ncas .After Ae men depart. .'ula V.V&. Ler ser%aKt Luceita. pla>ed H L:*s Vakiafe.. A«Je to il-iiow tfs^i -ingxased as bojs In Nlilsri. Valeatire &I is .n fens w ith r s --Itr. Suva, pkjed H Sabnna Il'-rsa. 'ABO adds him so ,,*r list of .~aiKe> aicng with Thurxo. a part por- ^r_jjsd bj Dan Mcjore. and Eglamoar. "Ir.ed ir. Da\e Citna. whofedbean •--*. ^-5 to »ar H ter fafeer. Proteus «.-tra}«"alentsie'and wants i Nortfa* 1 .'" "Bong All 'Ifie Bqvs Back Home," "Carla Lily i^ady" and mote. Tickets are $8 for reserved s e s t e t They can also be purchased a! the door Please call (9081 7894549 for am infoimaJion. TOAST TO GLORY... aad H«fa»e Gerstwi, j p y *re jpfctwnwl as iftej cbocwe the p t s p t r wiwBs » nast fte WSO sh*ri»g Mierwm*^ «t tte apewwaf owtcert G3&if «f &ss^ Bntmm m & l Mmith 21, « 8 pja, *t Ae t'aiew C«««H itefe Certw « pfeasc caB |9«) 232-94W. When giax ss jcansi wife mndiss, i a hupps,- cid age. Dsaaiisas ef gcaily-Bsed clotb- tag. bsaKboId lieras. aaliqees w eeliaaifalcs. or cosiuoie jena - eliy aie s o i l e d T u s s ^ j tbrough &Horda>, fmm iiao through aooa T& Ttafl Sfe^?, locaiol * I"30 fi^ S«c^ Stsaet a Sa*c6 Pfens. ts open every Tuesday. %fecbwsda> adad TbfflnidaEv. fi^ta IC» a,m to 2 in p in Fridaj and Satarda? iOaratto 1pm llse step's 34-toetg-ta lieetst 90Rt ~22 5420. Arts Assoclatios Plans Glass Blowing Program lix Sccfirf? rkiR$-FK%»sS Ait* %*- sooasea »i3 fesssre Bnx^ue Gsiax? is a asBonsestoOR of gla» b&rwu^ ^ S p.at -as Wsd«esd»>» Msicfc IH. a fee Fan«w)d &a;a ^a&» en K«tfe ; " Mr 6»feer, whMe &te»'!ag began ^bet lie «w J! olgcctt. «s »e!i as nafc- peces lie fits a t e i sotcsss s2 Jhe Uric*- and «as aJs& swJsai steae scaJrteg wgh tool ores: Cluhs R«rt»er sad neon art st the "rfcwi trkss gufc» rn Br A2 IK wsfeeirie so Fey farSfccr Ihsxtms Ytsget m ?% Is H e r e Such A TWng As A Frcrn tie opening. Jcte v *'/ mpeidmm raai by Jeremj C •.thile minits with •while, fixed expres- •*30K roasks ad oat tin. synopsis of the fjar : zhs mood is setforthis light- hearted ronaritic comed%" according u- Joe Nierfc. WesJield'High School ">v"K^. drama teacher and Rising Star Aware » arjaag director SATIi ACAEEMSCS AHO SIHAIHGIES Scotch Plains Metuchen Summit Edison CEKTSR 1-S00-7B2-837S WHO DO YOU TRUST WITH YOUR MONEY??? Investment Counseling Since 196$ to our clients is our first prior ty. We can he-p you ac M :eve ?;~ r *"a*ca' 3^3« At Family Investors Company, we advocate a €GT*T r nc« se~se aenrsao** is ^z advise, we perform, but most cf al 1 , we care, Stco ty c^r s a ;e t;say r' cs *; Family I Investors Company 265 South Avenue Fanwood, New Jersey 07023 Visit us on the Web at wwwfanwoodnj.com/Faminvco -.s* ~s~3ge~&r. We T fstBr:.-«e CALL TODAY FOR OUR MARKET REPORT, <9O8)322-i8OO Meaner NASD &SIPC OLUTELV! 10B5Mou$£22 East i o m ll:30am-2:30pna -Mtmm fe^p®»t%«» &fttt*re &Snwlsv Braach J2-3pa» Someone /o JBisfen .L/here are times when what we need most is. a comforting voice...patience andcompassion...someone who understands. At Patient Care, we understand these needs. For more than twenty years, our mission has remained the same: providing home health care services that allow people to live with dignity, renewed independence and restored hope. inc. ACCREDITED BYJCAHO Certified Hourfy/live-Sn Homemaker/Home Health Aids [Patien/ Gore. JBisieninj ioyou. Westfield (908)654-5656 120 Elm Street i Cars, inc ts 3 vihoSy-cmrwl suteidai}- of Cherrgxt Csrcoraiton S1S96 Pabetit Cafe, tec gQ^P j g i P g ^P i g | ^^^ J & M Meats 407 South Avenue. West Wesffield, NJ Tele: (908) 233-4955 Fax:(908)233-1506 J & M Market 856 Mountain Avenue Mountainside, NJ Tele: (908) 232-0402 Fax: {908) 232-6594 j & M Cafe 251 North Avenue Westfield. NJ Tele: (908) 232-5060 Fax: (908) 232-5754 Prime Meat, Deli Produce & Prepared Foods Full Service Supermarket Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner Take Out Corn Bee* Briskets ....„.„„.,.„„..............,„.,....,.„.,„.. $3.99 Ib. italian Sausage - Sweet & Hot ».».,..„„..,„„...„..,.„„..... ,.„„.,..„„. $1,99 lt>. Country Style Spare Ribs ...„„.„„.„.„„„»....„„...„,.,....,„.„ $1,59 fb. Frank's Famous Fresh Ground Chuck „.„.„„..„„,.„....„., 31b $4.99 H0^ $EHVIN0 DIMMER - Monday thru Chops * Seafood Pasta « »_ Pesserts * Espresso Cappuccino FRESH PRODUCE Large California Lemons .........„.„„„„..„«„.,„...„;.„.,...„„„ 3 for $1,00 Large Red or White Florida Grapefruits.....,,..,., 69£ /ea. 2 Pound Bag Yellow Onions..„.«„,„„..„«„»»„..... «»,„...,„„,,.,„,„..„„.,., .596 Loose Idaho Potatoes .......,„.,..„„„.,..„...„„„.„,„„ 2 lbs for .99# FRESH SEAFOOO (Mountainside Store Only) Haddok Filets ...-.„....„„„..„„.„„......„...„„.,....„„.. .. v $4.99 Ib. Black Tip Shark ...„„....,„..„.„„„.„„.„,.„... „„.„.„ $5,99 Ib. Live Maine Lobsters (1-1/4-1-1/2 Ib.) ..„.................„.„.„...„„ $7.99 Ib. Live Maine Lobsters (1-1i2 - 2Jb.) .......„.„.„,„„.... $8,99 Ib, Live Maine Lobsters (2Ib. &up) „.„„.„„ .„,.„„.„.,...,......,..., $11.99 Ib, NOW TAKUM^PRDERS FOR ST. PATRICK'S JDC ^^

Transcript of M*rcfc 12.1998 Union Catholic Tricky Tray To Offer...

Page 1: M*rcfc 12.1998 Union Catholic Tricky Tray To Offer Broadwaythejointlibrary.org/archives/TheTimes/1998/1998-03-12/pg_0005.pdf · A WATCHUNG CawsotscxnoiB, fee PUBLICATION lEgaiter

A WATCHUNG CawsotscxnoiB, fee PUBLICATION lEgaiter a»d THE TIMES of Scotch fhtiaa - \ M*rcfc 12.1998

Union Catholic Tricky TrayTo Offer Broadway

The ansual Tncky Tiaj Aosaeas» fee Pksmi €mM a(T

for l ie esesst

Avmm la Ssidiwill lake place oa Fnsbj. Msiti

d 6

of Music." a video and msx vtde..*" a eMsbm'% aad

TETas theme, "Nigki cs a~ mill fcgtase as arm* ssf

IS REHEAKSAt^Fwo Geathmm of^ Vemna, an updated -serrion of «aidaptatioa ftf t s «artj work by VrOSaA Shmkespwrt, «3I feature fia»VI c&fkM Mi^t Scfeoel sfiKteai actors ia this Mgjbt-ikairted «wssfv of n»*K»and advimtut*. From left are C&srfe Twin as Valentine; Lisa VtBaloboc asLuo-aa: Safcrinm Hvnas as S3m: MeSssa MlBer « JaBa awf S«n Fteder mProcess. Tilts ooe wsefeessi show raas from toolgiit, Thursday, Mfctvb 12,shrottgb Sstvda}, Mweto 14, *t tlw WwtfkkJ High School awJitortaa.

Two Gentlemen From VeronaOpen Three-Day Run at WHS

The"T3*wac gof gigaste pnawtissk •will ofe- aBnattea^ TlKtter fe*^ Uat wiBiacltafc two cr^e^ra ^ a s to liteBraadssav plsj Tiuavc.wihUsEaeh-SIBC «n isc "by Star Sennas sfPisiafkM lo sM Jkm N » Y«*Cits, sM a pll swific^ » 3 J««ry k Ciy restaoraat

Also ai this latee will be 4 ssis-puicr. tte acm^i Aaencss GirtDoll. JoseptiiRS. sM many momgifts, according 10 a

* J 1 fee

a Flag Swfcet. a

Spsl Yocneif Sp

ami eisia bed eet&ae Table «ser-

7 ^ WestSeld High Sclx»i f gT.^sisal. THC f-entiemm Of lernnti.

- >,TS 1-T-gh: Thvrsday. March 12. fora.".-e-da*. ran Sho*»v3areaIsoFrila> and--t^rdaj. Mara:: 3 api 14. at the ftest-". /. i High SciKwl auistensm. located 3;

p7h;s earh wcrk b> Wiiham

Shakespeare, onginaih set m Renass-

*ni Me". "Shapso for the !9~C**s andur»igh: *jp to" die !99<*"s for ihjs vssr-

ha* reusing. cxvTg niuaic reminiscent•" i New York Csty block panyI". :s a kaleidoscope of races, coiors

^ 3 cuirjres iovmg. iMtiag. betraying,in»l;'.tn^'AiJi^cholhsr Anupdat&ir/jn:rer 'Aith the c'jrrer.th populari^-np style was cfetteographei H'-. dre% 5r;es. Nfarciung &pd mstnic-

*; r J?A KKorporates rbytfcns of the dayj=.ng garbage vans, pails, garbage can

d<. ahximizr. cans siai lots ofrhylh-

Featured (daxecers Megan Breuaa,Allie Feldman, Nikki Hastier, ConoaeLiefarieh and Rebecca Wiibeims. whowon rectos tioo last year for Qt&s&nd-iog Ensemble Group at the Paper MillPiayboase inMilbiia, arc joined in theproduetioD by Ginsy Psynterand RachelRo^ubium to perform in isost of IIK 17Loriodta Haver orig&idfccijioieognBpiieddance numbers.

Tfas citizens of Veroaa sod Milanadding to the festivities are ScottBrewster. Ryan Buntain. MariaCapasso. Shaaa Golembo. TimGreenlaw, Rose Hely. Greg Jackson.Kevin Johnson. Zach Karp. LauraKrasnor. JuSianne Maudrillo. KatieMortenson. Megan Rodd. L^ndsavRuotolo, Alex Scfawar/er-Muth".Gavin Shuiman. Allison IJniaekeaadNatalie Warren

This cast of 40, under the musicaldirection of Jim Bed. also has fun with

of T f^ * r Jnr*s of WcrtSeU.

Scotch Plains Thrift Shopfor Season on March 17^ Saudi Piaias

ijc fe; uprise se^aa tMs^ A 1?

arid corsages

tops, btoases,s&x&asism

aiso be a^aiiabfc


Valentine. ponra%ed b>tjfcirhe IrAJn. J S J Prujem. pkjed b>

_ji»an: Fkder. j-Ian ;« Ica\e Verona andl tr die b:g av, cS Sg

. ^"jig, Proteus ploiges his kneteJuiu.'jii>ec K Msl:sx. M::ier. and thev ex-'thiicgc ncas .After Ae men depart..'ula V.V&. Ler ser%aKt Luceita. pla>edH L:*s Vakiafe.. A«Je to il-iiowtfs^i -ingxased as bojs

In Nlilsri. Valeatire &I is .n fens w ithr s --Itr. Suva, pkjed H SabnnaIl'-rsa. 'ABO adds him so ,,*r list of.~aiKe> aicng with Thurxo. a part por-r_jjsd bj Dan Mcjore. and Eglamoar.

"Ir.ed ir. Da\e Citna. who fed bean•--*. -5 to »ar H ter fafeer. Proteus«.-tra}«"alentsie'and wants


Nortfa*1.'" "Bong All 'Ifie Bqvs BackHome," "Carla Lily i^ady" and mote.

Tickets are $8 for reserved se s t e tThey can also be purchased a! the doorPlease call (9081 7894549 for a minfoimaJion.

TOAST TO GLORY...aad H«fa»e Gerstwi, • j p y*re jpfctwnwl as iftej cbocwe the ptsptr wiwBs » nast fte WSO sh*ri»gMierwm*^ «t tte apewwaf owtcert G3&if «f &ss^ Bntmm m & lMmith 21, « 8 pja, *t Ae t'aiew C « « « H itefe Certw «pfeasc caB | 9 « ) 232-94W.

When giax ss jcansi wife mndiss, i ahupps,- cid age.

Dsaaiisas ef gcaily-Bsed clotb-tag. bsaKboId lieras. aaliqeesw eeliaaifalcs. or cosiuoie jena -eliy aie s o i l e d Tuss^j tbrough&Horda>, fmm i i a o throughaooa

T& Ttafl Sfe ?, locaiol * I"30fi^ S « c ^ Stsaet a Sa*c6 Pfens.ts open every Tuesday. %fecbwsda>adad TbfflnidaEv. fi^ta IC» a,m to 2 in

p in Fridaj and Satarda?iOaratto 1 p m

l lse step's 34-toetg-ta lieetst 90Rt~22 5420.

Arts Assoclatios PlansGlass Blowing Program

lix Sccfirf? rkiR$-FK%»sS Ait* %*-sooasea »i3 fesssre Bnx^ue Gsiax?is a asBonsestoOR of gla» b&rwu^ Sp.at -as Wsd«esd»>» Msicfc IH. a feeFan«w)d &a;a a&» en K«tfe;"

Mr 6»feer, whMe&te»'!ag began ^bet lie «w

J! olgcctt. «s »e!i as nafc-peces

lie fits a t e i sotcsss s2 Jhe Uric*-

and «as aJs& swJsai steae scaJrteg wghtool ores: Cluhs R«rt»er sad neon art stthe "rfcwi trkss gufc» rn Br

A2 I K wsfeeirie soFey farSfccr

Ihsxtms Ytsget m ?%

Is Here Such A TWng As A

Frcrn tie opening. Jctev *'/ mpeidmm raai by Jeremj C•.thile minits with •while, fixed expres-•*30K roasks ad oat tin. synopsis of the

• fjar: zhs mood is set for this light-hearted ronaritic comed%" accordingu- Joe Nierfc. WesJield'High School">v"K . drama teacher and Rising Star

Aware » arjaag director


Scotch PlainsMetuchenSummitEdison



Investment Counseling Since 196$

to our clients is our first prior ty. We can he-p you acM:eve ?;~r *"a*ca' 3^3«At Family Investors Company, we advocate a €GT*Trnc« se~se aenrsao** is zadvise, we perform, but most cf al1, we care, Stco ty c^r s a ;e t;say r ' cs *;

FamilyI Investors

Company265 South AvenueFanwood, New Jersey 07023

Visit us on the Web at wwwfanwoodnj.com/Faminvco

-.s* ~s~3ge~&r. WeTfstBr:.-«e


<9O8)322-i8OOMeaner NASD &SIPC


10B5Mou$£22 East

i om ll:30am-2:30pna-Mtmm fe^p®»t%«» &fttt*re & Snwlsv Braach J2-3pa»

Someone /o JBisfen

.L/here are times when what we need most is. a comforting

voice...patience and compassion...someone who understands.

At Patient Care, we understand these needs. For more than

twenty years, our mission has remained the same: providing

home health care services that allow people to live with dignity,

renewed independence and restored hope.


Certified Hourfy/live-SnHomemaker/Home Health Aids

[Patien/ Gore. JBisieninj ioyou.

Westfield (908)654-5656

120 Elm Street

i Cars, inc ts 3 vihoSy-cmrwl suteidai}- of Cherrgxt Csrcoraiton S1S96 Pabetit Cafe, tec

gQ^P jg iPg^P ig |^^^J & M Meats

407 South Avenue. WestWesffield, NJ

Tele: (908) 233-4955Fax:(908)233-1506

J&M Market856 Mountain Avenue

Mountainside, NJTele: (908) 232-0402Fax: {908) 232-6594

j & M Cafe251 North Avenue

Westfield. NJTele: (908) 232-5060Fax: (908) 232-5754

Prime Meat, DeliProduce & Prepared Foods

Full ServiceSupermarket

Breakfast, Lunch, DinnerTake Out

Corn Bee* Briskets ....„.„„.,.„„..............,„.,....,.„.,„.. $3.99 Ib.italian Sausage - Sweet & Hot ».».,..„„..,„„...„..,.„„.....,.„„.,..„„. $1,99 lt>.Country Style Spare Ribs ...„„.„„.„.„„„»....„„...„,.,....,„.„ $1,59 fb.Frank's Famous Fresh Ground Chuck „.„.„„..„„,.„....„., „ 31b $4.99

H 0 ^ $EHVIN0 DIMMER - Monday thruChops * Seafood • Pasta «»_ Pesserts * Espresso • Cappuccino

FRESH PRODUCELarge California Lemons ....„.....„.„„„„..„«„.,„...„;.„.,...„„„ 3 for $1,00Large Red or White Florida Grapefruits.....,,..,., 69£ /ea.2 Pound Bag Yellow Onions..„.«„,„„..„«„»»„.....«»,„...,„„,,.,„,„..„„.,., . 5 9 6Loose Idaho Potatoes .......,„.,..„„„.,..„...„„„.„,„„ 2 lbs for .99#

FRESH SEAFOOO(Mountainside Store Only)

Haddok Filets ...-.„....„„„..„„.„„......„...„„.,....„„.. ..v $4.99 Ib.Black Tip Shark ...„„....,„..„.„„„.„„.„,.„... „„.„.„ $5,99 Ib.Live Maine Lobsters (1-1/4-1-1/2 Ib.) ..„.........„....„....„.„.„...„„ $7.99 Ib.Live Maine Lobsters (1-1i2 - 2Jb.) .......„.„.„,„„.... „ $8,99 Ib,Live Maine Lobsters (2 Ib. & up) „.„„.„„ .„,.„„.„.,...,......,..., $11.99 Ib,