M.Phil Defence in LMS.pptx

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  • 8/16/2019 M.Phil Defence in LMS.pptx


  • 8/16/2019 M.Phil Defence in LMS.pptx


    The empirical study of the associationbetween entrepreneurial knowledge andentrepreneurial intention: Investigating the

    role of personal attitude.

    Tasawur Hussain


    Department of !eadership and "anagement #ciences

    *aculty of +ontemporary #tudies

    National Defence University


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    ,utline of %resentation :


    !iterature -eview

    -ecommendations and +onclusion

    -esults and Discussions

    Theoretical *ramework and Hypothesis


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    ,utline of %resentation :


    !iterature -eview

    -ecommendations and +onclusion

    -esults and Discussions

    Theoretical *ramework and Hypothesis


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    Introduction to the topic

    $ntrepreneurship is the outcome of di5erent factors internal to theindividual and external from the general environment %hese factorsforce an individual to ta&e certain actions to be an entrepreneur

    based on situation and time 'ere an individuals &nowledge of entrepreneurship along with

    entrepreneurial attitude shapes $ntrepreneurial intention

    $ntrepreneurial intention is the main focus of this study


    “%he empirical study of the association between entrepreneurial&nowledge and entrepreneurial intention6 7nvestigating the role of

    personal attitude”

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    Richard antillon in !8.) used entrepreneurship to de9ne the

    willingness of an individual to carry out arbitrage with a higher9nancial ris& of new business formation (:inniti ;ean 3aptiste 4ay” in !0.?

    and de9ned the terms as “the person (adventurer@nderta&er# whoidenti9es the mismanagement of resources and capital and getcontrol of them to ma&e them more pro9table through improvedproductivity and better yields (4ay, !0.?#

     %heories and :odels in the 9eld6

    4elf-$Bcacy and 4ocial ;earning %heory (3andura, !"0?, !""8#  %heory of Claned 3ehaviour (A2zen, !""!#

    4elf-Cerception %heory (/aryl 3em, !"8.#

     %heory of Reasoned Action (Dishbein, !"0* Dishbein A2zen, !"8+#

    :odel of entrepreneurial event (4hapero and 4o&ol, !"0)#

    :odel of implementing entrepreneurial ideas (3ird, !"00#

    ackground of thestudy

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    $ntrepreneurship plays pivotal role in the economic

    growth and development of any country and consideredto the engine of a healthy economy 4o, most of thesuccessful 4:$Es are the are the output of suchentrepreneurial activities with higher strength

    entrepreneurial intentions And it is observed that mostof such initiatives are underta&en by youth %herefore, it

    is needed to study the impact of entrepreneurial&nowledge on entrepreneurial intentions with the

    moderating role of personal attitude

    %roblem #tatement

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    "ain /uestion:

    Fhat are the bases of individual entrepreneurial intentionG

    #ub /uestions:

    /oes entrepreneurial &nowledge a5ect the entrepreneurial intentionG

    /oes personal attitude a5ects the decision to be an entrepreneurG

    Fhat are the conse=uences that motivate an individual to start anentrepreneurial careerG

    ,b0ectives:  %o investigate the basic individual factors shaping the entrepreneurial


     %o 9nd how much entrepreneurial &nowledge helps an individual in shapingentrepreneurial intentions

     %o 9nd the impact of personal attitude on the relation between individualsentrepreneurial &nowledge and entrepreneurial intention

     %o 9nd out how much the young generation consider entrepreneurship as an

    attractive 9eld

    -esearch /uestions and


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     %his study will add to the body of &nowledge and identify thepriorities of youth engaged in the studies at university level and

    try to study their attitude towards entrepreneurship and evaluatetheir priorities to select an entrepreneurial career

     %he most important factors associated to individual are discussedhere where the intentions of youth will be studied contributing tothe body of &nowledge especially in Ca&istani context %he studywill provide facts in this regards for policy ma&ing for both

    educational institutions as well as government sector to promoteentrepreneurship

     %he data was collected form the students of management sciencesat di5erent universities from 7slamabad, Rawalpindi (rban#, Hilgitand 4&ardu (Rural# cities of Ca&istan %he focus was to identify thefuture prospects of entrepreneurship

    #igni1cance and scope ofstudy

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    ,utline of %resentation


    !iterature -eview

    -ecommendations and +onclusion

    -esults and Discussions

    Theoretical *ramework and Hypothesis


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    Ali et al ()*!!#  %shi&ovhi and 4hambare published in April, )*!+

    Roxas ()*!1#

    ;iIJn ()**1

    (;iIJn hen, )**" 'arris, )*!! 'uggins %hompson,)*!+ Atef Al-3alushi, )*!1 'uggins and Filliams, )*!!Fyrwich, )*!+ %an Koo, )*!+#

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    2ntrepreneurial 3nowledge

    #tatements$arguments -eference

    $ntrepreneurial &nowledge can be de9ned in terms ofability of an individual to recognize, capture and createan opportunity and ta&e calculated actions to bring aninnovative product, service or idea to the mar&etrealizing an innovative &nowledge practice

    Hrossman 'elpman,!""1 'arris, )**! 7bert,)**8 Luc&er, /arby,Durner, ;iu :a, )**8Moe, 4aEari, :a2id 7smail, )*!)

    7t refers to the content &nowledge of an individualregarding business operations, resource availability,opportunity identi9cation and exploitation and otherentrepreneurial activities $ntrepreneurial Mnowledgecomes from the interaction of individual with societywhere he@she belongs, education, and training and onhand practice so they are considered more important

    in the development of human resource

    Ravindran 7yer, )*!1Roxas, )*!1 Dranco,)*!* %ur&er 4onmez4elNu&, )**"

     >ohannisson, !""!$ntrepreneurial learning is a bipolar activity whichincludes learning by studying action principles andlearning by doing $ntrepreneurial &nowledge isconsidered to be the main ingredient ofentrepreneurial activities and establishing new

    businesses because of its high impact onentrepreneurial intentions leading to individual,

    Fyrwich, )*!+

    Drese Lapf, !""1

    Oystein Fidding, )**+

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    4spects of 2ntrepreneurial knowledgestudied

    #tatements$arguments -eference

    7n terms of product, mar&et, organizational and 9nanciallevelexploitation of resources, opportunity identi9cation,mar&et analysis, planning for new venture creation,

    9nancial planning, product designing, mar&etdevelopment, strategic policies and innovation practice

    Oystein Fidding, )**+

    4hane, )***

    7n terms of sub2ect &nowledge as mar&eting,organizational behavior, strategic management,9nance, mar&eting and human resourcemanagement

    'indle, )**8

    Hrowth management, idea generation and innovation,ris& and rationality, creativity and public relations, sociallin&s and obligations Agrawal, )**+ Diet,


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    #tatements$arguments -eferenceAttitude is mental status referring to the readiness levelbased on the prior experience dictating an individualEsresponse and behavior to the ob2ects and situation whichhe@she encounters in everyday life Allport, !".+

    7t is the amalgamation of individuals emotional,perceptual, motivational and cognitive processes inrelation to the place and society he@she belongs7t refers to the probability of speci9c behavior anindividual shows in a speci9c situation

    Mrech rutch9eld,!"10

    ampbell, !"+*

    Attitude is a psychological tendency of an individual toshow a degree of favor or disfavor in evaluating aparticular entity and are low at stability and high at endurance.

    $agly hai&en, !"".3em, !"8*4chwarz 4trac&, !""!

    %ersonal 4ttitude

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    +ategories of 4ttitude

    #tatements$arguments -eference

    Attitude guides an individualEs behavioural decisions

    Attitudes di5er in terms of the degree of strength,centrality and crystallization yet studied as the best

    indicators for action ta&ing by an individuals

    4chwarz 3ohner,)**!Mrosnic& Abelson,

    !"") Cetty Mrosnic&,)*!1

    +lasi1cation of 4ttitude:!- classical conditioning refers to the attitude evo&ed bypreviously neutral ob2ect either positively or negatively)- Pperant conditioning, the attitude and behavior arethe outcome of reward and appraisal $agly hai&en, !"".

    Structure of Attitude:

    !- 7ntra attitudinal structure refers to the individualattitude considered as single)- 7nter attitudinal structure refers to more than oneattitude and how they are related to each other and tothe individuals mind $agly hai&en, !"".

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    #tatements$arguments -eference

    $ntrepreneurs are signi9cantly di5erentform other people in terms of cognitivebiases, heuristics abilities, or thin&ingpatterns, ris& ta&ing propensity, decisionma&ing and problem solving

    3usenitz 3arney, !""8 4imon,'oughton, A=uino, )*** Alvarez 3usenitz, )**+ :ar&man, 3aron 3al&in, )**+3aron, )**8 4haver 4cott, !""! %ownsend, 3usenitz Arthurs, )*!*

    Cersonal attitude forms the basis forentrepreneurial intentions which acts asones 2udgment to run and own abusiness

    Mrueger et al, )*** Dato&i, )*!*ardon et al, )**"

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    #tatements$arguments -eference

    $ntrepreneurial intention, a power that dictates anindividual to thin& about an idea and bring it toconsideration and ma&es it wor&able 7t may befocused on either new venture creation or creatingvalues in the existing one$ntrepreneurial intention represents the 9rm

    persuasion of an individual and a strong faith tostart a new business venture in some future period

    3ird (!"00#

     %hompson, )**"

    7ntentions represents the availability of anindividual to an entrepreneurial activity and self-prediction to engage in a relative re=uiredbehaviour

    $ntrepreneurial intentions represents ones desire tostart and own a business that is observed in termsof speci9c set of behavior that an individual shows

    A2zen, !""! A2zen Dishbein, !"88

    Mrueger et al, )*** rant,!""?

    3agozzi, 3aumgartner Ki,!"0"

    7ntentions acts as conceptual hub for connectingentrepreneurial behavior to wide range of factors

    that may inQuence the entrepreneurial behaviour

    (Mrueger et al, )***arsrud 3rnnbac&, )**"

    Mrueger, !"".#

    2ntrepreneurial Intention

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    #tatements$arguments -eference

    $ntrepreneurial intention are deeply fundamental tohuman decision ma&ing and are deeply rooted intoindividual personality so it bears lin&s with decisionma&ing under ris& and uncertainty$ntrepreneurial intentions are individualEs 2udgments anddecisions to be the master of their own or owning oneEsown business

    Mrueger, )**" Dayolle ;iIJn, )*!1

    Dato&i, )*!*

    $ntrepreneurship actually starts with 9rm intentions of anindividual where success is directly proportional to thelevel of intention7t is the &ey element in the 9rm creation

    onner Armitage,!""0 Mrueger, !"".

    3ird, !"00

    $ntrepreneurial education is vital in developing intent,the personal interests drag individuals to wardsentrepreneurship education, where this type of selectionis called “4elf selection bias”Fhile other researchers give less importance toeducation5Human capital theory6 states that the investment inhuman capital leads to higher entrepreneurial intentions

    ;iIJn, )**0Molvereid :oen,!""8;iIJn, )**1 :c:ullan ;ong, !"08, Soel,)**)Hrey, )**)

    3ec&er, !"8+

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    2ntrepreneurship plays pivotal role in theeconomic growth and development of any country

    and considered to the engine of a healthyeconomy. #o7 most of the successful #"28s are theare the output of such entrepreneurial activitieswith higher strength entrepreneurial intentions.

    4nd it is observed that most of such initiatives are

    undertaken by youth. Therefore7 it is needed tostudy the impact of entrepreneurial knowledge on

    entrepreneurial intentions with the moderatingrole of personal attitude.

    !iterature 9ap

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    ,utline of %resentation :


    !iterature -eview

    -ecommendations and +onclusion

    -esults and Discussions

    Theoretical *ramework and Hypothesis


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    Theoretical *ramework 







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    No Hypothesis

    H&  %here is a signi9cant positive relationship betweenentrepreneurial &nowledge and entrepreneurial


    H) Cersonal attitude moderates the relationship between

    entrepreneurial &nowledge and entrepreneurial


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    ,utline of %resentation


    !iterature -eview

    -ecommendations and +onclusion

    -esults and Discussions

    Theoretical *ramework and Hypothesis


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    -esearch Design




    *ield #tudy






    #tudy Type








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    Data 4nalysis#oftware

    #%## )&

    4ampling nit 7ndividual

    /ata ollection:ethod

    4urvey Tuestionnaire- 7n 'ard form


    7ndividuals enrolled in 3usiness:anagement 4tudies from public andprivate universities from 7slamabad,Rawalpindi, Hilgit and 4&ardu out of !8+/A7s recognised by '$

    4ample 4ize ..! @ +** - ??)U response rate

    4ampling Son Crobability - 4imple Random4ampling

    Tuestionnaire 4cale

    losed ended - )! 7tems - 1 sections4ection

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    ,utline of %resentation


    !iterature -eview

    -ecommendations and +onclusion

    -esults and Discussions

    Theoretical *ramework and Hypothesis


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      492 92ND2- 2DU+4TI,N 2?%2-I2N+


    NValid ..! ..! ..! ..!

    :issing * * * *

    #td. Deviation ??" +** "1? !*.0

    @ariance 110 )+* 0"1 !*88

    "ean )!? +) )?+ !80



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    4ge  *reAuen




    !ess than )B )8 0)

    )&)C )11 8.8

    )(B 18 !1)

    (&(C 8 )!

    "ore than (C ? !0

    Total ..! !***







    Undergraduate+) !+8

    9raduate ?" )*0

    "asters !+) 1+"Higher #tudies


    +0 !8+

    Total ..! !***

    2?%2-I2N+2  *reAuen



    !ess than


    !80 +.0 

    &) 01 )+1  (' 11 !..  C !+ 1+  "ore than

    !* .* 

    Total ..! !***  







    *emale!+0 188

    "ale !8. +).

    Total ..! !***

  • 8/16/2019 M.Phil Defence in LMS.pptx


    +onstruct +ronbach8s



    of Items

    2ntrepreneurial 3nowledge;I.@< 08 ?

    %ersonal 4ttitude ;"od.@< 8+) +

    2ntrepreneurial Intention


    00! ?



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  • 8/16/2019 M.Phil Defence in LMS.pptx


    %redictors E -) F-) * T4tep !6  

    ontrol variables *11 *114tep )6  $ntrepreneurial


    +!+XXX )") )10 )?0? !*?0

    4tep .6  Cersonal Attitude +!8XXX .*) )+8 )0! !*"1

    4tep 16  $ntrepreneurial

    Mnowledge Y CersonalAttitude ?*1XXX .0!







    XpZ*+, XXCZ*!, XXXCZ**! (ontrol#6 Hender, Age, Tuali9cation $xperience


    "oderation -egression


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    Hypothesis #tatus

    H&  %here is a signi9cant positive relationship between

    entrepreneurial &nowledge and entrepreneurial





    H) Cersonal attitude moderates the relationship between

    entrepreneurial &nowledge and entrepreneurial





    #tatus of Hypothesis

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    ,utline of %resentation :


    !iterature -eview

    -ecommendations and +onclusion

    -esults and Discussions

    Theoretical *ramework and Hypothesis


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     %his study was focused on variables, more important to individual

    personality %here are many other variables that may directly orindirectly inQuence the entrepreneurial intent

    Cersonal attitude is tested as a moderator, it may act as anindependent variable too Duture studies may test it with otherdemographic variables

     %he sample (..!# was selected form few cities Duture studies may

    increase the sample size and add other ma2or cities and remote areastoo

    Tuantitative approach were implied to collect data through closedended =uestionnaires A =ualitative approach may be more appropriatein understanding intentions

    -ecommendations and


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