Mowla marine collections

( HTTP://MMCBD.NET ) sseettttiinngg tthhee ssttaannddaarrddss && ccaarriinngg aabboouutt sseerrvviicceess : 88 018555-73353005 : 88 017559-64476668 : ( /mowlamarine /?fref=ts) ( /mowlamarinebd) ( /in/afsar- ahmed- a29110109?trk=hp- identity-name) About MMC We are Mowla Marine Collections (MMC) very pleased to introducing us as a specialized on supplying Navigation, Communication, Safety & Security, & Marine Electronics type’s products. The Following Major Operational Items are available in our stock house:- WELCOME TO MMC LEEAARRNN MORRE ( ABOUT.HTML )

Transcript of Mowla marine collections

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sseettttiinngg tthhee ssttaannddaarrddss && ccaarriinngg aabboouutt sseerrvviicceess

:: 8888 0011885555--773355330055 :: 8888 0011775599--664477666688 :: iinnffoo@@mmmmccbbdd..nneett





We are Mowla Marine Collections (MMC) very pleased to introducing us as a specialized on

supplying Navigation, Communication, Safety & Security, & Marine Electronics type’s products.

The Following Major Operational Items are available in our stock house:-



Page 2: Mowla marine collections

Our Services

NAVIGATION EQUIPMENT'S:- Vario us types of RADAR, ECHOSOUNDER,GYRO COMPASS,MAGNETIC COMPASS AUTO PILOT, GPS, AIS, NAVTEX,S VDR……ETC as our stock. GMDSS:- Inmarsat- C, EPIRB, SART, LIFE BOAT RADIO,WALKIE TALKIE, as our stock. COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT'S:- VariousTypes & Bands Of HF- transreceiver, VHF- transreceiver as our stock . DIESELGENERATORS :- VARIOUS TYPES OF YANMAR, DAIHATSU, WARTSILA, CAT,CUMMINS, BERGEN, SULZER, MAN as our stock....ETC. MAIN ENGINE SPARES:-Various types of main engine spares as our stock. AUXILIARY ENGINESPARES :- Various types of main engine spares as our stock. HYDRAULICEQUIPMENT'S:- MOTOR, PUMP, GEAR with various accessories as our stock.TURBO CHARGERS:- VTR, MET & NR SERIES. OIL PURIFIERS:- ALFA LAVAL,MITSUBISHI, WESTFALIA with various accessories as our stock. AIRCOMPRESSORS:- BAUER, TANABE, HATLAPA....ETC with various accessoriesas per our stock. Others: we r committed to hardly try to collect all other itemswhich is demand by clients.

RReeaadd MMoorree ((aabboouutt..hhttmmll))


Worldwide supply Various typemarine reusable equipment .(


We, MMC-Mowla Marine Collections , are verypleased to introduce us, to your good company

through this business letter and RReeaadd MMoorree((hhttttpp::////mmmmccbbdd..nneett//sseerrvviicceess//wwoorrllddwwiiddee--

Page 3: Mowla marine collections

ssuuppppllyy--vvaarriioouuss--ttyyppee--mmaarriinnee--rreeuussaabbllee--eeqquuiippmmeenntt// ))


Navigiation & CommunicationTypes (


We are Mowla Marine Collections (MMC) arevery pleased to introduce us as a prominentMarine spares supplier from the RReeaadd MMoorree

((hhttttpp::////mmmmccbbdd..nneett//sseerrvviicceess//cciivviill--aanndd--aarrcchhiitteeccttuurree// ))


Marine Engine & Spares(

Our dynamic team of project managers,engineers, and all understands that successful

partnerships with our clients depend onconsistently delivering RReeaadd MMoorree

((hhttttpp::////mmmmccbbdd..nneett//sseerrvviicceess//mmeecchhaanniiccaall--eennggiinneeeerriinngg// ))

Page 4: Mowla marine collections

VViieeww AAllll PPrroodduuccttss ((pprroojjeecctt--33ccooll..hhttmmll))


Marine Electronics Devices(


We have a highly experienced and welleducated team for collecting your desired

marine electronics type’s devices in Chittagongport. RReeaadd MMoorree ((hhttttpp::////mmmmccbbdd..nneett//sseerrvviicceess

//eelleeccttrriiccaall--eelleeccttrroonniiccss// ))

Offering on-demand service at allmajor ports of call worldwide.


Page 5: Mowla marine collections



Various Types Of ElectronicsEquipments (


Page 6: Mowla marine collections




Navigation type(

Page 7: Mowla marine collections

Latest News




Turbochargers (

” Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipisicing elit,

sed do eiusmod temporincididunt ut labore et dolore

magna aliqua. Ut enim adminim veniam, quis nostrudexercitation ullamco laboris

nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodoconsequat.”

— LJ, Abc Company

Page 8: Mowla marine collections

VViieeww AAllll NNeewwss ((bblloogg..hhttmmll))

February 25, 2016

Chairman Information


RReeaadd MMoorree ((ssiinnggllee--bblloogg..hhttmmll))

February 12, 2016

Our new office successfully opened at Chittagong


We would like to take this opportunity of brie�y introducing MMC(MowlaMarine Collections)., which is a well established organization running byexperienced professional...

RReeaadd MMoorree ((ssiinnggllee--bblloogg..hhttmmll))

March 6, 2015

New Or Used Shipping Equipment - The Return OnInvestment Decision


It has always been a debate whether to buy new or used constructionequipment. Smaller �eets prefer to buy used construction equipment as theyattract less capital investments. Another reason for people to opt for used...

RReeaadd MMoorree ((ssiinnggllee--bblloogg..hhttmmll))

Our Trusted

Page 9: Mowla marine collections


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