Mowgli signs MoU with King Abdullah II Fund for Development (KAFD) to provide Mowgli Mentoring...

mentoring inspire | connect | evolve First Floor, Building 10, King Hussein Business Park, King Abdullah ll Street, PO Box 954285, Amman 11954, Jordan UK | UAE | JORDAN Office 117, First Floor, Building 3, Dubai Internet City, PO Box 500104, Dubai, United Arab Emirates CAN Mezzanine, Hanover House, Queen Charlotte Street, Bristol, BS1 4EX, United Kingdom UK Charity Number: 1127087 Press release: Monday 26 th May, 2013, Amman, Jordan Mowgli signs MoU with King Abdullah II Fund for Development (KAFD) to provide Mowgli Mentoring Experience to KAAYIA Finalists To enable the sustainable development of societies in Jordan through the mentoring and evolution of entrepreneurs and leaders The King Abdullah II Award for Youth Innovation and Achievement (KAAYIA) aims to celebrate and support young men and women throughout the Arab region who have pioneered innovative solutions to urgent social, economic and environmental challenges. The award is designed to promote creative problem-solving and cross-border dialogue and cooperation among Arab youth. The KAAYIA is awarded to youth, ages 18 to 30 across the Arab region. Applications are reviewed against three core criteria: the applicant’s leadership qualities and the innovativeness of their approaches, his or her capacity to form and maintain partnerships, and the impact and sustainability of their projects. The award seeks to reward these distinguished young leaders throughout the region by providing them with meaningful support and recognition. KAFD decided to add a new component to the capacity building provided to this year’s finalists; in a unique partnership, Mowgli will be working with KAFD to embed mentorship at the heart of the KAAYIA finalists’ ongoing development. Mowgli’s mission is to provide entrepreneurs and social entrepreneurs with mentors, who inspire, support and empower them in achieving their business and personal potential Social entrepreneurship has the twofold impact of addressing social challenges that governments haven’t been able to tackle, while offering a genuine career alternative for young people. Despite this opportunity, there are numerous barriers to social entrepreneurship that continue to hold back the sector. Last year’s report on social entrepreneurship in the MENA region from Stanford University, which draws on extensive survey data, identifies the high failure rate of new ventures as a key concern for social entrepreneurship. Only 20% of respondents said their venture was operational and running well; this prospect makes many would-be social entrepreneurs understandably hesitant. Consequently, having mentors to support them through the start-up and growth phases of their venture is a vital resource for social entrepreneurs, something that also emerges clearly from the data in the report. Mowgli’s ‘relational mentoring’ provides a trusting, one-to-one relationship between a mentor and a social entrepreneur, helping the latter to see the bigger picture of themselves and their venture. This enables problems to be addressed, opportunities to be explored, and action planned. The mentor helps the social entrepreneur to solve their own problems, and so develop their decision-making and leadership capabilities. The social entrepreneurs making up the list of KAAYIA finalists will have access to this unique support, allowing them to move their ventures, and themselves, forward with confidence.



Transcript of Mowgli signs MoU with King Abdullah II Fund for Development (KAFD) to provide Mowgli Mentoring...

  • 1. mentoringinspire | connect | evolveFirst Floor, Building 10,King Hussein Business Park,King Abdullah ll Street,PO Box 954285, Amman 11954,Jordan UK | UAE | JORDANOfce 117, First Floor,Building 3,Dubai Internet City,PO Box 500104,Dubai, United Arab EmiratesCAN Mezzanine,Hanover House,Queen Charlotte Street,Bristol, BS1 4EX,United KingdomUK Charity Number: 1127087Press release: Monday 26thMay, 2013, Amman, JordanMowgli signs MoU with King Abdullah II Fund for Development (KAFD) to provideMowgli Mentoring Experience to KAAYIA FinalistsTo enable the sustainable development of societies in Jordan through the mentoring andevolution of entrepreneurs and leadersThe King Abdullah II Award for Youth Innovation and Achievement (KAAYIA) aims tocelebrate and support young men and women throughout the Arab region who havepioneered innovative solutions to urgent social, economic and environmental challenges.The award is designed to promote creative problem-solving and cross-border dialogue andcooperation among Arab youth. The KAAYIA is awarded to youth, ages 18 to 30 across theArab region. Applications are reviewed against three core criteria: the applicantsleadership qualities and the innovativeness of their approaches, his or her capacity to formand maintain partnerships, and the impact and sustainability of their projects. The awardseeks to reward these distinguished young leaders throughout the region by providing themwith meaningful support and recognition.KAFD decided to add a new component to the capacity building provided to this yearsfinalists; in a unique partnership, Mowgli will be working with KAFD to embed mentorship atthe heart of the KAAYIA finalists ongoing development. Mowglis mission is to provideentrepreneurs and social entrepreneurs with mentors, who inspire, support and empowerthem in achieving their business and personal potentialSocial entrepreneurship has the twofold impact of addressing social challenges thatgovernments havent been able to tackle, while offering a genuine career alternative foryoung people. Despite this opportunity, there are numerous barriers to socialentrepreneurship that continue to hold back the sector. Last years report on socialentrepreneurship in the MENA region from Stanford University, which draws on extensivesurvey data, identifies the high failure rate of new ventures as a key concern for socialentrepreneurship. Only 20% of respondents said their venture was operational and runningwell; this prospect makes many would-be social entrepreneurs understandably hesitant.Consequently, having mentors to support them through the start-up and growth phases oftheir venture is a vital resource for social entrepreneurs, something that also emergesclearly from the data in the report.Mowglis relational mentoring provides a trusting, one-to-one relationship between amentor and a social entrepreneur, helping the latter to see the bigger picture of themselvesand their venture. This enables problems to be addressed, opportunities to be explored,and action planned. The mentor helps the social entrepreneur to solve their own problems,and so develop their decision-making and leadership capabilities. The social entrepreneursmaking up the list of KAAYIA finalists will have access to this unique support, allowing themto move their ventures, and themselves, forward with confidence.

2. mentoringinspire | connect | evolveFirst Floor, Building 10,King Hussein Business Park,King Abdullah ll Street,PO Box 954285, Amman 11954,Jordan UK | UAE | JORDANOfce 117, First Floor,Building 3,Dubai Internet City,PO Box 500104,Dubai, United Arab EmiratesCAN Mezzanine,Hanover House,Queen Charlotte Street,Bristol, BS1 4EX,United KingdomUK Charity Number: 1127087Mowgli will run its unique and proven Mowgli Mentoring Experience (MME) with theKAAYIA social entrepreneurs. This begins with the Kickstart workshop - a residentialweekend that is designed to train mentors in the art of mentoring, a fundamentalcomponent of leadership development, and match them with the social entrepreneurs forthe most effective mentoring relationships.Reflecting on the partnership, Mowgli Chief Executive Officer, Helen Al-Uzaizi, said: TheMowgli Foundation is honored to be a part of this fantastic program to support the KAAYIAentrepreneurs through our mentoring program. We strive to place mentoring at the heart ofentrepreneurship and leadership development and believe that this Award highlights theexcellent entrepreneurs that are making strides in the region. We are thrilled to announcethis partnership and to support budding social entrepreneurs. KAFDs commitment todeveloping entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship in Jordan and the region, makesthis partnership a natural collaboration to an aligned visionKAFD Director, Mr. Qais Qatameen commented: The KAAYIA programme, sheds lights ongreat youth-led initiatives who are addressing urgent challenges at their local communities.The program provides its social entrepreneurs with a monetary grant and tailored capacitybuilding training to help them enhance their performance, reach out to more beneficiariesand expand their outreach. In addition to this type of support, KAFD has signed an MoUwith the Mowgli Foundation, in order to pair these social entrepreneurs with experiencedmentors from the great network Mowgli has. Through the exposure to a knowledgeablementor, entrepreneurs gain access to wider professional networks, new perspectives ontheir initiatives and are empowered to enhance their leadership and management skills.Mentors can also benefit greatly from this relationship, as they gain new perspective onsome of the important work of social entrepreneurs, and can lend their business andprofessional acumen to the social sector.Were looking forward to seeing the outcomes of this new partnership, and hoping thatKAAYIAs social entrepreneurs will become part of Mowglis pool of mentors in the nearfuture.ENDAbout KAFD:The King Abdullah II Fund for Development (KAFD) was established by a royal decree in2001 as a non-governmental organization. Its aim was to support the Jordaniancommunity by driving human and infrastructure development.KAFD works to further develop key sectors in Jordan and improve local standards of livingfor all segments of the Jordanian community, targeting individuals, public and privatesectors, civil society organizations as well as providing support for youth entrepreneurshipinitiatives and empowerment programmes. 3. mentoringinspire | connect | evolveFirst Floor, Building 10,King Hussein Business Park,King Abdullah ll Street,PO Box 954285, Amman 11954,Jordan UK | UAE | JORDANOfce 117, First Floor,Building 3,Dubai Internet City,PO Box 500104,Dubai, United Arab EmiratesCAN Mezzanine,Hanover House,Queen Charlotte Street,Bristol, BS1 4EX,United KingdomUK Charity Number: 1127087KAFD focuses on capacity building and training programmes for different segments of thesociety mainly targeting school and university students, public sector employees and highlevel decision makers. These programmes run through partnerships with local andinternational parties. Through its Career Guidance Offices, KAFD reaches to almost allJordanian universities across the Kingdom. KAFD also works as the execution arm formany initiatives assigned by His Majestys Office.About the Mowgli Foundation:The Mowgli Foundation is an award winning, UK-headquartered mentoring organisation,established in 2008 by successful serial entrepreneur Tony Bury, in response to the needfor job creation and sustainable economic and societal development in the MENA region aswell as in UK communities.Mowgli provides mentoring that inspires, connects and guides entrepreneurs and leaders toovercome lifes personal and business challenges through: Interactive, experiential and transformational Kickstart workshops A unique environment for accelerated relationship building, mentor training andmatching Engagement within a learning and mentoring focused global alumni networkMowgli has matched over 260 entrepreneurs in 8 countries with trained mentors, whovoluntarily support them throughout a yearlong program, and were subsequentlyrecognised in December 2012 with the Mohammed bin Rashid Award for Young BusinessLeaders Award for the Best Mentor Network in the Arab Region.CONTACT DETAILSWebsite: Media Contact: Kathleen Bury, [email protected] UK Office:CAN Mezzanine, Hanover House, Queen Charlotte Street, Bristol BS1 4EX, UKTel: +44 (0) 1172 020137Mowgli Jordan Office:First Floor, Building 10, King Hussein Business Park, King Abdullah II Street, PO Box954285, Amman 11954 JordanTel: +962 (6) 5805370Mowgli Foundation Registered Charity Number: 1127087