Moving into Resurrection Power or Breakthrough...

Feast of Firstfruits 2017 16 April 2017 Moving into Resurrection Power or Breakthrough Anointing !!

Transcript of Moving into Resurrection Power or Breakthrough...

Feast of Firstfruits 2017 16 April 2017

Moving into Resurrection Power or

Breakthrough Anointing !!

A. Introduction

• Month of Nisan & Passover - the beginning of months... 12:2.

• Passover is so crucial that God designated it to be a beginning !!

• Beginning of a new season & whole new way of life!!

• Passover - Start of God's yearly cycle of Feasts.... Goal of God's cycle of feasts - bring all into a fresh experience of His glory yearly.

Why is that important ??


1. Passover (usually with a meal ) - Exodus 12: 1-14

Passover celebration is the doorway into that yearly cycle.

3. Feast of Firstfruits !! - Lev 23:9-14

3 key events during Passover:

2. Feast of Unleavened Bread - 7 days (Exo 12: 15-20, 13:3-10)

1. Passover

Is the story of Israel's redemption from Egypt Egypt held Israel in oppression for 400 years... God's sent wave after wave of judgments against Egypt & its gods !! (10 plagues)

Thru the plagues, God judged Egypt,

broke the power of Pharaoh &

brought Israel out to a new land & a new way of life !!

To commemorate this great Deliverance, God told His people to eat a special 'Passover' meal every

year to celebrate this event !!

Passover is all about Jesus !! When Jesus' blood is on 'doorpost' of your life, God delivers you from the works of the enemy !! God gave Passover as a way to celebrate & experience all that Jesus did for us !!

• Exo 12: 15-20 - remove leaven from house & eat unleavened bread for 7 days.... Every Jewish family does this.....removes all defilement from their homes before Passover !!

2. Passover initiates a second feast - Feast of Unleavened Bread !!

• Jesus did the same - He cleansed His Father's house of money changers before Passover !! When impurity is removed, one is ready to celebrate Feast of Unleavened bread !!

So Passover begins with a meal of remembrance

(Passover meal), it continues with the

Feast of Unleavened Bread…

3. Culminates with the Feast of Firstfruits !!

• Because Israel's firstborn was spared when the firstborn of Egypt died, Israel was told to consecrate all of their firsts to God !!

• Exo 13- first born children, cattle,

firstfruits of produce >>>

all belong to God.....

when you give God the first of everything, you are made holy !! Rom 11:16

when you give God the Firstfruits, it secures & guarantees the entire harvest !! Prov 3:9-10

Holiness principle

Prosperity Principle

• Firstfruits offerings were brought throughout year because crops ripen throughout the year :

• On Sun after Passover, the Firstfruits of barley harvest was to be brought before the priests & waved before the Lord !! Lev 23: 9-12.

Barley in early spring

Wheat in early summer

Grapes in late summer

Olives in Fall

• The Jews would bring a Firstfruits of every harvest to God but the barley harvest was first of the first !!

• The Firstfruits that guarantee the rest of the harvests.....

• Hence God chose that day to reenact a very important event - resurrection of Jesus - the Firstfruits of those who would become a new creation !!

• Jesus died as our Passover Lamb but was raised as the Firstfruits of a new creation!

• Firstfruits means His resurrection secures & guarantees our resurrection !!

• Feast of Firstfruits was when Israel waved their Firstfruits to God......a wave offering !!

• On that Sun God sent waves to pharaoh & sent them to their graves....

• So at Passover Israel was redeemed out of bondage &

passed thru death to a whole new life !!

• When Jesus hung on Cross at Passover, He died as Passover Lamb.

• But He did not die alone, you were crucified with Him....Your old self died with Him....

• But on Resurrection Sun, Feast of Firstfruits, Jesus was raised from the dead!!

• You were raised with Him to a new life !!

• Rom 8. Power of resurrection with us now....

• Breakthrough anointing is being imparted…

C. Why is the resurrection of Christ from the dead so central to us ? It …

1. Fulfils prophecies & validates the truth of Scripture…. (Ps 16:10; Hosea 6:2; Jonah 1:17 cf Matt 12:40)

2. Assures we will be raised from the dead one day !! (1 Thess 4:13-18) Power & sting of death is broken!! We can be victors, no more victims!!

Ephesians 1:19-21 (NKJV) 19 and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power 20 which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, 21 far above all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come.

3. Releases Power for victorious living !!

(Rom 6:4; Eph 1:19-23)

• We now celebrate : + The death of our old man... + Our freedom from sin... + Our position as resurrected beings...& walking under His authority….. + Our focus not having to be on our old nature, but entirely on who we are becoming in Jesus...

End result of Passover >>> Resurrection Power = Breakthrough anointing!!

- Passover is a time to declare - I am redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb out of the hands of the enemy !!

- It's a time to be consecrated, to remove any impurity

God shows in your life...& house.....

- It's also a day to receive Resurrection Power !!

God’s appointed times are seasons when we can

expect His Revelation to flow:

• Newest prophecy over Malaysia – period between Passover to Pentecost very important for revelation & breakthrough for our country….

God shows a new strategy – blow shofar before the 5 times of prayer – to confuse the sounds that are being released every day…..

a. Pre dawn – 4.30am (5am)

b. Noon – 12 noon (12.17 pm)

c. Late afternoon – 3pm (3.23pm)

d. Sunset – 6pm (6.24pm)

e. Evening - 7pm (7.30pm)

We encourage everyone to do this so that we advance Malaysia to enter into her destiny!!

D. Application

• In God’s calendar, Passover falls from Apr 11-17

• April 16 Sun today is Feast of Firstfruits – Resurrection Sun!!

• God is giving us His Resurrection Power or Breakthrough anointing to move forward !! May we all walk into the fullness of that Power……