Movin’ and Groovin’ Health Series - Center for Puppetry Arts · 2015-12-29 · Students leave...

® Mr. Kolache’s Long List Movin’ and Groovin’ Health Series K - 2nd Grade Supported by:

Transcript of Movin’ and Groovin’ Health Series - Center for Puppetry Arts · 2015-12-29 · Students leave...

Page 1: Movin’ and Groovin’ Health Series - Center for Puppetry Arts · 2015-12-29 · Students leave the program understanding that making healthy choices ... A kolache is a type of


Mr. Kolache’s Long ListMovin’ and Groovin’

Health Series

K - 2nd Grade

Supported by:

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PRE-SHOW ACTIVITIES / DISCUSSIONS WHAT IS A PUPPET?A “puppet” is an inanimate (non-living) object that is brought to life by an outside force (usually a human being working as a performer) in order to tell a story. Hand puppets are used in the production Mr. Kolache’s Long List.

•DISCUSSION: Ask the children what puppets are. Have they seen them before? Are they real or pretend? What can be used as a puppet? Out of what materials can puppets be made, and why would you choose some materials over others for certain projects? Have you ever made your own puppet?

WHAT IS A PUPPETEER?A performer who uses a puppet or puppets to tell a story is called a “puppeteer.” There is one puppeteer in Mr. Kolache’s Long List. The puppeteer brings to life different characters, including Mr. Kolache’s dog, Baklava. All the dialogue and songs are performed live.

•DISCUSSION: What skills does it take to be a puppeteer? The puppeteer plays multiple roles in the show. How is the puppeteer able to make each character distinct and unique? (Puppeteers can maneuver their bodies to make their puppet characters move in unique and interesting ways, and can modify their voices to make those characters sound different from one another). Can you change your bodies and/or voices and play different “roles”?

WHAT IS AN AUDIENCE?Being a good audience member is as important as being a good puppeteer! It takes teamwork between audience and puppeteer/actor to make a show successful. There are “rules of etiquette” that need to be employed, such as: •ALIVESHOWVIAVIDEOCONFERENICNGISDIFFERENTTHANTVORMOVIES.It’sokaytohavefun, but do remember that the people on-stage (and in the audience) can hear you—be polite! •MAKESUREEVERYONECANSEE.Stayseatedunlessotherwisedirected.Thisensuresaudiencemembers behind you can see the show. •BESUPPORTIVE.Thewayaudiencemembersshowtheylikesomethingistoapplaud.Makesureto applaud if you appreciate what you see and hear. Between songs or scenes, after the show, and after the post-show demonstration are appropriate places/times to show your appreciation. •LISTENCLOSELY.It’simportantthatyouhearallthedetailsofthestorysothatyoucanenjoyitfully. The puppeteer will ask YOU to PARTICIPATE throughout the puppet show!

•DISCUSSION: Reviewthe“rules”ofbeingagoodaudiencemember.Roleplaywhatisappropriateand what is not.

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THE STORY SYNOPSIS Mr. Kolache’s Long List is a participatory puppet performance about making healthy choices, staying active, learning organizational skills, and the importance of helping others. It is an original production created by the Center for PuppetryArtsaspartoftheMovinandGroovin’withLittleNoodleHealthSeries.

Our story introduces us to Mr. Kolache, a friend of Little Noodle, and his dog Baklava on a“movin and groovin” adventure both inside and outside the grocery store in which they live. When Mr. Kolache is faced with an overwhelming list of tasks and lack of energy, students come to his assistance by helping him make choices about eatinghealthysnacksandstayingactive.Studentsleavetheprogramunderstandingthatmakinghealthychoicesgives us the energy and motivation to accomplish anything! Children will interact with a live puppeteer as well as withcolorfulanimatedsegmentsandvideos,andhelpMr.Kolacheturna“To-Do”Listintoa“Ta-Da”List!

LEARNING OBJECTIVES Duringtheperformance,studentswill:

•Identifyanddistinguishbetweendifferenttypesofhealthyandunhealthyfoods/drinks •EngageinagroceryshoppingexerciseusingMyFoodPlate •Participateinphysicalactivity •Activelyparticipateinlivetheater

STYLE OF PUPPETRY Mr. Kolache’s Long List is performed with hand puppets operated from behind a low wall known as a playboard. The playboard acts as a set piece and also partially conceals the puppeteer from the audience’s view.

Mr.Kolacheandhisdog,Baklava,arebothareexamplesofhandpuppets.Tooperateahandpuppet,apuppeteeruses one hand to control the puppet’s head and arm movements. The puppeteer performs all of the puppets’ voices live.

Did You Know…1.Mr.Kolacheandhisdog,Baklava,weredesignedbyJeffreyZwartjes,theCenter’sDistanceLearning Puppeteer and Teaching Artist.

2.Mr.KolacheisfromtheCzechRepublic!ThisisacountryinCentralEurope.CanyoufindtheCzech Republiconamapwithyourstudents?


4. A kolache is a type of Czech pastry that started as a wedding dessert. It is a sweet pastry that holds a spoonful of fruit or meat, surrounded by a puffy pillow of dough.


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Please go to for a complete list of national, state, and common core standards. We arecitingnationalcurriculumstandardsduringthetransitiontoCommonCoreStandards.

national curriculum standards

National Association for Sport and Physical Education – NASPE Content StandardsNPH.K-12.1MovementFormsNPH.K-12.2MovementConceptsNPH.K-12.3PhysicalActivityNPH.K-12.4PhysicalFitnessNPH.K-12.5ResponsibleBehaviorNPH.K-12.6RespectforOthersNPH.K-12.7UnderstandingChallenge

National Health Education Standards NPH-H.K-4.3ReducingHealthRisksNPH-H.K-4.6SettingGoalsforGoodHealthNPH-H.K-4.7HealthAdvocacy

Fine Arts/Visual ArtsNA-VA.K-4.2UsingKnowledgeofStructuresandFunctionsNA-VA.K-4.3Choosingandevaluatingarangeofsubjectmatter,symbols,andideasNA-VA.K-4.4UnderstandingthevisualartsinrelationtohistoryandculturesNA-VA.K-4.6Makingconnectionsbetweenvisualartsandotherdisciplines

Language Arts NL-ENG.K-12.4CommunicationSkillsNL-ENG.K-12.9MulticulturalUnderstanding

Social Studies and History NSS-G.K-12.2PlacesandRegions

Technology (NETS for students)1. Creativity and Innovation2. Communication and Collaboration5.DigitalCitizenship6.TechnologyOperationsandConcepts

MathematicsNM-NUM.PK-2.1Understandnumbers,waysof representingnumbers, relationships amongnumbers,and number systemsNM-MEA.PK-2.1Understandmeasurableattributesofobjectsandtheunits,systems,andprocessesofmeasurement

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Carbohydrate–starchesinfoodthatprovideamajorsourceofenergyforthebody.Examplesinclude: bread, pasta, and rice.

Cardio –(shortforcardiovascular)anyexercisethatraisesyourheartrate.Examplesinclude:running,skipping, biking, and jumping rope.

Czech Republic–alandlockedcountryinCentralEurope.ThecountryisborderedbyGermanytothewest,Austriatothesouth,SlovakiatotheeastandPolandtothenorth.


Exercise – regular and repeated use of the body in action.

Food groups – foods are divided into different categories based on the type of nourishment they supply.

Fruit –theediblepartsofaplantthatcontainseeds,generallysweet.Examplesinclude:apples,strawberries, bananas, and watermelon.

Hand puppet – a puppet manipulated or moved by the hand.

Healthy – in good physical and mental condition.

Inspire – to cause creativity, enthusiasm or encouragement.

Kolache – a type of pastry that holds a spoonful of fruit or meat in soft dough.



Portion control – understanding serving sizes and how not to eat too much or too little.

Puppet – an inanimate (non-living) object that is brought to life by an outside force (usually a human being working as a performer) in order to tell a story.

Sugar crash – a sense of tiredness after eating large quantities of sugar and/or fats.

Vitamins – substances found in the food we eat that help the body grow and develop properly.

Whole grains – foods that contain all of the essential nutrients of the entire grain seed. Examplesinclude:whole-grainpastaandwhole-wheatbread.

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LEARNING ACTIVITIESThe following activities are designed as post activities to the show. They are intended as additional learning and

enrichment opportunities for educators to use with their students to reinforce key concepts and ideas. Additionally, each activity adheres to and cites curriculum standards.

Creating Energy Balance Intheprogram,Mr.Kolacheexperiencesalackofenergyandneedssomeassistanceinmakinghealthychoicesinordertocompletehis“To-Do”list.Thefollowingactivityemphasizesenergybalanceandtheimportanceofhealthy eating and physical activity. National Curriculum Standards: NPH.K-12.1MovementFormsNPH.K-12.2MovementConceptsNPH.K-12.3PhysicalActivityNPH.K-12.4PhysicalFitnessNPH.K-12.5ResponsibleBehaviorNPH.K-12.7UnderstandingChallenge


NA-VA.K-4.2UsingKnowledgeofStructuresandFunctionsNA-VA.K-4.6Makingconnectionsbetweenvisualartsandotherdisciplines Objectives: Studentswill:•Identifyandexplainthebalancebetweentakinginfoodandspendingenergy•Demonstrateanunderstandingoftheimportanceofbeingactive•Identifydifferentactivitiesthatuseenergy

Materials: •Chartpaperorwhiteboard•Artsupplies(scissors,coloredpencils,markers,crayons,gluesticks,coloredpaper)•Newspapersandmagazines

Time: 40 minutes

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Procedure:1. Review with students the lack of energy that Mr. Kolache experienced as a result of unhealthy choices. Tell students,

“Energybalanceisthebalanceyourbodyneedsbetweenenergycomingin(fromwhatyoueatand drink)andenergygoingout(forthethingsyoudoandthewaysyoumove).Everydayyourbody usesuplotsofenergy.Sometimesitneedstobe“refueled,”andthat’swhenasnackcancomein handy. However, a snack doesn’t have to be a bag of chips or a handful of cookies. In fact, as we saw with Mr. Kolache, foods that aren’t so nutritious usually don’t give you the energy you need. But healthy snacks, like an apple or a glass of low-fat milk, can give you just the right amount of energy you need to keep going!”

2. Ask students about healthy choices that give them energy.

“What kinds of healthy foods do you eat at breakfast? Lunch? Snack time? Dinner?” (Teachers:Record student responses on chart paper or whiteboard)

3. Explain to students that some activities use up more energy than others.

“Forexample,doing20jumpingjacksgetsyourheartbeatingfasterthancleaningyourroom.Thisis because jumping up and down is a high-energy activity, and cleaning your room is a low-energy activity. When you climb a set of stairs, you use more energy than when you take an elevator.”

“What are some high energy activities that you like to do? What are some low-energy activities that youliketodo?”(Teachers:Recordstudentresponsesonchartpaperorwhiteboard.)

4. Distribute art supplies and newspapers/magazines to students.

5. Instruct students to list or find healthy foods that give them energy from pictures in the newspapers/magazines.

On one side of the construction paper have students list these healthy snacks or cut out and glue the pictures.Ontheotherside,havestudentsdesigna5-minuteworkoutthatgetsthebloodflowing! Trytohaveagoodmixofhigh-energyandlow-energyactivities,andbesuretogiveyourselftimeto catchyourbreath!Thesecanbesimplestickfiguredrawings.

6. When students finish have them share their “workout routine” with a partner. Give students time to test out each other’s activities. Ask,

“How did the activities make you feel? Can physical activity be fun?



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Fruit & Veggies are Important, too! DuringtheprogramMr.Kolachemustorganizehis“To-Do”listandgogroceryshopping.Usingtheprogramas inspiration, teachers can use this hands-on activity to integrate math principles while choosing healthy food options. National Curriculum Standards: NPH.K-12.5ResponsibleBehaviorNPH.K-12.6RespectforOthersNPH.K-12.7UnderstandingChallenge


NM-NUM.PK-2.1Understandnumbers,waysofrepresentingnumbers,relationshipsamongnumbers, and number systems

Objectives: Studentswill:•Practicecountingandwritingnumberswhiletrackingthenumberofservingstheyeatfromeach food group

Materials: •Chartpaperorwhiteboard•Artsupplies(coloredpencils,markers,crayons,coloredpaper)

Time: Ongoing(Severaldays)

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Procedure:1. Review with students the importance of organization and how organizational skills can help us keep track of healthy choices. Ask students,

“Remember when Mr. Kolache panicked when he saw his “Long List”? What did he do to become more organized?”

“To-do” lists are a great way to stay organized and can even help us make healthy choices! We are going to make our own lists and stay organized this week by tracking the food we eat in each food group!”

2. Invite students to track the number of servings they eat from each food group for two days.

Studentscancreatetheirownchartsorusethe Education World My Food Group Journal at:

3. Check students’ progress and address questions accordingly. At the end of the two days have students share their “findings” with the class and what they learned. Do they think they are eating healthy? Did the chart help them to understand their eating habits?

Assessment:Observe and check-in with students to make sure they are participating in the activity. Collect students’ tracking log and measurement chart for review.

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An Active Vacation Usingtheprogramasinspiration,studentswillhavetheopportunityto“explore”theCzechRepublicandapplytheir organizational skills and healthy choices knowledge. National Curriculum Standards: NA-VA.K-4.3Choosingandevaluatingarangeofsubjectmatter,symbols,andideasNA-VA.K-4.4Understandingthevisualartsinrelationtohistoryandcultures




Objectives: Studentswill:•Beexposedtoadifferentculture•Participateinwritingastoryanddemonstrateorganizationalskills•Makeandapplyhealthychoicesrelatedtofood/drinksandphysicalactivity•Participateinaphysicalmovementactivity

Materials: •Whiteboardorchalkboard•Tape•Map•Picturesofhealthyandunhealthyfoodanddrinksfrommagazines/newspapers•CopyofthebookCzech Republic: Picture Book (available as Kindle e-book as well)•Artsupplies(coloredpencils,markers,crayons,coloredpaper,glue,scissors)

Time: 60minutes

Procedure:1.BeginthisactivitybyremindingstudentsthatthatMr.KolacheisfromtheCzechRepublic.FindtheCzech Republiconamapinyourclassroom.Explainthatyouaregoingonanimaginarytriptovisit Mr. Kolache’s home country.

2.ReadtheCzech Republic: Picture Booktostudents.Discussthebookandthedescriptionsofthepictures. Ask students, “What did you like about the Czech Republic? What is different about the Czech culture?”

3.Next,askstudentsforhelpinwritingastoryaboutanimaginary“Czechadventure.”ExplainthattheCzechRepublicissurroundedbymountains.Tellthemyouaregoingtohikethehighestmountaininthe CzechRepublic—Snezka(theCzechwordforsnow).Thismountainiscoveredinsnowhalftheyear. This will be the inspiration for the story (just like the walk they took with Mr. Kolache)!


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4.Explaintostudentsthatbeforeyoucangoonyourhike,youneedtoprepareabackpackofnecessaryitems. Create a list on the whiteboard of items needed. Write four categories on the board: food/snacks, drinks, clothing, miscellaneous.

5.Next,havestudentscutoutpicturesordrawitemstorepresenteachcategory.Placetapeonthebackof each item and have students place each item in its appropriate category.

6.Discusseachitemtodetermineifitisthe“bestchoice”toincludeinthebackpack.Forexample,astudent mayhavecutoutacanofsodaandplaceditinthe“drink”category.Isthisahealthychoice?Dosodas hydrateyourbodyaswellaswater?Sodasarefullofsugar(remindthemofMr.Kolache’ssugarcrash)! Identify the healthiest choices in the food/drink category, then move on to the other categories. Once all “bestchoices”areidentified,youhavepackedyourbackpack!

7.Finally,havestudentsstandupand“hike”inplace.Usephysicalmovementstoclimb,jumpoverobstacles, pull a rope, etc. Ask students to think about what they see on the hike such as trees, birds, a river, a bridge—and snow, of course! On the whiteboard, begin to write the story based on what they “observe” from their hike. Begin the story with, “One day while visiting the Czech Republic, I decided to hike the tallest mountain in the country.” Eachstudentcanaddasentencetobuildthestory.Encourageasmuchphysical activity, as well as food/snack breaks, as possible.


Assessment:Observe students to make sure they are participating in the activity. Keep a copy of Czech Republic: Picture Book on the class bookshelf for independent reading time.

Illustrations by Jeffrey Zwartjes

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ADDITIONAL DISCUSSION QUESTIONSNote: The following questions are written in language appropriate for sharing with your students.


ENERGY 1. When you have lots of energy, how do you feel? What do you do? When you don’t have lots of energy, how do you feel? What do you do?

2. Have you ever felt really sleepy or tired in the middle of the day? What do you do to get your energy back?

3.Runninginaraceuseslotsofyourbody’senergy,butsittinginfrontofthetelevisiondoesnot.Whatother kinds of activities use up lots of energy? What kinds of activities do not?

FITNESS 1. Talk about how you move your body during the day. How does moving around help your body? How does moving your body make you feel?

2.What’sexercise?Doyougetexercise?How?Doesbendingdownandtouchingyourtoescountasexercise? Why or why not?

3. How can you play when you’re by yourself? How can you play when you have a friend over? What about whenyouhaveabunchoffriendsover?Doyouhavemorefunwhenyouareplayingaloneorwithfriends? Why?


Startanewbulletinboardtitled“OurNewFoodAdventures.” Challenge students to try new foods at home or in the lunchroom. Anyone who does can draw

a picture and write a sentence about it and have their picture posted on the bulletin board.

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Morris, Ann. Houses and Homes.Lothrop,LeeandShepardBooks,1992.

Planet Collection. CzechRepublic:PictureBook. Planet Collection. 2012. Rockwell,Lizzy.GoodEnoughtoEat:AKid’sGuidetoFoodandNutrition.HarperCollins.2009.





https// body in place. website offers resources, tools, and templates for educators. in the Classroom offers a teacher’s guide outlining activities, materials, and information on how to increase exerciseamongchildreninPreK-Grade2.,vegetables, and other healthy foods. site is dedicated to increasing children’s access and consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables. site offers school health leaders and teachers with resources and tools to create healthy change.



Page 14: Movin’ and Groovin’ Health Series - Center for Puppetry Arts · 2015-12-29 · Students leave the program understanding that making healthy choices ... A kolache is a type of This link offers a healthy choices kids quiz’tfitall.ChooseMyPlate.govofferspersonalizedeatingplansandinteractivetoolstohelpyouplanandassessyourfoodchoicesbasedontheDietaryGuidelinesforAmericans. for Kids is a marketing organization that works with the produce industry and grocery stores to promote healthy eating for kids. website offers tips and tricks on how to get children organized. website offers rhymes and songs for learning about different continents and cultures as well as lesson and activity ideas.–CzechRepublicmappingactivity(allgrades),people,andgeography.

We do our best to vet third-party websites and links; however Center for Puppetry Arts offers no warranty or guarantee as to these sites, links, or as to the content therein contained. The content of the sites may not reflect the opinion or belief of

Center for Puppetry Arts or its clientele and does not constitute an endorsement or sponsorship of such sites. Please use these links at your own risk.



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