Movie Review the Nine Harbingers by Jonathan Cahn

Movie Review: The Nine Harbingers by Jonathan Cahn Rabbi Jonathan Cahn is the best-selling author of "The Harbinger" that examines in detail the prophetic signs, blessings and warnings of the rise and fall of nations throughout history. Isaiah 9:10 Judgment is a documentary based on the best- selling book "The Harbinger" by Rabbi Jonathan Cahn detailing the prophetic rise and fall of a nation that turn away from GOD. Ecclesiastes 1:9 "The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun." Watch “The Nine Harbingers by Jonathan Cahn ” on Youtube. In the Isaiah 9:10 Judgment documentary many incredible things are explored as to why nations rise and fall according to The Word of GOD. The United States of America isn't at all immune from GOD'S wrath, as it has been for so many years the beneficiary of GOD'S abundant blessings. Isaiah 9:10 Judgment walks us through history back to ancient Israel just before its fall by the hands of the Roman Empire in 70AD. We learn what signs and warnings GOD sent to Israel in an attempt to call GOD'S chosen people to repentance and to turn the heart of the nation back to GOD. Now, those same harbingers are being sent to another blessed nation "The United States of America" in attempt to call the hearts of the nation to repentance and back into a relationship with GOD. Time is running out before the next prophetic shoe is to drop on The United States of America according to the nine harbingers taught in Isaiah 9:10. If the hearts of the nation continue to speak and do evil deeds before and against GOD then GOD being the Righteous Judge and Holy will


Rabbi Jonathan Cahn is the best-selling author of "The Harbinger" that examines in detail the prophetic signs, blessings and warnings of the rise and fall of nations throughout history.

Transcript of Movie Review the Nine Harbingers by Jonathan Cahn

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Movie Review: The Nine Harbingers by Jonathan Cahn

Rabbi Jonathan Cahn is the best-selling author of "The Harbinger" that examines in detail the prophetic signs, blessings and warnings of the rise and fall of nations throughout history.

Isaiah 9:10 Judgment is a documentary based on the best-selling book "The Harbinger" by Rabbi Jonathan Cahn detailing the prophetic rise and fall of a nation that turn away from GOD.

Ecclesiastes 1:9 "The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun."

Watch “The Nine Harbingers by Jonathan Cahn” on Youtube.

In the Isaiah 9:10 Judgment documentary many incredible things are explored as to why nations rise and fall according to The Word of GOD. The United States of America isn't at all immune from GOD'S wrath, as it has been for so many years the beneficiary of GOD'S abundant blessings.

Isaiah 9:10 Judgment walks us through history back to ancient Israel just before its fall by the hands of the Roman Empire in 70AD. We learn what signs and warnings GOD sent to Israel in an attempt to call GOD'S chosen people to repentance and to turn the heart of the nation back to GOD. Now, those same harbingers are being sent to another blessed nation "The United States of America" in attempt to call the hearts of the nation to repentance and back into a relationship with GOD.

Time is running out before the next prophetic shoe is to drop on The United States of America according to the nine harbingers taught in Isaiah 9:10. If the hearts of the nation continue to speak and do evil deeds before and against GOD then GOD being the Righteous Judge and Holy will have no choice left but to remove HIS blessings from The United States of America as a punishment for their wickedness and un-repentance before GOD.

Watch "The Nine Harbingers" documentary on Youtube and learn what is coming to The United States of America, if its people and leaders refuse to repent of their wickedness and evil deeds. Learn what the nine Harbingers are and how they first were witnessed in ancient Israel and now are beginning to happen here in The United States of America.

(Note: The original documentary Isaiah 9:10 Judgment video has been removed by the YouTube user. We've removed the original videos that we had embedded in this movie review with the video "The Nine Harbingers" by Jonathan Cahn. This video documentary covers all of the information shared in the book "The Harbinger" and the documentary "Isaiah 9:10 Judgment". Both the book and the documentary are good and would make a good gift or additional to any collection.)  

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Also, you can own a copy of this documentary to share with family and friends by visiting or to purchase a DVD copy of Isaiah 9:10 Judgment.