· this month’s...

Military Ministry this month’s focus: Caring for the spiritual well-being of troops and their families Movements Prayer Journal The Great Commission Global Prayer Movement March 2008

Transcript of · this month’s...

Mili taryMinistry

this month’s focus:

Caring for the spiritual well-being of troops and their families

MovementsPrayer Journal

The Great Commission Global Prayer Movement March 2008

Saturday, Mar. 1 Zephaniah 3:17

Praise God for blessing Military Ministry with an abundance of resources —

staff, volunteers and finances.


Sunday, Mar. 2 2 Chronicles 17:1-6

Pray the Holy Spirit will prepare all new recruits to hear God’s Word, recognize the truth and respond positively to the gospel.

Monday, Mar. 3 2 Chronicles 17:7-11

Intercede for staffed Basic Training Gateway ministries at Ft. Jackson, S.C.; Great Lakes Naval

Training Center, Ill.; Lackland AFB, Texas; and the Marine Corps Recruit Depot, S.C.

Greetings in our Lord, dear brothers and sisters around the world.

Military Ministry is grateful to be a focal point of this month’s Movements Prayer Journal. Be assured that our prayers are with you, just as you are praying for our ministry.

Praying for the great military men and women, and their families, who are serving our nation and nations around the globe is very strategic. The military, as a government entity, has the role of protecting the nation and providing safety and security for the common good of all citizens. At this critical time, with our nation at war, our troops and families are making incredible sacrifices on our behalf. They are the exoderm of our country and they are bruised, cut and committed ... they bleed for us ... they die for us.

For many nations, the military safeguards values, serves as an agent for moral change and is a strategic influencer. Most importantly, each military man, woman and family member is a child of God who we are called to love and support with the gospel of Jesus Christ. When Campus Crusade’s Military Ministry brings the person of Jesus to those in uniform, prayer undergirds our strategies and enables us to influence and transform entire nations for Jesus Christ.

Military Ministry seeks to worship God, communicate with Him and depend upon Him as He supplies all our needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. (Phil. 4:18 NASB) We thank you for joining our prayer vigil for military commanders, chaplains, troops and families. You can learn more about how God is working in the military at or by calling (800) 444-6006.

Blessings in Jesus,

Robert F. Dees Major General, U.S. Army (Ret.) Executive Director Military Ministry

Tuesday, Mar. 4 2 Chronicles 17:12-19

Pray for the development of Christian military leaders who lead with humble and

contrite hearts and servants’ attitudes.

Letter from Major General Bob Dees


Thursday, Mar. 6 2 Chronicles 18:5-8

Pray for future military leaders (officers and enlisted) studying at military colleges,

ROTC campuses, technical schools and the Defense Language Institute.

Wednesday, Mar. 5 2 Chronicles 18:1-4

Pray for salvation and growth of future officers coming from the military academies: Naval,

Air Force, Coast Guard and West Point.

About Military Ministry As Campus Crusade for Christ’s Military Ministry, our privilege and responsibility is to assist chaplains and commanders with caring for the spiritual well-being of troops and their families. We do this in many ways, but all focus on the gospel because “faith comes by hearing, and hearing comes by the Word of God.” We seek to help every troop, every leader, every family member hear and receive the life-saving message about Jesus. Identifying with Paul in the book of Romans, our “heart’s desire and earnest prayer to God is that they (military men, women, and families) might be saved.” Only in this way will they be truly ready, spiritually ready, to face the challenges which will certainly come their way.

VisionTransforming the nations of the world through the militaries of the world.

MissionTo win, build and send in

the power of the Holy Spirit and to establish movements

of spiritual multiplication in the worldwide military community.

... Fast Facts

Military Ministry was established in 1964 at the direct request of Campus Crusade founder Bill Bright, who recognized the military as a special audience for evangelistic outreach.

The Executive Director is Major General (Retired) Robert F. Dees. General Dees, a graduate of West Point (1972) who served with distinction as an Army infantry commander and staff officer until his retirement in 2003.

Military Ministry has 361 full- and part-time staff members and hundreds of volunteers across the U.S. and in Europe.


Saturday, Mar. 8 2 Chronicles 18:14-22

Ask God to watch over family members separated from loved ones due to deployment

and heal the many fractured families.

Sunday, Mar. 9 2 Chronicles 18:23-27

Pray for couples involved in HomeBuilders studies using Defending the Military Marriage

and Defending the Military Family.

Friday, Mar. 7 2 Chronicles 18:9-13

May our Heavenly Father bless Military Marriage Seminars, support groups, spiritual resources and

training events available to stressed families.

Monday, Mar. 10 2 Chronicles 18:28-34

Ask for protection of relationships already strong and grounded in the Lord, and for

relationships that need His renewing touch.

The six Pillars of Military MinistrySix strategic objectives which describe our ministry today and point the way to where we are headed tomorrow.

1. Evangelize and disciple enlisted U.S. military members throughout their military careers.

2. Build Christian military leaders and influence our nation for Christ as a result.

3. Stop the unraveling of the military family and provide Christ-centered solutions for those suffering from the destructive effects of combat trauma, and especially Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

4. Arm troops in harm’s way with spiritual resources. Provide Bibles and devotional materials to chaplains and directly to troops.

5. Wage Christian outreach, discipleship and training on the Internet to military members across the world.

6. Change continents for Christ. Train, equip and support indigenous military leaders as they build Christian ministries in their own nations.

Military Ministry evangelistic Web


Thursday, Mar. 13 2 Chronicles 20:5-13

Offer a special prayer for military children, especially those whose parents are deployed

or who have lost a parent in this war. May they feel secure in God’s love.

Wednesday, Mar. 12 2 Chronicles 20:1-4

Pray for good attendance at, and effectiveness of, upcoming Military Marriage seminars in

Fairbanks, Alaska, and Fort Hood, Texas.

Tuesday, mar. 11 2 Chronicles 19:1-11

May Family Readiness Kits get into the hands of all spouses of deployed troops, providing

spiritual encouragement and support.

My first assignment as a Navy chaplain was to a Marine barracks and the brig they ran on a Naval station. The

sister of a Marine who was being held in our brig, called to ask if I could talk with him and give him some help. Upon arriving in my office, the Marine asked why he was there since he had not asked to see a chaplain. After learning that his sister called, he began to tell me about why he was in the brig. Not only was he in serious trouble with the Marine Corps, but his wife had left him, taking their little child and saying she never wanted to see him again. He felt his family had given up on him and didn’t want anything to do with him. I began to talk with him about what a difference Jesus

could make in his life if he would just open his heart to Him. As I talked, he just looked at the ceiling. Finally I said, “Well, that’s about all I have to say.” He said, “Chaplain, I wish I could believe those things you have been telling me, but nothing ever works out right for me.” I asked him if I could pray for him, that God would make one thing work out right for him. He agreed, and I prayed. This was on a Friday afternoon. On Monday morning when I looked at the list of men who wanted to see the chaplain, his name was there. I asked for him first. When he came in, I knew something was different. He shared that over the weekend, the Commanding Officer began taking a personal interest in helping him resolve his trouble with the Marine Corps; he received a letter from his wife apologizing for what she had said and telling him she would be waiting for him whenever he got out. His family visited him on Sunday and they were reconciled. This was a great lesson to learn so early in my career: that God has given us a powerful and wonderful privilege in praying to Him for military personnel.

Dr. Andrew H. Johnson began his military career as a Marine Corps aviator. Reaching the rank of captain, “Andy” retired in 1990 after 14 years with the Corps and 21 years as Navy chaplain to the sailors and Marines he loved and shepherded. He is currently serving as Assoc. Pastor to Senior Adults at First Baptist Church of Ruston, La.

Friday, Mar. 14 2 Chronicles 20:14-19

Ask God to protect the finances of our troops and to meet the needs of

family members in all circumstances.

The Day Things Worked out Right By Dr. Andrew H. Johnson, U.S. Navy (Ret.)


Sunday, Mar. 16 2 Chronicles 20:22-30

May Military Ministry staff have wisdom, faith and diligence in providing spiritual resources to service members, their families and chaplains.

Saturday, Mar. 15 2 Chronicles 20:20-21

Pray for protection of the body and mind of our troops in the physical battle

and in the spiritual battle.

Monday, Mar. 17 2 Chronicles 20:31-37

Bless the ministries of chaplains who use our spiritual resources to help troops connect with

God (ordering an average of 20,000 Rapid Deployment Kits a month).

Tuesday, Mar. 18 Matthew 8:5-7

Pray that all Military Ministry resources would be designed and marketed to honor

God and bring recipients closer to Him.

Wednesday, Mar. 19 Matthew 8:8-13

As servicemen and women come to Christ through our resources, pray for their spiritual

growth and knowledge of God to develop alongside other believers.

Excerpt from: The Necessity of Prayer by E.M. Bounds

The Christian soldier is to pray at all seasons and under all circumstances. His praying must be arranged so as to

cover his times of peace as well as his hours of active conflict. It must be available in his marching and his fighting. Prayer must diffuse all effort, impregnate all ventures, decide all issues. The Christian soldier must be as intense in his praying as in his fighting, for his victories will depend very much more on his praying than on his fighting. Fervent supplication must be added to steady resolve; prayer and supplication must supplement the armor of God. The Holy Spirit must aid the supplication with his own strenuous plea. And the soldier must pray in the Spirit. In this, as in other forms of warfare, eternal vigilance is the price of victory; and thus, watchfulness and persistent perseverance must mark every activity of the Christian warrior.

Edward McKendree Bounds (1835-1913) was a Methodist minister and devotional writer from Missouri. He pastored numerous churches in Tennessee and Alabama after the Civil War and spent the last 17 years of his life with his family in Georgia, writing his Spiritual Life Books.


Friday, Mar. 21 Matthew 27:53-56

Ask the Lord to keep Military Ministry staff sensitive to His guidance on content

and “feel” of their Web sites.

Thursday, Mar. 20 1 Timothy 2:2-4

Praise God for the 7,200 visits per month to Military Ministry’s evangelistic Web sites.

Sunday, Mar. 23 Matthew 28:1-15

This Easter weekend, may military people worldwide gain a fresh, clear understanding

of the Lord Jesus Christ’s death, burial and resurrection on their behalf.

Saturday, mar. 22 Matthew 27:57-66

Ask God to bless our International Military Ministry in 21 countries and

its indigenous leadership.

“I now make it my earnest prayer, that God would have you, and the state over which you preside, in his holy protection, that he would incline the hearts of the citizens to cultivate a spirit of subordination and obedience to government, to entertain a brotherly affection and love for one another, for their fellow citizens of the United States at large, and particularly for their brethren who have served in the field.”— George Washington, circular to the states, June 8, 1783

In a songbook for students published by the Jesuit Fathers at Cologne in 1695 appeared a Latin Easter hymn, “Finita sunt jam proelia,” that has become a favorite in many countries. An English text was written by Francis Pott in 1861:

“The strife is over, the battle done, The victory of life is won, The song of triumph has begun: Alleluia.”

My Prayer Life


Tuesday, Mar. 25 1 Samuel 30:8-10, 21-25

Pray for our Spiritual Wellness and Assistance Teams (SWAT) as they minister

to troops, veterans and family members suffering from combat trauma.

Monday, Mar. 24 Matthew 28:16-20

Pray for opportunities and God’s timing to establish military ministries in Latin America,

Eastern Europe and other areas.


People I’m praying for ...

My prayer requests ...

Answers to prayer ...

Wednesday, Mar. 26 Psalm 91:1-6

Pray for military-wide distribution of our Combat Trauma Healing Manual for those experiencing the effects of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Thursday, Mar. 27 Psalm 91:7-16

Pray that a multitude of churches would launch fruitful “Bridges of Healing” ministries

to returning warriors and veterans.

Contact Information

Global Prayer Movement100 Lake Hart Dr. 2100Orlando, FL 32832

Phone: 407-826-2006Fax: 407-826-2007

Email: [email protected]


© 2008 Campus Crusade for Christ


Friday, Mar. 28 Acts 10:1-8

Ask God to grant chaplains daily renewal, endurance and wisdom as they care for

soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines, Coast Guardsmen and their families.

Saturday, Mar. 29 Acts 10:9-23

USS HARRY TRUMAN Strike Group: Pray for Chaplains Counts, Smith, Jeltema

and Christian; for its 7,500 sailors; for their families; and for revival at sea.

Sunday, Mar. 30 Acts 10:24-33

USS VICKSBURG: Pray for God to be glorified in the multiplying ministry of Chaplain Todd

and others aboard ship and beyond.

Monday, Mar. 31 Acts 10:34-48

May Military Ministry staff members model Christ’s winsome ways, introducing

many to Jesus and nurturing vibrant relationships with ministry partners.

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