Move For Catholic r Dr. Butler Makes NrttllOllBS Big 1*M*1 ... · an m...

an m inHin.iiiinnii,»i.i."iii,n,i,.in,wi;M!m»-l J l"»yWjlW «^mpil|MM mmmmmmmm wmmmm A, ttt *iA»j»«M»i«SS»KitS«ti«»»»*i( jsaESi#«si<n>teit»i»w*^ ' .*' ^ns & 'fe? In waila will you found mis- *}«•• send bulla schools, tf you atre - not able to wield the ofJe»elv* and defensive weap- on»fftm. loyal Catiiotlc press. -~m»e. Ptus x~ i$8th YTBAK, No. 82. 'J!fl'"Hi*ft«rfj 1*9*1*0*4 —**CH*fc*o«dJfarlI ESTABLISHED 1889 ROCHESTER ?f. V., FlUDAiT. JMAY I t , 1&S8. •MM* C8y KvO w, C Httftentau "Th# Charc-ii of, Christ." , he de Move For Catholic r Trades Unions In Irish Free State By Jf, J, Bfoooey | <Dublin Correspondent. N. C. W. C. News Service) | Dublin. May 1.—A. suggestion that CathotSe trades unions b e or- ganized i n Ireland has caused con- siderable dfcacuasion of late. The xnove has t»een strongly urged in some qiutrteM-a, and opposed by ot least one lesador. I Father Ambrose Coleman. O. P.. ade the eetggestlon. and it became *-"*he most Interesting point of public scusalon la the course of the Social eek Juat lield by the Catholic "S'oung J l e n ' a Society. Father Coleman. In advancing his Idea, declared that a large meeting o f Irish trades unionists passed a solemn resolution of sympathy fur the Soviet Republic upon the occa sion of the death of Nlcolui Lenin Communist t-eader. Calling attention t o the (act that Lenitn attained much £>ro(ttJncace ma a persecutor of the Catholic C Inarch, he Intimated thai the Iriih trades unions, while made tip overwhelmingly of Catholic*, did n o t nave a proper Catholic back ground, and thus wore sometimes led astray through ignorance At tho Sodal Week the chief lec- t a rer was Kerr Serrareas, a leader o f the Catholic Party of Holland and secretary of the Catholic Internal! oanal of Trades Unions Be promptly took op tho 4dea. coupling It with the/League o f Nations. "The objects of 'the League of Nations.*' tie said before a crowded audience, "caainot be attained with o a t 'tho cooperation of trades unions." At another point 1n his address, Kerr Sorrarents spoke of the Intro^ dociion of th« Ohrlstlan «plrlt' into economic life M me. Melius Give* Special Concert For Sisterhood Prairie d « Chain. Wis... May 3.—Madame Lueila Melius, distinguished coloratura sopra- no of American and European opera, houses, gave a recital ex- cluetwely for the School Sisters of Nfotre Danae woo constitute the faculty of St. Mary's College here last Friday. Madame Melius, who only re- cently completed a season in opera, was on a concert tour in this vicinity when she learned that the nans were unable to attend her regular recital. She immediately- volunteered to render a special program for them alone. The Sisters, ft was said, con- stituted one of the most re- sponsive and appreciative au- diences before which the great singer had appeared. ctarsd. "la International We wi International worir in a spirit of Christianity ' Wo 'Tit** go! poHtea democracy host that ft not enough "Christian trades ; unioaUm dc maud* that a 'new economic* order h e organised *>ti the bast* of meet ln.8*1he natural economic needs of ha.tri»n*itj' W"e want trades union* to cooperate with tho employ era^ but not with one party oo its knees Senator-Pararen. who Is one o f the most influential representatives of labor in the JFroe State, replied to the lecturer and took Issue with him Thero can b-e tittle need for Catholic unions inlrela-nd. where 95 per cent of tho members* of tho present unions are pra\ct|ciag Catholics, he asserted v JEterr Serratem, in rebuttal, said j ttuai the fact that the members of ; union*- are Catholics does not necea- 1 strdly imply tJaat the unions them- I'jaMrjas will be Ohrlstlan, governed by Christian principles and bavins def jittiiely Chriailaua aims. !.' F«,tli«r G o l e m a n , amplfyini hU own asasrtlon*. also touched on this point. Ho said that th« lrls> trad«s ; uoioaists ir ho passed the l*enla rasw- flution 4Prflrac-j fl fra per -ceat .CatholfCi. it lit true, oat «5tuU wptrtatJbr. thay •dttfcruot rialfae' they.were iaking an aata-reUgloua-stand in pawiag it. Ciiic&go Planning Great Farewell To Bishop Hoban Chlcaso. April 28—Chicago is planning a magntneent farewell for th«*. Rt. Rev. Edward F. Hoban when ho leaves on May 16 to take up hie new duties as bishop of Rock ford II! On the night of May 14 he will bo tho guest of 6 00 Chicago priests at a banquet at the Stevens hotel The lit. Rer. Francis A. Purcell. rec- tor of Qulgley preparatory 8«tnl nary, will be the toastmasler. A special train will leave Chicago for Hock ford a t 9 o'clock o n the morning of May 16 and will hsvc 3ti board Cardinal Huncteleln. Blahoc Hot»*n. Rev Francis A. Ryan, assist ant chancellor of the archdfoeato; Misr. Wllllani Ortffln. pastor of hfar; Jue-e-u of Heaven church. Cicero, and 309 priest*. Fhers also wilt be a guard of honor composed of SO men each .'roan the' Knights of Columbus. Catii illc Order of Foresters, Ancient nt|Ord«r of Eibecnlsuns and the Holy s'aiiae dooiotj. A reception coin.roll- .«o composed of 10.000 Holy Na.nir jiuiubon. priests and school children *tu meet tho train at Roescford They wiii march to the St. James Pro Csthedrai, two ml*en away. In .ho lino of march will be tho mayor ind city council of Hock ford A. solenan rece-ption service will bo ioi(i at the churcfi Cardinal Man Jelofa wtli place the blshop-et»ct jpont his throne in the sanctuary Vory Rov. r*rederic* F. Conner, ad nlntszrator of trie Hock ford dfoceme Jlnce> the death of Bishop Peter J Muldoon. will read the papa! t»nll orcating Bishop Hoban -ordinary* of tho dloce»«. Father Conner then will lellr«T the address of welcome on jehaJf of the prt«st« and 7&.<M)0 lalhollc* In the diocese. Otabop Hoban wf.ll celebrate pon IflcaJ high m m Father Ryan of 3hlcjasjo will set as master of cea-e nionlea. Dlsshop Hoban has just flnlilied ten years of..ettcse asssocdatlbh. with Car- Dr. Butler Makes Some Criticisms 01 Protestantism New York. May 2 . — Taking as bda theme, "The Great Experiment," which he said wae Government, Dr, Nicholas Marray Butler, President of Columbia University, addressing a huge audience that packed tbe Broadway Congregational Tabernacle here last nigtat, accused "Profestatat Christianity" of being one o f thte 'chief agentts** of persecution In a n age In which persecution waa "now taking tho form even of murder aad decapitations" "Some Protestants." he said, "are pagans, but are not aware of tli« fact." The educaator contended that while the Western people had made real 1 progress In matny ways, such as pub- He health, longevity and the satis- faction of humran needs and comforts there was aerfoua question whether Government had made any progress In 5.000 years- After outlining the late Lenin's idea of Coranmntsm. and Mussolini's.' idea of Fascism, Dr. Butler declared (hat each represented a direct chal- lenge to domoe**acy and that neither' challenge could be answered by call- ing Fascism or Communism "bad names." According to his ideals,' Government i s not giving satisfac- tion today, and that "extraordllnary and powerful thing called Interests' ,~—. mm* Clariitiiun Brother* CeUeffe jat IMomg* A ^frlWe Pott Oaiicc Capt. Koebl'* Sister A Franciacwn Nun By Rev. Br. Wllh«li)i Baron vosa CftjJttajtioe, . (Cologne dorreniMondeant, SMC. W. C N&«fa Ser»*ce) Cologne, May £*—$*t»e eldest sister of, ^aptaila OKo^W, erne of the crew, of the a*irplsne "Bre- men" oh its successful west- ward crossing of the Atlantic Ocean, is a Francdacfcia nun In a convent at Saisiwarg. The filer comes of & diatlngeulahed Cnth- ottc family, hti father being Major Ge»erat Willie4m yon Koehl of PCaffehhosTen. The Cap- tain la the secoad eldest of eight children, o o e o f whom was killed in the "World Wur. It has juat been revealed here, in eonnectUen ^uh tho flters' remarkaMe ooeaa flight, that Captain Koetal, who wns an aviator durlaag t1»e War,: after being shot «do\m, made . h i s escape from & French do^ jtention camip. by employing a most unusual,rujae„ Lieut. JnK lus Dprnhecker, a fellow pris- oner with Captain. Koehl* hn» made the story pttliillo, teSing how the Captain diverted atten- tion from ibtls escape b y dress- ing a dummy in hta tiaiforni. It has been a source of no little gratification T*O ^tliolICB here that the fliers. In sail tbelr messages since ssurlvlng In America, have given public thanks to God for their anfo Journey. werclaes to be h.ldaf-4hi Dnivarilty ~3** *J&?Z, h %ESL^JfcS^iS*J& tending for sucpremaoy—democracy,: eommunlim and! Fasclam." "What it t o be the fate o f religion in all t h i s ' ' ^ f c r i ™ £.£.I^W'JB^S'OS!^ 1 ^-^' ^ ^ W *' ^ * ^ ' * ^ 9 « H W »1**«»* '*®®*h fne^cholaitlcy«TloTeffiare2 ' ****^"Ja.yita w|mProti,»l(»|>>*tlir»rJctel*3w being rounded^ out ft* •^^S^SS^lS^-'iSlSfid *&TjSfZi^l£X*Z?if£ authorlUes and soon wUA b* anaoiuc* £ * • • t w £ ?r pStt *', ^ • *• •* % P*& ""SSL^^f ed in detail' - '"• \ ' '3tt»«to|» fcrf4'jWf«*l-*injs» darin*a» «ir#aftftr- m W The Rt. Rev. Oeori« J. .Xbntm, ^l^B^ft '• V I •'' •„.**,'i <#«'.#'«*«»*». Bishop of Helena, irljl »lqg 0 T *»« X*** *•»• JobJa •% M&ftti&ttim mi lllim baccalaureate mass on the morning, a *»- ArchljWjpp of ^iaclnn^ltl, i p | terjr 90f f "' Tt0m~-' <t He asked. "Se must be blind does not see it dos not occupy the position It trace did. He must be blind and d«af who does not realise that comniimlsxn'e teachings are antl- *-«llsiou8. Aad there are new rela- •ions In Italy b-etween religion and the Fascist Slate." he added. "Success depe>nd» upon the fair rnlndedness wltts which we approach those questions." Dr. Butler said. LHwrty and retlglon have been used more often t h a n anything else as sources of bitter conflict. "We are Irving In an age of per- secution that la the 'worst we have experienced In many years of our history This persecution takes the form of even murder and decapita- tion, and there are sections of the country whorein a man dare not say what he thlnfc*.- "Tbe Protestant Christianity, the whole philosophy ot which began as protest against this sort of thing M oow mraed late OES of the chJefeat agents, -Many of these per- sons axe pagasas. but they do .not know it. And A«e»in (now 4e*d) and of the commencement day and the baccalaureate sermon w:lil h e praaoli ed by the Rev. Wllllaan B , Martin, D. D.. of New Rochelle, N. Y, Following the custom sat Notre Dame, the class day exesrclies will ho field on the day preceding the coin< mencement ceremony. Ssaltirday, Juno 2. The seniors who have the -nrlnclpnl dlml Jiuodeleln' as ausi'tlary bishop Mussolini polat t o these persecutons of Ctiictro. I :'aauS;^incae**. : Ms:y8'.--T?be Chrts- i^Ittt^rsMneriii bailders of the t hew ^*»#vu,6l)0 St. ' Maiy's College at i'Md^agaM.'0b*tr€-Costs''Cptthty./ were Rev. John Jr. Huat, r 'deacoh, and tbe Fr. Michael Mackey, San Francisco, Dies .San Francisco, istay 5.—FatwJral service* for tee-" 'Rer. Mienasel Mactey, former chaplain-" of Sacred Heart College, wnd died at P*owi dance hospital, Oaltland. after t year's llln««M, - wear* .jield. from i-St Peter's «htiTchi:s^>f4s#' days ago."" A solemn high Mass' of xeqniem for tbe repose * of his soul was offered up by thejtev: Ralph Hnht, assisted by tbe and say.;'thls la; ypor freedom . of thought, this i s 'your democracy.' 'The democrat and his kind must demonstrate Ln the, next generation or two whether the theory of deta oeracy Is sound, or else it must stive way. We may continue the Illusion that all will be well if we keep in conventional limits, but if so, another tale t o tell of our clvllJst-. lion. A.lp* Sanatorium D., bishop of* Oissor-I - 'Soott •affer"*hlis, by : C/engressmali Charle* Rev. Pitriclc, Keaanar.;sub-deacdii.. !^awjf-;ot : CaBfpd*ift-- «V :VsJR10gto» itttaatyj'tjjif ,r**^#*ea'^Tal gdrverhm'ent !1i«4*-'j^(al#ct - ! Vi*£ "tea«Jblt»g ordet's ap* t»Ue*tfe^; fof ja .JtfnHed/States ",.;Po*t 08le«. bn^jth^'-csampaf. BrotHW" ;j'ors- *tth^'<s^lfdc , ttd»a, sapervlsor/jof' the •JWr. oufWfh^*;/ sa^tiheed itiit the jjfe'lr P^yj^^.^:^v^(i""W:^pp4tip4 oiil'i»'tha ,'Fa.tiier.' -itackey. ,-came ilwat June ~S -and'.^uVt. ^heir.eaftet.tiie' l : "-n'ited States. ifte ielf-sdireisi-dttn^tc^ege ^otii'd .. -- --'*.•-••.• *»•• ^'llt»M!;CpIl^ : ^-PMary'*;!r a Hoi ^$^kims~-&t*ti the'pos'tsi. der lil*li^^«S : Wncer^*e^.';a« .a'town." ; Cincinnati:.. oiic : ifpsnitsi!. AfeBociatldn By m. Maswiaai ; J?Srh6,>April. 30.— Cardinal Muarln, Father Sfackey wa* born In ~KS1- kehney cotfnty. Ireland. He attended St Kierari's college, Klllcenny* in'., --< - , - _ , ... „. _^ix .L. t ,- f- ^.«^=li *«». ii,>--—w Archbishop of Lyon,-in the presesnee 189S he »a-fl ordainedfor 4he .area-, > • .•..•-,... /.,-.- • .. . ^^v« J •-. j, > ,-a « •vf^i^i^k 'iiw'ii.i.-- t**2°t ten ^archbishops and bishops,and a of S.n ^ ^ ^ g ^ ^ ^ l g r e s t dumber ex notabiM among Most Rev. -Abraham, Brownrlga, E>.|* tfe>rt ; , hV acade micisff, Henry Graduating Exercise. A.t Notre Dam *: *3S NrttllOllBS Big 1*M*1**»?T* Givers To Dayton Catholic Drive Made Chi-c%*,v^ .v^, Amtlllkrr m* » %yr, o, ^ TJmsJirts'*'^* OtsiJMa»>IWaV 1 " l^—^l*s». l»i. *&*,* Berofird- J/SbW.twfetts b+<*v«, aji^u oi> o f r>ega and mwctl key blsl^-f Olitesa© 4h tftft jateit «o o<rui s j u tm Dayton. Ohio, May » . - w « W | i 4 ^ * * h * * ^ » ««»* « A } mo above the total of tt^OWt^g^ ot ^te^^JL^*'SM£ sought among the residents at 3&ay- : -„Jf ! K L ! l 23? & ^ * ^ S ' * , W H » and vicinity t o tu«d * h*w fcoj- 2&'SaSn^^J?tS^iK* ' be known aa the Goo4 S*m> zS£l,gg*g?*J. L^^OTSlf %* Monday niglit. Pfotestwts and Je^t 5 ° t ^ f f l * * M ^IS? % were among the heaviest contstfnjtors SSHSASSS: ¥E$*£L -- to m fund. Tto asw Ho»pIt*l f ^ S S ^ J ^ J S & c I**** coat appwslmately ^i.600,000, T f t a " * ™ ^ \ » W « « j 9 t - _ . Sipters of Charity, vho wit? h w # W ( S * httWb ** ohwrga of the Institutton, have plaan- w h "2E \* V- w , - r ; L \ ' ^-rf^fSI ed a loan of $500,000. Thnr W w w m < K » W , t l 2 S ^ ^ t8 to a cotamuntty in €ittolnnaf4. "BLsftf I ! ? ?/ ? ! V********* * W < ©utitandlng «|R» w«H « 4 J f c l w j M S ttS? ^P^"^***** Uvm the^ widow an« ths sons *1*£**J!&«$**J^m*-.% la-te Peter Kunt*. Sr~, vrenitliy C»\tlv- olle benefactor of the CHnrtta; jJaO,- 000 from C. F, K*tt«rlng, vice pras- ident of \i\o General Moton, do,, divided as follow*; W9,0ft4 **»* fro>m Mr. and-Mrs, SetteHtti tadt^ la-te Petet Kunt,. S r . wealthy »&%£££££. 2 - 2 t t l C » dinded a8 . .folios. mt m-,m AS^^mMM^m^^ fro>m M R ahit .HfiW- .«Attsi>lMw m*.A W^***^T ,, I P«!: olio benefactor of the Church; ^ « v SSff l ^ l S S j S ' ^ ^ me from C. F. K«tt«riBf, vice pras- t Z T C l i r J V T J ^ ^ l X ^ n ident of \i\o General Moton, do,, "*t*SW^^^l^(SSBJBI Oeuei'al Iftotpri CQaHWh^f**-* l i ^ OQO: the SMvwltjd fWttil^pf IJaytoa g*#ar. $JO,O00l J^sd*«t?K B, Eftttea?- aont. pre»ident of t h s Katlo»«l ;0*aio stands In the wray of cooperation to-iQ**^j * ; f ward reasoashle. constructive ana> O^lXl Al*aall|U lofty ends. Democracy, he declared.. as unsatlsraetory after 800 years of trial, and "two of tbe most power- ful volets, tboee of Mussolini anil LrfQln. arc saying 'our theory of democracy Is all wrong, futile." "We have- Chen." continued »h» speaker." art afcsoluteiy new situa-L. ,, ._»,., , _ _ ..„,.,= - „ » — . , - • • « « * tion. -that of three philosophies con- "en-eral, WaiMartoa, » . C», wttl de-^jj. a|^ pB ^ Notre Dame, inc... HOB. William J. Donovan jo©, wa- ithat of % > mm Jnto**nmfr tht»'< "" ^ r it was given itt tasraory of L*o{)oWc^'loa^'; «l's*r Roup. The donor* ware h!« chUdrMi, ^^ ^^pj^iioi.. ^f', m hrothw-'uria, hlr torn** modtim tumi s&%itm* Mri$ in.fcuiiheisv- ;; : % - ,../_.,. 4 _ . , , -. ip^mtiWiftlXiW . Jk.. memd^al; room Jji tb-iJaospltsa .' Aft- ^«af$nii| M U p>iedfed bjr Jams* It*. Co*, *r„;*»» tswusH ^ * tlft* iKHir* : F^frZ.f|«iBt*«i*i jt*hdtditt: m %Wd, vi(« wwbr-, *im^m W' Ss^t nnlled. £SZ t t K "P 8 ^ 1 **''. **• *^^W<> *> :•«»« » ! • » « » l « ' f t l B ^ p liver the CQthBMncesnerat s,ddrsjaa at '% " ; * * - : : mow 'Mimtmttwmit to a *lwc' «ln *ihb«H> trchdlpcets *ft« nsf JlospitaJBtaihd^ llwfll'f »o«*i|»wr lia^ ^srlll be eitaWlfhtdr salcl h». d^lfcittlfor Of tlji »roo4te(i»»*, (' «-ho detlghttion -"that Qood' StMJMtt-tHiirtMwwy. fey IwJlfli U s f Itaa hoppltai would l»e * ^l^ltolfem|*«!lttfcifcf <nir l « r l laoBpital, It'l* Catholic only i » : ths-ptasliop Sh*£l [fat-% •tense that the Sisters pt Qi^mtiir to tit*'laTolf !««*"'' will conduct it, *« *lMi «th*rwll« Jt| Of** ffc«If ,«f litr^i t h e Sioaplttl t ir}ll be fof tho tmtofHX-Si Utf^-^t H#*U*i\ ._._,„... p>uhil©'*nd-creed of :<*rfof « mm 'l»ia]|T Vlmm, ifyliJIiulM parts in the exercises sue: William considered i'n ministering to. inpi* fas*'%«»» c>lsbr»iia|l H. Jefferys' of HanKlnig Roditv .0. 1 .i« Read* • •'*'.."'' ' * ' *tt* MS|^ jatfeiro--*-" who will give the class valedictory! Richard C. Elpers, of" Bwatnawjllo, Ind.. who will read the class, pi^tta; and Pierce J. O'Coanpdr, p * ClfVO" land, .0., who will dsllwrer «-he chu oratfon. WIHIaaa S. . J^alllicys,, is. a senior of the College o f Commsrci, H. C., Elperl aid fe. J- O'iJonnox in tSie College of Arts and X«tte«. A,.n. Convention Speaker* Named fitaclBJaahy Q*. M£y 6.^—^afjayor Morray Seasoorood. the Moait Rev. in T. McNiclJolai, Aarelibishoo of sttspect the neact s^Meration will hawelc^ciiiaatlr'ind tbeRetr. JJharles B, -M**T,' McNicholta-' j?ta;^tfti«* •\u*ftaifl& flu fjrou«,h : Pt''per'8iit Ww' to. iHttataWttr;- "WM • wtiwl a^nirtwasfy^fiut; i» dir«^|d ihmt-^Mam.'Wim'^'- tM *»£- *H*fromtit* UtftNtw tm^Anmi 'ft*lif, a^-*l« % t^t)" ; te4>»*iiW«I.•• ' |fe«l^ie«t;' lc(a, v ' •Ah lilustrattea ;o« ; tie -'|Wfc : lriU<il4&aitit tfcst prevailed was s*e« when a S»i-,tk«r $rm **tio*t Army lassie, oas o< t|f cta-'bis hrfcs* igs* p«lrk#rf, 613- da n#r tji* of' *pm-.-W&4lt ' * "' **st)tt-* *,w^rtt•r , for' -tie %•-,% Q. M **l4«*l*f wrnoise iBontfibuilofi 'wtm- to fO &a that 'Mat si hospital to be ih charaje of CittholIc;X m*t*m,8& Sasters. -Um t ;t~-tm*1l£' : . 'HUB*, physlcliM /'wlmrlMf aaffMitt.-H«#."* twsjftfc^ .of ! 'lt',0wif ;; e»cn' Mil »t.ny hmffl&r.-*i$'. crmrcaties pledged thetnstlves to «t-paprfl aaU' tsabltsli tn*nibr|il fodin«. ' /: .iol ••!<.. Woulinler, 8. J., Miiwsiukee, Wis wiii be among the spesakors at. tho opening of the Catholic 33osi>itai At soelatioa's convention h*ro o n Junt IS. Father MoulLnler i s president of tbe Association. Other «-jeak«rs; be William E. Fox.'chafcrmiui of tho Citizens Committee and secretary of the board of adwisors o f thee Good Samaritan hospital; A~ ^ - Anderson treasurer of the hoard pC trustees, ot the Children's hospltsi; Dr-;.'.A* C- u^hmeyer, /dean of t b e College, of Jeiuit Won't Join to Association - , By Sh Jo>an i>£ Arc BordpanX, opeii-ed *;the -sanatorium, JNpr f!v« French clergy: at JThbrenc In t h e MaMtlme-AlpS: ! . •ft'waM' on th«* initiative of thf Society of St liaske, a group o'f 1,5.00 Catholic d q * t o r s , ^whose Rfe>si- dunt Is a Pari* .surtteon.' Doctor O. May 5; -The Ca.thvp^tea,,. tna t t h i s ; sahatprjitim. for of th« tob>ercuiar. priests and iemiriarianis United States and Canada arid\ t h e w%tr fonndedi "The SiwereieiD Poiitiff second" anDuai ..Hospital' Clinical C o a - ^ y ^ 8 ntllit'onu francs towards it* gr«»s of; ^lorth America will be h e l d coastraction aiid popolar subscrlp- jimulttanediialy -in . 'M:ij«lr""-'Hali r><?re^ j )()n . ai nong Csfcthollcs raised three Jun'i; 18: te» - : 2 2;. : t h I? project 'Wi'H;mii'-ltnn> francs.; .'/ ' -[ : . ? .; ; combipte, under, one roof fbree dl» ? - With•'-,jthls suthi wis .ou re based a l*° w f i he b0 *"* ortntstee. of theU r ; foV gbdut m m rim&,&*&l&l^^ tew 6 h Hospital, . ; . .: ; Ua,'oatciaf*. Tait night. .me ; ,^««t^/i)|«%* . The! annual oonyentlon w1 i: Jfciod^^ fl prop08 ^ d b y Alfred. fiftimat.jMit attesaded h y - 3 ^ m M t «*.<!*-Mat* the secondjannuaJ ^HospJta Clinical, -- ^ - ^ ftnd WM dr ^j K „y all 'famm-mat' ff "Wmi- Congress.. 1 The third annrual * onv ® D ' Dtt t p, tlori, of the IriC^natibtral tSatholIc O&Wpai-rJkBtijkd' ; ?3.*-S56e'HftJir-tihct hot ;elo%"ty' N*la\tH •„ opof3Mon* ; .'jf ^ .'dejrn'alh s f i u a t e d P V sin -..anat'vVsw'v T*f ^ th» J d^^lrai|6ar. 0<the' con^eatiori,.^"r.o.pHpr., the clihicai n f about-4,000 fct^andnot nwre than Orteamito by Jfct>^oaff::QfrA^*^ cpnimer'clal.. a n d •jj in\\<*m- from- Cannes- Them I* 6 ^\^TnU^^.^i0-iityi j: H*r'if--iiaa0. *,odtfcatloialredhibitions will all.'-..'h*-''larss* hostelry, i ehapei iand-a farm, "with .•CaTd"iflaj;^^ip J rt,- .• Arehbishf>»>osihi*l3-it*'-M,tofac .1^11"--^-,-'',,'... ' .. ...".« "Spec.lai; facilities^ ^a.*e-:^een:. arranged Bssscncott, plNSrtdlJng. The traditional. >/ut I^ita*l6n ! ;df- thoe cohndenre; at, m that 'the patt^nt*> may spend long ltl|X«'Srti8k*.>Bf»ho«> of : .irJti>. ..>•-..'••-.,'• «f';thi*-!Jo«itenti<»a- . : ; 'i»'- th^.fsct' ;DjattJiheItV^''^nt-'-/ ; t^e\'-'#lnSi •; •_Rfie*'n - f*se ; *^inojs>-.<*f ,,cAsctrea. r: . istsjgr^Q^oj»^'Si|i^^ .W'lJJ.Vbe',at*-..the.,'.d|si''o«iUon':;-o.f :*%Mpj»i|s^, ;;-a^^ Vtt'n-|n-ptieat8' ( whp: r Vl«h^ » i l h » » ' « f / i » i s » o n » / ssVill- a l i o M i s n d i w e a i r idays- .sifter' £!i8ejiM*,^.'.Wa^ c^r^djforJAnSetic^n j n s t j ^ t e o f A^r^lte<Tt« and m«tiMto&'\-^-Y\ \-r/' : ~ •'. J :^: '''-' : ^ at'.one time Wsjpwj^f^,'*; nsrier, fvli.? & ^ / v a, '^ ~ & m ' ' T * ^ww^^^*a»w5P^ "(B'F ; N. : C&ti : If«w«,-gerric*-}, .'j SprtnfSsJd, Saif F"rancli»co.,.i!ay i . r - t h r ^ e ? , | « B w l rjs/.Jf.' Ksvanagh, '&'JV o*-'8t;-,'Ii^Ul»raM* # .Brtktw^^ L^'iveTaity,- 'for' Mor* ;-tft»n- -*\vmtM MuequfiMQiMm*, IlipMtf/ elf a century kaotrtt-'.'asj- .a 4l«.tln|»llh- f»r»9« ]&,•••%* -Itott.«..»4toisV^l^aT»fa>' v ,... v ,. edt writer. Iecturer/:(tnd.''edtiMi?r, t&. B»r„ 'fiawi' 'J*n» ^Mmtit^W^-t^^ ,, .... , . - .,, . _.. ,, _ , futsed'-io'ibin-in * toaat to^fe*Nt»flt Ro»H, AJK; 4/A-.4mm~ &-*mt0**-te i &'i!&& Medicine of; the SJnlrersaty of Cin-L ]f 8 or MexJc 6, or remain for tm wfcdttiafr bishop of ^tlNwt, *^% S?;«2Sf i^ffi ^ U m ^ ^ e n , at the P*Jm6nt;^«|i ither Kavanagh. Guild of-Nurses wilf be tield in con lanction with the ho«pltal eon ventlon. . '; *-••• '•' ''•,.",- M'ajty com nierefal a nd; "educatlonal 'rjdhlbfts representing••' ev«»i7 •' -'profes. ^lons indbftry and buslntess -serving „ -: j ! ^ ^ ] flfld will b e inst^Jled; '"| leKSOn ; 8 bould be that ttft/tMBltd* Of Riga!•£«*> 8fahd&-9mm•'• MmiccUtn. •• - ,--_-• L^. R( ^ orahde we respec* «69rty *i of t h e Cleveland diocese has i S w o ^ n e n Ins the r e p l a r fc^PM"!^,^*^;' : t h e S U t e «h»»Sat»ey M t ^ i Cwthw** .^ocl^ion eltolc^ill ^ r a n l^nort, ^., had understood i l l a i tfi^dlavtleT fBm*mltoe* * ••**/*&*, faW^awkJOU^-, «^ g * ^ ^ f J L ^ 2 * W ^Si° C s^Hfc« V ** •«««• -"!>*'ap'^acaW&Owt- *>ljWti-te J t t t i * S # 6 1 , ** **» WttOsiiOwSa :|etf" uona,i»«*n«»?.«M-Am«^^ h e said. ttsdny br Hit* S^W^.«Wr1i«hsvr ol! Surgeon*^_41»; Amercan.^nr^s >rof pedertco ^rlscsti, leader «/****» r^eat M d B*UoIa sJrstKST e f AjsMMiatlon. the Amerlcaati Dl*^tic A» .. , ,i*»rpzatlon of Mexicans ISstfS tfc* *•«!•*» TTs ihrnnsiits "wJii* isuatet *W««rrie wiri be; proaouac^^ by tts;'w^tne^ InternatWnal C n t h d l > ^ rt ^ e ;* Tauw £ ',,. RoWj nktlo*8?|^^^5 > 2«*0^1^'. ' ^ ^ ?f t ui£" r "^ ,: ^ T ^ ^ ' K ^ S i ' ^ f & o ' admlwtrator bf H**l*o. W- *. 8«»SMI«^fa,, formerly** Cl«*«lta«. Llhrary. and Service, ,B«irca«i lh^ a l ^ ^ mtiC teo, md a score itto »#t«d tft« ^ t t » « « ^ «^."gl of'Sani Franciwo edaetiOM « r « » ac tirtU« k^-m^m0lti'" among those at the b*nquet.' (UB all piP ** »C t4» «o*WqjM r-i^oirtiB^^^-r.JBryi*^ wt;.?l««lii^|*&| m •^«^a I left In the greatest mdlptttlb^t # » ft , - , , v ^ ttrata^ American- cltlien would pro BjwJlOPf) £>Cnrei310»l po**e a toa,*t to the rgfeatllt M " nicWlefiT tyrattts." Fftih»t l&UBWIta said i n eapianatlon. f, lf these IfeXl- • - . *,* caai'ediicators want to ieattt•'#*&&»$ \ Btf ».- OrV. - K«*»'. 4»«Ma$. rom their America* vlult, tttefr <S*«t ' ,Gl«ff1»*tf/ OWtf. m&y's^fatti h^'^ : J^at^0M ;?;s sinallar national suisoelatlens. T'fS .^Mw

Transcript of Move For Catholic r Dr. Butler Makes NrttllOllBS Big 1*M*1 ... · an m...

Page 1: Move For Catholic r Dr. Butler Makes NrttllOllBS Big 1*M*1 ... · an m inHin.iiiinnii,»i.i."iii,n,i,.in,wi;M!m»-l Jl"»yWjlW «^mpil|MM mmmmmmmm wmmmm A, ttt *iA»j»«M»i«SS»KitS«ti«»»»*i(

an m inHin.iiiinnii,»i.i."iii,n,i,.in,wi;M!m»-lJl"»yWjlW «^mpil|MM mmmmmmmm wmmmm

A, ttt *iA»j»«M»i«SS»KitS«ti«»»»*i( jsaESi#«si<n>teit»i»w*^ '

. * '

^ns &

'fe? In waila will you found mis-*}«•• send bulla schools, tf you atre - not able to wield the ofJe»elv* and defensive weap-on»fftm. loyal Catiiotlc press. -~m»e. Ptus x~

i$8th YTBAK, No. 82.



—**CH* fc*o«dJfarl I


C8y KvO w, C Htt f tentau

"Th# Charc-ii of, Christ." , he de

Move For Catholic r Trades Unions In

Irish Free State B y Jf, J, Bfoooey |

<Dublin Correspondent. N. C. W. C. News Service) |

Dublin. May 1.—A. suggestion that CathotSe trades unions be or­ganized in Ireland has caused con­siderable dfcacuasion of late. The xnove has t»een strongly urged in some qiutrteM-a, and opposed by ot least one lesador. I

Father Ambrose Coleman. O. P.. ade the eetggestlon. and it became

*-"*he most Interesting point of public scusalon la the course of the Social eek Juat lield by the Catholic

"S'oung Jlen'a Society. Father Coleman. In advancing his

Idea, declared that a large meeting o f Irish trades unionists passed a solemn resolution of sympathy fur the Soviet Republic upon the occa sion of the death of Nlcolui Lenin Communist t-eader. Calling attention t o the (act that Lenitn attained much £>ro(ttJncace ma a persecutor of the Catholic C Inarch, he Intimated thai the Iriih trades unions, while made tip overwhelmingly of Catholic*, did not nave a proper Catholic back ground, and thus wore sometimes led astray through ignorance

At tho Soda l Week the chief lec-t a rer was Kerr Serrareas, a leader o f the Catholic Party of Holland and secretary of the Catholic Internal! oanal of Trades Unions Be promptly took op tho 4dea. coupling It with the/League o f Nations.

"The objects of 'the League of Nations.*' tie said before a crowded audience, "caainot be attained with o a t 'tho cooperation of trades unions."

At another point 1n his address, Kerr Sorrarents spoke of the Intro^ dociion of th« Ohrlstlan «plrlt' into economic life

M me. Melius Give* Special Concert

For Sisterhood Prairie d « Chain. Wis... May

3.—Madame Lueila Melius, distinguished coloratura sopra­no o f American and European opera, houses, gave a recital ex-cluetwely for the School Sisters of Nfotre Danae woo constitute the faculty of St. Mary's College here last Friday.

Madame Melius, who only re­cently completed a season in opera, was on a concert tour in this vicinity when she learned that the nans were unable to attend her regular recital. She immediately- volunteered to render a special program for them alone.

The Sisters, ft was said, con­stituted one of the most re­sponsive and appreciative au­diences before which the great singer had appeared.

ctarsd. "la International We wi International worir in a spirit of Christianity ' Wo 'Tit** go! poHtea democracy host that ft not enough

"Christian trades; unioaUm dc maud* that a 'new economic* order he organised *>ti the bast* of meet ln.8*1he natural economic needs of ha.tri»n*itj' W"e want trades union* to cooperate with tho employ era^ but not with one party oo its knees

Senator-Pararen. who Is one of the most influential representatives of labor in the JFroe State, replied to the lecturer and took Issue with him Thero can b-e tittle need for Catholic unions inlrela-nd. where 95 per cent of tho members* of tho present unions are pra\ct|ciag Catholics, he asserted v JEterr Serratem, in rebuttal, said j ttuai the fact that the members of ; union*- are Catholics does not necea-1 strdly imply tJaat the unions them-

• I'jaMrjas will b e Ohrlstlan, governed by Christian p r i n c i p l e s and b a v i n s def

jittiiely Chriailaua aims. !.' F«,tli«r G o l e m a n , a m p l f y i n i h U o w n asasrtlon*. also touched o n t h i s point. Ho s a i d that th« lrls> trad«s

; uoioaists ir h o passed the l*enla rasw-flution 4Prflrac-jflfra per -ceat .CatholfCi. it lit true, o a t «5tuU wptrtatJbr. thay •dttfcruot r ial fae' they.were i a k i n g a n aata-reUgloua-stand in pawiag i t .

Ciiic&go Planning Great Farewell

To Bishop Hoban Chlcaso. April 28—Chicago is

planning a magntneent farewell for th«*. Rt. Rev. Edward F. Hoban when ho leaves on May 16 to take up hie new duties as bishop of Rock ford II!

On the night of May 14 he will bo tho guest of 6 00 Chicago priests at a banquet at the Stevens hotel The lit. Rer. Francis A. Purcell. rec­tor of Qulgley preparatory 8«tnl nary, will be the toastmasler.

A special train will leave Chicago for Hock ford at 9 o'clock on the morning of May 16 and will hsvc 3ti board Cardinal Huncteleln. Blahoc Hot»*n. Rev Francis A. Ryan, assist ant chancellor of the archdfoeato; Misr. Wllllani Ortffln. pastor of hfar; Jue-e-u of Heaven church. Cicero, and 309 priest*.

Fhers also wilt be a guard of honor composed of SO men each .'roan the' Knights of Columbus. Catii illc Order of Foresters, Ancient

nt|Ord«r of Eibecnlsuns and the Holy s'aiiae dooiotj. A reception coin.roll-.«o composed of 10.000 Holy Na.nir jiuiubon. priests and school children *tu meet tho train at Roescford They wiii march to the St. James Pro Csthedrai, two ml*en away. In .ho lino of march will be tho mayor ind city council of Hock ford

A. solenan rece-ption service wi l l bo ioi(i at the churcfi Cardinal Man Jelofa wtli place the blshop-et»ct jpont his throne in the sanctuary Vory Rov. r*rederic* F. Conner, ad nlntszrator of trie Hock ford dfoceme Jlnce> the death of Bishop Peter J Muldoon. will read the papa! t»nll orcating Bishop Hoban -ordinary* of tho dloce»«. Father Conner then will lellr«T the address of welcome on jehaJf of the prt«st« and 7&.<M)0 lalhollc* In the diocese.

Otabop Hoban wf.ll celebrate pon IflcaJ high m m Father Ryan of 3hlcjasjo will set as master of cea-e nionlea.

Dlsshop Hoban has just flnlilied ten years of..ettcse asssocdatlbh. with Car-

Dr. Butler Makes Some Criticisms 01 Protestantism

N e w York. May 2 . — Taking as bda theme, " T h e Great Experiment," which he s a i d wae Government, Dr, Nicholas M a r r a y Butler, Pres ident of Columbia Univers i ty , addressing a huge aud ience t h a t packed t b e Broadway C o n g r e g a t i o n a l Tabernacle here last n ig ta t , accused "Profestatat Christianity" o f be ing one o f thte 'chief agentts** of persecution In a n

age In which persecution waa " n o w taking tho f o r m even of murder a a d decapitations" "Some Protestants." he said, "are pagans, but a r e n o t aware of tli« fact ."

T h e educaator contended that w h i l e the Western peop le had made real1

progress In matny w a y s , such a s pub-He health, l o n g e v i t y and the satis­faction of humran needs and comforts there was aerfoua question whether Government h a d m a d e any progress In 5.000 y e a r s -

After o u t l i n i n g the late Lenin's idea of Coranmntsm. and Mussolini's.' idea of F a s c i s m , Dr. Butler declared (hat each r e p r e s e n t e d a direct chal­lenge to domoe**acy and that nei ther' challenge c o u l d be answered b y call­ing Fascism o r Communism "bad names." According to his ideals , ' Government i s not giving satisfac­tion today, a n d that "extraordllnary and powerful th ing called Interests'

, ~ — . mm*

Clariitiiun Brother* CeUeffe jat IMomg* A ^frlWe Pott Oaiicc

Capt. Koebl'* Sister A Franciac wn Nun

By Rev. Br. Wllh«li)i Baron vosa CftjJttajtioe, .

(Cologne dorreniMondeant, SMC. W. C N&«fa Ser»*ce)

Cologne, May £*—$*t»e eldest sister of, ^aptaila OKo W, erne of the crew, of the a*irplsne "Bre­men" oh its successful west­ward crossing of the Atlantic Ocean, is a Francdacfcia nun In a convent at Saisiwarg. The filer comes of & diatlngeulahed Cnth-ottc family, hti father being Major Ge»erat Willie4m yon Koehl of PCaffehhosTen. The Cap­tain la the secoad eldest of eight children, o o e o f whom was killed in the "World Wur.

It has juat been revealed here, in eonnectUen ^uh tho flters' remarkaMe ooeaa flight, that Captain Koetal, who wns an aviator durlaag t1»e War,: after being shot «do\m, made

.h is escape from & French do jtention camip. by employing a most unusual,rujae„ Lieut. JnK lus Dprnhecker, a fellow pris­oner with Captain. Koehl* hn» made the story pttliillo, teSing how the Captain diverted atten­tion from ibtls escape b y dress­ing a dummy in hta tiaiforni.

It has been a source of no little gratification T*O ^tliolICB here that the fliers. In sail tbelr messages since ssurlvlng In America, have given public thanks to God f o r their anfo Journey.

werclaes to be h.ldaf-4hi Dnivari l ty~3** *J&?Z,h%ESL^JfcS^iS*J&

tending for sucpremaoy—democracy,: eommunlim and! Fasclam." "What it to be the fate of religion in all t h i s ' ' ^ f c r i ™ £.£.I^W'JB^S'OS!^1^-^' ^ ^ W*' ^ * ^ ' * ^ 9 « H W » 1 * * « » * '*®®*h

f n e ^ c h o l a i t l c y « T l o T e f f i a r e 2 ' ****^"Ja.yita w | m P r o t i , » l ( » | > > * t l i r » r J c t e l * 3 w

being rounded^ out ft* •^^S^SS^lS^-'iSlSfid *&TjSfZi^l£X*Z?if£ author lUes and soon wUA b * anaoiuc* £ * • • t w £ ? r p S t t * ' , ^ • *• •*% P * & " " S S L ^ ^ f ed in detail' - '"• \ ' '3tt»«to|» fcrf4'jWf«*l-*injs» dar in*a» «ir#aftftr- m W

The Rt. Rev. Oeori« J. .Xbntm, ^l^B^ft '• V I •'' •„.**,'i < # « ' . # ' « * « » * » . Bishop of Helena, irljl »lqg 0 T*»« X*** *•»• JobJa •% M&ftti&ttim mi lllim baccalaureate mass on the morning,a*»- ArchljWjpp of ^iaclnn^ltl, i p | terjr 90ff"' Tt0m~-' <t

He asked. "Se must be blind does not see i t dos not occupy the position It trace did. He must be blind and d«af who does not realise that comniimlsxn'e teachings are antl-*-«llsiou8. Aad there are new rela-•ions In Italy b-etween religion and the Fascist Slate." he added.

"Success depe>nd» upon the fair rnlndedness wltts which we approach those questions." Dr. Butler said.

LHwrty and retlglon have been used more often t h a n anything else as sources of bitter conflict.

"We are Irving In an age of per­secution that la the 'worst we have experienced In many years of our history This persecution takes the form of even murder and decapita­tion, and there are sections of the country whorein a man dare not say what he thlnfc*.-

"Tbe Protestant Christianity, the whole philosophy ot which began as

protest against this sort of thing M oow mraed late OES of the

chJefeat agents, -Many of these per-sons axe pagasas. but they do .not know it. And A«e»in (now 4e*d) and

of the commencement day and the baccalaureate sermon w:lil h e praaoli ed by the Rev. Wllllaan B , Martin, D. D.. of New Rochelle, N. Y,

Following the custom sat Notre Dame, the class day exesrclies will ho field on the day preceding the coin< mencement ceremony. Ssaltirday, Juno 2 . The seniors who have the -nrlnclpnl

dlml Jiuodeleln' as ausi'tlary bishop Mussolini polat t o these persecutons of Ctiictro.

I :'aauS;^incae**.:Ms:y8'.--T?be Chrts-i^Ittt^rsMneriii bailders of the t hew ^*»#vu,6l)0 St. ' Maiy's College at i'Md^agaM.'0b*tr€-Costs''Cptthty./ were Rev. John Jr. Huat,r'deacoh, and tbe

Fr. Michael Mackey, San Francisco, Dies

.San Francisco, istay 5.—FatwJral service* for tee-" 'Rer. Mienasel Mactey, former chaplain-" of Sacred Heart College, wnd died at P*owi dance hospital, Oaltland. after t year's llln««M, - wear* .jield. from i-St Peter's «htiTchi:s^>f4s#' days ago."" A solemn high Mass' of xeqniem for tbe repose * of his soul was offered u p by thejtev: Ralph Hnht, assisted by tbe

and say.;'thls la; ypor freedom . of thought, this i s 'your democracy.'

'The democrat and his kind must demonstrate Ln the, next generation or two whether the theory of deta oeracy Is sound, or else it must stive way. We may continue the Illusion that all will b e well if we keep in conventional l imits , but if so,

another tale t o tell of our clvllJst-. lion.

A.lp* Sanatorium

D., bishop of* Oissor-I - 'Soott •affer"*hlis,

b y : C/engressmali Charle* Rev. Pitriclc, Keaanar.;sub-deacdii.. !^awjf-;ot :CaBfpd*ift-- «V :VsJR10gto» itttaatyj'tjjif ,r**^#*ea'^Tal gdrverhm'ent !1i«4*-'j (al#ct-!Vi*£"tea«Jblt»g ordet's ap* t»Ue*tfe ; fof ja .JtfnHed/States ",.;Po*t 08le«. bn^jth^'-csampaf. BrotHW" ;j'ors-*tth^'<s^lfdc,ttd»a, sapervlsor/jof' the •JWr. oufWfh^*;/ sa^tiheed i t i i t the jjfe'lr P^yj^^.^:^v^(i""W:^pp4tip4 oiil'i»'tha ,'Fa.tiier.' -itackey. ,-came i lwat June ~S -and'. uVt. ^heir.eaftet.tiie' l:"-n'ited States. ifte ielf-sdireisi-dttn^tc^ege ^otii'd .. -- --'*.•-••.• *»•• ^ ' l l t » M ! ; C p I l ^ : ^ - P M a r y ' * ; ! r a H o i

^$^kims~-&t*ti the'pos'tsi. der lil*li^^«S:Wncer^*e^.';a« .a'town." ; Cincinnati:..

oiic: ifpsnitsi!. AfeBociatldn

By m. Maswiaai ;J?Srh6,>April. 30.— Cardinal Muarln,

Father Sfackey wa* born In ~KS1-kehney cotfnty. Ireland. He attended St Kierari's college, Klllcenny* in' . , --< - , - _ , ... „. _^ix . L . t ,- f- ^.«^=li *«». ii,>--—w Archbishop of Lyon,-in the presesnee 189S he »a-fl ordainedfor 4he .area-, • > • .•..•-,... /.,-.- • .. . ^^v« J •-. j , > ,-a « •vf^i^i^k 'iiw'ii.i.-- t**2°t ten archbishops and bishops,and a of S .n ^ ^ ^ g ^ ^ ^ l g r e s t dumber e x notabiM among Most Rev. -Abraham, Brownrlga, E>.|*tfe>rt ; , h V a c a d emicisff, Henry

Graduating Exercise. A.t Notre Dam

* : * 3 S NrttllOllBS Big 1*M*1**»?T* Givers To Dayton

Catholic Drive

Made Chi-c%*,v^ .v , Amtlllkrr

m* » %yr, o, ^ TJmsJirts'*' * OtsiJMa»>IWaV1" l — l*s». l»i. *&*,*

Berofird- J/SbW.twfetts b+<*v«, a j i^u oi> of r>ega and mwctl key b l s l ^ - f Olitesa© 4h tftft jateit «o o<rui s j u tm

Dayton. Ohio, May » . - w « W | i 4 ^ * * h * * ^ » ««»* « A }

mo above the total of tt^OWt^g^ o t ^te^^JL^*'SM£ sought among the residents at 3&ay- : -„Jf ! K L ! l 2 3 ? & ^ * ^ S ' * , W H » and vicinity t o tu«d * h*w fcoj- 2 & ' S a S n ^ ^ J ? t S ^ i K * ' be known aa the Goo4 S*m> zS£l,gg*g?*J. L ^ ^ O T S l f %*

Monday niglit. Pfotestwts and Je^t 5 ° t ^ f f l * * M ^ I S ? % were among the heaviest contstfnjtors SSHSASSS: ¥E$*£L - -to m fund. Tto asw Ho»pIt*l f ^ S S ^ J ^ J S & c I**** coat appwslmately ^i.600,000, T f t a " * ™ ^ \ » W « « j 9 t - _ . Sipters of Charity, vho wit? h w # W ( S * h t t W b * * ohwrga of the Institutton, have plaan- w

h " 2 E \ * V- w , - r ;L \ ' ^ - r f^ fSI

ed a loan of $500,000. Thnr W w w m< K » W , t l 2 S ^ ^ t 8

to a cotamuntty in €ittolnnaf4. "BLsftf I ! ? ?/ ? ! V********* * W < ©utitandlng «|R» w«H « 4 J f c l w j M S ttS? ^P^"^*****

Uvm the widow an« ths sons * 1 * £ * * J ! & « $ * * J ^ m * - . % la-te Peter Kunt*. Sr~, vrenitliy C»\tlv-olle benefactor of the CHnrtta; jJaO,-000 from C. F, K*tt«rlng, vice pras-ident of \i\o General Moton, do,, divided as follow*; W9,0ft4 **»* fro>m Mr. and-Mrs, SetteHtti t a d t ^

la-te Petet Kunt,. S r . wealthy » & % £ £ £ £ £ . 2 - 2 t t l C »

dinded a8. .folios. mtm-,m AS^^mMM^m^^ fro>m M R ahit .HfiW- .«Attsi>lMw m*.A W^***^T , , I P « ! :

olio benefactor of the Church; ^ « v SSff l ^ l S S j S ' ^ ^ me from C. F. K«tt«riBf, vice pras- t Z T C l i r J V T J ^ ^ l X ^ n ident of \i\o General Moton, do,,

"*t*SW^^ l (SSBJBI

Oeuei'al Iftotpri CQaHWh^f**-* l i ^ OQO: the SMvwltjd fWttil^pf IJaytoa g*#ar. $JO,O00l J^sd*«t?K B, Eftttea?-aont. pre»ident of t h s Katlo»«l ;0*aio

stands In the wray of cooperation to - iQ**^j * ; f ward reasoashle. constructive ana> O ^ l X l Al*aa l l |U lofty ends. Democracy, he declared..

as unsatlsraetory after 800 years of trial, and "two of tbe most power­ful volets, tboee of Mussolini anil LrfQln. arc saying 'our theory of democracy Is al l wrong, futile."

"We have- Chen." continued »h» speaker." art afcsoluteiy new situa-L. , , . _ » , . , , _ _ ..„,.,= - „ » — . , - • • « « * tion. -that of three philosophies con- "en-eral, WaiMartoa, » . C», wttl de-^jj. a | ^ p B ^

Notre Dame, inc . . . HOB. William J. Donovan

jo©, wa- ithat of %>mm Jnto**nmfr tht»'< "" ^ r

it w a s given itt tasraory of L*o{)oWc^' loa^' ; « l ' s * r R o u p . The donor* w a r e h!« chUdrMi, ^^ ^^pj^i io i . . ^f', m hrothw-'uria, hlr torn** modtim tumi s&%itm* Mri$ in.fcuiiheisv- ;;: %- , . . / _ . , . 4 _ . , , -. ip^mtiWiftlXiW . Jk.. memd^al; room Jji tb-iJaospltsa .' Aft- ^ « a f $ n i i | M

U p>iedfed bjr Jams* It*. Co*, *r„;*»» tswusH ^ * tlft* iKHir* :

F^frZ.f|«iBt*«i*i jt*hdtditt: m %Wd, • vi(« * » wwbr-, *im^m W ' S s ^ t nnlled. £SZ t t K " P 8 ^ 1 **''. **• *^^W<> *> :•«»« » ! • » « » l « ' f t l B ^ p

liver the CQthBMncesnerat s,ddrsjaa at

' % " • ; * * - : :

mow 'Mimtmttwmit

to a *lwc' «ln

*ihb«H> trchdlpcets *ft« n s f JlospitaJBtaihd^ llwfll'f »o«*i|»wr lia^ srlll be eitaWlfhtdr salcl h». d^lfcittlfor Of tlji »roo4te(i»»*, ('

«-ho detlghttion -"that Qood' StMJMtt-tHiirtMwwy. fey IwJlfli U s f Itaa hoppltai would l»e * ^l^ltolfem|*«!lttfcifcf <nir l « r l laoBpital, It'l* Catholic only i » : ths-ptasliop Sh*£l [fat-% •tense that the Sisters pt Qi^mtiir to tit*'laTolf !««*"'' will conduct it, *« *lMi «th*rwll« J t | Of** ffc«If ,«f litr^i the Sioaplttl tir}ll be fof tho tmtofHX-Si Utf^-^t H#*U*i\

._._,„... p>uhil©'*nd-creed of :<*rfof « m m ' l » i a ] | T Vlmm, ifyliJIiulM parts in the exercises sue: William considered i'n ministering to. inpi* fas*'%«»» c>lsbr»iia|l H. Jefferys' of HanKlnig Roditv .0.1.i« Read* • •'*'.."'' ' * ' * t t * M S | ^ jatfeiro--*-" who will give the class valedictory! Richard C. Elpers, of" Bwatnawjllo, Ind.. who will read t h e class, pi tta; and Pierce J. O'Coanpdr, p * ClfVO" land, .0., who will dsllwrer «-he chu oratfon. WIHIaaa S. . J^alllicys,, i s . a senior of the College o f Commsrci, H. C., Elperl a id fe. J- O'iJonnox in tSie College of Arts and X«tte« .

A,.n. Convention Speaker* Named

fitaclBJaahy Q*. M£y 6. — afjayor Morray Seasoorood. the Moait Rev.

in T. McNiclJolai, Aarelibishoo of sttspect the neact s^Meration will hawelc^ciiiaatlr'ind tbeRetr . JJharles B,

-M**T,' McNicholta-' j?ta;^tfti«* •\u*ftaifl& flu

fjrou«,h:Pt''per'8iit Ww' to. iHttataWttr;- "WM • wtiwl a^nirtwasfy^fiut; i » dir«^|d ihmt-^Mam.'Wim'^'-tM *»£- *H* from tit* UtftNtw tm^Anmi 'ft*lif, a^-*l«%t^t)";te4>»*iiW«I.•• ' |fe«l ie«t;' lc(a,v'

•Ah lilustrattea ;o«; t i e -'|Wfc:lriU<il4&aitit tfcst prevailed was s*e« when a S»i-,tk«r $rm **tio*t Army lassie, o a s o< t | f cta-'bis hrfcs* igs* p«lrk#rf, 613- da n#r tji* of' *pm-.-W&4lt ' * "' **st)tt-* *,w^rtt•r, for' - t ie %•-,% Q. M **l4«*l*f wrnoise iBontfibuilofi 'wtm- to fO &a that t » 'Mat si hospital to be ih charaje of CittholIc;X m*t*m,8& Sasters. -Umt;t~-tm*1l£' :. 'HUB*, physlcliM /'wlmrlMf aaffMitt.-H«#."* twsjftfc^ .of !'lt',0wif ;;e»cn' Mil »t.ny hmffl&r.-*i$'. crmrcaties pledged thetnstlves to «t-paprfl aaU' tsabltsli tn*nibr|il fodin«. ' /: .iol ••!<..

Woulinler, 8. J., Miiwsiukee, Wis wiii be among the spesakors at. tho opening of the Catholic 33osi>itai At soelatioa's convention h*ro o n Junt IS . Father MoulLnler i s president of tbe Association. Other «-jeak«rs; be William E. Fox.'chafcrmiui of tho Citizens Committee and secretary of the board of adwisors o f thee Good Samaritan hospital; A~ ^ - Anderson treasurer of the hoard pC trustees, ot the Children's hospltsi; Dr-;.'.A* C-u^hmeyer, /dean of t b e College, of

Jeiuit Won't Join

t o


- , By Sh Jo>an i>£ Arc

BordpanX, opeii-ed *;the -sanatorium, JNpr f!v« French clergy: at JThbrenc In the MaMtlme-AlpS: ! .

•ft'waM' on th«* initiative of thf Society of St liaske, a group o'f 1,5.00 Catholic dq*tors , ^whose Rfe>si-dunt I s a P a r i * .surtteon.' Doctor

O . M a y 5; -The C a . t h v p ^ t e a , , . t n a t t h i s ; sahatprjitim. for of t h « tob>ercuiar. pr ie s t s and iemiriarianis

United States and Canada arid\ t h e w%tr fonndedi "The SiwereieiD Poiitiff second" anDuai ..Hospital' Clinical C o a - ^ y ^ 8 ntllit'onu francs towards it* gr«»s of; ^lorth America wil l be h e l d coastraction ai id popolar subscrlp-jimulttanediialy -in . 'M:ij«lr""-'Hali r><?re^ j ) ( ) n . a i nong Csfcthollcs raised three Jun'i; 18: te» -:2 2;. : t h I? project 'Wi'H;mii'-ltnn> francs.; .'/ ' -[ : . ? .; ; combipte, under, one roof fbree dl»?- With •'-,jthls suthi wis .ou re based a

l*° w f i h e b0*"* o r t n t s t e e . of t h e U r ; f o V g b d u t m m rim&,&*&l&l^^ tew 6 h Hospital, . ; . . : ; Ua,'oatciaf*. Tait night. . m e ; , ^ « « t ^ / i ) | « % * . The! annual oonyentlon w 1 i: J fc iod^^ f l p r o p 0 8 ^ d b y Alfred. fiftimat.jMit attesaded h y - 3 ^ m M t «*.<!*-Mat*

the secondjannuaJ ^HospJta Clinical, -- ^ - ^ ftnd W M d r ^ j K „y all 'famm-mat' f f " W m i -Congress. .1 The third annrual * o n v ® D ' D t t t p, tlori, o f the IriC^natibtral tSatholIc

O&Wpai-rJkBtijkd' ; ?3.*-S56e'HftJ ir- t ihct h o t ;elo%"ty' N*la\tH •„ opof3Mon*;.'jf ^ .'dejrn'alh s f i u a t e d P V sin -..anat'vVsw'v T*f ^ th» Jd^^lrai|6ar. 0<the' con^eatiori,.^"r.o.pHpr., the c l ih ica i nf about-4,000 fct^andnot nwre than Orteamito by Jfct>^oaff::QfrA^*^ cpnimer'clal.. a n d •jj in\\<*m- from- Cannes - T h e m I* 6 ^\^TnU^^.^i0-iityij:H*r'if--iiaa0. * ,odt fcat lo ia lredhib i t ions wil l all.'-..'h*-''larss* hostelry, i ehape i iand-a farm, "with .•CaTd"iflaj;^^ipJrt,- .• Arehbishf>»>osihi*l3-it*'-M,tofac .1^11"--^-,-'',,'... ' .. ...".« "Spec.lai; facilities^ ^a.*e-:^een:. arranged Bssscncott, plNSrtdlJng. The trad i t iona l . >/ut I^ita*l6n ! ;df- thoe cohndenre; at, m that 'the patt^nt*> m a y spend long

ltl|X«'Srti8k*.>Bf»ho«> of:.irJti>. ..>•-..'••-.,'• «f';thi*-!Jo«itenti<»a- .:;'i»'- th^.fsct' ;DjattJiheItV^''^nt-'-/ ;t^e\'-'#lnSi •; •_Rfie*'n - f*se ; *^inojs>-.<*f ,,cAsctrea.r:. i s t s j g r ^ Q ^ o j » ^ ' S i | i ^ ^ .W'lJJ.Vbe',at*-..the.,'.d|si''o«iUon':;-o.f :*%Mpj»i|s , ;;-a^^ Vtt'n-|n-ptieat8'(whp:rVl«h^ » i l h » » ' « f / i » i s » o n » / ssVill- a l i o M i s n d i w e a i r idays- .sifter' £! i8ejiM*,^. ' .Wa^ c^r^djforJAnSetic^n j n s t j ^ t e o f A^r^lte<Tt« and

m«tiMto&'\-^-Y\ \-r/':~ •'.J:^: '''-':^ at'.one time


nsrier, fvli.?

& ^ / v a, ' ^ ~ &m ' ' T * ^ww^^^*a»w5P^

"(B'F ;N.: C&ti :If«w«,-gerric*-}, .'j SprtnfSsJd, Saif F"rancli»co.,.i!ay i . r - t h r ^ e ? , | « B w l

rjs/.Jf.' Ksvanagh, '&'JV o*-'8t;-,'Ii^Ul»raM*#.Brtktw^^ L^'iveTaity,- 'for' Mor* ;-tft»n- -*\vmtM MuequfiMQiMm*, IlipMtf/ elf a century kaotrtt-'.'asj- .a 4l«.tln|»llh- f»r»9« ]&,•••%* -Itott.«..»4toisV^l^aT»fa>' v ,... v,. edt writer. Iecturer/:(tnd.''edtiMi?r, t&. B»r„ 'fiawi' 'J*n» ^Mmtit^W^-t^^

,,.... , . - .,, .. _ . . ,, _ , futsed'-io'ibin-in * toaat to^fe*Nt»flt Ro»H, A J K ; 4/A-.4mm~ &-*mt0**-tei&'i!&& Medicine of; the SJnlrersaty of Cin-L ]f 8 o r M e x J c 6 , or remain for tm wfcdttiafr bishop of ^tlNwt, *^% S ? ; « 2 S f i ^ f f i ^ U m ^ ^ e n , at the P*Jm6nt;^«|i

ither Kavanagh.

Guild of-Nurses wilf be tield in con lanction with the ho«pltal eon ventlon. . '; *-••• '•' ''•,.",-

M'ajty com nierefal a nd; "educatlonal 'rjdhlbfts representing••' ev«»i7 •' -'profes. ^lons indbftry and buslntess -serving „ -: j ! ^ ^ ] flfld will b e inst^Jled; '"|leKSOn ;8bould be that ttft/tMBltd* Of Riga!•£«*> 8fahd&-9mm•'• MmiccUtn. •• - ,--_-• L^. R ( ^ orahde we respec* «69rty *i of t h e Cleveland diocese has i

S w o ^ n e n Ins the r e p l a r fc^PM"!^,^*^;' : the S U t e «h»»Sat»ey M t ^ i Cwthw** .^oc l^ ion eltolc^ill ^ r a n l^nort, ^ . , h a d understood illai tfi dlavtleT fBm*mltoe* * ••**/*&*, faW^awkJOU^-, « ^ g * ^ ^ f J L ^ 2 * W ^Si ° C s^Hfc« V ** •«««• -"!>*'ap' acaW&Owt- *>ljWti-te J t t t i *S#61 , ** **» WttOsiiOwSa :|etf" u o n a , i » « * n « » ? . « M - A m « ^ ^ he said. ttsdny br Hit* S ^ W ^ . « W r 1 i « h s v r ol! Surgeon*^_41»; Amercan.^nr^s > r o f pedertco ^rlscsti, leader «/****» r^eat M d B*UoIa sJrstKST e f AjsMMiatlon. the Amerlcaati Dl* tic A» .. , ,i*»rpzatlon of Mexicans ISstfS tfc* *•«!•*» TTs ihrnnsiits "wJii* isuatet

*W««rrie wiri be; proaouac^^ by tts;'w^tne^ InternatWnal C n t h d l > ^ r t ^ e ; * T a u w £ ',,. R o W j n k t l o * 8 ? | ^ ^ ^ 5 > 2 « * 0 ^ 1 ^ ' . ' ^ ^ ? f t u i £ " r " ^ , : ^ T ^ ^ ' K ^ S i ' ^ f & o ' admlwtrator bf H**l*o. W- *. 8 « » S M I « ^ f a , , formerly** Cl«*«lta«.

Llhrary. and Service, ,B«irca«i l h ^ a l ^ ^ mtiCteo, md a score i t t o»#t«d tft« ^ t t » « « ^ «^."gl of'Sani Franciwo edaetiOM « r « » a c t i r t U « k^-m^m0lti'" among those at the b*nquet.' (UB a l l p iP** »C t4» «o*WqjM

r- i^oirt iB^^^-r .JBryi*^ wt;.?l««lii^|*&|

m • ^ « ^ a

I l e f t In the greatest mdlpttt lb^t # » ft , - , , v^ t trata^ American- cltlien would pro BjwJlOPf) £>Cnrei310»l po**e a toa,*t to the rgfeatllt M " nicWlefiT tyrattts." Fftih»t l&UBWIta said i n eapianatlon. f , lf these IfeXl- • - . • *,* caai'ediicators want to ieattt•'#*&&»$ \ Btf ».- OrV. - C» K«*»'. 4»«Ma$. rom their America* vlult, tttefr <S*«t ' ,Gl«ff1»*tf/ OWtf. m&y's^fatti

h^'^:J^at^0M ;?;s

sinallar national suisoelatlens.


. ^ M w