Motivation, company phylosophy and how to squeeze the juice

Motivation, company philosophy and how to squeeze the juice Galina Kostetskaya Engineering Manager 07/10/2014


In every company there should be something that sticks the things together – the identity, that you can feel and taste while browsing the office rooms, listening to the talks at the kitchen, calling the customer support or talking to a manager. The big problem for the employers now is that we are not willing to work for the salary only – we need something more...

Transcript of Motivation, company phylosophy and how to squeeze the juice

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Motivation, company philosophy and how to squeeze the juice

Galina Kostetskaya!Engineering Manager!07/10/2014

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• Why do you get up in the morning?!• Anatomy of fun!• Over-justification effect!• Self-determination theory!• Intrinsic motivation!• Intrinsic motivation for PMs - so powerful and

free of charge!!• Company philosophy!• Bad patterns!• What will we get?

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Why do you get up in the morning !and go to the office?

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Anatomy of fun

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*Nicole  Lazzaro

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Anatomy of fun

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• Fun can and should be designed. It does not just “happen”! It is not just somewhere outside in the world. !

• Fun can be challenging – it is not always just easy! We tend to ignore then when we think about fun, but we should not forget that when we are designing our systems.!

• We should appeal to different kinds of fun.

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Over-justification effect

The substitution effect of the reward – when it replaces the intrinsic motivation by the less effective extrinsic motivation.

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Over-justification effect

• Material tend to create the most demotivating effect!• Unexpected rewards – the person was already doing the

task guided with the intrinsic motivation and can be rather surprised by getting some unexpected reward for good performance!

• Rewards based on achievement!

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Self-determination theory

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Intrinsic motivation

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• Autonomy: Person is making the choices by himself, he is in the control. “It is not someone from he outside telling me to do that thing, it is my own choice.”!!

• Competence: person’s sense of ability. It is about solving problems, overcoming obstacles, achieving something.!!

• Relatedness: Your activity is connected to something beyond yourself.

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Intrinsic motivation for PMs• Learning: The pursuit of knowledge can be a strong

intrinsic motivation for an employee.!• Challenges!• Satisfaction: It can be reached through a good

feedback – clear and fast.!• “Well done”: It is usually so hard to tell “You are

amazing guys, well done!” for them. Do not forget doing that.!

• Responsibility: Delegate more, trust your team.!• Team spirit, doing valuable things: Team members

should feel being a part of the one group, been unique.

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Company philosophy

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Bad patterns

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My boss is an idiot

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Many managers think that their subordinates are idiots too.!!“If I loose the control no one will work!!!”!!!!!!!!When employees feel that you don’t trust them and try to control their steps – they start behave like you expect.

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Am I working badly? Do they just need me to sit 8 hours in the office? Is it more important that the result?


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Even more. They are thinking all the time. !!They see what you are hiding. If you are not talking to them – they can create a conspiracy theory, that can scare any FBI agent, while having their afternoon tea at the kitchen.

Unfortunately, IT guys are smart

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Gorgeous vs profitable

Controversial signals

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There should be consistency in the slogans which you send to your employees through the company philosophy and culture

No controversial signals

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Management ignores company!philosophy

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But where is the profit??? We can’t just spent the time and money on the comfortable environment for our developers, we are to make money from this business!

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Thank you!!!

Galina Kostetskaya!Engineering Managers!
