Motion Path Go Kart

Motion Path Go Kart 1. Properties Stage: Black


Motion Path Go Kart. 1. Properties Stage: Black. 2. Google: Go Kart Track Layout Find a Thick track with at least 10 or more curves minimum ( NOT a NASCAR oval ). 3. Copy Image, Paste in Flash Resize it with Transform tool to fit the entire stage. Rename Layer 1: Internet Track - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Motion Path Go Kart

Page 1: Motion Path Go Kart

Motion Path Go Kart

1. PropertiesStage: Black

Page 2: Motion Path Go Kart

2. Google: Go Kart Track LayoutFind a Thick track with at least 10 or more curves minimum (NOT a NASCAR oval)

4. Rename Layer 1: Internet TrackLock this layer

3. Copy Image, Paste in FlashResize it with Transform tool to fit the entire stage

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5. New Layer, name it: Outside TrackLock the Internet Track Layer

5. Pencil ToolThick Stroke (size according to your track)Bright color (your choice)

6. Trace the trackFix it with Subselection Tool (white arrow)

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7. Using the Selection Tool (black arrow)Drag a frame around the entire trackRight-click, Copy

8. Hide Internet Track layer (eyeball)Lock Outside Track layer New Layer: name it Inside Track

9. Click in Frame 1, Inside Track layerRight-click, Paste

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10. It should resemble this.Click on the dotted area

11. PropertiesChange color to blackChange Stroke (thinner)Move the Inner Track down with Selection tool

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12. Lock: Inside Track layer New Layer: name it Road Line

13. Click Frame 1, Road LineRight-click, Paste

14. PropertiesColor: WhiteChange Stroke: Very thinLine Style: DashedMove the Road Line down with Selection tool

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16. Frame 1, Go Kart layerDraw a Go Kart that will fit on the track

15. Lock: Road Line layer New Layer: Go Kart

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17. Drag down Frame 60, all framesPress F6

18. Right-click any frame between 1 and 60 in Go Kart LayerCreate Classic Tween

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19. Right-click on the word Go Kart

21. Click in Frame 1, Guide: Go Kart layer

20. Click Add Classic Motion Guide

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22. Use Pencil toolChoose a color different from other colors.

23. Trace the trackLeave a gap where Go Kart starts and endsUse Subselection Tool (White Arrow) to adjust

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24. Frame 1, Go Kart layerUse Selection Tool (black arrow)Move Go Kart to the beginning of the guide

25. Frame 60, Go Kart layerUse Selection Tool (black arrow)Move Go Kart to the end of the guide

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26. Click Frame 1, Go Kart layer

27. PropertiesCheck box: Orient to path